Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    OXVIIA RM1 < 3 : Till" US DA V , JMA.HO11 12 , 1801 ,
rcvr.nv MO UN ING.
TI UM'or M'n" ! tn 11 ION
1 > ully thM-i ll limit 'iimlajlOiioinr \ .t IPO
liiilh nuil wuiidn\ , Ono Yt-ir 10 ix )
Six innlitlii . . MM
TliriMminlliH. , . Sfi )
sumli ) UK , Ono Your SIM
\ \ i t-Uy Hii' , One Your , . tM (
01 IK'K
Prmilin. TV Itrd UnlMlng.
Smith Oiiinhn. ( iirnorN iitulSUli trtfK
( mini II llhilTs.i \ IVilll Mii-iM
( liloi o < U1lrt % lit I'liiicilu ruf Oomntorco.
Nuxor I ; , llniiini l.t.lhmd I i.1'i Hume Illllldltlit
on , filjroiirlrt'ittli stncU
x < r
ruliiiluit ID new * AIII !
Ml It < irlii 1 mnt tir wlimdd I o addressed totho
I tutorial
IIIISINI s , hi | TKU .
A IIbusiness liltcr-4 and M'Milttitiri ! * houll (
1 c inlilrt-sMil ml In * HIP I'liliiloliliia < 'omp my ,
( iniiilia Draft * , i IK i ks uml ptHlntll c onli M
In 'x'linuli ' piijiililt' to tlioordi-r of Hit ) t.nn-
TlicBccriiblisliiiigConiiaiiy.ProDrictors .
mi1 itni uni.Mivi.
SXXOltN ST XII Ml.XI' or < ltd Ul AT ION.
Mali of > IM ! iuku , I
( nuiiM nf UniplM ( '
CiiirL-i ll r/iiliui'K Mtritiir ) of I'nr. llrp.
I'tiMlihliK i-iiiiipari ) , dots Milt-rnntr swnr
Iliiillluiiliuili In-ill it l < ui of Ini IMII. > llhi :
for the ti'i ciidliiK Much ? S > ii | , was as
Miuilnj . Mait-li 1 . . " ' inr ,
Monilny , Mnri'li * * . . 'I U'll
'I in MinxXIniihi
\ -Jiii'sdn * . Mil re 11 I ' 'isut
Tlim lix ! Xiirrb5 | " ' "
I i III iv. "Mni-i hr , . ! . . ii.Tv >
b itnriluy , March T. . . . . . -ion
Axorncd 1 ! 1.1112
niouni n. i/Miiri'i\
Pworn tn lii-fori ) mo und milisiillnl In my
pri'vtiic'o IhlnTlli duj of Muie-h \ O | s < ) | .
N ! I'm.
Notary I'ubllo
rtatcof * I
CoiiiiU r liiiutlii f" "
CJiorK'- 'IrnLlinik. Iflnu duly swnrn , do-
Jiosis nntlsii vslliut IIP Isnicri t irjol I'm 111 K
I'lilllHliliu ioii p i m Hini HHiitii iliix orim-
dull ) cliiiiliiiliiu lit 1'iirliAiix Ii ! > fortlict
inoulli of Mnrill , ISM , xtin 'Jtisl'i ciiplcs , for
April , ih'd ' , SMI.41 i-dpli-s ; for M ij' . lkl ) , UM )
coplps ; fur .Iiint- . ls < ) , i01 ffipli-t , fur July.
forVi ptiinlifi IMH ) . . 'i sTOcopht , forOe-tnlior !
1MN ) ; n.7ij ( ioics ; fur Ntni-nilir , IS'K ' ) . S5.110
ooplis. fur Diii'inlui , in1) ) , U'lrt ' copies , fr
.Iniiiiary If-Oi. ' . { < , < | 4tloi ( > li < s for I'l-bruiii v , ISDI ,
tv . : ii.opt ( ( .itnuoL. Ii I'ywmrK
SVMIIII in 1 r > fnrn mo nuil siitra t Ibul In my
presence , llilM.fcthihi } of lebiuiry. \ ! > . . Is'll '
NT I'm ,
TMit ny Public.
I'm : Iron tutst Is now xxitliont a com
petitor worth ) ofita
Tun Mi : to luiiibm * trust is ilislln-
for tlio tlmbronf its tonos.
PKACI. rcltfiih on the 1'applo , not-
withsUimhnj ; tno tictlut of tlio tilug-
Foil a \ irtuotis era of reform the legis-
latuio at Li IK ol ii present- i itlici a boiry
A moil ) scrutiny of appropriation
hills Is tlio piossiiii ; dtitj ofooivaloh ) -
dofjof tlio state ttiMsuiv.
Tin : election of GiMn-ral Palmer
Btren-rthons Ilio ileiuiiml for the election
of senators In popular \otu.
GVLU'OUNlviH the tiventi-fiist gtito ,
nnil the hovoiitoonth coutiollod by ro-
publicans , to omul ballot loform.
Ir ia b.irclj possible tint Mr. Wlloy
will coinploto his lovislon. of thooloctrio
ordinance' bofoio Iho Deeuuboi munici
Tin : o\aet center of the uK/7iril bolt
now rests between Now Vork and Lon
don , with thoortils slljfhtlj in fiior of
the British motropolii
lir.N' lit IIIH : predicts . .motherar
anil Intliu.iUs tint hois i-culj to volun-
toot a .iin asaniijoi unoral. IB Hen
gottlng shoit of spoons' ; "
Tn'KMiiumoinboia of the South'
Dakota lo itlutiiio aio suirerlii fiotn
the olTii-ts of diafts. 1'iobably they
vxoio piesoiited ptoniaturo.j.
IN' TIII. lifjht of logislatho in\ostlpa-
tion into thoopot.itions of prohibition in
Kansas , it is elonr the half had not boon
told by no\\iiapcf ) eouospoiulonts.
Ir Gi vi.iai , PVU-MI.U shows in the
Donate a fraction of thoonoigy ihsplajocl
in sookiiiH ; olllco , the people of Illinois
will ha\o \ substantial loa oiib for tlnnk-
Tun lepoit of nbindonocl farms in
rliUbOtS i&a tribute to the intelligence -
gonco of the farinofb ho forsook a biro
olstoiiLo in the east for a coaijiolonco in
the \sest.
Tun topoit of Iho XeYoik police
raising SVj.liOO for lobbj piu-posos is an
unjust lolleitionon the luiiM.l'ljutting
vin" is strictly forbiddoti among ; piofos-
sional "knock-don 111. "
TiiKonicieniicof rettoiulitiiont among
\vo > torn inihoads b eke out just at the
tiino obstioporous log tOatuies wore
ffrtpplliifjith tale niobiums. The co
incident is s
Tinc piojutoisof the Gulf load have
quit cOuuUinc ( ] : and knucKlutl down to tlio
work of huivexing. The oUdenco o
businesi unci fj.V i an ag'tcoablo change
from ycirof talk anil thie.itt ) .
IT is tin possible to batisfy como raon
Doajito the decoration of the cit.\ hal
with llfo bi < ; e photogiii > hsof alilornniuio
mugs in relief , the owners insist on hav
111) ) , ' their .mtOi'iipli3 cut beneath. A
iniijoritj of the council \\i-oly
the proposition.
