Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1891, Part Two, Page 14, Image 14

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AYYvlTlsnMKNTS ) for these- tel unm * tilll
Ijo I taken until I2.iO : p. in , , fort ho evening
edition , nnd until S,0 : p. in. , for the morning
edition nnd fctJMMV JlKE.
rpKUMS-Canlilu advance.
RATHS-AdvertlsrincnUon tlilsptiR TvllIbe
clinrucfl for nt the rate of IK centH per
word for the flrsllriKerllon.nnd . Iccntncr word
for cncli mi1) ) cnupnt Insertion , nnil ll.V ) per
line per inontli. No advertisement taken for
less ( linn IB cents for the first Insertion.
INITIALS. flxurcs , ; symbols , etc , , countcach
nsono word.
rpUKSE advertisements must tun consecil-
r - lively and under no circumstances will
( hey bo tnken or discontinued by telephone.
lDAHTIl.Sf rt\eitlBlnK In IhoHo columns nnd
JL having their answers addressed toft"iiinn-
Icrcd letter In euro of THE HUE. will receive a
nuinlciccl check to enable tlic-in to gel their
letters. Atisnois will , bo anUvircd only on
presentation of this check. Enclose answers
In envelopes propcrlv addressed ,
1,1. nincrtl'biiicnts under the head of
A "Special Notices" nro published In liolh
tlictnortilnff nndovonltiK cultlonsof TUB Tim.
tlioclicnliillonnf wlilcli nitgrrRiilP * inoro than
ID.CO ) papers dully. nnd fjlrcs tlio nduirtlsor
tlio benefit not only n ( the Inrcc clreulat Ion nf
Tim IlKK In Oninlm , hut nlso In Council IllnlTs ,
Lincoln nnd other cltlcB and towns In tlio west.
Advertising for these co'utons ' will bn taken
on the aboMi condition" , at the following btnl-
nesshouses v ho nro authorized to take special
notices , ut the siunu rates as can bo had at tlio
main ofllce.
cfrrn "OMAHA IUANCII orncnNo. .
S 20SI N. Street , lister IllocK.
JOHN W , HEIJy , I'liatmsiclst. fi South Tenth
/"IllASfFA : KIIV ) ) , Btatlouors and 1'rlntcra *
\J 113 South ICth street. _
H7 fAUNSWOIlTH , Pbnnr.aelst. JI15
OitnilnK streut. _
J. IIUGIinS , I'hnrmaclst , C24 North JCth
r.O. AV. 1'AV.R , Vlinrinaclst , 1718 Lcavcn-
wortli street.
Fat rale * , ( te. , itetojioffrtltolitmnonihli paye.
. . rniployinent bureau , room 41 ,
bulldlnc. Kith anil Dodsc. npnoslto llay-
dons. Hofrrencrs. Woman's Chrlatl'in asso
ciation I'liriiNhus first class fcinaloheln.
MB-18 23 *
IJOSITIO.V Wanted as cook , Address 018.
lice. M8MS2 *
AYOUXO OcrrnaiiRlrl , spoaVsEnallah xvrll ,
would llko to tiavcl with a family to
Europe as n seivunt , Address , 0 10 , HI-P.
POSITION as RtonoRrnphcr und tyncwrltor ,
orofllceworkof nny kind , byladyofoxpcrl-
once.O.4 Hue. M810-g2
TX ) A plnco to do general hotiso
V > work , Address 1)17 ) , Hoc. 81022 *
WANTI'.D Situation hy rciflstorctl drug
gist ! olirbt years' o.xporlcnce. Addiess
Druggist , 21th and Saundcra at , KM 23
. . ' ) Situation by younc man In
* T wholesale house , experienced shlnp'n ' ?
clerk. And r ess 0. U , II. , 2709 Douglas street.
8 iO 23 *
"V\rANTED Position us bookkeeper and
> clerk : olRht month's experience. Address
Ilex 287. 1'lattsmoiith , Neb. M8I424 *
V\7ANTr.I > Position ns engineer ! undcr-
Vi stands Hcynolds-Corllss valve pear ; ean
clvn irood references If lequlrcd. Address box
C2u Mitchell. S. U. K8S1 ! *
"V\TANTHP Position ns forclady Jn sonio
T > western town orcity , best of city refer
ence fuinlahed. O 13. llco. bOOiS *
nmploymciit lluronu Established
11 yearsf. Tol. 1112 , 119 N. ICth , near C.ipl-
tel aro. Male and female help constantly on
hand. M5C7 A13
VA7ANTED Situations for peed irlrls ; my
T I wnttliiK rooms lire always full from 0 a.
m. to R p.m. Canadian Ktnploymcnt ofllce ,
8.13th. Telephone. fc 024
For rate * , ctctcetniofflrsl } column on thttpcige.
"tyANTKI-Man and wife : no children. Wo-
' tnan for concral housoworlcj must bo
tidy and peed conk. Jinn for horses , cow ,
lawn , etc. Must huvo references. 0 , 20 lice.
Aconls In ovcrv town and
county In the United Slates outside of
largo cities ; (5 per day iiiudo by men and
women who are willing to canvass from house
to lioiifco ; wo have the fastest inoncy-mnkliiR
Rgonoy In the world. Our plans arc now and
ales are inndo at stglit. llobbs' Mediclno
Company , 415 Dearborn street , Chicago. III.
680-22 *
T ANTED Doy about fourteen years old to
tnko euro of cows and innkoblinsulf
useful around the house. Inqulro next Tues-
flny mornlnK between 8 nnd 10 of A. I ) .
Brandols , 114 South Sixteenth street. EDO 22
ANTEU TravcllhiR salesmen to carry a
Hide line for paint and plumbers supply
trade ; llRht. sample : blR eoniiiilhslon. Stnto
territory covered. Fatuous Blan'f'g Co. , 11 0
Ohio avenue , St. Louis , Mo. 831 22 *
f ANTED Silesmon on salary orcoinmls-
Rlon to handle the Now Patent Olioiiiloal
Ink Krnsln ? Pencil. ThoRrontest selllnK nov
elty ever produced. Krasos Ink thorough ! ? In
two seconds : no abrasion of paper. 200 and 500
per cent profit. One iiKcnt's sales amounted
toloiM In six days ; another S-'S In two hours.
> \o wantono enersct'o ' eonnrul aont for each
Ftnto nnd torrltoiy. Sample by mall : i" > e.
Kor terms nnd full iiartlculars address Tbo
Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , La Crosse , Wls.MS8724
MS87-24 *
" \yANTED-Craynn picture aRents , and
TT otliurs dissatisfied with tlmir picsont
arraiiRcmonts to cull anil sec our Induco-
incnts. 508 N. 10th st. 01C-C2 *
ttn.OO to $30.03 per week , salary or corr Mission ,
Pfor ndvorllilni ; nnd soiling our Kiods. Foino
of our URcntstimkotin to ffiO pnr day. None
are maklnc less than $ . " > per day and expenses.
Kor terms nnd for particulars address , with
stump. Cuvnscopo Manufacturing Co. , Chicago
cage , 111. 013-22 *
niUA.VKLKIS ! Wanted , a number of llvo
JL travo'ors quick to soil to drunKlsts everywhere -
where our halt dozen different rcmodles ns
sideline ; largo commissions and ngonclos al
lowed , and very Inducing ndvestlslnj ? Riven.
Ihu Ainorlcun 1111 and Medicine comnany
incorpor.itlun , Spencer. la , 8S4 2J
ENEltOETIO tnnn about 80 , of good nddiebs ,
quick to learn and wlllliiic to work , can
liavo a chance toleiirnour business by ap
plying at once. AflorlOo'oIook Tuesday. A.
N. Shldolor. loom 12 , Crolghton block. ii8-22 ) *
" \\7ANTKH Tra\olliiR salesmen ! speclal-
T tics worth * 2iO p r month to irooa man.
Allison & Co. , KJ Dearborn street , Chlcuco ,
fc-22 *
\\rKOFKEUaKents big money In exclusive
territory , Our now patent safes sell at
Bight In city or country. Now agents first In
Held actually cottliiK rich. Ono agent In one
day olcaicd 18(1. ( go oan you. Catnloauo froo.
Alpine Safe coniuuny , 1K53-371 Clark street ,
Cincinnati , O.
SALESMAN wanted to sell line of cigars ;
tloo uer tnonth nnd expenses paid. Address ,
with stamp. National Oigur Uomuuiiy. St.
Louis , Jlo. 87224 *
\\TANTlCn-Speclul ngont for Improved
IT bullaliiKussoclatlonstock. Host company ,
most popular plan , llhoral terms. Address
with rt'ferenco , G 2 ; ' , Hue olllco. WSI 25'
\\7ANTKn-Knertetlo young man totiAo
IT orders. Addre s Manufactuier , I' . 0box
. (02-27 (
T\7ANTEI-A lirlfibt honest boy 10 ( o 18
IT years old at druit storecor , Lowe avc.
and Hamilton st. t)2.v ; )
\ \ L'ANTEH-Sulctmen to soil llKhtnlnp rodTt
IT i > xpcrloncc > u. Apply to' EUw. A. Toy &
Co. , , 254 W 4th St. , Cincinnati , 0. M8U 22
AGENTS. 15 to tlO per day collecting small
pictures for us to copny and enlarge. Sat
isfaction guaranteed mid a II outfit free.
