Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OJMAirA DAIJjT HlilR : "FRIDAY , MARCH 18 , 1801
AitrOTMflVPIP rifi'/pvoiiTi' ' '
( lUliSiIONS Or Ull/LNoIIIr /
Counsel for Tliaycr nml loyil Argue Before
the Supreme Court ,
The nntrrttnr'it ImwjerH Clniin That
Inlmtillniilii > r TrrHti > ric * llcvnnic
\Vlii < n l lie Torrltoif
tbo I n ion.
, Xoh , March I1.1. [ . IT 'W-
Rram to Tin : Ilc.iTho : | arguments In the
Thrtjor-Itoyd eionrratito | ; wow inndw
before thcsupa'ino court jcsterday tnornliiK1.
Thocnso was oponedhy Mr. Blair of ex-Uov-
prnorThajt't-'scounsel. llo snld that mi ini-
liorlant feature In ttio u.uo-warraiito proceed-
IIIKI wns Hint the respondent oblliiod lo
show the continued oxlsti'iicii In hlinsolf of
ovcry ( lualitlcatlon cnlltlln him to thoolllcu.
lloiUoUit | tbo L' i3 case In Mlunoiota and
held Unit l.oyd bud ncvorbeun acltizenoftlm
t'nilod States prior lo lust liwi'iiiliar llo
nlHOili.HcusHetl Iliu riht | of Tlinyorlo hold
over on tlm f.illuro of bin muvcssor to
qualify , which created no vacancy in Iho
oft I co.
.linl \insonconsldorod Hoyd'.t answer In
detail. Adtnlttlnf ; nil that It cUlmcd ho held
tbnl Hoyd did not show \\hcro hU fnthor liul :
been tintnniliycd.
( ienoral Cowlu mndo ix strong address ,
hiildln that the court did not have
Jtirlsdtetlim to try tin case ; that Thnyor wns
notcllKlbln to the onire.aiiil llii.illy . tint U yd
was u cltl/on nml li.ul . iici'ii slnnIM17. . The
last point ho elnboialed by linldliithat | nil
inhnbitiinl.H of the territory of rs'etiraslMi ,
wlien the bitter was admitted Into 1 lie union ,
WXTO endowed with tbo rights of t'lllzensliiii
as well us 11' the } * hnd complied wit b the ( on-
stitutioiml provision of naturalization , llo
also showc-d Hint Ho > d became a cltl/.en by
virtue of tbo treaty of I'.ins by wliii-h the
teirltory of l.ouiil.iiiu wits pnrchiiscd from
I r.incii'ln IMW , of which tbo territory of No-
brnslca formed a part.
Jlr. John 1) ) . Hewn had nllowed all oxcvpt
a fu\v inonioiits of hlstiinoto liocon.suniedby
Cii'iieral C'owln but Insisted Thayer hnd
failed to qualify and wns not consequently
entitled to thoofllco.
( lenoral.l. L , Webster bold that neither
Uoyd nor bis father was a citl/.eii until the
latter part of last year , llo also held Unit
to have been made n citizen under tlio act in
corporating Louisiana into the United States
rciuirnd | tbo party lo have been n resident of
that territory In"1MKI , the time of the ptir-
cba'-o ' of the same. Kepardinutbo Ftatcnient
that lloyd becnmo n citizen under tbo 011-
nbllniT net udniUUiiK'Nclnaslciiluto the union ,
liiisnld that the only foiw and ofTcct of that
tirovlsinnvis : to admit Kebrnslia in its
sovereign capacity as astitto Into the union
and on equal foothiK with tbo original states.
ConRress didnot consider In that acttbo
rilita | or privileges or iraiiiunltles of tholn-
hnbltatlHvlio lived in the 'crritorv of No-
"braska. I'engross was dealing with tbe
Btato of Nebraska as a political organir.ntlon
atid-notwith the political rights or priv
ileges of Individuals.
ThO court took tlio matter under advise
ment and adjourned to Tuesday morning.
Ilii' I'nlr Ai | > ropriiitli > u ,
LINCOLN , Kco. , Jlaroh I',1. ( Special to I'm- :
BBK.J House roll 'AHi. Introduced by Hohan
( bid ) , approrlatiiiil)0IXl ] ) ( ) , ) ) to inal < o an ox-
lilblt at the world's ' fair in Chicago In ISKt ,
occupied the attention of tbo house a largo
iiart of the afternoon. Vojrhes ( hid ) of
Hamilton moved tostrilio out the cnactlnp
clause. Stcrnsdorff , as an atncndinent ,
moved to recommend the bill back for
Oakley-thoupht the falturo of ono crop
should not frighten tlio people out of their
( iiilo ( Ind ) had tlpircd that tbo appiopria
tlon would only amount to 10 centa for each
inhabitant , and -who would object to this ox-
pcnoituro for that purpose !
U'atsou said it was not our lario cities
that made usa Ki-cat nation , but out patriot
ism and lovoof country , anil pictured how
tliocitl/on of Nebraska would feel wnenat
tending tbo fair , if Ids htato wus not repre
Arnold ( hid ) said every dollar of money
the state could spare , xvas ui'ijently needed to
cnlurROtho stnto Institutions for the ruro ot
the unfortunates , nnd thought Nebraska
could not afford to vote so inuc'i ' money out of
its treasury at this time for such a purpose.
No wherry ( bid ) felt that the fair was only
n speculators' ' scheme , and could notseowhy
tlio men in clini'KP of the exhibition should
not put up the money.
Hobson ( Ind ) favored matlnn an exhibit ,
but would not support such nlnrKi'iippropri-
ailoti. He appealed to the independents to
evinceenou-li ( pride in thcstatolo malic a
crcdltiiblo display at the greatest exhibition
of tbo century. [ Chccrs.l
Scott ( iinl ) opposed the till and would
stand up for the people rather tban for the
Hrtscn represented 10,000 poor workliiRinon.
and they were In fnvorof the appropriation.
Storms of Nomahn , was In favor of asking
contributions from private eiti/.ons to make
the display. Have wo not just sent a distin
guished citi/cn to the coiiKrossof the Unito. :
btatesrciucstlnKa largo appropriution for
the suffering people of our state ? What con
sistency would it bo for us no\v tovoto awaj
this Ini'RO sum of nioncyl Ills the hlehes
patriotism to loolt after the welfare of the
common people , and I call upon tbo oh"
soldiers to stand up with moaud defend tlicit
The bill was finally reported for passage
by a "voto of 4" yeas to 'HJ nays.
'Hits Senate.
LINCOLN. .N'ob. , March \ -Special [ to Tin
DUE. ] In the senate this morninga petitioi
for a recount of the votes east on the prohibl
tory amendment at tlio last election wis re
ferred to the coiutnitteo on constitution ! ! ,
amondtncuts ,
Aiuoni ; the standing-committee reports was
ono from the Judiciary committee rceoni
mondiii ) ? for Indefinite postponement lllo No
provIdliiK for issuance of precinct or mu
nlcipal bonds. The cotamltteo on countio
nnd county boundaries , recommend indcllniti
] , o5twiioiiicnt [ of the bill creating Hoyi
county. The railroad commute reeominende ;
the pnssago ot tlio bill regulatititr ex
prtrss companies. The committee on internal
tornal liniirovoincnts recommended the pas
sapeof tbo irrigation bill. A bill for tb
formation of county mutual Insurance rotn
panics was recommended for passage. Hill
mnotulltiB the act metropolitan
school bonrds and creating a deputy stall
superintendent of public Instructions wen
recommended for passage. TUo bill confer
rinpr on women the ripht to vote for prcsi
dontlal electors wns recommended to ho in
notinltcly ] > ostponed ; nUo tlio bill to create a
bonril of nprlculturo. Other bills were reported
ported , All tho.bllls went over under thi
rules ,
When the report of the conindttoo having
rlinrpoof senate file No. IM , a bill to crent
the oftlco of assessor In cltlos of the metro
f ilitnn class , dcllnod the dutieu , [ Kiwers am :
abilities and prcscrlbo oonuicnsatlon of the
satno , and rciK'al nil nets nnd parts of acts
Inconlllctor Inconsistent herewith , to lu
dolinitely postpone , n very lively discussloi
arosoovortlio merits of tbo bill.
