THE OMAHA DAILY 13ISJSTWEDNESDAY , MARCH 18 , 1801 cnrri'i t'rti'p Mini/rvo SPhlLLAlnh MARKhiS , Bears en Top ntul Ever/botty Anxious to Buy. THERE WAS A PANIC AMONG THE SHORTS , AUDI Hoc llrniiirknttli' llulm1 lit ' "urn , .nml FOIIIP IXHlciurnt In with i Sluirp Ailvmtco in Pi Icon. dutMim. Maroli I"-laprclnl TolcKMin Ui 1'nr IIKi.1-Tlio day on Vhanga onpiii'd with u hear rnlil all over the lloor. In nil thn Irailliiil markets to the surprisn nf tin' ' It-atlo , thrrc wnn nut ti Ing fur sain , ami forthwith iMiTvtmilv viintotllo liny. ThprnwiiKii jmnlo ninmm llio ihortial OIIUR. U w.n illlllouU to nay where the Hurry was the ftroatott. for Miy rose f ruin SUM1 * tuM.O'"i. niul solil hnek toil,0'4 : corn wont for ill Uo lo CSVllhoiiHiuiy IrndeH to siionli of , ami tlirn uih.inei'il to ( V''ii'i ' oals ri o to .vi'j'1 ' ! uorlc npi'ni-iliit I.V'iip ill $ II.'IV anil wunt flylmj In til 17' , ; Muy Inrilio'.d from )'i ' ; ribs There wiisapnnh' ntnon t HIP sliorts In whrat this iiinmlns. whli'h I'liiitcitt all lid vnlieo of tieiil ) 3e tinflM Im f hour. There Was no . pit ec nf hull news to ncrount for the linliro. When thi'er.iwd wanted wheat Itv.i - ni.I . t rsiilc. and they lonU frl''hl Had hltl the jin.'i' up 1'Ri't It. I'orliiins nun liillueni'i'whl.'h . K ! itli'il I iiyln ; W.IH M.irk I.uiu' ' ' stiitPtuciit that Huroni'iin countrle * . I'rani'e. ( Irrinanv. llollainl. llekliini , Sjialn. I'vcn ltli fair ornlls vill lie30 | > er ci'iil short In the leiiulremc-nN , tthleh liiuslhp madti Rooil by Aiui-rlea , Aus tria anil IJnssIn. The iwrly hivcrponl cuhlo was Una and S'lnp ' for nmir luturos. New YnrU eloixreil Irt.wd liushcls oflioat n < l 31)- ) DH ) packages nf Hour , anil Now ) rlcins : clcaro I ni.iHKl lumhels of wheat. The reoolpli In the northwest were less he.ivy , with ciirsul the tun points. Tills nai Iho snniofall that fiMilil ho called hull iimvs. On the oilier haiitl the piihllicahliiKiivo an Increase of a.77illO ! > > husiH'ls of wheat on passageA llvoriool | c.ibio to linker , later , eallul thlsaii eiroranil jilaepil Iho lucrejisi'at I.SsO.OCO. In thofiiconf these ( acts Iho price of May wheat tnrtoilnt llnl'.i iind went liy Iin to $1.03' ) . and smut ) i'lnlinl.lKI. July stiutod al U7Su nnd rose to tO'aiv The a.lvaiien stojipetl us it stalled , ulthnnt nny Hpeclal Ittllnoncc. Ahont the s.i me t Im i' the rumor of the falluio of Muilata X Co of liomlon , and the uiiKilKi'ineiits of Kold fnrovport at New Vork. with usliarpiln- cilno In Htoi'Us , eatiscil pretty cunpriil snlllun. nml May went haelc hi ? l.dS anil .1 nl.v to ! Mc. On tlins-ecniid hulRO May soltl ut fl.DS's. July M tnt'tO. ' mil then declined to Jl.'il' ' , for May nml ' ) i' o for .Inly. Tlio dosing continental cables \M'iti n aln slightly hull . , ami I bis put Jlny tut I.IK11 ! and .Inly tolM'n1. ' At I o'clock May rested at .fl.u'iml .1 uly at We. The fen- turo of Iho early t r.ulo was thn buying hy Hell Will U.Iliipoi1 , McCoriuk'lt .t Co. and Mll- inliu'-lletlinan. It was ulalmuil tlrit Mltc'holl. who was short , covore.l frio'y. Later In llio tiny ItiutlKii lioiisi" * % vero irpnrtnl -llei-H. . The estimate for We Inuhilayiis very llxlit at XI cars for tills market. Tliu only dlsapiiolntod oni'sln wheat \\ero those who expected to sco the inarUel llatlen tint at the elose , Instead It buhl linn and ma tut , 11 neil a peed advance. M.iy elose.l . ut JI.U-J and July at ! lsV. March was quoted at ! ) - > ' c air ! fl.OJ ? to UOiJo to Iho elose. Com had another remnrlmlilcliulgi1 during tlio inoriiltii ! hour. May startoil with bids all the wny fitiin ll''e to tile , and llttlo cnrn to be had till ll.l'ii ' ) wus toueht-'il , and Iho prlci ! went on tolll'ic. ,1 uly wusenniilly as orr.itltand little could be hail fioni tU'ji1 toil' " if , ami the prloe wont to . " . with a null. After a period of ip.ilvl anil 11 little tloellnu May went to KI'iC nml July HUM In touehod tlio top HKIIIC. Tliu act Inn theniis blowly downward without heavy business until May icsted at WVo and July ut tiP.r. The e\t reicie high pilee.s forcorn on thcM'i'iuiil lull p. ' of Iho inniniiu wor.niioled | at Iho dose , liy lellalilti brokers , al olt : for May and dS'iO ' foi July. Theelo.-o ttns ( i.l'ic for May and fnr.luly. This wasa nolgaln of lo from ' 'it for Mav nnd l'ic ' for .Inly. Mai-Hi leil ut ii"3ie unil I'lnseil at l.'c. . April MIIS a * ( Kit.1 liluli. a nil doscil at ' - ' ' ; , ! sold ut O3'ic ' and closed at r - , ; August li-'n' , antl closed at lil'ac. 'I'lierc \is stinie huj nn ? by btokets caily nlih'h roiild not ho placed , St. l.oills \ \ as caught short on sales ; nnuiiil ' ' Hatniilny. Mny fiiiii puts sold nl ( /-.if , anil culls nt ul'.o tou4'He. ' The oals market was oxelled w It hi lie others liar ! ) ' In the day and llio hi h prii'rs on tlin crop L'in icai'hed tin u sharp adv.mco. May hold at Me to .Me ; June al . " > 3'so ' lu.Vli'i .Inly , ( Oc to .W , niul Iho fliislnc prices were .Vl' e fur Miiy-.V. " ) ! ' for.lune , ami I'.i" " jo for .Inly. There wild no unusual feature to trading on eilliiu 'I'lioro ere throe tlitngs to account fur the Rharp advance In provisions Uu , lli--.t hour. Corn was up uhont 3i ; with none for sale , the roet'lpls ttero ROOO under the cst linalos , with priees ul the jardul , vain'cil , and thorn was roniaikahle Iniyliii ; hv broUois ereillti'tl both to Cutlahv unil A rinoiir. Mavi > < > rl > ononed at l.'io un at t l. : > . \iosi'tii SII..VI. liniUo ID ? ! ! . ' . , " ) unil vlosinl ill' ' , or .Me higher. .Inly sold at fll.lKi. oil In ill.Ciii. nnd loosed at ? ll.i7' : . l.uril noletl ultli porn. May sold al K > .4U lo Jti.471 , . to Jta7'i. ! to tiU' . " ; . or 7'e hlu'lier. Mr.y ribs closed at U'o ' ui ) tit $ . " > . * . dthor prii'ts me KtM'ii In-low. Un the advance the talk \va- thai Ciiilnliy ns heavily shott and omereil freely. Thole was lilt letloiilit that Armour brokers aKo liuiiirhl. The sellers \\ure \ , who hSil foinl pnillls on ( he bul o , I'lllOKS AT rlllCAOII. rincm AT sr. rtiMMiuiirr I ( iit'ii | I Ill-'h. | l.oiv. Vos'y Notes and Cnssl | > . ] ! ecolits ] atHiilulli : 17 t'ais wheat. liecolpls at .Minneapolis : .N lt'L'olit ! | > . at City : Wheat , 40 ; corn 20 ; oats. p. S' . l.onls roi'dpls : > Ylipiiti0SOOi corn , 100 , . ft.Vi ; oalsliii.tW. Khtliuatt'd cars at C'lilcano for Wodnesilay : Wliciit. . : ! ; corn. I'M ' ; oats , 15' ' , Clc.irancosof Hour from Xew York ! ' "J.IOI liiii'Mive.s ! client , ; t.,000 liushels. ChlciiKo receipts ; Wheat 181 oar-i. IS No. 5 com . " > lficiu > , "I No , S ; nats Ittluiirs , 17 Xo. u',1 Ileorllolnn' * culle : I'arjjiu's wheat olfeiiasi lirnier. Dii ims nit , llriiiei , coin > te.itller WeMhcfln lln lanil wet. Liverpool wheat lliinly held , eurn llrnit'r. ' Carom's wheat on jia-Mi i1. lncreuso.i,77i..tW biislnMs. luMinctt , Hiii | ) < liiH Uo. toS. A. MeWliortir Thorn was nothing of lniiorlauco ] to bill vheat this niornluc. hut a fi'W i-luuis tnuk