THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAEOIT 25 , 181)1. ) had been deserted by his party , said that if they were going bacKon film ho might Just ns well stop. TIIJKV ALl , l\lTlirll IT. Clnimirlnn' ( or tlio 1'ntor * tilty of tlio Novvlit-rry llito Hill. LINCOLNNob. . , March aL-Spodal [ toTiir. URP.Botno ] men are born great and other * have greatness thrust upon thorn. Now that thu so-railed Nowberry Dill has passed both houses It may bosomowlmt Interesting to tbo people or Ncbrosfca to know the paternity of this measure mid how the bantling was palmoii off us NowDorry's baby. At the very outsat of the session Mr. Now- berry , n tnnn xvho knows nothing about rail roads , transportation or commerce , for rea- noni boat known to himself , iiskod that ho bo permitted to Introduce the maximum rate bill In the house. This favor was conceded to him and ho trnlghUvny proceeded to Introduce the max- mum rate bill prepared two years ago by lion. Charles Hall of Lancaster county. After a casual Inspection and examination the bill was pronounced dofoetlvo In some re- epocts by sovornl members of the railroad committee , especially Mr. Moan , who lias taken a very prominent part In all railroad , telegraph and telephone legislation. There upon It was decided to drop the original Now- berry bill and let out the job of drafting an entirely now bill to Lawyer Strlchler , who I lias ( .mined some notoriety , If not fame , as otic of the prohibition law yers In the late contest. Strlcklcr's oxperlonco In railroading Is confined chiefly to his employment as a sleeping car conduc tor on a Pullman line , but what ho lacks In knowledge bo maku.1 up In fall. ? Undaunted Blrlckler sot , himself at once to work , pro- needing straightway to copy the schedules cntnhMshcit by tlio Iowa commission. Those Lchedulos dlv'do Into three classes the vari ous railroads of Iowa , according to then1 length and volume of business. Strichler copied the loxvest rate of the thrco classes mid formulated tlio mass of figures Into what Is now known ns tbo Nowborry bill. When the work had been HiushodStricklcr nskcd the commlttoo to pay him 50 for tbo Job , which caused a great neal of Indignation and kicking , Finally Mr. Moan forked over the fji ) out of his own pocket. But Strlckler was not content with the money. Ho also wanted the glory and the renown that Is expected to attach to this iti-cat measure In futuroagos , Tnero is now said to bo in course of publi cation In tlo city of Omaha nn Illustrated volume of eminent and pro-eminent No- braskanB , In which Mr. Strlckler Is to BO one of the most prominent figures. Ills biog raphy la already In typo an din thomodost , re- tlrltiR way peculiar to Mr. Strlckler , ho has Inserted the fact that ho fa the father of Now berry's baby and prides himself upon thu achievement or copy- IP B from the Iowa schedule rates. "When tie landed this llttlo biographv to the printer ex-Pullman Conductor Stricklor wrote : "Tho bill It now pending In the house , but Is almost certain to go throueh the senate and Will bucoino a law. " Ahem I Strlckler Is determined that posterity shall not remain entirely hi Ignorance of the fact that ho , and not Mr. Now berry , Is the author of the bill. But meantlino Mr. Moan insists that ho Is the sire of this bill and that ho merely paid Strhkler as a clerk to copy the Iowa schedules. Thus the plot thickens. I'ronldoiit I'ro 'IVm'tt ' I' Lixcor.x , Nob. , March 24 , ( Special to Tun M KB. ] Yesterday Senator Poyntor presented his voucher to Lieutenant Governor Majors lor his signature. granting him n part of his alleged salary as president pro tern over the donate. Tlio voucher was signed by Mr. Majors , after telling Mr. Toy ntcr that the de mand was un Illegal ono. The amount cov- ever In the voucher was $150 , which Is ouly part of what Mr. Poyntor thinks bo Is en titled to , claiming $1 per day over and above what ho receives as a member of the senate. The illegality of "tho demand has boon de cided by an opinion of tlio attorney general , rendered to the state auditor. The attorney quotes section 13 , chapter 48 , of the compiled atututcs of 18S9 , which de termines the , number of employes of the sounto and the salary which they shall receive. Among those Is sot forth the fact that the president of the seiiato shall receive S3 per day. Ho also shows that this section Is section 3 of an net of the same kind , approved Juno 21 , 1807. Tie then siiys that the present constitution Is the result of the convention of 1875. Prior to that convention and the adoption of the present constitution tbo utato had uolloutcn- nnt governor , but It did have a president of the sonnto. Under the provision of the constitution the lieutenant , governor Is mode president of the senate. His com pensation Is found In suction 24 of the sanio article. There Is now. ho holds , n president pro torn of the senate , but the at torney says that section 13 of chapter 48 can not mean president pro tcmporo oocauso it Bays president ofN the Bonato , and he con cludes that It means what It , says. Ho soys further that ho has not boon able to llnd auy law which will Justify the payment of any 'money to the president pro tempore over and nbovo tno amount ho receives for his services as a member of the senate. Mr. Poyntor , however , proposes to bold his money. The Sciinto. LINCOIANob. . , March 24. [ Special to Brn. | Th'o senate mot this morning nt 10:1,0 : o'clock. The committees on constitutional amendments recommended the passage of house roll No. 08 , providing for the election. by the people of tbo members of the board of railroad commissioners. Senator Poynter moved , nnd the motion prevailed , that the bill bo passed to third reading. The committee on finance , ways nnd means recommended the placing on general lllo of liouso rolls Nos. 403 , requiring county treas urers to register warrants , nnd 203 , rcim- latlng the disposition of funds obtained from thosalo of lands. The committee on rmblio lands and build ing recommended the Intlotlnito postpone ment of senate flla No. 1TD , provi.hng for the acquirement , by purchase or otherwise , of laud for park purnoscs by cities of thesoc- end class hiving less than 35,000 Inhabitants. The same committee recommended the passage - sago of senate lllo No. 843 prohibiting the catching of lish In certain coses. On the recommendation of the cnmmlttoo on education house roll No. 145 , requiring- county superintendents of education to change boundaries of school districts on pott- lion of residents was considered. Tins bill was Introduced by Senator Taylor , and , like nil his measures , met an unhappy fato. The president signed sonnto lllcs No. 100. convoying to John lee certain lands In Lan caster county ; No. iiO , enabling the forma tion of associations for the holding of tltlo to real estate ; No. 210 , authorizing ttio use of the surplus general fund In counties for the purchase of food for needy tarmors. Senator Stevens Introduced a resolution In structing the secretary of tbo senate to make n list of the desks and other furniture-in the possession of the senate , both In the chamber nnd committee rooms , to report the same en March 111 and to lllo a cony of the same with the secretary of st to. Adopted. Senator Sthram's motion that the chair ap point a committee of three to act with a llko committee of the house to determine n. linn adjournment was laid over till tomorrow , Hereafter , according to a resolution of BoimtorRandall , thclsonato will moot at B a in. Instead of 10 a. m. House roll No. 4T1 providing $100,000 for the relief of sufferers from tbo drouth , ant No. 80 regarding the number of commission crs In counties with loss and moro than 120. 