(5 ( OJttAJiA JLJUJU : APRIL. . 1 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , High Prices In GcreiUs at tlio Opening , Followed by Decliucs. CORN SITU \TIOH VERY SENSITIVE , Aniilher AVliIrl Iji Provision Vnlurs- Cuttlc niul ll < i nro Quoted ly IjiiMcr niul Wuitk. OincAoo , Mnroli 31. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Ilui : . ! The day on 'chanse opened with a very ulroiiK fwllntf In alltho leading markets , with nil circles Jo to 1'io up from I"1 nlttM iind pork ina to S.r j up. I'lrtt prices , however , wore tlio liltrhostof tlio meriting , and drcilnui followed In nil pIlH. Thu sales the first hour for May \vnro : Wheat , il.OJ'i to 11.04'i : corn , tOUo tofifl cjoalB , ftJo to MJiu ; porMM-IOoir to J12.IX ) ; lard , IT.Wli to 10.03 ; , ribs , 10. ' . ' ? ' , } to 10.20. 10.20.Tlio wheat market was very sensitive all ( lny. Not only scalpers , but loaders wcro ready to jump at anything which looked like a hull or bear Inlliicnco Illtuly to af fect the market. Tlicro nro those who think whiat ) Is on Its way to ll.'iS. and rjulto us tunny who look upon It as dear above We , lint for Immediate notion they arc Indouht. The nmiUt started voryHtronR und ul it bound at l' ' o to I'ic from last nlclit. TholilKh prlcvHof the session wore , Hindu tlio Oral llvu minutes. Tlio spurt WUH duo to fcn- Mitlonal bidding on Ihu curb an I nxr dis patches In i.ipurs ) nnd oilier outside Influ ence * . Alny Blurted around } 1.0.VJ anil sold H.lKJj. July Marled titll 01 to 11.014. The ac tion ulilcli followed was : Mar , Jl.OiJi. "If l fl.Or.'i , to J1.0.V4 , tol.04'i , to tl.u5'i , to Jl.OI'i ' to JI.O.'iVi , totl.OlU , to Jl.OI'i ' nn liour befoic the close ; July , } I.OI'lot ' 1.04. to ll.ni'i , to tl.ff.fi , to tl.OI , toJl.tfl'/i ' , loI.OI'i ' , to 11.01 ! , . to fl.KUf nt thosamotlme. Thu low pilco of tlio day up to this tlnio was tlui anne tis at tlio close last nltfht for May lit fl.OI' , , mid low In July was ' , { c ovur last nlj'ht. showing n closing up of , ' ( ! In two months , There was a fair showing of liull news early. Public Liv erpool cables were ! id to 'id up , whllu prlvato cables ruioitcd iiMroiiK market. Id up , nnd with iiin udranclti { tendency. The weather In Kngland remains cold anil Indicates u Into epilnt ; . Kloiir was also quoted higher at Liv erpool , tliii flist advance In soiao time. Tlio liiTPako on ocean passage was c.Mllniatcd at lSOJOIiUHhols ! ! , Now York iiKaln reported for- elKii houses buying now crop futures. Minne apolis hail light receipts at It.'i cars , with tlio ptleo 1 or morn up. Cash wheat them was iiiotcd | at. II.OS',1 ' to JI.W1.ltli good dc- iiuuHl. Duluth Jritl larger receipts at 112 cars , while Kansas City bad but 12 cars. Kxplnnatlon of the situation at Ban I'nmolM'o cavu eljht boats loaded with KiOCO bushels of wheat , twenty-four loading with lTnoOJO bushels nnd others waltlnR Murk Iiiino liad a bullish statement regard Inn thu exportable surplus of Hiissla , Austrlti and Hungary and Import ncedH of Krnnco , Ger many , Italy and llolgluin. Later In the clay London reported California wheat for prompt shipment Hi I up und Hour dealer. An orJer for 40,0'J < > bushels of Turkish wheat for all rail shipment to Now York WUH met with nsalo of 15,000 bushels. During early trading the Blunts wore buyers and the long Hollers. I.alor Pehwartz. MileliuU and Norlon-Wnithtiigton bought freely , Tlio dollingvns led by I'limum , Cut ler. H. V. Wlilto & Co. , LnKnii , Mllinlno nnd otlieis. Thu sharpest decline of the ( lay.wlion the hottoni prices woio mndo , was duo to ru mors of llnanclal tiouhlcs abroad , especially In Paris. The market rccovurod readily , how ever , and liulf an hour before the close was ihuwliiK good strength nttl.05'4 foi .May and ( l.Olii for July. Tliostrengtli In wheat was well maintained at the close. Slay was at II.Oi'iftl.0.1.Tuly * I.Kllfi sliowlni ? a ialn ; from last nlpht < > t Ji'o In May nnd lo In July. March WIIH JI.04 ! j. to I.O ! , to JI.KIK. llaker reported O.wnbiiHlit'lsof NoJ Turkish wheat sold tope to Now York , all by rail. It was plvcn out Unit'AOOOliuMiolsnf No. 2 Hprlnc wheat wa fold hero Hntnrday. St. l.onls reported 40.000 bushels of whltii wliout sold , and Now York reported IIMI boats IIknly to ho closed for ex hort. I'Mvlluzi'M Ip May wheat bold on ilio riirh , it1.0land$1.0l- ( ' . The corn market was unsettled and uncer tain all day. with occasional spurts of activ ity and periods of dullness As In wheat , hfKh prices wore made at the opening , when llrst prices were lo or morn over last night , with Mny nt io to l..i'lc ' : July , nnvutuiiTc. Later In tlio day both months bold at ISo under tlio extreme llzuros of the mornlni ; . Thu nctlrn for the leading months \\us us fol lows ! May. llHMo to CS'ie , to CSV , to 07ie , to IWiie , to ( JSJ40 ut t o'cloekj July , 07e , tofl5jc , to UP.c , to fUJiC , to CiKc , to fi.'iHo. to ( K'io. Tlio rorn situation each day pctH moro Interesting. While It Is not bolloveii that the bull ellciui ! will press tlio market to the extreme. It still remains a very sensitive market , Thu re ceipts today worn lighter than the estimate at IF ears , and for Wednesday the estlmato was but 111 cms. Speculative trndlnsr was moro horvous because of cash trade. These wantIng - Ing to make up a cnrco cannot Hud enough In one place for the purpose. Some kinds uf No. : i corn sold today at TUc , ropular No 'J told at Ho to Vjeoor May. Tliosaliisof No. a In KloiuMTO reported at lo oxer JIny. The niar'not clo < i'd with March ipiotoil at GMiu , May at ( Vs'io and July ut Ujjc. May corn privileges sold utG'u foi puts and WAu for sails. The oats market today was rdull nnd cov- rrnod principally by thu notion In corn. The opening \\ns IIIIKIO at about ? 