Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1891, Page 8, Image 10

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The spring1 vacation In the public
scliools will occur next week.
Spanish Court Cream posacBfcs noth
ing but what Is of n healing' anu curatlvo
nature , for milo by all druggists.
Fred Folsinnn. wlio wn8 arrested for
stealing a stick of coal from a Union Pa
cific cur , was fined 31 and costs by Judge
Ilclsloy yesterday.
The regular teachers' examination
will bo hold at the high scbool hulldlnp
next vcok , beginning Tuesday and con
tinuing three days.
The 'gentlemen appointed to solicit
funds for the Methodist conference will
co out today to make n , concerted effort.
The Indlcattono are hopotul.
Chris Ilnrtman. president of the real
estate exchange , is confined to his room
with tin nttiick of the la grippe , con
tracted during hlH recent trip to Dakota.
Votnoy Itlloy , and Ira Wolnh , the inon
nrrcstcd char-pod with stealing brnsH
from tbo Union Pitclflc , bad a hearing
in police court yesterday. Hlley was
given twenty days In the county jail and
Welsh's case was continued.
Major Boll , chief of the commissary
department of the department of the
Platte , opened samples of Hour ycslor-
dny In a bid for supplying 00,000 pounds
to DO delivered next week at tbo head
quarters atoro house in this city.
"Alas. Aim ! " the dude oxclnlms , "In my
ilcndor unldo 1'vo ' pot pnlni. " "Don't trot , "
laid mn , for whom ho had sent , "I have some
Balvntlon Oil. "
"My time Is wp , " srtld the doctor to the
patient whom ho found using Ur. Hull's Cough
Syrup , nnd ho was correct , for his couRh had
been cured.
* Easter 1 lilies and plants for sale at Wm
Gentleman's. Fresh eggs only 15c do ? .
A. 1 ! . Kldd , general manager of the
American I'll ! nnd Mcdlclno Co. of
Spencer , la. , Is In the city placing his
half doion remedies and doing some ox-
tcnalvo advertising.
TllK 011AHT10U.
The Itoal Kstato ICvclianpra Ur a < Tli n
It Ito IXpcillu.Ml.
The sentiment expressed at the mass mcotr
Ing of citizens held In tlio real ostnto room at
noon yottord.iy indlcitoi that the citizens of
Omaha rtre unanimous In their desire that tbo
members of the legislative committee on
cities and towns shail keep their hands
off the charter and report it back to the
Tlio mooting was called on the spur of the
moment , but the news spread like wildfire
nnd in a snort lime the room
was crowded with prominent citizens. En
thusiastic speeches wore made by a number
of prominent business men , all of whom
voiced the one sentiment , that the bill must
not ho tampered with nor delayed it its pus-
saco. '
The following resolutions wcro drafted and
signed by Chris Ilartman , president of the
exchange ; George 1' . Bomls , vice president ;
A. P. Tultoy , treasurer ; P. Wilson , sccrc-
tnrynml 500 leading citizens anu business mon.
after which' It was ordered telegraphed to Mr.
Kruso , chairman of the committee ou cities
and towns.
Kesolvod , Thnt wo voice an almost unani
mous sentiment of the citizens and property
owners of Omaha In petitioning your honor
able committee to recommend tlio Omaha city
charter bill for passage , embodying all the es-
Bcntinl features contained in the original
Railroaders Will Meet at Washington
Hall Tonight.
The mass meeting of railway employes for
the purpose of organizing an association will
bo held at Washington liall Saturday evening
at 8 o'clock.
All branches of railroad workers will bo
represented in the mooting , fully tlivco thou
sand employes having already signified their
intention of taking part.
Good speakers will he In attendance to cx-i.
plain the objects of the organization.
Do Witt's Little Early ttlsers ; oestllttlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
13 ICH ( lub Ofllunra.
Omaha Lodco No. 39 , Benevolent Pro
tective Order of Elks hold Its annual election
of onlcers Ihursuay evening in Its lodge rooms
In the Continental block. The election result
ed in the oholco of the following : Kxaltcd
ruler , Dr. II.V. . Hyde ; esteemed leading
knight , C. S. Whitney esteemed loyal
knight , C. P , Barnard ; esteemed lecturing
knight , Sidney Smith ; secretary , H. J.
Darrcll ; treasurer , G. Sam Kogers ; tiler ,
Martin ICclloy ; trustees , Dave Bonnlson for
throe years : George T. Mills for two years ;
E. A. Rowley for one year. Delegate ts
grand lodge , Judge George Shields. After
the election the district deputy grand
exalted ruler Judge Houston of Lincoln be-
inj ; present the oflicom were installed nnd
entered upon the duties of their several ofllcos ,
Mrs. Window's Soothing Svrup reduces
Inflammation while children are teething. 23
cent ) , a bottle.
Mr. Bonn Will Rebuild.
Some time ago there was a street rumor
that the Bohn sash and door factory had de
cided to roinovo to East Omaha ; that Mr.
Bohn had bought three acres of land nnd
that the East Omaha company had donated
three more. Both parties deny the state
ment , and In addition add that nothing of the
kind was ever talked.
Mr. Bohn states Unit ho has about decided
to rebuild upon the site of the factory that
was dostioyed by lire u few days ago.