TIIK bonttoriil ciinp.tljrn In Sicrn
inoato has lo-.t of ita orijjina
7)lnuancy. The Rppcitfaticn of a clo/toi
dotootho on the H-ono ptoducod n
marlced bttin eiiey in inonotaij iilTuir
and nuless Ihoj iirovitlulrann at ai
early duj a financial paiiio is inevitable
TllKlCunsis City Iho btoc-k c\i'hungo
has boiin ; \igoious win on the icpro
bontatl\es of the stock feeders nlioUain
the right to hell their on uattlo in opo
market. The war is bound to end i
favor of the men who claim the dlvin
I'ight to transact tholr own business.
TliK county should net tipproprlsito
ono dollar for x\ood \ pavcmont oti South
T cm tt\-fo \ tilth btrcot To tnx the pub
lic for another foot of rotten paxoiuent is
itio.xcusablo. Iftho piopei'y ovvneis are
buch fools as to Insi&t on woodblocks , in
vlow ol thocobtly o.xporiunco of thflolt.x ,
the count j aliould vltlulir.xx- otlor tel
l > ay the cost of lutotscctlons.
.1 s m cnnrrrnr \ \
Tin1 U'jjMutiiro liurinitnli-n ( bit \ dc-
lniirill/lti ) { attiiortidu'ro Tlio ( yhmpxc'
of olnt-atii'ij and ooiruplTlumliii : , pn1-
pcntoil to llu punplcof Nobra l n In tlio
struj lonu" * lioiu a topoitor's diniv
Ilirow a calcium liKlit itHit | ) tlio tmtivlio
liiivohooni'iitiiHtod with the lntnilc \
Ing pnwoi of tliU Mtnto.
Ninor him aleglHlittuio aiwinhlcil itt
the slate uipitil from \ \ liiflinuiievis
vvKdoilnuil | iirtxot luno ] u-oili' bo'ii
inoro disappointed Like all its prodi-
ce8is ( ) tlila loRhlntnro Uoinltonul \ \ illt
n compact and iiiixctiipulotH lobb\ \ ,
whltli resorts lo oxory dovit-oto otHnato
luict uitfiip th'e viiliii'i'tibti ) anil x'entl.
Tint soiiu would fall by the \\a\sido
might hiuo boon oxvu'tod , bulof nil
k-giilatuiet thN boil > , uiiitroUed by the
tinly tillers of thoHilUIH , \ bolicned to
o bovotnltho reach of Iho boodlor ami
u * ( ill-room hummer.
The picture jircsuntod of the jHox-all-
ngr state of iilTairy at l ni'olni'iuinot fall
o aiouso poptil ir Indignation.
77 \
The line Itilian luind of tho'chool
took lobli ) islslHo in the piopoxul
gi"latim at hiiuoln Two bill aim-
ng at text book reform liax-olieen Intii- )
in'dl , ono in the siMiatoand the tit her
t the homo. Itoth atoria'ul to luvo mi
athiHialiifolloHiug. . Therefoio , It
s likely both will bo pushed and
either sillowcil toVc-nmo aluxv.
Tinaiiif.o bill pi oxides that district
ohiKil lioirds , when authori/ud bj the
lajoiity of legal \oten , nnx' oontrtict
ith publishes to furnish textbooks for
poiiocl not ovceeillng luo jours
tijiulateil thsit contracts shall
n the lo\\est \ pi iees granted any whtilo-
, ilo doiilor In the United States -'ii'1 ' '
hat anv publisher who "enters it i-om-
) ination to raise prices shall tho'-obj
orfcit his eontract. " The seniito lilll
out mis slniihr piox'iMlon , o\eppt tint
t \es-ts \ iiuthorltj to bolcct books In
ho touchers of each eountj , who shill
house luommlttoo of Hox'cn from their
ow nnunibor for tint pin pose
Neither of these , ine.isures full ) meets
lieiloinanu for roiorni in tun uuoouon ,
hou h , perhapi , cither x\ould be an
in pi ox omotit upon the loose system uo\v \
n \oguo. The eliiof xhtuoof the pio-
iosLd measuie is t at they would secme
m ( fortuity and some ilogiee of iiorinn-
iencin \ the soloilioii of books.
Very little Is to be expected it : the
VHJ of oeononn in the new ar-
If either of UIPHO bills is
The niiiin object of the popu-
ar detiund for text book lofoim ia to
reiU tlio power of the school book trust.
3oth of the -6 bills lire cunninglj calcu
li tid to defcit this object , and their
illiV'od prox'Moiib to the coiittary aio
nero aoutilitij ( phia es.
"I lie lowest x\holesilo prieo" is , of
ourtio , Iho standaid puce lited by the
> ook tin-it. Tlio diie thiesit of for-
'oitiiro of coatiMct if "tho publisher ,
ifti-r t'ompliliifj xvllh the piox'Hotis of
this net , shall enter a combination to
rniso piices" is eipiully cinpt\ \ . The
combination ulre.uly exists in a. xorv
louiislilng ooiiditlon.
IMdontly tlie "choolbooklobbj Icnons
.ts bualiiPsM. It bus provided for the
[ irobible defcit of nil locrialation on the
sulijoct , but If a bill is parsed it is cer
tain to be of i Imtmless chauictci
rAiri i'ir. h' 01 nn si in i'tri :
'Hie rominiiiiu'ation of Lord Salitbuiy.
dated a month atfo , inioplj to the dis
patch of Seiiot.uj Blaine of hibt December -
comber , lohitUe to the Beliuug bo.v ton-
trou'rsj , appeals to bo togaiiled in
Washington as giving a inoto fivor.iblo
aspect to thu negotiations. It docs this
so fir as it is a renew il on the part of
the British goveinmont of an
of willingness to join with the
nipnt of the United Stites In seckinf ; lj
moms of aibltrutlon an adjustment of
the international question ! ) in dispute ,
but tbeio is no important concession
made that can boiogaided as bimplllj-
iiigthoconttoxo-s ) , and ccitainl ) none Hiirrendera any \ltal part of the
Biltish contention. It is not oiisj to ve ,
theiefoio , in what material robpeet the
communication of Loul Salihbuiy ghes
a more fivaiablo turn to the negotiation
tion- , .
'Hie ox eriimoiil of the United States
has abandoned tlio eliiin that liohitntr
boa is n closul sea , and piaethiilly all
th it it noxv umtendb for i > the tight , ac-
quiied Iiotn Hussla , to pruxent the tik-
itifjdf soils la thw ( > wttorshj othei na
tions. Uus-n oxeicised this right , uid
bofir as appears xit bout question , but
thn is-uiuption that the British < rox-cm-
iiiLiil admitted the som.diiess of the pie-
tension of Russia is lojcttud by Lord
Salibbiuy. who quotes exidoiKo to the
contrarj. Ho goo- > further and iiiiln-
talns tint o\on \ If itoro \ true that the
Hritish { joxeriiinent bad not piotcstcd
the claim of Ku&sn , the fact of
the lotlconcoor omission otthat oxorn-
inent xxotthl not warrant tlio conclusion
tint it lonoutieed its Inbciont light to
frco p.issago and free fihbing over the
vast ONtent of o o in em'ninceil in the
nu-sljin pioti-iisimi Sunimotl up , the
Biltisluoiitcntioiilt. this : TliatBehring
sen is a part of Iho I'lcilic ocoin ; that
thogoxuriiinont of Gioat liiitnin no\er
acqulosiod In , but on the cotiliar.x 10-
pudlatid , the claim of Itunsia of tbo
rifiht to exclude .ships for 100 miles fioni
htr coist In Hehring soi ; tint what
riflht Russlu did iiiot herself pos
sess she was not able to ti ms-
mit to the United States , and that
BullHlisubji'i'tb otijo ) the Biiino righto
in Uehilng son xxhlch holonp to them in
oxerj- other portion of an open ocean.
