THE OA1A11A DAILY DAYr , 3MAKOH IB , 181)1 ) , 1131BKRJ1EN AT LOGGERHEADS i \ Healthy Prospects for a Big Bow lu the \ Btnto Association. POACHING ON RESERVED TERRITORY. \ \ , w ViuM.r . IIPIinlimtlim : I'roiuUocl That \Vlll UcMiilt In tlio HniMhiil of llioVnltlilcHi llio 1)1 Hnnnony wasn't ' ni bla ( fetturoof tlio Coin ontlcii nf tlio XobrisUii i.utiiliQiinea'8 ns kocitttliiii , \xlilc-li rlosod In this city \SeclniM On } , as p ilillslu-d leiioits nnu outxviud up H Itulic'iitc'd. xxcro inuli' , of conrc , tn Inx'o the i of tlio sessions triiisnetoil ciulutlr ttail to smooth oxer nn > dUtttrbaaccj tbnt Diiulit luuo become nuairudt in a nilUl The , wet Int Ion IB only ft joir olil , and Vblli'tt Inn In-eii fnitl.x prosperous , is not In hroiullllnti to Htmul a' lntnl"r nttoxiu ami that Is just Is nou proinisiit Ono of the prim null ubJiHtB of llio nisocla- lion into pioUut its tri'inherft Iroin untliio opposition from 1'iich other In cortnln turil- tory urn ) u tuln piow'tiUholusilo clu..lor < from si'lltii iliiptto ( ron uinon In the torrl tory ot .i retail dcilcr A tlnii isllxod for the Mutation of this inlo. Dining tin ) nicotine on Tiiiwlnj complaint tMis niuli' Umt 0 N lldtof Otnnlui hiil vie lated the nun mid \viis subjection line fin ; lout of hiinlit-i ton cousuimi 11 ttio tcrtltory ot n incmbci of the imocla- lon. HophltiK to tlio churiro Mr Doltr ax- tiltiiniMi Unit ho illil not know the Mini nf- Ic'c'totl 1 > \ ills shipment uas lopicscMil'Ml In the ussoi i.Uioti 'J lui Mc.rut.urr ! uliiiued to tiotlllcil Mt Oi-H ? that such xxas I ho case , tint us then sii'inecl to Dtisoiiic , iiusutuicsrstunclitij ; ttio elmrtfo was dioppcil L..ilcr ! it xxas clmi'Koil tint Mt Dolt ? hid fhliKil | throu otti of lumber from Ills Lin Coin xuril Into ten linn of numbers of the Imoeitition Mr Lollin < ' \i > l ntilnc this clmiiti' , loft thii Impulsion that his Lincoln Jatclsxxi'io not U'piiui'iitiM In thonssocii linn , null tint elinrKoxxas also dtoppoU but Tvas rex iM'cl with vlKorlicn it was after- \\nrct Icainoil that lliojimh in ouistionoro fcuhji'it t < the mips of the insooiitlon This was dlsu\orci ) at tlio ini < ctii ! | ! of the bo.iid of cllivrton In the afternoon and Mr pollxxiis Oiilloii upun for an i'Xiluinlioii. | Ho replli'il In a iniinnor thu : did not plcitso the dli odors and n decidedly tioplcul meeting ro- ul to ! It was found impoisililo to offi'ct a Milislai ton adjustment of the ttoulilo and the mwUnn ailjoui iRil \ \ itli tlio im ; > tession pioxulonl that Mr jroinij to Inuiijj- Urnt" a M n aKalnsl tlio aasoi-Iiitloti. Thin1 aio "d"i jnuls in tlio state repro- ficntul lu the nssoclitijti of u total of OUT nix htindreil vauls A war woulil cause sotiio lixelx liusUinj. . The nssoU.ilion has pro- tiatcxl for It in a inoasino by lo-clt'ellnir Mr. W ( ' ° Sumlc'ihml sociotniy and u > - quliiii ) , ' him to dexoto his entire time to tlio business of the nssocl ition Hoill nt cmcountci upon a cnininiKU in the stuto fur tlio pmposoof Ineioasinn the iiiuuber hiu of the association. _ Thpio Is nothuiRUuo Di Thomui' KlPctuo L Oil to quickly rmo a cold 01 lollnvo a lioaiie- iie,3Vuttoiib \ Mrs M .1. tVllous , Una- Oak , St. Joseph Co , ilk h sou in OMAHA' . * ! I I'ropni-atioiiH u * > lailn for It j Nidi's. To the dcmociiillc doctors of South Omaha Tlio regular dcninirntiu iirlmunes aie licrob.s cillud for Tiicsilaj , March 17 , IV.U , botwonn this hours of 12 in and 7 p m The following are tlio polliiiK placuj foi thoto- spuithe wauls. riist ward , liarnaid Blum'b scale house , Tw cut } -sixth stieot Seiond waul , Judge J. I-ovy's ofllie , ffwenUsixth stieot. 1'hiid ward , John Ivlluer's hotel , Q nnd'HuiU llrst sUieets roiutli wind , i\cliatiKobuIIdimr Said pimmiies ixto for the puiposo of jilic- In in nomination niouniilman in each wai J At Iho same llmo llneo ilolt-patos shall bt > elected fiiim culi w ml ton convention to be hold In Km\lej's hall , Tlmrsilay , March Hi , pt " p in , said con \intion to pi ice in notiihm tion n i lU clorlc , two momhora of the bond Ot odiic.ition anil a citj central comuilttoe for tlio Micci oil IIIK sear Uj oidei cltj contul committee ICi i H lei ) i ) , Chairman. A KattlliiK I'n/c Bid blood , agKni\atod by Into pugilistic lionors won , caused Dutih Fied nnd Hans the Dutihman , nccotuuaniud by a hiindicd f nuids and spoctatois , to go lo Goi mania hall last niKht to settle , bu combination of cvobiow holds and Quoensbuiy rules , who vii5 the bi'llor man 'iho room was soon inado icndy nud , with little prellniiiiaiy voik , the ) closed in battle. Aftur fout tor- litlc lounds , tie mosl vicioiib Hcliliu e\or seen in HIP city , Hans the Dutchman weak ened and the light waj awaided to Dutch l-'ivd Itonni The bond of lOfe'latrulinn will sit on Kil- laa. . id Sntutdny , April Ji and 2b , and bat- utdny , Aptil 1. _ Notes About llic ( lly. HjitrvH IIuihPs ot Valparaiso ib the guest Of frunuls m the city Jlrs IVtorJ Hanson , w no has biea ill for a month , K able to bo about Yii-toi i ; Umeiothis trono to Atlantic , 1 1 , Called tluno b > the illnus' , of iilati\ei Ocorse l.ootihall of the L'nilativ force cut the ludiv lliiKir of Ids lofl hand Tuusihu CanUiln Prink 1 _ Hail of the Stockmnu fouo is able to i-oauiiio nib labuu aflur : i W eck's il'.nobS. A t cl\ pound son has been born unto Mr nnd Mrs l duard liroaiiihnn , und all Mr. Biwnibnn's fi lends on the stock ) aids aio concratulatiiift the h ippi father. Paul , iiROd scron months , son of Mr and Mii 1' 0 Amlerson