4'c above yoster- flay's closing llguros , but after making a ollKlit ndvanen the market weakened In sympathy with torn , and elosed easier. May delivery npeni'd atrKK1 , sold to .Vi'c ' , to Me , to 54lJo at the close. Tin * range ol Juno was from toWVe , the ole lng prlco beliiB f > le. ! July bold from Kll4o to.M4 , to W e. closing ut the latter amount. August delivery closed at UMJcand September utaic. The receipts ere lO'J earn , of which M ears wore contract. Tlio provision market aturted with a whirl again this morning , with lard and ribs a , llttlo changed nnd imrk l.ric to 'JOc up from last night. Thu llrst prices were Kcnornlly the top for thu day , and theclosu W.IH at a decline from the eloso of Monday of lOo to IV ) In lurd , too In rltis and 17o ! , to i-JSio In per { . May pork lold at UOO anil * li.0.i : , totr..wi , tol'.tiTS ! to the close ; JuvfU5U. | tolia.l)0 ) , toJIIWJ to thu close. Lard , J7.UJ1J. to JU S7i { , to ifdtu for May , anil ( ? . : , to * 7.V.'H. to 17.15 seller for July. Bhort rllissold straight down'JOo from fir.'Ui toK.U7iifor May and HiU ) tojd.40 for , h.lv Karly dispatohes reported hogs lOo up. AVIth- puttho 1U.IHXI ut the yards this started pork , In connection with thu war talk In tlio papers. AT CIIICAOO. poilHOIUTV.IOpiin , I Illxli. I Lug , | Close. ITiTFy W11 BAT ' ' ' 1 U.V IOIJH-5 1 04V < juir. ! . . . ! ! 1 ( UH COIIN way 1.9 CD C7M ( Wli OATS ' 1.9U Wi Miir U July W ! < WH roiiK ' May 13 W 12 M 12 fO 12 ( V > 12 8-b7 July Ul 4U 13 IU 13 00 1307 li'M Ill us M y o 25 625 605 C07M-10 022-25 I.A III ) M > y 702HJ 087W 7 U)2 ) July I'lllCM AT ST. LOUIS. foMMimiTr I Open I Ilkli. | I Cloin. | Yen'y WlltAT May O.V { II OIU July V7H COHVMar Mar CIH OATH Mar. . . . M 64 Notot nnd CONN ! p. lliilnth recoljits ! CScars wheat. Mlnncap > llH ; r.3 cars whoiit received , Entimated ho s ut Chicago Wednesday , BO.WXI head. Now York ears 12.000 packages Hour and ? JNA ) btislieU of wheat. hi. Louis recelpta : Wheat , IVXOrtO liiibhoU : corn , 6-tX. ) husliels ; ( int.il.ouo biibhelM , Iast London cahle ijuotea an advance In May wheat of 7lilt ! llerlln ailvancivi ' . ' marks , bt. Louis HhlpnioiitH ! Whciit. 0,400 liusliuU : ( orn,64lt.iO biiHlieNi oils , I'.ilOO bushels. ChlcitKO car lots : Wlio.it , i * , 4lJ.Nn. j ; corn. IPS , It ) No. Si oats. HE1. M No. 2. lU-erboliiii'scnbli * : OIT coast wheat htrong. Corn , tiothliiK olUirlng. On pabsaguwheat anil corn very btroni ! . Kronen markets \rrv tlrin , Liverpool upot corn and whuatlu moilcrato Uviiianilt No. 1 California , KS ikl ; Walla Walln , ( xUid ; ri'il winter. bsUtl. Indian Mhlpmenthto United Kingdom und coast , &O.UUO ( inarlcrs ! lust week , 'Awi iiiuu lots. Henry Cluwh .V Co. bay ; 1'ollowliiK Is nn ex tract from a let tfrjiint iccehcd froinoiir I'arls ' ' "I hiuuinailtia I'lirri'Hpondont : thorouKhcan- viua iiinoiig my corriisiKiiiilentH In Iho inter ior. The result In that the ktato of the crops In the Kiound U In n frlshtful comlltlon. Iriuu'O will have without any doubt 11 very had crop und probably one of ( he worst of thlH century , llulglnni. llollund and ! -paln neein lolhn nndor tliiiHiiiuenHif and thubuiuuean liimuld ofa tuirtoC Ucrniuny. " lxiun | A Co. , to Toncray Ac llrynn.Vheat ml thu oiiciilng win Irri'uulur ami uicltiul. Our Sally cuulw conQruiit thu Uumu u to 1'rcuch crops nnd says the drflclrncjr Irlll lie l1f.lTy ; | , flint stocks In Lulled htat "i nro mnall and ' lliondvnncr Is S'lMalni-d. Tno iiimiillty of lo.itIs heavy anil IncrcaslliB. which colliitcr- ncts Hpccillatlon , The HiritliiK c.irno trailo In London II dull and abouto ncnco lower for the future months. Tncr" Is sull n" demand for wheat hero , and with line vrcather hlK ) caDlos will lost ) tholr itr.-et unle-ii u dfiimnd comes soon. Wu riixard the. price 4 hleh , and rccom- iiend tnKlna smiill tiroflts on either side Corn. In sympathy with wheat , opened ox- clttd ! freciucntly the niieltlatlon * wrro 'iO wlthuuta transaction. The old bull party Mill buy lion bieplts. Provisions weroactHo at the upctilnff , ruall'ltiK was hciivy. M'litl- nil-lit Is somewhat chnngrd , and It may uo prudent to take prollli. Wo N-llevo In higher prlco.s , particularly on lard and rlb . Ifonnoll , Hopkins.I Co. toS. A. MoWhortcr Tin * wan a ictmrt on curb last ovonlmt that 4W.WW bushels of wheat had b < > nn worked nt Duluth for > hlpmcnt and on this rupert hales wcro said to have hccn madeashlKli ns II.Oi3L for May. The reported iMignftctncnt was not I'oiifltmiid this ruornttiff , but cables were sllir and the mnrket opened .stront ? and ox- cltud und longfilling thu doninnn. Assoon an this HUH satltlled thu market gradually cn .eil off to yvstordiiy't t-iosliiK price. Theio \\cro scnorul llttln rallies fiom the hottoni , ( Mich ono apparently eatchlnn a good deal of long wliuit , but late In the session ijnv < * ry strong cables ( he prlcu ro o totl.OJJl for Mny. I'loor tiudtirssay It ROOHUpeastorthan It goes down nnd licnco they prefer s"alpmg on tlio loim side , Heart ha\u been so severely pun ished they hesitate lo sell short and with the spectilallvo scntlini'iit rinmlng mainly ono ay. It Is eomparall\oly voiy toglvo prlci's a riiifck boost and tnko prollts on rallies , These biilllshcondltlons may pievall forMiinu time yet , but the outlook for an abundant crnli fs o promising , unit \lsllilo stot-Ks show Holltttuileptcllon , givlngsinall Indication of imsslblosmrt'ity beforu another harvest , that ItieomsuxHomely liniirobablucurrunlprices cull ho maintained. Corn and irits Ihoso linvo Nhown conslderjhlo animation at times , but there -cms to bo steady reall/lng on hard spots , and the fculhiK Is growing that sales on good rallies will be profitable. His the gen eral I'xpectatlen that r culptn will lniroa * > o as noon as the roads areiiKaln In good condition. The provision i.iaiket Is not us gamey as It was , and on every Important advance now packers and laigc holders urn ready tooll all and more than Is wanted This Is a damper to tlm biillH , There wcio lario rcnlblngs again today. The market closed wo.ik near the bottom tom , and would probably t > cll lower on any decided brink In raln. McCormlfk .t Co. to K. O. Kwartz A. Co. The cables of the early morn ing showed nut only strength , but hlirhnr jirlcoi. l.lvciioiil | noted ' /idudvanoo and Lou- dim 'Hid. The result us tin * contlnuiineo of thu stri > ii3 fcclliiKlilch had developed after tlm cloioof the ninrlii'l yoslonhiy. Thu local ciowd Hen- free htiycrs , but the out side didorseie xmall and fulled to nlvu minport to Iho iidvaiiCL1. A reaction took place on selling Induced by dlsipilollng rumors as to the foreign llnun- clal situation. The later advance eume from aii'iii'Hitl of the .strong cables which quoted a further advance , and on fresh news as to the soi Ions daiinuto to the Trench and Uoriimn ciops and an aitlelo In the Mai U l.ano I.xpiess