THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , SIAKOH 81 , 1891 , SPEG1RL NOTICES. VA DVEUrisEMKNTS for these columns will < tX l e taken tint II12-80 p. in. . Tor tlio evening edition , and until kiXp. : ) m. , for the morning edition and fctMiAt llrr jmKliMB Caik In advance. ; T7ATF.B Adtcrtl rtnpntim thl pace rill bo J chnrirpd ; for nt the rate of 1M crnU per vt'rrt ' for Hie Hint Insertion , nnd tcent perivord for onch Kul/N'cjurnt InscitUm , nnci el.M ) > cr line per month. r o art i-rtlsemrnt taken for Inn ihnn 26 cents for the firs ) insertion. "INITIALS , ficurcs , ; gyinbolb. etc , , count each JL an nno word. rPlirsK advertisements rnu t. ran consecn- JL lively nnd undrr 710 rlreumUnnc' ' * will they ! > < > taken or discontinued by telephone. 1)A1 TIUS ndvertliilrnr In the < M > columns nnfl hnvlnu tliclr un orsiidfir 'f < i ed toa"nutn- Icred litter In cure of TnnllBE. will receive a titiiijliered check to enable th m tn pel their Iriterd. Atii > ticr will be cnllrerrd only on jiwwcntatlonof tills clippie. Enrloso utitwen in rn i clonus properlv ttcidrcKicd. A L.I < advcrtl utncnts under the head of Ji. " .iiwlnl Notices" nro pulillrtifd In both tlio znotnlrie and ovrnlnc colt lonsof THE UEE. HIP circulation nt which nirrrepalc * inoretlmn 1D.COO papers dully , nticl plvcs tie advertiser the Ix-nrflt not only of the Innre circulation of TIIF. Utr In Omaha , 1ml nl o Jn Council HluITR , Lincoln and othercltlco uiid t < Twnsln thewcst BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these column * will bo taken on the M'Ovpmndltlnnf , nt the followlne bu tl- tie t houses wlio areauthorlred to take apodal notices , ht the same rates at cuu bo had at the malnoflice. SOUTH OMAHA IlKANCII CITlcn Nc JC3N. Street , Llntor IlltiPK. TOIIN . IIKLL. 1'hannaclst ' , f 20 South Tenth > street. mi 7 77 & KII ) y. Statlonors und Printers. 113 tout lilCtli utrept. J H. I'AKNriWOUTH , 1'harmaclst. 2115 ( J * Cuinltip struct. \\r J. II L'OIIES , I'harmuclst , (24 ( North 10th li ttiwst. 0. W. J'Aiat , 1'hurinacist. 1718 Leaven .torUi Btreot. l'UAKMACV.24th ! ' nnd Farnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. For ratct , etc. , srr toj ) of ftrrt roliitnn on Vtit past. " \\7ANTKD-A8ltuatlonascouchman by a rellablotnan ; cnn pl e Rood refcrrnca At M13Indiana uvcnuo. M150 2 * \\TANTF.I > -A position lisa teacher In fum lly. Onn t < 'acli drswlnc. music utid tomnion branches. Address 11 19 , lleo. Mn.iO-S A NEAT , Intelligent , reflnd , middle need TToinati would like a position us house * kC'i-Twr. I.eferences uxcliuuced. Address II n. r.i-e. M inc-2 ANTED-Slttiatloti In concral Rloro or travolln ! salesman. Good references , 17 , Hoc. Jli51 : ' _ " \T7ANTFn-OHIce ( ir clerk position , cotnpo- Iriit youiis tnnn with tliorotiBh commt-r- clat cdacation ; sulury niodorato. Addrcsil l'i. Dt-e. : iOrt M' ' _ WANTEISltuatIon liy u youns man of SJvearsof asp. yponks Encllsli nn < l ficr- ninti ( fii-rtnati "sUirt1 jirclcrrcd.l Hst or ri-fiwiiot ! given. Address Joseph Kulp , \Vytnorr \ , Ts'cl ) . WWIU * \\7A.N TtD-Posltlnn tiy ayounirlndy book- ' kfojior. tyjiowrltpr und M.cnopraplur. Falury no object. Address It 1C lice. liOOl * y competent younir woman : a ' position u" stenographer : state wnjps. u ' ! , SI Main M.Abeid ( . > ii. a Hnk. 133-a ) WA.NTEIM'osltlon us wiitclnnan or hetid Janitor ! references Al andean clvo sp- curlty. Addrc.sHOM.ltfc. Mllr-ill' OTSIAHA Employment lluronu EstalilUhed 11 yearn. ' 1 el. 11111. ll'JN. ' ICth. near Cnpl- 1ol > tve. Wule and female help constant ! v on band. J1M7 Aia JANTED-Sltuutlons for peed clrls ; my waltlnp rooms are ulnnyH full from Do. . . . . . to C n-m. Canadian Employment ofllee , 8US8.35U1. ToleiiliOLC. tH. ICI x ; . WANTED-MALE HELP. Fur ratct , etc. , tec top column on tJifs pagt. LIllKUA b ( nriiis art ) offurud to Insurance uccntsuy tlio United bttitus Mutuul Ac- cldont ns-ocfutlon of New York. This Is the "only Mutual" nnthnrlztid to transact busl- npBslnNelirnskn. Uoorgo Kcr. etato net. . 417 Hue lildg. . Ornuliii. J13.13 31 * \\7ANTlCI-a coed tii > wsajentB. Apply In v person ready to no to work. Security re- qul rofl , K. U , K en g Co. , Lincoln. Neb. W 1 WANTED-The address of every Orand Army tnan who considers his services worth CO 1o tV ) weekly. Those earning loss or pny O. A. 11. man iinumployc-d please address 11. GriinUcld.3Eustl4th btrtot , Sow York CMty. MSOb . ' _ _ r\T C3ANIiCr.nS wanted , for Rcml-arinuril cn- \ r dowintmt soclnly ; this society has pnld rXXXOdOon matured eoi-tllk'ntos und culled no ixpcmo assessment ; the ttntlro benefit fund bold In trust by tlio state treasurer of lla.ssa- tlmuiitis. AddretJ , Friendly Aid society. Wallham. Muss. Jltlttl v \\rANTE ! ) Salesmen on salary or eominls- ' slon to handle the tiow patent uliemlcal Ink erasing pencil. Tlio Kroiihpfitselllns tiov. eltye oi imiduood , Ef e > . Jnktlioroughly In two seCTinds ; no abrasion of paper. 20 to MO \r cent ptoflt. Ono ticent'scales amounted K > 9L'0In ( BIX days ; another $ : S2 In two hours. \V' want oneciioreetlo Rcncrul upeiit for oncli Itatc and territory , Kiunule uy nmllXio. 1'or tcmis unfl fullpartlculKrs , address the Mon roe Eraser MfK. Co. , Ln Orosse. Wls. 257 'M' WANTED at onco. experlonood clothinc snlesman at WunamaUor i : Urown'n ' ABcncy , 318 nouth I5th BtreutMI4r > -ait W'ANTEU-Olrcnliirs dlstrllmted. 