Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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could 1 > o done in the ncnnto. In the former
body tlio bill passed originally with seventy-
two votes In Ha favor. It would require sixty
vott-aatlorthe veto.
When the bill passed the senate It received
twenty -tlirco votes , tmrnely , IleeU Drown ,
Day , Dysnrt , Hill , Horn , Kclpcr , IfoonUs ,
Mlehcner , 1'oyntcr , Hatulnll , Htindcrs ,
Bchram , Shumwnv , Kmlth , StJirbuek ,
Slovens , Turner , Vim Ilouscn , Warrior , Wil
liams Wilson nndWoodi. however ,
Brown , Schram , Shurawnv , titurbuck , "Van
Houscn nnd Woods fnvorrd a maximum rate
upon certain commodities , but voted for tlio
omnlbun bill because tliov coutil not obtain
the monBuru they wanted. Scnntora Ilrown ,
Schrnm nnd Ann ilouscn are democrats.
Tlicro IB nocortAlnty , In vlotv of their objec
tion to tlio bill , thnt they will vote to iiass It
' ever the vote of n governor of their own
political party. If these three should sus
tain n veto It would reduce the number of
the friends of the bill to twcnt.v.which U
thrcMlfllii ( of tlio membership or the
scnnto nnd the number required by law to
oVerrldu n veto.
Senator Horn , ono of Urn Independents who
Voted for tlio bill bus boon Indefinitely ox-
cuscd , rind , unless specially sent fo- , will not
again bo present during the session. Tills
would reduce the frlcndi of the bill to nine
teen. Senator Stevens Is reported ns having
said thnt ho would vote to sustain the govern
or's veto nnd thnt would reduce the friends of
the measure to clfjhtccn. Senator Coulter.
whos liu been sick , howovcr , has recovered
nnd , If ncomnrv. will bo on hand when u
vote Is tnken. This would ngnln strengthen
the force to nineteen , or ono less than tbo
requisite three-fifths vote.
Senator Starbucle and Woods , who nro re
publicans , also favored u commodity rate
bill , and there Is some doubt ns to whether
they would not vote also to sustain the veto.
If they should , the mccturo would have n
support of only seventeen , which may
stil further bo reduced by Senator Wilson.
Tills gentleman Introduced a hill for n nor
mal school at Cllndron. Tbo mensuro xvcnt
to the bouse , whcro it was Hide tracked , the
independents promising to p.w It If the au
thor would vote for thu nmxlmum rate bill.
Thn latter voted ns desired , but the normal
school bill is ns yet hung un , with no proba
bility of beliifj passed. The senator feels
thnt the independents have not kept faith
with him , and us a consequence may sustain
the voto.
This would leave the Independents with
but sixteen votes , four less than nro required
to pans the bill over the governor's veto.
Those JactH lead many people to bollovo
that tbo scnalo will sustain the governor's '
TivoOIIln Ijliult.
LINCOI.V , Nob. , March ! . [ Special to TUB
BKE. ] The senate In committee of the \vholo
tills afternoon considered sennto fllo No. " 00 ,
nuthorl/Ini ; county commissioners to issue
licenses to saloons in what Is known as the
two-nulo llinlUouUldo of cities.
Senator Moore of Lancaster thought the
bill n had ono. It would enable saloons and
road-houses to bo established in the two-inllo
bolt around cities , where ttio present law
contemplated none should bonllowcd , There
might bo saloons In that belt around Otnnh.i ,
but If tliero were , they were violations of
the law and should bo prevented by the local
authorities. If they existed there , It was
because tlio sentiment of the people did not
support tholr eradication. No saloons
existed in the belt in question around Lin
coln , and ho did not wish to have the law
( intended so n.s to enable t bom to bo estab
lished there. Ho moved that the commltteo
report , the Indollnlte postponement of the bill.
Senator Swltzlcr said that neither the
authorities of Omaha nor the county
commissioners had been able to era
dicate the saloons In question because
the owners claimed that neither had
jurisdiction on the ground that tbo law pro-
'vlded for the collection of no license. If the
county commissioners were empowered to
Krnnt a llceiiso they could then huvo control
of the. saloons nnd regulate them.
Senator Moore's ' motion prevailed , although
before the vote was announced Senator Switz-
lor amended the bill to nmho it operative In
counties only with 150,000 Inhabitants. The
amendment was adopted nnd the bill as
amended was recommended for passage.
Ulio Senate.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 30. [ Special to
TUB Br.K. ] The Bonnto assembled 'this after
noon at 1) ) o'clock. The follnwluc : bills were
indcllnitcly postponed : Senate fllo No. 149 ,
requiring railroad companies to post the
names of railway employes in their depots ;
sonata file No. 2'J , rolntiiiK to voting at state-
nnd city elections ; No. ! i J , relating to ballot
boxes nt elections ; No. 257 , relating to the
rnannor of conducting contested elections of
OYnrrtitlvn nnli n .
The following hills were placed on general
'fllo : House roll No. SO1 ' , requiring railroads
to operate their lines nt least four years after
they obtain right-of-wny , aim senate ( Ho No.
, 'M , ( iincu'dlni ; thu constitution to extend the
term orsenutora to four years.
House roll No. 57 , requiring corporations
to mmunlly publish In a county newspaper
tbo amount of their capital stock , wuspiisscJ.
Scnnto tile No. 1U ! ( ! , constituting the gov
ernor , secretary of stutu und lieutenant gov
ernor tbo board of transportation , with power
to apnoint thrco secretaries , ono of whom
must bo selected from each of the independ
ent , democratic ! nnd republican parties , was
also pujsod. Senator tiwiulcr explained his
vote In the negative by saying thnt the bill
was unconstitutional , because it did not spo-
cltlcally state whlcb. sections of the old law
it amended.
On motion of Senator Dysnrt the vote by
which the hill was passed was reconsidered
and the measure was recommitted to the gen
eral Illo.
The senate then went into committee of
the whole to consider bills on the general fllo ,
Senator Smith in the chair.
Senate file No. 117 , prohibiting the giving
of liquors to Indians who are uot citizens ,
wns recommended for passage.
Senate Illo No , 209 , relating to the- board of
transportation , wns recommended to the general -
oral Illo.
Senate Illo No , 211 , relating to tax receipts ,
wns recommended for passage.
Senate tlio No. 2li ! , providing for a correc
tion of the Held notes of the original town-
site of 1'awuco City , was recommended for
Senate fllo No. 215 was read and , on motion
of Senator Smith , the author , house roll No.
401) ) , on the same subject , was substituted.
Both bills provide , for the permanent Invest
ment of the principal derived from the snlo
of school lands. The substitute was recom
mended to pass.