13ut , b.ijs Lord Salisbury , "it Is IIOUH--
tholosbii matter of silicon ) ( satisfaction
tint the president is willing' to refer to
aibltration what ho conceives tobomat-
teis whliih hax'o been under discussion
between the txxo go\ornmont3 \ for the
last four yeiira. "
Some of the quobtioas proposed b > , Mr.
Hlaino as subjects of aibitralloii the
Diltlbhuoxorniiiont oftors no objection
to , ono or two other iclatlvo unimport
ant pioposltions it aclinltH , and other
quobtioiis \\otild aK to hax'o moditlod.
It is thus seen that \\hilo \ thoBtitlsh
go\eminent profo-&os to bo btill otillioly
xxllllnjj'to Inx'o thlt > conti'ovorsj bottled
bj arbitration , it adlioies to e\ory \
vital and important contention it
has made in the past. The ro-
bponsoof bocrotury Dliiino to this hint
communication of Lord Salisbury
In' nxinttcd with inoro than ordinary in-
loivwt , it xvlll probably detOiinlMe
hotliot * our gin or nine tit is niepued to
ptoi'ctd tonrbllratloii on the tornn pro
| iosodb.x the Hrllish goioriiim-tit It is
imdonbttMlly thocvy ( , 'ciii'Ml fcolitiir
thtit ll isde < lraUlo to eek tin nilju t-
men tot the dispute In thN xly , tind tbo
pix oinineiit of the United Stile * Is new
put ina portion xvlun-e lorojwt aibltri-
lion wouldbe iii'ett ) ceitalnto phco ll
al a dlmdMint.iKo In tlio opinion of the
wofld and to justif.v with tint opinion
mi iij'dre slvi noltoi nn the puM of the
HritMi yinernmcMit to niilntnlii the
lights\x-hlch \ Uohilnm for itssubjec-ts In
Itoh ring hcM.
riw .K > srs\xi//\i /
Propariitlonsfor the aniiuil descent
of Iho tax nwssor sue piogios > , iii ( , '
fivouibly , In IL-SS thiiti tlireo xx-ocKs ho
will he aliui id In tlio land elollied xx'ith
iibnoimal authority and i $1 ? smile ,
The yeirly pilgiitni'o : | of the tax
iHsowor in this section brinus into bold
lelieflliouttorinellli'ieno ) of the uxoniio
hxv of the state. flgnoil ) tomikosill
liroetty | ) betti a piopoitionate sluroof
the public burdens , It is the most clU-c-
llxo Incenlix'e to ta shhkin on u-cotd
The lux- clothes the assessor with prttc
tlca 11) ) absolutn power in the in liter of
x.iliiutlons Tlicer Is Httlo or no tellef
fiomlils juilginent 01xvaut of jiidjimeiit
( . 'onil decisions milk * ' him moinrehof
ill hosui\oysaiul \ hoauls of onuili/i-
tioti lie useless formal itli-s J'be xiiltit-
tlonsof the asscssoi1 mint stuiil unless
the xietitib of discrimination ipped f 01 > t
tiinl , theoutcomo of whic-hls doubtful
Tlio vital objection to the piesc-nt
method of assessment U tint oloctoia
piy little or no iittontlon to the qttahli-
citions of ( "indldatcs foi assessor , uid the
tosult is thata most impoiKnt public
dutx , , requiring thoroujjh Uuowlcdgo of
Milucs , ibsconds to tholox-il of a farce.
Unit ) of action is not possible , for the
letison that friendship and faxoiitisiu
and ' pito are prominent fnclora In the
assessments relurned.
The xvork of the assessors last ) car is
conspicuous OMclt'iico ofhoxx not to doll.
In ISiS'l ' bulldnij ; iniproxomeiils xallied it
$7,000,000 xveio .undo in Omaha and
South Omaha Had an honest valuation
been made , these Impiovements xx-oiild
bax o added sit least $1,000,001) ) to the 11\
toll. Asa m itter of fact , the aggiegato
xaluitioiisxeie ledvuod , iiul ollicnl
force gixtii to a false and dimaging- -
portof nniiiicipiil piogioss.
It ib iibtonWiincr tli it si laxxso con-
flpicuousl ) unjust should find supportcib
in the lc'rislntinc. '
SKA i r < ntM ; nut
The election by tlu > Illinois lo
of Gcncial John M. 1'aimer to tl <
United States setiito doseJonoof tbo
most rctnirKihlu seualot isil conlcbts in
the history of thy country. Last jeir
the ilemoLiatsof Illinois nonunatcd Gen
eral Palmer fortho senile , mil his cui-
( Htliicj was aioiibpicuous issue In Iho
campiign , just as jeaib before that of
Lincoln and Doughs xis \ , x\ho woroie-
spectivolj nominated bt \ t lie lepubl leans
and democrats of Illinois for United
States son itoi , Genet d 1'ihiioi took a
xerjaetuo put in the campiign , x\-hlch
losulted in electing to the lejiislatuie
101 demoerats , all pledged by
the action of their coiuetition
to stand by the candidate for
omtor to the end , 100 ieubliv.ans ] , and
tbrco ropioscntatnes of the Uarmei- , *
Mutual Hcticlit association , the latter
holding the bilanco of poxvci. The pub-
lie Is with the contest in the
logislatino tint \as continued thrntich
eight \\ceks , 151 ballots being tnlan.
Prom thollrslit XMIS apparent tint CiOti-
oral Palmer 01 a cmdidate ptesented by
the three ineaibois of the fumers' nsso-
ciiitlhn x\otildhe \ chosen ; there was no
chance of electing a republic m.
Thiouglmut the fight the demoeiata
pro-onteda solid column fotheii candi
date , and the aciCssion of tx\o of the
farmer members ltnu.ll ) give them the
x ietorj" . The h.tttlo xx is fiiuly and hon
orably conducted , to tlio end , and tbo
buciesriful candidate xxill go to the sen
ate with a eloui and un issnllablo recoul
bo us his fight for this position is
Cicner il I "jilmoi \ \ ill uniloiibtodly ha a
notiblo liffuio in tbo nation i ! senile.
Hois a in in of ability , and of that ag-
grc'tolx-o natiiio xxhtch o\eij \\htie com
mands attention , lie has not al\\aS
been a deinociat.'hen the republic in
part ; XXMS orgini/ed bo idcntilli d him
self with it and fouuht iiiiclcr itsbannor
for mam yens. He was indebted to
that pint ) f political distinction , hiv
ing been ( dei ted bj it jjox'einor of Illi
nois ] Uit for neatl ) twetit ) .xoirs
piist ho his trained , xx-ith the
( loniocraiv , accoptinjj ami advo
cating tlio most radical pim-
cipies of Hint part ) , and tbo ronard ho
hasnoxx leeched Inu been well eainod
by fiithful /eiloussorxleo. .
