Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1891, Page 11, Image 13

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News of the Great West.
Tlio Cream of the News of the Northwest Is herewith presented In readable form. No other paper
rnnkes this news a leading feature. It is the week's history of the great northwest.
AVlinlcnnlo Urunknrtl'H Crime.
There Is great excitement in Fresno , Cnlft. ,
over the trial of Dr. V , O. Vincent
for the murder of his wtfo last December.
His wife , Mrs. Anna TJ. Vincent , began ault
for divorce against him December II ) , on the
ground of Ills hnbltual Intemperance and ox *
trcmo cruelty. The papers were served on
the same day. Vincent inked the constable
to Intercede for him and have his wife con
sent to u dismissal of the suit ,
stating thnt ho would never allow
the salt to come to trial. Flvo
days Inter , on tbo 18th , Vincent met Fred
Currnu on the street and asked linn to lend
him a pistol. Ho stated thnt u dog had bitten
htm on the leg and that ho wanted to kill It.
Currau refused to comply with his request ,
whereupon Vincent walked Into the gun store
of C. llirsshoy , of which Gurran is the clerk ,
nnd by telling the same story Induced the
proprietor to loan him a pistol. Ho examined
sovcrnl pistols before Hading ono to suit him ,
saying that some were too largo , others too
hard on trigger , etc. Upon securing the
pistol Vincent stepped Into n hack and In
structed the driver to take him to Mrs.
Vincent's residence. Ho entered the
liousowithout knocking and walked to
the rcur room , where his -wife , Mrs.
Kodgars and Btre. Keed wcro engaged
In sowing. Ho asked to tea his
wife , motioning to another room. Mrs. Vin
cent refused to go until Mrs. Uodgers con
sented to accompany her. Upon entering
the parlor Vincent asked his wife If she had
decided to dismiss the divorce proceeding.
> Upon tccclvlnga negative answer ho dmv
from his pocket a small phial containing a
clear liquid nnd said , KVcll , take thnt. "
Mrs. Vincent refused and Vincent drew his
revolver and shot twlco at his wife ,
telling Mrs. Rodgers that if she moved
bo would shoot her. Mrs. Vin
cent staggered Into the room which
she had Just left and received a bullet In the
baclt as she entered the door. Vincent pur
sued bis wife , who fell on the iloor , and ho
tbcn went to the prostrate form , and holding
the pistol close enough to the body to burn
the clothes and llosli , 11 roil another shot ,
which entered just below the left nipple ,
passing through the body and lodging In the
lloor , from which It was afterwards exlrnctcd.
Vincent was arrested in the same room with
the dead body of his wife a tow moments
after the tragedy.
On the trial now in progress no little sur
prise was Treated when the dufonso called
Vincent to the stand to testify In his own bo-
half. It was generally bclloved that ho
would not bo called ns a witness. Ho was
not the least embarrassed , and frequently
nskcd the Indulgence of his counsel to allow
tilm to go ou La Ido the case and relate Inci
dents In his life which could have no bearing
on the Issues involved.
"I am n hard drinking man , " snld the wit
ness In reply to questions. "I have been a
drunkard tor twenty-live years. I drink
whisky bccnuAO I like It. 1 maclo an cstl-
inato lust night of the amount of whisky
I have drunk during my lifetime , and
I place It t 000 gallons , or iiftcon
barrels of fort } ' gallons each. I base my es
timate upon the fact that I havtftakon for
twenty-live years from twenty-ilvo to forty
drinks per day on an average. For the past
ten years I have been taking chloral to steady
my nerves. On ono occasion I had delirium
trcmcns. I como down from San Francisco
four days before the killing. The first nlghb
nftcr my arrival I slept In a saloon. I remember - ,
member nothing which occurred afterward
until I ciimo to my senses In the couaty jail.
I don't remember purchasing the pistol ; don't
remember asking Mrs , Ro'dgors to see my
wife nnd have tbo dlvorco suit dismissed :
don't remember the killing of my wife nor
being arrested for that crimo. "I was
lying on a cot In the jail about
U o'clock when 1 chanced to put my hand out
nnd saw blood on it. I wondered how it came
thcro , nnd about this time Ur. Mauplii cnmo
in and told mo I had killed my wife , 'i'hls Is
tbo first Information I got on the subject. I
loved my wife , nnd when I wont to the house
that day I hud no intention of killing her. "
On cross examination tbo witness stated
that within twenty-llvo years ho hod had
charge of several drugstores as prescription
clerk and superintended that department ,
hut was never so drunk but that ho could do
his work. Ho was a praduato of the Cooper
medical college of San Francisco ana had
practiced his profession about ten years.
Serious CiinrgeH Against ix I'roaohor.
Hov. S. J. Fleming , a well known Motho-
cllst preacher , nnd prominent in Chautauqua
matters , was arrested in Los Augoles , Gal. ,
lost week , on complnlat of Annie Petersen , a
Danish servant girl In his employ , on a
charge of attempted assault. Tlio alleged
crime was committed on March 11 , during
the absence of Fleming's wife from homo. It
is also claimed that whoa Mrs. Fleming was
told of her husband's fault that sbo bclloved
tbo story and tuolr relations have since boon
strained. A further feature adds sensational
interest. It seems that when Fleming's con
duct was discovered by bis wife , Flomlnc
asked her brother to Intercede for him- , which
the latter promised to do , with the stipulation
that it was to bo only for the purpose of giv
ing him n chance to establish his Innocence.
The snmo morning it Is said that Fleming
called nt tbo house where his brothor-ln-lnw
roomed and went to bis room. He loft shortly
nftcr. Some time Inter the landlady entered
the room and found her lodger asleep. His
els tor went to his room afterward and dis
covered that an attempt had been made to
umrdor him by saturating the bodclothlng
with chloroform nnd drawing thorn ever the
victim's head. When the latter recovered
consciousness ho could clvo no account of his
narrow escape from death.
The affair created a great sensation , as
only a short time ago fleimng was tried before -
fore the church committed for misappropri
ating funds amounting to ffiOCO. Fleming
was released on $5X ( > 0 bonds. Mrs. Flem
ing's maiden name was Minnie Lyman , and
Bho Is a daughter of tha Into N. E. Ly man of
KocKford , 111. , who was president of tbo
People's bank of thnt plnco. Miss Lymun
became acquainted with Fleming whllo on a
'visit to n schoolmate nt Los Angeles. An
cngatromcnt soon followed , which culminated
In an elaborate wedding ntthoLyman resi
dence hero. While Fleming w&s visiting
with tbo family Mr. Lymau died very sud
denly of apoplexy. The widow soon disposed
of her property , und of Into has been making
her home In California. Soon after the mar-
rlago of Miss Lymnn , her friends In. Illinois
heard thnt Flaming had had trouble in
Pennsylvania , and tnat ho was only recently
divorced from his wife in that state. For
the suko of the family , It Is said the matter ,
whtoh was quite thoroughly ventilated in
the Keystone state papers , was suppressed
in the local dallies.
