THE OMAHA DAlJjY BKI3 , SVNIXAV , MARCH 15 , 1801-SIXTUEN I'-AGKK JUDGE CROFF STEPS DOWN , Uo Tondora IliiRaaigaation as Oomuilsaionor of the Land Oflico. HIS DELICATE HEALTH THE CAUSE. TIiprrr hlont Cdiicluilcs Not to Com- liiu Any uflltcNiMt Until ConllimiMl Hit * Semite. Semite."r,1" lit urn Tin- " " ' "r,1" niid'ni nri I'vru Sun nr , \ WtoiiiMtros , 1) . C , MiroliH . ) T and ComniKsloncr Oroff ha < rotlgnud lie was found at his homo bj your terre nponilunt this nltornoon nnd stutod that Ji'll- catohealth had led him to take this step ItiilKU ( Iroff lint I'ontcmplatod relinlUK ; foriomnmonths , but lias postmncil | it In the ho0 | ' that his health and that of Ids family would tinproM ) with thoapnioii'li of siuliiR Ills oldest and joungest daughters have both been ill with malaria lor some vuoks , nnd whoa ho left his ofllco jestinlu > It vv is to take a lltlicMi ilu\s leave and then to ictlic fiom theoftli-e .Indue ( iron * may return lo bis homo in Omaha Ho inu > bo tendeiod another po \iliotetliocllinatovvillbo better foi tilm anil bis fauilh Ho has in ido the best ottlcor the lar.d of- flee his ever had. He was pilil n liecial loinnllinunt bv toncjre in having his salary rilsed froinlKX ) to K'.tHH . ) year for unusual otlh\ei > ci Xon ho sluuils in verj lilirh esteem at tbo vhllo lie iso and his do partiuovill bo icgretted bv overjono hnrit and on the * public domain vv ho knows of his ofllcitil work or UU pel sonal poimlailty. All'dlNTMl'MS 10 UK lltVKIIIII I ) . As has been Intimated in these dispatches , the prescient bas coneluiled not to commis alon mi } ot the eiicult ordistiiet juduosto lie nniioinlecl under the nonly enacted suinomo court reeivimi/ation luu till the iioiniiiallons hue bcim eonllrninil b\ the senate. Ho will not , tbcicfore , appoint tbein till tlio senate convenes next December unless there is n berlous question v\hethor , uniiur tbo const- ! tullonal and statutoir pro\lsions of the Unltoil States , it would be ) iumcrto oominis slon these ofllcors befoio thej aio eonllniKd by the senate , and simo the appointments nro for life and there is no special uecessitj for spccdv action , tlio picsident lias con eluded that It will bu ndv isablo tn await the convening of the congioss 'I'lio prisldcnt will leivo on his C'.illfoinia trip piobabH during the Hist six or eight da\s in April , nml beloro his departure- Is his mirposo to commission the land court oftlcors , a fourth nssistimt postmaster , snjieiiiitondent of Immigration , ministers toCentul Aineiica anil .Iniiini ami probablj some other ofllcou. but bovvill not c\on consider cauilidntes for nny of the suinpmo couit iilaccs till be re turns In May or Juno I.\MI nri IHION Thoasslstnut seeielnry of the Interior to dav remleud the follouIiiK lind decisions Appeal ofThumis \ ColTiv from tinclo - clsion of the general 1 mil oflice ivjoctt'iR his application to make .itlmbci culture entry for the noithenit quaitor of section J ) , tottiiship iUnoith , niiiKe 4S west. ClMition , Neb , de cision aflirmcd. Klius M. Tlionias vs Sobiin A Iithbun. homestead i-ntrj for the norttiv\est quaitcr of section V , toMiislilp 111 north , range M ) west , Huron. H. I ) Ilotb entries of Hithbtin vvorooriluioil eancc'llod and tlio contest of 'lliomas dismissed nml Us application to enter , made.InnoIVi , isv.l , ndmitteil toiicoul In 10 \ \ illiam ( i. Tidivell , appeal from the cominlssioncr of the general liindolllco , bold- injr lor caiiiellntion his soldiurs ailditionnl homoitc.ulentrv fortho niuthciu > t'4 ' of the southeast 'a ' Und tlio soutlie.nt 4 of the northeiist of section 10 , tovvnihlp III , range M , ( Jhadron , Cjb i U'coix retuinqd tot'had- ron olllc'o lor rbopbnintf " Kugeno i'lati vs lieoigo S Hiilnoll , In v olving a homiMtead i ntrv mailo by tbo hit ter fei the southeast'4 of section S , tovui- ship 101 , niiBoil Alltehell , S I ) , district , decision of 1 mil cominlssioncr afllrmed JT.iiiist ! Uiav\ell. MilOttPN ( I.ITHII t.V IM. Mrs O\\en \ , vvlfo ot tho. ox congressman from I.oKinsport , Ind , is in a critical condi tion toninht hho lias been quite ill for three vveolts with vv hat appears to be nervous pros tration She has durint ; tbo last throe da\s developed tbo sovoicst tjiw of la Kii'Pp | ' alu' tbo phj siiiaus report her condition al.u ndiiLr tonight. Mrs Owen v is formeilj Mis I < ucj Luce of loiV \\heio she is well know n nud universallv beloved. She has a laigo circle ot lolatlves In lovva , ono son. Tied Luce , being aeli known b.uilar , vvitU in my friends in Omaha VIISC HI VMOI'3. Hon. .fumes 1' Flick , repiesentatlui from the WBhth IOVMI district , nnd Mrs. Marj A Orinin.iilowof.l 1' O i illln ofVoos tor , O. , formorlv In tlie ( rovcrnmcnt printing oftlco , wore in .in led Thutsdnj t'vcnlnj ; at K10 Fourteenth sttcot , There wcio but half a clorcn fill mis nt the nmuiaco mid the biiilo and groom loft at s TO over the Unltiinoro & Ohio for the lattor's homo In Hcdfoni , In Senator and Mrs Alniuloison , v\lio v\ent with a pleasuio party to Chlcamnugft , 'lenn , on Moud.u , hn\o taken a jirlviUo car nnd extended their tup to the battle Holds about Atlanta and in Ala banm Thov v\ ill i cturn hoi o the latter mirt of next week. Application has been inudo to the comp troller of thoctiironey bj C ! II .levvott nnd h is associates of A rlltiRton | Neb , for author ity to oiganizo the Fiist National bank of It is reported from Pine Klctgo that there Is some file tion and iliffoienroof opinion be tween Colonel Ilenrj , roiunandinLr the tioops , and C'.iptain Penney , the militirv nKCiit.rlhe former sav s no ttoips are needed The latter ajstbattbojvillbo needed lor soveial mnntlis , and ho wants more It ! > ol eourteo natuial that the inlltin\ ! ent should want all the troops ho can tro t , thonirh C'ap tain 1'ione , the late nc-cut , tlid not want any If the Indians are qulot It wouht seem best policy to take tioops awav , for as long as they are thcio they Itcoii the Indians m a constant of uncortaintj and uneasiness andas v\oll kcei ) settloufromiroing to Ne braska on tug to threatened