' THE OMAHA BEE ; -TUESDAY ( , MARCH 24 , 1891. VOOLLBrSWONDERPOLTORL ttho Eoard of Education's ' Building Super intendent Gets into Trouble. < IF'TELLS SADLY CONFUSING STORIES , > Ellis Approved ljr Him nro Shown to .bo Vcrjr ) ' 'xortltAnt Mat ters for itio Hoard's Investigation. FraolcV. . Woolley , wbo draws a salary of ( l.'iO j > cr iTionth p ? superintendent of build ings and property for the Omaha board of education Is undoubtedly getting himself Into n very embamsslng position as a result of his neglect of duty and palpable inefficiency. Speak In i ? of the investigation thnt bos been ordered by the board In his case Mr. Euclid Martin said : " \Vc have n right , I think , to expect that the superintendent of buildings will try at least to do what the hoard orders him to do by resolutions passed at our regulartnoot- Ings , and wo have n right , I think , to expect that the superintendent will tell the truth in bis rcK | > rts und In his oral statements to the ooanl. "On February 20 the board ordered Mr. Woolloy to put the stern windows on the Lake school. In his written report to the board pn March 2 , Mr. Woolloy stated that ho had done as the hoard directed on Feb ruary ! ! : ! . Members of the board were not aware of the fact that Mr. Woolloy hud not put up iho storm winder * at thoLako school , as ho had said , until Monday March 10 , when I telephoned to the principal of the Lake school and learned that the storm windows dews were still la the basotncntwhorcthey had been all winter. "You remember tbo excuse that Mr. \Voolley gave last Mondav night when con fronted ny these tacU. lie said in the pres ence of the board and the reporters that ho Imd gotten the storm windows nil ready to put In , but the principal told him that ho bud better not put thorn up ns the weather was not very blustery and they were not needed. "i don't really know whether what ho said about the weather last Monday iilirht was nuv nearer the tiutb than his written report was on March U. You had better look that point up. "On March 7 the board passed a resolution Iristructlng Mr. Woolloy to take down the yellow window shadus that ho had put or. tbo windows of the Farnntn school and put up a different color , In accoruanco with former regulations adopted. Tim yellow blinds are still on the Farnam school windows , nnd Mr. Woolloy says ho Is waiting until Mr. Fal coner gets ready to do the work. " "What progress is being : made In the Inves tigation of the excessive bill submitted for tbo two-room building on Davenport street ! " "I am not on that committee. You know as much about it as I do. The bill Is filed thcro In the clerk's oDico nnd speaks for itself. " "When the reporter for Tun BEE entered tno principal's oflico at thu L.ako school nnd asked her whether she had told Mr. 'Woolloy in February not to put up the storm windows von4,110 building , Iho lady refused to answer the question directly , saying : 4I think all such things should go to the lubllc if they must go to the pub- io through the board of education , do not wish to talk to a newspaper reporter about business that be longs to the board. If 1 talk to anybody about this matter it will bo to the board when thnt body has requested mo to talk , and not before then. " "Hut I wiis referred to you by a member of that board , " said tlio reporter. "I simply wish to Itnow whether you did or did not tell Mr. Woolloy In tbo latter part of February not to put up the storm windows on the Lake school. " "I will talk to the board , but not to a re porter , " said the lady lirmly , and stepping to the telephone sbo called un Mr. Martin. The end of the telephonic conversation which then took plnco and which the reporter bcnrd , was about la follows : "Is this Mr. Mai tin I" "Is It necessary for mo to answer the , questions of n newspaper reiwrtcr regard Ing these storm windows ) " 1 "But I don't like the newspaper notoriety. t don't think It is the right way to do. If I nm obliged to talk about such things I would rather talk to the board. " "Yes , I saw thut pleco in the paper. " \Voolloycamoright up hero the next day ; that was last Tuesday or Wednesday. i Jlo wanted to put the storm windows up i then , but I told him not to do It , for it Is alt - t most spring now. " . ' "O , no. IIo Is mistaken. I novcr told him not to put tbo storm windows up until after that piece was iu the paper the nrst of this week you know. " "I know that I told him nothing about the windows , excoptlng that I wanted them put on , until ho called hero Just the other day. " As tbo lady turned away from the tele phone , the reporter again asked : "As n mat- , tar of fact then , did you or did you not toll Mr. Woolley in February that bo need not , put up the storm widows1 ! "I did not , " she replied quito emphatically. It now remains for Mr. Woolloy to explain his statement made at the ooard meeting lost Monday night. Thn committee