THE CWUITA DAILY 1VE1C : WMDMONDAY THM OMAHA HICK COUNCIL ori'U'i ; . so. iiM' lldlvrrud by CAirlor In any pm-l of ttio City. 11. V. TH.TON . - - JTI.V.IMIONKH ! i' , No. Jtt. Killtor. No. ' 'M. .11 IMUt .11 A'.V/'IW.V. " " N. Y. 1' . To. Council 1lluT ( I .iniiborCo , ronl. Critll'H ehuUcl loans Snip | bloelt. ( iMii.liu < Uoi'kSirliiff | ronl. TJinUlu-r , 1C Mui n. iT. 0. Wood \\nnl li about to commence the Cl'Pt'lloti ot u (1,000 riilJenco ouCuuuing Ul-net , 'I'lio mrrelmnts' tctall ngcnoy ivlll luilil HH m'ulnr til monthly meeting this ( veiling nt s : SU o'clock in tUo Uomil of triulo rootni , .loltti Sylvestnr illcil ttt the r < " > ltl < uirr o ( III * imuithtor , Mi11" " I Unit , on Uiifoln monuo lll l OVCIII1 | | * , nrrOlll'lKllty-C'll.'Ilt jeal'B. TUO tuuernl notice ttlll be Blvrn Intc'i' . Tim finipnilnf the Into Knunlo A Hubols will tnko iilni-e nt II ; tu uYUu-k Ihlinftcrnunn Iron ) the fiitnlly I'oildiMiee. U'1. ' ' Nnrih Klghlli llix-ct , U v. T MoK. Ktewnitoftlehltlni ! . MiiiTliiKo Iliviisci > i'i' Issued jestonl.i.v to 13. II. ( Jelie oU'ounell UhilVaiUiit Anna Mop- lillifjol Uliilt-nvooil , nntl toV. . T , Slilclt of lillis , Knn. , niiil Kttti t 'mtwiidit of thlirit.v I'rnCosw II. A. ll.vtlo , prlnciiinl of the hitfli icliool will ereet < iJ'V'Ut ) resilience nt tin1 cor- licrot Thirteenth street mid AM-IUIO A. It will bo romi > lut-U nbeiit tl.o llr t of June , no.xt. .lolin Helm It suffer from nsovctv nttnels of In uilujio. Unit evening lili conilltionvn < comldereil very critical , ami lilt friu.uls fonroil tlmt lie \voulil not hit through the nl ht. Air. ( ' . 0. Jordan of Itnnk SprlnpiVyo , will ndilross thernllronit men tonight nt the Younu Men's I'hrlHtttiii nssorlntion rooms ut 8 o'rlncl ! U'eihipsdiy ovcnlnc 'I'hrro will bo n turi'lini.1 ( it llio transfer Tluirsihry noon. Mrs. ( ! i < orfo ! K. Wheeler Is l > lnn nt her homi ! on Ihmmun street , Inn very roinlltlon. Hlii % lias been ( jullo III for over : i week , hut yMlenl.iv the symptoms heeanin inoio iilnmiing , anil It U feared tlmt tlio oiul IH near. Mra. Hnrati l llnt ( 'alter , wife of Henry Pmler. tiled Moml.iy ol ilnriiinunla at tliu family wslilenro , ItiM'i South Sixth street , used lllty-oifjht > ciifs. The fimoial oxeii'lses will take plan' thl t attcrnoon at - o'cloelt at tlio'l'rinlty Methoilist eluireh , Uev. S Alov ninlei * ofllflntlni ; Tn i remains will bu in- tuned In l'"alulo\v conii'torj. Dr. T. II. C'lcll.init , formerly of tliU city now o [ Si > riniTlh'lil , Mo. , leotiiioil nt tlio Picsltermii I'hnieh last evening on " 'I'bo 1 'asslon 1 'lav , " anil ( lispitu tin- tutu muton. largo nuilioni'O nsseinbleil to hoar tlio iloetor. U'liii doctor i OKi-els very nmdi that hnvns unahluto meet , his olil frioiuls on account of hlssiulilou tlepuvturo for SiirinKlleld , lie hav ing been called there last uiunlng by Illness In his cluiri'li. John .1. l''inlnoy tins begun u suit in Jnstiie llnnnner's ennrt ntrnlnst , limcs L'nyle to le- coM't * ? ' .Ri.liti ultornoy ft-o.s which lie el.ilined liuenrnril ns utlornci for L'oyle's s > on when tluiliitler u filer ( mlii'tiiiiMit for fnrncry nnd i'onsilru'.v | inti.ileslniri ; , 111 Ileelulins he Hindu tin nuieeiiiont with Covlo OJ- cemliiirr > , l ' . \Nhrivhy luinns toaetns at- tui'iiuy In the case , nnd'llint ho went toC.nles- liniV nnd soeiuvil tin * nenulttnl of tlio you'ni. ' mini \\hlle aoliiiK niuler the terms uf tlmt A suit was eoniincni'i'il In the district court V'st M'diiy iMii'iiiiiK liv AV Stieot ii iiinst the ( 'oiinVil lllnlls waterworks eoniii.inv , to ( | illot the title to lots MimUM in liloclt I 1 , ' , ' 0 in hloek _ ' : . Is In hlock.U nnd t ) uud ± J in liloclc II , nil In Kerry addition. Tlio plnln- t'lT ' clniins Unit the iirnpi-fH Is hh but tlmt the defendant Imlds nn tul\er u eliiini to it. j\ll the iirojierty is liu.ited noiirthu t'oinorof 'riilrty-lllt h stivet nnd l irst uvenni1 , some ol ' It IILMI'II ; tlio limit upon hich tlio water works po\\er liou-o is sit nited. lli'iiihiuni'lofsl'oinii.iny . \ , l-'ifth lieiiluipiit , linvu Niitinnid ( Innrds , SpccUil Order No. 1 In ubedieneo to spocnil mill1 No. I'.i ' , dated Ma fell K ) , hill , ordi'iliiK nnd ilin'i'liiiK nn election to lill llio vacancy In the I-Mfth reu'i- niont of lleiitt-nnnt colonel , cnisod liv the iesiniintlon of IJoutcnnnt t'olonclV. . M. Wilson , it is hereby oidored Unit company A , riftliiefjinient , lowuNntionnl unnrds. nssein- Mo ami oonven-jat it arniorv on Thursday e\'iiinp uts p. in , Mnrcli It' ' , tor tlio purpose of tinllutiii ) , ' lor nriiinUdato for ttio olllco of lieutcnnnt colonel ( ifsnid ivRlincnt. Hy order of U. H.'cy ' , cnptain eoniniiindini , ' . Aery itnporMnt meeting of the Knights of Unlior and their friends will lie hold nt Iholr hull evening. The mooting Is in the n.ituio of nu opou session of the us- seiubly , nnd is for the pimiosooi instltutlnir a ludj's lU'ureoof the ordtr. Seven ! prom inent spL'.ikor.s will bo in uttenilnneo toe\- plnin the ohjectsot the older. Tlio presence of the Indies is vc-ry inncli deslu'd , nnd n special imitation is extended to them. A Indies' boeh'ty ' incoinuvtion with UivknU'hN hns Uuifr been desiroilby the iiieinlii'iMind the Indies thoselves , and the new depaitnrc will iniiliothc order inure than over popnlur ns u social oriMidinhon. linn Siniihis lined # 10.10 in police court jcsteulny inoiiiiiifj on a charto ofilrniiken- ni"s. .lolin t'iiminini.'s , Mike Mubonoy , and John Pox , three of tlio mddv Oinali.t lollows who toro up the urouiul on l imor llroailuny Kutnhiy nltcrnooii wore ijivon ,1 he.iriiif , ' nn the ihni'Keof diunkennois and fast drivini. , nnd wcro found ( 'iiilty nud lined l.V''ll each , ( ' 'ox clniniod tliu' , ho was side nnd h'ul tnkcn some medicine , that in.ulo him fnint , uud wns tliciea-on why ho Inv down on the slilewnlU v. hen ho was iinloaded fro.n tlio bnrey 1URI l now nothlnt ; moro until the ne\.t mornintr. Ttio court , however , was of tlu opinion that It wnsvoiih a rood deal to him to know just how Mich medicine noted , and ho therefore lot the tine stand. T. .McKiV'iin , the fouith member of the jrniiK , was disehiirKcd , upon the loMlinony of the deputy innunal tu the otleet he hail tieen In n tolerable state of pivsorvatlon when arrested , New uoods nro arrivini , ' bv the cnr load ut the Kioat liistiillnicnl house of .Mnndel Klein , it'0 Hro.idw.iy , the only installinent liouso In Council HlulTs nnd the largest in the west. Kveryarticleusoilnboul a household is incliuled in the new Roods , and you c-in uet them ut the lowest prices and upon .small weekly or monthly paynient.s ntul enjoy the Uboot thonrtleleshilo paying for Iheni. I''llH. LuciusVells went to Chicaco last nlj'ht. A Keller and wife left la t evening for Chicago. jH. . .ludson of Chicaco was in the city yesterday , llio yuest of tils brother , C. II. Jtul on. K , C. Noleman , n prominent attorney of Alli.inee , N'ob , was in ttio city vesterdav iifteinoon , the ( -uost of . .lusticoV. . r. I'nttoii. United State- . Marshal U. M. Miller of UedOnlt was in the city yosteruay with I , . C. Miller , who is climbed with beinj , ' a denier in Intoxicants without liuvlnja t'ov- crnuiout license. Will Trade for Karm.