Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OJMAI1A DAILY BKE : P1MOAY , MAHCH 1:5 : , 1801 ,
HIS ( LAI A 1 1. V BISK.
IVlivrrcd by Currier tn any { mil of ilio City.
II.V. . Tliro.V. - MANAOKIt.
ps * O flirt. ' , No. 43.
NUht Ktlltor. No. 3M.
N. Y 1' ' Co.
( ( imril lllulT * T .ninticr Co. , eonl.
Ui.ift < I'lmttel lonns , 201 Snpp block.
( li'iiv.itin Kocli Spring coul. Tlwtclicr , 10
Main stnvt ,
Ailurro will lie K'vcn ' this ovonllic at
.Maiviis- hull hj N. TowiKeiul und 11. Hci'k.
Hiiilulf Kniwl nntl I-'lor.i Aloxunilcr , twlli
of Omaha , were mniried U'eiltii'sduy evening
by .lustliv Pultun.
\Vork mi tlto Hrunitwny Motliodlsl clim'ti
win resinned jrsU'nliiy foruiouii after a lay-
i ) IT nl si'verul mouths.
UilHiuii II. Hums nnd Itlnurhe McCJinnls ,
luiih of l.iiii-dln. Ni'li.viij married yciter-
ihiy by Justliv Pulton.
ruv lionds to ilio n mount of H.nooero
rcilcrtncil vi'slcnlny tiv Treasurer Kliinelmti
from tbe Park National lunlc of Now Yoi'lt.
Tlu > jury In UifU'UM'of tlii'stato vs .1. H.
Kim , " biiiupht In \rnlltM last mrnliiK of
trinity. Sentence will bo | ironu\wieil Mon
ti ay.
Mnrrlnpn llrrnscsvcro Issued yesterday to
\Vtlliiiin II. Hums nuil Illntii'lie McClnnis ,
bolli ol Uuroln , Ni'b , ami to llcnry liioepper
anil Annlo ( intliyl , lioth of llils county.
'I ln > larceny OHSII n mnst Kli llrowu ami .1.
II. Koblenz HIIS .iiibiultti'd bcfoio Justice
Cuii's jrstcrilny and tiiuoa umlur nilvtoemcnt
unUl this inornliij : , wtien n division will bo
Tin1 icport of the Ubrnrtnn of the froc pub
lic iinrnry for ilio immlli of I-Vbrunvy sliows
tbo lotnfmiinbcr of books talicn to liuvo boon
! lis. There were ! , * " > visitors to lliu lltiniry
during the niontli.
I.ou Ilnstlc. ( Iniu.'liter of Mr. niul Mrs. ,1.
S Hlrnin. dlril of lieart dlsiasoVuilnuHibiv
niirht , ni : ! il Iwi-lvo yours. The funeral will
occur Hits mornlnt , ' nt lu o'clock from the
fumllv ivsUlcnci1 , ITI.'i Mlilril avenue.
lli i ! Of nmsiimntinn. ( in Tlinrsiliiv mnrn.
Inp. March I'.1 , attlioivsiilcnroof horbro.her ,
Hov. S. Alexander , 2il Klcvmtu UVIMIUO ,
Mrs. Susnn Alexmuler Dubson. KntiiTiilserv-
Iccs ut tin * liouso on Salunluy at : 'M ji. in.
There will he 11 special meeting of Ivnnlioo
oomiiinnilory No. IT , Knlubts Templar , tills
Friday ovonlii ! : for worlt In the onler of tbo
temple. All visiting sir knights cordially
welcome , lly order of ( lie K C.
A needy family , consistcm ! of ,1 mother
mill thrco children , bas bcon reported from
the woati'rn part of Ibn city. All wbo liavo
iiionov or groceries ami nro willing to assist
In relieving want are rcipio.sleil to leave
their contribution nt7UI Willow avcauo.
The following new cases of mcnilos wore
reported yesterday : llonnan Simon , nunr
Is'uutneyor's liotol ; Mrs. Frank I'lillllps , Sl. >
Seventeenth avenue : ( ICOI'KU M. Sessions.
Hi' . Avenue 1) ; Robert Hall , SM North
KlRlitu .street ; BOH of U. A. Stanley , 10ii :
Avoiuiu C.
In superior court yesterday I'rcd ( . 'lino
began usuit ngninst tlie Northwestern rail
way company lor $ ' . ' . " > ( ) damages , whicli ho
clniins to lunu suffered through the killing of
ti liorse by one ol tlio defendant's trains on
April as , isuii , between Twelfth and Thir
teenth avemiis of the city of Council lilulTs.
A mnnll bln/o was caused last livening at
nlout s o'clock in the lioaso of ( icorgo Ilart-
ninn at the corner of II nail Fourteenth
streets by tlio explosion of nn oil Ininp. ' 1'bo
lire dcpartini'lit was notllleil , hut Us ser
vices were not noedud , as the blaze was ex
tinguished before they arrived on the 90.0110 ,
The iiamage was slight.
Henry I iscinan tt.Co. innilo a number of
their oiviiitors u pi-opoiltlon vesterduy to sut-
tie the claims which : ire held ajjainst them
for HO cents on the dollar. The creditors are
ronsiilcrini ! tlio proposition , but none liavo
cither accepted or ivJcctoiJ It ns yet. Some
of Uio attorneys say they shall advise their
client ? to accept the terms In order that the
Klsonmns may Imve a clinnro to regain their
footini ; once more. Others say they will
light the battle out to the end in the hopes of
having the assignment tct aside oa the
groumlof fraud.
An amendment has boon filed In the supe
rior court by the plaintiff. In the casn of Maria
Jackson vs the Oaiatia .t Council llluffs rail
way nml brulRO company , declaring that the
company built its lines on south First street
mid on Fifth avenue under the franchise )
whii'li was voted to tbo company by the ordi
nance passed in October , 1 11 , and'that when
It begaa to operate the line it assumed the
obligations which the ordinance imposed.
The petition also chums that the entire sys
tem of the company , both in this city and in
Omahais operated iiyot.u and the sumo com
pany , and that the Council illutTs street rail
way company and the Omaha & Council
HlufTs railway nml bridge company In Iowa
have wivor exercised nnv of their rights
under their charter. Tlio case will have a
hearing before JiulgoMedco.
Mrs. Fres Lyons will spcnlt tomorrow
evening nt H. O. Cook's King's Daughters ,
.1. C. HUbv , stcain no'.ulni ? , vmltary en-
Klnecr , iXJ ! ( Alorrinin block , Council Blulls
J'7.S' .V.I I. I'.l HAG fl.l I'tlS.
EH Clayton of Omaha was In the city yes
terday. .
Judco Connor of Denlson was n Bluffs vis
itor yestordiiy.