fikht and thai -erved to drat ; the rest Into the nice to pet ashott' as sunn as posslhlc. li is iiineh oilier to staiupcilu tlu'io than tin IOIIKX , for ulillo the bears havu no eonilik'nu In iirt'scnt values , they liavpn whiili'sonio n- tijieet ( or an oversolil market and reecntly have not wirletl fora secinnl luvltiitloii to eel muter coxer when thev i-ee a stonn biewlin ; This almost universal fear of lielnir short Is really an element of weakness , because it fniiif-hos a limited market to absorb Ion ; \xlicat when otl'erlnirs are free , Ortllnurlly t-iii'li an enoriuotis liu'reaso hi iu'can | iassui < i ] ( nearly lOOO.O.Kii would have caused a decline nml wotlilnl ; this will bo Its ultimate eil'ect , but the urgent demand from shorts out- xvolpbeil all otlii-'rI'mi-Uleratloiistoiluy. This liavliiKappaicntly been sutlstli > d , lower nrlccn fchortly woulil soi-iu piobahlc. I'orn and oals The aliiirt luti'ii'st uhlch was funiiod on the break at theclo-eof hist week was forced to L'uier. Iliusohti took their tillerliik's last xveek liplnB the -sollors today , The clhpio x\ll | lirobahly penult prices lo decline moderately lo iMicmiriiEO shoit M'lllii ) ! , forelin : tlin ml > - KiiliU'd trader" to cover on the next rally , Duo of the'o days , however , woexpect to seethe the boat on the oilier leu. I'nnlsluns again udvaiu'pil sharply , xvilh no apiiirent eaiiio fiirtherlhan the hull feelliiK xvhieh now tire- vails. Short * wen1 tlitiniiiuhly alarmed , short hcllliiuU now iiul of favor. Sonio portion of tlio uclviuico was lost , hut thcclo-oxvasHioaily. W. 0. McCormlek & Co. to K. I' . Suartl k L'o. : Today's whi-at market has furnlahcil unite a biiiprlsoto the bears , fables xsoro llrni , but noletl an liierease la cnrjjocson passnue of nearly tluoo anil three- nuurter millions. ThN vm iicceptoil liv our Itwul trailou as u vnry UoarlM foutiiru ami resultetl in heavy short sales by thciii which thoyW-ro Joined by St. Louis and the n i. Tin1 r MTcriits , liow i vi'f i x\pro ri'ii'l > ill ftirbi ( I in , . I w I , rn they nndcrtooK tu , \ i'ii. k Mii'ir < > i-ri > t Iin ni'itVot aihatii'i'il MIII. ( nut . in fr.nU of tin-in. It Is drill nl , t.i slain hv vhnm the wheat HIS I.I.IIKli ! , Illlt WllI'llI'VlT till' ttlllfKOt Illl- iiro.iclici 101 for May Ihrre " < i'cins n ilemiiiul from mno niie\pct | < 'd sontet'o \ do not ln'- ilex ( > It pDiMlldi'to break onr niarUel so hunt in tlin treiiirth nbio.iil . Is iniiliilalni'il. Ke- colpti won' latk'r ut tin1 iirhniiry points hut trciiKil tMliux . \ery lltt le Inllnen.'o on Iho inafKi'l ' ' ailxani hy holli flilviiiii'K WIIIK at niii'o rsiaiuisiieii , liner whl.-h Iho croud Ir.iiled llh ini-at tlniltllty. lakliiit M'fy illllo puiiHimenl olthcr way. Thi'so articles look hliih. hut wo lipHiiuio toiiilvl < o soiling exet-pl forlho pur- | ioso n { taklntc tirollt. 1'rovlsluus opened llrni mill lilnhor. The u < l\anoe. ImweM r , as met liv fit'u leiill/lnif whli'h hroko prh't" * lolow these of the opcnliU , The inarlit't hpitliis to Imih a little t r.'il.'ind . hav ing hnd un ad viini'o of } ' , ' u hariel In pork , o lielloMMi react luu In iluo. iind atlvlMi taking l'h.lll on InllC vtlltl' . fin t.i r.s rocit .ii.titmr. : io , Muri'h 1"- ISpei'lnl Tolcgrain to TIIK llf.t : . -I'ATTl.K 1 Iliislness active from tlio opt'iilni to the close , x lh an advance of ihout li'e on prlnio to \lrii steers , two lots M'llliU ut } V7i ) nnd J.'i 7 J tesin-cllvely. Cither Itruilet sold In lliu same. iiruiorlliin. | Tlio ilc- niiiiilfnr hntehi'r'H nlucU was not sunetlvo as viinod.iysliiHt weok. Tlio supply yesterdiiy ivu heavy and many of the liuyrrs tinuglit Iberally. liotii'ti they were not ase.iui'r t oil ly. Caiiiilnc slin'U svas In f.iir ileniatiil and steady , sloi-kers and feeders ai'nrcp , xvlth f.iuey ol.icU SL'llltufor the hUhe l priee'J till * ye'ir. Any- hniu'k'o. id or useful In sto.'r-t sdd al iV'0' ' % 5..V ) ; others ut ? lrnM.'tO ; heifer * , f l.'iOil.V ! ) ; cciw Jl.i-iM.a-jMooki < r * . ' 'vi ; | .T , . 11 iii4lliislnt'sa ) xvai aellvo from llio oppn- iin ; to tlicehiNc , with nn adxani'p f aliout IDc that I'ovi'rpil iihont all until PS , tliu general m.iritol cluslni ! steady with nearly euiry- Ililiig olil. ItniiKh and ennimnn. W..Vii'i.s ) ; in I me in I veil nml | i.ieUer . fix ; > i , ''i ! prlmo liua\y and butcher welKht , il.0ii'u.l. . ' ; llj.'lit , .STOCK .S .JA It Xw VOHK. Mnri'b 17. [ Special Telefiram to I'm ; lliiR.l Tberc xvas u uoml ( cellni ! at the oponlnc Insloi'lu. There was both strength and activity , ( 'oilersatti well Kiipimttod and heavy Inisliiest was : hi-min In K'ran.'i'i'M. What promised lo bean advam'o lurneil Into n ilvi'lliio.owlnit to cnKaKeincnts of gold for filitpintml and other iiiifurcseeu causes. Tliu onenluK prices as a rule \xeru In most eases "llKht f met Inns bctlor than those , of last evening , ami a fnrllicr Inipnivement xvas made , but tlieso K.ilns wore all lost , with sonii'llilni ; In addition , before. Die end of the hour. The. feat lire of ilealiiiEs was the activ ity In Ontario & Western , xvlilch advanced 3i per cent to 17J4 , the moving oauses helm ; the liosslhillty that the New Vork Central woulil ho compelled to acquire the road. In the ilDwnwanl movement Mobile fc Ulito , Su ar , New llnglgnd , Atclilson , Iliirllimton and Mis souri 1'aelllo led. ( he loise.s from the hmli- est poInH In these shares belli- from ? B lo Ts per cent. Union I'aclllo and ist. Paul were viny active , but moved within narrow limits , and were rather hetter held than the rivst of tliu list. Activity dis appeared from the market toward II o'clock , only to icttiru with ronoweil selling ahont mltlday on bearish Unanelal nlvlces from Lon don , That centie Ind selling orders from tlio start , lint on ( ho rinuors ro ardlii ! ! tliu falluio of Miirlatta , t'o. selllti ; ; Invatnn Kcnoral. t'blcaco ( ias ilropped to II. Louisville to 7t'B. : AU'hlson to ar. llurllii'-ton to"l > . North esli-rn to l'J. ' " > . lini'k Island to itinj. St. Paul tu f > .v , . I'nlon 1'aelllcto II1 , . mid I.acUaxvauna. which to HITi'i ' , curly , lii ttii Ill'i. The whole ed fiom tlio opeii'ir. to 1 ' " I. I'll'llv. ' 11111 M . II. IV IIIUI % 'l \ > 1LS II IIM'I I H" II uflci nilililay. Itnilln tou look aqini'k turn tosiv and droppi'd tiiicli ti > Tll'u ' ut the close. M. Paul lojaiui'd Its early price , .Mi' ' , , and closed al.V , ' M ni'li ' nf tlio sliort Interest bus been eliminated and the market Is left with out this support. PI-UTS ofe.tern stiicl.s elo-pd 'i ' to 'i lower. l.ael > a\x anna vliiM'd steady. London ns a seller all il.iy. The sales reached ' .V7.IV.I sliuies. lu'linetl. llopklns.x : Co to S. A. McWhorter 'Ihe stuck market has been more active to.lay. . "I'll ' fie.iiout . ] changes | n nio specu lative tenipcr. Theopenln was si run ; and eloslni ? was only Mcati v. Our market had a sethaek slu > itlv nfler the announcement that Jl.Oiio.UviliIII Kohl