ill. . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MAJiOH 31 , 1801 TEE OMAH A. HEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICK ! No. 121'EAHL STREET. Delivered by Carrier In any part of UioClty. II. Vf. 'JC1LTON - MANAGER TELEPHONES : Bmlncss OHJcc , No. 13. Night Kdltor. No. 23. JIES11OX , N. V. 1 > . Co. Li. nicdcmmn to In Cuicngo. Council illuffs Lumber Co. , coal , Craft's chattel loans , ! 2 < M 8ap block , ( jcnuino Hock Spring couL Thatcher , 10 Muln O. A. Koblnson returned from ChlcnRO yesterday mornlnpr. J. A. Barrett of Lincoln Is spending ft fotv days with his brother , II. P. Unrrctt. Dr. Hoe and wlfo start next Thursday on an extended trip though tbo south. If. BcbUM suites that ho Is not a candidate for the. ofllco of overseer of the poor. A ctiso of measles was reported yestcrdny , the vlotlm being 1'hll Ucsncr , HOO North Suvcntti street. Chris MacUabln was fined 510.70 In police court yestcrdny mornltiK on n charge of drunkenness nnd disturbliiK the pence. Mrs.-John P.Davis , who has boon visiting her father , II. II. Ohcrholt/.or , for ttio past two wcelfH , returned lust evening to licrlioiuo In LaCrosse. AVis. The annual renting of pews In St. Paul's ' church will tulcc place tomorrow evenlnjrat 7.-80 o'clock. It will bo in chat-go of a com mittee from t.ho vestry. Superintendent Sawyer of the city schools Is confined to his homo by lllnc.ii. Ills place Is bclncr supplied temporarily by Chairman Scboentgcn of the teachers' ' committee. Marriage licenses Issued yesterday to lilohnnl ITi-lcnd of Harrison countv nnd Ida Jones of Pottawnttnmlo , and tnJorfrcn Jcnson uud Anna Stlno Uasmussen , both of thl city. For the past few days thoofllceof the county treasurer husbcun crowded with tax payers. Today Is the last day \vhcn taxes can bo paid without a penalty , nnd that fuct accountH for the ruin. The hearing of John Morsel on the. charge of obtaining money under fulso pretenses , was to Imvo taken place yesterday morning hoforo Justice 1'attori , but bv consent of the parties \vascotitlnued until next Friday. A plat was filed with tlio county recorder ycsterdiiy of Martin's ' subdivision to the city of Council Hind's , located ut the corner of Broadway and Twenty-third street. The K ran tor ? are James Martlu and Jane , his wifo. wifo.Anna Anna , sovcn'year-old daughter of Mr. nml Mrs. T nrs Jensen , died Sunday night at 0 o'clock at the family residence , 1003 South eighth stroot. The funeral took place yes terday afternoon at 8 o'clock from the resi dence. Low Dales'.minstrels , who nro to play In the opera house April 8 , gave n rehearsal last evening to which a few of their friends wcro Invited , The boys can well feel proud of the manner In which everything vas ctono nnd a Rood time is assured to all who attend the performance. The March term of the district court opens this morning with Judge II. K. IJeonior on tbo bench. There are over nine hundred cnscs on the docket , nnd the term will proba bly last well nlotiR Into , 'uly. ' Moit of the tlmo todav will probably bo occupied in the malting ot assignments. The lollowlnir ofllcots were elected by the Marquctto society at its last meeting ! Chan cellor. Itov. T.J. A , Mnlloy ; president. Ku- pcnoA. Ingoldsby ; vice president , James O'Brien ; recording secretary , James .Jlnl- rniccn ; ( secretiiry , Thomas F. Cal- laghan ; treasurer , John G. Sullivan ; ser- pciint-at-arins , John K. Holan ; executive com mittee , Joseph T. Foley , John G. Sullivan , William O'Neill , K A. Insoldsby. Another mooting will bo held tomorrow ovonlnff. A decree was given In district court yes terday In the cnsoof M. Dcrmodyvs G. A. Murphv , ot nl , which , wus on trial nt the last term of district court before JuciRoThorncU. The suit was for damages which the plaintiff claimed on account of the vacating of an old road and the opening of a new one past his premises. In accordance with the verdict of the Jury , which declared in fnvor of the plaintiff dnmiKCs In the sum of 1173 , wcro awarded the plaintiff , nnd tbo costs , which amounted to & 70.40were taxed , up against tbo defend ants. A very larRo nudionco filled the Grand .Army hall last , night to listen to the address of Miss Nlclinrson. Her lecture , was another cxiiulslto and masterly piece 01 wora-palnt- IHR on the subject of "Old Trail * : and Now Pathways. " This cvcnlnp tlio nnnivorsary address will bo plvon by Miss Nlclterson. Her subject will bo "jVUlrcVsEyo View ot Modern Spiritualism. " This will conclude the scries of mcotlnirs , mid the younp lady will leave licro after httvliif ? won the highest ' pralso from nil who have had the pleasure or listening to her eloquent talks. This nftor- noon nt2 o'clock the re will bu nn experience nicotliip. ' Chnrlcs McVelKhvn arrcstcO yostcrilay nftomoon by Ofllcer Murphy on n chnrpo of ppdClinir without a license. H. A. Drcicr , T. W. Dugout nuil .lohti IhintliiKton are the prosccutini ! witnesses. They claim Unit Mc Veigh tried to work off some Jewelry on them nt considerably more thnn Its value. Ho claimed thnt the stuff was sollil ( fold , but n bill which ho claimed bu timl received for it from R prominent Jewelry llrra of Omnlia in dicated that It was pure brass. As ho had not disposed of nny of tlio Roods , the only charKO thnt could bo preferred npa'lnst him was that of peddling \vlthoutaliccnso. The monibcrs of the