10 TIITC OiUATIA DAILY HK15 : STJNDAV. JWAKCIT 15. 1801.-HIXTKEXPAfl 138 11WPI P IM AI'O ' DIP TOP I CMi"V ! UNCLL SAjIS BIG lllhASuRi , How Secretory Foster is Managing tlio Qigiutio Machine. A CHECK FOR SIXTY-SEVEN MILLION , 'Jlto limitcst Sihcr Minn la the AV. drill I lie Insct-ni-ll j of Hut Viin'lM ' Htiuillni ; . lint. i > v I'miA a WAMUMITIIN , Match 16 [ Suecial Corro- ipondcnco of Tin. Hi r ] faotuUiirj \Mttr I U now M much nt homo In the Kteat lioasury department us though lie liml beta bom there. Ills bli ! otllie. ovorlooKlair llio Pete mac , U HI quldus ii cliuicl. , iinil HID Irasl- nosi ROII oil til smoothly 111 tlui olloil loolM of the umsHlvo vaults wlilcli hold thu millions upon millions of gulil and slUet coin In tlio vaults below Seeiotary Poster's room Is the clieoriint oiiu In this irrainl ami gloomy hullillti ii 'I'ho treasury ilopmttnoiit ltse.it Is llkoii tonili \vonlil boil line homo fet the Suiclilo cluli , ami them Is no prison in the \ \ orlclliuh It no ilopicssiui ! luidm'nlloii- tlniv-lllco as Uli l.otiK nnil siiuattjlth n , mtvsslvo toof. Usalls me of graj Kr.inlto , many feet Uilulf , ntid into those at the buso- niont , iloou luuo IKMMI ml out , which scoin to load Into the cnvollUo htniitiif' , utul over which sum to bo { iiilnluil llioonls of Dautu : "All hope ub.imlon jo \\lio \ cntur lioiol" Such windows us thcro are , nro snil anil bleary. 'Ihc-y look lluo the ihuuinv ujoiof living glints , nnil they \clluil\vltlinms- - sivc liiujhlih , iihl in shutting out tliustiti- ll lit nnil in mtilclni ; thu i > loiiny oxtetlor nioio prlson-UUo tliun in or The second ftory of this in issivo tointi is lined with ; olumiis of iliitj sanilstono , uiul line's ' of llu'so , other \Undo\vs \ look out nioio srnv and uioto gloomy tlian those below Tlie Intcilor of the biiildliiK is as ilopriMive as its o\- toiloi1. You val \ It thiuiiKli mileof I'ortiJors , which liu\o to Uo lighted ulivtilcih , in oilier tint jnu iniv Hud youii ) . 'llioso foulilois aio naiiovv , anil huiidiuls of doors jipoa fiiini them on either s'llo ' 'llioj make yon feel as though jou vvcro In u Mini ] anil as a dooi op'iis jou uncnii jdouslv shinlilor ut the thought of siulnir the colllns which jou fml must bopilcilnno on top of another on tlio shelves \vlthin His tliosainu 1'iiiiu biseniint to aMie anil it is only thu south loomtitliit IIIINO am thing hkn u cliLoi ) look It is on the seeoml lloor of thesothit the si'iiotar ) s ollloo Is lot iteil , nnil hoio in a loom about twenty foul square , Mr. Poster h unties Uiulo Sum's tush Tiirmu mi vsuiiMCIIIM . Ilavo von ever thought what a mighty Job It is I IWhen When Seerctarv folder died in an attempt to keep tiai'k of it , illd it stiiUo MIII Hint the cmo of millions jitox oil upon litsiiiiiulunt.il ' death cinio to Ills le'le.isofVhon bouetim Ivlaiuiing llftuKil the intcicst of our big KO\ ciniiicnt tli lit anil vv.itihed the outiroiiiu anil incoming millions , the lespotisibilitv oj this inlchtj tit-usury iniichlno nto tholitooitt of lilin , ninl \ \ lion Sceiotnrv AVimlom unipplul \\ltliitlu hlsstioiiRtli It ovcitliiew him Tlio Jlftlit sieins to bo UilTuent with Socrutaiv Vustoi nnsuiessiiion.no bom , not made , mill I' ester intioi lied the Unnulv of inai. t lns moil anil iiionoi Ills oxpeiknuo h.is uiublui him to make a foitnnofor hiiibelt anil his poworof oi'iiinlition Is siuh that huh is nl ii'iulv potion his hands nccustninod to tlio Itejs of Undo Sam's lin.niies , ami hois run- nine the nunlinioHNsttiiuitli.illy and ui.ll \VIml \ a inij-'ht ni.u hiiic it b ami lioi\ wide aio its.iaiuilUiitlons. Ho liis to Inuo.0,0(10 ( iniMi to help him and the wires run from tils olllio to o\irv | urt of the countr.N In the lustom's sei\ieo alone , , ha t.OO'l ' Pinvlnvos. Tlicio ,110 tM , ) 111 11 : itoil ; line \VushliiKtoii , ami his liitoiniu lovonuo adults aio scattued up anil ilouu the Inki-s , o\er the fouutt\\ and ttirouch tlio southein inountahiHto the iiuniLcia of ncaih 11,500 moil- The lifo saving soniio is iinikr him , nnil ho mis lKi ( ) ) mon \\lio do nothing lii.l mi It Kol'I ' .nut .silver bullion and coin mono } ill the mints Ho 1ms ships in Ids lONonut * innino bureau , lloatHios oM.r the lichtliousos alon our coast , and ho takes of uuiy ilolltu tlmt Is palil In for tjm- iiiiiiunt ti\os In imy \ \ niinil Khcs out oory i eat tlmt is sneut b > Uuclii Sum tn any umloit.ikinp. A III C III IT I Oil SHVI'N 111 Mllll ! ! ) M1IMOVS Hoiniiili iiionoy ilo von tliitilc tlioKovcin- mentlias oiiliaiulloll , whin M'rtasiuor lliistoii i .11110 into his ollico as Unitcil States ttcasuior lie Ka\o 11 ictuiiit for just what ho /omul here , aiul this KLOipt.i .itho lur tit oor ( 'h on In the hlstoij of the \\oilil. A f.ie-slmlk' of it is frninul niul lui 11 ? up in the trc.isuioi's olllio , anil I'litflislilsitois put their linmli to tlioir heads In iiinii/oinont .uul fool to s > i > o if tluir ojOb tire roilU open u-liou thay look .it It. It Is a receipt for J7H. < - ' . - J'U.-lri'1i ( 1 Ins Ii about the an mint which Is on liniul in this inassHo bulhlinc toihIt is the bilunrohlLliStLietai } Poster Ii is under him , nnil u huh ifiniilns Just iiho it so inueh not\\lllistiiiului _ ' thu millions upon millions which cnmo nnil pro. Undo bun licnls in l > l llf < um T 'ooltoilnt ' n check > iitoi d iv for < < TuOiWhleli ( ) ( ) wus sluiioil hj the treasuinr , nnil there ute some- thiiiR hlc'o f.i)0,0iO00 ! ) ( ot Kola and il\tr \ intno \nultsofllils might } iloimitnnnt. Can jou leilt/o hoinin.li SdT.OOO.OOfl means ? leaa'tjbnt I know that Gonoial U'lishliigtoa was almost u lid about the ilobt , of this countrv whun ho took the piesiUency and found that the goveimnenl ouei ! ? 