TIM OMAHA DAJLY BEE ; SATURDAY , MAHQH 28. 1891-TWELYE PAGES. IT IS THE TALK OF THE TOW rMovomcnlir-'iincl , Events In the Social Swim 'ofCountry Towns , EVERYBODY IS ENJOYING LIFE , . - WMIl. r Tlio Ores of Tills \VnrUl for tlio Mo- iticnt Ht-nlccn off anil Ilov- . : . . , plry IlolilH Undisputed Hwny. The following builfot of suburban society gossip will bo found full of Interest : Tjlnuoln , Mr. . Fred Schmidt has been In St. Louis this week. Mrs. John L. WctHtor of Onmbn , lm been In the city this week , Mr. . Vie Abralinrnsen of Mliulon , was shnk- iiiK bands with Lincoln friends tbo first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Miller liavo gone to I.nfuyotto , Ind.vhcro tlioj will nmlto their luturo bomo. Mlas Mabel Koinpcr pave a very pleasant lilgh live party to n number of tier friends on Wednesday. Mis0 Llzilo Hlnos , ono of Iliutlnpa'popu lar young Indies Is In ttio city , the guest of lior undo , Mr. Jobn Morrison. The rcsldonco of Phclps Piilno nt Seven teenth and H streets wns burglnrl/ctl Saturday - day Highland over 1100worth of silverware taken. Miss Ulna- Clark , who had been llvlngjln Lincoln with her sister for two years past , loft the first of the wuelc forhur homo In Lafayette , I nil , Senator Titylor , a prominent momboiof | the upper houae , ImH iiowu weary of legislative labors and has gene to Chicago. Mr. Taylor will not return again to Lincoln , at leastnot tliU session. Hon. E. H. Si/or returned the first of the wccic irom Ottawa , 111. , whither ho hndbctyi called by ttic dangerous Illness of his undo A , J. Sbcr. Ho roiiortb the condition of bis rcmtlvoas slightly Improved. Mr. A , C. UOSKO returned to Lincoln the flrst of the wok from New York city , where ho linsist ] \ completed a six months1 course at Ucllovuc hospital medical colloRO. Ho has been vlsltiriB with his mother and slstor hero this week , but leaves shortly for Helena , Mont. , where ho will locate. The homo of Mr. anil Mrs. S. L. Hyde , Klovunlh midO streets was the scene of a pleasant u'ntliciiiiK Saturday evening. The occasion wna the twenty. 11 ftb nnnlVorsary of Mr , and Mrs. Ilydo's wedding day , mid neighbor ) to the number of twelve or four teen couples called to extend congratulations iind well wishes. At the residence of Ulcnard Qucoupn , Twenty-ninth and Apnlo streets Saturday evening , itev. Luther P. Lucldon performed tile corctnony uniting the lives line ) fortunes of Mr. John A. Coles and Miss Cnrrlo E. .Tonnson. A number of intlinatofriends were present to witness the interesting event and extend congratulations. Oil Monday "Soroais" mot with Miss MarlunKlnitsliiy at the homo of Mrs. D. L. Draco , corner Twenty-second and Washing ton streets. The subject discussed was ' 'The Indian Question , " led by Mrs. Ileobo. From 4 to 4 : BO o'clock the thno was occupied with general business and with the discussion of current nvents. At 4:80 : o'clock ' , the topic of the duy was broutrht up 'for discussion. A number of Captain D. 0. Crawford's friends Ibvndcd his home at 1510 P street Friday evening to help him remember that ho baa just reached the IKty-Jlrst milestone of life:1 : The evening was spent In pleasant social intercourse , being interrupted only lout ? enough to pnrtnko of the refreshments which wore served , The cnptaln was the recipient of ponio useful and beautiful pres ents. The company dispersed at u Into hour , wishing the cnptiUn many happy returns of the day and saylngtbat for once he had been surprised. Some of the friends of Miss Dertie , daugh ter of Mr.V. . Porklns , nave her a happy sur prise party Friday ovcnlnp , the occasion being the seventeenth anniversary of her birth. She bad dined out and upon return found a 'number of friends assembled to honorberunduxtcndcongratulations. Among tnoanany presents received wns a now piano . frriin nor tntbor. Tnu oveniiiir passed most cnJDynbJy , closing with dancing , followed by refreshments. It was a dcildhtfut entertainIng - Ing occiisio.i , und all participants renewed their expressions of friendship on departing , The W. nml H. debating club hold Its see- ond' ' banquet at the pleasant homo of Mr. J , A. Siiyuer , 180SI N street , Saturday evening. It WHS.oven moro of a success than the last one. The evening was spent In playing cards , tiddlcdy winks , and in dancing. Elaborate refreshments were served by the boys , The entire success of the banquet amply proves the skill of tno young men In this line as well as in debate. Those present were Misses Leland , Wright , Q. Camp , Marie and Kmornld Jones , Hoover , Hoyt , Thlcll , New man , Scaorest , Shoparu , Culbeitson , Ho.ver , M , Harper , Prankish , linbofT , Sthobield , Limsine , Mnltlnnd , Kieketts , L. C. Smith and Kuto Kleutseh. Messrs. Bunghurt , Cheney , Mocks , Hoagland. Garoutto , Ilixmer , Soybolt , Amos , Stolnor. licagan , Folsotn , J. Cochrano , Yntes , Cooley , bnvder. Pace , El liot , Woods , Jones , Mntthows , Klcutsob , Chapman , Honeywell and Fred Woodward. having reached hi& thirteenth year. Charles Levy , son ot Mr. ana Mrs. G , L.evy , was on Sunday afternoon duly confirmed in the presence of some thirty guests and liiondsof the family , the Jewish nannltzwah ceremony being impressively performed at 4 o'clock , Incidental to the performance of these rites , a sumptuous spread greeted the guests. The confirmation speech of young Levy was n very clover one , and delivered in a'doar , distinct mannor. Among these were Mr. L. Borkson und wife. Mr. and Mrs. I. Llbbcnmui , Mrs. L. Poslca , Louis A. Kzonsk , Liouio Meyer , S. i'olwosky , Mllllo Meyer , E. Hecbt , S. P. IJobenburp , II Yan'ow , C. Yauow , L. Llborman , Charles 1'osUn , II. Arcnsen , J. Ai-onson , J. H. Smith , W. Arcusen , S. Rordon , H. S. Dlumonttml , Harry Aronsen. 