Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Thomas T. McNamoo Own a Preliminary
Ilonriug Before Judge Ilclaleyi
< i > ! > r Only Hot Vby \ tlu llc-
tonirVlillo HIP Slnlc CutilcmN
I'or Mnrili'i1- D
Satin tin ) .
I' . Mi'N'nmeo , who Im boon In Jail
for u week upon n chargoof linving murdered
Mrs. ICtitu N'lchoU , nliiw KlMe Wllll.unson ,
was clvuii a | iieliiiilnary Iteming In police
court yesterday nftcriioon.
Tliu confinement hm proilueed n.ory per-
coptlbli1 elTeet upon MeNnmeo. He lunks
InigKiinl nmloin , aillioiiKli ho bore himself
With llio utmost coolness , lln u.uo very
r clo o munition to tlio proceeding , nnil nftci'
entering lliu plai of not utility. s.U by thu
sliloof lib attorney ntul loukod enrnaitlv Into
tbo fnco of oiicli witness , and at fieoiient In-
tervnls i-onforred with liU eotlnsel
tlio testimony bolng ( 'lvun
Thu tcstlinoiiytw Hulnt.inllilly , tin )
iw glsen nt tbo foioner's itujuest ,
which \\IIH given In Tinjiip bust \\eelc. Tlio
wltnisses ( Aiinilned were Dr t'onlter nnit
tbo Iliifovon.en \ wlu > tcstllled before tlio
coroner Dr C'biidxvIeK's testimony wns
ivad Coroner 1 larrltran xvas niitltlcd to bo
jin ent , lint liu did not appear niul County
Attorney Mationcy rested uiion tlio Uleneo
Mi'Niiinee's Attorney Introduced no ovl-
jloiii-o but contended Hint hU client ,
If held nt all , should bo held for
iiminlmmlitor , wbilo Mr Mahnrmy main
tained t lint the accused stioiild be heltl for
tnnl lu HID district eotirt UMHI | a chnr o of
innuler. .linlKO llulsly said ho dlil not feel
llUtdeciding ) llio ui.ittpivltlioul seine fur
ther ( irlibtii-ntlon , nnd sot Hatiirdny , Mnivh
II , nt 11 o'clock , as the tlmo when liewillheur
nrguinriii uiwn tlio question bj the nttor-
'J'hc KntimiM Man Stales Ills IVuiilliu *
Vious In Wtmlihi ) { < < > ii.
WioitiMiroN , March 11. | S | > octal Tele
gram to Tins lli-K.J Senator I't-lTer innilo au
address huio hi utilch ho denounced the
whole policy of the ttnunt In
occaslonnllj luturvoiilng to rolluvo the stnu-
gonpy of the innrkot as \ \ rout ; in principle
niul an Injustice to Kansas and the
weit. Hoantcil the stringency ro-
hoveil , not by luitli'ipatinj' pnjmout on
bonds or by puiclnisiiiir the people's Indebt
edness nt a pruniluni , hut by the Issue of
inoto inonuy. Ho fnvoicd the iniiiiodiato is-
Bucof MKOOO.UUO In ? ! tie.isurv notes. ThK
Kinn , or so intii'li tliereof astis necessary ,
lie would loan out , 10 per cent of each loan
to bo pnl.l . ciuh j car , II per cent to bo applied
to the extinction of the principal indebted
ness and 1 i > cr cent coveunt ; fnteicbt. In
that ivuj l o believed It posslblo to redeem
oveiy iuoitK"K homo in the lund witliin u
period of llfteen yeais.
1'x Congressman Warner u bo was preiont ,
attempted to notat the Kmisns sunntur's
incniiiiiuMi litllo more clearly by putting u
fu\v tiiustlons to him 'J'o these PeiTor
roplli-d that ( tcneinl Warner and
Inmself ere leusoiiing on widely separ.itetl
promises the general's questions being based
upon the prtuent monetary system , uhich
nindo money the .statulnul of valueasell as
thumcdlnm of exchange 111- ; own sjttom
oliinlntiud from money not onij1 tlio element
or Intrinsic value , but the power to limit or
control tlio v.iluo of things of use.
He continued speaking In this strain forever
over mi hour , and as onoof his auditors ro
inaila-d "If the people of Kansas are not
liroud of their now senator now , they never
will be. "
Anitilii'i Hll//.anl Passes Ox or tlic
Matoaiicl Illouks Tr.illlc.
DRNMII , Col , Murcli 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HEF.J A llort'o sno\v storm
B\\opt over this state \cstorilny afternoon
mul lust night iiccoiiuiaiili'd by lic.ivy
.vlnil.s. The morning \\is ! uiild niul
ploasnut , lint a sudden cliango occurred
tibout iiooti , tlio storm sett mi ; iu soon
nftcr. Koports from timny niontttnin
points linllcntu tnnt it as a litUzard. Ale
tliorsincu nil trains neiuilcl.iycil. The Mid
land N liloi-ltetl by the bli ; rotary snow plow
bi-inp olT the track niul wcilccd in HiiKor-
man tuiinol. I'ivo engines m-ut out last tiiuht
to ossiht In oii-niiiR | the tuniml arohopelesslv
strauik-il lu tlio dilfts. The blockade * on the
fcsnn .1 nun illvision of tlio Itlo Grandu I
voiitliiuo and tlio Conejos rnneo inav
not to lie opened for ten days at least. "
Dunuitro ivcoiveil its tint mall jcstonlav ,
] ) touplil bv.ujon fiotu Kspniola to Chaiuii ,
on the other sldo of the rier , anil thuuce by
i-all ,
A Votiujr Girl AHHiiultciI by llt-r Al-
leuod Iliiiliniitl in lun\or.
UKWHI , Colo. , March 11 f Special Telegram -
gram to Ttn : I3n.J : Secretary Thompson
of the liumano society is investigating the
case of ayouiiR girl rcsiillnc at OJJ ! Soutli
Fiftconth sticet , who U In a critical state
o win z to nn assault alleged to have been
comuiitti'il liy Thomas Sudan , who works for
( nwlhior , the paper hanger , and cliiius to bo
hcrl.usti.iud They both canio from Omah.i
last August and s > ineo Ninembor tlio gitl has
been \\oiKiiiKOii South Tiftci'iith street as a
sctvmit b > lie was cominp from a spec i
I cnton service at St. John's cathedral when
Sudan int-t her and took her to the Hroulwnj
theater , after which ho was taking her to lu-'t
homo \\lieu for soinu unktunui leasou ho pro.
ceeded to i > ouiid her , biiMKing a lib and in' ,
ilk-lint : other injunn.
CATfiHT Till ! Till ItllllOTIliil. .
Anol lii'r uf tillI'.illlit I'iiuio Stvin-
dli'i-4 In ilall at i ei\cf. :
UKNMII , C'olo. , Maivhll ISpootal Tele
gram toTin : IluK.l U K. Weeks , the brother
of tlio now notorious piano swindlers , was
landed In the county jail ycstonUy by Do-
tcctivo llelchcr , who has boon laying for Ins
man for soveuil days.Veolia skipped oui
\\licnliistwo inelodyclovlug brothers were
nirested lu Clieyenno , but was foolish enouirt
to return to the homo of his sister-in-law a
Jvlontc-lalr last Suudnj ultfhtlieu the de
tcctivo waon llio watch. The olllceis thiul tills man concocted tlio whole schotin
nnd are holding him under a uuiiMnt U.- ,
Binrultaneously with thoao of his two con
Xrw YIIIIK , Match 11 ( Special Tclegran
toTiiK Hiu.l Ttireo hundred persons at
tended the saloof trotting stock , the projisrtj
of D. W. KeavU of Chlco , Hutto county. Cat
nt Tatters-all's. Thlity-two head cbaupci
hands for a total of ? li,5s5 ! , au overage prio
of ? ii : > iK > r head. The stock were pooi
individuals by Hlaekbhd , y J'- , Monroe Chic
y.lS'i' , nnd jotuig Stern way. Noarlvnll weio
bcarred or marked iu borne way , tlto result of
n bad accident which took place near Kcltoti
Btation on the Southern Pnrilic , eighty miles
vest of OKdon , on February ' 'a. Mnttio Solomon
omen 'J.iM ) , tlio only iJhoctor inaro iu the con-
niBiiineiit , brought tbo top price , a Mr
Jlnclianaii of bacramento becoming her
owner for SIsOO. Mr bhultz pave fl.UiO for
Wonroo Wllkes , a beautiful three-jcar-old
colt , by Monroe- Chief out of adauclitorol
lUnmbtlno WllKes , Jini-y-JIm , a black geld
ing bv Blackbird caught , Frank Work's eje.
lIoboiiBhl him for $1,000. Knap McC'arthv
vas bound to have Monte Hoaa , by Monroe
Chlgf , ln'causo of her strong resemblance to
iicneva O , und the beautiful tlliy will no to
lied Bank ; price , C50.
