Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1891, Part One, Page 4, Image 4

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THIS 1U313
i : HOsrWATiil : Ili
I-\IHY :
" "
1 I HMs"TFM"llsOltll'l ( ION.
Unity HIM iwltlinui l-iinlnjH ( > nueur . . f f 00
Pull x nuiliiiiiln ) . Dim \ cir . 10 " 0
MX month" . n ( * )
Hiniln ) in is One Vonr
\\vvM \ \ ) llu.UnoVeiif 100
of i in -
Omnlm , Tlio lire lliillilln
! - ( ) | ( ) | . lornorN iimlSfitli "tnctx
Ciiiincll lllulTK. I.1 IViul Stiu't.
Clilniik'o inii > , .lti CliniiilKrur Onniinirop.
\ork.l \ ! ( > in 1.1,11 MIII ! iVI'rllmnolHillilInK
ii. M.M'oiitlc'riilli stlu'U
Allriuniiiiiiilc nlliMH rol'iilnu- news and
rdltorlul tn ittir Hliiiulil lo uilflrus iii tutlio
1 ( llt < irlal Di'puilnit'iil. '
i. rrrit" .
Allliusliii lilliMM unit ii'iiillln
lo tidilM * .viil tnl ln < Hi i ) rnlnlslilnt : ( 11111)1 ) my.
Oniiiliii tlrifts , i tin ! % < unit jiisliilllm niilrrs
In IT Hindi | iii nlli' In tin orilir of llio ( C'lii- '
Tlic Bee FiiulisliingCoiiraiiY , Proorictnrs
mi nni iti n. DIM :
'X'imrM' or ciitrt I.ATION.
btntror Noliutskn , I
( utility of IhniRl 11 f
n nrci > II 'I'riiluuK , si i rotary of TIIK HKK
I'lilill-liltii ; roiiipMtiy , ilm-s Mili'innlv HHIMIF
tluil llu > IK In ul i In illation of ' 1111 : DAU.X HKI.
for thu wii'U iiiillni ; Mnri'h H , Ih'll , was IIH
Mmdaj. Mn i ch R "rt In *
Moiiilnx. Muriliti . . . -M,7t-l ;
Tiicmlux VlarihlO , . VMitiJ
Tlt.lnesilin. Mnri-li II . i\.W\ \ \
Tliiirnlnj Miirdi 1 , ' . Bl 47(1 ( .
Trlilnv. ilarrli II II.-IU1
Bnturilnj.Miinli II il-Sio
AvcriKO Ill OKI
( iioitnr n T5'inn'i ( \ .
Pwnrn In lioforo mu nnd miliicrllnil In my
presence Ilils Illh < luy < if Muuli A 1 > is < ) |
N. P IViu
Nuturj 1'ulillo
ctnloof etirniKn. I
CdlllltV llf PoilBlllR. ff >
CienrKt' II l/nelincU. loltiRitaly ivtom , do-
ro'-fft mul MI.VS Unit lu > NMTII l.iii of'I'm HISK
I'lilill.Mlilnj ; i-on pinij. thnl tin lie-mill uxvr.mi'
iliulj cliiiilnllnii of 'liihPjuix IIH. fortho
month nf March , HJO. wis'.MSf , diiiliH ; for
April. IMI.ii'iH ( iiiit | > s , forMnv. IVH ) , IM.IN )
copies ; fin .luiie , WQ , iV.'Xlt inplcs for.luly ,
JUKI M.lfi.'uijlm ' | : fiirAiiBiist. I-H ) . J',7Woplos ' ,
for ( I'ptrinliri , 1MX ) .M.S70 rnjiliH ; forUclolu-r
1SW 'M.i > ropes ; for IMixi'iiihiT , IS'H ' ) , SS.l 10
roiiles ; fm Ducnilier.- , ' . ' 1,471 copln : fcr
Jiinuiin li-'M.V. HOioDlin : for IVlimnr ) , IS'll ,
S9.1IS niplm l.KHKii II T/srincic.
buornlo In torn mo. mul subscillx'il In my
prfsenec , tlils'-thliy [ cfrebiniiry. A I ) IS'Ji
N. I' . Pin , .
Notary I'ublle.
QTnr.Hioner tlio eharter ainenilinonts
are cm nod the sooner xvill public work
open up in Omaha.
CAtitloiiMA has some componsntiong
for her boodle legislature. She hus
Btraxvberriea for 15 cents , i box
TIIK lust dny of ciacc is nearly In
Bifjht and the legislature must be lively
if It means to redeem lU piomlboa to the
_ _ _ _ _ _
i 1 1 vi 1 1 : po-tponeiiieat e-iuscd tbo
early death of ono or moio bills to put
xvhoels under the cotinlj seats of No-
OMAHA'S oit.v scaxoilier is familiar
with oil rooms , hut it does not follow
that ho xv oulil make a satisfactory oil in
ONT. by one the bhorteomiiifje of the
MelCinloy bill are cropping out It IB
oxldent it puts no piohibltory tariff
on spring poetij.
Tim county commissioners xvoro not
nblo to with St '
compote Joseph's lios-
pltnl. Foi tills the eity's sick and In-
juiod will bo trnitoful.
IT IS haidly probnlilu that xvhon the
nonators fiom Nebraska mot the oomUors
from Coloiado any embirrahsiii < 'lontth ;
of time xvaa allowed to elapse botxxoea
PEUHAi's Chicago ran bltiml the strain
of axvorhl's fair real fbtito boom , but it
would not bo btrarttfo if , between the
liowlsof the xvild spoculiitors , shoshould
occasionally east tin ejo at the qulot
Btrcetb of I'hil.idolphia and shudder.
TIIK dcmoeiatic press of Illinois ro-
joicosin the fact that the democrats
hnx-o Bcooped in the fanners It is ex
cruciatingly ftiniij from a democratic
btandpolnt , but it ousht to bo lees
amuslii" ; for the buncoed republican
Gr.KiiiAL VANWYCK xv.-mts the
nopin can il eomploted from Chicago to
ibo Mississippi , thoti continued through
Iowa to the Missouii and acioss NTo-
braska to the Kockx mouiitaiiis. The
gonornl is a Rood public speaker , but ho
is not n civ il engineer.
