THE OMAHA DAILY o TWENTIETH VICAR. OMAHA , jUOXDAY A10KN1XC1 , MARCH 1(1 ( , l ) l. flUAIIULK 2 < B. X BURIAL OF MAFIA VICTIMS , Botno Have Big Funcr.ili niul Others Go t ) the Potter's ' Field , DETECTIVE O'MALLEY ' ALSO IN DANGER , 'Jin1 Vl llnnoo I oninilllco ( Sntlici in ) ; l.Idoiu'i1 I'or 1'iosiM'iit Inn the 'I ho It idlnii ( ioi'i n- inont'M 1'iotesl. Niw Oiiir-ss Ui , Mntvh ! ' . ' 1'ho ulty tod.ivoie Its usual Suminaspeeland theio vv as no slK'ii of u ntisunl excitement. I rovvds continued to visit the siononf thi lym-hlti ? , although few weio admitted Insldo Ibe pi hull. 'Iho pilsoi ) oftlelnls are Incensed over the consuroat tboltfnilnro lo make n mete fnr- miiablo delenso They say that tho.v did n < t Klxcun llio Ues , nnd when the crowd hiiiko in till the ofllc-cis vveto nl Ihotr posts. . Had tho.v ll ted at the crowd It would have caused Iho stoi tiling and perhaps thodcstruo tiun of tbopiNon and tbo sacrillco of many Innooonl lives vv llhln and outside tlio Jail. I'atlur O'l.oar ) of the .losuits Ibis tnoinliiK I peifi rmeil tbo hislsncied iltes of thochniih over tbo body of the olilci Matchesivlio "iMis shot .vestonl.iv , and said mass for the 10- PDSO of the souls .slain. It was tin Impicsslvo Rice tuolo The Sicilian smvtvois pathorod together la one of the moro oomfoitablo rooms at the p.itish prison and worn t\ven \ moro llbertlos tlinn usual. They \\oto sincerely thanlifnl for their cs.1 ipo fioni death All the -.hllius wcto bulled loduv Mur- chosl. Moniisteiio and Ttahina were un claimed up to noon , mid the ch.irltv vvnj-on took thorn to the Potter's Held. I'olltv mm ( . 'otnltcwoto followed to the uravo by a tdiiKlo canliiL'o and In Uaenotiv' eiso ho \veiitidono. The utheis liuil luigu and well nttonded funerals. t < The vigilance cominltteo Is known to ho Mill al work , and il is said Hint , tomorrow .vlll bo notoottvoO'Mnllo.v's da ) of icclion- liiir The Jury will nlso'bo attended to , but pioliuhly tliroiidh the coiuts , ns it Is pio- posed to oblnl'i ovidome In the case of those vvho woto hilticil One of tbejitrois is said to nnvoconfessed nlrendv , and Iho st.ito hid evidence ajrilnst several bofoio the verdict vas iiiinouiuod. TlicKiand jniv will Indict ono Jntor on'I'nosdav and innro will follow- Pori'iniiii , T M. heliKinan has ix > no to Cinein- nalt * Pather Mannritta visited bv vvas a re- poiter this inornlni ; nnd exhibited a letter ho hid received. The stamp on the envelope showed that It bid pissed through tlio eity postolllec Maroli II at ii p in. Patlier M 1110- iltla leceived It on the inoriiiiii : of the 10th. U bo letter bore the seal of the Mall-i ornud- 7iitlnn skull and c-uiss bones at the top and bottom 'llio letter advises tlio rovoietul father that ho had hettnr * .ti > al homo niul not uo to tlio couit every day - . us his pie once theio did not def f societ ) mi ) irood , He vuis told to bow .no ' ' 'Iho I'ottor' sfcned. "The .vlallisooietv , M M I' " Patlior Mnuorllta snid ho had intended to plvo'tho letler to the Ulsliict lutoinoy , hut refrained from dnini : so thiouf-h fear. He fuithcr s-iid thai the Jury hi the Pioven/ano enso had been enliiel ) too lenient xvlth them While ho deploied the course of the oili/ons In nctlnir us Ihov did jostcrduv , similar ac tion In the other case would have proved moro effectual In completely or.ulicutinK the Aiallu society. Attorney Uciicrnl Honors slid todnv , in BpeiiKiiiK of yoslcrdaj's tiiiROily , that the question picseiit * > d to the authorities with juiisdictlon in llio cilv and parish isVoro the laws of the state violated , and what cilmes have losnltod from inch violation ! " 'I be grand jury is In session , and wo hive hi full opeiation all means nnd modes of en- forcinir laws I hnvo no doubts tho-o charged with onicial ilutj will act llrmlj , Justly and fein lossly , " Knerlntendent | of Police ( taster , whan nskoil what steps ho Intended to take said ho could not nriest the eonnnuullv. ( tovi'rnoi NKhols said thnt the Italian con sul called on him vesteulay inoining and nskoii Intciforence nnd protection for Italian subjects In the palish prison who were tineatcned with mob violence Tbo m.itter had not been called oftlclnll > to the goveinor's nltentlon unit n call for the inllltniv would have to conic tluough the major of the city No such demand hud been made When the consul called on the goveinor the ciowd nnd nlieiulv him led for the prison Mavor SluiUcspeiiro savs his aid hud not been invoked , and when ho reached his olllco It was all over Ho had not asked any aid of tlio governor. Tho. I'l-pulilont to Oo\irii'ir NichoK. NVisiiiMiros , Match 15 Seeiotary Ilhlno tonight sent llio following telegram to Gov ernor Nichols , at New Orleans DH-AIITMK.NT OK STATl' . Muri'h 1" > Tl ) Ills r.\celli'ni' ) . I'laiu-ls T. Mi-hnN. Cinvernor of l.onlslan i. Non Orleans It has liien npie- hiinlid to the iiioldenl by the niliilMit of Italy aieieilltid to this gn\e > i niuonl that niuiini ; the % Icllnis of 'bodopliuable ina qc'rii whlih took iilnoo In thu city of Ni Orleins jostorduj there VMTO t bioe ( ir umio milie-ets , of tlu > Ulni ! of Itnh Our trontj v\lth that fru'mlh siovoinnuMithleh ( nmlei the const I- tlonlsibe supieiiK law of the Iniliuuiir- inileeto Itallnn 9iiboets | iloinli Ih d In tbo I'n ill d t-t lies -riii nio-l uinsiiint pro ! i el I on nnd si entity for tbeh pc < rsnnmd innpi ny. ' iiiaKliiK tbein iiiietialilo on thi'sunio DnsK : is inn imn t'ltl7t < ns to tinlitts of llio I'nlloil Slate and the sevri il st liein tlu > li due and oidi ily adniliilsti.illon. The president doi'ph lezrets that tbo olll- 7ons nf Ni w Orleins slum hi hi\e : MI ilis- iiii.i rd tlio pnilty md ail uuai > of HII-II OVMI juilli-lal trlbnnals , is to transfer to the pas- Btoiiite luiljini'iit of a mot ) a should hive liri'n ndjniliiod illsp issloiutelj nnd h > tbesiMlloil rales nf law ' 1 be goM'inineut of tin I'niled Slate's must clvc to siit > | nts of frleiull ) pnui'is Hint sn Mirltv nhlolilt ileniunds for imr nn eltl roils \\neii leinporully iiuilei foii'l-'u luiis- diitloiiIt Is thu hope of the pit ldcnt tint Jim will i-o-iipeiate lib him In in iliit.iliilni : ilu > nldl .itioiis ut the t'nlli'il stilus tnw.ird Itiillnii siiljoet ) > who intiv bo In pull ilurln , ' the pn-si'iit e\elteinent , th it fiiilhor bloodshed - shed and v InleiKO iiuiv be pri'M'nlul and thnt all nlli'iideis iualnst thelnw inav tepi iinptly bronrbt to Jn tle-e. IMt I * ( i. | ! I\IM , t-icrit.ny of Male. Tills telegram was the result of a confer ence between the ptevident mid bociotarj lUis afteinoon , llaiou Fa\a , Italian minister , having previously called on Sccrctarv lllnliio and earnestlj protested