flrm of II. Eisomnri , niul their n&slt nec , S. 1' . MacConiioll , were to have been summoned before Juiliro BIcGeo yesterday nlternoon in response to a motion rnadoby ono of their creditors , for the pur pose of pntwering some questloBs which wcro to bciiropoundcdto tlicin In rcpnni to tholr nnnnrial affiirs. Their uttoriioyh claimed tbn court had no Jurisdiction , and the entire afternoon -was taltcn up by the ar guments of the attorneys as to whether that was the case or not. Tim question vas taken under advisement b.v tbo court , and u deci sion will be made in a fo\v \ days. . In the meantime the case will bo allowed to rest. SIJUNG GOODS AT BpSTON K Fo t tier 1 null ii in , AVnltolaw & Co's. At- traetinni for tlinVock. . Notwithstanding tlie Bloomy wentlicr of last \vcolc thousands of people of Council Dluffs and vicinity visited the Boston store to ndmironiui purchase the beautiful spring poods thnt were opened each day. The sprliiK styles of ladies' dress peed * wore never sj umidsomo as they nro this year. Tlio do- imi-tures from Inst year's ' styles nro very mdlcal and cmbruco nil griidos of poods. During this week Indies will bo well repaid for a visit to the Boston store whether they wish to purchase or not. They will enjoy looking nt the many new sxt id beau tiful fabrics wlilch they canflnd , and If east ern prices will bo any additional Inducement they will bo unable to resist the temptation to select soinotlilnff. Kvorylluon full and you will bo well entertained when lookltiR them over , Wo will furnish you wall paper this spring , in nil tbe lutosi. styles , ut eastern prices , and will ( 'iiariutteo satisfaction both la quality nnd material. IlOS'lON STOHK , Council llluOs , la. POTIIEIUXOIUM , AVllITKIJW & Co. Sold MnrtuiiKctl Property. T.ovl Drown was arrested yesterday morn lug on a ohnrgi ) of selling mortjjagej prop erty , the Information bolns sworn out by L , 13. Crafts. The properly consisted of a horse and wnKcn , which had Deen nwrt nced to Crafts for 10. llrown , it is claimed , took the horse mid wneon to Illntoii station nnd tliero disposed of it to n man named Frank Anderson , Brown , ns his sldo af the story , says that bo met -An doi-son there , nud'that Anderson wnntctl to tnulo him a watch for the rln - . Ho took the wuti-h anil was cxaininliiK't , when Anderson took possession of the rlni : and drove oft. Ilronu claims that hovtvs drunk at the Unto nnd did not know what Anderson had Uono until ho sobered ui > and found the horse und tviiKon nJsiing. Ilowaa unablotu ) slvo ball and he AVIU sent to tbo county Jail to await his trial , which will Jake place before Justice 1'attorx tomorrow. Trait farm for sale on reasonable terms ; within ono nnd one-half inllos of the I' , O. ; all In bearing ) uooJ buildings ; possession Kiven utoDco. Call ou 13. J , llutchluson & Ox , 017 Uroadwuy. NEWS FR01I COUNCIL BLUFFS. Policemen's ' Salaries Rlnally Find by Passage - sago of an Ordinance , WHAT THE COUNCIL THINKS IS RIGHT. Snillli' * Amendments capc or n. Slippery Snloonlst lls- ) Cut-OlT Islnnil llcuth of Colonel \mii > The city council met last evening -with fill members present. In the absence of the mayor President "Wind occupied the chair. Tbo Fourth street sewer matter was the lirst thing to bo taken up. Tlio resolution wns read , whlcnvaa passed by the council nt a previous meeting : , providing for the change In the manner of paying the sowar tax. It was dccld cd to have whatever prop erty hud been sold on account of fallurd to pay this tax , redeemed b.v the city , and that all tax which bad been paid should bo refunded - funded to the property owners. The Fifth arenuo sewer tax matter was then dis cussed. This Is n dlfllculty which arose from n change In the assessment , which wns made on Account of n kick on the part of the property owners , who claloied tlmt It WIM tooulcli. The tax was reduced , but before tins wns done the return had boon mmio to the county treasurer. The tax now stands on his books and ho demunds payment. City -Attorney Stewart stated that the case Had ticon settled In court by the decision ot JUURO Aliduc to the effect that a tender to the county treasurer of 75 cents per lineal foot for the sewers should release the property owners from any further responsibility in the matter. It wus decided to icfor the mat ter to the judiciary committee. R A. Sackett asked for n remission of spwertax on a lot on Union urcnuo. J. O. Hoffman protested against the sewer assess ment on Thirteenth street. He stated thai the sewer referred to was much larger tlinn the ordinary , from the fact that it was in tended to receive the sewapo of the whole city above. Ho insisted that it was not fail- to I'liiu'L-o him wltlt the prlco of a main sewer which wns Intended to benellt others who wijro not compelled to pay for it. It was re ferred to the finance committee and the city attorney to devise some way by which-tlio tax could DO legally paid , and to report In a iron tli. A petition for the establishment of n erado on Bloomer street from Madison to Sluts- man streets was laid on the tablo. J.V. . Paul , asked that a plat of Barton ad dition bo admitted of record. An ordinance was passed ting the petition. Alderman Casper , after an ineffective attempt to adjourn had been mndo Dy Smith , called up the ordinance relating to the salaries of the members of the police