Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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A Wild Opening with a Jump in tha Prices
of 'Wheat ,
Continued JlcportH of ForelRn Crop
failures Corn Values Higher
Another ISIg Day In
Cruotno , March 30. [ Special Telegram to
Tnr. HKE. ] There win another wild opening
In tlio speculative miirkotj on change toduy.
Tlio j'ntnp In iirlcus was equal to any similar
action In tlio recent excitement. Wheat
jumped { So nttho opening nnd inailo a furtlior
advance , broke ) ? * o and ii aln rntlloJ to tup
prices. Corn started on iihulKOot Uo to IUe ,
hroko with wheat and rallied quickly. Oats
opeiiinl excited with other markets ut more
than lo advance. Mess pork was uKntn very
much stirred up , partly by higher prices for
hojs. In thoplt pork sold at tlio first Hash ut
80o to40oiilvanco from Saturcliiy , rcno to still
lilshcriirlccannd then bocumo cailor before
the call. May sales the first hour wore :
Wheat , ll.OIW , to Jl.ocia , to $ l.0t | ; ;
corn , Wic , toG'Jic. toG9e ! oats. 55c. tolil'ic ,
toM'jci mess pork. tlll.OO. ta 811115. to I13.8.V
lard. J7l.- > mid off to J7.0215 ! rlhs. f W7'/J tof < 5.2o.
Tim wheat tnarKot puzzled the best trad on
cm thu Hoer today. There was n widespread
belief that there Iiu deep seated manipula
tion In the market but It was not , very evi
dent to mi outsider. e < ccot Unit the innrkot
was very broad iindstron ? , and whuat bought
could not ho located , Orilln'iflty this would
nrKuoiijiilmt anything like n corner. Thu
thou litof a squeeze In May Is not ( Iliad with
much ( error , bucauso thcro are some 8OXOJ3 )
utishi'hor wheat here. The itiitmtt of I'tilr-
hunk , Kent , I'lllsfoury and others are honril In
connection with the talk of miitilpulatlon.
Hut with tradu naturally bullish thcro was
enough to nut price * up. There were uoimb-
llo Ilrltlih cables , but Oeililos and
oilier foroljn houses hail Intimations
that very Htronu cables might ho
expected tomorrow. Knxllth weather besides
Isvcrycold. Early In thoday cable ndvlcoi
connrinod the ilninago reports In soiithorn
Itnsshi. Jjiitor.Mr. 1'1'lsbtiry ' , who Is hero , ro-
oolved Odessa advices by way of Minneapolis.
Odessa stocks wore Riven nt II.OOO.OM bushels
IVKUlust 8,003,000 the llrst of the yi-ur. Thodum-
BKO to the growlui ? crop wasconllrmod by thU
cahlu also , and llrst holders of wheat wcro
laid to bo reluotant sellers. Now York re
ported the Kionuli cables repenting the bad
daniagolo wheat In that country. Olarko
wired from Now Yor't that foreign houses
worobuylnznow crop futuroi. Antwerp ad
vices said wheat Is nearly all sold and n sharp
advance Is llkoly. San Franelsjo dispatches
nld fnrly-oiio boats are loading with wheat ,
jnoslly for the continent , Minneapolis for
two days had modcrato receipts at 211 cars ,
with Increased receipts at Duluth at 100 cars.
The receipts hero were 40 cars. The visible
supply was about as goncrally expected with
t9 * > ,000 bushels decrease for the week
BRalnst r > lT,000 decrease a year ago. The Illi
nois crop report was favorable and was 0110
cause for f rco soiling early. The action of the
market xvns In doubt the first hour , but later
In the daylt was decidedly bullish with prices
Uic up for May and I J c up for July from the
closuSaturday. The action was us follows :
Hay opened utSl.OI'i , sold to $1.UI',5. ' toil.Kl& (
to Jl.OIJf. 1oll.P4U. toll.Oi ; , ' , to 1.04 i , to ijl.03 ;
Jlllytl.lKi. ! ) to $1.0. % to 11.03. totl-KJ , tofl.02i ? ,
to * ] . < U > jt , to Jl.0iitol : ! m < , ' . Thocrowd bought
from the start. Dunn & Co. sold a line
of wheat bought Saturday. MuDoiiuUl , Laia-
BOII , Milinlno , DiinlKiin , Armour , Schwartz
and many ether strong houses sold freely at
dllTorout times. Wheat was absorbed and
prices lid viinco : ! . The strength In wheat at 1
o'clock did not hold. Thcro was frco realizing
and May dropped back from Sl.O.'i to 31.01 ! $ ,
July from * I.Oa'4 ' toI.)2'i ) at thucloso. March
was quoted at 81.0. ! and $ l.0.'l > 4 and closed at
It.CCIi. Now Xork icporfcd no progress In expert -
port business , with four and ono-half boat
loads of rod wheat sold to millers. The Chicago
cage wheat stocks decreased 40KIO ( bushels for
the week , The estimate for Tuesday Is TO
It docs not take much to starttlio corn irinr-
kot Hying , BO when pork started at lUoto 40o
higher and excited over the higher prices at
the yards , corn opened with a whirl. Slay
Bold at once all the way from GSo to
lijfc. broke to Gio ! and sold at ( " > 8io ?
totboto ( i'JWo ' later In thoday , and atlo'ulouk
was niiotcil at ( il'.iu ' to M ; ' o In liCc. At the
oloso the hlch prices In corn for the day wore
quoted for March , fiS 'o ! . Mny ,
tlitJiO ! JulyCGJ40. The oslnj ; prices weru :
Mnroh. li"io : April , U7 _ ? 'c May , ( kSJJo ! June ,
HiJiC ! July , fide. Shortly hoforo the eloso.whcii
May jumped to C'Uc ' ) , other months did not re-
fponil. It was reported that the snzar ro-
Oncry could iiotKetoorn cxoept by taking It
from tlio Btore at Icovcr the Muy price. On
the Bain plo tables there was not enough corn
to go around and prices wore up about "c all
Oatsonono'l up strong and active at prlcoi
raiiRlng from Hutoaifoitbovo Saturday's llg-
urcii.thu inurketbelng Inlluencoilby tboactlon
of the other oorealH as well as free buying
on the part of thu shorts , Thcro was con
siderable weakness , honuver , buforo thu uloso
vrhleh wns made at about the low point of the
day , May ( loll very opened at Sl e , sold up to
K > o nnd tmek to M'.io , nt which amount It
closed , June Hold from Me to 5li o , olosluvr ut
tlin Inside Usurp. July sold from r > 2 oto KIHe ,
to nj'io nt the close , August dollvcry closed
utH.U ! nnd September at ! liVo. Receipts de
creased to IfS oars , of which 107 ears were con
tract or letter. Inspected shipments were
fhls wns another his dny In' provisions.
Knrly dispatches from tlio yards reported
hojss lOc to iu up. Orders played lu firovlslons
from Now York mid tlio country were
largely on the buying side nnd
ninny ot them could not ho tilled
because of the Hurry at tliu oponlni ; . Tlio
scone In tlio pit wus a wild unu and llrst prices
worn upL''tt to IlOo for pork , fie to lOo for lard ,
nnd lOu to ir > u for short ribs. Vint prices were
IIU03 und fl&ni for JMnyaiid Julyjuork , JT.rJiJ
and J7.UO for Mny aiuf July lard , and ifU.inii
mill ja.70 for Jlay nnd July ribs. Tliosonsa-
tloniil ailvnnco carried pork to Jlll.UJ and * 111.70.
followed hy a liroalv to Jl'-75 und f 13'JO. and
closed ut ll.r > 5 nnd JiaM , or 17io ! nnd ' , ' : ! ! , io up
froniBaturJny. Utlior products sold pllwhtly
over tlio llrst llKuri'S , declined I5o toSOo inter ,
undeloHcd froiu20 ! to75o ! up from Saturday.
1'rlcca of leading mouths tippcur below ,
CQMMOHiTr.lUpcn. | IllKli. I I Cloio. | Hnt'T , "
Mar i m i ant
July i ai 1 Vi oi-J
Mar US
juir UiJi
Juir 62) ) (
Mar 12 to 12 07 12 SO 12 834 12 M
Juir 13 (3 ( 13 SO 1303
ni us
M r C 30 a r 022 ! ( 023-23
LA itii
Mar 7 12 ! 7 1 7 UO-2W fl. .U'H
Duluth receipts : lOJcars wlioat.
Minneapolis receipts ! 215 cars wheat.
Chluagucar lots ; Wheat , 40j corn , 107 ; oats ,
lb\4 ,
Kansas City receipts ! Wheat. 33 ; corn , 33 :
oats , 10 ,
tit. Louis receipts : Wheat , 51,030 ; corn ' to-
COOj oats , 31,000. '
F.stlmatcd receipts for Tuesday ut Chicago !
AYueaUTUs corn.i.'U : o.its , 120 ,
Foreign lottora received say wo liavu over
estimated the damuKe to fiirelgn crops.
