Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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tin takrti until ISiMp. in , , for tliu
edition , MM ! tin til M. a ) ii. in. , for tlio morning
edition nml SirsoAV ilhb
-rilKUMS-CiiBh In advance. :
"IJATr.S-AdrcrtlsemcnU on this pagcwlllbo
J * clinrRul for nt tlio rnto nf 1H cents per
word for tli 11 first Insertion. mull cent per word
for each xiil > so < niPiit ln ortloti , iinil IJ.'iO per
linn ) > < > r tnnntli. No nilvprtlsrmout tnkin for
It ? * than' ! ) c < nti for tlio first Insertion.
1NIT I ALS. figures. ; KjTnbolH , etc. . count cadi
im ono tit a.
rpllKM ; nilvnrll PTnpnli mint run con ecu-
Jllvily iind under no oliMinmtnnc'H will
they 1 ! inKtMi ordlwontlnurd by telephone ,
3JAKTII M uihertMniflii I ! IOM > columns mill
haUng tholrnnsworsnddressed toa"mitn-
1 creel Ii tier In euro of Tin : lire , will ri-col\oa
riiimhi-rtd chock to i-nnblo them to gel tliclr
letter * . Answers will bo tinllvt-rvd only on
picscntailon of HiN clirpk. Inclose answers
In CM volopes properly addressed.
Al-I. ti'hprtl'cnionts under tlin head nf
"flicrlnl Notices" nto tmlillshid In both
tlio tniiriilntr nnd uvonlnn eultlnimof Tin : lltr ,
tlin eliciilntlon nf w Midi n.-'urrgnlos innni tliiin
10 (00 ( piiK | rs dully , iinil tlv s tlio aihertlsor
tha hf > m fit not only of tlio InrKii circulation of
TIIK lln In Oinnliii , tiutnlso In Council ItlufTs ,
Lincoln nnd oilier cities ittid towns In tlio west
Ailvertlslng for thc o columns will bo taken
( in the ahovnrmidltloris nt the followliiK html-
IICHH IIOUICH whonroaiitborl/cd to tnke special
notices , ut tbo Bin i o rules as can be bud at the
main ofllce.
oijTii OMAIIA IHIANCII crnoi : NO.
gfi.-lN -trect , L.lsttr IJloeK.
TOIINW. lliiL : , I'hnrmaelst.t.O South Tenth
* ' street. _
{ TAM ; . - r.HDV. Clnlloncrs and Printers ,
lllS-oiith 1Mb Htruct
1 tj J17 rATl.SSWOUTlI , I'lmn.mclst. . 'M *
( j CuiiiliiKstrc'-t.
\\r , JTlUcITllIS. I'liurinnelst , C.'l North 10th
> V . stroot.
pro. W. 1'AIIU , rh.innnclst , 1718 Lcavcn-
VJ voitli Htrcct.
: b * I'lIAKMACV. 21th nnd 1'aniam.
7'or rateii , etc , ttclitp nffrxt rntumn on I/if / * pagt.
WAN'TniJSftiiiitlimi for vm > tCfffiKi my
w lilting rooms nru nl wuys full frnni 0 n.
in. to On in. . Canndlnn Kinployniunt ollUr.
3IIH H. I'.tb. Telephone f f 4. ! HO
V\T AVI'KIImdy ) \il lips to learn drcssniak-
TT IMK ; wlllpiv for tuition ; only llrst class
drt'ssninLou in-ill niisnnr ; S. P. Taylorxystrin
liniforrcil. Address II 5 , llee. a70 Jl'
TV ANTI III 1'iwlllon by steidy young man :
> Rood roforenci ss 417 N. 10th st. : 4 ! ! '
WANTKIl A rtltuatloit astoiiclunan by a
rc'llalilo innn : can pl\o teed rcforonce.
At Sllil hid linn uvoiino. M150 i ! '
WANTP.D A position as toaelior In fam
ily. Ciin tench drnwlnz , ninidu and
common braiiclict. Address II 10 , lleo
ANIAP , Intelligent , refined , middle ngid
woman would llko a position as house
keeper Ilufi-iciiees exchanged. Addioss II
20 , Ilee. SI -'l.fl-2
W A NTKD-SII nation In pi-ncrnl stoio or
triiollni ! Kitlusinan. Good icfoioncos.
Address 1 1 17. lii'O. > ! ! ! ! ! *
\\7"ANTiU-nkoori'lprk ( position , conipo-
"i tint yiiinu inun with thoroitifli coniinti-
rlal education ; salary inodirato. Addresilt
Ki. Hro. Mi 31"
"IWANTf'O roslt'on liy ayouiiK lady book-
' * kirpui. tyiiowrllor nnd stenographer ,
B liar ) no object. Address 11 10 lire. .Ml"
OMAIIA I'niploytnent Ilnronii r.stabllshed
11 vt-nrs. 'J ol. 111.1 , ll'l ' N. IKtli , near C'upl-
tel a\e. Mule and funalo licln eonst-iiitly on
hand MMTAU *
1'i'ftatfii , tlc.tcct < > io/flriit roliiriinou tli
$15.00 to $ 10.00 pur week , n iliry or oomiiiiHslon ,
forailvDrtNlirjr and Hollliijour Knodu. Some
( it mirauonlsmaUo jr > t < t.'ii | iur ( liy. None
nio inuKliiK Ii is t liiinf * ) piirilny anil expenses ,
1'or UTIIIH and full nartli'iilars addrusn , with
Btainp. ( Javuscojio Manufacturing Co. . Chicago
cage , III. Bl gl ) *
: _
7 ANTI'.I ) Mon tn tr.avnl for our Caiiadhm
ii , Madison , WIs
AOI.NTS wanted iirorywhero for newly pit-
ontotl iintomatla pocket letter copying
machine. 1'orluno forbrl'-'bt mnn. Send staiiip
for circulars bomincr , _ _ 3 Wust 42d St. , Non-
York AI.BI a *
OI.NTS , > " > lo $10 per day collcctlnR Binnll
plctuipsfor us tocoppy nnclonlarKt * . Sat-
Ltlnii uiiarniitocd nml a$4 outfit frco.
A , Dunne A. Co. , 6fi Huadc sticet ow York.
\Xri'l'"l'EHaccnts big nionoy In oxcliisbo
v tciillory Our now intent
night In oily or country. Now agents ( list In
Hold actulilly getting rich. Uno agent In imo
day clcaicdfcft , So can > on. Catalogue freo.
Alplnn Snfo company , , tol-371 Clark streot.
Cincinnati , 0.
T 'ANTED Two or tlirno good incn to n-p-
v rcsontour well known bonsn for town
and city trade ; local and tiaullui ; , $10J
nml ( ivpunsos per month to the right man
Apply ijulck , stating I\KV. Ij. Ii. May A Co. ,
Nurserymen , 1'lorlsts and SceUmcn , at. Paul.
Minn. SUM ) 1 *
"V rANTED-Tmmrdlatoly , mnn , rocohoin-
' struetlons Ictop books. J. 11. bmlth. 0.15
Now Vork I.lfo. U71.11 *
"VVANTED-Goodboy 10 taXo cireono borso
T and ilo chores aloutliuuse. Inqulrn triT4
N 18th.
riKST-OLAbS earpentor to estimate for
( Inl-tlilngrooin and porch : cash job. In-
qtilri ) Wednesday , IiU S. I'Mh at. ; 1SO Jl
"lA/ANTKD II good newsnsonts. Apply In
v person ready to go to work , .security in
quired. II. It. NOWH Co. , Lincoln. Neb. ' fl 1
WANTED The address of o\ory Grand
Army mini who considers Ids services
woi th $ : > to iM vruukly. Thono oarnliiK l * s or
any 0. A. It. man unomploycd ptetso address
11. ( Iran Held , a Knsl 14th titrcut. Now York City.
MJ08 J
OliUANUEUS wanted , tor heml-anniialcn-
ilownu'iit Bocloty ; this society hns pild
f2t10i)0ii ) on matured coi'tllicatos and called no
oxnenso nssossniont ; thn entlro benollt fund
hold In ti list by tbo ntntn truiiHtir ref Massa-
chnsettft. Address , Krlimlly Aid society.