appointed to Investigate the Itemized bill for the two-room school building on Davenport street bas not yet bad a meet- iue , bill the indications nro that some glaring overcharges will bo found. The total cost of tbo building foots up about $1,000. , Mr. Babcock - cock referred to the apparent expensivcnoss ot the building at tha last mooting of tbo board , nnd Morris Morrison oxplalned that the reason this building seemed ernfnslvo was tire fact that former buildings of the Itlnd , put up by contract , were made of very poor material nud were shnbbilv nullt Speaking of this matter , Mr. Martin said : "If .somo of these school huilu- ingslinvobec-'l built of bogus material who - r is to blame for It ? Wo hlro Mr. Woolley to superintend the erection of our buildings and strikes mo that ho and his friends are exposing - posing themselves when they admit that be has permitted the contractors to defraud tbo cltv. " The bill for the brick work on the small , two room building erected on Davenport street , Is un Interesting scrap of paper. It says : "Dr. to John Hoyo for building founda tion to school house on Davcuport street : 12,500 brick nt ll ยง 137 50 Building two chimneys city furnish ed the brick-bricklayers 18 00 Laborers 8 00 Band 0 00 Lime 4 00 Total S175 50 The two chimneys , only ono-story high , oo.-US.Tf ! over and nbovo the brick , which were furnibhoJ by the city , were built by Mr. JIou1 , who assigned his claim to John Hush. nnd who drew the cAsh for which the bill calls. It now begins lo dawn upon the board that sonia of these ityms , along with many others In connection with tbo building , are exor bitant , if not absolutely fraudulent , ana a careful Investigation will bo demanded. Iloyo's bill for RiU for constructing the two chimneys was submitted to a contractor - tractor without any explanation as to Who did the worker for whom U was Uono nnd his opinion was asked as to whether it was a reasonable charge , IIo dissected it as follows : "II was probably Job work nnd would cost , more than the regular scale. The chimneys were about nlno foot high , eighteen feet for , the two , and should not have cost more than $1 a foot , $18 in all , nnd the contractor fur. nlsh nil the material. The charge of $13 for bricklayers Is three or four times as much as U should have boon. The scale lsJ.50 a day for bricklayers , though W a day would not bo excessive - cossivo for an odd Job of that kind. Any kind of a mason would build two such chimneys In a half day. The charge of $18 represents the wagps of four bricklayers for a full day nt $1.50 each , with 13.00 allow ud for helpers. The chavt'o of fO for sand is out of all reason , If wo had to paymich rates for building sand 'thoro wouldn't bo any brick or stone structure * built in Omaha. The two chim neys stipultl have .been built for 130 ut most nnd the contractors furtlsh the material. With the brick furnished as Iu tills ease , the chnrjo for labor and uand and Itmo should not have qxccodcd $1'J at the outside. " Another chnrgo Is made agnlnst Woolloy by nn onluial of the board , who. excused tbo fthort-rainlufta of the superintendent of build- Ingt nn the grounds that ho It kept too busy enjoying himself to pivo the proper attention to hU worit. "Frank- ono of the boyB , " smd thoonlclal , "and would luuoh rather play high-live for the oenr than bother himself the orders and Instructions of the bp rd. Hfl bus a habit ot leaving the supcrlntcndcnco of repairs to tha janitors of the various schools nnd the result U thnt the work Is not dona nt all or Tory poorly done. "Spcakine of the ? 1COO , bill for the Davenport - port street build Ing , " COD tinned the official , ' reminds mo that several buildings were put up last year that -were , exactly llko ttiat build In ? nt a cost of $ Xfl each. But then a Httlo difference of % ya In the cost of two articles of exactly equal value do u't cut auy figure so long as tbo city pays the bills. " DoWItt a Utlla early Risers : only pill to cure nick headache and rcgulato the bowels * MAY GIT SlIjIC The Alleged Murderer of 1'oor Held , for Investigation. After reading the Interview with Page , the Poor murderer suspect now In the Chicago Jnll , County Attorney Mahoney yesterday saldr "I place bat little confidence In the man's statement regarding Silk's ' confession. The parties are all thieves nnd crooks and for this rca on you can ft bellovo them. "It looks , of course , as though Page know something about the murder , but ho rnlgnt hnvo obtained his Information from the papers printed at the time. The Interview Is about tbo same as the affidavit now in my ixissossinii and recites the satno facts. "If the Chicago authorities fail to convict Silk ho will bo brought hero and wo will see what wo can do with him. I have an nr- ranRoment \ \ tha Chicago chief of police by which I will bo notified of his release , and In the meantime I shall continue my