13 per 1,000 , paid. Maleua Co. . Warrior'"Mark. fa. MI4T A8 T\ANTED-Upn with Rood rflfrronroat aiot- v > opolltan il'f'g ' Co 1000 Howard st.131A 131-A 25 SAU.SMEN wnntod to soil poods to mer- elnints liy hntnplp ; new Kornlt ; uiciiay for workers ; pcrmniiont sltusdlon ; chance to build a line t rnd o ll oU el Mrg. Co , South Hend. Ind. \V7ANTEI ) Good canvassers at the Singer ' I v Hwliig Machine olllce , 1MB Douglus Bt. CSUA-15 WANTED FEMALE HELP , rorrairetc.tcetop of first riilumn on this page TV ANTEI-Glrl ) for Bcncral honbcwork. 2811 Half Howard Bt. M35S l WANTEIl-A Rlrl to dopeneral housework , rxruptlne wnshliiK nnrt Ironlnc. Kofer- rnces required. Apply at 2210 Spruce street WAXTED-Glrls to pack crackers , nlso eve al stout hoys , Apply tomorrow raornlns ut MoClurR's cracktir factory. Plli Hid Leavciittorth ctrouts. M ,137-Ul , * "VTE 1 Etnployinent bureau , room 40. liunk 1 > bulldinK. 10th and Dodpu. opposite liny glen's. Uofuri-ncp , Woman's Christian nssocla- * tlon , llou ckeei > er. wal tress , , and plrlh forln UHtwork. MJ41I ai I \ \ * ANTED-A. girl for housework , 804 > 18th | strret. VM 1 * \\7ANTEn-Glrl Bt the Star laundry , 27th .1 > and lavunwortli. 307 a * .1V TAXTKD-AladyBti'tiORraphcr ; one quick V ' Htllim-s. ttonohl's , TANTKn-Glrls for dreantnaklnp. Mines. ' Crater , parlom b und D , Darker block. GIULfur Kcnoral hnui-et familr of three ; rcferonco required ; call at WJ North Clrh toentli htri'tt. 1I2-1'-31' ! A GOOD Klrltovforlf In a kitchen ; Califo otel , llth and Donplas. . \\7ANTED-Ncut , n U'tclrl forsecond work , T Inquire Mrs. Kuburt 1'urvli , 4ih and H. Mury'cavn , M1TO 31 AriltST-CIASS cool ! und generalJ > ousework plrl vvjinieU ; tin nil family ; high wacos. _ ioaTiouclniiBt. MHO T7ANTEIUlrl for ponoral liouscwork. Mrs. Tbos. F. Hull , 1WJ Sherman avenue. 82) ) FOR RENT HOUSES. For rotct. rtf , tee top ofjtrtt oiluran ott Hid pagt. 1OH UtJNT-B room bouse , bath , gas , etc. SIS l ti Yen-worUi hlrcet , W5.00. 12 room house , 11X14 North 27th avenue , fur- oace , city water and cat. larce barn. 6 room collate. _ ld and Ohio , city water , I1C.OQ. 6 nioin luiiisn. barn , city water , BIS South JBUi htreet , Uaoa. 0 rooniK n\ir 1710 Stllary'o avenue , vrator , U room home , IJupont PI tee nenrSiUh ttreot , | 7.f a xfitore room , coroor loth und A rtwr street , "lood pltipe for irroctiry. rent cheap. U. u , Clark & Co. . l.lta llurtit-y urt-et OOir Cunltol bvcnne A nlt > e T-room pottuc M with bath , Inquire 23U Cuultol avenue. ' FOR RENT-HOUSES. For ratai , ttt , ncrtapfiftmt coluiitrt on tfttt paye 100 cottages , tenement b OUKFK. flitta nnd .lores wanted for ouitorncr * list for rent , nale or exchange , with K. F. Itlngcr , iTmuna Hoof laiOFaruam. 2-Oul' ! ' * HOUgEtolot. 10 roomf.water , buth. prlco KZ. No. 2817 Half Howard su Inaulrcof Kortb 1'tbnt. > 1200 31 _ -KOOM house , Kl S. 20th. 2181 * NTMIlERof R- room houses , elty water and bath. _ 0and upward * . Also cottaxci nnd flats , llundy A ; Oo , 1014 Capital avenue. "TpOit RENT Ten room brick , very modem. Jt ? puth and cii < it front , laundry , cold cellar , water on every floor , ttii oak trim ; location nnd leys nfl > r. r.Huurtrlandtr. rsot a tiase- iticnt.Cfll'ailtal nrrnuo. _ M122-al jrOUltn.NT 27-roora hou-eMSth and Vln- -tJ ton , tic. 1 P-roori liouse. ath and Oaldwell , with all modern conveniences. r..X Address , ! . H. John-on.Cll K. V. lilto building. 430 _ "C10H KKNT 3 new six-room canapes , city Jnater ? , wwcr , etc , , cast fronts , good loca tion.V. . It. llotnan , rooms V and 10 Prcnzcr bloc ic. _ t < 41 a3 Ot'PK for rent It-room hou e.tnodern Im provements , corner 20th nnil Hodpu , IH - sslon clicn liuinucl lately. Lnqulre 4U 1'ax- t n block , M. L. lU > edcr. ' W3 "TTIOU KLNT Afler April 0 S-room house In - * - ? peed repair. City and cistern water In cluded : seworaRo ! rent K2.QQ per month , If 11 Seventh avenue. J * * IT you with to rent RboiiMj or store too II. E. Cole. Continental block , K9 -JIOOM house , HIT K. IHh Bt. 107 .Kr T710U HEJfT Ten-room hotiRO , nil modern JD Improvements. Apply 212C11 arney strict. fTOU ItEST Four C anfl T-ronin flats with Jt ? liath , hot water. t't ; pavi'd ' stri'ot ; near nil irnprovcments : only 123 pur mo. Iteferoucefi requited. Tlio Mend Investment Co. . 442 IteobutldliiK. it-T T710K ItENT A house of r. roen.s . , ! l Corby -t } f.t. , Oninha A'lew ; city -water and cistern. S. Call atCll N. ITth. Mil G FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Jor ratct , etc. , tee top offirtl column on U to page. CWK HE.NT A room at the fchelton , 301 Bo. Jt ? 2ith street. MSB 1 * of rooms furnished and unfurnished SUITES ; nil laodcru comculenees. 1 20Iiurtbt. Ml 30 IJLEA ° A > "T furnished rooms for gcntletnen , 1GOB Douclns street , M24T-M ilUKKISIIED rooms , 1721 Dodge. M2S34 * TjlOU RENT Nice rooms , steam heat1710 -C Davenport street. M272all * 8100.524SouthICtb street flat D. . M 255-31 * POn KKNT rurnlsbel room ; private fam- lly. Itctercncca. 2015 Cassstr. M176 81 * "TTIOR KEKT ruralshod rooms. 2215Iturtst. TWO B-rooin cottacesand'arootns nil nicely ftirnlelicd for llclit lioustikcoplnp , & 10 , tl- nn < l fl ( > ptr month ; city uud cistern wntcr. MM Dooatur. K705 81 1 heated flats at 700 6. loth. Thos. T. Hull , 311 J'uxlon bU > ek. lrr TTIOU liEM rurnlshefl rooms. 