Tin * CfliiiliiinlkiiiK AVntcli.
New YOIIK , March 11. [ SpecUl Telegram
toTnnHi'.T.j The indlcrttlous are that ttm
eiv days' pedestrian contest to begin in .Mad
ison square garden Sunday nlRht will excel
nil previous walks of the kind in this country.
Cuatnulon Jiunoj C. AllKjrt will bo Iho sUir
oltnictlon In nu attempt lo t > cat Ids record of
D'l miles. The starters \vlll Ud lluiitcd to
fortv flvo , nnd nmoiu : thorn \vlll tx > ( Juererro ,
N irctniii , MtichiM Mcaiv llort * . rnrt I
uriilit , i\uiitor . Manning , lllarklirurt. the
* slonx Hcont , nnd i-lheti of icputi' Iho
prl/o money amounts to ) . and tlio
innimRamcni Is In rnturpHMni ? and
to llano's.
V 'lirn iki niul low a I'cnsloiiM.
W * IIIMITON , Maivti -Spoehl [ Telo-
rnmlo Tit'UM ) i I'einious were printed
ixltty to the fullouliiR Niibnsknns : OrlR-
lal-Aiwllo Wells , \Mlinrd K. llenils , Lewis
1 Turk , .tniin Vounker. Ilenrv Wlnchol ,
Janlel S. lUvU , .lolin 10 Axtell. Joint t'ur-
vn , K.ilvettor I' . J hufell , Anton Webber.
'hcotloro Het-bc , ( Jcorco I'vtuis. Albeil t
\Uliison , I'eterI Itnullne. Jainej I' Itat-
oti. Additional -William Croft , Vidlow
Hifrliw. Incii-au > , liinii-s M Ii\vl ) . Wlllluni
lli-avor , I1 * , ! ! Samson. .Ininos Ilatilnn
IowaOrU'lnal Huiiu'O i : L'hllds , Tim-
ithy Wlcklmm .John IJllyo , llenluuln
Mint ) , John 1. lM\is. Simeon M. '
hllander HrUnin. Wilson is. Hill , Letter
" ) Chapman Nnvv John \Vlllliinn , Andii'W
M Hits , John \V Herry. Oeorpi' lM\ls ,
snne Current , ( JpnruoV Kiipard , Jetvml.ilt
\.Wnde Atlditioiial Kvnn Alintnis. Oscar
jctnon. liHMcnso I'Ynneis Cole , William
Miller , vMllliim M Nelson , Knjotto H
"lissell , Ilrnfv U'nuoner , Thomas C. Hoi
'onib ' , In\ld I1 Foster. Uoissuo Mai'lli. I- .
Wuio , Ucorgo Unpin.
A Chli-ngu IIIe\\t'i''H rrtinttli1.
C'IIH vi.o , March II. A number of stock-
lolders of tlm N'oith Siilo biawlug company
Uidnj Illoil a bill In tlu superior eoiitt for llio
ppolntmcnt of n receiver and to lime Iho
company's affairs wound up. It Is asset ted
hat thu buslni-s't was inlsmanuKed and that
ho itruslileut and ono of the dirciturs nro
' ttiilor Inilictiiient for obtaining money by
'ulso pieleuscs. An tnjuiiitloti was ntso
isketl re.siratning tlio pu-stdent from dlspos-
UK of Iho compain' assuts.
iiuwnsClty Hiislnt-MM Man > liii lcrol
Kiss C'ITMo , March 11. Nicholas
lit on , a wealthy l > u lness man of this city ,
trove lo Seth Ward' * faiui to look lit sumo
stock. Last night his dead bodv was found
near his resiiienco lu the oiitskitts of the
citv nltli n bullet liolu in his A re-
vof\cr witli two chambers oniptv was found
ying by his side. Whether ho committed
suicldo or was imuderod is not known , but
it is behoved that lie was mutdered.
Climlc .Milkers I'litloi'rre .t.
Jfiw : VOIIK , Mai oh II. Joseph Hnrdon-
do-sjo nnd twcUo Hnssian cluJk niikors , who
were arrested late last night for altneklni !
Heriniui ( Jrecnhaiun ntul his fnmllv nt , T. . . I , , Monday night , uhen Mi's ,
( ireenlinuinns brutally assaulted and hoi-
son burned with vlliiol , wore Iminleiiflcd to-
gotlior and tnken to Lotitf Island City.
landed ullh a Compromise.
AIIIVM , N V. , March 11 The dead-lock
In the senates ended lit It o'clock this mcmlng
l > y n coinproinlso. A resolution was adopted
providing that the lieutenant go\einoi' shnll
liavo the nulitvhei > inthiscit.\ . deslpnato
any member to perform the duties of the
. hair fora period not cxiaoding twuuM four
liouis. niul tint tlio senate miiy luvoko such
desit'imlion lit any time.
AVrccked bv a Hurricane.
l.i.r.s Match 11 A hurricane swept
over the Halenric Isles and a number of ship-
wiccks lesulted.
1'rn'es I'nid I'oiStouk lij tlie
IjiuNil I'.u-kors.
South Omaha is rapidly acquiring tltetepu-
tatioti of being the best stock mailcot in tlio
United States. Much of the time hos sell
within 10 to 15 cents of what they bring at
Chicago , and not infrequently a nickel is the
riillv as peed If not a bettor showing is
made in the cattle market. Often ivpii-scn-
lativcs of local paeldiiK'ioubes ' complain that
cattle are too high for piolltablo slaughtering
A good Illustration of the proututs lor such
merited market standing may bo had by a
glance at late maikot sales.
Out clgluy-ono sales of 1,17 steers Tucs-
dav , only eight sales of forty-nine head were
tnauo below $1liilO the other It77 : head ,
s-old In seventy-two bunches , ranged between
1 and ? , " > 10. Of tbo thirty-eight sales ol mil
cows , tnonty-ninusales of 100 head were nt
or above e.'t. Of soienty-four snlos of lil.l :
bc d of steers , yesterday , only eight s.ilet , of
thirtj-seven head weio under fl , and tlio
other sixty-six sales of lUO ! sold between the
$ land.U.r > limits
So IIRU | has Iho cattle market advanced
bete that one of the packing houses lefused
to accept a largo order , but on lining put of
it , received a telegram for eight car loads of
pncMnt ; house product and the older \\as re
r K > < M , lloai'mMicsK.Hoi-n Throat.etc ,
quickly lolievcd by Hrowu's Tio-
olios A simple and effectual lemrilysuperior
to all other articles for the biimo purpose.
Sold only in boxes.
* .
llorrlgun Kuocooils I-jnrli.
Sheriff Doyd announced yesterday tbat Pat
Lynch , the county jailer , had resigned und
that 1'at Ilorng.m , ev-city detective , bad
been appointed to the place.
' 1 ho change will take place on the iioth.
Lynch has , served as jailer about a year.