No grinlnc , no nausea , no pain when Uo
Wilt's ulttlo Early Itisors are taken. Small
pill. Safe pill , llest i.lll.
.1XXO l/.VC'K.V/2-VTS.
Mr. Arthur Rehan , manager of "Under the
Uosltght" company , spent u few hours in the
elty yesterday , on his way to San Francisco ,
where ho goes to croduce some now plays of
which his brother-in-law , Oliver Doud By
ron Is the author and proprietor. Mr. Uohnu
has brought to Omttha some of the ilncst com
panies "Lovo lu Harness " " ' "
, , - - , etc.
It Is quite remarkable that In the fnco oC
such Inclement weather and the observance
of holy week the business of Hanlon's ' Rioat
spectacular attraction , now playing nt the
Boyd , should hold up in the manner it does.
Lost evening the bouso was the largest since
the opening on Monday night. The piece
cives general satisfaction , and hcnco the
largo business. Hut three moru
performances remain of "Suportm"
during the present engagement ,
unless Manager Warner decides to remain
mid play Sunday nl ht , which is altogether
probable. A special mntlnco for the children
will bo given this afternoon. The story
of the play Is stmplo und beautiful , and the
pretty sconlo effects and the antics of Mr.
Melville , the celebrated clown , will furnish a
pleasant afternoon's amusement for iho clill-
_ _ _ _ _
It is seldom that one sees so many first
class comedians as are in ' 'Tho Two Old
Cronies" company , which appears at the
Boyd on Monday evening next. Ten come
diennes and comedians will take part In the
"Two Old Cronies , " nnd onch out of the ten
lias an established reputation. The piece-
itself is clean in construction , bright and en
tertaining. Scats will bo put on sale Satur
day morning.
Stuart Itobson nnd his own company of
players nio coming to the lloyd on Wednes
day and Thursday evenings of next week ,
and will present tbo following plays : Oil
Wednesday evening the now play , "Is Mar
riage n Failure , " and ou Thursday evening
"Tho Henrietta. "
For the euro of colds , coughs , and all do-
rangcmcnts of the respiratory organs , no
other medicine U o reliable as Ayer1. * . C berry
Pectoral. It relieves the asthmatic and con-
uinutlvo , oven lu advanced stages o ( illsoasp ,
lad uas mod innumerable lives.
Suspicious Circumstances Attending tbo
Death of Emma Aidsrson.
Interviewi\lth tlio Parties Intcrcsteil
Tfio Dark'1 hrent ofan Unknown
Woman AguliiHt Emma
Amlcrscm'H Mfc.
Emma Anderson Is dead.
Several other members of the family wcro
taken deathly sidle und one of them was
pulled back from the grave only by prompt
and decisive uctlon.
And yet n physician says It was only n
coincidence ) and duo to an Inexplicable
freak of In grlppo.
The deceased had boon housekeeper In the
family of Isaac S. Ilascnll lor the past eight
Though dc.ith resulted under most
suspicious circumstances , the affair
wn < ? not made public , but on the con
trary every effort was mneio to hush the mat
ter up , ami this morning the remains were
convoyed to the union depot and borne nwny
on the 1UM5 B. & M. train for the west.
The cause of death is unknown , as the only
two physicians who wcro called in differ
widely In their opinions , nnd each Is very de
cided In his views regarding the true state of
One maintains that It was a case of strych
nine poisoning , and the other says that death
resulted from congestion of the spine and
brain Induced by la grippe.
All that is deilnlteiy known about the cnso
li wltnrofcrenro to what occurred during
the few hours intervening between the tltno
when the deceased and several other mem
bers of the family wcro taken suddenly 111
and when shodied the next morning In tlio
most awful agony ,
Tuesday noon no symptoms of Illness had
mnilo their appearance sb far as any member
of the family WHS ccnccrncd , nnd they sat
down to Uinnur with no Intimation of the
strange bickncss that was so suddenly to fol
The principal dish was boiled fresh beef ,
of which the Anderson woman and a nlrcd
mnn named John Kspcrson partook very
freely , and the othcVs , consisting of Martha
McIKcl , Mr. Ilascall's ' sister , Victor Ilascall ,
his son , and Annln Swanson , a ten-year-old
nleco of the housekeeper , ate moio or less.
About ten minutes later they nil became
violently sick with nausea , and the terrible
retching continued during the afternoon.
Mr. Hascnll was away from home , nnd did
not return until 11 o'clock that nlcbt , when
ho found all of the family completely ex
hausted , but tlioy scorned to bo recovering
with the execution of Miss Anderson , who
was almost unconscious and groaning from
tbo intense piln.
Ilascall nt once started a ( Ire and removed
the sick woman to a warmer room. Ho did
what ho could to relieve her sufferings , but
no doctor was called until the following
morning about 7:30 : o'clock ' , when ho
went after Ur. Walker and asked him to
hasten back with him at once. The doctor
was just sitting down to breakfast , but hur
riedly donned his coat and accompanied Mr.
Hascull. When ho entered the house , ho said
that the patient was suffering from a severe
attack of congestion of the spine and bruin.
Her skin was cold nnd no pulse could bo
detected nt the wrist or temple. The head
was drawn baelr , pupils contracted nnd the
woman \vns evidently dying. The doctor
tmvo ivhlslcv mtornallv nnd inloctcil n larcro
quantity of the stimulant hypodcrmically ,
but the uttomnt to revive her was unsuccess
ful , and at 8:30 : o'clock she was dead.