da.i ei. I' fa llu.uit. Wfiither Crop Unllclin , WVSIIINOTOV , March 14. - The weekly weather crop bulletin says. Gonciallj throjRhout the Hoc Icy mountains the season is rotardcti , iiotvvltiistinitlnR tbo fact that tlio thcrnml conditions ever this region are Kenorallj in excess. The recent storms \vhlch have passed over the central v alloys bn\o been attended by freezing vvoather in that recion , out as the prrow ing season has not opened it is probable that the low tcni peraturo reported caused no marked lojuij to Bro lntr irops cxeept fruit tree's ia the Cult region. To I.'KtahllHli llitnkmi : KclatioiiH. CIIIIARO , March 14. Som Dee , an attache of the Chinese legation In M'ashincton , w ho has been in the city several days conferring , it is said , with carnuuists , to whom ho brought letters from New Vork bankers leaves for China tonight. It is understood that there is a pltm on foot looking to the es tablishment of banking relations hetvvecn the XJnitod States , HusMi and China. Count IMltcktteltz , whose nanio will bo rememboitd in connection with tbu piovions negotiations , accompanies the Chinc o delegate It is bald that ouhiK to tbo lar e Moods China has been compelled to borrow of niigliuid treat ; sums at money nnd piy n ulfjh rule of interest The emperor , it is assoiteJ , Is Incensed nt this , licnco tlie preient dovelopaicnts. % M Oiowlar r , Tor. , Maidi H ( Special Tcleptnim to Tur HipJ : Many noRroei vvho oailBratou from Texas nnd Arkansas to OUla- liouiaaro rcturnhiR to Texas In largo num bers. They are very miligmuit nt the man- per iiuvhlA they hnvo been imposed uixm by the affonts of n company which proalloil upon them to po to Oklahoma. Tnoto who lnvo returned report that noKroos who wre unnblo to lo.ivo the tenltory will call upon tbo comiuinv foe oasistanco uud If roJibod uld mob vlyli''ico ib feared. I I MARA'S DliATll BLO\V. \ [ UISTIM Kl > HlllM llll T rVIIE | tt'nipkil to tuldU'harKo of the polls A riot followed , mid UH ortueho were either Minter or driven Into tlio river 1 lie event hml n wholesome efTett. It Uopl them iiiilut until the last few v eirs. Ai'tlon of lln > Xvcnu'i'i'i l'n lor * Ml. .fsrw OKI IMIa. . . March II 'llio moot- IIIK of tliu mltoii cxthtuini ! this iiCtemoon win railed to onlcr b ) I'roildont ChatTeo , who stated thnt ho had been called upon by a larm * committee nf monition with the to quest tint lie iiij\ciuvii mooting fet the purpose of adopting suitable resolutions onilorHlin ; the notion ot cUlmi * in the do- plomlitocxoiitnr thu nionilnp CliafTeo fiiiil tliat ImiMiuieh ni nil vv ore familiar vv itli the ov nils it wus not necessary to illlnto upon tin m 'I hey Utievv the facU mil llio ncee's HitOf tbo situation Till1 follow lllC ll'SOlU lions \MIO them miiiuniouslj udoiituil \Uicr < M' ; , I'lio ill iilnrnlilc ndmltiMr.\tlon of rilliiliiil Jiitln > In IhNilly null tin' frlahtfnl I'Mcnl tn wlilih I IIP In Ilii'i ) of Jurlis liai ln-cn onrili < l on louden il II imiuss ir > fur thu oil I- /i-ii of New iiih < UH to vindicate outrigoil JllMlfl , tlll'K flJIO III1 II ltsnlu il. wlilloD ( lMloro it nil t limn u ri'stiri to tlnliMuu , we ciiimtiltr tnv in Him tiUiMihr iln % eliUoiu this morning to bit propi r u ml jiistlll itilo Itosoliitlons ot ilmini purpoit vvnioalso ndopU'd by tlio ptoaure c'selmtiire , su ai ox- ll slock exchange. "Wlilcli l.t' l If ) ttio 'lni eilj N'f xv Out rivs , l.i , March 11. Tlic follow- ini : IH frivon a * tv clear st ilomciit of tlio tic- timllnf" causes wlilih li'tl to the tragedy en- luted tills inoinlii ) ! On October , 1MK ) , uboul 11 o'clock nt night , 1 * ( . 'llonnos'.pv , chief of polieo of therity of Xo Oileins , wIileKolii | ; from hlMitllro to tils homo , \ \ is via ) laid ami shot to | iecis by i bawl of Italian assassins ntiimil with such blimdcibusses as could otil } ha\o boon undo ami used for tlio pur- pee of issasslnutlon. Tlio indignation nuil oxdtptiiptitas such that mob law nuil IvnchliiK weio about tobo itHortod to Tlio eutlru uiiiitnuniu felt that In an endeavor to iiiith tlio guiltj p.uties innocent Italians might bo sucrlliioil 'Jo iilla ) the excitement aim assist the constituted aiithoiitics th" iiujor of thoUtv nppointoil a comnutteo of llftv rcpiosentatho citl/onsto lalto cliaicjo of tbo investigations anil to aid In thu trial ami cons litloit of thoassassins. Thrso nua-.uic.s aiiostod vlolcnto Thu commuted ontorcil U | a Its work auilat amas'i ' incttliifr subso quontU held in float of thoi-itj ball the ac tions of the committee wcro ratillen luidtlicv \\ci-o onuouniK ( ! > l t ° toatiuuo their labors to soui'o piosoculloii nuil trial hj thocouit After months oi iuoU.iticiii ) anil trial , which continued thieoocks , and in which illstln Kiilslicil counsel assisted tlio district atlor inn , tliojutv , chnrgcilto 1me boon bribed anil corrniloil | In the f.ico of ' 'sUiblishcd Built , ictiducd a vctdlct of mlstiial as lo tlirco of the ahsiissniH-ScifTodl , Mon istilo and Pollitmid acquitted thrco of the nssis- sins Mai'huM , Mauhcbi and Uijtiiotto 'llirooinoiooioon tihl . .milcro .uquittod bmmso oi tnsufili lout ouh nee , tlio-.o . bolus Malianin , Incornotia anil the boj JMurUcil 'lliu .uqulttal of MatbocJ , tbo chlof con- snlr.xtor , and of Marthosi and HaRtiPtto ami Ilin \ . n1ti > > nf tin In T'nlllly Si'.llTi ill and Aionaslno , fcllliUo'ii ' tluiniloi bolt uion | the law-ublilitih'titHuiis. With tbo coin ictiou that the I.HXS boon violated , that the \orcllit mvittii assassination and tlio engrafting of the Italian Mall i upon Ainciican institutions 'Hie fieliiiKBrou sti-oiiR tint lei soif praaci \ation the | > ( ) pie must insunio the nuthoiity which tiaililcloKitcii to the c-outts ami xvhioli the \\ciopowoilossto enforce Tins fecluiu incicoscd until it found \ontl'i the nuss inoc'tiin'ttiU inoiainKHt 10o'clock 'Ibis niribiiir | ) of tlio jiooplo to soeiiro the nun- lilnuciit of the nssansiiisvhostrnrk doun their chief ofllrer of police in night tlmo \vlthiiionieilltuted assassination uasonlcilj anil the ptoplo dispersed quiotl } as soon is thcirworKofindicatloii