Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1891, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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    lli TJIT ] OMAHA ! IAL.r ) ! . BJUJffi : SSt MJAT , MARCH 15 , ISOn-STA'TRW PAOffiH ,
$ jf
As we are now Figuring "With a Prominent Clothing House
to take the Entire Stock of Fine
"Jkit the stock as it now stands , Is too large for them , sove will make extra efforts to reduce
it to their figures before the end of the Aveek , As is well known this clothing is the FINEST
QuiotRcigns iu the Realm of Otualia Fasli-
lonaUa Life.
An Iniproiiiiitii IJftncliiR I'art v Cnnls
Coatiiuin the raslilmi.ihlo 1'an-
time A bitorury Uutrrtnln-
iiicnt attlioSiicieil Heart ,
mi : v low r A SOKO or * VIIVRSS.
.tdnnfrt rmixlllntfiHi ,
In life's bust , lone December ,
There blooms ono violet ;
Hut i\hv should I remember
\Vlicn shoc-an so fotitet ;
She will iiotmoum orinissit
\Vhen \ cruel fi-ost slwll kill ;
lint lenn , fond lips , andlribslt.
for wo remoinoer stilt !
In unknown paths and places
Herfftirvstous maybe ,
llut .still her pictured face is
Thodeaiest dream to tnu ;
And though the skies above mt >
\VItlistonny scenes aio set ,
Iho clirlc ojo-s seem to love me :
AliMiowrouldtho ) forget !
0 , that the winds miphtwnft her
This dyins violot't , breath1 ,
That I might follow after
And ilio tlio violet's death.
For then her heart , believing ,
\Voulil leave , poor , vvonndod dove I
Uponmv lips , half KneviiH' ,
The first , last kiss of level
The calm of almost complete quiet has set-
tloclupon the tirciia of social affairs. Iho
pastvveek has had few incidents of anox-
tendect fnstdoniblo or public intc-rcst nnd un
less the pist IjCntun season bilngs a revival
cf intorett , the belles and the debutantes
maybe expected todioof ennui. For the
next for tnljf lit the leadorsof the smart \\orld
Will completely lese themselves intbodlm
rollcloiih light of the churches , holy nnd
passion moles making impc-j-atlvo demands
upou them , l.vcii the semi-religious leaibrs
will faithfully obsoivo the next foitnightas
provided uy thochuich , tocmeige on Kastor
inoinlngicstcd and benefited bv the period
of denlal.of self-sacilllce , of sack cloth and
nshcs , which is now ncnilnc- end ,
It is too tatlv to predict what the past
Lenten season will htiiiir to the followers of
the beau monao. Hut fioni tno number of
Diitertiiinmeiits. laipo and snnll , ylvaii pio-
vious to Ash Aveclncsday , It would seemiea-
soiiablu tonntlclpatea veiy quiut closing of
the faslilonablo woild.
\s ono jouiiLluclsaid the other evening ,
and which rightly dlagiioveb the case : "Tho
Easier season cannot bo otherwise than slow ,
for who me left to cnteitaln who have not
Bntertalued prcviousto thoda-vvningof Lcntl"
Philadelphia Is pioparins for a novel en-
lertnininuit to bo nivon niter IhsteiYhlst
to Music , " is the idea , and to carry It out
many prominent women In the Quaker city
are imz/lmi : their brains Tlioso who are
chielly interested nro Mrs. McClellan and
MlssBalch. and by their direction the thing
Is to bo ariatiged. Voun ? prills and young
men di'ossed to represent the cauls mo to
taUo part , and the f.imo h to'd at the
Philadelphia Art Ulub After Iho gaino ,
rvhlcu is to boaklndof clanc-o , llio cnteitdii-
aient will lliiWi with a ball. 'Iho debutantes
> f the winter season nro taking deep Interest
In the Kiisttr diversion , a-id 'vVhist ' to
Musio" U occupvliiR thotiiotihtsof | ! tboiniy
young pcoplo In t'lillacielphln ut present ,
Ono of the pretty and ncrecabli ) devices
, .r. _ rorsponillnp a Boclal ovcnliip is called the
observation p r y. la a small room at ono
tide of the parlor vvhoio the guests are a
i table is set. on which is a tray containing
. from twenty-live to llfty small urtleles such
\ us a tldmble , scissors , bodkin , ponltnlfo ,
coffee spoon , spool Of t bread , etc. , etc. Ono
by one the puists nro talon into the room to
Inspect tro tiay. After nil have seen it the
rojni Is shut up and the subjcit Is dropiocl.
Fort\voboun tlio tluio 1 taken up with
games or In any w.iv the Itostrss may fancy.
AHei thiseacliKiiestis given a piper imd
pencil mid called upon to n rile from mem
ory alist of the artiilej. em tlio tray. Coni-
pariiiK notes Is not allowed The various
list" IHO then read wlh tlu'aettnl contents of
llio trav. imil apri/ois gnvn foi the beM list
and a bi > oby prfro fen the worst ono.
The Kensington iv-en by Mn. Douprlns X.