Wullhuni , Mass. MUO.I 4 "
"Xil/ANTED Salesmen on salary or coniinls-
T slon to liandlo the now patent oheinlcal
Ink ( 'rasliiKponoll. The uroasost selllm ; i.iiv-
ully inoi produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In
twobcconds ; no abrasion of impnr00 lo 5JO
poriont profit. Onn agi'iit'ssales amounted
toifiU ) In sixdnys ; nnotliortEi In two hours
W \\antono i rtiorncllc general agent foreaeli
ntaluaml turltoiy. Sample by mall ! c. 1'or
term- and full partloiilais , address the Mon
roe , Eraser Mf . Co , I.a Cro > , so , WIs. 237 Jl *
"WANTr.D-CIicuiiirs ( llstrlbtitcd. .l per
TT 1,000 p ltd. Mileun Co. Warrlor'a.Mjrk
i'ft ! ! 4 ! _ *
" \\ANTii ; : ) IonwlthBXd ( roferencotUMot
> t lojiolltan iM't'B Co , Km Howard HI.1.11A
1.11-A S1
8AliKSMKN wanted to sull goods to iner-
chnnlsby snmplo ; now goods ; big p.iy for
voikiim ; iirrmiinentsltnatloa : eh mco to bnlliF
u line trade. Model Mftf. Co , South Hand , Ind
' . " ( I A.V
"WANTED Oood eniivinsers at thu bhigo
T > rowing Machine olllcc , 1M8 DonglnsBt
(18.I-A- (
7"ui Kitfsrl ( . , ( ojo//liiit column on tht
, 'iidyolork In and news
stiuid In ; llrstolnsa liotol. Koferciu os
Addiuss liv. ' . Itooolllcn. .MWJ t *
" \VANTKII A girl for second > \ork In
' ' prl\aio family ; mustconin well nioin-
iiiciulod. Apply lu foronoou at 411 .N.
ArANTKD A nurse girl. Iniiulro nt HocK
1 Island tlclvOtoilluo , nth and I'ariitini.
AllY wanted , rnot'lxe. Instructions , Ki-op
JUioks. J. 11. Smith , UU Now Vork Life.
II7. Ill *
" \yAM'Fl > Good Rlrl for gcntr.-xl IHIIIKO-
ti world German iiufvrriMl , Mii . Jnllii ! ,
Nupl , C ( So. lath it. , cor. Jnolvsoii. , I71 ' . '
' ' t00'4 wll ° 's ' a
good laundress. Apply ut 17J4 Divcn-
poit ht. jta 4 *
\VANTEH-A good competent Klrl for genii -
ii oral hmiso norkj bet of wnurs lo the
rlglit ( tlrl. Inniilru 11)10 UrtiiKlu * t. a70
.ononl otoworl. . 2bl
Half llownrdit , Mas l
" \\rAx'l'Kl ) A lilrl todogcnoril bou eHork ,
I excepting washing nnd Ironlnc. llefor-
onccs riqulrcd. Apply ut * ! CHpruuo tnut.
\ \ ' ANTED -A ulrl forlioiiMWorU , ISth
mrcot. ? 0 i *
tliostnr laundry , 27th
and Luavenvrortli. ! W7 U *
" \y ANTED Olrl for jcncrul hoiidtnork ,
ii Alri The * , tllall , liuu bhoriuau urouuo.
For rnte * , ite , ttetnppf flrtt column on thu pige
TTblt itKNTrVom .VprTl I , comDlotor fir-
- * - nlshed cotttigtiof nvcn roomut bithnnd
eltywutor. CnlfntCJi : North lOlli itruct IK--
tvvccn 2 mid 4 p. in. M3SO ! l *
_ _
"V\'ANTLI-A ) InilyHtenoisriipher ! unaqulcx
_ T * nt llgures. Moiiolilll > . 1O
A rillST.OLAS.sTook nnd general hou sework
girl wanted ; small family : high
SMHIoii Klin St.
O1I3 Capitol aM-iiuo A nlco T-nwni cottage
-i with bath. lniiilro | _ T > 18 Canltol uemie. . . _
1710H Kr.NT fi room rotinro 17ICIN. JOtli it. ,
-I-1 hotisplsnowlv pipfredund painted mid ii
In first cliiHicoiidltton. Apply to II. Hardy
TTlOlt lir.NT T-rnom lint , I.IUIRO Mock. En-
t-1 oulreinttulldliig , Grtibo.Mthit. ! K < t
"TfOK 11KNT One ll-ronm and nno 7-rooni
JLJ house , near High school : modem iun-
vcnlcnocs. The 0.1' . PavlsCo. * ' ' )
100 cottimcs , tenunent houses , lints nnd
MoroHwntitcd for ctMtoiiium Hit for rent ,
Hiilcor iMcliangf. with E. 1' . Hlngcr , ground
floor. 15IU 1 ariinin. 2.0.1-H *
r-uoo.M iiouso. & 'i s. sub. 218
"filOll TliNT : 5 rooms , ono floor , 1712 Juckaon
JL street. HI"
. 8-room houses city water
and buth. 820 mid upwards. Also cottages
anil Hats , llundy * Co. , IOU CaulUl u cnms
m ' * \ . i
171011 Itr.NT Ten room brick , very modem ,
-1 ? < nnd cnst front. laundry , u > ld celltir.
vnlcr on e\pry lloor. mi onk trim : location
nnil koynnf Dr. 1' Siinrt/lniidur. Not iiliiio-
incnU LbOl , Capital ii\cnili1. Mlul *
iroil KENT ST.rootn IIOU OK IHli nnd \ In-
JL1 ton. * li ( , 1 8-nxin hoiiM'L'tli ( nnd faldttcll ,
with nil modern convcMilenuus. * % AddriM.I.
II. Johnson , ( ill N. V. l.lfo building. :
liow six-room cottuijosetty
wut T , lowi-r , etc. , eml fronts , ROOI ! loci- :
tlon.V H. lloman , roolni S and 10 rronrcr
Dloelc. _ I'll ' u'J
BOUSi : for rent 11-rooiu lioii e.modorn Iiu-
uroM'iiiuntH , inrtiur-Otli and Dodge , pos-
hesslon gltcn IniiiiLdtiitoly. Eiiqulro 40Jl > ax ;
ton block , M. L lloudcr. WSJ
771011 ItLNT Afler April 0 [ i-rnoin hoii'o In
J good repair. Olty nnd cistern water In-
olu3cd ; sev.oraKOi rent tKOO per mouth , 1411
r-otonth aroiiue. 2U1
1OIt HUNT I'oiir 0 and 7-room flats with
tbith , hot water , otc : paved street ; near
liuiliiess ; all impiovomciits : only U "i per mo
Iteferi'iices reqiilrud. The Meade Investment
Co,44t ! Iteoliullilliis. 31i !
Q nAM : hnatod flats at70U S. 1Mb. Thos. P.
nilull , Illl I'aMun block , 3U
rPyouwlsh to rent a house or store see II. II
i-Lolu , Continental block. M
Oil UINT : A house of 5 roum , : ll Oorby
t , Oniiihii Vld\v \ ; elty water and cistern.
IS Call at Oil N. ITtli. 231 C *
/'or rattn , etc. , erttnp offlrsl column on thtt jutge.
IV lVATlC "iTuroiieun iiotofr witli ( IhiiiiB
FDrooiii ; steam beat In all rooms , nth nil
Dodgo. frpc-uliil rntcaby wi'ok or inontli .110
: \irK\VI..YfiiinMi'd ( Irooms ; modern eon on-
-L'lonco ; coi norbouio ; soiithnmlvestfront ;
I7aiUapltola\e. 1'lrst class board. 170 a >
T OU IlKXT I'm iilshed'rooins , 1C07 DOUR I as
FltONTrooin wltli alcove , ettilalns , inantul ,
boat. gas. bilh.a closets , roriiRontloinoii or
nun and wlfo , JIG per month. E07 b. ' 'Ith st.
' : u , >
T70U HKNT A loom nt tbo Sheltou. 101 So.
JL1 25th streot. JHVJl *
Tl D robins , 17J1 Dodge.
1J10II lir.NT Mco rooms , steam lieat 1710
i. lacnport street. .M272aU *
UEN'L' rurnlshed rooms 221" ) Hurt st.
lM-a2j *
IJU 1,1,51 AN house , 1)10 ) Dodge street ; for
JL good loaid , nice rooms , .iiodorn tonvonl-
cnees , rates and location It cannot boexcelled.
( M ill' . *
J'orraliJi.flc. . fcttnp of flint roliunn
DodKOHt. 1105 4 *
] 71O/t HUNT A large , nncly fiirntsliid room
with board , to a. iiuiii ami wlfo. Tim most
pleasant pint of city and prlMito family : no
otbor boardursirefeienccs. Address 1) 47 , Ico.
