Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    UiUAIIA iMtiiJAl. MAliOll V
'Illm lKM ll-llill'TION.
Iiilly llei'ittllhiiut siiHlny , > One i'ur. . . ? S M
I'ulh ' MiiielM , Oi u Yonr tO'tt '
MX 11111111111 ftM
Tlin oiiiniilli" . ! fr )
seinilny Itn. Oiio Year . . Ji * '
\U-eU ) lice. Onuvit . . . IW
Oinnhn , TinItro llullilltiff
SiMillidiniilin. leirncfN HmlSt'.th trtots.
( uuiii'll mulls. u I'onrl'Mrut.
I'lilcnu-o ( illlrc , I1T ( Imulornr CointurrfP.
NUMnrl , llemmsia.HuiiellVrrllmiiolllllUlIn ; ?
VV. iitliliiKtim. M.I t'ourti i nth strict
Allmmtniinle allotn re l illiiK In nfw * mill
nlltotlnl nmtti r shmilel bo ueldlissexl to iho
I ( lltorlnl lle'piitlme'iil
1.1 rTKIl"
A 11 liUHlni "sli'ltci < mill iriiilll
1 n aililrt ! > M il tn I In * Hi P IMihlNlilitK I omp'in ) ,
Diiiaiii l > rnfts e-lin IH nnil pewleilll ( einli r
le > lie tuudo | ito able to lliu uiclor of tliu CIMU-
TlioBccniblisliiiigCoiiiMiiY.ProDrictflrs .
rut ur.i in u DIM !
b \VCWN M'A'IIMUM' Ol' rlKl.'L'liATlON.
btiilnof ? < t liriiskn , I .
( oiinlof Don glii f M
Clintee II 'IrscliuiK , Rc < ritnrj nf Tun llrr-
I'lililloliInK i'iiini in ) , dimi > luiinh IVM u
Mini ( hi- nitnuli In iiliillnii of Inv Puiv Iiu :
foi Iho WICK uitlllii ! March 7 , IfclM , was us
fnllnns *
Siiiiilii ) . Mnrcli 1
MiiinlnV. Mim'li' ' .
Tin s Miueli.I
' t-ilni'selin. Mnreh I . . .
Tlnirvelnv MaiiliO .
1 rlilnv. Muri'li ( I
Htitiinlnj , MauliT. . .
Avcrngo . ! ! l , U2
uroiuir H. I/.M in n\
Sworn In lioforn me iiml mihsi rll id In my
Iiiosincu this 7tli tltij of March A I ) . 1MI
N ! ' ,
Nutiery Public
H lite of Vhrnskn. I
( iniiiU of lleiuKlim f
II 'Imliiick , liclng duly kworn , iln-
l O'is anil MIHI hat litIs -.11 n-tiity of I'll v III i :
I'lilillsliiiiK lI onii piiti ) Dial the < iicumlav oiaKe-
daily ilueil.itliMi nt 'liulMitv lin forlln !
' . , .
I'Oties : ur -
iliinunrMM. . 2M4U ( ) ) < s feir IVlirimrv. IM1 ,
l " . : n.'cilcs. | ) 1.1 mil.v. 11 T/MIIICK
SVMIIII ID I ofnro no. anil sulisi i Iliul In my
lucMiice' , Ihls.Mhel i ) of Ubi uary. A I ) 1SJ1
N I' I'l u ,
r\nliiiy Public.
1'v UN in the N'ebtaslca le < * ls > lutiHo ,
ovoiy Uutreli has Its I'.Ulor.
Sinxs of spring1 aio conspicuous In
South Omaha's politic \iiiovuul. .
SiVISUAL impoitiiut local iMitcrpnscs
uro in mi advanced state of incubation.
THKUI : tire hov ctal platiKs looo in the
mako-up of I1io Nubnibl.n luinbor tuist.
Il is tnfo to piodift Iho taiUoulsill \
cheerfully "uiy the height'1 on the sou-
ntorial junket to tlio nunintaiiis.
TIIINOS must begin to take on a blue
aspect for doinociats Mliou they hint that
poiliaps tlioi w'ill tun Dill Mouisonfor
Tan pitrinlisinof the Kansas lu lsla-
toi3oouil out lit the butiy the inoinout
tholr per ilium i cached the constitu
tional limit.
Tnr. striiffulo llt T tiieoln is bct con
the lobli ) and the pcoplo , and it ia n < > ad
Hiet that the lobby appo.ifd to have the
most friends
THINGS mo so arranged in the Cali
fornia sciuitntiul contest th it whatc\or
diioi-tioii tlio cat jvimps , the ruilroads
tire bound toiri ,
Tin : death of the Ameuiun mlnistor
to , laiiu thro\\s a glimmer of liopo
nthwaittho ] ) atlnvay uf the tinny otio-
jcctod sHtcsmon.
Tun contest o\or tlioonnoi' hip of the
Into Mr S. Hull's ' tepee threatens , if
poiststcd in , to impuiil Iho giowth of
Chicajjo as nil art uontor
BOSIOV shows its old time oaorgy in
Shhif ; a muilornol'sion ol the historic
toiact The chests and c.umibtorb were
not east into the biy , howo\or , but ciod-
its to the amount of SIOO.OOO ere
tluown o\oibo.ud b.\ the collapao of a
tcv houso.
OMAirv has no Kick coming on the
emonl of county alTairs. The
votorb of the ulty li ivo the power to
elect n majouty of thn bo.ud , and \vhon
they fill to choose inou of the light
stamp they should talvo then1 medicine
without protest.
THK C'amuliiui prophet of evil displays
ndiuirable mathod in hi > , mud pu-dic-
lions. The north Atlantic coast caith-
quikc ia dufencd thirteen joarb and
fi\o monthb a stiotoh of time biilllcicMit
to blue mold the prediction and prevent
ciiticisiii on its faihue
Tin : fiuggObtivo foice of a reduced
p'uty nuijoiity lia- . hud its olToct on Pre
mier Mrdonald of Canada. Uoapito his
nnto-eleotioa aos rtioiib , ho has di&-
covered that his paity policy "is quite
consistent with the sentunont for a fair
reciprocity tieatyitli the United
Ir 3lt' > r bo confi S'od that the demo-
eiatic jKirtj has declared a ood-si/ed
dhidond on the fannerpolilkal move-
inoiit up todato , It hab obtained sona-
tois in South Caiohna , deorgia , South
Dakota and Illinois from legislatures
controlled by the alliance. How does
that suit the republican uujoiity of tlio
now political pattj ?