Vistula supply ! Wheat , decrease. 233,000 !
corn , Increase , 17.003 ; o.its , decrease , l,0oo ,
IMilonitoreculiiti : Wlioat. 27,217 : corn. 83.108 :
oaU. 170 , 01. ShliiiioiiHVlicat | : , i'.Wl ; corn
0 ; o.its. tw.v.Hi. : '
Around Jl'J.00 there booiut to bo a law )
ainouiit of Muy port : far niln. ; It la this which
stops tlioivd viini'o lu pmvlhlona.
Now York wires that OottroH nnd other
local npeouliitor * hulled wheat ou strong ; prl-
vatociihlesunlnro loudoa with tliustuir.
They nro uulllntf griuiKur Htooua la Now
lorl ; uu the favonibloeoudltlon of the wheat
crop. When stocks hull wheiit Ktmorully ilo-
. . . . , prices lit Now Vorks Wlioat March ,
. it May. I.1I 4 ; June. * l.lO'i : July. | .ws ;
VuKiibttJ.uniheitcmburI.OI | | > . ; lieoomber ,
ll.iB , t. L'oru-Muroli , 83o : April , TSo : .May.
lioj Juni' . KUoi Juir , 7JHc. Oats-siarili : ; ,
tl\iot MuyVlie ( ! ! July.&a > o.
Antwcruouhlat Kuropoun weather cold and
.toriny. nnfivroriiVilu foreropn ull uvrr Kiiropo.
WglauU coltl oud ralulni ; , ncutlivr that ro-
rtrdi growth , Holland. Kolglum and Franca
rupi and weather very bad , nerlnus dainuRO
o wheat from winterkilling. Crop accounts
are elmngod for tlie worst In Oormany , Austria
ml lltingnry , the wheat crops ) are backward
nd rye very bad , I'roni Itusslatho reports
are confllctlnt. hnttho wheat crop decidedly
) Oorcr than la t year. Bpanlsh crop uccuuius
re Improving , but .tomo dtimago by cold
wo.itheri * conllrmod. Italian crop uccountH
arc Improving , llalit SCCIIH toliavo eel In
which was needed ,
Logan A ( ! o. to Toncruy it Ilryan.
Our wheat market contlnno * uctlvo. Cables
onflrmmx the dnmngo toiTopnln Irnnco and
tnsilan. cubits saying stocks nt Udusaa were
red HOW ! to aOXlooo" busholi of wheat ngaltist
.iXJO.W ) hu helH the llrst of Jummry , that
urniori held llttlo und that thu damage wns
crloiuto thogrowlng.crop caused froslibuy-
n nnd the iirleo advanced to JI.UX The vlsl-
> le supply decrease N less than expected , hut
the demon Is Into. With lower cables tomor
row wo muy have a lltt to lower prices , If they
COIIIH hluhcrlt will bo dlHlfltilt to buy much
without the market fooling It perceptibly. In
ho corn pit tlioru WHH conildombleexcite-
nmit. With our small stock and hud roidt In
ho country , the old hull party talk higher
prices. ( Juts llttotuated la sympathy with
orn. Some little gossip about lute sowing ,
'rovlslon buslnes * keeps up In volumes. The
radlng Isnutcoullneil to any special lionso
or pucker. Ills the hoi let thu short corn crop
ntisl bo felt huforc another soason. Had
roads In the country will Interfere with ro-
W. 0. SlcCormlck & Co. , to I1. O. Swart *
t Co. : Today's wheat market hus
> eon nctlyo nnd closes strong. At
ho opening soalpon developed a disposition
to hummer prices , claiming bullish cah o.-t
which wore received by private sonrcos ouly ,
caiuotu partlcR who are loailed with wheat
an a rusult they sdlil short heavily ,
rho turn cnmo from advices as
to damage to the Russian crop and
shorts founil oirerlnss very light until Mny
struck tl.0Uonllzluir. broke prices tott.OlU
nt the close. Itecolpts at eleven primary
lolutu wero41lOJO ! bushels ; shipments , 1U , ( JUU.
Die vlslhlo supply .shewed a dourcaso of
203.UOO. K.xports of Hour from Now Vork were
2f.OOO packiiRCS initl 20.0'JO blishclH ot
wheat. The corn inarkot has been
uoderatoly uctlio and after ' the
Irsl break Hliowcd deulded strcnirtli.
The key to tlin situation U active. Demand
for cash corn , No. : i selling nt ttl'ic ' , and No. a
ml.\ed at ( > Sic. ! LliroiiKli hilled. So long as this
dunanil continues the holders ot Jlay option
Huvo no fear. The rains wo liavo
) o ; n li.ivhiR would seem to reu-
ler n material liicicuse of receipts
Intpvobablo. Uannot , thcroforu , udvlso short
sales for Muy , but wo : ulviso parties taking
Jiutsldn to .sell July Instead. A letter from
Nebraska cays the planting of corn In that
Hlnto Is liable to bo ! i to ! i per cent
larger than last year. The oat market
hus been fairly active , following closely the
action of corn. News was scarce la thlddeal.
I'rovlslons , receipts of IIORS were about UB es
timated , but the market showed an advance
of 2 , ' > e , reaching the hlchust price of the
soiison. ThU resulted In active competi
tion among buyers at the opening , and al
though orders were not larno the price was
rtiNhcd ip to a 7.'io ndvnnuu In pork over
Saturday's closing. The advunce , iiowovnr ,
mot frcu olTcrhiRs , resulting In a ( jnlck break
sf Mo for pork , lilbs and lard followed to a
large extent. Indications favor light receipts
of hogs ( InrhiK this week In consequence ot
bad weather and Imimssablllty of roads. This
taay support the IIOK market and prevent a
break In provisions , but the market looks to
us rather tired and a downward action would
not surprise us before anv furtlior advance.
Kcimott , Hopkins St Co. to S. A. MoWhortor
There has noun a continuation of the bull
ish manifestation today , and at no time bus
the urlco been below Saturday's close. Though
there has been a bcarolty of public cables ,
private ) cables have been numerous enough
and covered a wide range of iillcgetl Informa
tion , lu a day Ilka this when public and re
liable news Is wanting , private cable ( lends
lead us a merry dance. I'lllsbury , who hus
been on tlio lloorall day , seems to have been
especially favored with bullish advices. Ills
foreign correspondent has today killed u
eood deal of the crop In southern
KiiMsIa and probably would have wlui'd out a
largo slice of the French crop In r.ddltlon had
not other allowed exports killed U so lavishly
In former estimate * that there wasn't much
lett for thol'lllslmry assassins to work on.
Dorn Itusch's latest advlcos spuuk favorably
ot the outlook In I'nmcouml southern Itussla ,
but Information ot this kind makes no appre
ciable Impression on the crop killers. The
visible decreases are less than Iwa.OOl ) against
over a hulf million a year ugo. Kxportors
havebcun uiiiibto to do any business and a
lonul shipping llrm from whom 42,000 bushels
of led wheat were bought sonto days ago and
loaded Into vessel states that H wai resold In
our market today. Advices from the north
west uro to the effect that the outlook for
spring Hcedlns Is the best for ten years , owing
to the thoimi hly saturated condition of the
urotind. which Insures a prompt growth as
soon as thesocd Is sown. Thcro is aconlllctof
opinion as to whether thcro Is u fresh deal on
In corn with the preponderance of sentiment
f avqrliiK u belief that the are sim
ply ' sonlphiK and milking the market
with the e buncos apparently favoring
a break and bullish ontlmslnMii In corn und
oats Is sensibly subsiding. A big scalplne
deal In thcso grains would ficciu to oiler u
hotter promise of success than to buy at
present fora long on II. I'urclia es for n turn
on sharp breaks oiisht to bo profitable. We
hud a lively provision market. Tlio close
shows some advance In nork , lard and ribs
not much cliatize , This Is owing to free buyIng -
Ing of pork by the country. Packers were
tnoderatnsollurx. It Is n enod scalping mar
ket. Would buy on good breaks and bell on
CHICAGO , March 0. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HEE.I UATTLE Huslnosswas active und
prices irregular , prime stours commanding a
wldo premium , the advance ranging every
where from 13o to 25c , with nearly everything
sold at tin early hour. Three loads of prlmo
steers sold us high as ffi.K and a largo number
atJ.Vil to$5.G. . Medium steers held right up
to the nd vance , but common stock ruled rather
slow. TJiero wns a good demand for cow stock ,
und anything at all decent sold nt strong
prices. Tlio morning nnd forenoon were rainy
and the yards dlrty.hcnco there was light busi
ness hi feeders nnd stookors , as tlioy were not
looking at their best after stundlng out In thu
ruin several hours. Several loads of prlmo
stceis sold at $6.00 to JC > . : r > , and hii-go numbers
of good to choice at $ . " > .OJ to J'i.8. , ; others. W.53
to 11. DO ; heifers , FI.10 to 91.40 ; cows. * 1.50 to
if.00 : ! ; stoalccrs , JI.JO to JI.OO.
lloos lluslni'ss In this mntkot was also ac
tive with an upturn ot l. > c to 'Joo and perhaps
In some cases even higher than tnat on me
dium nnd packers , whllo the boom lasted.