was ilono. I'lllldl'iill ( 'olllllK'lll. Xi \ \ Onrfx , t ii , Maicli 14 States \\lll tomotiow , editorially "Yestoiday the cancel nhldi lor years has boon frnawint ; at our social system the hideous Mathi wis once for all amid torrents of blood fiouoly looted out by tlio people' ' * strong aim and with the people's Instruments The cvllb which tuinnlii to Inlllct our roiniminity tbo \ieions juiy sjstcin and suborners luinir atmng us-aro not of the deadly character which Ucmands heroic tu-utiaent. Lot tbo constituted authorities moxo a.'iilnst the jury which has outlawed justice and ItiMilU'U conunon sense " ThuTitnos-Dcmocrnt'n111 sa1'ar.ihsis of Justice the p.ibt two ynrswas duo to tbo hottlonieiit ill Xo\v Orlcyins of la\\Uss binds of men , hailing mostly fiom southoin ItuHvhobroiiKht witli tlu'in to this couu- tr > iiciincioub Ideas ind murderous muthods , wlinli ba\o planted conspiracy and assas sination societies lu their quondam homo 1 ho short , sharp and decisive iliaina of M&toidiy had in It , inoieoxer , . \\ainiiifr for another class which thej will do well not to ilisieKiidVo leferto jury lixcis , who are expert at pottbiR at talesmen ami jur.Mimn and lllliiiK thojur.v boxpaitly or \ \ holljMtli moil pledged to uiisult above all things the inteiests of criminals. 'I lilnks it n Sliamo. Cnif ioo , March II Signor Uuiunto , editor of Li'Italia of this city , repards the lynching of tlio Italians at Nuv Orleans as a great shumo for the .Amoritiu pcoplo. Ho thinks the Italian government will tike liiomiit action and ask icparatiou fiom the fiiltod States. 'Jho Innquot of the Italians of this city in honor of the forty-seventh birthday of Humbert his "boon indefinitely pou- Doneil because of today's tr.iiredj at Now Or leans 'llio sni'iotj bus sent a telegram to Premier Kudim , at Homo , doin.indltif ? ener getic intorentlon mid pintcUlou fiom the io\crnnieiit oi the fatherland Si'llgiiian In Disgrace. Ni \ \ Oiiri-iNs , i.i , March II At a meet ing of tl e stock ONchaiiL'o the action of ro.-e- man Sollgman of the Hcnnossoy Jury , , vho la il nicinber ot the exchange , was diacussed Tbo followliiB resolutions weio quickly adopted \MioriMS. J M HMI nun. \KttlnK member of this i\clinn e , liis by his ncilun In tin * llinuosMi ) ' IMSII > > lili > ntly contributed todofy jnstli'o , iRnoro thu lii\h and so.indali/u the community ; tlunfor * ) to It UoolMd , I lull bo Is hoi thy \pullcil from this o\chuiL'c. : Soligman has also been o\pelled from the ouns moil's gymnastic club mr. uv.iTji jtrcfHtt ) . loan's niilionairo Judge. DvvrM'Oin , la , Manh 1 1 Word has been received of the death at Oakland , Ual , this nioinuiKof JudgoJamos Grant , OMO of the oldest and host known attornoyt. of Iowa. Dentil nl' tlio Tat C'onti ihiilnr. tsKtt YOIIK , Mnich 14 A Minor Oilswold , "Pat Contiibutor " editor \\ldolykiiownastho , itor of Te\a Siftings , died suddenly of ap oplovj at fahoboxjan rails , Wib , thib mom- inp. Drat li of an Xi.'n i'oiii ; , Mm oh 14. May Oirdon , an actress formorlj with the Margaiet Mather company , died today. The Corxetto Cnloim Ahhorc , VINKI < un II v\i'.s , Mass , Mnich 14 The United State * conetteOaicna and thoL'nltei States tug Nina wontu-ihoro last night soutl of Onjliead liclitlioiisoduilnB Btioiig souther ly winds. Thoti ) was a dcnso fog at the tlmo Thc > Galauawns boinir to\\etl to the Poits- mouth iiuvj yards foi repairs. Tlio ofllceis and the ci-cws of both \ assclseio taken olT b\ the ( ialcna's boats and the lifu suvln ( iuu .V steam tug which \iBited the scon o todm ivnorts the sea maulnpT a clean bieacl o\erhoth vessels 'iho oftlcers and crew a saved nothing /torn tlio wictK The Culcna his tluvo now bollew on deck hlch worn lo bo put In her. A Prominent Politician ST. Lot t , Mo , March 1 J. The suddoi and notorious disappearance of Colonel L L Thoinpson ouo of tlio leading democratic politicians of Arkant-as , hoscicated a uensn lion in Little l > ock , sajs a dispatch from that rlty. It is ruiuoivHl that ho lias gouo lu Gnl \ubton Ilia friends fear that ho lius bccomi lusuno from ro\orsoa In business affairs am trom the death of his w ifo , IIWIMIM IA l\t I1MI I nT4TI > RlilLlVED IN rllLL SlAlh , Deputation from the Alsnce-Lorrnluo niunt Oall * Upon Emperor Willianii DECLINES TO RELAX THE PASSPORTflRDER , \ A ItiMit'util of rilouillj Hi-latloiit Hi- t\\i'cii the llmpi'ior niul HIM- nuili'k l.onUrd I' us a'cttaliit ) . [ rniiu'il | | ; ' 101 I'l/ Arm Yia-lt Attnriltf'l'irisl / limits , Mnich 14 - A dcmitntlon consist- I'igof tnoinbiM's of the Alsaio-i oriaino par- 'lament ' , was Riven an nmltcm'o by litnporor Wllllatn toihv Ills majrstj loeelved the deputation In full state. Thn loader of the dopiitatloa ii'iul aputitlon and the ilocnment \\as then deposited at the foot of tin1 throne A lihesslug the dcpiltat'on ' the oniporoi said "Itisasouuo of satisfaction that the pro vincial tonnnittoo his applied diuvllj to 1110 on a miostion of the ilrst Impoi unco and in- tciest to Alsaio-l.oiruino 1 peueivola this fai'taliiiblo evidence of Inereislng appro- billon of fuor and sjinpithv shown to me In the progress of our country I also will ingly anc-pl xour assuriiicoi that the peonlo ot Alsice-C oir.ilno will continue to take their ! tund on thi ground of legil order of things and that they will u'Ject auv iutor- ft'onco on the pint of i foiclgn clement and onh look to the ompiio lo piotcct their in- Uiosts In tondciinion my thanks for this eTprossioii of jour lovaltv I rcgiet to bo unable for the piesont to comply with your \\ishos in lizard to a icluxntion of the pass- jioitstem In Alsace Lorraine 1 must con- line mjself to an expression of the hope that the date is not far distant when it will be l > umissil > lo to again grant ficllilles for inter course on ttio western frontier of your piovinco The hone will bo caillor rcili ed the moio the people of Alsnco I orriine ho como convinced of the indissolubillty of the ties unitiHR them \\ltli derm my and the inoro stroncly they pi-o\o by their deeds and their resolutions to at all tlino3 stand