TIIK inulxvintor temper of this partic
ular Nebiaslca spriag-tbao is not a local
affair. During the week London
has boon paral > ed with a terrific snow
storm , tiallle has boon bloc-kod in Cleveland -
land , and even Memphis b is boon car-
potcd with txvo incMiibof MIOVV. It Is a
poeuliar season , but the peculiarity is
'S xvoro pioiuptly tcturncd
by the United States guind jury agnltibt
the Indian mm dorerb of Lieutenant Cusoy
and Iwiae Miller , the government
border , killed during- the Into Indian
troubles. It is obr-orved. however , that
the grand Juij failed to locale tbo cow
boy assasbins of the friendlv Indian Texv
Tails. It makes borne dillorenco to a
South Dakota grand juiy whether the
victim ef a crime is vvhlto or copper
Josuril Cctiic is getting himself into a
porbplrntlon over tlio subject of ojumlng
the world's fair on Sunday. ITo declarer
that .lolm Ilanipdon and Oliver Ciom-
well would bo shocked at such a propo
sition. That may bo o , but the world
hasadxaaced in several diicctlons since
the day of these old worthies. Besides ,
the world's fair xvill not bo bold for two
yours , and such early activity In the dis
cussion of it is liable to bo mistaken for
nn indication that Joe Cook is running1
short of idcns nnd even of mind.
TUB suggestion that liismnrck maybe
bo summoned buck to the liolmat liarin !
is the most interesting item of gossip
that has Hailed out from that prolific
news center in a long time , It is not to
be readily credited , however. It would
not bo strange if Gnprixl hud tiled of
his petulant young master , but it would
bo indeed a surprise if the monarch
found it in his temper to humble what
ho loved to call his Hohen/ollom pride
before the lion chancellor whom lie dh-
lulssod. It is more likely that ho xvill
find u now nnd younger man for his pro-
lutcr if the courtly Cuprivl ducidoa to
x rt.i/.r.r KOH O.V.UM
IVist evening's nubile meeting nt the
real estate uM'linn o represented llio
first mop inn moxoinont that can bo
made vet } useful to this great ntul prow-
Iti ilt > lf ills \ijrerouslj folltweil xip.
It Is liljfh thixo thnt Ointihn'a imbllo
MpJill became nn oi'jrnnl/od fence for the
application to this Hold of llio measures
that enterprising moa ( ito using HWC-
eossfully la othi > r western cities
Oniiiliii can olTur unequalled oppoilimi *
ties for now Industrie's onplUil nail popu
lation , Init tiho cannot hold her pluco in
tlio rnco for these thiturs unless slio
moots her competitors ntid make * her
atti.lotions as prominent us theirs
Kxory ambitious oily la the
xvost , lai ( jo ami small , Is
milking ( ' \tiaonllnau extensions to so-
onto a jjowl gum th this josxr. For
maiij and peculiar reasons this nhoxilil
bethebiltflitest jour In Omaha's ) history.
Whether it shall prove to bo so , or not ,
will depend n fjioat deal on the mn'oess
of the autfressixoniovoinont innuguintoil
tail nijjlit.
llvorjUilntf Indicates phenomenal
giotvtli la the west for the nest live
jcats , nail especially until the close of
the xxoildVt fiiir. Omaha' * position and
present impetus oixn ilo more to brlntf
her n share of this prospotity , but her
businessmen , xvoldoil into a strong and
alcil oi ani/atioii , must Mippl ) the
fouo xvhleh shall inaUe it possible for
her to sustain hi'ibolf against the sleepless -
loss competition of rival cities.
The I'ctitoinnnt of Judge Louis A.
fi0111 the cotnniissloneiship of the
hind otllco IB to ho doploti'd on
in my accounts. The nationnl land olltco
ia the most Important bateau in the tn-
toiler department , and no man has discharged -
charged the intrionlo and arduous dii ;
ties of the position with grc.itor fidelity
and eonseiontious repaid for the rights
of the people and the government thiia
has ( . 'oniiaifsioiior GrotT Pi esidunt 1 lar-
lison will have toeivreh the country far
and no ir hnfoio ho oan ropl.ico .Iiidjjo
Oiollwithn iiitxn equally cip.ible , dili-
{ 'ont and incoiiuptible.
While .ludgu Ctroll's health and that
of his family Iris boon more or lesn na-
piirod dininir his i evidence \Vaslitng- -
tea , wo have lonson to suspect that the
position had become uncon oniixl , if not
xmboiiiixblu , bj the domineoiing disposi
tion ufSoeietaiy tfoblo.mdthe tendency
of the seetotaiy to loan in the diicetum
of lar.d grant i.xilionds and hind ' hntks
{ fouoi.ill.x . This wo hiipuii ] to know
was i-o lopugnint to the instinttH and
sentiments of Judjro GiofC that ho has
.ill along foil keenly the p.irt ho was
compelled to plax under the rulings of
his stipoiior. A mini had
than bo president , and this is doubtless
the fooling that imbued Judge GiotT
when lie tendmod his ? leMjjnation.
The i coplo of Nebraska and the great
west Mil .sincerely legrot that Judge
drolT lias vvithdr.ivvn Item the national
land otllco at \uiytlino\vhoiitho \
ini'it linimrtant i nforms are about to bo
inaugurated under the now hind law s
whiih congress has jiibt enacted
\ni.i \ ; n\i : A
It is just n little inoio than two joars
since tbo ninmni.iblu battle over the
postolTleo site wasfmifiht. In those ( lavs
tlio btipporleis of Uujhloenth md T.u-
nain strtol-j were lontully abused ( is self
ish ciioinies of the eitj. It in.ij also bo
loiuembcied that a xorj miMUI ) * > li and
public-splritL'd "ditoi in thes > o ] iirts
wont so far as to start a bojcott ag.iinst
Tin. UI.K foi obirtuietiiig the election of
a { jieat public building and doa\inb' ! \
the o\ponditxiio of iuvlf ii mill
ion dollars and employmeut of
hundreds of workin inen. But
binVo that \ory uiisollish peison HUC-
eeoedod .n expediting the pajmont of
about $80,000 to hnnyolf , ho Jias become
leconcilud to the damnging dehu and
the idlcnossof tbo woikiiijjmonfor nhom
hishoait palpitates A'ith a t-jinpithv
that at ways conioH fro'a the kinships of
homy handed tollers.
It ma } bo of interest , however , for our
citboiih to Kno\\ just Khat proyrcsb is
being nuulo in the dhectioa of thopublio
buildiii } , ' . In response to an inquiry
mndo b.\ \ the editor of Tin : Bii : : , Supoi-
vismg ArehitoetVinilriiii vviitos under
date of Mai eh 11 , us follows :
* * * xxllinow
Tliodcpiitmeut prubnbl )
{ iroicaiiith tlio jiropar.ition of tlio iliotcti
plans , estimates , eto , and ns soon us they
shall have been nppiovocl by the soeiotiry of
thotie.ism-y the portal utoi geaoint ana tlio
sotretury of the intoiior , us roriuiiort by la\\ ,
thovvorkluc ; JrawliiKS spocillciitloiis , etc ,
will be juepaied , ami as soon as they shall
buvo been completed further action will betaken
taken in regnal to outctniK into contiactsto
secure the coinmcncen cat of the work of eon-
btructiii the tmlMiiiK
What a long tail of red tape our p. o.
cat has got !