Kliow Ing th ( > great needs ot Kuiopo was con- fdilered bullish. Kcculptu at eleven pilinary points wens 2MMK ) bushclMi shlpincnls , liKI.OJO linshols. The close of wheat was strong with Indications of a lilghrnmarKet tonioi row. The com mnrket was decidedly t-nne. Thu opening was higher , In sympathy with wliu.it , but nn attempt on the part of long' to unload caused a sharp break Hecolpts wore small hill met with slow sales. No. II yellow sold at same price as yesterday but No. II mixed showed a decline of fully 1 cent and half ; oats were dull and cish : market showed thu .same Mlugglshtics which developed In corn. 1'rovlslons ' In spltu of. small receipts of boas and highnr prices for them provisions opened dull and during the enlho day h.ivo shown weakness. The shorts fiui'm Bcncr.illy coveted and ontsldo oixTiiloiH seemed moio In lined to rcall/o on their long Htull than ndd lo It 1'ueker.s up- eaied In the market In force , and us a lulu taking the selling hide Wo must not be undeistood as bcln ? bears on uiovNIons , hut the action of the market Indicates a probablllt y of somu further decline before a further advance. Heavy iiafUlir. hogs sold today at | j.'Ji , the highest llg u res of the season. STOCKS .t\lt ItOMtfi. N".w YOIIK , March31. lpoolal Telegram to THE llKB.l There was much speculation last night and on the street this morning as to what caused this excellent up-turn In stocks yesterday and whether the advance was likely to bo continued , The action of the market this morning was a disappoint ment. Tlicro was a hurst of activity nnd a show of strength , and then a decline al'j ' tnroush the list. Hu mors ot a combination or deal between the > .gar truat and Its opposition caused an open ing of sugar stock at an advance ) of la per cunt , whllu the regular list , as compared with last night's lliure , was generally only fllleht- ly higher. Tlio momentum of the opening carried prloes upward dur'ng the first Ihu minutes trading , but thu Improvement over opening prices was confined In almost all cases to less than per cent , Sugar rising ? i and Wheeling mid Luke Trio preferred I ? i to 7) ) ) . The advance , however , brought stocks upon the market and the offerings soon forced a decline to smull frac tions below llrst prices. No marked movement occunod , however , beside that In Wheeling and Lake l > Io except a rise of 1 per cent In St. 1'nitl and Uulnili preferred. The market toward the end of the hour showed a steadily decreasing volume of buslneis. with slowly declining prices. The succeeding hour brought no new feature , simply a further de cline , leaving prloes generally'Jc under the close of yesterday. The closing hours of the Block market were without special feature In thu list. Hurllngton recovered to 84 * at one time but closed ? * net loss at 7U' . Atthooloso other losses for the day were : Chicago ( las 14 , Keck Island ' 4 , Mls-ourl 1'aclllo and L'n'on ' 1'aclllcoaeh "n Northwes'crn closed with a gain of V Trading was moderate. ICcnnott , Unpklns& Co , to H. A MeWhortcr Thu ( Innind from the Interestwhloh exerted so strong lulluence ycMenIn 1 In advancing prices appeared to have boon satisfied by yes terday's purchases and general disposition to buy stocks wus blunted by tlio advance which the market has sustained. Tlicro weiu a few orders In the bands of the commission brokers ut the opening to liny but them wus also free realizing fiom traders who hnd bought a few days nun and whosaw better profits nt current prices than they Irid been able to obtain fora good while. The disposition Is to wall until It Is decided whether the Nebraska maximum frelghtrate bill will become ollu-tlvu by the signature of the goNornor , or by lilsneBlect- Ingiotakeany notion upon It. Itlsunder- stiiod ho received the bill last Saturday and has Iho daysln which to consider and act upon It. It Is admitted on all sides that the bill If It becomes a law will malcrlally alTcct the roxcnuosof western roads. biiRarspurted sharply at the opening on the statement in the mornlnt ; pnpor.s that thu American sugar rullnery company have made a deal with Chins sureckles ny which ho would ct'iiao operating his I'hllailclphla rollncry and coiillno his business to the I'uclllo coast. Thu report , however. Jias not been conllrnied , but on thecontriiry basin a kind of a dubious way hud doubts thrown on it. It looks as it something ; ot the kind would t.iko placo. but Insiders would not admit It. The stock iloscd li ! per cent below the h.ghost prleo and at the lowest price ot the day. The whole mnrUet was dull In the afternoon and closed barely slundy. Money , Muady ; Hti rllnn exchange rales lowor. Money closed nt II pur cent. NEW YOIIK MOCKH. Stocki. | Open. T liig'.i.Tnbw. I Cloao | Yuat Mnnhnttnn. lihi 101 IWl 101 \Viibimli pfd 1SH ' ' if/ / I'nimdaSo. . I'uclllo.MiUl. Ijiku bhuro. lo-JSi WM 1\ N 75 "OJ ltnd ! Trust. 18H (1C. ( C. run ! < ( .Northwcst'n 1UI1 lOil 10.VJ Mo. 1'nc C7H Union I'm 4.M 45H 4) N. 1'nc. pi 72 72 4)iai 7llli N. 1'nc. com , 2t'l ' 27M c. , n.ty. . . . 7U' | Itock lilniul tan * M. I'nul f-l ! 67 H. IMiilpfil llll'll 110' \Vu t , Union bOS P. , U A W. , IMso 1.S7 Am.SuK.llf. SO-V so < 1.S77SJ Jemey Out 1ISW 111 ! 115' I ' * Nuw Knxl'il. .H-'iV , Mn M 'JT Hlch , Tvrin'l 17J4 n I7U 18 Atchlion. 28 28 s ; 4 18rH 41 it llcmillnir. . . . , lie I. A lluil KUk No. Am. . . . . 173 ? Mlvcr tW > | A. O. oil. . . . 2IK The follow Ing arutho closing nnotatlons : 1) ) . H. uroKlHorod . . . Kiirthurn I'licltlo 2 , ll.H. licoupon , | t < do ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' U. H. ( t-t * ru < lleru < l .tltrj 0. . N'X"\V".I' I ) . M. 4 1 COIIIMIIS. . . Mir. ilu prof il ( oxillv ) . 1.11 I'mlilon of 'US till ) Now York Central. . . Cunlral I'liclUc Situ I1 , , 1 > . A K fhleas' , A. Allen . .T.'l Ituck Ulaml CliU'iino , ItiirlliiKton V.M. .VhU I * M.X , A yulncr 7'/ > ( do iin'fvrroit . . . . 1U-JK I ) . . XiAXV 'Uljt I. I'niil \ oumlu. . . . IlllnuUC.iiurnl W-i do pn'frrrjil I. , II..VW Ciilon 1'iiclHc Kan > ni\'riixa < II VY. . Ht. U.V I * Ijiko Shorn IW > ) < Ui profprrtiU Mluhlitan tVnlnl. . . . Ul tYoalvrn Union . . . . . . MlHtourl I'ndtlc. . . . UiU tlllil M O.MSV ON OAt.t.