S.VN I'IIAXCISCO ih a cltj and county ,
with one t > ot of olllc-ials to administer it- '
nllairs. The idea biijrgested in tli o
council that Omaha should be ory.inlyod
into a separate county , would meet \vith
universal approval , if il carried with it
tno abolition either of tlio citj or county
government and the bubstitutlon of ono
or the other for the two. Salaiios , elec
tion oxiionses and stealings would have
thota\pa\ a handsome sum of money
CAIMIY the no\s * to Kentucky ! The
lionieleps defenders of the homo are
promised a j ear of moderate actlv itj
and paj in Iowa. The supnoitoro of the
dead loiter law unnounco their doter-
initiation to maintain the present condi
tion of alTnlrs at unj cost of wind and
boodle. It behooves the great army of
colonels and majors , regnidle > 9 of fao.x ,
to move promptly , if the } would garner
a shaio of the apolls which the homegrown
grown contingent of fee huutois throat-
ou to monopolizo.
r W
Thn soiio of bill * Inltodui'od bv Sonu-
lor l'n > ittur l-i I'liU-ultitoil to oiH'nie most
ni'oiltd n'fnrni" in tlie inuthuds ot county
II piomisi't to ooticvt a
itliiHc , uliii-h lm sitood for
yotif4tigiiliiut mi ojipositiir piibUi' soiilt-
Uiulor iho ] iioi i lens of poniile Illo iIS !
the. pros jut sjstLMu of pti'olnet u < oH ors
is swept nwai and a single ussimnr for
eac-h counts piovlilcil in its stead. The
now oniclal will be chosen foi a term of
two jcarsand lm\o jxnvor to appoint
suoh deputies as ho inaj need. Ity tliis
at rangoinont \\liole\vork \ \ of USSC-H-
inent vv ill bo liiouyht under ono head ,
and an evoti and just valuation of piop-
ot ty In all pails of the count ) made pos
sible. As the new iibboisorvill \ be1/ ,
porinaneiitly in olllce , it \ \ ill no longi11
bc < nc'i'ossar.x to crowd the lnioilaiit ) and
dc'llcalo labors ol Ihodoparlmcnt Into
tKuiiuintli1) , us is done under the pro- > ont
sj strut. Another good feature of Ih
propo-ed lofe'Wiition is that it ptovldos
tliatall ptoperty shall bo roturni'd at Its
true valnation Instead of upon the llcti
tious , mUleadlntr and dtuimgrlng bisl
now employed
If the county assessors are chosen
with iiropor lo aid for lltnossfor the
work , the proposed law ought to pnno
eTecti\ ! tit romoilj ing the o11s which
arise from tin unequal \iUiiUon of
properj. ! Man } instances could be
ijuolcd to pnnc-tlml It responsible pie-
citut usscn-ots litivo fonietiines valued
lU-opertj lee hitfh and sometimes too
low , and have seldom adjusted their re
turns upon tin intelligent and
uniform bcalo. 'Jlils evil was senicoly
avouUible , even \vhon a lessors wore
uvp iblo and honest , under a system
vvhiih divided thu respon&ibillt } tinionp
number of . "With ' -
a huge men. ac'ompo-
tent olllcial at thu lieid of the vvoik in
oac-h county , it ought to bo possible to
secitio a jiirtt unifoinut ) in the valuation
of piopeity. The boaui of equ ili/alion
will have the same powers uiulei the
now law whith it now o\oicisps
bunato fllo2is makes It a misdemeanor
for anj .ibhe or to knowiii rlj undervalue -
value piopott } , and imposes a line of not
le--s than 50 nor mm o than $ " 00 for i-.w-h
ollctiso. It ulso makes provision foi the
lotovor } of damages in such tabes If
the-o bills bccotno a law it is to bo hoped
that a'-so-.s'ois who eoiispno agaiiibl the
publlevlll bo piompUj ptosetuled and
punished. Taken ab a whole , the pi o-
poicd legislation pi onuses to aicomplish
( food results In pioventiug a icpotition
of ( lie abif-os w hlch have made the vvoi k
of assessors a constant MHHco of dispute
and dissatisfaction , and jjlvon the state
as a vvholo a lopulntion for much higher
ratis of taxation Ihan actu.illj prevail.
'lllK ( .Al.llOItM.l Al'CI'lO.V.
California is in tire throes of another
ch.u.iottiistlc senatorial struggle , and
thoiopoits indicate tliat , tis usual , the
olllco will go to the highest bidder.
Thcio are borne peculiar complications
that lend moio than usual interest to the
open baiter and bale of the highestollleo
in Iho gift of the biutc.
It is stated that that eminent re-
foi me r , Leland SUnford , bought and
paid for the present legislatmo in o/doi
to bec.uio his own lo-elcption. The
yooils wore delivered to him several
weeks ago , and it was not then antici
pated that the piosont body would bo
called upon td fill anj more oideii of
tint kind. The death of Senator ITcarst ,
howo\er made another vacancAs
this is Mr. Stan foul's legi > la-
ture ho natmally felt that ho
could uamo the now nonator ,
and is saiil to have piomptly jilaecd an
order for the election of M. M. J'.stc-o
To his surprise the thrift } Icgislatois
bet up the claim that th o\ hud not boon
engaged for the entiie season and that
anj fuither deliveries of senatorial
honors must bo upon a strictly cash
basis , at the old llguics. The tobiilt is
an animated sti ugglo , with I2steo falling
rapldlj into the b.iokground.
The other candidates aio ox-Congrcvs-
man rolton ard MiKe DoYouny of the
C'hiitnulc. The ai'srument in favor of
Feltou is aor } potent ono th it "lie is
woith $1,000,000 md covets thoolllco in-
teniulj. " The Do Young boomers are
equallj well fixed , howo\er. . Tlie } ha\o
the backing of the Southotn I'ac'ilte
raihoad and C. P. Huntiuglon ,
who is bnid to have had
a falling out with Senator Stanfoid ami
toseeh io\oiiffo bv sending a remorse-
le > s enemy of that gentleman toVash -
ingtoii , ib his colleague. It is evident
tint in such a situation us this the picking
ing- ) for mcmboi of the legislature must
boot \ \ rich \Vhon raihoad magn.Uos
fall out about a California benatorshlp it
is an e\ceptlonall } line time for
senatois and loprestnt'itivej ' to mtiko
It is strange that tlto pcoplo of Cull-
foiaiii bhould allow the name of their
state to bo bmirthoil ab often as thoio is
a senator to be elected. Forjeuistho
disgraceful methods of their bt-natorial
auction block have been a matter of
common notorietj. It is not , as in Ohio ,
the peculiar cliitlnctioii of democratic
legislation. \enalitjisas plainl }
in irked in republican bo lies , like the
present. The time is long pint since
the countr } lotibideied it a worthy honor
to be a beuator ftom C'alifornia.
lirHtHiX ) lith
Eastoin p.ipeis ri-port astiong diver
sion of capital fiomthat sei-tlon to the
south. A Ilohton paper btijs that the
eje of Now lliigland lb upon the south
just as a store of } eais ago it wu ilxcd
upon the west , and that there is an unusual -
usual Inteiobt felt in bouthein develop-
moat. It blates that eastern mono } is
boinir sent into the bouth in the belief
that it will biinp a piolilable lotuin.
TliObo who are doing this aie among1 tlio
shtowdost business men and financiers ,
who seldom go into imdeitakings of
such magnitude as innnj of the southern
cntei puses aio without first consulting
all the oracles of their judgment and ex
perience. Man } of them luuo reached
tlio conclusion from personal observa
tion , as voiced b } the Boston paper , that
the hope of the countr } in competing
with the pioducU of other lands and Itu
piosnoiity in coming } ouib lies to n great
extent in the now latent rosomces of the
south and theii intelligent development.
The suggestion of nil this Is that the
south has bccomo a formidable rival of
the west In attracting capital seeking
prolll.iMo investmonl , and titrlvclry !
Is ptett } stiro to bcionu' pionoiitHod.