-.f. Q Anderson will Irailo for farm or neru property near Conned HlnlTi' , his d\\elllni ; at Shotnndoih , In , , uji- praised at $ . 'M. Call ut the oflleo of the Council lllutls insurance company tor fur- Iherpurtieulnrs. A < .lniok Trial. Judco W. I. Smith 1ms roturucit froraCllen- wood where ho has Just llntshetl u term of district court Dining his stay there ho had a specimen of speedy Justleo which Is not often surpassed , except in cases whore , ludfro I..yncli oectiples the bench. Uu February 14 Allen 13. Monroe stubbed 1'etor H. Cretan , bolli of the inon residents of the town of Glenwood. Croprnn dleil from the effects of ihe fray on the -'Oth. The rand jurv met on tno ItU of March mid" returned nn Indictment of nmuslatiKhter nu-nhist Monroe. On the 10th ho was placed on tliu ! , and on the Htn , Just n month after the crime wns committed , the Jury returned n verdict of B'Jllty The dt- feiidnnt was sentenced to a term in the pen itentiary , hut ho hiii tiled a motion for n nuw trial. The Judpo thinks that whatever Mon roe's opinion may bo as to the Justice of the sentence , ho cannot kick on the ground tbnt his constitutional right to a speedy trial was denied him. Do you want an ox press wauon or boy ! Klnp up the A , IJ , T. Co. , tolephouo 179 , No , 11 North Main street. VPH'O ' PMHAI I'/iI'Vf'll / nil'IM'P Nh\\S \ \ rROM LOIMIL BUM'S ' , Opening of the New School Home in Strcots- villi Ocoun Today. BROADWAY PROPER ! Y IN LITIGATION. 'k Work In a Olcitwoml ( " "onit . | . | ) ( . \ Nnpil.iN ( olu- Ui'.itctl-A llnxv In u f .aiiiiilry. The new nrhoul hnuso on Si i'otnl nrcnuo will be iipnticit this niornlntr The fi-1 lowing ti'tirliors Intvo boon appointed. Mi s Unrbnra Aiulprson , principal , MISM > S Mvi'lle Cutlfr , f oulsa Swan , Hotly Graves ami I'lora Van Order. Miss Aiuti'tson lias been tftu-hlni ; In the Fifteenth sltvet sc'tiocl , Mlsa Cutler In the Avenue 1) ) ntid Miss Vnn Cltxlor has been enijiloynl as substitute slnco the beKlniilng of tlu verm Tlio otbcts hnvo rtl < o formerly been In the piililic schools ns tenchcr * . lust how many scholars will nttrmi school In ( lie new hiilliling It is impossible to sny , ns the member * of the hoanl do not know Just how many then' nro In the district of the right nge nml lulvmiccinrnt. The IIrut ilay \vill iiecessarlly bo oevupieil mostly In grad ing | tlu ) pupils ntul nsslcnhig them to their proper looms It may be found neces sary to extcnil the bouniliirlcs of the district beyond tliosa formerly luinount'cd m ni'eounl of tlicro lii'lnc nu insiiHIciunt nuinher uf children to ( III tbe buildins.Vliother this will bo necc-isury will bo fouiufuut In tlio conrso of a few ilays. The pupils who am to toceivo Instruetions in ( no new htillilinir will bo drawn from tlio liliKuner , the \Vnshinirtoii \ avenue , tbo I'Mftci-ntli sttcot , Iliu'hth stieet and I'.lK'lUh avcnuo bnililliiKs. ' 1'ho new nrrniigetiu > nl will bo greatly appiociatcil by thechililicn of that vicinity , many of whunilmvu been com pelled to walk iv inllo or more too ( tosehonl niiil the saino distance in returning at STO.N STUUIO. II HbilVs , loivn. PAST 151-ACK SATKKXS. The lines ! iliaplay of fast hl.u-lt satoi ns ever shown any\\heiv \ is to be found at the llo- > ton Stor , Council llntTTlio ! prices como \\lthin the reach of all. A bo.vutiful gunraii- teed fast hlack sateen for U'jc ' ; i bolter for 1'Je ' ; a better still lor'oo uiul i0c ! , ami a beauty , lines ! henrietta llnlsb , nt : ttc. : Tlw 1'A'anil'J. ' " > o nuulily Uoll worthy of sp 'ial notii-e , u line French sateun lien'iictt.i linish at I''e. ' ' Tlio latest in ilrcss binding ami faciiiK's ' thu bias velveteen , wears much loncoriuul don't ilcstroj thu.boon , to bo had nt tlio Hoston Store. ( louncil IHulTs , l.i. I. R Atkinsvestorn agent for Del'nu's plato glass eoinpmy , will givu estimates on jilato deliveiy In lo\va aiul Xobrasku. Indstin lc\ol. A happy comiuny nssoinblml last evening at the residence of P. lDovol onVillov \ \ nvciuie. 'I'lio oiv.isioa was thu innriiuKoof Miss Hnttlo Dovol anil Mr. C. II. .Imlsonof tills city. Only the nui libors and must In timate friends of the two families \vero In- \itoil. At li o'eloi'k the. strains ol Meiulels- sohn's wedillni ; march \\oiohonrd ami u lew minutes later the brldoand ( room eutoreil the room. After Dr. T. II. C'lollaiul , tlio former pastor of the brnlo , li.ul oilerod a shoi t pr.iyer the ceroiuony was perl urmoil by Dr. Mteiiheu 1'helps of Iho i'lvslivtoriaii eliureli. Al the close of tlio ceremony thu Hist to extend con inMtn hit ions \ vnDr. . t'lei- l.nul , who ilupned finuanl ami said , amiil a hush that spri-ml over the eoiniMiiy at thu Ill's t sound of hisvoiie : "Mis. JiuKoii , 1 ninrrloil your father and mother , mull b.mtlyeil you. His with feel- Inns of the deepest joy that 1 am now hereto take p.irt in a eeii'inony soulcasant and withal so holy , ns thu ono that has ] iisl been porformod. May the Dlebslnys of led ! ho nlthjou throughout tlio Journey of Hfo , mid there never bo miythui ) . ' to mar the hap- pin' that Is betokonu.l by this auspicious occasion. " After congratulation * had boon lemleicd by the company , nn i l.iuoruto supper w.xs serveil. The uowly married louplo will ro- suio in the liousi ! formerly hyV. . S. t'ooper , on Fifth a venue'bet ween Thiril and lllutl streets. llrs.Vooilbnry , dentists , ! ! 0 I'oarl street , next to Ciraiul hotot. 