Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    I * l
THE O LAIIA OAlljV JiKK : fi HlttSDAY , AIAW1I 12 , 181)1 ) ,
J'HlQ 031 All A
Hr-KlCK : Xi ) . 11 ! PI'.AUI , STUKr'.T.
1 > . ' .ivrreil bv Carrier ttiniiy | urt of the City ,
11. W. TII/1'OX MAN-AUtiR
Oftlco , No. I'l ,
. NO. an.
u. Y.I' . 0.
Omiidl lilufTti T.mnbitCo. , conl.
dart'it-hallol loans , ft ) I tiiip ! | hloek.
( ii'iiulno Koclt Spring coal. Thatcher , 10
Main street.
l.ruioiiRrtvvlci9 will bo hold this ovcttltii ;
nt ilio rcfldeiico o ( Mrs. Shepherd on I'crrln
John Mi'Vrlph unil Miitfglo Heach , both of
tins city , \vuio married yesterday by Justice
Hiiinintr ,
Two MHOS of inoaMoi wpwioporto'l yestor-
bay in 407 North 1'lrst slrcit und 14 North
Ki'uht hit red.
Vrrnii InpTsoll , BRcd t\\o \ \ vc.irs , U re- IIIvilli M' rlot fi'vornt the resident ! )
ollrr | MiviiK : HM Harmony street.
( ' . \Vnllncc mid Ml A C. Tulon were
married yesterday afternoon by Justice
I 'lines. Ho tli parlies wre from Omaha.
Tim Ladies' A id sot-lot v of the llorcnn Hup-
list chiiri-h will meet thin afternoon with
Mii C. 11. Sherradeii \Vlllo\vnvenne. .
SliiTilt O'.NVill roturiioil yesterday from
Miti'hi'lvtlh' , xv hero ho hii tii'cn to tulio
Kinest limbcitu to thu state ItidustrUl
Tins Kind's nauphtm of tlio
" "tiiurcli will el vo a social tomnnow evening
nt thu icsidcneo of Mr : , . 11. O. Cook on Sec-
Ollll avenue. ,
The regular mcetluupf the.Harrlud LadiiV
Social wi-irty xvlllbn held tomorrow after
noon at'lie ' residence of Mrs. John Hammer ,
HO I teuton street.
A bii'lcot sorliil will bo gvnn ) on Saturday
cvcnini ! lit the residence of Alt' , untl Mr * .
OiarlosVivks on Fifth nroiiue , under the
aiuiplei'H of the Ciood Templars. .
A int'otlnnof ' the. city council will bo held
this nftcriiuon at I o'clock for tlio purpose of
llnlshint : upsomo business which stioohl bo
done before the ni'\v coiini'llmei ! tnUo their
A ineetlnsls called for 7 ; ) UiU evening nt
Hughes' hall In tlio Interest of tlio fair for
the bcnotU of HI. Hcrnard's ' hospital. All
> oungladiiH , niarriotl ladies anJ gentlemen
mo Invited to bo present.
I'latiills , daughter of Mr. ami .Mrs. Frank
Kiviiin , died of diphtheria , yesterday
iniiriiiiifr. The funeral look plaeo at , U o'clock
in the afternoon at Hie residence of the
family , ITiUOSouth Nintli street.
Horn , yesterday morning , to Chief \V. K.
yrceiiiaii of Pottavvattamio toiler , Ked Men ,
nnd wife. awn. Tlio friends of tlio ohief
Mate thiit lie has taken to tlio xvcoits and
xUiim last seen xvas CMvntlni ; a ghost dance
The Mrs. I" * . It. , Sheridan tent. No. 2.
.Daughters of Veterans , gave its llrst annual
liall hist evening In Unities'hill. : A lurgi :
iiuiulicr vx-oi'o in ntti'uiluiit'O , and tlio young
Indies showed thcinsdvos most excellent en-
Ira t'adallnilcrvho skipped town last
fuuinin-\vliilo lii-hadan iinpaidllnu on tnu
toilts iifraiust him for ilrimtamovvas )
nirneduverto the city imirstial yesterday
iillDi-iiouu by liiabontlsniuii to servo out his
Pi ftv-threo cases have been Illod for the
Jlurch term of siijiorior court , a m ucli
P'oaternninborlluin has ever been lilod le-
fern iiuy term of this couit ' 1'tula.v Is Iho
last tl.iv . on which petitions can bo Hied\vlileti
urn in bo trleil nt the .Miinh torm.
? ' At tins meeting of the school board litld
Tuesday I'vcmni , ' the lills of the election
clerks and ] ntlescro ) ; ulloweil. I'artics
who Hero hired liv the iiiumborsof tbo board
as snbstitnlo.s hn\o their lulls signed by
nppljln to the ones whoso places they took.
A. T. Malloy of .laeksonville , 111. , passed
tliroiign the IllufT yesterilnyoa his way
homo with a lluu stud colt whleli ho hail
purchased at Central City , Noli. The colt
has aKoncloRifiil trco sovvriil feut longanil
has alroadv , it is .said , iiiiulu ( jtiltc a record In
raooM , iiltliounh it is only two years old. .Mr.
Mullcyls n professional hoiiio trainer , and Ids
Intention Is to train the colt for the track.
Hobert 1'blllips ' bepin suit yesterday after
noon In district court against the city and C.
It. Mltt'liull , iliocontitietor , for f.tUOtlnmiiKCs
for injuries which ho claims ho suffered l > y
reason of u dam which was constructed nt
.tlio oornerof'J'wontV'thirdnx'cuuo anil hix-
ti'eiitli street , and which caused the xvator
from Iniiiaii creek tolloxxox'er his ,
inn inciting liis lot , enteriiiK his collar , sniil- ]
inp his Krain , in-ovenliiiH him from using his
stunlc , and piitlliiFT him to various other iu-
conx-ciiieiices. The injuries tire the resultof
hnproveiiii'iitsvlneti were ordered on the
creek , nnd which xx-ero inailo by Contractor
Mitchell last month.