'rim fact thai a ronsldiM'ablo portlim of
the south Is nmrvoliHis ] } rich In ro-
touti < U In1ond } ipii'stUui , and Hint the
development of those resources assures
jjrcat rewards Is uqua ! ! } cer
tain. Already the Iron Industries -
tries of the notlh are fcollng
the otToot of sotit'ieiu eompotltlon , and
otlii'r intort Hn must expect to do s-o lit
tlnu1. Tlieicls unqurstioniibly a great
field in the south for prolltublo invest-
meal , and Iho evidence Is that it Is
belli ) ; fieoly sought. Moieovor , tluulis-
position of tlio fouthern people Is to on-
com ago capital to come Into theii sec
tion Kcalii'lng what the } have and the
netesHltv of getting money to mike It
available the } aio not pulling anj ob-
stui'loxin the vvav of capital going into
that sec-lion There Is no general polio }
proposed there designed to Impobo
hpoclal hardships upon it ortodilveit
olsuwhcK1 Hoing watitod , it will bo
gi\eii a fair chance.
The diversion of capital from the east
to the south necessarily menus a depic
tion of the suppl } which would otherwise -
wise si ok ituostmeot In the west.
Taking : this la connection with the ap
prehension that is felt in theeist re-
guiding the soourilv of westina invest
ments , duo to the danger of unfavorable
legislation , and it is cnsj to son that for
the next few yoattit inn } Lo dilllcult for
western people to got vv h it 11101103 thej
want for the de\nlopment of this section.
Capital is dosoiting Kansas , and the
thie.itonod hostile legislation in Minnesota
seta is preventing any new eunit il from
going into that st ite.Votoin
states that have not proposed to
put an } embaigo upon capital aio ,
as yc.t , having no dilllculty in
getting what thev need , but wherever a
disposition lias boon shown to adopt a
different polic } there is he ml the com
plaint of inabilit } to obtain uidiio } .
Obviously the west , with n blrong and
iiu i easing livnlry for caitnl ] in the
bouth , cannot atlord to bo unjust or
illiberal toward It. The great fact to be
kept in mind is that no utio section of
this eountt } possesses all the oppor
tunities for profitable investment , and
money will not go whoto it is not afo
from hostile intotfoiotuo evil though
the promise of icluras is mine favorable
tlum iiibectloiib where it will be sifo.
A Hl.\ \ /i.i/ , j > /wiA// ; / ) / ;
A macs mooting of oiti/ens lias been
called at the red estate exchange Satur-
dav ONcning foi the purpose of devising
was mid me ins of advancing the
nntei ltd intorebtb of the city
Tlie ncctssit } of ( onoet ted action on
tlio put of tlte leading citi/eus was
never moro appircnt tlmii at the pieb-
eut moment. The cit.v is practically
without a li\o orgaiii/ation to protect
01 eiic'ouriigo iis commercial aim minis-
tiial mtercsth. The bond of tiadu is
ncithci u-eftil nor oinumunt il , and thu
ical estate exuham'o ohowb sunptonisof
inteinalchv rot. One need not go fir
to dincovei tlio cause. The work of
both orgaai/ations has iallun on the
shoulders of n few men , and despite
their /oal and pors-ovcnancc , thov liavo
not Pccuroil the active , united buppoit
their efforts deserved.
It is an tmfoitunato fact tint the lead
ing representatives of the eit ) ' inuiuan-
tile interests , tbo jobbers , bmkei s and
factoi ) men , tuin a cold shoulder on or-
gain/atioiis essential to tlioh prosperity.
Tine , miinv of thotii become members or
subseiilKMa to the cApotiso fund. Kxpo-
rience shows that meinberslup or cash
cent liuution tuo of no consequence un-
leas they aio supplemented with pot-
bonal activity and onoigotii1 p.ittii'ipa-
tion in nil pluiib ualculiitod to improve
the common weal. Ourvvoallhy citi/ciib
aio pioim to imliiToronco. Having ac
quired foitunoi from the citv's develop
ment in the putt , thoyignoio thefutnio ,
despite th fuel that every addition to
the ctty'a commejicijil and indiiHtiial
ngpficgnto incicubes the value of their
Omaha cannot alToid to icsl content
with the laurels of the pist. On all sides _
the city is bioMght into competition
with aggicbbivo nvals , whoso /onl is
whetted b ) a desiio to suiptiss The
achievements of the past decade are Use
ful at , an evamplo ol vv 'ml onlorpiibo cm
tice omplisli. The fiiuts of thupiesent
decndu vv ill bo in nioportion toouoigy
ami muted activity displaced by busi-
nesn mon.
The season ii piopitious for a teaw ilc-
ening , Uvor ) ] iatnotiu eiti/en should
pfivu | iuiclical clle'ct to the faitli tliat is
in liimaiid assiht ininfiihliif ; vitality into
piojee tb csseiitlnl to the city's welfare ,
Of pioposod legislation which paitlc-
ulail ) concerns the mlorostof the
farmern of Xooraska , none w more im
portant than that providing for the elec
tion of public warehouses. lAorj giain
liroducer of the state utuloibtiinili what
the disadvantages are undoi llio present
conditions lie is completely at the
mere ) of the piivntc elevator intoiest ,
and besides being plumlorod at homo lie
isconstnnll ) liable to boniulchodabroul.
Ills homo market is biihjoct to the abao- >
lute conttol of the elevator owners/
which are cither the raihoad companies
or poisons in loiguovvith them , and
when his grain leaches tlio outside
nmiltot ho suitors from an inspection
classification that reduce * its valyo
lioiu ; , ' uudor no rest taint and subject tone
no legal lequiromonts , the elevator m-
teiest aibltr.uily IKos the rates for
handling- and storage , and it need haidly
ba said thai no jwolnebs in the state nijs
nlnigur lutuin on thu capitnl invooted.
Furtherinoro , discrimiimtion is common
and the proclucoix who are injiued
thereby Invo no lomedy. lly toison of
this condition of all'aiis tlio f annuls of
NobiasUatinnually lose millions of del
A law Is ut gently demanded making
all elevators public watehonsos , prohib
iting any dincilminatiem on the pail of
elevator owners in handling anil btoiing
grain , roimiring i.iilioad companies to
extend equal facilities to all pomm * >
ollering grain for shlpmunt , piovidlng
for the regulation of storage clmrges by
the state , nml establishing a i > ) Btom of
inspection under btato control. Those
things aio provided for in the bills that
hnvobcon Inttoduted in the legislature ,
and it will bo a very grave onilstlon if
the logiblatui o fails to enact ono of those
measures into law , Tlio advantages of
the ptibllo vvaiPhou o s.v tom aio olivl- I
oils It vvoul.t create a home market , lu ?
w mill enable Ute piodiiur vvh ) otoii'd
lit" gral.i lit iso ! his vvati'liou-'o 10-
< itpt- < M u'lilafcral ' for mam1 } ,
and imuiv w'ollUl thus not bo rom-
pnlled to so l at wlmtovor the do-
valor owners- , might olter , it would
put till produuutb on tin equal fooling so
far as facilities lor itorlng lhc > lr product
is conci-rned , iW\vill as In llic- matter of
eharges for such services , and It would
lender llio piodiicer independent of the
mbittiry methods and exactions of the
olovutoi Inlc'i'o * ! , Inspection under stile
icgulition is ncccssir } to the piotoctlon
< if tluproducei and the shipper of grain ,
and is no less Important than the estab
lishment of publle vvuiohoiisos , In con
nection with which it would bo tin essen
tial ptovision.