IJIOlt HUNT S nicely furnlshnd rooiis , all
J-modem linprnvuinontH. with boatdi also a
nicol v furnished rooms with orwlthoutboard ,
1707 Dodge st. M30Q 2
plcnsantroomsconnecting with llrst
class board. 18MJ Chicago. JKIIB 0 *
WANTED Two men to room and boird In
prhato famlly-ivhero a few nice boarders
nto. Apply nt 4ITKl9tb st. L" I *
HAN"II > OMi ; laiqo iiiid Hinall front rooms ,
with board. Special terms to gcntlemui ;
411 Noith inih. Mrs. Cliurcblll. M U4 *
IjlHONT rooms suitable for tno ; Ilist-eliiss
-L'table. B2tt N 10th hi , 104-31 *
TOVKIiY ronniD. with llrst-class beard ; rof-
Jeronccs : 11.1 ti. ' - Oth st. ia.11'
" | j > UKNlSIir.I ) room with inodoru coiivcn-
-L lcnccs\vltli or without board , lull Douclav
Tlifl Al
"I UltNiailED rooms anrt boarfl , 101) ) lpdge. )
rorrat irteeeetojioffrnteohmn on tMi page.
171OKKENT 1 ho 4-story brickbulldliiir. with
-U or without power , formerly occupiedl > y the
Iloo I'liblisblngCo. . OlDl'iimum it. The build
ing bus a II reproof eomentbascmont , tomplcto
steam hcatlnx flxttires , water on all tbulloorti ,
s , etc. Apply ut thoofllcu of The llee. 013
FOR HKNT Or sale , my building on Jones
bt. bet. 10th,111th. U.A. Llndqulbt , UlOblJth.
at 700 S. lCthstonti ; | heat furnished
L'lionms K. Hall , : ill I'uxton block. U1J
TKSK room , J15 ; Star Loan and Trust Co.
For rattietc. , ecfto } > offlrst column on l/iln / page.
FOR KENT llrlolc warolmusp , two stories ;
high basoincnt , hydraulic elevator , t rack-
ago ; best location In city. A. ( - ' , 1'oncll.
/'or iiiff.etc. , Mtoji offlrst colttnn nnthtepagt.
"irOR HUNT A llrst-cln'.s.Vroom brick hotel In Rood order. In Hod Oak , la ;
nlso a 20 room friuno betel at Greenwood , ob.
J. 1C. Trimble. Hotel Johnson , Itcd Oak , la.
OAUUEN I'AUMS to rout. T. Murray.
} mntrt ftr. rtt tnnnt ft it fi'liipirt nu thin
' luHHO3 to hOlloi lunt with O. F.
LIM'jour . OI'J N. V. Lift- . " "
"I r K. COLK , lent vl agoncy.Contlncntal blk.
i/dr. / , Kct.i > offlrt rolumuon IM
WAN PKD rurnlslicil homo , wood location
with modern Improvomdiits. by
man and wlfo ; uo dilution. Answer 11 , , 1' . 0.
llo110. . ! T77 6
\\7ANTnD-Moro IIOIIS.DS to rt'iit. J 0.
i > t'oitulyoii , 40 , Chamber of Coiuinureix
WANTUU-lly Muy I , aO tolJ room house
with mnilorn convenlein'CH ; cilia with
stalilflprofvmd , Near uiislni's * center. Ho1 *
house not \vrtntrd. Adtlrosj , J , 1 ; llr.tiuloH.
IUo. . 10th M.
Fort ataetc , , iwfnji nfflrnt column on I/if / * ] ) clj )
GKO 1' . notlfitbocL , toucher of tbo ban Jo ,
with llospc , 13fl DoiiRlus. -M
> rrUHK biiyliiK a piano examine thu ni'W
> cnle ICImbnll plunn. A. llo > poIJIJ Douli : .
rplIKAlloit-lvetcliniu School of Expression.
JL. UttX.Sfith. Vlii < > ckboliiaforiiiGl lu Elocution ,
UuU.uto , Sl.uVeapc.iro , 1'loslc l Culture.
l'orr\itci , etf. , ite top of first roluinii on tAj (
BEST line hair goods In nest ; halrdro > luif.
wlgi , awltchos , banes , hair chains , oto. , a
sp > " > nlly. Daxlcs , hair gondi and milliner ,
oppoHllo postolUtfc. lit H ISth 81. Onialia. Jli
.AD1ES nml gentlemen can rent masqucr-
aJobUltsatCSN , IWhst. < 05 A.J1 *
For f flt , f lc. , itt lap offlnl tolumn on thii page ,
77IOII ? ALE I'lirnlturn In 7-room house ;
Jhoii e for n-nt ; opp. IIan com park , north.
All nic'dcm convuiilrncrs. Itniuire Leo .V
Mclioli Suth niidl.cavoiiworth. -
mMlK bought , soul , storod. WolK
1 lilt liirnnm ttu < > t. < U >
Foil BALK Complete not of limit More tit-
t im > , show casi-s , etc , I * . O , box J72 US
POltSAhK-l'iirnlturolii 7-room Hut. 713 s
loth. ! > - "
I'orrattittc.tcttnpof fitt cntiimn uif/il / < | > I/A ! /
BAV horso'jears old. weight nboit 1 I- '
uotxl Htylc , KHiinl. kind , gcntlo nml a r
ilrlvor ! oloRant family IIOMO , any l.iilv can
drive him : fcirn notliliic. Knqulri ! J. II.
Woods' ll\cry barn , llthaud Howard sts.
.r74i .1 *
HOHRKS nnd mulvs. casli or easy
rnllor nddroxt llnnknyo Inv. Co , room.
Doujjlal block , Uninlin , Nelj. !
THOU SATjt CliPivp , wnuon nnd double work
V lianii'.ss. or will oxchaiiitu for liuckbnurd ,
nlio nooil sldo bar buggy , uhc.iii. II. K , Coin ,
Coiitlncnliil bulldliiK. ; l11
inoil HAT./ ! 1'ony. linrnosa nnd cart , also
JL' smnll Dli'bolilsnfn , for unlo chonp. Inquire
503 aontli lath Blreot. M3J4it4
POIl SAI l' or trade. One spiiu mulpsj
weight , L'/iOdj two lloNtoln cows and two
culfH. U. O. bolotiion , bprlng Vulloy StocK
rnrtii. MSIO-4'
iriOJl SAM > -'our ! younc brood man's , three
JL1 vvlthfoal. Kooiii'lUhiiell \ block , IHli nml
Harnoy. -
CAKUIAOn , teani , wagon , horstj.cow Oitsh ,
CliL'ip. Colonel Hutler.ivju rariiaiu.
1'or ratti , etc. , rcttop offrst foliimiionl/ifi / pjoo.
OO/Yliomu. Cottajo lirusseN carpet nnd
orann for silo ; time to rlKlit party Ad
dress II 21 , lleo. M.'Wt 2'
) I.lst proiorty | In Hoiith Omaha
byndloatiWi nave customers , llnlch-
Inson \Vead , IVH Dougltis. au7 S
SAT < K-A standard nmko upright
- - piano , but little nsul , at n siprlllce. IMnst
bo sold at once. Oall at 2U1 Cjldti > ll aid
rilAYH a few now pianos for sale awfully
c I icnp. as 1 lii\o uonooul of the piano bus- !
IL'NS. s. .loini'-oii , I'liinani and Itth Mts. ' ! -
IF you want to soil or t\chiiiKO eltv pro ] > -
ortVi fanns , w ltd lands. Il\o stncU. Dink or
otberstoeUsor iiioicliuiKlIsc , see 13. I' . Kingcr ,
ground lloor , 1'il'J ' Karn.un. ' 'VT..i'Ja *
FOIt SATjB Two slmres In aM-lnrrcl roller
mill In a tonn of 400 people. H. 1C. Hill.
Uallavay. Neb. U02 1 *
TTlOlt SALH IliikersoiitIlt.toiiii > lotP , In town
JL1 of t\rn tnousaiui Inhabit nits. E. Jones
Aurora. Neb. llS-ai
Foil SALK Hlobolil safe In good condition ;
medium slu. Inquire ut 400 iMerulunits
National banL M4J3
1'nrtatci , etc. , rrctf > ) ) nf first column on thin jtage.
OlXiHi ; ' "Toii i iTcsk-Wuiitcil to buyTlfo
lice building. :105-1' :
\\rANTnn-Asut of spconl hand
> > < iultullofor ) rroecry dolhory. Apply 1M4
Slionnaii n\ontiu. uyl-.ll *
WANTED To buy , a pradlnK innclilno !
unlit bo ilieap ; atatu lowest cish prKd.