iiganist the killing of his eountrv men , demanding al the sumo limn protection for ah other Italians In Now Oiloaiib. Hiron Kava , in protest to Secretary Itlnlne , said the loeil antlioritles at Now Oi lcans had not only failed to mo-vent the meet ing , whieh had been pubhcl.v announced and was knew u to be hostile to thu liuhaiis , but also held an ottitudo putoly passive dining the massacre Ho said he was obliged to i-escivo for Ills government tbo rlpht to do- maud an ) and all leparation It deemed nee- es s-n v. Tbo third assistant sccictary of state , Mr ' Ade'o , sinMklng of the matter' tonight , snid ' Tliii case is without precedent in tlio diplo matic Imtorv of tbo counttv. Of course 1 cannot predict the outc-ome , nor iilscuss it It is not easy to piedlct vvhut will bo iho course of proeednie " "I cannot see. " said cx-IJoprosontntivo Morrow of C'alifoinin , "how ihis affair can become an Intel national Issue The ven geance of the mob vvas not dnoctcd ncrninst the Italians as n race * , hut us a band of sup posed nuirdciers , who escaped their deserts by a inlscarriago of Justice. It seoins to mo that the only action to bo taken Is lor the relatives of the dead men to sue the city of New Oileins for damages on the emu ml thai the city failed lo fuinish proper ptolec- tlon. It was rot a race ilot In an > sense of the word , " Italian ( ovcriiiniMit I'rotc ti. HOMIMnrih IT ) , The Italian government hu instructed Union Do K.iva , Italian niliiid- terntVasliliij.'ton , to present a vehement protest to the United Htates go vein ID rut nrulnst the nelion of the mob In New Or- j Ii ans M-stcrd.iv . and tlio I'nltc'd si itos his . promised tn make an in\c ngnti n Dnron < le Puva , in dispatches tn Miini'in di Uudinls Italian proinli-r an I frrolgn mlnistor stah'f that he lias prnti Htcd againit the Inmlion o loeal ollh-iiils In Now Orleans and tint Mr llbilne , A mono in souetuiv of stile , IK pressed biiiror at the nets nf iho Now Orleans mob , pinmUhig thnt bo would linmodiatelv make known thoni-ileis of the pusldcnt In the in tiler niul that the decision would ho communlcitod to the Italian gin eminent. ( hlcaguN Itiillnii ( olim > liullgnnnt. I'lin \ < xi , Mnuli 1. A largo roprcsenla- tlve nifctlng of Itnlltns was held hot o lids LVunlng lo consldei josterdav's dolngsnt Kow Orleins. Or Vollnl , the presiding oflloor , tlellvered an Itnptssloned address , cdlltigfor lOD.ualion by tbo United States mm saving that II ju < ticc bo nut icndeted , full and piniiipt , Italv will spc.ik even with tbo voice of her guns 'Ibis was leoolvcd with ttcnn minus i-luerlng P.clllor Mahit.i of America said the out- rairo has no roniparison in tinhistorv of any ilvlli/ed nation Ho dlsivovved sviupathv with the veinlittii hut nsKod whvthoNcw Orlonos unthoiitios porinltted I'.irketsoii to nHsoinblo thousands of cltl/cna and li.uanguo them to the point of inurdi r. Chailes IJin-ij said Iho fait that prominent mon took patt In the measuio mikes It doubly Infamous. I ! . Altnagla of I/ Italia said be had person- allv een nil Hie victims of the mob and believed them Innocent of the crime i barged "People who have noiospcit foi theh laws or Iho veriliets of their own Juries , " s.iiil he , " mo worse thans aviiees. Kop.uatlon is deninndod nnd Italy should send a Heel nvor bore to eomtmnd ivspeet and asseit the rights of her i Ill/ens. " .Nlnnj other addresses were delivered and a mossigo of formal piotost was sent to Houv- Inry ol State Itlalno A rosnluthm was also adopted , prntesllug against tlio kllllinr as un- vvortbv oiclvili/ed people ami appeding to the Italian and I'tiiteil States govcrnincnla for imitiediale and full rcpnralloii. A Knvngo lloiinni'iatl'Mi. VOIIK. March ITi. 121 1'iogresso Itnlo iVmciicaiio , tholcaellng Italian piper of this city , had a savugo editoiltil on the * > 'ovv Orle.ins killing , stijing : "A moro horrible tragedy has never boon eomnntti'd , even among the most barbarous tubes. All Iho nnrialtvoi conllrtn the fact of tbo tacit iu quiescence and connivance of prominent citbens and impiinltv in tbo fncc of the law , Ihorefore the moro soveio must bo tbo ac count nnd explanation asked" Tbo editor , having telegraphed for opinions from ililfor- cnt Itallnn papers tlnouh'hoat Iho eoiintry , has leceived inuiv tepllos , all dcoplv deplor ing the Killing and demanding lep.uatlon. Doinnnilod lOncrfjjot c' > loaHin-os. Niw YIIIIK , Mai eh l."i. 'llio following me copies of the two leleRiatns which passed between this eltj and It ily lelating to llio lynching of the Itnliius in Now Oilcans on Sutmduv N'l Ynitu , March 14. Hudinl , Minister of Poieigii AlTahs , Homo ; Anieiican piess of New S'ork iiiiinlmous In ivpiesc'i'titig ' that the lolotij notlfv you of the inisstuie at New Orlians of several Italnuis nlieadv actiltted ] bv nn American Jim and doinaiul Intcivcn tlon by the horns go\ei-nini'iit Answer w. isYour oablogi-ani iccfived I b.ue ahoadv d einiiided Hoin the fe'dera governiiient ono rgotle ! and pro.npt inoa i I'IH ( ) Inlnii. LONDON , Match 1" ) . Tbe News , common l- Ingon tbo lymhlngof the Italians in Now Orleans , says : "Itnlv 't > indignation Is shared by tbo whole civlll/ud wotld In neaily all cases in Atnouca corruption is nt llio root of the evil. .Americans mo at once the most patient ami most impilient people In the world. "When they have grown tired of nnj grleuiuco thoj move to their revenge with the swiftness of a h.ivvlt " The 1'ost savs hatuiday's occurrence in New Oilcans will futm adoploiaulo page In American history. Hall.UIH i\c-llod. : PITTSIII no , Pa , Mnu-li 1" ) i'ho large f-nlonv of Italians hero became cie.ill ; . ON- citid over the news of the killing at Now Oilcans , and soeiotj meotinxs took plaeo today. Action w as taken looking to the holding of a genei.d mooting this week , when losoliulons will bo iinoplcd appealing to the govoininont to punish the lyneherj. Kirorin i Denounces llio Ijynohlni ; KOMI * , Maieh l ° i Kifornia denounces the New Oilcans lynching ns an outrage and sn.vs it Is a'o to the I'mted State ? that such acts are possible within its borders. Signer Hroniic/.e w ill intoi pollute tligov oinmontin p.iiliamenl tcgurding the affair. A Unit in Doiii.iudinjr Itoparntloii. ICvvsis CITV , Mo , M ircb l."i 'I'hero was excitement hero today in Italian quar tets. Consul Wila savs the Italians are a unlto in demanding that tbo Anieiican gov- einnicnt bo made to make suitable repaiallon , I'liaw Oat. PIVK Hinor , S I ) , March ! . " > [ Special to Tin Bn ] High winds nnd CNttomelv cold nights continue. At 7 a in. Iho thermometer rogistoied 10 ° below /cm. Our new agent , Captain Penny , is very loud of