Horrigna luis but iccciitly resigned from the
city detective foieo in which connection ho
mule nn excellent iccord. Mr , Kerrigan IMS
a thorough aotuahitanco | with llio criminal
cl.uses of Ihis section of the country and is
posted us to their vauous trickeries. *
Tor the ptesont thete will bo no change in
the deputy jaHoi-bhip.
Mrs. Winslow's SootliitiK Syrup is the best
of all icniodicf- children tietlilng. 'Si cents
a uottie.
Death of John
Mr .lohn Logan , tin old nnd respected cltl-
/on. who came to Om.ilni in l T.J , und for
a long time been n fuilliful employ u of tlio
Union Pacific shops , died last evening nt his
lesinonco , IflHi California .street.
Mr. Logan hud been ill for some weeks ,
nnd his Jcinlso was not unexpected Ho
leaves a wife nnil duuphtor.
Mr Logan wns ono of the most widelv
Unnwn mechanics in tlio city. His funeral
\\ill be aiinouncod Inttr.
lcssler's ! AIngluHeiidncho Wafers. Curesall
he.wUchei. in "M minutes. At all driiggibts.
Cook's Imperial Champagne has stood the
test for thirty jc.u-s There Is no bolter
spatlding \ > ino niaue. It's extra dry.
I , I'.tJt.K.''JIS.
(5 P. Bui r of York Is at the Casey
T.V. . Cole of ChieiKO is at the I'nxton.
\V. P Viclds of Chicago is nt the Mlll.ird.
J.\V. htovoiis. of St , I'uul is at the Murray.
S C Uollitig of Sioux-Citj is at the I'ax-
I ) V. Ellsworth of l"reinont Is at the
H. 1' Simmons of Clmdron is at the Mer
chants ,
.T H. McMullin of I.ouibvillo , Ky. , U at the
r. M. Hobtiier of Auburn Is in the city , at
the Casey.
A. U. Heaity of Hcati'Ieo Is registered at
the Casey.
.T C } , Stone of Kansas City Is registered at
the Paxton.
Ii L Packard of WaihtnRton , D. C. , is at
the Millurd.
H O Shcphard of Ashlund Is In the city ,
, at tlio Merchants
| J.V. . Phillips of Denver was at the Paxton -
ton last night
T. M 11 Harvey of N'owcastlo was at the
C'asoy last night
C ! M Lnndon , of > o\v York was at the
Murra > last night.
James F. ( Jrinin of Xew Yoik Is in the
citv , nt the Murray.
John K. Shirley of Ogden , Utah , Is In the
city , at the Paxtou.
L. M Campbell of Hastings was at the
Merchants last nliHt. ;
W W. Van Iliunt of New York was at
the Millurd lust night.
J. I ) Franklin of Troy was rogUtered at
tlio Merchants litst til'ht. (
C II. Sexton of St. Louis is iu the city ,
restored at the Millard.
T '
V/ ,
A Magnificent Litio of Aineriotn Vo-ajh to
Bo Constructed.
Tin * I'asMii e ol' tlie t'oslal nlislil y
Hill Makes ilie ( UMoiM l-V.islhle
rinns All .Miiutri-d for
the U'nr'c. '
N'ivYIIIIK , March 11. [ SpvUl Tote
to Tin Hi rThe | Seaboard for the ml rent
weiif.savs that Austin Corbln will establish
the llnost Iransatl uitie steamship line bo-
U\ei'n this country nnd Uurope by building
elf-lit r.MXH ) ton iill-Amerlean steunnhlm ,
cnpablo of attaining a speed of twenty-four
knots an hour , to inn t'loia Montntik 1'ulnt ,
t > . I , to Mllford IluAcn , Hnclaiul , In Iho
dnvs. It U the Intentlrn , the nrtielo sa\s , to
take iiisseiiKui's across the river from
New York hound for London , whisk them
down to.Montaulc I'oltil in the line it vesti
bule cms In two hours time , send ttiein over
thu ocean in Ih inlays and lund in Lon
don In lour hours after reaching the other
s'do ' , or , In other uoivN , to complete the ills ,
tiitiie lulu ecu tliecity of New Yoik and the
eit ) of London in llvo and sl\ hour * .
A reporter Inquired of Coriiln if the toport
was anthentie. Corbin would only say 1m
hnl not nuthori/od such n publle.itlon.
Tin1 in tn lent the Seaboard setsftuth that
nothing tins hitherto stood in Iho way ot the
consummation of the scheme except Iho In
ability of Americans to run ships as choaplv
as do the r.iij-'lisli The p.s < wic of the postal
sub-dtU bill , which grunts M per milo to llrst
class slnp-i , ten.oves llml disability from
Aineiiean cnterjnise.Villilntuojc.irslt is
expected the lirst four ships 01 this line \ \ ill
bo In commission and the > u ill ho the llnest
ships o\er built in the world The iiKgicgato
co-it , it IH expected , \\ill amount to the
enormous sum of nbottt $ l'XHMOi ( ) )
K\cry comfort that heirt ean wisher
or mat hniimn ingtinuity tleviso uill
surround the traveler and nothing
but the mint vain ible nnd light e.xpnsspiieU-
aKOanil ni.ilU will constitute the bil.mec of
the \essels * fteight. Ills contetnplatod that
these ships will lie ublo to ninko ono round
tripONOiy three \\eeks. and that two dopirt-
utos will ho made cold v from each end
Tlto terminus on Ibis slue uf the water for
thustoamsliliH is to bo on the oxtiomo east
ern etui of Long Island , distant from New
York about one hundred nnd Illteen mileat
what is known us I-'mt Pond bux , LOiisistlni ;
of u beautiful ten fathom deep hnrboramilo
nnd three ci 11,11 tors loiiKand thteoiiniirtei' < of
a milo wide , nothing being ivuutioit Imt a
breakwatt1 ! ' , which can be built at a com-
jiaratlvetv small expense Aetivo preparations
A\ ill tit once begin for building the neceiirj
docks and liilldiuj ! , the expecta
tion being that everything of lliat kind will
be completed In nniplo time for the aihent of
the ships
This scheme has boon in Corbin's mind for
the ton jeais and his plans and inten
tions are so \\oll niaturod that ho expects
at once to sec the secretary of the navy in or
der to obtain the tatter's approval ol tlie tie-
sign for Iho ships , sn us to enable them to
come under the ptovtdions made by the pos
tal subsidy bill for llrst class sln'M | , and the
construction , uhlch in all pioliability uilien-
gaio ; four of our bust iron shipyards , ulll im
mediately bo commenced nnd the work
pushed to as earlj a dompletlnn as possible.
Did joit notice that line head of hair nt
cliuieh listSundavf That was Mrs H .
Shu never penults herself to be out of Hall'ti
Hair licncuur.
The business men and property owners of
Omaha are invited to assemble in nmss meet
ing at the teem of the leal estate exchange ,
room 1 , New Voik Life building , Saturday
evening , March 14 , at S o'clock , for the pur
pose of discussing the moans to bo adopted
for increasing the prosperity of the city. Tlio
time is propitious for the perfection of an or-
K.inued effort that will , during the next de
cade , insure a moio marvelous development
of Uio ( Into City than is attested in its phe
nomenal f > ro\vtti between ISM ) and ivll )
I'romini-iit citizens have signified their in
tention to bu present and addi ess the meet
ing i\er.\body ; interested in the growth of
tlu city .should be present.
12. A HIIN-ON ,
( J. O. Wvi i.u u ,
( J. II\icT\r\s. , I'lesident.
Fit \MvII U'n-ON , beeiotnry.
Omnha P.statc Kxchan c.
The soft glow of tlio tea rose is aequired
bv luiliesvlio u d'o/zoni's Complexion Pow
der. Try it.
SainiiKct's ( 'onijraliilalloiis.
Thcro wai joy in the Samoset cami ) vester-
day when the wiiest brought the word that
the Illinois legislature hud elected a demo
crat as United States senator.