A. Dunne k Co. , 60 Itoado street Now York ,
\\7 ANTED A hustler for ofllco work by an
i' luvostinent company. 1'iirty to ( al < o
11.000 to fo.tMX ) stock Iu compuiiy. Address U
7 , Heo. tl 743-24
" \ \ J ANTKH A good dyer. Address Turner
VY Steam Dye AYorks , t-U Joe , Mo , KO 22
AGENTS Wanted Any agent having been
deceived by misleading advcrtUcnicnti
nnd circulars may secure the canvassing out-
lit of the memoir ! ! of General Micrmau , writ
ten by himself , with appendix by lion , James
O , lllnlno , by BondhiK hU outllt to us nnd 15
cents In Mutatis. Our book contains 1,000 largo
pages and is the only authorized Life of bhur-
inaii. Bond to I'liurlrs Ii. Webster A Co. , II Kant
Fourteenth street. Now \ ork Olty. il'uo"J
In every township In tlio stat < - ,
a good local ngunt to canvass for John N ,
Kavons' stock doctor book , contiilnliig 150
pages , urluti'd In KnclUh and German. l < or
further purtloulars uddrcss H. llaux. Carson ,
Iowa. teS- *
wnntod to soil Rixids to nior-
SAiiKSMEN uamplo : now goods ; big pay for
vorkoni permanent situation ; chanoo tobulld
Alluo trauo. Model Mftf.Co. , fcouth lleud , 1ml.
Forr lM , ttttcetopuffint , eoliiinn onUili pxgt
V\7 ANTED Four Iho men to sell safe on
IT the road : sa'ury ' nnd eiponscs. Addrosi
Wood A Unrrls , Sioux City , la. Cig '
\\7ANTKD-Oood cnnvriRSCM at the Singer
11 bowing Machine ofllco , IMS DoiiKlns st ,
" \\7ANTEI1 An experienced ninlo stcnosrn-
I T pher and typewriter todo work in a law-
ycr's olllce lu a city of 10fXM Inhnhltants lo
cated In this slutc. Must bo well recom
mended. Address Uox 217. Lincoln hotel , Lin
coln. Nob. MJ71 (
\\TANTKI--lMcchanlcs ) , miners , lumbermen ,
IT clerks , bookkeepers , sidesmen , farmers ,
laborers nnd men In all capncltlo to coino to
\Vfstern \ Oregon and moopt posltlon at inoro
than living wanes. Thlsisapnr of tbouorld
not only eqttnl to , but rxcolllnc nny ether In
until nil nthantngns. Uo hulto correspond.
eneo from all who would feel any possible ln
ten-fit , and assure you that ull you have to < lo
Is to Investigate. Wo cnn prove beyond per-
ndvonturcof a doubt all that wo assort urc-
coii Loan k Trust Co , 12bt ! ITirst st. , Port
land , OrcBon. 607 mis *
Forr < tf , c < c.eeefop o/fint celuninon f/if / pagt
A 1)1 ) EH. fend 2o fctatnp for tcsilmontuls and
1 -1 pamphlet diMcrlhlnjr Ilr , Klrkwood's In
vention. Of vital Import mice to ovorv lady.
Atronls. Ivlrkwood Hard llubberCo. , Murphy
building , San Francisco , Ual. fc'U .V
\\TANTED Good girl for Rrnfral house.
IT work ; ftoouvuRpHtDRlrltlmtciui doiilaln
hoiLsottork , Apply 201(1 ( irmmot st. I 0-'J2
TtOOIC A thoiotiKhly o.\icrlonced ) cook and
WKcnoral housework clrl In small f.uullyj
only these lth loforences need
apuly ; high \\ngt9. O.ill utSSOJ Douglas struct.
H17S8. yj *
WANTPJl-A young lady to trn\cl on
stiiROi inust hao sonlo e.\iicrlonco ; nco
between 10and SO. Address 0. , 27 , Hoe. 102-2 ! *
I ADIKS who will do writing for mo at tho'r '
J-J own homo will make good waxes. Ad-
dicss with self-addrcs ed stamped onvolopc.
Miss Kdna I ; . Siiiiytho , South Ilond , Ind. . pro-
prlotoroftho Famous Gloria \\ator for the
corniiloxliui. Siia-W *
\\7ANTED Competent lrl for general
TT housework , small famlly.sood wages 2123
Cass Street W2 2 !
H ANTril-tllrl for ceneral houscworlf.
Mrs. Thos. F. II all , ICO ! ) fcliurmau avenue.
WANTKI ) Qood girl for Bencr.xl housc-
y ork. 1202 Georgia ttvo. bW 20 *
/ " . " < 111L wanted at 209 K. 2oth avenue. 718
JADY Wanted , German lady to Instruct on
- < Klnger sowing inachlnus , 1. > 1G Douulas st.
WANTKll A girl for general housework.
1814 Gumlng street. Mbll 22 *
Tor raffs , etc. . tee top of first column on this i > iij
8 room house , all modern conveniences !
cholco location ; $23 a month to dcslrahlo
party. II. II. Cole , Continental block. M805-27
IT1OKUENT A large list of small houses
Jfiom Zioomsup. Oco. J. Paul , 10)9 ) Far-
num. 005 22
SMALT. , brick house. 1 13 C.iss strcctopposlto
Nock's hotol. B. > 7 .2 *
TT1OU UENT llrlck houso2810 Half Howard
i stieet , 10 looms , K.5.liOper month , water
rent Included. Inquire Frank N , 1C. OrlT. 1012
Ohlcugo street. M 824 23
)012 Capitol avenue A nlco 7 room cottngo
i with bath. Inciiilre-jiy Capitol avenue.
JIS18-21 *
Foil HUNT fl room house 2ra ) 1'arlcor St. ,
bctwecniijth and 2oth. Apply 1JI5 Lowe av.
700-22 *
ijiOK nrNT Klevcn-room. tnortern house
JU soutncast exposure. 518 S. 22nd st. 557 24 *
FOR RENT rive-room cottage on motor
line ; city water ; 001 Douglas. 7.0
POU UENT 0-room house , furnished or un
furnished. Inquire ut 2U3 I'umarn st.
705 22 *
POIt Kent. Ono house In the elegant now
block at 1'ith ' and California fcts. Ten
rooms ; all modern conveniences , llronnan
fc Co. C22 N. Y. L. M718 23
TT1OK RENT 18th Vln-
27-room houses. and -
1 ? ton. $10 , 1 8-room house,20th and C'.Udwcll ,
with all modern conveniences. 825. AddressJ.
11. Johnson , OJ1N , Y. Llfo building. 0
TnoH REN'T No. 2411 Capitol avcnue.modcrn
JL1 conveniences. The O. F. U a vis Co. 757-.7
FOU RENT 3 now slx-rnotr. cottages , city
water , sewer , etc. , east fronts , good loca
tion , \V. K. Horn an , rooms 8 and lOl'rcnrcr
block , 811 u2
ANUlMHERof 8-room houses , city water
and bath. J20 nnd upwards. Also cottages
and Huts , lluudy & Co. , 1C1I Capital avenue.
ITyou wish to rent a house or store sco II , E.
Cole , Continental block. D2Q
Olt KENT I'ourCand 7-room flats with
bath , hot wnter. etc. ; paved street ; near
business ; all Improvements : only J2. > per mo.
References remihcd. The Mead liivistmcnt
Co. , 442 Bco building. ICT
For rates , etc. , ttetop of first roltimn on this page.
r AllGKsouth front room with alcove ; mod-
JLJ crn conveniences ; motor und cabin. 'JlJO
Uurt street. M041-24
POU RENT Ono clognnt , furnished front
room , steam boat , gas and bath ! $12.00 a
month. Mrs. H , 0. Jloses , 22J3 li'.inuini street.
M040-24 *
" | TUHNISHKIl-Onoor ) two Kentlemen room
JL la now houso. 1'rlvato family. Heat. gus.
bath , closet , etc. , 520 N. 1'Jth street. 877 22 *
UKN'lSHEUllatfor sale. 712 South 10th.
MfQg-28 *
FOR RENT 1'urnlshod front room with al
cove. Inquire 2J01 Douglas St. MbU"-23 *
FOR RENT I.urgo front parlor , with fold-
lug bed ; also smaller rooms ; modern con
veniences , uxnilarnov. MT-24 *
F 1UKNIS1IED rooms for rent. 1721 Podco.
MUiil-55 *
OK 8AI/E-A. furnished Hat with all modern -
ern iinprovcnients Cheap. Dooms already
filled with roomers. 701 S. luth street , Hat U.
M914-28 *
'TIWO furnished rooms for housekeeping on
-t. ground llotir , J51,1 Oass street. MOOJ21 *
FOlt UKNT-30-room flat centrally located ;
furnished or unfurnished ; a bargain for
the right person , Address 0 28 lice. IXHi ' . > 2
F OR UCNT-rurnlshcd fooms. 1024 1'nrnam.
FURNISHED rooms , steam heat , references.