don-s and diosseshandsomelv T.ieiitenint liottens has gene In , oving to Illness , having no siiitiblo place to sleep in Ho contracted n severe cold and \v.n thic.itened with puouinonia H is a genial ollleer and wo will miss him iJcntcnant day Henry Piostou , Xlnth cav- ulrv , ban been coinplitneuted by ( IcuoiilFoi- sj tho. la a letter to the adjutant general of tiio United States nun ) , foi eoiu-igo and en- duiane-o In earning disp itches from the \Voundcd Knee light to thu agent v , ll.Ude as ho was to bo out ott by the hostiios on his w.iv He made the fifteen miles in ono hour , his hotso dioppnu , ' dead and the soldier with him being completely exhausted The In dims ate fro/en into quietness , and it will bo late in the summer before they thaw out , If over. Western People In Ciiif'ino. Maroli 15. ( Speiial Telegram lo TinHBK.I Among tbo vvostein people In Chicago today weio the following : At the Gi.ind IMcille C.V. \ . Cannon , Id iho At thoRberman MH G. 0. Ftench , Salt Luke Cllv. At tbo l-.oh.nd 0 H. Tiemnino and wife , North Paltoti , Mrs , ( J II. Dowev , Otniha At tbo Pulmer U. 1 \ UuiMtc , Lincoln , No D DAt the Audltoilum K. M . Dickey , I3ii- buipio. _ _ I it/simnions' ropliolt \ \ III Ito fevered Cnn mo , March l. > George H. Clnik , b.ickei of Bob Fitzslmmons , fnlght received n telegram from James Hjan of 1'oitlinul , Ore , btiyinc that if Iho forfeit was loft posted until March 's ' Itvau would cover the sinio on Hall's he-half , New Oile.uis condi tions to prevail in the in itch Clark as- Tim Wontlior Fnreoast. Tor Omaha and v'clnlty ' Fair ; sll.'Utly colder Per NobrasUa and Iowa CJcnerally fair ; noithoily w'nds. ' Per buuth Dakota Llghl snow ; warmer Monday night ; winds hucoiuinD' boutheusl- er.y. Idttle Pope ul' P.olng J-nvod , On vin : vn , Miss. Maieh 15. The United Stales steamship ( talma and the tug Nina mo btill Ijiug blgh up on the beach , broal bide on. AU the valuable nroperlv v.IU bo moved ashoiv , bill Uicto Is liltlohopoof raving - ing thodalena. A Conns } iMinln Kallnro. YouPa , March 1,1. Michael Scliall has failed Mlo has confessed Judgments aggie- ; gatlnt ; f 1 1'J.tHX * He h the ul tbc buuk- ! Ing tltm of Sehftll & Daj tier. IV1LL FILL HUSTON'S ' SHOES , Ex-Troasurcr Lcincko of Intllaua Mtj ba Appointed Toilnyi THE NEW OFFICIAL TO TAKE A VACATION. lIsiMiionts ln\Illn < ; Proposals for I'nbllo ItiililhiK Silos Son : to Cities Whoio IMiroliase Haw Iti'en Antliui'l/eil. WKIIIIVOTOX- Tun tlni- III in : vr , Rl.'J liMrurH.srii Srnnnr , \ \ ' \ < iiiscilns , I ) . C. , Maieh Ifi U Is expected that J. Augustus he-nek a. ex-slito tioasiner of Indltini , will bo up pointed United States t re isurer tomorrow or Tuesdav to succeed ,1 N Huston , resigned It has bc-cii ni ringed thai Mr Lome-he , who Is In delicate health , shall take n four weeks1 leave soon after his appointment , rt inn in it.tiixn SITI.S. "Within the pist fewdws tbo supervising architect of the troiwy lias sent out ailvei- lisoinenls to pipers In ncitly nil the cilles where sites for public buildings mo author ised to bo purchased by the last confess. These ndvettlsciiicnts Invite proposals to bo ononed by the secretary of Itio tienstiry on April U , 7 , S and 0 , nnd Sccieltirj Poster will then have his ilrst experience of soltllng HIO-.Q iHicitlons which Invo given other scerotiirles such a vast amount of tioublo In the past. Tlio towns in which building sites will I bo so- octed tno Akron , O , Heatricc , Neb. ; Hlooin- ington , 111 ; C.itmlcn , Ark. ; Columbus , CJa. , Danville , 111 , Dwotiport , In. ; Uniporia , ICnn ; Fnrgo , N I ) ; Fort Dodge , la. , Hav- orblll , Mass. ; Kansiib City , Mo ; Lewis-- lown , Me ; Lima , O ; Miinkato , Minn. ; Madison , I nil ; Meiidien , Miss ; New- bui , ' . N. Y. ; Norfolk , Vo. ; I'.iwtuckot , U f ; Pottland , Ore ; Pnoblo , Col ; UaciuoVls , Ueidsdileo , K. C. ; ItoanoUo , Va ; Hlebinond , Ky ; Koek Island , 111 , Stanlon , Vn ; St Albans , Vt ; biouxCity , In. ; Slou < e Palls , S D. , , Wls. ; Soutti llend , Ind , ; Stoi . { ton , ( . 'al , Yoimgstown , O. This list of thittv-sevcn tow ns does not eommlse tlio en llio list of places in which public buildings weio authorised by the last session of con- gicss A silo has been offered free to the govern ment bj the city of St. Paul and simllir ac tion was lakcn bv Iho people of T.iuuton , Mass , nnd nets were pissed authorl/lng the acceptance of both these sites. This will save the seeiotniyof the t remit rv a vast ninountof tiouble ; nut ll is quite llkolv that each other silo in the above list vv ill cause him a gloat deal of ani.ojnuco bofoio tbo final selection Is made Although tbo bids will bo opened dining the llrst ten dtijsin Apiil. it is not at all likelj tint ono of the sites will bo llmillv chosen six months nftoi that date , If previ ous affahb of this kind ante be taken as a criterion , .lust a ? soon ns the sites nto se- loetud tbo dntUKhtsmon of the ofllco of tbo supervising nichitcct will briln woik upon the plans , asumier the law not a cent can bo expended foi the plans until tno sites have been piuchased nnd the titles vested iu tbo government Never before In the historv of tlioolllcti basso much work been thrust upon tiio employes all at onie as Is tlio case Just now J ho icmainluK senators nud n.ctnbcis in Washington Hook in upon the supeivlshifj aiehltecl In streams , urging that their par ticular needs bo nttoniled to. , , . . , .ii'Doi : fonn itrcoMMCNinin TO surcrnnnnoir. Senator I'adttoclc has locoriiincndcd for eomim-slonei-of the general land oflloe , In llio pheo of .ludge ( Iioff , lesignod , .ludgo Atmi'ii Cobb of the supreme court of Nebraska It is belloved If Nebra k i can secure the an- ] ) ointnient tbat .Titdge I ebb , who will bo sup- polled by tlio Wisconsin deleiration , whoso exeellent volunteer service in the war is well known to the president , nnd whoso long judicial cxpeiienco IHs him for tlio plica , is pciImps the only man \\lio lias any chance of hciiiK selected "Sonator Spoonoi will cordi- alh endorse his candidacy , and ho will have stiong backing from many friends in Ids native state Senator Paddock strongly urged upon the piesidenl tlio appointment of Judge CJrolT upon the court of piiv.ito lund claims ie- ceutly ctoatcil bj act of congress. MIIS. 0I.N SI IllllTH IMI'KOV I'll. The condition of Mr < Owens , of the Indiana o\-eoniressmai : , ib vorj sfightly Im proved tonleht She got a llttlo sleep early ibis iiioiniiigand lias lotaincd some nourish ment. Lust night rones weio stretched acio.s rouitecnth stieet on F and I'ennsvl- Minia avenue so us to keep vehicles off the lough stseet opposite the Khbltt , whore Mrs Owens is loe.itcd Slio stilTors greatly from constil'itionnl ' neuralgia ami la grippe and is in a very vveakeneii condition from a long last. She tiecumc 111 thioe weeks ago todiy. The chances are tonight that she will re cover , nlthouKti the physicians regard her C5nditiou , is precailous. Mr. Owens niul Mis. Owens'youngest son are at her hed- slilo. It is piohihlo thnt Mrs Owens'son and some other lelatlves at UOJMII , la , will bo suininoiied to hotbedsido. . 