-Olosod olTerod at 2)5 ) per cent , 1'IIIMK MitlfANTH.B : 1'AIT.K Ktii ( ICrCOIlt. bTKiu.i.Nd KXUIHSCIK Steaily ; tlxty-ilay bills , tt.Wiiileinaml. II. U. VHIC.UiO 1.1VK STItVli JM.lltKNT OniCAno , Man'li Ul , ISiioclal TolPsraw to Tur. HKU.-I'ATTI.K lluslnosswus rather blow tliniuitlierwUofir.il urlcdH.lt not lower , were vturo rather weak cm nearly nil cluisca ol ntecrs , somndnloinion nuntliiB prices doohledly loTrur whllo the bulk only rhiltnod n ntoudy i tnnrliet. 0 od mil cholco steers wcro Bcnrco nnil buyer * gnnar.illy wcro utilto InilllTcront. The Knglhli , inirkits ! nro itown to the low water mark , nnil nearly overyttilnir Rhlppcd from this cnuntry N loilriR money. Cow slock tif all classes ruled niimdy , and thorn was llttlo or nothing new In sloc-kcror feeder trade. The ton today WIIH W.IO for ono load of Lion-bound steers , an'il thu romalndcr of BIIOM L-altlo sold within a r.uigoof IIOJtoW.lK ) : others , H.7.VfW'i5 | conuiion , W.TMJI.W ) COWH nnd heifers..mj \ , \ . \ : < . lionsTraUo wa * fairly active , with prices steaily toatrongon prlmo heavy and liulchur wulKhts , but inuillilin , ostii > clnlly cotniiion mo- illuin , may boiiiotfl ] .Vtt.'J.V ) lower than yes terday morning , ( lood imcklntt urades wcro Hcarce and the clcmuinl light , Hiirncpf tlnihlK hollies wrru out of thu innrkot altogether. I'lgtof loulbs avoiaKonnd over wcro In larao nunibcrs , i-onslilurtng tlui Ilitlil ninand sold rit "go-as-yoii-pleaso" iirlrrs. UotiKli , course ) tinil common old at | .I.5.W,1..V ) : oMl mixed , JI.7.V 4.t)0 ! prime I'ouvjr ' and Imtrhcr wnlRhts , Jl.ftVft.-i. 15 ; IlKht , tl.tWgtl HUj pljs. I,00ft4.50. TlioViiul . Market. .v , Mass. , March 31. [ Spoulal Telegram to Tin : llKr-1 Tlioilemand for wool has been fair and prices have been steady und firm. Ohio and I'oMtisylviinlii llcccos luivo boun rather quiet tit ; iiai'c : for X , and at ICduVllo for XX and abovo. Michigan X can ho bought nt 90 , though seine holders ( iuotoWc. ! Coinh- liignnd delalno elections luivo hccn firm and are In steady demand. \comblnK \ scllliiK nt 401'Jc , nnlo line dulii Inn at IlWlTi' , and Michigan line dolaliio at UVTWdc. Territory wools ha\e | ) ( MI linn , Hullliu' ul G W-'x ; clrun for llm , MWfic for HMO nieilluin , and WJISTH for medium. Texas , ( J illfiirnla anil Oregon eels keep sold up and are firm. 1'nlluil wool con tinues In good demand wlthcholce supurs sell ing nt lixai'ic. fair to K'iMil BIIPUIS at : ijft.3f ! , anduxtr.isat L''A'I.V. Aiislr.illiin wools have lii'i'ii actl\o and llrm at 4ToH'iu ' as lo quality. 1'uiclgn carpet wools have bccu linn. Minlni ; ( Quotations. NBIV VOMK , March : fl.-SpoJlal [ Telegram to Tin : UKI : . ) The follotvlng are the n.lnlnj ? stock ( i C < il1'i ! ( ) | t Inns. Niw : VOIIK , Miirt-li ill. [ Micolil | ! Tcloram to TIIK HRK , ] Uom'.K Ontloni nponcd steady uiiil iinuli , iii cd to.r > pulnt.s udvuiuH' , mill eloSL' ( lillliind iincluuiRCMl to , * > points tin. TliU'salcs WITH I n.3i bans , liiL-luilllii : April , JI7.0 ( tJi" . .r : .May. U7 : iO | .1 uni- . 17.fHr7M7.G.V Scptuinl > artir > .Ui © lli.U.1 . ; ( Jutolor , * Uivai0.4i ) : ; Dcoi-mlicr , $10.40. bput Klu qulut unilc.isy : No. 7tliM. at : . CiurAno. March : il. U'liuat Ole < o Ste.ul y ; asli , SI.O'jj Muy. t.UIiil.n.-i ! ; July. fl.O ' . Uniii Sti'iulyj uusli , fi Mny , CS'io ; July , 03 c. ( ) ats-Stoidy : : ctisli , .V Mny. M'Jc. ' I'orkhlu.ulyica * . } ! , Jli.fvU ; Muy. { 12.0715. /iril Sloiuly : eush , t.7."i ( ! : May i M.871531.00. bluirt Itlhs-HtL'sicly ! casli , Si.OOi Jiiiy. { C.1U. ItjoHlo'icly nt h. > 'iB.Silu. ( llitrloyNoinlniil nt 'Co. I'rlinu Timothy Steady at fl.S7Sl.S8. l-'lav SliMKly ut il.-MJl. \\lilsky-l.l \ . Klntip I'lrin with slight ndviinoo nskcd. Hulk Meuts HhotilJors. J.r > .00r > . lu ; short oloir.3Miri.S.'ii short rlln , J.\l.V ) Ii.o : > . lluttur Knsluri cro.iincry , 18a7'/ ' ; dulry , irx3i' > o. Stonily : full cream oiirddnrs. Huts , liillii ; ; ; young Americas , . llifirs- Lower : fresh , lCl"c. Hides Stonily ; liuiivy Rroon saltc.l , Co ; llilit urcen suited , 53ifl2.iic ; ( 'rt'on hides , t'J ' halted bulk , 4J4'c : Rroun salted usilf. dry Hint , 80 ; dry suited , 07e : dry calf. B iloacoim , 2So oacn. Tallow-Stnady : No. 1 solid packed , 4c ; No. Iccol | > t < i. Shipments. [ 'our ' . 10.000 10,000 Wheat. lil ) . 17.0JO 4r..0ifl ( Corn , liu . SU.OOO KS.OOJ Oats , bil . 151,000 HO.OJO Nr.w YOIIK. Mnroli : il. Wheat Receipts. 57,000 bushels : exports. XUKM bnshols ; pot lillher ! , Irtegular ; No. S red , fl.liii' ' > &l.il ; ; In elevator ; 8I.IUU ulliut ; o.l : red. $1,11 ; un- Krndud icd , Sl.Wl ! OI.I73Optlona closed H © "scnycp ycstord'iy , No. 2 red , Slay closing ut $1.1,1 i . Corn Itecolpts , 10 ,000 bushels ; exports , none : spot weaker ; No. 2 , TO'/i'ir.SIc ' ' In elevator ; 8iJSl ! e ulloat ; unRrudod. 'nfts . Uptlons Ufn'ic ' lusher. May closlrm : it749ic. O.it-s Heeolnts , 80,000 bushels ; exports , none ; Hpotimsi'ttlod , wuiikcr ; spot No. 2 white , 00 ? ( itffie ; mixed westorn. saiilHo : white western , twaooo. Oiithnis weaker : May closing atsu c. SiiRur luiw , lirmor : fair rcflnlnfr , S : i-itv3 > 5)ic ) ; coiitrifiignK 00 lust , BSc. SulosiMuB- ouvnilo. Kl test , fie ! ; nuisi-ovnilo , 89 test , : Ho O nnd K ; centrlfiiBiils , 87 and tO test , 21'J-1C ® 2 n-lilo Uand K ; rollned dull. I'otroleiini United olnscd , April , nt 72,1 c. r.u'KS Kirinor : western , 2lc. 1'orlc ' Firm ; new mess , tn.75014.0) ; extra prlmo. | 'l..waiS60. ' Hut tor-Lower : western dairy , IJJJMc ; west ern orenmory , SOii'Jnu ; Kluln , 3 ! o. Cliecso-l'lriii ; skims , ST. Louis , Mnrclittl.-Oloso Wheat llUlior ; cash , J1.0W : May , Sl.OOi bid. Corn IIlKher : cash. ( Vie ; May , ni.H'c. Oats Firm : cash. M\ic \ ; May , ftlc. I'ork Kaslor at * U''a l.iird KaHlarat $003. Whisky10. ! . Iluttur-Qulotnnd unclinnfcd. KANSAS OITV , Miucli m. Whcnt Steady ; No. 2 hard , cash and March , Ola asked ; No. 2 , onkli , DTc hid , ( 'orn Illglior ; No. 2 , cash , C5c ; March , CIH ® 045,0. Oats StroiiBcr ; cnsli.fil'ic bid. , March : u , Wheat Market slow und lo hluhor. lieuelnts. li' > curs : ship ments , 7D cars. Olovi : No. t hard. Mnroli , $1.01 ; on truck , Jiu : > ! 4 : No. 1 nnrthoin , Murch and April , 8I.Ulii@I.OIi ; on truck , $1.00 © 1.01. _ CINCINNATI , March III. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red , $1.07. Corn llliihpr ; No. 2 mixed. lc. O.its lllRhcr ; No. 2mi.