2315 Douglas. U2-J27 *
411 Noith 10thstreet Rooms with boardono ;
handsome fiont room ; can accommodate a
number of table boarders. Mrs. Churchill.
65024 *
OH HENT-Two furnished rooms , olio
largo with closet , for light housekeeping.
Inqulro Ml N.lCth st. 8UI-K *
"I7MJUN1BH ED rooms , also rooms for houso-
JJ keeping : cas , bath ; or will soil furniture
of 12 rooms on time. 1320 Capitol ave , 7031 ! ?
T71IHST.OL.ASS furnished rooms. 410 North
-U loth street , second lloor. M7UQ.2J *
NIOE cast front looms , modern conven
iences , for gentlemen , 608 S. 21st street.
M745 22 *
IflUItNISIIEI ) room with modern conven-
1 leuces.withorlthoutboard , lUllUouclas.
7UJ24 *
TIAWO 3-room cottages and a rooms nil nicely
JL furnished for light hojhekccpltiK , tie , (12
and tlG per month ; city aud cistern water.
JUUDocatur. M705 31
TKAM boated flats at 71)9 ) S. loth. Thos. P.
S Hall , 311 1'axton bloolt. 023
10K ItENT-I'iirnlshed rooms. 1C07 Douglas
PUMJIA.N house , 1U10 Dodge street : for
good board , nlco rooms , modern conveni
ences , rates und location It cannot bucceilcd.
ItoualS *
fjlUONT room with alcove , curtains , mantel.
-L heat , gas. bath , Sclosots , for3 iroiulomcnor
man and wife , (1U.U3 per luonthl 'JOT ti''ltli st.
_ _ tra
T. OI.A1H Kiiropoan hotel , with dining
room ; steam beat tn all rooms , 13th and
Dodge. Special rates by wt'ck or month. UU
T710H IlENT-Furnlshed rooms , gas bath and
JO ttoam. 1519 Howard. _ KB
T7\OK \ UENT-rurnliheU room 1118 Hod cost ,
JU M7B1 m at *
TjlOll HENT-5 rooms , one llcxir , 1713 Jackoon
JJ street. M310
T/OH ItENT-Twcntyfno rooms in a brick
JL1 block ; pool location ; nlthor without fiir-
nlturt' . 0. ! ' . Davlat'o. . IVXi Kamnniit. 221M20
Forratt4tc. , Kt tojid/flnl ( odinm on thtu juiqe.
" Tof ois Tl iim-
H5NOA5ESlENTs"to | ( r in a inTTn -
_ Ulllea / solicited. Mini Sturdy , 1M10 Hurnoy
Btrcot. -
Forratttttc.iectoiiiiffiril column on fli ( fife.
j JOOM9 and board , 1822 ( Jhlcnso st. * 7.
I , A UOE front room ftirnlbhed Rintablo for
mfo , with or without board , 034 8. ! 0th street.
M. mo-re
ANIcni.YfurtiMied front room anil bo.irtl
forJjffl per wrolt. SOU Harney dttoot ,
M&8.-28 *
_ _
"TpOR , UENT-Nlccly fiirnNhctl room , fast
J front , modern conveniences , with or wlth-
outbonrtl , 708 N. IQIIi. 03422 *
riMVO largo soutJi rooms with board. Each
JL suitable fortwo. All mnclein conveniences.
I'lcasnnt location. Katlsfactlon nt-siired , at
the Hillside. N , W. cor. 18lh and Dodge.
_ M8H24 *
TTUIINISII ED rooms and board , IK ) Dodge.
-T B27-all > *
"inOHNISlTKD rooms with modern cowon-
JL1 ienclca : board If deslied. S. K. corn or 3.1th
a > rnuoand llarney. _ M703 2a *
TWUUNISI1ED rooms with board. < 07 N. 19th
JL1 street. M5SU-37 *
T70H J1HNT-A Inrgo , finely furnished room
JL1 with loard , to nniari anu wife. The most
llcasiintiirtof | city and private family ! no
other boarders ! references. Address 1) 47 , lleo.
Tor rain , etc. , ice top of Jlnl column on tliitpaga
[ fiOlt HUNT-3 unfiirii'shod looms. Sontli-
J2 west corner joih r ud Lout cnwurth ts.
MKB-83 *
very pleasant unfurnished rooms
-for light housokeeplngi rofcronce required.
17UU Loa\onwortli.i.'d lloor. _ lUI-i J *
ni\VO \ front rooms unfurnished. Heat , ,
J. bath , mntitul. closets bav window ; now
bouso ; private fiunllv. Part furnished If rr -
rjnlrod. KO N. 10th street. 87J22 *
T71O11 HEIST 3 rootnfl. unfurnished , With
J-1 imntry and collar. 1131 N. luth si. 630 22 *
Forrattt , etc. , tec top /Iinlcoli'mtt on this page ,
niOR HUNT-April 1 , a first class-location for
J-grocery and meat market. A flist dims
business guaranteed a first-class establish
ment. Kclicnnv &Uo. , llooiulO , Continental
block. IU3 'M
TTIOUlinNT-ncsldii well furnished offlco ,
J. ' with all convcnloncea. Koom 10 , Coiitlnpn-
tal block. OK 28
TIESTAUHANT-An o'.cgant location for
J t restaurant for rot. . Oco. J , 1'uul , HiOll
Varnain. U0 , ' > 23
TflOR UKNT-ll'alf of onieo In best offlco
-L' building In Omaha ; tH.OO. Address 0. , 20.
llei- . MUOI-2 : > *
CHOICE dnsk room for rent In qulotofllco
on ground floor. 1U > 7 Fnrimin street.
IS178C-20 *
STOHES at700 SlOth ; steam bout furnished.
Thomas V. Hall , 311 1'axton block. 1)30 )
T\ESK room , H5j Star Loan and Trust Co.
TfOR UENT-Tbo 1-storybrlckbulldliiir.wlth
Jor without powor.foimorly occupied by the
llco Publishing Co.91 rarnanrst , The build
ing has a fireproof cement basoniont.comploto
steam heating fixturesivntor on all the lloora.
gas , etc. Apply nt the ofllco of The lleo. 01i !
POU HENT-Or sale , my bulldlnon Jones
st , let. 10th & 11th. G.A.LIndciulst.'JlG . S 15th.
0:17 :
T71OR KENT Store room. . . 0x77. In now Clow-
Jry l/uildlne on Chicago street , justuest
of 1C tli street , fjO.OOper month. Inoliidfngfctoain
heat and city water ; also basement suitable
for shop , on corner lHh ( and Chicago streets ,
J20.00 per month. Itoberts. 403 North IfJtli.
M814-M2.1 *
Tor rate * , etc. , sec top ofjtrst column on th Is page.
FOR ilEN T 11 riclc waroli ouso , TH o storFos
hishi basement , hydraulic elevator , traolc-
ngo : best location In city. A. 0. Powoli. 040
Ferrates , ctc.sectop of first column on f/n'cptic/e.
gallery for rent or sale ;
JL brick , ground lloor , population 1OOJ. , Klbue ,
Hartlrigtoii. Nub. 681 20 *
F OR ItENT-NewUnlon Dcnot hotel.Omahn ,
Nob. K. Stuhthas erected a thrco story
pressed brick hotel , located on the corner of
Jlth and Mason streets , between the entrance
to two viaducts and within ono blocfc of the
new Union depot. It contains 48 sleeping
rooms , a kitchen , laundry , ofllce. lobby , dining
room , a barber shop or sample room , a ladles'
and gents' parlor , und bath rooms ; has the
latest Impnnomcnts ; lighted by clsotrlo lighter
or gas : has ( lie alarms IB oveiy room , nnd Is
heated bv steam. It Is In view of all trafllo
going to and from the depot. I'lcaso address
all loiters to owner , E. Stuht , 1013811th fitroot ,
Omaha , Kob , MfOO HC
AltDEN FARMS to rent. T. Murray.
TT1OH SALE An A 1 Ore proof safe. Enquire
J at Doston Store. 041
. THOU SA.Ii-Coinplotu : sot of drug store flx-
JL' tures , show cases , etc. , P. 0. box 372. 041
1 errata , etc. , tec lop nt frat cclumn on tliit pant.
T 1ST your houses to sell or rent wltbC. V
Ullnrrlt.on.fiia N. V. Mto. O4.
17 ENTAIi Agent-Goo J. Paul , 1000 Farnain
i Btrcct , makes specialty of routing houses
stores , etc. , and colloetlns rents. M5J
WHO has houses and stores to rent ? I have
lots of customers. J. 11.1'arrotto's Iton-
ta' ' Agency. ICth and Dodgo. iirJM'-5
TJ E COLE , rental nBoncy.Contlnental blk
For rales , etc. , see top ofjlnt columnon Hits pigc.
BOAltD nnd room wanted In a private fam
ily by t o you n Kindles ; reference ! ex
changed. Address G 33 , Boo. 9JO-22
WANTED lly a yoiiK married couple
room nnd board In good locality , private
family prefer rod. Address OH1. llco. KiO-a !
\XTANTED-IJy May 1 , a 0 to 12 joora house
TT with modern conveniences ; ono will
stable preferred. Near business center. Ko'v
house not wanted. Address , J.L. . Brandols ,
114 So. IGtb St. 6b
WANTED Two or three unfurnished
rooms , convenient to board , for man
wlfonnd llttlo girl. Address \V. A. Hand
care Aetnn Insurance Co. , N. Y. Llfo.