'L'ok'i > liouo 11" ) . High grade woilt a specialty. Cnlnutlio assembly give their social Wed nesday evening , Aljivli is , at iCnlghts of i'ythias hall for tbo henollt of the homo for the liiuudleh.s. Ail miss ion ' , ' , " > cents. Don't IjIKi * ill' ; ! ; - ( ) n. The oriHiiaiiio which was introduced by Alderman Casper at the meeting of the city council night hefore last , relatrvo to the .sul'iries of tbo police force , hasniiseiln viiror- ous Kick from certain members of thutdo- ( leinrtnicnt. [ At present tlio salaries of the members of lids ilepiutment are $ TH pei niDiith all around , with the exception of the chief , who gets fill I. Tbo last crdinaiico that was passed by the council on the Mihject tixed tlio salaries of tlio patrolmen nt tiiO poi mouth , but the .salaries were raised hy a resolution to . * Tii , ami that aii.ount Ims been paid evc-r.since without n word Of late , however , there bavo been Mime disagreements between some ot tlio nliler- incn , and It has been found iiecoarv to p ( back ntid ordinances nrouding for icr- tiiin thingsthnt had heen ilouoby I'oinmoncon sent for .so lontr that they weio considered to bo a part of the law of the bind. The pollco salary business is ono of these things , anr the gen oral stirring up of old Issues haslet to tlio ordinance winch is now pending before fore the council. The men who servo ut ninht are not mud troubled over the change , as their salaries are not affected by it. It is the members o : tbe day force who think that the world Is i rooii deal colder than it was n few daytnto It is stated , however , that thu onllmincu is sure to he passed , as foroueu a majority o the members of the council have ugreod upoi It beforehand. Snufjnrt & Co. carry largest stoclc of bull Held , gimleti and ( lower seoils in the west Catalogue and samples by mail. The Manhattan , sporting he.ulquartors. N O'Brion. After .Many Voari. Ilcnnctt C. Tabor has bc'gun three stilts ii district court whKh involve a valuable pi" c of property on Bio.ulway just wc t ot llry nut. The defendnUb are the city of Counci IJlutTs , Trod I eut/luKcr , and Uotiisa lioc ! ot al. The petitions ttato tlmt in July o lN'ii ( Frances C. Tuuor , the \\ilo of the plaint ill , sold tbo property In question to It P Snow , \vho In turn disposed of It to othc parties , among them the ones who are no\ madu defendants. Ho claims that he 'lid no sign the deed to the property which wa made by bis wife , nnd that Ho Is therefor entitled to n dower interest of a third ef tn wliolo nroportv. Ho nslts that ho b awarded tin ) possession of this dower Inter cst andl.r > UU for tbe use of tbo proper ! during the time that bo was deprived of it H.V. . mentis the attorney for the plalutil in the suits. Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms within ono and one-half miles of the V. O. all In bearing ; good buildlmrs ; possossloi given nt once. Call on D. J , llutebiiiboii A. Co. , OlTHroadwuy. Kvnns Laundry Co. , .vo ; I'earl street. Tolo photic 2W. Hoods called forand delivered. Downed the Illll Oi'lcclor. ' M. M. Adams , nn expressman , went to th City steam laundry yestunhy afternoon fo the purpose of collecting Al cents which li claimed was duo him for sumo Mark ho hiu done for the s > on of the proprietor. Hu nc coinpauied his request with some languug % \hicb was somewhat objectionable to daughter of Mr. lliedler. who promptly 01 deioU Dim out , and enforced her order with blow from a stick that happened to bo lyin near. Adams at cuco actuil npou Ucr tuiti 1 1vi 1 til to HIP oflleo ii ( iluMIco 1'att in n d swore o it nn in format I m iharvmg hci' uitii asMin't ' and lut'orv ' Iho i.i o will bo I u tio.irnig tlu moiiii ntfat I' ' I The lait forces of tlio nrmy of mn'Oiis , plumbeiN , painters , decorators and ' llnl'hers have completed their work and led : the inagnltlcciit llat.s on llancruft street. known us the "Hmicrort'lVi'iMco. " and turned tholtoysovorto preprieter , I ) .ui furring. Yc terdiy , u liir to force of kouso cleaners were nt worli ( . 'it'iniiig up and making the splendid npnrlinonU vcadv for occup.mcv. ' 1 ho south toir.teo walluislieci c.uly In the day and was thrown opou to the Inspection of a si'lect ' few , itinoui ! wliomere n number of Renllemcn from Omahi and I'hic.igo The universal vcnliet .is that thosulto of npnit- inentsv.u not only the finest In tbo city but the row of tuiracei , vicued from either Inside - side or out , was unoM oiled In any western city The terraces comprise seven Hats three stories liltfh , Tlio ovlerior walls nro of pressed brlcK aiul tluuvindovvs of bevelled plato. Thi- entire building Is n beautiful piece ofarcbi'pcture ' loi'.itod Just two blocks from the center of business tint yet In a de lightful mul ipiict nci liborhiiod. The Interior is n < luMiitlful uud convenient as the cUei'liir la grand and Imposing. On tlio first floor nro located Iho dining rooms , Ullehi'in , two chlnn , closets , cellar and hum- t'ry room. Tlio mttor lias steam coils lor ilryh'K clot lies , three stationary tubs with hot and cold water mid steam lets for lioilim : the clothes In tlio tubs , and Is us perfect In every other way ns Is possible lo cor.cetvo. IVrinnnent rimg'.sof the most appiwed pat- twns inn In the kitchens. All the woodwork on thislloorls pnllshcil haul pine. The din ing rooms are large mid n'ry ' with twelve- loot haj 'vuulows catcnliiKtho morning sun. Mantles of the most elaborate and tieaiitlful paltoriii ! lend still givater cheerfulness , mid ill the appointments niako tlio rooms lit for ho dining halls of kings. There are live rooms on the Trend lloor of acb of the Hats and they nro ont rcd trom n mrch as htix'e as an ordinary house , through i vo.stllnilo guarded bj mnsslvooakeii tloors on the outside and plain glass-pmelled doors \lthin. This suits of rooms are of supeib icanty , with deep luv windoivs , umsslvo slldiiiuitoors and elahnrately curved wood- Mii'K , oaken ami polished lil.o metal. In the cccptlon room , parlor and librarv there are lie llncst inimtch , thai the makers can pro- llll'O. On tlio third Horn- are the chambers , four n nuinher , two of thorn with twelve-foot biy windows ami Unco of them with mantels , unking thirteen rooms in nil , besides the balls mil vi'stlhulo. ' l.ach room has a closet , ntul 'rom the top to tlio bottom there is not a thing that the most fastidious housekeeper con lil object to ornnything to bo desiiud. Tlio gencial arraiigenieut of all of those seen \ s aio alike , differing only In linish- ng. All the woodwork Is of native hiird- uimls polished and mhbed. They are all iciited fro in ono ceutial boiler , relieving tlio lotisekeeperof nil the ordinary cures of life. I'o