THE OMAHA DAILY TWENTIETH YEAH , OMAHA , MONDAY NlfrG , MARCH 30 , 1801. NUMBER 282. Tr ' 'LOST IN THE SNOW STORM , Father and Son Succnmu to Severe Wy oming Weather i ! WORST IN THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY. Five Feet of Know on tlio Level , on a Mnlt Itouto A. 11 envy 1'nl I In " Nebraska. CAIPAIIVyo. , . , March 29.-Spccial [ Tele gram to THE BEK.J ThomM Clark , ft boy sixteen ycnrs old who carries the mall from Oil City to Kongh , Wyo. , Is reported to have lost his way and hai not been beard from since last Sunday. The route Is over tlio backbone of tlio Kattlcsnnko mountain range , nnd at best a terrible road. The snow In that section Is flvo feet on the level and tbo car rier Is supposed to have lost bis way In a blinding snom storm that struck Oil City lust „ "Sunday morning. Ills father , William Clark , who has the mail contract , started to hunt him Friday In the midst of a driving storm , and neither father nor son has been heard from. Searching parties are out looking for thorn , and yesterday a horse driven by the father \vai found dead between Ervny and Oil City. Wyo. Serious appre hensions are bnd ror both , nnd the hope of their hnvliift found shelter alone warrants tholdenof their being alive. The storm la raging In that vicinity , and Is the worst In the history of the country. Heaviest Snow of the Year. Sioux FAM. , S. D. , Maroh29. [ SpaclalTcl- Kram to Tun Ilr.H.j Ouo ot the heaviest snow storms of the year broke loose hero this morning and by evening fully an inch nnd a hnlfofsnow had fallen. Its value Is incal culable. For the past two weeks the farm ers have boon busy seeding nnd the snow will assist in giving the seed a peed start The storm extends ns far west as Picrro nnd -reports coming lu Indicate that it covers the entire state. Snow null Kiln. Hcnos , B. D. , Mnrh 29 [ Special Telegram to TIIK BBC. I Snow and rain foil hero this morning. This afternoon a heavy snow- Btormsctln nnd continued during the oven- ing. The snow Is full of water nnd will nut the ground in splendid condition for seeding. Easter services wcro held In the various churches today and were largely attended. A Foot In Depth. HYANNIS , Neb. , Mnreh 29. [ bpeclal Tele gram to T E Bun. ] A tcrrllllo wind and sno-vstorm has been raging hero slnco yes terday morning , with no signs of clearing up. The snow on the level surface is fully a foot dcop. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Traiim Blocked. Lixcotv , Nob. , Mnrch 29. Reports from the western part.of the state Indicate a heavy snow storm prevailing. Trains on the Black Hills branch of the B. & M. are blocked near Long Pino. SHE HIIOT TO KILL. A Tncoma Gambler Mortally Wountlcd by Ills Mistress. TAtOMA , Wash. , M"nreh 29. Last night Johnny Foran , a gambler , was shot and tlau- r his mistress in tholr r tbo Head In tbo roar of and ou n line with the top of the loft oar , ranging upward and toward the right sldo of the head , lodging in the brain , Ono also remains in the muscles of the left arm , between the shoulder and elbow. Dr. Wnngus , who was passing , en tered tollnd tbo room full of smoke and tbo woman standing ovcrForun , saying : "Jolmnlo , you will not dlo ; you know I did not Intend to hurt you. It was an accident ; you know it was an accident. " To tills Foran replied : "That bo . You shot at mo live times. There wus uo accident nbout that. I never expected you would do anything like that. A policeman was scut for nua the woman taken to the city prison. She registered as Mrs. Leon Dcfoureoy , andhns been known In the bouso where she resided as Ocorgia Auanis. She appeared to bo porfectJy sobur , but admitted that she had been drinking during the day nnd was out for a sporting tlmo In a hack with a mala friend. Soon after reaching' the room Foran began abusing her and lecturing her nbout her actiou. Ho continued upbraiding and vilifying her until she began enraged to a frenzy. Sbo only remembers shooting once , and don't know why she llrcd. She suvs Dcourcoy Is bor maiden name , and that she came originally from Illinois , but resided for a tlmo In San Francisco nnd in several bagnios In this city slnco her advent hero two years ago. Foran has been living with her , and sbo shared all she had with him. She loft him once for a day , to yo with a man who Intended to take her from a llfo of shame , but Foran followed and persuaded her to return to him. Fonin was a dealer nt the Comioue rambling rooms , His people ere residents of Texas , but the roan has been ou the frontier nearly all his llfo. Ho cnmo toTncoran from Tucson , Ariz. , where ho fol lowed the same tnodo of life. 8Tlt.t.\GLKI > JUEJIBELF. Jlrw. luicy Andrews Suloldos In the Colorado Sprint ; * Jail , COLORADO SiMiisn , Col , , Mnrch 29. The fcmalo ( lend , Mrs , Lucy Andrews , who was In the county Jail In default of a bond of $1,000 , for her appearance in the 'district court , hanged herself in her cell late Friday evening. The prisoner was last seen allvo by Sheriff Jaokson about 4:50 o'clock. IIo was starting to como up town and. as ho usu ally docs , took a walk through the Jail , no ticing the prisoners. All were around iu the various departments the same as usual. Hu then came up to the court house , leaving Jailor Heal In charge. Deal was in the house nnd in the yard the most of the tlmo until when the sheriff roturnoj , and both entered tbo Jail touothor. They noticed nothing out of the usual order of things until the cell occupied oy Mrs. Andrews was reached ana ono of her hands was noticed protru ing through the side of the cago. As soon as Sheriff Jackson conlu imtor ho found that his llrst Impression was only too truo. She was dead. The body was at once taken down and the coroner notified. She was arrested ou Monday of this week on a warrant sworn out by ono of her neigh bors , who charged her with attempting to take the llfo of her step-son , a bright little boy of nlno years. She waived examination and was bclu in tbo sum of $ o,000. , In default of bond she was remanded to tbo county ( all , \vhoro she ended her existence ns stated. She hud uilitn a towel from her cell nnd tlod one cud to the bars of the CURO above. Thtm Bho had evidently stood ou the bed and tied the other end around bcr noclc , pushed the bed dway from her with her fcot and allowed horsclt to bo strangled. When found her feet wore about n foot from the floor , Down mi Knibniikmerit. BmmxOum , Aln. , March 