75,00tl 000 htlllo ji\o 11 thick foi fT 7Oi)0lHW ) , and the iimouut docs not bUijuiso us. run iiiGoLsa sii.vcn MINE av run \\oui.r ) . Lcivintf Societal j Footer's ofllco I wont with ono ot the guards out Into the couit which lins in the center of this mnsslvo treasury depntnicnt , Just ever the pie.il Miults 'Iho tie.ibury is. built in the form ol two hollosqu iroa , uid aiound this cour ilso Uiioostoiills on all sides Itwas roofed onlj hj tlio skies mid \ \ is linked will ureat hloiks of stouo as lilt ; as n coutor tublo It rovoiod , I juilgo , n qn utor of an aero , aiu as I wnlkeil im.r it I had beaeith mo ono o tholl(7KCJ ) ( > t slher mines In the \\oild. In tlio \tuilt below thoioeto $ " 0,000 ooO of silver in boxes anil bags , and under mj- feet sonaiatoil oah by n foot or two of stone , was KOlil bv tlio millions Oiiarilintr Itsoto the prent foit-llko walls on cvorj side and in the tiotmiry policoincn who wnllc contiauoiiblv to anil fro and watih the yreit doors which load down to the entnuiu's of thcao \ units. TUB runsLia Lowing tl > o court I went down Into these big viiults. Thoj are nlreidv picked to bursttaj ; Tlw \ nst \ ault which \\as ImlU t fouoars a o , has Its chambers all Illlod , am thouisles are now being packed with silver bags. Knell of these ba s contain sixty pounds of smer dollars nnd they tire fatiicuci onooa top of another tor all the woild like the bugs of n Hour mill ninl HkoM > inutli whetit , It uas the intoatloa to stoic the whole SiW.OOO.OOO in bags , but it was found that the loof leiked , am u nuinlcr of snmll boxes about oao fee bqunro unit oi hkea inches IOIK havu beet niulo. lliesoaioof ono inch pine and eucl bo\ contains { J.OOO There are 45OW ) of those boxes piled onu on top of the other In thi < \ault , niul they lm\o to bo\oij strong tin J \\cll made \Vhcro bass are used tliuio is a continual ininenieiit Koint , ' on inthosllvci nnd thedibiiliicuincnt of n single U.IK wouli cause a ino\eniont of millions I sau this bif vault built It hni tnUU walls of brick uiul cement nnd its foundation is of cement It covers inoio than a quarter of tm acre urn it is twelve feet deep , la its Interior there Is o cage of lion Intticovorli. . the bars n which .iro imulo of wrought iron and \\hlcl woio n\etcd together \ ith icd-hot rivets nftcr the lull Ice woik was put up. It took 100,000 ilveti to fasten the lion work of this vnult tot-'othor , niul tholattlio had to bo ven strong , as the silver isery heavy The amount of sliver noin the vault woluhs o\or \ H.OOO tons , ami \ ou could putC : > , ( H)0 ) men Mi'iKliing each IM ) pounds , on the other biOi niul the silver would outweigh tliun. It would take 17. > freight caw to rarrj * this sil ver to the son coast If .Aiiiuilro shoulil bo conquered by r.uphmd and thU treasury vault looted The silver dollai-s In thl * vaul vouid carpet an aioaof more than thirtv ucres , and If they \vero piled e no upon nu other , they would niako n solid column o silver nioio than 150 miles high A mlllioi dollars of silver Is no hi nail inmntlt } , am vhcn vou have f\,000,000v ) our vault has tote to as strong as stone uuu Iron ran nnko it 1 \nd \ sll 1 thl < 1 only n itnnll part of the cola n thi'ttvawv. aiul thoroU another vault \Inchrotitilus fi'i.otKliXH ' ) more of silver Ool- , urs iiml ? .MtXHiih ( ) in ROM In aiUMtlon to his tln-ri" mi < nilllloiM In jsii enbiiik-ln silver i'iUliiiUiMiunl In bniuls , unit thi > tiuii win ) mild roi > the tnasnn wo'tild Indi-oJ possus uuiltli txnoml Iho drt.inisof a\iulce. Till TIllM't ll\ \ VI IT" I N < 11 I 111 'riioquoMUm us \\lirliiorlhc Itvasiiry wild lie roblKJilhas oltou lurn illsi'iiiied. mil t has been a qnoitlon vvhlih Ini' iiKltiitoil thu ecict coininlttio riMims uf tlu lioiisn nnd oiiiiti1 iliiiln the pnsent ieslcn Ihere Is 10 don tit Inil Hut niniiv of the Miulttaro fur lohttid tl-i' litnu In Iht-ir sufuU appllatuiM , mil tliei-K irt > liiiiul t oils if criuksnuii In the 'otinlrv who iviulil OIKMI thttii. 1 his may not ID snof all the vaults , but It liiortiliil > so f a unmix r of thoin Mr IliiMon brcuno nlarinoil about their lotulllloa sotni * liino nj'o and lie wont to New Vorlt I am told , to ( jet n oiiiiti'nt | niantii uMiiniin thorn tin visited ho nli , ' buiks ; , the In HI anil salu deposit loni- utilis anil thu all niMiiinii'mlcit hltato o o the satno inin. Ilo In unlit this man to Washiiit-toa and ho vvi-nl thruiKh t'io ' tuis- n y \ mln Alter ho had exainlnoil thoin ho \ioli1 out Ins riioit anil thoiiranii' to Mr. lusloii nnil slid * 'l utiiit to Kho MHI a iraitltalileinoiistratiun tothiseftoit lulll akovoii Into oni ) of \aultnanil louvo my Miikinon on Iho oiiNiili' 'Iho Mill It in ly lion bo lot II'd ; nnd I inn siuo that uy man inn oiea | the dours and lot us out nsldi' of an houi " Mr Iliislon and In'in n then \\etit \ ilow n Into llio bisotiicnt. I'hoj piikul out a viult that hulf.SlWMlu ( ) t , and this nun's woiknmi , who w is an 01- Iliimv snfo n'nihvr had Ids tools oathooMt- alde 'I'lii'douis vvitn loiked. lint I think thu Itnu lei It win loft olT In twelve miuutot 'loin thi'tiiuoit wlilih tliolrcisiiryitniiliijos mil locked thudooii with links that ui'to siippusi'd ID bosei'ine this mm h.il op niul lit m and let 'licasuu r Iliiitston and the