.l.C. BUby , steam no.iiincj , sanitary en-
tlnecr0) ) Morriuui block , Council lllults
The Manhattan , sportini ; headquarters. N.
O'Biiea. '
l'Ii'll.SWA.17 * IVt K.I < llt < l I'llt * .
.lolin Beno lias returned fromCliicaifo.
Major ( ! . II. liiclimonil loft last ox-enliifj
for ( , 'hiciiio. ' ;
Colonel F. C. Reed started for San 1'rau-
cisco yesterday.
MUs Georpia Sharp of Omaha is the guest
of Mrs. A S. Deck , W ) Cllcn avenue.
Miss Limo Donahey arrived homo last
evening on a short visit with relatives and
The Mis cs louisaro la Chicago lookiiu ; at
the now styles of millinery. They will bo
absent several days ,
Mrs. lE. . Seabrook , who has been dnn-
perimsly ill \vith diphtheria for several days
jitist , was slightly improved yestorday.
C.V. . Sch\x-artz , the new assistant secre
tary of the YOUIIK Men's Clirlstinn associa
tion , nrriveil in the city last evening from
Ottutnxvii , wtiere ho lias been iiviiiK. Ho
enters upon his duties today.
The New Pacific is the most centrally
located liotel in Council Dili ffs.
CallonD. < T. Uutcbinson & Co. for choice
bargains In lots in Wilson Terrace.
Inducements for the next foxx' days ,
Tlio followinR is a list of tlio petit jurors
thnthavo been selected for the March term
of district court : Thomas Ciiilvln , rirst pro-
clnctof tlio Kourtlnriml ; Ii. M. Hougli , Xor-
wulk ; J.\\ * . D.ivis , Secuiul product , Pqurth
winII. \ \ . Dowllucr , tr. . Xcola ; J. N. Cnsady ,
Second wardKobert ; Klrkwooil. Cnsent ; It.
T. Wurtl , Hooiuor ; l < . Sinltti , ( turner ; John
Lunciii. Mimlcn ; 1'etcr Beclitelc , Second
wanlj.I.C. Lewis , I.owis township ; \V.\Ic-
l onn , Vorlc ; lllrnin Lurrlson , Silver Creek ;
llonry I'ascUell. First provmrt , Fourth \vard ;
tiocrgo Snell. First wunlj Henry l.a\v , Hock-
fonl ; Claus liclmor , Mimlen ; Ii. U .Incobs ,
Socoud , vnrdJ. ; S. MilKct , Ilarilin ; Tliojms
1'illinp , Fiistvnnl i J. II. Oittorlln , Third
wanl ; Ii. S. illnes , l-'lfth want ; Moses
Draper , bixtlivunl \ ; 13. Jinigtcrijian , > 'colu.
tlio Mnyor.
rJho following quiet little resolution was
nil opt oil by tbo ministerial union at Its last
meeting :
Hi'solveJ , That In tlio judgment of this
ministerial association that the same nitmici-
jMil power of the city of Council lltuflstliat
now without lau- collects ? .V.,10 monthly as
"lines" "forfeits'1 of the
or saloons or so-
called " houses" of ttiis
"disorderly city , niiil
that now in harmony with law closes them
on the Sabbath day , can , with the exercises
of the iwver with which they arc endowed
bv the law of the state , clo > > o tuo saloons en-
Signed for and in behalf of tbo ministry.
a' . McK. SIIAUT , 1'rcMdimtiira tein.
liolh Wri > ti.
JIi-s. A , Slyter , the mother of Mrs. J. J.
Stewart , mot with n severe Occident ou Tues
day at hir residence , 7UC Mynster street , She
was walltliiR noout the yard when her foot
ptruek a slippery iilacoand she fell , striking
mi her hands with so much forcous todis-
locate twth wrist Joints. She was at once
tulicu to ttio house , where medical asslsUnco
was rendered. Mis , Sl.vter Issomcwliatagod ,
and the Injury is much inoro severe ihim it
would have been In the case of a younger
person. She butlers u great deal from its
Vl'lt'f 1 I1I1 P/M'VTrMI 111 III'PO '
Kilurii of Mr. Gmhnm Pit's ' TJr. Slitigatt
Out of llis Now Office ,
of a Klslit-Landlord
\H li'iinnt Mrs. Slylcr's I'uitillil
: IMi.ip Idsi ol' tlio
< ) iitnrs.
A. C. ( Jraham.ohalrnun of the beard of
park commissioners , rutitnifd yesterday
inomiiii ! from an extended rip through the
vest , lie bud Inn vullso widen ho curried
x\lth \ lilm on his Journeys all the Knowledge
there Is anywhere In icifiird to the rulM ami
irgtilntlniiH of the commissioners , and the unpacking -
packing of his vtillsu gave Use to a iiivor |
complication in election matters , It turns
out that Mr. B. I , . ShiiRait , xvho vas tie-
flareti electtd to the ufllee of park i'oinml < -
sloner , which It was supposed had Jint been
vacutod by ,1 , U. I'eroRoy , WH nut eltvtetl at
nil , from tbo fact that Mr. I'cregoy's ' * term of
olllce had nut expired and ho not re-
Mr. I'ereiroy Mali's Unit the blame of the
affair rests upon him , he having Informed the
mayor that Ins tenn had e.xplred atul it xvan
in order to elect a successor , lie thought at
the Unit ) that the term of olllce wai only
tbii-e MMUS , ami uotldiiK dlllercnt xvas
leiiriu'il until Mr , C.raham retiirnoil ami said
it was live. Mr. Shuifiirt Isnot at all UM'd
lip over the unexpected turn affairs luivo
taken. Ho hail secured till bond and talieii
the oath ot onUv , but ho iinutat all aiiKty
at bchiK' laid on tlie shelf in order to allow
.Mr. I 'i'1-oiriiv ' to serx-ti nut the rest of ht term.