29. A train heavily loaded with pleasure seekers on tbo Knslcy City dummy line , nnd Rolng at a rapid rate ran off the traoK n few miles from town from no apparent cause and fell down a ten foot embankment , Al Brown and Bob Taylor , colored passenccrs , were limtantlv killed and Engineer Hlgsby fatally Injured. About fifteen other passengers wcro hurt , more or lean , and two of them will probably die. I'ullMDr'H 1'liini , SrniKariu.ii , 111. , March 20. Senator Palmer will not BO to Chicago until Wednes day , Ho will bo tborg Wednesday night and place hlimclf at the dUposal of the city committee to till any appointment the com mittee may make for him. Ho is suffering with In Krippo In n mild form and dcotm it unwlso to risk catching a greater cold than ho now has by making the trip to Chicago tonight , iri ; u"fl What Clcnrlni ; House Hcports Show for the Volutna of Trade , Bo 7ox , Miss. , Mnrch 29. [ Spochl Tele gram to TiiEUG3.1-Th3 following tublo , com piled from dUpitchos from the manners of the clearing houses of the cities naniu.1 , showi the gro exchanges fur List week , with rates par cent of Increase or ai against the similar amounts for the corrojpoudtnff week In 1SW : Kemiilns of th < ; 'Dead Burlington Iirnkrnmii Hurled nl Dorchester. DoHCHESTun , Nob. , Mnrch 29. [ Special to Tan BEE.J Tbo remains of Andrew Par sons , the B. & M. freight brakeman who died from injuries sustained by being run over by the cars at Bremer , Knu. , were brought hero for Interment by a special train tins morning : . The funeral sorvlco will beheld held at the Methodist Episcopal church to morrow at 2 o'clock , under the auspices of the Independent Order of Oddlellows , of -whlch orderthodeceasod-wa 'Q i t habits-Hud sterling1 traits of character. Ho was twcnty-flvo years of ago nnd slnplo. His widowed mother and ono married sister are living bore , and the news of bis sudden death brings grief and sadness to the entire com munity. A N w Cmnty Sent. Burrr. CITY , Neb. , March 29. ( Special to TIIC Bnn. ] Yesterday was a gala day for Butte City. News reached here that wo are assured of the temporary county seat nnd li was received with such universal satisfac tion that the event was celebrated by a ells splay of flags , flrlnp of anvil * nnd general Jol lification. Refreshments flowed like water. The day closed with a bis f roe dance iu Stohl hall. itui' . itoir.iiti ) vitositr I EAD. Ho Passes Away AVIUle the Hells Are Kingtii } ; fgi VcKpers. Nuw'Yoiiic , March 29. Dr. Howard Crosby died at 5:45 : thii ovonla ? . Ills end was peaceful. As the bells wore ringing for the respon service of Easter day ho asked by a sign for paper and wrote n few lines to bis loi'cu ones to bis absent son anc daughter In Egypt ana the three members o ; hii family at homo. The flrst words of this his last writing , were : "I know I have U BO. " Howard Crosby was born in New York city February 27. 1S20. Ho was of n revolu tionary family , his grandfather , Ebonozor Crosby , being surgeon of General Washing ton's ' iniards. He graduated at the unlvcrs ity of Now York In 1844. In 1SG3 ho took up tbo pastorship of the Fourth Avenue Prosby tcrlan church , with which ho was nssociatei at the time of his death. Dr. Crosby's inter cst in. public affairs wus shown by the active part ho tooic in ttio Interest of the people's municipal league movement , which aimed a the purification of local politics. He was a high license advocate. As an author ho bos written a number of scholarly books on blbll cul subjects. Death of .Toll ii I'lniikliitnn. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , March 29. Hon. John Plankinton , a prominent and wealthy citizen of this city , dlod ut bis homo at 8:50 : tonigh ot uncunionia. IIo built up a grcr.t fortune in the packing business , in which ho xvas long assisted bt P. D. Armour of Chicago. Ho was thcotvncr of the Plankinton house nnd mnuy largo business blocks in this city and his fortum Is counted In millions. Ha was a man o publlo spirit and guvo money njid ale to every enterprise that promised to advance the city's ' Interests , whllo. bis private cuarlttcs were very largo. An Ambushed AVA , Mo. , March 29. A dastardly nttcmp at assassination took placa In this county a few evenings ago , In which Frank Perr ; was seriously wounded. Perry lives fourtcoi miles west of town , and at the time of tb shooting was not aware that ho had un enom In the world. While passing along thread road home ho was llrcd upon from the brusl by an unknown assassin , between sun down nnd dark. Perry fell and cried for help , am \vhcii his neighbors who board tbo shot and Ills cries arrived upon the scene the assassin had fled. Perry Is In a precarious condition the ball having penetrated his bowels , and 1 : not expected to llvo. At this time no clo\ hns been obtained , and tbo whole affair seem to bo shrouded in mystery , Coke Strikers to Itccelvu Aid. I'l-miiuua.Pa. . , March 29. The Councils vlllo coke strikers will receive aid from an unexpected quarter. Samuel Gompcrs president of the American Federation o Labor , will bo hero within two weeks am writes that , nis organization will back th colters to the last in tbolr demand for cigh hours. Gonipcrii1lblt , however , more dlrectl. concerns the coming struggle of the bulldln trades in this vicinity for eight hours , to bt demanded May -I. I'lttstmrg was chosen a the nucleus for the eight hour movement i the building trades to extend all over th country , _ Died of Heart Trouble. CiimE.f.Ne.W.vo. , March 29. [ Special Telegram gram to TUB HKE.J Mrs. Uusb , wife of I ! S. Bush , who has boon n prominent Wyominj cattle grower for a number of yean , dla suddenly this evening of heart troubl brought on by an attack o ( tlio grippe , JUDICIAL POSITIONS TO FILL , 'resident Harrison Hiw a Creator Number Thau llis Predecessors. PLENTY OF CANDIDATES FOR THEM , The llccent Act Providing 1'or the liitonslim ofthc Prniikhif ? 