000woio reud the first time. House rolls wcro road a second time nnd referred. The following sonnto lllos were passed No. 01 defining the qualifications of teachers No. 1-40 providing for the reports to bo madi by railroad companies to the state auditor No. 201 , relating to the listing of rallroai property ( or taxation purposes ; No. 150 , sot- ttuir forth the appreciation of the legislature of any means employed by congress to com pel the subsidy railroads to comply with tbo conditions of their contracts with the pov ornorj No. 213. requiring registrars and county clerks to licop Indebtedness records. Scnnto lllo No. 122 , provontlng collodion o debts rmirosentod by fraudulent negotiable panorvan lost. Sonuto tlio No. 143 , regarding the posting of names of rnllroaa employes In depots wn recommitted to tbo committed on railroads mid the sonnto took a recess. The senate assembled In the afternoon a 2:15 : n. m. The committee on railroads rccom mending the placing on general lllo of hous roll No. 03 , a joint resolution tothooffecttha congress should assume ownership of tb li railroad and telegraph Hues of the coumrv senate fllo No. 24f > , providing- tbe digging of drains nnd basins for Irrigation purposes ; louse roll No. 180 , holding corporations ro- Hponslblo for Injuries to their employes ; bouso roll No. Jtfl , requiring railroad com panies to cnulp their rolling stock with auto- : natio couplers and brakes ; house roll No. mi , providing n maximum passenger faroot J cents nor mile , nml senate file No. L'OO , pro viding for the ) election of tbo stuto board of a-nnsportation. Senate lllo No. 18 , the warehouse bill , wat .hen read nnd passed by ttio following vote : Yeas-Brown , Chrlstoffewon , Day. Hill , ! < elpor , ICoont/ , Mattes , Mlchener , Moore , I'oyntcr , Schram , Shuinwny , Stnrbuek , Ste vens , Swltzlcr , Thomas , TurnerVan Ilouscn , VVIllIann , Wilson , Woods-Si. Nays-Beck , Colllnt. Uysar Umidall , San- dei-s , Smith , Warner 7. Absent nnd not voting Coulter , Horn , Shea , ERgloston , Taylor , Sonata file 81 , by Warner , Increasing the test of Iteroscno oil from 10O = to 110 = was passed. Seunto filn 137 , by Coulter , requiring cor porations , firms or Individuals transacting n uanklng business to mtfko reports of their ro- sourcosand liabilities to the auditor of public accounts was passed. It also prohibits com mercial banks from doing : a savings bank business. As it would be n difficult matter for those largo institutions throughout the state which nro now transacting both n sav ings and commercial business to discontinue either In less than three months the bill was submitted -without tko emergency clause. The Omaha charter amendment was taken up and passed , and tbo senuto adjourned. The Home , LiN'coi.x , Nob. , March 24.- [ Special to THE BEK.J The house took the reports from the committee of the whole yesterday , nnd agreed to nil tbo recommendations of the committee. McKesson moved that house roll 507 and 133 , the bills providing for the payment of the foes In the contest C.HCS , bo referred to n special committee of 11 vote Investigate , and report a bill covering the points In dispute. Whlta moved that the resolution bo laid on tie table. Lost yeas , ! )0 ) ; nays , t > 5. The resolution was adopted , nnd Speaker Elder appointed Arnold ( ind ) , Gannett ( Ind ) , llowo ( rep ) , Heath ( rep ) , and Moan ( dem ) is such committee. McKesson , n member of the sifting com mittee , reported a number of bills rccom- nenclinl by a majority of the committee , Ilohnn , the chairman , arosonnd stated that 10 had not heard of any meeting of the cotn- mitteo and nnd called none. McKesson replied that seven of the nlno members of the committee had signed the ro- [ iort. The report filed by McKesson was tabled by the almost solid vote of the Itule- pomlnuU yens , -l.'ij nays , 34. Bills on final reading wcro taken up nnd Iho following passed : Senate tlio 110 , bv Brown , relating to a state board of he.ilth and the practice of medicine. The bill pro vides that the governor , attorney general and superintendent of public instruction shall constitute the state board of health. The said board shall appoint four secretaries who shall , under the directions of the board , ox- amlno and license all practicing1 physicians found qualified nnd possessing tbe requisite skill and knowledge. No unlicensed vhvsl- clnn shall bo practice mcdlcmo except in "an emergency. " Yeas , 59 ; nays , 27. Souato file 17 , by Randall , providing that tt'Q ' lessee of school land may purchase same at appraised valtio fixed by board of super visors. House roll 70 , by .Tohnson , providing for the reassessment for taxes for 1880 to 18bS of n largo quantity of land lying in Greoley , Valley and adjacent counties and which formerly belonged to the 13. & M. 'railroad , was lost yeas , 11 ; nays , 5.5. A recess till - p. m. was taken. In the afternoon session the house resumed consideration of bills on final rondinu. The f olio wing wcro passed : House roll : (0"i ( , by Howe , providing that no chartel mortgage proceeding shall bo instituted when the loan secured by the mortgaRO contained usurious Intorest. Yeas , 77 ; nays , 8. House roll 110 , by Lotnax , providing for the choosing of presidential electors by con gressional districts aud two by the stnto at largo. Yeas , CO ; nays , 25. All the independ ents and democrats voted yea except Uer- trand ( dcm ) and Carpenter , Jones , Parker nnd Taylor of Uutlor. House roll 532 , by AVnldron , appropriating $00,000 for ttvo wings for the asylum for the incurable insane at tl.wtltics , and $15,000 for furnishing the Hnme yeas , 71 ; nays , 14. House roll 302 , by Tunn ) , providing that all railroads that acquire the riirht of way by condemnation or gift shall finish the grade In two years nnd complete the line and have cars In operation within four years , or forfeit all Interest In the laud so acquired yeas , 89 ; navs , 1. House roll 270 , the Olson bill dividing the state Into sis' congressional districts yeas , 7S : nays , 5. House roll 209 , by Stevens of Pluttc , appro priating the sum of ? 