The exuheranto of the braves manifested
itself in several forms , onooi which w.i * the
following telegram to the leader of the demo
cratic host * at the Illinois capital.
OMAHA , rseb . M.nelill Cuptaln .luincs I'ar-
rrll , Lelaiul Hotel , t-jn Intflluld , 111 : Tliu
binioset association ottlils illy cimgr.itnlatcs
( hit nolilo I'll ' dcmocr. its of Illinois who stood
by your lulled Males sui.itnr-cleit upnn
tlioli ( sueeess and thank ihoiu fui tlielr
consinney and iimtv is ( h-niocr.iti. I'leasu
cMenil to sciritoi 1'.diner . the heaity con-
of lliN assdciatlon.
I' Odiivv ,
I'lesldont i ainosel Assoel.itton.
Tlio followlns * nurrus hcouji were is-
bued yesteulay :
Nuinoauit aldress. Aeo.
i.Iosiphl' Ili-iiolkon. Omaha . . . . -ti
i A C null , Omaha ? 0
I Netln Koil. ( hleiigo . . . 4' ' )
i frttln , ( . 'hlcago . . . . . . ' , - '
Both tlio method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneya ,
Liver nnd JJowcls , cleanses tlto sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches nnd fevers and cures Imhittml
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the table and ac-
ceptnble to the stomach , pioinpt in
its action and truly hencficial in its
cflects , prepared only from the most
healthy ami agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by nil leading drug
giste. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept nny
Baby One Solid Sore , Baby's Face las Raw. A Scrofulous Boy. Dreadful Psoriasis.
Tried Ev vtth y Wit o it Ro ! oNo Dlstro o HIT Ito ilrif Sk n DiKoaso
Xlunnliipr go-on Covoro 1 Hiw Uocly Cov Entlr * Body with WliUo
No Ilrat Nl ht or Day. Our d Oiiiol l'i Oil ) Month by t o
aiulHotil. D'noAlfootDd , Cuiod . SltlVoiMlRI'OMtflll. .
by C utlcut ti R.umacHc.8. Cuticun noiiioloa. '
by CuUcum Ronicd'ca. Cut-od by Oiitlounv.
Mt I n'n wlii-n Inn nintitlii li | ! i ul lirraVIm ; i.nt \\lipnni \ r Ixir wn ilnrvkft il I IIP Itail n rub on
llh tlint tlio ilnctur rilllul - \\lp-i \ < linmill , * i > M Ilii1 ten liu < l of nur Illtli1 ili '
< i-rtt-uiii HIT lit-ul , IIJIN'ml in t , 11 flunks nnj i liln tin Mj nn' ( | i nrlii < il > i llr l lirokii oiitui my Infl
nriM , frt'l nn I liniul < t > . . ' i-ni-li < iillil I uriml , iilht l OMIII In MVI-II mul liul imry .IIH | > III cik '
niio * no ru\ I ilnituriil with vulntu teiiinllo * Hiii'iiltnxiii | rt-1" inv iin t . mil iitiin l n > t < i
til ilovvrt III liu hut ni'llh rllit < ilni-t > Hit HtHO ofI tlllui1 In'll \\0 \ I'l lllllll'il II lillt Mil to Mil funll
< rim
( r nor nn nil lot rr M > itintlier nil\i ol inn ti > liy lulu nit t'iit < . ntiil tint plivi-lilnii
i-lM-tllil lu-r Komi \\o Mum ! IUi'niciiitli. nflor , It liciiin on run winilt l
nny liu1 I rrn i II v IU MI iv nit pri-Hliilil nttivtitlii-r ll
i.mill ml nn ft" ! t'njr . mint nre Sum nthtir i ro "pit'int iillnvi-i nn ln-il niul
nr in
in 1-1 I ii > i.l . Ilieni ( .ilili- jr
fnriiioil lie ( lien linl too of
niitlit wlih lit-r In tny i-t- f Ml niul m nnil neck luilr nil Ml mil , until I mi > n
liy I tr IM | llio ( I TI- tinin y I nl e I Ii It r lln'iii ntieiieli haint inn ) n Im tlnl ) Imlil lu-mlnl , It llii'ii lintkii
< i n \ It MI in IK. but I unit ilniifl liiM'iinu1 limn1 ntul IIIMIT
In i iu * iiinnlli ho n min ' " " " " " " nr" " " ' " ' i > iitiit'f
it " I Ii ul nn lilth In Hit-in , luil'iiri1 II tonic 1m linn' r > r
< in eil tin I iinw ho Is iinlll no : irni "i n' Ju l "ii" ' " 'H' ' .
fur I lin.l lit'vt r fl.'t n lilt-in III'MII ' III hptiK Illlt \ > 10
jthrei1 yen * nlil nnil n i It inti-rc.l . nit pntliii tioilv in- ,
Ii inl TII inv uii'iil"uri | I c i in n oil tliorllin luMlellli tliti
' Min < of it rctiiitilnu fin o In' 1 1 nml fliinilliTK lii-lii tr
in m ti ni-i-k' i Ilino ntlt r l - iiiiilei Up. \\lilili \ \ is MIV of
' I'l o ililhl < VIH MI linl till t tlit-nnrxl I'ho nlillii tfiilti fi-ll
ulnnlin ; 11 ni tluI'l Tl- tlMlnlvi' III * lieil M K Dili1
ill i tit1 Mm In ! pillow tiMi-linll ) fn-iniiiy lu-il , hlinulil I i
( I HDU.nii" . tint foii-1 nlltl HI ill. illii hnriEliiK i tin at
< -ii nml iirni' * . Hit ) Kklu vrinilil
t rt' "rll l nt | to illiiut-1 inn I I
t'ml ' In1 iniiM / N. " ' ' Illlikt'll till I 1-1- - I I'll M llll VIM. V Illliv
n itin , lin ! n M NT fur l n ' ) . 'la ? | , , | | H Irt , , IlKHHlK I'll I
I It titwli li- ! MII I nn w Ii i-1- * n lnt nit tby * y i ni won 11 n'l ilii- fi e I eiiini'l ' r > iMk Inn likhlv o' ' nn Nutonk tin11 ire uf him lit * tniitti > r hu\ Ink iln d iiinl iill rrnck nml lili-til if.