1'rlv- llcgo Will Prove n Great lioon. Br.B , ] SiiiKivr , > WAIIIIN'GTOV , D. C. , March -JO. : | No president was probibly over given so many judicial appointments as President larrlson. Besides Associate Justice Brewer and likely tbo successors of Associate Jus- Icoa Fluid and IJradloy , who iiniy retlro almost any tlmo , nnd the nlno circuit and [ Istrlct Judges authorized the other day by congress , the pollco court Judge here and the aud court Judges , n vacancy has Just been created on tbo court of claims. This court Its In Washington , tbo judges are paid 4,500 , for llfoand the positions are regarded as cry desirable. Judge Glonnl M. Scollold of ho court of claims , who goes upon the re- Ircd list by virtue of his having reached , the ago limit , loft the city tonight for his old home In the state of Now York. A largo utmher of well known men are mentioned or the vacancy , among them ex-Representa- tlvos McComas of Maryland , Cbuadlo and ) wcn of Indiana , Grosvonor of Ohio and Second Comptroller Qllklson of Pennsyl vania. Till ! FIHXIC riUVlLEOE. The recent act of congress extending to senators and representatives the privileges of sending through the malls under a frank all communications addressed to a government oftlclul will prove a big boon to nearly everyone ono of the nation's law matters. In accord ance with the act Postmaster General \Vana- nuikcr 1ms Issued a circular to postmasters and employes of the postal service calling tholr attention to the provisions of the bill and Instructing them to pass nil mall matter of this class when accompanied by the slgna- .uro of tbo sender placed on the outsldo. The circular states that the privileges conferred applies to members of both branches of con gress , senators , delegates and representatives including not only these who have taken their seats as sucb , butthoso who have been elected , dave received their certificates of election and hold the prlma faclo rights to seats. Senators and representatives whoie terms havn expired are not entitled to the benefits of this act. Franked letters must In every case bo addressed to a government olllcer not necessarily ut Washington , but nnywhero In the United States wboso ofllcial title must bo given In the superscription of the letter , either with or without his name. The privileges given In the act applies only to letters on ofllcial business , each letter to a government ofllcer to be separately envel oped and framed. The term "letters" as used in this law moans communications wholly or partly In writing , relative to ofll cial matters and sent under seal , such com munications us are dominated In the laws mall matter of the first class. By the term of this net It will readily be scon where the congressmen will profit. Taking the coun try member for example. The country which. ho represents contains many thousands of constituents. A goodly number of thcso want nlaccs under the government aud the representative U dally beslogod .with , .letters aud'appllcatlons asking for recognition. Being some distance away from Washington a correspondence with the officials under whoso charge the desired appointment Is classed must bo carried on and United States stamps are freely used. Sometimes the re sult is beneficial Doth to the applicant and to the representative nnd In thcso instances the money is well oxpendcd. On tbo other baud tbo applicant is "turno < t down" nnd then the nionov spent in stamps is considered as wasted. Under the now law a congressman Is entitled to carry on all his correspondence relating directly to the Interests of his con stituents without the expenditure of any ol hla private funus. It is safe to suy that this act will bo the moans of saving to western * members alone hundreds of dollars each. TI.UlllISON'S CIHNCE3 FOIt BE ! OMIN'A.T1ON' , "It's my Judgment , " said Senator Pad dock of Nebraska , the other day , "thatPresl- dent Harrison will ba reuomlnated next year , and without formidable opposition. His ad ministration boa crown rapldlv. He has hac frictions with Individuals. No man ever oc cupied the position without having them. Ho has been unable to please ovcrybody , but none of his predecessors have. There are members of his cabinet who have difficulties with Individual members of the republican party , and tbcsso displeased gentlemen will light In the convention Against rcnomlnatlon. Tnls Is hut the repetition of history. I do not pledge myself tuls far In advance to any body as the standard bearer next year , but I bcllovo President Harrison , looking at the future from the present standpoint , will bo the nominee. " Senator Hoar of Massachusetts said re cently : "With the possible exception ol Onrflela and Lincoln , President Harrison is the best equipped chief oxccutlvo wo have had In n half ccutury. I mean the officer , for It Is not a question to speak of the rann. " An Ohio congressman , who did not want his name mentioned , speaking of the person ality of Presidents Gurileld and Harrison , and drawing comparisons between the per sonal popularity of the two men , said : "Fewer persons have spoken 111 of the present occupant of the white house than o : any man I can remember during the nrs ! two yean of his term. That is the trying period. It Is almost Impossible to keep fro m offending men during the oQlco-sceklng period , for ono Is driven from , pillar to pos every day in hh > efforts to not offend , and 1 scorns the inoro ouo tries to please nil the more liable bo U to innocently displease some" . " COMING 8TIHKB OF FllIXTEHS. It looks as though the strike ? f the job printers m Washington , ordered to take place next Wednesday unless the demands o the union are acceded to , promises to bo warmly contested and to have a far reachlii | influence. The printers demand 42M cent per 1.000ems instead of 40 cents before , o'clock in the afternoon ana 55 cents aftc that hour , All of the owners of job prlntlni establishments are reported to have dedarci that they will not yield to the demands Kufus 11. Darby , who owns tbo larges printing house In the city , says : "Wo are now pay Irg higher prices for composltioi than are paid In Baltimore , Philadelphia am Now York , nnd this because the union here is ruled by the employes of the governnion oDlco. Washington ought to bo n great pub lishln g center , and yet , whllo a great many books are written hero , but few uro prlntci hero. Why Is this ? Because of the high price of composition.Vcro the price reason able a great deil of work would bo done hero that now goes out of the city. Yes , I am prepared - pared for the fight If It comes , and if I nra forced out of the union by excessive demand ,1 will I'ovor have any dealings wlthitugaln.1 It Is stated that the strike will bo orderct by the printers at the government printin office , who control the union hero , and th < object is to hold up this victory , If ono I achieved , as an object lesson to demand an other increase from