depart ment. The rules were suspended and the ordinance wns passed to its second and third readings. The ordinance provided jn salary of 8100 per month lor tlie chief , ? ZJfor the niht ( captain , ? (55 ( for day policemen and 570 for iiiBht policemen. Alderman Smith then read an amended or dinance which lie had prepared , givine the chief $75 , thoniphtcnptaln 70 and all the other ofllcers $70. On motion it was decided to tnkotnc different sections of the amend ment separately. The question of the salary of the chief was then taken up , and Smith's ' amendment was'lost , Smith and Pace voting for It. The same wus done with the amendment as to the salary of the night captain. Smith then decided that ho did not care to press the matter of the Increase la the day patrolmen's salaries. Casper introduced an amendment chan iiiR the proposed salary of the day ofllcers from $0. " > to ? ! 0 per month. The amendment was carried , 1'aco voting no. The second section of the ordinance wus read , providing that all witness fees earned by Uio police bo turned over to the city wlien collected. Smith read an amendment to this section also , providing that the same stipu lation bo made la regard to rewards nnd further nrovldlnp that any failure of the ofllcors to turn over the rewards to the city should bo considered good grounds for re moval. A. warm discussion ensued , in which Smith followed the other aldermen and him self In ruplcl succession. Casper finally became - came tired of hearing Smith talk nnd said that Smltli wns talking too much. Smith sat down. The ordinance was then adopted as it had stood at llrst , with tbo exception that'tho snlaryof the patrolmen \vas fixed at (70 nil around. Alderman Smith stated that the committee rm i-nlcft linil ( Inr idpil rn mlrmt. thn siimn that had been heretofore lollowed wltr. ono ortwochanjrcs. The first change forbade the awarding of any contract whatever to any member of the council. This amendment - ment was ndontcd , Another thin K tl'at ' had bcon tallied of was the advislbillty of chang- Inn the hour of meeting from 730 ; to'J p. m. After some discussion It was decided to stick to the old plan. Alderman Smith moved that the chairman of the committee on streets and alloys bo em powered to liavo tlio paved streets nnd alleys cleaned ( is soon as they uro in a tit condition to bo cleaned. The motion was lost. Smith and Graves voting in favor of It. The council then adjourned until next Mon day. _ The Urcat Tire Sale. The monster slaughter flro sale of clothing , boots and shoes , oto. , began yesterday morn- injr nt the store of M. Marcus , and the room wns thronged with bargain seekers. At the present rate It will tafco onlyu few days to elosoout the stocic , although there are over $18,000 worth of Roods on hand. Most of the goods offered for sale are not nt ail damaged , hut the prices nro put at from one-fourth to ono- thirdof the real valno Just the samo. TVlon's line white shirts arb going at iMo to ( JOc ; men's night shirts , handsomely embroidered , ! ! 0c ; men's underwear , worth ? 2 , $ .1 nnd fl , for fl ; $3 pants , ; hats , 50c. worth ? 2 , oto. , otQ. These prices trlvo an Idea of the way things are golnpr , and of course the stock can't last long at thcso prices. Delays are dangerous. Como now and get the greatest bargains ovortobo had in this city. The store will not bo opened this morning until 0 o'clock. M. MAIICUS , 540 and 643 Broadway. Our spring stock is now complete. If you wont to ho In style call at Keller's , the tailor , 310 Broadway. DUouHsinir Cut-Off I lnniiv Something of a broczo has boon created hy the answer of the attorney general In the Cut-Off Island case , the substance ofwhich wiis published In Tnc SUNIUT BF.B. Some are entirely satisfied that it contains just the things that are sure to result in the finding- by the court that the laud in question belongs to Iowa , whllo others nro of the opinion that the claims there set forth are not such as will hold water at all , hut that the attorney general will bo promptly ruled out of court as soon as ho attempts to bring his case bo- forolt. Said onu of the. Intter class yestor- dny , who , b.y the way. is ono of Council IJInHs * bilghtcst liiw.vcrs , and has in addi tion inailo a considerable study of both sides of the case : ' 'The doctrine of accretions that the attor ney general in his answer Is trying to shy clear of , la my opinion , Is the very thing wo want to stick to. It willtrivo us the boat part of Cut-Off Island , tnobich part , upon which the factories will bu sure to build if they nro built at nil. It is several foot above the rest of tholsland , and In fuct Is the only part that Is worth taking. It has been milled to the Bluffs territory oy accretions , nnd will undoubtedly tall to our lot when tlio cnso is decided. la fact , the Nebraska pcoplo have conceded that much to us. " The young lauloa of All Saints guild of the Episcopal church will plvo a sociable in the Itornl Arcanum nation ThursJay evening- . April 2. Admission So. A general public invitation U extended. Carpets , furniture , stoves , tlnwaro , crock ery , In endless variety on easy payments ut Naudcl & IClum's. Dcntli of Uolnnnl S\vnn > Colonel Charles Swan died at his residence on StutsmauStreet shortly after 0 o'clock lust evening , aged eighty-one years , Colonel Swan was ono of tbo best known