1' . Bernstein , H. Subber- roan , M. Schnaldor , and many others. On last Friday evening a number of the friends of Miss Delia Munloy wore enter- tnir.oil la a delightful manner nt her homo 11H ( ) South Eleventh street. Contrary to the usual custom , cards weronot the order of the evening , although tables weto provided in ndolnng ] | rooms for those so Inclined , The time was mostly devoted to converjatlon , music and dnncing , Some lovely costumes were worn. Uof rcshn.outs were served and mMcd much to the enjoyment of the evening , " About IU:30 the guests departed with the con viction that Miss Manlcy had achieved an other success as a most charming hostess , The invited guests wore : Mr , and Mrs , J , A. Unrns and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clarke , Misses Ida and Lizzie Donncll , Scotbom , Laws , Weston , Helena and Nelllo Lau , Skill- more , Cochnuio , Pound , Dopuo , Funko , Hob- crts , Huldwln , Uplmm , Wodgewood , Lnntz , McMillan. Buolllng anit Anderson. Messrs , Emory , Qullmottu , I'uyno , Hardy , Fifu , Wing , \Volch , Montgomery , Funlto , Edmls- ton , I'lllsbvry , Lyman , Oorwlg , Illcks , AVhcclcr , Strelgnt , L.luk , Parsons , Roberts , Youngo. , Nebraska Cily , MaJorMcriddtli is homo again , Miss , ICorff , loft for Lincoln Monday , UltyKnglucor Do art visited Omaha Men day. ' ' Mr , White und wlfo of Unaalllo , are In the city. Mrs.'Spanglor and Miss Gaut loft for the tOUtb.i , Mies Joslo Wcsfel Is visiting friends In tLlnColn. Mrs ; Jiuncj IClrk loft for the west Monday on a vlsjt. ' Father Cussoii ramo in from the north l&st Thursday. " * Clnrouco Neff of Syracuse was In the city .over Sunday , U.,0 , Goldou and wlfo arc homo from a 'visit ' to Oinalm. Dllly Seymour made a business trip to Omaha Thursday , Rev , Oliver returned to bis homo at Kear ney on Wednesday , Hobcrt Lovl is in town visiting bis parents His bomo is In Sioux City , la , Miss Norn Thorp accompanied her father to Hamburg , In. , Thursday oven lug , , A. J , Smith'"returned homo from Omaha nnci Lincoln Wednesday afternoon , Mrs. A. Heilil of Now York is visiting her parent Mr. und Mrs. E , C. Keating , Mrs. W. F , N , llouscr loft Tuesday for Auburn to visit her brother , lr. ) Thomas dant. Clarence Trail , formerly of this place , but now of Kansas , Is hero oa n visit. H , B. Hlrks of Lincoln spend Sunday lu the city , the guest of John Dlxoii , Paul Schmlnki'and wlfo are among the many who arc sufforlng from In grippe. Mrs. W. S. Hector and Miss Mlnnlo Hawlto arrived homo Thursday from Kanus City. Allen Uarnhart , who has been vMtlng In the city for several days , left for Chicago Monday , W. A. Mollrlng visited his parents hero Sunday , Ho h mooting with good succcssoa the road. H. H. Hicks of Lincoln , who has been \ls- Itlng Jobn Dixon , loft for bomo Wednesday morn I n ir. Mrs. V. II. Olbbi left Sunday for Kansai City to attend bor father , who is reported dangerously ill. Mrs. C. 13. Wcscott and Miss Fannie Mc- Dougal of PliUlsmouth uro tbo guests of Mrs. Thomas llytih. Porter Hand wns confined to his homo for two days with a very severe cold , which al most blinded him. U. L. Pcoblv of 1'cobly & Nicholson will go oo the road In the Interest of a wholesale liouso tibuut May I. H. W. Triu.ulo loft Wednesday for Kock- port. . Mo. , to attend the bedsldo of his slstor , \vho is dangerously ill , K. A. Spooncr of Council Hlufhwno , has been in the city the guest of Mayor Ireland , " returned homo"Monday. Mrs. M. E. Duff entertained n number of friends Monday evening. Tlddledy while \vas indulged In considerably. Hurvoy M. Hunt and MUs Hhoda Rulbblo will bo married near Rtirr , nt the bomo of the bildo's parents on April > . Kurel < alodge , ICnlifhts of Pythias , of this fltv Is growing rapidly. Three new mcmbors \vcro Iniilntuu Monday ovunlng. Mi's. Henry Howmnn of Syracuse , who has been in the city visiting her parents for sev eral days , returned homo Thursday. Kuruknlodge Knights of Pjtbiasls arrang ing to given ball in May , when tlio boys will celebrate the anniversary ot their itistalla- t Ion. Sam CJoldherp , Ed Thorp , .Tamos Heed , F. fl Itraucr , S. 11. Morrison und K. C. Hccdo wont to Hamburg Thursday to assist in Ma sonic work. Miss Mnry A. Durgrrt , slstor of 0. IT. Hur- gcrt and Mrs. .1 ,1. liochstettlor , died nt To ledo , O. , ou the ISth. She formerly resided in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Klcpsor , one of the longest married couples In the west , qulotly celebrated tlio ilfty-iiliith unnlvoriary of their