congress when it con vcues next winter , and that the printers In the Joboniccsaresatlstled with the wage now paid thorn , but are unable to keep thorn selves out of the stnko if their demands nr not compiled with. An assessment of 2 pc cent will bo ordered from tbo goverumen printers to meet the expense of tbo strike. Land Commissioner Groff 'expects to Ret on for Los Auceles before the end of this week. Ho feels naturally and properly proud , of the beautiful nnd valuable silver service presented to uim by the employes of his oftlco. Ills dangutcr * , who have boon suffering from malaria for some time , are Improved iu health. A handsome oil portrait of JudRO Groff Is to hungoo the walls ot the land onico. Deputy Commissioner Lincoln says that bo receives about six tbonsmiil inquiries a day concerning the way \vhlch pension claims are being treated , anil that ho would llko to make an ex- ilanatlon. There are at present about 110,000 new law claims oi ) Qlo In the bureau , rhcso nro given the right of way and are dls- ' wed of as goon as 'possible. Agreitmuny > f thcso claltnt coma from soldiers who have ilrcady applied under the law , and as sooti as .heir now claims arc attended to they get a ittlo more evidence together and try to got .brough tbolrold ones. Those do not rc- ccivo so much attention as their new law claims did , and thctl they write letter after cttcr , complaining of the unjust treatment which they think they vro receiving , but It Is in established rule at the buronu that the now law claims and the applications of widows shall have the preference Over all the other cases , nnd the deputy commissioner wants It fully- understood why some claims are seem ingly glvoii the profcruiieo over others. The : lcputy commissioner sa.vs that , judging from the increase in the numbjr of applications nnd in the amount of mall within the last two or throe years , that the messenger boys who now carry the cases from ono room to another will grow old and gray In the service before the work of the olllco will bo near Its close. Mrs. Henrit , tbo widow of the late senator from California , has insisted upon paying the expenses of transcoding her husband's remains nnd the moniban of the funeral proper from Washington to San Fran cisco. This is became so much scandal hai been , made of the funeral trip by the newspapers. The sena tors nnd representatives who accompanied the party feel very much outraged by tlio published statements nnd particularly from these made by Mrs. Gottgnr , of Lafayette , Ind. . and ono distinguished senator who was with the party sold today : "She surpasses any Har that I over hoard of. " Nevertheless Mrs Hearst does not proooso to bo In any way rospomioio lor inu cnargo oi oxiravn- Banco In connection with the funeral of her husband , aud will permit only the expenses of the congressional committees who accom panied the remains to San Francisco to bo paid from the publlo funds. She will herself - self paj for the tickets of herself and her family , for the use of the orlvnto car they occupied and for all iho supplies that wcro served to them. PEHIIT S. HEATH. An Invitation from Italy. WASIIIS-OTOX. March 29. Secretary Kusk Is In receipt of a communication from the de partment of state with reference to an Inter national exposition to bo hold at Palermo , Italy , of machines and , motors for small In dustries , and convoy ing. ( rom the royal de partment of agriculture , industry and commerce - merco of the kingdom of Italy a cordial In vitation to American inventors uiul manufac turers to participate la the exhibition. Mjijor Itnthjhona Accepts. WASHINGTON , March 23. Major Estos G. Rathbonc of Ohio , at present chief postoflico Inspector , has been tendered nnd accepted the ofllco of fourth assistant postmaster-general , created at the lust session Of congress. iroJ.V IlEAtii * TO VOTE. How They \ro Koprosentsd on ICnn- BOH Registration' Mats. Toi'EKA , Kan. , March 29. Tlio campaign for the city , election in'Topckn this.ycar Is a spirited one , and the women Imvo bccomo greatly interested In > lt , A houso-to-houso canvass has boon made by Iho women leaaers and the result has been an unusually largo registration of female vpters , over 23 per cent of the 0,000 rqplstorod voters bolnit women. The increase ' lu { .he number of \vorccn who have rcgls'.vrcg oxer last year Is nearly51) percent -A. < ; r p. portion .ofx this Increase is colored wi < j/h < who werafhauled to tbo registration oSiUS'.i.alrQ/os yesterday , the last day onwhtclt in'books twero ooen , In carriages. „ ATCIIISOX , Kan. , ftfarch 39. The leaders of the equal suffrage movement in Atchlson are becoming discouraged Jond many are falling by the wayside. The law givlne women tbo right to voto.ot municipal elections in Kan sas was adopted by the legislature in 18SO. Tbo following spring 490 women registered , but less than 800 voted. The next year 481 worccn registered , but only 375 voted. The third year 294 women1 registered , but less than 200 voted. This veir U24 women regis tered and it is believed that not over 100 will vote. The average AtchIson - Ison woman docs not cnv ° to dabble in politics. She will leave that sort of business to the men. Ono woman is now serving her second terra on the school board , but she is not an equal suffragist , and was elected by the votes of the men and without opposition. Whenever women run for pfllco us equal suffrage candidates they Invariably KOt defeated. Two women arc now making a political tight for positions on the school board , and all the female \chool teachers In the cliy have registered fofc the sole purpose of voting : against them. ' Equal suffrage Is looked upon as a fad hero which Is rapidly nying out. < WICHITA , Kan. , March 29. The registration books have closed and show a total of 0,520 , names. Of these lJOj ! ! are these of women , being nearly three times greater than tbo registration of women at the last municipal election. The primary cause of this Increase Is found in the existence of a largo citizens' alliance , which has registered all Iti women , thus forcing the opposing candidates to intro duce into the fight as. many as possible of their pottlcoated allies , : LK\VKNWOHTIT , ICan. | March 29. The total registration is 1,200 short of the lost bonnial election. The women fell off in about the same proportion as the men. No separata count has been made as yet. JltK M'EHttfJEX AHDUCTIOX. Reward