men in wetorn Iowa and was ono of tbo pioneers neers of Council Bluffs. Ho lived m the state In its territorial days , nnd since 1800 La bus bccu a clllzcu of this city. During his 11(0 ( hero howas an active nnd prominent business man. For tnony years ho was the solo proprietor of n li.rgo packing establish ment , and Swan's packing house Is still ono of the old landmarks of the city. For the last few years ho has been fall anil feeble , nnd death was the result of old ago nnd ex huxistlon. Ho leaves a wlfo and n largo family of children , four boys nnd flvo cirls , all of whom are living. Nearly all of .the children-wcro nt his bcdsldo when ho died. Ono of the sons , J. S. Swan , accompanied by his wlfo , nrrlvod from his homo In Olcnwood Springs , Colo. , yesterday In answer to n tele- ( trnin announcing the dangerous Illness of his fattier. Arrangements for the funeral have not hecn completed ana will bo announced later. Slippery Snowdpn. Fnnk , the Missouri Tnlloy sa loonkeeper , was found guilty In the federal court last week for violating the United States revenue law in selling liquor without n government Jiccnso. Deputy Sheriff S. S. Ethcrldgo nnd the prisoner alighted from the train at Avoca to supper , They hnd hardly Kotten to e.itlng when "all aboard" was called , Uvtho tnno the deputy marshal hnd nut SnowJen aboard the platform had gotten so fur past him that ho concluded to wait until the rear platform came up.Vhotiho got on hoard Siiowdeti nad vanished , and ono of the passengers Informed Etherldgo that he had seen some ono come up the platform nnd slide down on the other side about a mlnuto hofuro. Ktherldco returned to Council Bluffs and sent a man to Missouri Valley to sco whether ho could trot any In formation as to Snow-con's ' whereabouts. Ho learned thntSnowden had been there as late as 11 o.'clock Saturday night. After Snowdcn leaped from the flying train ho wont to a farm house near by nnd stolen horse which ho rode across the coun try as far as Crescent City , where ho turned the horse loose nnd took the train for home. Mr. Kthcrldgo states that ho has been In his present position for sixteen years and tlmt this Is the llrst tlmo ho over"had a prisoner Sot awav from him. Ho says ho will have nowdcn back ngaln If ho stays anywhere within the United States. A flno prorumme ; will bo Iglrcn at the St. Bernard's hospital bazaar tills evening. Ad mission 25 cents. _ A peed girl can find ft situation to do gen eral housework bv minlylng to ! Mrs. P. M. Pryor , 010 Bluff street. The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N. O'Urlen. _ _ - _ _ Xo Crcil t at Stela's John J. Uudd was arrested yesterday morn ing by Ofllccr Alurphy on a charge ot larceny which was preferred against him by Jacob Stein , who keeps a feed store on Broadway opposite the government building. Stein claims that Rmiil came to his place and wanted to buy a bushel of corn and a bale of hay , "When tlio stuff had beou put in his wngon bo asked the merchant to put It on the slate. Stoln replied that everything was cash down. They stood debating the matter a few minutes , when another pur chaser called , nnd whllo Stoln was waiting on him Hudd got Into his wagon and drove off. As soon as Stein could Oo so ho started in pursuit , and at lest caught Itildd Just as ho was entering his yard on Avcnuo U. Ho took away the hay and the oats ana left them at a neighboring house , but when ho went to get them again the man ho had loft them with refused to give thorn up. Stciri was therefore very much exercised in his mind over the question how ho should get his property. Ho finally swore out an informa. tiou against Uudd charging him with lar ceny anil the arrest wus made as above stated. _ Shugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk Held , garden and flower seed ? in the west Catalogue and samples by mall. J. B. Atkins , western agent for DcPnuw's plate glass company , will RVO ! estimates on plato delivery in Iowa and. Nebraska. Do you want an express wagon or boy ? Uing up the A. D. T. Co. , telephone 170 , No. 11 North Main street. at Mynstor Springs. A. R. Furguoson , who lives near Mynstor Springs , had an oxporlenco with burglars few nights ago. Ho and his wife lockod'Up their nouso about a week ago nnd went away on a visit. "When they returned homo on Sunday they found that burglars had en tered "bv prying open ono of the windows , and had rausVltod everything in the house that wns capable of holding anything that pcoplo In their line of business would want. A lot of clothing , silverware , canned fruit ana a sot 01 uranu new tools were among mo missing. The vnluo of the stolen property cannot bo told exactly , for It Is not known Just how much wns taken. Mr. Furgueson , in making Investigations , found a part , of the missing stuff In the woodshed , where it had evidently been concealed by the thlof , who had expected to return for'lt that night. J.C. Blxby , steam neatlnir , sanitary en gineer , SOi Merriam block , Council lllults Uomembor that St. Bernard's hospital fair commences this evening nt Masonic temple and lasts all week. Tlio Hospital Itaznar. There was a largo attendance last evening nt the opening of St. Bernard's ' IJospItnl Bazaar. Mayor SlcCrea mndo the opening address. At tno conclusion of the address an ox- ccllent programme of vocal mid Instrumental music mid recitations wns rendered. The hall is beautifully decorated and will he Kept so during the entire week. There will also bo dancing every evening. The tables are presided over by the following ladles and gentlemen : Miss McDonnltt , Miss Clark , Mrs. Kyno , Miss IMer cn , Miss Keating and Mr. .Lunkley. The programme for the evening will bo en tirely new , nnd the general admission will bo reduced to 10 cents. _ Evans Laundry Co. . 