S. A. Forbusn , general manager of the
\Vbitebreast fuel cninpauyyith headquart
ers at Ottumwn , was In the city yesterday on
Miss Uudla 1) . Uohrcr. who hrs been vlilt-
lug for several weeks with her brothers , M.
F. and S. I ) . Hohrer , loft Wednesday even
ing for her homo in Avnlon , Mo.
Judge Whiting of Monona county was In
the eitv yesterday on nls way homo from
Iowa City , where bo bus been attending a
meeting of the board of regents of the state
Mrs. .1. F. Hunt leaves for Kansas today ,
where she has been called to the bensido ol
her sister , Miss Knsdalo , who is dying with
consumption. Miss Kusdelo has many friends
here , she having spent some time In the
Bluffs wlillo oa n visit to Mr * . Huht.
The Manhattan , sporting heajqiiartors. N.
_ _
The New Pacific Is the most centrally
located hotel in Council lilulTs ,
Snpi'rlor i'oiirt ,
Superior court is becoming more and more
popular among the attorneys of the city.
Yesterday , In addition to the tifty-nino suits
which had already been commenced , thcro
wcro over fifty brand new ones , which is by
far the largest docket over completed for any
term of the court. The main objection to the
district court is the long time whleti it
usually takes to secure a hearing of the tase.
The district court docket Is crowdeii so lull
that very often a case has to ho continued
over a term or two In order to allow the cases
which have been accumulating before It to
liavo a trial on the doctriuo of "llrst eome ,
HrM served. "
Among the new cases was ono In which the
rnlted States wind-mill , engine and pump
company of Omaha was plaintiff and the
town of Neola defendant. The ground for
the suit is an unpaid claim for waterworks
which wore constructed by the plaintiffs in
the year lsr > . After the work had been
completed some fault was found with the
quality of the work , tlio defendants claiming
that It bail been Improperly done , and that as
u result tbo water tank leaked. The town
council refused to pay Sl.MW of the bill which
was presented by tin ? company oa nccount of
this allepod imperfection , and It Is to recover
this fl.'RW that the present suit U brought.
A Now I'liyhio'an.
Postmaster 1. M. 'Iroynor returned from
Iowa City yesterday morning , where ho went
to nttend 'ho ' commencement exercises of the
medical department of the sUto university.
His brother , V , L. Troynor , was n member of
the graduating class , having completed the
course with high honors. The commence
ment exercises closed Wednesday night with
a grand banquet , nt which the regents ,
faculty nnd friends of the class won ) present.
It wn ; > n very brilliant affair , Ur. Treynor
will nrrlvn in the city this morning nnd will
ut once open an ofttco of his own. ills many
friends lu tbo Bluffs wluli him success ,
Umi'r I'll/ill //\ll\T/'lt Ml itppn
Veatcnlay Witnessed the Last Appearauco
of the Old City Council ,
I.mined In .1MI it" MII Aliened KlopiM
I'tir Her Con's Value
the Sa
loon SllltH.
Tlio city council held aincolbiR yesterday
afternoon , iiccotihng to announcement. Tlio
council's farewell iiKt'tlni ; * are beginning to
bo regarded by tbo public as sometlibu ; on
the sumo | ilnn as these of some famous slut-
ers , mil at any rate this mcctlni ; was , la all
probability , the last ani-caranco of the pres
ent council. .Ml the members were there ex
cepting Aldermen Mlke.sell and Kvorett. The
ulijt'ci of the mooting wassald to bo the clear
ing up of a lot ofuntlnlslicii business , In order
that the now council , when It begins its
duties , nmy do so unhindered by any neglect
of its psciU'cvssur to patch up Its fences as It
went along. Asa lioglmilng It was decided
to rend tlio minutes which have been nceuniu-
Inline for several weeks P"st. All the min
utes up to dale were read unit iipnroved.
A resolution wan then read , slating thnt
evriy member nt the council was very much
pleased with the cnmluet of every other mem
ber nml the deep admiration which the hnlil-
ovcr members bad for tbo outpours wns
eiiualled liy nothing else , unless It should be
tlie admiration which the outuners must have
toward tlio holdovers. The resolution was
not exactly ns stated , but the general style of
It was calculated to make each member loci
very much at his casn.
Hut llttlo other buviioss was transacted on
account of the fact that two of the members
were absent. An ordinance hail been drafted
with regard to the salaries of the members of
the lire ilupartment , and U would have been
bronchi up for consideration hail it not liven
that its frleiuls were nfrald that it would
meet with opiwsition enough to secure its ile-
Years ngo an ordinance was passed iixini ;
the salary of tlio members of the tire depart
ment at j.'OO ( per annum. That was in the
days when the department was not
nearly so Important a feature of tlio
city us It now Is. for several
years past , bv virtue of a resolution adopted
by the vaunfll , tbo nay received by the mem
bers of the department has been considerably
In advance of that sum , In spite of the fact
that there Is nothing oa the ordinance book
to warrant such an expenditure of the city's
funds. However , no objection has over been
raised , and it Is not likely there will bo. The
new ordinance providing for an Increase In
salaries is simply Intended to head olT any
memborof thoconneilwbomaysoinetlmostnrt
Ui | and claim that the salaries of tlio tire de
partment cannot bo raised during the terms
of oflleo of the members.
The ordinance will bo ono of tbo flrst that
tlio now council will oo asked to pass.
Mrs. Pros Lyons will speak tomorrow
evening at II. O. Cook's Kind's Daughters.
J. II. Atkins , western agent for DoPnw's
plate plass company , will uivo estimates on
plate delivery in Iowa and Nebraska ,
l\N..ii : ) IN .1AIL.
I'npIenNant Kiidinn ol'Vlinl Intended
to I'e a Pleasure Trip.
Warren Hull and Colin Anderson , two
young people of Coin , la. , wcro the victims
of an unpleasant occurrence yesterday , the
resul > . of which was that Hull found his way
Into the city Jail. The llrst thing that was
heard about the affair was through a tole.
ttrnm from Ucrt Anderson , a brother of tbo
young lady , directed to the chief of nolieo
and fishing him to bo on tbo look-out for a
runaway couple that had left Coin in the
morning for the supposed purpose of being
niailo one person in tlio regulation way. In
accordance with the request Ofllcer Heswick
was detailed to work up the case. The
couple was expected to arrive over the
AVabash roail and would probably reach the
city at about noon , so the otllcer went to meet
tliii fain at the appointed timo.
Upon entering the train ho had nodiftlfiilty
in Identifying the couple by the description
which bad been furnished him in the tele-
gratii. He at once placed them both under
arrest and brought them to the police station ,
where they were interviewed as to their
plans and prospects. What tlio result of this
interview was it is impossible to say , as the
utmost secrecy was inaintained , and a des
perate effort was made to prevent the tale
from becoming public , hi spite of the police
restrictions , however , mi interview was se
cured with the young man in the Jill.
