Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Henry Slngamon lins filed n complaint
charging Henry IJulnnor with stealing
ten KCCBO nnd two ytuj'lors ' , vnlucd ntSlH ,
Frank Llvcrlngliouao of Grand Island
1ms been appointed to the railway mall
service. Uo has not yet boon assigned
to a run.
Blemishes destroys the charms of the
most perfectly modelled face , remove
them by using Spanish Court Crcnui , for
lalo by all druggists.
Prank Woolloy , superintendent of
buildings for the board of education ,
ivns called to Kcokuk Saturday by n tol-
ernm announcing the death ofhis
J. E. Hill of Valentino refused to buy
n government stamp to sell tobacco und
was gathered In by a deputy United
Btatcs marshal. lie guvo bonds for his
appearancoat the next term of court.
The following uoiiHltfnniuiits passed
through the customs house yesterday :
Two barrels anil u box of seeds , for P. S.
Luku of Hhomimloiih , la. ; ono case of
clothing from Germany for Browning ,
King & Co.
T. M. IJcchtelholinor of Ayr , Adams
county , was arrested by the United
States marshal Saturday night for neg
lecting to obtain a stamp to soil liquor.
Ho gave bonds for his appearance at the
next term of court.
Wltloy B. Ulxon , an old settler and
well known In Omaha , died yesterday
of congestion of the brain. Ho was
at ono tlmo a partner of Colonel Floyd ,
In the liquor business , and. later was
omplo.vcu as a policeman at the union
The fourth and last lecture of the
"Hillside" course will bo delivered In
the Congregational church , Thirtieth
ana Ohio strcatH , on Tuesday evening ,
March ! ) ! , byJ. E. Cowgill. Subject ,
"Tho Yesterday , Today and Tomorrow
of Civilization. * '
William Collins Is a living Illustration
of the doctrine of total depravity. Jlis
Bister and aunt are running a house of
ill-fame at the corner of Eighth and
Dodge streets , and ho makes a practice
of Hollcltlng patronage for the place. It
was for tliis that ho was taken into cus
tody , and Jutlfro Ilolsloy gave him
thirty days in the county jail.
Jordan Combs Is another Individual who
resorts to similar practiced to secure a
livelihood and ho was likewise sent up
for thirty days.
' Gentle spring" losoi mnny of Its terrors
when tbo system Is fortllled by tlio use ot
Ayer's Sarsnparllln. With multitudes this
wonderful toulc lUtcrailvo has IOHR super-
Boded nil other spring medicines , belncovory-
whcro recommended by physicians.
C.S.Raymondjo\volorromovcd to tem
porary locationN.E. cor. Douglas & 10th
You can easily satisfy yourself if in
terested , and you ought to bo if house
keeping , that the Original Now Process
improved for 1891 Is superior to imita
tions. The original and genuine Now
Process is sold only by Milton Kogors
& Sons , corner 14th nnd Farnam streets.
Solo agents for Omaha and South Omaha.
Charles Imntlroclc's Funeral.
The funeral services' over the remains of
the Into Charles Lnndrock were hold at
the family residence , corner of Howard
and Seventeenth streets at 2 o'clock yesterday
The occasion called forth a very largo at-
ton dan co , for the ucceasod had resided In
Omaha since 18(5(1 ( ( , and hud a great many
friends and acquaintances.
Tbo societies and fraternal organizations
which took part in the ceremonies , nnd which
were largely loprcsontcd were : The Old Set
tlers' association , the Knights of Honor ,
Oddfellows , and the Concordhv singing so
ciety. The dccossod was a much respected
member of them nil.
Hov. Henry Kuhns and HOV. Turkic of the
Lutheran church officiated in the ministerial
The llorul offerings were romarltably beau
tiful. Among the more noticeable
pieces wore , a harp of roses and
pmllax by thoConcordhi Sliming society ; a
triaiiRlo of tube roses and stnllax by the lady
Knights ot Honor ; a pillow of pinks
nnd roses by the Knights of Honor
nnd numerous stars , wreaths nnd other do-
Glgns by intimate friends of the rnmlly.
The remains were Interred In Prospect
Hill cemetery.
The deceased was in business on Howard
Btrcot for many years nnd was quite succss-
ful la the harness nnd saddlery lino. Iln
was flfty years and eleven months
old nt the time of a oath nnd loaves
n wife , but nochlldron , their only son having
died sovcral years ago.
Wontlicr Probabilities for Mnroh.
If March comes in Hko a lion It will go
out llko a lamb and vlco versa , Bui
every day in the month , rain or shine ,
the electric lighted , steam heated , vos-
llbalod limltod trains of the Chicago ,
Mllwukoo & St. Paul railway will run ,
between Omaha and Chicago. The oloc-
trio berth reading lamp in their palace
Bleeping1 cars are the greatest novelty of
the ago. Ticket otllco , 1501 Farnam st. ,
On Wednesday nnd Thursday evenings of
this wcolr , Mr. Stuart Robson nnd an nblo
company of players will occupy the boards of
Boyd's ' opera houso. He will open with his
now play which was written specially for
him by Messrs. Archibald I ) . Gordon and Ad
Corbott , "Is Mnrrmeo a Failure. " Mr. Hob-
Bon tnkes the part of Horace Kent , n stock
broker , and his acting in this character Is
spoken of ns ouo of the brightest and most
interesting bits of work he has over dono.