TheroU eimsidcraiilo work roimocied with
the olllco. nail there is no pay. Mr. Shu Karl
secured tlfo c iidorsument of Uicpeoplo und
hail the honor of being elri-led vltliout being
put loanv trouble todisuliarKOlhi1 duties of
the oflli-o , the result ot all of vhlch Is that
Mr. Jit. \ . Shu art in al > out us terenely con
tented n limn as will ho found anywlu'iv.
Mr. Orahani i-aiiio back from the west
loaded to the mu//lo forl'erciroy , whoho
suppose hail roiiBiml his positionhuvhiij
seen an account In the paper of tbo result of
the city election.lien \ lie ruai'lii'il Iho
IlllilTs the llrst tlilnp ho diiMvas to hunt up
IVregoy nnil unbosom liiuwelf. lie soon
found , bo\\cvcr , that he anil evcrvono else
was laliorim ; under a mistake1 , and it did nut
take loiitf tollnilout the true state of afralrs
anil .selthiinrs right. Mr. ( Jraluitn steps down
ami out and Mr. 1'erogoy is still paik eom-
Do j on want an O.MUOSSvacon or boy I
IlinKUP tlio A. I ) . T. Co. , tclophouo lll > , o.
11 North Mala street.
, f. II. Atkins , western agent for DePuw's
plate glass eonip.iny , will give estimates on
pluto deli very in Iowa mid Nobwska.
< ; ois : i-'oii ijit i : .
Hank Ilnll Coiivluteil of > Innler la
tli l-'irst Ucureo.
The Hall murder trial \vas resumed in the
district court vcsienluy mornlntt. It was
evident from tliesmallno3S of the imilieneo
that tiniiiajority of court-room loafers had
bivonio bome\\luit satiiited with murder
dials , , after a htcnly diet on them for ten
davs , IJul little interest was inanifested in
the testimony , and In the main the testiinony
was not such in would urouso inueli interest
untier ( lie favorable circiinistanrcs.
Dr. 1' . 11. r ueey was ealleii upon to testify
to tlio general symptoms of insanity , which
he did to the entire .satisfaction nf the Jury ,
so far as could bo seen.
Or. Stewart was then put \ipon the sta'id ' ,
and ilut-iiig His cross-exaniliuitioa wis asked
lus tolas idea of wbut\veretho llrst symptoms
of insanity. U'ho doctor stated that be did
not claim to bo exactly an expert on the sub
ject of insauitv. but If ho trot o to Kivo a gen
eral dellnition , it would bo that any deviation
from the principles of sanity -\vouldOc an in
dication of Insanity.
After Klla Bennett and her father , George
Bennett , had ban rccalledand asketl whether
they had ever scon anything in Ilall'sactlons
to indieuto that lie was insane , to which
tney answered la the negative , the
state vested and the arguments to
the Jury were begun. County Attorney
OrKiiu waived his opening speech anil Attor
ney Aylesworth occupied tlio remainder of
the forenoon and tlio afternoon up to ( o'clock
in statiiiglilscliiiiit'iisiduof thocusu. County
Attorney Oixnn them niailo a speech of about
an hour's IciiKtti after whleti the court then
inailo bis charge to the jury , who went out to
their room to discuss tliecase.
A til o'clock la tlio cvciiltiK there was a
sound of u hurrying 10 and fro in the court
house , and word was sent out that tbo Jury
was about to rentier a verdict , It had not
been expected that it would arrive at aeon-
elusion M > soon , but it dill not take Ion ; to
notify the. Judge , and in a short time ho was
on the bench with a little knot of men before
hi m ready to hear what the decision was
which thb twelve wood men and true hud
made. The prisoner was brought In in the
charge of one of the deputy sheriffs , but ho
did not . ho\v any sign that lie knew what
was being done. When the jurymenhnd
taken their places in the box the verdict was
opened and read as follows :
"Wo. the jury , lind tbo defendant , Henry
Hall , guilty of murder in the ili'st degree ,
amlllx his sentence at imprisonment forlifo
lit hard labor in the state penitentiary at
Fort Madison. "
'J'ho defendant was oloiely watched during
the rending of the verdict , in the hope that
some indication might bo seen that ho under
stood trie nature of the proceedings , but his
eyes anil face remained a perfect blank. He
\vnsthontakciitotho jail to await trans
portation across the state ,
'J'ho sentence was u surprise to seine of
those who have watched the trial daring its
progress. It was conceded that ho would
not he acquitted , but it was thought that lie
would either ho given a sentence of a fo\v
veaw , which would virtually .liavo bcon n
lift ) son to'ico. In all probaollity , or else that ho
would boordei'ed confined in nn nsvlum. on the
theory that ho was a lunatic and should be
put where ho con Id not send any inoro of his
felloivinra on their long journeys , but the
jury disappointed all who hnd am such ex
pectations , and rendered their verdict to suit
Snupart & Co. carry largest stocK of bulk
Held , Rardon and tlowor scous in the west.
Catalogue and samples by mail ,
I-andlon ! vs Tenant ,
Justice Cones heard the larceny cases yes
terday afternoon against J. 11. Koblenz and
1311 Ilrowa in which N . Schuw was the pros-
ecuting1 witness and which hnd Been inoveti
from superior court on u change of venue.
Tliocrimo was alleged to liavo been com
mitted at midnight at ono of the liouses
which Kchurz oxvns , and which Kobleiu had
up to that time occupied as o tenant of
SchurIn their defense Koblenz and
liroirii claimed the goods which they
had moved from the house hod not been in
the possession of Schim , although ttiuy had
been levied upon by u deputy marshal on a
writ of attachment , from the fact tnatSchurz
never vent to take possession of them until
the next day. Their chiiia was that the
goods could not have been stolen , as they
were not yet out of their possession.
