Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1891, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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    THE Otf.ATTA. DAIbY 1H3E : SUNDAY , MAHOTl 15 , 1801 , STXTBUX PA(3Ea 15
The Real Onnso of Restlessness and Coui
plniut Among Yfnga Earners.
Smut * Ktmtln ! | > Oniiipmlrinii * j\lii > ul
IjiH'k-OntM uinl
colt-H I''iutn : and
'llu > t.ict of Indiistrlnl discontent does not
timi tohe ( Moved , 'Plio ro.i'ons for it hnvo
bun Miitvliul for ti.v businessniul profes
sional inonltliout much rostult. Sonw
nionthinco nbonrdof army ofllcois examined
sou-nil other coiiiinissloiuul ofllcm nslo the
nmomliv private Hcililloridi.'si'tti.'d , but no
one hail tiny I'xiihnntlim of tin * vliPiiomontm
oxiopt that tht ) iioii-iiminiUsioui'd ofllccM
xxi'io ttun. j\ucl \ soldo niuii who rccelM )
profits unit dividends ami sibirlushiivantl < vil
themselves .mil one iinollirr vhy tlw tiunwlio
iiwivo wup's HIV dlsron ten toil , ami thov
hnu % found out nothing oxicpt tm\t \ Intholr
master worltmon and xulkiugilcle-
Kaloi mo liiil mon.
'Iho ' | > ilmnrvJMISO otrcstlcssncsi mid coin-
jilimt iimoiic the xx'ngo enwra U tint con-
snluhi'lim olm.'uiiitactnrliiK niul trailing ami
ti'.ms . pollution , xUileh U the shilling font-
\IK < o ( this up. ' , aiuthleh icslilts In
imttitig n.nvgo \ inmibor of employes
nndi-r ntio oinployoi , or ono Him cr
. inipnnx ofcmplojea. The question now U
not as the iiosentsvsti ) > initH iisto Uiofupti
Ifn tliimmimlnr llvo thousand men tlnJtlu'lr
v.igos . lixoil and llivlr employment dolcr-
llimi-d ni'ooiilliitf to iv sliiKlu will , illscontont
Stimuli- breed among UIC.KI. 'J'hoy miy bo
j.dl tiratod , but they uo not know xtliutlur
' ) hcy aio as well ticntul mtlioy might Iw
Vlint ! hey ice nml fed Is Hint .their meant
of HiilMtU'iii'c , mid the question \xhtilhcr
tlioy Hh.ill il\o \ lni'oiufoit of In penury , I do-
tcrniliii'il by ono manwho H in no xuy nc-
couatnUlo to thorn , ami whoso interests nto
aihorsoto theirs In tlio sense that buyer ami
seller liavoadvo.i-.o intiTOHl ? ; they nro soil-
Inp labor ninl ho Ii buiii } , and ho Ihc.s the
A. second IMUSO of discontent is Hint the leg *
hlntlxonndjildidil Institutions of the c'otin-
tr ) , mul thonrfinna ot imhllc opinlns , nro m
completely under the Inlltiencu ot tlio oin
] > lo > omis the jiiiluiiiieiit , press , and lionili
of I'jiipl.mdvorounderthointliicncooC the
pent Imdlords pilor totho rofotm legislation
that liu nn In lsU This may
lo a good thluj , ' , or it may
1m unfortunate , but -without lemcilj.
'lhc > point sit present Is simply to rccouiuo
the I.ut U'tfislalors nnd Judges nro protly
ui'iii-iMlly siiiveMful men. In the counting-
IIIIHSO sen-.oof tlio term , and no rain iidcoph
ini > > ilili > of the iieoclof rep.iirniK a hriilgo
that his eniikul him o\er \ the stii'.un ho doei
not o\pi'L-t to cross iiKdn. Mostof tliom nio
cini'lincTSjOi1 .soil.illj , coniuiL1 rililly and po-
htualij nsioeiatcd vith unploturh. Tiii'lr
point of view iathatof tlio employer. The
iMiiploiii fec'l'i lllcc an Alsatian under ( icrinin
or ail IrNhnrin nnclor Knglish govotiiinont.
'Iho ' KoxnrniiiC'iit may ha nlislincilv Kooil , Ijut
ho docs not buluve tint it his arty rojfiril for
him. The owner of a no\v.p.iicr \ | isnoccs-
fi.irilynn employer Intlio.itistiiet hoinikjht
Mnpithi/c\\ithtlio liili'Uhxeis1 niiion , Int
tt'i'ii ' ttero is thotj pogiapldiMl union ; tlieio
ha pilmal l.uv of soililofrnso tint sets him
ncainst thnt Does thlt primal li\v \ settle tlin
\\iiolo \ lulioi ( iiustioti , aivil nialio lli cll.ssioll
W'.e' No ' ooiulitiou of soi Ml
01.K i If . to the liiKst po ililo I'vtint
-.AV.OO man shall iissipnovoi'liis lightaof sell-
ilnfon iM. * hn st nli > . ' ' ' i
Tim thud iMiisc. of discontent IH
an iimnedhito result of Uioc.iuso Just men
tioned The laws arc mnilo m mon \vlio
aio rich , or whoso re-olcrtlon doiuiidM |
\ipou ui'h mon ; tliey wo construed
aril nilinlnutered by nun vlio , until
ttiey bci'aino JudKe.i , weto the nttor-
ncjs of corporate anil pilvateiiitoiestswhtcb
In'no small nunibci of cases ivcrcnatngouis-
tloto thuliitiiosts of the unssosof the poo-
plo. Mbnt jiissosfor publicsoiitlinciitlsthu
sentiment of tlio exi-han o , of the club , anil
of Iho men vbo c-anntToid to own hrwoiiows-
pnpoi-s , So niiherhally is thit > trno that ,
vhlle a man uuiyiulvocnta to any extreme
tbo IntereNtsof tbe moiioyedolasj , ho tiiinot
advocate tlio Interests of the poor nntl tlio
\\aue eanicisvitliout being dcnoiiiued in
loidiiig no\\spapets as a dcmuKOKiio and , i
blalliuisluto. Tlio hired niront ot capital maj
i'ow lint Uo pleasm without loianiont , but tlio
bill of I.iro of nil oidinavy hotel dliinor p.irt.i-
Itciiof bj a hired iiKimtof labor Unovgoini , '
the rounds of the press to discredit tins man
\\lth \ the labor orpniilMtlons pay thoii
agent moru than their individual membuu
oani , for the sumo rciiiou that the people of
the I'ultod ht.ites pav their iiicslilent nsiniieh
nsa hundix-dnveiiiBO litl oiisi-ane.irti , Thii
third cuiso of Uwontent Is that
lav , tlio ailn.hiistration . of law , nail what
juisesfor iiubllosetitimcnt , all eoopeiato to
repress urnoiitf men who rcielvowiioithow {
new \\ltluh mo ui i in it ted tomou who iccoivo
profits and dividends.