520 I'carl strcot. Tele phone 290. Goods called for and delivered. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 80 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High grade work a specialty. Dr. Sonninns' I ) iiiiestlc Troubles. Several months ago Dr. N.A , Soamons nnd his wlfo had some trouble over the attentions given Mrs. Senmons by a fellow boarder mimed William Shnffor , whom the doctor charged with very serious misdeeds. A scandal resulted , and Seamons and Ills wlfo separated. The -\vifo filed a suit for absolute divorce nnd alimony. Yesterday Soamons filed his answer and a cross bill denying all the allegations of his wlfo , and prayiup the court to refuse her a divorce nnd ullrnony , as prayed for. In his cross bill ho asks for a dlvorco and the custody of tholr child , who Is now In the care of Its mother. Ho alleges that the mother Is an unlit person to'lmvo charge of the child. Our line of carpets anj parlor furniture will bear inspection , \Vo c'utin ' the largest stock In the city. Manuel & Klein. Ho is Identified. The man who was killed by the Burlington train ot Island Park bos been Identified b.v his brother , who lives in Omaha , Ho stated that the name of the dead man was Peter btoss , nnd that ho had started for Chicago to hunt work. Ho had no money to pay his fare , so ho decided to boat his xvny. The brother , wno lives nt 121(1 ( South Twelfth street , In Omaha , took the remains to the other sldo of the river , where they will bo buried. INFLAMMATIONS AND ALL HURTS AND ILLS OF WN RND BEEST , Continental Clothing House. in C JF Prudent buyers cannot afford to spend one clolla1' for any article of clothing , until they have seen some of the1 bargain lines in Men's Suits , Spring Overcoats and Boys' and Children's Clothing. We are having the largest sale in Children's Suits ever held in Omaha , We will sell this wecki 250 Boys' Cheviot Suits , ages 4 to 14 , at $2 ; regular price outside of our store $4. See show windows for samples. 150 Suits , ages 4 to 14 , of the celebrated Sawyer Double , and Twist Cassimere , at $4. Sold last season for $7. SPRING OVERCOATS , We are showing the largest variety we have ever carried in Fine Overcoats , Look in our show window and see the Melton Overcoats , in a medium shade , cloth and silk-faced , at $7.50 each. MEN'S SUITS , , The biggest value ever shown in the city is our All Wool Argyle Cheviot , at $7. See samples in our show window , elegantly-made and trimmed at $7 each ; all sizes. We will send a sample of this cloth to any address. F RRRLxA.ND , LOOMIS & GO. , CO-RNER 1STH AND DOUGLAS STS. OMAI-1A. BOSTON. 3NI ? W YO Hlv. DISS A SAIL ON THE BRINY DEEP , Or a Whirl by Bail to Six American Pleasure Eesorts. EVERYTHING PRE-PAID AND FIRST CLASS. If You AViuitto Take n Trip TliU Sum- mcr Without KxpciiNO , Participate > pate In Tlio Hoe's Match less . OiTer. Arrangements linvo occn efToctod by the publishers of Tin : Bnn which enable us to innko a novel ntul nttraotlvo oftcr to parties who are disposed to devote tholr time nnd en ergy toward procuring now subscribers tor Tim O.MAHA Wccjar EKC or Tun SUXIUY Br.u between this data and the 10th day of Juno next. Tills olTorwlll bo open only to rtortios so liciting subscribers in Nebraska , town , South Dakota anil Kansas. A careful record will bo kept of all sub scriptions rewarded , and the awards will bo made without partiality. THE EU11UPPAN TOUR. . To the person that A\ill s'ccuro the largest number of cash suoscribors for THE O.MAIIA WiiKiarBr.B or THE SUSDAX BEE before Juno 10,1891 , , will bo given vnnn OP COST A HOUND 1711P EUUOI'EkX TOUll TICKET ThlS ticket will include first-class passaco from Now York to Europa and return. This In- ludcs also all traveling , hotel and slgbt-soo- Ing expenses. Tlio trip will bo made with an excursion party gotten up by Mrs. M. D. Frazler of Boston , and will be iu charge of competent culdcs. The traveler lias no cares whatever. The tour covers all the principal countries of Europe TCnglaiid , Germany , Switzerland , Franco , BolRlumItaly and their pvluciOiU cities. Including London. Pom Brussels , Berlin , Koine , Florence , Venice , Mllun , Uonoa , etc. fcl-.VKNTr-TllUr.E DAYS OP SIOHT-SEC1NO. The partv starts from Now York Juno 27 and returns to that'city by September 11. Taken by any Individual alone , this Eu ropean trip would involve an outlay of at least * roo. AMEKIC-tvN AND CANADIAN TOURS. For the second largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to San Francisco nnd Los Angeles and return. Magnificent mountain scenery , tno beautiful Golden Gate , the land of sunshine , fruits and flowers. "Who has not seen California wll not die happy. " Travel is , an educator , and to properly appreclato the vnstness of our great country ono must see its best features. Ifortho third largest list of subscribers to the \YBKKLY or SUNDAY Bnu wo offer a tlckot from Omaha to Quebec and return. What could ho