Toward the close part of 'the advance was
lost , especially on light and light mixed , but
the prlmo sort held their own to the lust.
Hough and common sold at # 1.15 to $ ! . " > ) ;
mhod and packers , $ I.V ( > to $1.0) ) : prlmo heavy
and butcher weights. 81.0. ) to $ . " > . 10j largely at
S. > .00 , Light sorts sold widely all t ho way from
* l.70to ft * ) ) , largely at4.8O foJI.OO.
Niw YoiiK Murcli HX [ Special Tolojrrnm to
TIIK BEB. ] Tlio stock market started with a
promise of totter tlilnss In both activity and
prices. Tor some reason there was a round
lotof S * , . Paul for sales ut the start and Unit
stock opened U lower while all other western
stocks were higher and buoyant. Vlllnrd
stocks rather led thu early advance. North
American was up ! i to IT.'s. Northern Puelflo
preferred n full point to 71 ! { , Atchlsou rose ?
io'fiX , Ilurllnston ? . to 7l4 ! , Itoolc Isliind ? i to
CH'i , Missouri 1'nelflo ! { to 07 , with Chicago
Ons up ! i to 44 , Now England ' 4 to : ioj ! , kucka-
wnnrni ! 5 to lie , Tlioro was a dropping back
of'itoJS In various stocks from the host
prices before 1 o'clouk. It was a professional
market hero with fair nuylns o tilers front
UhleiiKO In Krauisors. The stock market de
veloped Into u real surprise late In the nay.
Tlio ouyhiK of grander and otlior stoulcs In
creased to such nn tmcut that tlio shorts felt
It mifo tocovor. lleforo tlio close llnrllngton
touched 801 ; . Northwestern lt lj. Hock IMuud
7oi ; , nnd at these prices showed gidns Of S
nnlutseach. St. 1'aul was iiu 1 percent tr AT ,
Missouri 1'aclllo nnd Northern 1'acille pre
ferred oaoh liiiip , wltliotners ut bmallurllg-
uroa. The Bales ranched 148.0UO shares.
The ( ollowlnjaro the closing quotations :
asm. , Northern I'Aoltlo. , . . , 27 ! <
11.8. t coupons do preferred , , 11H
U.H. IVjirexliterca .101 C. , N. A W 105
U.H. . , . . . iloprcf'it ( ei > ) . , , . ' )
- . 110 Ke w York Central. . . . 103
Centrnl 1'acltlc . I' . . 1) . * B ID
ClilcnKoA Alton . 121 Ituck lilnltd iM1 {
ClilciiKo , llurllniion U..M. , tHU 1' Wl'i
.tyillnor . BO tlo preferred IIOU
I.IjV\V . Wi St. I'.iul.V. Oiiinhn. . , , U
llllnuU Cent ml. . , , . , , .ij do preferred (0
I. . II. AW . Union 1'aclilc. W (
Kansnt.liTnxns . IIW \V. , 81.1. . . 1' lj
Ijike here . 10)5 ) < lo preferred
Michigan Control , . , . VI Woatern Union , , 60 > J
MIssQiirll'aulilc. , . . . (17
MONEY ox CAM. Easy ; olosod offered at
liier rout.
I'llIME .MEItCANTIT.F. PAI'KR-Ad ? l > Cr COJlt.
BTBIIU.ICI HxciiANiiK-Dulliuul uislor ; slxty-
( lay bllU , tl.ta ; ; ( loiuiviul.
NEW VOHK , March : ! ) . [ .Special to
TIIK HEE. ] The following ixro tlio mining
stock quotations !
"Tllco li ) Mynioiilh. 1UJ
Kuruknl'on , , 310 Slim No vnda J < 0
llomontiiko Standard 123
Horn Silver 8J
ColTco UptlniiH. 7
NBW YontOlaruli a. iSpeolul Tclojram to
TUB HEE.I CorrBB-Optloni ouono.l tlull at
Spolntsiip tu5 iioinliilowii.nna olowd Bteaily
aiil iiiiclmiiKOdtoSpolnts tin. Tlio Biiliwworo
8.7V3 lmw.1 liicluilliijf Murvh , I147SJ Anrll.
I T.4UJ J y. * l7.'iMtl7. : r Soptomhor. 115.03. lipot
1 L'c'.V" ' auU 0"y5 ; fll'r ' "fKWi JW.Wi Jio. 0 ,
110.01 ) |
CIIICAOO , March M. Wlicat-Cloio-Slciirtyi
cash , II.O-J > ( ttl.KVi ( : May. II.OIMJ July. II.OJX-
Corii-Stoa'ly ' ; cash , 07V ) ! . > Iny , ( W'ioi July ,
\ JMVcakt ysh. 61o | SIny , MUo ) July ,
itye-Stoaily at8JittMo. !
llnrloyNomlnnl tit " ( Wl'Se.
1'rluio l1linotliy-I.S7 ( 1.28.
Klnx-$1.20' ' .
I'ork-Stcaily ' ; eili. . JI2.701 May , 112.83 ; July ,
Jlin'ril ' rirmt cwli , 50.83 ! May , J7.00I July ,
'short Itlb-Stonly : cash. $0.03 ! May. M.25
. .
Hour Mnn iinu nnclianjrod.
Hulk Muats ShonlilpM. WOMi. lu ; short
clear , fX2.vj.vK ! : ) ; short rllw , *
Iluttor Kasy : creamery , ' . .txaWoi dairy , 1C ®
20o.ChocRo Strong ! full cr < mm chcu < lnrs.
Huts , llMHUct Young Americas ,
StcMuly ; fresh. KftlSc.
Hides UncliatmiMl ; heavy Krconnrtltoil. fifll
llKlitKroonsnltod.fiJicffitloi ( trcon hides. 4'J5J1 !
snllcd bulk , 4io ? : Rreen salted calf. 8ci
dry Hint. HO ; drysultad , oa oitlry calf,8S9a |
deacons , 2."xnacli.
Tallow Itnclinnnoil : No. 1 solid packed , 4oi
No. S.UKi'iMJio ; cttko , 4fc. !
Uooolliti. Shipments.
P.'oiir . 1M.OX ) 0,000
Whoilt , lJU . 27.0JO m.000
Corn , bii. , . snODO Ol.iOJ
Oats , bu . . 170,000 liraOM
Tlio Vlslblo .Supply.
CitlCAOO , March at ) . The visible supply of
Kraln for tlio week ending March 2S , as compiled -
piled by tlio secretary of tlio Ulilcago board of
trade , 14'us follows :
Wheat . 12.7111,000
Corn . . . 2.IIS8.COO
Outs . S.810,001
Uyu . 47I.W3
Hurley . . . iaa3OJO ,
Nr.w YOIIK. Miiroh 30. Wheat Itecolpts.
7i,8Wbnshclsj : ) exports. 20,203 btislicls ; spot lj !
® Ho ( higher ; No. 2 rod. JMO'Jrtl.n's , In elevator -
vator ; I.ISIS alloat ! * l.l7 ei.lO,1 { f. o.b. ( ip-
tlons InrenbiiyliiK on foroiu'n account , and
pmmptcd liy liiissliiticroi ) reports und cold
wuYclii the west ! tlio course of prices has
Uccn almost steadily upward , closing tlrni at
I'iO'sC udvnncc ; No. 2 red , March , cloaod at
* l.ll ( ! .
Corn Itccolpts G.1,000 bushels ! exports , 1,530
bushels ; spot l iH'u hlfilier : No. 2. 7'Ji ! < aiOo ? In
elevators bio ulloaf nnjrnuloil mixed , 7 U ®
Hie. ( Jptlons almost steadily advanced lii'ii
Sl'iunn Ilcht receipts ; supplies otTercd suar-
incly ; nhorts : IH.\IIIH | to cover ; Mnrcli , sOc.
Uats lietoliiti , 83,01)0 ) husliolt ! ox ports , none :
spot higher ; " No. 2 whlto , 4)4rjC4''ci ) ! mixed
western. 5aat2u ! ! whlto western , UOS600. Op
tions stronger ; March , SDlie.
Sugar Haw , llnnor ; fair rdlnlnp. 8 'Ml ®
5Ucj contrifitKaK 1)0 test , 5'ic. t-aies : Mm-
covadn. Kltost , TiJio ! muscovado , 89 test. 3CJ !
O and centrifugals , CTnnd l test , 2ii-lcQ :
J l.'i-lOc Canil K ; refined dull.
Petroleum United closed. April , at 72Io.
Ksgs Lower ; western , 2Jc.
I'ork IllBhor ! now moss , SM'J.i.VSKO ) .
Lard Higher nad stronsor ! western steam ,
$7.13 ! May closing at $7,19 bid.
Iluttor Woakt western diilry , 13U57c ; west
ern creiiincry , 21G . 'ci ' KlRln , ; I ) , ( itilo. ;
Clicosc-l'lriu ; sklins , G'i ' < iC.lUc.
ST. T ouis , JInrch 30. Wheat Strong and
lilslior ; cash , Sl.O'W ; Jlay , 81.04'J.
Corn Higher ; cash , fllc ! ; Jlay , "ilj o.