Add ie s II 11. Hoc. -'OS Jl *
\\T ANT to lluy-llalod b.iy dell\erod .it
V > ( Iraiul Island. Ncli I'ay.sisbt draft. 107
North 1'lno bt . ( iriuul Island. Xob. lKi-3
For wtrx.cif. . fc tin n1 * tint ctiliiitm oil tnix nil !
11' tlio yonnj ladv wbo worn a lavender
ditss at tbo MuseeTuosday aftcrnnon will
answer this she niir Inurnof feonictliliiRtn
lii'r Intorost. Address U SI. lieu. M3 > U 1 *
IDrUISONATj-Praak : Vonrs 27th rco'd l"Jtb
JL In "Til. " Sorrys both dlsappolnticl. bent
"K 1 > " today. 29th.VII1 bo In "T II" till fitli
" 1 " 0" " "
"SO" r. JI3S7 J
Foi rates , etc..tcetopnffirst column imthis page.
OIlEAL'KSTnnd hestntpraeo for furtllfuro.
Uclls. lllU'arnaliist. W
Br.sT traelmK'j nnd storage building lu
Omaha , United btutos Roicrnniunt bonded
warcliouso. Household proods stored and cared
for. Lowest rules Kuaranteod , W. M. Jlush-
nian , iaiU-1013Ltsaven\vortli , U.VJ
FOH UHNT-IMrst lloor. dC\l25 feetdoop for
BloraBeon N'lchohis and llth St. ; tracUago
property. Inquire Columbus Ituusy < 'o. 1)01 )
STOIlAOi : of household goods ; cloan. ( Irv
place , i > rl\atolv storedterms inodoratejwu
also storosUnos dnrlni thesiiniincr will
Kot them from the houses and clclbi'r tliein In
the full In Rood trim. Tel.WiO. ia)7 ) Douglis.
Omaha bto\e Itupalr Works Tl'J '
COI/I ) Storage rooms for OZKS and butter.
AI.HO dry storuRO for nulse. ami lioiisoholtl
Koods Hates reasonable , nniplo traokano.
The Nob. Cold Storigo Co. , l5-al" Howard st.
r > OJ All
Ferrate * , etc. , sec top of fli it column onthti page.
PIHST inortgaRtson vneant and Inipn
city pionerly. County and eltr uurr
vantcd. 1. M. Klthiudson.Sia N. V. Llfo.
/ 1IIATTii/bank : , IllOH. IMIjBt. loans money
\Jon chattels or collateral al roasonublo rules
TirONEY to loan by H. I' . Mastorson challul
J-'liiiid collateral hoeu rltles for any time from
1 to U months , In any amount to biilt bor-
Loans rnudo on hoiisubold goods , pianos , or-
Rans , burses , mules , bouses , leases , warehouse
receipts. ctc.iit the Inwust rules possible with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arrnngcd that you can iniko
n payment of any atnount at any time and
reduce both prliielpal and Interest , '
If you owe n balaiico on your property or
ba\ealonn jiiu want cliungod , I will pay It
oir and curry It for you , If you ( hid It morn
coiiwmlont , call up tcluplioni ) Nn ItUil aud
your hu-ilnpsa will bonrraiigeU at homo.
Money always on hand. Nndolii ) , No pub
licity. Lowest rates II. r. Jlasturs ,
Itoom 4 , Wlilnicllblk. , 15thand Il.irnoy Ms.
JANIC slocks for Halo. O. U. Uunows.
'Norfolk. Nob. SOS
MORTGAGES plnced promptly upon Omaha
buslnoss property at lowest rates. Loans
iimrto on appro\td collaloi il Kuourlty. olus
bonzht. biliool anil municipal bonds negoti
ated upon \cry faxorablo toinis , Kliiibnll.
Champ A. Iljan , UTO Tarn un at. 80. ) al8
MOKTGAOi : loans wanted. McOuguo In-
\CHtniLMitcompiny. 701
, ec.,8eop6//iratrolumnont7iJ ( (
J\l \ OXKYtuloiui on Improved Omaha real
estate , aoua. llth streot. Al.tfB-30"
MONKYIoloanon Itnpioved city piopcrty
at current r.itts ; funtU on hand ; nude-
lay. GIM > . 1' . lIlust&Co.I.'O.IHaiiigoblU'e i
CE. ft. 0. M. Aiithony,3l N.Y.I.Ifo bultdlnc
lend monity on farms In choice countlisiti
Nubr.isUa nnd Iowa , also on good Omahu resl-
< lonco property : lowest rules ; lisst terms , no
dohy ; money ready Titles imu values pjssud
on here. 114
"T3EAI * Estate I.cins Cash on band. Olobo
J-XLonn undTrust Co..9)7.s. ) llitn st. Nodtl.iy
nocttrachargcb , Houses lo rent , good IUl.xu
Bl'ILDlNC lo imO to7pcr cent ; no uddl
tloiiul charges tor commission oral tnrmiy'
fees. W. ILJIolklc , I'lr-t .National bank bld'ir
"Jir ONEYto loan on city property , oasteri
JiL Nebraska andneHternlokvafarms ; limes' '
ratis. l.lst your property fur salu
with 1 I'1. IthiRcr , ground lloor 1519 1'timum
TVANTEII MortgaRos on lots Insldti llvt
II miles , live years , fur htecl r.inRcs , fur
nil 11 re , ttockb or lots. Addrusn U WUeo ,
[ ONEY to loan. Midland Guarantee am
L Trust Company , 101) 1'nriiam street , M71W
TV I ONEY on hand to lo.ino lmprovo < l or nn-
X'l linproxxl proporty. Chas.W. ll.ilnoy.
Oniali.i National bank bliU 641M I *
MO.S KY lo loan-On real oatnte , Instiillinoii t
inortguKo ; now plun ; easy monthly piy-
inentB. Tor ni 11 particulars call on or ad
dress fulled States Loan > V Investiiiant Co. ,
rooms ( XII and C0 } Uco building , Oulaliii , f\f\ \ > .
' _ M-.V7 AC
OI'DIJ ' cent money. 11 , 0,1'uttorson. 107 N'tw
Vork Ufa bulldiug. TOTaK
IVfONEY to loan on Omaba property. Fldol-
JUiiy Truit comiiany. 1CI4 rarnam. ' . ' 79
EASTERN money Gilt edged Insldu loans
wanted. I'hlludolphla Morteago and
Tru tOo.,0.W. I'.Couto-rcp. 7IloanlofTrado.
_ | l..n.ii . :
Vorrdttt , etc. , ttitopof ftrtt colum'i ' on thd pafft ,
pfliVATB monsr to loau.
JL N. Y. til * .
. ttt.Kftoii f'rtolitmn ' \ on
AOIIArsCKlii n llloitlmnfor men wlthctipl-
taland nctlxemcn. wllliout capltnlln HOc -
c > u ronvory pleasant nml profltnblu ) ) tHliiD s.
Nudrono or eurloMty okors need npply.
Address with 5 cent U iup. Consolld tiled Ad-
Ju4t bloShooCo. , S.iluju , Masa.
AltOAIN-I ot W'nv ) < 'lc\clatil ( plnoo.
WM : * 200cami , bnliVtiWj to suit \l\w \ irota
It ? 1) . V. Stiolus Co , ' . ' 13 , Tint National batik.
_ f [ ; _ ytxtt
$ 'A W.OO niprehnndlsQ stock for wlilch pftrt
reil o-stiilo will bo' riiKcn. Hutclilnson A
\Veiul , 15i4 ! DoilBlns. ' U07 8
T/OH PAIiE Very clionp , flrst.chs rcslaur-
JU nnt buslncs < and fixtures ; only llrst-class
restaurant In n city of HIXO ; dolnc big busl-
IIPSS. Address II , 1. Kleiner , Nebraska Oltv.
Nub. 304- , '
_ _ _
AMVE , rncrRCtlculioodi-nlcrwho wants to
do 11 flood buoliuss mil rent nxin ) nml lii-
clew display plaroof Hull Uiotlilng Co , Lin
coln Nob. A 1 location. Address for parllou-
lars. M 355-3
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
HF.KI.t4 TOUT clmaco. Half Interest In a
splundld tiaylog tfrotpry for salo. All
wliolo stock. Acldrcs' * II 1 < , Iloo MBO a
S10CIC hardware Wllhstor.o and dwelling
for Rome ciiuli nnd Onialia propcrtv. Stock
drilgsntid fancy goods forcasli and Iiouso In
Omaba. J.U. Cortelyou,40 , Ubaiubcr Coin-
mortc. 217
TT1011 SAI.K-narbcr shop , 2 chairs , In IIvo
JU count v seat : shop will run li ! x ) per yi > iir.