Iho same method was employed with re
gard to senate Illo No. 210 , it being substi
tuted by house roll No. 4W. ( The latter was
recommended to pass , and provides that
county treasurers anall enter In tholrrecistcrs
all warrants presented for payment In the
order of tholr presentation.
House roll No. 103 , was recommended for
passage , requiring railroad companies to
iiamo their stations after tbo towns In which
they are located.
House roll No. 100 , regarding schools In
metropolitan cities , was also recommended
lor passnio. ;
Senate Illo No. 200 , authorizing county
boards to Issue licensor on ignition of free
holders , was passed. This refers to the two-
iiillo limit outside of cities.
, 'Tlio House.
LISCOI.X , Nob. , March 30. [ Special to Tuts
BEE. ] The attendance nt the morning
session was very light.
The report of the special committee on
contest expenses was llled. A ipotlon by
I'uruoll to the the
pay stciiDgniphorof Irriga
tion convention the sum of $50 for services
wns laid on the table.
The report of the spitcial committee , Dob-
ion , IIowo and Fellter , ou extra pay for em
ployes , aggregating about 400 days , was
takou up. Slornsdorff moved to lay It on the
table. Lost. Gulo moved to strike out "L.
O. Bhrndcr , clerk Judiciary committee , four
teen extra days. " Lost. The report was
adopted , 40 to 17. All the independents
present except Bartholomew , Diokorson ,
.FelrhtliiKor. Gale , lliloy and Schelp , voted
In the attlrinatlvo.
The house went into committee of the
\vholo and reported the following bills for
pasjnuo : Senate tlio ISO by Collins , author
izing cities of the Ilrst cluss with n popula
tion between 8,000 and 25,000 ( Beatrice and
South Omaha ) to Issue fc\000 ! in bonds to
construct a system of water works ; sunuto
fllo SO by Moore , tbo Lincoln charter bill ,
A remiss was taken till 3 p. nu
In the uftomoon session bouso roll 510 the
Eonorul appropriation bill was taken up and
poised yeas , 73 : nnys , 13. These voting no
vroro : llroon ( dotn ) . Carpenter ( Ind ) , Pee
( rep ) . Ford ( dem ) , Gardner ( dcm ) , illnUlo
< doin ) . Mathowson ( dcm ) , Olson ( tnd ) , Hull
( dem ) , Bcliolp ( Ind ) , Shipley ( dem ) , and
8t vous of Furnas ( Ind } .
House roll fill , the bill making an appro
priation to pay the various uowspapcra for
printing tlio ooniUtutional amendments
taken uo , Shryock ( Jam. ) of Cass moved
that the hill of each p.inor shall bo fixed at
glOUcnch. After a long discussion thu bill
wns reported back with the recommendation
that it bo referred to a special committee of
live , with Instructions to allow each paper
lei al rates for space In nonpareil type andrew
row rt at the earliest convenience.
House roll W ) , the legislative npporptton-
incut , bill was also called up. The bill re-en-
nets the present apportionment. Mi'Kosson
moved that the bill as amended bo laid aside.
and not concurred In , and thai the original
bill No. 'A" > 0 , as Introduced by i\lr , Foe , bo
tattcn up.
Hron nun said It might iw well bo under
stood now that Douglas county was entitled
to 11 f teen representatives , according to the
liarlrand charged the Independents with a
dcsiro to trarnplo the law nnd the constitution
under their loot , inattompting to maintain
the present legislative districts. Ho thought
Omaha and Lincoln would still exist if they
woru denied proper and" fair representation in
the legislature.
Porter ( prohlb ) said ho hadnbundant proof
thnt the census was stullod In Douglas
county from 40,000 tof > 0,0 0.
Drcnnnn , Brccn nnd Gardner challenged
him to the proof , but Porter contented hlm-
Bolf with merely malting the assertion.
Nowbciry repeated the same , statement.
'It uoines with noor grace for gentlemen
from Lancaster , " said hc > , "to talk about the
constitution , when tnoy themselves have
violated It in every respect. " lOrlos of
"whonl when } " ]
MclCcsson said It had never been charged
that the census of Lincoln had been padded
nnd tbut Lancaster county was entitled to
tbrro tnoro representatives.
Fcllier snoUo at length against the Injustice
of denying fair nnd equal representation to
Douglas county and Hertrand and Urcon
pleaded for Justice to the northwestern part
of the stale , which will bo denied just repre
sentation under tbo pending bill.
I'urnell ( Ind. ) said ho represented a district
in the western part of the state entitled to
thrco representatives , nnd demanded Justice
for his section of the stato.
Keo ( rep. ) defended the hill as originally
Introduced by himself ( is fair and Impartial.
A motion by Shrader that the bill bo recom
mitted WHS lost.
Vooriies' motion recommending the bill as
reported by the committee for passage was
adopted yens , 9 : uays , 23.
Afessrs. GilTord nnd Schnppcl ( reps ) of
Pawnee. Williams nml Faxon ( reps ) ot Ongo
and Ilnll and Illnldo ( dotn ) , voted with the
Independents in favor of the present appor
The commltteo arose nnd McKesson moved
that the legislative apportionment bill bo re
ferred back to the standing commltteo for re
vision , which cnrvipd 41 to 81 , and the bill
vas so referred.
Adjourned till 10 a. m. tomorrow.
Not OH.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March : W. [ Special to TUB
BKB. | Mr. Stcbblns offered the following
resolution in the house :
\Vliorons , The stuto of Nebraska at great
expanse constructed a Bower ( rolu thu * > lito :
penitentiary for the solo tind benefit of
suld prison and ono curtain paper mills com
pany or other dlvurso persons , without
authority from said Ntalo ami wltn malicious
Intent , have made connection with said btuto
Mj or nnd have emptied thu suwuniKO from
said panor mills Into sild ; state sewer , tbcioby
dp'stroylnu ttinuso of said stuto sewer , the at
torney Rimoral of Nebraska Is lipiubv ordered
to protect tbo Interest" " of thn .staio of Ne
braska and remove said cnn c forthwith.
The resolution was adopted.
Speaker Elder bos returned from his home ,
and wishes to state the toloRram ho received
Friday evening , and which his political
friends thought was n schomoof the railroads
to delay the maximum tariff bill , was
Mr. Gale Introduced a resolution today re
quiring the special commltteo to report its
lindings la the case of the mem Dors who were
charged with having received aid from the
state relief commission. Ho said ho thought
the nnmo of the commltteo had better be
changed from the "investigating" to the
"whitewashing" committee.