hail been tul.on In shlpiiient liy toniorioxx's ste.imei'antl one of the rallies In prices later H as made under the Inlliienco of the iipirllliat the treasury had refused to finiilsbiiolil hars toshliipeiswhohad applied fui Ilii'in. The secretaiv of ( lit ! tieusiiry had authority to do thlsnniler the law passed hv tlichiHt eoii/rc-s. The result will be that double fii li s will have to le shipped and tlies" xvllt . t necessity lie taken subject to aliMsiun and nvniiiano nnd consequently ennnot ho shipped priilllably at as low a ratu of exclian e as mind hais II may lie theie- fiuelhat the --hliiiu'iii | announced will nut tide place lomoriow. The most conspicuous buylii'-riif the day hu heen In western stocks and of those Chicago , llui llii 'loii , x ( < nlney has taken Iho lead. Its price declined early n the day to 7s'i , but MiliseiMieutiy toso lo - ( ) ' on In I'M o transactions , but part of this uil \anco as lost Liter. The bright pniipocts fur the next winter wheat cmp aic rival-tied as good rcasuus fi.rhu.UuK . western stoelis at t lie picsent comparatively low prleo The announcement that Chairman Fin try hud aillliorl/cd nil roads to accept tliu So nilloave t ii'kots heeause .laeUsonvllle & Son t hens tot n I'linlil unt ein.iply with tin. ' ileiiiantl to leinnvc itstlolu'ts fiiini the marUot had little ulTci't iipon pilees. The cnal MocKs hint' ' bi-eii - .sus tained heeanso ot thn dc.tcrinlnat ion nf the I.i hl h Valley to test Hit , iioner of the Inter- stulo eiiiuiiieiee t'ointnl s'iiii to li\ rat PS us an- nniinccil In Iliolr recent declsinn , but t'n\o llmtheis have alsogi veil nollco that they will nut eiimply with the ili'inunils of the eoai com bine to lostrict prodneliou and Insist npui the lohlili Valle ) company furnlsliini ; all llio ouis iiet'o-saiy to tianvpori tlio coal that they mine. The I'niiiplii'utlnns In the tr.idc , theie foic. aic nuiuoioiis andM' do not see any Lood leiison for huyiiigstoeks tf coal can > - IIIR roads. In the specialties Onlarln \Vt".t- - em advanced 3 percontnn the reiinrt that tliu 111:11 : ! viniltl he li'asctl lo I he New Yorkl'untral niul under fatorahlo eundltlons , in.w . Unit the New Vorli t'entral has cut control of the lliiuio , Watertown \ Ogilensbui. , hut this leport is seiul-olllclally tlenle.l. . The innilvct cloM'il stendy ut eouiltlorablo leuctlon fiiini hlgbust pi lees. Monuy easy. Salci Lhi- 5513. Thofiillowlnc arc the closing quotations : MOMV : us ( . 'AI.I. ICisy ; ; elosod oiroioil iit pl'l L'C'llt. 1'n i MI : MrurANTii.n 1'Ai'Kii Ml" per cent. yriiii.lMi ixcMHNii : : ynli'l but limn MlM day bills , ilN'i'Vt ; ( loiniiiiil. { , The Wii HOSTON , Mass. , Miirvli 17.-Hiiccliil [ Tcli'Krain loTiiB HIK.I Tliu ( U'lnaiul for wool ooutiniu's sloaily anil llio position ( if the market Is very linn. The stocks u ro sinnll nnd sales aio only jiiiulo at full prlOLM , In Ulilo llceci's tlicro li.'ivo I run silts of X at ItliV .i-i1. and of XX and \XX and ahovc at lUWiliMlulilKuii X llcwos liavo U'en sollliiK nt "K3JOLNo. . 1 roiiiljliii ; wools rule firm at li > " , r.'i' ; Ohio line delutni > at : u'i i ( l7t' anil Mic'lilKiin line ilt'lnlnc at : i.v < ixr. ; I'liwaihod i'nnililii4 wools lui\c brcn In ilc- iiianilut -'iV-i i' for iinr-iinaiior hluml ami at jMl ilk1 fur Ihico-iiuailtTS blnoil. Territory ) line ami sell nn a --'iHieil hu ls of rw.i.x' ftir lilti' , at f. . 'liOo fur line toiiiodluin and at Vni-'nii' for nii'illuiii. Tivxas. Callfomhi and Dri'ijciu wools uri'iiilct | , I'ulU'd wools art ; ni'tl ' vtuind llrni. t'linli'i * supers an * selllni ; ut 1 4,4.K' ( . fair In wood . -UIHM-S at ; ioui : > o and c\- lri nt " -'ttOi' . 1'ori'lo'a wools are linn , and Australian sells well. Tln C ( nVo . Market. NKwYoiiK. March 17. [ Hpuciul Telegram to TIIK llKK.l-foini-ptluns : ( ) oppni'il barely steady ; at 5 points up to 15 points donn , nn.l closud barely nteaily at 5 points up to ' . ' . " > points down. ' 1 lie sales were 13.030 linns Includ- Inj ; Mari'h , fi.7. ; > : May , tl . ; ty&l .Ki Jinio. ) l7.0.Xfl7.Ui | July , JHls.V'rlI0.1K ) ; August , JlUfiO ; Septi'inbfr , i IMS < BHi. ' , ' . " > ; OctoLur , II.V.U ; HeotMiihcr , J ! ! . . " > . > | iot Hlo. ipilct hilt sloatly ; fair carsues , { ' , ' 0.03 ; No. 7 , SlaXKie - ( , 'nolal iuii . XKW 'OIIK , Miircli 17. L poolnl Ti'legram to TIIK lliK.l-Tlio : followlns nro tliu mining btuok , Mnrt'ii I'cio'o.Vho < it-Steaily : . May. <' . < itl.iC' . t-'tirn Steady ! cash. til iiiO''ci May , CIU < - ' . Oats-l'irni ; I'usb. ' 57'ic'i May , Kn + v , I'otk-l'lrni ; casb. til.12' , ; May. HU7 > i. U i''lru ; casb , i.3i Muy. W.r.'K , lUbs-t'lriii , cash , f5.aO'J ' ) r > i > iay , 1l > i' Pa y nt Mo Itatley gulcl nt tfljl ? < i' , III'lax ill fl..M. I'rline Tlni'.tliy Itosy nil . . , I'lonr I'lrin nnd iiiiplinnctMliwInlcr pnttittJ , II.VKtVnoi dprhn ? iiaU-nu. Ji.nW'.IO. Hulk Mciil * -'rs. } : . " > ; shotl dour , fVWJi.V.Vi : .burl rlln. f\HKaiS.i.V ; ; JliilU'r - fiii'liniiKcd ; rru.tiiii'ry , S03.300I iliifry. ina'.Sf. riiei'Ho-St i-onci'r : full crontn pliciMuri.QI' \ < < 1 lO'id Hats. lii'i'ttlU'i ' Volinif A merlons. U45 ll'ie. I'.L'IISSlrntiiiPr ; frosb. lB > 4 < nsi c. Hides I ' liaiiKcilil lulit R icon s Cri''ii , I' , . ' ; Milt | . , | luilk , | i4e ; Ktccn niltin ciilf. < ( : drx- Hint , Si- ; ilty : itteili Utt'vi dry riilf. K'ttVi lic.ii'nns , SSo each. . 'I'nlluw-l'iu'liiiiiiii'ili ' \o. 1 sollil piicl > eil , los N < . ' . ' , -'iit.l'ie ; uiihO , t' i" . Ki'cclptH. f I 'our ' . li.'ioo \Vlieat.ini . KM ) a ) CIIMI , Ini . S.V\KM ( Niw : VOHK , March I" . Wlionl Kufi'lpK ( vs.1,1 o Itiisni'lsl o\pnrt , TwMlHI biHii'ls ; spot eloM'd omyj No , 3 red. tl.KU. In oleiuton JI.1.V , nlloati II.IM ft6l.l1'i f. o. I ) . Dillons clox'd linn ; No. U ii'd. Mnri'h closing lit tl.ll'i. ' Com lioeolpts , .siVJ-Mlhushels ; cxpotK 18. f > l ) hnsliels ; upot hluhrr ; So. S , TaVj l'io In olo\ator : ? K.M".n' allnat ; uiiKraiied iiilved. 7fcif"i ; ? Dpi tons nilvuiii'pil ll4iU'c ( , rcaiMetl " ui o : I'losod sloadv ; Marcheloslni ; al 7at' . O.ils Keeclpls. 7'iilK ' ) hushels ; exports. > ) bushels ; spot Him ; No. 'J while , .V'l't.W ' ; InlM'd NM'Stoin , . " ! ' , . je ; uhlte westtMtl. 5 & Oil'ii' ' . Uptiunsst I'niiL'rlMnK'li. ; . .V'je. ' Migar-liaw , cash r ; n-lliioil , dull , IVIriilciini t'niled oluspil. April , 7lljC. ! I itgs I'lnncr ; Mcslorn , lii'ic1. ' Turk -Illclier ; new mess f,7.Vfirj.'J.'i. | | Iaid Mininer ; Hcsleiti Hlcain , * ; ' . . . " ' . " , Hultor I rrei.-iiliir : ueslorn , dairy. KliJ'J.o ; Wi'Mern croulnery , 3 ! < i l3c ; Klullis , MV , ST. l.oris1. March 17.-U'hoal'-lllglion Push ,'j'iH.'I'.i ' ' ' May , JI.OI. Coin Illuher ; ca li. .V.i' o. O.ils Illjlier ; push , . "do , I'orli Illchef ; fll. : > 7' | . Laid lllu'hcr ; itUHJ. \ Vhisliyfi.m. . Iliiltirsharply lower ; erpuinerv , SWfiaO.'l dairy , 3Vit'7c. Ml.NM:4i : > fiii < i. March 17.