I'aimer mil bu a democrat of democrat.- .
in congiess , but ho x\lll \ not be a mere
follow er lie is cui talii to dotiniul uid
roi'cix o ieeonrnitio'i , is a leader , and
xx-liHox-ci1 coin so the nartj shall i > uisuo
he will h ix o , i shire la sbuphij. It is
probiblo that his election to the senile
xx'ill jrixo hi 111 prommcaco as si possible
pre ldontlal ctindlilato next xeir , and
\\-eioho 10 joins , x oungei he xx-ill bo
"o next t\eiu ho xx'ould lw a formid
able rhal of any mm for the nom
ination , but his age , tton bix .joirsj
greater than that of the oldest of tbo
presidents at the tlmu of his InauRtira-
tionYlllltiin Henry HauKon , will ex
clude him fiom anyclmiKo of getting
the nomination , hoxxevor ax tillable ho
iniylit he regarded itiothoi respects
'Hie stienyth of the sexeuil pirtic'biii
thobutiato i an iio bo dolinlteh sttned.
They xx III stand ; Republic tn 17 , demo
crats ; ; s , independents , ! .
, L kf'1 ,
Liars and impnsters ought to luue a
good inoinoi ) . The table xxhlch Iho
I\'uili1-lliulti \ ) pimt to bolbtoi up Its
friuiduleat claims and bo 'iis cltoulatlon
coin lets that concern of playing a sys
tematic confidence game on itsadx-eitis-
int ; pations.
In Jul ) , 18S ! ) , the 11'claimed a
eitc'ulatlon of ox-cr K > ,000. A few xxeoks
later they announced with a giaiul
tlourlshof tiiimpols that the numnioth
consolidated xx-a booming bojond all
jircc'edent nuil had increased ita circula
tion moio tli in Wl pel cent
In Jtiimui ) , 1S90 , another incioaso of
OUT K < pop cent In circulation xvivs
claiiiicd tnul i xei'v few nioiithMintiinim'o
montsof nmi'volousKrOttlli wn-re litnilo
In tlio } iipcU * ( tttd by circular U-tti-i
Tile's1Htilcrn6nts ! arc noxx1 jircned to
the mol runic Imposture
to itsoxxii tahlo Ilio II' . / /
had a iliillj tltetilation of IJ.Oo on
July 15. ivui , ( | no jcar nltor Its consoll-
dation ' . less thin It Ivtil
tliilincd inJulj , ISvl
Septeinbof \ Ifi , 1S10 ! , in the verv
lioat of a cieat caiiiiuign , xx-hi'ti It had
Hood til thill-It ) andflatovx ith thousands
of campaign ( liipors , It only luul 15OSO
copies struck olT. And on Dix-omber IS ,
after the st'ito ntitl cit.x olcctlotu and
after It had lost 'inor 1SW ( city
Piibscilbeis 11) ) Till' HtiN : reduction
of It-isubsirlptlon tile. Itclalius ncircu-
htionof 10 , ; ; IS , or neatly 10 percent
inoro than It claimed in the initlM of a
gii'iit political ( .uiipaign A mote bit re-
heed swindle was never perpetrated b )
puifcsslonil eonlldcni'o innn.
Another tell title exhibit of the U'oiW-
/ / < i-nld'ft table-Is Its liL'tttcs fortho t'oni th
of.Iul ) . On tint dt ) It ctedits Itself
with printing S,07odailies , Tills tupre
vents tt\o ciiMilatlon of tlio inornini ;
edition. Dc'iltnt 8,075 from 11(1.0 ( , the
Issue chimed for Itil 5 , and
wo have ( i , < " > , V ) , which topic-
heats its tot-il ovoninj , ' edition
Pull ) U.AOO of tht-so ox'cntii ) , ' edi
tion pipeis xvcie clrculitecl outside of
Oiiialn. Tbisjjix-esthoOmiha chctili-
lion of the Ki'tinii'i U'oiW IOn copies.
in other woids , in last In I ) xvbeu the
ll'-// / / . olnlm.'dovei 8.000 ciiculation In
Oniithi for its ex-enitif'edition it only
had 1,0-5" ) , accoi ding tolls own table.
How much does it emulate now ? It
diopped nt lo.isl 1,100 , from IN moiling
cirrier delix'ei ) in Omaha in Not ember
and Dc-c'omlier , but its fiaiululent tnblo
chox\s \ nti ftctu il ineioasoof noarl ) 12,000
tit dilation , iis coinpircd xx-'ith its higb
water milk during last fill's cam-
A loiiccin tint rosortsto uch sstcm-
ille methods of inipostmo is cajulilo of
1113infann. . 'Jhust ! has cliimt-d 1 1,000
\ oellciieul.ilion when it It id Itssthm
" ) , ( )00 ) , and dins the clinmx of dishonest
competition li ) cliuginn' that ten ne\s
ideals hul loltirncd 1OS' ( ! ' ) copies of
TiuImas : ! : unsild duiing the month of
ofxhlch DuiilocU .
Jammy , \ number iv.
Dunn , railway news n gents , are iere- | )
scnted as lotinnino ; 7JOI ( ) unsold topics
The impudoMt roiruus ! The totd num
ber of diily ! : ; sold to Dunlock k
Dunn dining the month of Jimmy xx u >
" ) , Vf > " ) , of which just lo. ! copies x\oio to-
ttirnul its unsold.
Iiul xvhoiiou % no deiliiijj with com
mon HXX imllcts xou cin't oxtiect fair
dealing 01 ex-en common doecncx- .
iM AS/IS ; > K < M m S1 / 0/J / W/m ; I 770V
The Kansas lojjisliilmo his pis otl a
eompic-huisi'xe irilfriition , xxhtcli Is
ipg.udud is the moat important work of
thesession. . When it is loniembuit-d
that dniiiio ; the just ttintT Idaho and
South D iKottihiiA'oonnctod siiuilai liu\s \ ,
\\liiloMoiitiuu \ , Wjoimnu siml Colorailo
ba\o lexlscul tbeiia to bung them up lethe
the most en lightened stitiilircl , ttio ac
tion ot Kaiisasid o ! yroil Higiiilleane-e is
un indiiMtlon of the piosont cuuoiil of
thought In the vx-est.
If this siiiiultiiueoiH action on Ilio
part of five western allies menus nnj-
Uiiitff it moans that iriigiitlon U about
to iccoivo un unpro < uletitetl itnpulbo
and is i onMidtd as the moil piiinislnj ( ;
me.iiis ot oncoura itij , ' po'iiilation and
i to continue lo lionin this duet- !
The action of Kmsaatind South Ii- )
Kota is olcbpecinl iutoicst to NobriisKu.