ANTED-Torentlutol In Iowa or No"
brabka. Address F10 , lloo olllco. S1711-2a
ANTED-To rent , by April 1 , 6 or8 room
house , modern. Address 2425Dodge.
M769 AlSii
ror rates , ete.seetop nffrst column on f/iu page
STOlfAGE of household goods ! clean , dry
place , privately stored , terms mod o rate :
also store stoves during the summer , wo wil
cot them from the houses and dollvor them h
tlio fall In good trim. Tel , WO. 11X17 Douglns
Omaha Stove Hopalr Works. 711
/"IllEAl'ESTnndbcststoraso for furniture ,
W\Vclls. 1111 Farnnm st. 033
f 1OU ) Storage rooms for eggs and butter
vA\lso dry storaso for rndso. and housohoh
goods , Hates ro.isonablo . , ample , trackage
The Nob. Cold Storage Co.,615-al7 Howard t
B T trackage nnd storage bulldlni 1
Omaha , United States Government bondci
warehouse , llouiclioldgoods stored atidcaroc
for. Lowest rates Kuarantccn. W. HI , Hush
man , 10UI-101' ) Loavenwortb. 'J05
For rates , etc. , see lop of first column on tltti page
SPECIAIi auction sale of furniture toinor
row at JO o'clock. 213 So. 18th fat. near Kar
Ham , Omaha City Auction Co. JUSS-U ,
"I71OH BALE 2 bowl marble topwashstnnds
JJ JO. 15H 8. 13th strcot. M8W ! H
Foil SALT Furniture In 10-room flat. 003
So. ISth street , for J50. ! J1010 21 *
O ifs A I.E Cherry roller top desk and rail-
ing. 4IDS. 15thsttcot. IK)7 ) 22 *
POH SALK I'urnlturo ' In 7-room house
hoiibd for rent ) opp. Ilanscoinpark , nortl
All modern conveniences. inquire J.e
&NlehoI. 2Sth and I.eavonvorth ,
Fur riitr , et ( . , seetop ojfirst cohonii on thii page.
BI'.SC line hair goods Iu west ; hair dressing
wigs , Bvrltclus , bangs , hair chains , etc. ,
specialty. Davles. hair coeds and inllllno
oi poslto postofllce. HIS. 15th St. . Oni'ilia. U'
i''or rules , ( ( ( . * < * to ] > o/fimt con inn oil ( Mi pat/e /
yers i\n6 lBoli8it6rsa. Sv.Suos ,
- Co. , Itco building , Uniaba , liranoh ofllco a
1) . U , Coubultatloaftcc. W
flc.lec fo'Jo//lriit ; : ' / column o
* ork toa' ' " ;
TlOlt BAM-llcllaW : nnd perfectly ion tip
-L1 family liOMeBrirrt / in every respect , with
uirncsi and no\t p > niOton for cash , liumro nt
Vlndeur liable , 14th and 10th Uavrnnort
street. . , JIOOB a *
_ _
j OllfAIjICarrlaBe , team , wagon , horse ,
A. cow. Uash. CliOb& Colonel llutlor , 1 ort.
i " M8IJ
T1OII SAM ! I Iniportod Shetland stallloni.
D.II. llcniinn. ninlt , Neb. _ VJ Sl
"JTOHSESanrt mttlns , cash or easy pavmonK
. -LCall or address HawUoyo Inv , Co. , room : U
) ouglas bjook. Uniuha , N'olj _ Ko
/toll BALE Cheap , wagon 'ul double work
1 harnosi.or will exchange for buckboard ,
No good sldo bar buggy , cheap. 11. K. Cole ,
ontliioiitalbulldliiK. _ Wi
"orniles , tlf , , * lop offrst eolninnantMtpige.
T10H SAIiR A brand now uurlnht gohmcr
L1 prancl cablntt piano , Worth JWX ) ; will seller
or > | UU. Address U. a. , Hec , llteu-ffl *
710H SALR llol ) ild safoln good condition !
- medium slzu , Inquire nt 400 Merchants
National ban It MID
! 7UU SALE Sen Ins machine , ( the American )
-L good an now and complete. Address hy
ettcr only , T. Moore , 1T07 Oass. 5W- ! " .
jlOIt SAIilI SiiiTvTnif. couutors , tiihtcsTKii *
JLJ ( itturcs &c. , fco. Ooo.V. \ . Mowery , 1419
) ouglas st. 807-2.1 *
j\on SALE A standard makn upright
JL1 piano , but llltlo used , at a sacrifice. Must
jo sold atonco. fall at-UOCaldwell. ifil
PIKE brick. $ Z.00 ! per thousand. 0. D. Wood-
worth , 1312 JJoiiRlas st. OVO
'or rates , elf. , fcetiiji afflrxt column on
WANTIII ) To buy a Rood second hand bed
room su lie. AddrphS 0 at , Hcc. b'J'l a
WANTED A small pony nnd phaeton
cheat ) . Also St. Ilernartl dop. Imiulro
r address A. 1) . llraudols.lU South Slxloonth
trcet. bill
V\7ANTED To biir immcdlatoly , Kood
T > U.ilod hay in car lots delivered at Grand
aland. r\eb. , send lo cst , cash prlco. Address
j)7 north 1'lnu si. Or-ind laUna. Nob. 853-'JJ
PUUN1TUUU bought , sold , stored.Vos. \ \ .
1111 I'urnainst. 1)10 )
TX7ANTED Anything , mdso , furnlluro ,
horses. buggfus-Wlll buy anything you
in. for silo or soil It for you. Hobert Pulton
Auction ami Commission Co. , 1419 , Douglas
itrcpt. Omaha 171
' "orralcs.clc. , see top n } first column on this
E reliable person can have a horse for
7 hl feed ) timing purposes only. Add i cas
O 2.1 , The llco. 894-a *
BALDNESS positively cured , No mistake
about it. Send for descriptive circular ,
Address "Antl-llqld , " uox 8Ki. Davenport , la ,
AMIir.liAXi prlco will bo paid for a tiopy of
the Omaha WorUl-lloralu of Doc. 7th. 1890
Sunday ) , If loft at this olllco. 674 23 *
MASSAGE trcatmcnt.olcctro-thermalbaths ,
scalp and hair treatment , mimlcuro nnd
chlropodUt.Mrs. PosWlUtf S. 15th. Wlthnoll blk.
l-'crratei > .ctc. , teetat > 'tir.-tt column * > n ink J > 1J5
JOIINNIE Suninur Qrauhau. Your mother
has icturncd. JIWJ 2J *
IF the person who wrote the letter to mo
signed from ono of your best friends , will
call oil met would bo greatly obligea. II. K.
A young man In Rood flinncinl clroumstan-
101 concspond wlthsomo accom
plished ypuiis ? lady , gbjcct , social enjoyment.
Addicss , Lock box Ml , South Omaha. Nob.
J195-22 : *
Gentleman of Influence and
means to assist a lady In business. Ad
dress O.U , liuo. 7 b9S-23
T ADV correspondent 'wanted ' , object matrl-
JLJnioriy. 'Address 029 "Ucc. M911-'J *
Notice All persons are warned
not to buy nor recolvo a note dated Match
4.1S01 , jrlycn by John Henry LoechnortoDavId
llyland for $100 , due one year after date. Said
note was stolen'or lost. Uavld S. llyland ,
South Omaha. Nob. 11801 22
A N American Klrl , typical brunette , hand-
-ca sonic , of good family and well educated ,
whoso family relations are not pleasant , de
sires to correspond wltn some western gentle
man niatrmonlally Inclined. G. E. Kowell ,
Mansion House , Troy , N. Y. 908 22 *
INFORMATION wanted ns to the whoro-
abouts of valuable Kiicllsh mastiff , missing
slnco noon March U. Henfrew Stevenson , WT
1'qxtonblk. 704 21 *
For rates , etc. , sec top of flrst column on this page.
BANK stocks for sale , 6T ilT Uurrowi
Norfolk. Neb. 203
HAVE customer for $5,010 worth of national
bank stock , eastern Nebraska or western
Iowa. Omaha preferred ; clvo particulars by
letter , 0. Q. Wallace , 310" J. J.llrown block.
Omaha. 7W-23
promptly upon Omaha
business property at Io\vost \ rates. Loans
madq on approved collateral security. Notes
bought , behool and municipal bonds negoti
ated upon very fuorablo terms. * Kimball.
Champ A. Uyan. liMj Farnam st. | 8Q n8 !
TVfORTGAOn loans wanted. SlcCaguo Iii-
-LTJ-vcstmcnt company. _ 701
\ \ ONKY to loan on good col lateral security ;
--UmortgaKCs 1 ought. Kluibull. Champ &
Uyan , J2J5 Kiirnani st 7ji ( > 21
_ _
J71IUST Ic second mortgages on vacabt & Im-
- proved cltyprop. County warrants bought.
Money on hand. F. M.HIclmrdson.SiS N.V.blfp.
I'ortates , etc. , seetop of flnt column onthla pags
SECOND mortgage loans ; money ready.