Osier of Johns Hopkins uni
versity , on the oouiuiton of the lifteonth
annix'orrtar } of the opaaing of that insti
tution , delivered a mot uistructivo ad-
die3s on the progress that has boon
in idem the blxuly of nudlcnu , vvhleh
show oil both the banolit that hunuaity
had obtained fiom the advances in ido
and the nioro ration il ideas dllTiisod
among the profodslon up in the troat-
lutnt of dUe iso. Itv.n the roproajh
of modieino half a eoatury ago th it it
\\as ob-iouro and enigmaticxl , vvhllu
suigoty had nude briiliiint 'idvuujj '
There has bj'1 ! ! ( i ch in j , and tlio
ompirL'til practice of modieino has
iuorge.1 into u pjiltivo sclo ioj In
spite of the del ma to n-Uuro of the prob
lems involved the adv.mea in the study
of patholo 'j has baea onuixl to tluitin
any other dop irtinont of &ui onue.
Ra ] > ld advance his been made in the
provontlon of dlsotso. Important ro-
fonns in H.xnitixtion huvo eonio from a
fatudy oi the oondltlons uiulor vvhleh opl-
demies mo dovolopod. CJIonnlinoss is
the watchword of the modleal profes
sion , and a mat Iced luiuution of mortal
ity has taken place in these cities and
towns which huvo clean streets , good
dralnago and pure water. Modern iiwd-
ieal dUuoxor > lias devised method's ' for
chocking the ndvaneo of contagions diseases -
eases nnd for provoiiting their commu
nication from one member of n family
to another , and it has brought about all
these improvements in municipal health
regulations xxhluh Imxo been &o highly
benotleiul , It has btill ix iroat ; deal to
uccoiuplhh , but it is making fateudy pro-
A now world of investigation has
been rev cnlod by the germ theory and its
application to contn 'lous and mlnsmatU *
tlUonsi's , nnd In this medical sclonco is
just nt present ( hiding its most serious
occupation , xx ith favorable promise of
most impoitant results.
Altogether the statements and views
of Prof. Oslor , xvlioso authority is un-
qnestloaablo , nto most ron snrlng 10-
garding % xhut lias boondono by aecioneo
which has a more dlioct relation to the
physical xvelfnro of the human rnco than
any other , ns well as xvlth icgard to the
ptogrpfS it is making nnd the possibili
ties that nro before it.
It Is nn interesting fact that nearly
evorj important city In the countrj Is
( imitating1 the question of ineroasing Its
ji irk facilities and attractions and every-
xdiero public sentiment isfavoiablo to
inoposltiuns for this purpose. The gen-
eial popular deiiund for this elass of
public improvement attests its utility.
Attr.ietixc , xxell kept | iarks nn > some
thing moie tea lomimmity than mere
"bro.ithing , ' x-alnablo as they are
In this respect to the thousands of per
sons In every large eitj who cannot get
ixwaj from the demands of dutj to llml
lelief and rocication in xsiting ( other
scenes , bueli piHcs aseveiy huge i ( im
munity may have , nnd as all of
them should have , alTord diver
sion as xvell as lecre itlon , fix
ing lolief both to the mind nnd
the body. It puts one in communion
w ith nature , v , It li the wholesome effect
of turning thought aw nj from the loutlno
alTniis ofdail.v lifo and engaging the
mind in pleasing and lostful occupation.
Moio ii'poso iim.x bo found olso-
vMicie , and i.t IH not Himplj the prix ilego
of sitting in the open uir , Blinded fiom
the siiiiiiaer'sHiin nnd ii'ti-eshi'd by the
unobstructed brte/o gives the
liablle pirk its value , but more Import
ant than thi& is its inlluonio in awaken-
injr lollLCtions that ease and rcfiesh the
Kmopo ins understand the true utllitv
of p irks much bettor than American * ,
.uid the paik s.vstcm of the cities of
Huiopo aio consequently on a much more
OKtonsivo nuilo tlian in this country ,
while greater attention is given
to bo.mtifjiny the pailvs and
maKing thoin both altraelix'o and in-
btrtictixu. I'aris leads the \voild in the
oxtunt of its park lands , xvluch comprise
oS , ( ) ( ) ( ) acres , a gioatoi area devoted to
this puipoio than is tomprisxd in the
pinks of all the largo cities of the United
States. The put k acreage of London is
ii'JHIO ( acres and that of Vienna 8,000
no i os , Uorllu aloao of the larger Un ro
pe m citioH , with its , " > , OU ( ) aetes of parks
falling behind Xovv York. The .icioage
devoted to jiirks in 1'nris is noiirlj three
times in ninount the aggiegato aeroago
of the pirk lands of New YoiK , I'hila-
dolphin , Chicago , Boston , St LJIUS , S in
KVaneisi'o and \\'ashington , and the
paiks of Paris aio the gieatost
attiaotion of that most nttiactixo
eitin the world.
The public p uk is ft development of
cixlU/.ution , and the deinandjor it arises
from \vant \ which all classes of people
fool who live in the citioi , but its noces-
sitj and greatest usefulness aio for the
thousands who cannot goxxx .xx , from the
I cities to II nil rest and run cation and di-
I XOIMOII in mo intiun or hike or scishoio
resort" , Tliu ixdvixntigos to licit ) of a
gi'iieroits pirk sjsloin aie easily demon-
htnxtod IXerywhoruit has proven to
be a jjiolit ib'o ' mvostnient. Tcxv cities
hi the country are moio destitute in this
respect than Om ilia , and as to none of
equal population me the-o better re x-
sons for supplying a p irk byfttem. Thoio
xvill nex'orbo u moref.ix'orablotime thin
the jneBont for inaugurating a liboi.d
pulic.x regarding p.ulcs , and it will bo a
misfortune if adx-antago is not taken of
the opportunity.
Among other schemes for enabling
farmers tobonow nmnOy upon real m-
tate at .1 low rate of intoiust is ono by
.Senator Isort and passed by the stito
This bill ixuthori/oa ovvnois of real es
tate , not to exceed ii ! ) persons , to incor-
por.xlo as a stock eomp my. E ich mom-
bur must bo the o\vnji \ in foe simple of
at loint 10 aeios of land within the
count ) xx hoi o the association is organ
ised. This faimeia' corpjritlon miy
hold and acquit o roil odtato , issue bonds
on the same and bjrrow mo icy for the
use of mcmboii , of the corporation. The
bonds are to be ir no gieitor interest
than 7 percent parannum , and the bond
is to bo capitali/od into .sto-k , fie own
ers of-land receiving piid up sh ires to
the x.duoof the land uonvo.xed. No per
son is to hold moio th in 10 shares of
stock in his own right u.- the shaies
are not to o.\uood in x'aluo $200 oaeh.