faithfully and utiflinchlncly l > y me and the empire " Tlio emperor afterwards gave apihulo audience tn Heir Schluinborgcr , president of the deputation IIo made keen Imiuiiios as lo his \io\vs rcsirding tbo progress of the attempt to Giunatri/o the piovinco. lu an interview with n lopicsentativo of the Associated preas JJr Otto , socretnr of tbo deputation , said that slncolRsy Alsnco- Loriamo hid been rapldlj bccominp moio fiiendl } Mith ( Joriintiv. The people bo- llevcd the piwinco should co.iso to bo i-eatoil nsaconquurod country 'Ibcirex- ) ect.itlons had boon ] > uiU > rouli/cd , l > ut a 'tnowal ' of the stringent nissport repulations mil fallen like a thunderbolt Novcitheless he emperor was cxtrcmoli , popular and had \on the complete confidence of the Alsatians , \ho. liemir ( ieimms , would HOOII bo recou- llod with ( Jornniij The pooploof Loirnlno till leinain hostile. Thowcio Celts and till in sinpiih \ with the Trench. A icnu\\al of friendly relations bot\\een ho empeiorand 1'iinco Bisniarc.kuppio.ichos n ceit.unt > 'llio < mpeior111 \hlt Kiel ut the end of the month und proceeds thuieo o Altona , whcioho will roow the Ninth nim corps AVnldcisec , on his lucent visit o Kncdoitcusiulu' , convojed n reiiuest from ho ciupororto meet Bismarck at Altona. 3isnnick has not jet given assent to a 10- umptionof dircc-t coininunlcatlons with the emntror Itisdelaj in respondingnii > ear. to bo duo o a dototmiuation to assure himself as to low tlio cmpeior is likclj soon to stand ovvaids tholeidlng ht.itesiiien who aio the ii-obablo siiLc-essois of the present ministry. I'ho cabinet is in a state of dissolution. V/hat / im > lif the Hnal composition wbon thu cm- lororlinalU riMtlvos upon it his maicstv limself does not know After Dr. Von. Ut'Ss- cr , Ilorr llerrfuith , minister of the Interior , vlll bo tbo no\t to RO ( 'Inncellor Von Japrlvi denies the rumor that he las ottered to resign hut ho tolls lis fiiomls Unit ho awaits his majesty's ileasuro upon iifouumg tlie ministiv , ind blants towards the conscnatiycs and old cartcller- ho have novu couscd in their ud- iiirmc allORiance to tbo jirince The ompecor ms finlc-il to lind Unwivi tbo ductiblu tool lie expoited him lo bo. Honcath the chancellor's iffabiht.v of in inner lies a firm disposition lotto jiMil on great matters , though ho is submissive on mlnoi ones The oinpc'rornovv ippears to he miking Heir Miguel , the I'rus- hian miiiistoi tuFiaucv , tjU bosom tonflduut. The papers 1 ist ovenlntr , hi v lew of the constant ioiistiltation between the emperor mil Ilcn Miguel , announced th it the latter mil actually been apuointod to succeed Chan cellor Von Capiivl The announcement islet lot true , however The appointment of Ilcrr Miguel as rhancaUoi would Imulj the enincior s full ndliLslon to labor rofounH and thohbenl measures fortho relief of the burdens - dons of woikingnien , I'linco Ilisiii iH'k Is awaiting developments flo is waiting to see the tcndtncyof thoim- lioiinl mind If the emperor selects Herr Mit'iicl us ehnncellnr the ctianco of a icnuwiil of confidential relations -.vita the ox-chan cellor v\ill bo vcrj remote. The people of Berlin now cill the empoior "Dor 1'lot/- lichor. " They are becoming halntuated to sudden suipiises from him In the mean time , in viowof a possible reconciliation , the Bismarckian oigaui are ohscnhiK an urmis- ticoand icfraiu fiom attacking the impeiial policy. Hismircl : , ropljing to the electors of Gocstcimituioas to his candidney for the relthsUi ) , ' , stales that ho w ill accept , but lev serves tlio right to lofuso if the ni.ijoutv re tuinlnghiin was not suillcient. The social- iMs will oppose him. I'resldcnt llerrLovet/ow of the reielntng , in nunouncint : the death of \Vlndthoriit , pranounced aeulo y upon thedo.idstntcsmuii , extolling his acuiiien , unceasing activity and porsouiil Inlluenoo on all sides of the house Ho declare 1 that scarcely any one would bo so missed in tbo reithstag as lr , Windhorst The commission ot the lolchstag on the KO\ eminent bill , providing forthni-oaUtution to the Uu'iry of the funds bcUed bj the tjov- ornmont dining the Kultuikuinf , has in jected the leading clauses as too favoiablo to the clericals The decision implies the prac tical rejection of the measure. Ttio center oi clinical paitv will light thohaidost foi the restoration of the bill as proposed A meeting ot the agilcultui il iorioty di- cussed the projected exhibition In IJiMlin A m.aoritof ] the speakers were not in favor of the idea In commercial circles generally thesehcmo Jinds small support. The empeior has ordered that work on the now cathedral in Horlln bo expedited The old dome cathedral will be closed in the au tumn. The delegation of minors who are going to the conpiess which is to uc hold inl'ailson March ,11 have been chnrgoil to propose a plan for an Intornatiomil strilio , to include tbo minors in ln'lanil , Trance , llolgium and ( icrmany. The scboiiio Includoa tlio contioll- iut , ' of the btiiko by u coutial loimnittcu. OF IHt , The Iioiulor of the Cathiiliu I'arty In 1'rnssla I'assoH < Vvaj. numis , March 14 \Vludtliowt , par- liamontarj leader of the Catholic puty In I'lTisshi , died this morning uftor soveul days' illnoas Dr. Windthorot at midnight was morelv able to vv hisjior replies to linjuirles as to his condition. Suddenly , however , his \oicoio- tui no I , and , evidently imagining ho was In the rtlchstag , \Vlndthorst delivered an impassioned addiess lu favor of the abolition of the law polling the Josulu liom Ui-r- manj The veteran loaders voice , while ho dollviiod the addiosf , could bo dourly heard through three moms Uonovor snoku after having concluded his i nmksuiHii the hill In the rclrhstag totlaj 1'ioslileiit Ixivotroxv uohvrod u mo-it affeeting oulogj upon tlio death of 1M Wlndthout. y\d\iHi > d to Kotiir.vnii , N Y .March 1 1 The Union , whoso editor was the tlrst piesldent of the Ilrst hind league formed In tills country , mid who has led hero in all movements to money for the homo rule cause , meoss Par- noil's appeal with "Not a dollar , " and Par- null's delegation with "do homo mid get to- t'olh.r ( , " An Illinois MiiKlt'ior lIuiiRi'il. DtciTCK , III , Match 11 , At 11.55 today \Villlatn II thavjj/onl wus otecutod lu the. oorridor of tm > Alncou count v ] all In llio presence of 'M persons The crime for whloli no sufferiHi ilouvJ vvas the mutdcr of Mr < Colonel Mating last August I'ho woman wus the mother of thrco nttinctUo fjlrls. one otwhom ( . 