Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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ft IlfMt All XtVP * Tl\ I11MT Tf\l\ \ ?
AllClllhNTS 10 BliUN 10DAY ,
Oonenil Tlmjcr's Attorneys Will Opoti Tire
in Support of His Djinurror.
to llll llo Dol'o.Ued Itou-
In the legislature
O i dors lor Herd ( Ji-nlti < ilven
li-lslatt\o ( ( JoHMlp ,
I.isrois. Neb , March -Speclul ( toTitr.
IHr I 'Iho Thayor-Hojd nuo wnrninto case
will comn tii > in the s'ipiemo court tomorrow
ArKuinents v\lll be made bv Messrs Mason
and lllnlr , attomovs for Mr. I'lmycr , in fav or
of sustaining the demurior to Ilo > d's ' iiuiwer ,
llled on Tnosilay. The ilutmifror sots torth
tlio limdeciuncy of Hoj'd's claim toact as gov-
> rnor ol Nonraskn , on the ground that ho Is
not n cttl/cn of the United Htatos , and piayi
that Jndgnieut of ouster liny Issue ngilnst
I'ho arguments in snppnit of Uovd's
nnsuer will be made by Messrs Cowln and
llowoof Omaha.
Messrs M ison and lllair will lead and bo
follow oil by Cow in nud Ilono , and then
cither of the relatoi's counsel vv III close
II Is not Known whether or not the court
will limit the tlmo to bo consumed by the nr-
Not ICniul to
LIMOIS. Neb , Maich II. [ .Special to Tin ;
Mn'.l Thoio was a little , a very hlllo bivozo
this afternoon Iu the M-nato when the pro-
llniltntry stops were Ukon to visit Denver
Senator Mattes Intioduced nionolutlon to the
uficct that , when tliu semite udjouins on Trl-
da ) next , it lie from U a in. to I p m. on
.Miiiiduv The motion to adopt lOieKed sev
eral seconns
Senator Uvsnrt Introdiicod the following :
UhoK-ii" . Ilioro Is nlarii ! ninoiint of Im
portant leglslul Ion now pending before tills
li'Ulslulinr mill
Whoicis 'Iho house of roiiosontntivrs | lias
been In sosHlon tlltv-oin- i > s ' .ml li is but
nine inoio ilajs left of constitutional
number , nud Its tui-inlicrs being ilislrous of an
early niilniirniiionl , tberofori' InIt
Itesohid , I hut Ills tbo HI > IO-O of tbls body
tluit tlioio slioulil ho no adjournment of the
senate dm Ing the rrmilmln of this st-sslon
( ixc-opt tin- customary ndjoiii umonts fiom
diiv toilay and HMT Minduy.
The jean and nas weio cilled for When
ScniUQr Stevens' naino was icached , he
explained h Unvote bv saing that ho under
stood the obcct ] of tliey adjourniuent was to
nccept the invitation extended to them , and
to do this , he had given his consent a wool :
ago Ho , therofoie , voted in the nfllrmative
Senator Hill said that ho had given his con
sent to the adjournment , but , after thinking
the matter over and scciiiBtho condition they
vroio iniuul that the scnnto was behind In
its business , ho did not think it would be adv -
v sabto to adjourn
Senator Kcipor said that bo understood It
was in ordoi to amend a motion to adjourn tea
a day certain , up to the moment the vote was
taken. lie then moved that , when thcscnato
adjourn on rriday ne\t , it bo to 10 a m Sat
urday niornluir Ho then said that the o > es
of the people were upon the- senate , whom-
upon the piesidont ruled him out of ouler.
The icsolutlon of benntor Mattes was
adopted us follows
-L'hrlstom-rsoii , Collins , Day , Hgglos
ton , ICoont/ , Mattes , MoonSchram , Shea ,
Stmmwav , Starnuek , Stevens , Sw it/lor. Taj-
lor , Thomas , Tumor , Van Hotisen , Wilson ,
Woods-1" " !