c\- > oit out lloilld ilvvlllioiit the u < o ofe\- ilosivos of am soi t , and niotily hv ilinlnc ; hue wtiljjes In bituren tin1 dooi nail the sale In cuinputiv with ( his man , ' 'teasuicr ItisloaiiitlotliuioniuuttoiH \ \ of eoniruss , uul tlu > v | iioi'infil ' to attend to the matter at OIIIP 'llie.v illdtivlo .iltrnd to It , but a squlliblcnutu up Ixtvvcin thehousisuulaon- kto , anil I uiiilei stand tint thhuuiltis In the same i-onditioii thtil It \ \ is nefoio. A TUNNH. t M > l H rill ! Till VHUV. It would , tiimo\u , bo n vtrj In.ivo man who would attempt to lob llio tte.isutj A .uniiel mitfhtho diiK fioni soinowheio noai , ho Potomac ihi-rniidui thetie.isiiry build int , ' , but the lobbirs would ha\o to drill thiojRha lloot'of cement anil i hilled stool , mil thi > ) ' \ oulil li.v.o to ha\o a iiilroul to cairv av\aj tlio silver in oitloi to iniUo lt | > i\ After thov hal taken a few thousind dollars Llio liatTH nnd boxes coutiltiK tlio leinaliuloi \\oiild tunib'eabout ' willi siuh a nolso as to ippiiuso the ticasiny fjinulsof their notion , nut as tliesoitiiaids ate ou hand da ) anil nii'lit , It would bo almost inmosbiblo to KOI iinthiiio' to spoilt of without dlscmeri , Theto ini ht bo i ooiabinatlonvitli \ the pu : nils , nud a fortune in liroiiibacks or slh 01 I'tililkitcs taken , but these aio all numbcicd and the thlovcs tvonUI be sun ) to bo idcntilkil Thoie ate bi\t > guilds m Llio tieisurj dopirtinutit and tlkso ino illvldid Into different vvati bos 'lliovliavf.tosaliitcoiu.il other from time to time anil a v.histlovould bunp an army of uaidsto anv pint of thottcasniy nt inn moment sot 1011 .IK'O the treasurer nt ttmptul to r'o do\\n \ into the. vmlts to su > whether thiimcnoroon duty. Ho stiiklonU found i b'inel of inld sti-elat his ho ut aiul the inid who held tlieotbei cml of tins le \nlve-i made him stand still and thiovvup his hinds. Ho sdd that ho was the treasurer nf the United Statoibnt tlio very polite watch in in with the revolver said that mifjlit all lie butheilld not Kiuvv the treasurer and ho VMinlil Ii i\ f to vv lit until he uillol otieof tlio oilier mauls to Uintifs him Ilo thui imvo . .1v liistlo The othoi Rtiiiuls rushed up uiul tlio tu istiitrus uletiscil It la hv no tin ins i sufi tliini ; foi ovc'ii the tte.isurer to KO .uound about the \ mlts OUII MOM \ IN IHI I Ml VCKs. \\onlil Seoul to bo .111 oasv thinpto pel IUMIVilh ionic of the Kicuiilncks of the Uctisiitv. btilluitti millions on h mil nnd no .ippuont guards to speak of , Undo Sun seldom luus i loss U is .iltnost inuciliblo tli itiar tifter juir thcno one nnd two thoui- uiiil dollar duKs-o ( on luindlliig millions and still Uaio Is no leaUiiif , ' and Hostelling. I sllOtr"11.6-4-fl4T'Wl'ult iliO tilt V - - * tn lli-llMU ! nlnei'div nnd 1 saw pile upon pile of pioen- Uiieksall pnetmllv iiiclinrBUOlono m in anil tin to vvcro inlllions of aollais lopie- scntod bv them I was shown a lull do/en snail packages of bills which coulil have boon ciovvdul into a inarboand \\lildi croortli h.ilf .1 mil lion dollarAs 1 held them In mv hind tlio nnionntv.w so ( 'ie.it nnd tlio pile sosnull Unit 11 nu Ul pot iiMll/o its liiinio ibltv anil 1 handed it biek vvltlnmt thlnkinuof nij poek- eLs 01 tlu > possibility of mj Dotting it 1 was shown siiiulq aott's tint lepiosented * 1,000 ( ) , and 1 stopped in the i ish loom and talked with the thin faied jonnj ; man who acts as the ivroiMng teller Ilo told nmthatho took in millions of dollars a dav hi choiks , mil c.isb md tint all the Mmmj la the countrj in ono shape ur anottioi came to him 1 stKiit sonic tinu In tlio ctisli vault and took a look at HID losctvo unit which his something nvoi $1,000,000 in iiieitib.KKs , and then went on into the vault w hi to the national bank securities - curitios aio Kept and watched a young toui- ist citcssinglj hanillo * l , " > lMOOt , ) in oomls w huh the ki'i'iier of tlio vault snowed me. J'hisouti ( ; mini kept the sheets of s iuiitlcs in bis hand just as loner as ho could nnd then nttcinptcilto nnko coiivi'i1'ilionti ) the keeper in older tli it he might hold them longer Ilo vv ill tell when lie 'ets homo how ho had ? 1"Uii.OOOin hishand.it ono time , iinil the oj es of his lollow citicnswill bulge out \\ithciivi. The numbcrof visitors to these vaults of the treasury is legion About , iOOJO , people loolc at this monoj o\erv aionth , and who C.IKCS h.uo to bo put around the mom , ) counters to keep the touiUts from botliounp them Oil ) I , VMIS W ) NfW. Tn tbo stor ) of Allnlin Is told ho\v \ n w ickou old men undo a foi tune bj chann'hif' old lamps foi now The jnoplo no iloiiiK this with Uncle Sara all Iho time. You i an got now greenbacks foi old oath at the ticastuj iny di > and thcro inn hundreds of clinks who ilo nothing Out count old Dills , do them up Into pii'Kncos , luvo thoin puiulied with holes showing tbov are not to bo used iiiiain ami then tut in two witha soitot a meat a\ donor to render them perfectly votlhless Ifjouhivo hills choweil up by rats j oiuau btlnc ; the pieces here nnd vou will get new ones foi them If jou hide voui money in jour stove and inikoa lire without thinking of it. the cusp lemalns of the bills will bo turnout ] and 11 jou burv it and it lots , Uiulo Sim will tikotho lotion pieces that nro left and hnnil-\ou out now bills Uo htwlo besnio however , that you had the money in the livst pi ice and cuiious frauds are often attempted. I'ho sweepings of the buk ) comiti'i are ground up and sent hi 1 