-\Vhoat. rccolil' | . StKiciirsj shlpinents lot ) curs. Cash wheil ; liuj- IngllKlit ; pour grades unusitully dull. Closeil : Nn. I haul. .Mnreh , line : on track. W > V : Nn.l noithorii. March and April Uc , ; Muv. li"Sioon ; 11 nek. ! ; , ' ( , . ; Xo. 3 northern , Miiri'h , WV1 ; onli'iieli , 1170. \s-s.sCiTV. . MM , , Maieli 17. Wlioatyt No. ' . ' hard , eash nncl Mauli , M-U bill ; No. - l oil , i-nsli , u.-ie , , bid. Corii-lllKher ; No. i. , i-asli , ill1 jo hid ; .Miin'h , .Me. .Me.dais - Stonily ; No. 'J , casb , I7 < sil7so ! ; March , Mil.wuMcr.i : , Maicb -Wheat Market ( inlet ; Xo. - ' . .pi'hiL' , I'asli , U7'iC' ' . Corn - ririner ; No. II , ( Wi1. Oals I'lriner : No.liltu , " > ' V. Provisions KaMer ; porK- , May , 111. C ) . CINCINNATI , Match 17. Wliont Stioni ? and liclil hl'hi-r , cash , ft. ( i1.1. Corn-Stonily ; Xo. amlxcil. rej'/tKlc. O.its Strom ; : No , " inUoil. TkiJJ.'k'llic. \Vhl sky Jl.lfi. IdVKiii'doi. . Mairli 17.Vlicixt I'lnn niul il - niaiid fair ; liolueis oiler sparingly ; ( Jallfoinla > 'o. I. Ssll'jil ' , Corn- Stonily , ilcinanil linlirovlng ; mixed western , T > s til pi-rci-iital. Citir nr > , March 17. Cattle Iteoolpts , 0,110 ; ninrUt'l IK-I\O | anil bik'hor ; stuers. pilini- tit ( \tra. { . " > .7lKli. > .7."i : .othi'is , il. . " > oinY. > ( > ; hi'lfers , $ ll..0ia . I.V ) ; forts ll. . 'f'd'l..1. " , ; stofUert , fl8V/y.8. | > . lln -Uoeelpts , : ti.iii ( l ; nuirkt't actlvo nml liU'ln-r ; rnnch anil coinnnni. f l..V > r.i.M : ; | irhuu inixuil anil pucker * . Jl.s.Vi < l.l > "i ; prime heavy anil liutchur n eights , jl.ouiel.U."i ; llclit , Jiiiiito . . . Shi'i'i ) Receipts 7'HiO : market strail.V ! na- thi's. fl.rO , .V7l ( ; iM'steini."i.uuii."i.T.ii ( To.xau.s , J I.VL&IS.'I : ; lambs , } , "i..VttlS. ) l.'i. Hr. l.oris , March 17.falHo liccolpK lsX ( ) ; .shlpnienlnoni1 ; market liijln-r ; fair to fancy nallviis steels , j.0im'i.'ij ) ) ; stooUri'anil feeil- t'lsj.7.Vni.'i. : . Ilo s-Uo'i'lpts , , * ilnoliPiiili slilpniciits. none , market hiulicr ; liciivy. M. ij.OJi inlxuil. UAU " K'ANMft CITV. Mo. . M-ireli 17-'nttlo lo- ! ci'lpt- , I.ODi huail ; Hlilpui.'nts , M } ln < a < l ; mar- Ki'tstnnm ; stiM-is. ii.7Vir..Vi : ; cows , j..T.VUIOJ ; hlin'ki'is anil fi-i'ilers , fl.uui'l.ilil. Ilii'4s-Ui'ei'lpls , iaNU ; market higher ; nil tradi's , W. O.H.I ll.l i.ll'i : STOCK. nun c < > . " ' . ) . .u * un iiuiu M.'ililln ill T..l. > . ( i.i.ik > . I'lirs. ( I.T. > i63..VI ; IlKlit-llKhls. f : . .M&Oil : \ ; Unlit , il..V.f.'UW ; huiivy. Ji..WKl.TO ; ; mixed. f.l.4iTri.r ( ) ; , : , . The aMTJinr of llio pik'i-H puhl was ij I. . ' . ' . ' us I'oiap.ut'il with { US X'-J SntiiMlay anil if.l.IL" , ! , TncMlny nf list : wtM'k. SliKKl1Kstliiiiiti'il ii'd-lpts of slioi'p s-s ; , ! IS I'oinpiiri'd with ; IM ) Sin unlay unil : il 'I'lios- ilay ut lust wi- > | { . 'I'licin irk"tvii - . ni'H viunil linn. Native's , f-.7. ' > i . " ) ; wi'atorns , li..riiKtt ; _ s ll ion ol'Stni'lc. Pliowlni ; llio niinihi'r of u.illlo , hns and shi'cppiiri'husoil on thU markol as lopoiii'd hy llio AM'lKliniiihU'rof ' tliu StocUyuicls coin- liuiiy for Miiruli 17 : CATTLE. s- ! . . n i > .ii.- , r.i ? u ift ) , IM Nl. . . I.M SMI .M M .H M iltf N ) . . . .ici ) ivv , i : u si wki JIM SS . l 7 iO ) .IM M W S tf ilM 71 . . . I1VI I'.V .I.R 70 . . . I'O ' - JIM fti . . . KS n a to 7 ; . . SM iw : IM si , . . . ' .w iw a fV M . . . . 'Ji i MI : i M jo . ics H ) a D tit ) . ' \HI - : JM ui . i ? w an W..5IU - n 7ii . in w a u ) m . M M 7si . Ni 10 atii so . ? .y - : IM IKI . 177 to nio i ra . L'.vs M : iw w . i7i ID an . . . . : : isn a.v , 7i . an ' .iw a r , 0.1 . wr w aw cd . ' . " .ii u a i.i K . si'J a a M 7 * . IKS M ill > ; . 545 V'l. ' ) JIM 71 . IM - a is 7 < . 2)7 ) im a 71 . UH io artsj . 577 f a ' 4 7 ; . lw io ; : in fw . sso n aw , M . 5.V ) fo an M..MJ n > am M . i.v - an1 * ft ! . S7 ira are n . . . .IM - an m . : wi m aio 75 . ui sio an ci ) . ! n co are .sj . 177 voo an w . sis fo are : u . uv ice H n ? i . m ? ire aw lw . . . .IH ) w ; n7'i tfl . ss 10 aoi 7 ? . si i < ) a.M 73 . ai , " IM a 01 M . K t mo a M 67 . ilia - a ro Ml . 324 I. ) ilM M . 31JO aifl 01 . sit : a > o aw gi . ; 7 < J am N1..2I2 iso : ii ; r ) . i-ft ) - am nil . . . . sirj i t a.v ) u . ins - a co 7n . | su 10 ; iw BI . sis H > ara MJ . Krt IOD 1150 7.1' . Kll SO aifl n . . . .sis too iiM TO . sia in are n . sin M iiftj Gti . 5H - awe ; o _ s : i IRQ IIM ii _ IKK ) 5o are 71 . . . . KID 10 a.v ) 4i. . . . ma u aiw is , . I7 : a , vi wi . ! ino iso am 70 . 5ii so aw IM . sio ice are W..IK.S aw ) ci . iw - - ais'i M . 2.0 . ; so a.M ) M . 'io sit am M . soft are M _ BSD so a iv , It ? . ID ) SO HIM D . 371 40 . 'tin ii ? . sin see a , t i ri . . . , ai7 - iuis 7\ . sou itx ) a.v ) 7 ? . SKI ; so ; ur > W . sio su afti fit . as no am W . 'JU 40 ilftO fi'J ' . SIM 41) aiw" > si . IM * sio a.V ) M . . .aia wi : uv > W . ilSO 40 aSS 71 . SIH 10 'lift M. . . . 'IM a.w is . i.7r lw aivi MI . S-.M so ) a.v M . aio 10 ana W . 803 300 a .Vi 711 . S7rt a 70 M . 103 N ) a.V. K ) . IKS ISO 1170 nti * ASH itiirti ii. . I . Ill 1 . - > II . t l SW r.M . ui 1 7 : > ID . uu to fi . t > 0 200 MIHI : P. Xn. Av. I'r. ' 07M' tPIIIH. InlMMl khot'll . lll'l $1 M ) UK ) Mesti'rns. inlvcd shorn . llfi 4 Wi 1M'slcins 1 ! ) , rwes . l . ) I 7. , Ill Mesti'tnlunilis . Ml I s" ifjiMt.i ii 1101.1:14.11,1 : .u. minus. I'l'iH isiiins. SMnKCti Ml'ATsMains , inirariMiM'il , IS to II Ills uMTiii.Hie ! ; lirc.ikfiisl Inn1 ill. sniMr curcil. liiilicless.ii..c | ; \ti. 1 hall's , siii > ai'i'iiieil , l.Mn 10 II ) ii\eriire : , s'si' ' ; No. I litiins , snun r euicd. IS- II ) UM'i'.i e , > 't | . ; Nn I liiiins , simur eurc I , ; . ' iII i- II ) ii\iiMie ! , M'i sUinnel liiiius. fi'jc ' ; No. ' . ' hams , Mi arcu it'll. Ti'i lioneli' s hsi'n. 7'.e . ; shonl- ilci's , siiijar ciiteil , .Ve ; liieakfasl liiiciin. fancy htiiicless , 7'jC" ' r.'illfnriila or picnic hams. sliL'nl' c'llli'll. . 'i'4i } ; ill It'll lii'ef lllllll- , Mll-'ll' iMirt'tli S'ii'l ' luienii short elcai's , IJ'ic ; liacnn eli'iir hacks , d'n-j IMCOII elcnr IM-IIICS. fancy llClit.Ci'ai'i ' liiicnn-sliuit rll a , lie ; lieuf ton ucs , MIHll.I'll , 1UC. IIIIVSAI.T .MlHTS-Shoit cli'ins , 'i'ic ' ; limy I'li'ius , Ti'tCi slioi t rlhs , r > 'ie ' : l > ellli'SGo ; clciir h.icl.s , ( k1. I'OIIK AND 111 ir : Mess porli , liurrcls , now , ill. fill ; UK'S. , poik. half liuiicls. fi'i.OO ; fiiinllvtir lin-li ; purl , , Inirri'ls , fll.i ; ; family or IUIC.K pork , half him els , $ d.m ) ; extra mess hccf , har- nls , Jii.- . " , ; cxl in nic-s lioef. half li.i rids. HSO ; honeless nltf jiurk , linrrols , $1'J..VJ ! plj ( poi'K' . half Iiu nets , J.I..M . ) . S.M'SAdts Crown bologna In wonsanils , fancy , 4'e ; Oxford pork sausaiTo , 3-11) p'ld- iiKi's , loci hnlo iias , le ; mule sausu c , in Unit , lie ; puru siu * < ii'c | , In link , fi'ie ' ; liluoil , 4'.c ' . ; llvur. l' ' i'i lii'iul I'hi't'sf , 4'jc ; -lilnLc'il hciul clii'i'si' . lie ; wi'lncr or rrunlifuit,7c : Knolilaiich siiusiiuu. ,1 , ; I'olish iitisii : ) > , si * ; tonkin , ' sau- .siitre , 7c- . 