Grtivai o [ Council H luffs Thursday afternoon -
noon , to n number ol her fiiuids , was the
leading society c\ cut of the \\cek in the city
across the river The house was verj prettily
decorated for the occasion , and the quests
ivore enthusiastic In vraibo of the many
ehtiiniiiifi features Introctiiceii ,
Amoncr tliosc present vvoro Mrs. E.V. .
Nusli , Mn. II 1' . IJcuol.Mrs. U. Uoso water ,
Mrs , ( Juris Ilartinan , Mrs.V r > . WiUhnis ,
Mrs K. .A Niuh , Mrs. K D. Ilcllls , Mrs. Cd
Haiiey , Mrs. L. II. Kortj , Mrs. Finnic
Brown , Sirs. \ \ . Dcvalou , Alii. K. I'ovcko ,
MI-J X. I1. FVd , Mis O. II. Witlincll , Mrs.
A. Traytior , Mrs. . .lamesVoodnnl , Mrs.
Homy IJroivn , Mrs A. McKcn/Io , Mrs. C.
Job mnes , Mis. .r. II. Vitlinoll , Airs II.
Shull , Mrs.iV. . \V. "helps , Mrs M. E. C.ild-
ley , .Mrs , lohn Manchester , .Misses McAus-
land , Misses " \\ithuell \ \ , Ms. r Morns , Mrs.
\ MtiM'Ary ItiMinloii.
A briuht nnillntoicbtin ? liulo seanco mark
ed thu mU-L.eut season at the .Academy of
the sacred Heart , I'.irlc place. The following
procriinino explains Itself :
Tlio pupils of tlu ' ueiiHl II c'irt. I'.uk Plneo
Oni.iliii. lm < > mill i'i | in | > u > pailiiK 'n c"l > < > !
lltc-iirv li'i" In tlio Hum of < oiljtunl i" .
H.ISt I'llI'llllMof 'K'l haVC t 111 , llOIIIII Of pri-s-
untiu MIIU : ' the ilis&t 'iCiinjo ) thopilv-
llofceof suiipljln , ; tl > " iitrar , " the das' i > f
'nt fnlllll Ibo duty of siii > oriiitiuiltii ! ! tlio ' I'u.i
1'icUiiLi : tlieclis- 'Uleontilbutethi" "I civ
Plant ; " the c-l.iis of ' 'I. ! pinv Ulollio "I'lin'i-liin
Son leu : ' the oil- , nf 'in ly "Ti.i llrlnk-
lnj"lii ininy IIIH Imd : .it \ ml. HIopurln. .
I'lusiof 'W . . llio Iri'anuif t lie Kvcnliiir
Kud lij Mis- . Piek.
t'lassof Ti I roinl'aiio to ( 'ij-.tal
liuail b\ Miss Norwood.
Class o Of . lntlic Hi-Idiot 1'ir C'nlliay
Uoail liyMlssM l'lo\c
Cla'sof 'D.I . . . .r I'loii-i l liosoiiM.iiidiriu
Uoul hy MN" M Krinou.
Cliisiot VJ. . . . I'alrMiaiioi InL'luy
Uoul IjjMlf-sJ. IvHlu.
Clniiof ' 91. . . Itoniiil Many Tea Tililcs
Jioiil liy MI s I'rcnoh.
Tlio pailor ot thoacaOemy tlio scene of
thUnfrrivablonsscmbly I4o > A. Al Cohnurl
presiilod over the ( xuriscuhloh wurti
c'liniu'toiizud by oUjrimillty of plnn , traiu of
thought and c\prt' ioiiind , loinarkalilo iu-
tolllnfpiico of deliiory Miss Helen I'ui U
rend , with cliyminK n.iivcto , her coiled ml
itifounatlou , Inters ) i > rcid with her own re-
llcc'tious , uu lliu nature , u es , ioinioundi ) nnd
vaiictios of inllU , croini , butter clioesc ,
IcoimiN.s , etc. All afjroil that her eontiilm-
tion , though offered by juvuiulo liaiuls , inl lit
claim to k > tlio cruaiu of the evening. > liss
Nonvoodof Texas bad aiaasb l anil oictiu-
1/edii v.iltiablo amount nf useful knowloiln
on the > uliject of Supar , " tlio ttiati < rial be-
inpso JxiJlriousljloudcnsecl and , In sotuo
pass ij.os , soivldlj prescntod , thnt , iiotnith-
standliiKlts Icnu'th , thoessav was folloivud
with biistaiuoil atUntion , nut aortl \ wai
lost , In thin iiletuicsiitio histoiy. wliicli fol-
IO\\PI ) tJic fortuncaof life's gicnt s\\cotoner \ ,
fromcanoto crystal .Miss I'lovos' ' acionnt
ot "Tea 1'leUlnt ; in Uhlua , " was c'oinineiul-
ablofor aecuracjas 10 detail , c.ueful ro-
setiuh as to facts , ana iaro cloainoss us to
oxitub ] ! > loii. It ilassliieil all tlio vn-
riotlos of tea , explained their moilvs
of iirepiration and adulteration , their
Chhieso names nnd vahoss , besides supplying -
plying such iii.iliH | Monpolinn luifcnds , con-
neiledltli \ the 'Tea Tree , " as iniKht ho
sxjpposedto liave been pldtcil , with tlio leaves
themselves , "In tlio l ielcls ol l * nr Uatliay. "
Miss L.CIHOU read a stiikiiiK eoinm itloii on