Both of those st'itos hiixo foiuioily Mold
n ith < * roil ten icitj to the lliooij of an
liiuieisinBr rainfall Both hux'o horoto-
foroH'fraidedlho BiifrL'estion of irriga
tion with a { ; oocl ( loiil of lopujjiKiiiio ,
aiulvot both hi v ono xx- put liri ntioiion
a linn h-fal bisls anil hix-e alrouly
bo uu tosolicit tlw aid of cipitiilin thi
foiiture of their dex-olopniunt. The In-
lorcst in the Mtbjoot in ICiiiM- , was
striUnjrh ' how n by the fact that no lobs
than tiino clilleicnt blllt- '
from as maiij clilToruut sourc-cs , xxcio
presented for'thu lonshloratioii of the
lejcislatuie. The measure which \\.is \
udoptcil is t xxito as x oliiniiiious as the
bill nox\ \ ] ioiilinn' ( in N'olnisUi It It ,
tn.iiuly derixtil fiom tbu now Coloialo
laxv md. Is iiJmirahly c ilcnliloil lo 011-
coiuaf o inx'oslniciithilo Kiiiuiliny tbo
ltituL-- of the people in the xx.ttor
'J'hcpioinpt it'll clo-lsive action ( if
ICans i' , and hoiith I ) iKiitu is the strong-
cat Uf umcMit tt'liiili bo tiffed uini |
tlio le-y uhituio of Xobi i , ka This ttato
has hhuiod with its iHMfihboiSon trio
noith und south the injuriuiis elloc-ts of
l.ihtCMI'H dtoutli , and tlio consequent
tippculs for alii and xxulu stoilos
ot destitution 'the Urination 1110x0-
inout piomiscs to do more than all other
ii-jcuciehiii ietrio\lu \ < jr Iho lost ground
ix'iiifr anexx impulses to agiieultiire
in these btatts. Vgnit iietivtt ) in the
orgini/itlon of Irrigation enlorpiises
and tbo silo of xvcll xvatered lands is foio-
told bj the hhtuxvdest students of e > \ cuts.
Ills foi thelegislatine at Liimoln to
sa.x w bother XubiasUa shall enjoy her
shine of this pi'iimis'd ' proipjnt\ \
whethoi she Julll sit idl ) b ) and see
Kansas , South.JHkoti and the noxv
btatcs to \\utitiibtiiln \ all the bonollts
of thif. noixfoico In wostein llfo. 'Iho
pnmilm ileiniiu } / ( ' good legislation on
this subject hifc.iim iiuttoas inirKcd in
NobiMsKi tisolsuuhoro The bill pie-
Bonted b ) thorcbctit .stito conxeittion is
thoequil of any.ui igatlon laxv In anv
state. It wotildlMe a most costlj and
grievous bluncK'i' foi the legislatuie to
defeat 01 neglect It.
'llie&o considerations should bo c.uo-
full ) xvcighed .by the iiiombeis ol the
leyNlutute in the no.\l fexx dnj s.
Illi : glorious clinnto of the tians-
Mltsoutl roylon must bo contrasted , with
the condition of otliir bectuiitb to bo
thotoiiKlily nppruluted lli/-/nds ! pre
vail nbond , and Hoods raxat'o the oist ,
the houlh and soutlixvost , ) ot nmid the
xx'inrini ; olomonta and the hoaonis of
destruction , bright sides and stimulat
ing /ojibj i-b cotnhltio to make Hits the
faulted loglou of the footstool.
Tin : SI. 1'aul I'iomnc.s.s ' / weaves a
a jiird of atssortton from a qiinilor-lmh
of fnct , To hold up NobiaHkn as
an ovtmplu of tlio fully of ladi-
cal leflslatiou Is without a shndoxv
of foundntlon. The moro Intioiluc-
lion of etuiiky sc'hemos In a loglsltv
lure doc's not Impoadi tlio honest ) and
comtnon souse of Iho people Such
mpasiiu's hnvo been lulrodtici'd In lecrls-
lalttros xvheio nlllance tiillueiicos do not
pun-all. Tito truth is that the cry
tnUed against M > willed RrmKoi1 legUln-
lion is lingoly conllnod to Iboso who
havogiown rich and nrtojjiuit by class
leuislatlon , They purposely mmumro *
sent mid inallgii the motives of all who
do notagicc' xvllh them
Till' ICiii.sash'lslilurolms [ ; practically
compleled Its business , with the excep
tion of pioxidlng for appropriation1 *
All radical loKlsiatlon has failed. Ndl
OUMI it roisomiblo icform measuioxpns
nblo to got tin oii h , oxvlnu to the well
knoxxn monopol ) toiiilpnolos of the hold-
o\or senate. The oxporlciK'o of Kansas
lioshl ) illtistrales the dot tint nslato
seitiite is a good deal of it uuiMiiet- ,
especially when , us in the pmsont in
stance , it Is a tolli-of tin election mote
than two jours old.
A SPANISH or/tin of infantile relit \ )
waxes warlike ox or tin allowed 1110x0-
mont t < i annex C'ulu to the United
States There Is no decision for shedding -
ding Castilian Ink on the subjett If
the United States xx'iutudtn antu > \ Citb'i
the job could bo ii'Vompllshi'd xxltliout
serious dilli ( tilt ) , What Spain needs is
some ofl'ectlx'o means to chocK the senti
ment for iinnoMilion iiiiidiiLr the C'ulivns
Till Hi J Is but ono \va ) slioit of state
public ition , toelTectiiiilh uirli the book
tiust Text books should be made uni
form throughout the stale Leix-ing the
selection of book ) todistiiets and muni
cipal horn da piodcuos a confusion of
) rttems , which IH not only injurious to
edticillon but losiillsln the mainteiiinco
of top pih'os. Uniformity is the
stop low-aids cheap school books.
Srs XTOU Pi I riit : has made another
speech in WiHuntfton In xvhleh ho do-
mnnds that the oxfoitiniLiit shall iiiimc-
dlatelj issue f)0IOO,0ll ( ) ( ( ) m $1 treisut )
notes Ho says he wishes toollininato
the element of intiinsiealuo from the
circulating medium It will be tioliced
that ho his successful 1) eliminated this
elc-tin'iit ftom his speeches.
Till' reunion 7'i > iii critli tses the char-
icterof Iho delelegition selected to pass
Iho contribution box for I'urnell in the
United States Ofcouiso. The 7t irs'
slriclui es are designed us n pisspo-t to
aid the ca o of di&sonsion , xx Inch It has
so abl ) espoused since thoeailx dis ) of
Tin : best advertisement Omaha can
put foi th is the exhibit of its otictry ( in
fostoiing and inaugurating industrial
entciprises Communities , like imlix-ld-
uals , tire judged by their vxoiks. Local
public sphit must load Outside capi
tal will folloxx- .
Disi-ATCltns from "Washington indi
cate that the now citcuit comt justices
will not ho appointed bofo'-o nejvl fall ,
As a result bores ( of anxious pitriots
w ill bo Kept on the futyed edge of antici
pation thioughout the ttopicil season.
K is a noxx foatuio of bnoxv block
ades on the Colorado tail raids. Some
of the now-fancied snowploxvs h no be
come hopeless ! ) tangled up in the moun
tains and tralllc is grcitlj delaed ) In
St. I'nul Didn't Knou J h t In\i < I.
J.XDIH Mi Itnlnlln
Clnrity miy cover a multitude of sias , but
it can't ' protect so man ) and so x'ui ions sin
ners as a ileuiociatlc fox'einor ot Xow iTork
' 1 lie Stiavx- i nil o.
II im/i ( niri / ( ! ' < > (
The poisons who atocnciqod In Dolling the
lepislaturcs for iircsideiithl piefereiices ate
oviilentlydoiaptho counting nnj tortitlcatlon
to suit the booms of their lospcctuo favorite.
Goxcrnoi Semtor Hill is like tbo follow
who , coinlmr tea cross ro.uls , endeavored tone
no one xvnj on hU riplit log and the other xxaj
on his left IIu brought up In the ditch.