He wns not nt nil backward about telling
his story , nor about raking ever the coals the
ones whom lie coi.sideml responsible for tils
unpleasant iireilicament.
According to his story Miss'Anilerson had
lett Coin yesterday moiiiiiif ; for the purpose
of paying her older sister. Miss ARIIOS An
derson , wbo lives at till ) Washington avenue ,
a visit. Hall was by no means Insensible
to the younger Miss Anderson s charms , and
he decided thai it would bo a very pleasant
thing for him lo accompany her on Iho train.
Miss Anderson's friends liavo not looked
with favor upon Hall's attentions to tbo girl
and ns soon us they heard that the two
had left for Council Hluffs on the same
train tlio thought at once struck them that
they had planned on elopement , and they s et
above result. lie stoutly denied that either
ho or the girl bad any intention of getting
married , ami said that he bad niailo arrange
ments to return to Coin last evening with
some friends who were coming up In the
Hall is n rather good looking young man ,
of the farmer type , v.-hilo the young laily is
decidedly prepossessing in appearance and
nineteen years old. The brother of theyoung
lady , liert Anderson , arrived m the city yes-
lerilay afternoon for the purpose of looking
after his sister. Hall threatens to make
for his brother-in-
things warm prospective - -
law as soon as he gets out of Jail.
Dr. T. II. Cleland , former pastor of the
Presbyterian church in this city , will deliver
his lecture on "Travels Abroad1 Mondny
evening , March 10 , nt the Presbyterian
church. Admission 'J , ' ) cents.
Snugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
Held , garden and ( lower seoils In the west.
Catalogue and samples by mail.
A Sad Case.
Mrs. Josephine \Voodworth began a suit
yesterday afternoon in the district court
against the county for $ l-li ! damages which
she claims to have suffered by reason of a
rotten bridge widen spans Indian creek In
( larner township , on what is commonly
tbo " road. " Her
known as "Supp petition
tells that until July H , lv > ' .i , she was the
owner of ten milch cows , n undo and a sou.
It was the habit of the mule ami the boy to
assist one another in driving the small herd
of cattle to pasture , and in so doing they
had to .cross the creek by means of
tbo brldgo referred to. On July
i ) they were In the act of
crossing the bridge ns usual , which had been
allowed to become rotten and unsafe hy
reason of the neglect of the county super
visors , when suddenly , without warning , and
without fault of the milch cows , the mule or
the boy , the bridge gave way , and the. whole
oulflt was hurled tn the bottom of ihe creek ,
In the fall two of the milch cows were killed ,
the other eight wore rendered unable to give
any thoughts to the production ot milk for
several months , the inulo hid ; his nervous
system completely shattered , and the boy
was the only ono who escaped without a
scratch. Tor all these injuries she asks that
stio bo awarded damages In Ihe sum of $ ur > ,
The case will bo up for trial during the
March term of court.
Mrs. l-'ies Lyons will spealt tomorrow
evening ut H. 0. Cook's King's Daughters ,
Saloon MIIM |
1'ctitioin were tiled la Iho superior court
yesterday afternoon in twenty-nine liquor
cases , In which S. T. Hurgcss Is the plaintiff.
In each one a writ of injunction is dcnmniicd
restraining the defendants from maintaining
uuUauccs In tbo shape of balcous. The fol
lowing are the names of Iho defendants In
tlio cases
John Moreen. W 11Vhlto , Phillip
Meyer. H W ( . 'lark. N ( VHrlcii Kink .V
Srliult/ . O'Neill , Henry Hoist , A. Wells ,
1) . McAilatnv Jacob llownrtb , C. l.leliold ,
James Coyle. Peter Het'litcle. Herbert Tor-
ney , John nml Thomas Maloney , K M. Sher
lock , Mrs Anna I'rnlor , Mrs. .1. J. { 'row ,
William Mnloncy , Jacob N'eumavr. J. Peter
son , \\llllam ProbestoK Max iMohn , I'etor
Deck. S.I. . ( lerinim , William Hedgers and
William Hick.
Tbeso are the parties upon whom original
notices we'-c served several weeks HBO hy the
attorneys fur the prosecution , Messrs , llurko
& Henry.
Call on n. J. llutchlnson \ ( -'o. for choice
bargains in lots In Wilson Terrace. Special
Inducements fur the next few davs.
Ho you waul nn express wagon or boy !
Itmg up tbo A. 1) . T. Co. , telephone Itl' ' , No.
11 North Mala street ,
The case on the assignment sot for n bearIng -
Ing for yesterday morning In district court
was of the state vs .1.11 King , elmrgcit
with t'io larceny of a liorso from the livery
stable of llouuuet & Wheeler. King Is the
man who went lo the stable Just mentioned
and hired a horso. After ho ami the horse
had been missing for some time , the owners
of the latter became aiixlouvuid noUHcd the
police of t lie neighboring towns. The animal
and its driver were soon found at Glcnwcod
and returned to this city. King did not care
In stand trial , but ploailcd guilty to thccrimo
ns charged. Ho will ho sentenced hy the
court uoxt Mondny.
James O'Drien. ' n former employe of Wil
liam Lewis , also pleaded guilty to tbo ehargo
of petit Inrcenv nnd was sentenced to a term
of fifteen days In the county Jail. O'Hricn '
took n trunk belonging to the Ogden liouso
eoolc from Lewis' ' stahlo. ami , after taking It
oul on the prairie In the vicinity of Iho can
ning factory , took such of its contents as
sullcd him and scattered the resi over Iho
The case then put inioa trial was that of
the stitc vs JooTuller , charged with the lar
ceny of a lot of cigars from tbo restaurant of
l.onio Ac Mctzgor. The value of ilio stolen
goods was claimed to bo fil , which Is sulll-
cleat , If proved , to send the defendant across
the * state. Tbo atlornoy for tbo ilofenso
nmdoa proposition to the county attorney
offering to plead guilty to the crime of petit
larceny if ho would let the case go at that ,
but the county attorney refused to compro
mise and the trial of the case was proceeded
with. It was submitted to the Jury about ad
journment time.
Owing to the denth of a sister who was
stopping with Hov. Alexander , pastor of the
Trinity Methodist Episcopal church , the
Punk Ulsters' concert will bo postponed till a
fuluro date. Tickets purchased will bo rec
ognized then.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Mrs. Kres Lyons will speak tomorrow
evening at H. O' Cook's King's Daughters.
I'ir < i Chicl'H Itnpnrt.