1G07 I ouplll -C et. ill bouse. 1310 Dodzo street : for -L peed Voard. nice rooms , modern convenl- ouccs , ratuund locutluultcuunot bcexrcllcu CSG iilo" " | 7 < 1ONT ! room with alcove , curtains , mantel. Jt : heat , Riis.tinth. 2 closets , for 2 ccntlornonor man and wife , S11..W ) per mouth ; 207 b " 4th st. ST. CLA1K European hotel , with dinlnc room ; ( , Unin : lie at In all looms loth and Xodce. Special rates by-week or month. ! )34 ) 111 K XT 1'urnlshcd room ItlS Dcxl e st. tn 31 flOH ItENT Drooms , one floor. 1712 JacKfion 1 ' street W213 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Fnrralctetc , , tcttnp of first coiumtJ OH thte page. fTOIl HEKT 2 nicely furnlslmd rooms , all J 'modern ' improvements , with boaid ; nlsai ; turelv furaKheil roums with or without board. 1707flodeobt. * rp\VO plenhant rooniB , connootlng with first J- clash Doard. 2a Chicago. M3ta C * - Two rnon to room and hoard In private fatnllv where u few -nice hoarders Apply at 417 K. 19tli Bt. 2D2 2 * _ rp\VO larro * 4i4rd story front rooms , neatly -L f urnlbhed , with first cliiss board , In deslra- blo locution : rnoderatc price ! ref crrnoes cx- bhanced. 1B23 Capitol avenue. M2C2-IU * TTI ANDSOME larpe and small front rooms , JLJ with board , btieclal terms to gentlemen : 411 Korth liitli. Mrs. Churchill. & 12534 * EIOJ\T ! rooms suitable lor two ; first-class table. JC2 K. bt. JM-ol" _ T OVELY rooms , -with flrst-clafcs heard ; rcf- -Ueroncest lia .20thBt , 1351 * "I/IURNISHED room with modern conven- -L Icuces , itb or without board , 1G11 Douclas. 7COA1 * TTUUNISHED rooms and board , loa nodpe. -C 627-al ! ) * POH KENT A largo , finely furnished room v 1th hoard , to a man und wife. Tlio most pleasant part of city and private family ] no otbcr boarders ; references. Address U 47 , Bee. C23 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. Fonatcirlc.feetop of flnt cuhmn unthisjtagt. OTOKESot TOOSlBtnt Btoam Iicnt furnished. OThomasr. Uall. : ill 1'uxton block. 030 T\ESK room , J15 ; Star Loan and Trust Op. 853-A20 "TTOU KENT The * - tory brick bulldlna.wlth J-1 or without power.fornierly oecuplod by the Ileo I'ubllthliiR Co. . 016 1'nrnum at. The hulld- IIIR has a fireproof cement basement.complete Meum houtlns flxtureswRter on all the floors. Bogota Apply at the ofUce of The Boo. 915 TTIOU ItENT Or sale , my bulldltu on Jones A ! Bt. bet. 10th & llth. G.A.Lliidquut,31G S 15th.KJ7 KJ7 FCM RENT WAREHOUSE. For rat cf , etc. , eeetnp of first column on this page , CXR. KENT llrlck warehouse , two stories ; * - hleh basement , hydraulic elevator , track- npe ; best location lu city. A. C , 1'oKulL 040 FOR RENT rvTrSCELLAN'EOUS. Tor ratct , etc. , see top tifflnt eolunin ontMcpagc , ffOli KKNT A first-class 50 room brick hotel A-furnished In good order. In Ked Oak , la. ; also a _ 0 room framu hotel at Greenwood , Nub. J. E. Trimble , Hotel Johiibou , lied Oak , la. ai2 * GAGUEX FARMS to rent. T.Murray. M510 RENTAL AGENCY. Firrata , rtc ra tnpnf fnt cntumn on Hit * page. f IHT your houses to sell or rent with 0. P. .LJUarrUon. 13 X. Y. LUo. Wl TJENTAL Acciit Ooo J. I'aul. 1000 Farnam J. street , specialty of rontlne houies. btores. etc , and colloctlnB rents. MMJ7 TJ E. COLE , rental agency.Oontlneutal blk. WANTED TO RENT. For rates , ttc. . fee top nfjlrtt column on lht TXTANTED Moro houses to rent , J. G. IT Uorlelyou , 1C , Chamber of Oouimercc. 217 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TAT ANTED lly May 1 , a 9 to 12 room house " with modern conveniences ; ono with stable preferred. Near uusltieBs ecuicr. How lioui-o not wanted. Address , J , Li llrandeis. 114 Bo. 1M < St. tU MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. For rate * , etc , top < j/.flr < i column ont/iU pajs rj HK Alli'ti-Kctcuam bchuol of Exuresaion , -LlllJN.Situ. Clasbfk bulncforniod in Elocution. Dclsarto , fetukespoure , l'hy lcl Culture. . BF.POHK buylup a ulauo oriitulne the new scale Klmball plnno.A.lluspclU4 Uuuplas. _ W2 GEO. r. Gt-llenb ck , teacher of the banjo , with llohpc , ISIS Douglas. l'i ! > I HAVE B few new planoi for nala awfully c-eap , it I have cotio ont of tbe piano busi ness. b. Jonat-on , lurnau ) nud llth nts. 903 fViASSAGE. BATHS ETC. Forratt * . etc * , ftt top offnt column on Oil * page , ASS AGE Mafluia Uelijcr , overtao & 13th. M 1C1-A6 * _ iBAGE bath u.t MaSttne iu lib's purlon. How , 420 a ISVh U 1C ! y FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. for ratet , tie. , rtt lop offnt column on IhU page. T7V > n SALE Furniture In 7-rpom liousai JL bouse for rent ; clipllanscom park , north. AH modrrn conveniences. Enquire l/oo -nd Ltavenworth. filM- T71OB SALE Furniture in 7- room flat. 71S R. -Cloth. * * - . < 8Z FOR SALE-HORSES WAGONS ETC. rDrrof , ft pcint roluron on tMt page. TT\on \ SALE 1'ony. hnrncss and cart , also JL1 small IHebold safe , for sale cheap. Inquire M9 South 13th ftrwt. M-Mai * POK SALE or trade. One tpau malc ! welpht , _ , WK i two IIolMtln oows and two ralfs. E. a. Solomon , fcprlne Valley i-tocic Tarin. H240-4 * TTIOR PALE-l'our young broofl wares , throe JL1 with foal. UoauillWllnncU bloofc , IHh nnd Ilarnoy. MI45-A2 * "IT'OK PALE Good heavy work team jCI Paxton - * " ton block- . MB23-31 FOIl SALE Carriage , team. waeon. horse , cow. Cofch. Cheap. Colonel Itutlcr , Fort MH15 OltSES and mules , cash or easy pavmonts. Call or address Hawkey o luv. Co. , room 33 , k , Omaha , Xeu. Kid I71OI18ALE Cheap , wnRon.and double work Jharneis , or will exchange for bticUioard , nlso peed side bur buBKy , cheap. U. 1- Cole , Continental bulldlnj. 