IjiM's Trj it Hero ,
A hill for cuttulini ; \-oibositvof tlio
house ot commons ptoposo * a llinintioii of
Ulktobalf au hour l ) > tlio clock for a pn\ >
councilloi and flfteoa minutes for oidliimj
Don't W'ako Them l'i. ,
" 'Iho jeoplc next door Idiuvx- nothing about
this proputv 'laex-cin RVO ! no infniniutinu
leKmdliif , ' it , " thei.ithu pnult.u notlco
posted on a x.icant N'oith Twelfth sticol
_ _
'ilioii I'ny \ \ o'l I'oi , luiiiiii'nt.
fit ntifni H lltfn n
III oneiatintr i laihoul jou mutt loa\e some
tnaigln forhiinnii jndijinentnv appliance
of any Itind , no inittn howperfoLt it mixbe ,
tots Inclt to a mm .ifter a while , and if hois
not all right j on linxo trouble.
Tinftimily ia-.t. :
JVnuiith limrx.
Councilinin D.uliuir startled the "West
Xoxx Voikcovtnill at Its raootia 'Ihursiltj
eveaiiKj b ) ofTeimga losolutlott declaiinc
that any inomlici npiicitinuat tlio mrctiiifjlu
n state of Intoxication siionlclbo dobaned
from participitliif ? In tbo business ot the
ox'caiiif ? . Ilio council incctliiKS arc so often
disturbed by the presence of some member
la n hardl ) luminous fiumonf luind that the
lOsolution became ncccssaty.
'loo Mo lent.
I'Mliiil'liiMii It- , i.l
'there nio ci inks and cranks ; but the
crankiest of all cuuiks aremuloubtedh to befoul
foul il la the seaato of Mmuosoti , where a
bill has licea fiuoiably icpoi tea fiom the
comuilttooof thoxx-hnlo iirox-lUiiiK tint any
"fomilo poison" xx ho shall vx eat tiKlits ami
oxpiiho hot "iitthor limbs" la public shall bo
fined or Imprisoned TliPio filloxva xx-ouM
certainly hax-o the now soil of Wyoming iir-
rostcd if it shou-hl get into Minnesota Hut
\\liy not "malo persons , ' tool
Only ( Inll rh < 'iiis | \p < 4.
Iliti ixr * Jl tii.
Thcro Isthoiwoctliifiiiitlto cre.itmo xxho
simpers and wnthes and dropi hei chin to
look ii | > from under her lushes , anil uses all
muanor of nuile to show ) ou how gullulm
shois Thoroli the strong ailiidoil wonuu
xvhot illti In chest toaos. Is alujxs | ) Qilti\c
and holds uuxnncoil opiuloi.s o i all pouiU
boinnx-eil oiunluiis , slnco tlio sticutfth of hot-
mind is not In the direction of oiU'lnntinp
imy There are the ignorant people who at-
fcttdilturo. This sort of dishonesty nulls
only tbo dullaul hiieh nlTootiitlons am open
advertisements of po\orty , siaco no onu af
feels xv hut ho possesses.
IIow Mrs , Bond Bjcamo the Iiosor of Nearly
Forty Tlious mil Dollars !
HOKUM on lint Cn-ildi ! Cllj'MN
Itascliall I'aiK Ket'lslons bj tlio
SnpionuOiiiirl Otlds
nail linds ,
IitvrotN. Ncli , Miuvli . - | > eclil to'l'ur '
Hrr | Jhe llond Itotcl , or Hither Mrs
Hoail's equltxIn tint Htriicttiie , whleh
aiiiouiitsto $ li,0fi ( ( , xx as sold vi" tinlii ) forfl
Mis Itotul IstluMi'fiuiH'ivatl ) liullKntititnnil
diclnrcs tbnt lulx-ftatiiKcbns boon ( alien of
bci iKiioranco and she U thetoliy tolibed of
It appeals tint Mrs llomtboiio\xotl
frim ( t II lluilbut , a inoni'V leiiiet
Aflor the iitonoy bociimo duo Hurlhut com-
inciiceil lejjil piocoodbiRi to olloot It , and
itolloo was sent to Mrs lloiul Hint ] ttiliiuoiit ;
bid beoa seemed against her Shoillltiol
appear aacl uronlliitfl.x tlio hotel was ofTerod
for sale vostcidaj by the sheriff mid vx-as
knocked down to Paul P. Ciarlt , fluillmt's
attorney for Jl. 'llils ' aim moil Mrs Ilord
and shocrtmaionecii sttli totlii ) la the district
coutt to tocover possession.
A M \ \ n u i IMIIK.
Tito Lincoln sttect rallwav compiny o\o
oiili'il nstralcvlo mnx union t list cvoatii ) ; nuil
urn a line oftiaclt froiti Txxinty third anil O
stu c > ta to M street , ut which ( mint the b ise-
bill pnik has been ioc-attil I'lio pioputtx is
Known as UiiH'ourtunx tract , and coinpnse's
ten iii-ics IviiiK south of M sheet Maua > ; ci
l u\xo Ins It > iscil It for three .veins , and work
xvlll boioinmeliccd ou thejriaucl stuul Moil
du ncxl nuil ox-eijthlnt ; made la npplo pie
order b ) Aptll 1.
w ixx uu > Mil NO OILS
Willhm Uol. \ l. llvlnjr nt r.H NorthTatr
terath sheet , inlh-il at Ihe tiollco station ( his
moiniiic to HCCIIIH the aid of Marshal Meliek
incatihiiu ; his ilaui > htu Sudle , xvlio h id nth
ort with a chum , ( iertlo Hauls 'Iho fattier
Hiid tint Sadie , xvho Is but llftuen ) ears old ,
hill Dudiod her hiliiU Xi-steuhn and I ikeu
the nfteiaooa train lor Oinnha 'I'lu * Harris
pill has been looming in the Hiown block on
Ostrecl although her parents it-side in tlio
iioith put ofthuiltv It Issiul that Oortio
lias not Ixca oxnotlj xx-lnl she should oo ,
uml tin ) father of tti 1'ojil hl l fearful
tint she lus induced his daiiKhter to run
awav to outer on the uml to luia An olll
cer xx'ill probibly bo scut to Omaha this
aftei noon.
iiisrair rcoi HT.
Thojurx- thccaso of Mis Martin neainst
the cit\ \ for il unices leuuucd a verdict for
phlutill forl The veidict doesn't can )
.lobn 1'eauon plaintlvolx lennrUed to tbo
rotut Hint ho bid ( iiixx'n a hhuk In tlio
lottery of mania.'o and xvauted a ehance to
tiit .it'lln He had mariicd Christina in
> oxAMiisol , Meteor countv , ill , \piili ,
1STS , hut she was awful cruel to him and la
-AuRust , l sd , st.ibned him In the loft hand
with a fork , and liiinlh last December loft ,
him Ho xxas planted a docioo.
'Iho May will t iso h w been tiansfcircii to
the law docket mid xx-ill ho tried 1) ) a Jiny.
A x-cij intcrostmir ciso isnovx'on tilil It
Is that whcioV T.S.ixxor sues I1 M
1'owlei and his smetlos , Jolm \ \ , Dickinson
and \V II Ivors , for tin money due on a note
for SIM ) ro'xlci'vus
\vus foimorlj n deputy
sheriff , but vx-ns not picscnt in court , nl
thouKl'the ' suiclles were Dickinson's ' do-
fcaso isthattho not * ) hiib been raised from
? 100 tolf > 0 since ho signed it as suretj The
note bcai-s evidence of bcln rilscd , but
Siwyerclaims that it was done befoto itMS
si nod bj the suteties Diekinson clninis
tint &i\xyer \ icleised Ivers fiom the i oto on
pivment of fi" > , and that this action albo ie-
loused him.