On July fc , IbbO. six mon were catto ttio
city pilsou In I\ew \ York for ilisti ilmtlin ;
Inind bills lU-kiiiK people not to buy nt
\ VidoLamlBrufi. . bakery. Hut on July \
IS'JO ' , a gnu id jury in Kow Vork
lefuscd to inilicl the eloaUnmUen
\\lic \ had by romvrtcd ncllon locked
cut tlicir employes t hero vrm a strike In the
shop of ouoof tlio members of the associa
tion And on August 15. b'JO ' , fi\o \ striking
i lpiir-inikoH ; In lllngliainton weio sentenced
to one hundred days in the penitentiary for
the olVeuca of "iiiclictui } , ' " tlio faitorios
( ' tliH .scnteaio with tlio ilnoof $ JO
vlilcli was Imposed , Koptoinber 1(1 ( , on C'luctt ,
Coon X Co. , the larccst oollir and shlit iiuin-
ufiioUirer-v in Troy , N V. , for the violutio't '
of tUotnctoiy Inns in worliliifr women over
time. "This Is the thin"says n dispatch
from Troy , " , tlirouah \vntihtnan ,
one nlgUL last \\eok \ , cxclmlcil IVputy l-'ai1-
tory lloolcy ft-oin its promise when ho en-
ilrnvoieil toi'iitcrtho buiUlinp toltivntlpato
vhctlior tiioli\vwns ilolatol. " The olstnct
attoriio > is imotcil as baying that the lockout
bj tlio clOiik-innuurmturcis uas na fnllv
covcrcil l > v the "toyccll" net of the btntoof
Ko\v York at the bojimt hv tlio baltoi-s In
IfcMi , Tin' JuilKoH saU to hnvo leinailtoiliif
tlio unction or the RIand jury , "it is.imoit
dittroraua i)1000'011 ) ' ' to establish to lot the
workiuuiiifii know tliat thtuo ! 0110 law for
the ileh .mil another lfi\\ for the pool1"
'Jluit iifecdleiit lu licoii cstabllshcil bu
emmljury romiKteuil almost entirely of era-
lilo > oi < , and inrludini ; o o oftbo richest
liii-n In tliot'iiitod States.
Nov. wl is It tl.nt tlie roinnicrdnl ami
jimfosiiontu classes tUmaiul tlicimiihliiiioiit
of nieuvlio comotno to wise the wtoof
i\u \ t sund protoit tlic men whoi-oiiibinu to
huurllio rate ol wages * The truth Is nut
otloii iihnittecl , hut it Is frankly sUteil In ono
cf his lectures ca labor amiages by Liiuil
litassL'v , n nun of wealth and the son of tlio
niiiu ntio iirobablj employca moro froolalwr
than any other man in hbtory.'
" .Much of the objection that exists In the
inibliiMiiiml towani trades unions roMs , as It
nm t to confesscil , on the . enorjl reluct unco
tosueauy crt'ort made toui&otlio jirli'o of
labor. " 'Iho conuncieial niui professioiul
dieses nro buyers of labor , nml thoyiebiiit
any combination or net on the part of the
Pi'lltmof Julior that In caluilutoil to culiunco
the piUx1.
Thcro is , pcrhajHj no other act of organ
ized labor nicro wnlelv coniloninod thnn tlio
sini ) > .ulietnj strike , 'llils U condemned for
lU folly by mon who imagine theinsclvos to
X bo qulto tn symidthy with the labor ino\o- \
Diejit. Vvtfbo i ) iniullictic lockout li 11 in it-
tor of common occurrence' , and hardly OUT
cxcitci iuhttr.ii ) comment in nowspapow ,
ilubsaiul ixehanijes U .1 ucnspn | r does
dcnnunco : uyiiip.ith ! llu loekont it is prctlv
sure to learn from oilier iiowsunpcrs aad from
worelmiit princes , rallroaJ kin0'3 ami
pecuniary iioteiiliitos , that the editor of the
lunorNu deuiajfOktio , who is "pandcrlup to
the lower , "
1 luxo menlloncil the fact tliat Hst
iuinmcr , thcro bttiiiK n &triko In ouooluak-
thop In .Nmv York , tlio inimuhL-turera , by
concerti'il action , clewed their shops nml
turnoil all ihoir opcMtlvw out InAUBii"t
lost Vlco l'rf.- > idintVcUb.of tlio Now York
Ccntul nilltonJ , ncfordlnt' to i > statoinent
nttributed tnhUnln the dully p.ipcrs , saiiHo
luid ilosed the royalr sliujts uud thronti
ireivohtindro duicii out cf employment U >
cnu o some of thp trainmen ycro on a '
ami lui bdloToil that the men In the ivtuilr
* lioivero | nclpltiK thom , A tllspiich from
I'ltulmrs , Si'iitcmlKsr ft , niiiionnoed the or-
franlratlon of .11 atnoilatlon , IndiltUng the
XVcitinirliausi1 < omvru In I'itt. burK , the
Yal I .wit utiili 'oil s arms oonintiulot In Ton
nii'llout. nml other or iinl/atlnnH , iMiipliiilni !
fm.WK ) men , biuinil by an anii-otwiit that if
tlieroiinn < trlko In mo ntublMnticnt all
\\nrkniinnnlilthiiitrlkers hul sulunitlivl to
ilu'lr niMton , iiiul tliat 11 ninn wlio tnu'li In
ono of tin1 iwnolutH o tablUlitiicnts wainot
to bo omilo.\eil | tunny ollior 0110. Thii pant
sliiimior thiro \ > ivs a itrilw in enc of the
nioioecosliotn in I.ynn , Mn . On Soptotn-
bit It , nil tholiiaiiiifiietnii'rsuero notl tlnl by
tlio walkliifTilelogilo oflholr union I menu
tlio sicrouiry of Iho nisoclition - - to
leek out 1M , ) " ) Morkmoti. On An pint " . '
liwt it was deolili'd. not bv Mr Jolin T.
Moulton , biitbv the Miiiooi'oMaiiufiiotnivr.s
Hssocntllon in Lyiiti , that it llio men vMiod
toil-turn torotl \ < In .Inhn T MoiiHnn'ssho | )
they must Unso at fJ li1 pot week than tlioy
Kotnt llio tiiniMif iln sttlko. Three joaroiiiu ,
in Il'orrhill , MUM , , tlw was a stilkctn ono
shiiiliop aj-'ilnst .1 toilui'tion of wuiros The
Slio anJ I.i'lllnM'e\fliliijo , a I'oinlilnallnii < if
employers , ilnseil ovoij sbop iiilo\\n In
the sanio vcar , 1 si | , t ho'chasers in ono sllvor
iiiiiiufncttirliii ; ostabUsliinuiit < < truck , ami all
tlio ether sllvt-UMiru inaniifacliirotH dls-
inUsotl every cluner inlliolreinplov wliowm
n Knight of Labor l-'oin1 liuiulrnl men who
Iiiul not stiuc'kM'ro \ livlteil out , Not ouo
word ut adu'fso coiiiinotit on these tiling
comes from the ( 'ival newspapers tint do-
niiuncotho folly unit the xvicked ness of hyin-
ii.uhctlc strikes. In ls7 the lirleklajers In
t'lilca o had tlio unsu'iiknlilu oltrontcry to
insist the wain's tan' hid oarnt'il during
tlio wide sliould bo iLiiil In them oiiSntin-
liv , mid tlio i-ombincil bullik-i-j replied by
dlsintssliiK all the men In tlulr employ ,
Mliothor brlfklnjcis orotlitTi 'llu'rowftH , i
sliiUoui ono clothing "Imp in I'hll.ulclplila In
bS7 , and llio iiuiuifactnrers , lj ) conibiiird
iiitlon , closed tlielrsluipi. In Boston , in tlio
SUMO year , n clx'.ir inuiuifairturer lioeaino
nd'iiidHint his mmouhl \ \ stnlio aiul tlio
Clu'ar Maniifai-tuiert. ' assocl.itio'i closed all
the shops.