N'avsHccV , Coulter , D.vsart , Hill Horn ,
Kcipor , MU hener , Poynter , Kaiutall , Sanders -
dors Williams U
Absent lliovvn , Smith , Warner
In the honsii todiy Stuadcr Intioituccd the
following resolution :
U lion as , It Is currently rppmtcd that the
honoiiililo Tiuiti' U ioiitiiiiidillnu | nn ail-
loiuniiii'iit of covoritl diiys for tlu > piupooof
vl-dtlni ; the i-ltv of Hi'inci , .mil
U bori-as , Tlds luidj In composed largely of
t mocr-i uud seed tlni Is no n at h mil ,
Tlion-foro , \ \ o rospi-i tfullj ask join honor-
nblo bi l > to as-,1-,1 us In eliiiln up tln-liusl-
iii-ss of tbo M ssloii us i.iillly ] as possible tliut
viMiiar iot urn to our lionieM ,
U'hllO moved an amendment as follows ,
'provided , that if tbo citi/ons of Denver
shall see to it that the honorable senate docs
not again reui"n to this state no Inquirv will
be made as to tbo niannci It was disposed
of " [ firoat laughter I
Mr. Speaker I begin to enteitain grave
doubts about this resolution bomg In order ,
[ renewed laughter ] and I will coitainly Imvo
to rule Mr White's resolution out of order
AVe don't want thorn Uonver pcoplo to keep
our honorablu senate A\'o would rather
have thoih staj here and help us do up the
Newberrj thought the icsolution uncalled
i fan nud did not believe a mujoilty of the
senate would vote to tnko the contemplated
In expluinlng his vote , tlie speaker said'
"lloligvinft it is none of our bublnoss what
the senate does , I v oto no. "
The icsolution was b't yeas , .M , nayg , 31.
i Many independents v oted In the negative.
Thn M-nato.
LISTOI.V , Neb , March 11 [ Special to Tnn
UKE.J The senate met this morning at 10
o'clock. All the members except Hrovvn and
Warner woio ptcsent. A number of commit
tee repoits vvoro rend as follows.
Finance , Ways and Means Kccommending
the indefinite postponement of senate tiles
No. 19 , depositing state and county funds in
banks ; No 2'J'J ' , ieq.uhinp the state treasurer
to account for all moneys belonging to his
oftlco which * ro not on deposit in iho vaults
of thu treasury , am ! No'I'l ' , relating to inter
est , also recommending the passage of sen-
ntfx.tlliAc ? Cn. ( * ir romilrinr' wiiri.lrit In TUM * .
r . 4 ,
suanro ot legislative appropriations , to bo
piid out of the peiiunnent school fund , when
there Is no money In the fund on whii h thev
aio drawn , and Xo " 1(1 ( , reiniiimg the state
tieasuior to register wuii.ints paid in the
presence of the payee
The committee on municipal nftalrs recom
mended the passage of senate tile No.
203 , legulating the snlaiies of ofllcials
in metropolitan cities ; the indotlnito post
ponement of Illo No HI , providing for an
assessor in metropolitan cities , nnd the
passage , as amended , of tile No 110 , com
prising the Omaha otiaiter amendments.
The committee on military affairs recom
mended the passage of senate Illo No. ' " ( ! ,
reorganising the militia of the state.
The committee on rofcrm school recom
mended the passage of senate file No ill ,
locating a gills' industrial school at Mllfoid
nnd the indefinite ) postponement of No. SMI ,
establishing a similar homo in Louisville.
'iho coinmlttco ou banks and cuirency roe-
onunended for general Illo bill No. 9-J , re
quiring the state treasuier to plneo state
funds on deposit in state or national banks ,
The coinmlttco on miscellaneous coi pora-
tlons leconiniended the passage ns amended
of house roll No 81 , regulating stockyards
'I'ho bill goes to the general tile.