chow I'd mono ) , i-ountoifoits aio buuied and attempted to bo passed as genuine , and last week a wad of buriul money w is biought in saul to belong to an old German iieir tit Louis , v\ho hid uuiioditln a Jug Ilo said it contained ? WO and was tLu iincoof bis corn crop Upon , obligation it was foiina to contain the jiiocos of noirlj flbO ) and after looking Into the innttci , the ticiisiirtr dedilcil that the old man had burled two ciops instead of ono and gave him his check lor its full amount Ml Sll01lTlt \ Mil I ION * Iloforo leaving the tiensury department I took a look nt n kettle of itiiish worth f 100,1)00. This mush was undo of ground ( 'reenbacks and It contained the mishoiland pulpv lo- iualns of thoday's woik of the ledemption division It had been Ktoutid tor live houis and when Ills llnUlied It will boshlpped oft to the piper mills to beiatonup bj ihun and drawn out Into novpipir for now giecu baiks. It is the costliest mush in o-sljt but itsgieatobt viduo is In its laiv stato. THANKtJ. JtitiT.sTiit. : Open I.nin ) . Stake' * 1fni/iiliie. A MSsouil Balil Knobbcr met a biother ineitibirot the ging near O aik , wlica the tlrst ono said "You know Jim Simmons has long boon a secret tnom ) of mine ' " 1 hive always uolioved It , " "Well , he's ' now an open enemy. " "How's thatf" "I nut him down the crock n while ajjo , ua1 Just simply cut him open. lie's an opi'ti uiotti ) from now on. " Xo piiplng , no nausea , no pain whoa Do tt'ltt'i Uittla liuily Hlscrsaro takun. Siuill pill Nifo pill. Jeutleri Circular. The bowhlskued supcrinteiiJent beamed upon the class of bovj "Now , bo\s , ' said ho , "what shall I tilk nboutl" "Talk about nmluuto , " declaimed the bad bov of the class. IS JR. POUTER II'ERTISENT ' ? Kuigbts of Lakr Sorely Puzzled Ovcrn Oou- 8ti3 Ofllco Oirculnr , AFRAID ITS SOME POLITICAL SCHEME. 1'ronlilonl tinmpris' Alilo Aildiots oil tin * HoiitN of Imliiiillitrhcr * AMII ltr-Ur iinl/i' I' \Vltli ' 1'oilorn. Omalm ICnlphis of T nbor are at a loii to know Just hoto \ Intel tm't tlio recent iliou- lur scat out b Census Sapoilntciidoiit 1'or- tor. In those clnulars , , i iniinhci of vhli'h hnvo tvuihi'il llio asu'inbllos In thli iit > ( the 10- ( [ iiost is inuiotliat tlio ii.imos and aildressos of all thi'iiUlciH bofuru mludti ) him at the curliest lonvoident ilntubnt Jti't why hodoos not state Tlio odltor ofthe ICnlKhla' Jourinl MOWS tliisoider with ahum , niul stijs that thh Is jioiiitf tjovoiid the siopo of any lc iltlinato lu- \ostlKatlon Hi sa\s \ the members of tliodif- ti'rint asHuiuhlliis ha\e ueinMirneil not to tuplj to the citi'uln , as the lnmilr > , will sc ivo no usnful iniiiosi | > nnd Is mirufoi thopurpiHo of liamiliii ! Hienauin over to some political partv that political lltouturo iiiav lo dlsscmitntccl dining fntnio i.un palims. 'I in' Omnln knljrhts have dlsuissod the nr.lui but tlun luivo taken no action its jot , noi liiuolhcn ili'i'lilexl to at nny luturfiihito In speaking upon the stibju-t vi toidiy , a proinlnuil knlilit ; Mild " \Voltno\v of tliocir I'ltht , nnil us tar ni I amroiu'oincil 1 sco no hium in ( jivitipSiipi'iintciidi nt 1'oitor tlio in foimation foi vvhlih ho has asked Some puopli'mo aluiwd OVIM the nutter , hut It it just as niopet as it would ho ( or him to send cinnlais asking lot thomiiuliu of ineicl ints , hotel kccporaor otlu-r business men In the c'llv. As tin us somlini'tho political litern * \uo Is coiii-oiiiiil , th.it is all hosh as all thinking p > oplo nust uiiitoistnnd 'J'ho ICniKhtsof l.iborussomblloaato not omun i/iJ foi politli.d puipobis , nnd thosoiidln of tons of cainpiiKii doenmenls xvoilld uovui Ctl 111 ( 1'II VOU ) "i think tlio motive of SuvcihitciulontPor ter is ( 'ood , but tluouuli innoianco ho has polio about thls.\\niic in the tvroiiR ninitioi H ) puiitiitigtho coni o ho has adopted , it would tike inoiiths to seciiro tlio infoiniii tloii If ho hul vuittc'ii to . .lohnV \ Hiiyos , tlio Kiiind scciet.nv of the tudei , ho could Invo secttroil these names and aildiossos in t slioit time , is that gi'iitloinm hit thon.ntio anil ailJrL'ssof ovcrj otllcorof o\cry insi-in hi ) in tlio LiilluflStates , mil I tun eonlkiont ho vv oulil f oi\v in d ttio list to Mr. I'ortoi " Another iirjinuicnt IcnlKhtsaid " 1 think MO should tnl > pride In aiding Ah. Potter In this \ \ nrlcV should feel proud of our oi- Kiiiicatlou iinil t.ilto nilviiutun of i'very op- poitunity ofailveitisint ; it to thuuorlil "As I mulct stand tins matter the oinipili- tlon of st.itistlc.'s Is for the imiposo of iniliiiit ; the census more coniploto iml making the ucoids ot so noaluo is hooks of le-foteino "When tills work Is completed no doubt tlio public ; IlliiMM of Om.ih.i will lie prcionlei with u cotnpli to sot of census upurts and If v\o \ ant the bUciintotulent ) In his woik an } ihy v\o \ caiiKo to tlio libnnj and in a moment's time 1111 tell \\ho is the master \\otkinan of tlio most remote assuublj in tno louiitn , and foi this uasnii I fiuor sciulliih' at omo the names anil udhesscs of all the ollh'ots of tlio Omaha issoinbhc" " \\e luuo tholnrKtst oiani7itlon | in tlio world and is om callings aio oininontlj 10- spectabloo \ should luuo no licsitini'y in ( 'oini ; Oi'foio the public. "About uinniiRU dm'umenth Some per sons inny fiar tint \\einaj ho ] iolitloillv.so- ilueod , Inn those people should ills xbuso their minus of tint idoi atoaii- The Knights am not clilldrtn , idiots 01 tools Tlu\ know how- to oust thclt votes and nil tl o