Tlio pthor members of the family had
ccarly recovered from their sickness , but the
man Esperson was still very weak nnd at
that time his recovery was by no means cer
Notwithstanding these suspicious circum
stances no report of the case was made to tlio
coroner , nnd arrangements were quietly made
for the funeral.
Esperson's ' case was not attended to by Dr.
Walker. It seems that after recovering
from the Hist attack of nausea , he went to
the saloon at the corner of Thirteenth nnd
Dorcas nnd sat down at a table. A few
moments later , n man rushed into Dr. .1. J.
Solomon's ofllco a few doors away and
exclaimed , "For God's sake , 'doctor ,
corno qulclt. There's a mnn
dying right up hero. " Hastening to the sa
loon , Esperson was found in spasms , His
chin was drawn down upon his chest , his
teeth clenched , tongue rolled up nnd eyes
staring. HoYOS given a dose of tartar
emetic andsnltand soon afterward thocmotio
began to relieve the overburdened stomach.
The man was laid upon a billiard tublo , and
for an hour the doctor nad several of the by
standers worked over him. When ho recov
ered sufllclently to walk ho was assisted back
to the house. Of his experiences after that
tltno ho said this morning :
"When I got back there I found them
nil sick. Victor was stretched out
on two chairs und Emma was in bed. I
stajcd alittlo while nnd then Martha said
she was so sick she must go to bed , and I
would have to co up to the castle. Haicall's
now building , where I always sleep. I told
her I was so sick I couldn't ' go , but. she said
I had to , for if Huscall came homo and
found mo sleeping there ho would make a fuss.
I couldnt walk up there though It was only a
block and I had to talto n street car. It was
all I could do to got up stairs and get to bed.
I was fearfully sick nil night nnd got worse
in the morning. I suppose I would have died
before noon , but alter Emma died some
of the folks came up to sco how 1 was.
I was hardly conscious and they hurtlcu out
nnd got , Or. Solomon again. Ho brought a
battery and gave mo medicine and after n
while I came out all right. I don't suppose I
will bo well for n week , for my strength is
all gene and my stomach is dreadfully sore.
I nm satisfied I was poisoned , though I uon't
know how.
"My doctor says It woo poison , but the
other doctor says Emma died of a congestive
chill. J don't think wo all took congestive
chills at tlio same tltno. It don't seem to mo
that it could have been the meat.
"There must have been seine inoro of that
same meat nrmmd hcio somewhere , nnd I
haven't heard of anybody outside of the
family getting sirk frou It.
"Huscall cnmo to mo and said ho didn't
want to hear nguln oi my saying that It was
a case of poisoning , but I told him I would
say Just , what I thought. I know I am in
grout luck to bo alive today , nnd I think the
case ought to bo looked Into. I have been
surprised not to sco anything about the case
in the paper * .
"I hax'o worked for tlascall
and boarded there since September.
1 did Iho lusido carpenter work on the castle ,
but during the winter I just chorea about the
house. The thing I want to know Is bow I
happen od to gctslrk. "
victor Ilascall , a young man seventeen
years of ago , was asked for his opinion of the
case and replied :
"There's something queer about it.
The old man snjs Dr. Wnlkcr is
right and Emma died of n chill ,
but I don't ' bollovo it. Common sense ouuht
to toll anybody that half a dozen people
wouldn't ' take a chill at the same tlino , as
soon as they got up from the table , but tha
doctor says a whole family might take thij
grip within live minutes ,
- " 1 think It win ttio moat , but the old man
has traded with Kolbo for fifteen years
and don't ' want to say the meat wasn't ' good.
It seems to be a matter of friendship be
tween him and the butcher. 1 don't believe
any poison was used , but it was just dls-
onspu lcf. "
When asked about the domestic relations
in the fumlly , ho said ovoryt&Ing was har
monious , and them was no Jarring , lu the
household machinery.
The butcher. Mr. IColbe , was very Indlc-
nant over the diseased meat theory , and suit
that bo would roako somebody smart for it.
Bald ho :
"I am the oldest butcher in Omaha , and a
practical one , too , and I can toll diseased
moat when I sco it. I have property enough
so that I don't have to work , and I ncodu'i '
stoop to buying1 diseased meat ,
"Tho incut Inspectors know this , and they
don't oven rome to my ahop. I told ths
whole bcof hero , and nto seine of it myself
No complaints have been heard about it
Mr. liascall don't believe the trouble was
with tbo meat , and when ho heard that stor ;
ho wont right nut to hush It up. Ho donlcd
it to everybody ho saw. "
It was Ur. Solomon who slid that bo wa
certain that It was n case of poisoning , nnd
bcltoved that the poison used was ( tryehnlno
or nux vomlcn. Said ho :
"I am satisfied that tbo meat was all right
When It went to the house. "
"Then you don't think It was n case of the
grip I" Imiulrcil the reporter.
"Well. " win the reply , "there arc differ
ent kinds of grip. Dr. Walker says It was in
grippe that killed his patient , but , " ho added ,
taking a heavy pair of nickel plated hand
cuffs from n drawer , "I think this kind of
grip would suit the case bettor. I know that
my patient was poisoned , und ho got an
awful dose of It too , but I managed to save
Urn."Dr. . Walker's ' patient contracted the grip
under the snmo circumstances and at the
same tlmo nnd died. Why , If a doctor hadn't
been culled to see my patient that afternoon
lie would hnvo been dead In half an hour. Of
coursol don't ' know who administered that
poison , hut I am satisfied that it was meant
tor the Anderson woman.