urandor than a trip down the beau tiful St. Lawrence in inld-sunnnurl To con- ternplnto the beauty of Thousand Isles is de lightful. How much inoro delightful to visit thorn when In verdure clad. Anil all this pleasure for obtaining sub scribers to the \ VEKKIAnni } SUNDAY BEE. For the fourtn largostllstof subscrirjers wo offer a f rco ticket from Omaha to Now York , Philadelphia. Washington and return. Q.'hero are no points on tnis continental greater Rcneral Interest than these three cities. An American citizen has not com- plbtcd his education until bo has seen the sent , of government. The persons and points of Interest In Washington are innumerable and to the intelligent observer a visit there is full of interest. No v York and Philadelphia as tbo commercial anil financial centers of the country nre always Intercstintr. All this sight seeing ana traveling given away for obtaining- subscribers to the WREKLY or SUNDAY Bun. t For the fifth largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Niagara Fulls and return. Ever smco your childish wonder \vasaroused by the description In the old school readers of those wonderful fnlUyou have deslrca to see them Hero is the op portunity. A most delightful excursion nnd ono without oxncnso , given for securing sutf- scrlbors to the WEEI/JCY or SUNDAY BIE. : J. or ttie sixtli largest ilsi , of subscnborswo offer a f rco tlckot frofn Omaha to Salt Lake Citv and return. The ' famous Mormon city is fast becoming n Gentile city , nnd will in timoloso much of interest INOU- . this sum mer would bo a good time to visit the boom ing city. Garlleld iBetch is of course in cluded in the trip. This summer resort on the lalco Is a delightful place to pass a few of the hot summer days.'hy \ not secure a number of suuserbe.rt''for ! ' the WBEKI.Y or SUNDAY BEE and Uiko the trio. For the seventh larueM list of subscribers wo offer u free tlckot to Denver and Manltou and return , Whllo a"shortor trip than any of the others it combines1 many pleasant fea tures. Jlenvor the 4"tcn city of the plains is always worth seuini ; whllo the health and summcrrosortsof Iiimtou are delightful indeed. Health-giving , , Insult-lug , restful amid subhmo scenery what trip could ho mororostfull All tills pleasure for securing subscribers to the SUNDAY or WEUKLY BEE. CONDITIONS. Now what are the conditions upon which thcso tickets are ijlvon nway i The securing of the largest list of subscribers to THE \VEtKi.vor SUNDAY Bnu. No Jnowspapcr In the west Is sowell and favorably known and solicitors have nliynys found it an easy mat ter to sccuro subscribers. TUB HUE'S sub scription list has always kept pace with its reputation and It dclsres to add now nnme.i'to its lotifr list of friends. Being at all times n people's paper It makes friends with all classes. The subscription price of THE WHEKI.Y DDE Is f l.OO per your postpaid to any place in this counto or Camilla , or & ! ,00 If scut to a foreign country. THE SUNDAY BKE Is $2.00 per year , but Omaha subscribers for THE SI'NIIAY BEE will not bo counted In this competition. Get up a list. Have your friends subscribe for the paper. Sarnplo copies forwarded 1100 on request. Persons desiring to compete for oao of thcso prizes will please say so when sending in their llrst orders. Hcinlttanco in full must accompany every order. Two six months subscriptions or four three months subscriptions will bo counted as ono order. I'JlttSOX.tL J',1 IM Glt. J. J. Cox of Lincoln Is at the Paxton. C. C. Whlto of Lincoln Is at the Murray. J. A. Urlnith of Wahoo Is nt the 1'axton. F. M. Wood of Lincoln Is at the Murray. Robert Craig of Columbus Is at the Mur ray. ray.E. E. L. Reed \Vccplng Water is at the Paxton. Hon. W. J. Bryan of Lincoln is nt the Paxton. Mrs. It M. Allan of Ames , Neb. , is nt the Millnrd. . i Itov. G. M. WnmrlRht of Blair is at the I Mlllard. | J. A. Segwick of Dakota Hot Springs is nt ! the Millard. C. A. Knrnoy and B. F , Fnrncy of Aurora nro at the 1'axton. Mrs. Charles Perky and Mrs. J. A. Loiter ofVn \ hoe are at the 'Murray. A. P , lirltik of Cedar Rapids , ono of the state bank examiners , is nt the Milhml. Mr. L. M. Novin of Now Lisbon , 0. , is visiting his brother , Lawyer Novin of this city.John John Dwycr and wife , Oeorgo A. Scott and H. L. Ewingof Boutrlco are at the Murray. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. N. Wltjmcll have returned l from n three month's trip In Florida. They I are at the Millard. ' Albyn Frank of the United States circuit court , made his appearance nt his ofllco yes terday after a" two week's struggle with la grippe. Miss Bertha Scoflotd of Newark , III. , who has been visiting Miss Stephen at 1009 Webster - ster street lor several weeks , returned to her homo yesterday. Sheriff Charles Yund of Larainlc , Wyo. , stopped In Omaha last night nnd lodged a prisoner at the county Jail. Ho will proceed today to Joliet , 111. , with his prisoner. Colonel W. F. Vaill. the genial city ticket , agent of the Burlington , returned Saturday I from a three week's vacation In the west. The colonel shows no traces of the hardships : io endured during his throe days in a snow bank in the mountains of Colorado. The Barker S. O. Tincliell , CoHiinbui. O. ; John S. Hurt ami wife. HnMtlncs ; , J.\V. K. Amcsun. Clilenco ; O. H. I.lttlo. I'hlludclphla : 11. 