645 FOR SAUc MIoCtLUANEOUS. fur rales , etc. , ire top of first column on Uito page. IT you want to soil or exchange .city prop erty , farms , wIldliiiicKllvosloclc. tinnI.-or otlior BUicksor tiKncLundlse , sco E. F. lllnccr. pround floor. 15101'umuui. S23u2S * FOK FALE Two shines in a M-biirH roller mill In a Uiwn of 400 people. II. K , Hall. Call away. Neb , . iWJ ! FOB SAL'E Complete Bet of dme dore fix tures. Bbow capos , etc. , I' . O. box UT2. Ml T7IOR SALT 100 tons of choice bottom .hay. bulud. Slovens i Pound , Blair , Nob. "TjlOK SAL'S Bakers outfiUcoinplotc. In t < iwn Jof two thousand Inhabitants. E. Jones. Aurora , Neb. 112-31' FOIt SALE Dlehold Baffin peed condition ; medium biro. Inquire at 40C Merchants National bank. M4Z1 EOK BALE A standard inal ( upright plauo , but little unod. ut n sacrifice. Must bo sold at oncn. Call [ it 2411) ) Culdwell. 321 WANTED TO BUY. TUT ratw , etc. . nee top of first column on Uita pout. \\7ANTEJ-A Heconci-hand bicycle : -nrheel ' ' niust he In Rood repair. Address llox 70C , Harlan. In , HO- OLLEK Top Desk Wanted to buy. 410 kIJee building. M)5- ) \\TAKTEI ) A set of berond hand harness it Hultablo for crocery delivery. Apply Id Sherman avenue. ; 2U'-31 ! WAXTED-To buy. a pradlnc machine ; must ho cheap ; btate lowest cash price. Address II 14. Uee , law 31 "l\7ANT to Huy-riitled hny delivered ut M Grand Island. NeH I'ay. ulcht draft. 107 orth 1'lne bU Gj-and Island. Neb. 155-2 pay cash or trndo f je h milch cows -Lfor dry ones. Address E. S. Jester. MS N ifith St. Itv4 ) 30' FURNITUnn lK > UBht'bold , stored. Wells. 1111 rarnain BU 1H5 STORAGt. For rain , etc. , ttt top uf first column on Win page. On UENT-rir t floor. 60x153 feet deep for -L storageon Nicholas andllthst. : traclac property. Inquire Columbus Ilugpy Co. 331)1 ) CJTOliAGE of household Roods ; clean , dry k jplaee , privately ktored.terms moderate : wo nlto store stoves during the summer , wo will pot them from the 1'OuM'i und dellvi-r them In the fall In peed trim. Tel. UOO. 120 ? loujlns. ) Omaha fete elfepalr 'Works. 719 /"CHEAPEST and best storage for fuinlturn. V Wells. 31111'urnam bt. KB OLD Stornce rooms for osgs irnd butter. J\ dry Horace for udso , nnd household coods. Kiilcs roabouable , uitiplo trackage. The Neb. Cold Storage Co , , 815-blV Howard st. 50U A3' BUST trjickaco itnd storace bulldln ? In Oiuabo , United States covcrnmcut bonded warehouse. Household ROOGE stored and uured for. Lowest rates guaranteed. W. M. Hush- man. 1013-1015 Leavenworlh. 295 FINANCIAL. Porratfji , etc , feetopofJirBtutliimn mi this page. > ANK slocks for sale , C B. Burrows , Norfollc. Neb. 2W \il OHTGAGES placed promptly upon Omaha ILL buslnt > ss property ut lowest rutcs. Loam made on approved collateral M-cnrlty. Note : houpht. School and municipal bonds nectotl ntod upon very favorable terms , Klmuall Champ & Uyan. 12UJ Karnam bt. 8oi ; all " \rOKTGAGE loans wanted , McOaguo In iU-vostnient company. 7C : FIKST & Bccond niortsuces on rucant & im proved city prop. Couiity ) warrants lioucht. llouey on hand. F. M. Klchardson.tflS N.Y.Llfe. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ForrotM , etc. , tec top uf firel column on this pagt V to loan on city property , eastern Nebraska urid western low a farms ; lowest rates , hist your property for sale or exchange with E. 1Itinger. . ground floor 1510 Farnarn. WANTED-Mortpapes on lots inside flvn miles , five veurs , for eteel ranees , fur niture , stocks or lots. Address 0 f > GUoe.137B1 137-B1 "IVfONEV to loan , Midland Guarantee nnd i.LL Trimt Company. 1014 Tarnaiu Btreet. W708 " \rONEY on hand to loan on Improved or un- J-LL Jmprovotl property. Chas. W. Halney , Omaha Nutlonal bank bldg 644 M 1' MO.NEV to loan On real estate. Installment niortRacn : new plan ; e .sy monthly puy- ments. Tor full particulars call on or ad- droHs United StaUis Loan & Investment Co. , looms C01 and C02 Boo bulldlns , Omaha. Neb. M207 AC OTE1 ! cent money. 11. C. Patterson , IKT ) Ts tw York Lite building. 7C7al7 " \rONEY to loan on Omaha property. Fldel- i'-Llty Trust company. 1614 1 arnam. 278 plCIYATE money to loaa. J , IX ZittlcIOU JN. . V. Life. 055 "OriLDINOloans.Of ! 