Koblenz also testified that ho hail offered
Schurz the rent money which was claimed
due , but Schurz refused to takoit unless
KobliMu would pay ? ' . * in addition , which wan
the amount of the costs m the attachment
suit whleli ho had begun because ho was
afraid that his tenant was going to leave
him. Jill the testimony was la last evening
before adjournment , hut it was derided to
postnoiio tha arguments of the attorneys
until this morulut , ' .
St. Andrew's ' society held Its animal moot
ing la > t evening. The following ofllveri
wcro elected : President. A. C. CJrahnmi
vice president , .T. T , Oliver ; chaplain , James
Mc.Vaughton ; secretary , Henry Stephcason ;
treasurer , .r. H , MePbersoti ; board of man
agers , A. f. ( iraham. J. T. Oliver , J. II. Me-
Phcrson , .lames IMtterson. After tlio otll-
errs hnd been elected , an Intcrosting musical
and literary progr.unmowaa renderedconsist
ing of readings by OV. \ . Gortloa aiid tlio
Ml es Kerr ami Van Itrnnt MU.WK * uy
.liniK's Me Nit Khliii , anil imw bv tin'
MissosKt-rrimd Van llrnniand Mrs llo.iry
StciilitMxon A . < otialv < thia
lii'M ' , after which the gnihi-rlng nroko up
Mltli tlieslngliijf of " ulil l.iuiK Hjne.1' '
\VIII. * lrj Ciilifllisinni
It Isrepoiteil that all nrriiigement luivo
licen made for a light to a to civuvoii
Saturday nlht. ( ! Ttio principals uro to bo
l'hi-hait of this city ami l.invis of Avocii.
lloth men imiofheuvywc-lghl cln s , mid ench
now weighs overt wo hundred poiimK The
men have becu in training for several weeks
nnd their twiners nntlclpatoa lively con tost.
7ho st-iKos will bo Slim a sliie. Six ounrd
glove.s will be used , and t io contestants vlll
light ton llnish. I'lu-place for holding tin )
lit'ht will pwbablv t > o tlecldetl upon today
and will besomortheroneiir tin1 oily. ICIir-
h.irt . is the juung man who rcccntl.v engaged
In a sp.irriiiK match with Pat Allen
nl Al Well's gyimiwliim , und U
considered a good nun , eonsidcrlntr
Ills ovpoilrncc. l.lttlo is known of
the ether man except that ho Is u good iii.iu
with tils il < ts , and hh Avrca friends vlll
buck him fora considerable imiiiimt.
Hilly A they of Omaha was in the city jcs-
tPt'tliiy conipti'tlng the arningcmentt font
tlgnt hetwcen "Scottv" ( ionioa of South
Omaliiiund Itt'orgo U'illlams of thU city.
'Iho stanes will lie for.lUJa vide , and the
Iliiht Is to take place wlt'iln twoweiMis. The
buttloground has not yet bi't'iiHclfcted. b'lt '
it will belli orni'iiv t'ouncil lllntTs. Until
tlio pilneipils art ) ilghtnclghts and have
rai-h lieeii in tlierlii ) . ' before , \\illlauis \ \ Is a
coUn-ed youth ami was recently matched
auiinst Hobby \Vlutoal South UimilM , wliciu
ho lost the light 01. afoul.
' 1 licy Slnlt ; Hay ,
A. Sears and Koss SI'IUM wcrnon trial jes-
terttay forenoon before .1 ustlce Cation on thu
chnrKOof having stolen a lot of hay from
Henry Uaph on the evening ; of IVbnniry - < ,
the cilme having been committed on the
farm of Henrv linph , southeast of t lie I Units.
The defense of the Scars brothers was that
thov wore.driving home and as they piuscil
Iho Itaph pl.ici ) th.-v look somt'hay to put In
the bottom of the wagon to keep them warm.
The caio vas given to tin1 jury about neon ,
and In the afternoon a verdict was returned
Hading the ilelcmluiits nlty ( , liut rccom-
nieiiillag them to thi'iiuMMj of the court. The
court , being in n mcrcilui frame of inintl any
way , as.sessetl a line of W apiece und costs
ngainst each of them.
M n rriu ii' 11t'c'n \ sos.
Thofollowiiigmiirriiige licenses wcro issued
l.llllllll' . I'.lttl-MMI. ' I'lllllll'll HllllT-
I KliyalH'tli I' , tiridntm , I'mineII llIuU"
tC.Vallair , Dc.iiulnscoiiiilv. . Mi'lri : K'i
I A. ' . Tulli'ii , DimgliM eouiily , Neliru-ka. , .
I.Iulni .Mi'Vcly Ii , I'ntliiu a I lain Ic cm inly
I Maglt | > 11. lleui'b , l'iiltaill : iinio county. .
t.loliiil. . ( Kliomc. fiMiiielllllnll >
H'atlicrlne A MuotlNl'omwli llliiIVs -j .
I It linn ! pi i KiMiitc. ( > mil in T. ,
I l''lura Alexander. O.imha
] Henry Kit hum , I < > \\allniiili1 county
I Atllllo Khitt.l'ottawutlain lo county
Will N il H < ; I'fii'il.
Mrs. P. i : , Seabrook islyingat her lioino
at the point of death from diphtheria. Her
physician gives her hut little hope of recov
ery. This fajt makes it very probable that
the trial of the saloon injunction ea e whloh
was set for tomorrow iu district court will
litix-i ! to be p'Mtponod. ' Mr. Seabrook is
untlcnitianintine , nnd even if ho xveio not it
is not at all likely that ho would ho able to
appear in court. .