It is understood tint Count ) Attornt- )
Saoll will file an infctm.itlou anilnst Mra
bheedv either this uftcrnoon or tomoriovv.
si i in-ML COUUT.
The following1 oninions xxeio hamlod tloxxn
In rcconstitutloimbty of hnusoioll ho 284
Opinion bj Justice Maxwell
Uiidci Section5 , article'lot ' the constitu
tion , count ) authorities cannot assess taxes ,
the iif-f-rejiato of which shall exceed S > 1 M ) pci
' 100 \ ilu.itiou , unless aullioiized by a vote of
the people of the coeinU
' . ' j\s under the proscut btituto onch xvar-
taut niuit secif.v | the amount levied and up
propnjtod to the fund upon which It is
di.ixvii , and the amount alrcadx- expended of
such sum and an > xvuiiaiit drawn nftor 75
per cent of the amount levied fortho xonrts
exhausted whore theie are no funds in the
tieasun fortho pix-nient of the same shall
not be elmiKcablo against the county , it xx-ill
be impossible foi any count ) to Issue xxar-
lants in excess of the amount authoti/ed In
the st ituU'.s now in foieo xuthout atiieiidim ;
such stitutes.
, ! An act not complete in itself , but cleailv
amend Uorv of a former statute to which ft
does not refer , iswlthin In
hibition and v old Sin ills vs White. I Neb ,
3.13 ; Sovereign vs the stute , 7 Neb , -101
4 'Iho legislatmo his authont > to piss a
law to authoruo tbo countv board of iinv
county or state "to issue bouds of thocoiiutv
to au iiniount not exceeding I per cent of the
assessed vulu itiou of the couiitx for the yoai
| s < K ) , and iiotoxcLCdliu ; thu sum of fJKW (
for thopuiposo of i.iislnt ; nionoy to puiehnso
Ki iiu to bo pliutcd and sown for the purpose
ot r.iisliiK1 eiops lor tbo jear Is'll ' , and foi
fiediui- teams used in iiusiiig slid Clou- . "
'Hies ( jiiislioa of issumi , ' sueti bonds must bo
bubmillcd to tlio people ia the mode piovided
In soitliuia JTiuidis , ehapter Is , compiled
stitutes , and they c.lunot bo issued on a
mere putitiou foi Ilio Issiiaileo thcieof signed
bv a inijotltj of the elcetoiaof the count ; , .
1 L'ndorstetloii 1" ) , aiticlo.l , of the con
stitution , no speeial luxv can bo caaitcd
wln'ioa enctal luxi in bo made applicable
suite e > \ . i \Vebbei vs liavs. Mandamus
\\iit \ awanled Opinion bv .lustico Max
vx UI
Johnson vs Mills Krior fiom Nuckolls
county JudKiucnt icvc-ised and ue\v \ tiial
ouleied Opinion \ > \ , Justice Is'oival
.lohasoii Xb Ptteis. Unoi fiom IS'iickolls
count , ' Judtjiiiciit loveisul and nm\ \ trial
iriaiilcd Opinion bx Justieo Aoival.
/Oimmeriiiiu xs Kllii ciniii Hrroi from
Sirpx county Alllriacd. Opinion bj Chief
1 Uioriof tiial , In oveiruliiiK motions to
( \ctudo evidence' , vx ill not bo considcn il un
Kss the motion , tlio ruling and the evidence
aio pitsc-uted 111 the record by bill of excep
J. Instructions to the jut ) , apparently ] u-
dieiousaiitl not ixccpleii to on the trial ate
not ibxtrsible 01101 without evidence-
! \\itnouta \ bulof cxcc-ptioi.s euibodjinR
the evidence , the verdict xvill not ho set aside
at excessive and not sustained by the ou-
llt'i-sluscr vs Illinium % * LCo Krror from
Holt eoiuitv Aniimed Ojaiiioii by Justice
Lo\\is xs Uc'vis. Appeil fiom IMntto
roiuit ) Afllimcd. Opinion by Justice
Tim Security State innk x-s Hiulo. Krror
fiom Hull ceniiit } , Hoxoised und remanded
Oiunioa bx Justieo Maxxxc'l
School Distiictuf Lhudion vs I'oster. I'a-
lor fiom Duvos comity. Hovcrsed and 10-
m.uided Opinion bx Justice Maxwell
foul % s Stiole. lirior fiom Paxvnco
count ! .Afllriucd Oiiinioii by Justice Max
Ttio foIlnxxliiR causes xxeiu nrgued nml sub
mlttcd fatito ix icl Shuibluy xs School dU
( not No 1 , UKou coiiutv , Miidtlox vs Cloui ) ,
en iiiulion iloidou Xb Kioft. Coodrich vs
Duslimm.llartholoiiiow xs fisher , Uoubei
va Crawford , McDoniM xf Ulttcrbinh , on
motion. , lnass XM Wllnoii , ou tuotlim , 'Ihorm
hill vt Slute ; Hiiti'coin Huinicoil , dofdiub
ant ilhmcd leu duvH tonorxe uad Ilio lulof u
I'ouit iul Join nod lilt tomoiroxv
orvrr not r soti"
A petition has been | irosnnlril lo the POT
oiiior ti ) txvoloeal allomex'H , uslliiT ( ( for tli
pardon of llansord K CtiiulHoii , xxho xvm
convicted ut Albion , llomio couuly , for thci
aiurdorof .lolm MUM-S on A'ull Oil Instft ir
coax lotion uml botom ncatonco ( JiirrUou xxm
nilJmlKid t'.saao and sent to the
asxlum Tlio iroxciuor xvlll luxisti atu tlv
x'oluiuinous ic-iord pivscutod
diun XMI rsix
Cliiiiles Viiiinhn and ChailosVhlto \ txxo
touch xouu slers wlio luxe lioon In tumble
several UIIUM befoio , xxero niioHti-d luslc-X'Mi
hi ) ! clmni'il with ili'fnuullni ? n hotel innn
.loo Hoiili-k Is thoiomplaliiaiit. und su\stlu\t \
the bins ol a nt his plittuon South
Klinoiiihstitot jeitcixhj and ran oft wltli"
foi It.