of Alhriht ( , died tit s o'clotk Tuosdav inoininir , and wab huiiod at a o'clock jobtordnj aftcruoou In Lauiel ilill couiotei\ \ J G Armogastnnd J "E Lindsey had sou e Uimbor deal nt AVlUlams' camp , anil o\v Mr L.ludsoy has complained bcfoio Judec Kinjj clmrnhiir Mr Armopust w ith ob tainiiiK : goods under false prolenses "it is not penornlly knoivn , " said Matin ? ? ? ' N Ilabcock of the Union stockjaids , 'but it co-.ts > llioy.uds eoinpanj n round $1,000 n month alone to r > 'inoo iho olTal fiom Iho yardb. The nocCbSiuy eipenses of the jards urct > impl > enormous" An ojior cicpt in tlio report of the proceed Ings of the citv council m the report of the circulation of Tin OMIIIA HIM The pub lished lepoit only gtivo the circulation of Tut UviMNdHn Thoiijcnlatlon of Till ! JJch in South Omaln is 7.'s and in Douglas county ll.Jlls Clioped from the Canada Presb > teiinu undei of C. niackctt Robinson , J'ronr 1 was cured of oft recurt ing billlous lieudacbes by Hurdock Illood Illttow. Clii'apci One of llio mnnv provisions of the J lo.x bill provides thnt all dut > shall bo ie- io\eel front sugar after April 1 , nnd it fur- thoi prox ides Umt siife'nr may bo tnanuf.iC' timvl in bond during Maich and ucllx'ciod on Aptil 1 to tlio do.ilors Tbo Icxal customs oftlcers luvo received no- the tliniaooutono hundred enrloncls of sugar , consigned in bond to Omaha jobbers , ia arm1 ou iu x\.ix , uoro , and \xill bo put on the inar- kotimiii'dlnteiy after llio 1st prox. Tbo clut.x wlilcb Is to boromoxoU nmounts to about 2 re'au > per jiouucl , and its txunoxul is ex pected to be folloxxcd by o c'crrc-sDoartitiS to cliK'tion In the priopof that necessaix article , \vbicb xxould gixo the consumer about Uxeuly i pounds for $1 , l Afjnto benrlnp scales , oofteo mills xx ith foot , poxxer , Ricoers tofrlRerotors , liutter coolers , C.ituloguo of Bordoa it bellock Co , Chlwgo. Tlic ClirlHilan in Clnircli Mfi- . Canon Doliorty of Broxxnell ball conducted tlio noonday Icaton sorvlcus at Bojii's OKJIM | house jcsterday , during tlio course ofxhich limlt'llxeri'ii anborttulkoa "IhoClnUtlaa in CliutcU Life , " profutittg Uis tx'uiarks by say. itiK tint lie protxwd to delUir a icri * ot short t ukt ( mkitidrixt toi > tc < ilurlNir * * " ' utt " rhinlntor look ns Inttixt tin UIJUIM 'un oft hrlst Unit liu disiinli sh ) hl uiliiK'lo mind that whlili ho had tnupht tind worship not on ! ) with the spit It , but w Ith thtf under- tiiiilliiR and bo able ? to K'W" runon foi thu liipo that win In thoin The < peakfr said thnt the trouble with the chuiclm.i'n of tndnr win tint they did not ' fl\o ! inoiiKli iillontioii to Iho ( UUlio lnuiM'- ) thin to worship with tlio uiulurstandlutf Ho ( said he did uot piiipuselo ili i'r > sontlinontal | million , in Unit um a KWI mmfoit. but | ihuivhincn woivton prune lo look upon thu | church in the 4nnio light ai they looked upon i nbuiie\oli > iit H < Mlotaiul stop tiieio The sM-akerhfld | thai ihuichitienblumhl ivid and inform thonnolu' * of Hie hislniy of the ihiiroh The iiinnrltof ) chunh metnbon luvo n liar ) idea of church lilstun , but they don't IIM'K to Infofin thcMiift'lM * b\ stud ) lloiunolont societies nure good thlncs nnd Hie sponkot held UIL-III in RU-ut ivsput , but if the ihunh was iiolhlim' moic than a hetuolptit society eion member should know it. Thu\ should oxaiinne into this matter , and the'hcad of a fumilv Hliouhl ho nblo lo give the inembiis of his fnm- IU an litU'llk'otit loiHoti for tlio Inltu that h in them. ( ! ol Ims gi\eii OXIMJ man the fucultofreason nnd the iiH'iiibomif the chuich shoulit oxer Use Unit funilu UMIV ihuu-linmn should pMiinine thohistoij of tlio chuuh and wo for hlmsolflf thire was o\cr n porlol since I'hrislouialned the chutcli when it did nut exist , The poalter dnelt hriollv upon the nccoi sltfoi plinth lihririos for the use ol IIUMII- belt of the chutcli und adUsud Hint ever ) niomboi of the ihnrih Hhonld tuoiile. him- silf with works on i bur h ldtoiami stml ) them thorough ! * It ns a dun over ) mciii boi oHod to thu ( hurih to ho nbio to gio a reason for the fntth tint wii In him. A weak hick , with a weuy nchinc lamo- si ouir the hips , iMiisinnof dui'as'd kld- IIOJH Use thu best kldnnx cnnituo known , which is Buidoik Hlond Hitters SONS or coN < jiiitiN ; < > hims. : ol * tlu I ntcst Addition to rntilotio MX li-tles. The men who met at PL I'ciitne' < i ofllco last nlirhtwcie those who could "point with prldo" to the Inu that hoincthinp mote Him n bundle I jeirs nitothflr ancestors helped twist the tall of the lliitlsh lion Theiovero onij six ol them , but tlciewas as much enthusliisnidlspl.nod as though 100 hail bcon present The lueotlng w is called to order by Champion I Chase , w ho Mated it was the adjonrniul annuil meeting of the Sons of the Koolutiori , and was forthe pai- pose of completing the oiraiii/.itioii. ( A couple of applications weio passed upon , nnd llw us decided to co out into the l > ) - \\ins ami hedges and gather In till the iniu who max bo eligible. The qunblU-alloiis for meinbcishin areas follows AIIJ peison miho eligible in the sociH ) who is a nmlo , over the ago of Iwoi t > - ono M'.usand is a of nn ancestor wno u-sisU'd In estahllsluug American mile- l ndoiu'o duiing thownrof the ie\olullon , cllhei ns n mllitinv or otllcer , a soldier or a salloi , an ofllcialin the sen ice of am of the thli Icon original colonies , or of the uuitoit colonies or btntes , ut of Ycimont , u member of the committee of eouespomlonco , or ol public safety , 01 of a i-ei-o iil/ed patiiot who rcnueied iniiteiial icivico in thu iinirso of American independonio 'J'lio soiicty badge c-onsists of an eight pointed cioss , tncmlul mld.ibv a wri itn ol ( rrciii ennniil On the ob\erso \ sideisa medallion beaiinir the bind ol Washington , with the motto , "Uiheitas ot 1'atrin " On the roveiso the "Minute .Man" nuil the niiinu of the society ippoir. 