Fleming claims that all the charges are
part of a conspiracy that has been oa foot for
years to ruin him. Ho denies everything
nnd states that bis wife bus boon taken from
luni by his uncmles , nnd that bo cannot got
to her to speak or talk 10 her. Fleming's
friunds have the utmost conlldenro In his
ability to clear hlmsolf. He has suit
vending against E. II. Wlnatis for $30,000
lor defamation of character. Some weeks
ngo his financial transactions lu connection
with thu Kcdondo Bench Chautauqua associ
ation , of whlrh ho was agent , wow Investi
gated by a number of ministers and bo was
exonerated. Now on the heels of that trou
ble comes these overshadowing difllculttes.
lilown Up by ( limit 1'owdcr.
The Kllu mine , rltuatod nt the foot of
Idaho street la Butte , Mont. , was the scene
of a frightful explosion last Thursday morning
ing , by which Walter Trcstrall was fright
fully Injured. Joseph Stuart and Uoy Cru in ,
who were working with him , wore badly
shocked by concussion. When work was re
sumed that morning only Walter Trcstrull ,
Joseph Stuart and Uoy Cruin wont
down , tolling with them eigh
teen sticks of ginnt powder to save climb
ing the ladder during the day. This powder
was placed near the puuip to thaw out , und
work was commenced lu the level about
( Ifteen foot nwuy. About 8 o'clock Treslrall
put in u shot , which ho warned Ills com
rades was unusually heavy. Trcstrnll and
Cruui climbed the ladder about ( ortv-llvo
foot , whllo Stuart went back Into tbo level ,
where ho thought he would bo safe. When
' .the "shot was llrcd the powder
all wont with it and a fright-
full explosion followed , filling the shaft
Cl'U flying pieces of rook and timber ) , shat
tering the pumpi Into fragments nnd lift
ing the roof entirely oil from over Its mouth.
The concussion wus so strong wboro the two
men were hnnemg upon the ladder that
Tnntrnli was torn from it and fell back to
the bottom of the shaft. Cruin fortunately
was nblo to retain his hold , but It was only
by tbo most violent exertions , the force of
the blast being sufllclont to tear his jacket
Into ribbons. Immediately after the explo
sion the powder fumes uoiran to rlso so
dense that it was with dlfllculty that Crum
was able to climb out. Stuart had been ter
ribly shocked nnd almost stunned by the con
cussion , but managed to crawl out through
the smoke and up the ladders. It took the
men n few minutes to recover , nnd then they
went back down the shaft to bring up Trost-
mll. Ho was found stretched across n pile
of timbers at the bottom of the shaft uncon
scious from , the combined effects of the fall
nnd smoko. Ho had been working in the
Ella but two shifts.
Now Line Over tlio Sierras.
To cncourago the construction of a railroad
across the mineral belt of Nevada , the legis
lature of thnt state has pr.ssod a law of great
Importance. The Ccatral Pacific fought it
with all the power It could bring to bear , but
failed. The state and the law loans the rail
road company the credit of the various coun
ties to the amount of $3,000 per mlle in 5 per
cent bonds , nnd the taxes against the railroad
go to pay the Interest nnd principal of the
bonds. Tbo amount Is suftlclent to grade
n road across the stato. The coun
ties named extend from the Utah to the Cali
fornia line , and evidently the route in mind
Is from Deep Oreck to lleckwlth's Pass.
Commenting on this law , the Salt Lake
Tribune says editorially : "That charter
which the Air Line company has received for
a railway subsidy through Kovada. reminds
us that with their bonds cashed the money
will grade the road through the whole lougth
of the state of Nevada , which Is nearly
half the dUtnuco to San Francisco bay.
The distances would ho about as follows :
From Salt Lake to Deep Creek , 1(50 (
miles ) from Deep Creek to Cavson City , 400
miles , or to Wadsworth , 380 mlleo , from
cither place to Orovlllo , via Bcckwlth's Pass
100 miles , and thence to Sun Francisco buy ,
100 miles , or n total of SOU to 820 miles. On
the whole route thcro would bo difficult
grading for only about twenty-five miles
itown Feather river , below Indian valley.
The route from Orovlllo to Indian vulloy has
been surveyed. If wo remember correctly it
Is sixty miles ; the heaviest grade Is eighty feet
to the mllo. nnd It is all 1,000 feet lower altitude
than tlio Central Pncillo above Trucltee , and
all undo. ' the heavy snow belt. There would
be a little lllllng beyond Orovtllo tutd prob-
ablv two or three briugos. On this side
there would bo a long but notdifllcult or
costly grade up the Toyabo mountains , In the
region of Austin. The rest of the way is all
plain tailing , and the road should bo built
and fully equipped for Si'i.WO per mile , or
possibly for WJ.OOO per mile. That moans
$20,000,000. $ It moans a road through the
mineral belt of Nevada ; It means on outlet to
the West coast.,1
American Intiot1 * or Tin.
The now furnace of the San Jacluto estate ,
limited , for reducing the cassiterito "black
tin" obtained from the Temescal tin ores , lu
their test mill lately erected at Cajulca , was
started last week , nnd proved a great suc
cess. The fuel used was oil , nnd the heat ob
tained was very great and under perfect con
trol. The furnace la every way proved a de
cided success , the bars of tin obtained from
thin first effort b lng pronounced first-class
by Captain Harris , a Cornwall tin export of
great ropulo sent out by the company to wit
ness the now method of .separating , dressing
and smelting of these ores. The ere was concentrated -
contratod onu fruo vannorand handled but
once from the battery to the furnace. The
cos ting of the Ingots was witnessed by Colonel
nel E. N. Robinson , general manager of the
estate , Captain Harris , Prof. Motley , the de
signer of the furnace , the ofllcors of the com
pany and several gentlemen from TUvorsido
nnd Los Angeles. The manner of dressing
the tin ere hero and the USD of oil for beat Is
entirely now , nnd it Is in every way a great
success. A large amount of cassltorlto has
been accumulated and mudo ready for smelt
ing. The test mill Is Working finely , and work
on the largo mill and hoisting works is rapidly
Papa Novcr Saw His Ilaby.
\Vtllhim B. Gulll of San Francisco has
begun a habeas corpus proceeding to got pos
session of his infant daughter , whoso tin mo
ho docs not oven know. Ho has not seen bis
wife since May 5 last , ho says , and all because
of the Interference of his wife's mother , Mrs.
Schllgran. Judge Sanderson issued the writ
prayed for , and In response the grandfather
of the infant , Charles Schilgraa , appeared
la court and told the whole story. It
seems his daughter married Gill , the
petitioner , against the wishes o ! her
parents. They lived together two days at
San Jose , whore the ceremony took place ,
and tlior. tbo girl returned to her homo , Again
a few weeks later sbo returned to bcr.hus-
baud and lived with him six weeks. Then
she went homo , or was taken homo by her
parents , nnd has not scon her husband since.
The father said ho was willing to let his now
son-in-law call upon Dora , or to let them.livo
together , but ho admitted thnt the mother
did not agree with him. The husband claims
that bis wife is kept from him against her
wishes by her mother. Ilocantly a baby win
born. The proud father wants to see the woo
thing , but the stern niothor-lti-law refused ,
arid so the father got out a writ of habeas
corpus commanding the infant , to bo brought
into court.