'raw-ford hml bien fou-ltiKlits at tentions upoiix Ilecnuso the mother would not listen to hlsfewU ho killed her ot it * i\.tTo : its J J'A int. 'llu > NVbj.mTcir IjogNlitors CShuu a \Vlml ti ) thr rnlorniliitis , DrsMii , Col . Mtinh 14 [ Special * Telo- urnm toTiirUirj I'ho Nobniskti sotnito ami f i lends forfv night In number , arrived here this inoinii\ \ | ! over the H. k M roul. 'J hey were met aj the depot by ft committed of Colorado senators , lonsntlng of Messrs. Israel , Holder , ANeisct and Smith , and es corted to thotievcrnl hotels 'Ihev ntteinU'd a session of the sutiato nftor brc'ik- fast and wore presented to the olll- icrs and momhers of both hou es. At 11 ! 10 o'clock the Colorado sonnto niljoiirned and e'coitod tlio isehraska ixoplo to the mining exchange , where mi intcrostuig iiui't- ing vv w in proKH'ss. Dinner lollovMd , niter which the \ lsltoisere itiiven through the nnnelpil sttvots of Iho tltv. Tonight tlu-v will visit the Tabor grand , when ) Binina .Inch sings In " 'Iho Klvlng Dutchman " This aftiinoon tliosenntors vveio liiujiuted ) at the Windsor hotel SIKH-C-IIIS were nnilo In ( ! o\eriun iiniitt of Coloralo , nresilent of thosumilo , Mi'Uttmuit liovcinoi Majors of Nebiaski , hciiators Tahoi , Biullhv and Whitcly und liov .1 (3 i'ato of Hastings At the olosi" of the fostlvlt ) Mio patty was diiven thiough thu hiisiness and ivaidcm-o illstiiit of tlio dt > In tin1 mining it at tended tlio pi-riormumo attho'laboi ( Jiuiil. 1'omoirowlt will talto a ride to ( leotgetown and hllvoi Piniiii1 , retiiining to tliii cit ) in tim to UiKo the s o'clock aftcrni > oii tiniii for Liiic-iiln , v\liiUi plac-o the ) vvill rciich at li o'clock ' Moudaj afternoon .1 mutual i.i : iis < orjur. Itaill ) Decomposed Hcninlns I'ouinl In mi lintel it ' < i. N. Y , March 14 | Speclal Telo- TUP lln : . | A horribles disco\ery was made at tbo Dunlap house today , a , man belmr found dead after hiving laid for some days On Kebniarj " (1 ( n man called at the hotel and registered as Kobc-rt Davis of ICarners , paid for n room nncl was assigned to ono on tlio tliltil floor. Hiof.t to his room anil from that tlmo on the hotel people lost all Intetut in his movements lie WIIH not seen again , nor was' any inquiry made as to vvhethti ills room vvui tenanted or not until today , when a honiblo slouch penetrating through the hallway nttricted attention and Indicated that something was wrong in the loom I'ho door was found to bo locked and on being burst open Davis' Dod.v was discovered oa the bed b.ulli decomposed composed IIo ovidentlj hail been dead from the night he took the room. i'Uo deceased was llftjcaiiold and. from lottora found in his pocket , it was Infuieil Ihat ho c.nno down from Kaniors to meet a daughter who lives in Oneida cojnty It is probable that ho blow out thogasanil nas asphjxlated. .1 SI'lA ISOI'Ml < * \ . 'I lip Queen ItoKcnl Spenl.s l\i\oial l } YOIIK , Mai-lli 1 1 [ Special Telegram llu -A I Spanish oipm in America , "UasNo\edadcs " of NcYoik , is the Ilrst to publish the tej\l of the message deli\ored by tno queen icieijt on the opening of tbo nowl ) elected cjrtis in Madrid on March J The following pitiigraph from thi t message is of direct intcres to the United States , as relating to the minding nepoUatious for a icclmocltj ticalj ) ami is translated voi- bntltn 'llio SpiiiMhjregmt sdd "Iho Ilrst portion ( if thu llmucinl operation authoriyod bj tlt\la * on the Cuoan hiulgot h.iving been ntcomulshed with unvit success them notoccuiK'i in t'ifl ( olunnil piuv- lines mithingclso worth Jiieationiay to v on ( tin1 in mbors oftftt 'cortos ) The ' nitui il uneisiness vvliiih been iiioduieiran tliuiu by the latest tinfflnvv li | the United .States Is disappearing and if , as I bopo , the ni-goti i tions aln any begun lend in the near futm o tea a umvuitlon with that nation conlldenco will bo lovivoii and our Antilles will con tiuuotoadd to thtir vvtiltli with inureasing oncrgy. " /I JKUHi.ll'S fitOJtl' . Urivos a Voung Man toCom- mil a Ci line. SM.T LAM , Utah , Mnich 14 [ Special Telegram to Tin 13w I About n , oiontli ago a iiniti ghinplns naino as A , C. Snj dci was arrested hero charged with forgon When brougl.t into court ho said that ho had no counsel mid an nttonioy was givan him IIo pleaded guiltj anil was sentenced to ono year. Aftei this had been done ho told his attorney who bo was His ical name is Kiploy , anil ho hails from llurlington , la. Ho is a biothet In-law of Thomas Potter , late piesldcnt of the Uiiina I'nollic. Ttio check wjs foi S > 5 anil ho forged it to Ljct something to \Vhenthcsoficts \ were brought to the notice of the govoinor ho pardoned nlm , alter an imprisonment of two weeks. 31VII Hi : It. AYouni ; Herder Attiiikotl and Shut liy ft t"lratner. Cnr.TKNVr Wyo , Mirch H ( Special Telegram - gram to Till ! Ill-1. ] Details have been 10- ccivcd of a recent attempt to assassinate a boy named .Tared Smith on Shell creel : Smith was ruling the lange near his fathers i.mehowhca ho was iltaclieii by : i stranger who llred twice at him , the second shot wounding him slightly. Young Smith 10 turned the llro and llinlly snccu-deci in mak ing his assailant lido aw.iy Tlicro is intense uxcitomcnt in the vicinity of tho.u.siult i'iid ' .1 force of covvbov friends of Smith are hunt ing the country for the man who did tbo shooting. _ Ni'.iJIiliS J'KOJTill ? II JTltK * . Thogoveinorof Idaho has approved tin1 bill appropiiating s.iOUOO for the woild's fiir exhibits. The engineer and flieman wcio killed In a wieek on tbo Philadolphli iS : Ucaillng road list night near liu.ivei Vallo > . Uhmlos Kellogg , well known thioughout the countiy