1J. Swift , Broken Itow ; Kred Miller and wife , Irwln. In , ! I ylo lingers , Wakotiold ; J. K. Itonor. Davenport : li. H , Siutcc ; , Chicago : Dr. A. r. tilnn , Davenport. ThoMIIIard-J. O. Wcscroll. Boston ; M. II. llopuwcll , Tokiimah ; llunry 0. Alors , Now Vorl' ! 31. H. Sprlnsur , P. T. f'niinskor , M. II. lllukoy. Ohluugo ; K. M. I'olk , Lincoln : II. I : . llollou , Chlcatro ; K. T. Strliimr. Uran'l ' Island ; Mr * . A. Kansas City ; V. 1) ) . P. Klcliarcls. DoiiRlasVyo.i Idout. J. Oue.'it. Ft. Monde , H. I ) . ; A. H. licncli. Wheeling , W. Ya. ; J. 0. Hall , Uhluugo. The 1'axton-J. W. Woolloy.H. 0. McConnnll W. li. Whneliir. Now J'orlc ; O. A. Hiilley. To rokaV / ; , Dullln. Kansas Oily ; Dun .Murirnn , Miss L. IhilVord. Chicago ; J. K. Conrad , United StatosArniy ; . 1) . 1'ackartl. Warren , O. ; J. II , Hlvcr. C ho. Venn o ; ( J. 1 * . IIiifTniiin. Ht. Louis ; li. U. Mndpo , flurliiiKton , la. ; K. IVolistor I , Stratton , Nub , ; J. U Ankor , Ilrooklyn , N. Y.i J. llimlock. Iilncpln ; William A , VoniiL'.SIoiix City ; J.O. KnrlchU Wullii Walla : . Kylaml. Iteno , Null. : It. S. SoMmorhorn , Dos Moines ; J. It. Head. Uutlo , Mont , : H. A. Young , Chi cago. The Murray U. T3. Lewis anil wife , Mrs. E. A. Adams , It E. Mooro. Frank I' . I.nnruiice , Lincoln ; II. 0. .Mason , Fremont ; K. II , Smith , T. 1 . llluok. 31. llornhard , K. W. llalilwln , K. 1 { . Ooortrleli , J. W. Arulnlirlght , Now York ; II. W. HodRcrs , A. A. Uouliranl < \ R Lewis , 11. W. Jiiinlsoii , M. Dlitiniin. L. V. Mllllnston , II. S. Mlllor. L. I' . IH'rros , F. K. Whlto , Chicago : O. It. UooU , llooni > , la. ; J. A. Graze , liurllnBtoti ; Lit. Mayor. Mllwiuilioo ; 11. 1' . Itlucktord , HI. 1'uiil ; J. liratt , North Pliittc ; .1. Iliinuroft , Leicester , KnglundiW , M. Davidson , 'lllooin- Incton , 111. The CnHoy P. E. Ilcnnott , W. li. I.chtnan , Staiiton ; Jninos Itrndlcy , Non-ion , Ore.V. ; . L , I'aul , Norfolk ; Dr. O , K. Kitivlkmor , York ; ,1 , W. llrlll , WulKiior ; J. H. Smith , K. M. Thorn- ton , Atlantic. In. ; I'lillJacobs nnd duuirlitor , Wuter : A. K Agio , Viilloy ; Kmnk MeDonnld and wlfo. Minneapolis ; John liur- kur. Donilwood ; K. lilcliards , Kcokuk ; .1. M Morris , Uhlcugo ; Ulmrles lj. Itnllcy , Ilrooklyn , N. Y. ; Aim /.wick , St. Louts ; L. Kluin , Davun- nnrt ; A. Kuysur. I'hlludolphlii ; U. I ) . Gross ! Ornnil Island : William 11. HIM , Chicago ; Nut Ituknr , Luslc Wyo. At the Dellonc J. P. Ailnms. J. V. Sweonoy. V. K. TelTt. S. Frank , W. K. Adnlr. . ) . N.Ilhoein , J. A. Mattho\v9.C'hlcueo ; T. H. Heiinrll , Huston : .1. J. Smith , 1'rank Smith. Knglu ; ! ) . L. Urfciner , NutirasknV. : . U. Nonnohur , Iliirllnzton ; V A. lirnwn , Nebraska Oily ; Jninos 11. Wnllncp , J.V. . MvaiiH , Iliistlniis ; A. J. Smith. Nebraska ; J , I ) , Osciimn , Itov. W. KospMHin , II , II. Tliom- son. ( jeurgo U , L'uakrrll , O. E. Harries , Lincoln ; W. O. Blioppln , Ilutto City : I1. O. Smith , I/i ni-iuule ; < 3. A. llotry.l'ocntullui K. O. Sehnliitf , La ( i rand a ; O. \\hcclor. . ItcnloyV. ; . C. An- dcr > on , 3Ilss Ada Druvrn. It. K. Wllloy , Jinm'S K. Iloyd. Lincoln : N. 0. C'onk. L'hluara ; W. U. Carnentur. New York ) William 31. llrldo. No- Ijrasku t'l ty , _ _ Azaleas are having tholr llttlo day nt a tre mendous rato. People who cannot afford the great Blowing roses 11 nil the azaleas splendid substitutes In their ( laming scarlet and crim son hues. Dcop rod azaleas were seen recent ly in a dark blue Sovros bowl , with the outer edge of mignonette for settings. Yellow tu lips In n delicious .soml-tono between orange nnd pink nro popular , It is more natural to a man to Ho In boil in the morning and wish no was rich than it Ute to yet up uud earn a dollar , ' I'oHltlvcly cured by thcso Llttlo I'ills. CARTER'S Tliey also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia , In ITTLE digestion and Too Heart ) Eating. A per/ect rem edy for Dizziness , Kausca , Urowslncsri , Dad Taste Ul the Mouth. Coated Tongue , Pain la the Sldo , TOIIPID UVEB. They regulate Uo Dowels. Purely Vegetable , SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE FIRE 8RLEI - | - FIRE SRLEI Commencing Monday Morn ing , March 30 , at arcus Clothing. Howe , ro This stoclc consists of Man's , Youths' nnd Boys' Clothing , Gents' Furnishing Goods , Hnts , Caps , Boots , Shoes , etc. Some of thesp goods are slightly dnmaged by fire nndwater. . They will be slougli- tored nt less than one-fourth cost price. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Come early and secure bargains. Tlioso goodc will not last long nt the prices wo nre going to mnke. Wo intend to clean then out In a very short time. IM. H. CHA.MBERLIN , M. D 15YE. KAIl. NOSK AND TllllOAT Sl'KCIAiaST , Council Illuirs , In. All ( JUcniesuf the BYB. L BAH , NOSH nnd TIIItUA'I S Irontol wllh tlio grunt " eklllnnd cnro. UATAHUII. ASTHMA * nnd 1IAV FBVKIl troatlJ with eminent tuccoa * . SUUGIOAIjOPKUATIONS , nhero nocesinrr. ptln- Icssly pcrformo.l with tlio utinoit cnrn an I nklll , at- f urine perfect nualta. FINKdf OUASSKS iicour- ntuly proscrlboilcorrcollnz nil rcfriintlrj troubles Ki MyopUi , Urpcropln nml Attlulnntl tin , thui rnv ( IcrlnKiljlit omr. aluar i\nl pilnlaii , UllltUVIJ NKUItAMilAnnil SICK IIKAII.U.'UU , sftor yoifl afterrlblo snltorlnu. no rolluf , ontlroly curoJ. O.lljj. Hooni I , Shuinrt llloci , over Ho no JtUo.'s itora. L'uuncll lllutrs , Is. D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' and Packers' Market Fixturas , Casing , Bplocsand Snusaso Maker * ' Machinery. 