1'rcsldcnt. of Stanford Unlvnrsltr.
Dr. Pavld S. Jordan , president of the In
diana university , has accepted the presidency
of too Loluiid Stanford , jr. , university at
Palo Alto , Cal. The salary Is 810,000 per
year , with residence. Senator Lelaud Stan
ford and wife Went to Dlooralnirton , Ind. ,
sent for Dr. Jordan and mot him in tha Na
tional hotel , when , without any explanation ,
the senator offered him the presidency. The
term of oftlco will begin next Sep
tember. Jordan is to leave in Juno ,
as noon as the present college year's
work Is concluded , nnd ho will tnko
his family with him. Dr. Joraan has bcou
president of the Indiana university for tbo
past boven years , and nt the time of bh elec
tion was the youngest president In tbo
country. Ho Is a graduate of Cornell , TJ ,
and is an alumni member of the board of trus
tees. Ho Is forty years old , a native of Now
VorK and bis first college work was done at
Lombard college , Qnlesburg , 111. Ho then
went to Butler university. lie has the largest
private collection of lisbcs in the world , and
lila books are standard on icthyology , as are
nlso his botanical writings.
Price on Ills IIend.
Governor Irwlu of Arizona has offered a
reward of $ W for tbo apprehension of Man
uel finca , who recently deliberately shot to
death Matlas Analla for an alleged Insult ,
and that he would give an additional reward
of fcW ! for the capture of Bam. Tha mur
derer has a bad rrcorti for killing , und seems
to thirst for blond. Lut unimer ono
or the sheep herders of Louis Hen-
ning was killed m the White moun
tains , in Aparibn county Ills comrades
burled him without notifying the author
ities or going through the fornullty of an In
quest. It now turns out that Ilaca one day
rode among the herds and calling Antonla
Apoduca from tlio gang , pulled bis pistol
and shot the unsuspecting man dead In bis
tracks. Soon afterward the murder was re
ported to Mr. llentiing and bo Informed the
ofllcers.who made a visit among the herders ,
and when asked who uld the shootluc , they
remarked : "Oh , he shot himself. " It ap
pears thnt the hsrdora hold Ilaca In dread ,
and would rot tell the correct story of the
killing. The body was roughly dumped into
the eroucd , aud was a feast for the coyotes
uiid buzzards.
out Oliureh
Some mouths ago Presiding Elder V. A.
Rurdlck called a meeting in Aberdeen , S. I ) , ,
of all the Methodist pastors in the Aberdeen
district , and put before them the plan of sow
ing acres of wheat for the liquidation of
church debts. The pastors took to the Idea ,
and after n talk with their people found that
the fnnnors would furnish the land and do
the work if the church would furnish the
seed. Tbo general societies of the
church , which bnvo their head
quarters In the cut , then took
hold of the matter nnd shortly announced
that the money for the seed should bo forth-
coming. Kov. Air. llurdlck says : "Wo hope
to have at least forty acres of wheat on every
charge In the Aberdeen district nnd oa some
as many ns sixty. .As a matter of foot the
church at Bath bus already started the ball
rolling with sixty acres. Tholncomo from
this source will bo applied altogether toward
the payment of church debts , and I confi
dently expect to sco several cleared away before
fore another winter. "
New Tjcnno for jVrlr.nun.
The sixteenth legislature of Arlzonia ad
journed after a sixty-days' session. Among
the Important laws passed during the session
were a bill appropriating $39,000 for nn
exhibit at the World's Fair in 1S03 ; exempt
ing from taxation for twenty years all rail
roads built in tlio next three ycar.t ; exempt
ing from taxation nil sugar beet factories
built In ono year ; reorganizing the territorial
militia , creating one regiment composed of
three four-company battalions ; prohibiting
the sale of cigarettes to children under six
teen ; creating a company of frontier rangers
to operate against the renegade Apaches ;
establishing kindergarten schools ; cstablish-
liiL' n school for the deaf , dumb and blind ;
creating the county of Coconlno ; reducing
the maximum railroad fares from 1U cents a
milo to C cents. The democratic gerry
mander apportionment bill being vetoed by
the governor , the now bill passed during thu
closing hours of the session , giving each of
the cloven counties n member of the council
and ono for the torrritory at largo. The as
sembly is uuportlonod on the basis of the
population In Ib'JO. ' The appropriation bill
was the largest ever passed with one excep
Senator Slump Finds n S liter.
United States Senator Suoup o f Idaho was
the central ilguro In a rather romantic Inci
dent in Pittsourg recently that has only just
como to light. It seems that during tbo late
war the Slump family lived In the south , and
the present senator nt the time the trouble
began joined tbo Union array. The
other members of the family drifted
apart , and ono sister went to
Allegheny , the resident part of 1'ittsmirg.
She lost nil trace of the others , aud finally ,
bellovlng them all to bo dead , she married
Alderman Harrington of Allegheny , who before
fore many years committed suicide. Later
she married Councilman McAfee of Alle
gheny. A few months ago she saw the name
of Senator Shoup m the papers , and thinking
he might bo a relative , wrote him , and was
pleasantly surprised to llnd ho was her
brother. Ho had gone through the war , been
governor of Idaho territory , and Inter became
senator. Ho has been on a visit to tils sister
and not only told her of two otuor surviving
orothors , but assured tier of her title to a
sbaro in tno family estate , amounting to
many thousands of dollars.
Forsaken by tno Saints.
The death of Mrs. Amelia C. Rhodes attho ,
county Infirmary , at the ago of seventy seven ,
and her burial In a pauper grave , reminds
some old citizens of nn Incident which hap
pened some twenty odd years ngo , says the
Salt Lake Tribune. She and her husband
came from Denmark at an early day , devout
Mormons , and were in hi * time willing sub
jects of Brigham Young1. Rhodes became
possessed with a largn amount of gold
at ono time and was asked to turn it
over to the great prophet , seer and revelator
of the kingdom of God on earth , so brother
Rhodes took somothlng ever sixty pounds of
gold to Brigham and laid it nt his foot as a
free gift , and of course it was taken in. The
moral of this will bo fully understood by all
old residents , whllo the newer citizens can
ilguro out how much good that sixty odd
pounds of gold would have done the old lady
in her last days , nnd saved her from becom
ing a county charge.
f jiving Tomb 1'ura Duy.
A twelve-year-old boy named Hutchlnson
who lived with his fatboy between Kibbey
and Monarch , Mont. , recently started out on
foot across the country. Ho becoming be
wildered by the blinding snow , lost tus way ,
nnd la crossing a coulee partly filled with
snow was submerged by a high mass of snow
which slid down upon him and being unable
to extricate himself was .frozea to death. At
least that Is the theory advanced , judging
from the position In which tbo body was
found , and also to the fact that the spinal
column was broken. Mr. Hutchinson who
had given his boy up for -lost after spending
all the week in a fruitless search for some
traro or vcstlgo of him , happened to bo in the
same eoulco and attracted by a dark object
which the melting snow exposed was horri
fied by discovering the frozen body of his lost
son. From tbo Immense amount of snow on
all sides a snoiv-slido must have entombed
Wont " \VronR After a fardon.