Senator Starbuck of Thayer county re
turned today after a visit to his homo and
said that ho was pleased to note that repub
licans nnd democrats there were satisfied
with his action oa the maximum rate bill ,
and felt that that measure would not benollt
them n. particle. On the contrary that it
would work to their disadvantage.
The Matter of Seigniorage AVill Soon
Uo in tbo Courts.
\VASnisorox \ , March 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bic. : ] The question as to the
right of a citizen to demand the coinage of
silver bullion at the mints of the United
States without seigniorage is to bo tested in
the courts sooner thaa was at Ilrst expected.
In the supromocourt of the District of Colum
bia today the original motion in the test case
was made and the court issued an order
directing the secretary of the treasury to
show cause on Monday next why n mandamus
should not bo Issued to compel him to receive
for coinage the silver brick locently offered
at the Philadelphia mint. It Is expected
that .tho arguments to follow the motion
will bo brief and that the court will
promptly decide that the secretary
simply obeyed the law when to declined to
accept the bullion for coinage. This will bo
but the preliminary stop and an adverse de
cision is as certain to bo annealed to the supreme
premo court of the United States by the potl-
tlouor as a favorable decision to him would
bo by the government But in any event tno
cnso is not likely to reach the court of last
rcsnrt until the October term , nnd then in all
probability it will have to tnko Its regular
course , which will delay the final decision
for several years. In. the meantime there Is
not the slightest chance that the secretary of
tlio treasury will consent to accoot any silver
for coinage except that which may bo pur
chased in tbo regular business of the depart
Itlulits or HallromlH and Individuals.
WASIIIXOTOX , March 30. In the supreme
court today , confirming the Judgment of the
lower court in Now Jersey In the case of
killing on a railroad crossing , the court
says : " \Vhllo those using public highways
are under duty to keep out of the vVny
of 'tho railroad cars crossing It and tbo
exercise of such care as circumstances
uwuo necessary , the railroad company in
moving cars upon its road is bound toexor-
clso like care tow nrds these who are obliged
to cross Us trucks. The right of a railroad
company to the use Of Its tracks for the
movement of engines nnd cars is no greater
In tbo eye of the law than the right of the
individual to travel over the highway ex
tending across such tracks. "
Cnso of the Schooner Snywnrd.
WASUISOTOX , March 30. The department
of Justice has received the return of the
Alaska district court to the writ issued by
the supreme court , asking that cause bo
shown why a writ of prohibition should not
issue In Iho cnso of tuo schooner Suyward ,
libeled for violation of the law forbidding
scaling in Bell ring sea. It will bo filed In a
short time and'no reason Is now known whv
the agreement should not bo proceeded with
the- second Mondayin April.
SEX.110K PAIiJlEMl IX CllIC.lGft.
Ho Addresses Two Meetings in Favorer
or CifcKlrr.
CIIICARO , March 30. Senator Palmer ar
rived in Chicago tonight and at once plunged
into the mayoralty fight , advocating , as ex
pected , the cause of Dowitt C. Crclgor , who
has been declared by the democratic state
central committee tbo regular demoa-atio
nominee ns against ox-Mayor Harrison.
Marching elubi and. bunds formed an escort
for tno senator , who proceeded without delay -
lay to the meeting of the democratic 1'olLih-
Amcrlcans , which ho addressed in companv
with other speakers. The audlouco of L',000
greeted him enthusiastically , The burden of
General Palmer's speech was that Chicago
cage was being looked to by the party
throughout the country for a great doino-
ertulo victory. He intimated that harmony
now would go far towards securing success.
In n later struggle for the control of Iho
stato. General Palmer subsequently ad
dressed a largo meeting of Scandinavian-
Americans In another portion of Iho city.
Tennessee IjcRliluturd Adjourn * .
NASIIVIM.K , Tenn. , March 80. The Ten
nessee legislature aJJouruod sine die today
after a session of sevonty-tlvo days , Iho
most conspicuous nets of the session were
tbo refusal to appropriate money for u ox-
hiblt at the world's fair and Its autagoulsai
to til legislation affecting nllrond * .
An Early Sottlamont of tbo Difficulties
Clinnncoy Depow itnTorc th-j Grand
Jury Tlio .ludgo'n Charge Cro -
atcs n Sennntlon Chu : go
on the Motion.
New YOIIK , March .TO. The Evening Sun
says : There seems to bo no doubt that the
light ever the use of the Omaha bridge tracks
has been settled. An ofllclnl announcement
of this Is expected very soon. President
Cable of the Hock Island arrived Hero yester
day , and had a talk with Gould on the
liivostliratlnjr tlio Tunnel Accident.
.N w YORK , March 80. Ohauncoy M.
Dopow appeared before the grand Jury today
ns a witness In Its Invcstigntlon into the re
cent Now YorK Central tunnel accident.
Later the Jury waited upon Judge Fitzgerald
and asked him a number of questions. In
the course of his reply the Judge said : "If
the directors of n railroad have thn control
and management ot tbo road It Is their duty
to see that the requirements of Iho law for
the safety of the traveling public ni-ore
garded. Any person concerned I n ttio com
mission of an act Is a member of the liable
party. The law says that some person shall
bo responsible. Those people control the
management of this road. They have
n clear duty imposed upon them
by the statutes. If they have violated
that statute an indictment should ho
found , and let mo say that while it is proper
In cases where persons of eminent standing
In the community have serious charges inudo
against them , it Is well to carefully inquire
Into all tbo particulars , yet the law requires
that the same law should bo enforced against
them as against any one else. If the facts
warrant an Indictment should bo lound. "
Judge Fitzgerald's ' words created n stir In
court. In reply to Jurthor questions the
court said the director * could bo charged
with a misdemeanor ns well as the corpora
tion. Tlipro is no doubt in the mind of any
person who wns in the court room when the
Jury filed out but thnt a true bill will bo
found against the directors of the road.
Cbnnconti the i > I < mon.
Nr.w YOISK , March 30. The commltteo ,
consisting of John GrccnoiiRh and General
Samuel Thomas , which completed Its exam
ination of the Louisville , Now Albany &
Chicago property last week , made Its report
today and tlio syndicate announced Its readi
ness to make the loan. The Monon dlroctorj
handed tholr resignations to John Grconougb.
The resignations of eight of 'tho old board
were received , nnd the following now direc
tors were elected In their places : ( Jenoral
Samuel Thomas , John Grceiiough , Calvin S.
Brice , Frank K. Sturgis , James
E. GrannKV. . A. O. Ewen ,
nnd E. U. Sibloy. The old directors
who hold ever are : W. L. Dreyfogle , J. N.
Breyfoglo , J. N. Campbell , John D. Hughes ,
Hubert B. Shaw and E. D. Hawkins. Dr.