Tlio bojcott is a weapon whith
is coiiiloiimed only xihoii nsed by
norkiiiciiii'iiVhon the KcnlliiK Iron norka ,
\\hosoctosuio was not duo to labor a'on ' ,
Mcro loopcnod , employment \vas refused ta
wery mini who was u member of a labor
organization Throtenr.s \ aso thirty-seven
J ow Jersey leatlior inanufiieUiicrs' bound
themselves to e.itli ether uuilor.i peiulty of
JI.IKK ) not toomnlov a ICuiqht of I.ntioi r-.nst
ttliitor the .suiieiiiuiiiilont of the Ijoin ;
Isliuul rallro.ul disobliged the telej-ra ph
o | > uralors at .IniiKiic.i iiiul Monis i'nilc lie.-
e.msotbey . hid been chosen o nicer A In the
Ordorof Telesraphers and all other oper.ituu
were warned notto join thoordor.
Tlio president of the Spring Valley real
company in Illinois has denied that after the
strike In that inlno in issDtho moniixsrs of
the rullcf lommltteo ainoiii , ' the miners had
lieoix blnukllstod , lint the president did not
have cliarco of tlio iiiincj pOKOiinlly ; ho
li\ed nta dUttince , ami thu cvlileiicolnut lie
It mlstnkc'ii is loncluslvo I hmo nuiloiibt Iho IN'ow York UvenluK 1'ost regarils
the blicklistiiiB'ot members of relief com-
inltteos as u nccossirv pleco of disdplino
IliniKcr is the iinUiralally ot tlioemplojer In
llxliifjtho piico bo will pay for labor , mid
liilerferoiico witli lumber is , tlmefoie ,
Insuboulinatloii. 'Iho proslilont of
Ihu bpiinK Valley company , whoso npont
lefnscil woilc to tno niomiiers of the rclltf
roiniinttcoihen otliL > strikersire
\ i \\i-re \ \ le-oin-
ployeJ , is tlio who , if the I > fc\v \
Vurlchun Is to ho trusted.\uotu to LMcsldont
Iepoof ) the Now VorlcUoiitial nilro.ul ,
bopHiiiK for.i piss fora filviul , and saying ,
"Althoughjou mo uiopiibllcnuand Iain n
( , wo do not illiler inui'li In regard to
our views In cniiiicctimi with coiporalo prop-
uty , and I may bo aljlo to servo llu o lutei-
ets hhoulill pull through ( bo eloctoilto eon-
Analogous to tin-so cases Is tint of the as
sociated oilelc nimnfnc'tnrtrs \ . on Sup-
teinbcrri. IS'.K ' ) . ncieoili nt todclhcr nnj moie
biic'U in Nnv Vnrlc. o\eu \ undereontiicts , so
loinr us thuhrickot nuy oneof the nnnuf.m-
liireisu its disci Imi ti ati'd ngilust
'riii'hilinrinucns uiobltUily ilououiK'od ho-
oiiiisothuy ti v toproxcat inun fiom norlclni ;
for w.iguh not sntisfmiory to thounion llut
tends , from an nuito scuin of indixihnl \
nut ironi a soilsu ciosiro to u
\ MieeslouIf a man uishei lo tdiilc his \A
ilhiduallty in a joint stock company
bis proxy to a man honox-orsaxv , nail allo\v
his business to bo regulated in a secret
dlicctuis' ineotln , ; where ho has nooiec ,
mid thopubllo no knouludec of what pees
on , ho Is welcome to. But if ho sinks lilt in-
diUdu.ility inn labor union , wo nro liiov
piessibly shocked , "U'o who buy labor aio
enthusiastic champions of the riulit of
n man to sell liis labor at a "cut" rate.
\Vo have a profound contempt far tlio man
\iho , in national , political , social , and roll-
Kious affairs , maltes the best teims ho can
for himself , iircsri'ctivo of the Interests of
the bodv of wlili'h ho is a member , but in
labor mattfiso pretend to nUimre it. In
tinlh MO do not , but It helps to keep tlio
1 rlco of labor iloMii.
The cmplojcrs have just as keen a scnso of
the itniiiatiiii ; effects of nnderbiJdlntras tlio
cMnplojcs ha\e. Tlio > form association's tn
a\old \ bnlding apaiiist ono ai other , but do all
in tlicir poxicr to prevent \voikmen from
following their cxuinplo. On October 11 , tin ) Inkers of Noxvnrlc , 7s' . J. , a recd
vilh onch other , under a penalty of Wi , not
to soil b re id at loss than f > cents a leif at
wholesale , mid iitihusimu time they reduced
the wcicht of tholoat In Chicago , on Sop-
tember-l , L'hairnim Hodclaidbf the V\e-tein
insseiii-er nssooliillon , lined ( be IvansasC'itj ,
hi Joseph ,1 Council Illiiffsr.iilioad for sell-
niR a tlckot to Ht. 1'iuil for SH instead of
slS S . Much sympathy hns been expiesscd
for the New York viclox\ whoso bakcshon
vas boycotted , but none for tlio I'liiladclphli '
vido\v , wbo , in October , Ibss , louncl It
imposslblo to buy poods for her
ait stoio because sbo had boon
accused of cuttlm ? prices , and , peiidiin ;
tier trial for this olTenn1 , not known to tlio
liwBofhor country , the J\'c\v York xrhriir-
Mlc'i-s would not sell toiler. Tlio Atkinson
car sprint ; company in issb applied for mem
bcrshiu in a combination oftiiUnny spring
nunufact'iierwblclihad bivn ci anl/iul to
le u'alo ' pilces , a ] ieuiicious object when
houirlitbv workmen. Tlio total amount of
work to bo clone xvns allotted ninoni ; the
nietr.b'Ms of thunvioclition Kaeh inoinbei1
paid'Jper cent on his nllotmeiitnnd 15 per
cent on all ho did In excels. Those s.ig.ieious
npreon.ents for solf-pioteotlon arc
analogous to those xviekcd anil
niles of tlio labor union which icquiio each
member to coiitiilmto so much per week to
the common fund , which ictftduo the num
ber of hoim ho shall \\orli \ , nnd line him If
ho docs moio than hisshaiu , Kiich member
nlso lind to exhibit his comui-tsto the asso
cl.ition As the allotment of the Atkinson
I'Oinpany v as very small , the line foi ox-ur-
work \\milil \ linvo been ruinous and the com
pany refused to p > into the combination The
combination then nrraiiRed with Iho Ameri
can Steel association that the liittor should
cliargothe Atkinson company 10 per ton for
steel In excess of the inlco umrKCil meinbcis
of the combination : and the members of the
I'oinblnntion afriecd nniongthonisolx-M that
wlionuvor the .Atkinson conipmiv bid on a
coiitrnet n member of the ibse > o.iatloiiviis \ to
tnlo the coiitiact at lean tliiin cost ,
and the loss Has to ho inndo
up to it out of the common fund ,
lids nionnt the eomploto nnd speedy rulii
of the Atkinson company. In Oetober , Isy ,
the inanufncturori of perforated chnlr seats
ngroecl with ono another not to sell poods ,
except at special and liitrh rates , todoaleis
who cut prices , nnd o.ieh nwmburof the asso-
dition clcpositoelu huge sum of inonej In the
common fund , to bo forfcitoel In case ho
\iulated nnv rule of the nssochtion. The
minufnetmcrs smd ] obhers of Jewelry have a
trust , \vliicli , in ( k'tober , isss , ilrox'o J M ,
t'handler A Co ofClevelnnillntobinlaipti.y ,
siinniy lofuslnjr to sell RODIto ! them
ImobiT , the wnteh-caso niinufni'turcr
foi cod In to the combination unwillingly , hut
when the combhi.i'ionoreleroil him to liroaka
I contract for\outieases with tlioWntclifiml
\uUchiotnp.iny \ . because tlw latter hnd xvith-
draxvn Irom the roininiiy ho refused toobcv.