as n civil engineer and inventor , died at Findlav , O , last night Hoiirescatatlio Spinolaof New Vork is so llouslj ill of neivous prostration nt the Ar lington hotel , ills iionos are alarmed. The througti mail iiain from the south on the Atlantic coisL illno was doiailed noai liichmond , Vn , ottorday A iinmbu ol pisscugorji wcie bimly biulsod and slnkoi up The baik Uinbortii Prince , from Uosnrlo , wentashoro last ntght on Uoinors shoals In i terrible gale Uovtmuo uitu-ia dul not suc ceed in rescuing thouiov\ until hitejcstculaj nftornnon The nov\ iron tpfunor , Masina , the Ilrst o the kind o\er built li ) Chicago , wan biucess fully launched vcy.iciday ; at the yards of the Chicago ship ouvjtiiir , ) ( ioiiiimv. | bholso 1 , ( > 00 tuns dlsplaqciiif'ut ' and iu longtli JUS fee ever all. iai Acting1 Secret ury-j rant bus detailed I.icm tenants I'owhitna and Clink of Mio Tentl c.ivulry to siiocUil iduty with tlio beioni Wustplmlian UI.MHIU'H , No 11 , of tlio impoiia ( ieiniau armj , fin the puiposo of the ( Jorinaa Ycatordav the prtsenioof the joint nssoni bly of the West Virginia loglslatuiu l ieiiton imtlJ MO. llrov\iiof thu United btato mi vy , ono of thohcioesof Simoaii.s pro bcnlod with n buinUfu ! and .suitublj in hcribed sword , voted him by the legislatur as u testimonial of the honor lu which his nil tivu state held him Tiiablllllled in thociicult comt ntChl cage yesterday \Vlllliini M Ilalm and Ui ] waul Mnnslield represent that they were ap pointed by the su promo court of Ohio to proceed coed against tno Hueko\o Mutual llio liisui an 10 company to annul Its chartorund roller liability Irani policy holders.Villhun \V Ilrowit wus the agent ( or iho tumpaur fo Minnesota , \Ylicoiisln , Michigan anil Illlnol up lo the tlmo of hli dcnth , Tobniaiy 1 , since wheu II 11 Vuter has had i-hatgo The books show that Ilrown owed the companj $ , 0,1)00 ) , and that hoonl ) hna h ) on depoaf to his credit Tlio court la nsited to comix Vuter to turn ovui all the papers and hooks PRECIWTAT18C A RATE WAR , That Is the Way the Alton's Action ia Rcgardcili LIABLE TO PRODUCE SERIOUS RESULTS. I'lio Divinrmlir-i'imMit of tin * Wrulcru 1'iiHncngci Assoclnlloii I'rcdlrtcd A Doilslon Alb'iMlnn the Iowa ( Vulrul. , 111 , Maich II IVlegrain to Tim lUr ] - The ill till nil y bo- woeu the , laiksou\lliu Soulbensterii line and tbo Western Passenger assoc-latlon , pri'- clpitated by the action of the Chicago St Mton , is liublo to piiiduco serious ifsulta. I'l csldont Hook isory poslllvo and outspoken - spoken in the in iltur " \Vo have done nil wo can to set matters right nml supposed wo Ind things arranged satisfactorily , " ho slid. "Weoftoiod tojolu ho a.ssoihitlon In gootl faith , and had It not > oun for the mtlon of tlio Alton hciovonld h.ivo bix'ii no trouble Thu 'net is the ) aio simply demanding mi > ossibllltlos of us 'llio Insist on oiu rotting in all Urn 'J cent milcigu tickets wo lavoonlnnd that Is something no onu IMII doe \\e have fnrnls'ied a list of all of HUMP and njforo long thov will bo usi'd up and that vlll bo thu end ot tbo matter Hut Mr Ch niton doesn't seem sattillect with this \flir doing all that wo wt-io nslnd to do he comes in with fuithor demands bo.voinl tlio ronch of Iniin.m poi\or to giant , and weai-o omiielled to uerlino. Wo hive mule out est conivssioii and have all we can do and If wai 1ms to como let It como \Voc\pecl \ the sai.ta I'o to staml by us In the llglit , II 0110 ins to come , anil tint nny mum the dismom teniiuiitof the association , but If so woeau'l lolpit. " The Doclslon Alodllleil. CIIUMOO , March 14 The Iowa Central road has becji trying veiyliml to socuio a rtsversal of tbo recent deoisioi of the hoard of comnilssioucrs of the Western Iriftie.niMi- elation , In whloh it was re-quired lo acUanco ta rate on eeitahi cominoditii's 17 to 20 cents > or 100 from Cliirago to Iowa nolnU , unit also .oadvnmo its rates from thocnst bunk of the Mijslssippi to OsKiiloosa and Maishnlltown on truilic from the east , Chairman \\ulku oudercd a decision todav inouifying his tlnd ngof I'ebruaiy-Oln the in attar of ratus on commodities from Chicago , but relaxing the ledbion us lo tlio proportional rates f IOLI tbo Mississlul river I'ho figures established are simply experimental and subject to dianye , f they fail toproduco the object in vieiv. n ? nor ni'v Di svrit , Cole , Mnich II It is rumored on good authorlu that the Hio Gramlo , v , AVestorn road , in order to scouio a shortci .iiiototho I'aclfio coast , is negotiating for ilio purchase of the Oregon Pacific road , pio- juctcd liom Vaquma b.iv , on the Oivprn coast , to Holso , Idaho , and will build a rail reid fiom Ogden , Utah , to connect with It , vvhloli would gl\o it a first class tr < iti3 coutiiicntal loutc An Important Alliance. JSF.VV Voiiit , March 14 I'lic Now } "oik Centnil road has assumed control of the Homo , Watcrtovvn & Ogdonsburg road under alnnploase TheallimcoU a vcty imi > ort- ant one MII until They Make a Deiiiainl 1'ur Slmi-tir Uoni- . and loie I'aj. XrvVcniit , Mnich 14 [ Spociil Telegram toTin Hi L | The iii.itod fr.nnei's of this citj hi.vo niiilc a domain ! for slun'tci hoim and inoro ivaRos , and threaten to1 stukcou Miy 1 unless the bosses anccle to it Tiny want eight houis to constitute adaj'swork the tint llvodajs of the week and seven hours for Saturdav Thoj ask that wages bo increased f torn 4(1 ( to 4. cents an hour nnd that the bosses' books and coiitiacts Iw oinn foi examination .it an ) tiino the union do- slios. Thebosios will leluso to sign any contract Tney sav that llioy w ill niri ee te > shorten hours and increase wages to those desorung , but thej ptotest the demand that coiitiacts bo open for examination at any timo. A I'll < t ii t it i. / ; .11 fit n Kit. Hi-j.iiit MaJ es n Visions Assault on ii ( ripple. Neb , March H [ Special Tele- guun to Tun HIT ) A piobiblo murder , which was committed on March ! i in the north pirt of tlio county , has just been undo public in Kearney , and theofliccrs of the law- are searching diligently for tlio guilty ono