inarriago Monday. Mrs. Pha bo Henderson and dnughter. Mrs. Prod Koyscr , loft Thursday for Marlon , Ind. They have been visiting at the home or Ofllcer Fr.uik Dauor. V'ddic McCullough , accompanied by his father and brother , Herbert , left for Shen- andoiih , la , Monday evening , where be will attend the business college. Mnrrlngo licenses have boon granted to George Bray and MissThurcsa Jarrcll ; James C. Paterson and Miss Emma L. Barker , and August H. BergfelU nnd Miss Mury VVestnr- haus. haus.Mr. . and Mrs W. A. Drown , after n brief visit in the city , loft for Culbortson , Nob. , Monday enrouto to their homo in Wyoming. Mr. Brown was the founder of the morning dully Press , whlcii is now owned by bis son. Miss Mnttio ( Ulchrlst , who has been vlshv ing at Union with her aunt , Mrs. K. D. Bar- num , died Tuesday morning of brain fever. The 10 mains were tnkeu to Kast Springfield , K. Y. Conductor A. II. ICorr has returned from New Mexico , \\hcro ho is interested in min ing property. Ho loft Air. and Mrs. Kobort Fayno , formerly of this place , coaifortubly- altuatcd. Wednesday evening the newly organized orchestra gave a dance that Droved a success in every dotuil. This orchestra will in the future bo under the leadership of Prof. Mnrlatrer , who recently came hero irom Bos ton. The other members of the orchestra are Fred Welsh , Paul Kuwitzltn , Sam Nel son , Ed Chase , E. N. Holty and F. Hartoclo. On Thursday evening the young ladles of tbo Christian church gave an Easter concert , which was largely attended. These who took partaro among the loading society' people - plo and the best musical talent In Nebraska City. An excellent programme was charm ingly rendered. Miss L. E. Wright con ducted the tableaux. Refreshments were served after the concert and the young ladles also realized a nice sum from the sale of fancy articles they had made with tholr own bauds. llcntrlcc. Hov. J. N. Mills has returned from his Denver visit. C. C. Temple of London , England , -was in tbo city Monday. J. P. Kirk of Marshalltown , In. , was in the city during the wcok. iudgoBroady has gene to New York , 011 professional business , A. B , Montgomery of Goodland , Kan. , was n Beatrice visitor Tuesday. Alderman O. L. Cole of this city has been granted an increase- pension. Miss Nellie Crawford of Kearney , sister of Mrs. J. II. Woods , is visiting in the city. W. V. Norway of Chlppmva Palls , Wts. , was in town Tuesday renewing old acquaint ances. Mrs. E. O. Drnko nnd children have re turned from on extended visit to California points. Ira Iligby , chief clerk of the Murray hotel , Omahn , was visiting relatives In the city Saturday. Mrs. J , E. Smith ana Miss Carrie Smith liavo returned from a visit of two weeks at Excelsior Spring , Mo. S. Fltzgibbon of Hnrtford , Conn.was In the city during the wcok on a brief business and exploring visit. James A. AVIggs of Birmingham , Ala. , was In the city Tuesday , on a business aurl.pleas ure visit co mblnod. J. K. McICimof Piltsburg , Kan. , who was visiting old friends hero for several days , re turned home Saturday , S , P. Lester Is homo again from Spring- Held , Mass. . whence ho had been to dispose of a car loadof horses. Mrs. 11 , Clemmor wns called to Crundy Center , la. , Tuesday bv the serious illness of her daughter , Mrs. Ensminger. The ladies of tbo Beatrice Benevolent as sociation wilt give a dinner and Cupper March 31 tor the beuctlt of the poor and ucedv of tbo city. city.George George II. Mil burn and Miss Myra G. Buckhnm were married at the residence of the bride's parents , this city , Tuesday even ing lost. Dr. William U. Burns and Mrs. Ann M. Burnu , were married at the residence of tlio former , this city , Tuesday evening lost by Hov. J. N. Mills. Prof. S , II , Dullard and wlfo of Pierce Mo. , are in Ihoclty. the t'uosts of Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Broyles. Mrs. Bullard and Mrs. Broyles nro slstora. Mr. and Mrs. John Dwycr have returned from Concordla , Kan. , whore they visited several days with Mr. aud Mrs , Colonel Tally , former Beatrice people. A illlam Blakely , Charles Blakcly and Judge H. W. Parker returned bomo Wednes day mornhiu from a nine weeks' visit to Florida and otlusr southern resorts. Mrs. Jumos U. Kvaus of Cblcsuni.vhn l.na been visiting the bedside of her slstor , Mrs. W. H. Woodsworth , started bomo Tuesday , accompanied by her nolce , Miss Efllo Woods- worth. Ed. Hayes , the popular ynrdmastcr of tbo Union Pacific nt this point , is homo again from ntwo weeks visit nt Norfolk. Wliilo there ho attended the golden wedding o/ his venerable parents. Mrs. O. M. Stonobrnker , who has been visiting in Kansas City for several months , lias returned to Beatrice for a brief stay pre paratory to removing to Lincoln , whofo ncr- solt and husband will make their homo for the future. Miss Cora Keed entertained a number of her youhg friends at a birthday party at tro rusldencoof her parents , Ulr. and Mrs. AV. II. Rood , Wednesday evening last. Thonffulr was one of the most thoroughly enjoyublo and pi a < ant of tbo season. The Bentrico vocal society is preparing fcr a pleasant entertainment to