Oats lllisherj cash. Ki o : May , 12c.
I'ork BtroiiB nt tia.,03r..T& ( ,
Lard Firm nt 13.025J.
Whlsky-Htoady at $1.10.
Iluttor Very quiet and unchanged.
MINNEAPOLIS , March 30. Cash' wheat slow.
niarkut , higher. Kccelpts. for two days , 220
cars ; shlnuiunts , 61) ) card. Oloso : No. 1 liard.
March , II.Oll ; on track. $ l.0iat 05 ; No. I
northern , March and April , $1.01 ; Mar , SI.01U ;
on track , } l.Ul'il.oa ' ; No. 8 northern. March ,
Ottei on track , oacaI.OQi. ! !
KANSAS CITV , March 30 , Whont Quiet ;
No.2 liun1cashUi , ! ! ; March , Ulc asked ; No. 2
red , cusli.OTc bid.
Cum lllghorj No. 2 , cash , 02o bids March ,
. .
Outs QulotNo. ; 2 , cash , nominal ; March 19o
bid. _
CINCINNATI , March aj , Wlioat Scarce and
strolls : No , 2 red , Sl.OV3l.00.
Corn Strong und higher ; No. " mixed , 72
© rJlic.
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 mixed. 57o.
Wlilsky-Sl.lG. _
MII.WAUKEK. March : tO , Wheat lllghor ; No.
2. spring , cash , $1.03 : Mayt)3 , ' c.
Ooru-lllglier : No. : ! . OUo.
Oats Firm : No. 2 whlto. ! > Hc. {
1'rovlglong Quiet ; pork , May , $12.65 ,
ClUCAon , March HO. Outtlo-Uocolpts , 11,000 , ;
market uctlvo but irrcKulari steers , prime.
} U.wau.t.-i ; others , $4.50o.tU ; heifers , $1.11 ®
4.40s cows. $1. . .01W.OO : stockcrs , fJUXX34.UO.
HORHItecolpts , 8Su09 ; inarltot uctlvo and
higher ; rough nnd common , .1.1.V34.50 ; mixed
nnd packers. JI.O.VJJ1.M ; prime heavy and
butcher weights , JI.U.V3.UO ; light. $4.70 5.00.
Shuep Uecolpta , 10,000 ; market steady ! nn-
tlvrs. ? 5.00 < ao.7oi westerns , f5.005.75 ! lunibs.
* 4.7i-.50. _
ST. Louts , March : )0.-Oattlo-Rocelpts ) , 2,100 ;
shipment ! ! , UOo ; market higher ; fair to fancy
native steers , $ I.OiXt&3.uj ; stockera und feeders ,
HORH llccolpts , 3,030 ; shipments,5,490 ; mar
ket higher ; heavy. JUlXijJI.IXi ; mixed , 81.Da
4.60 ; light , $1.50(34.05. (
KANSAS Crrr , Maroh ao.-Cuttlo-I5ocolts | ) ,
2,00) ; shipments. li.HW ; inarkot strong and
higher ; steers , $ . ' ) .8530.10 ; cowri. iV-M © ! . ! ! ) :
stockersaiul feeders , $3.004.I5.
HORS Itecolpts , a.8JOshpinonts ! ( , 3,000 ; mar
ket higher ! utl grnUcs.iKl.-'uai.bS.
OJM.lll.l 1IVK STttCK.
OMAHA , March 30.
OATTLE-Estlmutod rocoints of cattle COO as
coinunred with 2,205 Saturday und 1.018 Mon
day of lust week. The market was active
and lOo to lee higher on the best , cnidrs of
liotli beuvos and butcher stock and IUe higher
on others. All sold. Oood feeders were In de
lloos Estimated receipts of hogs Sf.OO ns
compared with 4 , ( > Gi : Saturday and 2.20y Mon
day of last week. The market was active
and 20o higher. AH sold curly. The range of
of the prluus paid was $ l,2u < 3 > l.0tho bulk
soiling at * 4.iitM.50. : I'lRS , Jl alKLW ! llght-
IlKhtH. M.7.riai.lO ! llRht. W.yol.M ! heavy.
JIAvai.M ; mixed , Jl.'JSQl.W ) . The avorngo of
the prices paid was * 4.4."iVfi as compared with
JI.-S.J Saturday and $ .1.08 Monday of last weolc.
SllUKP-Kstluiated receipts of slieop llSo as'
compuiedwlihG02 Saturdar. The market wutf
nctlvo and strong. All bold. Natives , l.7o ! ®
5.10 ! westerns.
Disposition of Stock ,
Showing the niimbor ot oattlo , hogs nnd
shcop bought hy the packers und other buyers
on the market us shown by the boolcs of th o
Union stock yards company ;
n ii yon. No.
Sivlft.tCo . 209
ThoO. II. Hammond company . 05
The Oudahy pu-kins company , . 02
Shippers , feeders ani othur buyers . 423
The Omahu packing company . 714
Swift &Uo . 1,003
The O. II , Hammond company . .rO4
Shippers , feeders und other buyers . UU5
14..1M7 887
1..1070 4 00
No. ( Av. IT.
J. SI. Chadwlck-
1 cow f03 ( I 75
1 ! cow * , ( fiSU 1 75
1 hull IU1U IM
I COW , 840 ! ! 85
II COWfl HVI 'J 85
13 HI em M ° J u 40
77 btecrs , hayfed , ll'M 4 35
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No , Av. Sh. Pr.
83 14S ! ! ! ) M ! ! (7 ( JSl ) ( I 45
70 si'3 iiio 4 : a M sis tM
Kl IE ! 40 4 : 3 Stt ICO 450
o'l iiw 1:0 4 : n. to. . . ! 4S 40 450
61 1W 40) 1 Ui CO i."J 00 450
CoFFEK-Orocn-Ulo , SJIMIoi .lava , 27o !
Jloelia. SSe. 1-Wo ; AIo-
I/adglilln. XXXX. MI-lOo ; Ilitnola , M l-10o !
German.o ' ; Dllworlh's , 2Cc ! Lion , 20 1-lOci
Cordovln,201-I0ci .Moclm.aic ; O. O. Java. 20C |
Coffee essoneo-S ! ro. boxes , 1 1.35 ® 1,53 ; chic
ory. 7'.4091ic.
flUTS-l'cr pound Almonds , 18e ! llrnzlli ,
MCI Illberts , liut : pecans iiillo : ; walnuts , 15c ;
IIOHIIUUS fancy \vlilt < \ Cc ! roasted. 8c.
IIIIIED FuuiTS-Turldsli prunoM , less than
hhus. J830lo ) : npiilcH , evaporated , new ring ,
eholco. ISC ! aprlcot ! > , fancy , In sacks. SOci
blackhorrlcs , new , tioj rnapberrlcs. ! ! 31bs to
box , : Co ! eurranti , now , MJu ; Votlxzlturrnntii ,
extra , In boxes fliiot poaches , Cal.eholcc ,
liiic ! California dried pritpcs , In bags , fie ;
scedloss Sultanas , sacks , lOoi muscatels , O oi
now \ nluncla. Me ! Ondura , layer , t > o ! ngs , lay.
ITS , IKU'JOci citron , Leghorn , SOoj lemon peel ,
ir > c ,
SALT-Dnlry-SSOlhilnbhls , bulk. J'.MO ; bc t
pradert , C05s , { .MJ ; bust Krude , 1UO Us , jfJ.iWt
best K'i"iJc , IS 10s , 92.19' rock salt , critHhed ,
U. H5.
CKACKEIIS Sodn , Ccj ovslcr , r ! 4e ! cream ,
8liO ! Klngcr snaps , 8'ic ! JO pcrccntolT on 10-
box 1 ots.
WiiAi'i'lNO T'Ai'Eit Per Ih , best straw , iSxta
to 112x4-1 , lie ? ; dry uoods , 4ci [ extra ciunllly ,
iniiiilllu , GI'C : manlllutcn , 13x18 , Uo { dark rag ,
hardware , sia ,
OILS UO prime whlto , Oc ; 150 water whllo
ll'je ' ; headllcht , lllo ; 71 Kiisollnc , HHc. 01
cans 1 Ral , SJ.tioai.2.- : ; gal , W.7MW.SO ; 5
UAN.NKU VioMAiiT.E3-Toiiiatoos-3-lb : , $1.10
ffll.lS. Corn Very Hue , tl.2oai.Si ; l-lhsuuar ,
$1.15 ; 2-lb standard western brands , JI.10.
Mushrooms 1-lh French , oxtr.i line , V.'GS.'iO !
1-lh KriMich. One , l ® 2.'e ; 1-lb 1'rench , ordi
nary , IttOICe. I'eas 2-lbonrly June.iM.S * . ; 2-lb
Marrow , stiintturd brands , Jl.lO ; 2-lb ponkwl ,
70c. L' runeli peas nor c.-iso of 100 , } 1.5t2.00
Iicriloz. StrliiK henns-2-Ib hl li crude , OOc !
2-lb wax honns. ( wo ; S-lta strlnir beans. 60c.