the tea nlant , couslducd botamc.iU.y nnil
chrmlcally , endlns witli a knllinnt little fa-
b'o , \ \ herein the fulr tturnitor supixisoil her
self to have intended , Inaneliool girl's Uicain ,
Into Flaia 3 court , durini ; a contest for pro-
codenconmonB tlio trllios of the vegetable
kiiifrdoin , thoblnlicst rank beliif ? assigned to
nuilt. virtue and service rondurcd to huniiiu-
ity , the slccpor avnkctis at tlio niomont
when tlio nsswublcd tlmmp ; nro applnudint ;
the "the i slneals , " "Honi's chosou man-
darln. " Miss Kohn's essay on ixittorywaro
was a sldlUully arnmsod paiiornnia of in m's
"works lu clay , " evincing curofnl rescnroh
and cultivated taste ; l.otiL'fellou'b "K'oru-
niOi , " judiciously quoted iu Its most striking
. formed a spoeles f prnMo , dlrect-
c-ss.ij ist's ' pitli amid " 1'iiir Shapes in
Play" Miss Proneli cioxvnul the evening
by sinrkllni ; strenm of reminiscences
culled f loin a\ist aiiiounl of literaij ) ii\U'.ti- \
patlon , covering China , India , Russia , Hol
land , Ifrance , and ino-c-inliir'ntly KnRland and
America \Viso reading , wlscudemont ] , and
n , pleiisust elocution , inado avcritihlo bin-
iinetontof horuxcuraioa "Round Mini ) 'I c-a
Tallies. "
'Jim dilTPi-cnt topics having boon assiRiiod
to tlio rcspuctUo cUssca , as imlir.ilcd by the
proKiannno. the entire tl.isj , nail aldoil in the
\VOIK collecti\i'lv and o.ich incinboi has writ
ten an js.iy ! tliorofiom , but , in.Tot.buUy , only
onoof eaih fraile could bo re id , astliocxor-
cisooven thiMi tilled almost two hours The
million con-as uuliKhtcil , and the pupils of
Park plnie am to be congratalatcd ontlicir
succt s.
Ji IMiilosophorllerllc Biilliant fdiivinp
homo fronithoelub. iiftorliavm ? tiiken tutlior
more chanipapio than hoouslit ) I say , liow
inueh pleasanter it is to nriu in a cab nnd
think how inuih | ilcnsa.ter : it is to ridein a
cab than It is to vsallc , th.ui it is tuwa'kand '
thinU how much jilCiisniitor It is to ride in a
cabthaii it is to wain.
A Wodtlitis Aniiivcrnaiy Surprise.
J\Ir. \ aiidMn Harry Ilirtno \ \ live at
'N ' o 101. N'oith Twenty-ninth stiuotvoro \
given a Jolly surpilio by a number of then
friends Tuosiiay c\cnini \ ; It was the tenth
anniversary of their inauiace , but this lact
was not sui-vstid | to 11 any and hsifo
ni.111 tlio company arrived But as Mrs ,
Tlartry isn natural entertainer , the surprise
was soon ovcicoineand the quests wore hup-
pllvuiitrrriiiiioJ in the usual \\iiy \ \ throughout
the evening.
A Hii'llulay I'nrty.
Ono nf the most najojablo parties ot this
winter WHS that given by Mr. and Mrs
Cblilea U'hlto of t0. ! > boutli T\\enty-nlatli \
street in honor of their littlodaiiKlitor , Annlo
T-co White , last Saturday aftsrnooii from '
to lip , 111 The house was splendidly decorated -
orated with cut flowers and smilnv. The
dining loom dooisvein tlnown open at I
o'clock and a iliii/lliiK sight mot the ojos of
UiPili'liL'hted little ones. Tlio tabluasro -
splendtini vith cut glass , silver anil
Honors , Inlo luxiuiunt Honors anil
palms tilled thu recesses of the
room. Mrs Vhlto was assisted in
BiitcrtaluliiK the little folks by .Mis. Axtoll
and Miss Jamison Thu Invited lnrtii'iuitii [ | )
weio Miss liertln I Iraki , IllanioValker ,
J uoy 1'airisli , Ho.sln FieldIHhol and iUaiiiio
Moiri.son , Stella C'o\v : , Nellie
( Jlnrk , Mlldiet Vllliams , lul { > . % \\llll.uns.
ilcnnle Ilenijicl , AKIIUS llerbeit , lllilred ami
Xi > ltio ICeltier , l dn.i and EvaUoodull.Hflitlu
\Villio , Aiuiio Sntton , Manila Jlrowti , anil
Alators IJossVokh , Jay Muiribo : . and Har
ry and ( JlmrloyVnitu
Jacques JIabel , wuljuu bo .ny wifol
M.ibd-\\'liat forl
Juoqi-oi | l''or life , dear , forllfo.