.SIM Illi H l < 'JiHM rilE II'JKKA1.
1) . \Voodbouse & Co. , ( U-alers in railway
mill tclugiapli suppli'is , Xexv York , a.ssit'iied
1' ut f > lilii Vvi t llntll lll'l > rf > ; 'ptli' 51
It Is announced that tliu Canadian parlia
ment will meet April - ' . ' . It Is exacted the
session will not hist over six or seven xvcelts.
Uolli the IClliotts were Indicted at Colum
bus. { ) . , for murder In the llrst < legroo for
killing Osborno antl lluyhcs in a street light
a few weeks ago ,
Michael Duvltt , Mr. Dcasy and Mr. llivid
Sliuedy have been appointed secretaries of
the National Federation iiu'l ' Murphy and
Webb treasurers.
Counsel for Harris Sinller and James Slo-
cnni , the Now York murderers sentenced to
die by electricity , have joined forces nnd will
exhaust all legal technicalities to save their
A monster nias-4 meeting of the tillers of
the soil of Maryland , under the auspices of
the farmers' alliance , xvis held at Annapolis
yesterday , .Jerry Simpson of Kansas made
ail address.
The joint coiiimittoo of the Arkansas legis
lature lliuU that exTreasurerVoodrufl" is
short S1UO,000 , In addition to his admitted
defalcations. Certain script belonging to
several counties Is missing.
The sheriff of Xew Vork yesterday served
an nttuclinien t for-illstHlO ( against the Scranton -
ton steel company in favor of John H. Nichols
of Philadelphia. This i.-jiho company \\hicli
has been absorbed In thu new steel combina
tion ,
The Jefferson insurance company of New
Vork will retire from business after an ex
istence of sixty-seven years. The reasons
given forrotiriii are depreciation iu values ,
small profits and poor prospects for Improve
A lire , started by a boy upsetting a of
varnish , in Chicago histniijlit , destroyed the
works of ttio Arthur manufacturing com-
nanvandtho proneity ol several other linns
In tlio sumo building. 'Iho losses aggregate
$ . ' 00,000. ,
A run was made on the Capital bank of
Mucon , ( ! .i. , yesterday , ft xvas thought the
bank held largo amounts of stock of the
Mncon construction company as collateral for
loans , N. M. Hodgson was appointed tem
porary receiver.
'TheVcstern Wrapping Pnpcr Mill as oci-
tion hold a meeting in Chicago yesterday.
The secretary's ' report showed that tratlo was
in a splendid condition , except for a liirccsur-
plus on the market. A flora long discussion
it wit dccii'edto settle this by shutting down
all mills foi one WCCK.
The death is announced of John lesper.
mice , who has boon for twenty years a
familiar liguio in Canadian literary circles ,
llcwas born hi St. l-ouis , Mo. , in Ibliii and
adopted the noai dopluino of "Laclcdo. " Ho
served on the confederate side in the civil
war and came to Canada upon the defeat of
the cause which he bad espoused.
" ( lOneral" Wood , the colored midget , who
hasboenon exhibition ntonoof tlio museums
in Now York , was lound dead in lied jester-
day morning. Ho had been suffocated by
illuminating pas , vhollicy by accident or tie-
si KII is not known. The freak's right name
was Charles J. Fletcher. He was sixty years
old ntul forty-cliht indies in height.
The drouth still prevails m Cub.i. Its ef
fects have boon most severely felt la the de
partment of Santiago do Cuba. The small
rivers there have dried up and heavy losses
in cattle have already been sustained owing
to the fact tliat it was impossible ( or the ani
mals to get food or water. The drouth will
materially interferexvitu tho&ugar crop ,
'Mrs. Mary Reynolds of Aurora , f 11 , and
Ernst JI. Dickey applieil yesterday in Chicago
cage for letters of administration on tlio es
tate of tbo late Joseph iieynolds , widely
known as "Diamond Joe. " Ho left -t..Vt.OdO
of personal property ami no realty. Tbo only
heir is ilio wluow , anil she receives the entire -
tire estate , no will Having been discovered.
Heynolils xvm generally suuposed to bomuch
inoro wealthy than tuo proceedings in court
would indicate.
Timothy Harrington , M. P. , has sent to tlio
Frcemnns Journal a letter signed by Arch
bishop l.oguoon bchalfof the Irish bishops
tol'arnell , dated Octohcr ir > , islK ) , on the eve
of the O'Shea divorce trial. In this letter
the archbishop states that at a meeting of
bishops It was resolved to maintain ami
strengthen iho relations between the clergy
aiidtliol'arnellitcs ; that tlio clergy relied
upon Air. 1'arnoll'b prudence , foresight and
iiilluencoxvith the party to remote the dis
quieting abuse. Ilnrrlngton's aim in pub-
lishlng the letter Is to show that the blshopi
did not dcclaro against I'arnell on inorul
grounds until after the appearanio of ( ilad-
stone's letter ,
Don't be liC ) ! ! ! lvt'il ,
Especially when your health
limy bo ut stuko. If any ono
oilers you Johniin Hulf's Mult
Extrncl anil "Johnnu HolTV isuoton the ncok of
the not tnko St under
any clrcumsluncea.
.At the Bo'lon ' Sloiv , OounrilPhuTs , t ) NMi ?
hIRotn : for Spring ani Summer Goods ,
la Mur Iliislor ) Jtlttl t
ll % nil i In-
Caii'ltill ) ' .
It will pay 5-0,1 to lay In your supply for
next winter. Vou will save from oU to T. %
l > or cent ; a better investnirnt yon vlll never
TodnvVednesdiiy , 'I'hunitiiy , Vrhby mid
. . all wool bl.u'lt IIOM\ seamless , \\llh \
rlbbttl top , former prl i ) W ami SUe ; sale
pfltT , H'c.