On Thursday evening the cleverest work of
the brilliant author , IJronson Howard , "Tho
Henrietta , " will bo presented.
Among the many novelties presented in
"Tho Water Queen , " Bolossy Klralfy's latest
nnd most successful spectacle , which Is to bo
presented nt the Iloyd Friday , Saturday and
Sunday next , are the original and only
jDnics. jiroinler t'vnjnats.from the Paris
hlppouromo and uoyiil aijuarlum , London.
They present ono of the most daring and
ClfUcult and nt tho' same tlmo unique and
lileaslng gynastlu acts over attempted on the
horizontal bar. Thsir performance is so bo-
wililorlng it Is nard to uoscribo , and must bo
seen to bo appreciated.
Ono of the strongest situations in "Jose
phine , Empress of the French1 the famous
play in which Mllo. linen will appear at the
Boj'il on Monday and Tuesday next , is the
meeting between the rival empresses Jo-
scphUio nnd Marie Louise. The play has
been somewhat reconstructed alnco its last
performance-lioro.iuul castorn critics speak
approvingly of the slight change.
Ono of the greatest curiosities of the ago is
now on exhibition at the Eden Musce. The
woolly face b.iby is ono of nature's own
JrcuUs. The child is well developed , healthy
and bright , but has a coat of line silky ileoco
covering lu head , neck and entire body.
tSbo Is n perfect wonder and is proving a
drawing caul. Stronika , the great Uussliui
Illusion , unfolding a poetic love story Into
n realistic occurrence. Tnls illusion is the
grandest yet produced. The Silurian quartette -
totto of swcot voiced singers reader n roper-
tolro of charming love songs , ballads nnd
popular melodies. The Onheus quartette of
musicians rundor someplouslng music on
inamlolln , guitar and banjo , The specialty
people iii-o all good nnd help muko up a first-
class novelty entertainment.
When JUby wan IcV , wo gate her Cutorta ,
When Bite vuut n Child , die cried for Cutorta ,
Vfhca she beeiuno Mist , < ihe dun ) ; to Castorti ,
Ttoa sli had. Children ,
The Ohargo Made Against the Missouri
Pacific Freight Agent.
Burlington I'nsftcimcr ZVtcii Discuss
tlio llojrcott A I'Mfjht Over n Car
Gould's Wny Other
Knllrontl Notes.
The Immense amount of sugar being moved
in consetiucnco of tbo prospective romovnl of.
the duty on that important commodity on the
flrstof the month , has caused a lively scram-
blonn the part of the railroads to secure a
part of the tonnnRo. Consequently , It was
not surprising to hoar charges that rates
were bolnp cut. The sugar trust on Satur
day quoted n prlco frco on board in Now
Yorlt 81.50 per hundred pounds nnd free on
board in Omaha ? I.S3. Indicating
that n through rata ot 33 cants u
hundred , .pounds was being made , while
the tariff with the Intor-stato commerce com
mission Is 43 cents. ThHls based on the not
wclent of the supar with no allowance for
the weight of the packages In which It Is
shipped , consequently the rate Is cut from 12
to It cents a hundred Instead of 10 cents , as
appears on the surfnco. These rates nro
niado via the ICnnnwa Despatcn Fast Freight
line over the Chesapeake & Ohio
road , a Vanderbllt lluo , to St. Louis ,
and then over the Missouri Paclllo to Omaha.
Itlslcllovcdtnnt the Missouri Pnclllo par
ticipates In the cut und whllo the rate is 48
cents per hundred from Nnw York to the
Missouri river a tariff was quietly illod with
the Inter-stato commerce commission , naming
n 10 cent rate over this route. Private ad
vices were received by inuny of the roads
that the Inter-stnto commerce commis
sion had decided that , owTng to
certain technicalities nnd irregular form ,
the ID-cent tariff Is illegal. If it is estab
lished that the Missouri Paclllc was a party
to filing the 40-ccnt tariff or participates in
.ho cut thcro will bo a lively row at the
nectmg of the advisory hoarii of the West *
cm tratllo association In April. The shipments -
ments of sugar nro immense. Hnvomoyor
ilono will send over ono hundred thousand
Barrels from Now Yorlc In the next five days ,
and the lines which nro maintaining rates uro
Doing snilly worsted.
The Missouri Pncllle ofllciaU In this city
have nothing to say on the subject of sugar
rates. Ono of thorn obiorvod yesterday :
"Wo have the sui-ar and the other lines have
the information. "
How Over a Union I'aclllo Car.
A Union Pacific railway freight car was
loft Friday on a Joint Union Pacific and Hio
Grande Western track at Provo. The car
was loaded with llmo by a local shipper and
billed to Salt LaknCityvIn the Hio Orando
Western lino. The Union Paclllo agent for-
badothoKlo Grundo Western conductor to
take the car ; the Ilio Grande Western agent
countermanded this order , and ns the con
ductor was pulling out with the disputed car
in his possession the road was barred by a
Union Pacillc engine standing on the Hio
Grande Western main trnclc , a Joint switch
connection Being between the two roads. In
this position the two engines stood glaring at
each other for about two hours.