21,000 to pay the militia their commissary and stores , nnd S13.200 to pay the transportation by rail of the Nebraska national guards during tbo late Indian war- yeas. T9 ; nays , 8. House roll'879 by Dunn , authorizing tbo regents of the state university to construct a diagonal road across a quarter section of the college farm and plat the sarao for sale , was lost on final passage yeas , 20 ; nays , Messrs. Schappol , Schelp and Shry ock were appointed a special commltto of three to consider senate file 27 and botiso roll 53 , bills providing for the election of three railroad commissioners by the people , and recommend ono of them for passage. The house wont Into committee of tbo whole to consider bills on tpVncral fllo. House roll 250. by Speaker Elder appropriat ing $10,000 "for allowhiK the Nebraska na tional guards to comply with the requlr"- monts imposed oa it by the statutes , " was called up. Polton moved to strike out the enacting clause pnd the bill was debated at length , Wntson led tbo forces who favored a stnto militia , and was ably sustained by Speaker Klder , Dobson ( hid ) , Gale ( ind ) , Fee ( rep ) and others. Stevens of Furuas. Nowborry and Nichols opposed the bill , declaring they were opposed to bo taxed to support standing armies in time of poaco. A motion to order the bill engrossed for a final reading \vas substituted by n vote of 4i to 40 , and tbo bill recommended for passage. The following bills \vero reported buck with a similar recommendation : House roll 185 , by Felltor , authorizing any citlxon to de fend any suit brought against any oltv of the metropolitan class , when suits nro brought against it , when said city neglects or refuses U > defend tbo saraofbouso roll 4SO , by Speaker Elder , authorizing the state superin tendent of publio instruction to appoint a deputy. Without adopting the report of the com mittee of the whole the hpuso adjourned till U a. m. tomorrow. DirrctibaolierVt 3111(1 Plea. Liscoi.y , Nob. , March 44.--1 Special to TUB DKn.l Chaplain Diffenbachor of the house created a decided sensation this morning by the following reference to the flight of Senator - ator Taylor I Our Christ and dodl ! We thank Tlioo for prayer. That It Is funda mental of the kingdom of Christ , Wo thiuiK lliuofor the ostablUlintont of Thy kingdom amongst nioii and Its Interests committed to Its UcepliiR , and that of the twelve , ol vim woiu faithful nml true ; In darkness nml lltilit , In prosperity mid In adversity , and that to only ono tittivchos the Infamy of disgrace , the blood stuln of tieason , \Vo thank tbco for Nebraska , for her en- lariicd borders , for herultlztms and her broth erhood. and rojolco that her border * are not lar o onmieh to liicloso nor lutrbrotliurbood sweet enough to ombnieo u traitor rocioant to her luturoitx. Help him to lloo farther und yet further from im outi-iKCd luiillndlvnunt permit ) until ho shall stand upon tlm brink of u moral vol cano. buhold the forked tongues of llory llainu , the soothing sen of lurlil liivu , lumr the nmt- torlug tlmmlor of hlildun foreus , und feel the imnsoa o ( niontul hull until bnshiill uwako from moral death , repent , believe and bo saved. saved.hat wo aik for oNcovorud tro.ison and mired - red truttors wo nsk for all covert t mason and covered traitors through tbo light of Christ. Ameu. No Jloelsion Yet Itcnohod , LIXCOLS , Nob. , March St. [ Spoclnl Tclo- frnxm to TIIK IlEn.l-Thoro was no decision handed down In the Thayer-Iloyrt quo war- ranto case by the supreme court today. Judge Cobb said ho had not been able to confer with his associates re gar/dlnf * the matter. General Cowln and Jndgo Crawford of counsel for Governor Boyd arc here and have found n number of authorities la support of their theory of Iloyd'i ' citizenship which they pro pose to hand to the court. lidgloy Throatem to Bond the Offenders to the Peultontlary. IE IS AFTER THE MISSOURI RIVER LINES , flic Uapld City , Missouri Itlvor & Bt , 1'aitl Organized Hntl of the I'nsRCiiKcr Rate \Vnr. CIIICAOO , March 01. fSpooInl Telegram to 'itn Bnn.1 Chairman Mldgloy Bnld today tiattho committee consisting of Chairman Goddard , Blanchnrd nnd himself had been ppolntcd to look up dressed beef rate ma- Ipulattons solely on bualnoss originating at Missouri river points. Ilo added that the omblned output of the Kansas City , Omaha nd Sioux City slaughterhouses \vailnrgor linn that from Chicago , over llvo thousand ara havlnir been shipped from those points Inco January 1. Ho refused to tell how ho rates wcro manipulated , but from thcr sources It was learned that ho Canadian lines were getting far morj ban their shnro and at rates far below the arlff. A largo amount of the business was also going via St. Louis and the southern outcs ut cut ratoi nnd the balance wai going over the Indiana , Illinois and Iowa. Tbo na- totml outlet for all this business Is via Chicago cage , but It had all , or nearly nil. boon di verted by cut rates. .The total loss Is n seri ous ono to the Chicago roads and It will bo topped If the Inter-stato commerce commts- lon will act oa the Information furnished hem by the committee. The intention of the " ornimttoo is to ninko the rate cutters "in ucstlon think over their offenses in the pen- tcutlary , A 'J Iiruiitunccl IJoyeott. CHICAGO. III. , March 21. The board of ulings of the Central Traffic nnd Trunk Line ssociation have begun operations under the cccnt agreement to boycott all connecting1 Ines that continue to pay commissions. The loard has sent two or thrco telegrams to the Chicago , Burlington & Qulucr management vltliln n few days , claiming to have satisfac- ory evidence that It has boon paying cotu- nlsslons to eastern agents. The Uurhngton icoplo have replied that us no specllla charge s m.ido , no specific answer can bo given ; hat they bavo not intended to Ig- lore the agreement and have paid 10 commission to persons not asking for hem. They contend , however , tlmt the > oaid of rulings bus no right to domad n dls- ontinunnco of commission paying without omo guarantee that tin liurlingtou will ontlnuo to receive an equitable share of the lassonger business from thu oast. The ntcst dispatch from the board of rulings in- imatos that unless the Burllugton begins klnrch fll to conform with the rules tickets f that road In eastern ofllcos will bo boy cotted. It is doubtful , however , if this hreat can bo carried out , as there Is almost ibsoluto harmony amonc the roads parties o the agreement. Another conference will probably bo held. Inwa ] lillrun ; < l Bns MoiN-ns , la. , March 31 , Tba oxecu- ive council completed Its annual assessments f Iowa railroad propertytoday , The total Is raised from $13,858,890 , last year to f 14,550- 17. The Increase will bo generally satls- actory. Tbo roads on which the assessments re decreased are : TtioAlbla& Centorvillo , 4,1011 ; Chicago , Fort Madison & DCS kloines , flV ) ) ; Humoston it Shennndoab , * 47T25 , ; Iowa Central , $107,540 : Mnson City & Fort Dodce , $01,135 , ; Minneapolis & St. ouls. $09,800 : Ottunnva & Klrlcville , SIO.G50 ; 3t. Louis. ICcokulc & Northwestern , $50,518. , 'ho roads on which the assessments are ucreased are : The Burlington , Cedar Ranlds & Northern , S101.T03 ; Chicago & North- vestorn , $1.159,5005 Chicago , Burlington & Torthbrn , ? 