construct this magnificent terrace has called for an outlay ot over $ ihiiHHi. The irchitects wcro I' M. Kills , t C'o. ofOmah.i , mil their work will be a monument to them n Council lllnlTs. The building Is a ctedit o the city mid is the pride of Mr. Carrigg's leart. As might bo expected everyone of the lats Is rentud , and will bo occupied as quickly ns they can bo made ready. . ! . C. Bixhv , ste.iui neatint ; , sanitary ea- fluecriOJ ! Moriluin block , Council lllufts Illslilet Coui'l N'ovts. The ease against II. T. Hrynnt for obtaln- ng money under false pretenses was resumed n district court yesterday morning. Mar shall Turley , the partner of llryant in the [ latent business which gave rise to the pres ent suit , was put on the stand in bchuli of the stato. lie testified Hryant hud como to him and told hhn that hi ) had a chance to sell a halt interest in the business to a young fellow wlnlio tho'.mlil would bo a good man lo work it up , and lie thought it would behest host for them to sell it. Turley consented , ami the sale was iniuie. Hrynnt came to him i il.i.x or t o lati r and banded him JN'.VI ' winch lie s.ilil was bis , Turley'shaie of the pro ceeds from the sale. It afterwards trans pired , the witness claimed , ttmt l.,100 was the piico that the half interest had In reality brought , and that the other > .t)0 , had been appropriated by ISrjant. Mrs. Tmley , tbo wife of tbo Ilrst witness , testillcd to thu sumo thincs in substance as her Husband. This tuitimoiivin Inti'oilnccd I'jr ' llio purposu of showing in how low esteem the business was lichi by Turloy. After the Tmlcyshad given thoirtcstimony the state lestcil. Thu deTenso then intro duced several witnesses for the purpose of testifying lo tbe good character of Several of witnesses were brought out , nfter which comt adjourned until ID o'clock tomoirow morning' , Juil o Thornell having received intelligence of the serious illness ot his twelve jear-old son , Andrew , at Sidney. Ho left for bis homo lust evening. The Xeiv Pacific Is the most centrally located hotel in Council lllutTs , nl" tin : Greon. St. Panicle's day in the morning dnwned clear and bright \ uslenlay. K.irly in the day tbo green ribbons began to appear , and be fore noon tbo man wlio wns without the cml'lflmas pr.u'ticallv out of the swim. At 7o'clock : ! ! ( ) a band uf about seventy-live sons of Kriii , miMiihi'r.s of the Ancient Order of Hibernians , assembled at llio lull of tbo lodwo and took a special motor train for Omaha under the le.idersliiji of .lack Cuslclt. At Omaha theyjoined the Omaha delegation and tool ) a special train lor Lincoln , wliero th > v imhilgi'd m a huge eelebi'.itinii in honor of their patron saint. They expect to return this morning ; .' ! ei's * .Aleellng ; . The sixth annual ses ; ion of tbo Southeastern - ern Nebr.i-.ka I'eacliors' assoei.ition will iio held at the state normal school in Peru , Nob. , on Thursday and Kiidav , April 'j and : i. The leading add reuses will bo bv Uieuten- nntliovcrnorTliomas .1 Majors , I'rof.V. . K. Tiijlor of I'ern and Prof. ( ! . L. Farnham of thu state normal school , 'iin : ly the explosion of a blast fiirnnro nt Colebrldi'e , Scotland , yesterday two men wcio killed and nine fataly burned. The new Young Men's Christian associa tion Imihlintr at Peorin , 111. , ereeti-d nt a cost of Jl'JO.OX ) , was formally dedicated yestor day. Coniinmder-iii-C'liief Von/ey has issued a general order for the ohsorvancu of the sil ver anniversary of tlio ( jrinul Army April li , Ib'.ll. Uepreseiitntive Springer of Illinois Is sorl- ouslv ill In Washington with nervous pros tration , supplemented by a severe nttaeic of the grip The A'nrloti' iron works nt Cleveland , O. , made an assignment yestordav for the benefit ot creditors. Liabilities , SJ.lO.lMO ; assets , SIWI.OOO. The establislnncnt of Kidenzlncer & Co. , in Cineinnatl , O. , niamif-vtureis of paper bau' Hour sacks , burned last night. Loss 10,000. Ono nmn was killed. At Hpringlleld , 111 , yesterday Joseph Vas- concellos shot and fatally wounded Mrs , Annie Sturgeon , with whom ho hud been living' , nnd then suicided. The will of King ICaiakaua has been admit ted to probato. It provides that if Lllliiokul- anl dies withnut heirs , Princess Victoiin KalulaiM shall bodeclarud the successor. The finding of the ecclesiastieal court la tlio case of Hov. Iae ( Jncary lias boon handed to nishop Leonard. It Is believed that ho hus been suspended from the ministery. The London Chronicle's Homo correspond ent and Tanfulln ( newspaper ) botli doclmed tint 1'rinco Napoleon wns unconscious when the sacrament of extreme unction was administered to him. The ease of Patrick O'Snlllvan , sontmicod to tbo penitentiary forllfo for the murder of llr Cronin. e.imoup In tliosupnmo court nt Ottawa , 111 , yosturday on a writ of error from the criminal court ot Cook county. Tlio appellant aslti fora new trial. Two meetings of Cincinnati Iilslunen , held yesterday , passed resolutions condemna tory of the arrival of the Irish p.irlinmentarv envoys , who WITH endeavorim- transfer the intcrnecino strife to tbo L'nlted States , ami pledging thcmselvos to work unitedly ' u.Mtii.sttlio I'urncll and McCarthy represen'- tatlves. John Hiiro's theatrical companv nppemed in Sydney ( Irun-iv's piny , "A 1'nfr ot Snec- taeles , " bofora ( jucun Victoria at Windsor castle last evening. The audieiico Included r.niprebs Fred crick , Prince nnd I'rlncess Henry of Itattcnburg , I'rlncosi l.oulso and the marquis of Uorno and the gentry uf inot \ < . } it inint t us. lli ( hai'gt" , < That Improper Offers \\er % M.ule toltn \ liippoi * > ( "ilx. KIUMI ST.i ul . March t * At n confer- otico held la t night , Di'Vnuiitfi filomls de cided lo wltbdrnw his name in favor of ! ' ' Ion. The Joint l-iuhil tliH ii.ornlng ivsnlteil as fellows : Kstee IM. I'Vllou : Hlanohir.l v ! , .lohhston 4 , Perkins I , \\hue \ ' 'I. Niees- snry to a clndce , 'is. A IjMirnmcnt was then taken until tomorrow. Di Young , InlssuhiB his withdrawal , said he had Information Which he belic\cd to bo true that Improper offers had been nnvdo to some of bis supporters. Hi' also iccognl/i-d the fuel tlmt It was apparently Impossible for him to sivtiro llio support of all of Mlanch- mil's uiul 1'elton's adlieri'ids , while It would bo pusslulo for him to transfer llio larger part of bis following to Felton , Tbo San Francisco papers this evening charge tlmt Attorney Ooneral ilurl has in his possession evidence toiuliinr to Impllcato n number of legislators. A memorandum lias been found , which , it Is asserted , discloses tlmt over J.'l.lHX ' ) weio drawn from a Fresno bank and tlmt certain assembly men \\hosii niuiii'n were on tliu inemorandtim reieivcd the money , ' ( cllliig Down lo Mnslni'ss. Si'insiiiin n , 111. . .March 17.In the house ibis morning Speaker ( . 