The latest abscondcr from Tacoma is Wal
ter E. Qualfo , who has been In the employ of
Phil A. Wood , a wholesale liquor man. Atone
ono time ho was purser on ono of the Pacific
Coast steamship company's ' steamers. Ho
had recommendations from nil tils old em
ployers , but they were probably Icnorant of
ills real moral character. He asked for a
half-day's absence , but has since failed to re
turn to tbo oflico. As ho was not
back by the evening of tbo next dav his em
ployer became alarmed. Examination by an
export accountant 'sbows that Quaifo Is at
least 52,000 behind his accounts. About a
yonr ago Qualfo was committed from King
county for wlfo-beatlncr. Ho was subse
quently pardoned by the governor for that
offense. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Scalded While Skating.
Hero is a pretty tough yarn that comes
from Genoa , Cal. : During the recent cold
snap , Ice formodr to the depth of several
inches on the reservoir , built lost spring by
Cromwell & Lamy , on their ranch m Alplno
connty. The reservoir is supplied with a
continuous stream of hot water from mineral
springs. A merry party of young people took
advantage of this opportunity for a sknto.anij.
wcro gayly gliding over tbo glassy surfnco ,
when n member of the party , a young lady ,
met with an unfortunate nnd peculiar ncci-
tlent. She had reached n weak spot In the lee ,
her foot went through , and was severely
scalded by the hot water beneath.
Killed in tlio Forest.
Fred Knprlso , a German , about a year ape
settled on a homeataoad In Lewis county ,
Washington , far out In the pathless woods
beyond the Bossfort settlement. There ,
with truoiorman thrift mid industry , ho
built a bouse and cleared off several acres of
land , but failed to dispose of a tuft of tall fir
trees near by. Ono of ttieso , nearly ten foot
In diameter , fell ncrpss his house during n
high wind which prOvallod several nights
ngo. When found by n party of elk hunters
the poor man was in bed , crushed in u most
I horrible manner , and his house was rent Into
millions of splinters. The mangled remains
wcro takun to Choballs and shipped to friends
in Portland.
Fell to tlio Lowest Notcli.
In the Oakland , Cnl. , city prison thcro Is a
man serving a iifty-thrco-day sentence on
charges of urunk , vulgar language and bat
tery , who has an interesting history. JV. .
M. Chlsholm Is the man's name , and hols the
son of n former congressman of Louisiana ,
from which state the prisoner came some
years ago. According to the .pollco records
ho killed a man in Texas , and committed
other crimes which caused him H number of
terms of Imprisonment. Ho reads and trans-
lalos Latin and Creek , and has a splendid
education. For a time he was employed as
an army elcrk , and later was n school
teacher. The man of accomplishments has a
companion iu the person ot a Cniuaman in
his cell.
Wanted to Mulct ) It Binding.
A mardago license was grouted in Butte ,
Mont. , last Friday toMUIam E , Darling and
Elmlra P , Robinson Immediately nf tor pro-
cnrlnp the necessary document Darling and
his prospective bride waited upon a clergy
man prepared , as they supposed , to have the
cverhutlug knot tlcdi As the minister was
about to pronounce the words which would
make thocoiiplomannnd wife , ho discovered
that the ofllcial seal , of the court was not
upon tbo license , and ha therefore declined to
proceed with the ceremony. Darling nt once
went to the court house , where the stamp
was nfllxed , and this evening tbo man nud
woman were made ono
Cow on a
Some time ngo a Frenchman who lives nt
Pasadena , Cnla , , was astonished to see ono of
his best cows IrliiK apparently dying in front
of his barn. The animal lay there inert , with
open oycs , oblivious of everything. The man
called "n veterinary surgeon , who could not
dlagnoso the case , and a butcher was sent
for to bleed the aulmnl. Ho wo * some time
In arriving , nnd when ho did como tbo cow
was found cntlng at a haystack , but with legs
n little uncertain. An Investigation followed ,
nnd it was found thnt the cow had oaten co
piously of the refuse of a neigh oorlng winery.
This stuff , composed of grnpo skins nud
stems , bad fermented and Induced a state of
Determined in Die.
Charles Johnson n grave-digger at Mount
Moriah cemetery , Butte , Mont. , was found
upon tbo bed In his cabin , within the grounds ,
ono morning last week , with a frightful gash
In bis throat , which had evidently caused his
death several hours previous. Judging by
the position of the body , Johnson stretched
himself upon the hod , nnd opening the small
blade of his pocket-knife , plunged It into the
right side of his neck. Then , with wonder
ful determination , ho had drawn It half across
his throat , severing the jugular vein. After
this , with equal determination , ho had lain
without a struggle and bled to death. Drink
ing uiid gambling had made him tired of life.
llrllllanc Yankee huhcnic.
A man who llvos la Negates , just across
the Arizona line In Old Mexico , has a bril-
liaut scliomo for evading the high tariff on
opgs. Ho proposes to food hens on the cheap
grain of Mexico , and have them lay In tlio
United States. For this purpose a long
building will bo placed on the line , half in
Mexico and half in the United States. They
wilt feed and water hi the Mexican end , and
when thov want to lay they go to the further
end of the building , and In that way escape
paying the duty. The projector of this ou-
tcrpriso came troin Maine.
Roys in a I'rlzn FIglit.
Stockton , Cal. , pollco ono night last week
stopped a bloody "scientllio boxing exhibi
tion" at the Aurora club rooms , mid took the
names of many persons there. The contes
tants wore boys nnd they fought hammer and
ton ps , bringing olood so that It colored their
stripped bodies. Then the pollco rushed In
and stopped the fight , butmndono arrests.
The club managers had received notice early
In the evening thnt. their exhibition would
not bo allowed but tbo crowd wanted the
snort. The matter will bo laid before the
district attorney.
llrnkoinan's 1'rcHcnuo or Mind.
By the presence of mind of a brakomau nt
Tncoma , Washington" " a drunken sailor was
saved from , a horrible death. Ho wont down
to the wharf and la\d down between the
rails to sleep. A switch engine was approaching
preaching and by the merest chnnco the
brakeman happened to rfeo him. Ho jumped
from the engine nnd grabbing "Jack" by the
shoulder Jerked him to 6110 side and dropped
him Into the bay , the qugino escaping him by
barely three foot. The cold water sobered
the boozy mariner wonderfully and ho swam
ashore nnd managed to llnd his ship.
Woman's ICoii h Experience.
Mrs , Zlnkard , wife of 'old Andrew Zlnkard ,
who keeps the toll h'ouso two miles west of
Princeton , Mariposa county , Cal. , mot with a
very rough experience 'tho other day. Some
cattle belonging1 to their , ranch were flgnting
on the road , and she undertook to drive them
away , when Mio was knocked down , trampled
ou nnd nearly killed by the excited animals.
The unfortunate woman hhd a loir , an arm
nnd throe ribs broken nnd a shoulder dislo
cated boforasho'Was rescued. U is feared
her injuries ore fatal ,
News thnt Didn't Circulate.