7 per cent ; no uddl- -L > tlouul charges lor oomniis loner attorm-v's fees. W. It. Melklc , First Nutlonal bank bld'r. 101 Loans Cash on hand. Globe -LI Loan und Trust Co. , 307 S. IDthst. No delay , no extra charges. Houses to rjnt , good list , US rE. . k O. M , Anthony. S13 N. Y Life bulldm * . v .lcnd money on farms In choice counties In Nebraska and Iowa , alnoon sooil Omaha resi dence property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; 110 delay ; money ready. Titles und \ alucs pubsed on hero. J5J TV roNEY to loan on Improved city property iLLatcurrent rates ; funds on hund ; no de- luy. Goo. 1' . lllust .t GoU3 ! ! liamge bid's. K > ) SECOND mortcaco loans : money ready. Alci. Moore , 401 Itee . - * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS , Forralr , cfc.iretopo//r / ! irofumii onfM * page. MOJIEV to loan by 15. T. Masters on chattel uud collateral securities for any time from 1 to 7 niouthh , lu any amount to suit bor rower. Loans rnndo on household poods , pianos , or- patis. horses , mules , houses , louspa. warehouse the lowest possible rates - without out publicity tir removal of property. My loans are to arranged that you can make a payinont of any amount ut any tluiu aud re duce .Kith principal arid Interest If you owe a balance on yonr property or have a loan you wnntchaniod. I will pas' It off and carry It for you. If you find It more con venient , call up telephone No. 1IK1 uud your buRlnoss wilt be arrunped at home. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowist rates. B. T. Masters. Room * . AVlthnell blk. . 15th andllaruey Bts , pill ATTEL batik. 310 S. 15th eU , loans money Vou chattels or collateral ut reasonable rates 1149 DRESSMAKING. rorraui.cltteetoi > ofjlrit column on Utttpcyt. ' ' ' TTiNaAQEMEN'M'to'do dresu naieiiie In m llle Bollcitod. Ulm Sturdy , -Glfilli street. Mliat - COSTUMES. LAliIES and centlfuien can rent mtsguer- adc suits at < X = N. 10th su 4A11 * BUSINESS OMANCES. Forrafm.rtn. . M lop of fir l ulu m n on thin jxtyr , T/.OK SAI.K Very cticapf'.lr t-cUs * rtxtaur- -L1 unt business and flnyrc s only flrst-cla s restaurant In A city of J4WC ; doing hie Imsl- . Address U. K. I'lclu , Nebraska Cltr , Neb. 804-1" _ _ TTiOll BALE ortoleti unMon and hotel , with --T furnlluro. 20th nna ' M street * . Poutb Omaha , Kent , tiXOO per luWnth. Price , tan. oo. nz-ai' TTIOIl SALTS A now itoxvU of bouti and ulioos , -1 Tho.only exclusive bo ) V and nhoo.stoi > In a EKKI ( western city of 4.006 inipiilutlon "took will Involro nlKiut t4.'M. Enquire ot Charles A. Coo A. Co. . 11W HowanJ street. MS25 31 ALIVE , pnrrfTPtlc Bhm-ltaler ( who wants to do u peed huilnes' citfl rent room nnd win dow display place of Hub CiotUlne Co. , Lin- cola Neb. A 1 location. Address for pnrtlcu- Inrs. M 3.VV-S _ _ HEKEI Tour chunco. Ualf interest In a splendid paylnp crocery for Bale. All whole Btnck. Address H " " , .Uoo. . M.Tfl L" hardware with store and dwelling STOCK cash nnd Omaha propcrtv. block driips and fiiucy poods forca&h und lieu o in Omaha , J. O. Uortcljou , 40 , Chamber Ck n- . " 17 tntroc. _ _ _ _ _ _ TTIOIt SALE A partnership In A coal and -L ) wood bnsl 11 ess lu Omaha. Addrc s 11. 11. iico onice , _ _ _ _ _ T7I011 SALTv-Ilurbcr shop , 2 chairs , in live A ? county snattsbop will rumfUHO per year. Address W. I ) , llryant. Auburn , Neb. 201-.1 * HAIR dressing pnrlorb with full line of hair " " " ' " " " J-Jipoods ! goodlocatton. Omaha , Oo-Opera- the Laud At Lot Co. . 2U5 N. ICth eU IW ao "TTIOU SAL13 Or Exchange , a well selected -i ; stock of general merchandise In a country town. C. It. Nicholson. 2iW5 Avenue O , Oouncll Hiuirs. Mia > -Ai "VVHOLESALK liquor builness. a party with i capital desires tohuylnto nbo > e business In Omaha. Address , stating amount required. 1 ? 71. lice. 724 M * TjVJli SALE I-CUHO and furniture of 2Trootn -L1 hotel In buslnesipnrt of a town of ten railroads. Keaxoris for selling- ill health , Address J 15. Itee ofllcc , Council UlulTs. Ml > 41 S IAL.OOX for sale , only one In the city. Ad dress U. II. Dunn. LOUR 1'lne , Neb. (3i alfa * "C10F1 SALE or Trade A well located ranch J ? with 10,000 head of cattle and 300 horses ; cattle well EradMl up from nntl es. NoTex- IIU5. Owing to favorable climute ranch well adopted to lirecdlnR. Turtles Intciestod , do- slrlnc to cloie up tliolr business , will offer special inducements to buyers for radii or well locnted real ostato. For further particulars npiily to or address , Kobert W. Clarke.Ji : l > a ballo street , Chicago. 7J5-ao G BOOEKY stock Tor Bale ; dolug a cash busi ness. Address T 47 , Uee. MH A13 TT10R SALE Do you wish to get In a peed -C bublnoFB ? Iluy the Comnorcl&l hotel ut lirokun Bow , Nub. , tauo part Omuha acre property. 407 TT > OU SALE 1'urnlture and undertaking -C buMue In u good town , with or without store building ; nun cash ( balance gilt edge impor or clear real estate : Invoices about SAWW. Box IMS. Llucola , 4KI FOR EXCHANGE. rvrratef , etc. , ret top n ] firtt column on tfilf page. ' \VfATXTCT > Stock of cents'furnishing poods , 11 boots and shoe * Will e cbange clour lots , real estate inorlfagcs and cash. Onnerh only. Addrcbs \ . II , Crabb , 141TrarnuinMr. M202L" jEAR farms for Omaha property. J. Gi Oorlelyou , 40 , Chamber of Commerce. 217 TTIOR EXCHANGE HO.CW dry poods stock -L1 for Omaha property ; * 10,000 clear Omahu property und laud for.drj goods ; 75 clear western Nejjrnska farms.lor live stock , east ern Nebraska farms , Omaha property and n.t > - surac lucuuibrauco. E. F. lUnger , 151U Farnam. M224 mo EXCHANGE For 83.000 to $10.000 block -L clothing , furnishing E" ° as or bhoes , , rich liind In cent raiwibconslu. A 1 wheat land In Kansas , and inside Otuulia property ; < < arne cash. II C , Bee , M232-4 "V7"ES. it Is quiet , but ow.lriK to the weather. JL We have customers for good bargains ; lots of peed c'e'ir ' prop 'rty audash , , for good resi dence , rental or business propeity. If you want to bell or trade , list Tour property. 