Chief Levin of the llro department has Just
completed his annual report which is to bo
submitted to the mayor for incorporation In
his annual message to the council. The re
port contains some Interesting facts mid
The total estimated amount of loss from
tires this year Is only § lit-Hliw compared
with JI.Vl.TfiO of last year. On Iho other
hand , there liavo been seventy-nine alarms
ot tire , while last year thcro wcro 12S. The
average amount of loss for each lire Is there
fore MOO. Of the sovenlv-nino Ilres sixty-
two have entailed a loss of $100 or less ,
eleven between $100 and fTrfJO ; three notwcen
$ .100 and $1,000 ; one between $ llHKnnu ) S'J.OUO ,
and two between & > , UOO ami J5K)0. ( )
The lire department now consists of twenty
men. The apparatus consists of two steam
ers , eight boso carts , ono reel , ono serial
truck , ono small truck , ono chief's buggy ,
ono hook and ladder wagon , two exercise
wagons and thirteen horses. The value of
Ilio entire apparatus Is estimated at ? I-IU ( ! ) .
During the year there have been added
twenty-six tire hydrants and 10,5(10 ( loot of
water mains , making a total of i(15 ( hydrants
and 1MKT ( ) feet of mains. The total uxpciuo
of running tbo department during the last
year has been $ ! !
In connection with bis report the chief
takes occasion to recommend tlio addition of
two ir.on to the force , in case it is the inten
tion of the council to have the a-rial truck
useil regularly. Ho states Unit 11 is impossi
ble for two men to inanngo it , as is necessary
with lliu present force , without danger of the
team running away while the two men who
drive and steer arc busy manipulating the
truck. _
"Will Trail o for Farm.---.1 Q. Anderson will
trade for farm or aero property near Council
HlufTs , bis dwelling nt Shenandoah , la. , np-
prniscd nt fT.'dO. Cull nt the oftlco of the
Council Hlufl's insurance company for fur
ther particulars.
Some Are Accepted niul Others Go by
"I want you to say for me , " said Captain
Ormsby , at the police slation lasl night , "that
seine of the moivtmnts of Omaha are so care
less that they actually invite people to steal.
Ono of the ofllccrs found twenty-one hats In
a show casn in trout of the store at 11.1 South
Sixteenth slrcut at a late hour tonight ,
long alter tbo proprietor and his
elencs had gone homo. The show
ease was not locked , amt it is
a great wonder that thcro was a Bat left
there ten minutes after they had left the
store. Another ofllccr found tbo door of a
store nt ronrteentlinnu Dougo unlocked. "
Henry Miller , who lives al Twentieth and
Vlnton stroels , was arrested lasl night on u
charge of horse stealing.
Charles Weber was arrested al Ihe instance
of Charles \Vehror , wbo claimed that Weber
hail given him n counterfeit dollar. Weber
wns taken to the station , urnF when searched
two more counterfeit , dollars were found in
his pockets. 'I ' bo prisoner will bo delivered
into tbo custody of the federal authorities to
Graceful Compliment.
Charles Bertram fairly outrivaled himself
in a private sennco given before Dr. Walsh ,
the archbishop of Dublin , liertram pre
sented a pack of cards to bis grace , request
ing him to draw ono.
"The card have drawn "
you , your grace ,
said H. , ' 'is the king of hearts. "
"N'o-l replied the archbishop , "it Is the
llvo of clubs. "
"Well , " said Bertram , in an astonished
tone , "it is the lirst time 1 over failed in
thai irick. Would you look at the card
again i"
His grace looked nnd , Instead of the llvo of
clubs , ho saw n portrait of himself ,
' I wasn't much after nil "
so wrong , re
marked Bertram gnyly , "for surely your
grace is the king of hearts in Ireland. "
Iliii-ncil With Hot Starch.
Miss Maggie Cnvanaugh , a domestic In the
bouse of Mr. ICllUon at1010 I-'arnnm street ,
minted yesterday while she bold n vessel
tilted with hot starch in her hand. The ves
sel overturned In such a manner as to throw
the starch ever the young woman's face , and
before she was discovered she was very se
verely burned. City Physician liapen wns
called , and after relieving tbo Immediate
sufferings of tbo girl , bo had her sent to St.
Joseph's hospital.
Annoyed hy t'attle TlilevcH.
SroKtNi : Ku.i.s , Wash. , March I1 ' . [ Spe
cial Telegram to Tin : lir.i : . Settlers in
Douglas and Lincoln oountics are said to bo
i greatly annoyed at the raid of an organi/ed
band ofc.ittlo and horse thieves. A promi
nent stockman In thnt section says Unit no
less limn Iwelvo thousand head of cattle have
been stolen In tlio past year. besides several
hundred head of horses.
Now Hose
The board of llro anil police commissioners
ordered ' 1M ( ) feet of hose yesterday by tele
graph. Several lengths of boso burst last
night at the lire , and thcro Is danger of great
damage by tbo breaking out of a tire that
will require more servloablo lioso than the
department now has on hand.
.liulgo . UelNlcy III.
Judge Helsloy wns taken 111 yesterday with
la grippe and had to go home. He held no
court lu ibo iiftcrnoou ,
At tbo Boston Store , Council Bluffs , to Make
ROJUI for Spring nml Smumor Goods.
In Our Hosiery and
l > ciirtnii'tit | : Head the Prices
It will pay you to lay In your supply for
next winter. Vott will save from tVI to 7fi
percent ; a better Investment you will never
4 DAYS ON'l.Y ,
Todiiv , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday nnd
Kadlec' all wool blacK hose , sratntcss , with
ribbed' top , former price M nnd ! We ; sale
price , 11V.
Ladies' oxlra quality nil wool seamless
hose , fiirmer price , ! Cio ; snlo jirlco , Sfle.
t'lilldren's all wool HonmU m hose , sizes r > 'ij
to 0'4 formi-r price , -Ti and : iic : ; sale price , H'o. '
t'lilldren's nil wool , nnd misses' ' worsted
rllihed lioso In blacks , seamless , sired
foi'iner price , W to le ( ) ; sale mice , S5e.
In all wool , blih-k , former price ,
: t'.Vtoe and ; ic ; sale price , 'Jjc , : iic : and SWc.
( louts' heavy irny shirts , former price ,
ic ; sr.lo price , l'J'o. '
Cents' extra quality heavy gray slilrts ,
former price , l.ric ; sale price , 'J.'ic.
( Jeiits1 sujicr natural eray and sheep's gray ,
furmur price , M < - and Kit ; sale prlci1 , 't''e. '
Ciciits' heavy gray nilxeil , former price ,
"Bo ; sale price , f > 0c.
tietits' searlot all wool shirts and drawers ,
former price , Me ; sale price , Me.
( tents' extra quality nil wool uriiy shirts
and drawers , former price , ? 1.00 ; sale pi Ice ,
iW'c. '
ueiil's heavy scarlet and pray all wool ,
former price $1.00 and SI.S. ) . sale jirlco T'Jc.
( leiit'sniitiiral wool pray , fonuorprieo $1.2.1
and $ I.W ) , sale prli'o Too.
Ladles' \vlilte nil wool ribbed vests , for
mer price ? l."iO. sale price ' . ' . "n1.