E'rank Campbell , a noted character of Vic
toria , B. C. , died a few days ago. For moro
than twenty-one years ho carried on a store
nnd was known to every person In the city
for his good humor and widespread charity ,
But ho was better known as editor of tbo
Bulletin. This wus not n paper , but was a
big blackboard on which was placed every bit
of local news as soon as It was known. Frank
wus n genius la his way , and the people of
Victoria consulted the Bulletin with as much
confidence as they did their newspapers ,
1'cnnliy ol'JJIs Sin.
A telegraph operator , named Stooves ,
working at Strauss , a small station oa the
Southern Pacific iu Now Mexico , was found
with the wife of a .Mexican employed by the
company. The Mexican came upon the
guilty couple unawares nnd struck Stoovos
a terrible blow on the head with an nxo.
Th o opera tor was picked uo unconscious and
taken to "El Paso. Although ho had the best
of cafe ho never recovered consciousness and
died. Uo bos relatives In Tulu-o , Cal.
Cow Ditched a Train.
Awest-bouna freight train on the Great
Northern last week ran Into a cow near Pop
lar Creek agency , in eastern Montana , ditchIng -
Ing tbo engine and fifteen freight , cars , killIng -
Ing Brakeman Lawrence Instantly and
fatally injuring Fireman Kolso. Thocnglno
and cars wcro piled ou ono nnotuor in an inextricable -
extricable mass nnd badly smashed. Trnllio
was delayed twelve hours by tbo wreck.
Murder Will Out.
Ton years ago Thomas Poole and two chil
dren were murdered at his farm near Pern-
burton , B. C. A neighbor named Gorhnm
was suspected and tried for the crime , but
was acquitted. It has recently been learned
that tlio real murderer was an Indian chief
named Nomsah , who is guilty of killing a
Chinese miner on Frascr river two years ago.
A strong detachment of police have boon sent
to capture the villain.
Good Fish btory.
A fish hawk pulled a largo salmon out of
Elk river , near Del Norto , California , a few
days ago. The fish was too largo for the bird
to carry off , so leaving It on tbo sand the bird
How oil to a pUe of driftwood and picking up
a stick with a sharp nnd jacrgod edge , returned -
turned with it to where thollshlay and
sawed It iu two , when It flow away with , naif
of the salmon. , , , Head.
E. Horinghl bought a pasteboard box nnd
contents at a recent "old horse sale" bold In
Sacramento , Cal , , by Wells , Fnrgo & Co.
Upon opening It ho was confronted by a de
caying human bead. There is no record by
the company of where ty caroo from and the
box was unaddresscd. It is thought to hnvo
been a prank of some mo J leal student la San
Francisco. ,
A Horn Killod.
August Keipltz , a laborer at the ClnUop
mill , Astoria , Oro. , was caught in the ma
chinery nnd was so badly Inlured that ho died
la n few hours. Sonie years ago ho was on
the steamer Shubrlok. and with flvo other
sailors distinguished himself by saving llvos
on theUlatsop Spit , for which ho was deco
rated wltb medals by the United States gov
ernment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oakland Is suffering from tbo invasions of
"Vlsulln hastgivca a subsidy of $3000 and a
bulldlug site to have a fruit cannery started
Ed Soauldlng , a professional horso-traincr ,
was fatally injured at Oakdalo by a runaway
team ho wax driving.
Fishermen in Carqulnci straits are having
no end of Iroubjo hi Keeping sea-lions f rom
destroying their nets.
Moses Hopkins has donated $7.000 toward
the purchase of a slto for the Hahnemann
hospital iu San Francisco.
John Movers , a half-brood Indian , was shot
doadnoar Junction City by Geortro Nichols.
The men quarreled over a squaw.
The owners of tUo Plru oil claims la Ven
tura county have raised fc'iO.OOO with which
to sink wells and develop the deposits.
Archbishop Rlordan laid the cornerstone
of St. Michael's Catbollo church nt Liivcr-
moro , The BOW edllico will cost 120,000.
A. contract was signed by the city council
of Santa Ana with a Los Angeles firm 10
build n system of waterworks for $ .Y3,000. ,
Uu Rose , who recently killed his wife In
San Francisco bccauno she loft him for a va
riety actor , was acquitted la Saa Francisco.
The city council of Santn Barbara has or
dered every eucalyptus trco that stands
within 100 feet of a water mala to bo cut
llobcrt Mllroy has bcou elected gccrotarv
of the Blood Horse association to succeed K.
S. Culver , the assemblyman from Alameda
Detectives nt Merced bellovo that the Dftl-
tons , two of whom are In Jail at Visnlla nnd
one nt Snn Luis Oblspp , are the Alia train
ro bbcrs.
Union moulders continue their assaults
upon non-union moulders in San Francisco ,
nnd the newspapers predict that bloodshed
will ensue.
A report from Hnnford states that the
famous Lngunn do Tacho Hnnchoof18,000
acres has boon sold to English Investors for
T. W. Fenn , bookkeeper nnd cashier in San
Francisco of the Svca Insurance company ,
luu decamped with money belonging to the
Institution ,
The directors of the California athletic
club have decided to turn over the Lo
fUlanche-Mltchcll contest to a detective for
Several San Francisco physicians who
have boon Interviewed ou the sublcot differ
hi their views as to hypnotism being a cure
for drunkenness.
The new ton-story building being erected
by D. O. Mills hi San Francisco is designed
especially for law oQlccs lu the storlos nbovo
the ground floor.
The newly elected board of education In
Oakland will Rive preference to Oakland girls
In employment of touchers , nnd will employ
no married women.
David Boccoll a lad , while walking on tcp
of n picket fencc , foil nnd was Implied ou a
picket at Pctaluma. Ho died after n week of
excruciating pain.
The thermometer marked 9P ( in the shade
at Healdsburfi lost week. The highest tcin-
poraturo In San Francisco this season regis
tered TG ° on Jslurch 'JO.
Frederick C. Deck , the waiter who killed
John M , Bowcn , n grocery clerk , in San
ITrancisco.on Is'ovetnborl , lto'Jwas ' sentenced
to San Oucntiu for life.
Whllo testing some now hose at Santn Cruz
tlio nozzle got away from the lircninn and the
full force of water struck a small variety
store and ruined the contents.
Judnh Boaz and E. Polltzer have boon ar
rested in San Francisco on indictments
charging thoni with using the mails for the
distribution of lottery circulars.
Hov. John \V. Kills , late pastor of the Cen
tral 1'rusbltorinn tabernacle in San Francisco ,
is chai-pod by the trustees of the church with
oinbcizlciuent of moneys belonging to the
Zolezzl , the Italian fisherman charged with
the murder of his partner , Snbolln , in the bay
ut Santa Rossi whllo out llshlny , was hold
over for murder , with bail fixed in the sumof
At Vreka , Frank Cochran was found guilty
of manslaughter for the killing of N , U.
Do Frecso at Slssou last summer , was sen
tenced to seven jcars' Imprisonment at San
Joha F. Casey , formerly chief switchman ,
for the Santa Pa road at tbo Needles , died in
the county jail at Los Angeles , the result of
a protracted spreo. Ho has prominent rela
tives iu Chicago.
Judge Hix directed a San Francisco Jury
to acq.uit a prisoner in his court charged
with an offense acrnlnst public decency , on a
technicality. The jury refused to do so , aud
found a verdict of guilty.