Offered for the I'ornctrutnrs of I lie Crime. DETUOIT , Mich. , March 29. Fresh interest was added to the famous abduction case today by Porrlon's ' lawyorsfofforing $3,000 for * the arrest and conviction of the abductors , or evidence that would lead to that end. Per- reln would have oftoroil the reward the day after his return , but Chief of Pollco Berg man advised apulnst H. A broach has been made between the chief of pollco and the Perrlcn relatives by reaioti of nothing being done , and Lawyers Moston , Cowles nnd Jerome , who have charge of Porribn's Inter est , have drawn up charges to present to the police commissioners agtfnst Chief Dorgman , asserting that ho neglected to workout clews that wcro furnished , and claiming thut had ho done so Pcrrlen's abductors would have been landed the first day. As for as can bo learned the pollc&'are'as much in tbo dark aa tboy wore tbo first , day , although John Lyons , who keeps /Ivory stable nnd always goes ball for the pro ks. Is strongly suspected of knowlnff wHo'they ore , but will not talk. The case is likely fa tnako its effect felt , as the lawyers will pdsh the charges against the chief. Lyons was called upon to day by Perrlon's luwyorsTT and grow angry , tolling them they had bettor 'cease to try and catch tbo abductors , or thb first thing Por- rlen know ho would turn up , missing ngiln , nnd would either give up hlsJ money or dlo. Perrlcn and his son-in-law applied to the mayor for permission to carry rovolvorj and it was granted. t Fltzslminnnt ) AVllI Fight Hall. DALTIMOHI : , Md. , Ma'rcb 29. Bob FiU Simmons has left for Buffalo. Ho says of the Astoria ( Oregon'Athletic ) club purse for a flght between himself and Hall , that the chance has come at Inst'to pay off old scores , and that at tbo cl6so of his engagement with Clark , which ends In nlno weeks , ho Intends to train for tbo fight. Clark tele graphed from Chicago to his agent here that lie had a guaranteed purse of J17,000 , and , furthermore , ho would nuck Fitzslmmons for $10,000. With equal bucking on the Hall sldo this will make the lamest statto ever fought for , the total amount being 137,000. Fitzslmmons says if bo defeats' Hall bo will make Ted Prltchurd , ' England's champion , bis next mark. < < Alabama IncomUarleB I < yucticd. IliiiMixoiiAM , Ala. , March 29. News wus received hero tonight from Uuseellvillo that Klrod Hudson and Jeff Dlnsinorv. tbo two negroes who burned a portion of that town Tuesday night , wore taken from jail by a mob and lynched. EVELINE ACHIEVES FAME , The Extraordinary Matrimonial Oaroer of an English Girl. MACKAY--BONYNGE SCANDAL REVIVED. A Paris 1'jipcr's Interesting Death Notice ol" tjftwrcnco Hnrrctt They Thought Ho Was a NVoiimn. LONDOX , March 29. The Parisian pollco have Just given out the facts In connection with the arrest of Evolluo Neal , mention of whom was made In these dispatches yester day , regarding her extraordinary matrimon ial career. Eveline Ncnl Is the child of a well-to-do farmer In Shropshire , the fertility of whoso acres made It an easy matter to provide hand somely for his family.coraposod . of ono daughter - tor and three sons. Eveline , llko many others in the same position , being the pet ot her fnthor and brothers , and fairly good looking , soon learned to command nnd grow up In the belief that mankind was created to do her homage and minister toher wishes. How early she started In her present career Is not yet known , but as she Is still young , If not In the heyday of youth , It is supposed that she early entered the crooked.paths lu which sno has slnco strayed. Evollno's methods were admirable in tholr simplicity. Fearing that the sturdy common sense of the majority of her countrymen might net provo favorable to her schemes , she long sineo transferred herself nnd her belong- , lngs to French soil , finding In Purls , and-tho general practice of patronizing man-ingo bu reaus nnd answering advertisements holding out attractive Inducements to commit matri mony , a congenial atmosphere and much en couragement. Behold her , then , located in the gay capital , If she could bo said to have n location when the necessities of her trade com pelled her to bo as locomotive as a crass- hopper and qulto protean In her many dis guises. Of course , a woman of Miss local's genius could not aabcro slavishly to any par ticular method. She had many , but u favor ite scheme , and ono that won her much wealth , was the announcement In the Jour nals that she was a widow , with a fortune varying in different advertisements from 200,000 to 1,000,000 francs , and desired to marry a gentleman In ROOI ! circumstances be longing to "high llfo" If not w the nobility , or to tbo select circles of commerce. Answers were directed to ba sent ad dressed pesto restanto , where they were called for by an accomplice , Tbo latter then selected such of the replies as madnmo was pleased with , and made appointments for an interview , not with the Knglish maiden , but only with her frlond. At this meeting tbo accomplice , M. Burgos , passed tbo candi dates in serious review , noting down care fully the physical characteristics of nocti , the amount of fortune , etc. In coses where the examination proved sat isfactory the victim was invited to mndamo's sumptuous apartments in sight of the Hond Point in the Champs Elysees or some equally nttraotivo quarter of the city. On every oc casion the widow assumed a new name , but each time she told u pitiful tale of how she had been married against her will , and , whllo she would llko to please herself on the pres ent occasion , she still had a mother , her father being dead , wboso wishes she must consult , and who still deemed her , in spite of her previous matrimonial experience"o'er young to marry yet. " In short the applicant must watt. Then began the most profitable portion of the game , the courtship being m.ido as ex pensive as possible for the suitor. Nothing but the most costly presents would placate the imperious beauty , and if tboy fell off In the slightest from her high standard of qual ity and quantity the dream of the infatuated admirer was promptly ended. Nor was this done in any disagreeable manner. There was no scene , no reproaches , no tears. Madame simply disappeared. The profusely bled vic tim sought ncr In her acuustomod haunts , but the most diligent search failed to reveal her. her.It goes without saying that the presents , constituting the