Ladles' pray all wool vests , former price
.i"i , sale price ( i'Jc.
Ladles' nr v all wool and scarlet all wool ,
former price 1 1.2.1 and ll.fiO , tale prlco 0'o. ! '
Ladles' Kray all wool vest' , French neck ,
$ l.t > 0 anil $ I.h'J ' quality , sale price $ l.t ) < ) .
Coiiibinatlon suits In white uuly , $1.00 qual
ity , sale price li'.ie. '
Chihlrons' white merino vests nnd pants ,
size 1(1 ( nnd IS , former price 15c anil 17c , sale
prlco He ; sl/o 20 and 2i ! , former price UScinul
'J.C ) , snlo prlco llic ; si/.n'JIe and 'Jic ( , former
price iSe ami ! ! ( ) c , sale price ile ; size 2s and
id ) , former prlco ; ! 3o anil ! Hc , sale price ' 'tie ;
sl/.o ! W and 31 , former nrico ate aim -10c , salu
price : ilc.
Uhildrons' all wool vests and pants In
prays , size 10 and 18 , former price. 17c and 'J2c ,
sale price Ifie ; size 20 and ! 22 , former price 27c
ami 'Mf , sale pricoite ; hbo U4 nntl'.NI , former
price : i"o anil 42e , sale jirlco ; ile : sl/o 28 and
III ) , former price -ITe unit .VJe , snlo price aOe ;
si/.e : W and , 'll , former prieo fi'e and ( i2c , sale
price I7c.
Chililrens extra quality searlot and grey
natural wool in vests and pants.
Hi/o lii.xls , former price 2ji ! and ! 10c , sale
price 2''c.
Sl/n 2Ux2J , former prlco 350 unit -I0o , sale
prieo "Oc.
Size 2lx2il , former price -l.'o and Me , sale
jirlcu Ibe.
Si/o 2Sx)0 : ) , former price .Wo and ( > lc ) , sale
prlco 4ie. (
Size ; i2x,1l , former price Ko and 70c , sale
prieo 51c.
I'otberiiiKlminVhltcliiv .t Co. ,
Council iJlufTs , Iowa.
'Ilio AVIieolliiirrcnv Triint.
Three or four of us on the ear wore
talking about General ShorinanVi death ,
and as might liavo hc-on expected , ono of
the group modestly admitted that ho
was with the lamented general on his
famous march to tlio sea. pays the Now
York Sun. There was a woman in the
seat ahead , surrounded by bundles and
baskets , nnd evidently going somewhere
on a visit. The war talk soon stirred
her up , anil she turned to the veteran
and iiiiericd-
" "Wero you right in the battloV"
"Dead men all around ? "
" ' "
" 'Woumlod crying for water1'
" ' "
"Bombshells and cannon balls fulling
around you like hall ? "
"Yes'm. "
" didn't ? "
"And you run
"Xo'in , I should hope not , ' ' lie mod
estly replied.
"Stood right there and never got
scart , oh ? "
" ' "
"Well , now , I don't believe ! " she
bluntly exclaimed. "It ain't human mi-
tinIt ain't aceovdin' to things. "
"I hope you do not doubt my word ,
madam. "
" do " .she "I
"Yes , I , sharply replied.
don't believe you liavo got any moro
nerve than my Sam lias , and Sam can't
stand tlio test. "
"Then you have a test ? "
"Yen , 1 have. You jest got oil ut
Scottiiiile , where I inn going to stop.
There'll bo u wheelbarrow somewhere
nrouml there , nnd you just tjttiml olT
about thirty feet nnd let mo bear down
on yon with it. If you don't jump or
dodge or eliml ) a telegraph polo , I'll give
in that you are the bravest iiitui 1 oversaw
saw ! "
"I I'm afrnid I haven't time to stop
oil , " lie Htaimnored.
"J luiew you wouldn't liavo , " she drily
replied. "Tlioy never do. They talk
about bombshells and dond men and
slaughter pens , anil they ititiko out that
tliey charged up to the roaring eannon
but the iiiiiintu 1 tnlk wheelbarrow they
knuckle. You needn't say no more ;
You've wilted. "
And lie hadn't another word to utter.
Kicnin Cam Too Hlsky Tor Him.
Within a few months a gentleman of
nearly eighty summers named Aikon , a
member of Amity Presbyterian church ,
Veimngo county , concluded to visit his
daughter , living in AVylio tivonuo , this
city , says the Pittsburg Disimtch. Mr.
Aikon liiid never in his long life peon a
railway train , but ho lnid rend of nuinor-
ous mishaps and frightful accidents , and
after ho had purchased a ticket allrove !
City for Pittsburg , ho boarded tlio train
with great trepidation , The old gentle
man's nervousness ) increased until at
length on reaching 'Duller , ho could
stand it no longer , and getting olT , ho
throw ills ticket nwny &o that ho would
no longer be tempted. At Hntlor ho
hired a liveryman to bring him to 1'itts-
burg and to come af.qr ( him at tlio end of
two weeks. The wagtm roads were uwo
inspiring' and the old gentleman was
greatly shaken up. Ills ride from Hut-
lor lo tills city and bark cost him $ , ' ) " > ,
and what it cost Intake him from Butloi
to Veiiiingo county is not specified , but
counting the cost of railway fare in the
lirst instance , M" > between Hutlor and
this city , nnd thnt from Butler homo ,
Mr. Allum might liavo ridden anohoaply
nnd had a palace car all to himself.
1'etor Kcliuler of Llmo i'ort , I'a. ,
spent sonm time several days ago watch
ing Iho antics of thivu foxes Unit \\oro
Irving to t'lToet the release of a fourth ,
which had become hampered with a
stool trap on HH leg. After maneuvering
for some time and Hailing no other
moans of accomplishing the desired ob
ject the Ihroo set about to amputate the
limb with the trap , and had nearly lln-
ibhed the job wlion J\U' . Schulor pur-
lioeoly ilifaturbed thorn.
MOM\NCI- : TIII ; mvi-jit.
Kidnaped fioin Her Inthcr'N llaft and
Carried A way on Her l.uxci'- ' .
A lumberman dressed In woodsman
style came luirricdly Into the I'ltislninr
union depot early yoslcrday morninu' ,
says the Oil City llorrick. l.i'iinlng on
his arm wns n protly irlrl about eighteen
years old. Her panting breath and llcry
checks gave evidence of her excitement ,
which was seemingly made moro intense
by their rapid walMng. Following them
was another lumberman , moro nervous
than the llrst. lie seemed to bo on
guard , and kept his eyes turned toward
'ho rear ranks , lie said nothing until
lis proteges wcro oa Hoard tbo day ex-
iro.-i for the east. A few minutes after-
ivard an older man , \\llh an air of busl-
loss , elbowed his way through the
rowd and confronted the wooiNmnii.