In the meantime the Union P.iciflc agent
secured a replevin for the cur and Colonel
DoJgo nnd Superintendent \Volby of the Ulo
Grand Western were telegraphed to at Tlus-
tlo station , about thirty miles distant. These
ccntlcmcn surveyed the situation and Supor-
fntcndent VVelby ordered the Union P.iclllo
engineer to back off and allow the Uio Gran do
Western train to pasa. "I nm watting for a
signal from the conductor,1' replied the engi
neer. The signal came not and after some
further purloylnga counter bond was secured
by the Uio Granao Western officials nnd their
train was allowed to pass. By this thno
Dodge nnd Welby had become aroused and
determined to tear up the switch connecting
the two tracks , which they at once proceeded
to do. There was some little skirmishing be
tween the mon of the two companies , but
finally the Union Pacillo forces wore with
drawn nnd the Hio Grundo Western mon
proceeded with the tearing up. Both sides
are at present watching each other very
Blr. Oould'BViiy. .
There Is no longer any doubt that Jay
Gould Is systematically handling nil his
railroad properties so that they will operate
as a harmonious whole irrospectivo.of any
damage that may seem to ho done to certain
parts , says tno Denver Times. The division
of trafllc from Omana to Kansas City is on
example of this. It is evident that Mr. Gould
Is resolved to carry freight , to the seaboard
by his southern system instead of carrying It
to Omaha and Chicago and letting the Van-
dorbllt lines take it the rest of the way. His
policy therefore assumes great importance
from being the llrst really heavy blow nt the
railroad supremacy of Chicago. It must not
bo forgotten cither that Mr. Gould now con
trols the Fort Worth road , the direct outlet
from the northwest to the Gulf of Mexico ,
and has only the Santa Fa between him and
a dictatorship ever an Immense tract of ter
ritory. But the Santa Fo Is a pretty big
concern , nnd it Is not bcllovcd he will bo able
to got bold ot it even if it is hard up.
Tlnycottlng the HurlliiRton.
Ilumors to the effect that the castorn trunk
Hues had mjtructed their ticket agents to dl-
vort through passoncor trafllo from the Bur
lington , In order to bring that road into the
now anti-commission paying ugroomcnt , have
been Hying pretty thick of Into , and General
Passenger Agent Francis of the 13. & M. ,
was asked if it was true that the
Durlington was paying commissions to
"Wo nro paying commissions to castorn
agents who sell through tickets over our
lines , nnd I do not believe the eastern trunk
lines will establish any boycott against us.
Wo are not violating any trafllo or other
agicumcut. The onstorn lines agreed among
thcmsolvcs to quit paying commissions and
nro not doing so , but now they are trying to
compel ouicr mics 10 uo tuc same innig.
They have notified all lines not to pay com
missions to eastern agents under penalty of
being boycotted , but I don't bcllove the tiling-
will amount to anything moro. than talit. "
Kotos and
It Is said that the February statement of
the Burlington will show a decrease of $500-
000 In gross receipts.
It Is stated on good authority that Jack
O'Horno , who has boon lu charge ot the
stockyards railway nt South Omaha , will bo
unpointed as acting master mechanic of tbo
Union Pacific at Portland shortly.
D. B. Burley , general agent of the Union
Pacific passenger department at Salt L.ake ,
and well known In ths ) city , is confined to
the hospital at Salt Lake with a combination
of In grtppo and an nbcoss in tbo ear.
Contracts have boon signed for the comple
tion of the Kansas CitrBcntonvillo k South
eastern road. This road will bo built in the
Interest of the Missouri Pncltlc , and give that
line the shortest route between Kansas City
and Memphis.
The snowstorm which broke over the west
ern p.xrt of the state yesterday caused some
embarrassment to railroad trafllc. About a
foot of snow foil In the west and northwest
and tied up the Elkhorn and B. & M. lines in
too Black lUlh. On the Union Pacillo be-
twcen ( ir.uiU Island nnd Cheyenne there was
some delay on account ot the storm , but all
the roads were open this morning and no fur
ther trouble anticipated.
Don't Pool Well ,
And yet you nro not sick ouough to consult a
doctor , or you refrain from so doing for fear
you will alarm yourself and friends wo will
tell you Just what you need. It is Hood's
Sursaparillu , which will lift you out of that
uncertain , uncomfjmablo , dangerous condi
tion , Into u stftto of good health , confidence
and cheerfulness. You've uo idea how potent
this peculiar medicine U in : nscs llko yours.
* AUoit ; Jmtgcs.
In the district court the criminal docket
will not bo tuUmi up until next week , owing
to the uhsenco of the ludgcs. At the present
tlmo Judgu Clurkiou Is in Burt couuty und
Judge Hopowoll will leave for Washington
couuty Wednesday.
St. Agnes' Kaster Services.