magnificent "Corbellle , " were also missing. The precious stories , rich jewels and other vnluublo booty were not only invisible to the donor , hut ho would have been compelled to take ship in order to see them again. They had been safely trans ferred to the mndnmo's snug little mansion in tbo suburbs of London , which was rich from gurrclt to cellar with the proceeds of her Parisian industry. But madame had yet another method. In cases whore something more than the swlnto Joys of a French courthip were needed to induce - duce the fiancee to part with his means in suf ficient abundance , Eveline kindly consent.d to an actual marrlago , which plcco of gracious condescension never failed to pro duce the desired effect. The > > Maino" and the church would ba vis ited In due course , the wedding breakfast eaten nnd the presents duly received and ticketed , but when the shades of night had fallen on the scene the groom , who mayhap had indulged too freelv in Chambcrtin , would suddenly bo rudely awakened to the knowl edge that both bride and gifts had departed. The French police decloro on tbolr honor that In 1831. when Evollno was brought to their ofllcial attention for the first time , she had been married in this iwcullar way thir teen times , but that now she bad increased the score to the extraordinary total of lorty- tbreo. The cause of the present unsought publicity given to Evellno nnd her ways Is her experi ence with a certain viscount , which led to her arrest nt the Hotel Meurlco yesterday. This gentleman had ruined himself by gambling and was naturally anxious to ob tain more wealth wherewith to rcglld his tarnished escutcheon. At tt rst attracted by Evollno's suppositlous millions , he at length became reallv In love with the adventuress nnd followed her and her companion with canine fidelity in tholr travels throughout England , Belgium and Norway , the expenses being paid by the noblotajm , who borrowed right and left on notes of hand based on his expectations of marrying a wealthy widow. This , however , could not go on lorovec. The viscount insisted that the happy day should bo named ; Eveline , knowing that no more presents could bo gained by an actual marri age , declined to do so , and nor suitor laid his case before the police. Eveline was astonished at her arrest , but Is a woman of too many rosoircos to bo greatly cast down. Interest in the Mackay-Bonvngo dispute has been transferred to this sldo of the At lantic , whcro attacks upon Mr. Mackay nnd his family continue to bo made , even wbllo the solicitor and friends of that gentleman nro being kept busy preparing papers to bo used In tho'logal proceedings which have al ready been Instituted. In addltio'n to the ac tion to bo brought against the principal in these offendlngs there uro others which will bo urgtul against certain society papers which have taken up the cudgel in favor of Mr. Bonyngo. Tbo Bonyncos claim that tbov have knowl edge to the effect that Mr , Mackav employed detectives for the purpose of obtaining information mation in regard to Bonyngo's family , but it Is known thatthoInformation connecting Mr , Bonyngo with the publication of the rumors hostile to the Mncknys ? securedjjthvough u friend and advisor of the Mackuys In New York , to whom itcnmo accidentally. No do. tcetlvo was over employed nor was any nec essary for the purpose , Ono of tbo local society papers published a short Umojigo s'pveril peg s ofmlslcadlng In cidents connected with the subject , and went so far as to reprint an extended article from the Now York Truth which , It has teen nl- legod , was the cause of the personal en counter that took place between Mackay nnd Bonyngo In the Nevada ban K , Sun Francisco. Mr , Mnckay bos reason to believe that ho knows who Inspired these articles anil has al ready stated that bo has lateen stops to prose cute the guilty parties. Perhaps the most of fensive and incautious article on the supjccl was that published la Gallguani's ' Messenger , which under It * management during the last year has departed sufficiently from the con- icrvntlvo tone which formerly charactciliod its articles tolndulgn In personalities , nnd in this particular Uallgimn9 directly charged Mr. Mackuy with having circulated HboU re garding B - > 1 ? nnd his family , an accusa tion which < " f * \Mnckt\v strenuously denies and of whM \ , asserts not the slightest proof cxlstA Voon ns the article lu UallR- : innl a aupeil ? ' Mr. Mackay placed tbo mat ter in the ha , ' * . V his solicitor in 1'nrlJ and lirocccdlngs tmmedlntcly t boiwti , That iho article w.\ \ * * yious hsuunortoil by the Tact that the : tor of the paper in ques tion has lllod eng ndkluvlt with Mr. Muckny's solk v id which forms an Im portant part , of i 'io I , sslcr now on record. Mr. Muckay was f > iirst inclined to accept n simple apology , but ho reparation was neg lected by the editor ol the paper , who stated to an Intimate friend no was fully In- dcmnlllcd ngnlnst any proceedings that Mr. Mnckay might cheese to take. At tlio last moment tbo mythical individual who would Indemnify the editor of Jho Gftllguanl's could not ba found , whereupon the nowipnper Im mediately came out with n profuse apology. It was , however , too Into , for Mr. Mackay re fused to accept what was offered and di rected his solicitor to prosecute the cdltorand publisher to the last cxtrcmity. The caio came up last Wednesday in Paris it the Neuvleno chamber of pollco correc- tlonnollcPnlals do Justice , nud after Leopold Urahnm and the publisher had been called to the bar to plead the court adjourned the case until April 15. Unless in the mean time the cdltorand publisher flco the country they will be liable to ba found guilty , and probably will suffer for tlioir indiscretion. The death of Atr. Lawrence Barrett has been the subject of many regretful remarks , not onlv in theatrical but in other circles us well. It has served to show n fact which has long been noticed and has frequently boon commented on , viz. , the nbsolutolgnornnco of everything connected with the outsldo world which exists lu Paris. The death of your well known man nger and actor was , of course , cabled to the French capital ; equally , of course , It was mndo the subject of editorial comment nnd it need hardly bo said that the Information the French editors served up for the delectation of tbolr readers wus such as would make the average American open his eyes In wonder and