They started an animated conversation
ihout the couple who had just hoarded
ho train , and for a few momeiitH it
loomed that a tight would taUo place.
Cindly advice from a bystander saved
hem from the olllcory , however , and lliu
wo walked olT together. 1.11 tor in the
.lay the older man appeared at tliodrpot
mil bought a ticket to llrady's Dead , on
Iho Allegheny Valley railroad HeMIS
ipprimclicd hy a reporter and readily
on-entcil to toll the story.
His name was Andrew Myers. The
firl wlio had been carried oil' by tlio
incouth wooIsmail was a daughter of
Myers. They bad eloped from lior
"ather's lumber raft. 'J'he act took place
lear Brady's lioiiil last Saturday night
nnd was the crowning act of a romance
made exciting by a determined 'lover ' ,
in irate father and a faithful girl ,
wlio.-e respect for her father's wishes
iiad hitherto prevented a clandestine
nnrriage. The trio live on the Clarion
I'ivor , near Clarington. They are well
known in the lumber country. The
younger man's inimo Is l < YntiU Hnydor.
Ho is prosperous in tboMiodsnnd is
considered a good business man. Hut
lie is rough in bis way and for that
reason was not considered bv Myers lit
to bo his daughter's lover. Miss Myers
thought , diilorontly , however , nnd for
the last year has insisted on receiving
Ilio attentions of Hnyder , Neverthe
less , she refused to elope with bur lover ,
and would only answer "wait. "
A short time ago the rafting season on
the Clarion river commenced. Doth
Myers and Snyder had timber to run to
market , and were constantly thrown in
each other's way at the river bank.
\Vhentheirtafts were nearly readto ,
bo started they accidentally commenced
talking about Miss Myers. Kindly ex
pressions led to insinuations anil then a
war of words , which was quickly fol
lowed by a blow from Myers. A moment
moro and both wore rolling ! the > niul.
They were soon separated but not until
Hnyder hud made a vow to get the girl.
Myers beard the words and became
equally determined Unit his enemy
should never be bis son-in-law , A few
hours moro and both were to start down
the river. Myers was afraid lo leave
his daughter behind , and giving OH an
excuse that bo wanted her to cook for
tlio men , lie brought her on the raft and
gave bur iuarters | in tbo rough shanty ,
wbicl. is frequently built on largo Hats.
Snyder saw the object of Myer's move ,
and when tbo latter pulled out with bis
raft Snyder quickly followed with his
own.Doth rafts arrived at ISraiiy's llend
shortly after 0 o'clock Saturday night.
.Myers'pulled in to tie up for the night ,
ami when about to land Snyder's raft
came up. Ho was acting as'pilot himself -
self , and seeing Miss Myers standing on
the river edge of her father's raft , ho
ordered his men to pull in snob a way
that bis own raft ran close to that of
Myers.Vbon at the nearest point ho
jumped from his oar , grabbed tbo young
girl , and , ns ho leaped back , yelled at
his men to pull into the current. It was
a daring aet , but Snyder bad been victo
rious , and found no trouble in persuad
ing Miss Myers to give her consent to
their marriage when the opportunity
came. lie know Myers would follow ,
however , and to make sure their escape
lie determined to run at night. They
arrived at Sharpsburg yesterday morn
ing. Meantime , Myers had come to
Pittsburg and was waiting at Ilerr's
island for Snyder and his game. But
they didn't eome. They guessed what
ho'would do , and left him down the
river while they went to the union depot
on a cable car. Myers heard of this
trick about " : . ' ! ( ! and went to intercept it ,
but ho was too late. The woodsman he
met at the union ilopot explained the
occurrence leading tn the Iligbt and told
Mr. Myers that they were going to
Cniiidon. X. > T. , to got married.
Mr. Myers was still angry when seen
nt the hotel. Ho confessed that Snyder
was a suitable ) man for any sensible girl ,
and bis chief grievance seemed to bo
that his daughter should go on a. bridal
tour with a man \yho--o wedding outlit
would startle civilization. Neverthe
less , bo admitted that Snyder bad bolter
clothes at home , and his last remark was
that if Snyder had made much money
lately ho would forgive him.
Uiii-olii , ( Irani and Hlicrman.
In the North American Review for
March appear some hitherto unpub
lished loiters of General Sherman. Ono
of them describes tbo visit paid by him
and ( jenornl Grant to President Lin
coln on board the Ocean Queen , nenr
City Point , Vn. , on March 27 , ISiW.
After tolling how and where he found
General Grant , General Sherman says :
" \Vo had quite a long and friendly
talk , when ho remarked that the presi
dent , Mr. , was near by , in a
sleamer lying ut the dock , and ho pro
posed that wo should call at once.Vo
did so and found Mr. Lincoln on board
tlio Ocean Queen. Vo bad mot in the
early part of the war , and ho recognized
me , and received mo with a warmth of
manner and expression that was mo&t
grateful. We then sal some time in Iho
after cabin , and Mr. Lincoln made many
Inquiries about the events which at
tended tbo march from Savannah to
Goldsboro , and seemed to enjoy the
numerous stories about 'our bummers , '
of which bo bad heard much. Whoa
in lively conversation , bis faeo bright
ened wonderfully ; but if tlio conversa
tion llagged , bis face assumed
a sad and sorrowful expres
sion , ( ionoral Grant and 1 ox plained to
him that my r.oxt move from ( loldsboro
would bring my army increased to
80,000 men by Sclmllold's and Terry's
reinforcements in clo-o communication
witb General ( Jranl's army , then invent
ing I.eo in Klclumwil , and that , unless
Leo could oll'ect his escape and
make junction with Johnston in North
Carolina , ho would soon bo shut up in
Richmond with no possibility of supply ,
and would have to Hiirronder.
"Mr. Lincoln wns extremely inter
ested in this view of tbo cnv , and when
wo explained that Leo's only chance was
lo escape , join Johnstonnnd , being then
between me ill North Carolina and
Grant in Virginia , ho could choose
which to light. Mr. Lincoln scorned un
usually Impressed with this , but Gen
eral ( Irani explained Unit at tno very
inomciil of out1 conversation ( ! oncrnl
Sheridan was passing Ills cavalry across
, lames river from the north to the south ;
that ho would with this cavalry so extern -
torn ! bin loft below Pelertburg as to
reach the South Shore road , and that if
Lee should 'lot go' hisfortillod lines , ho ,
Grant , would follow him soclo.-o that bo
could not possibly fail on mo alone in
North Carolina , I in a liku manner ex
pressed the fulk'.sl cunlldonuo Unit my
30 Per Cent Saved At
Conic Kirly ; and secure IVii'gains. This Cut Price sale will
Last Only One Month. All Winter Goods Must do. K o
member the Place.