like In M u iiinl M 9 mul in u < l liir I ln-lli-\o my t ol I llll n.III MI H * I i er im l nml I'l Hit II \ w hi n In1 NM * u lltili1 nuTit ttian il yenr nlil nr r , HI xfin'ilii-il Mli'r niM-ntliii ; mint
liih > ni.nlil . liinillil If I liiul nut Irh-l I'1 it civ \\lieiM-M i I i m 1 i nlil ho plntini'l in i' uiiv > > ni ) Mimill' | n ( M nifiiln nTi null1) ) Hi1 * onlil U u III Ininilri-iHiif ilnlliiM IWH iinin iiiui < il Inniinlilc' I
UMUI > II I writillilx I'mt ' < -vir > no lu r wltli i niul t ilk In ilicni i > f tia1 a > nl ll ln > limn' my In y tit1 but cntitil not rct n | If In1 foil ilnnti tuiili niiM lii-nnl nr HUM mil ll V Itt.tinill.i niul nllor II < IMK-
bilii Ilkiiiulnt-inn fi't-l fciu'iil 'iitr.iiit iln-rt-111 ini-il- MIH ( \ III - I'llli-i'll inil iiiiiM'HlKMiln lint Imt lint t o u i > if hli litmlt 1 Inn ln > Ho l 'i in l lit III sin t l M t riiutil MI' i
It liutlint will uiru tinwnrit ftmi nml that int-dl- fin lo \ lilt' , I oil I I' O . N .1 Ilimndliili'U miiiiiHic H | nltli the L I 111 I H \ III M rhnniiiniilnri" ! I li.ul IIII.IMI fntir ln'illn ' I n n nl
line 1 < tliu ( fin t n t III tn in ft N II My IjiKlniiiil ! > prvldiMii nt lln- I'ni-cli I IIIKS. iiilnu nil tni'ly line mint nfirr niintlior nui'l i iirt'it nnlwlirii I lunl u ivlilt holltt'i ( l n
v Ill-mi : IIIUKMMI l.tiikliirt.1o\iM Miunrni ll Irit t'iiiiiiiny. | pioprh't irs uf tlio "tin- , hpnli'il. i lion ) nntli r foi mini ; In t'ncli IMU' of IheHi1 i l iit It tini t > \r. innIUIT in O rn l nt ami mm
lilux nnil 'lrlI"\ | ' I'liuln.'i'Hi'i ' c Mmtloii. 'ivi IHr ilei'iinnos Ju t ln'foro h1 iltiitf , lildi uotitil tin mni'iif < l ru i in4oti - I wm < nnnl of Hit * iln-nil
llinnnii' t-f 't .Se ' ItlVilhti mf i ii in whl i h I I mil nulTi-ri-il fur lit o ) t ITH
luikrlir Hi1 ilWI'un unlcilr nil ) fjtnu Ino1 * ! ' mil npre taVi'ii out 1 In n they ouM
n'lltMp'lo lot } Inu it nlltliiK to nao mirrlllios M liuil riiplillx due "f Hum' il-ly Imni' form itlon I I rnniini iM | > ri" with n | > -n what I atiiTin-il l 'lnm
Cuticura Remedies ' uxliK lln' 111M milH 'llu-y nitt-iliiiy llfiniul Ifccl
I iMii'lll o'hi'i
i mil noi'iiti in thh liMtniiiiiilnl to i n- pri"i'i\ol AlliT tahlim u iln/i'ii nml iilulf Imltlei
i u unuiMliu ii'i1 of O IKtiM.uiil iiu ! < tirliu relief In'nns ( inui'lf li'ly tuiiMl nnil N imw lit tlioiirfe iif It in ) tliil ) I" iiniittiiiiiiiil llii'in Mv IHI Ir In KMton-il
Cnri-ctory linunT of tinkln -itiil n-ilp of hfmiry tnollinn . niliuotl ii'tnt-r mul inN my cyotiulii
nh ye.iri. a Ntriin niul lie.itllo f lilltl.
il ilillilliooil nliutlu-r Mils IIUA I.KI.l Uniknull
, tnrtiirlnit ilulUnrliik' licli- .MUS i : s nunCM Clly , lnwi
liu liiiuilim , HM ! > iru tuil pimply or 11 tlcliy. lth 11131 : liny HI HIiKiiiiliitftiiii , 111
liu * ol Ii ilr. an Urrr Imparity of Ihu I Ii n t uln-thcr Mothers Do You Realize May'.i ! * .1
slmiU' | "ITO tu In i , nr luriIllnry lit-n llio Iml pln- ,
M ifrftMil11rt'nnliii ! orfi'cllv welt
! ! i No sliins of
xlilmi anil : ill ntlior lonit-lli-t fill l'in-nt . ntii 1tootir llttli * itniH ntitTir > \ IIIMI tlmir
tctnli r kltn
scriifn In , inil MHIIS
nn MiiiM - UIIKi\ ; Cuticura Resolvent
juiir < MM-ull i-'iiiMnf mrni i | n ml | hi > . | ( il miiTt-rliiit nrt * lit ( Till v nn lire * ultli Id hln x nn < l truitilnz inri'Mun I cli T. ! > ' . ) Ill xiinlMKtuii III
H 'In iiou tiiit-i ni.iilLIn i lilllliiMi. | tno pffini- tin t fi'liir Uf liliu. HI * 11) MM I hloilij Hktit MII > | ornlp '
iit'iil Tin-new Illititil I'll r I Her. Inti-ninlly ( In iliini'tllio
di-i'i"t" lo Knou tlint ; i Kh li' ; | . | , UioMi.r tlio
liliinil ol nil tniinrllt' ( < mul
| iinlNotiniiti olt UK-HI * ) unit
< , ! TU i it \ UMIMHIM uHi in tiio rrr m.ijorlt. of
' Cured for All Time ci TH i iit , llii-KM-ii ! ii Curtmul ci rn i n A
ol I c-rrrvwht-io I'rlt-i- I
, l nt i n t the en-it SKln ( lie * nlli nt Instant iintl ( miptctf * r < hi f pi-unit r < ' < t
Soumi txiiilillikin ll'iiiitllltr , .
| otloin illr 11.1
Cum Vie tTTliriM' oi .in IMI u klttkln I'utl- ( mil * ! ( ( ' niul 1'i'lnl lo a pi rrnnni'iit nml * .
< < "jinnu. ul
' ' Ilio iilmti" h < ino uf Ihct iiuwl jinllf ) liiKnf ilin clou tlio fklu mi I sralp mitt riMlurii tliu Ii ilt'l , Ii ivt *
- -
Hi-r nml lli-ii'iiliit-r 'n CITII- itf'iu \ i VT tint dm n siH i sjHH'dy 11 nrc i n't ' no to IMC t ! o u n . * h- . '
tliMiM.iniK uf
- mi'li- -
ciirt-i tln-1't
mi'liby nn it tlli-Mf cure-1 tliuiimiuli nf imiwlicru \ ilu > ulit'tlilliin i-C
' '
io > Mlnol I'lirltlr-r , ft I'ri-p irt-tl In tinI'ori m out i tiiMii cni . .JcliN in lii'fiitlty f lll\t
> <
i \ In
' * In filitlllilu- hit-in iIII it Ilii-t iintnulv wiilM nii-Kiinil u ciuiirt ill Ir , tin- kn | i-rnikril
IIMMiMtrnl > lli VI ( 'Olll III ! \ III'S l ! tnn , li'immtlt Nn rtMiici 1 ho
* ' inie > iiu t M itn\M > < ! tiiuii | i uru tint i.r l I.IHIM lint run-Ilii-m lur nil HUM' liltclluu liiirnliiK nn I Hi III nil uliiM l lii'juml cinltii
{ i cllll fur 'I Im tu linekln 1)1 ) o i-i-i il ' n ii HOD u th itt Mi1 nUh and
u Inuly Ilimv II l < nut unrprMnif Unit n ultiurutul clilltlrt-n nun Imlr llltr ! < -i t.r . nil KIIIIInullirliiK lorrllihj
' , fill IllliatuUt .Hill IUU .
PUl'i HI s tuillill'.llltli ' l n ililutl n llipuio 1'1'H |
i lA.'n tin ; ! i rtu r v 1 i. iii.ib-4 \ \ Inl ulliir ionieila-a Iniiu milk"iich L'llm"
Mortar Spotted Skin. An Eczema 1 ? Years. Scratched 28 Years. A Burning Sore Leg.
Covered with Seal e. Awful Spec1 n- Cnrodin O Weoke. Onouft o Great AScaly , Itching Sk n DlsTIB" ' , with UknrJ Form. He spltals and Doctors
est Cti ! 03 Ever Porlormod by the
co. Ourod ln-P.vo Woaka Endlosa Sullovins , Cured by Us loss. Oozed wit n Pain. Cured
by tlu Cuti'urtB modiea Cuticura Remedies. Cuticura B3modioa by Cu' icurn RcrEodioa.