\cd. 58o. Whisky1.10. . March : il. Wheat Nervous ; No. 2. sprlna. on track , cash , $1.00 ; Muy , JI.OOJ6. Corn ririn at TOc. Oats Qnlol ; No. S whl to , .UP. I'rovlsluiih IllKhor ; pork , May , } H1.17i. ! u March 'II. Wheat I'lrin and de- nianil fall ; Iioliln-M olTor sparingly. Corn Strong and dcinund fulr ; mixed west ern OM { d pur cental. CHICAGO , March III. Cattle Receipts , 5.0O ) ; inarkelslow and weak ; steers , top price , Jtl.10 : others , ( I.7.VIW.UO ; co s itud holfers , , $1)0 ® . " > .15 : llojss-lteeolpts , IK.UtlO ; market fairly aetlve and steady ; roncli and common , $ aVX&4. . " > 0 ; food mixed. $1.70511 IK ) ; prlmo heavy and butcher HtilRhts. * 4.l'iTc.-.10 ( ; llsht , fl.Ui'4 ( ) 80. Shcop-Keeolpts , f\WO ( : market aetlvo but stead v ; natives. $ l..vxa. > . ? 5 ; wcitorns , $ . " > .a5 © R.73 ; liuiibs , ' ST. Louts. March III. Cattle Receipts , l.fiOOi Blilpmunts , 400 ; maikiit hl lior ; fair to funey native stuors , ( J.OJ.VV5 ; stoekura and feeders , . < . lloKS-Heoolpts , 4,40 } ; xhininonts. BOO ; mar ket Jilcliiir : heavy , JI.85Q.VOO ; mixed , 81.003 ICANRA8 OITV. March HI.-G.ittlo Kcoelpts , : i,4lX ) ; shipments. TiKI ; market stronz unit higher ; steers , si.r4&n.i3 : : cows , J..i > ® . : ii ; Htnukon and feeders , W.00ii4.ii'i. llo -Keoolpls , 0,000 ; shipments , KO ; mar- igher ; all grades , W.201W.75. OJ1A H.I 1.1 VK H THVIi. OMAIU , March 31. OATTt-R Estlmutod rocolntsof cattle 2.700as compared with 1)11 ) vesterday and - ' . . " > | ii Tues day of last \\eek. The receipts ilurlntr March have been 4'll'.VI ' ' as eonipared with 47,0. ' ) " last month. Thn market was active und higher. Desirable crudes of beeves and Imtohurs' stock weio lOo higher , othershtioiiz lo Hie higher. Good feedei-s were la demand at strong urlces , uojr onus are neglected. All bold , lions I'stlinuteil receipts of hoes 11.200 us compared wlth2.7u. > yesturday and o,3flTues day of lust ut'uk , Tliu receipts ( lurlnK March huve been 1IV I as comii.'ired with iuif : > M last month and 75.M.M dnrlnt ; Murcli of last year , The market was n live und MlOo higher All sold early. The rungu of the prlct'S puld wus fl.U.Vii.7r ( , thu bulk selling at * I..W.4.CO. I'lgaJ.t iij.S5 ; : llKht- llKhts. UOonil.2.light. ; . W.'lViil.lH : ho ivy. JIAVSI.75 : mixed. * I5JI CO , Tlio uvcr.igo of tlio prices paid was tl..V > as conipareil with * 1 45i ! yesterday und Sl.liU Tuusduyot last week , bliElil' Ksllniated receipts of sbeop POO as coinpaied withIW5 yesterday and HOMO Tues day of last \\eek. The receipts during March conuiarcd with . ' . ' last liavo been KI.-U us l..l.'l month , The demand ( or choleu muttons eontluues good und pr.eesuro llrm. Natives , % . ' .7i < ia.lO ; westerns , ( . > , . > > oi ! 4.l > 5. r > iNiositiiii | ) or stock , Showing the unmoor ot o.tttlo , ho/s and sheep bought by thu paoUers and ot her buyers on the market as slmwn by thu books of the Union ktook jards uomiuny : CATTLE , 1 luy I'M. No. BwlUA.Uo l.lfO ThoC. II. llaininondcompany 27A The Unialia I'acklnz fo \ - fclillUier , foedurs anl other Olivers V-'W lioila. The Cudaliy paoklnit company , , . . < < 00 The Oiuuhu puoklng company. . M Swlft.t To. . ? ? SI7 ' ' ' The 0 11. immmoml'flnmpany' . . . . . . S05 Shippers , fcedors itiirt other buyers . 1,093 , &C , , . . _ T , ' ! ' Cu'l ' 'vt'T ' Dac'dnr ' oompntVy . The | , II. , , ( | , , . | , , . _ . ' niooinnhil'aplilnir-i'o . . . . T . hhlppors , feeders and oilier buyers . 203 Kor the .Mouth of .Alnruh. Sliowliiit iho numhrrdf hpnd of cattle , hogq nrid RliL-ap bought by tlm paekefa and leadlnir l"y " on tlio market fis shown by the books of 'v ? ' " ,1. " " slltll < rArds co'iipnny ' for the month ending Tuesday , Murch Ul , IfsSli ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Omaha ParklnBCo. . . . Other buyers . , . 2I..V.-0 neil ? , . cn.117 Omaha Packing Co . 37,014 Hwlft.tCo . ' . ' . . . . SM.201- Tlio ( I , 11. Ilatiimund Co' , . . . . . . . . I'MM Others . . . a5.712 Swllt > tCo . . . . . B403 Thot'iKluhy I'ncldnit Co" . 1,420 'I hoO , II. HnimnoiKl Co . 1 , M Omatia racking Co . ISO Otheis . . arj Itcptc'MCiitatlve .SalOH. BTKKI13. No. Av. 1'r. No Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. . i .UIOM oo . 1. . 0,0 , 21 1U 7 4 (10 ( 12. . 1101 500 B. . 8'tt ' 1. . 7.'iO 400 Kl . 1311 f > 00 u iw , mm 4 co r. .iMa r.oo 20 .IOSI MR" , 4 101 j 12. H71 floj n. . UK ! : IM 20 11:111 : 42. 1174 n < 20..lKfl ( ) : iU1 nc : ) 4 IS 22 1121 fi 05 4 . 400 7 : . 1(117 ( 4 2."i 117. 11SU Ii05 5. . m 400 KM ) 42.1 117.f . \'M \ 510 L.l'M 4 UJ . 77.1 425 81. .1149 51.1 1. . trlO 4 00 4 . H07 4 25 ID. .IWtl B 15 yS..KA 401 8 1112 4-Ik-i 4 1175 515 IH..IKH 4 : n 8o 470 4 wu r.2a 2..1UO 440 ir ? 107(1 ( 470 IIS. . 1I1I2 511 l. > . WS 441 ) . . HIT 470 H 1270 fllT. I } .110(1 ( 4 M 470 10. . 12711 BSD ( . . .11.11 4 M 77 1101 470 10. . 1111 r > : w : il.10lli ) 4M H .liilSI 4 7S 11) . ir.7 B.T ) 1U..1 B 4 CO 19.IU' ! 47.1 CU . ISha 5 III 28. .1101 4 U ) I'J ' .110,1 , 4M 18. .IM 540 10..ia7S 4W fi 10)8 ) 480 711 . IIEB 540 jl. .107:1 : 4 C3 : i..l2l ( ) 4 M M. . 1.11 1 41 7.1014 4(5 ( 20 KII7 485 04. .1170 575 11..10S7 4 70 il UK ) 4 ! K ) BTIF.IIS : A.NDIIHIKKHS 18 .1101 4 70 _ 7. . 777 3 70 cows. . 7.V ) 1 2 : > 1 . mo 2 00 .1110 300 .mw i in 8. sir , 200 i , r.'K ) : iu . 7il.W : 1 4'i 1 .MM ) 2 00 4. . 077 IIOO .W ) 1ft ) 1 KTO 2(10 ( 0. . II3S : iIO ( .770 I M 1..1100 20) ) S. . OI5 I100 .8I. 1 Ki 1. . 1183 2 (10 ( 4. . Bl.ri H25 . 710 I 03 M . tM 201 1. 1140 325 . 1000 1 C5 1,1 ( ,77 213 4. .1000 325 .1010 175 . 1042 2 20 8. . IOSI IHO .74T ISO .IOG0 220 10. .1104 S41 . HK ) 1 M 5 10.TI 22.1 10.U. . . FH1 : i50 . 71X1 1 HO 1 . 780 2 25 1. ! ) 3 , TO . M7 1 IU 1 H'JO 2 5 111. .078 II .TO . ! WO 200 4 h(12 ( 225 . ' { . .IWO 370 . 7 ! ) 200 19. . h(12Ml 2 4i ! O. .104i : 370 .1000 200 1. 830 250 1. .1S8' ' ) 375 .VM 200 1 843 275 1. .I1.V ) U 7T . WO 20) 8 1002 273 II. .1105 373 . 7c5 2 IK ) 4 INT 275 7. . 10-2 II 85 . 800 200 4IS ! )7fl ) 2 00 1. .1IMU 400 .1010 200 1. . 1(150 ( 300 3. .1160 400 IIUM.9. .1(05 ( 220 12fiO 283 1. . 1800 . ' 173 .I490 2 W 1..1.VJ 2 85 l. l.SSO II 75 .1TIII SU.1 1..14M ) 325 1. .I5SO 373 ,14'lfl ' 275 1. 14IO 350 1. .1890 425 .K'0 270 101.1 3 50 STOCKKHS AM ) rGGICR9. ) : ioo n. . 7 % 32.1 : w. . oio 350 .7M ! l 15a 5. N 340 14. . KI7 3k1 . C-'O ' a ) 22 . KVI 345 10. . U44 303 1IK1FKIIS. K)0 ) 355 CALVES. 