10MO ( ; Chlcaso , Milwaukee & St. Paul. 8HI.148 ; Chicago , St. Paul & Cansns City. Sl 3,6.VJ ; Chicago , St. Paul , vlinneopolb AOmaha , S9,9S'J ; Chicago , Santa Po& California , § 29.715 ; Dos Jlotncs & North- vestorn , 812,414 ; DCS Molnes & O-sceola , 27,000 ; Dubuque & Sioux City , Si 03,330. , With n few changes on small branch roads ho total Incroiso In assessments amounts to 1,097,62 * . of which more than $1OOJ,000 is on > vcr ono thousand miles of road of the Chicago & Northwestern system. Now Company Orjjan'zed. IUPID Cm , S. D. , March 21.- [ Special -clegram to Tun BUE.J The Hapld City , Missouri Ulvcr & St. Paul railroad company vas organized here today with thofotlowlnc board of directors : R. C. Lake , H. S. Hall , F. K. Davis , V. T. McGillleuddy , ISugono rlolcomb , AV llllam Gramborg- . 0. Clay , It. 3. Hughes , J. R. Brunnnn , Myron Willslo , Tames Halley , J.V. . Fowler and V. L. Prico. Tbe directors Immediately subscribed stock o the amount of $51,000 , and a number of the directors will double their sub scriptions. Aside from thcso $100,000 s guaranteed in subscriptions bv other Uapld City parties , The four banks of the city are represented in tbo llrectory. Books will bo opened for sub scriptions us soon as a charter is received. A full engineering outfit has been procured and a corps of engineers will enter the field from Rapid City before the mlddlo of April. A. Uailroad Keiisution. PiTTsntmo , Pa. , March 24. A. local paper will print tomorrow the story of an allegud project that will create a sensation in rail road circles. It is a plaa by which thu Bal timore & Ohio proposes to parallel the Penn sylvanla from one end to the other by an almost air line route from Balti more anur to reduce the distance from Plttsburg to the latter city by sovonty-llvo inllos. The Baltimore & Ohio road recently purchased tbo PittsburK & "Western road and is now actively nt work to secure a connec tion through this city to that lino. Ills re ported that Andrew Carnoglo will aid thorn in securing : the franchises they need , and further , that ho is likely to ba the next prcsl- dent of the Ualtlmoro ic Ohio railroad , to Ho Advanced. CittCHOo , March 21. [ Special Telegram to TiinBnu.1 Monday , April 0 , will see an end to the long continued disturbance In southwestern - western passenger rates. Unless the unex pected happens , tbo present fi.75 Clicngo-St. ! Louis rate will bo advanced to $7.50 , the old llgure , nnd every 1,000 mlle book will "bo sold ntf'.i.'i. The AtcbUon , to secure harmony , agreed to buy up all the low priced outstand ing uilleage of the Jacksonville , its St. Louis connection , ana Ujs understood "tho market was cleared last Saturday. The WabasU has withdrawn its $20 mlloago book. Came from the Southern 1'au'flc. S.vcuiMKNTO , Cala. , March 24. Tlio com mittee appointed to investigate the charges of bribery in connection with the senatorial contest reported to tbo senate this afternoon , finding that the money imd como from the Southern Pacific company and within thir teen hours after It arrived hero It was In the state library , but who handled and for what purpose it was handled the committee did not determine. Intercontinental 1'nllway ComtiilNfiion WASHINGTON ; March 24. The only matter considered today by the intercontinental rail , way commission was the perfection of plans and arrangements for sending these surveyIng - Ing parties to South and Central America to begin worn In determining the route for the proposed rend to South America. Nearly all the arrangements have boon decided .upon , The tlrst work will bo commenced lu Guate mala. Important Invent In St. Louts. ST. Louis , Mo. , March 21. The most Im portant ovcnt which has occurred In St. Louis In recent years was the opening today of the Merchants Bridge & Terminal rail way's track to railroad traffic to eastern and northern lines centering in tula city. KtciiniHlilp Arrivals , At Philadelphia The British Prlnco from Liverpool. At London The Stutgart from Baltimore. At Quocnstowu The British Princess from Philadelphia. At Movlllo The Ethiopia from Now York , Atllronier Haven Tbo Ems from Now Vork. ft. fin Further Pntitlnunrn | of the Dfatrito- March 10. Her majesty's ' sulp Warspltolsnownt Callac. Ucforltn ? to the wnibardmcnt mid partial burning of Iiulijuo , February SO , her1 tmicera say that when the ebels captured the port they loft ouly u mall guard , the main body returning to the hips. The govcrumoiit troops mndo a sortie ma fighting ti > fe/mciiced , whereupon the hips opened llro , the war vessel * with their icavy guns and the transports with tnndilno runs. Tremendous destruction followed and n the afternoolt'a flro broke out which do- troyed the bostipnrt of the town , entailing a 033 of fully $ > 000,000. Iqulquo Is In an abnormal situation and the Inhabitants mvo taken ref ugo fen the Island. Pisaqun hnj , > ecn abandoned by the populace. The ro- iort Is confirmed of a npht at San Francisco. n wlnoh Uonoral VIdagran was killed nnd ho rebels defeated , lu the Iqutnuo fight ibout two hundred persons were kilted , many ostng their lives throuphlmprudontoxposuro during the bombardment. The Warsplto ook a number of people to Callac. The French steamship Vllleado. Belfast , eports 800 killed and wounded as the out come of the light on the Tampaea Pampas. The Lima Dlarlo said on February 2. > : "Tho irosetit revolution threatens to result In orious international conflicts. Peruvian orrltory has already boon violated bv Chilian government troops. " A report reached Panama on March 7 , that vhen the forces ot Valparaiso fired on tbo Jlauco Kucaladn , killing several of icr crow , the 'commanding ofilcor elicited permission from the shore aiuiiorltics to bury them , nnd the answer ho received was that ho might bury hem In the sen. The commander of the Jlanco Encalnda thereupon referred the natter to th'j captain of her majesty's ' hip Champion and the latter significantly re- nied : "Konuost mo to bury them nnd I snail lo so. " The request was accordingly form ally made , whereupon the British commander nid the Chilian seamen taken ashore under ho protection of the British ling nnd burled vith duo military honors in graves ho had had prepared for tlicm. " " " iV PoHtul Scheme. LOXDOX , March SI. [ Special Cablegram to Tun Bi3i.i ; Postmaster General Ualkos in peaking of his recent action In forbidding ho establishment of n corps of messenger boys In this