investi gations nnd see what testimony I can work up agnlnst him. " rratik Williams , the suspect held at the city Jail on the strength of frank Paeo's allldiwit charging him with complicity in the murder of Charles Poor , was released yes terday on motion of CountyAttorney Ma- bonoy. Williams Informed Judge Hclsloy thnt his homo was in St. Cloud , Minn. , nnd thnt his occupation wus that , of a dishwasher and "hasher. " The court did not like the looks of his ugly mug.and told him thatho couldn't stay In Omaha under any circumstances , ns ho was a bad man and the police know it , A sentence of nlnty days was suspcned and the prisoner ordered taken to the bridge. "And don't you conm back hero , " said his honor , "for If you do you will bo arrested , and if you are brought before mo , no matter if It is six months from now , I will enforce that sen tence , and a part of it will bo on bread and water. " For strengthening and clearing the voice , use "Brown's Bionchlal Troches. " "I have eommcnded.thom to friends who were public spcaxcrs , and they have proved extremely serviceable. " Kov. Henry Ward Beecher. BTOPPBD 1HU WO11K. Mnjor BirkhniiHcrTgniii Alter the Anplmlt Pavers. Chairman Birkhnuscr , of the board of pub lic works , yesterday stopped tbo gang of paving repairers who were at work on Cum- Ing street. The move was made out of defer ence to the kicks of property owners. Mr. BIrkhauscr states that asphalt'cav ing put down nt this tlmo of the year is absolutely worthless. Said he , "It Is worse now than In the fall , faomo of the paving put down last fall will have , to como up , as it is so soft that I can stick my heel through it , The old paving Is full of frost and it chills the now material used In repairing before it can bo com pressed. Tuo result is that it Is so imper fectly compressed that it never hardens. To do the work now simply means that It would have to bo done over again and thcro is no use in barricading the street every little while. As soon as the weather ls warm enough the work will bo done. " The best nnd cheapest Car-Starter is sold by the Bordpn & Sellcck Co. , Chicago , 111. With it ono man can move a loaded car. Overruled the licmnrrer. At noon yesterday Judge Helsloy handed down a decision In the case of Keys nnd Kills. These mon were tried some tlmo ago on the charge of larceny , It being claimed that they confidence * ! a men named Wolf out of about Tbo defendants filed n demurrer to the evidence Introduced at that time and it was on that question the Judge had been called upon to decide. Judge Helsloy overruled the demurrer and decided that the charge of lar ceny had been established. The case Is sot for bearing nt 10:30 o'clock VNodnesday morning. Try Cook's ' Extra Dry Imperial Cham- nngne. There is no foreign wine that has Its boquot or any that is as pure. "RiiffnluHtllV New Show. Colonel Cody was In the city yesterday en route to New York , from which point ho will saU with his Wild West show early In April for another European tour , lie says ho has a much larger and finer aggregation of talent than ho had on bis first trip abroad and is In excellent condition to amuse and amaze the crowned and uncrowned heads of the old world. Sherman Can field , will accompany tbo party as Colonel Cody's private secretary. Colonel Cody was a caller nt TUB BRE office this morning. Mrs. Jones hasn't a pray hair in her head u d Is over fifty. She looks as young ns her a ughtcr. The secret of It is thatsho uses nlv Hall's Hair Ucnewor. Swallowed Morphine Capsules. Aleck McCloud died Saturday at the fam ily residence , 819 South Seventeenth street , aged eighteen months. The Httlo follow man aged to get hold of some morphine capsules and swallowed some of the poison. Medical aid was summoned , but death could not be a\erted. The funeral will take place nt 10 o'clock this morning. Interment at Laurel Hill. Mrs. VVinslow's Soothing Syrup reduces Inflammation while children nro tcothlnc. 25 ccut-s a bottle. Uncle iu Jnll. .1. J. Hade , one of the principals In the shooting aflmy at Waterloo Saturday morn ing , was brought to this city yesterday and placed In the county jail , unable to give bonds for his appearance In the district court. D'O Witt's Little Early Klsors. Best Httlo pill over made. Cure constipation every timo. None equal. Use them now. The Barker R. Smith. Chicago : W. E. Mc- X/eod , Clinton ; 1' . A. McDonald. Bpokano Fulls : W. Li Mull , Oeadwood : J. 11. Cnldvell. Salt I ako ; 1' . Jnmusnnd son , Gruud Island ; 11 , U Douglas , Chicago. The Murray Dr. Strauss. M. 01 nick , W. E. Brothers , N. E. Clnrkgnn , A. S. Walker , New York : A. II. Goodo. Cliurlo * K. Clarke , M. William * ! . Ghlcaxo ; 11. S. Gr.ivusP\orth I'lntto : Clmrlos Vollmun , Suit Imko ; Dr. Kden. A. M. Siiyclanj , Urooklii ; U. L Sherwood , Rochester , N. X , The Herchants-F. T. IlartlettKansas City ; II.S. Peovy , Nobwka City : I. , . II. Kent. Or- leansJ. E. Diinsln. Wuhoo ; C. II. Smith ami vrlto , I'lmthmoutlt : Cioorgo ConwajPaglnuw. . -Mloli.j llonry PMlllns , Otturnwu. In. ; W. J. Williams. IH'fianco ' ; 1) ) , G. Wilcox. n. I'itzslm- tnons nnd I1.1) . \\llcox , St. 1'aul , Nob. The Dcllouo W , A. Mollrlnp. F. T. lUniuy. St. Jou ; U I. , t-mlth , Lincoln ; F. J. S. Hackney. IxmlsMllo. Ky. ; | | , M. Ito crn , Oliloapo ; 11. II Cobl > . P. O. Laften. Oenuvu ; 1) ) . N. Wncoler , Tender : Paul t'lcsmir. Tri-mont ) W. 0. Harncs. Nebraska Ulty ; K. A. Chase. St. JoHtMili ; William Ujilor. George HaWer , Dunhar ; W. \V , bo ell nndvlte. . Ht , Joe ; Kred II. Bmltb , S. hellogj. Nebraska City. The Murray J. l . Canon. Lincoln ; J. P. Fine. Hh lton ; l oroy Hull. Crawford. r\ob. ; Kd It. Shuw.Codar Itaplas In. ; O. F. Dranscr , Helvldrre : O. 11. Wilson , Arllnctuu ; Jolin Norton. Henry 1'hl , Lou I TaU iittitst | , T.ilmuKui J. U. Arnold , DCS Molncs : Knill Heller Wf t I'olnti II. II. Uo s. Vail , In. ; J. 0. Mi'olr. .Superior : U. A. Alison , Herman : 1) . Vn : itte. A Ins worth ; William Orecr , Tlmrinan. Iu. ; John J , Neabett uuU family , NotlU 1'lutto ; S. M , Young. Tender. The Mlllard a P. BIaekro n. Clilaapo : II.T. I.clnlst. Atchltnn ; M. II Hopowotl. ToUiuuah : T II. Kill ) . Norfolk ! W. K. Tlilcmell. Dos Molnoi ; J.\V , Hoffman , Lincoln ; W.C , Droolcs , Deatrlco ; M' , U. Lynch , K lloltovriiy , SU Louis. The I'axton S M , Elder. I.incolu : U. P. Child. Kansas City : J. W. llo\vmati , ChlcftKoj O. CHanson , MomnhlsV ; N. Lowell , Kansas City ; r.llwoou W , KVUUH. V , a. A. . Kort Meudc. S. II. ; W. Q. Spencer. Chicago ; A. Orlsot , Now \ork ; ( .forgo MeCYrmlc- ! . I'aul , Neb. : I. Kles. Now York ; J. C. Iturhunuu , Hylvi'ktt-r M r- ahnll. UliliiiRo ; II. O.Oncer , I-'rnnk II Scott und lady , I'rumunt ' ; M. W.Coohraiic. Wllbcr : K. II. lladfUld. Outhouborif , J. J. ( Jutland , Co- HE IS WANTED IN THIS CITY , An Ogden Mujlo Dealer Arrested for an Old Offense ic Omaha. SWINDLED HIS FRIENDS AND FLED , Ho Dodged Detectives by Turning De tective and Continue.il His I'ocu- llnr nnd IrroRtilar Deals Other Local News. Thcro are many things that Indicate that T. S. Clarke , the rnaa who -nos arrested at Ogdcn lost Saturday , Is badly wanted in Omaha. * In January , 18S8 , ono Qcorgo 0. Wheeler and Edward C. Cundy came to the city , and a few weeks later bought out J. L. Watson , who at that tlmo was running the Now Yoik storage company store , which occupied the second , third and fourth floors of the Bonuett building on Capital avenue. They paid Watson a certain amount of cash and Iho balance In notes , which they represented to him were secured on eastern property. A young man , C. K. Sllsbee , who was clerking in Ferguson's ' furnlturo store , was employed ns chief clerk by Wheeler fc Cundy , and that ho might Imvo tin interest In the concern ho lot tbo two men huvo 2,000 in cash : Things went well fora timonnd the now flnn made money , but on April 13 of that year both proprietors suddenly disappeared. Watson , wbo had loft nil of fits notes and accounts In the safe , commenced an Investi gation and discovered that nearly nil the bills ho held against parties In the city had been collected. Not only this- the notes that the two men had given him for his stock had also taken wings and llown. A warrant was issued on April 24 for the arrest of the men , wit they had gene and for a tlmo no trace of them could bo obtained. The warrant was placed hi tno hands of Deputy Louis GrcUo and ho traced them to the farm of Steve Kastabrooke , near Eaglo. There ho learned that both Wheeler and Cuudy had stopped several days with I'sta- brooko.who was a brother-in-law of Cundy's , hut ecttSnc wind of the donutv being on their trail bad taken the train at Eagle ana ngaiu skipped. Subsequent developments proved that most of tticlr stock bad econ bold and spirited away , and only a few hunarcd dollars' worth of property remained to satisfy Watson's claim of J.'i.OCO and SUsbeo's claim of $ . ' ,000. Ifor a tlmo all trace of the two fugitives was lost , but later Cundy was reported dead and Wheeler was spotted on the Chicago detective force , wncro ho had assumed the name of Clarke. The Omaha ofllcers started on his trail once more , but ho managed to give them the slip and went west. A lew weeks later ho was located at Butte City , Mont.hero ho was running a music store. Another attempt wns made to secure him , but ho got wind of the proceedings and gavotho officers the slip. After that ho completely disappeared from the police gaze to recently turn u pin Salt Lake City , where under the firm name of Clurko ft Co. , he opened a large wholesale music house. Parties who were recently in Salt Lake mot the man and to them ho admitted that at one tlmo ho did business in Umuba , but de nied all connection with the Watson swindle. This was reported to the sheriff and ho at once laid the plans