'lids h held in sus- poiibo bj1 the t.Uons ol an eagle , and the w hole bv a ted nnd blue libbon It was decided to at onio prosecute an In dustrious efloil to sectue meiabi-isliip. and pitch member prcsihit pledtrod himself to do this. _ DM you notice that line head of hair at chinch"Imt That was Mrs. B Shonevei permits hcrsolf to ho out of Hall's Hah Hencwur if iit.itoA it A r > res. John "Wilson , tbe assistant supctintenilcnt ol motor power imcl machinery on Ino Union Pacific , iindei Mr Midiileton and sex oral sox'oril preceding tidtnii latratlons , lias dis posed of his residence on Nottli Ligtitecnth itrcot for f 10,0011 and intends going into the stock mislay business in tbe xxusteia part uf the state Tlio Anic-ncan refriKCiatoi transit wmi- pinij lius gix en notice tint in tbo futtne it xx ill oieiato | llio cats of tlie Union tiansit coiiipiny ' 1'lics.o nunibci l.OTO cats I'lio same coinpun Is miking prep nations to extend its Jut tidlctinu oxor the ciitno ( .ould M stein , xx hidi x\ill \ plicouiidet its coutiol about Iho thousand cats , making it coaipanj in o\- isteuco. Hen Bnioxxs , the lotumlntlxot Using atont ; of the I niun I'aeillc , \ \ as in his nccustoiiied plmo at headqmutets fora shott time j ester- duj aftei .tsoxcio sci oofla jnppe Mr 11 ir- roxxs had xxithstooil Iho ravtyus of disetso liming a lout ; and busy lifo \\illiout bonifj obliged to take to his couch , but tha nllpio- valcat miladx pro\cd too nincli for ox'on tils uitjged fiameiind liosuccuinbccl.und foi txvo xxeoks huiif , ' on lheu cd edge of this un- ceitain life Ait tnipoitant ebaiitio in the ttnck of tbo Ivansab Citx' , St .losoplt \ Council Illutlsroad xx ill be made nsooc as llioxcallici xx'lll per mil lx is proposed lo shorten the Itaek bo- txveen Kansas Cit.x and St Joseph about ten mile : , by cutting out tlio clistaneo bet xx eon Kust Lciivcti\xottti lad liovorlj and by Imilcl- inj , ' ti cut nil from Siifjar Unke to llushxillo Tins xvill glxo t Hue to St .losopli of llft > - eijjlit niiles , nndxxill ticimit of a diftcrciico in the runnini ; tiinobetxxei'ii the txxocitits of from forlx lo hfu niliintos 1 lu grading for thucut-off Kike li is been iinished and ns soon u < thn xx outlier inodentei sufll- contlx tlio rails xvill bo luld. Ir E T Miller , of Cross Plains , Wis , 1ms expressed the opinion thai , for obstinate case of sj philis and sciotuln , Acer's Sir- sap inlla is uuquostiimabl ) the most cffiitivo iemed > known to pharmac ) . Wondeiful cures have tesulted fiom Its use. Tohnccjo and ttio Turin. "Aftei May 1 , all rotill tobacco doilers will be at liboitto curry on their business without being lequlrcd to Uko out a ictall dealer's license , " stated Collector Peters jeslcrda ) "The McICinloy hill repealed the law re quiting retail dealers in tobiccolo laltoout license each \iar nt a cost of $ J-10. The manufacturers will albO l > o lolieM'd of the necessitv of talcing out n license , but tl.c ) will bo unilu the same rebliiitloua as lu'ietoforo witn reference to imkiug repot ts The ) w ill nlbO bo leiiuliod to place slamps on tlulr goods thosatiwas before This litter includeb dealcts in leaf tobacco and niinu- ftiilntcis of iigar- . ' " \Vlllthlsresuliin \ anv chmgc in price in cigais' ' was abked 'Not ' necessaillj Tlio price of a ftail IIcnso Is enl ) ? - ' 40 ] > er imnuin , so that iho taking a\\a \ > of that tax will not nialto nn > mnteiial dlffeicnce bul theio is iinothor clause in the McKlnloy bill which will have a tendency to boom the consumption of do- mealic cigars Tint is a c-laiibo meieising the dut ) on Imported clg.iri M ) uucler- stnnding is thai the duties hnvo been In- cri.iHocl about SOO per ceul , and in homo in- sinmos even moio result will boim liuieasoiii the prko of tin potted cigars and a natural increase in tlio consumption of the domestic ailiclo " The soil glow of llio tea iwo Is acquired l > . \ ladies w ho u o Pozzoal's Complexion I'ovv- der Ti ) it. 1'cnitoiit in Pixijn'n I'lcsonco. Mr Iv D Hoyd of Lincoln came to Omaha Wednesday to talco his daughter , hadio Uoyd , back tohor homo The joung liuh Is rather giddy in her conduct and n few days ago she decided lo lento the old homo and try city life She came to Otmiua with another gldd\ Lincoln plrl nnd was found bv her futher at the .lenaiiiKs hotel. Shogtow peiiltoulnail decided to go home with her father and henceforth to usclunv her ( 'lddy habitb. ! Kim l > own nnd Hilled. LoxtinN , Match U A gang of mon work ing on a rocked train ou the Great Western railway were run down by a relict train. Two w ere killed nnd so\oa fatally injuied. Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Srupls the host of all remoJics for children - ' teething.'j cents u buttle , I'oi'i'isii mi : How ( ho llinotlimnl llmci noiii'.v In Met la Klctloii , I Tlioii ntiil4 nf jot tii ; tnarrlod tni'ii nio Bollix' ahotit the1 utrcuU of Now \cirl to- Uaj Iliinlx I'onxlm-i'tl thai their iniirrluil Hvi-H xxould liuxc been n deitc'i'd lot Imp- pli'i1 IMhelr courtship Im ln't hwiio jao-'j unil iinroiiiuatii' , wijn Iho No\\ \ \ York Herald. Hut UH > fact U that there Isn't nearlv no inuoh ( Kipplnjr" tlono na theic1 u * < oil lobeA century or t'Mi ago the love- sii'U Muilh llunjf l.liasulf clciun cm hi * Unei's tlec'ltirod his loxe and xuiltud ttvinblin l.x for the lady' * a ent. Noxx , ifxxiMiio to belloM ) the Ic'onoi'liiHts , I'M- xUn tlitoxxs nxutv bin I'ljrart'tto stump and observes ncmuhalanll\ , \ xxoio K ° - liHf to hay almost llttipiinn > : " 15thob % > , AntjolliitijXxhal d othlnlc of our tri-'H' ' ' ) ta.iri ieiiy Atigctliiiu n MM 11 UK that the Idea IH not half bad , Iho hiuguui is forthwith Theio nio hiiiulrcds of way of doltitf thc < ha lnes bc-slilc-s Hinging one's ncif thixx non ono'.s Iviic.os ufliir the fn iiiun of Don ( , inl\ot nad the o.ul > uunaiu'ois A Kocul noxt'l Is ti pretty safe uilo or linilu to KCI ty if a loxo allair h to bo bioti 'hl ton real nnd * eilom IshtiD. A \xoinim naturall.x expects at lea t a sll hl llnxor of toniiiiic'o xxhen slio is ho- Injj xxooocl and xxon , lind iitatitixfjos xxill be all the liituplur If tholad.i fi > > In thai ho his not been tobhod of thtit otno- tional | , ralliiiti\ ; and oainest por-tiiasioa xxhi < h she has alxxaxs been lid to lojratd as u part of the ruptiu > M > fim , ( > pttii | > i the man of hot choice. In oldi-n UineH nnd In the c'oitntrv dibith't al the piet-ont dainati'hes liaxo lii-en hroKuu up or piol > nyod for ji'tifs hoc'iuso tin1 lo\or ionic ! not norxo hliit t'lf to iiinKi' the [ alal ( juoij. If ho liacl road noxoK ho xxotihl lime IH.'I'II bouiiU to lind soiao i'a o \xliuh \ nlmo-1 piei't-L'ly lit his own , and both xxonld hnu' lioc-n lolloxecl of tint "Let me call jou ni.x I'dithV" ajs Hari\T \ C'oniiijby ( ! in Di''i novel , and that is Iho xxaj thousands of people in reil life propo-t1 The libortj of us- inn tlui oiiny : lailxV t'litisti in nunois lantamcniat ton dcilur.itloti of lo\e. \ " 1 ina.\ call jou Uiichol , llion. ' " a l s ono of Mr TiciUopu'b loxors. "Oh , no : ploasn cloii'l'mm iiitirs tlio btshfnl tjlil. l'\Vhat xxoulil people tliinU ? " 1'erhiip- . thej xxonld thinlv tno truth , " t-aiil ho. "I'oihnpj thojxoald Imagim * Icalbd xonso bucMitsu I lllvodjoti. Hut pel- liapstht'.x tni'ht ( , think also that xou let mo do bo boi'iutso jou liKecl me. i'eoplu do in lUo sueh mistaUo.s.1 jVn ii'-poc't of humihtj is boinetiinjs of- fec-tixe. "rottfixo tao ! " bay a number of Mr. Husiat s suitots. "i'or ixo me' ' " exi'lalm Dabtiroii In Gabortnu'b "Lo Uouyn C'tf-o.1 "A xxotd ftoni jour lips xx ill do- udo inj futiit'o liaopineas or aii&oij. L'lniie. ilo not hputn me. i lox'oou" proiciunueditli the tioinbliny aucronts of the most cloxotcd passion "Inam htivo t bti'u lcd , " said I iiu-j in "I'lide and Prejudice.1 "It xx ill not do Mj feelings \\iil not bo ie- iires-.ud. You n.iist alloxx me to tell xou lioxx tuclentlj I aihaii'oand loxo jou. "Koniohi"siijs Tito in George lUiotV intibterpiucu , "if xou xxill only h-t mo say tiotoyoa iixou will oni ) tniuiv mo worth loxln 1 u little. " They > all fi ) cloi.n ou tltoir knots , the--o xoty oarnosl loxura uiul Homo that ai o not so u.n noot "You'll tsiKo soiaohodj olbO , " ' sayb Mr. in "J'lckttiek , ' to tlio fair "Vos. " ' "Vou shall. ' Mr. Jin lo full on his knees , lemainecl thoroiipon for Iho tnin- titus thuieaftor und i wo the accoptucl lover of the hpinbtur aunt. * ' "MiSiiniiuoisoii1' ! ' ikularo1) ) Mr. fluppv , the tittornei * b clctk in "Bleak Houte , " "I adore \ou ! Would , > ou bo so kind as to allow mo ( as I may MIJ ) to lilo u declaration lo iniko an olfei.J ' Mr. ti tippy then went clown on hN knees. * oung l > ondonnib falls upon his knees bofoio his lad ) lino. "And now now , Lama' " lie sijs. ' "Cbtlior/biuirolix IFoll reptonch- fnllv. "bho hoaiil PolK.ij the woul with an entroitinir cr > anilont tuxvttd him w ith the sv , lit nioionicnt of a frightened child toward itb pi otoctor. Ho clasped hot and thcj kiH ecl oacli othor. " "JJoforo 1 SPO jou t thought all women alike , " dceluic b tlio ingenious Mr..3ain Wollcr. "Jiut now I find xvlint aoft headed , inot editions turnip I'\o hcon , for thojjain't nolioclj like jnti. although I like jou bettor than nothing at all. " beloelecl at tandoin from the tional novelists of the day , among wlioin woio Ouida , this Duchess , Chnilotto M. L5r.ioino.inci bovoial Anioiicaa writers , arc &ucliatiocl cleclatations of loxoas the following : "At last , mo-t pot feet woman , T liax'e an opportiinltj of si ) ing whit hub so long hung like a cloud upon in ) heait ! " " 1 would gladlj defer what 1 Inivo to sa > , Connne , but I cannot , I daio not. I loxeyou , " ' 'Youaro not like other women , " ho mummied. "From tlio fliat night wo met I haxo boon joui suitor and jour bl.uo ! " "i'romisc mo , Agnes , x ou w ill not aj- ilo to x\ hat 1 haxo to ask. I xisli to call you mi no iiiino forexor. " " 1 know 1 am unworthj- oxen taiso mj'ojosto jour iloir f.ico. You Know m > faults. Will jou can \ ou accept m'oV" " 1 luuo boon waiting for months to toll how much I admire worship > ou. If I thought if I thought } \\otildnot \ foiever spurn tuol xvould as > k jou to to ho my wife. " "This is not tlio place , Mis * Audloj * , to toll ) int ho\v much I love > ou-to ojion mj heart to the xvonian 1 otcom imox'o all others. Juno Audloy , hhlen to mo. I love jou ! " Jiut it is xoi ) doubtful , o\on with these examples bofoio him , if o\ory loxolorn porsou won't cro on popping in hi oxxn xv.iy that is , of coutso , if ho pops at all. Jlvuiv folloxx * loves his pir- ticular