The hinds are to oo appraisid by disln-
toiosted pirtius , und the details of ap-
pr.iisuineat , itsuo of stock and bonds and
regulations for enforcing collections to
pay Into est and oxpjnsas are to bo IKod
by the constitution and bjlaws of each
This idea is n combination of the
building vssoclation and the railway cor
poration. It is an olToi t to enable farm
ers to combine eapit-il and conduct
their business upon the modern railway
plan aad at the suno tlmo to restrict
their operations to the mutual bonolit
of these concerned as IH done in the
building absolution. Under the pres
ent corporation law * of the state farmers
may form associations and there is no
roosmxvhy they should not combine
capital nnd labor if it bo found to their
ndxMiitage. The bill is evidently in
tended to point out the way to them
moio clearly and to that extent , but no
further , jiosso sos enough merit to war
rant contddorat'um. The attontio-i of
the house should ba directed to BOJIIO of
the dangers attendant upon the bill as it
now stands with a view to placing about
it proper tmfognardB if it Is doomed
practicable unJer an ) circumstances.
As drawn and passed by the upper
branch of the legislature tlioro is leally
no restriction placed upon the rate of in-
torcst which the stockholders must pay.
If the bonds nro sold boloxv par
the boriowors must piy the discount ,
Farniuij entering such an association
place their himln under a blanket mort
gage , ll-wli individual tract of land
xvill bo held for the piymont of the last
fathing , There is no provision for u
roleiso of nny p ulot tin Indebtedness
undorbxkon , iff ) milter how thilft.x the
bornnx-oratulstiMdiolitor niiy bo. The
provisionllmltltiithe munli'r of shares
which each htockholdor nixy own it In
tended to present schemers from txlnorb-
Ing the bulk of tlni sto'k and five/Ing
out the eii'oless and the unfortunate , but
no wax * Is provided xvhoroby these more
successful nny protect their Intetests
ngnlnst the default of others , The
method of nppralsuuont Is not slated
deflnltolv and InHlio Imnds of tuoxpori-
uncoil or designing persons ox'll results
nro almost certain to follow , riclltlous
and unfair valuations will work injury
to the honest mniabeis in that the doll-
cieileles in judginontt' follow Ing foreclos
ures will compel Ilium to piy more than
the face of tlioii binds and inteicst ,
Loan companies hosltuto to deal with
corporations of this diameter , ptofor-
ringindtviduil HDOiirlty to that atTuulo d
by this inotbod , They will loan less
mono ) upon tracts of hind hold In com
men than upon ttopaiato tract * mort
gaged by Indixlduals. Tbo lights of
holts nt laxvv \ ill also ho complicated by
cotporate farm o aorsblp. In f.xct the
proposition us it has gone to the house is
decidedly criuln Unless it is material 1)
modified to uuard against ignoi nice ,
fraud nnd litigation , It xvill ptne.llcn.lly
bo Inoperative.
ir. j
Hon. W. J. Council , onrlixte ropiesen-
tnthe in the lower house of the nntlonil
legislature , luih lotuined to his constitu
ents and resumed the position at the bar
xx bleb bo lehatnntly abandoned two
years ago. Tin , Uii : : only oxptosses
the prevailing suiitiinont among our best
eitl/uns in oMendlnga heart ) giootlng
to Mr. Council. No represontntivo of
Nebraska in either house of congress
has labored more/.Oidously and devoted
his abilities vx ith greater per < lHtoney to
the discharge of the duties devolving on
Thoroooids of the Pi ft-first eongross
show him present almost ox-cry day of
the session nnd voting upon every meic-
\no that xvas penditig before it. It is to
the credit of Mr. Council that these
votes \\oro \ iccoided in every lust nice In
the interest of the people , eypocialh' the
industrial classes. The eight-hour labor
bill and other measures for bettering the
condition of xvorKmginuii which ho in-
tiodiuod giix'o him a national toputa-
tlon among xvagovvo kors , and while
HIIUO of thcbo bills failed to piss llio
hcnato for wantof tlini , Mr Con neil his
been locogni/.ojl on all hinds as a xvixun
and reliable f'jppottor of tlio laboring
I'lns- " "
On all mtttois th it concerned the xxol-
faro of his imiioiijato ) uotistiluoniy. and
cspeehlly the citiJons ol Omaha , lie ox-
ui ted his inlluenco , which in most en'os
proved potent ! tl. It goes without Hiy-
iag that ho would -have boon mueh more
useful had ho been pounitlod to suivo
another term. ,
n r
The countr ) is on the eve of tlio usual
spring oiitbrc ik of labor troubled It is
no secret that in the linger cities of tbo
louijtry , the bulhPng trades Kill en
deavor to complete the eslablialitnent of
the eight hum dii ) , and that btilkos are
being rn-gani/cd on 'one or more of the
i lilvv.iy systems of the east
The annual hostilities between labor
md capital huvo become of Into . \tirs
almost ab much a part of spring devel
opments us the uiilv.U of the bluls and
the llovxois. rieqnent lossol work and
wages and repeated collapses of strikes ,
boycotts and loukoiitB haxo proved pow
erless to discourage the ami ) of labor in
thu apiilication of force to the f-o-
cial conditions it hecks to alter
and improve. Eminent statisticians
and political economists toll the
labotor tint the istiiko is n
wanton waste of tlmo and mono ) . . They
present loluinim of figiuos to piovo that
orLMtii/od labor , in tlio past 1W .xears , bus
fouclit and lost a lertam nmnbor of bat
tles , and Unit the not \\.ibtoof xvagos
amounts to acortiin colons d sum. And
jet , in the face of these warning facts ,
ttiolaboior bi lively jicisists with bis an
nual demand for less hours , moio xvages ,
or better conditions , and backs up his
dominil witha bttiko. Ills plain that
bomobod ) is grax-ely inerior. The emi
nent ht ills tician nnd the persistent la
borer eannot loth bo right. And no
man who studios the boclal conditions
of the and the pie ont , and roxluxvs
tbo path by xvhIch tlio xvoadeiful ] ) regress -
gross has boon roiched , can doubt ( or a
moment who is xvrong.