507 acres clear. Improved , elegant farm. 3S miles oust of Couucll HIulK. lor Omaha rental property. Assume , Ki.OOOtotM'00 ' mortgage. { lO.OOOln clear city Jot- . Inside , for equity In good rental property. Whul have you/ Send In your Hit. Wo waul it , . J ) . V. Sholes Co. . 213 Nat'l bank. , ' . 1U5 30 /1LEAN general stock tif merchandise for VJfurin and money. ltox2Uj , Frankfort , lud.H.3 H.3 AT7 ANTED Hardware or concral rncrchan- ' dise fatocks. large or small. Address G 57 , Beo. 1117-31 T WILL trade peed clear lot orthS500 and -i-take good upright piano . - - as part payment. Address 1' 23. Beo. 476 trade for a stock of drug's. Itox 618. city. U39 FOR SALE REAL ESTATt. Forratetctc. . fee top offirtt column ( in thtipacjc. TTIVE-room liouhes In Orchard Hill , Jt ? each on monthly payments. Thomas V , Hall-lll'axton blk. TIIOE SALE V1 western Iowa farms , nearly JO half urlce , E. K. lilnger , 151U I'aruum.M2SI M2SI 3' TT'OIi ' 6ALT3 or Trade What liavo you to JL1 trade for u Rood business property on South 20th street , rentals tW Tier month , 01 will sol. " cheap , with Him 11 cash payments. Ad tires : E. J. 1 $ . , room 503 , Plrst Nat. liunk , Omaliu.Ml Ml 3 "ClOIi SALE A flne Improved farm of 20C J-acres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade trees , fraltrlnamlll , wagon scales , etc ; 100 in lief west of Omaha ; $20 per aero. Add res , O 43iee.M ( M X-BOOM houie , lot 83x82 , 11,700 ; Obouso. lot : t4ijxB2 , s. o. oor. lltb and Ylnton st-.82.uoa Brick house lot 44x60. n. o. cor. 10th and Douglas. UO.OQU. Km. Kulihnan. 2121 g.llth C70 A Lli wanting farms ; peed climato. miirkut -fi aud soil. AUdro.sU. 1C. LaudlsVlnelandv K.J. Mllfi A2 * TG1OU KALE Choice comer 24th street , Soutl J-1 Omaha ; full business lot , Jackson , neu ICth. S. Box M M" al < IMaeresllue farm land adjoining good Ne braska town ; nearly clear ICOacrc llnulv Improved land 24 miles from county seat In Nebraska ; llKlitly encumbered. 120 acresrood ; land In Nebraska , Smiles from county seat ; 2.500 inhabitants. lloubeand lot in town In Kansas ; clear. Clear lot lit Rood Nebraska town. 4-room house and lot , burn , well nnd clitorn , ICth Htrect , Omaha ; slightly encumbered ! ' trade for Dm aha property und u BUinooncu hrunccs. IL E.Oole , Continental block. UJC "OOR 8ALK hxtra bursraln. Choice 00x120 , JL1 with bulldlnc : rents * 100.X ( ) per ma ; one block from new I' . 0. O. L Greun , li. U3Bnr- kcr block. TTIOIl South Omaha property buslnesMniok' JL'aceorrosldenoo eo to tbe leadlng.real estate - tate dealers in South Omaha , Ed Johnson & Uo..cor.4th and X sts. M735 SALE Choap. Tbo residence at 2510 1'lfrce street , at a barcalu fora few days only. Inquire at the Neb. ltcam ; laundry , ICth ana Howard streets. sici ITIOK SALn-The most -cmnfortablo 8 room * - modern liouso In the elty , every conven ience , bath , Ras , electilo Unl . funiacc , laun dry , ttc ) , Lareo stuble , ro > fln for 4 hnrsek , city water In ( .table , concrete floor , full lot In half mile limit , convenient to-44lnes of cars , shade tiftis. etc 1'rlco IluODO. , ddross F 23 , IJoo ofilce. 4C3 rvilSCELLANeOUS. For rata , etc. , tit top n//ir ( rolurnn on Uib pipe. " \\TANTEP Lady roommate to share ele- ' Kiinlly furnished room. Address , with references , II10 , Iteo. " ' M 2SC-31 * " \1TANTED-A loan of f lOOior 4 or 0 months ; ' titnnlp wecurlty glven > i .Address E. J , U room SOI , HrbtNut. llaulcihulldlng , Omaha 11)131 ) AUMICUS street hoardlnK stablos. 24th and Clarke. Lvfrthlnc J'rst ' claka ; clmrcos reuhonablu. It. Jilc'Clellaod , prop. 11. s. Klioudes , manager. Tel. ( * . 159 2 " \\riiMiOOy. liouke ino\or. 513South lth ' i street , nud 8U bouth.i'Jth avenue , life-May * TXrANTED Two copies eaeh of the mornlnc i und evenlnc HEK of 'November : ird iiiiti one , copy of tbo mornliiB of Doeember 2nd and three conlchnf tte evtuluK of December _ lnK ( ) . at the Uee olllce. v W7 PATENT SOLICITORS. lopojjint cournu on thti page. PATENT lawyer- and * ollclU'rtt.V Co _ Itco bullJiac. Omaha , llrancb office at \aslilncton 1) ) . ( J. Consultktlon free. Ut ) PAWNBROKERS. Fur rule * , tic , , lit top of firit column on ttiU paye TJUiED Mohle loam uoocycor. r rnaniillth GREAT DAYS - : - - : - GREAT SALES - : - GREAT BARGAINS Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday. A m Two hundred and fifty Men's Fine Sack Suits. The material is an * * A ail -wool cassimere , made by one of the best and best known mills in the country , The lining is a first class Italian. They are cut , made , and A trimmed up in shape. The patterns and colors are the acme of good taste. The sizes run from 34 to 42 , so that an } ' ordinary man can be fitted , and a ten dollar bill exchanged for one of these suits on Monday , Tuesday or Wednesday will buy you just as good a suit of clothes as fifteen or sixteen dollars spent anywhere else will buy. A thousand pairs of Men's Solid Calf Shoes , in all styles of toes and lasts , in AT narrow , medium , or wide , in all sizes , in lace or congress. These are gen uine Goodyear hand-sewed shoes , and are made upon honor. Every pair has an extra stay in the back , rendering ; it impossibe to rip , or for the hanger to pull out. Every pair of shoes in this tremendous sale was made for us by one of thebestshoe manufacturers