Several bills which bad como from the
liouso wore lead for the Hist and otheis for
the second time ,
The following bills vvoro passed :
Senate lUo No IK ) , Incorporating secrof and
other societies ; No. 191 , Insisting that the
highest Indebtedness of a corKn-atlon | shall
not exceed two-thirds of their capital stock ,
No. 210 , authorizing count ) bomds to usu the
countv bill phis general fund to buy seed and
food for needy farmers , and No 1W , estab
lishing a normal school at Pierce
A recoas till > p. m. was taken
The senate assembled nt 4 15 o'clock
Senator Poynter of the sifting committee
reported as to the order in which a number
of bills should bo considered The icpoit
was adopted and , in committee of the whole.
Senator Collins in the chair , the following
tiles , as suggested , vvero discussed and recom
mended for passage :
No 111) ) , establishing a state board of health
nud icgulathig the practice of inedlchio , No.
OT , compelling uilroad companies to maintain
suitable cia&slngs at nil public roads.
No Id , ooniiiolling railumd companies to
make rapid tr.insfers at places where thoio
nro two or moio roads ; Xo. 1,1" , punishing
persons for provoking assaults upon them-
bclves or others by the use ot vllo and insult
ing epithets ; No. 14' , ' , regarding the heating
of cases in countv courts w hero the sum ox-
cecds the Jurisdiction of a Justice of the
peace , No 170. lining parsons who , without
nuthcuity , shall take up , confine or soil an v
dog ; this bill contained a provision punishing
by Imprisonment parties violating It , but on
motion ot Senator SwlUlor the feature vvn
withdrawn ; No. 314 , enabling cities ,
towns , villages and precincts to np-
preprlnto ninno ) to defray the
oxK.-nsos | of Memorial day observance
No 1.17 , roiiulrlitK corporation' , firms ami in
dlvldunts In thu bunking business to mnho
roxirts | of their losoiuccs and llabllltti's to
ihn auditor ot public ncioimu and llxlngtho
minimum amount of capital for the earning
on of a banking business
The ifliiimltU'O lepoited and the icport was
I ho House.
List01 s , Nch. , March It. [ Special toTur
Hm | In the house at tlio moriiliig session a
largo number of coinmlttco teports worn
plicod on Illo The house went into commit
tee of the whole to consider house roll II' . ' , bj
Shrvock. to establish an "intorinediato re
formatoiy nt Louisville , C'nss county , N'ob "
The bill piovides that when the citl/ens
of the above named place shall deed
to Iho state a certain tt.ict of hind containing
JHl ( notes , known as the Stout farm , that ttio
board of public lands nud bnlUtlnxs shall proceed -
coed to locate an Institution tlieioon for
criminals and offenders hot ween the ages of
ihleen and twontv-one v oars. Vigorous op
position was mnilo to the bill by tbo hide-
pondontR , in.iinlv nn thoirround that snci ; an
institution vns not needed nt the inesont
tlmo. The inoasuio was \\aimly supnorted
by Whlto , Ilovvo , Stoims , llertrandVald
ron , Nichols mid Sudoiman. The opposition
was lead ny tsiirador , Scott , Elevens ol I ur-
nas and Ta.vlor. A motion m eoimnlttoo to
Initotltiitely postpone the bill was lost , II to
10 , and the onmnilttoo recommended the pass-
nee of the 1)111 ) b ) a olosivo'e. .
\Vhen the committee aioso nnd reported to
the house , Tavlorof Johnson moved that the
v port be not adopted , and the bill bo liulotl-
nllely postponed A cdl of the. house ami
olhot fllllhiistkiing tactics weio u-soilcd to
bv the fiionds of tbo measure , who llnnllv
siiecooiled In cnri.vlng a inothm lo ndjnurn
Jens in , nnvsHil , without teaching a dliect
v oto.