Alox. Moore , 401 Dee bldg. 409-Sa *
"T\rONEV to loan , Midland Ouarnntco and
-1M. Trust Company , 10141'arnam street. J1TU8
T\rONEy on hand to loan on improved orun-
-UL Improved projicrty. Onus.V Kahmv.
Omaha National bank bldg f > 44 M1 *
" \fONEY to loan On real estate , Installment
-LT-L mortgage ; now plan ; Ousy monthly piy-
nicnts. lor full particulars call on or ad-
diess United States Loan k Investment Co. ,
rooms COlnndHK Ueo building , Omaha , Noh.
OI'ER cent money , R. 0. Patterson , 007 New
Vork Mfo building. 7C7al7
T\rONEV to loan on Omaha nroporty , Fidcl-
J-Ulty Trust company , 1014 I'ariutn. 278
HIVATE money to loan. J , D. Zlttle.OU
N. Y. Life , _ , Oi5
T3UILniNaioansOto 7 per cent ; no oddl-
JUtlonalolinrgos' for commission or attorney's
fees. W. U. Wclklc. I'lrst National bank bld'c.
Ixxins Gash on band. Oloho
-Voanand | IrustlCo. , : WH. ICthst. No dol.iy . ,
no extra charges. , llousos to rrat , Kood Hsu
_ y. . _ 053
013. & 0. I. AnthBuy. 1113 N. Y.Llfo hiilldm ? ,
.lend inonoy on farms In cliolco counties la
Ivobraska and lowiu also on oed Omaha resi
dence pioporty ; lowest r.itos ; best terms ; no
delay ; money roaciy. Titles and values passed
on hero , -1' ' Oil
TJfrONKY toioaii.oiilmprnvoil city property
-lUatcurront rarrj ; funds on hiuidi no do-
lay. Oco. F. llltist JIOo..2 lUmno bld'K. IBt
EASTiitN : mon'oy-rtJIlt edBOd insldo loans
wanted , lyillkdolphla Mortgapo nnd
Trust Ca , G.V , I't Coatosrop. 7 Hoard of Trado.
liil l---lnlU
For rates , etc. , teetopof flrst column onlhts jugs.
by n r.siiistcrsoii chattel
aiid collateral securities for any tlmo fioin
1 to 7 months , In any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household ponds , pianos , or-
Rtms. horses , mules houses , IOIISCB , warehouse the lowest possible rates with
out publicity or removal of property ,
My loans are so nrruiiBcd that you can make
a payment of any amount ut any tlmo und rc-
diuo both principal and interest ,
Ifyouowo a balance on your property or
hate a loan you wantchnnzod.I will pay Itotr
and carry It for you. If you find It more con-
venlf itt , call up telephone No. 1ITJI aud your
business will bo arranpud at homo.
Money always on hand. No delay , No pub
licity. Lowest rater. , .
II. T. Masters.
Iloom4 , Wltlmcll blk. , 15th amlllaruoy sts.W3
O' II A'ri'EIjbanU.Hll ) y. 15th fit. , loans inonoy
on chatteUor collateral at icasonablo rates
LADIES nui ] eontlemon can tent nmsmicr-
aUomltsatOiN. ! lOthbt , 4lu All *
Forratu , etc. , tec top of ftnl column on f/if page.
"T110U PA l.i-I ; < oa o and furniture of Si-room
Jhotel In business part of a town of ten
railroads. Unisons for spiling : III health ,
Address J in , HcoofUco , Council 11 luffs. Mull
17HK PAT E-Half or nholo Intorcftt Inn sa-
J-1 lonnt good IcHMitlonon Middle Ilroadwny ,
CouncillUurM. 11U business. AddressS , llco
olllce. Council Itlufta. . 012- ' .
\\TANTKI-I'arty ) wlh | l,00for ! ) good pav
* ' Inglnisliicss. Address 0.33. lice. NCT-A *
"T71ORSAI < E-ror face value , } T > 00 first tuort-
Jrageon ( good lot , liisldo belt line , hearing 8
jierconl. iiiteruHt | straight deal ; iiodlsooiint ,
Add roM U lid , lieu. H'-O-iS *
ACJOOD necounhuit having f 2.000 to Invest
innyBPcitro position of bool < kcopcr and
cashlorot a now cstiibllshincut. Address O : n ,
llco olllco. 015 22 *
A GOOD business man with about M.OCO to in-
J.vostcnn hnve ii oed liosltlon with list nek
cuinpanjr tiowbolng organized , Address U ill ,
llco olllco. oai ia
" 1J10H SALD-A hotol. Imrdwaro stock , cro-
* ' eery atock. K i ! , llco olllco. _ K l
A ftP.000.00 stock dry eoodt , boots nnd shoosi
doliiR anliniiionso uuslncss , In onoof the
liest towns In Illinois. Thu slouk Is nil now.
Will t.uko Rood flour ICOncru farm In Iowa nt
cash value , balance In cash ; Rood roanons for
Ri'llliiK , It Is n coed Iny out for fioino one.
Address Lock Itox 211. I'olo. III. 000-2J *
PALn-Atabnrualn. nivcl established
douhlo business liu'ood locution : owner
leavlngclty. Address 02. ' . . llco.
INTRHS , attention. Ono of the best
t'hiinccsovoronorcd for tins rldht matt to
nlop Into thocontrol ofnnostulillshod prlnt'iiK
uuilnusq. Hut llttlo inoiioy ruiulred. inor ; y
nnd ability Iho requisites. 0 JO , lice. OlT-ia
"IfpItbALl first-class driiR stoekofnhout
J(2,000. ( . located luwoitotit luwas town of WJ )
licoijloillrst-cliissoiiporlunily for physician
or drugKlst Address lllakc , Uruoo & Co ,
Oiniihn. Rm-a.i
T71OU RAL1. A peed pnylne Rcnornl incr-
chnndlso ' slock , llxtuu-s and building , iu a
Rood locality ! stock all fre < .li and ROOU. l''qr '
particulars address W. II. II. , Nlckerson , Net ) .
01 0 AUstere fors\lo or trade. Inqulio fi ° 4
Houth IMh Btrcet ,
S A. LOON for sale , only uno In the olty. A < l
drcaa M. It. Dunn , Lonn I'lno , Neb. KJ7 al'.i ' *
CJ Jl'LKNDII ) chnncu to obtain an established
ncrocoiv business If stoic Is taken linmcdl-
nti'ly after Ills vacated. l"or particulars address -
dross U 10. Hco. bOO -i' !
_ _
\\rANTEl ) EniTKOtlc reliable business man
i > with $ .1,000 to $ VJO ) for i nul orollicowork
In wliolusalo business ! coed salary nnd o\-
pcnses for right man. Address 0 12 , Hue.
608 M
USINES3 chnnco } I75 v/Ill buy a pool hnll
complete anil barber shop in connection ,
Rood location and chcnp rents will soil separ
ate ; llmo Riven on naitlf wanted , If you haxo
POIIIO inonoy and ineiin business , address 1C.
lft.0. Dudley street , Lincoln , Nub. tta 22'
rnOK SALHor Tradc-A well located ranch
i' with 10.000 head of cattle nnd IWO liorsca ;
cattle Moll Rriiaed up from natUcs. No Tex-
ans. Owing to favorable climate ranch well
adapted to breeding. 1'artles Interested , do-
slrliiK to close up their business , will oiler
gpoolul Incliicoincnts to buyers for cash or well
located real estate. For further particulars
apply to or address , Hobert W. Clarke. 2SI La
Sallo street , Chicago. _ Tjio-M
WIlOLKSALK llquor business , a party with
capital desires to buy Into auoxo business
In Omaha. Addicss , stating amount required.
I1 71 , Hoc 7 4 ? )
G HOOEHY stock for sale ; doing a cash bust-
ness. Address I ? 47 , Bee. M3CO A1V
r One-half Interest In the best
-L pnylnu meat maiket la Counc.ll IllutTg ;
poor health reason forso'llne. ' Avoragn sales
over $50 per day. Addtess 0. , care of lice ,
Council muffs. M542-30
FOll SALE Do you wish to get in a good
business ? IJuy the Conniorclal hotel at
llmken How , Neb. , tnKo part Omulu aero
property. 437
TjlOll SALT' I'urnituro nnd undcitaklng
bu'lnossln a good town , with ir without
Etoro building ; cart cash , balance Rllt edge
paper or clear real estate : Imolcos about
} . ) , W > 0. 1)0x1142. ) Lincoln 4C3
Tj > XPEUIENOEl ) canvassers and s-ilesnian
JUwlth lltUo capital will ilnd tlio best soiling
specialties In Uio west hy c.illliis at 1614 Chi-
case street. Derbyshire & llorom. 480alO
For rates , etc. , see top of first column on tltts p
Is I'owor. Arrival extraordinary
of the world's most famous inedluni. Blrs.
Dr. F. I ; . Hall , of Hrltlsh fame , known as the
child medium of Entrland.
lionmlri not In darkness nnd ignorance , but
peek je Unlit of knowlrdKc and lo.irn . what the
mysterious future holds foith for jou.