The coiiiuiiMtion tried to rum hiinj.iiid would
probably have siu-.ceedeil if ho had not
owned a watch factory and bcui ivblo to put
complete foods on tlio market. Iu ISSa
burial ca-so niiunifneturor dccidod to ruin an
outside concern unless It riimo Into the asso
ciation. It xvm arranged with thocoMln-
Inrdwnro pool that if tlio outside smimfne-
turerdiel not ralw his pi-ices for caskets ho
should bo compelled to pay n higher price for
his coflln tiiiiiinlng > than the members of the
trust had to par
Tno expansion of the rnllroatl systcai nnd
the consolidation of Hues Is dally throtvlnc
\ uisternumborsoC men umlor llio
absolute control of ono man , 'Iho lorpora-
lion U the. pnrty thnt Is under ohlivrntlons to
the community , but , rclyliiguiwii thopulllo
Imoatlcncoof incon\cnlciice , the inanngci
cnrrv tldnps with n htcli himd ntiil tniit sc-
ciirely tn pulillc Irrltntlon to fon'o the em-
ptoos ) Into siibiiiljsloii The corporation !
iiiiv dotmslnes.s n tlulr OMII terms nrnotat
all , hut tlio vmplou'4 must ktvp ImsliuMt go-
till ! no nmttcrvhnt the term * arc lltllw y
mm telc'tjraiilH'mploX'Oinroto bo deemed soi-
dters in mi army unit inbjteted to tnllltniy
ti < i'lplini < Tlinsls tin oc lncy of a com-
ni'ili-r'Hiainil ' unlmlanied b ) tlio Interruption
ifMit > urb.inlraaie The imbUe KunmttUivi
itsinlilli-rs ciiitlnultv ) of i-mplojinent trhl
beloro dliiulual , aiH i lon Incasoof slckncsi
orliijurj. poniloin forsurx-lvinjwidow. * nnd
cbllclren , a retired list nnd a home. Now ,
what does the public nuarantc-o\x iv cln-
pluyosl do tlio rullioad companies
inurantec * t lu'inVliy \ , brnkeinenaroKi'ouiid
\ipnmler tlu wbeols ovoty xvcelc liecnti * ! )
s iiet.x appliinces weald cost a little
money , and tlio public1 , thill is , tlio
nation , will not compel the com
panies to Incur the exneuse Tin ) rail-
\ \ companies x\lll noon flushing nrnUemcn
and biirnniKUp nw ontrrrs until thodnyof
Judgment unless the hw compclls thom to
alwIlslillnUeiiplini ; and carntovM.
To nmiits of a cortaln cli itseemi to bo
eonchislve of all dclmtoto siv tint aiallxxay
compain mint have tlio right to diHinlss Us
einplM's at anv time and for any ca si > , and
\\llhoiitaccouiitnbllityto iiuy one1 , llut if a
rnilroaiU'onip.-niy picked out br dUmissiil
not Knight sof Ijibor , but all the democrats
in Its employ , or all the comiminlcants In
1'iotestint 'cliurclies , t tldiilt ninny people
x\ho iiiujjlno the acts of u iivilroad manager
me toiilduhatul Bacicd to bo inquired into ,
vould Hnd the acts and motive of tlio rail-
will manager legitimate subjects of Inx'estl-
llutwhat hort of men nro thcsoi.uiroaii
\\lio aio to bo deemedis ; sacioilaa
used lo bol The intcr-stato commeico
ii iuote | < MltU approu , tlio Judge
ment of thosemto coinmlttco on intcr-stito
cmnnuive tlwt railroad niaimtrineiit las been
viistuful mid exliavasant. .luilRO looloy In-
vcstiKnleil tl'i > p.menirof-ralo war in Cbie.iK'o
two years ago , and hisioporl shows the rall-
10 id oftlc'iaH m the net of dof\hi tlio law ,
sieriililnt ; the iiilcieslsof the stocltholders ,
xloliitua ; tlicir agreements vlth each other
anil surreptitiously combining \\ith tlio
"waivers' ' lo cheat tlio public , and tlien l > inir
nboutit. , liicUjere.sham'sdecision ( ! Ina cvo
in\ol-Mii > r \Valaslirullioad ) roccliorslilp.
in ISM'I ' , arraiKiisfourof the most powerful
lallroad men iu this countrj fort'fuas ' frauds
and RWindllns ; . The Now Voile papers of
hepteniherii , lsM ! , published tliC fhar es of
Illinois L'enlral stoeldioldcrs , the b.ul
miinaseincnlof tlio olllcera bad brought tuo
load totlie\orgo of rum , and tkmniiidhi tlio
election of now ofilceis xvtiosliould Iw practi
cal railroad1 men , and "llio e.stalilishinont of
closer and moro cord ill relations between tbo
companv nnd the public , the patrons of the
ro.ut and tU employos" On Alirch24 , l ss ,
the Cldcano , Rock Island i. Pad tic railroad
company llled in the United States district
court In Chlcatroa paper cliargmp tlio Ohi-
C.IKO , Dnrllngtoiut IJulncy railroad compmy
with wn iiii , ' a disaslious rate war for tbo
avowed mirposoof competing the railroailsln
Illinois , Wisconsin. IMlnnesota , loivannd Jlis-
souri to put nil thole business nhsoltitelj In
the hands of a tiust In order to uscnpu bnnlc-
luptcj , and that the compmy permitted tbo
striUo then in operation mi lit own
lines bccauso itoukl aid tbo
rate war in dcmoiali/ing busines1 ? ,
reducing loveimos , anil foic'ng olbor
iominlesto ) trointotlio tiustjthat it was
the purpose of tlio IJutlingtoti eompmy , liy
biiiif-'liKr about a strike on its own line llrst ,
toabiorb nil the enniueois and tliemen in
the L'nitodStates who wcio not nipinhors of
the npithcrnood , anil thereby tender it Im-
jiosMiblo foi its competitors to mm their
lo.ids , and that Its demand for i-itcichniiK'o
of t radio vas not undo in Rood faith , but
for tlio purpose of bringing about a strike on
tlio other lines.