imiai'ii litci- at\ui publlshodoulil \ not ciuiso a man to Llinio ( ! his\oti > , as long ai ho know he vas iK : ' "lj'it" ! ! Other inoinbei's Mho \\oro Intetviovcd t diced in tlio sumo sti mi , hut \voto uiublo testate state what\io\v thuussumblies would hkily t.iko of the in iturlioiiitis > called up for liiial ilbpusltlon 'I lie City I'rinti'i. ThoTypo rnphlcal Journal , the organ of the Intornitioml Tipoiniphicil union , ims for -omo time pist coiitainul letters on l > llio L'ounttj I'tintei" and tils roliitions to the union citj prlnteis. Thedisiussion , up to ttio issue of Kolnuai ) 2 , hid ueon how to pot "thoLOiinli.pilntois" Into thoIntuiiiational union , so that lliooulU hot bo a meiraio to the unions A number of thoio who hail 1011- tnbnted kttors to tlio dUeusslon oonslclciLil that the mrnuLO rould easily DO removed by ori nni/lui ; "tlio country printer * " m local unioiib of the tiado , ren'irdloss of the fact that the wholocnoiii' ! > s of the lutiiimtlonal oiKinn/iitlonb luivo been usoiliii tint direc tion for inoro than fortj voaii Mho litest letttr on the subjeit comes from TopeUa , Kan , sajs the Union lieiotd , and tbn atsor- tion ; . containrd In it aio astonishing wlion one roiibiilers the In go amount \\orlcth it has been done , "tlio work of orcrnnl/ntiou. " The Tonekaviilir s'wws conipaiutivo tables that onlj one in about clpht of llio peisonsUio iniilce ttitir IKini ; in the piintltif ; business am iiiomlior ot llio ptintots unions. Il liniU tint ii AlUsouii , Io\\a , Kimsasaiid Aobiaiku tlien are l'is'J ' printeia implojedcl enl > l,7b iiroinoinburs of piiutcr- ) ' unions or abou one In II In the list His not so 1ml , lei ou ot ll.HTpiintets cmploxod in Ohio , I'enn bjlumia , Niivoik and Massai'lwu'ts \"t aienioinliprs of the union ahout 1 ii A "And jot , " t.atho \ Tojekaiitct , " \\o hoist ole us boimr the nldoit tr.ido union in thocountiy' "If,1 huiontlnuos , "in fortj yens \\ocaii nitisttr only a Hkhinish liiu1 now loiigillit t ilto us to iit absolute , con tiol of the situation"1 It is a ( jloomy sho\\ luff , ami foiic * upon us tlio convitt'oii ' thai tlio printers lmi > boon orl uitf on tlio w unit , ' lints it would bcun thit thoio is not sulll- ciint in thu ti ides union idn , of itsilf , t ( hold men ton'othet HI thuso tia\s \ of han A\otk and poor pay A weeks iilloiu'ss moms hunp-i to lout of 10 Jouincyipeii prlii- teis anil other aiti'siins as vill not to speik of the Ifttfru nu tidier tohoin a day or two- , idleness would mean no dinner or sup per Idi 1) III'M Dem iiiiln , The Knights of I.ahoi of N'ow Hiunpshno ln\o been bi'fototho ICRlslaluro nf that stnto \\ltliaiiDwcifullobbyfortlio puiposoof se cutiiiRhihor location They hivuciiiaol to bo introduced and are pushing the folluw- iiiK bills I. To umVo the first Momhv In Soptoinbor , "I/iboi Dnj , " a Ic al holidaj. 'Ihls iueas > uio has Just passed. , ' . To have factory inspectors. .1 Maisinyninolioiiisu logil di's work.or . Jirty-four h on is a week ) . The AiHtraliui billothwm now In op- ciatlon In Massichilsotts This bill his PISS.OI ! & I'llsoneontuet labor h\v. I ) . Uoo\Uiul lien law to idnetj days 7. 'lo oxeniiit ? " > \uolc on trustee process s. TO compel lallroad coinnauies to furnish one-lulf and ono-fourtli mUm o books 0 hlato elect ions to bo a legal holiday. This bill has passed. 10. AbolMiiiujtho conspiracy law. 11. lo prevent Pinkuriou ilotecuxcs or liked aitneil tori.cs coiiiinc into the state * ts meaauie has also pissed. H U ill Ko The baibers of Onialiu niu about ioadto ortani70 UKiiu , and foi this i orison tholno all bum rcquestoil to meet at Cuslor post hnll on Notth fifteenth itivol , at n o'clock this c\culn . t'tiainmiii Muss i of the orgaiiu ing eommltti'o of the Central liibor union , expects to hrini ; the hah uuttors Into llio Knights of I.utwi fold bo f 010 ho Rets throi hrh \\iththom \ The mietluK this evonhiKull IK ) open and will bo attonilcd by the South Omulm baiboib Tpi > 1'iiiiiiilci's' I riniltli'h , Tjpo founders employed in the Uontral Ul > ofunudiv of Ht I out * liuto been on a strlko foiMomowcoin , and tholr case tthoy boini ; inoinbcrb of the ICnlyht of Uahor ) has boon placed in tlio hinds of thoci'iitial pilov nnco coinmlttco The mon ate Hlckinu n nlmt \\hatthoj term "ponltoutury iitlos , ' anua which arc one Imposing a line of 1 cent u ultiuto for bojnjf-liite , ami ono forclnjr the non to touch npiiroulUvs Iho busliuws nnil iMiilthonitools Iho mon woik by Iho ilooo , and havMo hn\ their own tools , thu utter Is n'cirJcil a nmk Injuilloo Thostilkers lutvo pilnled and I'lU'Ulntcil sovital hiiiulred of the lit tin "rules , " nnil libororjjani/utiiiU bo requested tovlth - ilr.itt 1 rein all jyt ) pilntliik' o Ilk os that dual with the Central typo foundry liilinr Not I'M , AstrlUo niudnt ; the men omplojed In Iho shiiplnutmilo | has been doclnod at Aber deen , Scotland Soil tie has \\oilifslurccst luiubor mill. Tlmohiiiittvinrioii iiroimplojotl la cutting r.t)0K ) , ( ) i feet a ilmv About liH ) men tvnploveil at the. Shnrorsinv- liiKiimoliInuoilta , ( ilasjfow , Heotluud , Imvo Konouuton n stiiko 'ihostrlko of the plush \\eivorsntllnul- foul ( IJiifr ) Is \tindint ! , and thrcntoiis to I HMilvo .VXK ) workmen 'llio Kmtliun I'u'ilh' railroad I'ouipiny has settled the milters In illsputa Wltn Its employes , aiul theioivillbe nostrlkn. ' 1 In * Out hum ( Tjitf > I'oil-inliii * ownois re fused loan-opt the eoiupioinlsij toi ins olleted by the men who aieonton a sttike ' .llio loiici-sslons ( 'ranted by tlio I'otm- 8 > hanliii'iiinptii > luivo hooii ai copied bv the men , and all tlueatened trouble his dlsap poared. 