Swtzlor nud Cnrlstoffersoii spoke verj
wnrrjly in behalf of the bill while Dysar
was cijually earnest lu opposition to ttn
nioasurc. *
ICelpor thought that the pro visions of tin
hill were in the nature of special loRlslation
but wa * informed by Senator S'.vltzler tha
the proposed amendment would remove an )
objection of that character that , uiiyht iiti
bo urged npiinst It.
Dysai-t nffaiii spokor.rainst tao bill.
Tlio motion to indcilnitcly postpone wa :
lost.rnd the bill wnt reconimended to hi
placed on ( 'eneral tile.
Tliocoininlttoooii cn rossca and cnrollo <
bills repnitcd ofnttc Ida No. SO coi-rcctly en
crossed. This is btcvcm' maximum
ScnctorStavcas moved , that the rules bi
suspended for the pu ) osoof llxlnc U o'clocl
for iiialilnRspnatr rtJoNo Hn special order
The motion waa lost.
Sop torllwloT ( ( na the followiiiRrcsolu
tlou , which wci tdoiled ; :
I move ( hat tLv cimin.ltlvi ) on railroads b
lnstri.-tod to report ut au ci-rlyC'iy as liotil
ble liouboroll Ko. 13 nud tbit in.Ill ucu re.
port lumndii no ( urtlicr nctlon 1 * tnVon bj
tlii'ii-nnli' in HIM No. S.X
Senator Hill otTcroil the following resolu
WlicfPii * . I'oinplnlnts nro oontlniiiiHjrconi *
IliK toiiioiiilii'rs ' uf the MMi'ili'that tlicrenro
MTloii * ( rrcimlnrlllt's Inlbo i'iiirr s lnif. lher < > .
furo I move Hint . 'imtnrs sicU'iix. | lyml iiml
Sliiimniiy lie udtlid totluI'oiiiinllti'oon i-ti-
iinnscd imil rtmillnl bllK nml tintSHII'om- ( |
nilt tot'bo liKlriH'li'd ' tulnvoilitiito iiiidinake
Mich cliniiKi'ius they tunv deem lu'ees-stirv.
The resolution was laid ever under the
rules ,
The semite then tooia recess until i ! o'clock
p. tn.
The senate was called to order al 2 o'clock
p. in. by the president.
Thorallroiid committro submitted H report
niitl inked thnt U be rend.
Senator I'gglcstou raised the point of
order that it could not bo now considered
without a two-tlilrds vote , The chair do-
cldi-dthe point of order well taken.
Senator Ho.-k moved to suspend the rules
for the purpose of artlng upon tliu roiioi't.
The motion curried bv It ytias lotiimvs.
The report of Iho coimiitteo NVIIS a icconi-
inotulntlnti tbat house roll No. I1) ) bo referred
kick for a third leitdimr this afternoon.
Senator Miittosnshcd that the report llo
wer oiiu dav under tinrule. )
The Chair -Tho report will llo over ono
Senator I'oynlor moved Unit the rtilos bo
suspended for the of adapt IIIR the
ivport. The motion \VM not tiKrml to , lit
vens to Hi nuy.s. The report was laid over
for one day. Senator Pointer moved Unit
: ho rules lH-susH.-uiudtliat | : senate til" No.
Vi boroitsldeiv-d Hcforo the vote win lie-
rlared n motion was made tor a call iif the
liouse , and lining seconded l y a sulilclent
iiumbci-a call of Iho IIOUM ivns ordered. Roll
cull allowed tliatSfiialirs Ill-own , ICulper and
Starhiick weiv nlu-j it.
A motion tbat fitrthpr piwoo Imps im lei'
i-all of tbo linmr bo disjwn * tit with , was
ireed to by a vote of 15 inM , the pvpsldent
votini ; In I he nlllrumtlvo.
'I'beKPiinto thru Nvent Intoeonnnlttrcof the
whole to coiiHldcr bil-l-on p' lllo , M'it-
tus in the chair. A nntntiriof bills woiv
imeiuled ami recolnmi'iidod for passage.
'llu * lions : ' .
Lts'eor.N , Nob. , M ircii l-J.-Spwi [ il to TUB
UIK. | Tim housj iitlts ntoraitiK session re-
'eived from tlio sifting committee uniporl
oil the following bills , mid ( buy worophicc.l
it tlio bond ot Iho KLiieral 111 ° : House roll
lit : , the usury bill ; house mil -i" , lo iH/lntf
lie nniclnl acti of lK. . ] tro\vn. \ nnot.ury
m bile of Otoo county : IIOUHO rolls I.'O and
Wl , by Coniish , rolnliiif ; to thoiliitiosof tbc
coroner ; house roll llt : , bvliiitinptt , ju-ovid-
fur the iloiwslt of nut-plus public funds ,
ftiidtlio interest to tu'cmo to the state ; liomo
oil 'JH7by Dunn , nppioiiriitliiK ? .1iKU ) ( fora
: ionie for nubrliU.s. ! to bo located atSchtiy-
.or ; house roll - ) ( , bv Koiiaii , npiifopriutinir
JIOO.UOO for the Nc'iniskn ' c.xhlbit at the
wurld's full1.
Tlio house In committee of the whole
uinomk'd sunalo lilo ir > ; i by htrikiii ) ; out n
L'liiiiM ) atithori/.lni ; the isauo of bondi to ilia
lit builiUtiK rullroails and ntlii-rworks of In-
lortial liiipruvuineiit uml nllruferenrolo llvll-
city bonds" and rccouiRioiulcil it for
The bill atithorixes couutv commissioners
lo issue bonds when authorised by nvoto of
Lho people , to the amount of - per cent of the
issessod vuluatlon to purchase soi'd forncfjy
A lurgo number of reports of titan tiinf ; corn-
mi tires were llled.
A majority of the committee on iniscclla-
iieous stibjents reported hotiho roll in ; by
Tuylor of IJutler , confcrrintr on women the
right to vote al clly ivnd village elections ,
with the recommendation thnt It bo pl.iced on
the ( -cncral tile , A minority report sh-uod by
Mnthewson , Hall nnd Stewart recoimncndeil
that tbo bill bo Indefinitely postponed , which
was adopted , 4litoil.
At the afternoon session house roll 4 Hi. bv
Stebbins , pro\ldiiig for the removal of all
screens , Dlinils , ebairs , pictures , tablc.s , nnd
other furniture from saloons , NVIIS placed on
the general Hie byHi to 2S ,
House roll fi'JT , introduced by roqnost of II.
P. C'ltirkoof Omaha , anil providing- for Iho
appointment of a ctmimi.ssloncr ol immigra
tion , was Indefinitely postponed.
The house took iitias a speeial order house
rolK : . ' , by Wnldroii , and -.millar bills , which
provldo for the depositing of public funds ,
stnte , county and city , in such hanks as will
pay at least-1 per cent Interest , The bills
were discussed at sonic length and on motion
of Watson referred back to the committee on
miscellaneous subjects for amendment , nnd
made a special order forM : tomorrow.
Iho house went Into committee of the
whole tn ruti'-liter bills reported from the
siftiup ; committee. House roll ! ! ' " , le ilixlng
acts of F. K. llroNvnof Otoo county , was re
ported for passagu. The enacting clause of
liouso roll-1-0 and lil , INVO bills roportnil by
the slfting committee , were stricken out.
A long discussion followed over house roll
UOfl , by liohaii , iippropriatinu' * HK > , UiW for an
exhibit at the world's ' fair in Chicago in Ixci.
The bill WHS Dually woorted forpusj.igo , anil
the house adjourned till ID a. in , tomorrow.
Tli Clly AKsi-Nior.a.
i.v , Xeo. , ISlarch IS. [ Special to Tin :
Bti.l : : AVheiLsenatoHle Xo. 'Jlvsn before
the sail ute this niornliifr on tlio report of the
committee on municipalities to indeliiiitoly
postpone tlio consideration of Iho bill , which
provides for one assessor for Oiniihn , Senator
S\viulermiidean iiiyuuiont in favor of the
bill , The senator said , ainoni ! other thinjfs ,
that the ward assessor system in the city
% vns open to great iiliu-to , for the reason Unit
soiao of the u assessors tinido outraccous dls-
civniincles in Iho valuation of the property of
their friends for assessment purposes.