> luln l-\Vcll , I think not , j'ou seem to
foigot that 1 am fioni Chicago ,
A ii Impromptu Dnix'int ; I'.irly ,
Moncliy evcnitiK n jolly number of jonni ;
people took possession of Mr. and Mrs
Kntest UtaH's cov homo on Howard street
mill ' .bo Uraulii loom , hallway nnd llbnirj
. . .ivlnt been clcaicd and bueril of the jouiig
women having been laovulled upon to preside
side at the piano , tlio quoits passedu do
liphtfuloveiiing in ilaneln p.
'Iho house , \vtiiih Is one of thopiottlcst in
Omaha , prebcntod : i iiarticuliu-l.v chmmiiiK
tipi araiico on till1 ! ciicaslon , and hud thu
mm and vvon.ea uppoareil in white wii- ; . and
quaint costumes , the pictuio would have
been vuy susgostlvo of thu old prints you
&ci ) occasionally in the art shops of balpou-
dies in old Virginia , for the interlorot the
house and thu .surroundings i-ari ) ono back
to old coloiiinl ilas
The joungwonu'ii oiiteiedlnto tlio spiiit of
tlioovonhii ; with avlm , the I .enteu i oat Ii iving
biought back the roses to their ihcoks and
the men never tlied of ilia .ilt/ which
Krcatly predominated.
Delicious icfrediinuiiUcro served tlur-
iiiRlho evening , the unUoraal oilnlon | lioing
tint inioruiiilmrtlC3 | inUcnt weio tar taoio
delightful tliau formal ones in the .season ,
for the reason probnblj that there is an elo-
nieiit of stolen plrasum about tnom.
Thoao participating weie Mr. and Mrs ,
Lomas , Mr. and .Mrs. Uvorge Unnls , Mr. and
Mrs Dan Whwlor , Jr. , Mrs Harry Rollins ,
Mn HiUundMisxcb JJuudyVilliaiiib , Uur
Us , CMailt , Tou/alln , Maud Woodworlh of
Siuuv Citv , Kollv 'llioin is of Washington , 1)
f , MissU'ilson of St. Louis Me-srs. I'ranK
Hamilton , Ii. S. Merlin , NVill C'r.irj , Cougli-
linVill Uu.uic , Art Cliilnn , llookmillcr , U
S. A. ; rmvoll OhailosViUon , Ten I\CK : . ,
John Ol.uliP , \ "dl McCasno.
Mr. Sprightly Miss Oldclrl , won't you
\Viili/ with mo'
Miss Oldgul O , thank you , Mr. Snri&htly ,
I .should like to , but I f''ar that 1 nni too old
to co
Mr Spiichtlv ly ! no mentis , Miss Old-
Kiili I suv a hulv dandiiK last week who
\viis ( ( nilc a little ( ililor thim jou.
Miss Oldgid Really , now , Mr. Sprightly.
\Vlut was i tie dantof The walt/il
Mr. Kiugbtly | Xo ; it was the St. Vltus.
lll KMllKn AMI Zl MtKII.
U'edncsdaj ovoiiing of last week the mar
riage of MissMlnnio Desenberc of ICalama-
700 , Mich , and Mr Aaion Xundorof tblseitj
\\Misolciiini7iil at the saaoguoiii ( ICalaina-
/oo , Rabbi Rosenau of Oinalm ollldatiiiir
The folIovliiB account of this proiuiiioiit
soii.d t\ent is , taken from the lia/clto of
Thursday :
'Iho nuptials occurred in the .Tcnishsjna
gojfiio , which was tilled witn friends and rel-
atiMis of ttiobiuloimd piooin lonubefoio the
wcddinc hour 'J'lio sanctuary was decorated
with a profusion of choice nit llowen and
blossoming nulled plants , whiii * statelv palms
lenttbi'li priboncoto tliu occasion ] 3et\\cen \
the pillais of the sauctiniy lailin , ( 'recn foil
at'o\vitli most ueliuitc whitci plumed llowors
nnd pnmroses forme 1 a umk of the most
bciutiliil desirlption. 'Ihe nltnr rested amid
the rlmlcpst prolusion ol roies , carnations ,
lillos of the * vuloyund i'iiinioesvhiclMero '
tastily luteiHovcn with siullav , ferns and
Kiaootul vines
At the appointed hour Clement's orchestra
stiiick iii | Mendlessohti's ' wedding maiih for
thu processional , anil imty passed
down tlio center als'e ' , which was lined with
wnlto libbons , 'J'ho p.utvas ushered into
the chinch by Messrs. Mouis Dosonborir ,
Henry IVsenberK , lOciward I.illienfeld and
Ale.vur Descnberg rollo\\lng the ushers
won' the tbicii pates ; , blasters \Vultor Kobon-
llcld of Chicago and Alfu-d nnd Milton htorn
ofthls city Then caino the hnclo's niilcts ,
tho.Nlisst'a .li'imicMvinirston and Almi lies-