bo clvon in tbo society's ' rooms soon after Easter. It will bo given entirely by the ladles' quartette , con sisting of Mcsdamcs C. O. Bates , G. U. Barker , A.AV , Urowu and Miss Grace fuller. Prof. C. O. Peorso , superintendentof tbo Beatrice public schools has gene to Toronto , Caaadu , to arrange headquarters for tbo Nc- brailm delegation of teachers ntthn National Teachers' association , which convenes there In July next. Ho was accompanied front Lincoln by Prof. J. H. Miller of the Journal of Education. Mr. and Mn. Hoyt , parents of 0. O. and H. C. Hoyt of this dty , are oxpcctlnp to ar- rlvo In Beatrice in n short whllo to toke up their permanent residence. When completed they will occupy the largo now residence being constructed on North Seventh street , near the homo of II. C. Lloyt. Mrs. Hoyt Is a sister of ex-President Cleveland. I'lnttsmouth. Airs , Henry Cooper vl lted In Glcnwood this wick. Dan II , "Wheeler , jr. , of Omaha wo * In the city Tuesday. Miss Fannlo McDongnl has been visiting In Nebraska City. Miss Hcsslo Gclgcr bos been visiting friends In Omaha. Mrs. P. E. Minor entertained a few friends nt coffee on Thursdnyl ast. Postmaster II. J. Straight and wlfo were vlsltlnir In Lincoln this week. Mrs. doorgo Wright has gene to Bonaparte , la. , to rcsido with her sister. Mrs.V.V. Leonard tins been visiting friends in Lincoln during this wcok , Mrs. Grosvenor Knapnof tihenandoah is visiting relatives in the city , Mr , W. E. Itlaolc returned Tuesday even' Ing from a week's visit in Kansas City Mr. A.V. . Critoa of Chadron has boon visiting in the rlty , the guest of Judge Ham- sey. sey.Mr. Mr.Dr. . H. H. Livingston of Cedar Creek has been visiting friends In this city during the week. Byron Black and family were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Trod Murphy at Cedar Creek last Sunday. Mrs. LlllmanSawyer , attorn vlsltof afort- nlght wltti friends In this vicinity , ddpartod for llillsdnlo today. Mrs. Sam Chrlsnmn departed for Ulysses Wednesday morning , called thither by the Illness of her father. Mrs. W. J. Crowthor and her mother , Mrs. Ooff , departed "Wednesday for their now homo at St. Paul , Minn. Joseph \V. Bush departed Tuesday morn ing for St. Louis , In which ancient city ho will visit for about a week. Mrs. Whitewho has been visitinghor aunt , Mrs. J , G. Chase , departed for her bomo in CustorCity , S. D. , Wednesday. Mrs. Gould of Michigan City and her sons ofOmubn , were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Ballanco during the woek. Mrs. George Ilouioworth , who has been raying an extended visit In Burlington , In. , and other points cast , returned homo Tues day evening. Dr. T. P. Livingston Is sojourning in Chi- caeo. Ho is taking a special course in poly- cllnlcsund surgery , nnd expects to remain there for about a month. J. A. Hankln of the vicinity of Murray re turned from Pennsylvania last evening with his brldo , having been married to Miss Fan nlo Peart last Sunday week. Messrs. J. P. Antill , Sum Shutnakcr , J. M. Johns , Miles Turner. F. G. Fricklo , W. D. Jones nnd W. II. Baker constituted a party of nlmrods who wont over to the Iowa bottoms toms the other morninc in search of some feathered game. They returned with one lame duck. Dr. and Mrs. IS. W. Cook entertained the members of the high five club at their resi dence on Chicago avenue Tuesday evening. Tbo second series of the high five tourna ment was played and an cnjoyablo time hud. These probont were Messrs. nnd Mesdamcs C. E , Eads , Charles Parmeleo , Clel Morgan , Kelly Pox , Frank Morgan and the host and hostess. The coming event that is casting its shad ow before is an original und unique outer- , talnment entitled "Tho Mnglo Mirror,1' ' or "Brides of All Nations , " which Is being pro jected by the Misses Palmer and Goring under the auspices of St. Agnes guild. All the leading jounp society ladies of the city will tnko part , and it promises to bo the af fair of tbo post-L.cnton season. It will take place lit tbo opera house April 9 , after which a social hop will bo Indulged in at' Hockwood hall. hall.Last Last Monday was the twenty-eighth anni versary of the birth of Mrs. J. M. Schnoll buchcr and about a dozen of her lady friends accepted an Invitation to attend a dinner party given at her bomo la commemoration of tbo event. A very pleasant time resulted. These present were Mesdames Joseph Leuchtwolss , George P. Woidmann , Chris Koehnkc Fred Eblngor. George Nlchol , Wil liam Hnsslor , William Weber , Henry Week- bach , Louis Egcnberger , Frank Ii. Guth- mnnn , Kans Frabra and J. Mumm. Messrs. George Worth , D. C. McEntco , Guy Livingston and A. Helps are busily engaged in rehearsing their respective parts in the drama of 'Tho Rivals" which will shortly bo presented In the city of Omaha. Miss Belle Ktmball and Miss Una Stobbins of Omuha will play the respective roles of Lydin Languish and Mrs. Mnlanrop. This play was presented in this city last winter , with nearly the same cast. The members nro nmatouM of considerable histrionic ability , and the play is bound to bo received with favor. A special train will bo run be tween Omaha and