This v/ns true in several wards in tlio city ,
but it was not necessarily true as to all of
them. The senator then showed that the ob
ject of the bill was to not a iuori. < uniform sy--
tcui of assessment la the city for citv pur-
po'icu ' mid to do awajif possible , with
tbo iircsent o'ltrawons iwrtiality hlmxyii by
some ward assessors. In support of his posi
tion in tlu < matter ho road troni an editorlul
inTiiK MOIIMVU BKK entitled "Tho Assess-
nicnt I''arce ' , " in which WHS statcit
tbo following quotation ; "Tho vital oDjoi--
tion to the pivscnt method of iisscssniunl is
tlwt electors pav little or no attention to this
qualifications of candidates for assessor , and
tbo result is that a most important public
duty , reiruirint ; thoroiiKhknowlodnoot value ,
descends to the level of a farce. Unity of ac
tion Is not possible , for tlio reason that friend
ship and favoritism and spite are prominent
factors in the assessment returned. "
The senator thought that the proper course
in tbo promises was that the bill should be
placed on general lllo. In order that it may
have tbo fair consideration of the senate , and
that the Rcntleumn from Xuckolls , who
might uiulcn > taii ( ? many matters of legisla
tion iti'vhichhls constituents were directly
interested , should Inivo little control or influ
ence in mutters which relate to the business
of those citizens of the state , with which he
lias little concern.
Tlrt > < 1 oft lie
LINCOLN . Nob. , March I : " . [ Special toTnr.
DKI.j : Thcro were two munlcipit suffrage
bills introduced in tbo house , and when tlio
'Faxon bill was killed the Taylor bill , nu ex
actly similar measure , was dug tuiby Chair
man AlcUutcheoii of tbo committee on mis-
ccllnncuus subjects and reported back Ibis
morninc for pasnuuo. A minority report was
also tiled recommendint ; Indellnito pobtpono-
Hortrand said the woman suflr.iKO lobby
bad waited enoueli of tlio time of the house ,
nnd that this was tbo sumo vld Dill that had
nlroadv been killed ,
Mathewson thought Ibis movement \vas
simply ii continuance of the disgraceful pro-
civiliiiw allied lilbbon hull.
N'owborr.v considered U hijfh time that the
woman sufTrao | lobby \\iis \ excuaeil
The roll cull being ordered the bill was
1-nockeU out by a oto oiIf. to 'H , followed by
avlRorous clapuini ; of liandt froia inombers
who had beconio heartily tired ot the impor
tunities of the lobby.
Ii < * Kl''ltiv ' | | ( ° ' Notes.
LINCOLN . Nob.March l-J. ISpoclal toTiu :
I3in. : ] The house i-oinmlttco on claims has
allowed Uluino county the sma-of fJ,000 foi
the arrest , trial and conviction of one. Michael
Yokum for aniurilcr committed In thounor
( auizcil territory wi > st of that county.
The Irrigation bills have been made
fcpecinl order in thahousu for tomorrow after
noon , and some bill on this subject will likely , though nothing is certain at this Into
day of the session ,
The bill appropriating 1100,000 for the
world's fuir lacks four votes of the necessary
number.Vhcii Iho inwsuni comes upa ain
mi erTort will bo mad s to reduce the umount
to f75XXi , ( , which muy succeed ,
The Kansas Statesman Admits it Biforo an
Alliance Oonvoutloii.
UN Lille- Opponent ( lie Cnl'iict mm to
. .Muii.l'oi- | | i < I . .nit Until Ills I line nml
III * * MIOPI to Ills Kar-
ineiI'oc. .
AVN.M'OI.II , Mil. , March l'J.--fSpivIalTele
gram to Tin : llii : : . | lioprosontntlvo Jerry
Simpson of ICansit * i-txMtcil at > uiisilliin , yes-
tcrd.ty iifternnon uiaonjjtlio Maryland farm-
on now III convention at the st.ito house
when ho Interrupted t\io ( irocejilituM toilony
tbe stnteiueut that tie did not wear half-
lioio. Tint explanation was precipitated by
a reporter who , during the ivcess , called nt
tiin.Mart-hind hotel whew Simpson was stop
ping and sent him a note in which ho ro-
qnastudtlii ! f.irmur congressman tonfllrni or
deny t.boropjrt rot.u-iltnK tils footwear. The
note wuuutl up :
"I'o ' so Ks f"
Afturwaiting some time tor an answer the
reporter went hack lo the convention , which
had Just boon lo I to order , and soon Simp
son , ballets nnd with his overcoat over his
arm. i-ushod i.ito tlio ball nnd demanded Im
mediate re oifiiitton. He then bntidod to the
secretary tbe notoleft for lilui at the hotel ,
There was a quiet smile on every farmers' '
fiico when thesocictary tmlshed re id Ing P ,
nnU all eyewnro turneil oxpcrtaiitly on
Simpson , 'i'oaslni ? his eoit ; to one side he
fared thi'.convontliin jind spo'.to ' us follows :
"Mr. I'cs'uletit : Tbii letter refers Winy-
self ixni' ' . I wished It road lo this alllmco and
thi'ii'tomaUoa piMMonalexnliiiatlon. It has
been alleged that at a certain lime In Kansas
I had siid ; tbo poverty of the farmers
was so urcat they could not ntVtml
to ver.isocks , nml Unit I was
n Ihinpr ox.imple. So fur as 1
tun concerned there is im truth in the story.
The statement oriL'iiiuted from the brain of u
reinibllc.iii editor In 1C msas. My constitueiits
ltio\v : nil about meiititll took no occasion to
deny the yarn. Ills true thnt oivlnir to tlio
lii' h tiirflT seine of the fiirmers could not
nlTord toieur socles , and we wore In tbe
svnu podtiou as was Niipuleon during the
time lie atlempt''il ' to cioss tbo frontier to
nttiicUthe Austrian army. He was without
arms , and whe.ii asked where he thought be
could iret them , sidd : Take them from tbo
Austiin.s. ' Tbo man who was against me
was anit-inber of the silU stocidng iiiistoi1-
racy , better known us Prince Hal. .At the
time ol th < election J tolU my people I ex
pected to Ketihu otlicrfellow's socks , nnd not
imiy did 1 pot them , but I got his shoos ns
"I want to say that I tlo now tvoar socks
and I put them on lifter the defeat of Ingalls ,
which 1 believe was the boqinnini'of the era
that \\ill mark the time when the
people can wear socks , and nooplovhosin -
tain the Kovoriitneut , SDIIK- ofliomwo my
constituents , should the very best. I
deem It ni'i'ossary to explain to the people of
.Miiryl.iiul the much vexed question of socles
Just now I am unable to determine which
hiis ( iren 1110 grontor reputatioti-my feet or
my liwiil. " '
TTiissyeecli wns triveted with Uiniiiltuons
applause after which the hustnuas of the
convention was proci-eiled with.
l'novii > r.M K , It. I. . March l'-i. The demo
cratic state ronvptiilon tdd.iy renomliiated
the old stale- ticket , as follows : .John \ \ \
Davis anil Hon.Mlliam T. \VuriUvcll ,
povornor and llcutciiiint governor , respec
tively : K. 1) ) . Mf'uiiiessecretary ( of state :
John ( ! . Perry , general trcMurer ; Zeilia 0.
Slocinn , attorney general. Tbo re-solutions
adopted reiterate approval of the St. 1-ouis
platform of 1S8H ; demand free ran * materials
for Kliodo Island iimtMifiicturing industries ,
iwcriuir the necessaries of lite. Tbo Rhode
Islaiid iletnoeriiey docs not ndvnc.ito an im
possible theory of free trade , but believes lu
free trade with all countries. It favors honest
money , sutricient to answer the nceits of the
people. It congratulates Its fellow-llti/.t'iis
on deliveranec from the ty ninny of ire-
Speaker Heed anjl lholhrcitcning clanger uf
the force bill. It eoncnitulalos the republl.
can L'ldtetl States senators who refused to
Join their party nssorlnto" . A paragraph i.
devoted to the .sins of oniibiiori and cominis-
sloii of IbeFifty-lir-it eougross. it approves
the siuiuiujl the liho.le Isliinil legislature in a ceneral half-holiday for u
special roiii'rcs.iioiiu. . ! eluutlon in the Second
district. The platloral favors elocitiou by a
plurality instead of a majority vote ; mow
uniform franchUirciiiom dfjiulgca from
legislative contiol anil additions to exorcise
powers. The oxleiisinn ot' the b.iMot reform
toother than state elections is doniandud.