The pioposed legislation la dcmtuuknl
in the iutciost of , and as a matter of jus-
the to every ( aimer In Nobtuslm who
glows grain for thcmaikotand the lop-
tcsetilitivcs of tlie producing Intetest ,
who should best know the disadvantages
and losses it suilercd under existing urn-
dltionx , will come short of their dut } to
their constituents If thev fail to provide
for public watoho ios as contemplated
bv the bills now before the Icgislatuie.
No si ATI : ia the west 1ms shown
greater libiM-alit } than N'obiasUi in the
establishment of charitable and educa
tional state Institution : ) . During the
last live } ovn no loss thin live hue
boon added to the iiumbar. The outlay
was largely justillod by the enormous
glow th in population. The llooil tide of
immigration which almost trebled Iho
population In K ) } oirs has touched the
ebb. A blmil ir inlluK cannot bo expect
ed in tlie futmo. His extravagant foil } ,
thoi c'fore ' , to increase public bin dens oy
cto.uina1 new institutions for which
Uioro is no pi easing demand Tne pis -
age of u bill ostiblishing a female te-
lorinitor } at ( Jmiovti is followed by a
dom md for uutl } extension i tothoin-
dtistilnl school at Koaino.v NVhoio is
the nci-osntv for bothV The Ctjtiov i In-
blilution will reduce the numbjr of in
corrigible nt ICeatney But It sojms
the moro tlio state appropriates the
gtenti'r becomoa the demands foi exten
sions The Louisville pjnitoatiuiv annex
scheme is another unvv i"rantod caul on
the public tieisur } . On the same calo-
goi'i ma } bo plni od bills for new nor
mal schools , in the f.n o of the fict that
the hclioo ! tit I'uiu hab not jot boon
tixel to its full.capicity. Tlie present
logislatmo was < luson on plo I0'os of ie-
form and roll onohmont. The tixjiajers
await with no little anxiolv the fulllll-
tnonl of these1 pie Iges and tlie lojoction
of ever } moisuio iiiuieuamg buulon-
botuo and needless statu institutions
Tin : action of the logislativ o conuuit- .
tte in btiiking out vital ainoniltnenls to
the Onuiha charter bungs Into prom
inence the iiijublu'o of the present
souico of municipal powcu. Me.isines
essential to the giovvtli and piospttitv
of titiob , the lipencd fruit of experi
ence , aio subject'to thu whims of men
inexperienced in municipal titlaits and
without practical knowledge of whit
will best siibsorvo the mteiests of cities.
Ijvei } Tom , Ditkand ll.iuy , having no
mteiobt at stikoris at hboity to vent
their spite or ignoianco in mtittois
which , in justice , tlie.v should h.ivu no
voice. Thete is a growing feeling
throughout the lountiv in favor of gen
uine homo rule foi titles , a t. } tom of lo
cal option on ibling them tt > altei and
amend their chatter- popul ir vote
Such .1 ssom has pioven lemarkabl }
suecc'ssful and beiiohtial in Missoun and
lliino's. '
\VIII'IHIK or not there is tin } truth in
tlioiepoil that Austin Coibin contemplates -
plates a line of Ameiiean steamships ,
tlio ba 10 suggestion of Mich a thing is
lefioshmg. It would ho decidedly elevating
vating to the humiliated n itional pndo
if some cntci prising citi/cn vvuulil lind
means tolloittho Aniuricin Hag over
the best and fastest steamships which
cross tlio Atlanta. If the now postal
subsidy law has this olleut it will take a
vvaim place in the populai heart.
Titr : propi-od hctmtoiiiil jankct to
Denver is not designed solel } foi the
comfoi t of thu | ) , ti tieip mts The he iltli
of the railroads is involved , itguidlcb *
of the ' tiniii on the conimissai } depart
'lake OH Your ( oils , llol'oi nieis.
Mi in til// / / " " ' mi' '
'Jlicto mo cutiiL-lv too mam inltlillo mon In
tins lountiv who call themselves "lefoim
ei- > " If the > could bo coinpiMicil toRO to
n-oik and earn an honest living it wuul I in
Ueeil bo the f-icatcst lefoim of Vlio tontuij.
IXlCIIU Itlll J < ll'i'UIllSt IIU'CH.
lilnli i VMM
One of the prlsonuii < sc iitcnccd at tbo
term ot Die ton it , wben isKecl by tno com tit
lie liacl anj tbnij to b.iv wbj sentence should
not bo pissed on him , ans\\tiud "Notluuj ; ,
join honor , but to aK vou to take Into tm'icl
fill consideration the extenuating rheum
stuucxjs of iho Umcl of i Invvvcr 1 bad to defend -
fend me "
. lunnnriitn II t
A gieat wall Is goiiiprui ) all ovei California
HB.iinst tlio fouupllon in tliopicstnt loj-islii-
tuio It should bo denoiinccij , It ought to bo
exposed iJut tlitio tire nllejied exponents of
publle opinion loudest In tno pac-K , fioin
wliobo lip an outcjy asalast boocllo in lugia
latlvo I > o1los corner wit li as , bad n gtticu us
would a c'lJtilbo ' a iinst stngo robber } fioin
the lipof "Hl c-K Uiu t "
ol Sack.
i did ) lla
The voices of tlto | non who uo liuutniR for
that \ \ hkh Is s Uil io DO iniile jiiovalcul aio
heaicl mtbolmcl. Hear itiom.uble ,
$ vect ? .icls , tci tlieo vvo Sing ,
lirlpbt u KQJif , of tlilf body '
fav , why If evci.v itibiK
Mlxccl like a aui.iiiicnto toddy I
We have lived nltheito
Pico from jluidt'i f rallv ,
Whv flioulcio bo it-e-omil/ed
A * booclloi's In till ? v nllcv I
he run to Ite Ali\o.
( litillcil ( Oil ) ilcitild.
Alanv subset lbcr and seine of tlio ndvoi Using -
ing pattons of ttio Herald sum to think tint
the editor anil piojulotor of this jouriul ( the
pileo illll remiiins the tame , notwithstanding
the hooin ) lies on Ills batlt in the wilds of bo
aotni count ) , with his tool turned tovvaul
the north stai and hU soul oo/lti'out ( botvvcoii
bis uyelnshos , on route to Uu > lieaveulv man-
siuiib above. Such an improislon Is dedclcclly
citoaeousancl biiscdupoa tbunbittlii ( ; sandsof
uiutllubillty The writer is not deml HOI
am wu > s noir so neither docs ho sleep
True , Iiu has haa a hard sclgo of live vveelts
dnrntlon , niul on > ovcril oc-caslon
Irrn trtnl n Miinoiln hoivonlr hue , but \ \ \ *
Rilpoa the talth of ovcl } duo loutimUst
never fulled him , mid he Ims ca.erned from
lhf > pule il vnitlv linpi'ovccl. lintb incntnllv
and nhv slcally , uitil I ) V - will lie homo in
Iw ow cell's time as lively as an.v bullfrog
that even ilimctt' ' the Devil's Ilicam ou u btu
of lallroud lion , anil as ugGily lo.uchliiK for
Itoini , orc'olUctln somnof the' tunny little
iipccnintt due , us a IM-O sivltliii * bone1) nt tbo
clew ufa Imul poison. Dwul' Not much !
It's u fouls Kt't back on vour lusesl
Have TriiNd d I'rov Icleuc'c.