"I thought so shortly after T heard of the
case , and I now bcllova it tnoro than over. I
found n man and his wife last night , nnd I
have a written statement from them to tlio
effect that a woman who was related to tlio
deceased told them that she was sntlsllod
that Miss Andonon would not die n
natural death. I hnvo this statement
[ mil .vlll glvo it up nnd thu names of
the nartles if the proper timocomos. I don't
suppose thoraIs anything in the case for ir.o
one way or the other.
"Mv'pationt Is n poor Swede , nnd I am
satlnlicd with saving his life. I don't know
that there Is anything In following up the
' Tlicro Is llttlo incentive unless there is n consideration , although I ant n de
tective. " and hero the doctor showed
his papers establishing his connection with
Orannon's detective agency.
"I nm a friend of Ilascall nnd of Dr.
\Vallier. " ho continued , "and I don't % yant to
question their opinions icgarillng the case ,
but I certainly nm entitled to inv own views.
What the motive for Miss Ander
son's death might bo I nm not prepared -
pared lo sav. It Is known that she
was a single woman , yet when she
left hero a few years ago she went to St , Joe ,
where she gave birth to a child. Uhowns
nwny six months. Whcro the chllil Is I do
neb know. lam not cognisant of thenfTalrs
of the family , but 1 wus satisfied that there
was something wroiiK somewhere , when I
heard \\hat that couple sniJ last night. That
woman , who for the present shtll bo name
less , certainly knew what she was talking
about. "
"What killed Ktmna Anderson I" was the
question propounded to Dr. Walker.
"It was congestion of the spine and brain , "
the "and the similar
was reply , symptoms were
lar to cerobro-spinnl meningitis , "
" \Vero there no symptoms of strychnine
"Thu symptoms are very similar. There
wiis contraction of the spine , the head was
drawn back , and there was congestion of the
stomach ami bowels. 1 regAnl the attack of
the other members solely ns a coincidence.
La grlppo is a very strmgo malady , and it
decs str.uigo things. I account for the
general outbreak on the theory that
the epidemic attacked different sets of
nerve centers. "
"Is It a common thuij ? for a whole family
to bo attacked within live minutes ! "
"Well , no , but , ns I saltl before , I regard it
as merely n coincidence. "
"Dr. Solomon says his patient was
loi.soned ! "
"Yes , I know ho does , but I saw the man
Vednesaay on u lounge In Solomon's onlcc ,
nd ho looked to mo inoro at If ho was scared
o death than un.\ thing else.
"Miss Anderson was dying when I was
: nllcd in , and It was tin impossibility to save
icr. Of course. I didn't siy so ut the time ,
ir I didn't want to alarm tue family , but
tic was past all help. "
Mr. Hascall accompanied the remains ycs-
.orday moinlng to St. Edwards , Neb. , where
iioy will bo interred. Little Annie Swanson
vnsalsoof the funeral party , and will bo
ett at St. Edwards with iclatlvcs.
Tlio deceased was twcnty-throo years of
go , and took up her residence in the
iiiscall hou ohol < i eight years atro , since
vhich tlmu , with tbo exception of the nb-
cnco referred to by Dr. Solomon , she had re-
ittod with the family.
IJr.tln Worker ?
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. C. H. Goodman , St. Louis , Mo. , says :
'Have used It f or several years with cspe-
lally good results in nervous prostration , the
csultof mental efforts , also in sleepless con-
itlons of brain woikers. "
Wcathor 1'roli.ibi itlos for Alnroi. !
If March comes in like a lion It will go
out like u laml ) and vice versa. Bui
everyday in tbo month , rain or shine ,
ho electric lighted , steam lioaled , vcs-
ibalod limited trains of the Chicago ,
tlilwukoo A ; St. Paul railway will run ,
> ctweon Omaha and Chicago. The oluc-
ric berth loading lamp In their paluco
looping- cars tire the greatest novelty of
.ho . ago. Ticket office , IfiOl Parnam st. ,
AVhiit VouCnn Got for it and What it
Will Cost.
It Is not the reason of the year when the
narkots arc supposed to bo teeming with
table delicacies , but still the possessor of a
veil flllod purse noea not go hungry In
The necessity for the nurse bclm ? well
filled Is oVcu greater than usual , as most
kinds of eatables ate VOLT dear this season ,
Tomorrow the housewife will bo studying
tbo all-important question of "What shall wo
have for Sunday's dinner ! "
A visit to the markets will furnish material
for qulto an elaborate menu. In tlio way of
meats she can have n choice roast of bcof or
vcnl at l- jt lfic per pound , or pork at lOc ,
If she wisnos something more delicate
a quarter of sprint ; lamb at 81. " " > ( < § l.l > 0.
Thoa there are chickens at l fa per Ib. , tur-
icoysat 1 bound ojstori at 40u par quart for
built , or COu per can for fancy counts. Those
fond of Biuno may Hurt pleasure In avilU
goosont 75oor duolcs at3QC ! 4Ua each , which
have Just commenced toarrlvuln the market.