Ilallol nir in C.iili oinir- .
SMIVMF\IO. : C'al , , March U.--Another
ballot for senator was tukoii lii.liiv , as fol
lows. Ksteo III , Do Voting : ilVlton \ 1(1. (
Iflatiehurd I'.1 , . .lobiiHton , Wetmoro 1. The
democrats cast iT votes forColenian.
I'f'iinsylva-ii.i'N I-'i'i'it-llinir Alensjire.
IltiiiiiMiuiiii , I 'a. , .Marchlii. The bill inak-
ing ciilit hours a dav' labor In Pennsyl
vania Institutions under the control ol the
state passed the senate today.
Kalians lieffihlnt tire A < lou | rns.
Toi'KK. ' * , Kan , , March 12. The two bouses
of the legislature iltiully got toKOthertotii-lit. |
upon tbo appropriation bills and then ad-
Journe'd siuu die.
st ill KIKIW. > < ;
JJexvr.ii , Colo. , March 1'i. Sllvorton and
Telluride are still snowed miller ,
drills in many places forty feet hlgli.
Provisions iiro carried into th& > o towns on
snow shoos unit all hoponf rnllwiiy eoininu-
nication with them iiisliloof a month Is aban
doned. T'ho Kalnbow route , from Silvcrtnn
to Irotiton Is paral , / .cnnd \ no trains
will attempt toRO ovur the line for weeks.
The full of snow throughout Iho San .In.iii
country nail tbo southwestern portion of the
state has boon the irroatest for many years
for the time belny , wrecking nil classes of
business. As yet no fatalities nro reported.
Information from Hititti Pe. X , M. , May.a
Kiolirande mall and express train has lieen
snowed tinder for three days between An
tonio and Tros I'edriw.
l'in > iuiii. , 1'a. , March 10. The great
Wood street lire was not entirely Mibuucd
until t o'clock this inorniiij , ' . but the Humes
were icojit within tlio bounds of Iho Welding
and U email in buildings. lioth of those
structures were I'oniple'cly ruined. Theoc-
cupants of tbo uulldings for a block In either
direction suffered considerably from water
and llylii ( , ' piirks. As iiear as can bo esti
mated'tbo loss will bo about ftlOO.Uio , upon
ivlilch ( hero Is'o ! , < xio insurance. Tbo
heaviest losers arc J. ( \Velding \ & Co. , tbo
( Jermaiila Dank and Adam lieltnan. Car
negie , the chamber of eommercn ami the cut-
tnm house ulso sustained ipiito luuvy losses ,
'i'hoorigin of the fiivis still a mystery.
, \ Tcnipdrai'i Vii-iory.
lliiwt.iMi CinrKS. Mo. , March It ! . Thecaso
of iiuorbOn : vs tin' Western Union telegraph
company , in whlh the former sued to re
cover damages for fnlliiraof the company to
deliver a telegram sent toNashvIllo , III. , the
circuit court held thnt the section of the re
vised statutes under which tbo case was
brought is unconstitutional , as It undertakes
to regulate liiliwtuto couniK.'rco. Thu ease
will bo taken lo tbo higher court.
( iorfil t > Hi-nth ,
llo ToMass. . , .March I' ' . John II. ( 'arr ,
cx-inetnoer of the Now Hampshire legisla
ture and latterly u resident of llaverhlll , Ibis
stnte , was killed bj an angry bull In Impus-
turn this moming- . The bodv was horribly
mutilated , t helm 11 llrtiU'orliii * him and then
btuinmiifMm his nros.trulo lorin. The body
could not bo removcd.tilltbo bull was Wlleu.
A lc ) 'lhloii mi I'liiu'lliatliiii. I
NKW YOIIK , March 1'J.Thu 1'nlloil Slates ,
board uf general apprnhers t'uvo a
matlcnl decl.-JRir * * today , In which they do-
clnrod that thiuyvat u case of bad tititirtuu.
tlon In the MHiUnlov tarilT act , The para
graph roferrwth'ls No. .11. nnd rcail.i as fol
lows : "t'hocoluto ( otlier thnn eliocolatoeon-
fecllnticry and eUorolatucoiuinerelallv Itnown
tunwcoichocplatoi i cents iwrjiounil. ' ' The
bonril bi'ld tbiiu the paivntlicsis should ' m-
brace "oilier , than ehoivlu to confectionery"
tsu t.x it's t Knit mi ! : .s ron yi ,
Klhty ( ijl-ifn IUIOMII to Have lleun
\ntnt \ on liimd and Sorii
Ijoxnov , jir h -Cornwall contlnuoj
isolatcil from tiie rest of ICnpland because of
the recent bli//ar\l. . wrecks are re
ported on thatt i-Vlut ! and at Land's Hnd n
number of people \vero \ fro/en to dMth.
A forcluii steiimslilp , iiaiiio unknown , was
wrecked nonrDarlmoulli , Uoumshlro , < lurlti ( , '
the recent storm and all the crew and passeu-
pcr were drowned.
rlho Ilrltlsh ship Dryad , bound for Val
paraiso , \vns \ also wrecked olT Start Point ,
near Uevonsldro. Her crow of twenty-four
were ilrowned.
Ainomj thesclHviiior.s lost off Start Point
xvas the Luni'sdale , Four of her crew were
drowned. Tin1 schooner Uiz/lo I'lloti was
also ( lost and two of her crow drowned.
It Is already kimwii that ut least seventy
lives were lost off the twust durlntf thebli-/-
ziird , and in nddlllon at least ten men per
ished from cold after iviichliifi the shore. It
is feared the list of wrecks and the tecord
of ( lives lost is far from bt-'ini ; complete- a
iniuiboror other vescls tire known to be
Many points inlutid wbeiv the storm was
mint severely felt are still Isolated from the
surmiimllnK country and days must ellipse
befniij treluhl and nassengcr t runic can be
entirely restored. Lart'o gangs of laborers
have been sent In nil directions to clear the
The los.s to farm stock Is enormous nnd will
cause nnii-li sniVoring ninongllie farmi-rs.
Tbo wite.rinainsut I'iymniith have Ililod
upaiid th' peopleof tbat city liavn liad mi
wnU-r sin 'o last Monday. A ferro of ytiti
soldiers bus been sent to assist lh'5 water-
werks em ploye.s to clear the water mtims MO
they can bo used.
. - ' ( iiiict rulli inlhiIteportli. .
Min-oli l-j. In the coninioiiH today
Chancellor of the K.vclieiiuer Gosheti ndinlt-
tid that then1 was a b.uls oftrutli in the report -
port tbat thOKovcni'iient of franco anil her
majesty's ' Knvei-iiinent had deciilcil to refer
the mutters In dispute in connection with
New li'oundliiiiil tu arbitration.
lu the I'oimnous Ibis evening , in coiiiinittco
nfsiiDply. Jlallonr asked a creditor liVi.VII
for Ihoiclief of itbtro.s.s In Ireland , lie o.\-
] ) lained lliatthut government had adopted
every posKlblu means to expedite the relief
vorlc. wbii-li otherwise could not have been
bi'Ktin b.'foro April or May. Ilu pokehigiily
of tliu iu-.lstitico , the farmers , priests tmil
luiidlords had rendered , vldch naved tin-
governinetitmuclievpcnso. There hnd bum
no eases of starvation on the main land , but
griMtjiik of stiit-vat ion on Wands , antllnore-
fore sp.'clal.sle.uners had been chartered to
investlcato tin : condition of the Inhabitants
and convey supplies to tlieni. Tinnuiab.T
of persons eiur.igeiMii n-liuf work I-Vbruarv
y-i wasT1' ! ! * , 'J'ho total amount of wanes
paid \viis j-liV.i. | The ( , 'ovcrnmenl. was at
lire.seul. spending i'H.lWil weekly in waf cs.