city by private parties , told a ro- lorter who Interviewed him today that If bo ind allowed the district messenger companies to carry out their proposed plans they would erlotisly Infringe on the monopoly of the > oital service , as they would soon steal the nest profitable part of the postal business , mmcly , the delivery of short distance letters. The postmaster general Imparted thn Inlor- nation that bo was engaged in the work of unturinga gigantic schema fora night nnd day messenger call and telephone service combined , and that this scheme was fnr beyond the dreams or the capacity of the ompauios which hod hoped to establish a ystcai similar to tbo ono ho proposed. Pnrnell nt Suoo , Mnrcli -Special ( [ Cablegram to Tun Bun. ] Mr. Parnell , in a speech deliv ered here , quoted General Gordon's opinion hnt tenants should bo bought out by compul- ory expropriation at a smalt sum and should bo allowed to keep their holdings in perfect ccurity and practically rent froo. Eight or en million pounds , ho said , would bo more ban ainplo to compensate tbo landlords for any losses they might sustain. At many other' meetings of Parnell's ' , the difllculty In obtaining a hearing has been so treat that the services of the pulico have been requontly required.1 The election agent of Valentino Dillon , ttto Pnrnelllto parllamen- ary candidate for North Sllgo , has applied to ho magistrates for "protection against what ho tcrmg "organized1 mobs. " Rvlctetl Crofters Sfiow Fight. Emxutmaii , March " 21. Dispatches from Hornowny state tbat Curing tno night a band of about ono hundred crofters of Lowls slnni ] , the northernmost and largest Island of the ouler Hebrides , marchod""froln ono Joint of. the IslantfCtftuaQthor , arriving this mowing at' OrjissayParV forest , frofrt which boy bed been , 'ovlctealn.6r.dec trf niiUie roomer or a deer reserve. 'Tho ' ci'oftxjrs upon their arrival entrenched the-ms lves lu ( ho ruins vblch' represented their 'for'inor faotVits , the buildings having been torn down by the Jiro- irietor of tbo island. They have formed n camp and announce that they intend to cultl- rate the land formerly h&ld'by tboii anil are > repared to resist by force any attempt made o oust thorn. _ _ _ la the Commons. LONDON'March 24. In the commons today Smith , government leader , repudiated any loslro on the part of , tbo government to co erce the people of Newfoundland. A most nflammatory document has been circulated m the west coast of Newfoundland nnd was ikely to seriously imperil poaco. The im perial government was compelled , much igalnst Us will , to Insure the performance of .he treaty obligations by the local legislature. ilo hoped good counsels would prevail and the colony would take steps to obviate the necessity of action on thopartof the Imperlr.l gOTornmciit , Parnell Heady to Fight. Dtmux , March 24. ( Special Cablegram to TIIK BKB. ] In a speech nt Sligo today Mr. Paruell predicted strife between Mr. Healy and Mr. Sexton for the leadership of the Mc Carthy lie party. In regard to Maurice Healy , Mr. Pnrucll said that tlmt Individual had Hod at the llrst sight of steel. Ho ( Pnrnoll ) was ready to light the secedors , but ho would uot Ulow the Hcalyitcs to make a deal with the 3ork torles and by coming with them show that the voice of Uabol Cork was different from what it was In 18SO. Declnrotl a State ( if Siege , LONDON , March 24 , Intelligence has readied here that the Portuguese have de clared a state of siege In Manlcalaud , South Africa , a part of which territory is the scene of operations of the British South Africa company , between which company and the Portuguese authorities there Is much hostility. It is stated that the purpose of tbo I'ortuguoss in decarlng a state of siege is to cocrco the English who have sot- tied in Manicaland. Honly Seriously Injured. COUK , March 24. The Injury douo to Ilcnly's eye by the blow ho received from Dalton last evening is of a moro surious nature than' at first supposed. Healy Is con- lined to his bed and his physicians say there Is a prospect thai bo wl i remain In his room for a month to como. The trial of Michael O'Brien , Dalton and other persons charged with rioting at the time of the trial .it Tip- pcrury of Dillon nnd OBrloa , opened here to day. Bloodthirsty' ' t'limils Kxcoiitnd. PAW , March pispatch03 ! Just received from Madagascac--Mato | that llninliisatra , governor of the brftvlilco of Belannnn , and his brother , who caused thu massacre , in March 4. last , of seine TS parsons belonging to the loading families , have been executed by the governments jo 1'ariicJj Ijnil Jlealoy. LONDON , MarcUJBl ; The Times today says Parnell having announced that ho has sent his application forl Chiltcrn Hundreds to Nolan , Henley has "so/it / bia application to Sir Thomas Esmondatotcslimillaueous presenta tion with that of Rayiicll. UevoliitionUry In Character. ROME , March 2 Ijl The pollco today soare.hod a number of anart-MW houses and seized papers showln g t ai1 Italian , French , Gor man nnd Spanish anarchists nro concerting to glvo the May day manifestation a rovolu- tlonary character , Dcclnroil for the liiKtirfjentn. PAIUS , March 31 , Telegrams from Iqulquo say that u portion of the Antofagastn garri son rofnsed to light and declared In favor of the Insurgents , and the rest Hod toward Ca- lama , closely followed by the Insurgents. Ilcili'cil in Good Order. PAWS , March 21 Tha Chilian legation in this city announces It htti received Informa tion that the government tronps retired in good order upon Calama , with im abundant supply of munitions of war and food , When I'nnioll.AVIll . Conic , March 21. The Parnell leadership cummltto * announces that Parnellvlll not resign until Healy has sought ro-olectlon. RAIDING THE \VII1SM \ JOINTS , Efforts in South Dakoti to Stop the Liq uor Trafflo. GOLD DISCOVERED IN THE BAD LANDS , Rapid City VotoH Bonds ( it Aid of n New Railroad- Affairs nt Hose- bud Agency College Troubles. MITCHP.M. , S. D. , March 21. [ Special Tele- grain to TUB Dnr-.J States Attorney Hitch cock had Injunctions from the circuit court served on Fred Wldmann , . Tames Oormloy , U. C. Wills , i'hlnlas 1'owora and John Good- win , saloonkeepers , restraining thorn from the further sale of liquor. The places of \Vldmnnu and ( Jormley wcro searched by the sheriff. A blp stock of liquors was found nt the former's place , and some mtilt nt the lat- tcr's. ' The \Vulmaiin \ ( foods wcro seized , As the law Is very rigid It Is thought this will stop selling for a while. , Gold In tlio Itail Pir.mii : , S. D. , March 24. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UtiK. ] Last summer Tom Phillips - lips , Joe \Vandnll nnd a companion namou Jioar wont Into the bad lands in tno western part of the reservation on a hunting expedi tion. They returned with ovldeneo of hav ing found gold. This is not a new report from the bad lands , rrany men having de clared that gold and silver could bo found there. But none hnvo yet developed It in paying quantities. 