Brryfoplo resigned from the olllco of presi
dent , and General Thoiim ? was at once elected
to siu-cccd him as president of the company.
John Uroouough was elected vice president
and Dr. Broyfoslo was made assistant to
President Thomas. After tbo directors'
meeting wns ever the vice president stated
that the Monon would continue to bo oper
ated as an Independent system and that Its
alliance with friendly connections would bo
continued. It Is stated that the East Ten
nessee company provided -00,000 of the
loss of $ -OOUOOU.
Now Complications.
CniCAoo , March 80. Fresh complications
have arisen to prevent the immediate settle
ment of the St. Louis and Chicago passenger
rate trouble. At the meeting today Chair
man Finlcy reported that all the troublesome
tickets issued by the Jacksonville-Southeast- '
orn , except a very few , had been removed
from the market and It was expected that an
agreement to rostorn rates would bo reached.
The Alton , howovnr , was ready with a new
charge. General Passenger Agent Charlton
said he was reliably Informed that nt the beginning -
ginning of the present year the Jacksonvlllo-
Southeastcrn entered into a contract with
certain parties to furnish 5,000 ono way tick
ets at 5 each , to bo delivered in bulk or
blocks of 500 per month. This announce
ment created u smisution. The Atculson
people , wtio represented the Jncksonvillo-
Southeustern , were not able to refute the
charge today and Charlton refused to ad
vance rates until satisfied that the contracts
did not exist or hnd been cancelled. The mat
ter was referred again to Chairman Finloy.
Delaying the Iloyoott.
CHICAGO , March :10. : ( Special Telegram to
THE Bin. ] The boycotting commltteo of
eastern lines has begun to sing low. The
threatened boycott on the Burlington , bc-
glunlne April 1 , for the alleged payment of
commissions will not bo ofllclally declared
for the present , The reasons are that the
proof is notcomploto against the Burlington ,
and that the western lines have rallied to the
Alton's position and at least declaring them
selves in favor of commission payments. In
order to gain additional proof several of the
eastern lines huvo issued instructions to their
ngonts that under pain of dismissal they must
refuse all commissions. Tbo Pennsylvania ,
it Is assorted , has added to this that likewise
under pain of dismissal its agouts must send
to General Passenger Agent Ford all offers
of commissions.
Another Tilt at Gould.
CHICAGO , March 30. [ Special Telegram to
THE Uci : . ] Humors nro again afloat that the
"Big Six" commissioners have taken an
other tilt at Mr. Gould's Missouri Pacific
system because of the cut sugar rate. This
time It is reported that tbo commissioners
have notified the Atchlson road thnt "undor
oxl. tlng circumstances" that road need
divert no moro'traflio to tbo Missouri Pacific.
The Atchlson under the provisions of tbo
southwestern pool % vas ordered to turn ever
450 cars of grain to the Missouri Pacific. The
Atchlson has to date , diverted 180 cars as
ordered. The competitors of the Missouri
Pacific , are , it is said , determined that Mr.
Gould shall bo made to declare himself In
this matter , either by discharging the olllcial
who authorized the cut or refusing to do so.
Still Cutting Freight Hates.
Cimuao , March ao. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BKB. ] Again the Grand Trunk and
Nickel Plato take more than CO per cent of the
east bound trafiia against their seven com
petitors. There Is uo attempt made to deny
that this signifies deep cuts la rates , but in
almost every case tbo eastern connections of
tbo Chicago lines are charged with the man
ipulation. Trro total eastbound tralllo for
lost week amounts to 8 .103 tons against
70,303 the preceding wool : and 01,455 the
corresponding week of 18SO. Thn Central
trade statement shows that of the flour ,
gram and provision traffic , the Grand Trunk
took 27 per cent against in lust year , the
Nickel Plate 11 against 15 , the Michigan
Central 11 against 31 , the Lake Shore 12 , tbo
Baltimore & OhtoU , and the Putibandlo 4.
An Old Ittiinor Itcvlved.
CHICAGO , March 30. [ Special Telegram to
THE BKB. ] The old rumor often denied
bloomed forth again today to the effect thnt
Mr. Gould will take possession of the Rock
Island system at tbo annual mooting in Jan
uary , Some railroad men sold It was un
doubtedly started by the statement from n
Now York evening paper that President
Cable had along conference today with Mr.
Gould nnd that the light over the Omaha
bridge contract was about to bo nettled. The
Hock Islaud oniclaU hero say there Is noth
ing in the story.
A Ijnnc Star I yauiiing. '
MIXEOU , Tex. , March JSO.--W111 Fields ,
colored , wns lynched , hero this morning for
assaulting a white woman.
Grip t-oourgo I
PirouuKO , Pa. , March80. . Tno grjp
thbctrT5 mill holding on With
do.idl , rosultK. Some seventy-two funerals
occurred yesterday nnd im equal nuiiitrr
were postponed Mitf todav , there being a
dearth of hearsay aid can-tapes. Tonight
nnny well knowfc ow citizens nro reported
dangerously 111. v j >
UK is JTUMTO rz ; ir.
Dlxon Conlltloiitror Winning In tlio
Approaching Mulch ,
BosioK. Masa JMarch 30. | Spcelnl Tele
gram to Tun HUE. ] Tom O'Uourko Dlxon's
ttnlncr , says : "Cjcprgo U fit to fight for his
life. Yesterday niter an eighteen inllo run
ha weighed IIH , pounds ) and will bo nt
weight all right oT'tho appointed time. "Wo
icnvo this ttftcrnooni6r | Troy nnd hnvo no
fears ns to the result. A letter I received
from Troy gives nio cvorv reason to bellovo
that the fight will tnko plnco without Inter
ference. Dlxon is confident of winning. "
New Orleans Knurs.
Nnw Oni.nAXs , Ln. , March IW. This was
the opening day of tlio spring meeting of the
, ; iow Louisiana Jockycltib. Thowonther wns
cloudy and the attendance good. The morn
ing ahowor dampened the truck but did not
affect Its speed , Summary !
Threo-y ear-olds nnd upwards , maiden al
lowances , flvu f urlomrs llollo Klniond won ,
Grey Eagle second , Dutchman third. Time
Tbreo-yoar-olds nnd upwards , six furlongs
.losslq McRnrbuid won , CJilford second ,
Maude third. Timo-1 :10) : ) | .
Thtee-yonr-olds , seven furlongs Ida Pock-
with won , Under \Vntersecond , UonnloBlrd
third. Time 1Q > ( .