St. Agnes' church never before presented
such a flno and attractive appearance ns it
did Easter Sunday. The adornments on the
nltnr were magnificent. In recognition of
the happy festival of Easter , the auditorium
was suitably decorated for the occasion. The
celebrant nf hl h mass was the pfistor , Uov.
Father D. W .Morlnrty , an eloquent , forcible
and suitable sermon on the resurrection bolng
preached by Uev. Father Charles Nugent ,
The choir , consisting of MM. Eppcs Cory
at the organ , assisted by an orchestra under
leadership of Mr. Irvine , rendered St. Clnro's
mass In G In n very artistic und skillful man
ner , the several solo * being rondercdby mem
bers of the St. Agnes nuartctto. Mr. Thomas
J. O'Grady , tenor , sang the "Qul Tollls"
with great feeling nnd nbllltv. Mrs. Donnls
McCulley , soprano , saug "Kt Iticarnatus , "
receiving the pruiso nnd thanks of the large
congregation. Miss Mlnnlo Moriurty , whoso
swcot , soft volco nnd winning wnvs innko
her so popular , rendered tjio "Agnus Del" seas
as to charm ovorv car. ,
Before the sermon Mr. William D. Perry
sang "Vcnl Creator" to the delight of all.
Notrn Aliuiit till ! Olty.
Albert Oldo has gone to Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cornish hnvo returned
from Tckamnh.
Mrs. Hoyinan , wife of II. Hoymnn , is
among the sick ,
Patrick Powers of the Cudahy ham house
force is seriously ill.
Mrs. Daniel Condon who has been seriously
ill is slightly better.
Captain Franit K. Hart has boon laid up
for a week with fever.
Mrs. Frank T , Leo has gene to Auburn to
visit Mrs. Lee's ' sister.
Fred T. Fuller of Swift & Co. , has re
turned from St. Paul , Minn.
llonrv , son of Mayor and Mrs. William G.
Sloan , is down with mcaslos.
A false alarm of flro at 9 o'clock Sunday
night bronchi every body out on the street.
Kery W. Hunt , son of C. M. Hunt , lias
gene to Lincoln to matriculate in Coiner uni
John J , Gorman has tnlccn a gang of paint
ers to Ashland to palut Swift & Co's. Ice
City Clerk John J. IJynn li In Omaha at
tending the funeral of his aunt , Mrs. Kato
The examining hoard of the board of edu
cation , Is in session examining applicants for
teachers' certificates.
The social to have been given by the ladles
of the Christian congregation next Friday
night has boon postponed ono week.
Mrs. Wyman , wife of Cashier W. B. Wy-
nmn of the Union Paclllc , is suffering with a
severe attack of the prevailing sickness.
Mr. Stearns , clerk for Hollis E. Hoylo ,
after a continued illness for some wcoics/hils
sufllc'ently ' recovered to resume his position.
Peter Lind , residing on Eighteenth street
bc-tween Q and H streets , whllo at worK In
the Idlling gang at the Cudahy packing
houses , got the llttlo tingor of his 'left baud
caught In a chain and f ho end taken off.
The committees representing the various
courts of Foresters , without doing anything ,
adjourned to meet in Ancient Order of
United Workmen hall , Twenty-sixth and N
streets , Sunday afternoon , April 11 , at2UO :
A Mozart musical'society is being organ
ized by William D. Perry , assisted by Thomas
P. O'Grady. ' the elegant tenor of St. Agnes'
choir. The society will give n concert or a
series of concerts. This Judicious movement
is meeting with much encouragement by the
lovers of muslo in the cltv.
The AVcathcr.
The local signal service office has boon bo-
slegod nil Any with anxious inquiries from a
number of the fair sox , who are the fortunate
possessors of Easter bonnets , asking how
much longer this horrid weather was itolntr
to lost. Under the constant strain the telephone -
phone in the weather clerk's office became
Before this happened , however , the hearts
of many seekers after information were glnd-
oned by the welcome tidings that the weather
conditions were favorable for a pleasant day
tomorrow. The severe snow storm reported
yesterday prevailed ever the wojtorn nnd
northern parts of this state , the snow being
central at Sioux City. Heavy snowfall was
reported from the Missouri vnlioy.tno eastern
slope of the Hock'y mountains , the upper
Mississippi valley und Chicago , fn Colorado
the temperature was lower than nt any other
point , being from 10 = to 16 = above zero.
In the southwest higher temperature was
reported , accompanied by clearing weather.
Ilobbml u Ojprinn.
Lottlo t < ! e , the landlady of a disorderly
house on Capital avenue , was robbed of n
pair pf diamond earrings , brcmstpm nnd ring ,
Saturday evening. The stolen property is
vnlucd at $350. Tbe woman loft the jewelry
in her room and had gone Into the bath across
the hall. When she returned n , short
time afterward the articles were mlsslt.K.
Jolt Bates , the colored porter , and his friend ,
Georpo Smith , were seen leaving the room n
short time before by ono of the Inmates of
the houso. They were suspected of the theft ,
but when accused of it they entered n , vleor-
ous denial and left the houso. The matter
was reported to the police and the mon placed
under arrest. None of the missing Jewelry
was found in their possession nnd they i-o-
fused to tell where the diamonds were
Mtllitnry Matters.