for his arrest , to bo foiled by the arrest that wus made last Saturday. From Information that Sheriff Boyd now has la his bauds it scorns that the arrest was mnda supposing that Clurko or Wheeler was one of the Pierce piano mon. This the sheriff thinks Is n mistake , though ho is sure that ho Is the man who robbed Watson. In addition , to this , Clarke Is wanted on similar charges In both Chicago and Minneapolis. The sheriff has tele graphed the Ogtlen authorities and as soon as ho receives a reply will secure the requisi tion and start after his man with the inten tion of bringing him hero to moot tbo charges that arc filed against him DWi'KIl IN DEEPEn. Ijarceiiy Added to tlic Present Clinrfje of ItiirRlnry. William McGuire , alias Dwycr , wbo was arrested for burglarizing the shoo store of Morris & Wilcox , will have to meet another charge of larceny. When his room wa searched a stitchol full of theatrical costumes was found. The ar ticles werd idcutiilcd as the personal propjr- ( ty of I. W. Miner of the Grand and they were turned over to him. It seems that Mc- Uuiro was property man at the theater until about a nioiuh ago , anil during the time that ho was there over J300 worth of property was missed. The value of the- " " recovered goods Is about $50. A I'ciRt Mortem Statement. COUNCIL BLUFFS , March 21. To the Editor of far Ur.u : That no injustice may bo dona a physician or acknowledged standing , I desire to say , iu reply to your reference to Dr. llieh- mend hi jcstoiday's paper , that the president of the Medical Society of thoMlssourl Valley has no right to permit a physician not n mem ber of that society to present any case before that body until the programme has boon completed , and then only b > n vote of the so ciety. Dr. Richmond did not give his con sent ( as your paper states ) to Dr. J , E. Sum mers , Jr. , to present his cases , the under signed had to got , by u vote of the societytho permission for Dr. bummers to do so. It must bo remembered that Dr. Richmond and tbo secretary labored for two months by many letters to secure sufficient papers to present u programme for that meeting , and it Is not good treatment to the gentlemen who contributed papers for that mtutltig to shove them aside for some ono who uoes not think enough of the society to join It , to crcicnt cases before It No ono questions Dr. Gross man's standing ; the fact of being associated with Dr. Ualbraith at SU Joseph's hospital assures the society of that fact. It should not Insult any gentleman lor the president of the socletv to live up to the accustomed rules of the society ho is presiding over. Hcspcct- fully , P. S. TIIOMIS , M. D. , Secretary Medical Society Missouri Vnlloy. A. Hotel niuze. The llro"department called out about 4 o'clock yesterday morning to extin guish a blazeon the second floor of the Hotel Pullman on Badge street , between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. The building , which is a three-story , owned by A. Cohn and occupied by Mrs. Horn , wus damaged to the amount of fOO. The cause of the tire Is unknown , Iho Publication ofOriliiinncpH "Thero Is no doubt in my mtud , " said Mayor Gushing yesterday , "but the proper thing would bo for the Metropolitan railroad people to say whether or not thcj' nro satlfillcd with the terms of that street car ordinance ocforo wo order it published. It Is a lengthy document , and to give U the num- GOVERNOR OF MARYLAND IT EXECUTIVE CHAMBEH. IS Jftl. , Jan. C , ' 90. 'T hare often used ST. J.ICOnS OIL , , and /ln < I it a g-ootl Liniment. " ELIHU E. JACKSON , THE Cov'ofMdBEST. . ntjr O M lUtfihCCnuwieCzeQ l dlnR reinnly lor alllba un ntlui Hi dlnciurirea end rrlv t < lllf "i40 ( men A ccruln cure ( or llir tleblll lallCK w kDtu peculiar tunomrn , Ii icritillan < lfeelui In recommvodlDC It to berof Icpal publlcallorw required would noe- cssltnto tbo CxpcnillUiro of at least fJOO. which could be saved t < J the city If they will not accept its proYUIdnsj "In spcaklni ! upon bls subject I think San Francisco has the best law on the publica tion of ordinances. Tlicro they nro all pub lished before ttiolr paspiuro so that tlio kicks como bolero the ordlnaijcci become laws , In stead ot aftonvnrd. This would cost prob ably 83,000 moro each ytar , but Jn the end I think It would bo a saying and the people would bo better satlsljod'1 ' Dr. Blrnov euros catarrh. Boo bld'p. AJIl'SKJIKXIS. "Supcrba , " n spcctlicular pantomlno UB- pcstlvoof "Lo Voyage en Sulssc , " "Fiu- tnsmo , " and the cxtravaRauzas asioci- atcd ivltb. the name of the Hatilons , made n pronounced sensation la t c\-cn- \ Ing nt the Boyd. Nothing so elaborate In scenery , In mechanical contrivance ! dcslened to mystify , nnd in costuming , has been scon on the local boards In a very long time , If at all. But outsldo of the wonderful tricks nnd transformations , the Rorccous coloring of the costumes nnu the well painted