Tin- credit askiiil wu : > adopted.
ThehouM'by ' ii yoto of l.M to 10 adopted a
vote of H > .MU ) > 1) ) fpr liht | railways in irelat.d.
Her lil ) ? Hit.V KslnbliHhrd.
M.MIIIIII. .March IS. Tlio woman found
murdered in a 1-nllivay train lit Seville todny
vas iil'i-endi drevsmnKor.
Lasteveniiirf it'rbbbcrentcrod the llrstcbtss
earrnwe on the train at Sariiposbainid witba
knile stabled ihe1 inspector guntriil of tele-
1'iiipli , He overpowered tin- assassin and
thi-jwl'lni off. ' ' "flic man was captured In a
dving condition. _
Huokcd Ihc Town ,
l'\m > , March' 12. A dispatch from Ton-
fjiiiii says fiOO ivllets made an attack tin Bobo ,
overeamo the nVirrUon nnd sacked the town ,
killing Krciich "off.fials.
, ' ' , " .
March' -vTho 1 Monta Car/o / bank
lost V'.HiO.OlHItofll.T/t.boliiclieit . ' 11111011111 lost
In one day in twenty years. The winners
wore KtiKllsh players , :
I'ri'sldon t llurrlson's Prow -ss.
HKM.IKM , Md. , Mtireh 1'J. Tlilrtcoa ducks
-twelve redhoiuls nnd one canvassbick
test I'reslileat Harrison's ' piovess as a
marksman today.
! : ' " ' .I In * * K jtihlle'H )
IJfi'Vo-i Avit > , March 12.--rorty million
dollars hsue boon subscribed to the new
Arifiiino ! loan. The financial situation s
cleaving rapidly.
\ii Ih'li.ui ( ! ; - . HUT /islutri' .
/i\\/iiiAi : . March. 1'i. Tl.o Itiillrm steanior
Paraguay U nshorn at Merk.i. She has a
number of pabsen orsaud troops aboard.
Stoim in i ii'jliiitd
LONDON , March 13. Snow storms liav
iiRiiinset m In tlio vvtst of HiiKlaiiil and nil
roads nnd railways .iro again blockcil.
A IJi I'jtrK l-'allui-o.
P.MitS M.irclilS. The Wood I'.iviii ' com-
P'uiy of this city has faileil. liabilitic.s ,
; iiU , ) ( ) , U francs. _
Kail Cranvillc III.
LioviioN , March irJ. tCarl tlrauvillols seri
ously ill.
StMJrt-laiy l'iittor and I'nrty.
CIHTTANOOO \ , Tenti. , March 17. SiYw-tnry
Proctor and guests , ineludiuir ( Icueral Miller
and ( leiieralYilllains , went to Atlanta last
nighl , but the congressional and other mem
bers of the vlsitini { party remained nnd
viewed other famous battle fields around
L'hattiiiiooiM. Tonight the parly attended a
baniMiot to uulobrate the inuujjur.iUon of the
Itaslostc'ol process in tliu south. Tlio dis-
tuiKiiNhed leuturu of the occasion was the
table wnie , much of wlncli , liiL-ludini ; the
plates and cover i'f the menu cards , consisted
of tin plate recently made lu this country
from CliatlnuooK'u Wtci-l. divers wore luid for
nearly two hundred guests , amontr whom
were Senators Manderrion , l-'ryis , llnwley ,
( Hi tlir , Snndors mid Curey : Kcnrosontntlrcs
AlcK'Inle.v , UaimonVheeler. \ . llooher , J'ost '
and Ileiidcr.sotiof Illinois , I.ottqr.-v of rejirt't
weiii read fro tna nuinbor ol disl iniruislicd
( Qiillemen , lncliidiniex-rresiieiit ! Cleveland ,
Abrani H. IloNvitt aiidChaimci'y M. Depow.
iiiinStriker. - .
HJIINTVis. . , Mitrch 1-J. Thirty or forty
strikers formerjy.uinyli vcd at Secor's trunk
factory atteinjile. 'V' ' assault some of the now
nion louicht. 'lio lull cu tlnully dispoivd
the crowd lifter ntrViilnij two arrests. 3
trouble is feariM. '
In Old [ 1 < i\im I lrn I'liiK.
Li ( ilitsniv ! Trxlnrcli 1AURtist
Hoiiiti' A : Co./i / one ol tlio oldest inercuntllu
houses in Iho cityt'-'as.sif-'iicd today. L.inhlli-
tlos estiinutcd titfjIUU.OOU ; assets not yet as
certained , ! , i ,
A'l ioky 1'a I ,
Ll H AU.K , IIMai'ob ] / ( ; IKlght men de-
scciuHiKf the icnX huft at this plaeo fell u
distance often ffjifU All were badly uruhod ,
several liaviiiWpkcii | lew.
Struclt HcM-iiitsV ol * t < i' i-sive Kines.
1'uov must r/fl'l , Mmvli 13. Khtht liun-
drcd weavers ( jUplAyeii at the Atlantic inUls
struclr this nflL-riioon on account of alleged
i veil nun.
A llr.'ak In u l -\i-i' \ .
Mt.Mi-iih , Tenn. , March I'J.-Tho lovco at
C'onloy's lukouave way early this morning
anil tbo Ilttlo village Is completely llgodod ,
Mcainei1 'Ii-iiildail Keportcil l.iM.
Ctiinill' , AVales , March li. It Is rumored
at Newport the steamer Trinidad has
been lost and. all t be crow d ruwncd.
Hell ' ! I- plumI'ri'llt ' * .
IluvroN , Mass. , Marcb 1' . ' . The American
Hell telephone company has declared a divi
dend of fcl per share.
fjiM' C'oi'H to t lie ,1 my.
KK\V Oui.r. i\ > , la. , Murch I' ' . The nuted
Himncsii v casu was ylvun to the Jury to
Pfllmot'j ' Eloctloti Onuses a Division Among
Illinois I , M. B , A. Lodges.
They l Htie n Iniilfo5t'o to tin ; I'ciiplo
| lu U'tilcli McNnrs. Moore nnd
Cuukntlt Arc AoiMived ot *
) , 111. , March 12.-\Vnr nnd
dlssi'iislon in rife : tbo aKvlcultural or-
f-ranlztitlons of the stain. The olcctlou of
I'enornl 1 "aline r by the votes of Itepresontn-
lives Moore and ( "ockrell has caused u di
vision nmoiiit the Kanners' ' Mutual llenollt
tiMOL'iallon lodusof Illinois , ami Iho broach
will be widened by an address Issued tonight
by A. J. Strector , tbo recent acimtorlnl can-
dldato , anil KepivHoiiljtlvo Tnubonuck , tbo
single fiirmcr ntpinher who remnli'i'd ' true to
tbo jiidepetident candidate. The address
says : "The charge of Messrs. Moore and
Cockrcll that the republicans had obtained
from Klreolcr Mich promises us would , If
cniriodoitt , entirely unlit him from conscloii-
t lously it > prc entlnff the principles of the or-
iriiiilziillon is Inconvct. "
Koforenco Is made to n con feronco when
the lejilslitturo llrst convened , at wlfich
C ockri'II , ' 1'niibeni'ftc , Stn-oter and Cap-
tnln I'etrin were present , and nt
which tlnj policy of Streelor's candidacy
was lirst mnrkedoiit and unani'tioinly agreed
upon. It MIIS agreed , In the event of bis
election , thnt Stnotcr would maintain tlm
principles of the Fanners' Mutual Hencllt
associntloti and other nt-riculturnl and labor
orpinl/ations , but in consideration of the
support of the republicans should boat lib-
01 ty tovoto with the hitter on otber Issues.