40 0. . 430 4 25 OXE.V. . in..lj23 ( 350 STAOS. 1..1I70 373 VE3TKIIN O.VTtr.E , No. Av. I'r. White , V-Sons Co. , 40 cows , hav feil 1012 J2 55 105 cows , liny fed 1003 323 20 steers , hay fed isoo 3 U > 1711 steers , hay fed 1142 415 Standard O , Co. cows. . , oil 250 cows 1093 423 Jl. K. , t.T. Mathews- 4M stecrs , buy fed 1200 421 M steers , hay fed , . . .j. . . 1150 4 25 ra stcurs , buy fed , . . . . ) . , , 1-10 ' 4 45 lions. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av ; Sh. I'r. No.SO. 114. ' ' Io2 243 $4 00 SO. , .108 ire $ i.v , ' ! ! . 's.4o 123 4 2 , ) 7.- . . , . -04 HO 4f > . - > Kl. . . . . .101 hO 4 7.fifl. . . .IICJ 80 4 CO 40 . . . . .181 240 4 II5 7.r. , . ' . ' 20 ino 400 ( M ! , . . . 17:1 : 40 4 35 .5- . .r- ? r.'o . 400 1 7. , . . . 149 40 4 40 .5n . .r32 4(11) ( ) 88. . 38i 120 4 40 n , . ' . ' 7i ; 120 4 GO 7JJ. . . , . .177 4 40 no , . . ' . 11 210 4UO 81. . . . . .172 440 73. , .2:0 : 120 4dO 100 . . . .178 100 4 40 t7. * . . J07 120 4 CO 10. , . . . .144 440 en. . .205 100 400 78 , . . . .ICO 4 45 oa. . .201 4C5 8J. , . . . .17U 80 445 , . -48 4C5 74. . . . . .100 4 50 . .265 SO 405 4 . . : no 4 50 71 . 2411 83 4 < V > No. " Av. Pr. 202 western owes , shorn . lot J160 0 .71.171.1 n'MlOLKSAliK M.IUKKTS. COPPER Oroen Hlo , 22 J2le : .lava. 27o ; Mocha. 28c. Hoasted Arliisn , 2(1 ( 1-IOu ; Mc- J auitlilln. XX.XX. 2i-10c ( ( ; llunola. ' , ' (1 ( 1-IOc ; llcrinan. 2 ? > ao ; Dllworth's , 2ie ( : Lion , 20 MOe ; Cordovla , ail-IOc ! Mocha , : ile ; O. (5. . lava , .Ho ; Collce essunuo Vt KIO. boxes , tl.i3lr : > 3 ; ehlu- ory. ory.NUTS 1'cr pound Almonds , 18o ! llrazlls , 13e ; lilboits. Lie ; pecans , itritlo : ( ; walnuts , 15c : Iiennuts , fuiioy whlti' , Ce ; ro.isted , 8c. DIIIKII I'liutTS Turkish pruiies , loss than hluls. ISOO , Do : apples , evuporate < t , new rhiK , eholce. ISc ; aprleots , funey , In saclis , 20c ; hlaokberrles , new. Do ; raspuuri les. 23 Ibs to hex , 32u ! currants , new , 5Je ! ; Votlril currants , o\tni. In ho.\es , ( Hie ; poaches , Cal . choice , 17'ic ; California dried crapes. In haps , re ; sccdlKvi Sultanas , sacks , lOe ; inuscatols , ( i e ; new Va'i-ncla.hc ; Ondnra , layer , " 0 ; ll s , layers - ers , 145i20c : citron , Leghorn , 'JJo ; lemon peel , 'SALT Dairy. SSOlIu In bills , bulk.f.MO ; best crades , ( i05s , iJ.40 ; best Krade. IHO Us , $ . ' .50 ; hcst grade , 28 10s , jiioj rock salt , crushed $2.10.HAKINO HAKINO I'owiiKH Hnynl , illino cans , pordor OSoi 'i-tbcans. tl.45j li-lbeain , J2. ( j 1-lbeans J3.00 ; I'rlco's. "i-lh eans , | | . : i3i ' ,5-lb cans. | . ' .3) l-lbeiinsl.75j oilier lilnils , 1-lb cans , perdoz ll.WKiW.M.I. CiiAOici.113 Soda , Cc ; oyster , 5'ic ; cream 8'/ic ' ; Kinder snaps 8tc ! ; 10 percent oil' on 10- box lots. Wiixi'i'lNO I'M'KH I'er Ib , best straw , 11\18 tot\44 : ; , 1'iUi dry tioods , 4i'o ? : extr.i qunllty iniiiilllii , i.ijo : inanlliii ton , rJx8 ! , lc ) ; dark ras hai-dware , 2 > ie. OILS 150 jirlmo white. Oo ; 1TO w.itor white lUiu ; headlight. 13c ; 74 Rasoll no. IMic. O eans 1 gal , feUiUQa. " 2 | ? al , } J.7303bU ; a ga * i 00. VKOKTAIILES Toniatoes-3-lh , $1.10 611.1 % . Com Very llrte , JI.205SI.2.T ! t-lbsiiirur $1.13 : 2-lb Ktandiird' > estorn brands , | f.io Sliishrooiiis 1-lb Kioneh , extra flno , 2225o 1-lh French , line , lMi''u : l-lli Krenuh , ordi nary , KiOlM' . 1'easi'JliuarlyJ tine , fl.93 ; 2-11 Mnnnw , standard Ijrand.s , Ki.lD11) ; soaked 70c , French peas per * ease of 100 , Jl.5wa2.00 purduz. Strlni ; beans 2-b | lil li urado , OOe 2-lb \ vnhenils. . aio ( 2-lb Mrliiir bo.uis , 80e l.lina liu. IMS 'J-lb > ( i , lel. 8To. Hoitou baked lie , ins 3-b | , } l. .VUr53. rjweet potatoei Jl-ll New JQII.OV , tl.5U ; 1Mb okni and tomatoes 81. ( IT ; 3-lli ukra , tl.Olj tiaparasus , ll-ll ) , * . ' .H.Vii 3.7. } ; rhubarb , 3-lb , 1 40 ; kuccotash , Ji.-'O'iO 'JionA l'tekaes , 00"lbs to box , syoj Kegs 4ic. ! Tn8 Japan , basUqt fired , 2013c ; snndrloj , : iTQ45o ; Kreeii. 205J.VVI1. puniiowder , 20ffl5'o ' Inoiikfiist. ; v'LT5c ( : Voiliif , ' Hyson , 203 IJ5cj UoloiiK , 25Q < 5ii ; 2 Tt > ) mckaiO dust. 15c. Axi.K UUKAHK I'or uross-Krailor's tins , f.'U.U ) ; niedliini tins. f-'T.OO ; hinall , other inalios , wooa * 5i.vS.50. HUCKINO 3 dnz Inmx \ , : ,05J73o ! ladles' she dtesslni , ' , 45e < 3l.00j stove polish , pur cross J..O < iii.50. : lll.i'iNl-Lhiild ( | , 4 07 'I doi In box , lJeQl.75 ) 8oz , ildiuln box , jl,5 > U2.73 ; dry , small , ' . ' .To larni' . 4.V. Si'it'us I'opuer Plneaporn , sifted , ISlilOo shot. 2.'o ; allNplce , lOu ; ulovea. I'OIKHIK. ueleet i'il , ITWI'K ' : ; cassia , China , 4-lh mats , lkj nut IIICKS. No. 1. 75oj macusMir , oicj jiickllnt ; splees 10-fl ) boxei , 2.V. CMOLOIATK , KTO. 1Mb boxes. 3lft- ; ner iniin s eet. 2M2lo ; cocou. IKXiilooi llroino , : U't CoroAMTT l.Vlb CIIM'S , H and 'i-lliimuUuHo- , per Ib. l f,27o ; hull , , 15-lli pulls. v.Tc. DLivm-Qiinrtt. per do11.00 : p'nt . pc dof. . ' . . ' > 0i bulk , pur eal. * I.-U Ollvo oil , J plnls , 2 dopur case , II.50Q.VJO. .MAi'LKMumii-I'erlb fxiisakes. 30-lb boxes Hct I0ocal en. : ni-lli boxes , Kite : Mb bricks , 3. Ibs In bopure. . Ho. . llnooMhtliiiarlnr | , ? 1.0D ; 4-tlo , { 2.73 ; 3-tle t22T ; : i-tlt > . plain , tl.M ) ; waruhuuao , k'J.W ; to > 11,2.1 ; MhUk , l.lOUfil.23. OAl'-Castlle , inotllcd , per Ib. ICc ; do white i.erlb. Hi- : laundry knap , per If ) bars , HIM 5.U ) ; sha\lnii > oap. N io7.Hj perduz ; toilet soai ' , . , . . AiUNU-iroi'H Uoourtllarley. . 4o ; farlim Kelts. J.VOO ; split peas , 201 ureeii pens. Scjout- uiuu ) , bbU , Vj.'XM.M ; halt bbla , lacaronl. lie ) vermicelli. He : nco nnrt tnp' ' . ca. WliHio : Minn beam. 5 it' ! euroiitlno , I.L24I naked hominy , 'l'scj ' p'sarl hominy. (0.50 per bbl. bbl.I.VK I.owU' perfumed. H.M : KM Cross , f4.23 | American IJ.'i'i Sapoiililer , Jl 251 Merry Wnr , H.WStar , scrubbing , $1.73 ; Ulllott's pow- ilrn-it , M.i'i , MII.K Condensed Htmle , } 7.40 ; Crown , M.S.T > ! Anslo ? wlsi , J0.70 : American Swiss , jr.Wi lllirhluml. W.I5I "Hlgl , " M.on. KXTMAiTs-l.omon. 2 m , McSMI.SOj 4 oz. 11.00 ffHUW : vanilla , it or , B.ViJW.i'O ' ; 4 ot , tlyi&\Ki\ \ Jamaica Klngcr , 4 or , ll.s\ MATCitKS-rnrlnr. 