Ilio iiu-iit imuki-t \ViiRtior \ Ilrotlii-r' ' at
Ninth street \xasiuti-n-d bx bui-jj
lais lusti-x i-iilii and a lot of incut stolen
A liorso anil IIIIKCX * xvas sti-h-u fio'it 1' ( <
Hawkins atChono ) hist nil-lit The loam
xxas hltiliod In front of tlio house * ami tr.ti-lis
Indicate Unit the thluf lu-aucd tor i Inrolii
lotiit\ ) ) \ United States Minshal HasliiiK'1 '
left this mm amir for \ut l I < onworth xx ith
IjtiLim , alias O'dorinan , the di-seiti'i fr 'in
t lull foil Airs O ( Inimiia leirncd josd idiu
iidnnnoii of hiM husbuid's mpluio und
culled lo sco lilm She ( tit'olcil him xxiih thu
cbcirful lut ( itOKitlorx "So xou'le > In 'In
soup , Iliurv ' ' and naui him u lovig \ UIHS
She luvompiuled Idiu luck lo i.iuviMiwoitli
Chillies liiown loft his linn hilchi-d la
front of Iho Depot bold lusl oxt'iltiiMXlulit
ho vvenl Inside to ilK-xv. Whllo lie xvm iroiu >
u Unlit lliiKoud folloxx ( line nloiiK and stol , u
lap i obi- , quill aim blanket
'lliodt.x ' nnrshal of Sexxard airlvodla tin
olh this tiinrninirnftci'iigiuii ! of Ihk-xivs xx lin
broke Into the cntuiliiK coiiipmj's ' xvorki ( it _
Scwiinl uml stele thi-iefioin l.ftiH pnuniN
solde-r. a Itotllo und soum other poods I tin
thUnei huded their bimty Into i txx-oliorsi
XX IIKOII and still ted foi Uuieolll , whcie'lt n
thoiiLtht tloj belong Tlujxcio u u levi
foi sumo ( llslimce , hut bnd too miuhof a
stint , nnil tlio marsh il rosoitod to the tall
xx ax tiaiu toiatchtlioni
II H Duxxson , for ten years n guard at tlio
state pciiltontlur.x , hut xxho has hucii llx lug
nt I'nd'cUt ' for s'ome time , llcd xestotdij nt
the hospital and was bin led this afteiaooa
under tlio ntispicosof the ICtilphl.sof Pjtluas
At a meotliiK of the deinocrntlc cltx i cu
tialcoimnittio held at the ollUoofw I
( JuadltTlwt ovi-idlit , ' it xvns tleeldcd to hold
piliiiuiios m-xt 'lui-sday OUIIUIK , xx itli con
xintloii tlio Saturday tollowliii ; 'J'bo con
vciitloiuvill bo composed of IUJ tlelcpitci ,
bisod on Bi\an'sxoto
A spleudlil bouse quoted tbo mosnntntlon
of "LoiiBfelloxx's Dream' ' at limkcs lust
o\eiiiii ) , ' , Klveu bv homo t.ileut , undii the
nusiilccsof the I , lilies' Aid aoclc-ly of tlw
I'lilvoisilist iliunli It piobablj the
most satis facloi.v in oduitiou l > j homo tnlont
tint has ox ii bitn seen > ICuclu wpll tiilfiMi. t lin rn Mimhiiris hU
toilciilh cont-ct md cxeijiue jiasscd olT
sii.ontliij 'Iho basts of thuplcco IH u IItin
conception , and throuili ; the vaiimis scums
ovcij thliiR wus sullsfiietoiily le-ndoiod
'I'lietoweio neatly u himdied charueters n
the lucee-
Lnst October John I Underwood ir-cox
rred f'O'JP duimjcs in the Laucisteredintj
district court fiom tlio 1'ic.itlc telctrrnpli
comimnx ou account of the miserable wiitinir
of tbo teleianh operator , in w huh thovvorda
twentvsix dollais" appeared "seventy six
dollars' 'Jhls cmscdii loss ot money to
I'mlut'xootl mid liobocuioil d images 'lod.i )
thotultKiaph company took the case to the
auptomo comt on error
I'd lines , u brilieimn on the I ! & . M , re
coked 5 pav jcsteiday and Initiu-dlnUH )
jroceedcd tosquiuder it la the vmioiis sa
IOOIIH. Ho met a genial compiiilon , xxho
showed \villiiiKuess to drink as loutf as
Haves imd for the liquor , rinally the txxo
put up for the nlfiht ut tlie Depot hotel This
inonuiiK xvhea Hues ) woke up liediscovotei
that his friend was KOIIO. So x\-ns Ids moue ;
JM.SS/AV ; . /
Pharmaceutical Uia The hichor classes
nro goacr.ilU thcloro dissc-s , and the loxxcr
clashes are usually the hue' classes.
lUuclninptou Le-ulcr. Mis BORCS- Yes , I
nm a xvidoxv for the < -ccond tiino In mj life-
Miss JiRtf And vvltl jou innrry npiln' ' Mrs
lioK'BS - Well , I'm considering \\hc-ther \ it
xvould bo xx-iso foi me tn bo so foolish
Chlciifo Times Little Susie \Voha\ohal
a cresit axxaVceniiiff in our Little
Kthcl Wbj , in our church \\o iiox-oi go to
\VushiiiKton Post "Medicine,1 sudilittlo
cirl tn her plnjiniitc , "Is soni"thlii ( , ' tint
makes xou be careful not to catih cold again "
[ jlinira fti/otto Ah , you do not Know- the
aiiKUiHU of beiiiRdit liv your best friend till
jou begin to shave jomself
Pharmaceutical Hia Dr. I'll powder
Swallow one of the-.o pills thrco times a day.
1'utrick And sure which pill doetur ! An'
jc ? do be after foitfittln un euutic to git him
up ngm cacli toime
Utici Herald Not long njo Ihoru-v-
Wi-iitworth HiBgliisoii emphaswcd tbo Kos
ton twaup bv ih > niliicr "moiaiiiR" with
1 ilnxvninfr " Now , Dr .1 II 1'arko uuts the
I'lillndelphh pronunciition on icrord In tli
I'all bv rhjinhiB "talks" with "socks , " aid
bis poem is not on , ferr ) Simpson cither
.fudge "Hoxx did jou imnugo to pot out
of joui enfjiKoment to .lc-3sio without a
bu-acli of pioiiiisosuit' "
"I threatened toxvnug tier PUR doc's ncik
and sbo Jilted mo"
ludiin.ipolis .rouiiuil AVhcii xou liear a
innii cliim tint hois uutu liumbloiustiumi-at
m the bauds of the Ijcud , .xou miv fed suio
that ho is not trjiuj'to cmiiha.si7O bis own
liumlhl > so much as ho Is tbo fact tint tlw
Loul his seen litlo use bun
Noxv Votlt Sun Gosliii-If MUs Si-adil- , '
fuo Is her fortune , she doesn't i.ito x uv
liollov Her pixuluo is much above bcr
lace \ alue.
I'uck 'Jhe oillco that seeks the mai is
UKoly to llnd him m a ( ; oed iuaniK ! > Mi9
about election tnno.
ini : j'A J i / ; . i. w i L.I v i .
I'luti mnctnlh al Kin.
Mnii'b ' a xapor full of xvoos ,
Hilious gels and down he goes
J'ties.i pill and thoio It sticks ,
MiKhtnsxxcll try square teed bricl > t
rinds his livei dx ea out ,
Xe\t ho h is a slego of
Se ho trif-s a doctor's poxxilor ,
And lus swears cio\v \ louder and loudor.
floesiiKlit on fiom bid toorso ;
i'hinks tie 11 Older soon ahouiso ,
"What'a the matter ! "
"Don't ' chew Imaxx'l
\Vhx \ , of course' ,
Mu lar-i a "
A MiliMlln4l.ilf / - ,
There xxns an old vxotnaii 1 toll jou true
Had pilns till she didn't know what to Jo
She took "sure iiires" for them each and all
j Hut thc-x Just glow gieatc-i from spring to
{ fall ,
I Till shoprajr-d foi iic-ilh asthoonlv euro
: And they took hei to sill on a leu thj tour.
I 1 in that old xvoninistuuigo is the tuith
Hut I fe-el as t risky as in mj youth
1 was captive six months la a heathen land ,
\Vhoro uexor u boltloof mix brmd
Could I procure Hud I staid u xt'iir ,
1 could noxer hnxe died at all , 1 fear
Highest of all in Lsaveuiiig Power. TJ , S. Gov't Report , Aug. 17 , 1889.