At tlton-'o dflliroi ! lilnlilliH n rn-ili < hlci ! nftor
If I linl . of Ihun IK rut IIIMf in ( < HVPII- AhiMit oltflif '
yo'us iim > I nrotc from
v/iiil * * pn ve.l to lit1 oi'/eiua nr suit rhoiiini intiiU ! In you
Urn it lilt- l t of April lixt 1 ntilUi'il sumo nil iiiiinranii | | ) mi in * ! ( I'livs elm iilUT iiliyilclTti ty ir-t at.o Itnoiililhatu ( * uvctl me t-0 niiil Inrri1. l'i ilosirlhlux liow your wniiilerfiil romoilliH
nil Imt Ininit-nBCi nituint of niilloi Ing Mt tli-Hi'it > ( piirlil-ii (
plmplus IlktiimiiK out over my Itmly cniiipUtioly euriil nioof a It'rrlbh'cituMf
ii unlloil Niine ol Ilirin iliil n u any pioil nt all wuni i > > r
tliiiiiKlitniilliliiicof It until-linn-time on lien but nnile mi1 norm1 ' 1 li 'Hi- ' ciininioTKi'il on my In-ill inu npot not Inrwor linn n Miill rlioiim 1 must now tdl > uii wlmi l'i riifit\
ItlK-xnnlo liink llkttapiittnf m r ct-nt ItHprt'id inplilly nil ever HMilMHK linvii nmiln iliiiio lor
IMIinntlnuiil uniilnUil , It
tnrMM > ttC'l ' on , nml nlik-li oinitciH | ironil li > my irim nnil Iws till inv IMK ! ) mul Knt uiulL'r my llio ( liilliL1 ' . ' .Mot liit Sip'iiu
nilN lhuiinli > 8 woiiltt ilnipttT
Inliiori afitiiiiinnk'ilbj Itililntrl " - - \ was laid up ili tirily. an 1 Ironi Ix'r 1 hail tin * luUti.rliiiii'tol'iulno '
uf nit- nil the Unitniul niyiif
wonltl npitcli i-vcr ) nUht until I - luntlminlly iilttinj nn tlio Hour ' ni ) lei ; mul I put < i iiloceckt stick
forlu t-nl'oo
" ' iiM nml without
itruw then tinnft nlclittlio * < > ( ? > 7 nn n pIllciH. nir Ilinlis i-ontr ictul iimplastoi on 11 ln ! > l nwpek
lullcf ono llinuiiinil dull in
Kdili-s I iln ftirmcJ ini-mwIiHu 10 Hint I loatall coiitrul uf them I hul u tirrllilu h't : . M ) wife hu
trouldnot tt'inpt lucto have till )
were rcrtli-linl ntTnuiln In viiin nnil wns ulttrl > liulilv | > t M' C.UIIQ frlKhlcnul uml uilvNiil mo
ilienseiiTiiKiln I nni.ipiiiir
illrt I cuii'nll nil tlio iloctnrn In tin- iniillicr oulil liuru to lift ruJ tiuo to u Hiiriicou , Irrnt I anil
mini , lint fi-tlrU litn turolleveil
cniii.t ) . l > ut nllhuut nltl Alt-r nut anil Intolnl Icnnlil net nr- diitniul for two iiiniitlK lilt no
tf wlint ionic of tlu ! il'-ctpri nM
Klvinii iiimll hope * nf ri-iovur } . ! niincl the tnju o on m ) linml niul - icuoil nttx Unlit1 me. lie liloi cOMt
was It-proxy , somirlmtiTorni ,
huppt-in'il t t et > nn iiilvurll < 'iiiint ! hut I luulil l ot gut my ItiK inu hltr iii'inoy ' My leuliy tlili
psorliiih. etc 1 innnut prnl o * ' '
. ' ' UKMi- : li > al .ill I Inul ( i > /PJ r ) JV'U tliiin linl furniol Inln nniilci-r
In alinnt vnnr CI I'll't IIA - in nn tlicCl Till It t ItllJIHiil'stniiiiiiiilThiy hiiTi-miulo *
IIIH9 .mil inn 'iriifil tlii-ni from my ilrtiEglst. mil weir n virt uf ilres lni { KOMI Mj linl-had ill Hint- inv Bklu n i It'll mul fn ifruni > ciltma linbj t All * * 1 a nl m t worseo\er > itly Icniil
o'ltnlmil lln utt liiimPill.ilu to'.lof I IMVIII t notlii- tnl iln n nr 1 illi'ii ol. nml my hold , line nnil etiM I u i-d of Ilium WIIM f iwortli Ifytm linl been hen- nut lu 111 Ii any luu innilc nil my ml ml In u >
Ih it tin-m ) rnptl ITU criilnnllv ilrop | > cil nil imtl Mir'i no si'ill I'lii'Jhcuioroiitliiiieil In Hit" iimimr mul H ilil ) ou t\ti\iM lm\o t'liri-l mu fur . * U ) vuti t I II lOflllt.lI ) | lllllS4 > iiri C Mllll 1)0 lielpll ! 1 Klllt til
- - innuntil llml l-ti-n full > inrnl wuiilil h h ul tinmom - I - HCH'riil li'r,1 Inlhe illy In turn hut tump cunld il
tll ! ippoiri-tl nut-by inn- , until 1 IIH horpntei1 ! ! ynirjold. nml moilnrlnj inu ice mom- ) | ovki-it llkf tliu pit 11110
1 liiil tlio I | | < I-T ' thlrld-n ninntlm I'l-fori11 ' IIP.MII ir > Is ? ' , I ren iinount In tin1 Prtliiim" nt your i.Nn - ' ptuili > In ) i > nr lioitk , ' lluw in ( tinkin riionn > cnnil I luul n torrllili1 Iii ; wllli : i hnlo In it
tiklnullin UIMIS : : | | | nml Inftnii or lln-wi > .kH ( I Tl < I ll \ III MH > lf. It ill' i rlli1 ! my itsu so e\- ! ) l > > iauc < lintnon I nm iii i IM nny p'jrion cvor nn hli : a-i i tlullir nml pain th it 11 iniNt M t me ir i/t
I wai cull ol > i-iirnl .My illsu.isini i-i/i-iui mil .1. . llj lint I tlinii lit .B .1 list rcoTt I iu'lvo tlioniu \ni 'I hiiiiii : ) ! lortu uf tialilt 1 rnli my linnlinvir I pit Miirfit nliotit It , mill ilutennlneil to lr ) ( I 11
ln.irliiHH . I knnof n uri'it many \vlmlinto tnVoi trlil \\hfii \ I tlr lniilliMlthoiii | | I w.nill m mil in ) nrm anil li- i tn "crnlrh nut o hi n wtilKtun to tlllV llEHKlllllollllllnol II illlllllllinllloilt n\o
mi piirpntiI I mil nil will I fli-rntiliuif * s - ucokH my Uv wtiliooh1 , ! will jt *
' ' ' yi-nri up UH n i\ur WIIH
" . nniltlmnk nit-for thu kniinli'iltioof '
III'MI'.DII" ' b'ieilliiKfniiii irnllilnaiii ( > < 1lt ' "it I went islecp ami It t to bo klml uf
p > n auuiiiil ii.ituro tu miI I '
tlio teirllile
exd'pt HUIT It loll torn ruinhulur ot n liul
tin in mpi'ila'U motlior < trim luivilinlilii with iilnnist Iniineill iti'l ) siinie'hliiul not ilnnu fur Hi urk juii a tliiinrninl tlmi'
tiiuly oriipllnni on tlit-li lu-iuti nml bmllt-i t i-iiinnt yeir tin1 ol'i'ot .is s > o' > tlilinr In nliinit t n IIKNMs IMlWNIMiVntrrbnr ) , Vt MII nitron t rtllili1 < * in1 Ii it Tina1 ltl > il'lIL3 urj
vurth tliotrMlttlit
utpreii my tlnnki to tun .M ) Imtly m rovrrnl weeks liuuM Htunil tral.lit lint not witk. 1 nas , i \ Iniiotd