Address . 1) ) . Itryant. Aubiivii , Ncu.Ula *
T71011 SALE Or Exchange. iTToll selcetrd
-U stoclt of irenoriil merchandise In a country
town. O. H , Nicholson. 2(103 ( Avenue O , Cnuiiell
UUilfe. J1I.1)-A1
T710I * SALE c nnd ( iirnlturc of _ 3-rooiu
JL' hotul in buslncs part-of a townof tun
rallrn.idx. Hoa onH for selling : III health ,
Address .11' > , Iloo olllco. Council IliulTs. MUll
SALOON fur xnlo. only ono lu tlit > clly. Ad
dress M. H. Dunn. 1/ongl'liu. ' . Neb. M" nll
UOOE' stock for s.iloi dolngu casib
IICSB. Address ! ' 47 , Hoc. 31BW 1.I *
TTIOIt SAIrDojou wish to gt ( In a Rood
JImsliiivu ? Huy the t'onniorclal lintel nt
Ilrokeu How , Neb , tnko part Omaha aero
Foil SALtt riimlttiro and n - . . . „
business lu u good \\lthorultliont
store building ! Dirt cash , balance gilt edge
piper or cluar real estate : Invoices about
* .lUX ) . Ilox04. . Lincoln , 4CI
rorratcn , etc. , scctopnf Jlrtl rndimii on l/il / paflft
rpr.N room house In T.lnrotii nml to lots In
- - Lincoln to oxolmtiRe for Oinaliu property ,
i'ldcllty Estate Co.,815 N. \ . Life
GRAND Opportunity f > ,000 first inortpngo
paper , 8 per tent Interest , sceured on
$15liH ( ) Iinsbicss property In eoiinty town ,
to exehaiu'o forcloar Oinnba iiroporly , acre-
nopruforiiMl. ( 1'ldeltty Itcul Kstutu Co. M
N. V. Life bulldlnif. JU05 1'
KI ) To tr.ido lor a stock of drugs
HOT nH , elty. 'MO
\\7ANTi'.I ) Stock of gents' furulslilnjgoods
i' boots and thoes.lll \ exchangu uluu
lots , real estate montages and eash. On ners
only. Address , \ \ . II. Onbb , 1417Furn 1111 sir
01,1'AIl farnis for Oinih.i proportj J. HI
Cortclyou. 40 , ( .liambi'rof Commerce 217
/I-HOOM lottngnaml lot , iionr foundry , S'MO. '
Hllutchliison \Vcacl.(5.'l \ ' ( IJiniglim. fi7 S
OH KACHAMIE Jl4t i dry woods stock
for Omaha properly ; JlO.uOO clear Ouinhi
property .ind Innd for dry giodn ( ; ' 5 elea
western Nebraska farm's ' for U\a stotk , oast- !
crnXnhrisKii fiirini. Oriiaha mopi'pty imi as
slime liicuiiibranie K. 1' . Ringer , 151U ' amain.
MttM 3'
mi ) K.\OIIANGi-For : UOOO to $10(100 ( stock
JL clothing , furnishing goods or slims , rich
land In central \McoiisIn , A 1 wheat laud In
Kansas , and Insiilo Unuha property ; some
cash. II 0 , cy. AI'JjJ-4
OIjEAN general block of morelinndlso for
farm and money. Itux V * ) , Irankfort , 1mlUM
\\7 A > "ITJ ? Hardware or Koneral mcrohan-
v UI&o stockii , liirjq or atiullr Adiliossll
57. lieu. 1117-31
trade good clcir lot yprthl'iOO and
JLtako Kobrt-mirlilit plnno as pare piymont.
Address 1' 28 , Uec. 1- ' 47S
Vat ratcfdct , tec tup ofjint column on this jjaoc.
BEKOHEbuyliig or sellliiB projKjrty consult
I'ldollty ifcnl EBtato Co. , 815 N. V. Mfo
biilldlnc. Mt7 : *
FOIi bAIiH IlrlgRs t'laco lotsou motor line.
Alsnacic property. 1' . Al. Itlcliardsou. SIS
N. V. Llfoblau. M
6-11POM Iiouso ami IB-foot tot Capitol avenue
near "iltli. j.Ildl ) . S-room lottagc , burn.
grapes. frulL and shadn tiees , 1 nillo from 1 * .
O.fc,000. Hutclilnson i WcadJ52l
IpOll Iir.NT binall colt IKO , a > C.ip 111 o.
-\'M \ milts IInn tirmliii ? land adjoining good
JLNi'br.islcu town ; ncnrlj
1U ( auusllnulv ImproMd Imuli'.i miles- from
county so it In Nebraska j lightly uneuinburtd.
l-'O ' neris good land In Nebiasl > .i,5 miles from
county scat ; S/mO liiliabltuiits ,
Iiouso and lot In tonnln Jvnnsiis ; clear.
L'lear lot In gooil Nebrislca town.
4-rooiu.housu and lot , birn , well and clMeni ,
10th street , Omnb i ; slightly onciitnlicrecl ; will
tr.ido for Omaha property iiiidaHSiimooiieuin-
bMiiecs. II. E. Cole , ( Jimtlnuntil block. % 0
TT1OU SAia-r.\tra bnrgsilii. Choice GIM. .
-i-wlth building ; rcnbi $10001 per mo. ; uno
lli ) > ek from now I1 O. U , 1 . Uicon , 11JI ) , Ilir-
ker block. M
PT-IIOOM house , lot 'J3xS. ! . Jl.700 ; also r-room
rehouse , lot Ilt'ixS. , s. c. cot. llth and Vlntoii
sts. $ > ,000 Brick house , lot , -1I\M. n. o.ior. 10th
and Dou.'las , ( .10,000. SlrnKiihlniunil''IS.llth.
3)r >
TTIVE-room houses In Orchard lllll , $1.W)60 ) )
Jv each on monthly piifiiiuntt. Thomas T.
Hall , nill'axton blk. 51)0 )
T71OR SALK M western Iowa farms , nearly
X1 half price , E. blllugcr , 1519 Karium.ftiagl
ftiagl ! i *
FOR SALK or Trade Whit lia\o you to
tradofor agood business proporlyim South
Mlh Htrcet. rentiU W par month , or will sell
cheap , with smill cash payments. Address
E J. U .room 'M , First Nat. ll.tiilc , Omaha
_ [ 111."I I
I71OH SALK A line Improved farm of 300
J acres ; 11)0 ) under cultivation ; shadn trees ,
fruit , wliidinIIIwupon scah-s , etc ; | lkttiiiU's
west of Umaha ; JJD per aero. Add res ( jlt'.lleo. '
! P.
AlAi wintlnj ; farms ; peed climate markets
and soli. Address U. K. IaniilsVlnuland.
y.J. M10 > A' . "
"IflOIt SAbK Choice corner''Ith strict. South
-L' Omaha ; full business lot , Jackson , iuur
IClh. 8. liov. ifafl M74417 ! *
TTlOIlSoutb Omnhn. property-business , track-
-L aKOorrosldeiico goto the leading es
tate dealers In South Omalri , Ed Johnson &
Co. , cor.Sltli and N sts , M J5
I71OII bAI/K Tbo tnost , comfortnblo 8 room
modern house In the .
- city , ovury COIIM.MI-
lonco , bith , sas , cloctrl , bolls furnaoo , laun
dry , olc , I.ar4osta.bleipom for 4 horsus , city
water In Maulc , concrc.fd | lloor , full lot lu h ilf
nillo limit , c-unvi'iilcnl ty.-l lines of cars , sliulo
Iroos , oto I'rlco # 1J,0 , Address r _ . ) , llco
olllco. , _ 4 ( S
rorrateietc.tettoioffiript rulumii onlhfs jmpe.
Kf. NatuiUrvTvi'aiririEclairvoyaut Yraiico
suoaklnt ? , nrlt Ingi lUid rcltablo huslncs- ,
metlliiiii , four years In lmaha , 11N ! ) , 10th 18
rpo Know your futuni'satlsfaotorllyBaiid ' for
J. the least money , ' . Mrs Stovxr. 400
North Kith street. 'rpl JI151 1 *
fliT. WAbbAOi ; VliUrvoyaiit ; iiiitiirTlly
Kit led ; tolls past ullif f n turu. lo > o t roubles ,
aBsuut frlonds , cuaiigo.V travel , buslnuHs.
rurnnm street. " ' - AI.