The address rovlews Strcelor's ex ) osltlon of
principles buforo the n-publican steerivi , '
conimllteo and says when criticisms were
published In the deinocrntlc press Stiooter
wns nfraiu called npon to state
his position before the delegation
of iDili'pondcnts , includlnj ' , Moore , Coclc-
rell mid Taubenecli. M this conter-
eiico Stroeler reiterated liln intentions
and Dr. Moore expivsscd himself as per
fectly satisfied. At tlio same conference
Cockroll told bo\v ho and Monroluul none to
I'almcr and talked manors over. Cockrcll
salil in part : " \\'e \ all nj-ived thnt the wealth
of the country was belli ) ; drawn to a roinmon
center ; thattbere was no piollt In farimni ; ,
IMlmcrsnid himself that tbeip was no prollt
in fariiiint. , us ho know. When wo asked
for n remedy for all this evil nnd hardship
Imd'iilmori saidho didnotkiunvtho remedy ,
but t hat the yotim , ' men now cominion ; the
htiiKO of iicllon would have to
Hnd it later on. That is what
thU man , for whom I hnd nrand (
opinion , w'lo is held up before the people of
this country as n candlduto and
the man to support , vas obliged to confess.
This is the man whom tboy are asking tbrco
inoa rcprcscntiiiKthi ! classes of
this country to supputt The only remedy ho
has Kot is a'little reduction of the turifl and
the free coinage of .sllvor. After tbis tiilk ,
Tnubeiieck , Mooroatidmy.self , " snut C'ockrell ,
"agreed that vo could never support that
man for United States senator. I
n imm who h fon\u to the senate
by my veto to say at least that he
thlnitihc knows some way out of this condi
tion of things. I want him to say that ho
thinks bo knows some wry to prevent tbo
wealth of tlio country from belnn drawn
away from tbo people and Into nrotnnmn cen
ter to oppress tlirtn. I want to tell you that
\\hilo \ ( Ionoral I'.ihner is a Rood , wellI menu-
hip old man. be is wedded to old theories nnU
policies ttiat wro in VORUO a quarter of a
century iu-o. Ho leaves ull these evils to bo
remedied by the young men whoaro now to
coniu , "
Th'oconfcrenco at which these remants
weroniitdowas hold February SO. The ad
dress then culls attention to Streeter's ' nro-
parctlsnei'ch of nccuptanco , In vliich lie said ,
asidufiomtlio cconiimio prittciples hold to
bo essential In tij-riculutral and labor orpan-
IzatUms , thnt he would stand bv those -who
stood by Iho Partners' Mutual lienotit asso-
clntion election. Mis'tariff views , ho said ,
we-ro Iho result of t hoiiKlit and Investigation
mill am nearly in harmony with those of the
republican party. His ox'ierionco ] niaue him
linow that In sumo states there is need of a
law to protect the people in their rleht to a
free bdlol : and fair count , nud ho would
IKfiliul tosii [ > pott any roason.iblo mcnsiiro
to that end. Hiuno cliaiiccs were made in
tbis sieecn | IMan-h li to meet the views of
Cockrcll anil Moore , although It contained
not n sliif-lo principle but what had before
liL-eti eiiilorsed by them.
When Cockii'll ' icturned from CbicaL'o
Monday inorniin. ' Stnx'ter tried to show linn
n copy ol the revised speech , but Coclirell
inclined , and sai.l ho was through with all
Tbo manifesto of Cockrcll and Moore , jiub-
llshfd yoslpi'dny morning , was Issued with
out consulting Taubeni'okor Strcoter , in vio-
laUonof the at-'iTfment to consult with each
( ithorln every thin IT.
Koferritijt to the story that Senator Kvans
( republican ) saw ( Jockrell In Chicago Satur-
duv nnd Informed him that St rector linii
made pledges to the rcpulilicans which would
unlit him as ; in independent candidate , the
rutdrrhs says : ' The account of this inter
view wo bi'lios'oto have been ( 'iven out by
Cockriill himwolf and to have been mainly
fiction as an j > cnso fiir voting for Palmer.
In pionf wo pi'esentlho following letter from
Senator Kvutis : Mhavoseen tbo statement
of that interview said to liavo tnken jitat-o
between Oockn'll and myself in Chlcacro Hat-
urdavlast , It Is ne.irly nil a fabrication.
Nor has Mr. Streeter made any pledues to
my knowledge Inconsistent with his integrity
as' nil Independent. ' "
The nililress closed : "We submit this
statement to the public and let them draw
their own conclusions. "
A delegation of enllenicn representing tbo
Hvo stoclt roniinission merehnnts of Hast St.
Louis called on Senator 1'almer this evening
runt presented him with a handsome hall
tree , the hooks iM-inir polished horns of Texas
cuttle. In bis speech accepting thoglft Gen
eral Pal nicr said that it was witlfsalisfao-
tion ho acknowledged Ids responsibility
to the people of Illinois. They will reali/.o
thnt one result bus been accomplished ,
it not itrjro - that the rule of
the caucus Is ended in this stnte. Tbov will
rcallto that in his case thoi-o wns no trading
or ] iuretn lnKof votes. They will tlnd bo
has not pledged himself to aci with either of
the picat piirtles of tile countrv , hnvlntr well
defliii'd opinions of ins own. He bad stated
( hey * opinions to the people of thiistatoand
asked them to support him If they agreed
with linn. Having Leon elected by the people
ple ot the state , hoilrtlre to do Ills utmost
to carry out their wishes , not ns the re pro-
sentitlvoof the caucus Htoorliitf committee ,
but respnnsiblo to no other body than the
people ol tliis ( trout statoof Illinois.
I' i-'oie i'ijsivi\r. : :
The Lalest Aviilable lltMiiocratii ! 1'tis-
AVisniMiTov , March -Special ! [ Tele
grniii to Tin * Ui'.i' . ) 'I'ho name of.lohn.M.
Palmer of Illinois , whoso election to tbo
United Hlutos senate yesterday terminated a
dend-lock which had attracted nattunal at
tenlion. Is on every Up hero.
A prominent politician who urrived it
\VaihiiiKlon from New Vork this morning
-says thnt when It wns known m Now York
yesterday morning that lioncral I'almor was
elected .senator the t.ilUof Palmer tor prowl
dent In Mia was rife. At the editorial rooms
ol the Commercial Advertiser , a well known
Cleveland paper I'aliner's nitiiio was put
down as tliu candidate tor IMi.1. It was
sfntcd thnt the dissensions lu Now York
s tate madit the selection of a New York man
wholly ImpiMcllcable.
Tin-so views are thoughtto ho verysiff
nillcimt , coming as 1 hey do from a iu < wipaioi |
wlilcli bus always teen n Cleveland orciin uml
whose ulitor Is n next-door neighbor uiul a
wnim pcrsonul friend of Orovur ( Iliivuland ,
11 was jtatfd also thnt various teloKriii
passed letwccn New York and leading Wd
orn demofrnts , the roMilt of which will
priibibly be anmmiucil in a forinlduhln
I'.ilmcr hooin which will bo hiuncheil from
Now York In thenost dnynrso , Cencral
1'uluiurii knitvn to hold coiuurv atlvo viowa
on Uio ( incstlon of colnapo , which miiUoJ him
popular In thoenst.
IT irt 1,1 , m : MI-KM * .
I'lr.m CUM l.'liril In Cli
riiicinii , March -What promises lo ho
the liveliest political camimlgn over witnessed
In t'hlciigo was formally opened ton lithl by
IClmor U'ashhurn , who U the first i-imdidnto
to receive and accept the nomination for the
mayoralty , llo Is the candidate of Iho Independent -
dependent citizens' ori'iinlz.ttloi > , similar to
the reform movement lu New
York , with the growing probability that ho
may bo endorsed by tbo republican conven
tion. Ho wan chief of jxillee of Chicago i
nuintuTof years ago nnd made a rcnmrliublo
record for Imlepemlenco from ward bosses
nml effective enforce i nc nt of the l.tws. I'ntll
bis name was maidenly .sprung : the rcimbll-
cans summed practically committed to Hempstead -
stead Wuslibnrii , son of the late Klthiio 11.