I.lniu heaus 2-lh soaked. 85o. Huston baked
lioans 1Mb , Jl.UVjai.V ) . Sweet potntoos 1-lb
New Jersey , | | , .V ) ; 3-lb oUra and tomatoes ,
tl.OSi : i-lb okra , fl.OO ; usparasus , 3-lh , 8J.SV ! }
3.75 ; rhuburb , 3-lb , 41.10 ; succotash , 81,2JiS
' (3ooA Packajos , CO Iba to box , 5 ? c ; kegs ,
'I'nAS Japan , hasltot flrod , 20V > e : sundrlo ,
R4 * > ei procn , 204J"nc ; puiiDOWdcr , 20TOc :
KiiKllHh breakfast. : t5Q753 : VOUIIR llyson,20ij
! )5c ) ; ( JoloiiK. 353.lo ( ; 2-lb package dust. loo.
Axi.r. GuuAsi-l'or : Rross-l'razlor's ' larso
tins , * ) ; tnodluin tins. J27.00 ; small , SlJ.UOi
other niakos , wood KUO&s.M ) .
IltiACKlsn II doz In box , yo75c ; ladles' shoo
dresslui , ' , 4RctI.OO ; steve pollsli , per gross ,
. . .
1II.U1NQ Liquid. 4 m , 3 doz In box , 93c@tl.75i
8 oz , a doi In bo.x , $1.33@2.7j ; dry , small , 25oj
largo. 43c.
Si'icns-I'oppcr Slnsaporo , sifted , I. > i51lo ! ;
shot , 2'ci allspice , 10c ! cloves , 1'onang , select-
oil , 17011'C ' ! cas la. China , 4-lb inntH , lie ; nnt-
inegs. No. 1 , 73oi macassor , ffici pickling snlccs ,
10-lb boxes , 2oo.
Ciiocor.ATi : , ETC. U-lb hoxoi , SI'iMJo ' ; ocr-
inan sweet. 'JiS'JIo ; cocoa. IlOffilOc ; llronio , 't'c.
COCOANUT 13-1 h oases. ' . and -lbpaukugcs ,
per 11) , lfi-7c ! bulk , 15-lb pulls. 25c.
OLIVES Quarts , per doz , $1.00 ! pints , per
doz , S..rU ! hulk , uor gal , $1.8) ) . Ollvo oil ,
pints , 2 doz perciihe , Jl.50Q > 3..W.
AlAi'MiSuoAU-l'or Ib Seoiikcs , 30-lb boxes.
13ej lOo cakes , 30-11) boxes , 12ici ! 1-lb bricks , 33
Ibs In box , pure , 14e. .
HltooMS 5-tle parlor , $1.0D 4-tlc , K.73 ; 3-tle ,
$3.23 ; : i-tlo. plain , Sl.hOi wurohousc , JJ.OO ; toy ,
$1.23 ; whisk , $1.0001.25.
i-OAr Castile , mottled , porlb. lOosdo white.
per Ib , lie ; laundry soup , per 100 bars , $ .l.l5Qi
( U'O ; shavlnpsoap. 5offi7oo per doz ; toilet soap ,
3 cakes per bo.x , r. < Hi2n'.23.
KAHINACEOIJS Goons llarley. 4c ; farina ,
kegs. J.j.00 ! split peas , 2o ; green peas. 2e : oat-
iniial , bhls. $3.2.VfM.3) ) | half bbls. $3.S53.W ;
mnearonl. 12o ; vermicelli. 12csago ; und tapi
oca. OBni' ' e ; Limn baans , nj c ! eoroallno , J.'lil ;
llakcu hominy. II ! ic ; pearl hominy , $3.00 per
IA-K Lewis' perfumed. $4,50 ; Red Cross , $1.23 ;
American , 1.23 ; Hjiponlllor , $1.25 ; Merry War ,
JitX ) ; Star , scrubbing , 8i.7o ; Qlllctt's pow
dered , $1.85.
MILK Condensed Eagle , J7.40 ; Grown , $0.23 ;
Anglo Hwlsi , W.70j American Swiss , $7.00 ;
Highland. SU.U ; "Itlgl , " ftl.CO.
EXTIIACTS Loinon. 2 iir. . Me ® ? 1.80 ; 4 oz , $1.00
fW.50 ; vanilla , 2 oz , B5c$3.80 ; 4 oz , JH-'aa-iSS ;
Jamaica ginger , 4 oz. tl.ti5.
MATCHES Parlor , 20) and 300 per box , $1.03 ®
J1.70 ; sulphur , $1.1531.30.
CANDV- Mixed , : u-lb palls , 8Vi(8 ( ? 4'o : stick ,
8u ! ; tvrlst stick. Oo ; French mlxcd.lWe ; hoar-
hound stick , Btic ; jar uiulcaso candles , 5-lb
boxes , IMJ'Jlo ; extra flue goods. TxVfiliJc.
lliiiisitcs Shoe , perdoz. $ t,2.vQkl.cO ; daubers ,
75i-JCI.O ( , ) : soruh brushes. tlflcffllJ.OO.
llntnSEi : Mixed bird , 1-lb packages. Go ;
canary , 4tcs ! hemp , 4 > iu ; niiho. 15c.
OANDLES 40 Ibs to box. tj5c ) ; mlnlns , 1C ®
lOWc ; wax. HP ,
TOI1ACCO FInp cut. per Ib , 2327c ; plug , 22
ftTSc ; smoking , U'x'ijfflc ; fancy brantfs , OOc ®
11.50.Mor.Assns ! { bbls-X. O. fancy , per gal , 40 ®
43o ; choice. 4M45c ; good , ai'a'We ' ; Oubu , baking ,
e : blackstrap , ISiM.'o ! syrup. 8(1 ( grade.
bbls , 2Uol ; bbl , 2SOJ4-KU1 koga , J1.24 ; 2-gal
kits , fi7c.
VI.NEOAH Apple elder , lOos doubleolder , 12o ;
whlto whic , 12c : triple strength , 19c.
ST'Aiicil I'orib , liSc.
PiKcr.ES Medium , bbls , JiOO ; small , $10.00 ;
gherkins , $11.05 ; Boston mixed , $12.00.
Kicu Java , lie ; eholco , da ; fancy , flc ; head ,
CMc.OinEiiPorubl. . rellncd. $ SM ! half bbl , $ : i50.
TWINES , COIIUADE , KTO , Uottou twlno.
"Illbb , " veyy tine , 'i-lb hales , 22ccotton ; twlno
XX brand. M-lb bales , 18cs liumn twine , H-lb
liulo-i , IBc ; sail twlno , yOc ; candle wick , J.'o ;
40-foot cotton clothes line , II. iOfoot ; cot
ton clothes line , 81.03 ! GU-foot sisal lines. $1.7.1 ;
60-foot lute. $ l.Ki ; wool twines. Sfjes Manilla
rope , all from 7-1 < > to t lu , 1-c ; sisal rope.
all sizes from 7H ! to 1 In , Roi "now process , "
all sizes from 71C to 1 In , 7iioj cotton rope , fi-
ln. 15u.
OIIUESE P. 0. twin flats , porlb , 12c ! : P. O.
.Killing American. I2gc ! ; domestic Swlas , ir > ; io ;
MTrlok. I4c ; Kdam. In foil , oach.I.OO.
WOODEN WAIIB 1'er dozen-Tubs. No. 1 , $7.r > 0 ;
No. 2 , J4..r,0 ; No. 3 , $3..rK ) ; ki'iilcr , oak grain , fi-ln ,
best , $1.5) ) ; whlto cedar. 4-ln. best. $ l.2.i ; pailH ,
: i-boop. oak ginlnod , $ l.7i ! ; ' . ' .Jioop , $1.50 ; syrup ,
tl.S5 ; ( Unvoll , $1.75 ; paper , metal hoop. N.r > 0 ;
crdar , 3 brass hoops ; No. 1. all rod , f3.50 ; cedar ,
3 brass hoops , No. 2 red , $5.0J ; cedar , :1 brass
hoop ? , No. 1 htrlpud. $5.00 ; ecdu.ri : bras i hoop ,
No. 2 striped. H.M ; horso. extra heavyNo. . 1.
f.73i well buckets , * a.2T , lluttorwaro Tubs ,
ash , 3-Inch , per nest , 70o : ashncli ! , S Inriro
size , per nest ; 43e : butter ladles , hard wood.
70o ; butter paddles or spades , 70o. Wasln-
bosirds-Slnglo , Sl.40ft2.00i double. $2.5033.23.
Clothespins 5 cross boxes , Wo.
SuoAH Granulated , 6'So ; oubes , 55iej out
loaf , 8 0 ; powdered , standard , 5'i3XXXX ( !
powdered , Go : yellow O , 4iot } canary , 4fte ;
light extra 0 , Co ; confectioners' A.O c.