'rafts announced the longdolujed standing committees. The resolution of the Illinois federation of labor , asklm : for the aiipiiintinont of a special committee to investigate theslnu'lo Us , theory , came up ns a special m'der. The house wont Into committee of the wliolo unit after some discussion ot the mutter a icsolntion was ndopted referring the whole matter to the committee mi revenue. A resold t Ion ofstny- path ) for the persecutedlows in liussia was adopted by nce.auwllmi. Democrats Ki'dlsi rlci tup. TIIIMOS , N. J. , March 17. f Special Tele gram to Tin : Hi i : ] The congressional redistricting - districting bill wns introduced In the as sembly toilav. It provides for ono additional dlstiiet muter tbo recent cousin , miking eight districts In all. Tin- districts have been so planned by the democrats us to leave the I'irat and Soenml ns at present , which in sures a icpuhllcaii cutiKi'i'SHinan in both , while tbeotliersis districts me drawn so as to gi\e democratic majorities of from .W to several thousand. Illinois llonrhoiis I r.'paring- lUouoiit Si'iitsi.iin.n , 111 , March 17.--Tbo demo crats are preparing to make the Palmer r.itl- tleution meeting hero next week the largest meeting ever held In tbo city. ( iovernors Kruneis of Missouri , Holes of Iowa , \Vlnuns of .Michigan. Campbell of Ohio , Peck of Wis consin and Hind of Nebraska are to bo pres ent and deliver addresses. A ( I op In the A list nil inn Kail ( it. Ji ITI-HSON Cirv , Mo , March 17.-Hoth houses have passed the bill extending the Australian ballot law to all voting precincts In the state. Th"law previously applied only to citlca of the first nnd second For Settling Conner ! ( cut's Fled ion. IlvitrroiiD , Conn. , Alnrch 17.-Tho house today passed the ilndson bill , prodding for n settlement of the present election dilllculty. 1 Y THU STOItM. Hibernian IXciirslonists IJeliijcil al Lincoln and ! nniiile. 'Iho local divisions of the Ancient Older of Hibernians , nngmented by additions from Council lllutls and South Omaha , wlileh left for a ilnj's joiillcntion at Lincoln yesterday innrning , bud not loturned to the city up to midnight last night. 'Iho special IJ . 'c ' M train hearing the dele gation was to have arrived at midnight , hut ( minifies at the depot Drought forth thu In formation that the special would not leave Lincoln until 1 u. m. , mid on account of the storm and d.mgerof wnslionts woulil pmbublv not arrive here until : l or 1 o'clock this mom- ing.A . A few enthusiastic Hibernians were wait ing nt the depot ut midnight to welcome the travelers nome , but the ram , which soon cbnuired to sleet , snort drove them homo , and the depot was deseited except by the patrol men and watchmen. TISANS ( ! ii-SMUV : : WAYS. People Who Make ISiislncHU for llio 1'nl Icemen. N. Silverstein , who resides nt 1 I'll South Thirteenth street , was last night charged with assault. It seems that Silverstein , who is a tenant of Jacob Kendes , had failed to pay his lent and Kcmles had served notice of ejectment. This i.otice litcd Silverstein and he called at Keiidcs' home last evening to demand an ex planation. Hllverstoln became angry nnd as saulted ICcmlc/s with a knife , not Bounding him however. The accused will have a chance to toll liis tale to .Judge Helsley lids inni'iiing. F .1. Day obtained n judgment againstI. II. Smith lust .Iniumry of $ ; " > , the judgment being the r"sult of a lawsuit over a lot of bay. When Day came to low on Smith's propertv t-i sntisfv the judgment ho found thai a mii't.igo ! had been executed bv Smith to his futlier-in-huv , a mini named Deviies , on November Iti ) lust , and there was nothing bo could get hold of. Day thought there \\as \ something crooked iitiont the iransaction nnil was of the opinion that the mortgage been executed for tbe purpose of d'Mi'iitiding the creditors. Ho nciordlngly petitiuni'd the court for mi order hiinging Smitli and his tathor-m-lnw into court for the uurpose of ipiustioning them as to tbo circumstances un der which the mortgage was given , with a view to Undine nnutu'agoi's croditnrs. No information was elicited which would tend to show n fraudulent intent on the part ot any of the parties , and they were all discharged. Some sneak thief , out for the en-di only , went through the pockets of Dr. ,1. M. Mc- Miinigal , who has an ollii and rooms uliovo Hell's drug store , i JJ South Thirteenth street. Tlio theft wns committed some time Monday night , after the doctor bad retired. A line gold watch and a pocket ei > o of in struments wore loft untouched. The doctor is out nbout fs in cash. James Collins and Ira Hcgan wore arrested list ninht at the corner of Thirteenth nnd Williams sheets by Oftleor Sobeck. A largo amount of brass nnd copper was found in a sack which the men were carrying anil , as limy could not account for tbe possession of the pronoity , they were taken Into custody nun booked ns suspicious characters. Itl'JI'T IT HOT. Locomotive rircmcii Handle n Long Hun of Dances , The seventh annual ball of Overland lodge No. lit , Ilrotherlioodpf Locomotive Firemen , was held last evening In Imposition hull About two hundred couples were present , though over seven hundred tickets had been sold. Tbo storm , no doubt , kept many iiwuv. The hall wns handsomely decorated. A locomotiveornnmented the west end of tbo bull , while great .strings of lanterns , red , white nnd blue , wore liung overhead. I'lio decorations were certainly novel and the com mittee in charge of that work deserves eiedit for its uniipio work , , , The programme wns long , consisting of tivoiily-cigbt dances' ' . 