Colonc > Conrad of the department of Da-
kotarcported at military headquarters yester
day and will proccoa to Fort Sidnny to tal
command of thoTwentyflrst Infantry succeed'
ing Colonel O'Bcirno in command.
Colonel O'Beirne succeeded Colonel Mor
row but died before ho reached the garrison
to which he was assigned.
Lieutenant Colonel George 1C. Brady , ol
the Seventeenth Infnntrv , has been assigned
to duty at Fort D. A. Ilussell , Wyo.
Private llichard Mollott of the hospital
coaps at Fort Sidney has boon granted a fur
lough of three months , beginning April t ) .
J5N JO Y ®
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , und acts
gcutly yet promptly on Uio Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem eflectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures Imliitual
constipation. Syrup of Figa ia tlio
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnsto and ac
ceptable to the .stomach , prompt in
its action nnd truly beneficial in its
effects , * prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend 1t
to nil and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for etilo in 50o
and SI bottles by all leading drug
giste. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it dn hand will pro-
euro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
SAN rnANOisco. OAI ,
\voitns , wouos.
WliulyVrnnjrte Over the IMumbltiR
Dop'U'tin-nt Investigation.
Another act in'tho ' great play of investi
gating Major Dtnnts , the plumbing Inspector ,
wixi cut on yostcrdny In the court house
basomont. Messrs. Hurillsh , Bechol nnd
Donnelly , the members of the committee ,
were slow In putting in an nppoarnnco nnd It
was 3 o'clock bofdro nctlvo operations begun.
But from that tlmo until the close It was In
teresting enough1 to suit any ono.
Both Dennis rtopatrlak , who preferred
the charges , nnd Major Dennis were repre
sented by lawyers , who for hnlf nn hour
fought a battle of words over whether wit-
ncjsos should ho oxnmlucd. Mr. Gannon ,
the lawyer for Donnls , raised the point that
as the mooting was called to hear iv deposi
tion of Governor Boyd's , no other business
could bo taken up. Tho' deposition hail not
been received ty the committee , nnd for this
rc.ison Onunon wanted' the charges dis
Mr. Evans , Fltzpatrlck's attorney , opposed
a dismissal and waived the deposition , nrgu-
IIIB that the Investigation ohould proceed.
T. J. Lowry , a witness who hud been sub-
pomncd , was called and sworn , but refused
to answer questions put by an attorney. Ho
said : "Tho lawyers can't play horsowith
mo , nnd I will refuse to answer their ques
tions. "
Mr. Bcchcl stated that the lawyer was
called simply to expedite business.
"It's nil \ \ fnrco , " continued Lowry , and
addressing his romarki to Bechol. said : "I
think you are pretty light welgtit If you have
to call lu an attornov to help you out on an
Investigation that you know amounts to
Mr. Burdish remarked tbnt Lowry wns.tho
man who ordered the Investigation , but now
wanted to perform the crawfish act.
Lowrv took cxcoptlous to this , nnd Inti
mated that , if any man said so , ho lied.
The four couucilmen then Indulged in a
spirited wnrfnro of words , during which
Lowry said ho would not bellovo Fltzpatrlck
under oath.
Lawyer Kvnns took up the fight by stating
that Lowry had no right to nssutno that the
investigation was n farce.
"Of course ho has not , nnd If the councilmen -
men would do their duty there would not bo
any whitewash spread over the urocccdlngs , "
continued Bochci.
"That don't iimko any difference , " remarked
Lowry , "but I want to say that the commit
tee shows considerable weakness. "
The discussion was cut off by adjourning
until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning , nnd most
of the spectators Hied out , leaving the coun-
cllmcn alone in the room. After this Bechol
and Lowry mndo nn attempt to enter thp
Jlstio arena , but were 'proven ted from so
doing by the interference of their friends.
The gav young bicyclist he's in boil ,
Not for him Is the spring sun shining ,
Ho has been ( lung and Is sere In body nnd head
But Salvation Oil will mnko him smiling ,
"Ivogotltat last , " said the fellow who
found his couph subdued by a bqttlo of Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup.
A SenceninhlnnVlio Levies on Kv-
< > rytlung 111 Sight.
Harry Corporal is again in trouble. Harry
is blessed with a lire-proof nerve and a su
preme contempt for the property rights of
others. Ho Is .the darkey who recently
sold n holler stored In the rear of the ICsmond
hotel and had it loaded on a wagou before
the owner dlscovoiod what was up , and
vetoed further proceedings. On several oc
casions ho has indulged iu similar operations.
It is only necessary for him to see something
without a string tied to it on the sidewalk ,
when ho hires an express wagon to have it
hauled to the nearest second hand store.
Dr. Larimer moved to n now odlco a few
days ago , and loft behind a couple of stoves ,
valued at $45 , until arrangements could bo
mndo for their romovnl. Along came Black
Harry , and as soon as ho saw thorn ho declared -
clarod that they were his meat. A wagon
was secured and they were carted oft and
sold. It Is for this act that Mr. Corporal now
tteoainMllllonaof Homss
are ma lo by unscrunuloufi
iTVinuructurcrannd dcalm
m porous plasters regard-
ms their cm ntlvo powers.
are the only ones Indorsed
by over 0,000 phjslclans
and phdrniuctats. lieunrn
of imitations and sub tl-
Dr. Lol > uo's Periodical Pills.