'J'heso parties think they have , ana liavo linbuod others with their 'faith to the extent of organizing a mining district nnd laying out a town. The district is called \Vnncloll and the town Logan. Sago creclt Is u tributary to the Had river winch crosses the bad lauds and along it the auriferous placers nro alleged to exist. Great preparations have been made by the proprie tors to visit the llnd this spring nnd resume the work interrupted by the Indians last fall. A party will start trom hero for the llnd this week. Affairs at Ilnscbiul. IN , 8. D. , March 21 , f Special Telegram to Tim HKI : . ] U. U. Wcntworth and family passed through hero today from Ilosobml agency on their way to the eastern portion of tbo state. MrVentvorth was a teacher in one of the camp day schools there and gives an interesting account of the pres ent Indian situation. Ho says some of the younger Indians nro a little surly , out the wiser counsel of the older and moro experi enced members of the tribes will prevent any further disturbance with the Sioux. Thu dlsarmlntr , however , was nothing but n farce nnd the Indians still retain their good suns , although they fully realize that they stand no show with the Hotchkiss and Guttling guns that would again bo turned against them. Lively TliiiCH in Cell < ! io. VKHMILMON- . D. , March 24. [ Special Telegram to Tun Br.E.l The universltv trouble is assuming a more serious aspect than over before. This morning in chapel Local Regent Inmnn , on behalf of the board , suspended Indefinitely three seniors , three Juniors and one freshman , and the faculty presented n report requesting the president to resign. The students are very much ex cited and are preparing to lonve school , They have called a mooting for tbis after noon. _ Bonds J'or a Uailroad. lUnn CiTr , S. D. , March 2 . [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. [ Rapid City held an election today un n proposition to bond the city indebtedness and give § 100,000 to aid in the construction of the Uapld City & South western railroad to thu center of the tin dis trict and on to the coal Holds of Wyoming. The vote stood : afllrinatlvc , 7T3 ; negative , 1. "Work on the road will bo commenced as soon as the wcatlier permits. CACtfEMt A DCS Molncs Torn up Over tlio Hatton- DCS MOIJ.T.S , la. , March 24 , [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BKK. | The publication of the facts 'In the trasio death of 11 , S. Hatton nnd Mrs. Agnes J. Russell , caused a great sensation In this city to-day. Tbe coroner's | ury was In session till a late hour last night , nnd finally returned a verdict of accidental death. The mystery In regard to the woman was cleared up by the arrival of her former hus band , W. P. Kusscll , nnd her son from St. Joseph , Mo. , on an evening train. The hus band has been hi Spokane Pulls , Wash , , for about eight years , engaged in the real ostnto business. Mr. Kussoll said bo was in St. Joseph , Mo. , when his wlfo loft. She said sha was going to Chicago for treatment , and the terrible news that she was dead reached mm and nis son early .Monday forenoon. Mrs , litmcll was highly respected by St. Joseph people , ana she was for several years city librarian. She had raised her boys well , and there had never boon a breath of scandal fibouthor nuninVarrouHussoll Is employed In the Diagonal ticket ofllco at St. Joseph , and Tony Hussull Is employed In the post- ofllco. Mrs. Hussell , whoso maiden name was Agnes Monroe , was the daughter of a respectable ana highly connected family In Savannah , Mo. , and was forty years old and very haudaomo. \Vhllo Air. Hatton was a 'osldont of Sa vannah in I8W ( ho was very attentive to her , but she married \V.F. Uusscll about twenty years ago , but was afterwards divorced. Mr. Hatton wus always received as a friend of the family , nnd a gentleman who had known him all his life said yesterday that it was because - cause of this woman that ho had never mar ried. Mr. Hatton was forty-two years of age. "Tho uiaiTwho would sell ono of thbso bath beaters , " said Capuiln M. Trus oU comment ing on thotrugedv , "ought to bo arrested and locked up1 and Captain Uussell proceeded to toll how his i > on-ln-law , Mr. Cole , came wllUin an acuof polishing by ono of the deadly heaters some time ago , though a win dow had been up over since the ens was lighted. Mr. Cole fell heavily on the lloor , causing n nolso which brought help , but it took an hour to restore him to consciousness. A Dus Molnes lady came nearly perishing In the aauw way. ( JCH Moinm ( in a Homier Uns MOISKS , la. , March at. [ Special Tele gram to TnK Br.E.I The DC * Mulncs river Is higher now ut this point than for several years , nnd considerable damage Is belug ilono. A great gorifo Is reported about eighteen - eon miles up the river , which contains the wrecks of several bridges that have been carrlou away. When this comes Sdown it la feared some of t io bridges hero will go out. The Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City rail road bridge Is already damaged so as to bo unsa'o. Sold ttio HondH. Sioux CITY , In. , March :3I : , [ Special Tele gram to Tun Uic. : ] The bonds of the Slonx City & Northern , amounting to * 1,9'20,000 , , have been sold mainly to eastern parties. It Is reliably stated that James J. 11111 of the Great Northern purchased a part of these bonds. _ .1 ST.llilllXG .Ili'I-VM V. .Famos Imimhnn Itcoolvco n FMnI ' 1'orter. Wound l-'rom a Colored Ciir.YiwxiVyo. : . , March J4. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BKK. ] A stabbing affray oc curred at the Pacllio hotel at Hawllns this morning , James Lnuahnn , the storekeeper , being stabbed twice by the colored porter. Ills wounds are fatal and the porter has ucon arrested nnd Is in Jail , Many' Inoculated for Hydrophobia. NiW ! VonK , March 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB UKS.J Dr. Paul Olblcr , director ol ItioNowVoik Pasteur Institute , has Just made public the results of inoculations for hydrophobia during the llrst twelve months of the lustltuto'a existence to Fob. vuory 18 , Ib'Jl. There were 82U persons treated for dog nnd cat bltoj. Among the number there wore from Illinois it , Ponu ylvnnla 0 , Misjourl 3 , Texas 52 , Kentucky 2 , Ohio 2 , Arizona 1 , Minnesota 1 , Iowa 1 , Nebraska 1 , Antnnsiw | , LoulMuim 1 , and Indian territory 1. No death caused by hydrophobia has been reported among the persons Inoculated. Iiuligents have oeca treated free of clmrgo. THI : inxox.M'v.t tny FIUUT. Injunction Ifmtod to Prevent tlio I'olloe IViiin InlfiTiTliig. Tnor , N. Y. , March SM. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun BEE. ] At the meeting of the pollco commissioners hero tonight , they Instructed the superintendent to see that the law was obeyed. This meant that the Dlxon- McCarthy light will come off , nnd Jndgo Grllllth Issued an Injunction restraining the pollco from stopping tlio light. Will Test tin ; liiiw. SAX FitAXcisco , Col. , March ' 'I. [ Special Telegram to Tun UKI : . ] The new ordinance prohibiting the solo of pools on liorso races oxcoot nt places where actual racing takes place , went Into effect this morning. All the pool rcoins except ono closed lu conformity with the law nnd after the bookmaker of that establishment was arrested It alsoclosoa The arrest was made for the purpose of mak- up a test case In court. Manning Knocked Our , , Minn. , March 24. Billy Manning of California , once champion light weight of the Pacific const , and Clmrley Johnson fought tonight at the Twin City Athletic club fora of $75. Manning was knocked out In the twentieth round. A I'ui-HO for Hall ami ASTOUIA , Oro. , March 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BriK.j Directors of the Astoria Athletic club this afternoon decided to give n purse of 817,000 for n light between Hull nnd Ifltzsltmiions , The olTor was wired to the sporting editor of a Chicago paper. .YJBir voiiiva HAXK V.IMLVHK. lOvainlncr Hepburn ASHII 11101 Charuo nnd IHSIIOS a Statement. NKW YOIIK , March ! M. Technically speak ing , the doors of the Washington National bank , whoso failure- was given out last evening , wore not closeJ , ns It was announced they would bo today. Conspicuously posted on the door was the following notice : At the request of the directors I have taken possession of this bank in the name of Comp troller of the Currency Lncey , under whoso direction Its affair will bo liquidated. A. It. Ilonburu , National Bank Examiner. The eloiks were all In their accustomed places this morning , but no money was re ceived or p-Uil ont. Sidell Tilghuin , ono of the directors , today said the capital stock of tbo bank was faoo- , 000 unit it had been impaired to the extent of $ IHO,0X ( ) by loans by President Shermnu. Tilgham said ho felt certain the depositors would bo paid in full and that the only per sons who would bo losers would bo the stock holders. Notices wcro pnstcd this afternoon that all checks drawn on the Wiuulnuton National bank by the Commercial National bank of Fremont , Neb. , will bo paid by the First Na tional bank of this city. United States Bank Examiner Hepburn gave out a lengthy .statement this afternoon , In which ho said thatns farns bis examina tion extends there will DO nn apparent loss to the bank from various sources of ? US,00I. ( This would still leave the stockholders enti tled to a dividend of SO percent. Ho thinks the depositors will bo paid in full. Among the instances of bad business done , ho sold , the banic received out of town collections and bunt them forward marked "no protest , " in structing the corresponding bffnk to hold thorn sublect to order. At the same time they certified check. ' ) that had been depos ited aBttliihtthesicollections andnllowed such Items to stand. "No ono thing alls the bank , " added Hcpburn/'buteverything inadequate security for loans , loans to parties of notori ous impecuiiiositv , and uttfr disregard for established banking principles characterized the management throughout. The pomp- trollcrof tbo cuironcy will probably appoint a receiver. " Investment Company in Trouble. ST. PATI , Minn. , March 21 , A Pioneer Press special from Pierre , S. D. , says the Capital investment company , generally Known as the Woonsockct company , Is In trouble. At tbo election March 17 the old directors and oftleers wuro ousted nnd Car penter and Uccd , respectively , elected pres ident and secretary. The former otllcers re fused to plvo up ofllce , claiming an illegal election , nnd the matter is going into court. Carpenter and Reed claim that the old ofll- ccrs President Lumloy , Secretary Hynn , Vice President Croton and Treasurer Hinds -aro attempting to wreck the company. Thcso ofllccrs have published a notlco warn ing people not to pay moneys to the new ofll ccrs. The Hat Trust Collapses. DANiumr , Conn. , March 21. ( Special Tele gram to Tin : BEK.J The big wool hat trust , which was formed with a capital of § lr > 00,000 , at the meeting of the loading hat manufact urers o 1 the country about two weeks ago , lias collapsed. The National hat company , under which nutna the trust was oigimized , lias Issued a circular through Its president , Charles O. Sanford , OMO of the largest , manu facturers of wool hats in the country , sa.\lng that It being Impossible to hannoiil/'o the In terests existing in the huUlntr tr.ulc the pro ducts of tbo vnilous wool hat manufactories n tlio organization will bo handled independ ently as heretofore. Insolvent lor Kl < * lilocn Vears. Loinsvn.i.i : , Ky. , March 21. Further de velopments in the Schwart/ bank failure show that the Institution has been practlc ally Insolvent since 1S7I1. In that year bad investments were mndo in real estate anit since then the bank seems tu have done prac tically llttlo profitable business. \ \ IioIoHnlo Dry Goods Failure. NAMIVII , ! . ! : , Tenn. , March 21. Anderson , Grew & Co. , wholesale dry goods , notions , etc. , of this city , failed today , fho liabilities are $ iiOOOl : ) ; assets , $200,000. Inability to make collections was the cause. Decreed n Hunk's Dissolution. Niw : "Yoiii ; , March . Judge Iiigraham of the supreme court today entered a final do- crco dissolving tbo North Itlvor hank. Francis S. Hlgglna was appointed receiver. New York Herald : Grip Did you over know a man to commit sulculu by swallowing erasers until ho was wiped out ! Same No ; but I was at a hotel once where a fellow took napkins until ho was done uu 1 Soumrvlllo Journal : vVomau may bo able to pack a trunk bolter than man , but she needs the man to sit on the lid aftur aho bus packed it , just the same. KICKED OVER THE TRACES , Carter Harrison Wako3 His Pirst Publio Appearance pearanco in Chicago's Campaign. MAYOR CREGIER BITTERLY DENOUNCED He I'ays Ilia ItcHpccts ( o Senator Palmernml SIIJ-H Keurrnl Inter- IVironoo In Not Wnntod In liocnl PolltlUH. CIIICAOO , March 24. Carter Harrison nmdo * his llrst uppoaranco In publio tonlpht slnco receiving the nomination for the mayoralty. It was at Central musto hall and the plaoo was crowded with his adherents. The meet ing proved to bo one that U likely to bo mem orable In Illinois politics and Indirectly also in national altalri. Harrison savagely de nounced his fellow-democrat and opposing candidate , Mayor Cregler , doclarlnir the lat ter , not himself , was standing In the way of party harmony. The speaker declared that he had this morning written Crcglcr propos- Int that both withdraw and a neutral candi date bo selected. In the mom Ing papers , however , ho had road that Senator-elect Palmer was coming to Chicago to assist Crogior. Under such circumstances , the speaker said , his ofter