The next tiling to bo looked after are the
vegetables , und In tills direction there is
plenty of room for selection. Lettuce , rad
ishes , top onions , salsify und parsley am bo
bad at 5u per head or bunrb. New beats are
lOc | Xr ! bunch or three for U5c , asparagus ! ! 0o
pcrlb. and spinach UOe nor peclt. Fine laiuo
cucumbers can bo had ut Ifio a piece , caull-
flower "AGJl'Oo per ho id , cabDugo Sc per Ib.
In addition to this list are the standard vcgo <
tnblei , such as potatoes , turnips , onions , etc.
The variety of fruits on the inarkot Is
rather limited , but the houbowlfo can select
orange * ranging in price from &i ( & " > a per
dm. , bulimias 'Ma per doz. for thu tlno'st and
strawberries at about i'u per quart. tJran-
bonloi cna bo liad at 15 ? per quart. Prom
this assortment of inputs , vegetables nnd
fruits \vlll bo made up Omaha's Sunday din *
Dr. Dlrnov euros catarrh. Boo bld'j ; .
Will Mnkn Hrlok.
ThoOmnlm Standard brick company With
a capital of 100,000 has illed articles of in
corporation in the olllco of the county clerk.
Tholncorpomtors are William Mack , Frank
J. LanKO , Charles E. Ilurniestor. W. VI.
l-iowo , T , C. Brennnn and A. H. iJonocher ,
and the object is to do a general brick innnu-
fuctiiriug business.
I i
East Omaha's Mblbfs Will Ojnaaot With
tlio Omaha Sjetom ,
lll ( { Job of Waving Ordcrctl to
Ito Coniinciluod lit Onoo
Another 'ni Pnatory
is Assured.
Tlioofllcorsof thaEnst Omnlm land coin-
piny nniiounro j'cstcrdny Uint the electric
motorllno connccttngKastOinuhAnnilOmahn
will bo In operation by tlio last of May.
Tliollno will ox ten J from Sherman nvcnuo ,
on Locust street , to a point opposite tlio
Jartcr wlilto load works in Kust
Omnhn. An nrrnngotnciit luis Just boon
completed by which , for tbo present , tlio
powar for operating the lluowlllbo furnlsbcil
by the street railway coinp.iny of this city.
The transfer system will uo complete , ns
parlies f rein Hast Omnhn will bo tnuisfcrreil
to tboShoriniin nvcnuo lltio ut Locust street
and parties Rolni ; to Kast Omabu will bo
trnnsfurrod from any of tlio city lines by
paying ono faro.
About Juno 1 tlio Intcr-stnto brlclgo com
pany oxportito build anil operate a spur
from Locust street to Courtlnnil bunch , nut-
tint ; on a ten-tninutosorvlco. This isiuvlow
of tlio fnct that eastern parties have boiiRht
a tfaet of laiiil on tlio bench
mid will expend ? J,000 ! ( ) , this season
In [ Kitting up buildings nnd other\vlso
Improving thu stiorcs of tlio lake , maldnt ; it a
fahlilonatilo summer resort.
I'nvliiff : cvcrnl Streets.
The Enst Onmlia land company tins lot the
contract fqrpaving Avontio II from Twenty-
tlrst stioct in ICnst Omnhn to Eleventh street
In thhclty. Hugh Murphv was tbo lueky
mun , and xvlll bexln puttlnir in ono niulthrco-
oiBhtlnofColoiMdorod sandstone ns scon as
the ground settles.
Most of the grading has been romplotcJ , so
there Is nothliiK to prevent tbo pavers from
pciiijr ouvlth their" woilc. The contrnct
cnUs for the completion of the work by Junu
1. The cost will bo something In excess of
JItivc Another Fuctory.
\V. A. Wubstor of the R-i3t Onmlia hind
conipiny has left for the east and \vliilo nb-
scntulll close n contract by wliicli 11 Inrgo
manufacturing establishment will inovo to
this city.
What the Industry Is , the ofllcors of ttio
company refuse tostuto , but they nay that it
is Ural-class and will ( jive employment to 10J
hands , anil will bo In opeiatlou this season.
It Is not the extu'irics of beat and cold so
much as the sudden ebangos In tcinperaturo
tbnt cause certain climates to boui healthful.
When , however , the system is invigorated
with Ayer'sSiirsiiparillii , tbe'jo chmijges are
i nruly attended with injurious icsults.
tVetoed It Yet.
"It is strange that seine newspapers can
never publish thlugi as they aio , " snldMayor
Cusiihifr yoitorday. "Last nlht ( ? n certain
paper stated that , I had vetoed tlip olght-hour
orillnanco pissed nt tbo council mooting hold
Tuesday night. "
"Now that Is not'trno ' In
, any respect , as
tbo ordinance has not baeu dHllgured by my
veto. "
Continuing his Ti5marks , tbo mayor said :
' The ordinance is detective in many ivsnccts.
Its tltlo is not perfci't , and npnin , It Is In the
naturoof class legislation , and for this reason
I may bo compelled to veto it , but as yet noth
ing has bcea done. "
For stveiiKlhetiln anil clearing the voice ,
use "Brown's Bronchial Tro.-hcs. " " 1 have
commended them tn friends -who wcro public
speaKers , and they hnvo provoi extremely
'Serviceable. , " ilor. Henry WurJ Boecher.