1'iosident and Mrs Harihon called and iiujuiied about Mi-s. Owens today. rut sun \r n VIIIIISON'S itnirvrn I'osmov. President H.uiison is now experiencing1 tlio most delicate peiiod of his oftlciul career Iloiotoforo ho has been called upon to deal onlv with questions in hand. Now ho is with theories questions on paper. His mail was never so Urge except dining the llrst three months of his e\t > o"ienco at tlio white house , when about half a million citi/ens souirht oltlco and cieh felt it his C'hilstian dutv to have as nmnv of his friends as possible acldrosb the head of tlio nation an uigont anpod The picsent largely deal with the political futuie of the president and tuo organl/ntlon nf tlTo jnity mtiondlv or bj states , dhttlots , counties iMiil tovMishliM They seek udvlee md "poiuteis. " Thtf president has manj oiinor- tunitics to connnlt himsolt , ! > tohls indlvnlual nlans niul prifuienu's politieally. Ho Is ftoquently loquostod to nnnoiinco whether lie Is a candidate for re nomination , notwith standing tlio fact that ( ienouil Harrison is not tlio diameter of man who would announce ids intentions , ono w.iv or the other , thus far in advance , if for no other reason tlrm tint a vuong construction would ho phcod upon his action \Vlth about sixty ex-senators ami ex- eoiiBiessmen and probably three hutidivd other pi onilnont men socking tlio nine new Judlcld appointmcntsniid an nnny of nppli- cants presenting their claims for tlio land court ind otlior places , the routlno work of the picsidcnt is nt this time voluminous. A11M1 TIIVNSiiS. | : | Tbo following transfers of o.illsted men nro madoat the win dopirtment. Musician John Hynn ( now on furlough ) as u in-iuito fioiu Company C , Fifteenth Infnnlrj , stationed at Poit Hunclall , S U , to the Seventh cavalry. I'pon his loturn to Port Randall from fur lough ho will bo sent lo the hcadqu u ten of the Seventh cnvalr.v ( Foil Klloy , KHU. ) for abslgnmenl to a troop by llio rcgimciiuil com- munc'er. Fiiht Lieutenant Charles \V Uoweill , Second end infantiy , will pioe-eoii from ( ! rove City college , Citovo City. 1'a . to Oinalm and report - port ns a witness to the Judge ndvocitoof the goneinl court nnrtinl and upon being' dis charged from attend.inco will rotuin to his station. Mls ( ni VMOI . A. J. Cldchosler of Ke.irnoy Is at Iho American I'lesldenl I'olk of Iho National Partners Allluuco has left for I own to oignnlia a st.ito alliance. Ho said before l , tviii | ; : "Tho alliance Intends to make n vigorous ednca- tloiiul campaign this year , so ns to bo fully propaied for any cyilono that may stilUo us noxtvcnr.Vo will have a series of meet ings In thodlftciont states , nt which wo will have the host hiwakers to ho seemed. " The supply of seeds allotted by the depart1 incut of agrfcultmo to the Nohinskn dealers Is exhausted , Doth tonators hnvo buggcj or boncmod three or four tltuos us uiuuh us mini } tnoi e. 1 N i-A'it IT. iTtv' Iff I/A. ii T.I/.KS. ThliikM tlio OoinmiH Too Scvoi-c 15 " gnillUK It'ir , Inspection. U'viinsiiTov , March ir > SeciMnry Husk winnskedtoday vvhut ho thouuht of the stntcuni'iit by Mhihtor Hoottiehorln the ( or- man reiehstus , to the effort that the new sanitary mcisnre' adi'ptod by the United Stales \\oro Innitoiiuato nnd that Ctcruiany wend | not rescind the jnohlhltiou upon Ainorican hog proJurU fiocivtary lUisk said ho could hirdly bollovo uch a state ment had hc'e'ii nniiii1. tdt It Inipaits wilful or pielemled Ignoraiuo of the legislation now in force in this count -y. 'I lie last moat Inspec tion law passed b ; eonpu'ss provides for tli" moil thoioughaiiil oii'pletosvsteniof Inspoo tlon powlhle inoivthornunhthanthatiiow In foieo in any other uinnii.v Han anto-niortom ev.unlnntton niul muion-oplc examination will not satlsfv Iho ( leninin gou'iniiiont It Is sliujdy bivnusc thodon't \ praposu to bo sntlslled with an. h\slom This govern incut has sjffero1 Hie Imputations placed upon its meat prod iuts bv foiei n nations lo osist under cover of such pretexts a loin ; time , hut tlio tltm' has about aulved when unjust discrimination and false stalements aslo the pnilty of moats must cease. Such slaloinent-s will no longer bo iieunitled to go uneh.illennod by this poveiinnenl and such icdi ess as tlio laws if this nmntiv | ioiinlt to be had should in my jinlL'ment boeutoiced. itici\ : jt.t Tit. * : t.en i i.i. Ollloial Vci-Hlon o"tho JMovo. T.OMION , March. 15. The Times has n dis patch fiotu Santlafio clvlng the ofllcial ver sion of the recent battle In Chili. From this it appears that Colonel Hoblcs , who com manded the government iroops on llio Otb inst. , being short ot " "piovislons , rashlv tihnn- donetl bis strong position on Mount Schasto- pol and with 12.UOO . Infantry , twenty-Ilvo cwnli ) and n few RUIIS attnckcl a foico of U'.MO rebels. At the critical moment thocneiny , bj a decoy truce for parley , opened lire nt close n.uiiitcrs , killing or wounding two- thirds of the government troops. Colonel Hobles was w ouiulad early In the btittlo and when captured was immlerod. A nhssnuo of tlio wounded ofllceis en sued. The loss of the insurgents is estimated nt ! ! 00 killed nnd UK ) 'woundeit. I'losideiit Halcomocla Jiilnilts the ur.uitj of the disaster , places the province of Tarniiacii ontlrcly in tlip hands oC the insur gents. The president ! savs , however , tint the government hits , ) ,00 < ) tie IIH al its dis- po-'iii. The govorainont tins also an niniilo supply of funds. 