Iliilliriuil' ( I < il ) . / iiiniii/ /
A farmer ix' ldlncon the west sldo of the
San.lciaqtiln vnllev , tlrluc or the imcoitnlnty
of tlio elouels built hlinsiU : i water tnuU ou n
vvaiton and cluittijr the eh ) spell itvqmmU }
sjirnildecl his KiowltiK ( 'ialn , uniiirkiiiK , t s
he iliil so , that bo was entirely iiiclopcndoat
of tlin HOC ! of i tin Tills fin nic-r Is , Imlcecl ,
boltlticl the ) ! ! ! < ' were ho liliei Iho iiveuiKO
tllloi ol the soil ot the Sin .louiuln Or an )
othii vallev , lie would have iiiletlj | IUHIR up
bis Int cow ami spent the bit nice of iho winter -
tor pla ) Inp lioeve'-out for chips and trusting
to cilvluo provldc'tice to liirnlsh him with an-
othct crop to eltawon
Cra/e * for < onmilssldii-i.
Am lei/ ) limn
Somebml ) is nsUitiK the Jsovv .Ictsey Icgis-
1 Unto to cstiiblNh u "stnto board uf luncral
cllloctors , ' anil topiovlilo tint undorl.xkers
must "pus < \ munition ' bofoio the lioifil ol
KO out of business If iho le lslatute should
" os' this orpin-uilndois tuiel
sa.v ) to leipiesl -
wnstitadlej wouleli-ot after the ne\t legis
l.ituro vvlthoul a doubt
Set a tiooit i\ntitple : ,
Vu i i/ / . /'ii/niii / .
lien. Or lit own , rector of St. Thomas' '
cliiitt h , picas d u Kient iimnv people1 , and pos
silil ) suiptlsod a few , bv usltii ; the word
"worn in ' instead of "lifly " Honsltciisomo
woman of the pat hh to volunteer hui serv
ices us uSundiv school to.icher.
I't , S A f A < J J KN r.S.
Drake's Mnn/ino Mitstorto ( newsoivnnt )
Whv do ) on alwavs iliitr that small bull
litfht ultti liiiKlu-'tlio u'fjuliu dinner bell :
Isc'W Setvunt Unit's to e ill thu chlldors ,
soi "
IV'PVV Vorl < Sun ClolclDoic If vou tn lt
voiu irolcl ilollir , ) ou Invo a dollai's woith ,
if vou melt yom tllvei dollar , .vou fct but
HO eonts , imel- '
Sllvt'imin If joit melt j'Oiir piier | elollai ,
V ou got loft'
Lowell ritlrou TlioinusVo \ ate goliiB to
have bllilos i > ivou out tomoriovv.
Motliei I Invo what , romtnv J
Tliomw Illbles The teacher s ilcl th it ho
bad oiclcioet ioino te-xt bo iks
Idittes Mnin/itiu , When Ualeliih tluovv
biselo clviii the mud ho put his liess'd toot
\\aHhlimtoit \ Stu "Vou m iko love in a
vi > iv icddcsis nmiuicr. " sbo said in tcsponso
tej bis outbuilt ol emotion
"ics , was Ins solo icpl ) , "I'm familuu
with danger I'm a widow u "
St Joseph News Koso Ami so vonbrolte'
voui c'licajjeineMit with joaughoehtnvai from
tlio west
M mele Vcs I asltcil him how bfi llkcil
Ovid fa Motainoiphosis mtl lie leplloel Ihjit bo
couldn t beui to loolc lit eoutollioinsUs
VanUco Itluuc' I'luinber lul Mr Haiiciuo
ask am ' eiuustiuus when voa give him IIH
bill !
lo ! ) .No , he didn't ask an ) tiling , but bo
oclaimed a food
I'll it Me Up VlsitoiVlutaie vou piint-
mt , "
Aitist ( saic.ibtieallv ) Ciint you see !
Visitoi fswcotlv ) Yes , 1 see it Is a llovvoi
Have j ou UeciUea ) ot vvli it to call iti
1 VMI' .
Ilmttti ininmli / HI.
What is f mini
To aland alone' , amid tlio stoims of state ,
To proiidlv J.M/O upon tlio pi inks of fnte- ,
To stein alike tin chattel mid the soieteb
Ol plumolos human magpies' tliesomo
speei li
To bo t lie- butt of ov er ) vv itllus's jest ,
To despised and leaie-el In all tlio lost
To live at wai with half UiovvoiM , auel die
And sleep bcnonth a pill of obloqu )
' 111is , tllH H lame .
Life "I vvtito for the ( \uturv
now , " siiel Sciibulus "Ah1" luphed 1'on
itDs ailmimvlv "He/utarlv' " "Ves.eve-r )
six months. You ace 1 oul ) subsciibo foi a
half veai nt a tuno"
Harp I's IJirnr Miss Puma I fear tbcio
is nutlMiit ; in Misi iVIuiusloj Did \ou see
bet > avvn vv Idle jou woie h iviu siieli Inmht
tilings to beif ' "Mr SesundubYes , and 1
Iceiil on , hopiiiK hho Mould uoel ucvt. " Mis- .
I'limiiV'li \ ' Mr tsicuailus llioutrht It
possi bio she might talk faomo in hoi sleep ,
v mi know.
rilcucmle lilaottci Klehnc master of Uav
.iliV -S'ou will nut ai ccpt me ' \\cll \ , I can
not inilio uivselt ether than 1 am to tileaso
vou Hut I bei ; oloa , do moat loibt ono
Javor , naJ Jo not mail ) oncof thoint mti )
Neuv Yoik Hccorelir Mis T Yonngwifo
( solibnid ) \ v nil .ire ) miKUteful Oielu't I
b il > e > on ttiu c- li ' c .IKOS last vv ee-lt , and w li it
li iv u Jem elone lei mof
I beiniis Didn't 1 eai tbonil
01 T wirii tin imp ,
lie fii as a pionm could bo ,
She .MIS a ( jtaceJul bride ;
Ciow Js of ineip'e ' thov went to sen ,
Ami all went out with tbe tied.
Washington Post Tlieio is vvielo > iicid )
dKs itiafnctioa in Wjomlngon lucotuitot the
iiueto condition of ttio lltjuie ) which ailonis
the new ele'siuu foi the si il eif stall It is
liuelv nosiible tint the enslaver liliuied
unele'r the mistaken Idea tint ho was mulct
t'ontiact to | > ! oi iu nti onliiil blimp fui the
Cbtiokco stup.
Clothioi imel ruimslior HusbiuelHow
i-tbisl You told dicss of ) ouiscoat
fl,1 , anil lieto is a bill foi $7r >
\\'ifo ' 1 lint was betdie itas tumtnetl.
I'm cvci ) evil uniter tliosuti
Tbe'ie is a le'iiieetv 01 ttioio's none ;
If there Is one , trv to tltiil It ,
11 then ) isn't , neve i mind it1
All's Spooney Will vou love mo Just as
inurli , iliitlnitf , when lain olel'
Mr. Spootit'v Mme , Lyilln , vou won't bo
so silly then
A small hov with a gilovanco was over-
ItiMiel tollinn another vc-stcielii ) ' -If I et
bolet ot bun I'll tell him to imuialeitakui ' "
.li'vveli-r's Weekly lustiuctoi ( to class In
lioioloVhatiuu ) \ the iscatiil chuactci
istieis eif a tjood icpeateil
Miltei ( llrst bom of Ahlotnmn O'Houtko )
Ablllt ) to votoevcty luilt lioin while the polls
mo open nail got mil of tbo state bofoie the
Imllotsme tounte-d
New \oiit lloiibl Tbo Master ( ungram
matically ) You noeihi t tioublo to builel a
Jhe , Aim 10 1 shan't need an ) whoa I'm '
gone.Maid Tint's what tbo poor inls&es is al
ways saiu' , sir.