Hcrmosilla is the name of a now town just
located about three miles cast of ( Jnsa
Grande , on tlio Southern Pacific railroad.
Two hundred acres of section U4 have been ,
sot apart for the townslte.
The city authorities of Napa have decided
to build a steel bridge across tbo river that
wlllcost $11,000. A. special election will beheld
held on April -1 to decide whether bonds for
this amount shall be Issued.
The Ger.Tinn organizations of .California
propose In uniting in a crand celebration iu
San Francisco ou October 0 , to commemorate
thu date of the landing , of the llrst German
immigrants on the American continent.
Ills proposed to change the name of Lake
Merritt In Oauland to LakoPcralta. It was
expected by many that Dr. Merritt , upon his
death , would leave n bequest to build n boule
vard around tbo lake , but hu did not do so.
John H. Berry , collector of tbo port of San
Diego , has been sued for S15,000 bytho owner
of the British chip Scandinavia , which , It is
alleged , was not allowed to unload her cargo
on February 21 when she put into that port
In distress ,
Tom Owens , a noted horse thief , escaped
from a deputy sheriff while oil the way to
Folsom. ho jumped from a train In Solcdad ,
canyon. Sheriff Lacy of Sauta Ana wont
after Owens and recaptured him near the
town of Nowhall.
S'At San Luis Obis no , in tbo trial of Joseph
Benjamin Urowa , charged with killing Lar-
cns Skoy near Arroyo Grande on February
4 , the jury found the prisoner guilty of mur
der in the II rst degree and llxod the punish
ment nt imprisonment for life.
Wayne Brlnton , after being released from
jail at Colton , wboro he was confined for
drunkenness a few days azo , bought forty
grains of morphine nnd swallowed it In the
depot. When ho was found an hour later
the poison had doue its \vork.
A Santa liosn boy who bad been intrusted
with a gun climbed a fence with it. The
weapon was discharged , the load tearing
away a largo portion of the right side of uis
face nnd ear , and laying the nerves and
arteries boar. The wounds are not fatal ,
An Amerlcan'Who formerly dwelt In the
Hawaiian Islands , but of late years has been
In business near San Miguel , San Luis
Obispo county , is reported to bo afflicted
with leprosy. The people in that section are
tilled with dread less the disease spro ad and
become epidemic.
It is generally understood that on the ex
piration of the term of General McComb as
warden of the San Qucntiu nrison , ho will bo
appointed to tha position of deputy postmas
ter ta the San Francisco postoftlco. Post
master Backus and bo nro warm personal
friends. His term will expire April 1.
The supreme court In San Francisco has
decided against the plaintiff In the suit of
Mrs. Knto W. Cosgrovo against the Southern
Pacific company for damages for the killing
of her husband , James W. Cosprovo , a brakeman -
man who was killed by a collision on March
19,1888. Tbo case went from Placer county.
A discarded cigarette exploded 200 pounds
of giunt powder and a quantity of other explosives -
plosives at Watson's camp ou the Turlock
canal , Merced , the other day , tha concussion
killing a horse and wrecking a buggy. Fran
cis McKwan , a workman , was picked up and
hurled a dlstanco of flf ty feat , but escaped
At Alturas , Modoo county , A. J , Frank , a
saloon keeper , was shot and killed by J , W.
Harrington , an attorney. The men had
trouble over money matters and Frank at
tacked Harrington with a bowio-knifc , but
was shot dead before he could effectually use
It. Harrington was hold for inurdor and
ball was fixed at $10,000. ,
It Is stated that the Tracy & Armenia
branch of tlio Southern Pacific railroad will
bo completed to tlio north bank of Kings
river , nine miles north of Armonii , Tularo
county. Track laying will bo begun from
Armonn northward at ouco. It Is expected
that trains -will bo running through , totian
Francisco early in April.
A syndicate of formers from Illinois have
purchased the entire Deano colony consisting
of 800 'JO-nero tracts. Tha colony is located
about tbroo mlles west of Morccd , Cal. , nnd
admirably adapted for tbo culture of figs ,
prunes , and raisins. Bvery20-ncro tract will ,
bo occupied by a family. The people are al'
Americans nnd Presbyterians.
The state teachers' convention , in session
at San Diego with & 0d delegates , elected the
following officers : W. W. Seamans of L.OS
Angeles , president ; H. J. Baldwin of Nation
al City , Emily Rico of Chlco , C. M. Gay ley
and O. W. Luckey of Ontario , vlco presi
dents ; J. P. Qrceloy of Santa Anasecretary , ;
J , T. Hamilton of San Fnnolsco , treasurer ,
Itlvorelao was selected unanimously as tbo
next place of meeting.
Wlislllll Kt'Ul. '
Citizens of Blalno have raised { 5,000 as a
subsidy for u mutch factory.
The Cowl It j County bank has boon Incor-
poratca under state laws wltb a capital of
Trustees of the Washington insane asylum
have decided to build an addition to thonmln
structure that will cost ? J5OOO.
The tuuucl la the Faiihavcn inlno hot
struck another mammoth vein , this tltno
twonty-lwo loot of clcnn coking coal.
In two wooksSnm Currier captured several
largo wildcats within n half mlle of Buckley ,
One of thorn weighed thirtj-oovon pounds.
Whllo huntlntr tip Tjikp Cocur d'Alcna '
\Vlllinm Foster Iclllod n white * wun , meas
uring from tip to tip sovcn and ono-hnlt feet.
Natural gas has been found In sufllclont
quantity to Illuminate the workings In the
Falrhnvcn coil uilno. Crude petroleum Is
nlso being found.
Thomas Burke , a bartender nt Ocoite , was
slabbed seven timothy a man nnmod Ilrown
nnd is supposed to bo fatally Injured. Ills
assailant escaped.
Herring nro so plentiful In Kedinnn crook ,
near Ocosta , thnt the boys nro catching them
with their hands along the batik of tbo crock.
The water is.allvo with them.
A Tncoma rompanv which holds the
rights to au Invention for npplvlng tlioolco-
trie current to street nillwnv.s has boon in
corporated , with a paid up capital of $500,000.
Fred Dlx , a foreman of construction on the
Full-haven & . Sou them railroad , was killed
recently near "Whnlcom ' , by being thrown
from t. Hat car under the wheels of the train.
The supreme court reversed the decision of
the lower court in the caio of John B. lloso
nnu John Edwards , convicted of the murder
of the Frodorlckson family ntOystcrville ,
nnd ordered n now trial.
The Industrial Federation \Vashlngton
hns been organized. It Is an nllinnro be
tween organized labor ntul the farmers' ' alli
ance. The llrst regular meeting will bo held
next December at Elloiisbiirg.
EtigenoBoardman , bookkeeper for M. Seller
A Co. of Spoknno Falls , committed sulcldo nt
Coour ri'Aleno ' City by jumping Into the lake.
The rash act Is believed tonavoboon tlio re
sult of nn attack of temporary Insanity.
Careless marksmen Indulging in target
practice near Montcsano n few davs ngo nar
rowly escaped causingtlio death of Mrs ,
Kliner Mowbray. A bullet passed through
the home nnd struck the lady in the houso.