N. w Advdttli H M.tto- .
The new folders ordered by the real estate
exchange arc completed and will bo ready for
disttibution next Monday tnornlnsr. There
has boon nn order placed for 100,000 , and as
soon as received they will bo given to parties
who will agree to sco that tboy are sent to
eastern investors.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figg is taken ; it is pleasaut
and refreshing to the tusto , and acts
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys ,
Liver and 'Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels coltls , head
aches aud fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action nud truly beneficial m its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy knowu. *
oyrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
and 81 bottles by all IcntUnp drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not "have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Lo not accept any
. en ,
. ifr. NEW YORK , N.Y
The Lieb COMPANY -
IT.ivo for twenty-fl\o yonrs boon pxittln ?
11 p t lie f a metis nroilnut wlileli btlrrnd nu d-
IoiiU'lrolcawU in Hr t Iincntod anil K en
tu tlio worldluy tlm renowned chomlst ,
Justus voii InoblR. Tliolr
Ii known nronml'thd world nml liuslately
uit-n cnrilt'il Inlp"Jarkpst Afiltfj' by
Stunk3' ! . It In nimpjVro.iflmblefor inirlly.
llnvor nnd lonil | < ial cITccts. As HKKF
Ti'A , deliciousaqiltfirhlilne. . In JSpon-
siiblo In ImuroviUnhd KconomloCJookcry.
Genuine S * of
with " * - * Justus
signature V 5 yon Liebig
Uotrornu ofll
lllntnllont J ilUnJ > , /
uik-lo iMiInd IT I' J > u Prim
Corp. , iicUdim r. > iiiuj ui -
rUU. THmni Bg Vt >
Couiloi ImUoetloM for
[ ltam Umt't 1 ' 1
xKJ Uit 1
01fOruWottk ! MUillo uiti3nen ? , Prewa.
tunlyola VOUNR Slon , Urln Jinck t > \ \ufy \
stoi > .urliiitdy ! lilruiittli. unihltlnii uiitl "c-
liobv iisu of Ncrvu lloniu. Tliuy I'nirect
youth' * vrrarti. cure ullncrvo trouble" , tl .DOT
flx.l .xo | i. Norvellciin Co , Huff.ilo. N , Y'
Halby Uoocliuiu UiujCu , 1110 Vumnni bt
L ODT."s
-FOUR HUNDRED , GKEI/10T / : - ' -
- -
„ ; -
- Lf w fE-- ;
Pa Sl QOMp 9Q § 3 79 OA-
6.7 SfcJ
Fourteenth and Douglas Street.r-r
Open Till 8 P. M.- Saturdays 10 P , M ,
Saturday nnd Suuda/ , March 28 and 29.
Special Children's Matinee
At 2 : : > 00 Clock ,
Tomono\v ( Saturday ) Afternoon.
Gflneons , New Steclacn'ar Pailomiie ,
IlrliiB' thu children to < eo Gcorco D. Mclvlllo , the
Grout "Ilnmnty Diimnty. "
Mull t I'l ICI-B Z5c. too , 75o unit tl.
.Mntlin'O 1TICC8 JUo uml We.
l autli I.oudnnd Hearty.
rnnn niun nrn nnniTinr
H ,
A. Great Company of Players.
Mc'tro. Frank M.VIIK Chn . I' , .loroino. Al Illll-
nian. Hurry llclti , Frank li'llrlen Wt-nlcy Sheridan ,
< 'iirl Wri'iern , Misses Aila Deiivei , Jullti Mncklc , Jnslo
Dinmluo , Jtiiblo Nlcliohs , Ada Stnckholui , Lillian
.Mclbotirn , ( icorrilolicrnrd.
Clinrnilnir music , bvwllilcrlnv ilimcca , ilarzllnscos-
tiuiius , hum some scenery. You smile , laiiuh niul
HI rciiin. hcnts on talu .Mmi'l'iy nt reculnr prices.
Will Luwlor , Jinnagor. Cor. llth uuJ Farnara
wnuic OF VAHUII y\
Don CuiDOrin. tlio kllllimllon Orator. A wonderful
MIOliet , 1'oilro. SlngliiK 1'nrrott , lo onbcr Illusion" .
IM Vt-rno , ma tcr nilnrt of innclc uml bncholor of
black art. A II rat cliiin roiiicdy oiucrlulnment In
addition totlioso wonclors ,
. T. KELIX OOl'KAl'll'H Oltlll.NTAl.
Dli. CItiAM : , OU MAU1UAL , ItKAlll
3 c _ IlimoYiiTnn , I'lnijilcM , Fn ck-
il s SZ Sfe Ifn.MutlU'nU.liB'i.lUilinnclliUii .
[ / ] ! U n jr" * * = " JcTft Ijjcu > u8and every blenil li ou
W5"a / SJCS3 - laiity , ua dtnn
Sin" " /yJuiditi-illon. It lias
hl3il = 1 . r5nou i th tcrt oi 10
* # 3 H r <
S" 4o lo SW l&h" ( ' ' ls °
Cji SiK1 ; . . | JC/'I. ' ! inlf ntMl lt
m lij -
h'B cily innilt * . Ataf't
no cuuitufilt of
pinillnriiinic. DrL.