Like a bright meteor flashing across the
darkened sky. this brilliant llttlo medium
from'across the ocean falls In your midst to
dispel the hcaiy gloom nnd bitter uoofrom
the thousands of ullghtcnod hearts.
Do not allow skepticism or silly religious
scrup'es to stand In your way.
Mrs. Dr. T. L. Hall Is the distinguished ,
world fumed and only natural traueo elalr-
vogmit and spirit medium In the country ;
seventh daughter of the seventh daughter ,
born with \all and greatest prophetic gift of
second siglitiwhile entranced willroveal every
hidden mystery In life ; lias boon pronounced
In Europe anil America the greatest living
wonder of the present ago ; understands
the science of the "Persian and Hindoo
magicor ancient charm-\\orking , and pre
pares Egyptian talismans which will ovcr-
comeyourenomles , remove family troijblos ,
restore lost all'ecthms , make marriages with
the one you lovo-no failure ; roinovo evil In-
lliioiices , bad habits ; cures witchery , fits and
all long standing and mysterious diseases ;
will glvo correct Information on lawsuits
sickness , tlo.ith , divorces , absent friends ,
everything ! never falling advice to young
men on marriage and how to choose a wife
for happiness , and what business best
adopted for speedy riches ; stock specu
lation a specialty ; reco\ers lost' stolen
or burled prouoityj locates treasures
and minerals ; also gl\cs Indlspenslblo
advice to young ladles on lo\o. court snip nnd
marilatio. If your lover Is tiuo or false , The
mysterious and successful * manner in which
biiu Heats miiLicrH ui uiu uimusi. uuuuriiy
hasglvoii such universal satisfaction thathor
name has become a piovorb In thousands of
households made happy by her aid and nd-
\lcc. The fact that she has a standing chal
lenge of $10,000 to any mod lum who can equal
her In her marvelous revolutions Is sufllclent
evldenco that she stnnds today without nil
equal In her line of business. Madanin wishes
It thoroughly understood that she Is the only
bonnlldo sovoiith daughter of the seventh
dau Rhtor of the present ago nnd advertises
nothing but \v hat she can do and would no the
classed with thomanychoapuretcndersfound
In oiory city. Allwlioaroln trouble , whoso
fond hopes have been blasted , who hnvo been
deceived and disappointed through fnlso pie-
dlutlons of others , before giving up to despair ,
are Invited to call and bo convinced of the
true statements of the above without delay.
Madam convinces the most skcptlual , as Ills
a well known fact throughout the world slnco
the ( lays of ancient wltchory , that only a tov-
cnth daughter bora with a veil can reveal the
future correctly ,
Hours U a. ni. to 8 p. m. strict.
N. 11. 1'crfoct satisfaction guaranteed by
mail , bond stamp for Illustrated circular with
special torms. HUB. 1)11. ) R Ij. HAIL ,
322 N. 15th street , Omaha , Nob.
028-iC' !
rpcjknow your future satisfactorily and for
JL the least money , go to Mrs. btovor. 4'0
N ICth st. M82U2 , "
ASSAQU ilttdurr Uolzler. over G10S. 13th
M : SI 101-AO *
TITUS. "VVAMjAOE. clairvoyant ; naturally
JjJLglttod ! tolls past and future.lovo troubles ,
absent friends , chaiigcs , travel , business. UM
I'arniun sticot. MH.V12 ; ' *
'IIS. ' KOKT. palmist fortune teller , tolls
. " -past and future from the lines of the hand
hi old gypsy wny ; Indies only ; fee fl , 512 8.
10th. 630-33 *
\\7ANTii : ) All should know Mrs. Ir. DeV
V ban. tlio lady mind leader and fortiino
toiler ! tolls past and futuioj she Is the best
overlioro ; IseHiiecIally deep In all iiintrin.o-
nnl nltulrs and mysterious ( llnappoariinceii
don't buy , soil or RO on a journey until you
consult her ; she oan can fortolllta icsultHi 1s
truthful and reliables porfoot satisfaction
guaranteed hy mall ; send two Mumps for Il
lustrated circular. Xfi North ICth BU. Omiih.i.
Nob. 181-alj
US. NannloV. Wnrion , clairvoyant , franco
.sneuklnj , writing and reliable business
medium , four i ears In Omaha. HUN. 10th. 028
Fo R "SALE co ws.
For talcs , etc. , sec top of fimt column on tliti page.
j.i BALE Ono of the best funillv iiillk
COWH In Omaha , 411) ) B. 20th street. M8I4 22 *
For rate * , etc. , HU tup nffirnt column on thtipigc.
A Y ASs AuUi-JJaiiiim Oolzicr. over 010 H. Uth.
JjJL M1U1-AO *
: bath ut Sladiuno Binlth's parlors ,
MASSAOi l 420 H. 15th at , l J 27 *
For tales , tie , reet < > w > fflr < st coln/miou l/i / ( * jw
; U ilohlo loans iLonoy.cor. raruam&.llth
* 1
Firrnt , ttc.ite topof Jlnl column oil Utitptge.
TmOU TltAl'lK Kor oicBTflirinis l,000 Tlooit
J. ' clotlilinr. IIO.OJO dry goods , for clear unim
proved lands , Uoom Old 1'uxton building.tuisa
tui-sa *
IHAVIjil new houses In I'oMileton I'nrk ' near
motor line , also 10 Rood lots that I will tr.tUo
for stocks of dry coeds. clothlnxanU ihiios.
Add rosi owner , David K Woll.Ulailnda.Ia.
"If Oil LXrllANOClcar lots near court
- * ' homo. 1'lerro , capital South Dikotn , for
town property or lands la Iowa 01 Nebraska.
yrlRht A. I-nibury , loui Howard street. Jltfl 2y
" \\rANTnn-Tocxchaiift" . A honio and lot
In Omaha ; value KJCOO , Incuiubranoo
81,001 ; nl o house nnd 4 lots in Alnsvorth.Nob. ;
value JI.200 , incunibriiiicoMOO.for agooiUtock
of stationery nnd fancy poods , or u stock of
Jewelry or beds and shots In Omaha or Llit-
oolii , r\cb , AJdrosj , iock box 11 , Alatvorth ,
cb. _ aiHO 2C
rilUAIli ; I'nrly from Interior otlho stato.
Jjit prosontln the city , has a number of
Rood improved fnrms nnd some law land to
trade. Addicss. giving full particulars of
what you ha\o \ to offer , 0 10 , Hio. MM1 1TJ *
riW K.\OlIANnK'IonrRcncMl ( ) stoclc of ilrv
J- goods , cIothliiK , boots and lioos | will take
real estate and some. uionUy. Address UovltVi ,
1' rani : fort , Ind , 8i ! a 10
iUm TllAlIIIao ) ngood lot nnd agood
'farm to trade for horses or mules , liiioni
'uxlon build Ing. _ ftlO-22 *
" \yANTRD-A stoulc of goods for Notiraska
' 'farms and sonio cash. 1) ) . al , llurmaii ,
Fnllertoii , Neb. Mi U3 *
TOU iXOHAN'ai-T ; : h.ivo sonio nlco Omiha
- * . rental inopertyto trade for farm Innd or
lots. I'arrotle , ttj luu ) jhs block.
" \\7 H AT ha\o vou to trade for sec. land in
i center of.NebrasUa ? AddrossO II , Hue.
7ft > 22
L'OR nXCHANOK Farm near Omalm for
-L' 'stockof druK.s. Alex Moore , 401 , llco hldR.
_ _ _ _ _
\\AM'ni5-\V \ > stern lands for Omaha , rental
1 propurty , I'nriotte , 22 Duuslas block ,
flisj-22 ;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
I \VILLtradoKood \ clear lot wortli ? V)0 ) and
tnko good npriclit piano as part payment.
Address P ga , lloo. _ 476
\\rAMI3D-To trade for a stock of drups.
> Uox 518 , city. 059
c. , tec tup offirft cntumit en tltlspagc.
1\O1U | : bargains In Fouth Omaha. l7ots8. "o
-I'lannlO , block 0 , 27th street , slzo CO\160 ,
price $910.
Lot 7 , block 0 ( corner ) , 27th street , slzo COx 100 ,
jirleo S1IV .
Lotus , ; i. 4 nnd fi.bloclcS , 27th street , she 00.x
150 , price $910.
Lot fi , blocks ( corner ) , 27th street , size 10x150 ,
prloo 8MVS.
Lots 8,0 and 10 , bloclc ! ! , 27tliBtrcct , slzo COx
150 , prlco JO 10.
Lot 7 , block 21 ( corner ) , 27ti street , size COx
1M , prlco $1 , 1V- .
Lots 3. 4 and 5 , block 20 , 27th street , slzo OOx
IK ) , prlco $823.
Lots $ ,0. 10 ami II , block 25 , S7tU strcot , slzo
COxino , prlco tuo.
Lots 2 , : i and 4 , block 20 , 27th street , size , OOx
150 , prlco S'JIO.
Lots 2 , It und 4 , block 27,23th street , slzo GOx
151) ) . price 5910 ,
Lots2and3 , block 132 , 20lh street , 63x130.
prlco * iH ) .
Lots 6 and 7 , block 127 , ? lst stioot , slzo 50x130 ,
prlco J700.