Plattsraouth to enable the local admirers and personal friends of the actors to witness the performance. W. P. McCreary Is in Lincoln this weak. The Elks have decided to give a grand mas querade ball next week. There is some talk of organizing a wheel club In this city this spring. Bedford Brown loft for Jacksonville , 111. , to attend the funeral of hhi undo. The ladles ot the Mothodis.t church gave an Easter social Wednesday evening. Tommy Dowd of Chadron is visiting bis mother and sisters this week In this cit/ . L. H. Guernsey was called to Chicago Tuesday to the sick bed of his father. Miss UosoThelan of Milwaukee , Wls. , Is visiting her sister , Mrs. C. M. Weiss. The P. E. 0. soclotv mot at the homo of Mrs. Will Button's ' Wednesday afternoon. The Junior dancing club gave a delightful hop at Gormunla bull Wednesday evening. J. K. Painter of Alliance , Nob. . Is visiting his daughter , Mrs. John Slakor , this week. Miss Addle Sbodd , clerk hi liouso of retire- ( .ontutlves , spent Sunday In this city with friends. The artists of this city nro arranging for an art exhibition , to bo opened to the public at an early date. LJ. Marie Jack of Chicago and jtthol L. Clarke of Philadelphia arrived this wools and will make Hastings their future homo. Miss Blanche Paul , daughter of County Treasurer Paul , entertained a party of young friends at her homo Saturday evening , A trlbo of the Improved Order of Uod Men will bo organized next wcok In this city , witti a charter membership of over one hundred and tlfty. The ladles of the Women's Chrlstnin Tem perance union nnd the Young Women's Christum association will give a dinner'and supper today for tbo bonoiit of Bethany home , Mr , and Mrs. Leopold Hahn cave a farewell - well party to Miss Molilio of Chicago , lost Saturday evening. The guests were Misses Mary ana Ltrzlo Slovens , Tilllo , Anna nnd Jo.slo Hooppnos , Gertrude Pike , Mnbello Miles and Anna Breed , Messrs. Conrad , Con- nori , Pickering , iloonpncs. Jarvis , Breed , Bloom. Mr. and Mrs.-Jacob Thomas , Air. and Mrs. Shlrck and Mn. John Haymaker , Falls City. Harry Powell of Omaha is In this city visiting - iting friends. A car load of boats arrived for Hlnton's IIIKO from Chicago Sunday. M. W. Musselhnan attended to business in the real estate line in Lincoln this week. H. C. Smith , a prominent real estate dealer of tbls city , is visiting relatives lu Canton , Mrs. J. T ) . Doak of Kansas City has been visiting in town with her cousin , Mw. George Ilinton. Miss M. Jennie Schuylcr has been added to the local department of tbo Plebeian , tbo al liance organ. Mrs. S. B. Xollson came from Omaha ' 1ucsday night to attend the funeral of L. M. May of this city , Ed Thomas nnd Miss Fanmo Morton whs nro attending tbo state university this year nro spending tCastcr vacation at their homos hern. The members of the Presbyterian church bnvo been endeavoring to insure n minister's balury. T ho church has been without a pav tor for some time. | George Marvin , editor of the Beatrice I Democrat , and Mr , May ari'ived from Beat rice Wednesday afternoon to bo present at the funeral of the hitter's son , L. M. May , which was held Thursday. W. C. Albiich nnd Miss Pauline Fnlskcn wore united In mnrringp at the residence of ' the drido's parents in this place last Thurs day evening. About one hundred nnd Jlfty friends nnd relatives witnessed the ceremony and joined in wishing the contracting parties joy through life. York. A. S. Hnrlan Is laOsccoln , To. Prof. Worloy is visiting friends nt Ever- ton , Mo. Frank Oaborno and Jfohn Ilvdcr are hunt ing on tlio I'lntto. Mr. and Mrs.V. . L. Whodon arrived homo from Los Angclos , Cala. , Sunday. Miss Pearlo Barnes spent sovornl days In Howard this wcok visiting friends. Judge Uccso of Lincoln spent several days In the city last week attending court. Mcsdamcs Nobio and Simmons , of Clerks , Nob. , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J , Jones. Mr. nticl Mr . J. P. McConaughy loft last Friday for Sycamore , III. , where they will rcsido. The P. E. O. sisters spent n pleasant eve ning at the homo of Miss Lulu Wirt Friday evening. B. H. "Wcstorvclt , of Ashlnud , formerly of this city , wns greeting old friends on the streets Monday. Everett Gould loft Thursday for Sycnmore , 111. , where ho will continue hi the employ of J. F. McUonnugby. Frank Boynton has accented a position at tbo Ininno asylum at Lincoln and loft Mon day to 1111 the place. Joppa couimimdcry No. 17 , Knights Temp lars , will hold Kast'ersorvlcoi In the Trinity Episcopal church Sunday nt'J o'clock. Tbo musical entertainment given by Mrs. Morgan and Miss Williams Thursday evenIng - Ing in Wlrt's hull was a success In every ro- spect. Hov. Mr. Do.tl , Prof. Oiomo and N. A. Dean returned from Blue Hill , Neb. , Mon day , where they n.id boon in the Interests of the United Brethren college of this city. Mr. II. P. Slomwav. accompanied by Mrs. Turcman of Taylorvlllo , 111. , arrived in the city Saturday and will remain some time visiting with their sister , Mrs. D. T. Mooro. The judges appointed for the state high school declamatory contest to bo hold in this city April 18 nro : L. II. Austin , principal of the Lincoln high school ; Superintendent P W. Grcnstcnd of Proinont and Prof. J. T. Morey of Kearney. An acquaintance social wns held by the Ep- worth league In the Methodist church Moil ; day ovoniug. Tno flrst part of the evening was devoted to forming now acquaintances , everyone Introducing themselves to each , other. A select literary programme followed. Keartioy. BertE. Sager ot Cleveland , O. , is visiting his sister , Mrs , V. E. Wilson. Moro than ninety boys in the Koarnev schools , are takli.g instructions in band tnu&lc. Miss Laura V. Stclnhard of the Emerson school Is spending her vacation with friends in Lincoln. A quaint old painting on copper , of Skako- spearo is among tbo antiquities of Kearney. Its date is 1(110. ( T. T. Armstrong who has been for several years a popular dry < goods clerk hero , will go Into business for himself. The Kearney musical union will render the cantata of Queen Esther at .the opera house ou next Tuesday evening. Tbo Mid way City , Times Is a new weoklv paper published here by A. L. Clark et al. It is usplcv little sheet , representing outside of local politics true blue-Jacksoninn principles. Henry K Dlxey it thinking of buying "Tho Prodigal Son'V-from ' Angustln Daly. Dlxoy is n good pantomimlst and ought to make n very stronpr part of Pierrot , in which Miss Relian failed from thj { very reason of not being a pnntomitnist. Tonight "Love's ' Labor Lost , " will bo pro duced nt Daly's Hoiy York theater by the regular Daly company. This Is a , singular night for a first performance at tbis theater , but Mr. Daly considered tbo inudvisibllity of so important a production immediately pre ceding the most rcugious night of the year , und so very sensibly determined not to brine fortn , his now Sbakosperean revival until tbo end of the wcok. Last nlghtas has long boon a custom with Augustln Daly , bis theater was closed. It being Good Friday , the most boloir.n church day of tbo year. When Baby wan sick , TTO gtae her Caatorfa , When howM a ChiM , hocried forC&storia , When she became Miss , she clung to distorts , Hflien iho had Children , * ho ga.ro them Castorfcv , DPS. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , l > iO9 DOUGLAS OMAIIA , NEU. Tno most widely andrfnvoralily known spec ialists In the Uoltea Stntcs. Tholr lone ex perience , renmrkiiblu skill ftiid tinivorsnl suc cess In the treatment and euro of Nervous , Chronic nnd KurRlcul DUensos. cntltlo these eminent physicians to the full confidence ot the ulllleti'rt overywhon- . They puurnntco : A OEHTAIN ANI ) > I'OSITIVK OUHE for the nwlul rITootsof'ourly vlco und the nunior- ous evils Hintfollo\i in Its triiln. _ - _ _ , , 1'nivATi : . ni.ooi ) AND SKIN DisEAsns spoodlly. compKitolviifid nurnuinently cureil , NHUVOUS lEiut.rrv AND SF.XUAI. ms- OltDEUS yield roailllyyto their sltlllful trout- . . FISTULA ; A-NH UEOTAL ULOEKS cunrnnt cod cured without pain or detention from liiiHlnosi. „ _ IlYDUUUELK AND VAIUCOOKM3 ronnn- iiontly mul successfully "lied In every ci : io , SYlMIIMii. GONOKiillEA. ni.KET. Bpor- mntorrlion , SoinUinl\Viiliiioss , Lost Manhood , N'lBlitKnilssloiis , Decayed Faculties , Icrnulo Wciikncss and ull dollcatu disorders peoullur to either BOX positively cured , ns well us till functional disorder * thut result from youthful follies or the oxcessof ninturo year * . Tl , ' I PT1 1 1 ? TJ Ouamnlced pernui n e n 1 1 y comnlote O 1 K1U1 UK.licurei , removnl , wltliout cutting , ciuistia or dllutnllon , Cures effected at homo by piitiont.wlthout e mo- ment'H iinln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. PllPlJ Tlio awful nffoclB of AQIIPI7 LUKU onriy vlco which brings orL-nnlii wcakhcfis , drotroylni ; lioth mind und body , with all Its droidoil Ills , permanently TWIT'S ' Add ross those xyho have Im- 0. JJUl lo pull-oil iliumi Ivos hy 1m- prouor Indulgence and Military imblt * . wlilch ruin lioth mma and lioily. unlltttns them fur biitlni'Hi. stiidv oriuiirrlago , . . . . MAIIHIKI ) MEN or these ontcrlns on that happy ltfoawuro of physical doblllty , < iulckly ussblod. OUR SUCCESS . ' ' oxperl- IB based upon facts. I.'lnt-1'ructloal once. Hocond Every on p Is specially htudiuu , tliu * lulling rlRhC Third iiicdloliirs uro pronaroil hi our laboratory i-xacily to suit , thus ulToetliia curoa without Injury. Drs , Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB Our beautiful line of Spring Weight BLACK CHEV IOT SUITS , in sack or cutaway , bound or unbound , at prices represented in four corners of this ad. , would make very desirable and appropriate wear for Easter , They are of OUR OWN MANUFACTURE , and long dealing with the consumer has enabled us to remove every defect in way of fit. Our cutters arc artists of merit. No flimsy turnouts here ; we can't afford it. Garments we turn out are conspicuous on the street by their neat and tasty appearance. They advertise and bring many returns. Great many people know B , , K. & Co.'s garments by their correct appearance. Many more are finding it out day by clay. WE appreciate ONE THOUSAND SPRING OVERCOATS. The largest assortment ever brought to Omaha , and comprising