to withdraw might bo regarded IM a wealtenliip , and ho Instantly resolved "by the eternal to stay In the light till the end. " Tbo people resented federal meddling In local concerns nnd John M. Palmer had no right to come to Chlcapo to Interfere between the two sections of the democratic party. Harrison , In conclusion , emphatically denied Intriguing In his own Interest against Palmer's election ns senator The resolutions , proposed by ox-Congress man Frank Lnwler , were adopted with a yell of unmhtakablo unanimity. They nro : Wliproiii , It Isnlloued tlmt Puniitnr Pulmor Is to lie Induced to c'onio to UliU'uio to miuport Mr. Oroglorlii liUcamllduey for mayor us ul- Itiri'd ioiri | > scntatlMJ of domoerni'y , bo It liesolvud , lly Chicago personal right * league to tbo numbur of 1.000 In muss incut lux assembled , and IU , U other niuinhvrs In Obl- I'iiKo , that Oi'tioral I'almor bo ii'tincslt-d to not Interfere \\Ilh homo ruin lu ClilesiKO , us repro- st'MtliiK no faction but thu wlioU ; state of Illi nois. A copy of UIPSQ resolutions 1ms been telegraphed Senator I'nlmor. Xllls SVA'fEHMAX. Jerry Simpson Quaintly IllH Opinion on Temperance , BOSTOX , Mass. , March 24. | Special Tele gram to Tun BIK. : ] Congressman Jerry- Simpson of Knnsas arrived here today. Ilo said the farmer * ' alliance smote s'enator Ingalls more In kindness than in wr.Ub , and ho believed him all right now and that ho could hereafter bo relied upon to further the interests of the people. Ho bcllovoil the farmers' alii- nnco would carry twelve at least of thu south- em states In 1802 , nud It was almost certain they would have a urcsldontlal candidate in tbo Hold nt that time. His views on the temperance question wove quaintly summarized in the romurlc that "tho ulllnnco thinks that Ib Is not a question . whether a man goes homo drunk or not , but whether ho has any Homo to go to. The alli ance .wants to first look after a man's phys ical welfare before it undertakes his moral regeneration. " Senator Pnlntcr DcollncH to Ti'illc. Si'iuxnriF.i.n , 111. , March 24. When Sena tor Palmer was late tonight shown a copy of < the resolutions adopted by the Harrison meeting in Chicago ho declined to talk. The public , ho said , will bo mndo awareof bis re ply after bo 1ms answered the ofllcial com munication ho expects to receive from Chi CORO. V/illlum B. Drinton , a member of thcdcmo- cratic state committee , late tonight soU a conference of tbo members of the committee ! now in this city como to the conclusion that General XJalmor should talco'no iiotleo of tbo resolutions passed tonight , as not coming from organl/.ed democracy. It Is bclloved that the state central committee will tomor row formally Invlto General Palmer to parti cipate in the Chlcapo campaign and assist In the election of Cregicr. UMIII rated IImi Ilrlbory. SiciiAMRXTo , Culn. , March 21. The assem bly today adopted the minority report of the committee appointed to investigate the charges of accepting bribes for appointment to the San Francisco police force , which charges were macio ncnlnst Assemblyman Brunei1. The report , which exonerates Bru- nor , was concurred in by till except the demo cratic members and live ropubllcius. The majority report , finding Hruuor guilty , hav ing been published by the newspapers , wes not'read or printed in the journal. The mi nority report , while exonerating Bruner. cen sures him for having failed to secure himself and the assembly against scandal. Dookery'c ' ppropriali m Compllat'oii. Sr. Lot-is Mo. , March 21. The Uopubilo has received from Congressman Doehery an elaborate compilation of the appropriations of the Fiftieth and Fltty-llrst congresses , whicli shows a no' , Increase of appropriations by the Fifty-flint over ' ' 10 Fiftieth congress of Sl'.K- ) ! X)9i ) ! ( ! ) . Docker. , calls attention to the fact that the statement , by Chairmen Allison and Cannon a week or so ngo shows n total of S - lllU.llOO less than the above , which huucceunts for by saying that Cannon did not include in his statement $3,230.000 , back pay In bounty , 3,000,000 sugar bounty and $15,277,001) ) , thu amount of the direct tax bill. Koportod AilvcrHoly. Sr. Louis , March ! il. A special dispatch says that In the upper house of tbo Arkansas legislature today the llnnnco committee re ported adversely on the bill appropriating $50,000 $ for world's fair purposes. Missouri lif iHlitturo AdJnitriiH. Sr. Louis' , Mareh 24. At noon today the legislature adjourned sine dio. Tins Grip Kplilomio In PirTunumi , March 24. From a street Joho the grip has become a generally dangerous disease. The death ruto is swelling rapidly ana thib mouth will break the record by an nlurmlug Incrciuo of tt ) per cent. Tim direct causes given on many certificates Is j-ilp , in- fever and diph ilucn/a , pneumonia , typhoid theria. The grip is dally growing moro so. vero and now the number of victims U near- lug the 5 , < KM iniirK in this iIty : nnd suburbs. I'hyslciaus are ovcrwoiIced and some report as high as forty to sixty cases , Me the. best month * In which to purify your blood , for at no other se.if on does the system so much need the aid of a reliable medicine llko Hood's Sarsnparlll.i , as now. Dm Ing the long , cold winter , the Mood becomes tblu and Impure , the body becomes eak and tiled , tbo appetite may bo lost. Hood's S.usaparllla Is peculiarly adapted to purify and enrich the Mood , lo cicatongood appetite and to o\er- como that tired feeling. I * ! Sarsaparilla Has ft larger Bale than any other sarsaparilla or blood purifier , and It Increases in popularity every year , for it Is the Ideal Sprfns Medicine. " I have for a loiii ; tlmo been using Hood's Barsaparllla , and bellcvo mo , I would not bo without it. Asa spring medicine It is Invalu able. " P. . A. llitonrs , 130 Ontario Street , Chicago , 111. u turo to get Hood's Barsaparllla will cure , when In tlio power of medicine , scrofula , salt rheumsores : , bolls , pimples , all burnois , dyspepsia , biliousness - ness , sick liendacbo , Indigestion , general ileblllty , catarrh , rheumatism , kidney and liver complaints , nml all diseases or affections ailMng from Impure blood or low condition ol the system. "liUhospilng 1 got completely run down. 1 could not cat or sleep , nml all the dreaded The Spring Medicine diseases ot llfo bcciucd to have a mortgage on my system. I have now taken two bottles of Hood'a Hnnaparllla and ) ia\o gained 22 pounds. Can at anything without. It liurtlni ; mo ; my dypcpsla and bllloiunoss have cone. I never felt belter In my lite. Those twu . " W. V. bottles wcro worth $100 to mo. KULOWS , LINCOLN , HI , Hood's Sarsapanila x. iiHiKllilftiealiti. Hh | ilr for Pi. froparcdonlr HoldljirnlliUugzliti , fillilxforf ) . reparation ! r' ; . I. HOOD A CO. , At > othecatlo > , Txwull , U i. U.I.IIOOD.V CO. , AritbfCtrlei , Lon llMili. IOO Doses Ono Dollar IOO DOBOB Ono Dollar