Handicap , one nillo Alphonso won. Louise
M second , Whlttter third. Timo-l:44 : ,
irjssr GUTS . A/ir
'II m Supreme Court Ilcvortius the
Iiidxiiioiit Against Him.
CIIICAOO , March 30. The cnso of J. J.
Wcscvs the people of thn stnte of Illinois ,
the opinion on which was bunded down by
the supreme court at Ottawa today , grows
out of Iho struggle for tbo possession of the
Chicago Tunes. Several years ago
West nnd Clinton A. Snowdcn , then
owners of the Mall , secured the co-operation
of the Hulskamp IJrotliers' company nnd
other wealthy capitalists of Kcokuk , la. , and
bought the Times from the heirs of the late
Wllbcr F. Story. West was Installed ns
manager of the pnier | on behalf of the syndi
cate. The company became so Inreoly In
volved by the extravagant management of
West that the IluUkutnps and their asso
ciates found It necessary to oust West from
the management in order to protect thoprop-
crty. An investigation of tlio nff airs of the
company disclosed the fact that there wns
an overissue of stock to the extent
of several hundred shares. Criminal pro
ceedings were nt once Instituted against
West nnd Secretary Graham. West was
found guilty and buntonced to five years in
the , penitentiary , while Graham was ac
quitted. An appeal wns taken to the supreme -
promo court , which rovewed the judgment
and remanded the cases ,
l'O VTltiVti 11 lilt G LA Its.
Sons ol' I'roininriit Citizens Arrested
for Numerous Crimes.
LoaAXSi-oiiT , Ind. , March 30 , [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BEI : . ] During the past six
months numerous burclnrios have been com
mitted in this city , but the police could got
no trace of the thieves. Last Saturday the
Terre Haute police arrested four boys charged
with vagrancy anil'in 'their possession wnro
found letters and articles of value Indicating
tholr homo was in' tills city. Today they
were brought horc iuid it developed during a
preliminary examination that these boys had
done much of the crooked business hero for
the Jast year , taklmri their plunder to Terre
Haute to sell. Itls , pstimatea that over S10-
000 in goods was stolen. The strangest part ,
of the story Is that the boys are sons of well
known citizens. Ond of them is Edward
Ovorhol/or , son of Dry D. L , Ovorholzor ,
who twoy.ears ntro ran for. congress ln > this
district , on the prohibition ticket. The oth
ers are George Hall , John Hoof nnd Frank
Welch. They were bound over to await the
action of tbo grand Jury.
Election Iiot > ln Argentine.
BUENOS Ayncs , March 30. A riot occurred
at Moron during the recent election. Two
hundred- voters attacked the pollco and n
general firing ensued , which lasted two
hours. The killed and wounded number
A mutiny occurred on tbo Chilian
man-of-war Pilcomnyo while lying
In the harbor hero. The mutiny
Is supposed to have boon Instigated by
Chilian residents In this city. Thrco sailors
were killed uud niuo wounded. %
Bcvulton the Comoro Islands.
LONDON" , March 30. News has como from
Zanzibar of the outbreak of n revolution In
the Comoro Islands , In thoMoznmblquo chan
nel , about three hundred and fifty miles
northwest of the Madagascar coast.
Oa the island of Anjouam the. na
tives , after the death of Sultan Abdul
lah , supplied themselves with arms
and spread over the country , mussacreing
300 pcoplo and carrying destruction far and
wide. Tuo war vessels of the French squad
ron have been directed to put down the in
lMilln < lelp'ilu& Heading Wreck.
SIIAMOKIX , Pa. , March 80. A passenger
train on the Philadelphia & Rending wns
wrecked ncnrVnstlnes this afternoon by the
spreading of the rails. Flatrmnn Mnrtz was
probably fatally injured. Three passengers
were badly bruised and others badly shaken
up. It was n miraculous escape from death
for the fifteen passengers In the parlor car.
Jury Bribing in Chicago.
CHICAGO , March 30. A bold attempt nt
Jury bribing In the { 10,000 dnmngo cuso against
the Ycrkes cable road was exposed In Judge
McConuoll's ' court today. Tbo accused Jury
llxora are J. J. Hopper and M. C. Shannon.
two real estate brokers. Iloppor ajinlttcd
his guilt , but Shannon , who was on the Jury ,
douled knowledge of the crime.
A To.vnii KiUu Hi.sHivuI.
KAUFMAN , Tex. , March 30. Marlon Hamp
ton and Charles Hawkins were rivals for a
lady's hand. Tholr Jealousy cuhpinated In a
tragedy yesterday. Hawkins was shot and
killed and a four-year-old child passing by
mortally wounded. Hampton nas arrested ,
llctfred Army Officer
Ntw HAVKK , Gifa'A. , March 30. General
Charles A. Johns d 'a ' retired army ofllcer
who served In th jJVIoxlcan and civil wars ,
committed bulcldo' this morning. Ho was
slxty-llvo years of Unco nnd u descendant of
John Quincy Adanw >
i t ol * ObltrlcB Arbucklo.
PiTTSiifiiQi Pa''Jiarch ; ' * ! KJ. The remains
of Charles Arbucltlpj the millionaire coffco
merchant , were .buri'ad In Allegheny ceme
tery thU nftcruooui tl'lio announcement , tnut
the remains were Vjjo cremated was incor
rect. 1 1
Killed In , i | i Kxplosloii.
TKIIRE HAUTE , slnd. , March 30. A blast
furnace in the southeastern portion of the
city burst today. * 'fvo ' ? men were Instantly
killed and much danrafgo to property resulted.
Do Witt's Little1 fiatly Risers. Best little
ill ' ever niado. Cure constipation every
F , .mo. None equal. Use them now.
A Itontal I2.\uhmigc.
An exchange has been organized compris
ing the real estate agents who do a renting
business , the object being to protect property
owners from undesirable tenants. The ex
change will have daily reports nont to all
members of tenants who leave 'any house
wltbnbulanco of rent unpaid. W'hllo nil
agents reserve the right , to rent only to de
sirable mul rosponslDto parties , they will not
runt to any party unless satisfactory reasons
bo given for unpaid rent to any landlord or
HorNfortl'ti Acid PlioHphnte ,
A Healthful Toulo.
Used in place ot loinoni or lime Juice it wil
harmonUo with tucU stimulants as nro uecca
sary to take.