Mil niii' ills lli'oadwiiy , Counuil IIHiltB , lown
anny In Xnrtli rurollntx wits willing to
copn with l.oo nml Johnston roinlilnrd
till ( Iraiit I'oulil I'oino tip , but wo both
ajri'i'i-d Unit one inoro bloody luittli1 WUH
llkt'ly to Docitf before the IUDSO of the
wn r.
"Mr , Lincoln ropouloillj Inqulivil us to
li-tieral Scliollelil's abll'lly in my nli-
H'o , nnd ( .I'oiiicil iinxloiis thnl 1 sliiuilil
ri'turii to NorthCarolliiiinnd moi'o tliiin
'oexolaliiKMl : 'Must , niorn Monti ho
Hhcd ? Cniinot this last blooily hiittlo l > o
volih'dVVo plniiii'il llinl'wi1 hud to
.ruMimo that ( iiMioriil I.eovns n rciil
Ironcral ; Hint lie must * < -o thnt .lolin ton \
ilone was no harrier to my jirojircss ;
nml that If my army of Mt,0tli ( viMornns
houhl reach' Huflu vHlo , ho in Itli'h-
iioml was lost , anil that wo were forced
hellovo lie wouhl not wait that Inevlt-
ihlo coiii'lusion , lint iiinke ono inoro doM-
irrato ollui't. I thinl { wn wi-ro with Mr.
.iiiciiln an hour or inoro and thi'UTu-
urni'il to ( ii'iiei'al ( ! rant's inmrti'i's ,
ivhoro Mrs iirniit liuil jiropari'd for \is
mine colTce or Ion. Hiii'liif , ' thistnoal
Mrs. ( Si-ant inquiri'd If we hud M'i'ii Mrs.
" .iiR'oln. I answered , 'No ; I did not
\now she was on hoard. ' 'Now , ' t-aiil
Mrs. ti-aiil ! , 'you arc n jirott.v | > 'iii' ' , ' cti' . ,
nnd went on toexplnin that wn had hi'i-n
'nilly of a piece of iinpjiriloiiahli ; riido-
loss. Hut tlio fjonornl said , 'Nuvor
ninil , wo will repeal the visit tmiiorrow ,
: uid can tliun see Mrs. Lincoln. ' "
l iolcd by Thi'lr ( 'lothen.
"Diniiioiiil , luo" Keynolds , n prosper-
nns and famous llppor Mississippi boat
man , a quiii'terof a century iif'i > , liml an
older ht'othor Silas , who was as rich and
orratio an hitm-olf , tlio illlTeroiu'o hohiir
that whereas "Diamond Joe ' ' was given
to rather llashy anparol , "I'nclo Silas' '
WIISIIH soeily in a luit yutir'h HiinllinviM1.
The nlder brother lived on a vast farm
at Hu ar drove , in Illinois , and hih con
stant companion cronyin ju t the word
was a man named "Undo Tom" .ludil ,
who looked and was a oed deal like
"Uncle Silas. " Thoi-o two men were fa
miliar neuron the old hoard of
trade in I'liioiijio. Hoth were tall anil
slim and seedy. Kaeh carvied a loiifj
hickory polt- . with the bark on , as a
stall' , anil "I'nclo Tom" almost always
had a busUnt on his arm becaiiio hu
"onnhln't bear poeliets in his clothes' '
Ono ni'ht ( , tin : two old cronies missed
tlielr train anil were com pulled to re
main in Chicago , MI they went to the
1'aimer house , which wiib then the newest -
est jirido of the eity t > y tlio lalfo. 'J'he
nijrlil clerk was a dapper youn man ,
with an air of eolono ; ; nml imporlnnco
liovoriii } , ' about him.Vhenho saw tlio
two seedy old eodtjors reaoli for tlio
rojrister , he accosted them with :
"Have you any \K\g \ \ ( ! Ku't"
lie was told that they had not notli-
nif ; 1ml I'nclo Tom's basket.
"Von will liavo to pay in advance. I
suppose you know , " 'baid the pretty
voting man.
"Vesvsaid , Undo Silas , slowly , " 1
supposed wo would , " and with graceful
hut misleading humility ho went down
into his trousur'.s pookot and fished up a
purse which lie bo nti to unwind.
"What's the cheapest room in the
house' : " ' ho asked.
Tlio cheapest was none too cheap , but
the clerk named the figure.
"All right , " said Undo Hilns , "tnko it
out of that"and lie laid down a .I-1,000
The clerk at once put on his other
manners , lie was very sorry lie had
inatlo Kiich a grievous mistake. Of
course ho could not change tlio bill ; hut
that nitulo no dilTerence , lie said ; they
could pay at any time , and meanwhile
eould liavo anytliiiig they wanted ,
"C'an't change it , uliV Baid Uncle
Thoelork repeated that lie could not
and did not wish to.
"Well , Tom , " bald Undo Silas , quietly ,
"como on , lets yo to some Ilist-class
hotel. 1 told you we'd liavo trouble if
wccumoto one'of tlicbodioainilaL-es/'aud
the two mosiiid out , plunking tlielrtnlTs !
down on the marble tiling us tlmy
laughed along down the gorgeous cor
Horsey I'iii'Mons.
It is a mistake to hunnofc that Parson
Arnoy by tlio sa'o ' of his nmre Amy had
retired from the turf. Later news from
Karannc , Midi. , that Hov. Mr. Arnoy
has just bought a "ono-yoiir-olil Mont
gomery eolt , which is sail to bo a speedy
youngster. " Mr. Arnoy says the colt is
the best ono ho ever saw. lieing a real
good judge of horsu llosh the part-on
probably lias found a trotter that will be
heard from.
rushed Into a newspaper ollk"o recently ,
nnd threatened lo "clean oul" tlie cn-
tablli-linient , biciusc ; they printed liH
verses wronp. Said lie : ' ! wrote , 'To
dwell forever in a grot of venee , ' and
you idiots put it. 'a pot of k'H'tiKp. ' "
The inorlllled editor presented him
with a vial f Dr. I'lerce's I'lensint
Pellets , u year's puhscription and an
The'little "Pellets" positively cure
Pick and ncrvoii * headache , biliousness
costlvi'iiess , iiiulidl diTntigcmi'nts of tbo
stomach , bowi-l > and liver , It's n largo
contract , but the niulli'st tilings In tlio
world do tin' bifiiu' | < s Dr. I'lercc's
1'Iensaiit I'cllt'ls. They're the smallest
est , but the mo t effect I've. They po to
work in the right wav. They cleanse
nnd renovate tln liver , stomach and
bowels thoi'oughly but they do it
Inildl.v ant , jrontly' You feel the good
they do but vo'u don't feel them do-
Inj : It.
They're the cheapest pill you can
buy , bccaiise they're guarantctd to gho
sati-fnctloii , or your money is returned.
You only pay for ( he gaod you get.
That's / pbui all Or.