in the country , has our name on the bottom , and is guaranteed by us to be the equal of any four dollar shoe in this great big state , [ twenty-five cases patent leather shoes at the same price ] . Fifty cases Derby Hats , with narrow , wide , or medium brims , in all the fash ionable shapes , made of very fine stock , lined with fancy satins , in all sizes. Hats that you'd willingly pay anybody else three dollars for , and think you'd got y6ur money's worth , at a dollar and sixty-five cents. You Remember the Days , We do the Rest. . NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO. , FOURTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. Open Till S p. m. Saturdays IO p. m , CLAIRVOYANT Forratcf , etc , tee top t > f flrtl column ontMs page. know your future satlsfactorllyoand for TO - least money , go to Mrs. Merer. 400 North ICUi street. Mljir . WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally MHS. ted : tells past find future.lovo troubles , absent friends , chances , travel , business. KIM rurnam street. Mita 5 * llfi. FOKT. palmist fortune teller , tells M imst and future fiom tbo lines of tlio Imnd In old gypsy wuy ; ludles only ; fee tl. 612 S. loth. BM A " Udilor. over UO S. llJtl \A7ANTED-All should know Mr ? . Or. Do VV Sun. tboludy mind reader and fortune teller ; tolls past and future ; she ts tbo best overbore ; la i-spcclally deep In all inatrlmo- nnl nffalrs and mysterious dliajipeanuici-s ; don't buy , tell or co on a Jourui-y until you consult her ; she can can fortell Its results ; Is , truthful and reliable ; perfect satisfaction cuurunteod by mall ; send two Maunps for Il lustrated circular. 322 North 30th sU. Ormiuii , Nob. ISl-alJ ! . Natmlo V. Wiirrcn , clairvoyant , trance speultlni , wrltlnK und reliable business medium , four x-oara In Omalm. 110 > . 10th. IKS HAR ! GOODS WIGa , ETC. i , etc. , Kcctop ofjint r lu iii on thin page. BEST line uulr Roods In west ; lialrdrc-sslnp. vlps , switches , banes , hair chains , etc. , a spocl.ilty , Duvlcs. hair coeds nnd milliner , opposite poetofllce. 111 S. 15tb St. , Oraiba , U-r > 4 TltU ItKALiTY 31.VUKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record March 30 , 14)1. ) WAtmANTr DEEDS. Albright Land nnd Loan company to Katrine Oversaard , w 15 ft lot 3 , blk 8. Watthow'BSUb * 100 O 11 and E G IJallou to 11 J Tanner , lot in. blk 2 , Ainblur 1'lace 1,000 E A Casey and wife to O E Seluy , lots 2 , and 4 , blk'J. Sheridan 1'lnpc 3.000 Oushlnc & O'Keefe to 11 M Curlstlo , lots 7 and 8 , blk 03. i-outh Omaha 4,500 riorenpo Clayton to Hattlu N Mullen , lotfi , blkm South Oinnhu 8DO E T DuUo tr , to E 11 AValUt'r. lots Hi. i4 nnd 25. blK fi , lid ad to llodford 1'lace . 1.900 Wilson Kish and wife to W II btfwarU lot 21 , hlk 1 , Taylor's rarnain street ad 1,200 MaxLunzand wife to rrcdonck Maus- . , lots , lilk 18 , 2d ad to Hertford 1'laee . . . 7M W L Monroe and w Ifo to E U llalth , lot 0. lilk 1C , i-outh Omaha T.OOO Ada M Miller nnd husband to Ann Cur tis , s U ft lot 7 , blk 114 , South Omaha. . . 50 M EMIc-liuelion mid husband to M Tltz- -patrlck , lot S , blk 8 , South Omahu E.400 TliooOKen and wife to Joseph Sclilltz bruwlni association , b Vt lots 17 und 18 , Wl2. CampLcll's add 10,000 South Omaha land company to 1 loreuco Clayton , lot0. blk 1& south Omuha . . 540 South Omaha land company to 0 U ItrldcnbecUor , lot - , blk D , South Omaha . 930 O E ? olhy to L M Selby , lota , blk : ! . Sherl- danl'lace 3,100 O K goluy to M. R Selby , lot 4 , Shorldan Pluco. . . 1.100 John Scorcln nnd wife to r A Kemp , lots 4,5 and C , Morseman Turk _ 0,000 QUIT CL.AIM DEEDS. S O Brock and wife tc John Scovoln , loti 4. A and C. Moraeman 1'ark 1 E M Horseman and wlfoto Jolm Scovelu , lots fi und 0 , Morseman 1'urk I Charles Turner and wife io TOVhlt - ner. 2 a In no nw , 21-15-ia 1 E O Whitney and husbanflto EM Morse- man , u. ii-a In no nw115IG 1 Total amount of transfers f 45,434 BuiliUiic Permit * . Tbo following porailts were lasuel by the fmpcrintendentof buildings Testerday : Kat * Mullln , onp-story frame dwelling , 1S11 North Seventeenth street . . . . .t BOO Adam Low , onu-Btory fruinu cottaec , 1'orty-llfth i.nd Li'ttVcnworth streets. . fiOO Twoiulnor pormltb 523 Total tl,023 MPfiOVEMESI THE ORDER ol the AGE IInifc .turPB which are rapidly ncqulrlnsfor It the wannest apuroval of tliosu uho have had experience In type-wrltluc. The align ment Is perfect , and for spoetJ , durability and casuof ojieratlon It cannot bo excelled. Com- imrlKon and test have tliown It to bo the best In the market- Tie Smith Premier Type-Writer Co , , E.H. MAYIIEW , MANAGER. Office , 1009H Farnapi Btroet , Omaha Neb nnOllTl 8AKUA1WOOD _ AI > aULES are the lillllll I H bust iu > 4 onlr capsnlB * prescribe br u w u w I n pujuuv , phstctiu > i Jor the cure or GonorhCB- dl > tharc s trom tbe urlcsrr orcsni nlinrllaa or acquired. II , JO l' r box. All drugf IsU Fe. NT.U. iil. &cnd tc l tmp-ot " " " Addrrn UOS BRUC C" Cum Aim-lulu , Scrofula. Hud Circulation ana all ImourltieH of the Blood u well in tlm InBowInt Nerva Dlceopep. vir : > rrouB nntl I'hrsleial Debility , litul Uxliautiou , J'r - muture Ducar. Trrmlillnc. IJrs'orlu , Ker- vons HnitilHclie , Ixi of J'ourr in either M.