scenes , there Is Httlo to war rant an extended notice. Everything Is raado subsovicnt to the stage carpenter , the scenic artist , the property innn , the gas mini , the costumcr and the small army of men who work the traps and the tricks. The story , although largely attributed to Mr. John M. Nelly , seems to have been written with a bludgeon and shaped for the purposes of production , vltti a butcher's cleaver. Yet the most dramatic story told by recog nized artists , would suffer lr produced with nil the accessories that raado "Supcrba' ' ono of the wonderful productions of the stiiRC. There Is just enough plot to give a reason for the startling chances ntid transforma tions , u vehicle for the introduction of bal lots , marches , eccentric and grotesque char acters nnd animals whicn only exist in the realms of fancy. The closing tableau Is exceedingly rich and beautifully worked out , called the fountain of perpetual youth , In which a number of tiny streams ol water fall with a plash upon the stage , a dozen calciums throwing highly colored lights upon the spray , malting n per fect picture unexcelled In the domain of pantomime. George D. Melville , as Pierrot the clown , boars the brunt of the performance , displayIng - Ing excellent ability as a runtomlmist. a branch of the profession that is rapidly going Into decay. The rest of the cast assist only In the development of the plot , In that tbey are unommding. Tlio scenery , the tricks nnd transforma tions worked remarkably well for a flrst night and the flual curtain fell upon a pro nounced success. County AlJ'iirs. The county commissioners mot yesterday afternoon to transact the business thnt should have corno before them last Saturday. There were four members present , Commissioner Corrlgan being the absentee. The Omaha standard bricK company pre sented aixstltlou asking for n lease of a portion tion of the pool- farm for the purpose of locating a brick ynrd thereon. Jlr. Berlin moved the petition bo rejected. The motion failed to receive a second and was af tcnvnnh referred to the county attor ney for his opinion asto , jvhetber or not such a lease can legally bo nade. John O'Donnoll wnl appointed assessor of .Cast Omaha nnd A. P. Hanson assessor of Clontarf precincts , respectively. John Kane , the assessor of tbo Eighth wart tendered his reMgaation and the va cancy was lillcd by the appointment of W. II. Adams. lo ) Witt's Llttlo Early Hisers ; best little pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath. nittniastcr Goes to Denver. Gustavo Klttmastcr , alias Gustavo Ander son , a Denver man , Is ? yesterday the guest of Jailer Horrlgan ot the Douglas county bas tile > "Until Sunday night Gustavo was tbo pro prietor of n small stpro H1875 South-Sixteenth street , from which place ho was arrested. Last summer bo and his partner , Charles THE GENUINE JOHAJiX 1IOFFS MALT EXTRACT. ! Iho BINTNIIIIITIVI : TONIC In cases of nVSI'EMIA , for tlio MRVK an t . rvawi nBSIMTATF.O. Illld llurinS CO.VVAtE3jSMPwl OBMJB. llownro of otlii-r uxtr.vot Iffi e sold us "llolIV Mult KxtnicU AlS2iS5 ways ASK for tlio aiNimE "JOHAN.N M K& Si notr'8 , " which Is IMI-OKTEU rno i " " " ' "K ItFIU.IN. , . -f : la * < aW KISNEB& MENDEbSON ; CO. . Sole Agents , 0 Uarelay St. . N A. HollnRor , were contractors In Denver , wbcro they wcro erecting several large build ings. Under the pretense of wanting moro money they overdrew their account nearly tJ.OOU. and Instead of paying off the claims left the town , Ultima * wr coming to Omaha and llollntrcr going to Swcdon. They wcro Indicted by the grand Jury , but wcro rot located until recently. An ofllccr with a requisition will arrive from JOcavor tonight. Kxn mining Committee. As the result of n four hours' session last night of the school board , Prof. Homer P. LcwL , lr. ) Euryearmd Jlrs. Maggie McCar thy are the examining committee expected to pass on the qualifications of tboso who osplro to teach In tbo city school ) . Plans prepared by Bcll& BcrllngholT for the proposed building on the I'aul site wcro accepted , 1'etty J. V. Miles reported to the police that n sneak thief cntf-'id his room , 1014 Cuming street , and stoli ) a f 10 suit of clothes. Dr. ItV. \ . Connell Is also n victim of the thlovlnfT gentry , and mourns the lois of an overcoat , suit of clothiis and ' " -calibre ro- vohcr , nil of the value of $60. The articles wcro stolen from blsofllcc. l''lrc nnd I'ollcc. Last night'- * meeting of the flic nnd" police board was featureless. A petition wns re ceived urotestlng ngalnst granting I'axton .t Sharp's transfer company special privileges. Ono or tuo complaints against saloons were referred. a jHH'sii , sv.i + vi > .ir. . Victoria's CrnmldniiKhter's Mistreat ment by liftHuB.slaii Husband. NEW Voiur , March33. ( Special Telegram to Tun Dec ] A London disuatch says dcop Indignation is expressed among all classes of englishmen in regard to the