'I'heiiliovc prh'i's arc forlotsof llftv poiiiitls and npwiinls u li-ssiiianllly. | ' , c mole. I 'n K i. uu lliti'T : < > N'iri.s-ii : : > ls. , Soolhs. . eacli. $17.110 ; half Mils. , eacli. ( i.i ( I ; iii.itcr | hi Is. , cai'li , fli.lM ; cl litli 'obls..t'iel , , { .I..MI. D l-n -Tlci'ces l , - , , > ; llciecs. puiu and Kelllu- ' CoriT.ii-di't'i'n lilo. SST'.1.1 ! . : J iva , 27c ; Mocha. ' > < ; Iioi-U'il : Ariosn. Uill-lilc : .Mi- Lail'jhlin , \ \ \ \ . LV , l-ur | ; llmmla. ' , ' < l-lllc : ( ii > riiian,3.i a' ' ; liilwiii'tli's. ' , 'IU' , , . ' ( il-loc ; I'oiilovla.'J.i ll'i.Moclin ' : , air ; l ) . ( i .Inva , -ic ! ; ( ' illi'c essence H urn. } ( . . " > 0 ; eli le nt V , 7' ' 4isi , | . . NITS - Ih-Aliiioiuls , Iv : Ilra/.IN. Idcj lUlieit.s. Illc ; iieeunr , liii ! ( Hi- ; \\aliiuls , l..c ; pi'ii- iiiits , fani'Vvliltf.hi' : ni.isti. | | . | ii | . . HIIIKII liirir'I'lirulsh priiui'sss | than liluls. lv. i. tie : : iipos | ! , evajioiati'il , nru iin. clinlec. I'ic ; nprltiuth. fiun-y , In sacks , "nci hlui'l.lii'rrlcs , ncMe ; raspherrli's. ' . ' . " > II , s to lioviC.Vieiirruiit's. no . . 'i'c ' ; Votl//l ciirmnts , extra. In hoM's. ( , > , e ; jie.iclics , Cnla. . chnlcc , 17'ji' ; Cnllfoinla tlrli-u Krapes , In lians , i'c ; hLMMllcssMiltanii . sacks , lOu ; inu--'ali'ls ( , 11 ' ; new ; Oinluia. layer , ' .le ; tins , lay- crs , IKibSUc ; oilron , I.ujihorn , SHe ; leinon put'l ir i ? SlI.T Dairy 3sO His In hhls. hulk , J..ll ) : lcs | ( jr.iiles. 11 . "is. jj.40 : ln--.t ratli > , UK ) as , 4S.M ; lii'ht irriitli' . -SIK. | : lock will , eru-lieil. W.lil. ( ' ( NNiai VIIIITAIII.I : : : Voinatm-s-a-lh. Jn | | rttl.13. < 'nrn Very lint' . Jl.'O. " ! . ' , ' : . ; l-lli suyar , Tl.l.V U' Hi laiiil'inl \\est < ! rn liranils. jl.ln. Miislironnm l-lli I'li'iieli. t-\tiu line , 'JSii .V : l-Ih I'linrli. lini' . hH .V ; 1-lh I'r . h. onll- naiy. lli ( | sc. IV--is-'J-lhearlyJiine , Jl.3.1 : L'-lh Muirow.siiii'ilaril hi'aiuU. Tl.ld ; 3-lli snakt'il , 700 I'rcncli | ieii iieri'asi' of 10:1 : , tl."i ( JtS.iH1 per ilost rliii ; hen usSlli lil 'li craMr. mic ; U-lh uv bt'iiiis. * . ' : S-lh strlns In mis. silc. Lima hen us ' . ' -Hi snaki'd.xV. llo liiu halicil hcaiis-a-lh , ? I..T > ii I.fA S ect liotiitoes - ' - Ntnv .lel'sey , JI..VI ; a-lhtiWni iiiiiluiinaliu's , il.tVi ; : i-lli ukr'a , { I.Mj aspariiyns. : i-h. | W.sVita , " , ; rh'ihjuh ' , a-lh , : MiiiTotnsii. Jr. " ' " 1.35. MHA ) I'lii-kiiKO' . , ( W liis to lio\i'lti' ; kt' s , 4if. . lUKiNfi I'owpr.nKoyul , dime i"in . per ( In/ , ' .iM'i 'i-lhcaiis , il.4'i ; ' , -llican . J-.Ml' , ; l-lhcnn > , S.-I.T.I . ; I'lli'c's. ' , -llic.uis , Jl.iri ; , - ) f' . ' : .i ; l-llii'iiiis , } | .7'i ; other klnils , 1-llj cans , iiei'tln/ , Si.u > ifi.s."i. : l'HA < 'Ki us Sixln , Cc : o.vslcr , .VJc ; eieani. S'.i1 ; | ! lii i > r snaps'je . ; III per cent oil nn lll- lnlots , U'll.M'i'isn I'.M'Kli I'er Hi , host -traw , l.lNls to : i.\ll. I ' " i" , iliy uonils , l'i'i'\na , : qiinllH' . iiianllln.r.'ic ' ; manlllii lea , 13\lf , Ikilmk ; P.IL ; . haul ' ' ' ' . waic , - ,1' , ( lll.s-I.V ) iiilmi' white. ! ' < ; l.l alnr wlilte. 11'iL'i ' lieaillluht , l.'ii' ; 71 ca-oliic ! , ll > , e. till I'uns I ciil , $ . | .u. < &LSr > ; 3 mil , il.7.'i"li.Mlj S pal , { : i.w.i r.0'i. ' TiAS-lapau : , lia liet Hictl , StK > "we ; snndrlcil , : i.Vir , ; KII-CII. Wn Mi" Kiiiiowiler. | 1'IKifc.Vic ; " , lly-tin. a.Vi l loloni ; . 3.V" I.V ; S-lh pui'lia''iilust. . l.'u' . A.M.I : ( imitM : I'or irross-rrn/lci-'s Lirj-n tins. iUii : ! ; nit'illuni 1 1 UN JUM'O ; Miiall il.'i.itl ; OlIllT M.'lkt-s , W . | , * . " , , ! ( . ! > , V ) . Hl\riiMi ; ailo/.la li.iv. . II M : . ) . ; Indies' shoe tlrf'sln. ' . 'l.'ii'iiiJl.ODi sto\o iiollsh , per m-s , U ' . .IKlC.I..V. . III. r l Ml I , In u 111. I ox , : i iloIn lioDi'off M. * . ' , : S ua iinIn tit > \ , Joii4'.7."i | ' ; tlry , small , " "it1 ; lllll , ' ! ' . I'll' . -I'i'lipor-Sliiaapori' . slflH. I.W.Ific ; shot. 32e : allsplee. 1(1. ( . ' ; elnvcs , I'enau ' ' , > ! ' - lwi'li' l , I7i'.l'.k' ( ' ! uassla , riilnii. l-lh mats , "e ; initiiiuKs , No. 1. 7'u" iuaea > - or. ( i'cj plckllui ; Spiffs. Ill-Ill llOM'H.Ti.'ll' . t'llociil.ATl' . Kir.IJlh hii'.es , , 'UWVe : ; Cer- maii sweet , SSf Sk1 ; ciii'oa. : n/illi' ) ; llriuni ) , aSi1. ( 'tfHNtJT ) l.'i-lh eases , 'i nml ' . - paekancs , per II ) . HVi'J7e : liulk , l.'i-lh palls , ait1. OI.IVKSJiiiirts , per tinM.UO ; iiluls. ] ier ilo/ . * . ' . ) ; hullier ] iral. HSU. Olive nil , ' 5 plntH , 3 ilo/ | ier ense. ti MA IM.I : Siimi I'cr ih : > . ikes , ao-ihiuiM's , lilt-i llc ) uu ao lh licm-s. 13'ic ' ; Mb lirlcks , ; tl Ihs in In iv , pare. He UIIOOMS fi-tlu 4-tle * ' . ' .75 a-tlc - purlor , Ja.Olj - , ! - , J3.2t a-tlc , iilaln , ; Harehouse.W \ toy , Jl.Sfl : whlsl , , jl.Oixii.l.r.'j. SoAi'-Caslllc. iniitt leil. peril ) , Ite ; tin wlillc. per II ) . lie ; laiiii.lrv soup , per 111) ) lius , fa.l.Vift 5.W ) ; sh'ivlir.'HDiip , ri'ir "ii' pertto/i toilet snap , Ui > iil ' 4 per hov , NL''f..3. ) " > . rAUi.VArr.oi's ( looiix Ilarloy , 4o ; farina , UCRS , Jil ) ' : split peas. Se ; tiieen peas. 3c ; oat- ineul. hlils. ; : . .7V'iv.i.O ; half hhls. ill ih'tl.l. ' . ; lll.'ll.fl I nil I I'll , ' VHP. . . tl.l.l I I I'1 ! . ' Wl'.ll txtll t'ltll. _ oca. iKiMi'it' ' ; Ilmi : liinii.V4c : ccicallnc , f . ' . ' ll.ilud lioiiilny. 3ic ! ; pe.u-1 lininluy , $ ) . . ' . ( ) PIT hhl. : howls' peituiiii'il. $ I..V ) ; Iteil Cniss , * IS,1 ; Ainerlrnn. H2.1 : S.iponllifr , $ ' .2.1i Meiryiii' , H.W : Mar. serubbliii , ' , * l,75 ; lldlelt's poiv- deied.H.2.'i. Mii.KCiiiilonseil ( - ; { > , 17.1' ) ; Crown. fH'.l : Anirlo Swlv. . _ W,7 ; Ami'ilnm Swiss , JMU ; i\-lurTj | > "I.i'nion. So/ , * . " ' ' " ? ) ; 4nfl.dO < ? > ; vunlda. 2C > / , Kle'ilf J.h1 ; 4 o/ . fl.SV.fli ; Juinaloa Klnuer , 4i > / . il.s.1. MA'iciir.H I'a ilnr. 2iHiandiKU per bo\ , Jl.n.l'iJ 1.7 : Milpluir , il.i/ l.n. : I'AMiV Ml.\oi | , a < l-h | nulls , si.fifsv ; sth'U , S'e ' ; twist slick , ! * * . ; l''ienehinlNcil , lll'.e ' ; hti'ir- hiuind slleK. 8'gc ; .iuriinil ease eainlles , Ti-lb Imos , ir/ii : . ' ! ! " , c'xlrn , line uootls , " , ' lliti'Mins Slninliitii'.ldJl.2. . . " > > , l..a ) ; diuiliers 7.u' < ( ( 'fl.U ( ) ; stTiili hruhlies , MrftiJ.M. limn SIHI ; Mixed hlrd. l-lli paeUawes , V ; canary. I1 ii * ; hi'inn , 4'ji1 ' ; iiiilsi ) , I.'ie , CAMII.IS-IU : lb < fo box , U'tcj inlnlni ; , loffi lii'jo ' ; wax , lie. I'njHt'co'liiipttt. | ( . per lh , 2Jft7i' ! | ) lil ( . ' , 22 ft'se ; siuolilnur , 3-46 < ill fancy lira nils , tueint Jl.r.o. Jl.r.o.Mol.issns'j Mils \ . O. fancv. pernal. 