Acir I'm ft .sun
IstcpjieJ on bertiaiu
( Me r pupa , bo bad bought it ) ,
I tiled to explain ,
lint , oh' ' how IcaiiKUt III
Vet I tell not the pant
As 1 slopped on her ti itn
'J ' hat I w oillel If I'd bought It.
Now Yoik Sun bmso-\Voio vou over iu
a light , UoehU
Uodel Ycs-i'i-no-cr Ihtvt is 1 ouco
hail u llgul , but 1 wasn't in u.
I'hlhdolplila Kcconl I'roud iciintlt of a
blight llttlo up town ( 'hl " 1'vu svun one
iciitunniiil already , hnvon't U"
Atihison Oloho : 'Ilie ) vvotld never knew' u
man who was better than his uiotboi thought
Iiu w a ) .
Information Filed Aqnlnst Monday Mol'nr-
Inuil niul Mrs. Shcctly.
A ItUeiiee Case I'linl u no
Ittil riimlljune Dill-
the sloi'iuuli luiw
and I lulls ,
I.lNrotv , Neb.larolit1 , ' - | Special to Tilt
Hir ) Couiitv Attorney Hnell llle'el this
uuiraltiL ' , lit the dlsti let com ttiu luforiuatitMi
eluirgi'.c Motnlnj MM'ni hunt anil Airs Mnn
Sliced v wit U murder in the 111 st ile'gieo and
acees-Hir ) befenv the fact. Tliein aio six
eoutits la nil , liouvllv lailon with legal vor
bliik'O iiml vvhlcb e-DiisuiiuuilMiit a iln/oti page's
of I ) PIMM Itti'ti oop ) Iho counts puutlcallv
ICHI as follows
1 Momhiv Me'l'ailand anil Mrs Sliced )
nra el urged vvitli ee > nspliltii > , combin
Iticr , confcileratltij ! iiml ngivdtig together tei
unliiwfullv , know iugl.v , pui | insel ) ami filon
touslv imel xvltb dellliet.ilo unit pie'iuedl'iite'd '
nnllco kill imil minder John Jiheodv , li )
an nssiiult with a euiie iiml that nfteiwiirds
lour giains of moipbine were ) adinlnistcreil
4 Mel'ailiiliel IsclmiKCel with mulling nil
ass mil with n oano unit Mis Jslieod ) with
aiding , abetting ami piocuriu ; him to poison
John tslu cdv
.1 Tills eeiinit clntges Mc'PiirUiiiil with na
ass mil \\itiin cane and Mis Shoed ) vvitli
Hiding , nbetllug and piocui ItiK him to do so
I Th it in sotun m inner unknown , four
gi uus of inniphltio vvure > admltilsterecl to
John iShccely , ami Mcl-'iibuul is iluugcd with
aiding , abetting anil procuring Mis hheoel )
toauiiilnisti-r tbo samu te > Jolin bin eel )
T > Tint Me Pail mil coiunilttecl tbe iissuult
with a cane unit tint both ho and Mrs
Sliced ) administered imnphluo.
d This count charges tbiit John Shnedv
came to bis death bv n blow fiutn a ratio mid nncl Mrs Shcecly , the m-
eased , woie the piiticipala In committing the
'I lies eountv attorney was forced to lllo this
Infill til itiou , as the eilstilet Jiuk-o de'elaied
tint lie ) would aclnilt Mis Slieoel ) to bail If
an in foi million vvus not Hied bcfoio.l p m
Coronet Iloljokusajs tluil tliu fe > ur grains
of men phine mentioned must be a guess , oe-
cMtiso us fai as ho knows tbo chemist at
Ann Arbor lias not j'd lupoitoj the lostllt
of the anal v sis
i > m MMI u vv vs rvim v/i n.
Juelgo ridd tine ! n Jiuy ( pinicipally the
Jin ) ) hue been wtostliiig vvlih tbo c.iso of
.10)111 ) Drummer vs.lohn Uoelden , nn nctlou to
t ( envoi $1,000 tlatnigus for nijuiics sustiiiiiod
b ) plalntln at the Hands of ili > fu' < claats On
thoL' . " > tli ela.v of last November Hoducn and
DrumtiiPi , who live ueir thesouthcin border
of the eountv , engaged In a ( pruicl , dm lilt ;
whlcli Diuiniuci' ullegua that Koelcle'n
Itiinckod him elnwn , stamped on him and
liieUcel him on the b.ibool the splno , juodui
inK Pill il ) sis 'J'lio elcfcn o Is that IJium-
mer atl.icUeelbliu with a uoiiel but no moio
foico tli in was iiicesb.n ) to dUaim phiinlHT
was iMil , auel noassiult eomnilticd. ' 1 lie
jmv rumo into couit about 10 o'cleclc this
inri nniir and stated the ) could not agieo , but
.Incite Stew ul told them to go back until
tomoriovv inornini ; and potidor over the
tci lie bad them up at-aiu nt uooa and gave
them some filberl ) advice.
ir WAS HUH llIs l t >
C \V Ivnlov asks the elistticl eourt to un
loose him ftom the matimioiilal noose which
tiuiets nun tn tils vvllo , .lennio K Kniey A
diligent scnitb of the lllis In the dlstuet
court eleiIt's otllto failed to Had the pipeit ,
and it is piesumed the nttorneys have them
snuglv ensconced in their bosoms where re
poiteis pie ) not. Thov aio foolish , how evil ,
as tbe ncvvsinpcH will alvviis get onto Iho
ficts sometime , md suppiessioa of cases
don't jm in the end.
ri' > riN < niu MOC i\in i.vw
An Intciestlni ; rnse under the Sloriunb
law is noin piopriess befeno .ludgo Pield
andajut ) . Mis Almv .1 Houston ami her
tluoo inlnoi e hildica aio the plaintills , and
the ) ask f.'i.lliiO dmniiKcs liom Thomas Onrr
and his smetlos , John Ciiim nnel Jeriv II u
liugton The husbniid and f > thor of tilaint-
itTs was killed some two ) cars ago in the
luilinctou ) ) nils Hoarfa biiekluvcr , anil
on the night iu nuodtloa had uceu drinltiiiK
in Can's siloon so the plaintiffs claim , anil
while intoxicated fioin the eltee-ts of tlio
siaio stilted home , and in his befuddled con
ditiou attempted to eross the i.ilhoid irnt'c '
at Sixth and O stiects , when lie was tun
clown mtl Itillcel The defeiiio 13 tbnt Hoiis-
tou did not | ) ioeiiio bis lujuoi at tbeii plucu
IIH Ml STTI sM | \ is TIlAIMMi
Iheio niei a number of bii'ilit bnys ,
iug ftom six to eleven vears of aio"vvho aio
nctmg as infjc's in the senate iinil house ot
roiuobeiitativcs These lads ainuso tlum
selves aftoi biieifse'ssloas of either liouso bv
bolcliiiB le > gislntivo bCssious thoiiiselvos A
ipeaUn or iiiesidont of the senate ngrend
upon befoichiiiti tikes ttie ebair auel tlu > ju-
venilostatesman pioceeels the regular
ender of Ini'-inoss. Thy vtulous hilU pending
aie lonsiilen el auel amendments gravely of-
fciecl Motions , debates and other uioeJt'lcp-
islnttvo piocccMlings follow vvitli the creates !