J. W. Ualouc , a well-Unovvn painter and pipei hunger of this city , is l\lnx in a Mrj ciitical cDiidiliou from the effects nf an as sault made ou him bUouU U IJr\.iut , who was lu ualono's omplo ) on tils i inch , t.iltlng care of his stock On the day of the altercation I.niono ropninamled Hrvnnt for neglecting his v\ork , when ho turned ui > on his einplo\er. knocked him down with a trampled liis face and body , unslmig his skiill and bte.'iking three ilbs Mr Ltilono is a ciiiiple ami itmld not nnvedofended liiiu- selt oidinarily Ur ant sought mfugo at the Medicine Try it this Spring. It tones The Nerves And Makes tlie Weak Strong Insist Upon Having Hood's Sarsaparilla fold by ull ilru uMs . II , hlxforH Prepared . onlj byu 1 11UUD&.IU , Umoll , Mass. 1OO DCBS Ono Dollar of H S , Cool mill Mil Irnunro to thoolllovr who ntleinptoil to atro t him. ShcrltTVINoiilHnuu In pursuit of Dry nut. \\ltli lli < IM-oceciU. N , Neb , Miuvli II | SK | > ilnl toTup lC Al 'Ihoiiiin , imthihltlomst , < < liuroh liionihor , nllliiniovorkoi ami * too it dealer , is Keno \\llb \ him \\ent \ (1'JtX ) b ( loner lup to fricinl'4 and nnltrlibors. lie bought IIOKS enoiiRh toload two curt , L . \ lniolioilt * in liniment , u Inch hopioniUed uould ho o.uhed 011 \ VcilniuilnThose' I'hoikt r-uiKe'il in ainoiintA from $10 to f..Vl On Tnovlay 'I'liomns luft for Oniiiha with the hoes , tnldtif ; aloni ; bs ( llttlo Inn , I'.ildlo XolhniK w'"n In-art ! fn\n lilin till last nl ut , uluu hlnulfe reidvod a hitter mailed at Count II llliiiTM ThU stated that 'Ihomu * hml undo up bin mliiil not to return Ho hml liailn hli son cruoilbv o at the Onialia union depot and stalled him iioino. Souuiur Ihoiuai' victims hope hoU11 \ return unit sot tilings right , hut theio uiv fovv nl' St'-allnu \\a1ch. . Pi MTMOITII , eb , Mnidi 1 --Hpoeiul 1 ( TcloRrnm to Tin IbK.J This aHcrnooii \VllllaiiiCarroll , ntmide'nt of HillliiftsUmn , n siilnurb of lliln city , wai in rested on tbo e-haiK" of slo.iluiK' natch biloiicrln to \Vllllnin Hull Carroll wan dl lni : a well at Hull's pl.ion and ivont into tbo house to ( IIIIIIKU his clothes and It is thar ed stole the watt h dminc Mrs Hulls Usaiporaiv abu'tiro c.anoll ; wua varchru , bntll Is heliovetl he bnil in the mean time hidden thu valeh In the hnin , in II was not found it ] > oii hit jn'ison llowu.s bruught Into t < i\\n \ niul lodKOil Injnll Sold In tlio Itnnlc. sn n , Neb , March II [ Special to Tun litii 1 The C'.iulesA. U'iobo dij Roods stoulc was - < olil todaj l > i llio ( Iriinil Island llanldiiK ( oinoiny to ( ! . il Mclutin ) of I'opclci , Ivan. , for $ it,700 I'.irliosvoro picsent fioinvarioii1 * points In tlio west and tliobiililltiK uoa qnito llvelj 'iho nninunt pilil win much less thnn the otiRinal coit of tbo KooAa It ia statt-d that Mr Mtlntiru \\llluoiitliiuothobiisniis4 in this fit ) and \vlll bcie.idy to open upiii a fovv days A r"jtl7i-iis' 'I lektM. KI\IIMI , Neb.March 11 fSSpei-lnl Tolc Biiun to Tin1 HH' ] A eitln-us1 convention \vii held hero todiy , rcsultliiB in the no'tiina tion of Stanley Thompson formnvor , and lor councilmeii ,1 11 Murphy , ( i 1 * . Cailvvoll , TV M. lliiKliaiu and Nnthau Catnpboll This ticket i stipposoil to icpioscnt the principles of tin ; Knights of Labor ami their lillitM. Aeulilon tally Stint. Ili.ur SviiiNOP , Neb , March li [ Special toTiti'UKK I Word has just been broufiht hi tint a farmer named Wolf , li\iiiK about four miles east of Odell , shot himself yesterd.u and will die It is supposed to have been mi atcident jr.iv JM : > ix i > I'tuiik DoltScrioiiMy Hurl In a Uuii- iiAccitlent. . DBS MoiNb" , In , March H ( Special Tolc- giam to Tut Hrr ] A runawaj a"eidcnt oc- uiriedon Cottnfjo Giovo avoiino this foic- noon that will piob.iulj prove fatal to Traiil : Doit/of West TnenU seconcl sticot , Mr Doit/\v < it drivinir alon r the street with a load of household poods , when his horses sud denly heo.iuio fiif'litcned unil started to run , KOIIIL ; down the sticot at urc.iluieclt sjieed , until nearinj'anipproichiniteam ; , the ) made n sudden turn , raining the vilililo ag.iinft the cuib-stone , deinolKhiup tbe vva-ron and precipitating All Deitto the mvoment , his striWiif ? on a sb u p welt , Inillctini ; a filKbtful vvound The fone of the fall rcn- dciudhhii tincoiisclouit la-st icports he ua. > in .1 cutical-conclitiuii lion. < lolut \ \ < * aie HnritMl. CI.IHU lUi'iUM , la. , March 14. The funcial of Hon John \\eiro , a jnonoer lovvan and Cluciuo cafiltal'st ' , f.iiiuu ± . of ljcrt iV' w , Mrs Mare Morton and M"rH. . Hubbunl of Pliicai o , occurred here tliw aflernonn lecei ) ea was tblrtv-llio ywiis a \vith .lohn I Rlauo , instrumental in orgaiil/inga mo\c- ment for the building of the flr > t i.iilroad from the Mississippi liver into the intciior ot lona. _ _ Sluirt on AVnlor. Cm VTON , In , March 1 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : lU.i.J The soconil cncjiAo on a double ncador freight turn pome vest dropHxl | its clown sheet nt I'roscott this morning , l nglnoorloo Uilfcnbnuih and riroimn Osboino v\cio liadly burned nnd biuisul. though not dangerously. Several cars were derailed. /Vii IOVMI Xoivii hcori'hod. Si/\s , la , March 14. [ Special Telefilm to Tin I3ur j Tire this inornijr < letrood the stoic olV. . D. Utter & . ! ? on. hardware , furniture , boots and shoo'.Pylo . . Chandler's li.irneas shop. Aliens liunos > shop , . I K Dobb's bnli'her shop and ISlIss Johnson's residence. The loss Is estimated utfioin ? r,000 to § IOK)0. ( _ I'ii/c I l luliiK i'i ' Indiana. vruiiixMii r , Ind. , March 14. | Spccidl Teleguunlo 1 in BII 1 'Iho tbioo monar-- rested scmaloelisaRO for prize flRhtlns vveioilischarRcd from custody todnj on the prounil that while the statutes pi ov id oil u licmj pemltv for llBlitniR they did notilc- linovvhat constituted a piuo Unlit .ludfio Snjder of the circuit court londcied tnis opinion Under the decision the puo light maj take place hi Indiana with iuiinunitj Almost E\eryone KuciNvs That it is I mportant To Purify The Blood In tlie Spring INIontlis , and Hood's Sarsaparilla