wlllix < ili- < : in I I win nn nlKlit tolicholl .Ni' wi'ilv Imt inyi'iret ' were no.irly null \snoir as I JOHN lllli , ! , 311II 'UilMiujt ' New \urk \
Why Suffer One
my skin 1 ? ns tle.iras : i biltyN. O.lll JlllllH1 till ! Cl Til I IU III MMIIM fUM'll nil1 III
Ul O COIP.V , Mi'irlllVls u'otit fl lo clflit nci'l > , nnil npto thh dnto ( I. o Vruiu tiirtnrlni ! nml tlisiUiirlou skin ilhoiM's nhonn Greatest Humor Remedies
Irntii Iinnar ) IsT'.i to liiiiiiin > Iss'i I have not In on ( .Inulo nppllciillon of tint Ci Tin n t liMit.niiwill
Mi k In ui ) nn ) < ir liiuo luul tlie least sUnt of the n't'inl initiuil n-lli-f mil iulnt -
' m a
| ippi-ily , pprnii It IM nn" tlilni ! to < liliu tonirothiMtptrut 'kin nn I
Only Relief and Cure dl i ! lao rp.iiipi'irlnHon jiu1.W. ' niMit niuUeiinuinlinlrnn- the beat plivlcl.inii lilnnit rthi'-iTi Imt iiillu | tinntlii-rlliliulii tin II N'l '
W. -VrlXtS'U.n
- , ami nil other retnt-i lei f ill -
rtmt-tltc * ot pr t iiiiptiiinilt'ii In tinliltti > ofim-iil
Worth can siiirc-lj do Jnstlci-to the esteem In 3T.J Deirborn st .IhlesiKii III liiiieTO ' 87 clno hnte pcrformi tl tluwuntlcrfiil runt ilullf inu lu
whlili thojt1 iireat skin niri-i , blootl luirliicrs anil ' old ivt-rywhori- I rlr f l rirflt t the croitkin liy tlii'Cl TU I IIA HHIKIIIC" ivlucii ! irn tu trulli tint
mcnti"t of liuinor riintllo < nro liclil l > y the thou- Wonderful Cuticura ( HIP Mo ft Tit t llldtlan I'vijulMtp skin I'ml im'iti'-Ufc' ' ! ourrlilotul piirltlor * mul liiiinnr rrnu'
guilds iiiou | tliiiu-aiil ! < lto Itivo found thi'in thu Her nml BiMitmor. Zlc1 ( ric I IIA IUul. . \ \T llio illti1 of nii'tlt-rn tlnit'i \tt ( -firiit-Htlv ilt litthisit
nnlf sinirt'O or InumMl.itirtlltf nnrt of ipu-ily por- I n-ca nl I In-1 i TK l n.v Hi MUHI > < "t nu. re Import non Hluiiil riiilll'T fl \vlin Ii i\t- -utlt-ri-il 'onrf mill htiptlu ityfroiii lurtnr
in uii-ntand i-iumiiuUul euro uf nkln nonlp and lilo > il nut nml Intrtnili t uliii-lo llio wnr tl tlnti .my utlier * l-r < pnn-il b ) I oni It Dill i , A Cut MU tl ( ulli-uu Ina niultlHIlKiumu huniorrtiuul ilUi'nsiMir tlio-iklii
illit-a ci , lilili linvi-ii'iiili'ii-d llfu aliuoit iiiipiiilur ucillcmtit now before theinitillt tTKtv lloMim s alii nn I I'll"I nml winliivt - Ion ttillh linlulun
nhlo br rri'ttn of iiorsonal illalls'iuuniiiit jiul iaM ( in i-1 IAN { ir ! mil fur ' Ilo to Cure ' I Itfi'o at unit niollflnr 11 uinkunt Icist onotrliilnf tliulun-
I'll ' ) 'lii Vt'ur tlmiBt u Mine i uml It" ) n ; < tlriiuiiluli nil t llt Ml nil- .
Dll. T. ITIIV ( .III IIVl ! > OIIII N-I M.
CUHVM , OR JIXIilUM. lli\l : Ill'll II.
t'inincsTnti , l'lni | l It LV !
Mi.tll 1-iitcluT Itmli irnl skin
l IUI > bllttll ll Oil
iH-nuty , Alid tit Hi M
tit In lion. It Us
II.M.HI the tirt ot iu
tain , nml I rt mi
{ imlnl < hM\ii tnftclt
tubuMiioltis iuii | > -
crly iiiitlt Aral t
1)0 tlHIhtl I ft it Of
Bimllti lunii' . Dr J' .
A. boi uil tu ( i
lail ) or Hit- haul It'll '
( HIUltilTil ) "A ) IIU
Inilirun 111lliit tl fin *
j 1 rwomnunil dim-
1 rtiud'tit iinin'a'll
I I. vtli'illilMI ' of all
HID Kkin pr > - | * >
tioitn. " l-ori uleliy
all InuKI-'IMx a"1'
lanty duoils IWHI-
l-rxlnlliu fnili-it suin Citnndnianil Fiimpt ? . .
H.IID.1 IIOI'KINS , I'luit'r.nUifntJoni.aSt.N .
The fliii'i-iin , t or. 1-itli nnil
infill' IIIIIHt HHllHtlllltillllll < ! !
Hotel flnllilliift Ift Oinitliii. .V
liciii'll ln-ti'1 - iinlln
; Jiniinlln riinniiift .
//iNcinr'iif tit ! / ' . .Ill tilt' ti'HiniiH tiinl
jllltil'S lilll'll tlltft Atllll'MtltH ftft' t > flll > f
llnlnii , imr//iif/ it iiiii > iiHnll > li' tu burn
tliftiiiillioiit tin' tinllilliiif. Stt'tiin In'iit ,
hut mul fulil irnti'i' mill miHHliiiii'lii
! ! I'll i' < x n. 'lulilr tinnnriiiNHi-tt itnu-
B. SILLOWAY , Prop. |
Corner 14th and Capitol Avonua.
Just coinpletod , has 100 rooim , throa
btalrwaj-s , itomtho { 6p to the bottom , has
HUH olnvator and dinning room service , is
tire proof throughout , line hillar.l rooms and
the llnost tyiltit rooms iu the city. Lar a
Sample rooms , Suite ? with Inth &c. Co-
14th and Capitol Avo. Street car servloa In
all U.roctiona. Itatoi , from $ U,60 to1.00. .
. Iliviiii nirr nil coxunl wnnkncii In vllha
nx. aitlnunli iH'rici. briiln , il unl oruuin Aliiu
Ll r > ( l MI lor ImpoU'iHT nlnlitty cnihilo'ii tui
niunmry. Inul ( In1 IHIH , nvi'rcl o to Hiirk'ly Jl hnv
puitimiii MX IMHI-S f.'i M-H\ : i ; IUAN : ( o iiuitiio
N V bolit lit ( ioodnmn llruu Co , IUU 1-urimniHt ,
Miiiilioixl roturc-l. hinnll , won It
, , \ nrlvuitMo , an I nu ellvutx nf hulf-Abiisoor
lUivm mruil. Nin nr ri'Uinn I will ylmlly sunl
| mi > lfi | ) I'll ilto ; : nil sutfiTi'rii , ariMlpol hit curvd
IUU uf tlnuo Irnuhtus. Aililrex , wllh Hluiuii ,
UA.UIIAIll.KV , iliittlotruek.Sllcli.
i SalSfofBia
Jl il es Niiw 1'ivOi Illiuiil ind 1'ro-
llllC--K 1
Cunt Aini'iiil.i , .Srrnluln , Had < 'lrrulallon
an I all Imnuntlf-n of the Blood n.s Mfll IIM Ili3
r..Hi ) liiL' Nerve DiBcnroH , M. ' Nervuus ninl Ili'lilllly. Vital i\li.iiilitin : , I'rt-
lii.iluriDfrgiy , TrnnlillnB , lljs'fiiu , ? UT-
THUS IlitiiilnrlnI.IISK ol rnueilnitlmr HIV ,
Ni-rvousni-Hs In , intorin. . Coltl IlunilH or
I'l'iit , Tiiin In lliu Ilitrk anil ittlifilurius ul
Dr. Holtli's Nr o TonliHMIIn brlnR the
rosy tint of Health to the ohnllow choek.