4'liS ' Iv : cliolee , iKict'ic ; trim : ! , Ssf Wc ; Cuba , baUini ; , 3. Ttaoe ; llaeUstrai. | hit22e : syrup. M Kiade , hhlH. We ; l > i libl , 2scj 4-Kal Ui'Ks , il.SI ; Seal kits , ( ,7e. , V l.M.UAit-A pplc filler , Ifc ; iloulilu elder. I3c ; uldtewlne , | ' Vi ( rl | InHren th , lOc. s'TAiiruI'er ' lh , iK'tsi' . I' .Medium , hhls , K < > 0 ; small , tin.OO ; Kherlilns. ill.O. ) ; lloslou nihcr. il..UU. ' Kit i.lava. : . C.c ; elm.if , dc ; fnnuy. Cc ; head , ' { ' - hhl , rellncd. M.W ; half hlil. if.l.,10. TWISIIS. ( 'iiiii.MiK , DTC. Cotton Iwluo "Illbh , " yorv line , 'i-lb ' hales , 2-V | eotlon twine XX brand , ' - hales , l"t' ; hoinp I\\lno , U-lli hall's. | sej sail nv nr , "He ; eandlii wli'k. 33c ; 4(1-fool ( cotloii clothes line , ; lil.fiit > t eot t on elolht'H lint' . II HI ; W-fonl sisal lines , (1.7.1 ( ! W-fo-il Jtitn. f l. i wool I wines , S'ie. ' Ma nilla ropo- All sires froiu7-lii to I In. 13c ; sisal rope , all sl/i'H friuii 7'Hi to 1 In. MS "now pro- t'esscs , " till sl/.cs from 7-10 lo llu. ? ! | i' | ctiilon rulie , 't ' In , I'K' . CllKfhi- ! ' . C.twin Iliils , per lh , ll'ii ) ; I' . O. Voting Anierluiin , 12't ' : doiunMli' Suins , IVo ; brh'k , Hoi IMain , In foil , o.tch. il Uu. \VouDK.N\VAiiK- \ \ l'crUuzcn-'i'ub , 'u. 1 , J7.00 ( So 3 , il.'Hl. S'o S.J.VM Uoclcr. tvik tfrnht ft In , 1st ( I HIvhlti' . i\lar 4 111. lies ) , JILTi , pnllo , liiioii , oak ' , , S > liuop , Jl .0 ; syrup , i s. , , iloui'li. Jl * > . paiHT. inelal luicp , t.'r > > ii cdnr. .1 bra H hoiips. No. j , nil toil , Jlf-O , ectlnr , l < ti linen . Xo. 'J ted , , VM ( ; cedar , a lirnsi loops , Ni. , I m rlliod , f.VH ( ) ; coil of. il lifa s hoops , so. SMrlniMl , fl.iii'i ' linrso , I'Mm heavy. No. I , S 7. > iwell liuekcts , f.i.'fl. ItullciwareTulw , sli.a-lnch , per ni'st. 7l'c ' ; ash , ' . ' -liu'li. ' ! Iliryu l/i1. I'd- ' nest , 4V ; butter ladles , liill'd ooil , Dei liiitter iiaihlles or ( tindi" | , 7iV.Vusli \ - ioilih--Slu : fe , fl.liiur'J.Oii tlonlile , tJ.r > Viita.U. ! 'lolliespins- , usH hoses , I , 'c ' , St iiAit-tlriiiiulnleil , ' .c ; cultes , 7lPJ ) cut ltaf , ' ei pottilcrcil. slatiilanl , 7'je ' : \\X.\pow- 11-1cil. 7'4c : yellow ( ' , vc : canary , ftsiOi Hfilit ' .vtra f , A'nftv ; eonfcct loniits , A , il'iC. * ' * NMII : riiriTt California-Apricots. ! ; M { I'.W ; pi-aclii" , f'.Mtx'lMt pears , fJ.Miit'- ; israiii'i , Jl.s.V.iK' , | ' ; eherrlc" , white , | i..V)7.'i ) ; < ii , herrlcs. liiit'kf..SAiU.Hi | ; ' , } , ; lilacic lenles , J..Vi ; i.isplierrles , f.1.0' ' ; stra lierrles , S.tWi ourraiils , * . ' , ' 'i ) ; ooselieirles. JiV.'i ; diitii' " . I'Kgw. } IAVf.i.'i , | ! | plums , uteoii tfiiKes , ; | , iMislern canned flitlt I'caclies , ecoinls. } . ' , ViVrfS..lH : apples , a-lhf I.'A : Cnl. 'idn/ ' li case. M.7."i ; Kt'oselierrles ' , Halt liunrti Ktan- lar.l.lli ! , fl.ll ) ; ntra hefrles. } l.ili : rnspher- les , Jl .V ) : hlipjlieriles. Jl.,10 ; H'd la I.-it ) ; bliiekheiiles , tl.oo ; chcirlcs , lllll'apllles , slh'cd , il 3ri..3.l ( . Country I'rnil ucc. Ycslenlay's tocclpls were llslit. anil tlin iiuikclsuencrally wen- poorly supplletl. An ul \ n iii'o Mill he titilleed III ecu's ami liay\Millii Miller I'ont Iniii'Heak unil poultry un- haiuled. KuiiM-uwlne to llu > very Hclil supply the ninket llriiieil up sonic" hi : t , and sales uerc Ki'iicrully reporU'd at l.'i'n' ' antl oucaslonnlly is hlch ns Ir.o. . Urn niThe market wni Mi'iilt and prices lot up to what wasolit.ilnahliMi fen tltijs uj. . . ioott country inllsueut ul xt'ii.'lc , IIU Hie icarkcl uasluiiu ami KOtnl Mtn-k ueiil ut { II.OtUiMV.iUpcr ton. I'ori.iiit - The niarUet tlld not pri soul nny lintixu ycsteiiltiy. The tecelpts < ic Uuhl i ml prices steatly. Chick-ens , ti"tlt'e ' ; tnrliri , I'll I. n' ! ceoseiind thicks. lluirJ'i ' < . Humus SIM. ill I'MliiHis brought $1.0 } pet1 lo/.cn anil jiiuks J..Mi. 1'iir \ TiiiNllnnifl Krnttn Nloolt , il,10Co'.o- ; rnilo. * I. ' . ' . ' , per huslic ! . I'n : l'nM'--l'cr doWT.v. . Vlii.i'Mil.iOvsTl.lls ( : ' do ? , CO. ' . c\riiri.u\Mii : rcrdois. . 50. ' ' ' bill ' . ' . , SI'INAI II I't'l' , if'.O'l ' l.l'.i rr. Cholcestnek : , IUtl.H' ( ( . Ill r \ IIM1s -.M li'lilt'an Hindu per Im , COo. HIIT. : : IV r hu. Jlllnoi l..Ti. OMDNSK.isiei'ii stock , > . . " > ) per 1)1)1. ) Oiiniois Per bhl , { , ' . . ' . ' > . t ri.r.uMlehlKaii stock , I0ttl. " > c ; ( 'iillfonila icrilifl.on SHI-IT : rureronsfholeo slock Is held at * l.iWiI..V.ipcr hlil. lt\uisins : I'er dotiiinohci , I3c. 1'MISMI'S ' per hlil. . fltO' ' . I'Aiiu unI'cr : II ) . , S'siuS'tC. ' l''rc < li I 'en i is. OIKMIIISXiivnls , * I. ( iv.M. fi ( ; I' ioi'lda In-lRlit. > a.rii .i'i.'i : ; ; msseis , . * : < i.a.-iii , l.os AnKolct , ik.u ; niuuntaiii fiull. $3.7. > . I.KMONS on ; fancy , fl..V ) . Al'i'l.lls The supply is M'iy Ichl niul iirices 'iini'spiintlliiiily hl li. ( ioou sloelc Is lieltl nl - : < . ( Wiii.M , anil hiiinc fancy applus ill hlirh as Jii.OO. Jii.OO.MAI.AIM iiiui'iIVrlilil. : . JlO.i Ovjl'-.Oi ) . CiiAMiiiituiLS tiootl Capo Co.l , per bbl , fis.ui. lirohcn How I'ollei'inillls , ream. r.i ; .Myr- tle. * . ' .4n : Claim. * 3.'JiX ) ; \ . ? ! . " ; I'ldulily , * -.sdj .Minnesota Chief. 13.1 > ; I'nti'iit. 42.fiI. OshUainp's icuiiy to rilse luicKvheal Hour. Jl..l ' pei'dise if , .MiS-lb paeliaL'Cs ; huckn heal. In bills. N. V. . Kim ; l\eeslor ! | hrniiil , f.'O ; Slap.lai'k , } : i.7,1 pur ease of . 'ij i-lli p. cli- I.UtnI'lckcri'l , M'ry line , fi'ir ' j small \ililtu , clseiis , te ; pcicli. sealed and druid , sc ; cropjilc , ; salmon trotil. heatlles- , s'i" ' pcr- feet hllelKh. mil1 pride. ' . ' ; pi i.e. roniiil , H'c ' ; small tiiiut , \eiy ehnlce. | nc ; hlack bass choice , I-c ; lirnok , Hie. , MV : Cud ami haililm'k , I'c ' ; smells. .No. I , lur c. 'A' ' ; hiuo. ll-li. Hi' ; llniindcrs. IV ; iiion. dri'iriin , 1'lc : ted stiuppcr. lie ; eel * . Ii'c ; Inl Hlers , ' "ii1 : maekcrel , lai'i'e , uae'li , .He ; scol lops , per Kill , H..MI. liaccoon. No. 1. lai'fje , 7V1 ; Xo. 1 medium. .W ; No. I. small. H'c ' ; Nn. ' . ' , inc. Mlnli , No. I. lariru. II. OJ ; No I. medium. 7."ie ; No I , sinail. .Vic ; No. . ' . .lie. .skunk , hlnek. eased. No. I. laivo. i\.W \ ; No. I. iiM'illiiin. 7.'ie ; .No. I , -mull. Die. r-kimk , short stripe , I'u-etl , No I , lui'e. ( 7.V ; No. I. me- tiluin , M" No. 1 , small. .V. Miiink , nuriiin- sliipe. ensud , Ni : . I. larjic. 4e ( ) ; Nn. I , mcnlniii , LT.e. SkiinU. hi'onil si rlie. | eased , No. I , lar c , 'oc. l''iIMOSS. . dark , rsti , 1 , IIII-KC , itS.'ii ; Nn. I , tnciUiiin , iSMX ) ; No. I. Miilill. il."iO ; No. 3 , .fl.ft ) ; l'oled , No. 1. buie. il..M ; No. 1 , mcdliin . } I.OO ; Nn. I. sluiill. 7."ic ; No. ' _ ' . Mic. l'o\ . L'fiy , No. I. lai 'L' . 'illc ; No. 1. liieilluio. a > e ; No 1. small , 3Uc. \\iill.iiioiiiil.iin.Xo. I , liir c , t'.ul ; No I n c- dluin. il.S'ij No. I siunll , T.'ic ; No. 3. f ! . ( ) ' . Wolf , piairie , No. 1 larirc , il.Ui ; No. 1 medium , T.'ic ; No. -miill..Oc I . ; Xo. - ' , 40e. ( leaver pi line , per skin. No. I l.irsi' . J'.Ui ; No. I ineillum .fVc ; No. I small. | a.Vi. Heaver , No. 3 , per skin , No. 1 Inr e , ? .VtO ; No. I medium. Ji''i : No. I small. JI.Oi. Uller , No. I liir.'c. $7.ui ; Nn.l medium , $ . ) . ( ) i ; No. I small. fl.CKl ; No. ' . ' , J. M. l.ynx. No. I lame , ) ; No. I ineilliini. fl . ' : , ; No I small. 