amazement unit cer tainly created no llttlo ainuscniont in tbo American colony. Thus ono of the lead ing papers said : "Tha death is announced from Now York nt the ago of fifty-three of the well known American actress Lawrence Barrett. " This was bad enough , because nobody , so fur as Is known , ever had the slightest. Idea that Mr. Barrett's distinctively masculine method and forcible style could have produced any suggestion of femininity. This notion of the dead actor being a woman , was further exemplified in the case of another paper , which wrote : "Lawrence Barrott , the wollknownlAmerlcaii actress , died yesterday in Now York. Mine. Barrett \vns fifty-three years of npo. but many of bor admirers finding her at all times so sprightly , pretty , and youthful In nppenrance , thought she had only Just turned thirty. M. B.irrett , her husband , served In the war of accession as a captain of .infantry. " L RXTEIl JiElt' VOlt It. Tr.ifllo Agreoinnnt llctxvccii t.'io Can- nil I n ii Pne flu nud VniiliM-1)llt ( . New YOUK , March 20. President Van Horn , ot the Canadian Pacific , has concluded an arrangement with Chauncoy M. Dopow and II. Walter Webb , of the Now York Cen tral railway , by which the Canadian Central can bring Its freight and passenger trains into New York over the West Shore uud Central. The Canadian Pacific will comedown down from Brockvlllo over the now bridge which Is to bo built at that point by Way of the Home , Watertown & Oguqnsburg road to Utlcj. The details of the agreement are to be worked' out. by , . the , traWo officers oltha tvvo'cdmpaniosand iti.wlll ijo'lato ' effect "Im mediately. President Dopow conflrmoir the dcnl In an interview , and eata the arrangement would give the Van dcrbllt system : i trans continental line from Nova Scotia lo Van couver nnd the foreign road will briup : a great amount of business to the metropolis. The Canadian Padlh : now enters many of the great commercial cities In the United States. Bv n trafllo agreement with the Boston & Maine road and with n voice in the management of that road it gets an entrance into Boston and n strong hold on all New England. The Wafeash lets It Into Chicago and by moans of the "Soo" and the Dulutli , South Shore & Atlantic it taps Duluth , Min neapolis and St. Paul , while arrangements with other roads lets it into Sioux City to a connection with transcontinental roads. Thus it is In a position to comwoto with all roads between the Missouri nnd sea board. Being n foreign road it is not amen able to the interstate commerce law , nnd whenever during the past yearor two there hnvo been rate disturbances nt junction points , the , Canadian Pacific bos not often escaped suspicion. Depow did not say what would be the effect of the Canadian Pacific getting a foothold in Now York , or how the Now York Central would bo reeardod for allying itself with a foreign lino. The now alliance U not liltoly to Improve the rate situation In trunk line territory , nnd the chances nro that the dis turbances at Boston , Chicago and St. Paul will be repeated. SLEEP FASHXG COXTH8T. Detroit to ncKntcrcaliicd with a Novel Tent of Endurance. DKTUOIT , Mich. , March 29. The sleep fast' Ing match which opened at Wonderland to night Is attracting attention becnus'j of its novelty and the discussion that has been stirred upas to any ono's ability to do with out sloop the 103 hour.s necessary lo got a place. The entries o'osed at midnight. Mrs. Paul Jones of CadU. O. , who entered yester day , claims she will win , as shoonco watched wltn a sick baby night and day for 210 hours. Among the entries Is a Grand Trunk watch man named Fly nn , who sa.vs his chum was once 111 nnd to save him the Job ho watched night and day for eight days. Eight persons have now entered , and the rules of the match necessitate the contestants being in slqnt of throe doctors nil the tlmo. Couch's S ayer to Hnng. Wicniti , ICun. , March 29. After being In session for four weeks , the longest term ever hold In the state , the two United States courts adjourned at noon today. Sentences were passed on all Iho convicted men this morning. J. C. Adams , the slayer of Cap tain William Jj. Couch , the Oklahoma leader , and iCd Uelden , late of Kiioxvlllo , III. , who Wiled Charles Grant , near Edmont , Okla. , were both sentenced to ban pen Juno 'M. Jnko Pccora , who slow Jacob Cllne during a gam blers1 quarrel , got ton years. A. motion for u now trial wus made by Adams' attorneys , but overruled , nnd the attorneys were given until May 10 to file a writ of error in the supreme court of the United States. Hitthawny Granted a New Trinl. CIUCAOO , March leorgoHathaway ( , the slayer of cxAldermnnVhelan , wus grouted a now trial by Judge Tuthill yesterday. Dur ing Hathaway's trial It was claimed by the defense that his uano wtis taken away from him by Wliolun's friends and used to beat him over the head , and that ho wan forced to use his revolver In Aolf-dofense. Lieutenant ICIploy secured the cano , but kept bis posses sion of It n secret until Hathawuv had been sentenced , when ho omfesseil to Hathaxvay's attorney that ho bnd the uuuo. Judge Tuthill granted a now trial without hearing argu ment on the question and ho severely scored Klploy and his police methods , Mol > Iic < l by a Mlu'wlor. CoLi'iinus , O. , March 20. The State Jour nal's ' Tiffin , O. , special says ; The temper ance warfare at Bloomvillo continues with additional riotous iloinonstnUlnns. A fter the demolition of bis nuloon , Millc < - procured anew now iitook of lumors and established himself In other quarters. Last nlgbt bis place was visited by a crowd of men nud women , ho Mtnulted Iho proprietor ami barkeeper , In- JuriuK the Ititlor severely and giving nolh of them half an hour to Icava town , on penalty of more severe treatment. Among the load ers of the mob was a Methodist inmlttcr. A CLEVER SWINDLE EXPOSED , Story of Fictitious Sp\narth ! VTho Loft Mythical Fortanos to Americans , PRIZE PACKAGES BY THE WHOLESALE , An Attempt to Victimize Prcxldoiit JinrriNim Ijcndn to an Inquiry Clllr.ons of Ncl > riftkn Not Korgotton. WASUINOTOV , March 29. For several years past attempts Imvo been made to victimize people of prominence In the United Stoles by laying upon their credulity at the oxpcnso f their purses. Just who the would-bo wlndlcrs nro and to what extent they have ucceedeil Is not yet known , bat sufllclont atahas drifted Into tlio department of state o