more and handsomer styles than all other houses combined. We fit the long , the slim , the short and the fat ; nobody shut out on shape. Our prices , where fit , quality and workmanship are considered , has be come a regular 4-11-44 to competition. We want all Omaha to sec this line. Our Boys' and Children's ' Department Is a feature that never fails to attract. Just now there are scarcely hours enough in the day for the crowds to complete their purchase. The styles are many. The make up bright"and pretty. The prices very low. Space crowds out the mention at length of our many new tilings in Hats and Furnishing Goods. Browning , King & Co. , O' CD S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas. RELIABLE DEALERS. Open after Monday , March 30th , until 8 p. in. Saturdays 10 p. in. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878 , W. BAKER &Co.'s ' from which tlio excess of oil has boon removed , Is Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd is tborcforo far moro economical , costing less than one cent a ciip. It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , EASILY DIGESTED , and admirably adapted for invalids as well us for persons in health. Sold by Crooors ovorywhoro. W , BAKER & . CO. , Dorchester , Mass. II' U I 1/BT Morphine IlnliU _ _ . O JL SJ lVJLc dfnOto20dayi. Noj trtlllcor d. BLOOD PURIFIER AND Is not ploa-ant to take , ai It Is com posed of all the medicinal qualities that go to mnko now arcd rich blood without oampolling the coasumor to pay $1 A BOTTLE FOR ONE-THIRD SYRUP which can bo bought ; my wooro for thirty-flvo O3nts a gallon , as nil sar- aparillas aro. BEGGS' BLOOD PUBI IBB aid BLOOO MAKER is composed o ? pure modio'.ns , and ul- lowa the purchaser to add s/rup wh'oh la advised when glvon to children. If your clriiKglat eloos not keep It accept no Hitustltuti' , lint order direct fiom Hc3isMfr. | Co. , lfli-lU7 MlulilKan St. . Chicago. 111. , and they will forward , oxpicbs prepaid , one bottle tlo for $1 or six for } 5. _ Young Mothers ! ll'o Offer You a irhlcli futures Safety to Life of Mother anil CMM , "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Jtobs Conftneinrnt of tls 2'alit , llorror ami JCttk. Afteruslngonpbottloor "aJolIior'w Prl Miil" I suffered Uutllttlo pain , anil illd not eipcrleuce that wcikni > RS afterword usual In micli cnsos.-JIrs. ANNIE OAOIC , Lnnmr , Mo. , Jun. 13th , Ib'Jl. ' Sent by express. clmrKe prepnld , on reeflptof prlci',81.50 l r bottle. Hook to Hotlit'H mailed tree. ifiui.i ) i i < : ui < .vroii co. , ATliANTAt OA. SOLD 11V ALL DRUGGISTS. PHENO- LINE COLDS IN THE HEAD , by one application. CATARRH , in aTrory short time. HAY FEVER , in from 3 to 5 days. EARAOHEj instantly. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. FOK SALE IIY'AIJj DKUOaiSTd. 1'ropaiM only l > y tlio I'lIENOLINK MKDIUl.NK CO. . HnrUur lllook , Omaha , U. S. A , BROWN STOCK FARM , 1801. STALLION SEASON. 1891 MON WOOD 11212. Sired hy 1st. dam ' M ( liun . 4th dum'iibVly Mills , by tfuolpy'i'Aint' rlcan Htur SJ3D TO INSURE. Brood Marcs. Colts anil Fillies For Sale , InuluilliiK two by the mit lllnck Wllkusi HIO | of Wlnslow Wlllces 'JiUi Kiwi u fashionable biod i-yi-ar-ola Wllhcs Htiillloii-a uond tiiia. Send for utaloguo ; or liutlor , coinu anil bco ° " M "P. BIIOWN. Paplltion. Neb NO GUREX ! MO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeenypnrseiporl 'n'o. ' A r ; ulir urnlmto In m < M cl.io .11 dlploim show , lintlll tro-xtln ? with tlio KtoilPitt IICC < M' , nil N'orvo'i' . Chronic nml I'rlvnti Ulionoi. A porni uijnl euro Burirnntoal fur Until rli Hpernmtorrlian , Io t Mnnhooil.Somlimt Wuaktian , NlRhtI.o jos , Imputoncj , Srphlll * . MrlcUro , ixn liilnli- oa es of tlio Blood. Skin nn.l . Urliury Ornm. Nil. 1 nuarmtca I > U for morr case 1 iiiiJorttto mi I fall o euro LniiBUlUitlon tree. UjoM.Myaturlci ot Ufoont ) froi. OJIca liuuri 9 a , in. to 8 i > . m. yanJay li ) n. in. to 12 m. Moore's ' Tree of Life , A poalllvocuro for Kid noy mil I.lvcr Complaint niul all blooil ill i'ixca. : 1 > < o < it | i.iy to nuffurnbcn you can bo cured liy i.nlnir .Mo"rc' Trco nf l.lfc , tiioirent I.Ifo Homely ? 1'rlccjlpor liottlo. 1'rc- parcd nnd put up lj Dr. J. II. Mooro. TlIhTIMONIAI. : Tills la to certify that I Imvo tested the medlrn properties or Dr. .Moore's Tree of I.lfojo.iu'dy to m entire ( mtlxfuctlon , MIK ] ci n most liu.irtlly rvconi meml it to thoMitTcrlni : mul iillllclodoiorywlicrc. to bo nil clttlmol for U In Ihj nbo\o ttntenionl. Ijut rprlni : I wn * Buffering from Ui"8Of njipotlto. coiiHtl- pntlon , etc. . or'KlnitlnK from kidney and liver trouble , nnd I hud not used one bottle of tills uri'.it l.lfo ItcmtMly until 1 wns urc.Uly relived , -My lfo al"o , belna lit nvcrycrltlc.il ulano I" Hfivrns vuf- forlnKiuucli nt tlmei , nnd by Iho UHO of tlili rem edy 1ms boon raved from much sutTerlnK nnd poial- bly from proimtnro rioitli. Our yoiinueat eon's lienltti for Nuveial yeam IUIH boon very ilellcato. Ho contraitcil KOIIIO limn trouble by taking pold with im'nreU wlilch puiducrd Krent m'l votu debility nnd occusloii.il lilivilliiK of the limit * : lie Im nsol Komo fuur bottle * of