Tills French remedy nets directly upon the ( jcnor-
ntlvo nrnuna niul cures auppri'aalon uf tliu IUCIIHCH ,
f { or thrro for fa. t-houlil not bo nscil ( lurlnc prric
mincy. The Am. IMI1 nnd Mcd. Co. , llonlty , I'ropn. ,
Spencer , In. linguists Biipplloil bjr jobbers , ro
lulled ( jootlmim DruK 'o. , Omaha.
for the Family , ) the School , or the Library.
Revision has Jwon In progress for ever 10 Years.
Mora than lOUcclltorinllaborers employed.
8300.000 expended Ucforo first cony was printed.
Critical examination invited. < lct tlio Unit.
SolJbynllliookwllcrs. Illustrntcdpamphletfreo.
a. & O. MKIIIUAai & CO. . I'uMIslicrs.
Kprlnfiilolil , JIusi. , U. S. A.
Cuutlnnl ftitra hnvo loccntly IJCCH issued
ecwal chcnp rrcnrlntu of the 1817 edition of
Vi'tibster'a Utmbrfcigod Dlctlonarytuicdltlonlong
Dictionary , " " Wobstcr'a UncyclofeUlo Dictiona
ry , " etc. , etc.
Mnny nnnoancaments concernlnR tlicm nro
vcryinisleadln u tlio l dy of ciwh , from A to
Zitiycaraold , ! nd printed from cheap i > latcs
maJo by [ itiotoErof hlng the old pages.
! Bafforlnj from
I the eftccU ol
youtliful erron
loat manJiooJ , to.
etrlrdecnr. wastlnnwoaknfiu ,
I"fll inJWVfiu Clo trcatUu'w lc l { contalniuj
railK&rtlcuUn ( or homo cure , I'llKK or cli rBo
A iHoSaid laedlcal work i OuAlA U I c a b ) ' ercrj
man who it nerroni nnrt ijet > llll t l. Artdrcu
Prof. F. O. IMMVfcliK , niouUua , Couu. .
Not since our advent in the city of Omaha have we made such an
elaborate display of Youths1 , Boys' OT3 and Children's Clothing1 as for the
present trade. Every dollar's worth of our last season's spring ;
and summer stock we disposed of at our memorable fire sale , hence
foi this spring : we have nothing to offer the little folks except gar-
mcnts of the latest and tmost ap- proved styles ; as to the prices ad-
vcrtiscd by our friends in the dry goods business on their job lot of
odds and ends , the accumulation of years , \ve \ will simply guaran-
tec to meet , to duplicate , and to undersell , from an entire new
stock , with twelve timds the as- sortmcnt to select from. We have
a'special fondness for our Child- ren's Department , and sec that it
lacks for nothing to attract the trade. Lookers or buyers for the
netft ten days see to it that you get our prices on Hoys' Clothing ;
before you hazzard a dollar in the catchers and baits from bankrupt
Sack , Throe Button Cutaway And furnishing goods would , m
and. Prince AIbei't. New fabrics oo c-o overstock tlio average haber
in wales , cheviots , clays nnd dasher. Many novelties for your
fancy cnsslmeros. Look at thorn Inspection In both lines , prloosnl-
and save the tailor's profit. wuys right. Look thorn thi'ourjh.
Money always refunded where goods "Dr/-\TTTi- i-tnr > - T/r /-v 9 f V
do not prove satisfactory. UlOWlllIlg , IVlHg , & LO. ,
S.V. . OOR. arid DOUGLvAS-
Open Evenings Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 10 p. m.
Tire Mtsnrs O.VM- .
s'D COMPANY OK 1'IjAYhUS. under tlio
Direction of W. II. 11AYHKN ,
Wednesday Evening , April 1st ,
Oorden & Corbott'sNow Cornody ,
Is MarriaaB a Failure ?
Thursday Evening , April 2d ,
llronson Ilownrd's Oruut Comedy ,
IR. ItOHSON us Uortlo , Thol.amb ,
1'rlcos , I'arquct nnd I'nniuut Olrolu 81..V ) ,
Inlconytl.OO , general ndmls- Ion to Hrt floor ,
1.00 , Kcncral admission to balcony 7. " > t' . Rftllory
JO. Ilov Sheets open Tttcadtiy inornlhg.
B1H April 3 , 4 and 5.
Children's Matlneo Saturday.
Beautiful Knlry Spectacle the
Presenting ft Host of NovoKlos nnd Oildlllca.
THE OUiaiNA-t , DA.KES ,
50 - Persons in the Grand Production , - 60
Prices ns usual.
* TirTC 12.13 A TCTTt a Nights and Sat-
JL Ju.Ju Vf JCVAJL if. urday Matinee.
rhUrsday , Frlduy and SattirCny , Ajn8H4
English Gaiety Co.