Stockmen in the John Day country ropprt
considerable loss of stock. Inny stockmen
have been out of hay for two weeks , and
there Is still eighteen Inches of snow on the
ground. It Is Impossible to secure feed at any
The proposition to bond Dayton for $75,000
with which to construct n system of water
works met with tbo almost unanimous ap
proval of the citizens of the town. Out of
the total vote cast , 2J , but20 wcro In oppo
sition to the plan.
It Is Mated that thirteen Indians have died
oi < tbo Cocur a'Alono ' reservation during the
pist , two weeks of pneumonia nnd many
others nro now suffering from thu same dls-
caso. If this continues tbera will soon bo uo
need of a reservation for this tribe.
Gus ICountel , aged forty-five , of Puynllup
was Jailoa on a warrant forwarded' from
Wisconsin , charging him with robbery of llm
United States mull. ICount/el has a wife nnd
family and has been In Puynllup about thrco
months. lie protests his Innocuuco nna snys
ho had fixed the matter up.
A now variety of fish , called kcnnell fish ,
Is said to have mndo nn nn nppcuranco in
Ynquina bay , nnd U Is said the water Is nllvo
with them Just now. In appearance they resemble -
semblo a largo smelt , nud nro about the slzo
of nn ordinary snlmoti trout. They make a
very palatable dlsb when properly prepared ,
George Suffern and Jim Finnegan were
arrested at Seattle for robbing the noitnlllca
at Port Townsend , March 7. Nearly all the
stolen goods were recovered. SulTcrn made
a dash for liberty , but was stopped by a
bullet from nn ofllccr's pistol , | \vhon ho was
found to bo shot in the thigh and arm.
A. E. foreman , n contractor at Kolso , sent
to 11 drug store for some Ilincwator recently ,
and by mistake the druggist sent him a bottle
tle of embalming lluid. Ho took two largo
doses before ho discovered what it was , and
It toolt tb rco doctors all night to keep him
from dying. Ho Is not yet out ot danger.
Charles bean , aged twenty-six , the main
supporter of acripplod fatho'rllvln gat South
Pralrlo , was crushed by a log rolling from n
logging train of which Dean was foreman ,
near Wilkesoa. The log crushed the loft side
of the abdomen to tbo knee , causing prob
ably fatal injuries , aud breaking the log ia
two places. Doan was removed to the hos
The arrest of the gang near Spokane Fulls
same time upo thnt was iiiakinga business of
running largo herds oft the cattle ranges In
that section has not had the effect of stopping
the thefts. The loss of stoclc in great num
bers is still reported , andovory effort to trace
the tnlovcs has proved ineffectual. 1,200
cattle have been stolen along Crab creek
since last spring.
Ono of the electric street railway lines of
Fairbavcn. will bo lu operation by April 15.
The other Is also pushing ahead with all pos
sible speed , but cannot hnvo cars running
until about May 15. The latter Is being
built by United States Senator Hiscock , ox-
Senator Platt and J. R. Hill , son of Presi
dent Hill of the Great Northern. Surveys
are still in progress on the third line lu too
southern purl of the city.
Johnnie King , nn eccentric genius who for
many years farmed nnd mined In the Black
Hills , died at Marcus. Ho went there six
months ngo to settle the cstatoof his brother ,
Dick King , who was murdered hi Okonagan
county. Ho got lost whllo out hunting and
remained out in the woods over night In a
storm , which brought on pneumonia. King
baa lived In the Hills country slnco 1870 and
was sixty years old.
Quito a good sized crowd was at
tracted to the depot , snys the Yaltiraa
Republic , the cause being the pres
ence ol an Alaskan divinity , which
was on ttio rood eastward , in the hope of
securing no\v converts in benighted Chicago
at the world's fair. The Idol was carved out.
of solid wood some twenty feet long , nnd it
didn't seem to mind the ganlng ; crowd one
lota. On the same car was n peculiarly con
structed canoe bound for the same place.
Philadelphia sparmakors have $100,000 ,
worth of Oregon roasts bound to that city via
Capo Horn.
A company has been organized to build an
electric motor to connect Portland with Oregon
gen City , fifteen miles distant.
Thcro is now moro snow in the Cast-ado
mountains adjacent to Crook county than
there has been slnco the winter of lb31-5.
Prominent citizens of Dallas are organizing
a Joint stock company , with a capital stock of
$10,000 , for the purpose of building and oper
ating a woolen mill.
The Umatllla Indians object to tbo terms of
tbo sale of their reservation on April 1.
They demand thnt the money received in the
sale bo turned over to them at once ,
A Lower Columbia saw mill was recently
compelled to decline a profforcd 20,000,000
feet luni bar contract for the Australian mar-
koton account of inability to secure vessels.
A child of Henry Uvongood of Nowbcrg
wus playing near an open 11 replace when her
clothes caught on lire. She rushed out of
ho roe m and ran some distance uefore she
was caught Her Injuries proved fatal in a
few hours.
E. I' , llogcrs , assistant general freight nnd
passenger ngont of the Southern Puclllc com
pany , hns boon placed under arrest ou un in
dictment by the grand jury nt Albany for
violating section 4 of the Hoult law. in < 1K-
crimhmtingln freight charges on grain ship-
in on ta.
The ship Euterkln , now at Astoria , made
what Is said to bo the fastest passage ever
rnado to that port from London. The Enter-
kin made the passagu In 110 days. Sbo Is an
iron ship of 1,548 tons register , and Imd n
cargo of 2,730 tons on board , nn oxtraor p.luary
largo one for a ship of her tonnage.
Tim en Have
Iknrjj County ( Od.Ycehli. ) \ \ .
The world was once so mnll , 'tis Mid ,
That forty days of rain
Brouuhton a Hood , the like of which
Vi'ill no'or bo soon again ,
But since that time thn world has grown
To bo so largo and great ,
Till 11 f ty days of rain won't flood
Ono single ilttlo ntuto.
Warned in n l > ronin.
A ois natch from Charlotte , N. C. , says that
tbo other ulgtit Knglnoor Dillon of the Dan
ville , Mucksvlllo fc. Southwestern railroad
dreamed that n largo rook had fallen on his
road near Lentherwood Crock , and thnt his
engine , having como In contact with It , was
broken to pieces. The drctim jo Impressed
him thnt ho declined to nmko his usual trip
over the road in the morning until ho had
telegraphed to ascertain if there was any
thing the matter at .Lcnihorwood Creole. Au
answer was returned that vorillod bin vision.
Tbomessago was flashed luck that a huge
rock had fallen on the track within a few foot
of tha identical plnco dreamed about , and
that , although hands bad boon working for.
hours' to remove It , the track wai still lui
Educating the Famous Brojfoglo Mine
Many Years Ago la lioath Vnlloy ,
I'rospcotnrs llUNltln to tlioHccno ol
a lllg Kind Where I'rcoOoId
is 1'lulccd Up nnd
'Ihoro knot a minor or oM settler In th < j
southern part of California who Is no !
f mnllinr with the story says the Snn r'rau.
clsco Chronicle , of the famous DroyfogU
inlno. U ranks with the Guuslght , tin
1'clfg mid the Lost Cubln legends. Uko
them it hw cost dozens of llvos. and so un
successful and fntnl hnvo bcou the many ox.
pcdltlons made hi search of the inlno tint it
has como to bo regarded tiymtxnyas imyth. .