oiilc-rg sldo by side , and Mi s Urlli' / under ,
sister of the groom.of Cirand Hapids , nnd
Miss Hnttio Ivosontield of Dutioit. The
nioom walk ! d ivith his host inai. , Mr , Abe
laiulorf of .lolli'J. Ill 'll < o bildo was lurom
Datiiod by the maid ot honor , Miss llattiu
Uolienfelcl. > rm
The Inido i\is iihlv | ; attiied in a white
fudlo silk oombiucilvitn biocadcd silk , I'll
tiMin. She wore a loiur tulle veil upon
\\lilc-h lestivl , \vre.Uh of oi.ingo blossoms
Kor ornaments she worn a ulamoiiil pin and
e.iulngs , thoKit't of theRroom. liarol ) have
Knliimii/oo biiclci looked more boautlliil
The niiiid of honor. Miss llnttio
Killienfedoiu a beautiful white I'himisilk
and c allied .1 . haildsonio cluster ( \\.iUon \
ro'.ci ' Slio al-o U-IH'II , iisdul Iho bndesinnuU ,
asiiiivcnir i > url , Ince pin , tlio g\ll \ of the
biidc. Miss Ucllo Xuiider , sister of the
groom , and ono of the InuU'sm.iiils wis
dressed in n yelow [ silk with blacn silk
iicttingovordicsV > ? lin cauiuci a btinili of
yellow cliilTodlN Miss Hattie Itosunllilil of
Pttroit ivoroii pfnlt lalllosilk with gainiluio
cicpo , dc7cnllf > to Shu wore beautiful
sc's M Jessie f.lviiigstono was
attlretl In n strlied | joilnw silk , demlloti1 ,
She cairiod carnations Mhs Alma iJi-son-
beigvoio a plult silk , trimmed with uluto
lihos I'or ouiainents she wore ( 'ii'ncits.
Tim nodtiint ; p.uty flic-lids and rolutlves
inuneillituly lepalred to thoHuidiuk house ,
after thocoinplntloii of the coromnny , wli ro
tliospicinusiiirlors | wire beautifully duor.i-
ted with llf' rr. and In icaitinosa forth"
wcdciin nvoutlon and c'oniritulatloiis ;
At 11 o'cloilc the wodilhiK pnrty
uid ; Kilo-its vuio HOIUH ! a sump-
timus wedding dinner at wldoh tonats
\Mfi * iesoineil | ! tnundtho hc.ilthof t'lucon
tiac't lii ( , ' partlod diiinU not once , but many
Mr. and Mis. Xundorloft Thursday for a
foitnlKlit't , wpildliii ; ttlp In Now York , Hus
ton I'tillacielplila.llidtlmuroimd Detroit , and
\\lll boat homo after Mnrch ! 'U at tlio Hotel
Mr. A , SUere , Jr. , and Miss Knto I * 1'en-
iilinan , both of Clerk J\looron \ o It lie at thu dis
trict court , vcio qiiiutlv m in-led Thursihi )
c'vcnmgat thu lesldunceol Jlev. Dr. Duryea ,
b.ihe . litter
Both ol the contracting jnrties nro very
estimable young pcoi-lo an I their many
friends tiUu u real plcasuio In ollerliij ; con
' "Jlu ; Ilolv Clly"at li-inity Cailx-di-al.
Haul's "Holy C'tv ' , " a cantata , which was
wntton for the liliiaingliani ( I nKlimd ) mu
sical festival a numlwr of ycais ape , was
giien itsllrst ) tc elltatloIl in Oiinha Uhura
dii ) evening by the full choir of U'rinity
cathodnil , consisting of tiftyoiccs. .
Tor a number of weeks the choir has had
the cantata in rehearsal , Mn. J. \ \ ' . Cotton
diicetins , and Iho memory of "Tho Daughter
ofJulrus , " \\hlch\\ns \ given so lioautlfully
by this ornanmtion a jcar aqo , .wai-
ranted tlio public in anticipatiiiK
a great treat. In this
they A\crc in a measure disappointed
not byieason of Its rendition , for that was
almost perfect , but in the composition itself
Tito cantata is icllective in c-liiunctor , the
scnntnrcs having fnrnlahc'd tlio liispiiation ,
embodying elevated musical thoughts ivhtch
aielatellectuilly worked out , but there K mi
atinospliero of coldness In the manner ot its
timtimnt , a suggestion that the composer's
hoirtMS not in Ids \vinlc It aiousoii lutlo
or no onthusiisni IIIIIOIIK tho\i > r l.iruoaudl
once piescnt , and noUvithst.iudiiii ; tlio lu-roie
etfoits of tlio cliolr , it onli inaclo a partial
successalthough the choir has novel been
he ird to so good nth.intake.
The c-omi > 0'itioiiib dhidecl Into two parts ,
Contemplation and Adoration , t he organ in-
timluc intr the p.uts ba loin ; u citative.