'Iho Hip Hun Mine oollloaiy at Ashland , Pn , shut down on Huturdaj for an Imlol1- nitopoiiod I'ho susnonslonill illicit ! H)0 ) men and bo.\i. 'lhirtiiien Imvo been hid olT nt the Diltl- moie V Ohiouir shops In Newaik , Ohio It la siiil slmilni'iedlietlons will bo inutoaloiiK' the line About four hundted mil llflv textili--.ork oisat'llmlliolin , sllivun , uhoio wages \\oio i I'diicod l'i and . ' 0 per euit , Invo appealed to thilr fillnxv i raftsmen In this lounti ) foi liinnc'al aid jgAn ul'ht ( hour bill will ho Introduced In the coming session ot the lolonlnl pnrllnnunt of Vlitoii.i , Australia lo Kx'iili/o Iheil ht bout Unv CMttliiK for tinny \nars In that lolonj. rlhe tini-atinod stilKo of the Hmiter's I'olnt , V Sti'inwaj surlmo ulltoil has bi-cu a\eiti'd by the lotnpmy lulnstatlni , ' li\o Knluhtsof Liuuiuvlto Inul been illscliarKcd \\itlinutt.uise llio boss plas'eiors In Chicago ha\o \ re fused the i ccniost of the union foi an aduuiio in wn es from * 1 V ) to * i pei daj aftei Aptil 1 The iiien ileclaio they will strike on Unit date unless the aihance is RI lilted All the bench men mid inncltino hutnls in the planing mills In liiiian ipulls aio locked out. 'Jhuy doaiandod nn I'lglit hour dav anil " "iper i cut mil mini in wajjis 'Iho ' bosses icfusuil to pi int clthct dom.mil. Thohborot'anlzations ) of Missouri have loiiuohted their niLinbeis to isle their topic scntathes in the state -Matino to vote luilust a bill tnakhiK i xUaoulinai } huge ap piopriations for the mlljtia The pnddlers of the lliooko iion comp'iin nt Hinisboro. I'a hold S , a tiicetintf on itui- daj toinnsldorliothei thu slumld continue wotk nt $ 'l fiDn ton , thov ImviiiK itsumcd wotii a week iiKoat tltit HKIIIO. A dlsp itth from Ka land stites tlmt n slowlj but surolj spicading btaptintlou Is i uisint , ' lonsldoi iblo alarm IIIIIOIIL- the \\oa\- Ini ; establishments of laiica < hire Ten thousand looms aio aheidj idle , and at lilaekthorno alone ! IOOJ , optr.itivos aio Idle rtiosttikoof Ihe oltLtrollpou in Hoston lias liccu siiiolliiiod ) by the Intoination il hpofji iphlul uniuu , whiili mi ins not onlj llnaiuiil aid but ,1s , also Intitpinled that mossmon emplo'jed , in boon ntul job ollkes n ill not tin iiiv urcsswoik from nlutcs inmlo b\ non union electrotjpeis The C'ibinotiinUers' union in Clilrnirn Is mepaiiue u bill of griev mcis 'Iho nun loiiiphin of long hours and innloquito and lueuuliir piy The } will tUiimnil eitlit hours at'J'lii'nts per brur and wecklv pn ini'iHs If thiso denianils aioiefusod tlui si\ they \\lll strike on Apnl 1 The mine owners l Alisiouil aionuikins war upon Libut CJoiiiniissionei UcoMem i\othet hi i m < * ) io oxposul thi-ir mclliodsot PIMIU thohorkmen in i links m scrip , and also thctr 'pluckiiiK mo' tiucic stoics Hut the tauneis in the stito kglslatuio and and other lutjoi oiTini/ntlons of Missouri will standby the lOinmisslonor "Do Witt's I.ittfi-Tilly Itisers , best little pills for tlsiM } ii-Pc'litii * stomach , bad bro uh. r--kbT.iM3r.usiII.D isna. 1IU SIMPSON ? 1409 and 1411 Dodtco St. . Omaha , Nab , -niriini-Mis oi- First Class Carriages , llio l.i iilln , ' btylos The Iimcst I in us. i ouu iii : soiieiiri > D" ' ' " < ' - ' - " ' "f ! . - ' - " ' . 'A1.11' ? . . ! ' . ' . ' . ' ! .V. V- ClthVM , flit il.ll ( VI IIKU I 1111 l { . Him "Tin , I m\ \ < h , U I M 111 lull hf-slJ liniilSKili afla , 'iity , ami < h tit * * ttlull U hllrt i tl thu tcttof 10 nt * . nut ! IM HO huiin'tif ' Mitt itt it tu t > epiiM ttipn | ti ! > nil ( < A ILJ t nn iinti iftit < t hiintl irn ui i Oi I. A ba > tj Mti 1 to u I ul > uftln Inut ti ii iiMI 1 Kilieulli uy ( lit in , I If ) lllllli I I li < U. rnii < l hi ii mi ntl > u I , luil ii uul luf all t ) ( ) > klll p I MI i II , ns I > i j , l > y nil H ' ! , > i t mi 1 latif \ l.u ilri l > uat- cninlli I'nlt. 1st. 11 ( aim Hi an I I i | i Itlll ) 1 11OIKISS liop'r JJOieit J , nu < St N V. THE LAST .OITORITVIIY ! ! lolTi rllnttpcK ( ) ini innn" . | ) i inllil nliui isnf IMl'iillll lIlIAlirVOI > TAIMNAItllf - nt tl."i > < in Ii ' unly MIC ! , , nflir tint ptlio vv III InAi | d. IliiIKIM : ! \ nAlllI\\- | . Rood slii i'in anil liihtU \ ) lUllnacli T \ I , MM. I1 \ IJI.O r- from } .1) ) 00 up. rnr'tf1.- ' ( iHLIin ll i . IMI'nUrKliinnn I I ) fm Panirlon vvhlih v\lll Ui i pjonr blnl In in ifi'it liPilih and full In si n _ ' . 1i HIT Hi : ilhJn1 MKX I'MIIIOT Ti I ) 1 , | rinil hiMllhlist fii'i'l fin I'm ipt- 1111 noi III , . ' Ills for . ' * > i' . MdcKINCi Itllill I'ooi ) . fnsli ptt'inred liy ino of tlio VJM.ST liinrulli'iiti l ht'iini'.t fin ii I In Hie I' s 'A ' ii i 11) ; Him il no in i SMI IOH VI s fu , MouKliu'HIiili. otiI0 hinidii'il " " MAXfll'N.li 'lir uMih Hth St 1 onjlulnt Kprl.'i ! Iilia. 