'Tbo futuio secno of opum- tlons vvlll piobably b heaicr Valparaiso. Fan I'l-anelHoo i'ooplo Pay Tliolr I a Itt'HncctH to thn Drail. SVN TIIVNCISCO , Cal , March lri. Piinernl service were hc'ill today over the romitns of the late Senator Hearst. Slnco list 1'hiirs- dny , when the body arrived from Washing ton , 11 has lain , -in state in Grace chinch , where It was viewed by hundreds of citbons 'Iho services were conducted by Hov W C Poutoof Clraco cljuich and thu building was crowded to the doors with people. Ainoinr the pdl-bcurerj wnro jdovornor Mnrkham , Mayor Sanderaoi ) , Ohtct Justlto Beatty and others of tlio micji prominent n'lcn in the stnto. Although rnlK poured down steadily all day thousands of people who j could not gain 'admittance I .tlio church lined the streeli f > v : xjffuroral prooejilon. in which milllla orgmuzatlons and many civic bodies look part , I'oonliar Story of tin ; Aliduot on and ItoNlorailoii ofn ( ilrl Font Donor , la. . March IS. [ Special to Tin : HIT J Mary 1'uckett , a young lady whoso homo Is In Carrel county , is tlio hero ine of a story of abduction , exile mill Html icstoratlon , as slrango as has been reconlcd in an } yellow covered romance Ten years ago , u hilo herding cattle on her father's faun In Dakota , Mary win kidnapped bv a 131 ick Hills trapper. She was then thirteen ycirs old. Her captor diessod the girl in boj's clothlnv nnd for j'cars compelled bor to do the diudgciy of his Ip'nely cabin At the end of throe voirs thu tM.porie- ) mo\ed to a point on the Mississippi river near the southeast coiner of Aikansis lloro they lived on n Hat boat. Marj had by tills time leg.iinod her proper sox and was Introduced as the niece of her aged jbductor The girl soon forgot nil about her old homo nnd frieims , nnd lived the haul life loqnhcd of her without much thought of bettor times. Some weeks ngo neighbors interested iu her and immlrcd about her foimor life. All that she could roineinber was havini ; at oi.o llmo lived In Carroll lounly , Iowa. MIUJ'S new found friends wrote to the countv cleik of tliut count j , who sent the letter to the Carroll pipe-is , Inoneof these It reached the eye of the lost girl's grand father , Elijah 1'tickett. who immediately sent his son John to investigate. MLo joung man found the gnlnovv twonty-lhioo voarsold , and soon convinced her of nor Identity. was only too glad to escape fioni the rough 11 fo she hid been leading and loadily agreed to accompany her icsciier homo. The old tiap- per , on account ol bib gray hairs , was not prosecuted. Mm v I'ui-kett , after ten vo rs of slavorv , is now living mildly on the I'uckott farm near LnkoCit.v , and Is preparing to make up for lost time by going to behool Hci patents .iroliMiigsomowborQ in Nohrask.i. and are not vet iiwine of the return of their daughter whom foi ton H'urs the > mom nod ndead. . Altoinptcil Ijyno' ing at Slonl""ity. . Kim \ CIThi. . , March 15. [ Special Tele gram to I'mUBIJ.J Some fifteen Scandi- nnvliins who belong to the laboring class are under artost for an attempt to lynch Lars Cliristianson. Ho vvas suspected by 1'etor Loienson of Intlinnc.v witli his wife Yesterday a meeting of Ijorenson's friends w as held at which tlftv-llvo * , - nion were mcs > - ent. The meeting resolved lo lynch Chris- tiansim list niht. ( ! Lnu- lust night thu I ) of them got together , uruiod themselves with club ? , filled up with whisky and proeteded to tlio residence of I. O. Smith , vvhoio ( hris- Hanson was lodgiuilnlo ? he escaped to the police station the mob allnckcM .Smith , w ho vvas holding them otT , and beat him fear- fullj I.oronson u"d the lingloiniei-s nro under ariest , nnd he now states that bo is batlsllod lhat bis suspicions of hit , wife were unfounded. Saloons Wide Open. Sioi \ CITY , Iti. , Jtnrch -Special [ Telegram - gram to Tun linn ] ) n vlow of the Innumer able prosecutions lately begun by the law- anil ordci league against the saloons , Major Palmar has informed the liquor men that tno lii-enso oidinuneo will no longer ho enfoiced , and that the pohco will not interfere fuithur lo close the saloons either at nlulitor on Sun days All the haloons mo wide open lodny For over a ye.uthocltv authorities have been collecting monthly about J..IKH ) bj lines , I'jitnl I tin. TOUT Dounr , la , March 15. [ Special Tol- og-am to TUB'HIT. ) Hurt Kodenbau'li | of 1'ilot Mound was fatally injured while par ticipating in a tlitirivnri. Thojoungmtin was disc barging a heavily leaded double bar reled shot gun when llio weapon burst , driv ing a splinter of the stock Into his necli , His fuco was honlbly dUlluiired. CrematIon at la\i'iipoi I. Dir.M'oiiT , Iu , March 15. Thoiemalns of Otto ICeischcrt weio inclnoratod this afler- noon at Iho cioumtoiv of the Noithweslern Cromatlon bccloty boio This Is the llrst case of the kind in the noithwcit and ul trailed much Intoivbt. l-\TIK \ OTS IIMl SKKV1PF Inil/lJj Oil ill 0 lU.lllvLlvlvlji ) ) GlgiUitlo Str'tilm Mntlo by This De\nitmcnt of tlio Government. POSTAL FACILITIES VCRY NEAR PERFECf , Cicrnini ) mill tlu I'nltoil Si KOM A ! ( ' ( > Upon n I'lini V\ lilcliVIII ItOMilt In a ( irt'iit Surlily lit' lime , vVvwivmnv , March 1.-Spoola ( ! to Tin- HIT.-In ] 110 one thin ; Ims the iidtulnlsti.i- tlon iifKovcimuoiitafl lira taken uioro dwindle strides than hi the mail suit too Ij3 tlnn iiBuiii'i.itton IIKO trfl * people were content \ \ itlivlitit was then suppofod to bu the viry petfocllon of oommunleiitlim botwio i the dlilercnt cities oftliu unintiv. In those diys heio mill tlicio tlio liuvor oltlos weronolocled out ami stjloil illslrlimlliig ponollleos , mill into llioinv is pout od tlio mull Intended for dillvoi ) over u hi'iro toriltory. 'Ihoio it was soi ted nut niul iij-nlii dispatched on Its Until jourm-i , so til it ilavs often elapsed heToic a litter was Hindi ) delivered to the addtesseo , Ih IUR lint n low miles from the \v \ ritcr. Very often letters would IKUS rUlit tlnouHhii town on their waj to n distiibiitlni ? oflle-e , onlj to bo relumed the next or seine subsequent ihy. As an adv moons this was over IhooldsliiKOConeli sjstJtn.tho demands of the louutiv outflow It ami u cliinim * mono for some mofo spooilj niul pet feet sstem ) for the ! service This demand brought Into ex istence the present lallway mail service. 'Jlioold distributmir postolllcoseio done .may with niul tliocik ilono in them iwis ilelcfratod to otnplo.v us on the various tr.ilns , iu can specially fitted up lor the purpose SinceIts introduction tlio lailuay mail seiv- leo bin grown \crv rapidly , notonlj in si/o but in elllcieney , until todiy ills the pride of tlio nation , Ste.mi niul thetelciinpliwliohavo ! brought tlio nitions of the eivth closer together. Kurono toilny isntthovcrj ilooi of Aiiiorlou. Tlio wonderful speed ot the steamships crossing the Atltiutic even \viclc have brought us into Immediate connection v\ith tlio countries of the old world , ami as lom- inunieatlon has lucreisod the doinitu's ' of coininorco huvo inultiplkil until tlierolins been n growing will for mnio < M > edv inetlunls. for n nioro perfect s.vstomof malls between this country mid IJuropc. 'Jlie ilelnyof n single ilny in the receipt of u Utter may in volve beiious loss to the sender or to thond- diosseo , so closely mo our commercial leln- tlonslntctwovcii. 