CANNED FUUITS California Apricots. $2.55
© 2.00 ; ponchos. $ i7532.00i peal's , $2.50 < 3S.70 :
grades , * l.aV3l.K ! ) ! cherries , whlto , $2.WX32.75 ;
ohcrrlos , black1 , tol.yiQS.Mi quinces , J2.00 : blaok-
borrlos , $3.25 ! raspberries , $ J.OJ ; strawberries ,
$2.00 ; currants , $2. .ti ! gooseberries , t..25 ; pIuniH.
rgcs , ( I.K.Vil.03 ! ) ; plums , green gages. $1.85 ®
1.115. Eastern canned fruit I'ouches , seconds ,
$2.20ffi-X : ) : apple * , 3 Ib , $1.13 ! gal , M doz In case ,
f.1.73 ; gooseoerrli.llultlmoro ) standard , 2 Ib ,
$1.10 : btruwborrles , , ( I.r : > ; raspberries , tl.50 ;
bluoberrles , f I.M ; ml raspberries , $1.50 ; blaek-
berrlos , fl.OJ ; ehprrjes , * 1.25O1.03j pineapples ,
sliced , Jl.-"i2.4 . . , , "
SMOKED JIEATS Sugar Cured --Hams. 14 to 10
Ib avg , Ul-jc ; liiinis. ! ) to 22 Ibavg. 9c ! hiiins , 10
to 12 Ib avK , Wic ; skliniod hams , IQVic ; should
ers , C ; clear biviikfu&t bacon , fclo ( ; Califor
nia , or plrnlu hum. , O'/Jc ; boneless ham , Be *
dried hoof hams ( sots ) , UJfe. dried bout clods
8'&o : short HnlcuUirulls or limn roulette , 7c
smoked beef tongues ( per dozen ) , t < l.50 : specla
hams , 12 to 13 Ib uvg , lie ; bonelos !
hroakfast baconii llie ! : selected dried bun
hums , Insldesjtnd knuckles llo ; selected wldo
cloarbreakfiist Imdoti.Oiic.
Hiiv HALT .MKATS-'Faney light welRht short
elu-iis , 7c ; long elran. ' 40 ! shortclears , U' o
short ribs , o o ; MMiildors , DC ; clour bellies
OJ 0 ! clear lucks' , IBO ,
SMOKED MKATS ' Dry Salt Cured Fancy
light weight bacon fchort clears , 7Jfc ; hacoi
short ribs , "Uo ; bacon short elcar.s.7Uo ! bacoi
long clcarH. 7'ao ; 'bacon clour backs , 7Uc
biicon clear ! )0lli ) ) > s,7llo ; bacon shoulderH,5tC !
HWEET I'ICKI.KD MEATK-llams , tlorces. Do
BhouldorstN. V. ) , tlorcuM , .Vjo ; bolllos. tlercos
iyu ; California liunis , tloici'a , r ! 'ic ; boot IUUUH
llls , tb.00.
I'lCKi.KD UKKK Toxoi'KS-llarrels$20.0l ! hill
bhls , 100 Ibs , $10.50 ; quarter hbls , 50 Ibs , JO.OO
, ,
Lard compound , per Ib , lloroo basis
5'jo ; piirn leaf , per Ib , tlerco basis , 7ei uuro
lard , per Ih , tlorco basis , 7o ; kettle rendurci
loaf lard , peril ) , tlerco bails , 7' to ,
] lAiimtEii : I'OIIK AN'i > llKCf Mess pork ( now ;
nor bbl. * I'.M ; family pork , * li : < W : bad ; pork
tfJ..Vj ) shortcut elnar pork. tll..V > iil3.r > 0 ; prime
mos.s pork , } lu..V/jliuoj bonoicjs pig pork
( fancy ) . $13.00 ; extra moss Ix-of , K.M ; plat (
buuflt.f * > U ; extra nluto beef , $ O..V ) ; evtra family
boot ( boneless ) , f > . ' " ) ; rolled beef ( honolesu
$10.00 ; riinip butts , 111.00 ; eholco Ixjuoless fain
lly beef , half libl.tVMJ ] bout-less rolled beef
ti.10i ) extra family pinto hcuf. id.W.
I'm I'oiiK-Honi'lcss Hiirrols , 200 Ibs , each
$ l.\0)i ) liuK bbl8 , 1(0 ( His. vavh.tiOl : iiurto |
libla , 60 lbjeueh.I.M ; eighth bbU,25 lb.xuuoli ,
OILS I'rlnio lurd oil ( wlntor strained ) , We
extra lard oil ( winter Htralnnd ) , 5Je ; extra No
1 lard oil , 4Jo ; Ko. 1 lard oil , 33o | No. a lard
ill.Kc ; extra neat's foot oil , Wo ; tnllow oil ,
SAOHAOK-Uolnuim , 4cl imcb * 1 siimmcc , 7c |
blood Hiiiitaito , I'ic ' ; liver snimgo. ,4'ie ' ; licnil
chcoso , 4'tci frc < h pork sniisago ( links ) , ( to !
frc'h pork s.-itisaito ( bulk ) , n'iot ' smoked pork
< i i imc. tci KMiikturt sausnue , 7ej smoked
lead cliocsi.1 , Co ; 1'ollsh < iiiisngr,7c ; Knoblauch
snusaKe , 7c ; tongue savu.igo , k'j oummor'sau-
sane , Iflo.
The above prices are for lots of fifty pounds
nnd upwards ; u less ( iiiantlty u half cent
mote. ,
I'OTATOKS ' Homo Brown stock , $1.15 ; Colorado
rado , * ! . ! per bu.
I'IK L'I.ANT 1'cr clou , CK(7.'o.
CAUI.IFI.OUT.H-1'cr dot , J2.53.
Si'i.vACil-l'orbbl , $ ii .
LETTUCE Choice stock , 4C JI5c.
ItUTAiUdAS Mlchlgnn stock , per bu , COo.
llEKM-l'er bbl , $ a.73'I.OO. . '
ONiONs-Kastcrn stock , porbbl , M.30 ; Span
ish , large crato.i , $11.50 ,
CAHlioTS-l'erbbl. . } 3.
CKiiiiY-Mlchlgai : > stock , 403(5o ( ; California ,
pcrdoz , 41.00.
SWKKT I'OTATiina-Choice itock Is liold at
II.M per hid ; seed potatoes , $2.7 * > per bbl.
KAnisiics I'tTdobnnelies , 45o.
I'AitsNti'S-Ver ' hblaoi.
UAiniAnr. l > or II ) , 'JliuWWc.
CUCUMIICHH 1'cr ' doz , l.r > illOO.
CEI.IJIIV UOOT.I 1'ur do75o. .
llEANS-Cholco stock , li.OO.
I > 'rcah 1'rtilts.
OiiANdns Nuvcls , $3 00 ® , " > .25i riverside. $11.3.1 1
luarto and rlvera . $100 ; lm Angeles , $2.50 ;
Florid n russet , J J.50.
Ai'1'i.RH Pourco ; choice stock , $0,0)90.50. )
MAI.AOA OuAi'KS l'erhbl , $
CitANiuiiiti-S"llcll& : ! : Chuiry , $10,0) ) ; orates ,
( JiiAi'i : rituiT-l'or box , $1.3091.75.
Country t'r.iitttcc.
As usual , on Monday the business In ( ho
produce market was not heavy. Kggs drooped
down to the lowest , point yet.
Kens The general market for fresh eggs
was l o.
llL'TTKit-Hecclpta not largo and prlco.s flrm.
The bostcouiitry roll wont ut ! ! UOjV. ! o.
rnui.Tiiv Choice chlckonMt)310c ) ; ducks and
gco p. 105J12o ; turkeys , iHi : > 13u.
( IAMK A few ( incus received but ( pialltv
very poor and demand light. Small ducks ,
Jl.rii5l.50 ; nuillnnN , JiW.
U. T. Davis Mill Co. , high patent. No. 1 nnd ,
Cream , S'.SO ' ; Illiiu 1) . full patent , $2,51 ; Ilawk-
eve , hnlf patent , $2.40 ; special royal patent ,
S'o. 10. ? : iH ( ) ; Jllnuesota patent , S2.S ) ! Kansas
linrd wheat patent , t..t ; Nebraska spring
wheat patent , K.W.
OsUamp's ready to rise buckwheat ( lour.
f4..T percaso of5) ) 2-lb packages ; buckwheat ,
In bhls , N. Y. , $ < 1.00i Excelsior br.uul. J3.'iO !
Slap Jack meal , $ .1.73 per oasoof 50 2-lb pack
Uitiaha Slllllng Co.-Uollanco patent , $2.80 ;
Invincible patent , $ ; .i5 ; Lone Star Superla
tive , $2.10 ! Snowllake , $ 00 ! Fancy Kmnlly ,
S. R ailnmn'sOold Modal , $2,60 ; Snow White.
} 2.5l ! ynoivllake$2.10 ; low grade , $1.CO ; bran ,
_ _ _
Knccoon , No. 1 , largo , 75oNo. ; 1 inodluni , .We ;
No. 1 , small. 40c ! No. 2. 43c. Mink , No. 1. large.
$1.00 ; No. 1. medium , Tie ; No. 1 , small , Me ) ! No.