7. " ' ; No , ' . ' , Jl.0.1 Wild eat. No. J l.'iive , , Vlc ; No. 1 medium , il'lej ' No , Ismail. IMC. Dposiuin , No. 1 larjrc , lU'c ; No. I small. Re. lladcer. No. 1 Iniv'e. uic ; No. I mcdlino. I.V ; No. 1 small. 'We. \Volvcilne , Nn. 1 latw. fl.'i ) : No. I medium , Kill ; No. I Mil ill. f-'iiu. , black. No. 1 law , f110 ; No. I medium , jlii.00 ; No. -.m.ul I , Joi.1. Hear , erl//ly. No. I liii''il".n'i ' ; No. I me liiim , "fa. ! ) ) : No. I small , il. oo. lli'.ir , hrnwn. No. I laiice. ; No. 1 ninliilni , $ ' . ' . .Vi ; No. 1 Minill , fl.Oii. lli'ar , L-iihs. Nn. I Iaiie. fl.ou ; No , 1 luetlluin. } . ' . .Vl ; No. 1 small , tl.lii' . Mill len.No. \irm 1 \ ; : t'.O'i ' ; No I ineiiliiin. tl.nn ; Nn. I small. We. rishur. No. 1 iniie. fi.'io ' ; No. I medium. flu ) : No. I small. . ' , -.0. . llnckskln , Inuian tire -t'll , peril ) . , Nn. I law , .Vie lo 7.V. D.'cr , siimiiier. iicrlh. , No. I bit L'elie to"ie. . Deer. fall , per lh. . No. I luruc. l.'c to 2.1 * . Hecr , win ter , per II ) . , .No , I la rue , 12e to Is- , , llrer , K l cell salted , per piece.No.l larye. Sic In 7.V. Ante- Inpe. per lh. . No. I large. ISe to Me. I'.lU. pur Hi. . No. I lar.'o. s , . to pie , MiisUrat 111. . \Vi \ < . , la. Winter , No. I liir.'c , I7c ; winter. No I me dium , 14" ! f.ill. No. 1 lai"'e , He : fall. No. I na il In in , lie ; damaged.spealcd or liut.Hi' . Musk- tat SDiithnesteiii and territorv Winter , No. I In rue , I4c ; u Inter. No. 1 iiieiliiim. lie ; fall , Nn. I lai'u'i1 , lie : full. No. 1 medium , tu ; dam aged , spcaictl or shot. 7c. "Mls < : ll.'ioi'iiu-J , I.IMI ; , CI-.MHNT. C'rr.-On linartlcarsat Omaba -I'er libl Ash tiro\o Ilinc. line ; ( 'hamlon | ) llme.s-e : ( ) ulney white. Mie ; l.oiilsilleceinent , JI.M ) ; .MllwaiiUeoecmeiil. il.4.1 ; I'tlca cement , $1.10 ; Dnuilsh I'nrtland temenl , 1.1.1 ; .New Vorli plaster. 13.3.1 ; Michigan plasler , IS.oO ; I'nrt Hodfe plusler , Sl.7.1 ; hlto sand , 1' ' . 1' . hair , per bale , ll.uo. CO.M , tu liouid cars ut Omaha . \ulliraet ( -Chesliiul , ilium1 and eu'L' , ts.2.1pi'i' ton ; urale , } 8l't ' ) . Softeoul-Olilo. tV7ft ! Houtheru Illiiuils , JI..MI ; Walnut bloi'U. ; i.2.1 ; loui ; lump. M.1.1 ; Iowa nut. * 3.r.l. , II imsI'men : hides , .le : No. 1 irieen salletl Iililc's1.1'ti.ric ( ( : No. 2 ( riceii siiit'i I hides. ,1c ; No. 1 wreeii salted hides , 3.1 to 4) ) Ibs , I'lKiie ' ; No. 2 Kl-een salletl hides. 2:1 to III Ibs. 4''l'i' ; N , , . I it'll I calf , sto 1.1 Ihs , 7e ; No. 2eiil calf S to 1.1 Hi- , : ; No. 1 dry Him hides. fii , ' , < - \ No. 3 dry Him hitlus , fiit'iV ; No 1 tlry halteu hlilus. .1 TAI.I.OW AMI liiii : \si : Tallow No. I , av'lo ; tallow No.3 , aV'ia1 je ; crease , \\lulo A , ' ' : i'je ; Kl't'iisc , white II , a.iil'ni ' ; u'le'ise. yellow , 33ic ; 1:1 ease , dmk. 2't ( ' ! old hutler. 2""jc ; hcesHiix , prime , 1U < U.2'V ' ! ioiu-li tallow , l > t'it 1 'a e. The Natural Carlsbad Spaniel Salt. This suit llu puwiler f.'iim ' Is obtained lw pvaporiitluii of tin.spruilel spnii.- i aiMuul , I'or enlist I put Inn itiMiiinr.'iry | nr cliimnci , bill- nilsni s > , ohcsit y. ily pcisi.i. | chriinieeal uirluif tbiisloniaeli. rhi'iiiiiatlciirk'niily ' ulli el Inn. unil all ih'niiiL'i'iin'nls of the sininiieli. It Is a mom wonih'i fill ii'ineily than any iilhci In uutuii'iir liuiti'l'I i ini'ilicii. Niitbln , ' 1- ' lu-,1 as troo.l" when ynii e in the Kcimino iiuporietl uillclc , whb'h lunsl bnvc the-i-u ituii' or I'.lswT .t Mcinlcls.n . < 'n. " un CM'i > Inn l le. WANTED . Total IMIIOJ of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL _ . DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES.BT. R.R.COMPANIEStie. Corri'SpOII. . ] . ' ! ! . ' ! ' HOI It'llMl HiW.llSnniS a COMPANYBankers. 163-105 Denrliorn Street , CHICACCV 15 Well Street , MEW YORK 70 SlntoO- . , BOSTON , P. T , HUGHES , AVholosalo C.1-.U Coiunns-ii.iii . Jlorchant , Klk'ln nml Western t'r.'iiiii.'i y Iniitor ainl i heo e. rniii'h neil Intiii'Ki.'s iin.l . piue lent lunl \\lll nut rixclro nr linn llu mil ) llio ln' i : I > . . . | H AiUm.ri' . nn car lots nn titi.'k. . unrein.imi . .r . In hli.rn . m hank riUoi. nn.l ht'.re L.'S l.iio l.lli . HI . Hi'iivcT. I'onl.AIIIIH : IIM.V br. l.i..luc' . I'lnn. .llriil I'lll thn r'rnurh iciueily , in t on the inenstriuil > Hteui nn euro mipineiihluii Irnm H billet nl t'aiite I'riuii.ilii IIIIMI'l'IIMll.MI. 'rilCHII ( .UN . > lllllll I II..t I'll Illkl'll .Illl- Ion , e ii.iiiey. Am I'lll I'D . Uiiiliy , I'mp * , spmi- i'cr * ' ! , , ) l u . In. UiMiuliio li ) Miciinun \ Miiniinnll , I..I.IIOHI near I' u . iiumhii ( A Mi'lrli.'r. S.atlU Uiuulik , M 1' l.lllj. ( .uunull Ulullj , t' . ' , ur o lur ti. OMAHA 1and 1 DIRECTORY. The Hrnnswick-ialkn A , H. PorrlRO&Oo. Oollcudor (1o. ( , All M to . Alirrlrn. All mtnr.'i I'nrl . 107. Wl'S lull u n > t , tiin.lhn. ilKii Street UOOIC STATION KR3. Omaha llopubllcau Printing Oo. , I.AIT ttlofs , bank ( uipnlliM , nil I crorfltiliu In Ilia t'rlnlliiit HIM. lOthfintl lUniifHi ( ro U. Ackornmnu lire ? . ft llcintw , tliulori , clodrotrpCM , tihik : liojk niiiatt- fiicttirors , UK llimnrl ( ri' l , ntniliv BOOTS AND S11OI3S. Clmrlcs A. Ooo & Go , , I KirkuiiiliilJonos&Oo ! , ilntmfiicttirrn nn\ \ Job \S holi't.ilo Mnmifui'tar't bers. t'i'iiti ll.nt.'ii . Hull' Ifi Mine c. . , I hi. ' , 1101 , 1105 Hi wnr.t strvt. mi.I . Hi' ) llnriii'T SI. " " Willinmi , Van Aor- W , V. Mono & Oo. , nmn ft ' .oo Knrl > rjr , ( Vrnirltlh nil 1 li. > 'ml.ii ' ts , Cm i- 1211 llnniejr stivc' In Men-limits tnrllcvl Omnh.v NII'I. tocall mi I cMimln. ' . uqxras. Jolm L , Wiiki , LOUH Huller , Omiiluiiiipi'i-lii\ | , ' . ' , ! iili'lier nnl I'.irVnr * ' 1.1I7-I.II' ' . ) l ) . > n < lti. TI..IS . ( . Siii.plliM Iliiur , ' lint : A fthe > p i"istU4. | Orilci t'lromptly llllu t lllil-IIH Jiirksnii St. ! * , ETO. "vrTTs uanT" ' Oninlm'i l.nrio : t Vurlct ; WAUO.Nd AMI CAllltlAtil'.H OARP13T3. I CLOTHING. Oimha Carpet Oo , , Gilinoru & Huh ! . Carpets , oil clot'n , mil- Mantifnr-turpn A Wholo- rali * ( Mothli.n , l..II Doiik'l.Ti striut. Ilir.i Mnrtu'r St. CIQAHS. West & Fritsoher , U , Tuchira t Mnniifnrturors llnorU.'ir' \liiniiliii HILTS' AKi'in.s. Jobbers n r Icnf t'.liiccus. . ri : ir . 