200 and 300 per boxl.6\ ( $1.70 ; sulphur , tl.l.Vttl.lK ) . CANIIV-Mixed : , : w-lb pall , 8'O. ' { Voj stick , 8'H1 ' : twist stick , Po ! French mixedKl'ioi hoar- hound < tlck , 8'tu ' ; jar nnd cn e candlrs , n-lb boxes , isw.'lc ; extra flno goo Is. .V > ftG.e. . lliiusiiKH Shoe , per do/ . Jl.-Vttl.lO ; dnubcr < , 7.V" < ( tf | .otl | scrub brushes. uVQlli.U' ' . HiUDSKKii Mixed bird , 1-lb packages , r > ci cnniiry. 4ict ! lionip , 4'fl'l ' anls ? . f.Vj , CAMII.KS 10 Ibs to box. l ) ! > ci iiilnln ; , ICO lOUc ! wax , lie. ToiiACCd1'lno cut , per Ib. "VJKTc : plus. 52 Cl'hu ; smoking , 22Wlu ; funey brands , 00c ® MuiAMK1 * 'I bbls-N. O. fancy , per gal , 46 ® 4"c : chiilcc. tWIln ; ! good,2 'IUe ; Cuba , baking , itVitnutii blnckstriip. IT&'i.'o ! syrup. HO grade , bbls , akj ; US bbl , V ! c ! 4-Kal ke s , * l.24 | a-jrul kits , R7c. VINKOAH Apple elder , lOos double older , ISci whlto wine , 12c ; triple strength , 19c. STAiicii-rcrib , OOJ-'C. 1'lKCl.KS Medium , bbls , HOO : small , tlO.OOi ghorKlns. fll.oo ; Iloston mixed , (12.00. KICK Java , ( Jo ; choice , fccj fancy. Gel head , cltWu-Pcr 1 > hl , roflned. tfi.M ) ; half bbl , : i : > 0. TWIMN , CuitiiAdK. KTC. Cotton twine. "Illbb , " very line , ' -Ib bales. " "Jocotton ; twlno XX brand , Q-Ib bales iscj hemp twin" , U-lb bales , ISc ; sail twine. 20o : oandlo wick. Sio\ \ 40-foot cotton clothes line , Jl. 0 ; AJ-fool cot ton clothes line , il.V ( > ; Oil-foot sis il lines. fl.TJ ; CO-footJute , II.S'i ; wool twines , fltie : Manilla rope , all sl/ci froin7-lU to I In , I2oi .sisal rope , all sires from 7-1(1 ( to 1 In , So : "new process , " all sires fiom 7-10 to 1 In , T'.ie ' ; collon rope , ' 4- Ciri-KSE I1. C. twin lint" , pcrlb. 12 4ci K. 0. i oung American. I'"iu ; doniesllc Hwlss ITiUc ; brick , lie ; Kdam. In foil , cuuli , JI.OO. \VOlENWAHK ) l'erdo/cn Tubs. No. I , t SO ; "o. 2. KM ; No. II , fiV ) ; kcelor. oak craln , fl-ln , edar'I brass hoops , No 1. all led , J5.50 ; cedar , ( brass hoops , No. 2 rod , $3.0J ; cedar , M brass loops , No. 1 striped. f.T.00 ; yllirasi : hoop" , N'o 2 striped. fl.M ; horse , extra lieavy. No. 1 , } ; ' .75 ; Hell hnekets , JJ.2.1. Illittorw Tubs , ash , 3.neh | , > ier nun , TL'C ; ash , 2-neh ! , 2 larue ilii * , per nest ; 45e ; butter ladles , hard wood , "Oc ; butter padiiles or spades , 70e. Wash- joards-Slnslo. ( l.4Ki ( ! J.)0 ( ) ; double. $2.50iti.2j. : Clothespins 5 i-rots boxes , GOe , KITOAII Granulated , 5'tc : culje' , 5Se ; rut oaf. 8'4e ; powdered , standard , 5vic ; XXXX itiwdoruil. Oc ; yellow c , 4'ie ; canary , 4ae ; lirlit extra ( ' . C c ; confootloniTH1 A. O'it'- UANNKU I-'IIUITS California Aprleots. 82.53 GSM' peat-lies. $ i7.V2.2.1W ; peais , J..Tj < a2.70 ; grades , JI.KVBI.1K ) ; cherries , white. tJ1.30 42.75 ; cherries , bl.iek , t2.25'il2.50 ! iiulnces , 2.0o ; black- lorries , J2.25 ; raspberries. M.OJ ; struwburrlcs , : . ' .00 ; currants , J2.2ili'ooselrrrle' ; ) > , J2.23 ; plums , e Ks , $1.851. T ; plums , xreun ( taKes , tl.h.V3 .05. Knstern canned fruit Punches , seconds , 2.202. 0 ; apples , 3 Ib , jl.M ; al , ! i doz In ease , > l.75 ; Kooselierrlcs. llaltlmoru standard , 2 Ib , ' 1.10 ; strawberries , tl l" > ; raspberries. (1,50 ; ilueberrles , 81.30 ; red raspboriles. ( l.M ) ; blaok- burrles , tl.Ol ; cherries , ; pineapples , sliced. tI.v.l M.4'J. ' Vcsctablcp. POTATOES Homo grown slock , 11.15 ; Colorado - rado , JI.3U per tin. PIE PLANT 1'erdo0075o. . CAUi.iKi.owru 1'erdo.50. . Si'iNACH 1'cr bbl , K.dO. I.KTTUCK Choice stock , 4045c. HUTAIIAOAB Michigan stock , per bu , COc. HKKM Pnr bbl , J2.75 < Sj.OO. : ONIONS Eastern stock , per bbl , J0.50 ; Span- sh , IIITKO crates , W. UAHHOT8 I'er bbl , $2.25. UKI.FKY Michigan stock , 40O4.TC ; California , porclo$1.00. . SWKKT PoTATOCR-ChoIco stock Is hold at ( ! . . " > ( ) tier bbl ; seed potatoes. J2.75 per bbl. ItAiiisiti.n I'er dobnnchcH , 45c , PAiiasii'S I'or bbl , f.'I.OA UAiuum : I'or Ib , S't'il'JVc. ' OucuMiir.H.s Per doJl.50ffi2.00. . Cni.Kiiv HOOTS I'er < lo75c - HE\xs-C holcu stock. fJ.OO. Frexli Fruits. OHAXOES Navels , $5.0033.25 ; riverside , $ 'J.23 ; luartcand rlveras , iM 00 ; l.oa Angeles , S2.50 ; 1'lorlda russet. 83.50. AI'i'i.KS Scarce ; choice stoek , I6.00.50. JNlALtdA OllAl > KS--l1orbbl , JI2.10. UIIANIIEIUIIKS Hell & Cherry , HO.00 ; crates , $4.50. GiiAl'E KilUlT Per box , 11.30 ® 1,75. Country Produce. Yesterday's market was practically without any change In prices. The receipts though not lieavy were Just about eoual to the de mand. EGOS The general market for fresh eggs wan 12c. UUTTKII Receipts not largo and prices Qrm , The best country roll wont at axifr.'c. POULTHY Choice chlekenslX310u ; ducUs und geese , 10@l2c ; turkeys , l.Kai5c. GAMK A few ducks received but quality very poor and demand light. Small ducks , tl.aSffll50i mallards. SJ.SO. Flour. n. T. DavlsMlllCo. . high patent. No. 1 and Cream , $2.80 ; Hluo 1) ) . full patent , J2.53 ; Hawk- eve , half patent , JJ.40 ; special royal patent. No. 10. Sl.OO ; Minnesota patent , J2.8J ; Kansas hard wheat patent , e..Oj ; Ncuraaka spring wheat patent , $2.00. Oskamp's ready to rise buckwheat flour. $4.25 per ease of 5) ) 2-lb packages ; buckwheat , In bbls , N. Y. , $0.00 ; Kxcolslor brand. $3.50 : Slapjack meal , $ .1.73 per case of 50 2-lb pack ages. Omaha Milling Co. Itellanco patent , J2.00 ; Invincible patent..75 ; I.one Star Superla tive , $2.40 ; Snowllake , (2.UO ; Fancy 1 umlly , S.Jr. Oilman's Oold Jlednl , K. < W ; Pnow White , J2.W ; bnowllake , * MO ; low grade , $1.00 ; brau , 121 .Olf. Misce lancoim. HONEV Choice , lib frames 1WS2IC. LIME , CKMKNT. KTC. On board o.irs nt Omaha I'er bbl A"h ( Jiovo llmu , ! Uu ; Champion llme,85o : Qulncy white,80e ; l.oulsvllloconient , 81.53 ; Milwaukee cement$1.45 ; Utlea cement , $1.40 ; Kngllsh Portland coment. J.1.45 ; New Vork plaster , $ . ' .25 ; Michigan plaster. $200 ; Tort Dodge pliistcr , $1,05 , ; white sand , P.I1. hair , per bale , $1.00 UoAii On board earn at Omaha Anthracite Chestnut , range and egg , M.25 per ton ; prate , $8.00. Soft coal Ohio , * 5.75 ; Southura Illinois , $4.50 ; Walnut block , JJ.'JJi Iowa lump , 41.15 ; Iowa nut , IJ.C3. IltDEriFrozen hides , 5o ; No. 1 green salted hides , syffiGc ; No. 2 green salted hides , 5c : No. 1 KI-COII halted hides , 25 to 40 Ibs , MXWa ; No. 2 green sailed hldi-s , 23 to 40 Ibs. 44cU ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , 7e ; NO. 2 ve.il calf 8 to 15 Ins , 5c ; No. rdry Unit hides , 7ffl7tc ! ; No. 2 dry Mint hides , 5Vie ; No , 1 dry salted hides , 5 ( siGe. siGe.TAI.LOW AND OIIEASK Tallow No. 1 , 3Ji < 4o ; tallow No. 2 , : iUfiHio ( : ; grease , white A , 3'40 ' 3'ie ; eionse white II. IKS-lUo : crease , yellow , 2J c ; grease , dark , S4.c : old butter , 22lic ; beeswax , prime , 10ffi20c ; rough tallow , 1 > 4 134C , 'HONKS IN OAH LOTS O.NI.V Ury bulTalo , per ton , JIG.OlKSKOO : dry country , bleached , per ton , J10.00 < aiui0 : ; damp and meaty , per ton , $8,0010.00. Theseiirlccsare forbones weighed and delivered In Chicago. WOOL Kansas , Nebraska and Territory Unwashed'-l'lno average 12 to 15. eholce 15 to 10 ; medium ave rage 18 to SO , cholqo 2J to 24 ; quarter blood average 17 to 20 , choleo'JO to 12 ; coarse avoiago 15 to 1(1 ( , choice 10 to US : eotts and rough average 12 to 14 , choice to 13 ; snedy or hurry 12 to 14 ; black I.T to 17 ; bucks and \ery lieavv line 10 to 12. Pnwashed coiaL- Ing nnd delame. 1'lno delaine A vorago 14 lo 10 , choleu into 18 ; medium delalno average 'M to 21 , choice 20 to2.'s medium combing average 20 to SI : nuartor blood combing avoia'0 ' 17 to 18. choice 18lo20 ; coarse combing luoingu 15 to 17 , choice 17 to 18 ; braid a\orago 13 to 14. choice 15 to 111. Tuli WHi.hol ( Choice 28 to M ; average 23 to * J8 ; coal so 2J to 25. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING ? Tl.o man who keeps Mt stomach In ttnl- olasseonilltlon all the time , 1 ? tlio only man who btaiicls a chance of siic-ccbH In life. The wealthy K' ' ) to CarUbad to euro their Indiges tion.Vecannotall go to puitaku of the llfe- glvlng waters of the faniotm Sprudel , hut wo can have the watois hrought to us , or wo inn iih the KPinilno Uar.shail Spriulcl HnltH , wlilcl Is imported fiom Carlsbuil , andean be obtain ed of any lollahlu drugglHt. They are tin concent rated poner of th water Itself. They h.ivethe Biinin olleet upon tin ) hystcni. 1 01 nUtllsonluMoflliontoiiinch. Ihurund Uldnoys the guniilno Carlsbad Hnrudel halt Is wilhoiil eutial. Uls specially benollclal for ohionlo constipation , gouty anil rhuiiinutlu ulTeetlons IluHiiiutnohtulii tlio genuine article , whlcl lin.Mthoso.il of the city of ( tailhliad ami the signature of "Kluncr .t Jlendclhon , LgoiitH 0 Barclay sticet , Now Yoi'K"on tivory bottle WANTED Total le ue of CITIES , I COUNTIES , SCHOOL. f w wmJ DIBTRICTO. WATER COMPANIESBT.R.R.COMPANIES.oto ' isllcitcd. ( nrrrsi'ondfn'0 N.W.HARRIS & COMPANYBankers , IP1-I03 Deorliorn Street , CMICAQO. 10 Wall Street , NEW YORK- 70 Ktate StBOSTON / P. T , HUGHES , Wholesale Cash Commission Merchant , Klirln ami'o torn rrcamory liuttor , ei ! o and dura leaf Inril , vVlvam.'ei cm lou on track , ware houioor initoru nt bunk rutD . Ul'j und liXt IClh lU UuuTCr. Colorado. 0. A. Stonehill , I. Oborfolder & Oo , , Mllllnerr , Notions Importers nnd Jobbers In Ulnaki , Kto .Mllllnerr. SOS.SlOund 2IJ South 11th 11C-II3 S. ICth St. , Omaha Mrect. MUSIOAL INSTRXJMHNT3 , ETO Mej Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. , il'IK Jonplers , dpnlom In I'lanoi , Orgnm , ArtlJt' musical Instruments , etc. , Materials , Kto. , Fnrnum and ICth. I'M DouiflM Street , OEMBNT AND LIME. J. J. Johnson & Co. , 218 S. 13th Rtroit , Omaha , Neb. OILS. | OYSTERS. Consolidated Tank A. Booth Packing Oo. , Line Oo. Oyatori , Osh and canned Kuods. Hoflned nnd oils , axle Kreftso , oto. 1308 Loavcuworth. A. II. Ulihop , IHnitfer. PAPER. | PLATING. Oarpontor Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'ks ' Corrr a full stock of Uold , sllror and nlcksl printing , wrapping nnd plating on all motoli. tatilowarv , etc.roplat d. writing paper , card pa IMllihlnKlirnis A clmn- per , eta. dollcr work. 1114 Doilitc. PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Eibbel & Smith , Bchrooder & Oo. , Dealers In counlrj prod- Cash buyers butter anJ ucc , fruits , vegetables , eggs , anil gene-mi roai- etc million merchants , 1207 Howard atreot. 3 South llth atrcet RUBBER GOODS , BTO. Omaha Rubber Oo. , Manufacturing anl Job- bora nil Umlj rubbjr KOO'Is. 1003 Farnnm ntroot. BBED3. Emaraoa 830 : ! Oj , , 8eod uro\rors , de ilan In Knrdon , i rAis , ientlnaa4 trou n'O 1 ( , IJl-121 Houth 15th. SASH , DOORS , BLIND3 , B TO. M. A. Dishrow & Oo. , Bohn Sa3b 4 Door Jo. Utnufncturern of mtali , Mnnnfncturorj nf nioij | < duo n. bl 1 ncli und . Ing , , Lillnii , ( loon. Mouldings llrnnrhof- uto. tcv , K'Ui And Iiarl ati. Ifith nn.l Clark utrojti. SYBUP3. I STOVES. larrell & Oompiny , Duffy-Trowbridrj Whole slo mnnfacturorj ijrups , iaoln 809 and vlnexur.f , Mnnufactur'ir tovo < ml tttorti [ > lpj. 21T-219 South 8th itreot TEA , OOFPEE3 , SPIOES , CIGARS. Consolidated Company , 1111 and 1118 Itnrnor it. OnmUa. Nob. STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U. B. Wind Engine & A , L. String & Sons , Pump Oo. , 1CKW-IWI Knrnaiu itroaU IlallMar windmill' . 9U niul VS > JononU ( J. F. Uaiulia , Nob. TOYS. | TYPE-WniTERS H , Hardy & Co. , Typo-wfitora , Torn , ( loll , iilbiinifiino/ too < ] , hou ufurnl liln < ( ISnnitliO A II. I'crrlzo Jl t'o catnlu uo fioj Itoodi , chllJron' * c/ir 1315 J > oto rttrrel. ilauci. UI9 Karnamat. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCKYARDS CO. . .LIMITED. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Co M-W KiUianKU Uulldlui , Soulh Omaha. iTj. inanr. Iluutori Green , & Oo , , 30KioLian o IlulUlDi WK boulh Omul ) * . kiaulh Oniulia , OMAHA ' and Jolte' DIRECTORY. laiLLIARDaj BIOYCJLES7 The Bmnawick-Bilko A. H. Porrigo&Co Oollander Oo. llllllnrd nl ( < rch n l , All Stake' , All 1'rlcci , All S.ilnnn flituroi Purl * . 407. IOVS loth itrool , Uui.thn. ISIS Doitgo street. DOOK BINDERS & STATIONERY . _ _ - " - - - - " - - - - - - -I" -l-l uLXIJJJJJxjr ! jlw TUTn-LI - rtTlJVTJ T-riJ- Omaha Ropubllcan Printing Oo , , Uw bilcft , b.ink ( uppllns , nt ciclitni ! la tbl printing lln * . 10th nud PouKln itrood. Ackermnnn Bros. & Dcintco , Pilnt rs binders , l otrotrp rJ , bUnk book m nu fuctureri , ItlCIIowsrJ ntrojt , DOOT3 AND 3HOHS. Oharlcs A. Ooo & Oo. , KirkcndallJonei & 0o , John L. W-.lkio , Louis Holler , PmRhapiporbox fuctorr , utclipM1 i\nrt 1'iekerV 131J-I3I9 Doiiul.ii. Tooli A Punpllx llatf , IIOK A hccp ca lliz . Onlcr promptlr tlllot . IlIG-lllJ JncKiou Ht.