I.ots2i : , 4nnd 5 , block 122 , 21st sticot , size 50
XKIO , ptlco STfl.
Lots : ' , 4 , Band 7 , blockSM , Slth strcot , slzo 50
M ) . price SWl.
Thesnlotsall Inybotwcon thohuslncsBccntcr
of South Omaha nnd Omaha , and nro bargains
atprlioa named. Torius , oiio-IIiCtlicaali , bal-
uni'O easy. Hcrnemboryoii buy these lots til-
lect from first linndH , the South Oni.ihu Land
Co , and pay no piollt totho middleman. Look
at the map of South Omaha and j on will sco
that the Inc.itloii of these lots Isery desir
able , 1M Johnston & Co , agents. 67U-22
TTlOIlSAT II-KIeiaiitslte for cottapo : 05x101
Jfeet houth fiout , nn 1'opploton a-xe. half
block from motor line. t-MOJ. Geo. N. Illcks ,
N , V. Life llulld Ing. Ofllco open oveniugs.
_ _ _ _ _
I OIl SATjn-Po\en ncics this side of fair
JL crounds In West Oinahii. and almost onpo-
slto Kuscr's hotel and bchuclzeti ii'irk , 'nils
pioporty is Immediately on Iho Hut line with
station rl lit at ouo corner , cohered ulth a
line irrouth of trees that will maUc It asplon-
did place for a summer uardcn , and can be
Mib-dhldod Into about IB lots , with thu build
ing of the new motor line to the now fair
grounds. These Itt lots ought to brluK f50T or
WOO each. Can offer this property at a very
low llauro. Hicks , N. Y. Llfo bldff. Olllcc
open cu'iilngs. ' 824-2. '
DO jou want a bargain ? A row of stores
50x120 feet of ground. pa\ed slrcut , rents
$1JO per year , only JH.OOO , $ . ! ,000 casli , bill-
nnce eay terms. A full corner lot 34 ih and
Krskino streets , only tB50. Houses and lots
from ? 1,2V > and up on monthly payments ,
Oeo. J , I'aul , KiOO Farnnm. 005 22
BAKOAIN-Small cottaso on Capital avc. ,
near CCth ; oisy tirms. Gco N LI Icks. K.
Y.Llfo. Olllco open evenings. 1U4-2J
FOIl SALE Two nlco houses , now and mod
ern built , in llaiiscom 1'lacn , half block
from motor line. A harfr.aln If taken nulck ,
Oco. N. Hicks. K. V. Llfo Ilulldhij ? . Olllco
open e\cnlngs. U2i- '
Ton dollar lot sale all this vooki buy
$ ono for iour boy and lut It alone until ho
Is of ago ; it ml ht bring him thousands of
dollais by the tlmo ho reaches manhood !
btranger things this liiitohuppoiiod , and
InUm.iha , too ; remember , flu Is fulluajmont ;
warranty dewl , abstract and plat given with
c.ich . lot sold : scnilSo postage fur pint and In-
foimatlon. Charles I1 , llonjamln , solougent ,
310 South 15th strcot. Omaha , B'ja-22 *
TTIOllS.iloorExchango . Cholro trackage , six
J- ' blocks Klrst National bank : forclonrlowa
orcnstcin Nebraska land. Wrlghti , l asliu ry ,
1CQI Howard street , HKVI a
4-1JOOM house and lot , innldo 3-milo limit.
near Ames u.-\o , SCOJi * 2H ( ) cnih. balance
monthly. Ilutclilnsou kVciul. . I'M IJouglas.
T71OHSALr lM,2 .5.10 or20 aoies on Fur-
Jnamoi * HjdRObtieets Uli miles from court
house ,
From ono to forty acres beautiful hlsli land ,
near Tort Omnh.i , J500 to$8llOpor aero.
PouraorcslnVashltigtoii Hill.
Two choice lotsj , corner In Oichard 11111 , 0110
block from motor , } 2.4'JO.
Oood forty foot lots , three blooks from motor
line , 3400. Curtis & SacKctt , 203 S 15th st.M8IO
M8IO 25
, stock of general merchandise for half
$ cash , balance good farm In Ilrown , Donl-
phan.Atchlson orLoavoaworth'coiintlos , ICaa ,
llo.OOO stock of general merchandise tor halt
cash , balance Kood farm ,
fli.O'JO stock Kcncial morchanrtl'io ' one-third
cash , balance Rood clear farm at casn value.
JK.OOOktockgeneral iiieiohandlsofor ono-half
cash , haliuico good clear real estate bringing
In Rood rout.
blocks of merchandise , hardware , drugs ,
etc. . forKoodpiopcrty and cash.
l.OOU acres nralrln fund In southeastern Ne
braska , all fenced$25,00) ) ; onciiinbranco { 9,000 ;
will exchaiigo forgoodproperty.
Imptovod farms In northeabtoru Kansas for
; Palls Cl.y . , Neb. 63123
. I am going to sell some , inoro lots In
$10. Omaha's latest addition nt 910 each , bnlo
will commence Monday morning. Marob2l and
continue allweok. 8101s payment In full for
a lot , free from mortgage or Inciiiiibrnncc.
Abstract of title and lithographed plat given
with each lot and every lot guaranteed a nlco
level building lot. These- lots He between
Umahi and the new l 'oit Omaha. TheyliiiM )
a splendid future and will bear thooloscsl In
vestigation , Now Is the time to Invest , Oiilv
ono place in the Unite 1 Suites to buy thonii
at : 10 South fifteenth sticet. Sena 2 cents
postage for plat and Inforiinllon Oharles I ,
lloiijiiniln. solo agents , 310 bouth I'lfteoiiti
street , Omaha. KM 22 *
house and : K1 foot lot Oil Capitol
sirooni'houso aiid : W'/i ft. lot , good barn , east
front , Wlh near Cum hut , fS.Wl.
Choice lots without cash to parties Mho will
build , lliitcliliison& Wcacl , isai DouKlas.80S
80S "i.3
. Trado-A tcnnd six loom liouso
FOItfAI.Kor Decatur struot. Bi'J--'S' '
abboluto Micrlflco. Kull. lot , L'Sth
AN Btieot near Wonlworth , ft.W. fall for
terms. Smcatoni Allen , 1W7 Kama in street.
Word totho vise. Owncrsof propirfv In
A bouth Omaha are buglniilin. to Ilnd out
that woare the loading real istato Him , and
maUonoarly all the talus In Houth Onuilia
lenity , andaio listing tholrproperty with ui
cxt'lmlvoly.7.r > iierei'iitof the Bales Hlnco. Ian-
nary t hnvo'betininiido throiiKh ns directly ,
and p.ut of the other U.r. percent liidlioctly
through \Vohavotho lut , and don't yoii
orBii . If yon want to sell , HMwIth u , and
if you want to buy wo ar the ones who
show you the bargains. Ed. Johnston & ( Jo.
InSouth Omaha , lluslness lot
BAHQAIN st , near Sitli , * MWJ ; cpnior.iyixlM ,
2th ( hi. , fx'.mo ; lot 5 and 0 , blk 27 , II.IJW | flJxIW
feet near 2llh. JS.V. ( loo. N , Hicks. N. Y , Llfu
building. Olllco opoii otonlns. KJI-2J
r-llCO.M liouso. lot aiiW , ' II,7X ( ) ; nlBpt-room
c. lot lllUiU. H.O , cor. Itth and
6t. . * t-V < i. llrluUlinufcolot-tlxfV ) . n. o. cor. tutu
und Douglas , WJ.OOJ. Mri Kuhlman , 81SI 8.11th
C7l )
; fnrm-ii peed clluiati" . markets
AlJjwantlnj Aadross 0 , K , Lundls , V Inelaiid ,
/ * orif ( , ( /c..1 / fojiii/ylr tfoliimiinnlhts pdge.
Fomo ffoploknown KOoJ thlni when Ihoy
< cuor bo.iruflt : othorsdo not and must bo
utilised , Let us ndrlso Ihoso who have not
hoard of the
( lootl things on Slth street. South Omaru ,
And \\owant yon to licotl our ndvlcs.bo1
canso It will make you blit money niro. us It
luu already Made a good many jicoulo big f
money slnco Jauunryl.
Tor Instance , wo sold lots , block 0,1 , at 8J,100 ,
anil In just 15 daji the purchaser sold the
same lot for 80,000 NO profit In 3 weeks Is not
bad-tlils mti n took our advice , KOO ? Another
lot 5 , In block 71 , wo sold for M.OOJ , aud the
vcty next rtay tlio purchaser was ofTcrciT
Mt.WO , and he hart psld only UOO down , UOW'B
{ .VMproflton 1100 In2i hours ?
Hut howouldnotacecpllt. You Kcoho
izcswtintu good thing holias and concludcil
lokeoj > ll , and It will make him $2no before
thoyearlsoul , These , an ) two out of a gloat
many on M slnco Jnn 1. Wo can't clvo jou
n 11 of them , because the list \umld \ (111 ( this
columnand wodon't oivro to juy for so much ,
spnco. Oio rales topllrstcolutau ) .