Uuilk'H * extra tuialtty all wool seaiiitcjis
lioso , foi'iner inlfo. : l' < ' ; snlo piU'c. ' . ' .V.
C'lillilrcn's till wnol suainlosH hose , sizes fi'
to I' . ' , , foinii'r price'nindilltcsalo . ; pilfe.HUv
I'mlilron's ail xx-wl , inul mlssL's' \vor \ < lt'tl
rib nod hose In hlncK si ninlrs < , si/eli toS'j ' ,
former jMlco , : iito UV ; sale nrlce. U.'e.
1 .cpuinss in all xvool. blacu , fornwr iillco ,
,1'c ! , l.'if and r > e ; salt1 price , . ' .V , : i:5o : nndil'.if.
( si'.xrsvxnnuvii ; { .
Cicuts' heavy ny slilrta , fnrincr iirlcc ,
' . ' , ' .csi.le price1. ! " .c.
Cents' extra tiuiillly lioavy Kriy slnrts ,
former priw. I.V . : sale prltc. v.V. !
CSi'iits' ' Mipoviiatiiriil iri-ay audslioep's my ,
fortner prlte. . " .O-1 - aiuliiriOiHtiloprioolife.
Cii'iits * lioaxy HIM. * ' mixed , former jirlt-e ,
7."c : sale price. .Vic.
cenls' : scnrli't'ill wool shirts nnd dravcrs ,
Itu-iner price , sV : sale prlco. 'IV.
( Jen Is' extra iinilllv | all wool jjray shirts
and liraxvcrs , former price , SI.nil ; sale inlce.
IM I . .
( .eiit's heavy sc.irlut aiut cray all wool ,
former price ? l.0il and Sl.i'i. sale pi-lee Jc.
( Scut's niitti IM | xx-twl ttray , fernier price $ I.VI5
nnd { l.r > 0 , sale price i'c.
IA nillS' L'XLiUVEAU. ) : .
Indies' ' white- till wool rilbu ) > l vests , for
me r price $1. . " > 0. sale price ! ' . ' > e.
I Dulles' ' tiraj all wool vesta , former price
$1. J.'i , sulopriiv I'i'.lc.
Indies'prny nil vool and sou-lot all wnol ,
former price -il.'Jo aad -l..Vl , sale price ti'.V.
I Dailies' uray nil xvool vests , l-'roiieli neck ,
$ l..7JaiHlI.Miiiiality. | sain piii'e. < I.IM.
Combination suits in xvhlto only , ll.UOquixl-
itx' , sale pi-tec ti'.it ' ! .
Children * ' whlto mi-rino x * * U and pants ,
size U > and is , former price l."icand Itc , sale
lirico 1 Ic ; si/.oai and - - ' , formi'i\pnco Jocund
a. > e , sale price llic ; si/.o tile and Me , former
price'J * < c and Mi1 , sah1 price lilc ; si/o ! ? < ami
III ) , former price : ttc : nnd il'ie , snlo price i'Uc ;
sizoiU and ; ! I , former unco : tcnnd ltc , snlo
price ! ! lc.
Cliildrcns' all wool vests ami pant ? in
irrnvs , Mi/o 10 and l\ former mice iM'iuid'J-c , |
sale price Imsl ; / < ' .II nnd 'JM , former price -7c
ini < li''c ; , saltprice'We ; sloJI and Jl , foniK'r
price itToinitl f.V. snle price : tlc ; si/o - ami
MO , former prut-JTciul ) . 'i.V , salts price . ! ' . < .
sii-.cW and JM , fortner price "iTcantl d-c , sale
Child rens extra ijiialitj soarlot and i rey
natural wool In vests and piiuU
SUe lti\ls , formeriiricc'jrio antl HOc , sale
price 'Jie.
Si/u SUx1" , former price 3."io ana lOc , sulo
price HOc.
Si/u'Jlx'-'i ! , nrico 4.V and , " > ( 'c ' , i-alo
price . ' ! c.
Si/u > x.0 ! , former prico"if and ( iOf , sale
price -K5c. j
Si/.c : ! 2.\H ; , former prkc ( i.c and 70c , sale
nrico 54c.
lrvlbcrhituiiiiVliitfhiw | .S ; Co. ,
Council Hliiffs , lovva.
A Viiimt ; U'oinnii'siic. .
A young woman , giving the name of
Annie 1'rossett , xvas founil last ni'ht | byOfll-
ccrVanus in Iho second story of'JM ) North
Klcvonth street in a most pitiable condition.
She xx-as destitute nnd sufTcrlngfrom hem-
onlia oof the hiiim.
The youiif\voiniii : said her parents live in
CliicaKO , inul she wants to return homo as
soon as she lias streimtli to make the trip.
DoVltfs Uttlo r.arly Kisors : uost little
pills for dysiieiaia ] , sour stomach , hail ijreath.
it > Wui'ht'H I'nli' ,
PtMi . Mari'li II A nieotlnff i f the elinnv
lii'fiif tU'putii'.ii'omiiiit tec appointed to eon-
mi rr In what inaniUM' the incivluint. ' * of
I'raacc oiiii host he ivpriMonted at the I'hl-
cage worl'l's fair tools til.uvi to.liy. After
en refill ly rxntiitiiPitf tlio nilesaiul regulations
ol the xx'orld's fnlr committee llu cominltteii
dt'i-l.lrd . II was mix- liable tn mlt iiioilltl-
cations ol tlio iViiil.\tloin ) \ tni'iitkinod. Fur
ther details upon tlio wholLMmostlon must
nl ti ho hid before Iho iMinnUltei'vlll : i U n
credit truni ibi'ehainlierfiH' the represeiita-
tloiulf l-'iMiivont the fall' .