A. bHjti HI Id tu a
lady uftlolinvit-ton
( aintleiilli-Asjou
ladlce Ulll 'tliein ,
1 rt'conimi ml Miou-
l | < nst harmful utnll
the fkln iJitiaiiv
tlon . " lordulcbr
all Divwli-ti nnu
Fnnry OuoUs mal-
cnln Ltio IJnlt < < l StAtoM. CaTiailfi * ftnd Kuropo
lt.tU > . 'r.llOl'KlNa. I'iop'f.87 Oitat JoueaBt. . K. t.
fhleUc.lcr' . DUmonil
Orljliml and iily Ofniilnc ,
ore , lw ; i trlUtlt. t ell t
Uruttlil ror OIt Jf r * nptl Ua-A
mand Irand lu Urd mJ luld uirlllllg\
Iboiei Kftlctl w | [ blu rllbon. lnl.o
noolhcr. Stfut dmttrnu a.lttlttl-
liontand inllnlloni. Al UnijglH' . r ona.lp.
In limp tot jurtlcaltn , tnunimlali ut
llellff for I.B.I I if. " m lelltr , b ; it-tarn
Blall. 1 0.000 Ti .llniTOUll. , Va J' ,
on. noiiu's
Stilck rionilnclio.
Cni.Mlpatlon ,
lMuluUlycuredbjr ,
* LittHegelable Fill *
85 rent * A ! ! 8 for e& rontn.
orlj tor H > 1. for saloby clrutgtite ,
or by moll. Addicts
Kuhn A Co. . Cor. 15th A Douclu Stccen.
) A. Fuller A Co , Cor. 14tli .1 Dointlnn Sticctl.
A. D. Footer & Co. . Council Dhilts. Iowa.
National Bank
Capital , - - - - S4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 , - 62.5OO
OHlccrs anil DIrectors-lIonry W. YAtoi , I'roiMent ;
Lewis S. Kooil , Vlco-1'reildont ; JnmojY. . Savnzo.V
V.Mone , John S Colllm. H. 0. Uuililiu. J.-N. II
Vatrlclt.V. . J I. S. Unitlx" , caihlor.
Corner ISth nud Karnitu Sn
A. General llauklin ItuMncat Transacts !
Ttif Jftt rrau , for. > Ifh
tktlm most HiibHtiiiifliillu
Hotel HtilliUita In Oiiutlui , stertml
lieni'H lii'tcl : Jli'e irtillN rtinnliift from
btmriiifnt to vuuf A II the cvllliiflH mid
tritk Anhcnltn jiru jirooj
iiutltintt it fiiii > onNlMe. to bui'ii
Fit'ucxctttiCH mill Jlfc ftlttnim
ffiroffl/ftotitf/tti bill 1 < I iniSt en i alien t ,
hot unit colil ittttvianil NIIIIM/I/IIU in
XVlllfO llllHllrjHIHHCll HUH-
Corner Mtlx and Cnpltol Avenue.
Just cornpUtoci , has 100 rooms , thres
stairways , from the top to the bottom , has
fine elevator and dinning room eervlo ; , is
lire jiroof throughout , fine blllarJ rooms and
the llnest toilet rooms in tlio city. Lars9
Sample roomi , Suites with bathtes. Co :
14th and Cacttol Ave. Street car service in
all directions. Rates , from $2.60 to $1.00.
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Set of Teeth on llubbcr ,
or MVK IIOM.AIW. A perfect
llteunrnntoed. Teeth oxtrucUjd
without lulu or danger , nml
without iinaestliutlcs. Cold nnd
"liter lilllniM nt lowojt nitoi.
llrldco nil 1 Crown Work. Icoth
without plates. All wort wiir-
Kntrnnco , Ittb etrctt flovntor. Open ovcnlnas
until 8 o'clock.
( M -V 1 HHIM V
Eta BchlSiaann's At thzna Core n Tcr/uC/i toctve
* \nsiuntrttiv la the wont cajci ; laturri com-
1 forUl ! elcepi cfTecti euro3 vhera allclhors fail. A
\ tnal fcmrtnrei tha jnott tkepttcnl. Irlco , 6 cts ni
jlai.OO.of . Druffgliticrby mill. BanphF for
MttZ. T T > t onTTTW * - - -
DR.n. , Bt.Piul.Hliin. _
RHILWHYTIMEGBRfl' ' p ml CUIOaoTiprosi ! I10.1S n H
1.65 it ml Clllcwo EiurOJI "I C.SO put
OMAHA A.i.i ul TAVrTtcP
Unmlia. U. 1' . lii'pol. llUi and ainr ; > Scj | Oionha.
"l.OO p ro . . . . . .St. Lnuli rniinTui Pafl. . . . , . | . ? 0 pM
P.715. A t6. WlT
Omalu Depot 15th and WoliNler Bta.
a oo B m . lllock Illlh Kxprnti . 420 p3
U.GO ft m Rtp . ( Kx. bundur ) . . 6.20 p P
6.10 p m AVnbuO.tcLlntoln l'asoz. ( Sund'y )
ft.1V pm . Norfolk ( or. hurutuij. . . .