pravitv auel persons witnessing the proceed-
iiiKS eiiiuot help but bo convulsed with
Disriuti eoi I.T I'liexii DINC.S
'I bo ease ofV T Snvvei vs ,1V Dick-
insoti PI at , to neovei on n note vvblcli had
bci'ii i.Useet fioin SUM to SIM ) , as uneii to
the jmv last evening , and this inoralng tliev
rttuineu u vereliet in fnvorof defendant
The ) ease vvheicin Taic'lt V laickson sues
tlio Om ilm Kejmblle in Vallc\v raihond for
? lIKnJ , lot cl linages l > y i liroe lused 1 > \ as ] ) ulr
fioin a ci > iupiii > loe-oirotlve , and vvbleb el ]
stioved his hav , giiim , budihtnjs , etc , was
Intel tn i jm\ this inuraing iiml a veieliet
Sivcn m f.iv en of pi iinlirt lot § l,7"iO 'Iho
viiditt was give i un lci agioenieut mid in-
stiue tion < < b ) thee outt
Two .uliliiional bints vv cie tiled m the dis
trict e01111 this nomine against the Luw-
uncu implement company , one foisi.rdio and
one for fl. Ill ) , nnel judgment was aftervvaid ; ,
totilesseel on tbof l,4iO ! suit
v in n CTIV r nn r
This aftcinoon in the supieino cojit the *
use ) of Anton Miebelsoa vs Samuel ll.velo ,
U'o'toiuo ll.vclo and .lohti Lathtop was llltet
The trouble elates baik lo the Mar is.- ) ' .md
involves u half \\asliiiigton \
count ) Ills alleged that when \\eicoinej \
IIde convened Iho puipeitv to buiiuil ll.velo
Doeotnber s , ls"i ? , it was vvithuat the power
ofattoinev Anton Mlehelsoa claims to have
a perfect title to tbe piopeit ) and asks tliat
the pie sent claimant to tlio piopeitv ,
Siiuuiel llvde' , he ixeiuired to eii-cuto a per
feet deed to the inopoit ) to MUhclbou
li vv Hi vv na I N\MITI
On October tl Iss'i ' , And ) Kubaulson , a
nlnu-jciu-otil bo ) living m Divves eoutity ,
while iila > ing neir aiiuxuavation , pickeel up
some djnamito nad sliiuk it with a horse
shoe nail iiul evplodi-il it lareoiatmg las
hinel anil olhir.vUiiiiaimniK and elibliguiliig
liimsiif , ciipplini ; bun for life It is alleged
that the dvmitnituas loft ut the plac-obv
Kllpaluck liios iVx ( Jullu s , and iic'coiilliic ; ! )
$ 1,001) ) ehuiu'jos ' w i deinaiulccl from tlum
In the lower ( ouit $ " , ( ) ) ilamagos was
awaideel , but thecoinpiuj did not feel like
pavmu this sum and took tlio easy to tuo
supiurao cuuit todtu ou an alleged urior.
at UM.J ) nn. rtcM.ri ,
Thieves r tilled thoMlssoiui Pacllle ticket
olllcei ut 1'oik's ( iiovonnd falling to tlud nnv
monc ) vvantoid ) burated open the ticket cib-
inot anil tlnuvv all the tickets into ilm steve
complitel ) dostro ) Ing them It is probable )
thai Hair ) James , tbe tlolcot agent , will have
to pa ) tbo company for tbei tickets destroyed
Aftei the f i ultloab raid on the depot cusli
box tlio burclnrs iifvl InrniUiil the nfllfA In
Olieih's ' InmbeMVunl and drlllc'd anil iilevv
tipcn Iho nafo Only fil vv < swnrod , but tbo
SlfO li lllllll'll
strut-Mr roiiiT.
Coin t me ) pursuant to ndjnmaineul I bo
fillewlng ciiiiHcsvv on ) nrgiioel mid inbiaitU'el
Smllb v 4 Cut iv ford , stale' extol Mhav ei vt
llnvd en dcmurier to answer. Desitot Net-
tloanl bank vs Nutkolls , Irnru ilvendo !
lemliiul tn lllo motion
( 'emit Mel lulll nod to rtll'Silnv Ilinl lllllMilh | II
17 , at Ho't loilt a m .when tlio cause * fiom
the Tenth district vv 111 be tnlloel
1 ! R lliowno vvns the winner of tbo
Knights ot Pythias ill 111 at llidiinum's hull
tlio either evening The iivvnul was i > io
llOUtlci'd lust 11 1 Kilt
Jacob Aiultevvs luiel'l' It N'aih , twoyoing
Mlows wbollvo neiii Soeond imil I'strei's ' ,
vu'ro at rioted last evi'tiltig b , ' Dele * in o
I'ouuiltuid ' Miusbal'lilllng n ( Sewanl lor
robbing thn cnuiilnc fiictorv ttioro _
liUho.1 llv es ut Sovviuel , nnel Ibo lull Iiml
jjmio tlumuHte'inlblv on u visit rim ile
tictivoaticlmaubal met tlie lelknvs it ICniPi
nlil vv lib pait of tbe stolen ci > oil-e In Iliolr pen
si'ssiein 'Ilie-y nckiiowlcilKi'il tholr Kiillt , nn-l
le'il tlinoniuMf to W lii'lei the lull uii'O was liM
elcn riie v were tiiUoii buck toSevvaiel
Tliuoinii ; iiii'ii'n lepubllciincluti liolel nn
riilhiiiiiiHtli ) uioctlui ; lust ove'iilii ) , ' at tli <
eonticll cltnmbor Aildiosnit vvuo iiiiielo l > v
Alujor Mi'Aithtir , W .1 I'etmmn , I v\
Linsliitf , ,1 II Me iMnv uiiil nt tint.
1'nt Svvit In uinuri'liiR the1 b s < of n flib i
iiiiincl rli > K vvliiih be hid on the , ' waslntniul at
tlie ! Cnpltiil lintel la l ev oiilnu wblle lie link
aMinall sl/eil balli Uo fnitfotidl nliout it
anil wlioti ho wont buk foi It IIW'IIIKOIIP
JuilK'e'.l.ll Uteivvn boKim suit In .ImVo
ro\vvmhv ! s eoiiit vcsteiilav n uliist J i
Crookcr to iccovcr tin ) sum of f.'eiii , vvhlt li li <
elilliiis Is duo him foi costs nail fees. Set fe > i
lic.irini ; Mnicb JTi
This iiftcinooti Justice ) Cocbrui united Mi
Cliarlei Punk of tills city unit Miss lliunmli
( liaut-'or In tbo Imnili of inutiinioiiy II.o
lOliti.litluj ! put Met vvi'io epnli' youiiK
( 'iociin being Just twenty-one mil tlio
nineteen _
t Hi I Itr.TTI S A \ It I'l. t li.
Iliiiiioi'H 'Mint Toliacco I JK te > rlcs Mill
.loin In a 'li H HI.