'All of the prominent olllci.ils of the L'uion Pacillc wcro remeni- ered on the programmo by having dunces mimed for thorn. Music wns lurnisljea by the Musical 1'nion orchestra , consisting pf leu pluccj , and wns exi client. , The party had supper nt the Dellono and broke up nt an early hour tills morning , all present appearing to uavo enjoyed an unusu ally pleasant evening ! Knell season has its own peculiar malady ! but with the itlood maintained in a state of unlfoim vigor and purity by thousoof Ayor's ' Sarsaparilla little danger need bo feared from Inlluenees. N'o otlur blood iiiedlcinu is so .safe and cflcclhc. roil TIII : s H ( ind All Points South. Tuko tlio Wubash , llio bust nml ijuick- cst route. Only ; IS hours In tlio I lot Springs , to to N'uw Orloniis ! to Jack- sonvllic , Oil to Tampa , with cnrrospoiul- liiK fast llnio to all piiluls south , It' ' . " cliiilni , ' chair and I'ulliuim bulTot bloop- Ing-cui'n on all trnliiH , Itouiid trip tickets now on wile nt groiiUy reduced nit"it , l-'or tleUots nml full iufoi'ination cull nt thu WnlmtOi tiokot olllco , 1OT2 I-'nnmm struot or wrlto O. N. CLAYTON , Ayout. xxrs i eorYWUfT iw V. lint Your ( irout ( irnml mother DM , Hho lieti'lioli it the llnx and en tiled tha vool , and MOV e ( lu linen , nnd MHIII the tn\v , ninl iiiiulo Iho ilolhm fur her lilisl.anil . ntnl ten children , She inmle htitter nnd clieew , hlie iliiiHxI | tall OH ciiuillcH , to \\n\il \ \ \ the IUUIMJ nl lilpht , ninlhu cooked nil the Tin d for her household hy : tu nvn | lire jilacc nnd n liilek men. Yesft' ul ulii'ti stnMMis fmty .M'tiisiif np1. shn vuu n lnuily nn nld lailj > \ 1'e-o l'e.t ' ( li\h\M > i'i\et . Her sin millers HI ichnt nnd lii'r jninlM uili mi > , l l.haul . vtniK , nnd 'lie vim' < . | ieetni'le s nnd ncnji. Her prcnl vnindilnn > .Iiti > r , "itli nil the linxlein eoinei iloiiiv'i fur eetiifnit , H'llm ' tneiit nnd a ) K > us cliiiiinltig and nttiml heat turn 11' .ens nl twcnl.\ . INv'iialh ' ia this tine if sh o j'l-cvir\ tier hcnlth l \ tliu IN' df Dr I' iii'i'e'M I'lnniite I'I-CM I | " , vhii'h HiuiU i > lt all fetnnle ailments nnd ir- reKldll'ftles.ei HIM thi'in if llie.v iilfcail e\-t , liivpithe lifoi 'iirri'iil lieallliltrinnd1p'ruiis , nnd ennhhnth e unmn of inidille nee to nv- tiiln the fnchi nvss nf jirlliu < 'il lun\\ and rheelc , the IIK lit i f jnutli In her cjes , nnd Itnelavtli-ity li i her slci. | ( > o tn \ < mr ihii More , pay a dollar , cd n iHiltleand try II tr ) n siiHind.ii thlid if nee- psMii'V Hi in v the thinl one's IMCII tiiKrii Miu'llknoH th at time'snnnuilv tnhclp joti. 'Jlii-n > ou'll l.o fii on and n rure'll coine. Hut If you Mimihhi't fiol the lielp , flionld IH' diMiipolnte | < 1 in ( he Kvtilts vnil'll Hud II Klinriilitw | niiiteil mi the Imttlt' Ulllt'll et VM , ' Mi inluuk fulUU. . L'aii M.I ; VE7ERIHAW SPECIFICS Tcr Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs , AND POULTRY. 3001'iisc Itnnk iiTrcnlini > tit uf AiiliiiulJ iiniK luiil r > i'iu ' l'ii'i > . cmrf < ( I'l'vrrn.CciuueHi IIIIIM. I iMIaimn ut l ii A.A.J Siiliuil . .llfiilnuiil- 1 Ik l.Ytrr. . . - ' . ' . ll.ll.---iriilii < , Itiinii'iirix. lllii'iiniullam. ' . ( ' . - - ) li'iuier , Nutiid | ) ! M lai 1) . . - - | | | ii r ; tuliH , UorniN. K. K.-- < ' iiicbti , lli'iivi-H , I'lii'iiiiinnmu K.l' . Collc nr < 4ilpi > H , Ilelbaclie. < : . ( ! , --niUciirriiiuei llrnioi rhuii'H. . . ' in iinil Iililui' DIm'iiHOH 1 1. II.I'i my > ] . ! . Kvuiitltn Illxi'iiHCH , Intiuc. J .K. .Jl ) cime til IHui'BtiiiUi Kluglo llotlla ( oMr&Oilosca ) , - - .00 Htuhln CnHi' , with KMflfleH. | Mnnnll. . Xi-urlimryruroOllunilMixlk-ator , 8T.IIO Jnr Vcii'i lunry J'ur - (111 , . . 1,011 Sold b ; Druggists ; or Sent Prepaid nnywhcro Oil Jin anr quautity oil Kccclpt ol Price. UOMPJIIIEYS1 MEDICINI ! CO. . Corner William aud John Sta , New York. _ hi ueoCU jrnrn The only successful rciuctly for Nervoos Debility , Vita ! Weakness iu ! I'rontratlon , frnm o\oruorkor other onu ° P3 , Jf 1 purml. . or It viulaanil lAriruinl pmvtler , tur jr > . SMI > iv l > i cnr.tkT < , iTwnt | M tpnIil oil rnt lilt oIirk-tt-HUMPH REVS' MEDICINE CO , Cor. Wllilarn mil Jehu Sis. , M. Y. GOLD IIEDAL PABIS , 1878 , BAKER &Co's ' frnni Mhlr-li tlio exci .s of oil Ii.ia been rumored , Is and it ' < , s Soluble. No Chemicals . no ni-ed in its preparation. It has more tlntii three titncx the atnnyth of Cueon mixed with Slarcli , Arrowroot or Sti ar , mid is llicreforu far niore c'conomic.'il ' , c < > $ ti > njess / than nuc tent a ciip. Jl is ( lolidouH , notirisliiiif nnd aihnii.ibly iuliptud ; for inviilitla nsvill as fur persons in he.ilth. Sold by Crocors everywhere. W. DflKER & CO. , Dorcheshr , Mass. t 1 unale Iteani.t M . we rfuHcniiirtry > lat * r I'er * ( c tlTft . Nt vir nil | ' . i I'P iid ' tn la Ktanil' ) fur particulars. Aiiilreu LION UKUU CO.liutalo. , ! N V. SPECFAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BiUFFS. , . ami typewriter , Aililn - . . I. llei ) ( illli e. icfoiuu'O nml n.iniu uf lust employi i. T lil' 11' faun fnrs'iIiMir tr.uli . * Hell located -L nnil nil In hrniiirunnl luiiisu anil luirn. Will I iiLcnine iiniiil ellj iiiupei Iv , anil t-'nuil t line ulu'r. ( in lialniii'i * . Callun urudilicis 1) ) . J. Iliitelilnsnn X Co. . 017 llttuilv. ay. $ will nuiko the llr l payinenl nn IfVi ai'nsof line | , nil in > . ( niii | wi'iei n Mlnnn- fciit.i , nnil ten .Nrnii to p.iyllii' li.iinnee In. r.inii--ur ( 11 nt Insulin' locality. MI tno terms un linprnM'il ( .11 ins In Nil < ri > , Ua , < ' : ill nn m scinl fur elii'iilaf. , io .lulln-loii A Van I'utlen. | 7l.\AMIMiliceoli : > lrat ) ' ( l Mcl'lnill ' pliiiins : U now senlo CTOHII pi IIKInnd ur ans. hold on eiM ; payiiienls liy Mur. Itomlrim. nnisie teueher. HI * ! iitsnrin street , C'ouneil SA \ AA \ ImiiMi anil law lut on easy payiuonls IIHIUIIU at 4G. > I'arU avenue , . iflilii- , la. Air J l.Al'TI.UWV iil : hns innved lilq I' naii'hoiiM' fioin : i."i ' Hin. uluny to KJ'i llio-idwiiv , when' In' will luep un lianil u line stni'lc uf fiiinnee IKtuies. I/OU S.M.i : At a kii'i'illi'e , peifoit ennili- - iI I mn , nlllee ileski anil ( lialix. U line tinuUs l l.iriio Iron "ealu truck , J heating sliivi'H.'Ji'diinti'rsi'ali" , u'step Inilili-rx. 1 lar-'i lihilforiu Hour in'alcs. Kecllnu .V Pelt , 117 Milu M , Ui.YI'-Tho : Mi'Mahon liloi'K. : i -loiv - - lirli'U. ullh hisiMiirat unil ole > alur. J.V. \ . Siniie , KM IV.irlsiri'i'l. Jj1Cl-A ) ! ! I.i : A h.ilK.tln ; new modem limi-o ullh all the lati > liiiiinviMiii'iils | , seven looms 111 sell nu ciisy | ia > lui'lils ; | oMteiui ( | tliu ' ' ( aM'iiuiuiiolor Ilni3. I ) . J Iliilohlii- bun , ( 'I' Itrmdway , I1OHSVLG nr iioTif Canton laml. witiT llloj. 101 Main t , , Oounult UlufTi Secilh ! Seeds ! Seeds ! At f'olo'b linriluaro stoio , 11 Mnii hlrout , > ( iu ciin tfi't tlio IH--.I soeils.'o hull in bulk mul cuil yivo iloulild tlio M'ods for tlio iiiiuiey that you can buy liy the iiaper , Out' 'cds ni-c nil fresiriin'd lust oil itiiil I'c'coiiuni'iKleil liy local ( 'in'- ilenci'i Id lie thi ) l " < t heoili obtainable. 