The story of labor , from the time of
the Konmn slaxery and medieval x-as
b.vlago to the day of llio American work-
iiigman of 1S01 , is one long story of pro
gress to bettor conditions , shoi tor hours
and higher vuigm It has boon from the
first a march xvithouta halt. 'Whonpolit-
ieal oqualit ) XXMS ostablibhod upon this
continent , a llttlo more than a eoiiturj
ago , the laborer xvas almost us fir bo-
liind his present condition as ho was in
advance of the status of his inedlasval
progenitor. Jlis apprenticeship was a
fonn of botv'itudu. Ills homo was a
hovel , as biro a the cabin of an Irish
ppibtuil of the coiflToilbiinil convonloncos
of lifo. Ills hours of labor were from
suntoHun. Ills vx.igos . wore a pittance , anil
tno luvvH xx'oro flamed to operate against
him and in fuvqr of the moichant nnd
omployor. Ho fcjg\iltl bo arrested and
iinprisonod for lh j debt of the doctor
who altonded him In hlckncss. Class
lines wuro draxx'rf lib rigidly asunder the
flag of Oeorgo III. * .
It is needless tocompiro the hiboror
of that day xvlth'the ' luboior who Is
organising u sttilip'ln , the spring of 1891.
They ate separator by n century in time ,
nnd by more tlmri tx century as ropio-
bontedby the revolution In social condi
tions. The national commissioner of
labor has reckoned the annual loss In
xvagos roMilting from Htiikos , but xvho
can reckon , in ptoclso figures , the
stupendous gains , in xvagos , homo com
forts and boeinl surroundings , of the past
century of imitation , organisation mid
blrikoj ? Wlion the trivial loss In wages
from the wholqBorios of strikes isplneod
by the side of the marvellous advance
ment in all conditions of lifo
achieved by the movements of which
the btrikols thoomblom , tbo bUtlhtlcs
of the onilnont oconomlbtH boeomo too
jiuorllo mid inslgnllleiint for consider
ation. They aio the merest specks on
thu luminous mm of human prngiosti.
The strike is labor's only weapon. It
has doubtless not nlxva.\R bean xvlnoly
usod. It miy lw conceded Hint In the
gicnt nmjorltv ofonws It has not opor-
atid for the inmiodlnto boucllt of the
InboroiB diioctl ) concerned. The ) have
frequently been the martyrs of a good
cause , but the jinny of labor as a whole
bin unquestionably lionolltoil fioni their
Hju'ritiros. The sum of nil the wages
paid to labor hns tin-rob ) , In the course
of yeais , been enormously Incteascd ,
liours have boon shoi toned anil the con
ditions of labor improved.Vhuii olio
Hcclioii of the labor at my has passed
tompornrll ) out of emplovnicnt another
Bci'tioa 1ms pissed in , and labor has
gained In the end. A Httlko In one do-
pirtmciit of labor makes vvoik and
xx iges In till other departments more so-
To argue that the amount of wairos
lost ur gained roprinunU the failure or
Hiiccess o ( a strike ia as idle ns to suy
that the x'ast sum spent In the pic orvi-
tlon of the union is the proper bisls on
which to compute the results of the
civil war , and that It xvas therefore a
gigantic failure. There Is u bettor nnd
noblei xvav to mcniuic the results of
that war. Tliooild his so tuoasuied
them , and declared it an Incalculable
gain lo human libeity. Tlio same gen-
ei.xl principles apply to tbo deductions
of the eminent Bliitlgliuliina on the sub
ject of stiikes , which huvo eontiibuted
their full share to Ihehumin piogtess
of tbo nineteenth lontuiy.
ir///\v / 70 din : ,
There xvas settled in the unurisof IS'ow
York tbo piibt xveuk a will contest of
more than usiul inloicst , because it In-
xolx-id buipiosts toHovoial institutions of
learning .mil chailty. A foxv months
ago tlioro died in Noxx'York a merchant
by the name of F. orvvcathor , who was
Known in buiinuss eiielos for intelli-
genth di ice ted onugy and simpllelt ) of
living. Ho xx as not counted among the
millionalies , and there was nothing in
his hibitsof life to indicate that ho was
mote than fairly well to do. Ilo VVIIH
successful in business , his cluractor as a.
merchant XXMS high , and he
esteemed for his good son o , judginont
and ability. Hut when Ins will
was opened it xvas found that
ho died po ossad of pi op
or ty to tlio vnluo of several
million dollars , of which be had devised
more than $ UOl)0,0K ( ) to colleges and hos
pitals. Ho did not , as man ) do , make a
one-aidediinte-inortom bxrguii with the
tcecplonls of his bouiit ) that the ) should
use it foi some specified purpose , as the
erection of buildings , the endowment of
elmhrf , or in anv other xv.iy leading to
tno porpotu ition of his namoand his
chniitablp disposition Ho made no
bargains at nil xvitli them , but ordered
the various bequests to bo ihed as in tlio
judgment of the institutions fehould to
thorn seem host. The xvill was con
tested , icsulting in a compiomiso xvhich ,
w bile it will not defeat the puipo- of
the benefactor , does not airry It out as
bo dosiicd.
This ciroumstanco adds a lesson to the
many lliat had preceded it as to the
mintnko that men of xvo.ilth make in not
bestowing their benefactions duiing
their lifetime "When a man nas decided
to use a part of his fortune to p.omoto
odiiuition , or eharitx.or whatever else
he may desire to assipt , thoio is no
rational ie.ibon xvhy ho should put it off
until his death and run the risk of hav
ing his mo > ! cheilbhtd pi ins iiithle l )
ovoithinvvn. It is n sound principle that
tlioio wlio huvo surplus woaltli should
administer it themselves , and not relegate -
gate the dut ) toothers. They aie , as
some ono has well said , tiustees , and as
such under obligations to make a good
use of their wo nth during their lifetime
time , and not to bo content
xx ith eieating ti Uiserotion iry trust to bo
administered b ) others. To give mot
suioly every in in should hinisolf givo.
and give timely , duiing his own actixo
life , to the end that his designs shall
not be sot aside. iCxoryxvlioro thoto aio
xvcilth ) men xxlio contemplate bestow
ing a part of their fortunes in Rome
xvoi thjVij \ for the general good. The )
shoulildo so while living , and not loaxo
their benevolent intentions to bo carried
out by othorb. Thus their ohirit ) xvill
boshino before men as tosorxo as nn ex
ample and nn incentive to others to em
ulate it
iKi : fuels highly llattorod tint
llio Ijineolnn-gm of organi/ol jobbaiy disabused the popular mind as ro-
g.irds my possible relation Iwtxvoaa It-
hdf and Tin : Dre The mobt damaging
ehargo Unit hasboen made against Tin :
HBP. Dy its worst oiumios lias boon tlut
it had boeomo tbo limning mate of the
Lincoln Joitnml That uainitig ited lie
bos boon as thoroughly dissipiled as
xvas the report circulated at the state
cvpital scat col ) a year ago that a nameless -
loss blioot published every afterroon tit
Lincoln by a biaco of blackmailers xvas
the oUt-prim * . and property of Tnc Hhi ; .