1011 ntroot. i"I. I. Ill' ' "t Oliinlili N'l'b COAL. 00KB. HTO. Omaha Goal , Ooko aud Ooutant & Squires , Liino Oo. linn ! mill unfl coal ship- Ilnnl iinilsoftcn\l. PIT" , P. 1C. for. Hitli nn.l UoilJ- nrn.ini . ICOt , . Uio.ilm his KtrocU. Hulbert & Blum , P. II. Mnhonoy & Oo. " : ! ! " ! ! | ; ! ! % ] " " ' ' -O' ' l--s"'t. ' ' pcn''ne.l inn. iiTithnii'lto , OflircE C11 N ir.ih mil cor. rinltliliik' . ill-ill I loth nnd Ilunulai i . . ' . lri. l.'itli it. American Fuel Go , Howell & Oo. , ? hlpl > prs nn-1 iloilnr * ti untlirarllo nti.l . hltu * : i ; ? . Illli street , niloiiiis { ' .nt. . Onmlm , KPh. 515 S. iJth Htrmt. Nebraska Fuel Oo , , Johnson Bros. , inr.irnnm jtrcot , 8133. mii.strojt , Omnli.i , Nob. Omnha , Nob. Mount & GrifRu , 0. B. Havens & Co. , S13S. llth strojt. iiiiinm street , Onialia , Nub. Otimh.i. B. DRY GOODS. M , E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatrick-Kooh Dry Dry Bonili , ( urnlililnrf , Goods Oo , , funiii , nutloii ) . Dry Ki iils.niitliin . onli' I furnlsliln,1 . Cor. llth nml llimanl < t . Oirner lltli nn.l Unriigy ELEOTRIOA.L SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illuntrato.l . C'liluh' JJ froo. 1CI4 Cnplt'il AVCIUIO. FARM MACHINERY , BIO. FLOUR. BeT iorT "Da7 'Miir6 Milling Oo. . C. ( J Undortv ) < > . ! , Ofllcp nnd wnr Mnniitror at Onrihi. lUI'J N. PUli s for. Sth ntid .Tnckiou st S. I , Oilman , CMcnicns Osknnip , M'f'i : of rp'idy to rahi 1014 N. 16th stroJt. stnp .Inrk tliioil cnkt'i lo tliu t.rid. . C. K. lllnck , - Mnn-uer. f.u-r.'i.i s auiii Htruot. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Duwoy & Stouo lur- Ohas , SLivorick & Oo. nitnro Oo. , Furnllnro nnil Carpoti. Kurnlturo andonrpatf , 1115-lll'J ' t-'urnnm atrcot , 1200-IS10 farnaiu St. Beebo & Ruuyau Furniture - nituro Co , ors to C A. llcrho \ Co ( iraci'iiiid l.ith Sl.i. GENTS' FURN ISHING OOOD3. Scbneidtr & Loomis , J. T , Robinson Notion . nnd Importer , of , furnlllu , , K0 ( , , , , . uolluiu nnd furiiUliliU mf o.'li'i.r . no I br.inl ' lliii'ksklu' . . vii runs , tKints. shirts. i. . ats. i'tc. 1111 IlnwnnlKtrcPt. Cur 15lb nn.l < l H. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. FUR , WOOL , HIDESTAT..LOW. . Gco. Obortii ) ft Oo , , J , 8. Sijilth A Oj , , (133 fr < till t.etT n orthlk Onnhi. Cnmhu. IRON WOH1CS , I'lixtoti ft Viorlimj Ouinhn Bafo fr Iron Iron Work , Work * , / VVroni.-lii nml rut Ir'in . tiuU.llni : work , HiuliiiM , Mmiuf'rs Urn n'l.l . t'nrjMr y t'lms ' itoik , > fii n IT it l > rmf * nfi' * , Minus HII y I..iiulrr ' . , inn , liln.i nilI , tt.-ili , lii'ii ' chiiili'i s mi'V ' MneVsnillli , Ml < u IV Pro I'lt'iipiM il An * II ) uiitllilli it , iln'i'iiIllli A JiK'kntuifli " Acme Iron and Wire When ft Drake , Work , M'f i tutuihir flur * Hr Ir.'H , nlri'niiillirtsi n'lu. Inn lintlrM , Milks , otij. MV M liHInlrcot V. lluuhl , I'roprltilor. I'lurronnt I'.Hli ilroelJ. LITHoaHAPHlNCl. Ilcos Printing Oo. lliniiMiililnir , I'ri'itluj ' unit Illiink llntikt lltli nn.l llu.Tir.isn. LIQUOR3. Her & Co. , William I.trat ) , l.t. ) or Mi'rrluuiti \Vnii' , liiiion | nit.l ri- Ill'l llnrm * ) itn''l u.iri. M mi u I in I u r riliPiini'.lr'i iin : > lhullHimti'r . TIM ni.-nim HI. o uVi- R. R , Grotto , I'nuik Uellono ft Co. , Iiiit'i'rler iniil of . . No * l.l < iuer nml ( IiMuilt.ti \S lnc nml 1,1'iii'iM ' ' 10'.tl ' iinl 10'"J Inriiam St \ ml.i ( "lK r < I'tlL'o Hits on npplliMtloi L. Kirsohtft Go. < A. 1'riok & Oo. , \Vln'lonnlM 1. tipityppiilot WliolOtnli'UcjtinrlViK'rs Nil - KM S 10th 41. LUMDBH. G.V. . Douglas ? It Go , John A. Wakefiell , lnii..rleil | . Auieriiiin I'rt llnnlwooJ l.iimlifr ,' cot , MIUv nuki'il llVlfnllll. ' Celiii'iit in U 1110 Norlli Kid stroKf. ( Jillncy \ \ hilt' I line Charles K. Lee , Wyatt- Billiard Lumber . . - liinil.or. n-no I I'ariuM * unI , p.-iniiiut ber Oo. II liu. . . . ' nn.lltnr.lStrn.'ti SCth , ( itlinml Oaily ft dray. Louis Brailfonl , Liino , Co'ii'tit. I'Uc. , ' ; ' I.umtior , llmi < , o'mpiil.eti Cor nth nn I I ) null i ! 23 DotiRlni struct. AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stonchill , I. Obcrfolder & Oo. , .Millinery , ttnpnrtrM ari.l jubbora In UlnaVi , Kit .Miniiu.rjr. . ' . ' ' ' . ' OS.'IOninl'Jl' Houtli llth 1IO-IISP. Kith St. , Onnhi Uri'il. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , ETO Mar Meyer & Bro. Oo , A. Hospe , Jr. , Sl'f'H Jcnelpri , Oo.ilors In Pianos. ( ) rk'nn , ArtUU * mil sk ft I liiflrunidiU , i-lr. MntorlaH , lite , , 1'aniaui nml icth. ' . 'M IluiiKlm Stroct , CEMENT AND LIME. J , J. Johnson & : lSb > . l.'Uli flrait , Omnti.n , .Vob. OILS. | OYSTERS. Consolidated Tank A , Booth Packing Go , , LillO Oo. Ojsters , Hsli nnd cnnncJ Koodi. - . lieniip.l nml liibrlc-itlni oil" . Bile Ktt I'll 1303 Lcuvcnnurtb. , A. II lllshup , Mjnarfor. , PAPER. I PLATINO. Oarptntor Paper Go , , Western Plating W'ka Carry a full ptock of Culil , fllvnr nn.t nl 'kol ' plalltu ' .n nil ini.t.'ils , prlulln , urappliik' nnd liililt-nnrv. i > tr .ri..lnto.l | nrltlim'imfor , curd j > n- l'i.ll liliubrnis A rhan- pcr , etc. ilellernork II11 ll.xUn. PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Ribbel & Smith , Schroedcr ft Oo , , UraliTs In ronntrj Caih biiyor li'iller tnl uri1 , friiltn , vu L'tribluJ , I'Vk's. nn 1 - HU > cto. niU . nMTi'lifioH. I''OT Iliinanl street. 423 South Illli street. 0. Rosso ft Oo. , E , B. Branch & Go. , Foreign , California mid I'ro.lnci' . fruits of alt tropical frulH , Minis , oyster , , 1213 Hi\\nril Htroct. 1211 lluwanl struct. Porter Bros. Oo. , Hob-rt Purvis , Ciillfurnln , Klnrldi nnd 1217 llowar.l striMt tn.iilenl fruln. \Vrlln for prle.M , m ' nfc P01 nil .iiio , ire U ter , CKV'S. pniiltr > and O.V. . lluttH , - MuniiKor. k-uiiin. Kirschbraun & Sons , Clark &Co. , HllttPr , phffs . f Si lluttcr cg i and poultry . P'.nltry and K i u'1 lauil'iw.inl "trr-ot. BUli S.iilth . l.ltlitro 't. B.UQ9 & Oo , , William ? & Grcm , Country iinnliirn , frulti , . * I'rudui-'o and fruity i'K't-'ta.lo-i. ! uroroM - i peilalili. . ii n , i-pl.-ui , etc. 4IT-4IK S. llth .SU iil llnrnoy ? irfi ! . RUBBER GOODS. ETO. Omaha Rubber Oo , , Mamifactitrln ; an I JD * uuraall kinds riilibt'- . , 10S ( ) Knrnini stroot. SEEDS. i'i'd ur.iwuri . , doil.iri li k'irili'.i. am * . kTuiii ml tri'iw 11. 4.'l-ri ; Smith iiti , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , ETO. M. A. Disbrow & Co. , I Bohu Sash & Door Oo. Manufiietnrors nf s of ilniirs. ultmls miij 'i UlInN , duurt , .Moulding * , llrnne'iof- mo Un > , I''tti aud linrliti Ifltli nnd I'hrk strcti. . SYRUPS. | STOVES. Fnrroll & Oompxny , Daffy-Tro-vbridJ SWYJ Minufaa'jj ' Oj. , vltiuiiri. Mnnuf.i " 'irV st'o ' . 'inl nl.iv ' .lp > | 2IT-2l'.iS ' > iulhtil Klrcet. . ' , 1211-121. le - ! ivcmi'irtlMt. ' TEA , OOFPKE , SPIOB3 , CIGARS. Consolidated Ooffii Company , llllnn.l . IIP ) llama ; lU ( iin.'ihil. Neb STBA.M AND WATER SC7P PLI E3 U. S , Wind Engiiio ft A. L , Strang & Son Pnino Oo. , llnlll.Uy wliilmlll 9ls "W--UH Fnrnnni trok. nml ' .r.M .l.iniM ft li K , Hills , Onuilii , .N b. TOYf. | TYPE- B. Hardy & Co. , Typo-writers. Tnyn , tlnlls , ; . Imuiiutiliulililll ( l.'inn 1 (20 A II l'i rrljij ' ' ' Al" > iif l . . - inf 04. K'uoiK I'lillilrim'i cnr rlii cs.'jr.irnmnt. ' SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YsrtDS CO , LIW.TtO , L.IVI3 STOCIC COMMISSION. A , D. Boyer ft Co M.J1 ; nii'luint-u Hull Ilii.- , Co'ilh tliiiiihv. : S. J. Tc nn , Sm.loy Hunter & vV ; ( Jo , , buulU Uu UuulU