Urlllliiitt. HowltchlnK Hrltlsh Ilo.iutics. 1'cor-
IcbS , Perfect I'ttrlslan Pets. The qucons of
! ) iiricsiio. | Husur\cd scats THc , DOe anil .Tic.llox
ulllcooiion Wednesday.
\Y111 Lavrlor , JInnasor. Cor. llthauJ Tarnim
ThoWoolyFnccil llnby. Nntnro' * Grcnteat Curio-
sit ) , i-lrnblkn. A ( inmcl Ituxslan Illusion , Tlio
Orpheus anil Silurian ( Jiinrtc'tto , In Vocnl nnil ( n-
Htrumontul Mu lo. A Jllgli Ulaas Novelty Kntcr-
MONWOOD 11212.
Slrccl by Motion , by Nutwood. 2:18 : ? .
1st , clatu Profiivc , by"l'nncosfc2:211 : .
M data Anthem , by Uiiylor 105. '
: td dam AiiKustu , by KvsdyU's Ilollfoimilcr.
4th dam Dolly Mills , by Seoloy's American btnr
Brood Mares , Cells and Fillies For Sale ,
K two ly the Rioat UliiPk Willies ; slro
of \ VlnslowWllkfls " : I4 ; ulsu a fushlunublo
bied z-y oar-old Wllkcs stulllon u good ono.
.Send for utuloguo ; or butter , comu mill see
MC"p. BEOWN , Papll ion , Neb
r x ZT73&a : ! lorplilnn llnltll
Nop 7ttllcurlcl.lK.J OTEPHEHUI.eliinou.O.
National Bank
Capital , - - - - $400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - oa.BOO
Officers nnd Dlroctom Hcnry W , Vntai , I'roililont ;
Ixjnls H. llooil. Vlco-rrosirtcnti JumoiV , S va JV
V.Mornu , John B. Colllin , U. O. Cushliu J. N. U
I'ulrlctc.V. . II. a. lluiihoi , cmhlor.
Corner 12tli nud Knrnara Sts.
A General llnnklri-t Iluslncss Transiotol
T/ic jnurrau , < ' . t'lthnntl
tnihe. iniixt nnbHt < intltillu
Hotel Jltttttltnu In ttinnlm.
Itein'u brlc-lt / < trallM ritniiliiu
LttHi'incnt to roof. All f/io rttllliiiiH unit
/looi-H llnctl irltlt Anhv.ilon Jin ; jn-oof
intiiff , iimliliit/ lnti > onHllili--t < > lini-ii
( iitlelt. t'lfKenfiiin'H ititil Jira < i lit nun
tlironiilioiit tlia tJiilliUnti , titvum Iiciit ,
hot Hint roltl iratt'f unit Hiiimli
ct'crit I'ouiu. Table ti MiirjifN t'i (
3. SILLO WAY , Prop.
Corner 14th and Capitol Avenua.
Just completed , Uai 100 room ? , thru *
stairways , from the top to the bottom , has
flnoulovator and dlnntns room eervlos , H
flro proof throughout , fma blllarJ rooms and
the llnoat totlot rooini in the city. Larjo
Sample rooms , Bultej with bath Acs. Co
14th nnd Canltol Ava. Street oar service In
alUUroctlons. Jlatoa. from $2.Sptoi 354.00
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Bet of Tooth on lluliticr.
for HVH DOI.I.AIII ) . A perfect
lltKuaronlooO , Teeth ox trncltnl
wllnout pain or dsiiKor , nml
without nnucilliotlci. Uomiinrt
Ll IUcr Hlllnvt nt ldiri ) t rntnl
llrMiiB anil Crown Work Iff Hi
. _ without jilnte * . All wor wur
intranc ; , JCln ilrcct tlsTalor. Op Q
until t > o'clock.
A check for will insertion
TRADE MARK. # 50 secure TflADC MAHK.
of Iialf-incli , one time , in papers below.
PHILADELPHIA..Ladies' Homo Journal 500,000 ,
NEW YORK Delineator 300,000 ,
" Housewife 140,000 ,
" Our Country Home I IG.OOO .
" Ladies' World 100,000
" Argosy i 130,000 ,
SPRINGFIELDO. Ladies' Home Companion 116,000 ,
jl 1 Advertising Agents.
66 fit 63 W. Third St. , *
minimi illinium i minim minium iimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Seventeen yours oxpcrlenoo. A. roiular srnltiMoln mvdlclno. tncllplonni ahoir. Isitlll tmtlna with
thopieutoitaucceii , all Norrou ) , Chronic and I'rlvnte Dliouoi. A pjrmunint aura euurautcat for Catarrh
.Spcrnmtorrlimn , Lost Manhood , Homlnll Wcnknoat , Melit I.onai , linpotoncr , Srphl l . Sttlctura , and nUtlH-
oin's of tlio Illood , Skin nml Urinary Orzins. Nil. iKimrtnUio 15)Jfor oforr cdio I unlertika nnJ
euro. Consultation froo. Hook ( SlystDrlos of Llfo ) froj O.llcoliourj 9 a. in. to 8 p. iu. Hundity 10
n. in. to H m.