diimsol "as woman \\as no or lo\cd hoforo , " consequently ho is rather uppish about the imtticular individual method which ho otnploj-s llofoigots that in not comliifj out with a direct voibal jiroposal ho is knocking all the romance out of the business and his onlj" thought js bow ho can host got out of the ficiapo with the tumble. Ho nmor thinks of her , bless jou. The poor girl in all piohaljllltj has been iilllng her mind xvlth how tlio business ought to bo done and is done in no\ol& .md luis doubtless got ready for the omorgoacv if it oxor fihould aiiivo. That blii'inkii ! < , r and timid "xos" tlmt ought to send CJcorpo Into tlio ompjrennof bliss must roinnin unsiicl if ( Jeorpo doesn't Ih-bt say : "Clara , will jou bo nn wifoV" Tlio dta < jo proposal of inarriago isalso Gllcctno , iiill.sticand dixcibc. Modern pin ) wrlghts haxo intido their horoospop in oxor ) concoix-ablo way , but xery often in their attempts at completooiIg'innUtj the ) enter the domain of life. This is wiong. " 1'r will jou bo nix x\ifoV" asks the linosh'k bnuliolor in Mr. Do Mlllo's oloxoi * "Moa and "Woman " The luclj- doobii't pau-o in sweet and doubting dilli- denco , hltisii and make bolloxo 8lio didn't hoar. Slio jiint xxheclb aruund and btileuoiti a regular Vasaar btilckor. "Why , cort'nlj ! "Bho says. Do Will's l.tttlo r.arly Iliscw ; only pill to cuio skis hendacho aud iu-uUitc thu buuols , 1,11 II I .IUII.S. llio ( iilol'- | i'Kfu l-alhor Had II IN Oliiliini Madit L'i | , It \\s\o \ almcist u lion hi- came slowlj up I lie lliu'o lli < { iitHcir xtnlfM k'iid ing tc'i llio I'dltoilal iiMiins and knorkod tiniicll ) at tlio dnctr. w'i ' Itos J , U Uatbour in Iho Di'tiolt 1'ioss i'ri'Md ' " ( 'emu' in , o.dlocl out llu < il'iv editor without looking np fium his willing. Ilo came In slowlj , a tall middlo-igod man , tno tlilnlj clad for such a cold and storni ) night. Mis wrlrtlsand hard bony ' liimts'Mhowod ted and baio beneath the flocxi's of his thin anil ragged old Tie had an hnncft but ignorant faoo and an axvkward. embarrassed air. Ilopullod oil his old Imt and hold il In both h'Uids , while ho uHkod * "iti it too late to git a lltllo nolice put inlo tlio paper toiijtrht. nilhlorV" "Xci , gui-ss not , " replied tlto lopoiler. "Ciot It written " "No , I hain't. 1 " " \ cm'll lind a p id of p ipor ami a pun- ell on that table tlioio " Ilo pointed lo a lablo near his own dc : < k and the nun tmtdowii before il. Ilo took the poiic-il bi'twc'i-ii his stilTuuod ( Ingots bitat tlio end of it whiln in mod- ilatlon , diow the ] ) id of paper towards him and began to xxulo Jut ? bo inado slow and boi'ininglj piln- fill xvot k of it. lie i-iossid out a word lieio and there ami bis hand tiomliled sliangelj. Once lie fnilnol ) drew his lagm'd 8loe\o acioss liiw i'cs. Tlic'ii ' ho tut nod to tlio editor and s.iid in a lotto of troubled liositation and appeal : "I I don't want to tremble \ on anne , sir , but 1 I ain't usud to wiitin'an'1 noxoi could apidl K"ld. | If Jim ) ou bad time tote -xx rite the notice for mo Id li1) ) to piy xou xslmt xou think it'll bo wnth' " Something in the man's tone and man- tier toui'lied the editor's heart , and , but. ) as ho was , ho s dd : " 1 ll xx rite it for jou if thoie isn't too" much of it " "Onlj tluee or fotu lines , sir. " " < ) li'a notice1 of a inocilhiK' , perhaps , or something of that sort " " .No , sii , a notice of aa ' ' tbp man' xoloo tiled iixxax ton xx hispor , his chin chopped to bis oiling chest , his whole fiame liemblodas lie said , "a notice of a -death. " "I am \ erjorrj , ' ' siid tlio editor lindl ) ami with genuine bjmpilhj. " \Vlmt is tlio nimoi1 ' " Molinnie. " wo nexcr lallod him atij- thing o-lso. Ilo was nanicd 'Jolin , ' after nn > , but I'd ratlii'f haxo it printed Molin nie. ' " " \Vboadid bo die ? " "Tins exening. t-ir. Itxx-as xer.x sud den and it comes huidcron th it aciount , though Ciiid ktioxxs it would bo bant enough if v.o'd been espuctin' it. Such things noxor lomo eas ) totboin that lo\o tlioit childion , anci'l I ' ' Ilo bold las faded old bat bofoio his faio for a moment. "IIoxv old xxas lie. ; " asked the editor glancing with ninty 0)0 * at a pboto- yi.ipb in a little ted phiili fiMiiiJ on his desk , the photograph of a handsome , In igbl-o.x i'd little bov with thick curls and a Mulling ; face. Tour jcats and six months to a da.x , sn , and our onlx one. That m.iivos it soi m still hauler. Ills mother's 'bout hoait-biokenand 1 I s tumble haul to biland watch a litllu lifelike that go out and to think of what the homo xxill bo without it. You got children , sii-V The pclitor iiointcd toward the photo- giaph and said. "This is mj little boy. " "He's a sweet lookin little follor. I hojcs ) he'll be spired to xou. Wo'xo yet a yood pbotogiapli of .lohnnie. That's one comfoit. I xx-ouldn't take $1,000,000 for it now. Xoxv. how much will it bo for wrttin' and printin' the uotice.J' ' " all " "Nothing at "N'oVVoll , I'm a thoitsind times obliged and I I hope nobodj'll _ oxer haxo to write such a notice for jou 'bout that little boy of jours. ' lloxxipud his ejes xxith a handker- clnef xv utx ith his tears and wont down the staits as slow Ij as ho had coino up and back to his poor , lilllo dcsolulo home , to Wiilk softh xvitli bowed head in the pioseiice of death , and lo trj' to comfort bis bruised heart xvtth the thought/ that the doat little boy had gotio to 30111 the hostB of huaxen. .Iiilu' on tlit * ilailcr. Conimlsiioncr. Tames Clark is a humor ist ; at