.oaves I O . BT. P. , M. .St 0. Al 1 It U *
Omahn. I Depot 15th and Wubiler Bts. Otnaha , J
8.10 n m . . .flouxCltr Accommodation. . . 905 pnj
1.1X1 pm Sioux City HtproiXOT. Sunday ) tt.tO p m
U.UO p m . &t I'oul Limited . B.1'5 a i3
K.1.S p m Mnnroft 1'a srntrer ( or. Hun < Jny ) P 45 m
On'alia Ilopot lifiittiil WebatcrSH.
I..81. l.oulifc K. C.
U.15 p m.St. | I.ouli.t K. a Kiprou
'Lcntfi I CIlTCAOO , ItTTTT \1
TrnnitorJ Union"- " ' " "
Trnniforl Unlun lloiiotMiouiicll IllultJ.
C.IInpiul Nlitht 1'ipro
U.te m Atla-itla itiros : | .
6.Oil n ml Vt'iilbiilu Mnillpi'
- - - -
Trnn.iferl Union Depot , Council llluHii.
" 7f J a m Chlaiftu Eiiiieii
& .OO p m . .VoKtlbulo Limited
10 Un P ro Knitern Klyor
1 .S' ) p in 7Atlnntlcil ll. ' . . . .
fi.30p in . ( K o'.Sunjj 0 < 0 p iq
. 'MlI . i'BT.TAAT/,1 Arrlvoi'
i-wit. ' .iiTll I'lilffa. iTrnnifer
6.ID pin1 ChlciKO Ktpraii D.lAaM
.3 p ml Chicago Kipro-ii & .3S vm
"t cnrei
Tranitnr Union Depot. Cxiiincll lllulTn.
ill.OT > tu . . . .Kan B Clty liar Ki\nvis.\ \ \ 6 1.1 P ni
. . .Kimaui Cltr Might Hirroaa. . . . . ! f-.gQ n ny
iixfTimnrrrrnrn-i : rArrie ,
Union licpot. Cojncll . iTrnnsfcr ,
1 10 p ml fat. l/ul ) Canon llnlI
T onroa
Tran > f r Union Depot , Council lllulTa. Trii infer
| ) .4U a m
10.00 p m ChlcaKO Kipress , ,
T.05p in . . . . . . . .CroitonIxicul .1
TH rei i sroujreiTvrpAcfHa A'rrltM i
Trnmfcrl Union Depot. Council lllujfi . _ Trnntltr
* T.7S'a1ji < . .i8loiix City Acroinmodnllon. , , U 10 n tw
IO.W ji n
. . WOOIJ OAl'dUMSS nro th *
taiHl onlyciii | iil i liroicrlbcdbr
'iilnr lilirnlil'im for tlio euro of
Oonorlico.-x nnd dlBtliaryos from tlio urlniry orcnni
nlierllud or ncUlruJ I.W l > ur box. Allilruuillti
They nro custom made clothing of rnorchant tailors , loft on their hands for ono reason or another. Thcso svo buy In
lartjq or Braiill quan tltloa for rondyctiBh. For example : a suit of clothoe , costlupr originally $10 , wo can , iicoordliifr to
Btylo and quality , soil for $15or $20. Just think of It , u saving of 50 per cent , ono hulf ttio original ooat. Of pantaloons
we have n good variety , ranging in price from $3 to * 7 , oriffinully made from $7 to $15 , many of thorn of the latest de-
signsjrorn the host tailoring oatablishmonts throughout Iho country , AVe request ( in early luspootion ,
IVIerchant Tailor's Misfits and Uncalled for Garments.
Thov adiounioa. fcolinjr Mly convlncod that the origin of the MlsOt Parlors was to abolish high tariffs on Clothing
- tj10lrutnof , the Parlors having the most elegant display of
Ever wltnossed byanyoyo is now substantiated by citizens < of Omaha and vicinity. Among thu many bargains there till
ronuiliiH unsold :
. ,5 00 McrohrilitTnllOV M u < lo t 112 00 t2.'i OOMciclmntTullor niuilo nt 110 00 9 n 03 Merchant Tailor nu.d at (100 (
' U 00 MiTi'luintTiilliriiuiilu ' lit. . . , 14 00 oo W MMorclmit Tullor iniulii ut , , , . .11 M 8 CO Murolinnt Tailortuiula ut . , I 00
5Kl ( Hi'relitintTiiijo'iiiinlont jfi
: JO 00 MiirclUiiitTiilloriimrtoilt 18 23 41) OOMorrhunt. Tnlliir inndo ut K 7) 1000 Merchant Tailor nmrtn at , . . . , S 00
00 MeicIimitTiij ur inuijoat 2n W ) 45 OlMorclilmt T.illor made ut 2 > l OJ
J2 00 Morjliuiit Tailor made at , , . . . COO
Jo 00 JlorcliaiijTu r iiuiijeut Kj 50 CO Moiclmiit Tiillor nuido ( it - - ' 00
} 0 CO MciuhnntTal or inAiloiit M in a ( OOMorolumt fnllor mudo ut "QUO 1500 Mctcluint Tullor mndoitt 7 fl
Jo oo ( .MorcUunlTullor JlirolmulTul or mudeut mm out W5 OJ 70 00Merchant Tullor nmdo ut. , , 'JO W 18 00 Aluicliivnt Tailor muilont
A perfect lit warrantodt and nil goods eold pn their merits A piuvruntoo in every criHQ Jubt ns represented , at tlio
1309 Farnain Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309 ,