AVashhnrn , inlnl.ster to Pranco. Tbero
seems a chance tonight thnt Hemp- Vr.ishhiirn will be the straight
republican candlilnte ; lUtnerVaililiurn , an
independent ; Mnvor Cregier , deinocratlL-
ciuidldatinml ex-.Nlnyor I'arier 11 liarrUon ,
mi Independent. Harrison , aided by ex-Con
gressman l.awlcr , Is miiUing a strong can
vass for the democratic nomination n iitnst
Civgier , llesides tbo two \Vaslibiirin ,
Ctvnli'1' and Harrison , "Tommy" Morgan ,
labor ngltator , 1ms beunlioniiniited for nmvor
by tbo socialists , Aside from the rcgulnr
lurlLsan issues , Sunday cluslng of saloons
and suppression of umliling am cutting a
heavy figure In the many eurncred
.Indue t'alilwt-ll Dci'lilcx Agninsl the
Uniisns .V : Ni-lmtHkn.
1C \\sis C'nv , Mo. , March VJ. .bidgo Cnbl-
well of the United States circuit court signed
n decree of foreclosure in tbo case of the
Itoek Island road against thoCliicug-j , KUIIKIIS
A Nebraska , nud Hie latter line will now lie
disposed of at public sale tosntlsfv tbo Hock
Island's mortgage of f.'VMO.OOO. Tlio ease
has boon hotly contested for over a your.
'J'ho controversy over an attempt tit
foreclosure of tbo mortgage on the Cbieap.0 ,
Kansas it Nebraska roiid. The counties
of Kansas and Nebraska , through which
the reid , win built , voted 1,000,000 in aid
of it , nnd the1 * fought the foreclosure. Judge
Caldwcll referred the ease to Newman Krl )
ns referee. Mr. Brb decided In fnvorof the
Rock Island mill .hulgo Cnldwell sustnlned
the decision The Kansas and Nobraskn
counties will lose the value , of their stock ,
which will become worthless upon thosnloof
the road. It is rumored that a ( Jonld syndi
cate will buy tbo road whoa it Is put up at
auction and thus kill an active competitor
with the t'nlon 1'ae.lile.
Decided Aiiliisl ; ( tic
Cinr.uio , March 1-J. The attempt of west
ern road'to con form to two freight agree-
inunt.H which conflict Is camin # n ftood deal
of friction. At the meeting of tno Western
rrolght association today a proposition of
the Itiirlington rend to reduce rates to
llc'itvlce. Neb. , sulHelcntly to put them in
line with rates to Lincoln received the
nflirnmtivo vote of a. majority of tbo
members. , and. under the rules of the U'est-
ern Freight nssoilntton , the reduction was
anthori/ed. Chairman Midgclcy rnlod.Jiow-
ever , that tbo ngreeinent ol the Western
Trafilc association , which requires n unan
imous vote to authorise a clningo. was now
In force and must govern. Ho therefore de
cided that the proposition was lost. This
provoked a stormy debate , tbe HnrlhiKton
and ro.ids not members of the Western
Tralllc association protesting , lint tlm west
ern frelurht agreement must rule , rsiidgcley
would not recede. It is understood that the
Durlhipton will give ten days' notice of Its
Intention to put the proposed rates into
( iffect , which is. also contrary to the rules of
the Western Trafilc association.
'J'ho Alton has agreed to give the Jackson
ville & Southeastern two \veoks to gather
up outstanding mileage tickets , mid if satis
factory proof Is given at that time will not
imt the 'J-eent rate into effect.
A Seiiil-Aiinnal Dividend.
VOHK , March l'-J. Tbo St. Paul road
today declared a Sfsnl-nunual dividend of I1 ! j
per cent on preferred stock.
n'ttltl.U'S t'AMIt I'KOl'I.K HH'H.
feveral ol' tlio Prominent Ofllcinls on
tlio Ms ) .
C'IIIIAGO , March 12 , Vleo Chairman JIc-
Kenylo of t tin world's ' fair national commis
sion bus been compelled to return to his Ken
tucky home.bls physician fc.iring that should
ho remain in Chicago his attack of grippe
will prove fatal. Colonel McICon/io's illness ,
combined with other misfortunes , leaves the
national commission hi a crippled condition.
President Piilincr is now on his > way to Flori
da for his health. Director Ciuneral Davis is
sick at homo. Tbo mem bers of the board of
control of tbe national commission , who have
boon considering financial questions , have
ranched the conclusion that the appropriation
will not permit of payhiK the expenses of the
meeting of the whole commission in April , ns
projected. The board has decided to issue a
circular statin-the ) exact financial condition
of things and explaining that if a snfllciont
number of members to constitute n quorum
would pay their own personal expcnsos , in
cluding railroad fare to Chicago , a session
would bo hold. There is n project on foot to
liuvo the fair opened by lho only living de
scendant of Columbus , tbo dukool Znruguu
of Madrid.
The hoard of control today defined the
duties of th" lady managers. They are
among other things to appoint one-lnilf the
members of all committees that award prizes
for exhibits produced in whole or part by
foiiialo labor , besides having exclusive charge
of Iho women's building aim the general
management of the Interests of women in
connection with the exposition.
Illinois < : | IIKH Works Shut Down ,
Oir.uv.i , III. , March 12. Three hundred
employes of tlio Lahastic glass works were
locked out today by the proprietor. The fail
ure of ono of tlio men a short time ago to pay
his dues to the union caused trouble and the
men have twice quit work without warning.
Mr. I.iiclinppcllo , tbo proprietor , determined
to shut down the works until the matter is
settled. President Smith of the flint glass
blowers' union has been telegraphed to come
from Pittsburg.
Tito Weather KoreenNl.
Per Omaha and vicinity Fair ; station
ary temperature.
Kor Nebraska and Iowa-Fair ; no change
in temperature , except slightly warmer m
eastern Iowa ; variable winds.
For South Dakota Fair ; warmer Satur
day ; vaiiable winds.
I'nllc-e and ilury l > iMt-rec.
K\X > AS CUT. Mo. , March 1U.-Tbe cor
oner's jury bin rendered a verdict that Nich
olas Dayton , the wealthy stockman wtio was
mysterlon-ly shot and killed yesterday , prob
ably committed suicide , The pnlicn , how
ever , are workln ; ; on tbe theory of murder.
Supposed to Have Killed Himself ,
Hu.TiMom : , Md. , March U.'enoial ( Isauo
H. Mooiti was found dead today in his hotel
with a wound la liu head. The gcnorul has
been unwell fora fmv dn\s , anil It is sup
posed ho killed himself In a tit of despond
ency. _
Trying to have MiirdcrcrH.
NF.W YHIIK , Mnrcb 1' ' . The counsel for
Sinilor nnd Hlociim huvo Ixvu pi veil until
.March 'ji : to obtain a hearing on an appeal to
Hhe United States supreme court for u writ
of habeas corpus.
Ai'chbisliop ofM ihumkt'o llioiesi- .
Alu.w M'Ki-r , "NVis. , Mr.rch I'-A p.ipal
hriuf , accoinpanlc'd by a letter of explanation ,
aiiKtntiag | lllsbop Knt/or arcbhlshop of the
diocese of .Milwaukee , reached him today
from Koine. _
SlenniNlilp iVrrlvnlM.
A tMovlllo-Tho State of Nevada , from
Now York.
At Houloguo TUo Tcendam , from Now
llnril Iitii'k Kiii-oiinlnrod by Ilio Aunt-
li'tir Itiu'ei-H ImHl Nlubl.
Tbo Coll-ouin hioyclo nu'os had to contend
agnliist u strong counter attiiictlon lust night
In the Helm manufacturing company'- ' big
lire , yt'l them win a full- crowd on bund.
Tliu tlrst event wns 1'lxley ' versus "WnlUvr ,
I Mxltiy winning In il-'fl. ' Following thl Vho
racesSvcro run n.s follow.s.
tt'ortbent Somvb In ( IJS : ! ,
Mears vs dross In ltui. : :
I'leschor vs Oshorne In ( JWln. : ! .
Miinterferlng vs WiilltinliiJ:60if. ( : .
I'lxley vs I'orterln flM. :
dross vs Schnell In llili. : !
Search vs llolton In ( MS U > .