MIJK TOUT , palmUttfortiino Icllor , tells
uastand future from the lines of the
bund In old gypiy vuyMudlcsoiily ; fee Jl f > t-
8. loth. KK1A1U *
"ASSAGE Mudan-Uelrlor over CIO H llth
Jl 161-AU *
\\T A.NrKD-All should know Mr , I > > Oo
TT bun. thu l.idy mind reader and fortune
teller ; tells past and futuio ; she U the best
ovurhero ; l ispoolally dcop In all niatrlino-
nal alTalm nnd niynterloiu dUnppouruni'Ps ;
don't buy , sell or io on a journey until you
consult her ; she etui can fortoll Its results ; IM
truthful und rullablv : perfect Bitlsfiittlon
pmir.inliod by mall ; sund two stamps for Il
lustrated circular. 3 _ ! North 10th St. , Oinaliu ,
NeK Ibl-nlj
Furrattietc. , Httojiu/flrtt column on f/ifjjwye.
J-l illcd Bollcitcd. Jllks bturdy , iCIO llurney
street. MlM-Alf-
TJtHKUlIobloloani inoucy.cor. ITarnitii Allth
Korrnfea.tif. , nre fopo/jlril rolumn on Cih
BALONKSS positively cured No mint it ko
about it. Fend for descriptive circular
Address "Ant 1-llnld. " IKIX uitl. Pavcnixirt. la.
XVANTI llonewnls nnd fuibscrlptlonn for
i Tlio LvllvV llotnu Journal. C ,
Morrcll. tail Panum street. Oinnliii. MitO JO
i'iilp und li.ilr trunltnoiit. niiiiilcuro nml
chlroiHXllsl. Mrs l'ost.IO'i ) ' S. irilli.WllhncU blkw
WANTiil : A lonn of 00 foMorAnmiitMi
i unipli'sooiirily ' phcn Address B .J. II ,
room&CKJ , 1'lrst. Nat , Itnlik building , Onialia
IiU 31
SAUNDDllS Htreut hoarding stables , .llh
nnd t larkc. Lvorthlnz llrst class j iliurges
reasonable. It , MiM'ldlniul , prop. 11. H
Uhoidos , iiiaaagcr , Tol. OiS. IV ) 2
i'T'lSCOY. Iiouso iiiovor , OK ! Smith 17th
street , nnd 813 boutli U-'ith avcniio.
V\7ANTii ; > Two copies i-nch of thomoriilnit
and evening lliu : of Nou'iuhor.lrd nml
onocopy nf the niumlngof December 2ml anil
three copltsof ( Lee veiling of December l.lsio.
ntthn Ucoofllcc. UTS
Forratf-f , tie. , see tnji o/ytrit column oil Mite page ,
r , over 010 9. Ulh
M 101-AO'
_ .IH bnthut. Mndaino fiulth'i parlors ,
I Al lloor. 4u tt nth st. t J f
rortittcttc. , 8ett > tiofflrt coiiraii on Hits jiaai.
13ATKNT lawyers and solicitors , O. W SitrsA.
J. Uo. . lliebiilldlui ; . Umnlia. llriiticholllcunt
WnshlnKtun , O. U. Consultation f ice. , K >
31A11KIU' .
TXsTRUMnNTS plucol on record Mirch 31 ,
JL b'Ji. '
H T. llotohcntior to Ilatllu llclcbonncr ,
ii'is ' ' } lot 4 , blk IS , Improvement as
sociation add S7.WO
Ida W Hruwn and husband to Olof
llrmvn. lots timid 7.lnt wr's sal ) , , . 2,000
M H llartlett to J U Qrntly , lot ? , ulk ,4fl.
boutli Omaha 10,000
Mnry DwortiK toJ t J Stark , lot S , lilk : . ' ,
Dnornk'aatld to South Oinnlii 3JO
J H Mcoli m and wlfo to Joanna Sarnies ,
lot Its , Harlem bane . . . . . . COO
Oinilin. real est.ilo and trust eonipiny COOm
to 12 .Llliaso , lot ! l. blk i ! . feiuiulurs i-
lllinobaugh's Highland Park m
South Omaha , land < > oni | ) my to.I I' mil
lEobort llnnilltun , lots 10 and 11 , blUI ,
South ( linalia
J \Villctts to 0\V \ Login , lot II. blk 1 ,
Hush iVfrolln's add . . . BOO
Tot al amount or transform ? S2JSXI
Lcoros ICIIlCAdO , 13U1II INCJTO.V . .Q I Arrives
ODifthn. | Depot Uth nml Mnson triHil . | Oiunhi
430p m H OU nm
OWn m Cliloagu Kzpreii B.30 p m
910 p m IblcniioKipreai 10 in n m
6 M p in 12 00 ra
lltmi.INriTO.V V MO mVUll I Arrlr. .
Oinfthiu Depot IQtli nmlMitHniniri'ots ] _ Omih
. . . .Denver Ilnr Rxpros. . , 4 fti pm
1023 n in 4 U'i p m
11) ) 25 n m . . . . Denver Ktproii II IS p m
7Wt > IH'nver Nltflit Ktpros. . . II .L > n in
6 IU P m Lincoln Limited 11. . ) m
8.15 a in , . , Lincoln lx > cnl it.OU p m
, mres K ( - . ol J 7vV
Omaha. Depot 10th mil MasornlruotB ,
D.oO n m .Knn s City l ) r KIPTOBB , , | oTlO"f IP
IMSjim K C. Night Kipjja U. 1' Trnm I B. i o n
I.cavoj UNION 1'ACIHC Arrlrin
Omahit. Doiiot lllth unl MnrtjritrecUs Omnlp
5 07 a m ! . KnnsnjCltr
IU Hi u. m . . . . . . . .Denver Kvpreu. .1 Mp m
2 60 p m . Overland b'lycr U 05 p m
7 30 i > m 1'aclUo Crproj ) ll.lJniu
Ioavo 1 OTIICitiO. U . .w . Ai.IFlC ArrHi ;
Oiimhn. | U P. depot. 1UII ) anil Mater SU.I UArrHi
n.10 p m . . .Nlcbt Fxprcn IU OS a in
90S a ra , . Atlautlf Kzprcii O.30 p n
130 p m .Vpatltiula l.lrollpd. 1O.J5 a nt
_ . . -HTourrairrpxciFtT ! : i XrrlTtn
Om hn. | P. P. ilci'Ot. luili and Mirer Bt I Omaba.
TI6 a ml Sioux Cltr I'funenter I
4 J0p _ , . . . . . . . _ _ _ prcn. , , _ IIO.10 m
liavci I 8l6DjrT"OtTV CnXcin < S I Arrives
Omaha. I Depot lith anil Wobttor Ht . I Onuha.
C.M ) pn > i . 8t 1'sul Mmltwl .I Ui5n pi
Omnlia. U. 1 * . depot , lOlt anil Marcy Bti Omaha.
915 tt m ClilcriKO Krpro ; § a 20 p m
( SO p m Veitlbulo larollcil P.Wam
615 p ra Id waAccomraoilitlonCTC. Sun ) 7.06 p m
919 p nm , . , Knntorn I'lro- 2.IS p m
1115 n n texa iuniynatrnt Btlero.Munl 7.10 a m
rearon lOUlOAGO , Mil. . -"fff , PAUL.I Arnres
Omihn. | U. P. d'liit. Hit1' nti 'l r yJHilOznihi
010 p ml Ch1cionxproj | 11015am
lUn nil ChicagoExorosi I ti.JO pnj
Oinnfaa.1 DcpollttU ana Webncr Bit. Omthu.
i eav ei i u ni. r AI. A u
Umahiwl Depot I.t1i nnd Webitcr fits. Omaba.