A < J ci until Catilnt'l U
linn . i\ , March II. IV. Von lprwl ! r , inhi-
Istornf puhlto In struct tun , has resltfiietl and
will ho sncci'oiletl by t'onnt Von Xedlelli
'I'rttl/sclder ' , president of the jniivltiee of
1'iwrii. This Is iiiidentnod to uli'iilfy the
snccess ol the policy lulMn-ated b.V ttio center
part.i , of xvlilch llu tioxv iippolntoo ntul
Windthci'sl ate the luailers.
'I Hi-Key Inviicil.
CoVHTtxTiMH'i.r , Mnivh II. The 1'iiltrd
Stales ininlsler lias totlioporio iinltalioii of the Unlleil Stutns
niililnt , ' 'I'lirUoy to Ixs ii-prcsonti" ! nt tlio
\volld's \ lair t I'll Iriijro In 1 > I. Ills helluved
the piii'te will accepl , bat seine ( line lit'iat
rinpw before an olllclai reply will bo b'lven
to the invltattoii.
'I lit1 Slc Aliitiiilo iril ,
l.i > MMix. March II. .liu-kson nf ( . 'lltheroo
nt tended con it today tminsxu'r ton ehiirue of
having nssaiillt'd Ids xvlfi-'s slsternt t ne time
ol the nh'Uiction. ' Ills wile's friends , llmlintf
any further atlempts to taUe the huly from
tiorluisluiul were useless , ai'cideilto abandon
'l'oiiili tin I'll' ' ( leiilli-r Sev.
Hi. in. iv , March -Hdehstntr ivjoi-t.'d . the
pro.ositioii | to aitmlt xx-oniiin to liberal pro
fessions ,
Tin- Death Kull.
1Ux .xxi. March II. Senor I'edro Arnien-
IP IDS , one of ihe founders ol ( tie antommiiht
piuty , is dead.
Of Council BluTfa.
CAPITAL STOCK 5150,000 ,
Ilinc Tilr ( < -I. A Millnr , I' ( ) Olf-isoi , K Ii
Eliutfarl , K. K. Hurt. .1. 1) ) KilmumKim. Uliarlni
CIhimmi. Tnumi't ; Uiinkln ; liusi-
lint. lir.-cMt ; capital : uul surplm of any
haul ; In Sji ( liwestoru Knvv.
tNl u.Kfc.01' ON TIM i DEPOSITS.
I carry a full line of Beeke3Dei-3 ;
supplies , Including comb foun
dation honey knives , smokers ,
sections and nil supplies for
eapinry. IV1. S.ROOP ,
"SO Kut UroiiUvty , Connc lIBlufh , In
.Medical and Surgical Institute.
flironlilNpu s of nil UniHIII ] ( Irform-
Itli < sH.vliltii | < i. Xos. aXI ) anil UUill HnuduEiy.
CimiiL-lllllulN. la.
'IjHHJSM.i : A liniiM' ' mill lai 'c lot on i-a y
J | ) , iyill < > llll. | | | | | | 111 105 Pill l IIM'IIIII' ,
t'oiitioll ' UltilK la ,
I OUf-AI.Ilol' CM'llIlll''l' ' . ' | | [ * f ISt'll-
> 'iil ; n.i'ii'liaiiilKi' ; will tikr ; a I Hlrar |
f.uin In siiilli\N r lcrii ln anr cirar cllv | iiui- |
rily. Apply at oiici' ttiJulititton , V Vitil'ut tni ,
i'liinifll 111 tills.
f SA l.i : or escliaiijie. H JU.iOO to JI.MMH
loi'U nf hiicils it ml shin's ; spli'tidlil lui'il-
llon : \\llt \ tuKu | iart rush anil M'Tt In KOixl
clear i'lty jinipiMty or Inwu liinil : this IH only
for u few ilays , .lohiistiin . * c Vim I'uttrii ,
CiiniiiMl llliilTs.
. IOne I ) ! spui : of l'lyd < " .dali' liorios ,
sl\yi > iilHiiltli wi-lslit. 'MIIKI iniuiiiN. XVIII-
lain II I'ar.liiO , .south of tin1 liiMltiiloon Puny
I \MINi : the ri'Ii'lu , it cil Mcliall pltiiins :
1 iiojralc clew n IIIIIIH | iiniliircrui- ' . Slid
linens ) ptiyineiiN by Mar. llonrli'ins music
teacher. I IIS ! iitsiiiiinstri'et , t'oiliicl ] II I it 111.
IfOlli'A I.P. A IIIMIM' ntul InrJt1 loliin t'ltsy
A _ pHMiifiit. _ liHnlic ! | _ at "i I'nrlt UMMIIIO ,
" " "
UT .1. "lAI'7rnr\V.\ : > iri ; "has nuiiT"riils
xviiiclinuse fiuin : f. ' . ' > lirimilx\ay to UKl
lliiKidu'iiv , wluMi1 hi' lll Ut'i'ii ' on liiiiiil ti line
Mori ; of f tnniicc IIM nrrs.
, ! : - At - ' ' '
safe. IH'lfcv I cnmlllirii ; ' . ' ollicc ilrsks mill
I'ialix ' , ' stum t nioUs. I la rue li-mi M-alo t ruck ,
Dlicatlns stovi's.'Ji'oiintcr si'al"i. X'ti'l ) l.ul-
erx. I large plalfiirni lloorscales. lurmii ; t
1'elt , II" M.dn St ,
? 01t ItKXT-'hi' Molbii hii-k , : i lor
j lirleK. llh hitHi'iiii'iit anil elevator. J.Yv.
dpi I ic , 101 IVarlsiriM'l.