Mears vs I'otterln III : t-fi.
l-'loHt'lirtr v \ VorlinllU' : ! ' i
SelmellvsUolton in TIlt'6. : '
Tbe loiloNvmg U tlio stunning of the1 con"
tostnnt.s :
Hover's team won tbo tug of war , wbn
Nvill bo repeated Saturday
Kllraln and ( 'uiU'rey ,
Inlto Ivllraln and ( Jeoi-Re Oodfroy will inni't '
before the California Athlctli ) club tomorrow
nil-lit. The colotvd nnm's llf'bt wltb .Inckxnii
proved him to bo a bnrd man to whip. Aitu
does not seem to cut any llguro In t'odfroj's
cnse , for ho hns been well nnd froqin-ntiv
tried , llo Is built strongly Irom the crmi . !
up , hits with terrlllc foive , has fought S IIH <
of tlio best men In the country and was ucr
ncc.useil of Illiichlng. .lacksoti said ( iodfpt
wns tbe fltrungcHl nntatronlst bo ever fu- . .1 . ,
and it Is n mutter of record that hi < t.n . , ; , , i
fearful ninoiint of punishment from t ho AM
ti'iihan. Kilr.dii N jndKcd for the conn
contest b > bis llgitt with Sullivan and Ins - , , .
rounds with forlu'lt , the Inlter bp.sthi" h 11
lint neltberof tbese encounters will HIIIIM . i
tvelghlni ; Kilruin's chmu-es nc.tlnst tbusii . i
Ciotlfroy lie Is lieavlcr , no doubt as ptiiM '
does not show tiny weak spots In bis frun. '
nnd , like ( Sodfrey , bus taken good ennt t
blinsell. KllraiM Is the younger by SP > .N .
years , nnd besides is n Ilttlo taller and hait
longer reach , not a sn.nll ndvnnliige. "l\il
rain is Just In nice condition , " tbo California
press says , "lie Is not very line dravui , but
is strong nnd < | tiick and willing. " '
( iodfrey is also In line fettle , nlthouch , ns
is enstoinnry with him , bo lias twined down
to bone and muscle. Speculation on the r > <
suit of tbe im'oiinp hni not reached benty
llKiiresyot , hut , each tniin has strong admir
ers who will undoubtedly plunge.
I'rlti.-lmrd Kmx-kH Out llnrke.
LONDON , .Mnrch IS. The bc-
tweon the Kngllsli cbainpion inlddlowelirli' ' ,
Ted I'rltchard , nnd Jack Ilnrku took place at
the Albany club tonight. Tbo mutchvn -
for the llolloway stakes of $ (1,000. ( The men
were well matched In height and reach.
In the first round fiurkc had the bust of it ,
( uttiiiK home repeatedly.
In the fccond round I'rltchnrd wnko up
and landed with his right and loft In qui > lc
succession. Then they came to c.loso i-iiur
ters , llurke dually falling from a blow on tlio
In the third round I'ritchurd dashed in ,
tauhif- Burke completely byuirpriso hy tin-
vigor of his onslaught nun Dotting in blous
with terrible elTect upon the hitter's hi-.ul.
Ilurko was completely dazed and was Una \
lloorod by n tremendous hit on tbo jaw. ll
had hardly regained bis feet whun Pritchnr 1
downed him iivaln. Burki ) tailed to i
within the ten second limit and I'ntcb.i. 1
was declared tbe winner.
American Association Schedule.
CIMINNATI , O. , March 12. Tbo Anii > ne.i < , s
base hall association Issued Its sebediilo i
IS'.U ' tonigbt. TLe season begins April 1 u , > <
ends October "i. Two games on Decorati. .
day tire played In the east ,111 d two game
the Fourth of July and two on labor di _ .
September T. uro played in tlio west.
1 lie Alli'ii-li'nrroll I-'isht.
UKNVIH : , Colo. , March I1.1. ( Special lo T ir
HKK.I Pat Allen , the Otnnha heavywoigbt ,
and Lawrence Farrell of this city wore 11
hnve fought today for n nurse of $7.1(1. ( imt
owinj ; to unfavorable weather the tnill uiu
boon postponed until next Tuesday.
Month Dakota ftiinVrpr. * Si-ek ing Seed
Grain I'mSjuliig Hewing ,
Cnicsiio , March 1'J. A mcetiiifj "of editors
of agricultural pnpeis was hold todny '
listen to Mi-s. lilaekfati of Nebraska nnd A
A. I'nin of Dakota , dolegnu.-s to solicit In c
for the destitute population of the arid Mi-
tricts of South Dakota , Kansas and V
brusha. Another ineotlnt * will bo hold ' -
morrow. Tbis evening Milton Uoor/fi- / . > > , r
presided at the neetbisaid ( tbo tides told t X
sulTering nnd privation are aw fill. All tin'/ . '
asked for is lood for stock and seed gran ,
( 'eorpo said he bad talked the matter < * < ,
with a number of wealthy business men.i -
eluabiK Messrs. Armour'Iliginbotben , Il.i
vey and others and all have sipiuHed a w !
ingncss to do sonuUhlng handsome , provide I '
they are assured the delegates am acting fur
all nnd that there will bo no uoccssitj d.r *
doitiR tbc work over again. Oftleinls of mads
running we.ny they will carry goods si i t
to the arid du. . 'i-t free of charge.
\VI1I IVai'iiish Seetl Grain.
AiinniE.v : : : , S. D. , March IS. Arrn-ij-o-
mcnts have been perfected through tiio
county commissloiiors whereby elov.Uurom -
) i.iuics will supply tbe neudy f.irnurs of tins
county with seed ciidn. I-'ivo or morx re
sponsible fiirmer.s In every township w.ll
titiaraiitce that tliu eeil furnUbml will bo
properly s.owti . , the crop linrveslxd uiul tbo
elevator men paid.
Wholesale Groeers ami Tohiucn Slcn.
Ciiic.vtio , March li. Wholesale groi crs
and tobacco men from a do/.eu dUTcu-nt
states are holding a incotlng hero to doviv .1
wny to erndicato thnovlls arlslmr fron - '
contract system. It is probable tl'itt ' - .
kind of n protective nss-ociation v ' 1
formed , the members aj-ivi-niRiiotto ha. . . I
tobacco on the contract system.
Itailroad 'I bieve Arrested.
PH. , March 12. For a .Near < r
more piust Ireight trains on the IJilNl > . : , , .
Western road huvo been robbed of M' : Vjlo
goods. Four you n 4 n.en were urrOil a ut
Kixhury tuii.iy mid tide u cimfiVisian tr | . ! i
eating u 11111111101uf train un-n. Thu slutliu. s
aggrch'ato many thousand ilollu : .t.
.MlHstssiipi | Iii'vi'C llrenko.
lln i.iior-r , Miss. , March I' . ' , -Tbe lev cv i > n
the Mississippi river l.rtdti early this m0 -
Ing and great diimn/o is llkuly tb rusuit.
The li-aih ) Hull. , O. . March -Jcneral John \V
duller died heiv today.
Nothing ESse
| tiaU Ajor'8 I'llls fin.sllmiililliiK : a torpil ,
lUcr , 8tie-i-iln'iiiiiK ( dlKi-Ntiun
, and n--u- |
lathiK the action of tinhmcK They contain -
tain no calomelnor any oilier Injiiriont
iirng ; bill arccuiii | > OMMliif IbenctlNeprii.ii-
Dies of Hie best \ > ictnl ; > lt' catbaitli-s.
" 1 NNasasuirer.-rfor jeais fronKhsiiopm
( Hid ll\cr troubli-s , ji , , , ! Inundi i. p-inn ' : , , ,
relief until 1 commenced taking Ayci's I-IK |
They have cfleeinl a cunipli'ic cine. '
Oeorge Mooney , \Vnlhi WallaV. . T.
" Whenever 1 am troubled v/lili consiia |
tlon , or suffer from lues n ( appetite , Ayciv
I'llli set me tight again.- . J. lilser. Jr.
Hock House. Va.
" 1'or tin- cure of bead-irbc , Ayoi's Oft
Ihartlc rillsnretbi'liiiislelteome iiicillelne I
CUT nicd.-lt. K.Jnmi ! , , l.iichcsti'r. Mass
"T\\a boxes of '
Ayei s I'llii ciirc.l mo o
severehcadaolie , tiomlilcb I was lon-asut
( erer.-Hinma Keycs , llnbbaiilston.Couii.
Ayer's Pslfs , nv
* U. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Zowoll , Uaii ,
Bold by ull ix-slcii In Mtd. . tu.i.