Jhe solo piitbnutuln tlo hands of tin )
qnn-tiUte , J\lrs. Cotton , Mis. Moellei , Mi
\VIIUinsandMr. l.iimlnid , assisted by Miss
ISIshopanil iMiss Clarkson , vho sing a duet ,
' "Ihoy Shall Hunger No Alnio , " very mil-
sici.dly nnil iinpiossivcly. lioth ai-o pupils
of Mis. Cotton , and already bhow
ovldonces of nupeiior ability asVoeilists.
Tnev need coalldenco , of course , but with
repeated appiaranio in public , thonccessar\
confidence \\ill c-oino.
'loo much [ ii-.iise cannot bo Riven the
choius , cspuchlly the men , and their londl-
tiou o ; "Tlut ) That Sow in Tears Shall Ueap
in Joy" was an vMinislto plocu of shading ,
tbf number being \mtteiiin \ lound foriu\cr )
sivue.tlvo of a fufc'uo inoveniunt. It loininded
ono vc-iy imuli ot lincli In thu exilted man-
ncrof Us trcaliiient , and is clcser\cdly one of
the gems of the couipoaltlon.
Mrs. Mooller was in oxrollcnt voicp and
sanif the contriltnp iris with line apiuecia-
tion , osjiLi-iall ) hcrlirstsolo'Ko lliuli Not
Seen , Kir Hath Aul Heucl. "
\VilUinsw.iseatriistedwiththo \ tnuor
part-s and usuiliy sang the nuniboiMell al-
tliinigh now anil then there was u tendency
to slur on the upper notes ispec-ially In ids
best solo , "M > Soul is Atlilrst forlio'd. "
Mr. Ijunibaul gave an iileuif how a basso
would ting a Ii iritoiii-- lolo and while his work
\\.isconscicntiouastiH it was apparent that
the pail was entirely toj hi lilorlns ro.'is-
Mrs. t'otton , ot roui'O , sing well , a con-
rotted nu in her and a sn.c , "Ilioso AruThci
\\bli-h L'amo Out of LI i i'U Tabulation1 '
being the oxtint of Iho's roiinrc- |
nitnts. Mrs Cotton his theiualllv | of volc-o
\ldch ; utiixvs on onu. hU'hlv cultivated ,
osiic'cially in the uppovn-gi.ster it lomjlotoh
lills the senses and ICIIMS little to bo dcslrcv !
The new oiKim tuo ; a stiong liickciouiiil
totho volcu&and liromrlit into great pionii-
nenco llio line oiilicitratlonof the cumpost
tionhlch ' \ IB one of lu diMlngulsiiiui ;
t'cvil u l cs ,
1'laj ' luu IlTglTKIvo.
rndayovrnlngMr. anil Mis J. 1 ! , ICdwirds ,
Itill Xuith HiLihtiiiitli street , eiitortii'.ncd ' a
number of fileiuisut high live , tlio game be-
iiiBoxcltiugto a denrvo. At the termination
oftheieiios , dullghtfiil rofte.hmenta woio
beivodand the pn/fs awarded ai follows ;
Mis.'llwonllio llrst Indios1 pri/ouvoiy ,
putty Jo\\il case , Mis. Koss the ladios1
booby , uhicliis a hhoomaKci's last in
closed in a ilng. Mr. C'olfux
% MIH the llrst prl/o for Bcnlleincin
adninty scarf box whllo \Vllsoni\irried
olt the booby , a pietty wiclcjr basket con
tain I nun bi'ut.
The f nests present were : Mr , ami Mu
M'llson , Mr and Mrs. Murjjass , Mr. and is ,
I'.dily. Mr. and-Mis. C.Vitalsh , Mr , and Mis ,
l.MiH , Dr. and Mm Ito H , Mr. and Mis K'ub-
orl Iluntor , Mrs llasklus of Mnrth Loun ,
Alltsus C'atlln , Lawless , llowie , Coraibh ,
Messrs ColfaT. Miller , Howie , Lawless ,
Howe anil Dr. Graham
U. > Took HIT.
< .
She was a maid of high degree ,
And ijullo scvci-ph proper ;
I nih man shomot , so pioiul ivas she ,
\\ouldlovo \ , dos tnir , then drop her.
But them remained without demur ,
\ \ hen all the rest forsook her ,
Anaiiiatinr plotociipbcr
And Im took lier.
Mr. and Mis. nitini Entertain
In honor of Miss Miller , Mr. and Mrs. n
A nium gave ouo of the ploasantost card
paitlcsof the season at their pretty homo in
Kount70 plnco , IsOS Blimey street , Wednes
day ovetiinp. Progressive high live , that
vuy popular faire , was played , the guests
entcrini ! with smrit into the playing.
The house was piottlly decorated inhonoi
of the occasion and eor \ vtnlng was as com
plete as one could wish ,
Uefrcshinent.s Mere servrd nt the cioo of
the games and them thopri/.es WPIO awarded.
The Hist pri/cs wtio prcsimted to Misi Mm.
nlot'ollett and Mr ( Jeotfi-e Di\ , second prizes
to Miss Aunbriistcr and Mr C'onrad , the
booliv pu/csbelnt' won by Miss ( itatiot and
! Mi Nc-lson.