1 DIAMOND' DICE Pcrjrtlrlo-wlecl , V In f.'OO , 5ilii. l.r'i ' ) > jlii , l.j IIUHY IK i ii"r IonKd. ntion 18,11 x > tln eJw > , IVIn.tJOO Illtl ( liJIKS.un | , t or tmtiofitwlth ciirillp' ( * nt ill j roriliitiii \ litriK I Ilklln AMI JO'J l > atiuth ill nut I lilrnu , I llln&l. Cut this out send wllb iidnr " N. M. RUDDY , OPT1GIRN 211 buiitli I'.tll - | oilinhii. Bonier in Artificial Eyes I holi i lions font to liy ONUIUSS to ativ pinto llui I > run i.Aiius UM nr i.diup'H riiriinitiui i'iiu tlui r'uiith 11 iimljr nitun lliiiiiu'iKiruiil > Huiiui uiru niippii'itlnnlrom nliutt\iir uiilno I'riniiinu nii'nrlniiiihn | ln u | ill nlniulil n , I lin lukcn lui Inu . .iiKiuiiiiyin rill Co ltn > ull ) I'run rlun | lur'ln ' ) In In lii'iiiiliui l > r Kliuriuiii A VUCuniiull I liiiinust ni'ir I'll Oinulia I A Vlulilur sjutli i Otualii , SI. r Kllli , Luunctl UluLfa U , or J tor 15. BRONCHITIS. Kulnm's Micr hn Kill , r C'urts Uronchlt B- Hoiul the l.vid neo lour yiiiMnii" I wm tnknii wiilin * pu ri < K'i ' ipinsiiltnl nurlusl pliy l Inns > | ir iiunc il ni i i n tin iiclillH ul u MM lutinn ul I tnrm I look llulr | iriMiiliiliiiii | ttlilmnt ri'lu r nn iiim ij CJIMMIII , Ililn l-liif i oiiMimplI \Mi4iiu llmil ili-liny 1 trie I Mkiotm Klllir to inutli I ml iiisliuii"i > , my In ulili IIM linn Ii IniprnMi I K'Tiin I lull 1111 il llii ) f ctiiiil Inn I i niitlti ml In u * It nn I \i\\ \ I * M- < Illlls IN unit u thin u i f tin' pant I iniikii n ixi'ir Monnil n 11 well Am ni'ntl ) * ltlr nlkhtenr < uf act' inn ) hli r nnnrh i very iln % Inllii'jt'ir i : M It AHt.Mt si li-i'iOi MM Mlcmlo Klllor iptloMil mi * "f n o\i > ri > 'i iiuhnnl lurMHM | rci'trntliill 1 lintv liui'ii imrfntlj nil ! fur iiji-nr I II M III I IN \ \ \\ltliMcrnioil\Jacianl 1'iulfl ' Mv ulfi'liniln Mir ) liml iniiwh Slu'u eil Mlir ilio Klllur for It tunrly iiiri'il In fnrl , lieritiiii ml n > n illtIon IIIK I iH'ii t'M"\lly ii noTiiti I ( i U JAlCdl.lt if } I iirinr t St. 1 imla. I lm\o lii'iMi U'liiK Mlcriibe Klllor fr nli lit two innntliM I liml throat Iroiibli'ivllli luunr hills In U irit f nil M ) llirnnt H ontlri'h riMi iil my iiiiikli iil u. Mils A I ! MIUV.HKII Mil r ! tiiublb : st , Kiiiiam Oil ) Mo M ) wlfn iiM'l > nur Mliri Ii Klllor fur n Mete ciuuhlikih tlm iloilnrs Iinil tixllul l.i n Ilrn- She nn iM'U-ri nt li'iiiMlt Iroin tinHi it ti- ilus ( ipr | < i iikli lin \s ilhliih'oF tin1 pint ninl I > IK > ft elx ill- iiin > t untlnl ) well J S IIUIIAUI ) llptun Mo M > IIIDIU lilal niliTtliin niul Btniiut Ii tionliln from lilili I lnivo itilti'ti'l for } i'ir < lini < b MMI ni'tiil ) i mi ilb ) Mli tollMllni I nlinixt fill like i non iiinii 1 II Kl NM 1)1 II iwilh s | , t | , inkutu inn i : toit i.AHi.r i nut IAU i HIT THU RADAJl MICHOIIi ; KILLhR CO. , ST. JOSLl'H , MO. I ur null ) In Omulm I'j SIIOIIIMII ' , Mil , innill 1,11 DuilKi * si Kiilm \ I niul MIIX Mi ilit Dr.FCIILLL\GS ) , Can I Do to Get Isa iini'btion thnt tl.nlj piviunls it-L-lf loh updn ils .tun liuniln iK of tlio ro id- cr-'Of HUH napor Miintiiuoii < this army of side nnil ' iilTorniff ones line been 1111- fot'tiinato in solcetnifj UK.MP jhvsioiin. ) : Manj liavo boon m slotl , ininoioil upon , swinilloil aticl tire Ul sl'DNDi.M , 1)1'-- ( outAui.i ) turn Suu'i'u u , . Thov don't Uno\v ttlio to omnlriv or whiuh \\ajtotura to lind the hulp thuy noctl so inui-li Ncarlj till luivo proi.iblnotUoil ) the ad\ot tib'oinont of IK. ) 1C. . DlIJjIIvCS that ( Disappeared in thid p ipcr dniU . Vtiimny luivo toiul it c.uofully , not ed the Lliunis thoiL'in inodo , and hnvo called for ( on ullation orMitton a siatcmont of their ca o. Tlio'-u nuvo alinoit invaimbU lioi'oino pitiutiti and are uoliis ( jraioful ft lends. I'liero mo nitiiiy othuidlio Know that such an aihorti omont bus appeared in tlio p.v- por. but ha\o neu > r re.nl it , iiiefoiiin to say to tliemsoheb : "O , pshuv ! an- otlior citiacl ; iloi-ior. Ho cannot ntch ino ; I h.uo III-IMI liuinlniirfted too many tiinos. "Thi-j class , ate surolj Hi'M- ' ; ( ( > n ] | | | .MM\ ! 1,1 for lli'oro are Mll--\Ms ( ) of A.vMMdMIN | Ul the West who KV\\ ( \ that 1)K. UUjLlNUS is tlio MOM M' K M-'l I , ollico pi ii-ti- tioncr and spoi'itiliftost of Clniafjo Then there is anotlinr citibi of Mittotur- ! who , lendinfT the doctors honoot an- noimecmciit. will stiy : " \Voll , if I only KNI\\ : that DH. DILLlXdb coulil oo AMIM ; ; ( , \nt lie c.in do hero , I \\uulil go and trj lilin at onco. " Tlitio it is that nianj'aro pro\i > iiteil from see U- iii r b'h ' ) tit tlio haml . of ono v.ho is ( pihlied to alTord it. lvi ! it\ < i\.ni iniiJu 1 > \ Dr. Hillintrt , is uo\i.iiiw\ 3ini : . Ho does not truaiucutodisoaiox. and if iiikctl to tn at a e.f-o of TV phoul l-'ovor or DiDhlliori.i ho wouiil upon the plea o [ laclv of o\pononco in uihi"iso3 , Hut the stubboin , lniiror- in/ , il -010111 , anil special iliscibi'3 oniiineiatiMl in his ad\oi tmi'inutiN ho tiniits w'th sitiaf\ iiifr and often -K.I is. Illlsi ! is-\si. | | nl > ut lull Hn iincil us lls | | \SN ) ( | | | | h HI HOI ) In Illlllll SIHM.I- iii union I'III HN \ii , \ rioi : s DIS. I \--l s Al.l , DIM \s. | sM ) \ \ I'AUM s ] I UDMllll \ II \\IIMI \ N l I I I 1 ( nil tnmhlis iilli i tin. tin IMdlMlOV AIM1 l\ I ID' , iiml M Till I ltN ) , nil ( ttiinlial luiiililis , ul li t il Irouli'i i ill doiiltii t niiiij I'liiiiblii in il ill ( IN * isis ( if i iiihnto nitiiii MJ IIIMItM , HIM 0 * l.l\ I N MiMlli-ii uru niiitlv iiitpniil fiiini innis luiUs emus In His sin nli iMi I'litlcnt- fiirnlslnMl ul IllKllillll . \ > 'lllillt ' c\tl i HIM I'liiisiillallni fno I'.itiints HIII -sftilh in , | , ) \ ) . t > | joiilonii > . .U.1 Siulli htli sttiet Oiii.ilu , Nil ) LEE WING 8 Physician 101.J Liritui-rSt. , Denver , Cole SPECIALIST. I tli n HiitlcniiK fi 'in llio fill II if IIIIV I I till * lllllllllIlK' II ill - iiiiil ilus ) iu lionllli Mi nut rilt 1 11 VV Intf at MIIIJ Midi < > iim iiirnlliir In u m- I'll lllllll t. WIMlklll * H lll\l IllUll Ii il ill miliaillK ) | M rouiill jmillit ill fully uilniir ) Iliillli- I I till llhlli lll'lllt Ill8l'll l > , lllllU- n I luni ; tr ul I' ' f < in