leist Warden .folia J. Kowland , of the countj jail at Media , noxv thinks so , b.iXb the I'luladolphia Keiord ] 5ut Mr. I'laik did not icali/o the Hugo joke lie xxas plajing on Iho xuirdcn until the thing had transpired , and now over , ) bed ) is talking about it. And this is the xxaj it iMine about JJuring comt week no xisitois aio granted permission to < { o through the jail The yood-naturud uoinmissioner , hoxxoxor , ] ) romibud to hue Couni'ilinan Bagsbaw and two or thieo Chester friends through , and the nexxs getting abtoid thc > gioup gradual ! ) iiiiicasoti until tiicio xxoie txxentj in the cioxxd. The wai den , gi acinus nnd niniling , mot them at llio big doois , and dol. tiling sox- oral j'aileis lo auiompiuj' the xibitois , thox made the rounds ( if the flist nnd t-econd tiers "Whole's the foreman , " at last askoil the waidoii of a Chobtor man. "Tho which1' ' " of the - . " "Tho foreman jurx- "O , bo's bark thoto t dking to Clark , " xvastho ( iniok ropl ) . The w ndon hur ried back. "Aio jou Iho foiemin rif the grand jurj i1 * ' lie iiblccu , extending his hand. "Tlie giand jiir.x1' ' was the aslonibhod rol."This ) . ain't no grand jury. " Tlio xxaiden cast a xxithoring look at Clnik. In ti moment the iton cell-door xventto with a hanff , and in another mo ment the delegation was hustled out into the street , " ( . 'link , " slid the xxaiden with uninjured air , "jou knoxv this isn't right. " _ Mi-tick it Klcli on C.raxe Y.irdH. TIoio is a I'onxui'Batioa which took plaio in a cit ) west of Omalia botxveon an old man and a rctfidontur xxho tiled to get hint to inxest , " 1 don't bolioxo In jiutUn' my inonoj In stocks , " to- inaiked the ol'd , "mv advice is. to hnj real estate every time. " "Hut him- posing real estate should full in price1' " suggested the agent "Uh , there's no need of that if \ ou follow the i ipht plan. I noxer missed it on an inxo'-tment in my life.1 "What do you buy ? " queried th'o loal estate man. "CJrax'oyanls , sir. gra\o > nrdb. Just blril.o a now town and got on to a ploco of rolling ; ground and your foituno's undo. I've located sen - onteon giaxojards In my time and doubled ' * xxhniU mj nioitsj' ) ovorj \Vhoat 'sail "light and shorts pax xx lion tlio pig ; market's good , but jnti liij jour cash iu graxojardH and jou'llear dla- mondb sure. ' ' TlioimiH hiked 1'ink. Jessie Hiohxxino , a faimor rebldingnn a fin iu in South Muldlelon tounsblp , l-'a. , has , or lather had upon his preni- iui's , alaigo Thorn is cut which had a sttiing nppotlto for tlio goio of joung pigs , ( 'no ' of the above farnior'h ows had a litter of line pigs , Tliojxxero tun in number. IJxorj daj ortxvo'Mi. Hull- \vinonoticodtlmttho niitnk'r of little pigs xvasgroxx ing letri. A u.itohwus set. and thocaiiboas \ dtsinxotcd. The cat xvould jump into the nty , sei/o a nig bj- the throat , mrry It away and kill it by Buckinir Its blood. ICIght pign of the llt- tnr woio killed in thlb xxax. Mr. Ixtch- wlnu kil oJ the cat. Of ull former cToiIs ( in the display of nicrih.imlisc. The inliie length of our iniiiicont ; ( s windows on the 15111 sticct bide1 , utilised in the r.uul exhibit of out enormous Spiing stock of The steady increase in this branch of our business has now readied such proportions as to necessitate our purchasing ; in car lots in order to supply each season's demand in Hats , iho same as in Clothing"We aie prepared to fit all shapes and sizes. Our Spring stock embraces all the new blocks , shapes and .shades , from our line of Derby's at $1.50 , $2.00 , 2.50 , $3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00. You can select both quality and style , ccpial in every respect to the Dunlap or Kuox. In our line of Stetsons , Crushes and Knock About soft hats , for gencial wear , you will find prices the least consideration. In our Childien's Hat department , every mother knows if there is any thing new in the maiket , she will be sure to find it here. The protracted cold weather has by no means retarded our piepnrations for spiing in the clothing line. We arc ready for you with a supeib line of Spring Overcoats , Spring Suits , new cficcts in Tiouserings , and a most com plete and novel line of Furnishing goods. Don't Fail to See the Hat Display , Cor. 15th and Douglas. MOIIPJ I'heoifullj Iiofumlcd in all AUK NOT SAl'iM'AC. loin. S. W. Corner I5th and Douglas. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. < //IHJ./S : 7t ri'i.ii. lie Is SiUitriiini- ltio.ul anil Liln' Kccipiocnl Aiiaii oiii Mils. OrrwMiurli 1'J Sir Chnrloi I'uppcr said In mi inliH viutoilu \ "J urn \cry puliio that reiipt owl tndu nu iiiKCinunU on u bioul anil lihctul bisis bet\\ecu C.iimda nnd the United Statcu be \ oi.soon . undo , uinbiacnif.ill nithlcs , whether the pioJuct of llio foicst 01 lurin. ascaii bo nii > uicd | to thu mutual aiU-uiitiuo ol both countucs My conlldonio in lUattcsult.ilIsUb fiom the Uct that Mi IJHInowni known to bo suongly oppoiuil to the Mi-Kliiloy taillT act. anil he his soiifrht to tplicxo ino.isiire of the n itutnl consequencewhkh must How from It by piuposils for luciprocnl niiaiiut'inunts vllh other ( .niin'uos ' So fnt from icftisintr toin.ilfO uii\thiii'hut ( tio.itusof uniosttutcd uilpioiity , llio tieatliuliiisiiiado with Bin- ? il siinph"cmbraic arlklos tint both LOiiiitiii's'apiiuil lould he uxuhanci'd to the mutual binellt of caili either free or nt a icducoa itnty , loavniK main ether aitnles at existing iiitcs of duty. The tieity that Mr liUino has nndi1 with Ncufouiulland Is piei-ibch of tlio snme ch u.ictui and i-mUiaci's the same piltulplc-t oxic-th as would be included in llio UuaU that ( . 