'Iho following stiostswote pirsontMr
and MisV 11. l.-itov , Mr. and Mrs. M. < J
Ctalg , Mr nnd .Mis i ; . K Muffiti , Misses
\\Vllor , Collelt , Lena Collott.Cimio Mcf.ain ,
llaltio llailej. Maud C'htirrh , Ma nlo Hani-
lin , Ijips. | tirtllot , Arnhruster , H.ui-
nun , Juellnskell , Hattie Os-
boino , Mes rs. Waul , Mo- rill , McCoy ,
Smith , O. N. Da\enpoit , iCclson Sht'inian ,
Osdir Cioodinan , IVc-d I'lekons. Diy , lcilo ) % ,
Conrad , Straus , Palmatior , McConue ! !
His Annie Whit stone is most desirable
for an engagement I'iiur n diamond , a rub\ \
or a caibundo'
Her Joe ( slipping tlio louder on the back
to hint that he wants something inexpensive )
A small carbunilo , isn't itl
'I ho . .lowolerlio < his one ) Wow1 Xo
Don't jou have anything to do uitli car
buncles , miss Buy a thtoe carat diamond.
A MllioiuM to S < M'iil ; > lo.
The I.aclics Art bocldv of Plymouth Con
grrgation-d church g.i\o a slllioiiotto socinblo
last Thur dav enii.i ; at the lesidcneo of
( Jeorgo L. Kishor , HciJ Lotliro ] ! streot. 'J'ho
cunt ptovcd most oniovablo and was ijulta
novel for anenti'itiluincnt of thisklnd Full
si/od silhouettes ol mast of tlio church iiic-ni
bets adorned the walls , The o innttoinliincu
\\eio furnished \\ith progi immc cauls on
\\hlch ttcionumtiers i-orresioiiillntr | with the
numbeis of the sittiouettis on tlnnlh \
These net o nilcul out hv ciuh ono , the poi
son guossmiji-ormtli , tlio lug st nuinln-r of
bllhouctto siibjei-tn , reci-K ing the | iri/o of t lie
oxouini ; Ker.ono . w.n kept busy and a
gtoat deal of enjoMiic'it nnd iniith was in-
duicrocl In. Miss Mury Li'tuncr Miivcoiled in
\\inninK tUoiri/e | , an Ideal head painted on
an ivorv plaque.
A latpo numbc'r wore in nttnndinco and all
acreod the evening' ! , ontoi-talniiu'iit WHS
a decided htuvcss and a radical departure in
a ' .Tairs of this kind.
Tlio Siu-lal HoMiii Ue-rclve ,
The Social Seven , comprising the following
young ( 'ontlciiien , Willlani It. Ahnmiisoii ,
Allan Spooner , HeorgoL'ox , llar\o Cox.Fix'd
AVearne , Cii'orgo Porgnu , CJooruo llocko ,
Cliiiuncov ISlchanali , Harry Merits , rsert I3o-
hatiuon , I2U Ul.iclc , Churlos Woarno and
Kobert L. 1'orgnn , enturtalnod their youtiff
lady filends Fridiy ovcnliiRnt SIIKI l.eavon-
vorth street , with an Interesting gnnoof
, In which the following
joiing ladles paiticiiutcd Misses Hallio
Alvold , Uulu Sweet , Wlniilo Cootabo , Kinniii
Villein Helen M Ulack , Mar. . 1 In ) den ,
Klma M I-.OUTV and l.ottio Ahiniiison
\Villlain \ II Ahniimsoii and llilllo Alvold
\\lll hnvo a full- idea thnt they can plav high
ll\o ft mil the fait that they c.iniuct off the
llrnt prl/c , a hyli's ' opura glnss c-uso and . %
cabinet duck of c'lt'dshile \ Helen M. Hlack
and ( ieorgo Uoc-ho wontlioionsoliittoniri/cs | ,
lli'lon llhul ; reieh IIIL ; a nilninturo deck of
rardii uilli the Inscription , " ( In homo and
leu-n to pirn with a siniilt deck hoforo you
tiv to play \\lth \ \ a liiriro ono , " ( ieorgo Uo'clm
ivoolvlin , ' ii bottlonf catsup with Iho inscri- ) )
tion , "Catch up ' At tor the games wcro
o\or tlioyounj ; folks Indulged in music amd
muMc nnd dincing until the wee sina' hours
o' the morning
In Tlinon ol fence ,
Army citdes are pii-ticularl ) brighf , i |
present due in most part to the alltiniror the
cxaiiiiintlon board at Tort Omaha which has
attracted a hrjjo number of olliccrslio am
undergoing examination for piomotlon Can-
tain Almond H. Wells , Eighth cavalry , Fc-il
Mend. S. D , is thopuest of Commandant
Wlienton nnd Mrs Whc.itonat tlm gairison ;
CiptainThaddiusS. Kirltland , Seveulh Infantry -
fantry , stationed at Foil , Loan , Uol is the
guest of Lieutenant and Mrs , Woiden , Lion.
tenant Edward K Dravo , Sixth ca\alr\ \ , Foil
ISiobraia. Neb , is the guest of Captain ami
Mrs. Sarson , Lloutenant llngeno A Ellis ,
Eighth cavalry. 1'ort Meade , S. D , is Usit'
ini ; Captain and Mrs Dempsev , Lloutenant
AI itthi isV. . Day , Ninth ca\ali-v , Tort IJ.ib-
inson. Neb. , and Mentenant liui-li .J Galla
gher , bi.\th cavalry , Kort Niobrarn , Xcb. ,
aio visiting Dr. and Mrs S | moor.