'llio f-overniuont of ( ! or- iniiHV icalboj the tUiminils of the tlinosiinil in 1st , ' ) pioposcd to os-UiblUli on thoAtiantio ocean n null son ice similar to that now in existence on tlio rnllwais of this .md other countries Postmaster ( icucral milker roullly saw advmt.iuoof 'ho inopnsed ninvonrnt a.ul coinnninii-itod with Trance mill Kticlaiul The KOU in meats of these two countries , however , declined to tiiUonpait in it riu1 iiinro the poum.istor KOticrnl stnilii'il tno mattci the nioie ho be- eanio convinced tint it wnsa inou-nieiil in the ileht direction , mid if ciuefull ) carried out would pro\c ol great boncllt to the coin menial business of America Tlio mutter vvas brought to llio attontlon ol coni'icss uuil imthoiityMIS iivcn the post master general to enter Into an agreement with Germany to establish the proposed ser vice. Germany was notified , and last Deccm- boiMr. . ( jiiohso , director of posts of Ger many , wast sent hero to perfect the arrange ments Speed was what the 'people were deimndini : and the highest rnlo of spooil that could bo aU\5iud. An liour sivcil in Ni\\ York alight iniko a bn > incss ilu s iliffou'iio In soinos-ioat coiiuum mltruiisiictinn Steam ITS \ory nitonouhl nolieach their wliuvos until Into hi the afteinoon , toi Into lor tin delherv of innPs in the tltv , and if the ilaj of arrival should happen to hu Siturdiv i meant acrj teiious clcliy Tin * object o the loiifoieiicobi'tMeen Mr Sichso tiiul tin jiostal ndmluistintion of this countiy Ais ti ret'uio the ilehvtotho vciy nilnlninin. I'ndoi the piescnt system the mall'- from foioifri c'oiintiiesnre'iliimp'd , in bull' , into the No\\ Yont postoftlce.'thcic to bo sorted and stuto < out on the vailons nilroids. It is line t ia niiiils foi some of the linger cities an * laht'loi so ns to DO tlispitclieil intact , hut the gica mass of it Ins to be soiled It not in frequently happens th.ita Kinopein stomn > i lirlnk'4 so\eral hundred sacks of mail , HIM witb all tlio c.iro Ixstouod on Its liliclini ; n tlioiountry of orifrin thohnndlinK0''lt ' In the New Yoik ofliio reiiuires sovrial hours To avoid this deliij aniiilaiethecorrcspoudenci. | from fon.IKII countries in tliohandi of ttiost toliom it Is addressed at the. vm1 eailles practieablo moment is tlw main object of tht ia-\vdopirturein the mail sen ice The plan asiced upon is to place upon al the steamers of tlioliurnnn Lloyd ana Ainei lean Hamburg lints phiiip botveen No\\ Noik and Hiemen nnd llannmrjjtwo iiosta dorks , \ \ lioMll soil anil distubulii al1 tin mails , just as it U now done intho iicstu cars on the rnilwajslionthe \ mails leucl N < nv Yoik , uiider the arrunmment tho\ will ho irmly to K" Into llio hinds of thoeitj distilbutois , ordiiectly to the railwnj stu lions foriiospateh by the hist ti ilns. Tin disttibnlions on tlio's will bo inadi ad'Oidinc to "seliomi's" propned by thu de pavtinent hcio and by the ( ! ermni initlioii ties IC.ieh overnnii'nt\\ill nlacoon eitli o thosteamers ono ckrlc , and tlio lierinaiifrov ernmcn twill furnish an assistant or l.ihoivi Prom Xn\ York to ( ! er niiiy llio ollh-os will bo known as the "Xo\\ York Unrobing ( or llroni'ii ) sea postnnic'o , " and wll h" " under tlin ehnrgo ol thol'mtid St itooillcia until tlio vissol icachos ( lorniin > uteri whin tlio mills will bo tuini'd eve to the ( Jumnti ofllcor On the trni to this coiintiithe \ will b known ns tho"Hremon ( or llainbur i-Ncv Yom" ollli' < % , nnd ill Iw nniler thi'bhiinro o thofiornun < At piciont tlio lotto mail onh \ \ ill bo ilMrilmtod as the custom lOfjul itinns lequiie tint sill other matte must no into the Now York oftli'0 to bo ii spcited by customs nfiii ids. Under thu no\ system the stc.imeis uill Inln the IHitis mails , ns now , but thoj will not bo oponei anddistilhntul on the vessels All otho inuIN , tlniso onciiMting in ( iorininy and in ! countrio" lOMiui ) ( U rmanv , will ho himlicil ' on the sle uneis. The clerics \ \ ill ho biipplioil with United States and ( lornnii pusta'-o stamps , so tint passoiip'rs may bo aciommo dated for all coriespomloneo brlglnntii , on thovoyngo 'Jho sjstoin , admirable as the conc'optlon is , would boa l.uluro unless the most caielul at tontlon is pi\cii toall tlio details nnd it N thcio tlin postmaster cinoril ; has di plajed his business sense nnd mot hods in condnil ing thodxpailinoiit As soon as an nouneud thatelorKs wnidd ho pUrttdnn tlio stiameis applieatlons fur positions bipiiu to pour in Thoposliniistii KIWI al doU-iiiilnod that the now system should bo olllcorcd from the experienced emplnvos ol the postiil scrvleo , either In the iail\\ay seivieo or in homo of tlio moro Importnni oxihange o'liies. This would l > o ncceisniv as thoru would bo no ono on tlio Moaiiiors to ulu > instuictlons , anil if unMiiui ilorkn were oinplo > cd fuilniooulil \ \ mink tint onteiprise from thuhttut lint Kieat UIID hid to ho ex- ouisod oven in select ing from oniplo.v cs seek ing a tiansftrhen tlio time came to inalio the appointments the supeilntoiulont of the railwa\ mail scnlco nnd the postnwsteis fnun uhasoolucci tipllcatlons ] hud heon ie- ucliiuloroinstiuetedto fiunisli thootlicial record of each , Mid It was on that icconl alone V\ \ appilntincntaeromado TliorosuU. is thatjtlio new " .sjstoinillslnrtolT \\lth th'o vciv cii.nn of"thosor\lce The sorvieo will begin \\lth the snllliiKof the Corinun Llojii stoimei from Huiiiun on the Hist of next month , this ( 'ovoimnent sondint ; to CUunany elciks to bo leady for duty at Hint time Kuiii ( rmurnniciit pays Its own rmplojes , and all other oxpenn's aio to bo ouallj | dl\liled bo. luuon ( ierniany nnd tlio United htiites H is o\pt'ited Unit ibis airanguuu'iit will mnko ncnliiof huuirnlhoiuiiln llio delivery ofinuillu New York , and nmnv tlnios result in the saving of iitiuiii hi OcbnulcUiiii ; uiulb H es \\iitti , bos likw initoilillly llt'hlfiiliiglho \\urkln \ tlio Nun York oilli'o. Amt.t s7TT\ . u - b \ Vnik ol'ln ( < l van % llai ( iiroiM'.noo Mil tin tln No ' * , Hoi hin in , Ni'h , Mnrohl. - dill IVIo- riini to Till' Un | riiol'ivnutf ll ronfor- iicoiontliinou Its MeHHinnSiitiir nul Saii- ay.nearh llnWilnnthoorlc ln\ \ \n. I'lio msliiess ol the oonfoivnio hit * " ' n vi > r In u ti.uch sluuior llmo llnl us icotcil , Inicolyhv letson of tlio r nd tuiliiMtikiiivoik ) ! of llio iiM'oi.ny , llov H IMers KoK \ . Kitilliitfoi of lohlii'KOiis \ electoil prosldlniteUlii1 , totiko lioiilicoof KoC \V Antlumy , loslguoil. 