Too man ) amoiitf the manapreis of our west
ern wuls aio men ot a very lostanp. \ . 1'noy
nro unlit for am important trust , largely de-
\oiil of aitj sense and of any conscious
ness of xx'lnt auliDncstrespoiislbllitj implies.
There is no rulix > nd whoso iniiin emciit is
U'stcd in ChiciKo , or administered by per
sons associated with Chicitro iutorests , tliat
Is notchslionestly inma ed , run tor pritato
If this istbo oonduet of raihoad managers
ton-aid the public , iipon whom thot dopcnt ]
for business , and toward the stockholders ,
to whom they purpoitto bo responsible , km
wise and just are tlie-y ! , ' ' < . 't' j'trtj iJ"'A . ! '
UL-aimencoi 1110 eiiiiceMUIon | Wnom they
acknowleilf ntrtrcpeiidencc , ami to whom
JliOY uIlt no responslliilitj' '
l'ntu > 1'r.niii Pownus.
\\'A \ .IIIXCTOV , I ) . C.
H IX(1 1 'fj I It J I'fES.
Ashtabula , O.bas n lion tlint recently hid
an OKI , ' shaped like a ciook-nocked fjourd.
The Ilatikld twins , tlio baby with tivo
heads died at Kt.Vajiie , JnJ. , shortly after
I.earv , Cl a , hoists of a nc ro boy eighteen
years old who is si < c feet ntidciHUt inches till
and weighs 115 iioundi.
Uhailes Johnson , of Amber townsliip ,
Jl.ison county , Mlebiuan , Is only sixteen
jears olit and yet \ullisl ( ! ) ( ) pounds.
The Kexiton ( lja. ) inulpct Kill thnt
\icl ( > hid fuo pounds when two weeks old
died , nged tlvo months , and weighed iivo
poimcls ,
IxontuckyU otcrdolnt ; itself as a land of
fast hoises and lair \\omnn It lias [ iioduced
nglrl who h.u amauodo\Mi her back lilto ti
.lohnC. SomeniU * a farmer livinu near
-Aberdeen S. 13 l ai four-months old pip
Mhich sucks hiscox\s. To accomplish tbo
leit it sits on its haunches like ados.
A \\hlteseal , wol bliifr about one hundred
and tMenty-llvo pouiiils. WH killea In KLII- ueek near Mr. Holly , X.J. . by Is'iitt
AVells. The nnlinal was accompanied by.
another of its species which was jet black.
OAn Aldemoy cow , ovned by Chniles
llurkct , of U'olfsburtf , Pa. , Is not jet nlpo
xcars old and is the mother of seventeen
calves bhojravo birth to twins four tiinni
mid to triplets tlneo times , and all her off
spring nro living except ono.
A Hlrch linn ( Mich. ) fimily nonils the
ohlldieii to the countiy school , somodistanco
aiViiy , In a peculiar manner. It lias an
eminently sifo liorso. Thoctiildren drive to
school In the morning , bead the horse for
tiomo , 111111 no promptly returns. In tlio aftor-
iiooii lin is sent after them in "tno s > aino
daveiloss way. "
niias I-oons , ajcd clcrhty years , died ro-
centlj nt his Into rnsldpme , tcii miles iioith
of Muncie , Ind. Mr. Lyons xvas one of llio
cailiost settlers of the Misslssinnoxva vnlloy.
Ho possi .s.od a marked phj-ioal peculiaiiiy
In the fact that ho hail no luir , boiiif'hairless
fiom his biitli. Ho tilso has a hon tint lias no
luir ether than a light luz on top of his
A negro livinglu AVIllinms.towti , MassIs
said lo bo 101 years old. It is also alleged
that liowasboru xvitli an extra hard head
nnd ahorii over an Inch In length em tlio
fiunt lione , and thnt uiiii'iiiitjliig wactlco
soon inailo his brain-lux n terrible weapon.
During thocoui'io of his long life ho hns
killed rams , broken doors , smrmcd g rinel-
sioncsnnd nmnlerfd hulls by simply butting
them with his awful head.
rholongest suit ot linirlii the worlel is
perhaps that vJdch grox\a on thnhead of
Miss. Asenath I'lnlpott ' , ofnaine.svillo , Tex. ,
hers trailing on the pound when she st.incls
uearl ) four foot , mid nicMsiirlnir in all ten
feet unit SLVUII Inches. Miss I'liilpott is u
slight , clolic.ito woman , upprondiliiK middle
ngo and lepards licrninciiiticcnt tiesses as
lather a miKanro , roiniilaliiing that their
weisht actunlly diiiins hcrstroiiKtti ,
A white-haired Alhlno baboon now on ex
hibition at Kimticrly. South Africa is the
first specimen of its kind over seen. Its
hnlr Is snow xvhlto nnd its skin liiio xx'hlto
iilillillo \ the face nnd the palms of the
hinds nnd feet are llcsh-color. The eyes nro
of a redibhplnl : . Tlioiinlmal was cauyhthy
n farmer in the \Vnterburif district of the
Traiisuial Its mother wlilchhadtobcshot
toellect thocaiituro-waalho ordinary kind
of bntoon. It is nov aboutsox'en nioiit'hsold ,
not n bit vicious , but vary phijful und
In what was nt ono time a great box or
swamp , lllram Uoberts. near iCcnihilxlllo ,
Ind. . somodaysnvro while runnliiK a ditch
exhumed several perfci'tly preserved skele
tons of deer found Just as tbo creature's
mired , posilhlyhundieds of years n o. Uno
lieadvns \ found with out spreading antlers
of nslonishlngsUo. the length of tlio born be-
IKK fouy-clght Inches and the measurement
from tip to tip forty-oiio Inches , Uloso totho
bend the-flrcumforeneo twelve nuhos ,
nml twenty Inches , from the head llfteon
Inches. Mho horn is black , ullsteiiini ; in the
sunlight like polished Ivory. H is ro inlcd
as unextreinolyaluable specimen , auu.Mr.
Hobcits U having it mounted.
i : > o Witt's ' L.ittlo iirlyllson : ! : omy pill to
euro sick headache and rcgulato the bowels.