Loaves MlsftOUDI Arrives
Omaha Depot 15th unJ Webster Sti. OcQAhn
10 10 u n-l , .81 Louis AK f Exprois. . filOp n >
H15 p raj. . .Nt Ioul i.K C. Eipro i 0 W n ID
i cine A I'Ant b'lC. Arrive
ll-il > aforl LTnln-i Trim- '
Leaves I rillCAC.O , II I A I'AOIVIG Arrlvoi
Transforl Union DOIKII. Council UlnlT < Trnnifor
MO p in . NiKbt Ktpreii u M n ni
965 n in . Atlnnllc Hxpress 6 M D in
9.1X1 p in . . . . \f tlbiiln I.lmltnil. loin a tn
U > ave ICniCAUO AMmriiithSTKItN. I Arrliu.i
Tiuiflfcrl Union Depot. Council IlluBl iTriinifer
1fla.i i ICHlflAflO. MUrTL'ST.'PA'il , :
"rnnaferl Union ! > > - ' , ' i'.i | lllufti. Tr n '
CtOp ml T.rblciEnKxproii
.3 p m | Ulilia o IJxprou
Lcuvoi K C..S1 JOK AC. O :
Trnnifer Union Ocpot. Council niuffi
WOT a m . . . .Unnsn Ulr l > y lxpre ! , 6 4 1 p III
IOU p ra . . .Kuniaii CltTNIaht Rxpren r. it H
Trnn Ier | Union nopot.roiincll ISluITi. Transfer
t to p ml tt Ixiuli Canon llnll .11215p
OUKUOO. CouncilO'UINC'V' . Arrlvea
Union Oeput , Council Illuffi Tranifur
U4O a a . ( lilraiio lixprcsi ru
1000 p m . . . . Chlcngo Kipreu 0 40 n ni
705 p m .Creilin 11 20 n m
7(5 a Q . . .Blour Cltr Awommodntlon. . 040a tn
nu5 p m
Macbeth's " pearl top ' ' artd
' pearl glass " lamp-chimneys
ire made of tough glass that
costs four times as much as
common glass ; and the work
on them costs a good deal
more than the \vork on com
mon chimneys , just as the
work on a dress is proportioned
tioned to cost of stuff. „
0 The dealer is right in saying
he can't afford to sell them at
the prices of common glas ?
And what will become of
his chimney trade if his chim
neys never break ? He is apt
to be wrong there. He can
afford to charge a fair price
and give new chimneys for all
.hat break in use.
' Have a talk with him.
PW lmr nro A. lUrnr-rii 4C < >
.TuJco Loraax of Kookuk , father of H. L.
Lomax , KCiicral passenger audit Of tbo Union
1'acllif , Is lu tlio city.
The Liebig COMPANY
, IIa\e for twenty-five * years been putting
uptliefamou * imnhiot whh'li stirred iiud-
loal circles H lion ( list Invented and KlU ute
to the world liy Iho renowned choinUt ,
Justus von l.icblc. Their
Is known around 11m uorld anil has lately
In on carried Into "Darkest Africa" by
Mnnloy. H l iiinii | > i > timchiibl for purity ,
tlaior nnd boiiillolni clT > uts , As HISKK
TCA , tlellclousnnd roftrshhiit tiidl < poti-
sublo In linn rot id and I'cuaoiulc Cookery.
Genuine /J of
signature von Liebig
For hemorrhages
take Pond's ' Extract.
The follo\vlu ( ? Is a copy of the oftlclnl ticket
to bo voted nt tlio municipal election novt
Tuosdnyunilcr the now Australian system
of voting , Two tickets will bo prlntoO , ono
thooOlclnl ticket to uo voted , will boon xvlilto
print paper , and the other , a snmplo ticket ,
will bo printed oi groeu paper. The follow-
liif ? ixro the citv , bo.ud of ouucntlon anil Thst
ward councilui.mio tlcltots in full and the
councilmanic tickets of each of the olhor
\\orcls. All tickets to booted aio full llko
the l list ward ticket ns published :
Tor City Glcrlc.
Kyiin , JohnJ
Ciiuncllinnii-nrst Waitl. Vote for Ono
Milloi , A V Incloppiidciit
O'Null , lliotiniH.r Independent
Illclilinrl , .John ! > ' Iiidupendint
'lowl , I' . II
\ \ ooilllllain \ M Iiidopcndent
t'oiiiitlliinu-Sucond . Vote forOno
II ill. ( norse Inilrpi'iulont
rionilng , .lames H
llorinan , Jolm ,1 liidopundont
II iluy. Anilrotr II Iiulppfiiilent
blpc , Josopli W Independent
Councilman TlilidVuid Vote for Ono
K < n\ lei , rrcdirlclc.Ai Democrat
llnrkc , John N Independent
Murphy , Mlchnol .1 liidcucnddit
'li.iliuir , 1'utrlclt , , liulopendont
Councilman I'tinrth WarJ. Vote for Ono
Hownnli Joreinliili Itidopendent
Ijooclincr. John llonry
Walters , Jolm S Independent
ForJlcmlJcrof tlio Hoard of EdiicitJon ,
Vote for Two
Hull a , Jamoi Democrat
Condon. Daniel , Independent
Tones J. 1) > Independent
1'ersoiiH , Krank J I tidoi * iidunt
A. Political
A confcronco of leaders of the
southern part of the Hocondvard xvai held
at the Drown i'nrlc hotel Monday night , and
itvns declucd to hold n meeting Sunday af
ternoon and to have addresses In Bohemian ,
Oerina'i mid Scandinavian. At tbo incctiuf ;
Sunday candidates will be endorsed.
. Notes About tlio City.
Vn heir has been born unto Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Umoturn , Albright.
Charles Benson of the U. H. Hammond
force , Is listed nnions tlio sirlc.
Pioaident Michael Cudahy of the Oudaliy
packing comp uiy bus gone to Chicago.
A youiifj son and daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
0. r. Collins arc siclc with the mcistcs ,
Mrs. Montgomery and Miss Alice Houo of
Omaha are the guests of Magic City friendb.
A. quorum of LUo council fuilliiKto inaterl
alizo , the meeting adjourned to moot Sjtur-
day night.
HlchnrdGilcnrcstof tlio commission firm of
Uilchrost , Hannu & Co , is confined to his
room ttltb ihouinatlstn.
CityTreasuior Thomas Hector , who has
boon sulTorinc with cryslDclns In tlio face , Is
hotter and nblo to bo In his oftlco.
Mrs. Edward nurko Is sufforlnB with ery
sipelas , nnd four children of Mr. and Mrs.
Durkaaro down with the measles.
The copy for ofllclal tickets for municipal
election under the now Australian ballot law
Is in the hands ol the Tribune to bo pilntucl.
Court SUandm. No. 2Jfl , I. O. I1. , has completed -
plotod arrangements for Its anuunl ball on
Hutuiday evening April 11 , In Ko\vlo.\'s \ ' hall.
Gcorgo Lawrence of many merited friends
from , who has been back Horn Texas on a
short visit , has started on his return to the
Lone Star state.
Miss Anna Casey of Missouri Vulloy , In. ,
is visiting bxr biothor , John Casey , nnd was
0110 of the welcome visitors at the dance
given by Court AIalu : ; City ,
The hearing In the application fornn in
junction to icstraln thosalo of and the ap
pointment of a receiver for the Ihovers"
Sourual has been postponed till Wodnesany.
Arthur Copelnnd of thoG. II Hammond
force , who has hcca spending the winter with
his puruiits in Glasgow , colland , sailed on
the I'Jtn ' on the steamer Dovontu for Xow
York , nnd on his return -will lesumo his
former position.
Sheilit J. 0 liikcnbery lin-i removed liis
family to Plaits mouth. The in.iny fiiends of
thocuninl ehorlff of tlio stock jards nnd tlio
larjjocircle of social friends of himself nnd
family throughout tbo city rogiet the loss of
an appreciated family.
The room committee of IlobortH. Livings
ton post. Grand Army of the Hopuhllc , ! No.
aSiJ , has about closed a contract with Lily di
vision , No. 8 , Uniform runk , Knights of
Pythias , forthousoof the now loilgo rooms
in tlio McQInuia block.
The third annual ball Riven by Court
MngioCity , No. 1 < > S , in Howloy's ' hull Kastcr
Monday night , was ono of the laigeat In at
tendance nnd pleasant social dances ever
given In the city , nnd was nscieditable to
the onicors , member * and committees as It
was enjoyable to 100 uoll pleased couples
present. It wtia n Forester social trlumpti.
Wr. A. M , ICocnan of this city , a young nnd
Industrious nmn of mnny friends , anil Miss
May .1 , Kdwards , a popular On aliiouug \
lady , wera married nt 11 o'clockMondivfoic-
noon In St. Agnes' church , Kov , Father D ,
\V Moriarty otllclatitiR. The young aiuplo
start In on their voyngo of llfoith tlio best
wishes of many. Mr. nnd Mrs ICeoiian will
ho nt noum nt 417 Twenty-fourth street ,
Henry Miles' block ,
Callprapu Writing Machine received the
only gold nicdul nt Mechanic1 fair , Dojton.