IjlOllsA Id ! A InirKiilii ; new iniiilern lnm * > u
I with nil the lilt i1 Impiovt'im'tiH si > fcn
roiinis ; willsi'll mi t'liky payiiKMitt ; Ini'Ilti'ilDti '
tin1 I'lflti a\i'iini \ > motor line. I ) , J. Iliiteliln-
MIII , ill ? llrn.iilwiiy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7WHISA I.P. Kljht-Miiin linusc' mill two lots
' on llanisoii st. A iiiii'li'rii ' IIDII-O unil a
il IIDIIIU clrap. I ) . J. I lutuhliisun , lit"
! llroadnay.
or lt nt Uxrtlon lanl. with Itlca. 10IMiln it. , Uouuoll
. . - . Altoinoys at l aiv. 1'r.ic-
tt. CyillllllUb tl , . . . m tbo Mlato nnil
federal courts. Itnums 'I , 4 and 5
i llenobluek , Council llluil'.i , lowu
rilllllllPrc Attorney at Law. TS'II. 19
. J , UlilllllJllS. ivarl-tri'tt , oxer llii > li-
ni'll's sture. Tt'loi'liiino ' No. 2VI. liusliioss
hours b a. in. to ! ) p. in. Council Hitilfs , In ,
D. II. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' anl Packers1 SupiiJ5 ! ,
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
lcpsaiiil SiLiisaco Mukori' Marlilnery. RM-
W M.iln st. , L'ouuoil lllulls , lu. A Hi )
n 11 Idea and l > 'urs.
Eoctric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
ACI1XTSVAXTI5D \ , DR.C , I ) . JUDI ) ,
OOO Broadway , Council Bluird , la
orrirn.i. < \ . unsinK.v
_ _
Cilllllrll Illulll III
Allillm-nTiuflliu HflC
K A It , SOSI ! nnil Tl I Hll VI .
lii'tiltvl tvi'.li tliu uri'iil
klllnnj i-nrc.
mill HAY KiX-KH : troittul
wltlicinliii'iit n Hi-rot * _
St. 'III ! UAliOTKIt.TION9 , if lioraiiucuiinrr ri > lr -
lonely tu'rfonnoil with ( hi * utmost rnrn unit xklll , ut-
iiiirliiiii | riH't ri'Milts KINKS I' ( II.ASsIM ucunr-
iili'lJIirtiHi'rllMMl.nirruitliiit ll rcfrnctlTi ) truuLIo * .
nit Mjopln , llyiXTOiilumul AitlKlnitl'ini linn mri-
ili'rlniinlulit H.-ISJ. i-i | ar inul li.'llnloil I'll KDNKJ
NlCl'UAI.dlA mil Sll'li II1U1 > A'UIC ( , ntlor tiuri
of torrlblii KiiiTtirliiK' . nomlluf , untlrely ciin > < 1 ( lillo.i ,
'tocini I , > luii.ilt lllock , ovur IH-iio ACo.'s ilori * .
Council lllills. l.r
Fiuley Burke. Thos.
A.tto rn eys-a t-L-a\v
I'UACTicK iNTiiiiPT.vris AND rii : > iu.\r : ,
Onieus : J. .1. llrovn ItiilldlnK.L'onni'll liliitr-i ,
The Nuw Ogtlim Hotel , ill CouiU'tl ,
h > is linen rnmplet-'il roliirnlshed an nioJern-
I7.t > d throiiuhout , .TIII ! is nowoa - ot thobest
holds in tliu btato. It ii located in th 3 bit .1-
uefcspartof t ic city an 1 th electric inotora
pass thu door every four minutes. Fire ott-
c.iiie-i and lire alarms throughout tin btild-
iiiK. Stujin heat , hot aiul cold water nad
Huiishinelu every rnom. Talilu unsnrpissad
anywhere. Kates , $12.00 a day.
GEO. \VHITNEY , Mnnagor.
Porncr Main nnIlrnailvrajr \ ,
tcalen In fornlKii anl iloniestlo
Collection niado and lutorust uald on 11.mi
' deposits.
The cold \A eather seems a little stubborn about leaving , but we cannot let a trifling delay in
the weather combination interfere with the regular declarations of spring business. The climate
is ai fi-Keel fact , established by long years of experience , and we don't have to wait for the "old
est inhabitant" to tell us that it is only a matter of a few clays and Spring \vill be with us in dead
earnest. We know it , and , of couse , as the first Clothing Establ isliment in the west we are nat
urally on hand promptly \vith the season , fully equipped in every department. Our arrange
ments for the spring trade can be expressed in three -words : ENORMOUS , ELEGANT , PER
As the days roll by we will talk to you specifically and in the meantime the following point
ers are especially valuable :
HAT OEPARMENT , See the Hcllnian Hat HOSIERY , Never before has any house SPRING OVERCOATS , Well , we all know
( our special ) the neatest and most stylish shown as complete a line of Half Hose , one that style is one of the most essential points
out this spring. You will like it. in a spring overcoat.
strong attraction being our line of Past i
You will understand , as a special for the lUack , ( or money refunded ) half hose Our display , to use the popular expres
purpose of introducing our hat department 25c. sion is ' 'away out of sight. "
thoroughly , we are selling a liat worth $2 $ \Ye lead in introducing the latest efforts
Modes and tans in French goods , English of fashion , the
to S3 at 95c , namely , widely popular box
ribbed and American make ? , that gives excellent form fitting , short cut and regular cutThcse
\Yc \ a fine stiff hat at that price , and
mean cellent service , Also at 25c , arc four especially popular shapes , and
it includes all the.-new spring shapes of we've got them in melton ? , in cheviots , in
headwarc. You can take your choice of We are the Hosiery Peophof Omaha , kerseys , in worsteds , etc. , etc. In all shapes
styles , in your pick , of colors , and feel as Spring weight underwear , every grade , color above mentioned we give you the acme of
sured that you -will save half the money : and at all kinds of prices.low . enough to suit , perfection in fit and saving money likewise.
! Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention ,
i M. HELLMAN & CO , ,
13th and Farnam