1'till line uf Hold tuiil tfiii'ilen faucils. Iticyi'liiif ; IVir I HI ) I. \Vu ui'o llio pi-oplo lo ll nrowilli for your mount for thiyour. . \\Mtli \ our ton ji'iipi' ovporiuuco in thin llnoweuro | ii'0iii't'l | ) ID olTor tlio best viiluo tn lie hud In this lino. It isom-.v to ot fdolcd on ti litcyclo. Our in-kos riinuo from Wi to ili.r ! ) . Tlio colplirntoil Victor nud lino. COMCO : LU , 11 Mtilu btrcct. mi Cranil Opioriiiiiiiy Ueiuttifitl spt'liifi is IITOt lnct nml I'Mi'ttntriM nt'n oil with tlto choicest ilc i\ins mul Uvtost > .tyios til * pt'lug Kitif , nvcf1- * ci < ritu Mild pnnis. bought In IIIUMC-MSO ( | unntiti dn-i'i't It'nm the IMI - niitnttlnct tit'iMM tn the cast , an > l \s\vo \ h.tvn ilcicrtulnoil to do the liln bitslni's- Ci'Utu'il Hlul'i's this o > sv > nvc will plnoo uii iy , Mnrcli lyth , antic1 > nltiitti tlu'sulo i > . .iovoolt : FIRST OPPORTUNITY. A line of fnncyvoi'stoil suiits in tvnttul and Hirnlfllit cut ts and cit til ways miuli > up toiMI for $ l'J i O. i.itf in lee clui'liifl thH $7.013. SECOND OPPORTUNITY. A full and coinplclo line ofhbu U dun lot siilt , b uncl nnd un bound. in nil styles , nnd siml ovcrywlioro I'ofUV ; } Out' prioo foe . > no w ; SO.b'fl. SO.b'fl.PANLT Tlio orontost IjnpflMlnsovpi1 ulforoil In men's pnntH nt'o now rl liotv. These pnnts limit ovoi'v hit aa goud MS nny $ IO pants iiuuli < a lilnh pi-ict'cl tnlloc , ntul at'o Jitt a jix | id vriliK" MM anvf pnn' ' id'- * lorecl by Iho c lothinci icntlr. Wo offoi' thuni during lliiHanli1 lor $ ' < in. Our Miu-U of n ndorsvofir , nci Udi'iinr ) , su-spondrM1 nnd hn | ( t complete , aii'l wi > viniMiiti'o t'i Mint tlio most ; aTe - To buy Ix'foiv examining our tmu1s ; ami prici's HUM i 3 n ilrlilu'uilo M.i lintr of vmii nn > ncv. 522 Broadway , Coiuicil Bluffs , Iowa , ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS , HATTERS & GENTS' FURNISHEBS COUNCIL IILUI'FS ' STFAH DYE WORKS All kinds of | ) y uu .in 1 ( Me lain * ilnii" In tlio Illglieststvluof tlio Art , Kailed and st.ilneil t .iliiiesni.ide to un > U .is K" d as mnv. Hi il I I'ltbcrs i ii.ineit Ity -II-.IIM. In I 1-1 > , iss ManiKM Work iinxiiiitlv dune and delivered n all parti ot the juunlry bend for inlcu 0. A. M.vCIIAN. Pr.ip. . 01J llruadwir. N'eai Nurilineslurn ) ) ) ! t'DL'NCIIi III.Ul'I'S I A. K V' 'UlllllnrC Atlnrneys at Law. Pi i"- llh A OiUIIIULI ! . ) tiol. m tim Htalo nml ederal courts. Itnotns : i , 4 mill j slmgart , luiubluuk , Council Itlull's. luw.i. I I fll lllllinrc ' Atlnrney nt Law. Nn 19 I. J. UUIllDl'TS , prl , , MM''t. C.M'I lll-ll- , ii 11 s iu i > i u 27 MMN STRUCT. Over f It. Jnriui , inlu . "i. fii. . Jewelry More CITIZENS STATE BAM Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITALAND SURPLUS . . . 215.000 Duir.i rons I. \ . Mlllor , P O Rlnaim , i : L Ehnuart , K K. ll.irt. .1 I ) Udiiiundsnii. I'h.irlm V. llaunan ljuiior il b.iuUliu liisi- n > ' s Liir.'i'st c.ipilil nn 1 surphu uf any li.inkln SuutliwuHtorii l.JWi INTEREST ON TIM- DEPOSITS , M. H. CHAMBEHLIN. M. D . . J. iiuI'li i M.i-r j ' " ' ' ' , 'IHI"I'I-O..I urn 'ru : "tr Mi-Knml 'lllltuM lliu i A rxiiiiMKTIIM \ ntul IIV 1 I.VKIl tr , u 1 M Ith i-inlnoiil siu'i-'HH t'lHilCAhul'nilTIOS wliori ! ! t'H > > l > port * iinu I A If li tin 11 tin "it " 4 irn an t i urliiK pei tcit riMults 1 1 N IN I'i I. \ * * ! , ntt * ! v ( inxfrili' ' * 1 * > rr i < tltu all r * fr i tlv * t ! IH M\0hl. | UVperDpltl Hid A"tl-TI ! lll-t II 11 * dcrlnu fljlit o i y i l > ir : m 1 p n n1t ' I It ) N'l ' M I KAI.c.I \ unil si K 11 1 AD VIIU - , nit-r vn * of t > rrlliU * surTt rlnu norclnM i * itu ly t iin * ! o tl 'tot ' 'in 1lnik'uit 1 llk > f.l , o\cr Ut'iio A Co ' i \ * r Cnnncll HttitTa , la. NEW HO TSI , The New Ofdou llott'l , m Oouu ! ! Jilnils h > s lB"ii ) enmiili'ti'i. ! ri'tiirul ' oJ .111 mo lo-n- /MI ! tliroiiihout ; , .mil tn > w mi uf tlmli ' > t hotelin the hlatn. It Is loc ituil in thu hu ! ness jinrt ot t icclty nn I tin olcftr c initon IT it > tlio door every tour mtmit b , Firn o-- c.iiesanil ] lire alarms throughout th bill I- injj. Steim ln'at , hot .111 1 i-olil w.itor ml hiiiishuniiu uvury rmni. Table uus.iriJiSjO-l anywhi-re. U.ites , $ U.OO a day. GEO. M. WHITNEY , Muna or. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Tomer Main mil COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Pealors In foriM n .in 1 do nostui vi'hinjs ColliM'tlou in.uli ) .mil Interest tialil on tl.aj deposits Fiulcy Burke. Thos , E. BURKli & CASADV , Attomcys-at-Luw : ix TIII : ' TATII AND n-i > iiu : Olllees' .1. J. Hriiwa Ilinlilliu , I'uiinelHlUilIi h ALL THt WOHLinHEHEIbBbTONL CURE DR , HfUNES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It can lie jritrn In u rui ur ruICi * * ur Ifu. or hi iir. Iclr * of fnotl. mthoul 1'iu knowleilgo ol lilt imlunt l ( uoooaiiKry It la utuoluxuly hanniimii mulMll i > ncl a tidrtujneut nnil ape ily euro , uhMhrr ihu pain ui in noilorjlo dr iimur or nn alcoholic'A rook. IT M \ Hi l'\ll , . U opera ! * ' * BO qumily auit with auoti cir- i&uuy tbti thu paiiunt undcruoea no liioonvemcn.'o , anil uro hn in aware , ItU cumiilcto relu.'i.cllc J la clltfotetl 4B paaa boo * of partlcimra tree Uuhrll ( lu : KUIIN ft CO..lMh Jl DounU a..v 1 > thAeinuini : tu p/'Trailo eurplioil by lli.KK. UHUOK CO . a il JIJWlIUtiiiN lUIUd IV . t'nilh . \V \ ' JT I < " I ) - . Au'i'llt- sell the I'lllll'-H tV 'HXl l ci , , , ! , , , , , " , the , nily lllli ever Invi'iiledlliat ImliU the i li > llu < s Hli- iiul I'llis ' ; a ] n rfei'l hiiriess' | > ; ilt'li1 issurd ; sulil nnl > liy aui'niIn v\luiin tin' i \ - elnsu e rUht is jui'ii ( in r.i i ml uf i'iintsv\n ' M 111 senil il sanipli1 line liy ' , , il > u iiiin- liu > ; prii'i1 I i-l .nnl l < rini In .i.'int s , , , , , , . jniir lerrlt uv al inn e \ililiiss I'll ! ' 1'IN i I.IM. c ) . 17 lli'iiiinii > -t REMEDY. Mm liiuiil rvKinii'il XIIMIII , milk Ulfllllll'lll.llkl .1. Illllls h.lK , | | | 1. , Varlioei'li' ' unil li i Hi i IH nt f i'lflm > < 0ir t III' htm , . Niili'l' rillllli . 