Ha'l Illn I.CK Il
Frank Hcrry , a fourteen-year-old boy , ha > !
ft log broken yesterday morning In the
lower Union Paellie yards ulftlio foot of Cats
street. Ho was riding up and down the
yards upon a switch engine anil in jumping
ott alighted In a hoe ! In such a manner aa to
break the loft leg just above tliu anklo. Ho
was taken to his homo , 1017 Chicago street
lu the patrol wngoii.
Do Witt s LlUloonrlylUsorsi only pill to
euro lck houdacbo auu regulate the bj .vol
All the stock Ims boon subicrlbM for the
Lous ) creamery nnd oftlwri of the company
have been elected ,
\ \ ' . II .luddof Council llluffs will rcopon
the l ociin hoii'o nt Lyons which has boon
closed slnco last October.
Asn Hlnkesleo , member of the Cmtor
roiinU- board of siipervtsort , dltvlat IiU homo
jicnr Lomiix f riitn the oflocts of la grltipo.
Lexington Is In festodvvitU n number of
young loafers who put lu tlicir tlmi ) i
solcntiyntnrlng at Indies and miktng un <
gcntlunmnly remarks ,
While U'llllftin llnwn , n aoptlon forcnmn
on the II , & M , nt Chcnov vat blug on n bed ,
his liitlonimoplnyfutly tlirow nstick at Mrs.
llrown which missed Its mark nnd struck
llrowu In the ojes , As n consciiucnco ho
\\llllosotboslKUtofonolfnot both o ( his
Fremont horsemen hnvoorpnnlml n horse
fulr ns oclntlon with Mnrk M. Uontl , jirosl.
dent ; L Derontalno andN. .1 , IJonlii , vlco
jiresldcnts ; John Thompson , secretary , and
Hay 3s'jc , treasurer. The authorized capital
stock Is $10.XiO ( , huslncHH to bo commenced
\\hun \ hnirof It is subscribed nnd paid In
Mrs. J.V Hhon of Iloldrogo was qillto
Imdly biirncd about llio fuco and nock moral
days ago A\hllo starting a Hro in tholr
furnnco Tlio tire looked as If It was out and
Mri. Hhon ttnow In sonio kerosene , uhich
lioonino u'ris from the Imbcddod roals. Not
burntiii ; she threw In more keroscnolilcli ,
coin I nt ; la contact with the gns , caused an
explosion tint shook thu houso. Mrs , lihev
\t \ now ( in prat Ing rapidly.
William Mllllgan , living nine inllo * north-
cist of Stnnton , otioof Stnnton county's ' most
ptostierotis farmers , attempted suicide by
shooting hniKi'lr two times In the fort'hoad
and oiiro in the Uncut lastSuiutny. Mr Mil-
llgan hid been tomporarlly Insnii'o for moro
than \\ock \ \ , thougli rational at times. I'lnan-
rial ilinicuitlut seemed to weigh
lienvllv on him Ono week ngo
his mind became dctaugcd nnd
ho loft homo on horseback , wont to 1'ilgor.
turned the boisu loou > ntuthcn next soon
was nt L ioinont , liorc ho bought t\\o tick
ets f or Stnnton and b.ul ono from Oiniihi to
Suinteu. lie \\as brought to Stanton and
taken home nnd sliuo then him boon rational
most of the time. Some of his frlonds went
to call on him Sunday , llti saw them nnd It
is supposed ho thought tliov were golup to
tnko him to the asylum , as ho Immcdlitolv
cntoicda room by himself and shot himself ,
His believed tbo wound will i > ro\o \ faUl.
Thoio are eight democratic postmnstcrs In
Several deaths \\n\o \ occurred fiom mendlei
at Glfford.
Mount Ayrhas an orchoitra cotnposoJ of
} oung Indies
ID. A Morton Is to build a ioopera \ Iiouso
nt Port Mudljon.
The grand lodge Knlfihts of Pjlldasoflown
moots in Sioux Cltvin August.
Ottumwn wants the Grand Armv nf the
Hopublic eiicunpmeiit to moot there In It)1.,1. )
IDr. ( lee volMagoun of ( Jiinnoll eolo-
brnted tlio seventieth auuivetsnry of his
birth Sunday. v
Over flvo hundred cases of measles and
neailyns many of la grippe aio i-oported nt
ThoIMltoilal association of the Fifth con-
; rcsslonnl district meets al Matshnlltonn the
list \\cok In April.
The state nuilitorlifia issued a warrant for
I , -175 to the state normal school nt Cedar
' 'nils for salaries nml expanses.
V oitDodK'tiyouii ? ladies hn\o organized a
ihyslcal culture society Thov propose to
ucurogood health by the use of gymnastic
Walter Napilo mid Alfred Hondor , two
oung Davenport Inds , h.uo left homo with-
ut parental consent to seosomoof the world
n their own nccount.
Rev , .lorm Todd nnd Mrs. S. K. Drultovcio
imrricd nt Tabor lust vcek. Kov. Mr. Todd
s the founder of the town of Tabor and Tabor
ollcgo aim the bildowas founoily a JtMit
Jodgo lady.
J. M. Young of Doap Klvor has a rcinurka
jlocuilositv hi the shape of a two-hendod ,
even-leKRod , two-tailod calf. The strnngo
i-oak will bo placed on exhibition In nclgh-
joring towns.
Thcro lives nt Fonda a man named John 0.
ficholi wno is forty-eight yonrs old , II feet
i Inches tall nnd whoaoroich between flngor
Ip and finger tip when his nuns are out
spread is am an loot.
The little stx-vcav-old daughter of a farmer
named Hoot , living near llmnboldt , was
lurned to deith. She was out In the lir-M
vlth her In-other , who was burnlnc corn-
.talks . , and her dross cjught on lire.
The stockholders of the l armors' bank of
Foutanolle , which failed not long slmo , wilt
locuio the sorvlcos of an expert to oxnmlno
nto the affairs of thp concirn , as thoio
ire Indications of fraud on tlio ii.u-t of the of-
Not very often is money sent by freight ,
nil such was the case nitli tlio Itociclluplds
: iankcrvho had to ship his tlmo-loclc safe to
3incmnuti to bo opened. It. took twenty -four
lour ) to drill into the safe , so there wasn't '
any particular insecurity in sending it by
A Davenport man bus just got rid of a rep-
tlio that has boon boUiciing him lor many
. 'cms. Thomoio the inun nto the poorer ho
jccamo. Finally ho obtained a niodlrlno pow
erful enough to kill the "vnriniiit. " and ho
was soon relieved of It. The thing ia six
nches long , shnpcd llko a li/ard , lias twelve
egs and a bickbone. No ono knows what
t is.
Casper lias a new bank , making three In
Deadwooil will use twenty cars a day of
Newcastle coal mid coke.
Filly oil locations liavo boon made mid 10
corded In Lindcr since January.
Is'o 8 coil tnlno , just opoued nt rjolc
Spilnes , employs sovcnty-slx niou.
Aloio tlinn one thousand pCHons Iwvols -
itcd ( iold Hill mid not ono has been dU-
The agricultural dopirtmont lins allotted
Jlfty packages of s'lBarbcot stoil tolVciuont
Coal mine No. 7 at Almy Is idle on account
of Hunt orders. It was operated by the Union
The state unlrorsltvJUiat lately received
from Washington iv line collection of mlti-
orals for its museum.
liuillngton surveyors liavo staked off a
townslto on Powder river , iu , loli usoti county ,
iJOO mlles fiom u lallroad.
Wool will bo tnkou from botnoon 73,000 , nnd
100.000 shoo ] ) at Lusit , on the Northwoatoin ,
iu Couvcno county , this season.
Some good rock IB IwlnR tikon out of the
Caribou nt Atlantic this winter. This aiiriutf
will see all thu quart/ mills Inisv.
A r > 0)0 ' ) ! ) brick block will bo built at Sun-
dancn this season and there are SOOUU brlclc
on hand fo.1 buildip ni Newcastle.
A town slto hai been plattctl by the Union
Pacilio at Modltino How , nn Important bta-
tton ucuvecn Laumio nml Kiiwlnis.
An Kvanston bull terrier of tlilrtlU'o
pounds Idllod a wildcat tit wcblit in ninety
rnmuto.s. It was a ( luspurato li.ittlo ,
At the comine city election the I.nrumlo
pcopio will vote on a proposition to liond Ihu
town for $10,000 to cxtond the water svstoin.
Thei-o Is practically no opposition to tbo
Vanilla , - Of porfoot purity.
f Economy in tholruHo.
ROBO elc.vJ Flavor aa dollcatoly
and dollolouuly as the froob frulU