re ports current as to the treatment of th o Grand Duchess Hlizaboth , granddaughter of Qnccn Victoria , by her husband , the Grand Duke Sorgius of liu < > sia , brother to the car. It is now well understood that the czar's mo tive for appointing his brother governor of Moscow was not , as onicially stated , to plvo him a mark of nstcem , but to retnovo the grand duchess from the foreign society of St. Potcrsburs , where her maltreatment by the Imperial lamily has already caused un inter national scandal. u 110 reports as io tno aouso iovnicn ino lady has been subjected nro not mere gossip , but como f romhigh and trustworthy sources nud nobody in Kngland has any doubtol their truth. The crand duuo Is said to bo really attached to his wife , but ho trails her on tbo snmo prlnciplo that liussin treats a conquered province or state. Having an nexed her Dy marriace , ho has claimed that she must become Russian altogether , cvon to the abandonment of her religion , in which she wns born nud educated. It Is said coer cion characterized as brutal bas been tried upon her. Whenshodcsircd tonttend Eng lish service ? she found no carriage to take her and tlio grand duke on such occasions has shown his displeasure in ways that every Russian or Tartar , high or low , ; ery well un derstand. There is no allegation openly made of pbys- leal violence , although rumors to that effect arc current. The young princess , now but twenty-seven years old and only twenty PosilU-elrcnrcd byt ' these Little Fills. [ CARTER'S Tliev also relleTO Dla-U tress Irom Dyspepsia , In-F ITTLE Olgestloa ondTcx ) IleartyS Eating. A perfect rcra-f edyforDlrzlncss. Nausea , jj Dro\vslness , Bed TostcP In the JJoulli , Coated E Tongue , Pain In the Sldo , | TOnriD XU'ER. Theyjj regTilato tlo Boircls. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , ! Ecbiifnucc's AithmaCuro ntcr/ai'iioKlvo , tu.'ir.f nl"in lie -vront cases ; laiLrvJ com- 9fortabl ilecp ; effect * curca vbero altcthcra fill. A tnal fmnncct Me mott i < yi l. IVico. 50 rtt and lJl.00.lf Drorflit rt IT mill. Sanr.lo TREE Tor p. DR. B. BCUK'tTgAlfW. St Pant , Minn. n n P M T * SANI > ALWOOD CAriu KS am tha LJlllllI I A l > c l nn < lonly cnpiuld proscrlbod by * * * * ' * * in of rciulir ; physlchn for the euro Oonorhcaa nrt dlicharuci from tbo urlnnrr orsanj nucrlloit or ncqulrod. II.it ) per boi. All drumjlstj when iho itas married , appealed fern dlvorco to her faher , the Grand Uuko Louis ot ltossoiuid , to her Kran-lnicther , Queen Vlo- tor I a , The quoeu , dreading icniidal , nppeixrs to have advised her to comply with hcrhus- band's wishes ns to religion. OBlcInlly the queen wns simply stated to have sent her blessing to her cratiddauchter , about to bo convened to tbo uus.slim church. The ( Irnnd Duke Louis , however , took a different view of tbo matter , llo w-iultidUnaut and openly protested acalnstliK daughter being coerced as to her religious profession , and wanted to bring her homo. Then ensued n correspondence between the father nnd prandmotncr , tlio former urging the latter , deprecating Interference , but be fore anything could bo Oono tbo Himlnti Imperial family , apprehensive of tbo disgrace that would attach to them should the grand duchess lo.-uo her hugbmd , made the oillciul announcement of her con version , and then readily followed the decree appointing Sonjlus governor of Moscow nnd removing him and his wife to that Interior city , fur from the glimpse * of England und CJonnniiy thnt may occasionally bo caught at SSt , Petersburg. It is not ut all certain thnt the end Is yet , The Grand Duke Louis Is thoroughly aroused. It is holio \ has , through the Times nnd other newspapers , nppeilod from Quocn Victoria to the KtiKllsh i > cople In behalf - half of his daughter , nnd whatever the result may beho , has succeeded in exciting a strong public sentiment. 'Jlirnitn Out of Court. Loxnox , March 2y. Her majesty's high court of justice has dismissed the appeal of Cummlngs In the suit for damages resulting from the baccarat scandal , asking the de fendants to bo ordered to state the partlcu- tars of the manner In which ho is ailogcd to have cheated. IlridgooilcHPull. . MiLWAKEfVls , , March 'J3. The Milwau kee bridge nad Ironorks , of which Messrs. Keepers and Nlndell nro the principal stockhold ers , assigned this morning , Tlio liabilities of the company- 2uO,0M ) . The ass els are not given , uut it U assorted that they will exceed the liabilities. Slow collections caused thu failure , NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla , - Of perfect purity. Lemon - Of great strength. Oratijjfo - Almond - Economy in their use. Rose olc.7 Flavor aa dollcatoly nncl doliclously ns tlio fresh fruit. LA. GRIPPE. TurkishTca taken at night andoccasional doses of Quinine , will relieve all pains in the bones , cleanse the system and mak you feel like a new person. Sure cure for liver , kidney , and nerve affections. 