. ' , Mo. Skunk , black , rased , No. 1 , large. $1.00 ;
No. 1. medium , 7 , " > o ; No. 1 , small. COo. Skunk.
short stripe , cased. No. I , large , 7f > cs No. 1 , mo-
dluin , 60c ; No. 1 , siuallC. . Skunk , narrow
stripe , cased. No. I. largo , 40c ; No. 1 , medium ,
JM. Skunk , broad slrlno , . eased , No. 1. largo ,
JOe. Tex , cross , dark , No. 1 , large , $ iM ; No. 1 ,
liicdlilin , $2.00 ; No. 1 , small , $1.50 ! No. ' - ' , $ I.M.
1'ov. red , No. l.larKC , ? I.W ; No. I , inedliini. JI.OO ;
No. 1 , small , 75c ; No. 2 , ( We. l''ox. gray , No 1 ,
large , 50c ; No. 1 , medium , IlOc ; No. 1 , Riniill , 20c.
Wolf , mountain , No. MarKo. * J.OO ! No. 1 , me
dium. $1.23 ; No. 1 , small. 7r.c ; No. 2 , $1.00. Wolf ,
prairie , No. 1 , large , $1.00 ; No. 1 , medium , 73c ;
No. 1 , small , SOc ! No. 2 , 4Uc. Denver , prime , per
skin , No.l. large , $7.01No. : 1 , medium , * 5.00 : No.
1 , small. $ 'l..r > 0. Heaver. No. 2. per skin. No. 1.
large. M.OO : No. 1 medium , W.H5 ; No. l small ,
$1.00. Otter. No. 1 larse , * 7.00j No. 1 medium ,
$ . ' > .00 ; No. 1 small , $ J.UOj No. 2 , * J.f > 0. Ijynx. No.
1 lariro , .0 ( ) ; No. 1 medium. $1.2 j ; No. 1 small ,
73a ; No.'i Jl.OJ.Vildiat \ : , No. 1 large , 50c ; No.
1 medium , ; Uci No. Ismail. llc. ( Opossum , No.
llurso , I''o ; No. 1 small , lie. ' lladcor. No. 1
large , ( We ; No. 1 medium.l"c ; No. Ismail , IIJc.
Wolverine , Na 1 large , $1.0) ) ! No. 1 medium.
$ .100 ; No. 1 small , $ .M)0. ) Hoar , black , No. 1
large , $ .M.CO ; No. 1 medium , J13.UO ; No. 1 small.
$ -1.00. Hoar , grizzly. No. 1 lar c , 910.00 ; No. 1
medium , $6.00 ; No. 1 small , $1. Oil. Hoar , brown.
No. 1 largo , $4.00 ; No. 1 medium , $2.50 ; No. 1
small. HUO. Hear , cubs , No. 1 largo , $4.00 ; No
1 medium , J2.50 ! No. 1 small , RfiO. Marten , No
1 larirc. J'.OO ; No. 1 medium. Jl.Ou ; No. 1 small.
500. lasher. No , 1 lurce. * 3.UO ; No. 1 mt'dlnm.
$1.00 ; No. 1 small , $2,50. Ihickskln , Indian
dressed , per Ib. , No. llarRC , Vie to 73o. Jccr.
summer , per Ib. , No. llarse/JOo to 25c. Pcrr.
fall , porlb. . No. 1 largo. lf > e to 20o. Dcor , win
ter , porlb. , No. 1 large , 12e to ISc. Dcor , eiccn
salted , per piece , No. 1 large , 23c to'Se. Ante
lope , per Ib. . No. 1 larco , I''c to 150. 101 1 ( , nor
Ib. , No. 1 lurge , 80 to We. Jluskrat-Ill. , Wls. ,
la. AVlnter , No. 1 lurpe , 17c ; fall. No. 1 me
dium. He ; full. No. 1 large , He ; full , No. 1 me
dium. llcdanmKod , speared or shot. tic. Muskrat -
rat Southwestern and territory Winter , No.
1 large , 14c ; winter , No. 1 medium. He ; fall ,
No. 1 large , lies fall. No. 1 medium , 8c ; dam
aged , speared or shot , 7c.
HONEY Choice. 1 Ib frames. ISCMlc.
LIMB , CEMENT , K-rc.-On board oarsat Omaha
1'or bbl Ash Grove lime , 03o ; Champion
lime , 83c : Qulncy white , SOc ; I/oulsvlllo cement ,
tl.50 ; Mllwaukeo cement. $1.4 ! > ; Utlcn cement ,
(1.40 ; Kngllsh I'orthind cement , i'J.45 ; Now
Yorlcplastcr , JJ.25 ; Michigan plaster , $ . ' .00 :
Fort Dodge piaster , $1.73 ; white sand , 1 * . 1' .
hair , per bale , $1.00.
board cars at Omaha Anthracite
Chestnut , range and cue , Js.2. % per ton ; grate ,
8.UO. Heft coal-Ohio. J3.75 ; tloutliern Illinois.
14.50 ; Walnut block , U25 ; Iowa lump , (3.15 ;
Jew a nut. 3.B. (
HIDKS Fro/en hides , 5o ; No. 1 crccn salted
hides , 0ilc ! ( : No. 2 preen saltoil hides. Do ; No.
1 green salted hides , 23 to I ) Ibs. 54'iiUc ( ; No. -
green salted hides , 2.Ho 40 Ibs , Kai'.io ' : No. 1
veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs , 7c : No. 2 veul calf 8 to 15
Ibs , 5c : No. I dry Hint hldos , 7 < a7Jcj ! No. 2 dry
Hint bides , Jftjlic ; No. 1 dry salted hides , r >
TAt.LOW AND OllUASE TllllOW No. 1 ,
tallow No. ,3ii'n5ci Broafii' . whlto A ,
Ittjo ; grease , white 11 , 3HillMc ; urcasc. yellow ,
2Ue ; grease , dark. 2 < { c ; old butter. 2lQ "lic :
beeswax , prhno , lG5j20o ; roush tallow , 1)S ) < 2J
IJi'C.UO.NES iri OAU LOTS O.vr.v Dry bulTalo , per
ton , ) ; nry country , bleached , per
tonltlO.OOir > ii.OO ; ; damp and meaty , per ton ,
f3.0llll.0,1. ) These prices are for bones weljlioti
and dellvorcd hi Chicago.
Woor , Kansas , Pyohraska and Territory-
Unwashed l > 'lno avcrairo 12 to 13 , choice ] 3 to
1G ; medium avnragu IH to 20 , choice 2J to S4 ;
quarter blood uvurano 17 lost ) , eholco 20 to 22 ;
coa rso average 15 to 10 ; eholeo 1(1 ( to 28 ; colts
and rough iiveraKu I'i to 14 , eholco 14 to 15 ;
seedy or burry 12 to 14 ; bhick 13 to 17) ) bucks
and very heavy Hue 10 to 12. Unwashed comb
ing and dclalnc. Fine dolalno Average 14 to
IB , choice Id tolS ; mcilluiu delaine average SO
to SI , choice 20 to 22 ; medium comhhiK averaRO
20 to2li iniurtor blood comblnx average 17 to
18 , eholco 18 to 20 ; course combing average ] 5
to 17 , choice 17 to 18 ! braid aveiugo 12 to 14 ,
choice 15 to 10. Tub washed. Choice 28 to DO ;
av < ? ago 23 to28j coarse SO to 25.
Currents. or Commerce
II Igbcr quotations will bo noticed on ( lour.
The quotations on sugarRlvcn In this Issue
are for the llrst of the month.
California oranges are advancing very ma
terially ana prices are liable to go oven
II. Nantkerot Elm Creek , engaged In the
drug and notion business. Is ronnrtert asglv-
liiK a inortKaRO on Ills stock of ? sW. (
K. L. Welch& Co.a heavy Minneapolis firm ,
hus opened u wholesale flour store at 1012
North Sixteenth street. They are In the bulld-
IIIK formerly occupied by the llrolccn How
roller mills.
The Omahn milllni ? company yesterday re
ceived n contract from thu government for 000
sacks of their Kellanco potent Hour. Their
competitors were the Wuslibnrnand 1'lllsbury
brands manufactured at Minneapolis.
If they had merit , they
would not calm ! lo bo B
' good as something
SWIFTS Bl'ECiriC , 8. B. 8.
IS HUCOONI'/.i : ! ) AS Till :
Hooks on Illood and BHn illsca-ea frca.
" \\Hiol csalo Cash Commission Uorcliant.
Klxln nnd We tern Crtnimsry butter , VKgi and
tlnrolcuf Inn ] , AUTanu4 ; irn lou * on trnck , wnro-
houioor In iU > ra at baak ratei. IX'l and 13JO ICth at.
Denver , Colorado.
Gco. Oborno J. 8. Smith A 0) . ,
613 9. Uth street ,
I(09-1(111.enTonirorlh ( ( ik
Omahn. Oranha.
Poxtoii & Viotllnrr Omaha Safe & Iron
VTrouclit and cait Iron Works ,
billldlim work , entiling , MnnuCfi tire nmt bnrgUr
tr * work , xvnernl proof : fi > , Ti\iilt , J ll
( aiindrr , nmchlno nn.l . work , Ircm shtillnrs nnl
lilnckimith work. U. t * . Uro cnrnpoi. ( i. An *
117. , drccn.lllli AJ ck on ll
Acme Iron and Wire Wilson & Drake ,
Work ?