Niw : YOIIK , Mtuelll.1. ( Special TcloKinm
to Tut. Ui'i 1 Humors concoriilnjT tlio forma
tion of n fjicat tobacco trubt , to omluace nil
tlio iiiinufnctiinii of cifrnrottoi niiilplug t >
Inceo In tlio UnltcJ Stilus , have creite !
much Intori'st innoui ! tobacco nun. I.eniliiu :
elgaictto nminifactuiors , Duke , ICiuibnl ,
Allen \ , Ciintoi , anil otliors , kavo iilicil
unit eel in tlio Aincricui tobacco eoinpaayim I
It Is sibl tins compmi ) Is cndonvorlnjj to li'i ' %
up tbe plui ; niiiiiufnctorics. A slioit tin
niro tlio A imil lean tubioco compitiv bojjriir
out tlio Kntlonnl tobicco vvorlts of Loulsvi ,
Kv. 1 bis was one ot tbo Inr cst pbitf nun
file tin inn concei us In the country , anil tli t
pmclmsi ! L-IIVO Use to Illinois ef ) a coiiiliiii i
tlon of clgarctto inanufictiucis md | > lu r
mimiifiictincrs , m UioformitiK of which ilm
Ameikan tobacco oompuii ) lt > to bo the ? lioi 1
I'loildont Dulto of tlio tobu )
company sivs tlioio Is nothing In tlio runini <
so Isii us his compuiv is coiireiiiicil IU > <
eoinpin.v tlioiiRlit the piup business it prohi i
bio otic , niul was ceitalnU trolng Into It 1 "
suet , imel tlie Nation il tobacco vvoilcswn-
lioiij'kt because It seemed to be ( 'OOclprnpiHi \
mid was foi silo Tlio Ainciicnii toliue .
coiniiin.v , ho iicliloel , was not u tiust , and if it
ncqunccl niij moro phiff factories it vvoui 1
stmpl } Imv ancljiay for tlioni.
It Is sulcl ou peed nuthontv tint the niiie
tnld for the National tobao vvoilcs waa
JlsiWH)0-tiO)1iXii ( ) ) ) In cash and tlio rutmlnib-f
inboiielsof thoAiuercim tooncco comr > ii >
Tlie price Is eonsiiloiitl vnv hlcb.
It is rumored Iu Oumillo , Va , Hint tie t !
Ainencan tobacco enmimnv is iieRotlitiiiRf t
tlie puicb.iso of ouoor moio factories in Ilia *
city , ft is alsosaiil tboio that tbobitloi \ it
dioroot factory and Voiwblo's toluoeo fa
toiy aie oa the point of selling out to the
New Vork conccni.
Ju Louisville ) It iu lumorod that the
factorv vv 111 bo tbo next theio to sell out to
the Amoiicau com piny ai el tliat others vvi 1
11 the Amcrlcin tobacvo coinpinj Is rcillv
cad envoi inn to obtain control of tbe plut ;
business Ills us yet conlluini , ' itsciroits t.j
tlie south and the'vvc'it. Tno leaOlnjr fl n
tobacco inaniifaeturlnK companies of tbiseitv
sav tluv Invo no knovvloeluo ot such a con
biiintlon , inel they me Inclined to liilieulo
tlio idea 'J lie Illinois nro trenciallv acceptcil
us coiieet in tlio south mid west , howe'vor.
mid conntci conilntiatloiis aio folium In
Danville. Va , ttm mi'tnbvrs of tbo farmois'
iillianeo utoe'iidc'ivoiin locstabllslia cltfir
etto fictoiv m opposition to the combination
It is silj Meie'lt will soon lie Issued hi Lou
isvillotl.e vvaie'bouso incu iiiocouiblnlinj t 3
piotcct tluii interests , but the irrowors nre
not in svtnpithj with them. Tlio fanners'
iillianeo men nave stalled an opposition
warehouse ) In Louisville to bo called tlio
pi envois' vvaieboiisc It issuidall the ncce s
suy moiiev lias been laised mid tUollrstsalo
will take plaeo this ucolc
I' . J' . t ,' 8TKMKE.
The ) Hiue Itcoii Ordcieil to I eavctlit'
Hi ol hrrliiioel.
Divrii , Cole , Maicli 12. iSpcelal Tclo
( 'iamto rJnr Her ] The oiclu v\ldch \ \ \ \ - *
been issued by Iho Union Piuillc rcciuliius
telegraph operators to withdiavv from the
biotlioiaoocl or leave the cmplo ) of thoiitl
way coinpanv , has ciouted a brewo ainoii
tclegiapli mon in ibis city and a stulieis
being talked of ( Jrand Chief Tliuuton , who
is en route f loin Chicago to Ogilen , is ox
po-tcd heio tonight , when some furthei cli
veiopnin.ts are looked lei Theio isconMdor-
able siioeulatioii as to the cause of Iho
issuance of the Union P.iiille order auel It is
thought that the presentation of a bill o ) the
Homer division In the legislatmo lias bee 11
the pilino icason The bill. If nasseil vv ill
nmku it for anv i-ompaii ) in the ? state
to etnplov a telegianhci underoigbteoii ) eurs
of nfe A simihr law exists insevcril stale- ,
'ibo ' telei'i ipheis e'liilm that ospm lally HI the
Hoekv mountains whcrciui engineer rnmiot
sco fur ( Miough abend lo stop i tiain ineaso
of imsiatoiprcloil orueu , the employment
of inexpeiieneei ] help is bighlv datiROions
The Uenvor ilivisioii includes tbo iu
tire Uock ) mountain icn'iim and thej union
here numbers , , \i\ \ \ inoinburIt U an m
lluontlnl ouani/.ition and is vveU provided
with tbo sinews of war.
itn.oit iturs ui.tHK.iin : .
The Midland cleared , but ibo Hit )
( .mnilo In Hail tslinpi- ,
DINVIII , Col. M ncli li [ Special Telo
main to tin Di iThe i ] foui days' bloikiul
on the Midland was raised .vestoidav , the
lotur ) plow being ihairircd out of Ila enmui
tunnel by tbe asslstnae-o of tlio Hoik Ulan a
lotmv. Jtoth did ( 'ooii woik > citerdiiv In
clearing the ti iek of the snow batiks , and i
is expected that thioughtrafllc will bo ope'ie 1
up b ) tonight.
The latest advices fiom Chaun and the
eountiy west of tboio indicate Hint it mil tw
full ) tvvent ) dis before the lon\or A Ki i
dl undo line can be opened to Duraniro 1 h i
tiaekls covoivd with Horn Iho to fort v fi. t
of snow , vvblcli is being cut ou at tne i ito of
u inllu a di ) The chief olMtuctlon is oo
tween Cliamn and Monero , a distutuo of
eighteen miles
Bnvre.\ Mass , Mar.'h 12.-Sieelnl | [ To'e-
gram to Tin. Bii l'iof. '
j ] . W. I' cJoodw n
I of the C'.toeUdepartment at I larvnal oul .g.
has iecpivo.1 . ncop.v of the new manuscript f
Aristotle's treatise ) lm tbo coiiMitutnm r
Athfns , recentl ) ais ovcreel anil seat to tuo
Hritsli imisoum. 'Ibis , s the iirst cop ) i '
tottiK counti )
Highest of all in Leavening Po rer.-TJ , S. '
- Gov'l Report , Aug. 17 , iSSij.