'an ulu would bo piupnic'il to in iko with llio United Slates Mi Mliuno is unilouhtvdlx a M'iomineiit und aVlu st.itos- in in , and follow ins no doubt llio discussion of issues butwcon llio Iwo iiirties. in this counlij has lenincd th il the stutemmit Unit llio liberal conseialio uoxeinuieiit and pirtj unfricnilh to the United blatcs is the x'ciy ie\eit.o of the truth Mt. HI line , HndiiiH how entirolv hcon misled , us to the position of the Iwo p.ulics in Ihis country , will , 1 lm\o no doubt , hi ) pitparod tOKhe'tnosl Inendlj considti.ilioii to llio wishes of Iho Komnmuiit of Canada to haxo fiei-r .md inoio Iiiondl > trade iclatioin be- twion tlio dominion and the Unitid Htulos 1 shall bo trio\tl > suipiisoJ if IlUino does not ciown his bed elToits as u pubhituiii b\ act oinplishiiir ( Uios' > llloincnt of all questions of fill lion between the Unitcu SUtcs and Canadi on tenns will In mutuilly leno iliial and honoiahle tobolli lounliies. " Over l" > 0 ODO Itowo suiles luvo boon sold nd thu demand incio.isintf conlinuilly. Hor- en .s. bellecl : Co , ( JliIciKO , 111. Pen ions. \VASIIIM.TOS , MarchSpcciilTcIppram ! | to Tin DM 1- Pensions weio manlcd lo the following Nebiaskans lodav OiiBinal invalid - valid William KcMiolus , 1'otor Mohal , Will iam Uo.xnohU , Ucnjimtn IMLliiule , 'ihomas 1' Mitchell , Joseph S I'hilhps , DividlMclircll , John Archer Additional \\illiiiu IJojnolds , .losuph H Clmstinn , lib eno/ei W Cornish Koiisuo Upniy C Williinis Original invalid- John Knifjlil , Samuel T ( Iilbcit , J.i on O txenoy , Honrj diantrei. J.imos I ! Diiillni'ci. ( John .Ionian , C C . .leuottilliuiiiHiirsih Olherl Lud low , John 1' Helm Additional Isaio A Mntlak , J.utios U'allice. l isbiie nnd in- CHMSO Alfiod IkniiL'tt I'c.ucu OiiL'inal widow * . olc Minor of Honjiniiii P Jlousoll. Amoillti T , widow of Ilu h Hill Jane C , widow of h W llubb.ud. Do Witt's Uittlo Unrly itisoroost lltllo pills for dj&pep'ii.i , boui btonnch , bid biouth. Irow iieil at Sea. Niitt VOI.K , Mi'i-h 12 | 'IVln iani toTitr J > i t ] The steimei Alone of the At- Us line h.isnitiM'd heie li.iNin on bond H M Osboinc , llmold Toiwatd nnd Mrs O- > borne , who loft hot o .iammiv U to RO to the Jnm ilca oxprtsltloii 'J hey woioaoi-oiup-uii'-J by .1 C H ilU'y. n nrli Un llsh loin 1st Mi Ji.iilodisapue.ucd shoitlj nfler KCUuifl out to sei and no tiaio of him oouhl bo lound It Is not Known whothorho Lonimitted suicide or fell ovi'rbo.ud accldonth Ijr. Biinoy euros cntnrrh I5oo blil' . - . I'liur KciiUioUians Talallv Shut. I ciiisx mi , Ky , Miucli 1. ' At Kllcroie , neai Cattlctblimir , six mon weio shot at a mem inauliifT and foul will die Theio had ln'on iniuli dunking nnd a lUht aioso fiom a mmupl om tliObclectUm of partnor- . for a tlaiii-o No Riipinp , no nnnsoa , no pun w linn Da Witt's 1-.IHU ) llulv Hisersnio talcoii. bmal pill. b.ifoDlll. Hestplll. TilllitlU I'llCIIIIHl it III illlllll. Con iit , O , Match MTho supieino crmitlod.u rendered a decision in the ca-so of the bond of cltv nlTulit of Ciiiilun.iti iteclannn tint Iho law undci which it W.H cicated was uncoiistilulioiial. lif"slPr'sMiiKleIIe.uluiho CilH-siiU huail.ihes In JO minutes At all Cliill'M I'lo-idi'iit Itcpin loil Murdered. LIIMIOS , Miiuh U It Is saui infoimition has boon uc hcd at Hamburg bj prixnto rib1 - i .111 jioin Clull thai I'lejulont Hal maceda has hi en iiundciod The Natural Carlsbad Sprudel Salt ' PoNuloi I DI nil Milnl i-imitlt in'iit natiiial mini i il nf i nN'mil ' I'm mil timst > p it Inn ihi'iiiii.itn ui'l ' j ; HIIJ llnn- , liliiiHi-nc-- > liv d\sH | < ptli ( briiim i itiiirh < > f tlio slomiii h and .ill doiaiiKt mi nls of tin stuiimrh , lUot inul Uhlm > s , It IMI vsun > diMfid loniiil ) . 'Iho t ( iiiilnc MI I loin has Iho slKiinliuo of n M'u \ Mi.sii.i.MN : ) : < o. A cnnNI Vuil. und the aeal uf thu cllj onoiii tuttlu Drs , 1'liysicians ' , Surgeons and Specialists , 14OO UOUOKJ\B b'l OMAHA M. Tlio most widely ami fiMirilily known spoo iallsts In ttm I'lilteJt itos Tlii-lr Ions ot- pcrloiu'c njimrUubU1 skill mid iinnrrsnl siie- I'l'ii In the tri it input iiml cilio of NorMHis , Chroiilo uul ' ur ltil JlNoiiM'm t-ntltlo thosn pinlnoiit phi sl ( Inn1to the full I'onlldi'mr of thn nillli locf < MMywhpri" Thrj cuintilM A C'llU'AlN AM ) 1'OslJlVr ' Ct'HE for thu n fill olTic Uof L n Ul ( o mid the iiuinor- ouIK Iliat follow In ll1- train rui\Aii : u > oi AMMN ni rA'-rs loiniili t < h unrt ncinuiiKMilU < uri'U M ll M lirilllll'V AMIiUAL 1)1 KHLU-jlLlU loadllj to tln-Ir skillful i'"i.r- ii'-iri.A AND im PAT , ri.rKii-i cuarnnteul fun (1 withniit pilu or u ullon n. ! ' AM „ in itoriliiM " i in In il \ \ CMKiiesl.oit Munliood JslKlit I mlh-l"ii . Dctajtil faculties 1 t inulo Mm kins * and all dollcilo UlMirdirs ixciillui tiHitliu MIX poslthilxciirid , us wi II -ell fiinctliiiii.l < n suit from 3 oiilhful follli" . or tlio oxoi's nf in itun > o.irs C PP If I'PPU ( iiiiiiiuitooil porinaiip nt ly O I 1ML1 L l\lj cini'd. loiiinxnl totuplc'to \xllliotitcuttliis.caiislicnr Ulliitutlou Cure's elftcli'il nt liiiniu by piticnt vxltliout nio- iiicnl'x piln nr iiiinoj iinci1 TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN A SIMM' PI ! IM' > I''e ' ' iniful tffeds of nreinlc woaUnoss , ih nticiv Ini ! bolli niliiil icnil buily lth all Its dreaded ills iiciiiianc'iilly oiiriul . . . niv ( HKTI's ' Ailuros , tlinsoin \ im\o Ini- JJIVO. DlvlliJ pilii-d tbinisi > lMS l > i ini- l > rnpc r InilulRC'iico inul willt.iix liulilt wbli-li ruin txilli iiiinil and boil ] , iiiillttliu tliciii for bn-lni " studx' in in 1111 ue MMHtlKU Mi : > nr Ihiisc' inlprins on Mint linpliv life , .mine nf ] ) lij lculdclllltl.qulcUly ! ussMeil QUR SUOOB3S Isbnfoil tiiinn furls l"liM TriPtlcil pxporl- c nco Sioiul I \ < -r\ c.in11spoi Inlljtuiluil llnii stilltliu rl lit Tlilnl iiiidUlius mo | in n mil In niir liilmi itmy \ntUi i to suit cadi c'lc'o , thus i lltctliiBCiiiisxxllliout iiijuil Drs. Belts & Bells , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA NEB 'lo ' euro UlUouMip'i Pick Hemlnclio Constlpntlon. Malaria IIvor C'omiilnmu tnkn ilu ) cao and cerinln rutuoily , SJllTll'S OlioBMAI.ISI7.E ( ( 0 Halo l nni to ( ho lK > t- tlo ) They an ) tlio most com tnlenlult ull cgoi I'rlcoof clilicr tUo , i5 ! cenu per txjlllo Ki BMf"11 7 17' 7nIlirto Rmvtirft E niJOHIlUV * innuleUoofthlu i > lctuiij for 4 tenta tcuypcru or ttamps ) 3 F PMITII & CO "lino llcmia bt IxiuM Ho lie O/Jir J nil n tililrli Iiitnirt S n fiiy In J.ijf iff llnllirr HIMlilld. / . "KiOTHER'S FRIEHD" Jtiilm ( mifull limit oUs 1'iiin , lliiriiir nuil lilsh , Afterll lngnncl > nltlonf "Tlolhri'n I'l li nil" I giifliiKl liuillccli | liiunil ilhlnot i xpiulcmt Hint \ > iaku KB iifli rwnril Uktiil In MILI ) IUSLJ Mr * . AVM.lliUL l.uiiiai.M' Jan IMIi , IfJl Nut liexin | si , tlinrC' " l > ri > | ulil oil nnilptnf l > rli $1 HJIKI i.oulc. liimk loMuiiiirHmilliHlrrtv . ! ! Itlvf.l J..V1OK CO. , \ TI.VriA. . SDI.l ) IIX AM. DHUCIUISTS. COLDS IN 1 HE HEAD , ly one application CATARRH , iu nvoryahoittimo. HAY FEVER , in from 3 to D days. EARAUilE , instantly , FIF1V Cl-NTa A nOTTLK. ion AI.H nAI.I , Diet di.iM'3. I'lop HIM ) ( mix liv Iliu l'lIi.NOhl.M ' : : Ml.Dlc'IM' CO llul.c'1 lllcKk. Ouidln , t. S A Nob. \Vliat \ Caul Do to Get W Is a question that chulj presoiils ttsoif to hundreds , md hunch eels of thu icad- orsof tins paper. Min.\ : among this atiny ot sick and sulTotintr oaoa hao buuiiun- foilunuto in bi'leetiiitf their iia.XHiohcn. Manj have been m sled , imposed upon , bxxindlcd and tire' , li- > - cot it \ < ii.D .ind bui.i'iii'Ar , . They don't Know xxlio to employ orlich xvax to tut n to lind the liulf ) they noud so much Ncnih IIU hi\o : probably noticoil the adxcrti-oinc-nt of UH. P. L. DJLLINO' ' has : i ] > ] ) ciirud in thtb pnjiop claih . Vui.x m.uiv have roitd it carefully , not ed the chums thoioin inoclo , anil linvo called for I'onsultiitioii or xviitton a statement of their case. These n.tvo nlinoat invaii.ililx bucouic putii-ntb and aio novx htb r.itoful fi lends , i'horo ai'o nany others who Knoxx that such an Tdxet tispinent IMS niipearcd ia the pa- > fr. hjt haxo noxcr lo.ul it , iircfoiriii } ; o = .iy to thom&clvcb : "O , psh.ixxl an other quncU doctor , lie cannot catch no , I h.ivo liuon hunibiizrccl | { too manj "This cli.b ; mo surel.ill \ M- IIIIMSILVIS : : for there tire not \\DS of iu NM > wc 3ii.\ in the \Vcbt xxho h\ow that DUILLLNCs ] S tllO 'XIOSl Llll > Sl'fI , OlllCP pt.lOtl- .ioner and specialist xxoit of Chicago L'bon there ih > another clsisof biillc'ieri who , iciidnif , ' the cloc-toi's honodt an- louiicoinent , will say : "XVoll , if l only . UH. 1-MLL.INCiS c'liuhl Do AX ll x i mi.nis ( lie can do here , I xould KO nnd tr.v him at once. " Tliufa it b that main tire prcxontod from i > ti ! t- ii ) ; heln tit the hands of ono v ho t- . qtuhiiod to alTord it. K\ iitciAtii undo bv Dr. Hillnifrs is iiosi. * ! ! . Mi i : . lie does not treat aeutudlsoa'-et. ' , tad if asKcd to tieat a cao of Typhoid " 'oxer or Dipnthona ho xxoiild lofn&o iion ] tlio plc.i of lack of ospcrienco in such casrUiit the btubborn , hniror- n , dan etous and spcu ml ilUe.i-sus cnunieiated in his advottisumcnti ho tioats witisfinj \ , ' and often Abio > - I IIINC. SI Ul > s. TIM s | llspA | l in i > bplirloflvniincil nn HI1NM ! OI 'I III Hl.uOI ) . Im liiillii.HM | - | - llu 111.001) ) I'OJ-ON. ' M.I. M.UVorII1S - KVII.I. . IMHl's \M ) \ \ i\KM : b < . rilDM \ \ lillllOMPNsl 1 I r.K nil tniiiblii iilToi-tlns tin Dldl I'lOV AIMI I , A I KJN ami M TIM I ION , ill cm irrlnl 'Ironbiis , ml li ! Irmtlili all lioiilto-l iliiiiryTnmhh's mil ill di-i i > .os nf n prix itt < nutiin INC ) MIM-UAI. Dittos l.\LN | Mullilius arc innstlj incpui'd fiom nx ts , lurk.inns ( hirlis hlinili do I'atli litaio fin nUlu d all inidlilius xt'tliout < ' \li i COM C'Diisulintloii fici I' ' itk'iils sin -sfulK tiiiitnl lix corrr- sHinclciiiL | JJ- . ' " -until 1 ith MiiC't Oiiiulij , N .l ) DR. J. E. RIcGrBEW , THE SPECIALIST. 1(1PIIN' ( IXnorlpiicp. PRIVATE DISEASES ( uriMlii ituS im nltlimit Ihplim otnii luiiirVilmi from iHrnuoij 'I lie im it nliiolutu run ) fur III.Kt I nil till nun.ivlni. ill-i linri ; , < < \ir known lo uuxll 1 ! mlonop h\rillll9 ' iiHiirrnntOil riiri'lii.lllto'Oilii > [ lui ino.t po orful n moly > til known fur pun i iiiiiloiin' Mllll-II Itnuri'iiliilii ' rullerliielliu til 1 tlir cuntl nt lioniii ullhoul luilruiuunt ) . noriilli K liuiuiln nu illlullni ; UiMdt ManliiKnl nr XXonKn 11 IHirlllttl ) rurtsl Initiiiilrt'lUif fcVlii ill.UMnnt ( iniiiUMll.iMinH I'ornuuKiill ) ciirtxi l r xiiHro t iutsti a In llio troilmunt of I'rlxnln ) > Ura > o < hit iH'MTln'i'ii i MinlliHl niullilH t-rivil iirnir tif | "Uli'iili [ wii In from tln > Xlliintloli ) lliot'nulUo IUi.ik < < on t Clioulnn Him Uulliw limn * tu 1 only Illli nut I ariiam > Uiuiibii , .NuU l.uuiuoa ou ultlinr lrc t.