Her Mr Whlletieil Wbllo Waiting "Soars
for Her Rccwant Lover.
Slu * Is V > xv nit Itmiito nl' tlu Oltl
AUiinnn' Home Itvn
U'lio 1 ncil Nutliim
There isn pretty little love story conneetod
uitbthu life of Niitlim C.lVlsom.tlip swlteh-
mrm who w.ts Idllod Iu Iho lUullutjtoii yards
; wo weeks a o.
l\ilsiiii ) was not nlwnya a railroad man
jears a o ho was n farmer near the little
[ ownof Uroxvn's ValleyMinn , xvhere , with
ids asod pirents , lie eultlx-ntecl tlio tiroad
acres of tin1 forllle prairies of that state , and
nutuinii nflur autunm har\ested tbo go'.don '
Ki'aliuuid liaulcil it to the markets.
Some ten voais ape the mother died nud n
Mrs. Jane U'hltiioy , a widow of llfty years ,
was cmploji'd as housekeeper to look after
the nflairs about the farm house.
In his countiy home , Knthnn , who was a
vounirnianof tiirtx.lnultiot beoii iieeustom-
cd tofom.ile Hocioty.nnd . after the nilx'entof
tbo vblovltis not lonjr before ho was
smitten \\ith her clnrms This resulted in
loiif. * walks thlou h the \nlle\s \ and besldo
( be lutiblln tnooks , nnct as tlio birds ; .imr
about them , the couple pledged theli love and
tbeccldlin , ' day xvas sot
l-'annimr bec.imo . distasteful to younir Pol-
som and lie ilotermined to try life in thoclty.
The old father argued against Ids son le.ivhiK
tbe mrentil roofwhile x\lth tears in her eyes
. .laiioVnitiiey plead for him to stnj.
Tin1 fall crops were safely housed , the
fattened bo s and cattle wcio iolu ,
and with the money in his pocket ,
N'atlnn bid ail Sou to tlio homo anil
the loved ones and stnited for Chicago to
carvooutiinamo and a Tin tune , promising to
lotuin when the rosus blooinud ngniti and
make Juno his wife.
The winter inssednndat i-esular intervals
letters full of love were received from t'ht-
o , doscrlbmn Clilciigo nnd the wonderful
e , the birds and the ( lowers re
turned. Tbo trusting vldow , who hnd laid
aside the weeds of inouiiilnp , boKan to [ ire-
naro the wedding robes , but the man
of her cholc.s did not return. The
fond loUm ? letters did not arrive
as frequently us formerlv , when sudaonly
tlioy stopi ui altOKCthor. 'J'lio blushes faded
from the cheelis of Jnno Whitney , nnd ns she
packed away the bridal jjown , she dotcr-
mined tolsit \ the city bj tholalto and learn
the worst
Tlio older Tolsoiuwns anxious that she
should unite the tiip and nrj-cd lior to KO
In duo time Chicago xvas reached , but the
welcome tliat Jane received was not a warm
ono. She was informed by her loxer that the
ilresofaa had not only burned loxv , but
bad pone out foroter. The shoics of the
lake wow visited , anil then Jnno determined
to sliufllooiT the moitalcoil , but she changed
her mind and ilctoruiiucilto live and lo\o
YouiiRrolsoin had1 been prospctous and
fortune had smiled upon him to a certain ilo-
1'i-ec Non only had Toituno been kind to
him , hut it had Bwen him an oppoitumly of
hceutiiiK'i position as a swltehinan , besides
meeting a widow , Mrs. Dr. Day , who \vns
fairlo look ujion. , -
l.ovo M.IS made to her , nnd In duo time re
turned , but as business was not troocl , tlio doc
tor mox'cd to llurliiigton , In.vlioio she prac
ticed her profession , and with Mrs , Dav ab
sent , ChlciKO could not hold Folsom o ho
re-l'iicdto | accept a siirdlar position iu tbo
lovu town.
A fo\v days liter Mi's , Whitney appeared
upon thosceue , that she miKh * roslde"clo > e to
tin' man who liad loved anil forgotten. I' oi
sonio tnni ! the thico lived in lliirliiiptoi' ' ,
when I'Vilso \\a3tran \ sjfcrod to Omaha Jn
( luotlnicbothwonicii'roinovccl to this city ,
Mrs , Dahiiiiilii \ ! < rout Lcr shiiiftlons a physl-
n.'rhlljLAlra.Vliltiiev fonncl piiiiiloMiioiit
m a nurse la the homes'of'honio ' ' tf the best
'amilies in thoclty.
Matters continued hi tills nvmncr for 101110
linio both xvomcii lovinff tlio man with all
hoirdovotcd hearts , Tbo love of ono was
etumod , but for the other thcro was nothing
Hit sorrow , On .luno Hi , Ibsj ) , .ludgo M < -
CullouKh of tlio county c'ourt porfoitned the
ceremony that made ISntlian l olsoni nnd
Mrs , Dr. Day mm : nd vife.
Tno iiiformntlon was comoypd to Mrs.
Whitney , but she refused to uolievo It true ,
still rliiichiR totho de'iusionthatsotnoday
I'olsom would rejient and claim her as his
own. Tlio wedding rohoof jcarsa o were
, aken from tbe trunk , fondly pa/od nt and
tbenicpacltid , witli the remark , " .N'ato will
lotuin some day a.d fullll the promise thnt
lie nude. "
These lend thy d"eams of carlvlovo and
ilox-cilion were never renlizoti , and as jcars
; illed away , time and aoirow xvnlteneil the
: iosses of irolcicn hair that had beautified the
: madof the country girl.
Atlastafterveaib ofwaitiinr , her health
iroUc ilowii nnd bhobecame nninmito of the
Hurt street homo , vborosbo icmains todaya
poor , old and decrepit woman.
Tin ) wife lived hnpplly with her husband ,
lint when the great shock caino a few \\eoks
mo she ns nearly prostintednnil i-eceived
the sympathy of many as she followed the
funeral corto oto the fravo.
On thnt day the inmates of the home could
lot uiHUistand why an old woman sat by
Lho window ami ciiod lllte a ohlld as tno
licavic passed along the street , not can they
mideistandhy a wliite-haired old lady
weeps bitterly whenever the name of Nathan
folsom Is mentioned.
There vas n report that Mrs Whitney will
claim thu$700 insunncotliat I'olsom carried
on lilslifeln the Switchman's Mutual lielief
association , Inn this is falso. She says thnt
while I' olsom was untrue to his pledges , she
will lay no claim to the inopcrty ho owned.
T > o Witt's ' Little 1'nrly Risers. Host Itt'lo
pill over mado. Cure constipation every
linio rsTono pqual. Usotheninoxx
MON WOOD 11212.