The Object of im English Woman's Trip
from London ,
Solution of n Mysterious Disappear *
aiiuo-Fro/.cii to Death AVlillo
Intoxicated Hnloltlo
el' a farmer *
Sioux I'AM.S. , . 1) ) . , March 30 , [ Special
Tcleg.-am to Tun Unn.1 Mrs. Kvn Lynch
Blouse of Cavendish Square , London , Kng-
land , arrived hero three months nRO. nnd her
mission to tbo wooly west wns only made
known today when slio uppllod for a dlvorco
from her husband , E. T. Blosso of 10
Charles street , London. The fair plnlntill
alleges that she was married to her husband
nt Dover , Kent , England , July 21 , 1SSJ , nnd
that they lived together until July , ISS'Jwhen
aho discovered thnt her husband hnd com
mitted adultery with the wife or Lord
Torphieeu nt the KOIIIO of John
Koss on Mortimer street , Cavendish Square ,
in London , Knglnnil. This caused n
row in the family nnd Mr. Ulosso sailed for
Ameiica , settling In Chicago , whcro ho went
under the nanio of Falconer Lynch. Ho returned -
turned to England last fall and Is now re-
sldlfag there. Mrs. Utosso Is connected with
ono of the most nristocrutlo families In KUK-
land , and it was her father's attorney wlio
ndvlsed bar to como to South Dakota to got
herdlvorco , thostntolaw hero requiring oulv
ninety days' residence.
Probably Murdered/ /
YAKKTO.V , S. D. , March ! ! 0. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Dun. ] On the evening of De
cember 14,1800 , , a young man named John
Ilobaon was spirited away from ono of the corners in this city nnd although
every means was exhausted to discover his
whereabouts he could not bo found. On Sun
day morning last , Jilnrch 2t ( , Carl Guss , a
fourteen-year-old laddiscovered , the body of a
man on the Ice In the Missouri near the Ne
braska side opposite thiseltv. The corpse
was fully Idontliled as thnt of John liobson.
'Jho watch and valuables wire found on the
body nnd there Is nothing to indicate that bo
wns robbed. That it was inurdor Is acknowl
edged , but who did It Is u mystery ,
Violated tbo Gnino Imw.
DiiADWocm , S. D. , March 30. [ Special
Telegram to Tins Urns. ] Thomas AVhit-
tnltcr , aland commission merchant , was ar
rested tonight mid placed under bonds to ap
pear for trial tomorrow morning In answer to
u.charge of violating the gnmo law , having
exposed for snlo two dozen rufllod grouse.
\Vlilttakcr claims the birds were killed in
Nebraska. This will not exempt him , how-
over. E.V. . Martin , a prominent attorney
and a former president of the i un club , pur
chased two of the birds and may bo made a
party defendant. The is the ilrst thno in
formation for violating the pamo law has
been tiled npniust anyone In this part of tbo
Black Hills and excites a' good deal of Inter
est. .
Tplcsrnph CommunionIon ! Stopped.
HDKOX , S. D. , March 30. [ Spociol Telegram -
gram to Tni : Ben. | Sunday's snow storm
was the heaviest ever known in this locality
so late in March. The snow fall was from
seven to fourteen Inches , equal from to three
fourths to an inch anu a half of water , The
storm was the heaviest in the east and south
part of the stato. Telegraph communications
in nil directions failed till this evening. The
elcctrio light wires are down and the cltv is
in darkness tonlfiht. Tito ground will bo in
line condition for seeding and spring work.
Found Dead In the Snow.
Sioux FAL.I.S , S. D , , March 80. [ Special
Telegram to Tins BEE. ] This morning
John Henjum , an old and wealthy citizen ,
jjvas found' dead in the slush and snow
'deposited by the furious storm of Sunday
night. Ilcnjumvhon last scon wns in a
beastly state of intoxication , and the Inquest
held over the remains elicited the conclusion
that bo was chilled to death while drunk.
The deceased wns one of tlio early settlers of
this city , coming hero in 1873 from Deco-
roh , la.
Kniii and Snow.
MiTCim.1. , S. D. , March SO. [ Special'Telc-
gram to Tin : BEE.J Ilaln nnd snow fell hero
for twenty-four hours , beginning -Saturdaj'
night. It amounts to thrco Inches of water.
The ground Is In nrimo condition to receive
the moisture , and this makes the crop pros
pects of the state llrsl class. Telegraph poles
were broken down by the < yelnhtof snow on
the wires. Many wires aro'down on the lines
of the Milwaukee company in this section.
Sulcldn of a Farmer.
YANKTOX , S. D. , March 30. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Bin : . ] Thomas ICukoal , n Done-
rnlan farmer residing near Lestorville , this
county , blow out his brains on Easier Sun
day with n shotgun. Financial troubles was
the causo.
No grlplncr , no nausea , no pnm when Do
"Witt's Little Early Hlsors are taken. Small
pill. Safe pill. BcstpllL
Vlsltlngu Sister.
Vaclar Plnla , who disappeared qnito mys
teriously lust Friday from his homo at the
corner of Eleventh and \VlllIams , has been
heard from. Ho is at Mooro's Bluffs , baun-
ders county , visiting with a sister and all
fears as to his safety are therefore allayed.
The IIowo scale tookllrstprcmicm atPhlln ,
delphia , Paris , Sydney and other exhibitions.
Bordeu & Sollcck Co , , Agta. , Chicago.
Sneak Thlnr
Ceorgo Yates was arrested on Thirteenth
street last night by Ofllcor Dooloy. Yates
had stolen a case of surgical Instruments
from Dr. ( lllmoro. whoto oflloo Is at Eight
eenth nnd Douglas. Ihc Instruments were
recovered , ft $ tbo prisoner lind not disposed
of them yet when nrrcstca.
itonition iniii ii\Niity. ; ;
Sonio Irreverent Unseal Alter Trini
ty * * 1'iiHtrr Ofl'crliift * ,
Sonio time during the Sunday ovcning ser
vices nt Trinity church n thlot cntorod tlio
house of the ( loan , Bov. Cbnrlos H , Qnrdnor ,
111) ) North Elttutccutb street.
Entrance \vns effected through a down
stnlrs window and n tin box takou from the
( loan's ' bedroom. Kothlng else In Iho house
wns disturbed.
The box con tallied about $0."i in cash , two
rtulronu tickets , some chocks mul tocnrltlos.
Dean Gnnlnor did not discover the loan
until nbout U n. in. Monday , when ho had
ocenslon to tmo sorao of Iho papers fli tliohox.
Upon the discovery of his loss the inattov
wns at once reported to Iho police.
It Is moro than likely , considering that
nothing elsi In the house win Ulsturbod , thnt
the thlot expected to obtiiln jiossonlon. of the
nioniliiR Kastor ofTorlni ? . In tbnt cnso his
Biiln would have nmountod to botwooti $100
nnd $ , ' 00.
J'nytnonthtis boon stopped on tlio chocks
nmi tlio ilcnii has wired to Chicago , oiuleav-
&riiig to have thu railroad tlckots made void
or taken up If ottered for transportation.