.According to the old story away back In the
early h files n party In which was n man
named Uroyfogloset out for California by
way of the Southern Utah road , u route
which Jay through the southern portions of
Utah niul .Nornda , ikirtoj Death valley ,
traversed the Mojnvo desert nnd flnally tor-
nilnnted In either the Sun Hornardlno or L.OJ
AiiKeles valley.
llreyfoglo was somothingof n minor in his
\vny , und while prospecting In a wild ami for
bidden region ho found a pined when ) hu
could lltcrnlly dig great nuggets of gohl
out of the decomposed quartz In
called it.wlth lili Icidfo. As ho described tin
place , thcro wits a largo deposit of an ox <
ccedlnglyrlchcharncter enough to tniiko tha
\vliolo paily wealthy , lie returned to tbo
camp , but tno travelers were short of provisions -
visions and water , nnd the Indians worn
troublesome , and there was no time to wa".lo
in mining , 'i'hey pushed on toward melt
destination , but beiwoon the Indians and
thirst only u few of them ever reached civil *
izntlon. IJorvfosle told his story , oxlilbltod
the nucgots ho bint dug out nnd wirof ully pro *
served , nnd thru spent the rest of his IITo in
u fruitless soareo for the deposit. Others
whohcaid tlio story followed hU example ,
and for upwards of forty years the Broyfoglo
inino has boon veritable wlll-o'-tho-wlsp.lur-
Ing men to destruction In the terrible deserts
of southern California and southwestern
Several months ngo George Montgomery ,
an experienced minor well-known in tha
Wood river region of Idaho , was on a pros
pecting trip In the region to the southeast
ward of Death valley. The road afir leav
ing SnnBornnrdliio city runs through tha
Cnjon pass nnd then strike. ) off In n north
easterly direction across the Alojavo desert ,
passing Hasting Springs , the Kingston
mountain * mid then traversing the I'ahnimp
vnllov. This valley lies just on the boundary
line between California and Nevada nnd
1ms a general nortwesterly and southeasterly
course , the Kingston mountains lying to tha
west and the I'ahrump inmpo to the cast.
While prospecting in the mountain last
named and at the upper end of the valley ,
Montgomery made a discovery early In .Tan.
unry which hears every Indication of being
tlio long souchtRreyfoglo mine , or , at loust ,
ono exactly similar. lut ) the location answers
to thnt given by Uroyfoglo , while ) the gold
has been found Just as ho said so. plentiful
that It could bo dugout In nuggets with a
One lodge located by ftlontpomory is eight
feet wide , and'tias boon tweed by Its outcropping -
cropping ! for a distance of t',000 ' feet. In the
decomposea surfnco rock the gold Is found al
most HUe plums in a pudding. Pieces of
quarts picked out nro from a quarter to n half
bright yellow gold , whole , with a hand-mor
tar , the lucky discoverer pounded out in a
short , time n. yeast powder can full of nuggets
ol various sl/es , .All along the ledge f rco
gold is found lu qunntltlo. , that astonish the
oldest prospectors ana which seems scarcely
After making several locations Montgom
ery sprcnd the news of his discovery , the ro-
suit being thnt sonin thirty to forty minors
are now at work In the valley , whllo others
nro hurrying In from various direction.
Montgomery himself packed up as largo a
quantity of tha richest specimens as ho could
carry and made his way across the do > ert. to
Dageett , the nearest railroad point , 100 , mlles
away. From there ho went to San l rancisco ,
whore ho is getting tools , supplies , etc. , to
open the mines. Ho will return , put up a
small mill and go to work getting out oro.
The mines , Montgomery says , nro the rich
est ho over saw , and ho Is sntisllotl that ho
can realize n fortune by working them him
self. There ought to bo plenty of placer
gold in the pulches leading from the ledges
thnt have b'con discovered but no effort has
been made to find any. All thu minors -vot
In the camp nro busy on the quartz claims
they liavo located. On ono'clalm taken up
by Montgomery a cross-cut. tias been pushed
for twcntv feet across the vein without
striking th'o banging wall , nnd it Is free
milling ere all the way.
Besides the deposits of gold , some rich sil
ver velus have been found , assays from
which run over n hundred ounces to the ton ,
Lead and copoor nlso abound , but at presant
gold Is the solo object of bcarch.
Thcro Is plenty of mosquito wood for fuel
In the vulloy within three or four miles ol
the newly discovered camp , while In the
mountains llftccn miles awny are forests
which afford abundaDcoi of umbering ma
terial. Water can be had nt n moderate
depth In Pahrump valley , while nt Ash
Meadows , iiftcon mlles nwuy , are streams
which could bo iitllod ! for power.
The camp has been named Montgomery la
honor of the aiscoveror , imd n meeting has
been called for April 1 to organl/o n mining
district under the laws governing such cases.
It , Is emphatically what Is known as a "poor
man's camp. " The ore Is of n character that
can bo readily worked with hand mortar or
nrastra , whllo there Is almost a certainty of
the existence of rich placer deposits. .
The nearest railroad point to the Pahrump
valley h Ducgott , on the Atlantic & I'ncifla
railroad. From that point It requires four
dns tomnkotho Journey of 100 miles In a
northwesterly direction. There Is a peed
road , nnd wutor nt frequent intervals. Feed ,
however , must bo carried for nnlnwli , ana no
ono should for a moment , think of undertak
ing tdo journey on foot. A party numbering
snveralwell known mining mon from San
Francisco Is now en route there.
OAt lost the Broyfoglo mystery seems to
have been solved , nnd peitmps this fii t will
give another stimulus to tlio search for the
Uunshot and the I'oglog mliioa.
had a cancer on my Fatal
riiguo that spread mi results
ll my thro t was so af-
ctod that I could ccme-
y swallow. My i > h ) i- cancer
ian said It was a c.v > o ous sore ?
ery similar to Gcn'l. have
0suit's. . S. S. S. cuiocl often
nio sound nnd well. 1
li How ) It saved my life.
Ilia , A. 31. Goldsmith , by tak
llrookljn , N. Y. ing
S. S. S.
' "onk on niood iind J-lln : ellfcoiipf 8 fioo.
Forty-flro lilRlieBt award !
hnvo liccit i lalvt- 1 i > j Bon.
bury A Jolmsoii from dif
ferent International expo ,
lllloni for tbo superloilty
of their I'uroua I'l.iiters
and other umiAt. llcnion'a
1'laxtirs Imvo muny com-
rutltori but no rivuli. It
Is not H nostrum. ( Jot tha
( lonulne.
A POSITIVE indpirainontCURE for oil
lseaiHoTtlitlJRINARy ORGANS. Curei
hof olh8TtreilmemUll .FulTdittctioniwllhoath
battle , prlc * , ona dollar. Sea ilgutmeol E , U
SIAHL ForSnleByAll Druealsta.