VV"i ( , nurvtms iriiulo should Itkn tlil.i Kri'M Life
Renewer. Irylhi-ni and jouwill Join ilinIhotnanrts
uf linitiiy men and \tnnixn who dilly hlet Ur
ilnDti fur hln Kn.1t wrk in their tit In IT ll.t-7 me
Viairrnitdl ( , d ri'nU tor talu 1)J liuu'Clsl *
lirlirmail AditrtM
Kunn A . lor fiili , t Dtnwui 'irnii *
.1 A I-nlli r ft in I .r lllli.lll . u. tttu'ts
A I > I- .lir A. lo I nun 1 111 ill" I ll
Wonderful Remedy
Trice Sl.OO. I'lnt Ilolllei. ,
For Sale by leading Druggists.
Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Go.
HLAKi : , I1KUCK .V CO ,
National Bank
Capital , - - - - SAOO.OOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - Oii.OOO
OMIcurx nnl llricu > -llunrr W Valet , I'fuihiijiu ,
U-nhb' ' . Ili't-'l ' , Mi'U I'ritiilunl .l.unix W fttvuttnV
\ . Miirmi Jiilm M CiillllH U C UlititiK , J X 11
VulrliKV II llnilio < ( inlilor
T 1 1 K I HO i\T 13 A N 1 v.
t'tirnu uml riiriiainSli
A llut o-ii 1'raus.icial
Omalia Medical mid Suisicil
Vor tlio IroilniPiilof nil CIIKOMrXI )
Ul'KAsKliriitcii Aiii'll.inni f rll r irmlilt-i mil
Tiuiii"4 Hi-it I-ncllitii'5 AppirntiH mil Itt-nu-ilioi
f rsucoo-ful tnjtim-nt "I i-vo y lurni of ilistifto
iDtiulrln Mf-licnl .ir suruii il rri-atiut-nt MNKIV
lldOMIO11 \1lhMs l llimni mil AUcnditn a
Hot A - .iiiiuMdnil. . n \Vi t Wrltcfiir cln ul irson
1)1)10111111101 ) unit Ilr HI- < I IISIIH ( lull I'uit lurvi-
luri-H "f suiiu , , pllin , I'nin iri < inirr Cntnrrh
Ur-uiililllH Inlinlill in 1'irilysli I.I'll- '
cyn ) Mdin-f llliildtr Ko , l.ur. sktu unit lliu ul
nnd till Hnrxlinl < . ] > i rntl"iii DMIAsHN < ) \\DMKN \
n Hpi'ilnttti UiH'k OH DlHtii'ut ! Wniut-ii I roe Wo
hait Utitly iitltli-il u lyliiir In IK'p irtnit-nt f.irVVtnitin
Iliirliif foiillni-iiiint iMrlilt > I'rUnti'i < inly Iti'lli-
I'll-Mo Hi .il lu-tlluti ) Mililnti a J-i''iUHy ' of I'lll-
V ATI. IHHIiV > is :
All III Kid Dlt-o.iHi-i ouromifully tri-dt-d Mutlli-l in
or Initrninpnt' * nt-iit liy ninll ur f1 m-rn i * ot uri-ly
pnckt'il no in irki to Indli-.iti-t-onti nt IIP Ht-n lur
Ono in-rioiml Intenlow | in > ft > irid lull nml t-uniiilt
IIH orhi'ii'l hHlory of your t niuml wu will -onil In
lulu wniiii-r | | < iurllUIK ( I'D MIV ! I IIKII. lilt ill 1'cl-
\ati' Si | | . < lnlor NITVUUS l > l > oi ! J , wltliijuuiu ui Hit.
A < ldru < nil lot i-n to
Dr. A. . T. McLnughlln , President ,
Olhand Iliirni'i Mru'ls. Umuln.
fnr Mrpterl * . Ptiilnii rtt . KonralpUViJ < w
fulnw\3 , Mint&l Impression , Ho ( ( utnif of thu Hi tin ro-
huliirirf In I ni n liy n.vl ISArtinir to raUury dwiiv ai 1
Uootli rr m turo OIU ARW , Hmr nniM. I.osnof t'owwr
In cither * oi , Involmt-xr/ l < one , na l Hp rmotorrhiwa
c&uaot liy uwrdtlio uf the I train , p ( buwor
ovMrltululuct * . kaclitMix contain- j mont L' * irt'iu
nicnt SlalioT , or P * < for vt futility nui litre ; dt.
Wltli enrh urittfr (01 ( * U tioxi- % will i-n. | i un iiu-i *
tfiirxratittn lo rcfunit noni v If Iho tnitmrnl failltO
turn UuihTUiUH ! ! ( Mitml nnUri'iiujiit ' ) koltl vnlir by
GOODMN DUL'Ci t'u. ,
Ill l I ui niuiiiri"t * Omitlii Neb
A POSITIVE nndporminonlCURE for all
dlseaseeclllioUFt I MARY ORGANS. Cures
whore olhirlrcatmentlills. Full direrliuntHllh each
tiolllo. I'rloo , one dollar. Sco sljiatutooi C U
For Bale Dy All Drujul8t .
DR , . J. E.
fiirpilln I tn5 iln ) Mlhinit tlii'li" of an Hour * Itmo
Iroin liiiilnoii 'llm uhtnlutn iiirM.rlil I II1
uml alliiniin 1m : dl-ii huni-f ovir Winna to nn i1n il
KdL'lui1 \l'llll 1 u amiitoI iMiriMn tu to'iO tlmi
the limit | \\erf ul IIMIIO ] > > ct knomi for n perini
npnt rnro Mil It'll Itt' IT pn In In rflkxlnulho l.lil
dor. ctircil at In > m ! U'i ml tniimiiKMiti iiuiiiltiiu
nu pntn , no illlntlnl.miof Miiiluiniloroiknon \
jiuiilthi1 ! ) cured lii tiinlr'Ili'f Skin < tl ouM'H ml
ti'iiinh'ilNeuiicH | n'riaaiUMili > ciiretl Dr * i
n < ecu In the irrilintMit nf I'rU ate IIIMMMM tin
noverbi'on ( ipialtrd ainthl * jrroit nrin ) of imtioiiti
ii'ni lux from tin1tlantli tn the I'licllli tUikxirii
tliciilirrt fit'o Kulit1 * * friuii . ' l > i 4 unlr lull mil
I nrii.ini Btni'tM Oii.alia Sou Kiitrincu uu eitliur
It fun bo tfU rn In u fMji til" rnltVc1 or t IM
' -trim uf IUIHI. wiihuut fie knoluiln' ol Hit pntunt
if neOMiAff It taabsolutaly Iir Mint , unit will ortecl
\ > tiriu iiotii ancl ape * ly oui c , A i.vtbrr lite1 tBtiuiit i >
bi3clorAtoilriukor or * n&tcotioliou reek II SK\LK
CAlls , Hoiiorutm an quinil ) nil with lurb r-
tuiiity tliM ttio pttittnt uudorKQ * * no Inconvenience.
anil era h * > u uwaro. hit * coputula rulo/u.ntlca i *
etlrolml ISpnaabook orprtlcularrffriM . lotH'tindol
KUIIN * LO. . IMIlAt llo.l . la.v ItlhA.- Cum 1 11 coin
f j' IrJil iiiu tip UM l > y Ui < Ktv 1I11UCC A CO . iilj
'I IIMl * UllviSK nil If I , l'i Mm .
Mill wlinur 1 vUi K IH I In I < < > i-ci < < > 'l ' Imn ,
i > i vi iK , turvuiit ( r m am r.ui i , tfinl nl miru
for Hit' Ac1 * * ' rnniiiinii N II " Ilimu' < , , .
llllll lc .lllll f diiii ; Niii'U'iltli noiisi n-c In on1
( iii/i'ilfi il a Si in ilmrnriiuliiil ) In f Ajlilri i
i I'liui-iuiiLj tu.lloiUl.AlbloU SHcV