That chnigo has boon , exploded very of-
feotunlly , and the Jonrnurs leccnt
tirades \\lll convince all fair minded
people that Tin : HIH : is neither a cor
poration organ nor a jobbers' btool-
As vn : said befoio , j-ou cannottc\pcot
fair tioatment from common swindlers
nor even common decency from impos
tors. Tim cow so of tlio 11 'oililIhntlil in
all its methods of competition full ) bears
out this statement. A concern that gets
money under f.iUo protoiibos will do anj -
thing. Like llio eiittlcllah It is tr.xlng
to cover Us own ciookod tracks by bhed-
dmgAii iinmciiHo ninount of ink ) fluid.
Hut it can't hoodxvmk this community ,
whoie its devious ways aio best known.
Its llttlo advertising fnko in the dis
gruntled organ of the i.uhoud tin can
is too tiuiiHiuront to deceive oven the
most gullible.
TUB outeroppings of higher cult nro
becoming notablj consicuous ] ) in tbo
weal. The addition ol a viisoofgieal
cost and greater untiquily to Chicago's
art troasutes baa produced distinct im
provement in local pronunciation. H is
n J longer tno metallic , unmusical "x use , . "
"Vnhso" is the inodoin ciitor. | The in-
lluonceB transforming the great ljork-
opolls into a ilx-al of Ilobton o.\tend bo-
> ) end its confines.
the delegation from
DoughiM county has boon thought iom-
potent to initlato und carr ) through thu
loglslaturo such Icglslullon ns Is of par-
tli-ular and o.\clualio Intoresl to llio city
of Omnhix. Common courleHj should
loud cenalors and rciosentalixcs | from
other sections of tlio ntale to kiop tliolr
linnds oil tnatlorsi'oiiciMning xvhleb they
are iiecossnrll ) ignorant nnd In xvhteh
their eonstltucnts luivo no sort of con-
DII. Ciixui.ns A. KvsrM\v , the full-
hlooded Sioux phslclnn inlerxlevvcd in
Chicago , ropoits great discontent among
the Imlin.iH at 1'iiio llldge agency , biH
the doctor is going on east U ) nurry
niaino Cioodale. the xxhlto pooteis of the
llorkshtie Hills , nnd xvl'l ' return \ \ ith her
to the ngenc ) In spite of xx ins and rumors
of xxars.
Ni.ittt \ ICANS must Mipplctnoiil the up-
proptiiitlo-i for aucMilblt at the xxoild s
fair by generous Indlxldual lonlillm-
lions , Moro than $00,000 IH icqiilieil
properly to pieseiil the resources and at
tractions of this state.
\Voi.ri : LoN'niisp.u , xxlio has been
major of Denxer for over a .ve.xr , has
been unseated btx the com Is just in lime
to cseapo the visit of the Nebraska junk-
An I ? < lll < > r in liiiclc.
.V.'fllll ( fv < l < I 4\VlM
TliimkOoil , UiUiSuvvs lias uuvx ii'icliiMtbnt
slap ) In Its cliuilution xvhoioll Is no
necessary to lie about it
Include l.vcnlnir Dress ,
tt'imliiiHjtim .M.i/ /
Minnesota lux hiKp.isscil a laxv u
modest diebsiiifr for xvoiucn on the st i o ,
mlnht xvitli cxiellcnt results amend tlio luw
to include tbutu olTot il
Celling Kio ( ouillI'Mi ,
Am r. . ; A II' mill
The antronomoi wlio vv islics to mnlto hit
xvife.i biithdiv piusont no longer ilves her n
i in KOIa biacclet , but ho slumlv talus lus
teliscopoimit biin x down .1 new plaaoL to
which ho ( 'leher iiiiino
HollillH Ill-lit ( 'Hi
The Houston i'oitsas tint men who hixxo
studied tlio caucuses say it is simply a quos
lion of itithmotieil piosirossloa. Klxo xvill
contiol clrbt ) , oinlit xvill control fourteen ,
fouiteen will control twenty sltwentysix
will control llfty one , lifli ono will contiol
the lion-ii ) of ropieiuatitixos , when six have
been excused oa account of bubinoss.
Mine lleeti l
Sol 111)1 i/l / JXcilH
Nortlnvestcm statesman nro Just now tinder
the inlluenco of n pv-oxsiii of virtuous
inoilcstv No sooner huil Minnesota foibliUUn
the nuiiL'blX' chorus oiil fioin .iDno.uiiitr In
tlio allmuiK tights vvltlitn the state limits
than \Vomhig boflas to clamor for clotbiiif ;
on tbo fem.ilo HKiiro on the sUto
aims. Appuently tlio xxcst is gradually
beiiit ; coavorted.
Tiny it ( > D
I someUmrs think a doctoi's history of civ-
ilb.ition would buna oild thing , if only > ou
coulu wet at tlio physiological facts of the
case. 1 should like to know , for eiamplc ,
xxhit Tsapolcon bid for supper on the night
before \ -soinetbinsladlijObtihlo , jou
may bosuio , if his brain had bcoa clear , ho
xvould hax-o smashed tbo allies and altered
modern history.
< lovcliiuil.
( Joneiat I'almei's election to the national
scn.ito Is , In the Judgment of Iciitim ; ixbti-
clms. equivalent to tlio nomination for n
plncu on the picsulential democratic ticket
noxt.xcnr AdinittinB tbiit a majority of the
populm vote in tills stalu was cutried by
I'lbnerut the late state election , it ) to
pu-illet that the nationnl dcinocntic commit
tee xx-ill rol ) upon the noxv senator to
bis state into tb Jonioeratle column m
I'AbXMAU . / / ; 'JT.V.
Mexico ( Mo. ) Intelligencer- The poor
little robin thought It xvas stiniig bus
skipped axvay xxilh afio/cu wing ,
Philadelphia 1'ross : "Why Indiana Do
Not Scltlo Doxxiil" is ihf'tltluof a local con-
U'mporirv'suditoiiat Well , ono ivison is
because ttio government does not "bettlo
St. Paul Globe : It is when the steitn
radiator IHCIIIS its nulm.itod colloiiux In thu
i.uly morning houis that a mia tlilnks ho
mightua xvell have a CUCKOO clock in thu
Washington Post "Now , " said the now-
( omei to \\.istiintrtoavvhen he siixva dciol-
letto oo-tuino for tliu llrst tune , ' ! boin ( to
see xvliat is meant bj this Social foi in' ' that 1
hax'o beaut so much about "
bt Joseph News "Wnat Is jcnetally
meant b a pronounced failuio , Jeuh 003- ' "
' "Iho xxaj vou bpeak Knulish. "
L.if3An Kje to the 1'utui-o "I don't see
hovxou i in bo pleased lit the idei of join
brother iDirrynifr liei. Sho's so fast and
harum-scarum. She'll ' never nmUo a Ki > oU
ivifu" "Oh , but shu'll make such a delujlit-
ful chaperon' ' "
S'anUooIllado : Tom 1'hilUonly a pro-
tea dci.