The house mot again at 2 p m nnd bills
on Hml louilmg VM-IO taken up
House loll 11 , bj Howe , piovidiiip for sub
nilttiiii ; a constitutional amendment turns
fen Ing nil tines nud license fcos from the
local , town or city school fund to the lountv
educational fund was passed-j "as , ( M , najs ,
House roll .Ms , by IMcICosson , linking in-
ciiiablo insanitv of llvo j cars'standluu an
additional cause ol divoicu was lost yeas ,
III , navs , , " > 7
Sonalo illo 15.1 bj Koontcmpoweiliig
count.v ami vfllages to issue bonds not to ox-
reed M per cent of theii assessed valuation to
buv seed for needy fanners , was made a bpe-
ci.d ouler for 10:3(1 : ( tomoirow
'I'ho bchappel bill , as . .mended , which pro
vides for the ussesmiont of wild bind the
same as cultivated farms , and vvhHi has
liken up a great deil of time itnrlng the ses
sion was Indellnitclj postponed jeas , .VJ ,
navs , : is.
The icport of the committee of the whole
recommending tie establishing of nn mtor-
mediiiteiefoimatoiy at Louisv illo was called
up ami the icpoit adopted -veas/J , nai-s , I ! !
I'ho house went into committee of the
whole to consider bibs on the genotal Hie
llonse roll "II , by Coinlsli , anthoii/ing
Knighls of I'v thins to liiooiporate , was
amended by including Knights of Labor and
fanners' alliance and Bohemian Roman
Catholic Uenevoleiit society iiud Drothoihood
of St Ami tew and recommended for pissagc.
The house hud also under consldeiation
house-loll'JI4 , bv Johnson , movidliig for the
ic'.isscssmeiit of a largo quantity of land ,
foimc'ilv belonging to the ladrouls , for the
\c--iis ISTll and ISTs , nud after a prolonged
discussion the bill was fepoitod for passage ,
but pending the adoption of the icpoit , the
house adjomned till 10 a in , tomoirow.
In 'I'iKbt ( juni torn.
, Neb , Maich -Special [ to Tnr
13111 ) If the disposition made today of sen
ate tile No ' .M , piovidlng for an assessor In
metropolitan cities , bo an evidence ) of the
feeling of the semite on the subject , the
nioasuio will hnvea rough Joutnov on its way
to pnss.ige The icpoit of the coinniitteo oh
municipal affairs favoicd the indelinite post
ponement of the inoasuio
Senator Swlt/lei- immediately moved that
the rules bo suspended mil the hill , as also
No 11(1 ( , comprising the Omaha charter
ami ndiiicnts , no placed on general lilo
This brought hcnatoi Oysart angiilv to his
feet , who said that ho thought it but just and
proper that the senate should susHln the ic-
port of the committee to imlolinitoly post
pone. It had given the bill due considera
tion , and that was alt II was entitled to
Tbe vote on the proposition was taken , and
on a division , resulted iu U against and II
for the motion of the senator from Douglas
HOIIH * " IN iiimitteo Work.
Livor.v , Neb , .Maich 11 | Spocid Tele-
grain to TIIK Hi r. I The house committee
on claims gave a hearing to ex-Governor Kut-
ler who claims about $20,000 , , duo him from
timisattloiis with the state , growing out of
his impeachment Ho asked thoappointmcnt
of a commission to adjust the matter The
committee tool : -10 dcflnito aition
The i ommitteo on apportionment ha ? finally
dec tiled to 10 distiict the state into legislative
districts. bills weio discussed
The finance committee has indefinitely
postponed house toll Til * , to erect a homo for
tbo liiendliss on a foity-.u ro tract of tbo lol-
lege faun The bill appiopiluting 840,0000 to
snppoit the Nebiaska national guard was in
terred back without recommendation.
Seed I'liiuliasod.
LINCOI s , Neb , Maich 11. i Special to Tin :
Bii' . | The purchasing committee of the
Nobiaska icliof commission today Issued or
ders to wholesale gioicrs In Omaha and .Lin
coln for about $10,000 worth of groceiies and
provisions , a largo amount of which consists
of flour. Several orders for thn latter arti
cle were placed with mills in the h.teiior of
the stnto.
They also onleioil about 50,000 bushels of
wheat from fauneis throughout the state ,
Who will ship it to points nearest whet o it is
dcsbed An order for 10,000 bushels of bailey
was also issuedunder the same conditions.
The orders will bo tilled immediately.
Thanks IVom shi'riiuiu'h Family.