Is Generally Recognised As the Standard Of all the seasons in the year , the Spring is the one for making radical changes in re gard to health. During the winter , the system hecomes tea a certain extent clogged \vith waste , and the blood loaded with impurities , owing to lack of exercise , close confinement in pooil } ' ventilated shops and homes'and other causes. This is the cause of 1 he dull , sluggish , Tired Feeling so general at this season , and which must be overcome or the health may he entiiely Inokcn down. The old lime domestic remedies aio generally di caidcd in favor of the Standard Blood Purifier I food's S.irsapanlla , which has attained the greatest popular ity all over the country as a favorite Spring Medicine. Hood's S.irs.ipaullasoonejipels the accunmlation of impurities through the bowels , kidne\ , liver , lungs and skin , and gives to the blood the purity , quality and tone necessary to good health. f ood's Sarsaparilla Sid ! In all < lru-jiMt. , il M\forJ > I'miatod oiilj by I 1 1IOOII11) , lmu U Mas * 1OO DOSOB Ono Dollar HAD NO GlIiXCE W Chicago's ' rircmon K pt HVIRJ "During * dny Night'3 Uitcutttiin Watches. BIG BONDED DEBT OF THE WINDY CITY. I'lglHiou .Mil I inn I > iillaiKv\iMl U'oild'H I'nir SliillcrH-U nltllng ol' Amu IH-P ? | | NS I itller /Viiiioiinrril , CmiAi.o Orru r oi- Tin l\rr \ 1 fun MIO , Inn h II f The ClilciiRO lliodoiiirttiunt InultbelHli list night hut iilf-ht tlint it IIIIH knnvv n In n longtime 'Incro were ( \ \ i ) gem nil alinna , IVM > "THO eleven s' ' and Novual iinall llr i within the * pari ) of IHO or tlun' lioura Tidily weimigiiios , a Iho bout niul olhor npiuiriitus wire working on the tv\n inn lit''s nt llio sumo time , mil Chii f MuMbxll SHeniiMit onu tiniii felt loiisMeralile aiiMCi loitanolbur larcu llro should bicik out in iinothoi locallt.v. Suvonl lliemi'ii icrcl\oil I'alnfiil ' injuiloi nml Chluf hwenli himself nny line uiiiiji- He wassirnik on Hie1 head and soviiujtut lj u plcii1 of falling conileo. i ( in MIO'S in nr Coniitiollii | Onihiiii'sanninl report sliovvs the bonded ilabl of ( Miluigo lo bo fl , r.Mli ) ) osilUHi\o of llio $ , * , IHHIUI , ( ) vMirlil sfmr imi l-x The total icioiptsof the pastcm w < ic $ ' O.V.1,000 VMIIII 1 > N I'Vlll M MTI'HI Dlrrilor ( ILIIIJI.II Hails of Ihooil 1 fun is proniring for nnotlicr till vv itli tin KM u dltectori Sometlmoago Iho i-diiiuntlM . .n foii'lmiiilTnin ailopted a nsulntun inuuiiig him the bead of tint ill pirtuu'iit Imlij bo notlllod the loiiiiiuttou Hint hn vvnull lull ro thn i oMilution and liunself nnpoini u liu f April 1 MIS11I 11)11 ) TO 1IU MlUlliril It is announced that Chief Justin1 Tiilli'i liav issued cnnls for tlio marriage o their daughter , ( Irmv , to Mr Anlilbald Iliowuof Chicago After tlio a ro icntioii will bo ghon nt the chlot justice s ' homo. Tills wcdilinij will bu thu c\ cut uf tlio season \Viishi til ( ; on socioU. TIIUI I > III\'T i-vn-r. Thurc should hive licon some vvholesnlo evictions ntl'ullinan today , hut tlici-o wasn't 'lodaj was the tut daj ot grico granted to the defeated strikers who now oc cupy Mr Pullman's bouses , but who have been told to get out It was e\ jicctod that thcro would > o a Kcnoril exodus of tlio thiilj-fourj fiin.ilies. hut noonostirud 'llio sliiktrs still hold the foil in the hanilsomo little buck cutt.igos on 1'nllimn nunnc l urtliorinoic they rl.iiin that thoywlll rontinuo to do so that no power on earth cm inikis Ibein mnvu tin u wivmand little ones into tliotivut I'lio comnanj's clllcials , on the other hand , s > a > that the men will move , tint tlicv will have to got out Momliv jieaceiblv if thej will , foicibly if neeessaiy So that it is not un likely that next vvuik will \vltnc'63 some scenes of exciting interest. vv fvrKHX n our iNriiiciuo Among tlio wostorii people in ( Jlmago to div v\cio the folloivuiR At the r.ntiel 1'icitii Smvc-iC ( ( iilinan Muscatine , la C H houtliorn , Ccdm Itapidlu At \\LllIiiEtoii-i \ \ : . 1' . IS.istnmn , Bui- llntrton , la At tlio Lolnnd Cilonol W F" ( ! om Majoi ,1 M Bui hi1 , Omaha , d ( J fsovv York At the Auditorium ( ? L Stioup , Idaho T A llaiuock , Uubuqui- . , 1 { M Marshnlltonii , la I' 0 ilnbboll Moines W A I.vons.V II Uleharn Monfni.i. K P Shear , DM JMulnos , .1 A\ J ruimnell ana wife , Lincoln At llio PalinciV ( J hpeniorV. \ . I ) D.-rafTiilr Vilt Ifltec vSty. , T T1 suailm an > wife , Oinihn , \ \ 1 llajis and wife , C Ini ton , h . .1 U. ( iiinble , Yankton , S 1) , ( , lllossom , Duidwooil. S ID Atthe Uromeit 1 S. . 'rinuDumiquc , la At the Giatul PaciHi'J J. Daglc L , I Hill , T .1 butclilfe. Oiuuln + Atthu PaluiLr-U U Hilton and famiu Omaha At the Auditorium-II J. Calkins , K1. J i'caison , Omalu \Kitm iii Coiitinl. Pin-limn , Pi , March 11-Tho Switch nnd Signal couipaiiy reoreanired ; todaj as announced list night , thn Westing- I house intciesti , assuming control Scci-otiii\ 1 Hovvand , who engineeied tlie otner deal v is I stiickcn v\lth iiiopluM | thisafternooii \ \ cst iiiirbousu has issued i sUitenient in whuhh said the business afT drs of the eompmv VM , bo reoi ganizect at once Tnlteii \Vjnniing. . SAIT LIKI : , Utnh , IMareli II 'Spociu Tolcgiamto Tin I3n 1-lohn vVlnto the man who obtained a Judgment against the Union Paclllc for M.-'MW for . - damages at tempted luiohing b.v tram hands , was todiy taken \\'vomlng tube tried foi thenmidcr of Urakcman i'at Ta gait 'llic t'n11 I'm ma Contest , SitnvMisi. Cal . .MaiUi -AnotherInl- - lot for L'nittu Stiles son.Uoi uil.ei < toilaj , icsulting. Ustoe , J4. lo ) "iouiitf , 't. I'Vlton , II , Blantliaid , Y. .Jolmson,4 \\i \ t moie , 1 1 bo nomoi rals cist a couipu- montary votn forilium I ) J iigli , h To cuie Scrofula , Salt Rheum etc. , It is necessary To Purify The Blood The Remarkable Success of Hood's Sarsaparillas \s a ladical Hlood Purilier And cM Spring lledicine M.iKc it woilhy Your Confidence. U creates An Appetite , and Makes tlie Wealc Strong He sure to get getHood's ' Sarsaparilla Sild li ) nil dru.jj | K II al\fir , > Ji I'niiarol oiilj bj C 1 IIDUIKV (0 ( Lowell Mais 1OO DOBOB Quo Dollar