Slth street is the only 100ft stieot running
north and south , has 20ft aide-walks Is iew-
crcil uml will bo pu\cd tliU siiilng ; It Is Iho
main thoroughfare between the tno cities ,
and If you will take tlio mniiof both cities
uml trncu Its IctiRth north from N street.
South Omaha , anil look nt the other streets
east midwest of It you will ECO ntaglanco
thutlt will al ays romalnso.
All traftlo lctwcoa both cities must go tula
way , It Islnodlrcctoroute ,
Start down to South Omaha Eonioday from
IGth and 1'armtn , taking any other route than
21th st , ami sco If you don't luuo to KO at least
one mile farther to roach .tho stock yards ,
packinghouses and business eenterof South
Omaha ,
'Iho paving of this strcot alone will send
prices i.5 per coiitblBher. Take our tuUloo
nnd buy now , If you iloa't you'll siy in Us3
than UU days :
"Well , I wish I had taken Johnston's advlco ,
It would have made mo a thousand. "
Yon remember thcro vrcro hundreds of such
wishes In tlio Loom times ol V > and'80. nncl-
clon't you forget Ittluitwo ( toiith OimihiOaro
Just on the c\oof a boom. IIvoTyploce or
pioporty In Ilio following list Is a burraln
niul will \vorth50porcciitinoro InlpSHthnn
HlMiionlhs. It you don't bvllovo tills nssor-
tlon jtibtcutout tills ad , nud usk for prices o j
tlicso Jots In six mouths.
Kemp's Sul ) , , d 111 st. between E aud G sts.
Lots 23x150 , cast fronts.
Lots -1,5,0. 7und S , oaclillDO ,
Lots UuiHl 11 , each 11.201) ) .
Lots II , 12. Uiiiuli : . each * 1.MO.
Lots 18 , ll > . a > , 'Jl nnd 2-J , each JI.250.
Lnts . .luncl''l. . eachSt.ltt ) .
McUIuro'a sub. S-lthstrict , corner Gstrect.
LotJ , y\X ! ) . 8 CM
Kotti , XM\)0 ' ) . OtiQ
Iot7 , 2J\0 ! . 8 3
Lot I. Mxl04 Ostroct . 600
Lot2 , Ilvl04 ! Gitrcot . 500
K L-ahli Dulanco e.iiy.
iMlli street business place , corner II street. -
J.otl. 114x1)0 ) corner
, UNxIW . . 1,150
J dtll , ilxlOO . 1,100
Lot4. LNxlOO . 1,050
Lots , LMxlOO . 1,050
LotU. 40x120 II street . TOO
> i cash balance easy.
I.ot 4 , block IS , east front C0\150 , 21tb
street . 1,900
Lot a , block 50. oust front OOxlli ) , 24th
street . . . 2,400
Lot 7. block IB , corner B'Jxl'iO , UJth street. . ( ,0)0 , ( )
Lot I a nd I.1 , block JOJ , corner 1110x90 , Mund
lllth sliTuts . . . 1,300 ,
Lot 5. block 71 , cast front IMth street.
.fiOxl.r 0 J7.DCO , house 0 rooms , cent II.WJO.
W.OOO ensh , bnlanco 1 , 2 , U ycurs 8 tier
ciut. Thlawlll make somebody llf > 00
Inside uyonr. Kd. Johnson & Co.
" 1710R SAI/E-Soctlon 23 , township 10 , ramto 9
JP west , llovard county , Nebraska , d40 acroa
cliolco farm land , situated about 12 miles
iiotthoastof it. I'uul , the county seat of llow-
arl county , atowuof over 2Kli ( inhabltnnta
and Junetloiiof several railroads , with bunks ,
waterworks , elevators , etc. ; > only three
anil one-half miles from the town of
Cnshliig , a good shipping point nn the It.
&il , rtilliond. Rolling tableland with one
liirgealley ruiinlntj throiiph thn eastern
part ; soil u dark black loam. Tun land la
splendidly adaptedforclthcrRcnenl farming
putposcsor slock farm. H null lockbtittoincu
cieek Just touches Iho extroincRoutlnvostcor-
nerof the soctlon. Catiinioto for a few ilaya
at $ ,000. Oonrgo .N. Hleks , uv. York Llfo
biilltllng , Ofllco open ovcnltiRS. l'J-23 ( '
riMIB bargains that wo on"or for a fuw days ,
J.H111 Mionk for thenisolves to tliu posted ,
buyer ami will make the unc'dueated mir-
-chabor just ns much money. Twenty to shly
fret front 011 pivcilttrcct. South Omaha , for
S730J per font , worth 812500. A buslnosi lot
worth ai.fOJ.OO for MOO.UO cash and on
time. 1'uli lot on Q street , vortbJ700.00 , for
J.1W03 , half cash. Ono clear lot. $100,00 cashw
woith HO'X ' > any day. 1'ull lot , 11110one. near
llnnsconi I'nrk , 81,100,00. Smcuton k Alien ,
J/)7 ( ) Kiinmtn street. MTbT-KJ
"VOU ought to know t'mt ' the place to buy
Jimd.soll Fontli Omaha real i-stato Is nt Eu
' ' olllco N and Slth
Johnston & O'o.'s , corner
sticiits. Thoyarolho leiillnx dlrttloalun In
bmilh Omalu and have the largest list of
pioporty for sale. M 23
'n open every night from 7 tl 1 10
O o'clock for the accommodation of those
engaged through the day , Wo will thuw you
our host real estate biircnlns only If you call
bctWLM > ii7 and 10 p.m. Wo hn\o \ an arrange
ment by which you can secure a coed liouso
ana lotou Lowe nvcnuobetMcen Itanium and
( Jumlngstici'U forlcss than the lot Is worth.
Itcsidonco and business property listed ana
rented , sales and exchanges made , applica
tions for loans rccplvocl. Star I-oim ana
'Irust Co , Istlloor , N. Y , Mfo. M 7U-24 ,
TTIOH BALE-Oholto corner 2ltli street. Fouth ,
JL1 Omaha ; full business lot , Jackbon. near
16th.H , IloxM _ M7tial7 *
"TOUSAT > R-i : cottages , cor. 1Mb aiidOiiinlnif ,
JL1 cheap. O , I ) , lllbbins , Uia Douglas St.
acres fine faria land atljolnlnjtgood Nebraska -
120 town ! nearly clear.
llflaoios ilnolv Improved Ianl2(4 ( ralleHfrom
county seat In Nebraska ! lightly encumbered.
1.1) ) acres good land In Nebraska , Oinlloa froui
county tunt : 2-100 mhubltaiits and lot in town In Kansas ; clear.
Clou riot. In good Nobranka town.
4-roora house and lot , barn , \\M \ nnd cistern ,
IMhstnot. Omaha ! slightly encumbered ! will
trade foi Omaha property and assume. ciKum-
branocs. 1 1. II. Cole. Continental liloek. OOP
TTOIl PAI K-7-room house anil lot ; uUo 0-
-I1 room house and lot , at u bargain. 1 1 iimi roe
o ner. 8IJII ilnrcyst. _ HZi ± I _
TTToTl fcALK-Ex tw barjalii. Cholco Od l20 ,
J'wlth building ; rents HOO.T ) jior 1110.1 one
block fiom nowl'.O. u , Li. J'JIJar-
IUT lil.i.'k. _ _ _ _ _ ! ?
-1 ! AGUES Inshlo city lliiiltH.ITMporn
J Address Uilitlnal Owner , t' 87 Hce.
T(10HSUthOii.aliipronerty-husliicsstrack- ( !
( ro il estate
J ? ngoor rosldonco-ao to the
tate tloalern In Houtli Oinulia , Kd Johiihoii &
Nsts. " > i *
Co.jior.J.Uthand _
frtOIl PAKIJ-OIioai ) . The rrsldoiiin at 2310
J-1 1'lcreo streot.ata b.irgalafor . a"uw " , ' ' "ya
only. Iiiquliont the Neb , btoam lam.dry , lltlj
and llinvardslrooti. _ _ jjol
I71OI5. SAIjlj-TIiomost comfortable 8 room
J. modern liouso In the olty , every convon- , bith , gas , oltctrlo bulls , fiirnioj , laiin-
< lry , ote , I.ano Hlahlo. room for4 IKITHCN , city
\vntor In fctiililc , concrete floor , full lot Inhalf
nilli ) limit , oiiiivonlcnt tel lines of emu. shall o
tritH , cle I'rlco ' It ' ,030 , Address V 23 , lloo
ofllco. < a
lorrcittiUc.tcetnpnfJlnl column onl/il / piga
iMI K Alliui'Kutcliaiii Bchool of
1 lltlN.'J.'itli , Classes bulnxforniiMl l
Ddsuilo , St.nKuHpcaro , 1'iiyulcal Culture ,
TiVJR SAC.itt-1'luno , good order , 8123. HUB.
1' ' 7th street , M.I22 *
B . . . Ill- " buy In ; a Dlnno examine ttio now
boaloKliuball , plano.A. llospo.l
OKO. I' . Ucllunbeck , teacher of the banjo >
with llosjiw , ISM DoiuluR. 240
* ] UAV1 ? ufaw now pianos for ale avfully
Jraeap , as Ihavogonoont of thu piano but l-
ncss. 6 , Joiiuson , larnata undllthiUi. U1 *