LINCOI v , Neb , Mnrch H - | Special to Tim
IJir : | The following graceful recognition of
the memoilal resolutions mtontcdiocently by
the senate was lead in that body today ami
placed upon the iceoiii
YOHK , March * | s < ) | -Iho f unlly of dc-nui it
' lioiinan , deeply nuivc-il by vonr uuini testl-
iiiont ilof svmpitliv and liv your litch omo-
ndiiin ot thel-r ( itboi , deaho tooltoi to the
sonuti'iif ' tin- state of NolirisUa this nriatofiil
aeUnonledKinoiil of tin- high honoi p-ilil to the
ineiiiorv of lieneral shorinaii liy the ri-solu-
tlon anil action of VOID honoiahlu body
On bolialf of the family ,
P. T. M
A Jocular Committee- .
, Neb , Maich -Special [ to Tnr
Hrr i The house committee on inisc'ollancoub
suhjettB held a meeting todav and decided to
icpoit in favor of the pa'Migo of house i oil
M , b\ \ Porter , which repeals every line of
the Slocumb high Ihenso law and makes no
inovislon whatever for any regulation of the
liquor trnflle.
It is evident , him over , that the bill waa re
ported back morulj as a Joke and with no
idea that the nicisurowUliccelvo any serious
attention fiom the house.
.No Kli-k on till ) Hill.
L.IVOI.N , Neb , Muroli tl I Special to
TIIK HKI : . ) The senite cimimltteo on educa
tion this morning considered .semito illo No
151 , the bill suggested by the board of educa
tion of Oinahu. Senators Switlerind Shea
appeared bofow the body , as did also Messrs
Conover , secretary , and Martin and t'or.vcll ,
members of tbo bonul
The committee decided to repent tbo bill ns
it vva received from the bo.ud.
Liveors , Neb , March 11. iSpccml to
TIIK Hnr.J- For the lirst time in many weeks
Senator bheti occupied bis seat today , having
nt least iiirtinlly a-covcrcd from his sovcio
illnoas. Ho was Wftnnlj wek-ome'l by Ids
associates , and especlnllv by Chaplain Ciei-
lull-tit , who has frequently during the sena
tor's sickness refomit to him In his players
Scuatois I'uvloriind Stevens , botti of whom
have also been ill , returned to thcli places
Heproscntatlvo Stobblns h receiving
auon.mous . letters warning him that a hit ,
lobli ) is ul vvoik to defeat bU bill to registoi
state , county and citj warrants , nnd stop interest
torest on tbo sumo Thov nro working 01
the senate ,
Tlio woman suffragists die hard They
have another bill , house roll 107 , Intiodncei
by Taylor of Butler slumbering in the com
mlttce on miscellaneous subjects , which the ;
will spring ou the house at au early day.
3ml of Iho Kenmtkdblo Struggle iu the Il
linois Legislature
"Moore's Itonini'Kiihli * ltol'iiMito | Stand
us ,1 CiinillilntC" OIKI lltmilroil
unit Flllj-l'oui' ItHllniM 'InUoii
I'lilnii'r'N Kieeoli. |
Si-uiNoi ii.ii ) , III , Miui'li II (
M Palmer VVIIM oleitod Lulled States senator
on tliu Hist ballot , today , the liMth ballot of
ttiu session.
Representative hull \\iii eiovvcloil to tlio tit-
noitv llh eiiiji r liiinianity to witness the
closing seen's of tin ) most memorable sena-
orial contestIllinois ever witnessed. Karly
tliN imirnhiii the ii'imbHi'ims hclil a cam-in
iml ilisi'tisMiltho iiilvisnbllltv of Hivlm-Tiut-
> eueok or Moore 100 votes In oriki to pliiuu
tin1/ni mot's In an imlavnril position , or in
the i-v cut of defeat , of Kolni ! tlov.ii with a
iiiunluious unity \nto for Uii'hanl Otflesliy.