' ircd by Mnnon , bv Nnt rnii ! , J ! > " , '
1st dim l > iL > laio , bj I'.iiuoit J.'lVi- '
I'd dim Aiithein , by C'ltvli'i1 103
Id diiiu August i. by Itv-dyU's llollhiindor.
lib iliiu Holly bioley'sAiiierleiinsuit '
Brood lircs , Cells and Fillies For Sale ,
Inclmllnstwoby thwKivnt IlliclcUUes \ : slro
oflnlim \ \\U \ | | i > s ' . " .Jl ; a No a fa ihlo
In ed J-j iaiold WIIKVU1 sliillliii : i Koolom ,
MII | for , , ! itairuc ] ) . ; or better , eomo and see
tin-in l ' '
M. P. BROWN-/- , ' Pnpll'lon.Nob
Turkish Tea 250 , Turkish
h Cure 500 , Turkish Lin
iment 500 , Tiirkish Asthma
Cure 500 , Halm's ' Golden Dys
pepsia Cure -pc ; , Turkish
Toothwash 250.- All druggists.
HOTEL DEI , ! . OlSfE.
Cornwr Mth. and 'Onpltol ' Avemui ,
Just completed , UcttfclOO roonu , threi
fctnlrw ij's , Irom tin toil to the battnin , has
( Inoole-vator and dinning rooai sorvioe , n
tlroprool tnroughont , finij blllir I
thi-line-.t toilet rooms m the city. Lar jo
Sample rionis. Suites with bath , Jc3. ( Jo-
1-lth undUatiltol Avo. Street car uervlco in
all directions. Itrito * . from $12.60 to itl UO ,
Jlllfl'llll , I tit' . Itfllllltlll
Iliiildliifi in < > im/i ,
bi'lrk / / ! ' iriillH nninlnii ,
torimf. All tiie < < ( / / / a ml
jIllOI'H ItlH'tl iritk sttiltl'HtllH | |
illtlllHUlltlllfl It tillIMItill- I
t/tilrk. rtrefHrniH'H unit / !
tlir < i\tijlnint tin" Imililiitti ,
liot fiitil t'ulil Kdtfi-nml miiiMliIni-in
I't'rrii room , 2'tiblit
Although modestly inclined about juitlino ; in an uppcaraiUT.vill \ nouTtlido coino , we , hying" no
diicctconimunicalioinvith tliiMvi\itlicr IHUT.UI. thought it bi l iuanI'Mnt \ , to lie on time \vilh \ our
pait of the programme ; aiul IRTC accordiniilv ananyi'd on n cial coiiiitcrs for your early and careful
One thousand haiulsomc spring ; OvciwaK repiv ntinu.-i'veiy conccivahlo shade nnd fabiic. Overcoats
made from fine \voolcns of our selection and linMiwl with cu'iy can1 anil lasti1. We highly appiccialo
the trade's confidence in oods ofouro\vn niniilailiiieandlorthepix' ] < t'iitspiiim\ve ; \ have spaicd no
pains in kinging out only such garment as wo led sunvill if possible , ccinent more closely the oed
will and confidence of the entire "community , No Merchant Tailor prias requited hereto obtain every
advantage they can possibly offci. Our Over-
And a lanjc variety of late styles in spring suits , we commend to all closes of trade who figure ccoif.
omy vhcn outfitting ; for sprinu ; and summer ; they not only combine quality and stjlc , hut are gar
ments of our own manufacture with a special snpeni ion overeveiy stitch ami hutlou , a Miiviyuarantcc
aijainsl rippinc : or IOMIIJJ ; shape. Keep this fact well in min 1 , that the Hrmvuiniv/Kinij ; K C'o. duthing
is the People's ' choice in moie than hall ol the pnncipal eitio in the I'nnm. They lune all the air
of the tailor's art , the price about one half.
Money Cheerfully Ttofimilpd in all
Cases \Vlioro ( iootU
S , W. Corner I5th and Douglas , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS.
Established 18GC , Incorporated 1890.
f 9 Leading Jewelers I Opticians
9f 16th and Farnam Sts. , Omaha ,
Fine Goods
And Noyelties
for the early spring trailo eclips.s nnynuclall of our
foimer offerings and embraces EVERYTHING NEW
anil DESIRABLE m our line. We invite Sf ECrAL
attention tj oar
from the FINEST HO WARD down to the OHEA.PEST
PILLED nncl silver case ? . Piiooa of those Wntclios rnnffo
from$500 , for highlyorrmmontodgold t ntl ointnoncl cases
down to $5 , for smallest slzo in silver.
ES , from 824 up.
Wo carry a tow styles of GOOD NICKEL WATCHES , from
$2.5O to $10 onch.
9f ; \reryWatc3iFaHWarraiitcI \ ] (
For n , medium iDrioocl wntoh wo particularly rosommor.d OUR
SPECIAL MOVE V1ENT , which \vo l < no\v to bo the best
WATCH MADE lor thom anoy. It's ' aJjustod , fu IJow.
olod , fluolyflm-hed , aud is gunrnnt'od thoroughly accurate -
curate , Iii silver and gold cases , trom S4O to $10O.
lF't/iai'c ' an elegant assortment of Sterling
J\'ovcllies lo shoiLiyon , Sonic of them arc said to l > c
perfectly exquisite.
Onr line of Odd Spoons cf all sizes , in Sterling Sil
ver , for Souvenirs , is the largest over shoi n in
Omaha , Prices from ? jc cadi upward. A
Nordics Itecd in toy Departnieiii Daily
ProtBct and Improve YoUr Sight , |
Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses arc the 6
Best in the World ,
6 Our PrioBS the Lowest
Fine Solid Cold Spectacles or lljcgtosscs , nnlj $3woilli ; $5. $
VIncr and Heavier Cold Spectacles , $3.50 $ to $6 $ ; worlli d to $10. $
Fine Slccl Spectacles and Cyciilisscs , from SI up.
Colored Classes for Sliadinii Ejts , Irom 50c np :
Your liyes tested free of charge by a piactical optician
and a piTfa't lit"guaranteed. 4
Opera and Field ( liaises , Telescopes , Jl/iirostopc * .
ThermoMctcrs , Jlaroineters , ant/ all kind * of Opti
cal Goods at f ti'i fJ'riccs. ' .
4 MEYER , & BUO. CO. 4
. > liilliiiiul Fut-niun Sirt'otH , Unmlm , eli
4. .
APOSITIVC anilpormanenlCURE lor nil
' . Sco slaiatuool E. U
for 8uo ! By All Druggists !
Plijsicians , Silicons and Sptcialiits
14CO DOUC Lx h. .
Tlio most xx Idolv nml funir.ililv Ummtino | <
lull-Is lulhc I nllfil ' 'I id- 'IliPli IIIIIK PX-
IIP I li'lllM' . It'll'irk ! l I ill sU IU Illlll Illl I XI1 IwillSlll'-
ipsslii t litMit1 iliniMit nml Pine nf NOMDIIH ,
Illnullami NII , . ' ! ! nl I'U -M pnllth * Iliosii
iinliii'iit i > li\ > lilm-tn tin'full ' iinllilciup nl
the .illllrliil I > M i \ \\ln ii- I In \ L-ti'ii inti c :
A I I 1MIN AND l'dSTI\i | \ : I III' , fur . fuh'lli- i > T i ti \ \ \ii < .nul tint iiiiiuoi -
onIK < lint r
l-l'iy vrii i
Mll-t lllv. IMUIIIlli ll'l V 111 I IIOIIII'IMI llllI'llll'd. .