Lieutenant and Mrs Tri.ittaro entertaining
Lleutonrnt I'tr-dcricik l < I'altnor , Twenty.
litst infaiitn of l-'ort Sidney , Vob , l ictttcn-
ant CJioto Ilutcheson , Ninth cwam.and
IJenteniiit ( llingham , Ninth
cavalry ot 1'ort Uobmson , Neb , aio the
guests of Lieutenant nenhain , Captain
entertains Lieutenant William D. McAuamn ,
IS'inth eavahy of Tort Itoblnson , Nib ;
Captain ClnieiicoM. Hallos , I'.lghth inj-iiiti > ,
J-oit HoDinson , Neb , laiuiuinmt ( ieorgo L.
Seott , Sl\tli cavalry. Foil Mcken-
ncWvo , Montenant Valter r. .
Finloy , Ninth i.ualrj , 1'ort lioblnson ,
Keb , LiiMilennut .lames A Ilutton
Kighth infantry , Foil Mi'ICennov. Wvo ,
f.leiitenant Kii-haul H. I'adcloek , bi.xtlt cav.
airy. Fort MelContiov. Wyo , are stopping at
tt.e Paxton. 'I'ho loiinlaing ollicers lakiiic'
t IID examination aio Lieiitcn int Charles A.
\\ordfn \ Sevunth infantry , Omaha , and
LlouU'iiiiiit John ICinztu , Second iiifantr\ ,
Fott Omaha , \eb
notcliorloj Yoiirlfc * , I take It , lj of a
most cheerful temperament.
ScoUhurloYes , she frequently makes it
very lively lor mo
Cards < \int lime in lr.-i\or.
Triday ovuiing .ludgo and Mis. Dudley
cntertnlned the Kount/o Plnco high five club
at their le-sidence , 101 r Wlrt street , In a very
happy manner. The large and .spacious
rooms \\cro bomti fully decoiatod yutli
llower-i , pains and fi > rns , vlulo lhrnughu t
brilliantly colored lights pavea festival IIKO
appearance to thonouse ,
At thu conclusion of the panto a < iell > 'l.t.
fill colition was .servcnl , after whuli
the pn/c's worn bestowal as fodoi\
The hclics' prbo , n handsonio bern.i-so
sugnr lo\\l ) and cunm pitcher , vis
won by Mrs Jiulgo Shields. The gentlemen a
pii/o , a silver jjocliot drinklngcup , wastaKca
bMr \ Ilariy Laurie.
I'ho tioro cards wcro exceedingly prettv ,
being in the form of a rule.
The following members of the eluhova
pivscMit. Mr ami Mrs Hairy I.nwrlo , Mr
and Mrs C : L. 1'ishfr , Mr and Mr * T 11
Minchan , Mr and Mis Blum , Judge and
Mrs. hhlolds , Mis Ui > , Mrs Lewis , Mrs.
llc-nstis , Mrs Dunbar , lr. ) and Mrs Ddints.
ton , Mr. and Mrs J-iynos , Miis Martin ,
.MCHSIN Chillies 1'owler , L. I ) i'iiUr rhu
guests present \\eix" Mr. and Mi-s II Cl ,
Hint , Mr. mid Mrs J. IVeacr , Mrs ,
1'owler , MlsslUnistis.
The next mi'utuiK of tlio club will bo held
at the ii'sldenco of lr nnd Mrs Kilinlston ,
: il.M Siienccr street , neU l-'rnlny cveMng.
Movements and YVIieronlmiit.s.
Mrs K. H Davis leaves tomorrow evening
for Now York City on business.
Mr. William r McMillan went west last
week , to return about April 1 ,
Mrs J U Towno of Wlnflolil , ICan . Is tin
puost of Mrs. C. S. Uavinoml.
Mrs. J. \VoDhvorth U still rjiiito ill.
though showing iigas of imirovemcMit. |
. .lessiVlntnor of MnssachusoUs is
visiting hot uncle , Win N. lhltiiuy. .
Mr. Henry Uustln of Portland , Oro. . Is vlj.
IlltiU Ids parents , Mr. and Mrs C U. HUS.UII ,
8. Aiastiln nnd family loft Thursdny
ovciiliii ; for an o\tcnJed trip through the
Mrs , Aiulrow Itosovvivtor nnd fiun.h h ivn
K'otio to U iistilni'toii , 1) ) . ( J. , to leiiiiitn soiiio
MlsaMcMvcnnn , who Ii the guest of MUi