250 pack age. Sample for sc stamp. Turkisk Cough Cure. The only cough cure that will re lieve cough at once and cure with a few doses. Take no substitute ; will return money if it doesn't ' cure the worst cough Price 500 bottle , Turkish Remedy Co. , Omaha , Neb. Both the method niul results \vlicc Syrup of Piga is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tnslo , and nclt gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , -Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cflbcttmlly , dispels colds , head aches nnd fevers nnd cures Imbitiml constipation. Sjrup of Figa ia the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pi easing to the tnsle nud no- ceptiiblo to the slonmcli , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy ana agreeable substances , its ninny excellent qualities commend it to all nnd bare made it the most popular remedy known. tsyrup of Figs is'for sale in 50o and 81 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliahlo druggist who may not liavo it on hand vill pro- euro it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute , QAUFOBNfA F/G SVR'JP CO. SUN FMMOIStO , CXI. ( OUISVILLE Kr V W YSRX , N.Y nnd Sinrital INSTITUTE. trcstmcnlof nllCIIHOS'IO ANT > StIUOICA.1 , Ki. JJraoct. A | > pllnnfOJ for Deformities nnd Truneoi. Host Facilities , -Apiurntm mil Itcmcillai Iorsuccossful tretttiu'nt of ovary fortnof flln'fua ronulrlnc ilcdlcilor Surnlcnl Trontraunl. N1NKTY HliOMri 1011 1'ATIKNVS. llinril nml Altcnilance. Host Accumnioditloiis'Anit.Vrltofor clrculnrion Ooforinltlci nnilllrneoj.Truisoi. Club tut. Curva tures or Spine , Plica , Tumors , Cnnccr , Cntnrrh , IJronchltli , Inlulntt.m , Kloctrlclty , I'nrnlrili , Kitl- | eyiy , Kldncrs , Illiulder , Uyo v : r , Skin nml lllowl , -Hmlcnltlporntlon . DIsKASKS OKWOMKN n tfvcInlto. U < yk on Dlicnsc * of Woman Froo.Vo hniolntoly addcil a ljlnlii Department for Wumon JJiuInc co.ifliicmoiit ( Strlc-tlr I'rlvivto. ) Only llollix- blpMmllcil In lltnt MnUlnj n bpcclnlty of 1'HI- VATB UISIIASKS. . . . jlll lllood Illneucs nucco fnlly trontoiJ. Medlclm or Instruments ont br mall or cxpron aocurolj pncked , no ninrks to indicate content ] or ncnilor. Oneper. ona , Interview proforroil. Call iind coniull usortciiilhlt orrof your cn c. nn < l wo will Mend In Inln wrapper our HOOK TO MKN rilKKl upon 1'rl- vBtcSpocl l or .Nervous Dlnciies , nltli quoitlonllsu AclOrcsi nil Ittteri tu Dr. A. . T. McLnughlln , President Oth anil llarncy btreuts , Oiiiuha. mm m mm Bpodfio for Hy t rl * . rl ) lneii.rjtfK ar lfla , vfi&o fulntife Hint&l IwpfwAilon , uofivnixiiror ttio Ui-alnr , - suJunir in loianlly aJ liiullnir to nl ery dnr doitii. rremjturo Old tt' . liirnmntii , J-.OK of r'oi OR an 6 tU e < on r o , rc iaranuio to rttunil ncnoy It the Irmtnunt ru cu r * . uu&rant ilt > uJaadBeDUjiX9 > olcl ctUj bjr GOODMAN DHIJG CO. , 13 1'uruani Street , Omaha , Nal ) . ING FORWARD. Advertising as it will be in A. D3 2000. We liave at a great cost of money , labor and. loss of sleep , secured the ONLY ACCURATE TALISMAN now in existence. By it we are told of every Fire , every Failure and every Railroad Wreclc of mer chandise at least three weelcs prior to tlieir occurrence. Our talisman has also secured for us ttie imperial cutter of all tlie courts of Europe , ( for we now stand in with , all kings and queens ) who remodels every garment to suit the shapes , forms and wishes of the most fastidious and best dressed citizen in this community. Thus it will be seen tliatwe are in ADVANCE of all competitors. "We are on the ground , tell tliexn of their coming afflictions and thus secure enormous stoclcs at a.bout our own figures. By the aid of a few congressman , whom we control at "Washington , we have made a contract with the government that enables us to man- , iafacture our own currency , which will be talon at par wherever pre sented , with no cost to us except the printing. Thus it will be seen we , have "been enabled to distance all competitors. And -when it becomes necessary to improve our condition we will , Yfrite more truck : like this. But experience is the best and only teacher ; Jrhatis a-well established fact , and when houses who have "been here scarcely a fortnight attempt to tell you that they can do things so much ' -better than we who have been here over a third of a century , it sounds 'as if the eggs were trying to teach , the chickens to cackle. ' . , { / We- say nothing of our advantages of owning our own business 'building and the ground it stands upon. In the meantime we shall be equal to all and second to none. "You may rely on the best styles , the lowest prices , for all your wants in Men's Clothing , in Boy's Clothing , in Children's Clothing and all 'rner- 'ehandise pertaining to our branchof business. And , by the way , don't forget our 9Be hat. Sincerely yours , M. HELLM AN & CO. , 1 Corner Farnam Thirteenth Sts. and