Tree of Ufa uinl fools nnd loolt * us tliouuh now llfuhua Lcoii given him , If jcni nro nllllclrd , tiy It. ULOIIGK MII.I.I it Jloit.1 , Ciirlltlo , In. rretdtlliiK I'.lder. REMEMBER IS THE NAME OF THAT Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , GOLD IP the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , and BRONCHITIS , Tint , TJotlles. Price 81.00. For Sale by leading Druggistc , Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Go , 02 JACKSON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. BLAKR , BRUCE & CO. S3 Goodyear Welt i of Culfikln utr widely i numlUcU. Dulil i ' 1 lilt It thoorlgliml , tlio bcil made , lie wire of lail- tallons. I'oitltlirly nunoKtii' ulno unloat main | > e < l mi Iho &J Shoo. " J. MEANS A CO. IJo.loD , Itaif , W ANTFDAROJUI > ° ? " "tl10 ' ' ' " ' "i" - - - , VV/ilN i / , - / - | ( | ( hint1 ! the only line ever Invcnti-d thil : holds the violin. ) with out llns ) : a nurfoi't snucessj pntunt rocuntly Issued ; MU | only liy UKonts , to whom the ox- oluslve rluhl Is Klvru. On i oeulpt of ft I uoiit" wo will fend iiMiinplo line l > y inull ) also ulieu- Inrs ; iirlco list and terms to nscut. SocHrc yoiirlorrltnrv at onco. Address rllh I1 IN LlteS 1'I.OTllK.S ' MNIi 01) . , 17 llerninn t Worcii'toi1 ll'iss ll'issE tnw E the eiTucta ol youthful orron irly rtccny , nnitln woakncm , loot uuinluxvl , etc. wm ouaa valuable troutlMi ( " nl lj contalnlu ) ll particulars tor homo cure , I'll CI' of cliargo Arplemlld iiicai'-alwoikithould Ira leblbycverj man who u n'-rvniH an I Uflillltntfil. AiUlrru Prof. I' , ( . ' . IfOXVLKKiMoodus , C'oun Icillyt.ile. e erflll. Si , ixntp ul , Scniiic ouninlloi ( uMltulin. Addrcii LION UKUO CO , Uuffilo. H Y. NERVE AND BR&IN TREATMENT , Vr oV reiilo < of iho l.rnln , oir < bu.o or or r Indulgjnct. Inch IK.X conulni on J nionl t' lre u roent ei fttoi. or ! for Ct. nt by mrJI.rrc l < t. Wilh " cU order for ill Loin , will ml purcliu r fun.l . Ulho tre lro ntfolliW ira r .o lo r noi r cum. Uu r jiU iHUntl luiJuonuiro iclilonli IT GOODMAN DHUG CO. , U101'urnuui St. , - Omuha , Nob. DR. J. E. McGHEW , THE SPECIALIST. 10 YOIM' Experience , PRIVATE DISEASES Cur in ! In 3 to 5 iluys without tlio losi otnn liduM'tlma from business. Tlio moat nbsoluto euro furUMCUT nmlull nnnoylnKdUclmrKes oror knu-rn 10 mndloal tolcnco. .SYi'lUI.13 , nwnrrnnlocl curolnUO toMitay * . The niottpowurfulri'iiioiljr rot known for n pprmn- m iitciiro. bTIUUTUIUSorpnln In rullorlnxtlioblnil- dcr , cnroil nt homo , wlttiuut Instrument * ; no cutting , nop-iln , no diluting. I osa of Muiihuoilor Woiliiiosi lioslllvcly curuil : Instnnt rcllof. Skin illwcisoi iinil fvnmlo ilist'iixm porumnontlr cun i. Dr. Mi'llrow'n success In the trcntiuont of I'rlvnln lI oa.ioi Imi noTcrbpcnoqiinlkMl. nml his crrnt nrmr of pntlnntj rearliPH from the Atlantic to the Pnolllo. Ilook % und Clrculnri froo. I nllci from 2 to 4 only , lull nml I'arnnni Uoots Uinuhm Nob. Kntrmcj on clthar Btrcet- liiiiilSinid INSTITUTE. For the treatment of nil CHRONIC AND EUttniOAtj ) ) lMKABid. : llrncoi , Appllancos for Dofoniilllci and TruMoca. Unit t'lidlltloi , Apimrntu ! end llemuaiui foriuccua'ful trcitmi-nt of evcuy form of rmoma KMMlrlni ; Meillcnlor Suiitlcnl TrratraonU .NINICl'Y IIOOMS FUll I'A'HKNTri , llonril mil Altcmlanco. lle < t Arcnnimuilntlons ' .Vost Wrllu for elrviilura on Deformities nml llrncoi , Trumoi , Club Fuel , Ciirvn- turcn of Splnu , l'll < n , Tumors , Cnncor , t'ntnrrn , lroiicliltl ! , Inliulntl.in , Kloctrlclty , 1'anilr'li , Kpll * cy y. Kldnoya , lllmlrlor. ISyo , Kar , Hkln nml Illuuil , nnrfnil rurBlcul ( Ipurntloni. UISKAHKS Ol' KUMKN n niH'rlnlto. llook oa Dlioaios of Women Froo. Wo Imve lately nililnl n lylUK-ln DopnrtrnBnt for Women llurlnu runlliiuiiient ( Strictly 1'rlvnlo. ) Only Hello * hloMoillcnl lii tltuto Jlaklnu n biocl | ltr of I'lll- AII llljoilill"o'iiie ) successfully troatoil. Mfllolna or Inxtrunirnti nent l > r mull or cxiirom * eoiiroly | i ikc < l , no iiinrki tn inillcato contunti or fender. Olio uursonn. Inli'rvlew proferrnd. Cull nnd consul ! . nml wo wlllwnd In morioml liliory ' of jour cmo. luln wnirn'oi our IIOOX TO MBN KHIIi : : upon I'rl- vntu. Rpprlnl or Nervous Dlioasoi , wltlKiueaUonllJt. Address nil IcttcrJ to Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , PreslJont btli and Harnuy btrocls. Omaha. LA GRIPPE. Turkish''ca ! taken at night and occasional doses of Quinine , will relieve all pains in the hones , cleanse the system and male you feel like a new person. Sure cure for liver , kidney , and nerve affections. 250 pack age. Sample for ac stamp , Turkish Cough Cure. The only cough cure that will re lieve cough at once and cure with a few doses. Take no substitute ; will return money if it doesn't cure the wprst cough Price soc bottle. Turkish Remedy Co. , Omaha , Neb. REMEDY. V Matihoo'j ' rrnturcil. Klnall , vrimlc m - _ _ orKnn > vnliirKi < il. KnilMloni , lui- . _ y , Vnrloocolu.uiul uli ttructi ( if Helf-Abuio ur en roil. Woriir rotuniH. 1 will uladl ; tend i.cnioill I'RHI { toijll BUirurLTB.uri'dpu Ihatcuroil uu of | h > i > truublo > . Addronn , wllli tniup , UA.UU&UI'UY.batll Ure iilMlck.