3u case this U done the total loss of the
robbery , which will full upon the dean , will
amount to loss than ? lX ( > .
Bo suronnil use lMrVlnslow' Soothln
Syrup for your children \vhllo teething. J5
cents n bottle.
Oinnlia Throllln TenOers null Their
I''floiils ' ( Colobriitu.
The second nnnuiil ball jrlvcn by the Omnhn
division No. 1 , Nntlonnl Association of Sta
tionary Knglncera nt Washington hnlllnst
night\viis nttemlcd byaboilt two hundred
and fifty people , and most of tlioao who went
took pnrt In the dance.
The programme of dnnccs consisted ol
thirty uutnbors. The iinmo of the first
dnncuVM slgnlflcntit and npnropnato
"Tho Press' it was cnllou nud
the young pcoplo seemed to enjoy
it itnmonsi'lv. Other dances -were of "Tlio
Smelting Merits , " "OMAHA Hir : , "Morse
Dry Goods Company , " "First Nntlonal
Bank , " niutso on through tbo cntho list.
Hctrcshincnta were tnhcn nt inldnlplit.
Tliero was not nsllp orn Jar to intcrforn with
the enjoyment of the assembled company ,
and the bull was iu every reaped a vary en
joyable affair. Al Butterflcld wns master of
ceremonies , nnd the Jloorconmilttcu consisted
of J.W. Matthews , Joe Wohcnback , CJ. Nord-
quest , J. Lnffcrty , O. Iloadwoll , w. B. Aus
tin nnd W. H. Stark.
Keep a Lottie of Cook's Extrn Dry Chain-
pngnohi your ice chest to entertain your
friends. Ills
It Furtilshos Many Murder Cases to
United Stntca Courts.
Judge Dundy roturncd yesterday from
Wichita. Kau. , wlioro ho hold court for u
month for Judge Foster , who has boon ill for
some time.
Judge Dundy says ho bad a great term
down there for murder eases. Ho heard
four , nnd Judge Hlner of Wyoming , who as
sisted him for tuo weeks , heard two. Thuro
nro still thrco murder case.s on the docket of
that district. Nearly all of these cases were
from the Oklahoma territory. Fighting over
land scorned to bo tbo cause of most of them.
Judge Dmidy heard the case of Adams , who
shot Captain Couch , the great Oklahoma
boomor. Adams was convicted and sentenced
to bo hanged ou June 31.
Do Witt's LUtlo Early iliscrs ; uestllttlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath ,
Solootlnv Flrcmoii.
The mcmborsof the boarder lire nnd pollco
commission in making provisions for
the now onglno houses , have se
lected the following ns firemen :
W. F. Glider , John Uonohoe , M. B. Gilbert ,
B. J. Morris , Prank Urban , Daniel Hurl ,
Frank Ilcrmos , Patrick Uoimn , J. C. Daily ,
R. A. Thompson , John A. Hells , llobert Van-
dorlord , J3. A. Hamilior Patrick linaiio ,
William Flood , Thomas Moses , Thomas
Kelley , Charles Reynolds and Charles S.
These men will bo called for duty as soon
as the now houses nro completed , or when
ever vacancies occur oa the x-cgulai : " force
now employed.
_ _
Gosslor'sMngioIIendacho ' .Vafow. Ourosall
hcmlfichcs in lie minutes. At all druggists
Declined to i'rosraut * .
* The three men , Steve Carroll , Peter Coylo
and Frank Boland , arrested for breaking
into John And fit's plnco on South Sixteenth
street ami .stealing a largo quantity of
liquors , were discharged in police court yes
terday afternoon.
About 10 woithof the stolen liquor wag
found in Coylo's barn. John Audrlt refused
to prosecute the men , consequently they
were discharged. _
A faded and discolored beam is untidy nnd
n misfortune , it may DO prevented by using
Buckingham's Pyo for tUo Whiskers , a
never-fulling remedv.
Slio Was Uolcnsed.
Minnie. Hayes , charged with stealing a diamond
mend scarf pin from a visitor to her domicile
In the burnt district , had a hearing in pollco
court yesterday afternoon and wns dis
charged. The court wiis satisfied thnt Min
nie had no intention of stealing the pin.
to Corporations.
An Interesting case was triad In the supe
rior court at SiiTsun , Cal. , last week. It was
a suit for 100,000 damages brought by II. IT.
Dixon against the Southern Pacific railroad
company for injuries sustained while in tbo
discharge of his duties as brakornan ou Jan
uary 20 , 1880. While n freight train wns beIng -
Ing cut up and run on to the ferry bo.utSoln-
no , atBonlcla , Dlxon was on the top of a box
car and was In Iho act of Htcpping from onu
car to another when thodrnwhend parted and
ho was precipitate ! ! .to the rough planking
below , breaking ono of his l ° gn. Ho claimed
the drawbcad wns defective and thnt tbo
railroad officials know of its unsafe condition.
Thoury ] rendered a verdict awarding him
f 10,000 damages.
Strikers Raid Works and Do Considerable
Danmgo (
Under ltd Inspiration limy Aninil tlio
Noil-Union M ii null Drlvo
Them Away with Htoncs
mul Clubs.
PiTTsnuun , Pa. , March M. The mosx
eventful day in the colto strike , closing with
this evening , was favorable to the men. Al
though three of the principal works word
raided the labor lenders flnim that uo pro.
concerted nttack was umuo.
Enrly this morning the strains of their
favorite land woke all tlio strikers ou the rend
from Scottdnlo to Hrndford , ami In a short
while 1,500 men followed their path , which
was directed to the Jitntowii plant of the H.
C. Frlclc company. The works were captured
without a struggle. A few workers were
struck with 4Moncs , but the strikers dis
persed without serious damage.
Somtlmo later a terrific report In tbo
alrc'ctton of the Lclscnrlng works
pave warning of trouble there , nnd
thousands gathered to witness the wont
of the Ilrst oomu exploded by the strikers.
The shock was felt for several miles , but its
only visible effect was the tearing of a great
hole lu the Iront of n non-linlon workers'
house. After this tbo workmen nt the Lois-
enrlng .Nos. U and U were ehused out of the
A few men at the Lclth works were also
driven out , though nobody Is reported badly
Trouble was also talked of at the Trotter
plant , but this Is denied by the operators.