-X. N rvousoeB In any form. Cold lliimls ir I'vul , I'alu in tlio Itnck und other forms ul Dr. llolib's yirrva Tonic Pills brine the tOBjr tint of health to the ohnllow cheek. Ucai. nervous t ' "i'le tbould take tliin crcut Llfo Renewer. Tn them , aud yon UI loin thn UiouuiiOi ( it liupjiv men and wom n vrho datlf lilcos Ir. HoPti fir mi crcat WIT In their " Mi cents vial , for sale by UucclsU or tir mill AdUms HBEi's MEDiin ; co. . riors. . UN rnniiscn , WL rUUhALK IN OMAHA , KLll. . 11 V Conn & ( ' ( > _ Cur. liili & I > o clu htrrels J. A. fullrr ft Co. . Cur llth A Iiouiclst fitrrets. A I ) . FiHtcr & 13 Council Ulufis. lumu NC , t REMEMBER LINO IS THE NAME OF THAT Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , COLD in the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , and BRONCHITIS , Price 81.OO. Dnt llottle * . For Sale by leading OXLT in Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial RemedyCo , B2 JACKSON ST. . CHICACtJIL _ . BLAKE , BUUCE & CO . Chief Engineer Thaclter ol tbe American imolter at tioadvillo was tbrown from n sulky , sustaining severe lojurloi , DB. J. E. McG-BEW , THE SPECIALIST. 10 Yonrs' Exppricncf. PRIVATE DISEASES Cured In S to 5 day * without ttic loss of an lionrs'tlms Irom tin lnr-H . The moat absolute euro for UI.1E17I and all annoylnc dNvhureoi over known to umdlcal nclcmio. SVI'lllI.lS , nvnrrnntod curotn U UiMJnrs. Tliu tnoRt iKiwcrful remedy yvi known for n pnrniu- ncut cure. S'J'IIHn'L'iti ; or luiln In rollcrlnc the liluU- dcr , cured at lipma. without lntruiu nt > i no cutting , no inilu. no dlUtlne. lust of Manliuudur Wuukntni lioaltlvolr curud ; Umtnnt relict , Btln dUoa.iei nnd Jcmnli ! dliounHi purnmncntlT cur a llr. AlcOrotr'i BUaroflS In the trontmcnt of ITlrnto II"on iu 1ms never been uquallod , and his creiit nrmr of jmtlcmts reachcn irom uio Atlantic Ui the Pacific. Uoctki and Circulars froo. Imdles from 2 to 4 onlr. lull and J'anmrn etruoli Omuba , Nob. Entrance on cither Btruet. INSTITUTE. For the treatment of all cmiOSIC AND SUIIGICA. & D18EAS1S3. Brttcen. Appllnnco lorDeforniltlei nnd TrusBtios. Hunt racllltlus , Apparatus rnd lEumadloi forguoocBiiful treatment of every form of illxirne icqulrlnc Mudlcal or Hurirlcal TroattnonL NINIEU'V UOOMS 1 )11 I'ATIENTS , Jliurd and Attendance. Ilont Accommodatloni ' .ViinU Write for circular ! on -Deformitlufi and llrnoo , Trusnes , Club Feet , Currn * turci of Hplno , IMlui , Tumnrs , Cancer , Catarrii , Uronchltls , Inhnlatt.m , Hluctrlcltr , I'aralysN , Kyll- ernr , KldnoyB , Illuddcr , KTO , Ear , Skin nnd Illoort , and nil Hut-Klcnl Ui > iratlonn. DISEABUS OF WOM1C.S a upcclciltrj. Dock 01 ll ) on < i of Women Ftua.V have lately added n 1 jlnsIn Depurtmont for Woman During conllncuicnt ( btrlctlf Private. ) Onlr Hollo- hlc Mdillcnl InHltulo Muklnc n. Hpuclalty of 1'UI- VAT1C D1SUABKS. All lllood Dlroaso unco3ifnllj treated. Mudlclna or Inntrumnnti runt by mall or express omiriilr packed , no marks to Indicate contents or ncntler. One pernonn * Intorvlew preferred. Call unit consult ' usorncnd hlcory of your caip. nnd wo will cnd In ) lain wrapper onr HOOK TO MEN FllBK : npoa 1'rl- vato. BiKicinl or Nervous Uliuanei , wtUiquuitlua 1UU Addrets all letters to v Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , President Otb and Harncy btreets , Omaha. THAT SMITH GIRL. Slio is ARaln Causing the Police Ttouble. Clara Smith Is again a fugitive nnd the police arc looking for her. Clara is ttic illtoou-ycar-old girl \vbo caused her parents so much trouble last summer and was finally sent to the Homo of the Good Shepherd in tit , Louis. She claimed to Irnvo boon seduced by her stepbrother , nnd was finally taucu out ol a house of assignation by the police. Aiiout two months ago bho es caped from the tit. Louis institution by don ning a suit of boy's clothes , but was arrested ana talson back before getting out of the city. This time Mio and two other girls ncnlod a high board fetice , nnd it is bollcvod they re ceived assistance from outside. Tbo Smith girl was traced to Kansas City , where she took a train for Council Bluffs. The officers in charge of the institution concluded that BDO was beading for her former haunts and immediately notified the police bore. She has not yet boon located. If your cough keeps -you nwntto nnd rest less ut night , tuico Ayer's ' Chcrrr Pectoral and obtain Immediuto relief. This remedy allays Inflammation , heals the pulmonary or gans , induces sleep aud restores health. The sooner you begin tlie better. Decision in 1'iivor ol tlio Clilcnjro , Milwaukee & St. Paul Hy. The now Palace elcepinp cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Puul Ry. , witholoctrloliphtbin every berth , will continue to lenvo the Urjlon doppt , Omnha , at 0:10 : p , m. , dally. Pass-angora Inking this train avoid trn.nafor nl Coun cil Bluffs , and arrive In ChJcnfro nt 0:80 : a. m. , in ample timeto make nil custom connections. Ticket office , 1601 Furnam Btroet. P. A. NABII. J. E. PKKSTOK , General Ajront. City PafabenRor Agent ljicciit.r.i. The following raarria o Ucamoi wcra ' Is- ued by Judge Shields yosterdayi Nnmeana oddrosi. Aco. I Iloinrr I' . Lew U , Omaha . , . , . . . . ! I rllzkl > etb I' , Qoodkou , Oraaua . M I Huron W. Illlny. Omuha . 89 Ll/rlc I ) , Mi liuls , Uiuuhu I Jolin A. Vtidroe , Omahii. . . . . bwau , Oinaua , . . . .Si