8'3- ! bin Main St. , Council Uluirs , la. Also denlorj n Hides and Kur A Sims & SanndcrrftJiT'tho' fodornl courts. Roams J , 4 and i bhugurt Uouoblook , Couuell ItluITj. luwa. HT rinmhorQAttorney at Law , No. 19 . J , lilIilllllJLla , pcarl street , over lliish- nell's storo. Telephone No. "VI. llmlness hours. B a. m , to 0 p. m , Council It I nil's , la. COUNCIL BLUFFS Medical and Surgical Institute. DHS. HEbLlNGEItS , I'ltOl'S. . Chronic diseases ot all kinds nnd dcforni- IthisspL'ulalties. Nos. 2001 und "GJU llrouhviy ; : , Council Itlnirs. la. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. C\"ANTKI-Man with siniill family to work ' ' on u. K.arden ; un experienced garilvnar nrcfcrrod. Apply to Johnston .t Van I'utlen , ICvuictt Dloclt. FOK S/U < E-18 null 20 . Main. JLVO : II houses' filets ( IIOHIII ) ] ! lil'-li school. t.'i.dJO. worth $10,000. It. L. WlllluuiH , 18 N , Muln. \ 7ANTED Ooo < l ( ilrl for KCnural houso- V > work. Apply at Mr * I' . M , I'ryor , UIO HlulTHtrcot. W ANTED Student In rU'titalollico. Apply at No. 12 I'carl , ovar Itee olllcu , HAVE ciish customer for four lots between 2lt ! nmU'iitli sis. , boiwoun Ave I ) uiuUth nvo. , J. I' . Ureitiishlulds , nil ) Itruuilwtiy. HAY For Halo 1 Imvo purchased u line lot of Imv. which I will sell liy cur loud or In small ( iiiaiitltlus. Leave ( irdur.s lit No. ! - * - llruadwny. K ( ioldsteln & Co. .furi'i for sale or Iriulos well located and all In bearing ; Kuuj house anil burn. Will takuHoino eooil city property , and KIIOC ! t IiniiKlvui. on balnnco. ( lull on or address U. J. Ilntclilnson & Co. . C17 Itroadwuy , E.\AM1.NK I ho cclobratwl Md'hiill uliiium : now scale crown plniKH itnd or.'iuin. Hold on c.isy puyinonts by Mnr , llourlcliiH. nuisiu toticlior. IllStiHsuiun Htruot , Coiino I HlulTs. "I310II SAI < R A house anil In r o lot on easy - * - ' payiuonts. Inqulro at 4U5 I'arlc uvunnc , CoiinvU IHulVs. la. J. lAUTiil\VAHKlt : Ins moved hla \TatohousufiOMi MIi Iliwilway to 101) Hroailwur , where lin will kcu | > on liaiid it line stock of fiirnuuo llvtiiri's. "I ? OH SAI.IAt : u hiiurllcu. lariri ) size lettcir -L' jiruss , i ; olllcu desks an I dm r * . - store t rucks. I larxo Iron nunlo lruu : ( . - ' hritlna : stovis , 'Jcountor HCiilm. ' 'i-tjii l.nlilcrs. 1 larKH iilatforni lloor Kcilu-t. ; Kvollnu fc. I'd I , 117 Main St. _ _ TpOlt IJKNT The MoMalToTi lilo.-k. : i story -L1 lirluk , with hasniiiunt mill olurulor , JV. . 1U1 1'earl strcut. "ITIOHf AkK A liiirxuln ; now moilurn homo J. with all tlio late lniirovmmiiits | , seven rooms ; will sell on cu y puyinuiitHi located on tliu t'lf tli avuiiuu motor lino. 1) . J. ilululilii- tion , 017 llrouilway , . or oat iran an , wt J. U Uloo. Ul Main it. . OouooU Bluff * KocdHJ Hccdiit Bcnils ! At Colo's liitrilwaro ntoro , 41 Main street , you cnn got the bent toods.Vo soil in bulk nnd cnn { jivodouhlo the Bucdt * for the money that you can buy by thu n.-ipor. Our Hoods are till fresh and tested ami recommended by' local frur- duiiora to bo tlio best Bowls obtainable. Full lluoof Hold and garden seeds. ror 1S1)1. ) Wo nro the pcoplo to iljjuro with for your mount for this year. With our ton years' experience in this line wo uro prepared to ortor the boat vuluo to bo 11 ad In tills lino. It is easy to got fooled on a bicycle. Our prices range from $2. ' ) to $185. The colobrutod Victor nnd Grant lino. COL13 & COLK , 11 Jilaln. Strcot. Electric Trussss , Belts , ChBst Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WASTED. DR.C.B. J 603 Broadway , Oounoll Bluffs , la TUfjIS Ol'l'MOE.07. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEA1I DYE WORKS \VorkproiiiBtlydimoiind dellvuroi In all parts of Uio country. Bund for prlco list , O. A. MAOIIAN. I'rnp. , 101J Uroadwav , Near NorthwosLuru Uanai COUNCIL , UMJKM. IA. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 2I5.00J ( DIHECTOIIS I. A. Mlllor , F. 0. O Ionian. R U 6lmunrt , 10. K. Hurt , J. U. Edinimdsan , ( Jliarloi 0. llanniui. Transact general iKuikltu busli ncas. l/irjo3t : capital and surplui of any foanklnHoutliwostorn [ own. INTEREST ON TIM DEPOSITS , Hitrhost cash price paid for racs ; and all Uiiias of ecrnp niotuls. Country doalurs and merchants will find it to their advantnjo ; to corn in mil- cutowltli uahoforo dienoslnfi of tholr stocks. OILINSKY UROS. , Union Broadway Depot , Tol. 301. CouncirBlutra , la. 27 MAIN STREET. Over 0. U. Jac < | uowla & Co. , Jewelry Store Finley Burks , Thos. E. Oasady. BURKE & CASADY , Attoi' . I'HACTICK IN T1IK 8TATM AN ! ) COUUTd. onicos : J. J. llrown llullcllns , Council Illiiirs , lowu OFFlCIiR & PUSEY , BANKEES. Corner Main nn-1 , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , IO\VA. \ Dcators In fornl n an 1 do-nostto x-jlianT'i ' C'olloctloii iimdo und lutoroit , yalj on dopoilti. HEW OGDEN HOTEL The Novr Ogden Hotel , In Coun'll Uluffa , haebeea comolotoil roiurnUlioJ nnino4oru- Izocl throughout , and U now on * of trio bsst hotels In tliusUitB. It Is locate 1 In ti ! j buil- nesspartof tnu city aui thj eleotrlo motors pasa the door every tour inlnutus , Fire m. capes nail tlrealaruii tlironjhout th ) b.illi. ing. Steam heat , hot aucl cold water and sunshine In every room. Table unsarpi jjl anywhere. Hatoa , $ Q.OOailay. GBO.M. WHITNEY , Manaoor ,