1 Hill clinlly Ki'iul tn'iili'il' ' I''It Kl' iniilliiiiffi'ri'ii , iiri'iiim Dm ! onreil ui ol Ihcao Imiililni. AiMii'M , , null ctiiiiiii , L. A. lilt.Vlll.U .ildtllul it'll , Mlill. RAILWAY TIME CARD 1.1'ilTFt IIIICAIJO , llt'llt IS'urOS V i , > An vn On nln li ) | i > t luili nn.l MIKOII iMri'i'l On ilnt I < o p m rnirnfio Ksiiri'PH > i II in V' < t ) n ru ( iiioiigu r. iTi'"i " H lo p in ( Ml'llftO Kk'MS | ) in . ii III Ml p in limn 1 , < K ill I ! mi tn l.l'IIVI'S III III.INinoN .V MO IIIVKIl I Arrlrnt Oinnlin. _ Hi-put mill nmlUIIMI utri'i't * { dunlin 02. ii in Dinvur liny 4 ni | > m ( I . " > a in , liiiinl. . mil I i P ni ( i . ' . u I ' ! Ill ; 10 p in . ) ' \ Mtflit Ut pn'1 II i II in d mi p in . l.liu'uln l.liultiul . II i n in Mi n 111 I . . . . l.lniuln I , "nil . . i li l l' in u .MM I I. T . , r 7T , . . li i AH Illlllllll I IleiHit loth mil Mm on mrri'li I On.nliii ' 1.30 i nil .Knn < n Oly liny I2i | > ri' < . . .I 'I ' in r m | i 4f. r. III H C MglltjipM U. I' Trnjn [ 6.d n m l.nniM 1 UNION IMTIKIC I Arilvfii ( linnlm. I Di'i'ol lOlh nnil Mnii'y Mreoti lOni _ lii. fi 117 ii in . . . . Knn iii I'ltr Kxprmi. . . I PI 'i ni 10 ' . ' ! ) i in Hi'incr Kiiiri-Hi. . . 'i | > in ' . ' . 'iU P III . . . . ( U ITlMHl ! I. IT . . "iii p in 7 .XI | i m I'nclllo Kiiruii | I1 I. n in IIMVIM 1" ( IIIO.M.D II I \ I'Ai'IKlC 1 Ar ivoi ( inialiii. If 1' dii''l. lilih nml Marcjrslt. _ ' i' i . 0.10 p 1111.7777. . . N'lkht i : > pr i 'in ' n ia P OA n in Atlnullc Ktprr s . . . . | i l p m loUpm' ' V mitiul l.lmltoil | Mii n m ( ) ni ihu | U. 1' ilepnt. luth nnl Mnri-y SI" I ' 71 ; , nm | . fcliiii\liy ( I'niseniiL'r. . . , I , , , . ! 1'nul j ! iirpsi . . . . n jg HlOt'X dlTY1 A I'ACIMC. | Arrives _ OiiBlm ] Iupnl Ulli HIHuliMcr H. I Unmlm. ijiyp in i Ml _ 1'iiul l.linllail _ f nor \or 1 \vs 1 ii. . IN un\o ( ii'iilm t , lotli Murey ! > ti inulm , | i 15 m . ( lilm.u ii .11 p ro I , tn p ni I.IIMllllil . ' , ' * > n ra n IS | > in Inn ft Aicotiuii'iilnt'on ' ( 7'i'i ' I ) HI I'10 p m . . . . Kni'terii plr < * 7 i.'i p m II 4 i u in ' 'pxr ' fill n iKiint Knit fci ( eirOl > n > T ( , ) n ir Omilnu It } I' Oip"t. ! 'Hi ' ml Miircy tn i ( inntin P 10 p in ' hli'iBO Ktprcn " 4" ii m 1 53 11 MI ( hli'.uo Hiiro J l i u i ui l.i'i < T " ( iM Ml.vl l ill I-J . Arr n" Umnhn. | U I'.ilipn nth nnil Jlur j su iniiih _ J OH p in' si lmii rBiiiuin Iinil _ . . _ 1J.JO p in Irt'ifiii j F I" ( . NlCT\\t/i.K\ " I AirH-i" ulcr 8H ' O.iinlia. l' ( ip\ru | . . Illnck Ullli Kpr " I 3' ' 1 > m V ) i ni Hn-llnm Kxp IKx. t < iinilnvl I ' . -V p in A II ) p m Wnh ol.lmoln I' ( MT rinnirviil I1 , u m & M ji ml . .S'irfiilk iqi , Suqtajlj . . _ . . II W n m l.fnv 01 f " CSr P"M7AJ ( fArriv ? ! OmahaJ _ Pep it litli and Wc'jjler HU. I ( imnli H 10 a ml Slnm rilr Acrommoilntton I OOS i in 1 m p in Slum I'll ? Riprc'i ( PI 8uniliiyIU ) 11 pro ( Hop m . M I'nnl Llmllrrl i pz'i n m ft IS p nijjlnnnifl I'ii aen crjsijliyiilj7j' ( ' " 4 % n nj Oirulin J _ licpot IMIi ami Wubajcr Sli " 10"U ni at l.i. uN A. K c. Kiiir-'ii S ID p in y I5j > in M Unlit \ K l' . liiprma 0 JO u tu Irf'ivHd ] CIIICAiJO"lt IMCIKIP Trunsfutl Union ' " - " ' " MlT mi-f r I.PIIVIM I CIIIL'\ii ( ( , It I \ I'ACIFHn vc 'rrnnnf ' _ | _ Ill-put. ( uililrll UliilN _ li ii nl P IIP 77 . . . . .Niiilit Kxpri'K 'i ilii ' . ' n 'i ni . . . All mile l\pii""i : ill .imp n. \ fKiliiuli' l.iinllcil 1' ' i m 1.1'HVd ICIIIi'Aliil V NOIll llUr.yn UN 'Irinili-rl llnl'in lii'pnt , ( uiiin'll HIiilH 1' ' 11 u ni Criluilio Kzprfl > l VoatUuilo I.tmltuil I p in Kniturn ri > r i p in 7AllnntlcMall i p 1.1 low/i Arcunnnuilitlun illxruni . .vue iCllUAliO. Mlf. \ T f'AAl. r 'nforl ' Ulllnll lli'Ti' . I iindl C.w p in . . . .rtilr.iBo rirprcn ,4 p in ( lilta u l2xprc'J4 r. . nm i " "K juis .M c 1 } Trnwri-rl I'nt'in 1'i'ln't. ' Council ' IPIH ? a inJ.TTTKmi'niii Ity Diy K prii In25 ( . . . " M l II ) " 'ilphtj xiiuin . 1.1'ni-ai O"IAIIn. . fr Tr.m l ir Unlnii I'oi" ' t. ( oitnrll Illullj. 411 p i" fr't l.uiila I'aiiDn iTiill luHvsryrutT'Ai.o , rttrni.v * 'rrin-fori Un'on Itrp it CcaincIl lllulf .MO a in' ' . ( Ill' nno Kxpri'ss 10KJ p 111 Clilmirn Kipri-n 7 05 jt in . _ . I reit'in I'mn-fiTj Dnlon Depot futinoll lllultn 15 ii m 7 Moil * ( Ity Ai-romniniliiilun iill'ip ui * -t I'nnl f'Turi' t uiui iuniu til ( INSTITUTE. KTIIn iPi'ilini" f nil CllUOVirll * l U . Ill l \M.-i llr , M- \ ipllii' , . . . f i I ) , . -1 lllil Trni-- ! " * Ht' l 1 n , n."t At cm tm m ' Itm'i | o < 1 r siii'i.'iMiil Iri lliii' tit "f in > t i n f o H. a o iciulrliit : Mi-Hi l - i --iirni il ' | n > nnn ti ( MM TV IIOOM- lull PXTll Mlliiinl un I Mlla. . , l.i'-t . An n-"l iil.'iiH . \\i..t \\rin-t i d.u. irsa lii'luriintloii nml llriii'ix , TriUHi'i , lliih lut lumi- Iliri" * uf plne , I'lle , 'I'lllllnr , ( IHII'-T I nl.iri M llrulli'litlK Ililinliitli'li. Illeetili'ltv. l'arili-i < I pi - l' ) > \ . KI < lni > ) H , HIiililiT. K > p. I'.nr kin nut III I , nml nil i.pi'nitliiiiH Ills ) : \s | > ni \\IIMI - ' HIM ku Dheiiiosiitnii"ii I n . \\o II.IM-liitclr inlili'ilii Ivliii In lli'pirliiii'iii I i \ \ inoi ) iiurinc I'liiniii-ini'iit irii'tiy I'riMii" > nui > ! . II , Muilli il In-llluti ) Mnkliij n > | ivlall > r fu \ ATI. l > I m r , All III mil IMoiM'i's i-iii'ce' full ) tri"it ' I Mi ' nr tii.triiiiioatstent ti ) tnall urexpri'K r > o > , < CMC W * il nn tniik < til lllille.lliciMilenl. . r ii l * > I'm-in-r'-iiii.ii ' Inlrrvliiw pu-ft-rroil Cal'nn ' I . nni iih nr tenil till or ) i'f ' your i nie mul w II . n I inn unippi'i .mi II'n ' Hi I'll Mi\ : rltii. : m.-nl'r talipi'i Inl nr Sc'i\i-u DlminiM , nllliiiiiom 'u ' Aililrii > all lttli > i < M Dr. A. T. M 'Lnughlin , Pivlo bth .nnl IhiMn-y Mn i ii , u MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIXO , " thn \\iillilerflll Spu'Uli ' It' nnil ) . 1 > ul u t ( ill ! * . t i o i'i- , t .1 I. i \ tic Mi in r . > f H > I'u MI l. Ii , i la , i - . V. iW. fillu. to. I l M . t ' . I Vrur ' s si'i.If ; all li 1 Doforu & After Uso. I . K , f p , , . r ' ' l'liiitouriih | I fr m llf , li 'u ratlM' i i i ii 1.1 r i > 'X. i l y iiM-rm rn n , > ii'hfui nl , HIIIIIII.I | | r i' o Ubc ft < lin i , , , p niii. nr i luiinUlitu , M till I i' ii iy li1 nl 11 ItiMnnltv. i ! , . u HI it ln.iini. ji In n'iinil ut f > nn to i urr > in ( lie vi > t poi K I 111 } t' ' .1 | 'u ' ! i i r fi fur JA with i'\i i ) I'1 "i. l o a \ \ i llli'ii iriiiiriiiili'i'In cnn. or llui iiiiini' ) . _ s t | i\ mail tu nn ) ndilriw. nu u r < rnv Ii ML "i ) , ] , , A.ltri'M , MAUKID CHEMICAL CO. , lirnndi onln- ( > r U. S. A. 117 Hi Htlmrii Mn-i I. CHIC M.o. I roil HAI i : ix OMAHA. MU. : , Klllm , V Co , fnr , I Mil A Ilinik-lm M < J A KnlliTit ( n , tor lltliA | ) uui.Mi A. l > t'u.tU u , 1.0 , LOVULlI lllUlt * . Ii