1. I , \lpti I n per , \ \ \ SleiiilurKOi imtl ' . I ) I'iiiiH'lcn - i livid ! ( hlcffiltis to tlio ponti il i-nnfonnco wliH-h inoi'ls at I'liihdol ihialn ndnboi noxl. TV S'rf mill .1 II. Vti'n wiio t-lu'toil nltuna'M Iliiv. I ) 15 ll.onoflar . \ \ \ltlo 111 , ilolhuivil nil olo- uoiitunilliupiesslM' soiinon Suiiiliv inoi'ii- iiir In Iho allornonn .V II Yinn fj nnd ml I'ranlt Mrnukliaitvnv oiilalneil asileu- ons U'lio I'onforonco i-lo < os tinnouuw. d lij n I'.ill. C'lri , Neb , \liuvli | l VUvrtuu to I'm : Iti \ \ Mis Hell foil hrouih ; adofccHvt ) sidi\\alk \ last evinlit , ono limb | nsslnu tlnonulilho OIICMIIIIU almost 0 the hip Shuvii not binth lujnciul , but 1MH 1 found ii'vossirv ' losa a iiivtioti of ho ttallt out beforesho lonld bo role.iseil Dicilul CHIINIIIII jillciti. I ClTl , Nlll , Mill-ill -Sll'c'ml [ | I'oliwam to 'Inn llin..Mn | Xlmnu'iinnii , \Uo of /.lininorniaii , iliwl lnstniilit ; of oiisinnplion. aflor a linioriiii ; ! illness. She vas n flitlilullfo. . alovinir niollior and a ( 'oodl'hihtian She loiuos a larKoelnlo of noiniiing friends. hhot by .1 Coiil Hustler. CIIUTIM , ISohlanh IT.-Sn'elal | | I'elo tiram to Tin : III r ] 11 Is report oil hero that the watdmiiiii lot the Union I'.ieilie ' coal hulis utilulcsliuiv , Col. wasfatnlly shot-by i cod tlilef S.ilurdinight. . No iluo his us yet b.'on obtained as tolio \ \ did the shouting ICrlli'T Inr l ) > hiiiiitt I'ai-iniMN. Nriiusiu Cirv , VobMn'ch , l.r > Tolegmni to I'mHi i | Asnotlil of tlio bond of traili ) will J i > hold toinoirov cvcinntr to talio slips toiuirdsriislnp . " . Mib sciiption for th < s lohef of the desllluto f.iiraurs of I toil \Villo\v What lloimo licpoilN Sliov luitin - \ nl u INIol' IVjidc. N , Mm. , Murdi \ -Spi.'i ( il lo- KiMin to Tnr 111Tliofotlimin | ti piled from dispatches fioni tlio uiin.igi'is of thoilcaiiiiK houses of thecitiis niiiifd slioxvi tin1 gross excli IIIKIS ft'i list \ \ c'ikritluiitos , pet u'ut of innoaseor ilici ease , iisng.iinit Iho similar miouiit-s fur the eoiriapondlny weolt in b'JJ ' : CI.KJMIIVUS l-.l s H ks I.-14J1 . . T.SN.IKIII . 1 I i ' fil , illli..r > ' | 'ii i M bill I * - . ' . . ' 'II. . MitihrnndiLO ' " ' ' UJ "J1--1 ; ! ! ; IliilUiiioii ' ' ' 1:1 \ ' r ( it-linn- lui'-i''TIJl 3 Clnclnnntl I I1. . I'ltt'lmrK llkM.Oll ) in ICnnUi Clly 8JHt--'ii f 11 l.o.iljvlllc. . 7 7 HI l UuITitlo. . . ( Snlve * toii. . * . . . . . . . . . . . H17I MI'Miukio.- ' 411 Mi--ient-oii-iKf- ! ; ! . . l'ro\lilcnco. . . " * . 1. . ? . , . . 8 . . Drtrnlt MtK.IM ( Icveland Otniilui * . . 78 l > ! Miu > r < -"s.ll | | 1 I " Initniui pills I S.I.I. 1.11 'H i boy nro I'rcsenroilMlli an \Yeli-oiiii * . .N't w Yniiu , Mireh 15Janus .J. Ixolh , John O Connor. U II lUdiiond and Honi ) Ihirison , dili-gatis sent to this country In Pirnnllfor tim nutposD-if nisinj fitiuls for tin' nationalist nuneiiunt , uri\id hero tins inoniiii. from ( ii.eeiislovvn .Vn iiclilics.s of wiloonie , sii/iiL'ct bv AllilinolIIreslln ibcluilr nun , v\as tueseiitecl lo thoitoligatos 'llio iidili oss spole nf them us ' icpi-oseiu.iuvosol Iiish iiatnm.illtv as eiuloisotl bv L'hniles Stewait I'aiin't ! , lo.nlei of llio lush intion , " and bide tlir-ni n hi'irtv wolioino lo tlio sliou'sof Aniorii i 'I ho ml tress wont oil to s.n tboeoinmittoolii'iid with reurot of tlii' seussion ol those who pi.-feiicd the dle- t.ilion of the niigIKh le.uloi 'I ho I'urnollit s ivspnnelul severally , hop- in ( . * , thev s.nd. tint their mission for ( rotting c-.isli foi 1'.n null mil his nun uilj'lit ho MIC- ci'ssful. Thev weio diivon lo llio llofl'inin hoiiso , wbeio the ) ouup.v lininlsoino ap.ut- niciits r ititia.-CTTi / ' f.i ; , . ( it oat i'liiu * bv tbo Vliiil In llnl ' , Irinll y. MOXTUI-M , Much l"i 'lids citv and xMein- it\ \ was vlslteTil diiriii-tho ( last tvx-cntv-foin * Iiours by a tciullc liiiiilouncnndill//nul and Kieat dimiiRe liasboeinlonoliy tlioxlnd. . I'dlovv .Ss ( ! er-ey's ruliisiK mill was almost totdly dostioycil , 'Iho spire of St Paul's onuicli and tin1 man'iiltlcent now depot of tliiiiiuit ) Tiuulnallwiy vcro lUTtiiiKi-il. Man ) piivato tmlldlnfij , ' linrns and hfliisosln ooiuoof coimrintlonivoroilo- tnoitsli'd niul c mlv this inoiiiini , ' tlio stnols were lilled with ihlntr sljitu , l > ianchciuf lioes , etc * . Thu storm n.n done tremendous ilun.ii , ' ! ' tn llio loiintn distiic-is , Imta , \\he- , tuoitottti in all diroitlons Mugrc ropnts onlv aie Just loinintf in aim cannot uuj- rale'.y ' be clcternilned 'J'liiir.slun | ) O ' | | IH-N Ki'-l liMilon , Cnn voy , iaich IS lion .loan M 'rinirs- ton otUirnEa , president of the republican leaKiioof tlio United States , in in Interview todasaiel ho coulit not allinv his name to bo used in a niul id ito for in olutlon , as his | iL'i-soiinl aiTaiu would nut ailuill of bis Klvlnt'cainpiiKii matter * ) jiroper .illoiitlon. Ilo II.H bend sun-rested the nainos ofov-hon- aior hpooiicr , Niithan ( ' , ofl niulotliors us bis successor. | { o-ardlnc ( tlio iiiniiir tint lie is slated for ono ol Iho iiovx divull Jililuosiliips. Mr. 'llnir-iton snid hocoull not anil x\imlil not uicoptimy lodonil aiipolntiuent , Sti * . in. ship \fri\alM. \ At NOVN York J'bo ItUk'li , fiom lf ( A TEJPKASCB AILLBCE Tlirco Biys ? pot t In Convention Bui Vor ; Little Work .Accomplishd ! . BUSINESS IN1ERESTS NOTICEABIV ABSENT . \llllllrillll Iho IllsplK t i lo InlYiu'o tinI'nililliK > i ) l niv I < ! u ivnj > llin'il u\ C Nl'HS. His M'lsu , la , Maieh . | lo Tin lit t ] About ono h null-oil mil IIfH- poisons , iiiouM > r lc s , nliiiiit i'unlly divlilivl nslo so v ami lopri din tliuj almost I'xohhix < 'i\r \ tlicininlilorlil olnw onllio part nf tlinmaki ami the ivoinm sulTi-ai-Ut.s on the pa it of tlio opiositCKonilor | , spent lhr'oiliiy < lii till- * oily tbo past wooli us dilenales to the Htuli > loin * poritu'uiu'liiitii'o ' L-tiiivoiillnn. A cic-at ill al nf tnllt win Indulged In aiul a gioaMlinii mailo of liansietini ! vvlul tlii-y ilomi'l tn totin "Insliii-'H ' " A iiulloonlilo fi'itnunvaslho. nl mod cMilh-o ubsoiiii ) of icprciiiitnllviMof tno solid bii < liieM Iiitiiostsvlio , c'Xlloiilh luuo lillli ) time tin I losi Imllnalliin toiittuapt to bolster up a hop losHinnso The milu-rsnl tc'dlitioii ' ) of tlioii1 xx-lio spike was tint tlio pinlilblliirv luv Inluxva wti mil onfiin ul , ami thai theie xvmgoninil nputh ) ainllndlf- foiiticoln roirel ( ! U ) x-lolitiniii All Mitt nf o.xplan.itionsworoput forth for this fail tire of ( nfoicoincnt , ono pontlnniin fruni Mir- s.nltiK Iho inloi of ll < ] not \vcui on time buauso "tin1 vvonon look no Ink rest" ( lovoruor Holes seonnd tube tlio object of a gteatiloalof wiuth bectusi lie haisoon III lo grant a mini tier of pardons and smpenslons.itiul tootlurvvtsooxirelselds pio- 1-o'ili\iiof I'xociillvc" cli'ini'iii'v ineu-.cs\v \ biro hisuiliiiii ] | > iil loldhini It iiiii'ht tn hi' nsul. Tlieso "cool puplo" > ooin to forget thnt. ovin nsarihnl a prohibitiniust as < ! n\i tnor l iliMliee sun til lo exi-iuso tlio * ju-utho ulimonn