JailcVbatnro bis iii-pfmtlonst
Tom Ho piclends bo is si nnu.
llltK 111 UU
I'lidi iniicriiticnl Krrt
"Little Hey Illue , lomo toll vottr Into.
Is it study that mil.cs all ouriiiaioens pile ,
Their steps to laf , ' and their spirits fail ! "
"I'v e Rved at them ox-oi the sea 'ind hero ,
AnJ tliii is the truth , oh , T smllj fear
'Tls mcaieino , eouet < and canil > , dear.11
American ( irocei Mistress Is the flro
golin ; Butlk'eU
IJridsjcta ( ainatoiir ) railh , mum , an' ' it's
] ust'one (
UifoCitx rather ( a llttlo nonou nt Ills
Ihst pcrfannanco of the inarriifjo lorciminyi
1 | ) ioac > man mul wile -and IT
( reinlanul b.v tlio resolute beatniK < > f the
parties of an ollloo a ere fitinllliirto him )
ma ) tlio host imii win '
: ii r MttnK\\
The flro bin us lirlulit o the liearth tonight ,
\\ilh ailieciful , rriicklliiK sound ,
And tl.e blight spukb Icaii from the gloiving
And nio pone o'er thej eirclo niouud.
The heusc'tioM sound.Invo died nivny ,
Anil now , la a dreary tone ,
Come- , the beat of thu i.iinou the xxindow
p me ,
Anil the sullen wind's loxx1
And 1 sit ami think in the ijulot old room ,
As the IHclteniiK shadows full ,
Of tlio facet bright that have imscd from
In the days bejoml recall.
And one there comes , with grave , sweet
smile ,
And luiir of waxmi ; neb ) ,
Dine arc liurc.xiM us thu soft.lune sliloi ,
WhiMi never a cloud they bold ;
And now nhoi oiiic' . xvllli quiet tic.ail ,
And Hlands hy mv side as of yore ,
While In r dear hands stni ) , in their loving
xx av ,
To sootlio my forehead o'cir
The IIui Inn IIH low on the old hoaith ,
Tim wind unit tint rain nreo'ur ,
On my lllo'.sihc'ar nlKlit ilmvirt the poicuful
That comes fiom the ( 'oldcn a how.
Tin ) Application of Mw. DonlJ
tlio District Courti
'I lie lilneolit 'I iiiiiMTclii roimiili'ilni ;
III * ! I'lMpOSIIIon , , ( JtlllhllllK It
Hull - KnoeUiMl
II ( illlHN DllOI.
f.isi ol s , > 'ob , Minvh 1 1 ' Mpi- Tiin
Hir | 'I he motion to tuluilt Mi * U to
ball cauw up In ttuiiilsliict court
lii ) . ' , nndthe nptillcitlon xxis u-
louliiK Utho jmlKo'H miry "It Infoi nintloa lias Uon Illed HS' . IIH tin )
ilotimilnnt , uppho itlon U lofused U fiiidant
e\c pts"
Mis. Shcpily luis illul nn nflliliiM1 and
motion In the I'otinlv emu t for n ion imiilili )
allow ame , so that she miy bj ahlo to ilex oto
Hoiiiu'lilni ; tiiproxlnt ; her liiiuuvtn e vvhldi
HIU | avers , llio estate is upiosintuil U.v I.
M Hall for .lohn Pit/Kvinlil , and stout us ft
Strudo appear for , ior In thlt nnittoi
v i-iiosi'i i rix rit IIMK nn i
llio Iliu > olii tutnveivln is eoiHldoiltiK tliu
pioject of building n $ | n.onu hilt snni ,
pnitnliunt ( loriuni oltlrens have inilo n
pioposllloa for tlio erection of n hall In IMI
lowed b ) thiiturnvereln 'llusoii ) | iHuitloni
aio bclajT consliU'Miilnndono of them xvill
piobuljlj be iiciojileil.
XNXIMIM 10 it i HIM nil.
Then ; mipuirs to bu a r.u-o liotxxcci llio
ptosceiillon und ilefensn to ice \\lik-li \ i a so
euro's . roloiso first Tins
iiioriilnir thoilefeiiso ilrevxup mpi'rs for iip
pile ition to .liitl i ) I'iolil for a xx lit of Imbi is
corpus to reliasu.m It , buttlu-j iluln t have
tlioiieiu siin nioniii at tliat time 'llio x\iit to bo asked for on the ( fronnit tint thcro
xv is u fl ivv In the lommltinint In tlio in < Mii
xvhllo the pniseeiitlon telephoned to tUocoiu
todisinlss the cw > and nlmisoClnk fmn
oiistodi it appears that /.Ink was stin
aitiiii iis aKciit lei Mrs Jlii .Hlor , a xvldoxv la
ftnuvoo , 111 , nail ns tbcio Iniil bii'ii no settle
incut uf accounts It xxoulil budllllciiltto mulco
tlio cli ii o ot oinhc7/leiniiit ! sth It , which
piobalilv oii-asloni'd tbo iliaayo of mind of
the inosecutlon.
A DKMIM > ron nixt xnri.
Joseph TJoll has brought stilt against tbo
Chicago , Hurlinnlon ,1 ( Jiilncv nillioail for
ll'iji'ionaccniiiit ' ! | | ' of liijuiics lie iccoixoil
.Iiinmrv 11 while coupling Heilcclaroi
that xvhllo perfmimni ; tils unties bo was
crushed between the undine anil a cnr.bnnU-
luc llxo ribs , disloeatlii ) ; hii shoulder and re-
colVHiR other injmioi lull allijfes Unit tlio
locoinotlx'o had a siitul box ntluUiod to ttie
ID if , which was something not cmtoimi >
fursxxitih endue * , and on nccouat of tliH
piotruilliiK iippundiiiu ho xvas eaucht mul
tiushoil. J'tio acc-idciit occurod at
nni M'III rm sin i i > i SUIT.
Judge Uiovvn declares that Mollufllo'H ex
cuse for not pnxltiK the i-IOll rent now duetho
Sliced } estito on the Maclc houl la oatiix-lj
too tr.uisi > aiont , and tbo ] udjio decided that
Mellulllo must moxe his ollects out of tbo
hoUil Inline Hatch , so that the building can
bo rented to soinobolv vvho will piy tbo
iouu It i hinted th it Wcllufllo will socuio
further dohy b } nppciiliiif ; the case.