TurkishTea taken at night
and occasional-doses of Quinine ,
will relieve all pains in the
.bones , cleanse the system and
mak you feel like a new person.
Sure cure for liver , kidney ,
and nerve affer.Lions. 250 pack-
ago. Sample for 20 stamp.
Turlusk Cough Cure. The
only cough cure that will re
lieve cough at once and cure
with a few doses. Take no
substitute ; will return money if
it doesn't cure the worst cough i
Price SOG bottle.
Turkish Remedy Co. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Can reach moro teachers nnd school
ofilcors through the columns of our I
Local School Journals , published by
NebraskaToachors PubllaliluBOorn-
pany , than any other tcnchors' paper
published in tlio West. A liu-tfo circu
lation in Nobr. , Kan. , Colo. , Montana ,
Wyoming1 , North and'Soulh Dakota.
If you want to so 1 your goods
Advertise. Address ,
D. V.STIil'lIIiNS , Mgr ,
IVor.ont , Nobr.
Nobr. Tcachori Pub. Co.
Goodyear IVclt
mailo Oaluklu '
aitviTttacfl. of ri > M ovcryw. uur . . _
Tlili Ii Ilio orleliul M bliixvuiil /
IhcUitniailo. llawbiatiflnil'
tatlrmi 1'tisltlvrly nniiotcii-
ulno iinlrsa tumpcilimtjia '
t U hh'uu. "
Suvc Yuiirselvos. Xer o Hums
wllcuro | eiibacl < . tuko nwnr Hint itloomy , tlrel
JoclliiK , Unit iierTumifihttUnllon , putroMciillii yimr
chefki.brUlitouyoumrcH. Klioyoii now life , iiiiibl *
lion , nplietltr.iuuku you tonfolil ntlroctlm
Absolutely Jlariiilun. rtunII n bor. iKiitp ll.
famdlilet/rcc NIJICVK HKAN CO lluff lo.V 0
Hold by ( .oodmaii Oru IX > . . 11IU Fnrnambl
nn'iAiUimtCuroDiTtr/ailitoeli'O ' .
av l > ti > < von. cam ; iniurtl com.
IforUlb cl p | tBictlcurci l. ro IUllnri liH. , (
Is not ploa-ant to taUo , m it is cortt *
poaod of all the modloinal qualitloa
thntgro to mnko now nnd rich blood
\vithoutoDmpollinff the oontsumor to
which can bo bought n-iy where fey
thlrty-flvo cants a gallon , na all sur
apnrillQB aro. BEQGS' BLOOD
composed of pure rnoJiclno , and ali
Iowa the purohasor to add syrap
wh'oh is adviaod when glvon tp
irynur druKKlstdoos not lc j ) It accept , nt )
siifistlluti' , liutordor dlroct from lloitKiMfRi
Co. , lUVIu ; Bllclilciui bt. . C'liloiiRO. 111. , autl
they will forward , express prciiiilil , ououot *
tlo for Si or six for 85. _
Moore's Tree of Lifea
A no tllrornroforKldnoy nnd Liver Complaint
nmliill Wood illnwuo * . lee > lliiiy to mllcr wli iv
jniic'in tioriircd liy nnlnir Muoru M Tree ut lAttf
tiindruatliro llrniBlir } Prliutl iwr bottle. 1'rol'
pnred nndiut | up by Ir. J , II. Mojro.
Till * Utocortlfy Cliat 1 hnvo tuito < 1 tlio medic *
ITi/i'crtlo ' f lir. Mooro'a'I'rcuof I.lie rntnecl ; to m1
iMitlrn ratl < rnvtlonunrl run mint , liunrtllr rvcom
mimt It totho cuilvrliu ' < ( ( ntlllcti'ilevery wlicr . to
bo nil clnlmeil fur U In Ihu nluTU vtilcuiout , > M t
Mirlau I wui niillcrliiK fnmi I'iMfif nppi'lKO , const ) *
imllui. clc. . orlKlnatlii ; from 1111117 find lira *
trniililo , nnil I hnil not u > e < l on buttla of Dili Kruil
l.lfollc'iiRHlj until I vr Kronllir re-lived , Mr nlf
iil o , liulnif nt ii Tay critical maun In lite , wai kVf\ .
ferine ninth lit thn.ii. nod lir Mm " > o ( if thli ruirVi '
niljr hu liton Mitrnl from much lulTorlnii und poiti.
My Iron ) iircmiluro doitli. Our yourivcit on'i
lii'nnii fur icvi'inl riianhun brcn vvrrdoltcnlo. Jl5
diiitra' ti'dpniiielniiif trouble hy tiikliiK rnla nltq
iuoiifil hlcli pioducediiruiitiiurvoui debility and
o u lmmH > lccnlliiii of tlio lillifl ; lie Imi iticd Qm
four iMtttio * ft 'lrr ot I.ifu and fccU unit look * ai
thoiiirli ne * lifeline teen Klvcn him If you nri
nllthtcil , try It ( ICoiiiiK Mll.i.ili >
lime iil.Cnrllilo , In. I'mldlnH !
Mile. Prlc , one dollir. See slnniturei'oi E.'lii
8MHL ForasleDy All DfUBai8t l