iiniitl | n tirun- I III IIBllllllll lltllllll (111 ( lllll 11.1 Bllf tin * bin il Mi-uTiilt NhlllH | IM | | IIIIIM nf u prlittto iintuii i. ' n iihi'i uliii i lie * tiiinnri < niiiir , full rl iiiin iln uiimit-m imnli K all-kin ill ( i-o io < - tUi'niss i 1 11 p.11 in uialfcrlii ili atnc'MH liiUlncHt ' "it in" iniptliiix tni' | nriii tin nialulii mill itUttiiM' if llin n ( in nitlu' ' ur nni * iiuinatUr ul liuw luiih. t in Itnji A i nro * . | nii mill ml In i'i'i > IIIHU or uu MI r ii'li"i'l''il If ) ml lin\i' fnllol tu l. o I i in ( Ml i.o\\iiiMo | il i nut ili pilr Inilulvu 1,1 i ; VVIM1.1 call unit In vi' MI hulllh him n lilili In n i tl > ( oiilllilui- Hal 11 ii iilliillon i Miinliuill nlrii cinl ) a i-iuiill" MIIII fir romi'illo-4 'I In iioiiniU tm\o h i'ii curoil of il Hi run ii | i > iso * bt IADlnu' Ililniiii Viv- iliiUI n iiinlli'i Vliui ) liiitlm nliilt UNI bo foil ml iinil en In lil uticc ur It in r imi'i'm Atliliuii. LKK WING. 1113 I irlmorSt , loii\or , Colo. I'uclim Htjiuii' fur upi ) VVIm lf" > i ir < I lonit mean nionly tn sl"i llieni frrnliiimniiillii'ii lunn ihinii n tnrniiKnl" liniann rnliiiltuti 11 in. uul illmiliH. n.ui i I ll.S I I'll. ' . .I'SY < r 1 VI IIS ( . Mil KM.I-inlifi'.lmioliiii ; 1 ukuiidl in ) f nn dy locum tlw\vor i.uM n , lt K4iu8u i > Vlit lu luiii fnilc 1 in iiiirfAAi'tifiir not uuiv rfiiivltiv i ruin rinil alimu fur n IruMlsunnl .v I'rni lluttl I'luiv Infalhldt rwimtlv lilvul t Otltu. \urU. well satisfied Isllje BEST LAUNDRYSoApirjtljc World widI ' use ilia J | n\y \ v/ & ; > hiii &ndcleaning"- . 'fJADE-'oNLV Qy All P N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. la llio Port.il of Lifi1 , and TH TEET Arc the Piincip.il Oi ins which Regulate the II alth Good digestion waits on appetite and he iltli on both. "Shakespeare. " For anything per.tnining to your Teeth , vibit DR.BAILEYThe Dentist Office Third Floor , Paxton Block. Telephone 1O85. 16th and Farnam. YORK DEJMTRL PRRLORS N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts. DR. F. L. BROWNE , . Vi- will in ili MIII u -.11 of t i Hi usl us tin 11 -t rn MH i i nil .t \i ! iS n I i ( It f i ? ) (11 ( I'AIM I I'M U \ ( I IUN \ \ ill Ii tb ii > > I Mi ii I I \lisiilul ( \Sjtbnul i 1'llti ( mill Mhi I i in I ! n i , In.- . < r < \ \ \ mil III ill. \\nrk Our Mutt ) 1 In Ml " > T Unit il \ \ ik itll ) \Is | liilnt , uil i s CHICHESTFH s E VOLISH CROSS THE ORIGINAL AMD GENUINE Till- oiiljiifi , nro , nr | r'linllr , m . . .r . ir I II Ilo i * I'ninim f rrtl hnlrr * I * lilt * blm n I llfind In I ! til am ! I1M mn\l r 111 . .H i l iu i r limn 1 rl ' nuulht r llnil / fit s / hl fi HJ in I Im l fwiu All pn > n i nil Uarl h. xi pliik ra | | r ar iliiu i ron t iiiintt rTrll * At Ur 1:1,1.1 * r.rnlnl IP htni f r i nrti ulart .lira mail au t ' Itt litC lor I M.llt , " * I'tttr t v rtturnIiitl. . 10110(11 ( i.n ,11. , \ir > I'aprr CM ICHESTCR CHCM ICtC Co , Vlmll. .n sljulrt Ituld III all lurnl llruL-lll"l . I'llll.VIII.U'IIIA. 1'A. THE < aRB\T SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER V/hero does the word "Appe-il" flvst appear in tlio Now Testament P TO THE FIRST 50Q PERSONS tUc n v i , linn o n Uj ON OR BEFORE JULY 1 , louiuf ; present * : ONE THOUSAND OOLLARG GOLD , S1OOO < ) n < ' < IJ ; > l.nt In .llcniiililt , uiii 111 , t > l , < ) OO.OO Our ! liu-I'lnno. v.oi-Mi . S o.0i f > n ' Drl\ln.T * ! m " . u > rlli . . lOO.OO Ciic Si t ol I'liin'.luii' . MIII 111 VJOU.OO A'll ! I'i i OliKT ( .1111 * , I'tlllllHlllIK Ol 1 i-n Vuivoii'i , Mint < < nnH. S < ( HOfSI ! liuu llueU'i , < < > lil Wnii SI B , HI penliui ; Add , ( ti < \nluulU' { .Ills. ML ? > JLE REWARDS. T HIP in i'i ' IM luu' " 1 persons bcnlitiuus thocorrcitaiwicr , will nlvo t in 1 n\ins Ono I'a r lliili h Itorirs , mill llnsiry 8 ROO.OO OIK- lei In "Ii'liiphlii. MOI Mi l.oim.OO I no lluili ) ( 'il niul I'lli' Uollur * In < .ol < l uno.oo Clue I liunor.t ! Kiiii ; . iv < i. Ill loo.ili ) On > f n PHI Aili il , itorlli . IOO.OO t-llll 1115 oilier O1Holislsllnif ol lii > ! tl n nlilifs , t'liin < lot lin. } > i It nfNISti'i Miiri * , I'm in W iigoni. ) ! i'i > iMillin ; Kllli's shot Ciiins , Anil oilier nlluiljlo i.llts. LAST REWARDS. EJtili yXxiC.t2a.oi.- To3.- . Tlm < iO wlin fall to n echo ( no of the hli \oini mum. Ftlll l i % ' nn > } niinliy to fiei iii ( iiuftlt'l - \\r' \ ' 1 > tl j Ini-t thi-liuii'lri J , s h-n IB in tinf rfn t im-wir , \Mv\illlM | ; the follo\\iii ( ! : Inn II mill roil mill I'lflj Doll.n i ill l.olfl ( J'J.IO.OO < > ii ( .i > lil Ytiitrli. noi tli IDO.no Oil- ' Tine Si-J < ! .Imi.lr , Vldl III . HID.IK ) One fin.-t-ulii ( lliiflilui , \ > oi Hi . , . . no.no OIKI'iiic Clilini Si t. itorlli ftD.UO And 9 < li ultii r ( Jills. rontlhlliiK ill f.olM ) UK ) n i. Midi ( inns. Sets oT1 llc'iuiltiug Jtldi's , t'lnc < liu Im , Ni'VtiiiK Anil ntlieinluiil > lo I'ntiuli. A Grand Total of $16,000 , in Gold and Fresonls , I'v t rj 1 > lti r to r ol\o ntt nt'mi must 1 o frpniMH'iiili I vIlli 31OO f ir Him \ ar 8 B il i njili 111 to tli VV K > KI v M I'fl Vv . .ust HK So aiisut r * \\ill In ) roionli d mil m lUioiujmai' 11 * tl to I r fubsi riptlim ] 'Vtr % nn rr In lht | in klmn , u < inni ] > iinii I l > s tlio ml M rlition 1 In cur. f i 1 > iiuiiilii n d tin 1 tiKu ill urilur ami uu au ) rccchcil , CO ilii'ro tun ! > < nu inlNlnkc. The An l. lrAvAl.vNciiB Is ov. r onr Imlf rctiturj old nndnfcrs to any tinuk la Iho cuuatrj , i r to Inuin b c r lirndarcet .Vcnttei ! , Sample Copies Froo. Liberal Terms to Agents.