Potcr.Tolinson , a jouiiBioloied fellow who
spends his time us bouncer at colored dlxu *
In the bottom and inciilentallx a portion of
the time at the city Jill , -was run In list night
for disturbing thu llttlo poico that reiicns In
tbo xlchiitj of , U South Seventh stioetand
nlso cndoavorlni ; to w hip one of the Inmates
In the lumpus PuterRot a vicious stab in tbo
.11 in , and lie is not foclinc verj uoil toJiv
Hi1 attempted totrix-o Judr'o j'louston a llttlo
soiiBaml ( Unco , but KOI alive ihvs'soutcneo ,
nail went avva } suipribkd that U xx-ain't
tblrtv ilaxs
KsocktcDTiniotnii A ni.vs i > oon.
Robert II Collins , who claims to hoabooU-
bmdci fiom Oiiuibi or Sioux. Citx- , ] $ * &
brought to the sution last ox etilnp about llio
bloodiest appuuiiiR follow been In alon
tlmo Ilo looked as though ho lin 1 bei-n
tac-Uliiif , ' a four-aimed tntoshlnu niachiiio ,
but it was onlx a m in after all Collins vv as
vor > full last evi'iiliit ; anil was venting hit
opinion in Lilian life more omnhitiu tlian po
llto to soxmil men in Hooii'i , siloou on South
eleventh stied His reut.irks xvcro more
particiihnlj dmctedto Al Hosninn and .Tun
r.xndall , who weio stnnilmtr near bv , but
who had suid nothliig to him. riiiallv the
felloiv KTCW moro abusix-othan Hosniun'anil
Tyiulill could stand and tliuy let out at ( ol
lias , who took a header through the glass
door , evittiiiK two liu go anil loaf ; gnslii'M on
his he-id and in u moment ho xxas covered
xvltti blood Collins was taken to rxicArtiiiti s
drug store , wlieio Ur (1 iff en sowed him up
He vvas fiko.ii to the station to sul cr up , ami
tbib morning was iilloxvcd to dopuit , as the
court considered him sufliciontlx puinsbed.
Tin. ovxi xs nrxriuoB CASK
RimuolG. Owens filed a rculv todax to his
vxifo's ' nnsvxer in the 'ouicwhat unsavory
ilivoico ciio and wives ns an cxeuso th U the
ileft'iidant xx-asa divorced -x-oni in atthotlnio
ho nniried hei anil the six months 10
quiied l > > the Nobrisku law to claiuu Dcfoio
shmouM iniiirvuKiln had not xct pass d.
Thonttoiiiuxsfor the vvomiin say Unit this
makes nodiilercnee , as slm xxas lejiillj mai-
riodto him in Missouii accordlny to the luxvs
ef that suto.
Through some uiiaceountablo mistake the
names ol Mr Winter of the \Vcalovan nni
vewity nnu Mr C'liippUl of the stnto unl
xeislty transposed in the IK count of
tho01 contest in thi-i mirnliiKr's Hi i
Mi Winter wmi lirst pu/u and Mr I happen
spcond MrVmtci xvill thciefuro iopre- > ant
Nebraslmit Iho inter-stilo contest , wtiieh
this year will nrcm at DCS Molnes , In Mi
Chippcll will h ix-iUho honor of bilugr chair
man of the iluU'Katlon of three.
tKKioi- nut.
An excited husband nniiioilUhiiHes Povvoll-
son appeared in .lustic-o Foxivotthx s ixjnit
today and sxvoro out a xvarinnt fortho arrest
of Jnines Iluad , cliiifiiig him xxitli assault-
inn Daisy I'ovvollson , tbo xvlfo of the iiluin
Last evening Justice lltoxvn iinftod I'hnrlcs
H nbvmul Miss Hertio I'rcston in thobonds
of wedlock.
Mr M A. H-xilor , xvho has boon conducting
the tioxvs mill clKiir stand in the Capital liotol , sold out to Mi M .V Anilis Sir Sailor
KOI'S to Cedur Kuplds , wherein pirtimrslup
xx ith Mr Mciircgor hu will open u vv hulesuie
Kntro Nous club xvns ontartulncd tiMr \
ami Mrs \\.Iloxie \ last uvcnln rnt thuir
hume , 1717 A street , projjiussix o hijjli live
tjeint ; th ° chiuf foituruol enjox mint
leninie , infant ilaugliiur nf Mr. anil Mrs
J ( ! . Siliurp , llxin , ; ut IdJs I'luin stivit , died
this inornlii ) . ' The fun oral took phun at I
o'llork utdnj , intoiiiiont being In
11111 cometen
Mrs. Sux der , aged tvvcntx four ,
T.HNoitb TlilitewitU btreot , is ill with dipli
tlicrm. Health Olllc-orIlnrtrani ijiiarantuioil
the house today.
( ieorgo , llvmunlae niilci west
of llio dtj , this inoriung discovered the bu.
mice of tlio bolder htokn from Sowanl no.ip
tlio old stonoehuiib at his plueu Ilo took it
homo nnd notlliud llio police.
Kesslo niumonthal , iiltovvir Rirl IIXIIIR at
JWI Houlh Twentieth Mix'ot , vva : . reported In
the policu last oxeuiaKIIS hiving inn axx.iy
fiom home
Lottcrs nsUing the appointment of 1' P.
Alma as udimnlstrMot or ilw osluto of I tor
are Alum h.ivo IHWI ivn'i iil b.v Jud eSicw
ail. 'Ihe I'Htnto is vcr > IIIKU. thine bojnu
100 , mres nf n > , iltj
The ! ; t-H'jK'i-a and naids ut the pciiilcntliuy
ln t uvi'iiing g.ix'e n lull und baiiijuet it tliat
institution. Soinu elghtj couples vx ere Dns-
cut and u most tnjov able tlmo xx is had Tbo
HUpporvxasonu nt the lines ! appointed unit
most boiinlllul over sat duwu loin Lincoln
IX C Hull told thu court thnt hu nctiltd
moiiin to bu } sonic inoiit unit that bo bauoiiix
pawiuil Mdso Smltli'H piotiiro fiiinios till ho
could pet some money that XXHH dun him
.MiHo pit tin f i-.uiiL" . back and 1 lull vx as a
lotted to"Qi \ \ iiroiuUI-K tn rofiiiin from In
dulling in iiienl unless bo hud tlio oasli to git
Judge 1'lold libtoaod to aiguniiitImluj ( in
the uvsos of Smith vs lirnvvn and Uunlnim vs
lliiell , In xvhleh new trials am asKed for U In )
Jury aio still out lu tbo Ilouklou Uruu liquor