The olg Morowood plant , ot the Prick com
pany nlso contributed more than Its quota to
the exulting events of tlio day. About thrco
thousand strikers gathered about the plnco
nnd swept the armed deputies aside. Not a
blow was struck , not a shot fired , as such a
move would nave been fatal to both guards
and workers In tlio fueo of 8,000 , determined
strikers. After the abandonment of the
works by the guard an hour of mad wrecking
followed. Tracks , doors , and , in fact , every
thing movable wore torn nnd wrenched aside
by the maddened crowd , who only loft after
the plant had been mutilated beyond ini-
mcdiato repair.
At Uniontown tonight .Hidgo Kwing
granted a preliminary injunction npninst all
men assembling at the Friel : works not em
ployed by that company , mid HOI Saturday
for the hearing on a permanent injunction.
Sheriff ! McConuIclcithanuinhcrofnrnied \
men left Uniontown tonight to arrest ttio
lenders in the several raids , Probably tbo
ugllost feature wns the number of women
participating , the most seriously injured man
being Pit Doss Cooper , who was struck again
ana again by an iron bar in the hands of nu
infuriated woman.
A secret mooting win hold tonight by the
strikers , who will certainly prevent the in
tended resumption tomorrow.
Civil Power > MM I o lOxhnnsted.
Iltmtisiiuuo , Pa. , March 80. There has
been much telegraphic correspondence be
tween Governor Paulson and Sheriff Claw-
son of Westmoreland county this afternoon
regarding the strike of tbo coke workow and
tbo attack upon the works ot Frlclto & Co. at
Morehoud this ; nonihi ( , ' . Tlio sheriff aslcod
permission to use the arms of the companies
of national guards to protect property , but
Governor Paulson responded that "civil
power to maintain pence must bo exhausted
and powerless before military power can bo
successfully Invoked. "
K.vcitrmont tit. Mount Plunsant.
MotiXT PI.KASAXT , Pa. , Alnrcli HO. Tonight
Mount Ploasan t Is trembling with excitement.
The people fonr Iron bio. There Is moro con
fusion than there has been soon slnco the
bloody riots of 18SO. At midnight fully a
thousand men uro gathered on thu hills sur
rounding the works. Shuilff Closson has in
creased his force to00 nion.
I'.iutlntr at Homestead.
Pa. , March ! ! 0. A riot is re
ported from Ilqinestend , iu which a number
of Hungarians , Italians and otliersworo _ en
gaged. Tlio trouble occurred in the upper
portion of town and seven or night were
seriously wounded. Some of the participant ! !
were arrested.
Disoiivcred laying ACTOKH a Klro.
ST. Louis , Mo , , Maxell UO. The body of a
man with a bullet in his bmln was found
lylngncros's a brightly burning flronoarKast
Caroiidolot , 111. , this morning. The body
was discovered Just In time to prevent its
bolng burned beyond recognition , It Is evi
dently a cuso of suicide. The clothing bore
tbo murks of an Bvansvillo , Ind. , tailor.
National Heal Kstnto Congress.
IIiHMiNoiiAM , Ala. , March 30. The na
tional real estate congress convened hero
today. Delegates nro present from nearly
every stato.
I'rom Scientific Societies and r.xhlbltloiuiuova
tbo lilch oxci'llonco of the gemtilno Joliunii
Holt's Malt Hxtruct , over all imitations which
hnvo been brought bofnio the public.
Tlio genuine article has bcon popular for
forty years , and IIIIH avorld wldo roput itlon
as uTonlo Nutrltlvo , for tlio Wonlc and lluhll-
tlatcd , anil for Mntliorswhl oNm-Klnr. Ills ( it
the gruutest vuluo for cmixhH , colds and pul-
inonury tumbles , Hlocplobiiv s anl nervous
dlsorilurs. %
I'ultru S'mta. Iho well known Professor of
1'urls , In his work on piilmomuy dlscuiusuys :
" 1 regard Johann lloir'rf Mult h.xtruct of fin- ,
moQjo vuliio to the prnotlonurvhovUhesto
bring to Ills uld a pruiiaiullon which will not
only act ns a tonic , but as a nutrient us well ,
and la loss exulting thun wlnu or uuy other
stimulant. "
There Isiiotblnx "just IIH pood" when you
tinnia't tlieUi'.NUlNK artlelu , which input IIIIVH
thu jl.Kiiiiluru of " .lobaiin Hull' " on thu neck of
every bottle. A > old Imitations Hold as "lloir'H
li.xlruct. "
They nro custom made clothinff of merchant tailor loft on their hands for ono ronson or another. These wo buy In
large or small qunntitles for ready cash. For example : a suit of clothe * , cOBtlng originally $10 , wo cun , nuuonUnj , ' to
style nnd quality , self for $15 or 820. Just think of It , n saving of 50 per cout , ono luvtf tlio orlfflnnl cost. Ol pantaloons
wo have n good variety , ranging In prloo from $3 to $7 , originally inndo from $7 to $1(5 , many of thorn of the Ititost de
signs , from the best tailoring establishments throughout the country. Wo request , nn early Inspection. >
Merchant Tailor's Misfits and Uncalled for Garments.
They adjourned , fooling fully convinced that the origin of the Misfit Parlors was to nboUsh high tsirilTa on Clothing and
the truth of the Parlors having the most ologunt display of
Ever witnessed , by nny eye Is now substantiated by cltizona of Omaha mid vicinity. Among the many burgatnu tlioro btil
remains unsold :
SCOHTcrcbnhtTullor mudcnt (12 00 tSlOOMorchuiitTallormucloiit ! 10 W I 0 00 Merchant Tuilor made ut * , ttt 00
0 to Merchant Tailor inudo nt 14 CO ISO CO Murchunt Tailor mudo lit II M 8 W MuicUnnt Tuilornmdout 4 OU
6 ODO Hi Merchant MrichuntTulliir Tulloriniidont mudoat If IB JJJ 2. . W no Manhunt Tailor mndont U 75 10 CO Maichniit Tuilor uiailu nt , 5 00
' ' 2 W Tailor made lit 0 00
MxiMerchunt'J'nllor muiloat ? 45 00 Morchhnt 13 GOMurclmnt Tuilor made nt , COO
4000 Merchant Tailor inuilnut J ? < W CO Merchant Tailor nindont . , 'f00
SJOOO Merchant Tailor inudo lit 'M CO MOO Merchant Tailor muduut. 0 00 15 WMdrcliant T.itlor muduut 7 W
tOOOMerclniiitTullor l no Alt-rebuilt Tailor mudout miuloat D5 ! > O ( W ) 70 ( H ) Moicliiint Tailor mudcat 30 00 18 CO Merchant Tailor mucluitt. . . , , 8 M
A perfect fit warranted , and all goods sold on their merits. A gunrtmtoo In o ory O.IBO just ns roprouonlcd , at the
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309.