in a pioil mail ) i-asu u line ll.o riilpienls of suili lonleni * ) had bom c on- x'iilecl of violation nt the'prolilbltuiv Imv. Tie f.ut oii.lit | to bo ncoKtil/eil h > tills tune ) b ) por-oiiH elnlniiiK the hiU-lligoiuo tint tliiie * Umpei'inoop"oto ' | iln , tbal tbo st-'itl- inint ola Iniv'i * nnjoiliv oflm-alltlos In mun isiiLraiiist the i > iiMbiloiy Imv , nnd tint c-oin jileto niforciii't lei .inv obnoxious liw i in iu\or ho nltalii 1. Ihat tins is Iroe is hliowti by this siynlllcnnt statcinint Iu PiesiOuit IIaui-\'s animal .ildrois : "Ilv far tht'Kio.iti it tiillli-iutv tint v\o \ luno omoiinlirod Is fiiiiid In llio fnlliito uf eur ( IWi-ittollIui-s , min of silencllj ] c-hnrartcr , good men nnd title * , nhov iiieinbc'ibhlp 1C * tintcioditon nnv oiganlMtion , nun who mo alvi.iv's nlllini , ' to ilo anjtliing liny ian doi-oiueiiiontlv nun without am il linger lo tliur biislnns uitiu'sls , out vvhuiii II sc uns nnpossllilo to Iiiiiu-ss | nun Iho noees'itx of ciun"it , ai'tlve. ] fsoinl ellin t " liven tbo iltstilc-t olliieis uf the Ktnto 'liinperuiopalli.inoo will not surillie tbilr IJUSIIKSS iileii-sh | to tlio en foiic'iiiont nf n. lowwin re the majority of tin ir nations v-oulel not sustain tlein , or the ni.ijorit ) of inlio ! soiiiltnont is not \x-ith tlio h\v. 'Ihu licvii'ite of the ciiu'ilin | ' on the pnrt of the tilliaiuo \\iis \ son tilled in llio picsiiknt'snililtcss in tliU languai-u 'Iu jiliniiing forlliisvoat'i ' xxc must licop. in vlin t\volhiiiK < ) : 1'irstthe , nec-essitj or enforcing tlio law , and second lj , the cleotlotx of a leirishturunextfall that , InsKad of to pe.ilintror inedlfjinplho law , v\ill maintain and ttrcnctlion it I3oth cnn be sucicssfnlly aieonipllshed xvllli pro | > cr effort and energy on tlio part of the friends ol prohibition. " The success of this plan depends vry ( largely of. course on whether .tim ropublUn party will continue In saylns this year thit 'prohibition la the srttlcli policy of the stato. " 1'hit sentiment Lvio ytnrs iw oo t u good man v votes , and It is votes pilncipilly thit tint ta niili11i in niftir ii i Mt I * nl n 1n ft\,1tf ntthrUlmcln this stile. 1'houis icisonto \Qthattliisciir ) the toputilit'iin pirty , ,111 , not ! > e in , ilo so imitivoon this sabjcct ai in uiviiivcan , and tlintiinitc u Jltri-rent ( lenirnt of the jnitx- will Iw in rotittol lion A It C'liinniins of thisiityls prfsl- ilint of llie.iuti luuhiMtioii foncs of the 10- imbliciii puty , nfl his reicnt , uttounc < son tlio tempoi nice qui-stloL' are quite sliiiiliiinfc | a slim\liigtlia.tlns witiH' of thopanj. In no mi'tuisa sinill p ivenlug1 , U In funr of a chaut'i1 1 < n wollioK'ihtcd hi li Iicenso luv soinullilncrl'kc ' tint ofNobrasha An l.itoi liuK table is ( 'ivt-iilu the reiorfc | of thesei-nlai-i of tlio stalu tiinpoiuu-onlli- anco. wliiih shows thai in the pist ton luonttis 5sir novei-nnient licenses forlbi-silo nl ltiior ( | h ivi ) boon isiuoil In prohibition Iowa Kiftj-Hvo and one half pel cent ot these iv ere in tholaio | ; touns mcl the lul- ance in sniill to ns , iboxvlnp tint the s > uli' ot lliiioi | N not onlirclj conllni'd to the iugo ritie i , .is is so dtcMi claimed by piohiblllon * po < ikcis nnd writers Another inli'i-ostiiifj fontuioot the < ec-rctiry's rcnortva.s \ Uio statomeiit which shovveil tint the sum of Jl , . " > ( ) * was pxpemlc 1 for llteraturo mid simk- eis , ? Ml.Vlfoiiifoncment ! ( , T'lttiTifor ' suro- hry and cleric-alholpaiidfl l."i for N'obi-jsica auiPiiilmont fund llio iirst thru' iteui-t , iiinountmgto auout f 1,000 , goes to sustain t\ few IIU-SOMS who hiivo notitlior business and no tmkinpa good llilni ; in keeniiii ; uji this acitnlinn. At tins linil .seibionlhefollowin ; ; lesiilutlon was ilopted- Uii'U ' oil tliaeotifironieiif riprisin- of tilt- -1 III TlMllpOI Illl'lllllilll'O , llio Mum ails ( hilsiliti Tonim i .inoe mil - ! it tim Nliti- nf Inwa. tin * linli | mil lit OriK-nif ( iimil 'linipln-s null other li'inii | r- IIH-I not I , us iln luioby loi-oiniiii'iiil ti llio \ u inis < ii.'inl/itli > n < and toini | t .inn u rl > - iis i ieii" Iniie-fl In inilor (11 ( suiiti- uiiity of lit ion In lie i iifui ciMiiont of tliomil. . i liliniy liv\ .mil in tin i tiniiilKii | mil .tglliitiou tn in i Inl ill ! th s liu nioii | Iho shiiili I . Lot InW.i Hie * ivi-oinlvo loiiunlt t n i > f Mini sliiti ni iiiil.illonsc'ey ; ' tkri'i nf tin it HM.I- Ui liii'iiii-iil uiiniM nivlstry IHI.II.NII niU r In - . < UH f unit ) of let lent mil einimiiy of fin-isln all jiinls oflho sliti- . Tin i o VMS nilooatoof sovoul honcm the ini-tbods lobi * imrsticil. find also on ilu ail * \isabllit > of adinlttlin ; the thhd paiU .1 v\d to tliooi-gini/.alion. Hut no attion t.uioii I'ho idea of the pmvailini-r spu-iU is U .it nonush.ill bo shut out , however , from pai. tici-ntinj. Till ml MlllllTOIs | O\\rs-liV | Tln > iiiu'llii n f count ) auiliton intato eotiviut ion the past vvnli xxil1 mnb.itiK bo proilin-t i\i'Ot pioil ii'tulU M jiiisoi-t ai h iiiulitor bus hisovx-nmolhod oficuidui tim the ollliv , ami tiikni as ax hole thov 111 * vulolv dlx eisilicil and uiis lIsfaetoit'lmtirh coed woi lih.n he-en ilotio In the dire i-tkin of mi. proviniLMit in iceoiil vonra. Ono KIM > tl thin K wns ieooiiiilisliod | aveai.iiro In act of the lopid it lire. extmcHiit : t ho tein of tin. ' iiosont : .uihloib another uar. so tint in futuie thooloclhiii of auditor will ni > t n. ur In tlic sainu ji.uwith treusni-ei tbi i > ro < venti'iRirotnilet | ) i banjo in ihu Hniu. ofllins of tlio county. At tin iei-i ut i on. volition slops v\ t'ro'taken to in n a > the elliilencv of thn ollloo. niikltixit niuri valu * able to Iho ivoiilu and at Iho sum' time litrlilcnins thu bmdens and rc-lliv mi. ' tin ) l > oriles.i | ties of the ollii'ir. 'llio iiiostuui | of eqtiili/nn' as-ossniPiits so thovull \ Ui thu saiiioall inor llio stito waiHsiiis tsl ai J plum tulnptocl fur iiincihltiKlbc * kriseviU of tlio ptiM'iil sv stun xvlioroliv the iisnsscj valuition vain- In the il'llerent ' o iimttc Iron ] jo todi | utent oftho eash v.ilwitioii of tlio proporU llilHMnssessmoi ) it- worn nlsodiscussednnii nciinleicMuo held xx illi tin staloexiiuliM'counoil. Iho u-siiit otuiuii \ ll is honil | xvlll bo. to simplify imittua all around Aiu tliei * rii * * > at Sjnt'iise1. Smx UK. .N 'S"Maiih IS This u irnny Ht. JaincU'lplieopiioluiroh nul ih > \lile. \ laiiilhnllJInpttoro destroy oil bv nro t > nu vvoiinn Ii hell , vocl lo htvo heon bu 110.1 lo donth. hevord lud njirow o.iij > . - > TU IO-.SM amount to jOO.OJO on i\ Si-ilr. ( .Niwiu , , r > ,1. . Mnvolilfi. The ocin ol fills einplmi'il In tlio ( ' u hasdoi died to. all ill llio yiili oi.t ox Lilian