, M'f'u tnbulnr Ones , ( in
Iron , wlro nd brim w'ks. box bollor * , , tnnki , olo.
M-l 8. Kill ntrpct
iV , Uoohl , - 1'roprletor. I'lercotnd lOlhitrceU
Rocs Printing Oo.
Llthosrnpblnd , 1'rlnttnf
nnd Itlnnk. llookf.
llth nnJIlovrnrdSti.
Q , W. Douglass & Oo. John A. Wnkofiold ,
Ilardwood I umber , InndCcinont.Mtlwsukca
Jljrilrndllo Cement nod
1310 North ICth Slrool. ( julncrVlilto l.luio.
Oharlos E. Lee , Wyatt-Bullard Lumber
Ilanlwood lumber , wood
cnrjieu nnd | iuriuot | ber Oo ,
9th nnd U SOtb and Iznnl Strcoti ,
Oatlj & Gray , Ionia Bradford ,
Mme , Coraont , Kid , Lumber , llmoccmcnt.cta
Cor. Ptli
0. A , Stonehill , I. Oberfelder & Oo , ,
Mllllncrr , Notloni Importers nnd Jobbori in
Ctnakj , Et3 Mllllnrrr.
208,210nnl 212 South llth
115-1188.18th St. , Om h Btrcct.
Max Meyer &Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr , ,
M'f'tr Jeweler * , dealers In Pianos , OrRani , ArtliU *
musical Instruroiiilts ,
etc. . Mutorinb , Kto. ,
Karnam nnd 16th. ! M3 Doufla.1 Street ,
J. J. Johnson & Co. ,
218 S. 13th atrojt ,
Omaha , Neb.
Consolidated Tank ' A. Booth Packing Oo. ,
line Oo , Oyatcn , llsli nnd canned
Refined and lubricating
oiln , mlo Krone , eta 1S03 Lonrcnworth.
A. II. lllihop , llanutfer , |
tiursall klnili rutibor
1003 Kiirimm stroot.
Emjrson Sjo:1 : Oo. ,
Sued urofTON , da ilir In
Kardon , vniti , liruliunJ
truoseo.M ,
MlI Hnuth 15th.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , , Bohn Sash & Door Oo.
Manufacturers of snsli , Manufacturers of raouU-
doom , blinds nnd iuti , blind ) , doorj ,
Moulding , llrnnchof. etc.
nco , l li nnd IiarJ sti. ICth and Clirk mtrnoti.
Farrell & ; Oompany , DafTy-Trowbridji
\Vbolosalo \ minfacturon Stova Manufao'g Oj- .
yrupi , roolrtsies und
vlnotfiirj , Manufaatur'K storoiaal
BtnTOllp3. |
217-219South8th strcot .
12I3-H15 LoavotiworUnt.
Consolidated Ooffeo
Oompany ,
lill and U10 Ilirnoyit
Omaha. Nob.
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Strong & Sorts ,
Pump Oo. ,
1002-lWl Farnam ilrjot , wlndmllK 913
nnil W ) Jonoi HI. O.V ,
. Omnlia , Nub.
lloti , acting uiinniior.
H. Ilardy & Co. ,
Typo-writors ,
Tojrn , dolls , nltiamifiner
K0odihouiofurnl > hlnj tli ndl20. A. II. I'errlio
' iL'u. , rntaloxuo fioj.
clill'lron's ' or *
nrjl'nrnnmiL 1315 luila ritrcct.
A. I ) . Boyer & Oo
IS-IO Kichango llulldla/ ,
Boutli OmaUu.
S. J.OofFrain , Suiiloy Hauler & Oroeti ,
& 0o. ,
30 Kxcbtnso DulMIni
W Utchunxe ImilJInj
BouUi Ouiaiu.
The Branswiok-Balki ) A , H. Perrigo&Oo.
Oollentlor Oo.
Billiard ntrnltftiiilltn. AllJUtos , AllPrlcti , All
S.tloonfltturos Pirlt.
IOT. 4098.ioih moot ,
Oman * . 1115 DoitfoBUCft ,
- - - - - _ _ _
| iririinrinni iiu-u -L-1J-u--nj1ruxrXjn |
Omaha Bopublican Printing Oo. ,
Uw btleli , bunk ( appliet , nnl ovcflhing la Ui
printing lint.
IQtli nd Douglm itrooti.
Ackcrmann Bros. & Heintzo ,
Printers btaueri , eloetrotrporJ , blank book ra nu >
facturer.i ,
IllQHownrd itroot , Omfthn.
Charles A. Ooo & Oo. , KirkeudallJonci&Oo ,
fauna fnctiirert ana Job VTholetnlo Manufnclur'i
bers. Afronti for lloston lluti <
icrSluio Co , , inn , HOI ,
llDPHciritrd itroaU nnd 1100 llirnnr 81 ,
Willinnw , Van Aer- WV. , Mono & 0o. ,
nara & Harto , Bboo Knelorj , Cornfrltth
1113 unl DoiivlK nH.Ouitt-
Hmior itroet
, Im Merchants Intltoil
Omaha , Kob. to call nn.l extiralno.
JohnL. WilHe , Loxiis Ilollor ,
Omnhnpspor box fnatorr , Ilutrkor * ' and 1'wkorJ"
1317-13I9 IMinKi. Tools A Hupplloi. Ileof ,
IIOB A xliocp railnifi.
Ordori nlloi
promptl ; IlllJ-1113 JilCkion SU
W. T , Soanion ,
Largest Ytrlot/
Omaha Oarpot Oo , , Gihnoro & Buhl.
CirpoU , oil elothi , rant- Manufacturer * A Whole *
tnlo Clottiler ) ,
1511 Douitliti itroot. llOOIUrnoySt.
West k Fritsohor , B , Tncuina i & Uo. ,
Slanufncturori nnocUan Manufacture ' Agents ,
Jobbers of lonf tob oooi C'Uars.
1011 Ksrnnm ( root. 50J3 lltlml. : , Oiimlin.Ncb.
Oraalid0oa1,0oko , and Ooutanti ; Squires ,
Lima Oo , Ilardnnd toll coal ship *
Ilnrdmd soft eon * . pcr ,
8. E. Cor. 18th and Dour- 1306 Knrmm rest ,
lu strtoU. _ _
H-ulbert & Blam , P. n. Mahoney 4 ; Oo ,
Ohio lumpUoekSprtnjl , n.- . . - r ni Bnft .
Krpolilor. Walnut tiloct
ncrcenii.l nut , nnltiraoll onires 813 N.Nilrt and cor.
" "oniw'il ailili U | 10tuandlouKl ) .t
American Puol Oo , Howell & Oo , ,
Bhlppori nnd do.ilor * la
untlirncltn mil bitu tlT 8. llth Btroct ,
minous coal.
Onialm , Keb.
2153.15th itroot.
Nebraska Fuel Oj , , JoLnson Eros , ,
(14 ( Knrnam street ,
213 8.13th atroot ,
Otaalia , Neb.
Omahn , Nob.
ITonnt & Griffin , 0B. Havons&Oo. ,
2138. lUli strooU 1102 Knnmm street.
Omahn , Neb. Omnhn.
Englo Cornice Works F. Htiempinsf
Manufacturers of ( Jalran- nlluriliL'J Iron cornlcoi.
Izodlron Corntoo. Dormer irlntloiu , ilnoj
WliKtowcapa , metal la sky- caps , flnlnli , uto. Uli
llRlits etc. 1110 and 111 ! Irunnnd ilato rciofor.
! > 0 < lKo3t. 811 Knrnam St.
elf Electrical Oo.
Illustrated Catalozut
ICK Cnp'ltul Avonna.
Broken Bow Roller E. T. Davis Mill Oo. , _
Milling Oo. . C. O. Uudorvfood ,
Office nnd warehouse , Manoerr at Oniahnu
1012.N. ICtlntroot Cor. Btli nn < l Jaokion its.
S.F. Oilman , Cloinens Oskamp ,
Jt'CK of ready to rntsa
1014 N. 10th stroat. Hloi | Jack .Meal , tlnoil .
cnko In tlio world.
C. H. Illicit. . Monaj r. _
Omaha Milling Co. ,
Merchant Millers.
Ulllcoimd mill. 1313 North
ICth Htioot
Schneider & Loomis , J. T. Bobinson Notion
Co , ,
lobbert nd Importers of Ornln' funilnhlni soortf.
notion ) nnd furuUhlni n'f't ; Cfli'lir.tto.l . brand
"lluckikln" OTOrnlls ,
KOOdl , tiantx. slilrtn. coits , oto ,
1111 Howard stroet. Cor , 13th nml Howard sts.
Williair Ouraraings , Blake , Bruce & Oo.
I iTonwortU si.
UM-OO8 :
117 nniieiO South lOlh St. ,
Omaha , Nub. Oniithn , Neb.
1 > *