Indicate that these operations luvvo been onductod on a broad scale , nnd that tho. cndcr In thorn is educated and well equntnted In the affairs of the persona elected na the victims , The fraudulent chcmos nro of the same general plan , but .10 details were varied Indellnltoly to meet ho diameter of the victim. As a rule ho Is n person who has at some into bnd n slight acquaintance with a pnnlard. Ho receives n letter from n pnnlsh priest , tolling him that a largo sum if money has boon loft to him by this Span- ard on conditions that always Involved the dvancomont of n greater or loss sum of lonoy to pay the necessary charges. The first noticq the department of stnto jnd of the swindle wivs a loiter addressed to 'resident Harrison soon after ho assumed nice. In this letter the writer , a Catholic Host , as ho described hlmSolf , Informed the ( resident that a Spanish army oftlcer , after ndcrgolng Incredible vicissitudes of fortune , mil died In Spain , lie had tlcltvci-cd to the riest a packngo containing ? . ' 0ODn , , which vas to bo turned over to President Harrison a condition Hint ho would assurao charge of ho oflleer's llttlo daughter. Incidentally the mount of $5,000 was needed to pay nccos- ary expenses. The next person selected as a victim was General Hartlett , of the pension ofllco In Vashington , In this case a great quantity ot valuable plate was at stake , encumbered vith tlio innocent , angelic child of n Span- aril. Ills suspicions were aroused ana ho scaped without loss. 'lucn a prominent druggist of Patterson , N , T. , was picked out by the gang , but ho ro- gnrdod the letter as a Joke nnd paid no atUm- ion to it. Early last week a citizen of Creston , In. , vns told that 40,01)0 ) in Jewels aud trcasuro vero burled In his neighborhood by n Span- ard ho had known in days gene by. A member of the house of representatives nst summer also came in for ono of thcso pnzo packages. This letter is ohlctly ro- mnrkablo for the crafty manner lu which the > rlcst seeks to prevent an exposure of the swindle by malting it appear to bu to the re cipient's interest to maintain silence. The iriest's story is romantic , as Is Invariably the caso. caso.Tbo lost communication on tbo subject vhlch reached the department of state Is TO in an nttorney-at-law lu Nebruslta. Ho ; lvc3 a modification of the nchsnie , which vas attempted in 1S33. , In this ease a pro- .ondod.Catholic priest has learned attho con * 'esslotlnl that -u prisoner , 'condemned for a .hoft" from the queen * or Spain , ' bas-dlou , cavln ? concealed In America a large amount of money , considerable part of which 10 promised to leave 'to n. banker n NebrasKa if the latter would act as his executor. This particular banker showed the letter to the attorney , who Inves tigated the matter and saved n loss of money I Au attempt was renewed last November upon another baniccr of tbo same city. The old story was again modified nnd the names changed , but the hand writing was the same as'In the first case. These also fell into the hands of the same at tornoy and ho led the lartlcs along in a cor respondent whllo ho in .ho inonutlmo notillad the American minister n Spain and urged the authorities to net. FOIl IIMIf. Anus null Ammunition Helm ; llll- ported In ljurjo ; Quantities. SAN PIUSCISCO , Cal. , March 29. The steamer Farallon , from Salvndoroan nnd Guatemalan ports , brlnga advices that at the Lho Salvadorean port of Acajutln on tho0th ; inst. the schooner Vildng had finished unloading 7,500 stands of rlllo * nnd n largo quantity of ammunition brought from Sin Francisco. Every vessel arriving at Guate malan purts , on both the Atlantic and Pa- dllc coasts , H likewise bringing arms and ammunition to"Ouatemalu , and the Indica tions point undeniably to the fact that war between the two countries is probnblo in the near future. Indian peons have disappeared from coToo ( plantations and are in the moun tains , presumably engaged In drilling and preparing for war. U'ntu' latin Tarred mid Font'iercil ' , Hui.r.XA , Mont. , March 29.Vllllam O. Hart , a watchman in tbo yards of the North ern Pacific at Livingston , was hold up and tarred and feathered by flvo inasUcd men last night. Ho saw the flvo Individuals ciitor the car shops and followed them , whereupon they turned nnd treated him ns stated. A few months ago the switchmen at Livingston went out on n strike , nnd Hart was accused by them of being a detective. He received several anonymous warnings to lonvo town , but paid no heed. After stripping him hU captors painted him completely w'th ' paint and varnish and applied the feather ) . Then bo was led to iho railroad bridge and given the alternative of leaving town or bemgRhot. Ho made his wav back to town several hours inter. Ho claims that ho can Identify two of bis assatlanta and the railroad ofllciul.s say they v/111 Join heartily In the prosecution. The presumption lu that they wcro railroad employes. A NuiiierotiHly Kngncccl Hi'NTixoTOtf , W. Va. , March 20. Oliver Deacon Is very much In demand up in the Tom's Creek nclghlwrhood. Ho wab with out the shadow of a doubt the most numer ously engaged man in nil this region. Thorq have been eighteen girls who have stated since Ills dcpuiluao that they wcro engaged to bo married to him , nnd that the wedding day ilxed In each disowns April t J , Tha most distressing part of the whole affair Is that nil eighteen maidens npokcn of nro likely to havollvIiiR remembrances of Dea con whoso names will not bo Deacon. Hang ing Is probably too good for Doauon , but beseems seems safe , as bo tins written from Catletts- burg that "they don't ' hang gentlemen la Kentucky. " _ _ StcimiHlilp Galena Planted. ViNF.YAim lUvcx , Conn. , March 29. The United States steamer Galena was floated of ! Uayhcad this morning by three steam tugs and by the aid of the ship's anchor and hawser , which was carried only. The Galena arrived hero In tow tills afternoon and now lies alongside the wharf , htio leaks only about ono ami onolalf Inches pur hour , whlcn Indicates that tiioro are no holes In bor bottom , which probably Is only strained somewhat. The work of floating the United States tug Nina will commence utonco. Till : IIM..IZ'/J&'tt fltitKCAST , l"or Oiiuriui and VMnUu Snow or rafu ; rte- dltl'illll uMer , } ' ( Kebrnrku uiul South Dultttit Snnw or rvlni vxirmer liu Mnnttau nlo'it ' ; iwrfaMe wtiult. } ' ( Imrn IMn ; iltuhtlv cooler ; \itndt be- eonidii ; nuitlicrlj ,