M-'i\iN ! DUtn.irv AND M\II\I. : nit- ! jlold iciillljto Ilit-lr tklllful tioit-
" "
"IM ill4. : H-rn.A AND irr\u : ] * n.cKits
il i iiiiil \\lllitiiitp.iliior < ! > ' iillnti
n v KM : AND VAUirom.r , n mm
lll'llt IV IllKl MIC ( IssfllllV ( Miri'd 111 t'M'IV ' 0,1-1) , ,
' VPIMIjI" , lillNOHUMIA , . , : : ' . SpL-r-
IMilorilii'.i.lVniluul : Mi'.iKni"loit M.inllnnil ,
Mi-lit l.inH'.ioii' ' , Hui.ijiMl . r.u'iiltlos , IVnnlu
Kpiiknpsiand fill di'llc itti illsdiili-is pi'oulliir
Incltlii'i sijjiHlllMly cMiipd.nsMllnsiill
( iiin'tliiiiiilillM > nU'r-.tliiit nsint doiii joiilhful
fnllicsor tlio I'MO i of nuilurii xi ir- .
CI'K'lf "I'll It ? I ! t ! irtiiH"'il iiinii.ino ntly
ill l\\\j \ 1 U IV I/mini , renimil ( oinpliti * .
without ciilllnc pun-tic or Ion Uurps
( IVi'i'tul at liKiiu1 l > y iriln'nt ' vltliont n uiu-
lurnt . ii-ilni'V : nnii > vinri-
? K'K rii uwfl11 'fents ' ot
iirjiinli' U ( lUnc , iliMri > > lini liotli inliKl Hid
lii"ly nlth nil Us ( liouUd Ills iiuiniiineiitly
( UM'll
hP 'UlITT's ' Artiln"mllm scv , linlmvolm-
1MVO. DM 10 puin-il ilt , niM'lvoi by IMI-
propir lii lulBi | " aiiil * > " > lltiiy li.ili'txvliluli
lulu Intli niiiiil nml Innly iitilittiii ; ; UIL-IM for
Illl-illls1' . llll ] VIII lil.ll I ill 'l ) .
SI MMMI'I ) MI'N iirtliiiiu oiilorin.1 ! on that
. ] ] llfc.awiiru of | ) liy-k'iil clcblltty.qulaldy
B bssod ) ilium fact- . , riisji1'iactlcal
nuj' . ( ec'uiil t.M'i yea < ' Is apwlallj ' .t inlli'il.
hus stiiitlii ! ; Mcht Thlnl - inert It Inrs .ircj
ioiiirud In our liilnir.itoiy oxaoily to suit
iii'ii ( HOI tliusini''llii/ Liiiiwlihuut iiijUry.
Drs. Eetts & Beits ,
Onlia Medical inulSfpai
TrtiMm-i1 * llit t hu litl * Ai'i'tiuitu ' ' rill lit1
for HiiecuHffiil In tttui it r.f evi - ) f iniu f iiMrnsa
luijnlrlinr .Mcdli-iiloi nrtilfnl I'rt-iliiicuL MMJl'V
UDOM-i IDil l-UIKSl'H liminl nmlIUui.liuui \ )
Mo \cf.Miinio latliiiia \ \ r-t \N rttii fitr rlrnil irti on
hornrmillm itiitl llrncM ! * rriH f.t ( lull ftvt. furvii-
tnrt of ' iilni * . IMU , 'ruiiiuiH , t ninr C'nturrh ,
llr.iuliHiliilitilitlnii MiirlHtr I'lir.ilyiN. Kpll-
' c' > - > y Klilni > H lllniMi'r i : > u Kur "klnnntl lllnoil ,
1 nnd nil ui-klc-il ( in | > r.illiiii < i IUSKSK > Oh1 XX'OMHN
, n xiirliill | < > Hoi ko < UliPiioi'iiif X\uiutn \ 1'rnn. XX'o
Imx , 'latol ) nililnlii I\lnc In Diipiirlniunt fnr XXuinon
llurliu . .iilllH'liiint ( blrlitl ) lilMiU > ) Only llollu-
lilt'MiilliMl In-lllulu Muklnj -poc-lally of IMll-
All llf > i > i | | l uiiMH Miifcc Ktiilly trntoil MuJUlni ]
ni Instriinipiitt H'lit l < > mill ore MITCH htHuroly
piifknl. mi iimrln t" liulli ili > i * < iiiit > iiti erin lor.
Oni pyr tinn. tntorvlo prt'ti'mul riillnml cui ult
IIH oricn.l lilt orynf ynur n < i > mil \ I'wlll ni'inl In
Inlii uii ] 'i .nrliouh lo MDN' Htl'M : tipunl'rl-
tali1 MIUC-II ! or NITIUJ Dlveuoi. Mill < ( rjstl nltU
AttttrcHs nil Utti'ri to
Dr. A. T. AlcL.nuahlln , ProsMont
Htlnuul lluriipx f Onulia.
iiitne t , Mvnini iMpictiloTi hittpuinif of Ihv I.ruin r\ > *
ultiitif I i ii)3iiiili > n if lintim to inlMUj iltn AT ai > 1
uo.\t.i Vrimam i i j AK * ' mrrwnnrKtf I nr * > i l'n\ur
liioliher fei ln ol m' iy i oi i > ii , nnl Mii nni
CAUM * | liy ovur-ixtfi hi < of the Itiatn. rvit i tuvo or
ovii Indu'iMnro Knrliln T rrninln-on j n ml t ' lri" t.
ni.-rt Slaliri , nr mi for $ j. tint liy mul | irti il.
WitUiH UorJ.rf.irni | . .iu . Mill t.iiil ; | mnh * or
( ninrant * ii lo niunil n < if * If f It < Ircftlm nt ftlld ( O
( iUUDM.N nun , to. : ,
li I urn un slut .1 - Umnlm. Y > ' >
- Mpui . Trq iro.l ly i IVrmilnlnKhlwIth
J' ' * ' ) iiiiXi | illTliHnil '
' MSJ ; i" " ' ' * o'llVVkm ,
_ ; j | florhvvoim. clMii-- . ! liiniln fvts' -
, , y' cti An iinl ilinj rcmixlj ( or all
lr IKI > | | I tlt clioii' . . 111.1 B rare picmit-
n out all l iu-n | kiiiauoai .
PorSiln liDrupfl.ts or mull } mill I'tlco COcruM.
Fju'ial Hloinislii's. ' ' " " " ' " "
. , y' , . "
IMifUMr.1 Mill iklnied ittlpilthll uo JUc nt ) i > il > .ui
iIOII.V U , AMio llll'IIV , I/mtatiiloE' l ,
" " \ > . 1V.U h | , , ? < i\v lui k. ( Ity.