IMercu's medicines ure told un , ihioinjh
SAM : Aln > u < i > mnl law lot nn cany
pii.vniiiiitH. lniiilio | at 4iVi I'url. av'inu\
I'oiincll lllulls , l.i.
I/Oll MALI- : uri'M'bnii1. ) uuood nloi < ln < if KOII *
eral iiieivhandlsn ; will t.ilo t gonil I-IIMI
fin m In sun HiMS | cm IDNMIIIIclrai - cliv pi up *
crty. Apply ut imi'i1 liiJiihiiMini.V Vanl'at ten ,
I'mini'll lllniTs.
1/Olt SAI.i : nr exclmngiMi SI'.VOO 1,1 HrixK
sloi-Knf limits ntul sliri's ; splrmlM | oi , !
tlonjlll I iilo purl iMisli and in it. In \iiml
rli'iir clly pruiii'ity or ln\\ Iniiili Dili U inly
fur 11 few dnjH. Johnston X Van I'lUUMi ,
r.miM-lt IllnlVs ,
IHI I ! S\ll--Om : > mii.n of t'lydi'iilablioisns
sl\ yeiii-s ( ilili wi'lulit , : iOIHI pounds , \\lll.
Iain II I'ut Uiu , south of tliu iHsllluiooii Pmy
1/XA > IINI- : the iM'h'lirutcii : vf , i'hnl ' | plun.w . }
J now wnloiTown plaiiiw iiinlnr iiiii. Snlil
nn I'lisv | iayiniiits | liy Mnr. llonrli'HH , nuHiJ
Ill Sliilsiniin M rrol. Council Illuili
J/Olt SAI.K At a Hiiei-llice , t liu-mi Mossier
- - ( ifiperfci | t < i HUH I it'll : ' . ' man * ili'slis anil
eliulisL'slnrotiimUs. . I laise Inui m'alt ) trui'lt ,
i ! liral I ilk' sliivi-n. -'rnuiiliT scaln. - Mt'ii
< TS. I Inn.'plat ( DHII Hour M'ali's. Kri'ltnu St
Tell , llTMiiln St.
1/OU 1IKNT 'I'liiOii'TTni'iiii hlocU , irTiTiiy
Jlulelt. . with liaxenieiit niul ulvvuior. .l.w.
Siiilrc | , llll IVall slivi't.
JJ1OIJ SAI.K A ImruMlu ; new inixloiii linnscj
ullli all ( hi1 lain Inipio\nuiMil' * . srymt vl
roniiis ; will sell on ea y iKivineais ; lo'iitciloti 111
tln > I'lrth avi-iine ninlor lino. II. .1. HiiU-lilu-
in.il7 ( llrniiilwiiy.
IjlOUSAI.lC KlKlil-roiiin honsi'and two \oi.t \ ,
mi Harrison st. A minli-rn liuu-o anil 11
L'INH ! Inline clieap. I > . . ! . lllltuliliiiiui , 017
TjlOK HALE or HunttUritoa latul , will *
J- home * , by J r. It. Uloo. 101 M-iln t. , ijouualt
I'nmirll lllultH. la
All illicn-i'sul tint IYK !
l-Mlt. VMsKlillilTIMIOA'l
tn-iitcd tt1' ) ! ( liu riM1
hhllland mix.
nml MAY KKVr.ll tri'iiio.l
with iMnlni'iit minvis. _ _
SHUCK'.U.iirKllATIONS , wlip-tMiu nrr. inln-
li'-Kly inTlcirino I llh tiniiliniiot cnreuM nklll , m-
mrhiK pi'rfi'cl rcinIM KINKS I' lll.AsisKS lurar-
iili-lt iiriKirllitMl , ciirrvrtlnif all n > ( riiL-tiyi Iroiililm ,
us Myupla. ll > | > ioiln | n < l Aitlk'lnntl ni. HUM ri'n-
iliTliuHltht t'-iir. rli'.ir ami 'ii.'ilnliMi. I'lllioxiu
of terrible 'UlforliiK. no rulluf , untlri1)unil ) Oillon.
touni 1 , sliiitfiut llluclt , over ltiu ! VCu.'j atjru.
Uuuncll lllulta. la.
Piuley Bnrke. Thon. E. Oasa Jy.
Hl'RKli & CASADY ,
1'IIACTICU IX THHSTATK AN1 > rii : > 151t.V1j
omecs : .1. J. Itrown MnlldliiK , Council HlulTs.
Iowa ( II
The Now Ocdnn Hotel , in Coun-11 . 'ifr
Ins been complot il rotiiraishod an raoJeni-
Izod throiiKliout. , ind if aovron - ot tlio host r
liotolsin tbi'statu. It is loc.iteil tnth-jtmii-
ness part of t ic c-lty an 1 th i eloctnc inotora >
pass the door ijvory lour niinutwh. Fire oi-
capi's.ind lir alarms thruti haut ih billJ-
mg. Sto.iin heat , hot and cold w.itor and
sunshine m every room. Table uasarp issod
nnywhi-re. Hates , $ a.OO a ihy.
_ QEO. M. V/HITNEY , Man an or.
Of Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 ,
DlHK'TOHi-I. A. Mlllor. K 0 1:1 , K U
BlniKiirt. B. T. . Hurt , .1. I ) Ediniindsiin. ( Jhailai
U. llaunan. Triina.iot Kt' UanUln { IKIHI-
nets , dar rst t-ipitil : ; un.l surplm ot A
lianklii Hoiitliwustorn Iowa.
All kinds of living anil I'lciinliii ; il nielli the
Highest style or lliurt , Failud anil St.ilnoJ
I'librk's niailo to lookas Komi as now Work
promptly dniio ami dellveroil In all pain of
lliu'Dmitry t-ciiil for pi ice list
0. A. M.U'IIAN. Prop. ,
IOU Uruadwnv. Near Xortliwt'slerii
fornor Main nn'l Hro.iilway.
Dealers In for. < lsii an I domoitu \ < 'hiut
Collodion niailu uuU niloiost ii.iUl on llmt
At Cole's Hardware Store , 45 Main Si.
Wi'sell spp Is m luiUc. You can si\t > miot
half liy hiivliu ; In this uuy. I'mrrils un- all
( rrsli und ti'sti-d. Now l > u giiml timr tn surf
1)1 ) UL' Kra-sfor liun- : .
ir Yur r.xi'Kcr TO nun : A
this year llsuro with u . \ VipH tin1 Vi-lnr
cushion tn ! > . ul-o tlie ( Haul. l'i nes ami ti nut
to suit everyone.
1 cnrry n full line of
supplies , mcluilltifl
cUitloti honey knives , smokers ,
sfH'tums niul nil supplies t'oi *
ho n i > im v M. HOOP ,
J ) 1C i t r > ilw y , Cmu ! 1J. til . In.
27 M MN
C. II. & ( o. , Ji.Mv.lry