I wns iluuliy tesolvi'ii tn leave everything In
the hands of the steeling committee
'i his committee , a slioit tiitio lii-foio tlio
m-etuis or tlio Joint assembly , summoned
) . Mooto before tliciu and told him they
\vero inep.iii'il to ( jlvo him 100 vote ? on Joint
ballot tt > iln > v\lth \ npiMtcnt vietory in sight.
Uepu"'ontutlvo Mooio OKI what few men
would have done uiulor the tlti'ii instances.
"lic'Ktottobo obliged to disappoint Jon
gentlemen , ' ' iidd he , "but your oiler comes
; oo Into After \vaitiiiK eluht weeks for re-
( mhllcan siitipoit , CoeUioll unit myself have
( edited to i'ivo our votes to ( icneinl I'nlmer
and have ulllxcd our sifjuutures to an address
to that effect "
The steeritiK committee llnally decided to
give their vote to Sointor 1'ullor , ehnliiiiini
) f thostooriiip committee , In leeonnltlon of
Ills sen Ices In Unit capacity.
.lust bofoio the meeting of the Joint asscm
l > lv delegations of Palmer's aclniirers fioni
Missouri and Indiana onteied the ? ipitol
and were esiurtoil to se.its in the ( jr.lleilos
Thuiopublleaii steciiiiR committee 01 doted
their inuiulu'rs not to answer the prcliinlnarv
loll c'.dl. Senator ICvuiis , however , disregarded
cuninilUce's instiuc'tion and
garded the an-
sweted "hero"lion his 11:11110 : * vvns called
Of tlio fanners both Mooto and Cockroll
nnsvvcicil roll call nnd both \vcio loudly
applauded by the democrats On TnubcneeUS
lefusnl to answer roll uill there \vas a tllulit
upnlo of applnuso on the republican side ,
vvhieh was cmieltH suppressed bj the tepub
NIMH steering committee.
"Twenty-live senators mid sovonty-flvo
membcis have answered to their names , "
said the speaker
The roll eall of tlio house was ordered
When Ooi'Kiell's name was called ho
answered :
"I votu for Palmer. "
Tor a few inomciits the democratic shouts
and cheers that lovciboruted through the
capitol weio ileiifeiiim , ' After a slight lull
they v\oiorenevvoil anil It was two iniaulcs
before in dor could bo icstorcd
The republicans still lomalnod silent as
the call Dioeeeded. Mooio's name WHS
called anil ho voted for Palmer. Again
ilemoci.itii1 enthusiasm found vent in pro-
loncetl cheers Then the nnmo of Morns.
the colored topubliennas called. That
gentleman voted for Ciceio.l. Lindlev. Ilo
vvus the only lepubllenu votmir and tlio
absentees weio demanded by the republican
itecrintr committee
After the call of the absentees the pro
gramme was chaiiKcd and the republicans
vote < l for Lindley , it huvinj ; been found iiu
possible for Fuller or anv other man to le-
ceivedthe full ropubliiau vote.
Kcpioscnlntiv o Tuubunock , when his name
\vas called , voted for "A .r Streotcr. the
nominee of tlio Panneis' Mutual Hcnelit as
sociation paity , " and dropping into his scat
burst into tcais. His int r > ; sonow vvns un
doubted uni ) chcor after clieer from the ru-
publl-an aldore\\aided his loynlt ) to bis par
ty nominee.
Senatois Hacon and Evans on the Hist roll
call voted for OKlciby , but subseimentl )
changed their vote to Lindloy
A verification of the roll call shnwedovcrj
republican votinc for Liiullo > , every demo
crat for Palmer , Moore and CocUrell for
I'almer and Taubeneck for Stioetor.
"On this , the l.llth ballot , " said Speaker
Crafts , "ttm whole number of votes caht is
" 01 : necessary to a choice , 10 tt of which John
M Palmer Ins received 10.3 votes ( democratic
chcersi , A .1. Stieetcr , \oto I , and Cicero.I
hiiidloj , 100 votes , anil I hereby declaieJoha
M. Palmer dnlj clecteil Cnlteil States sena
tor. "
Deafening anplauso from the democratic
side nnd tlio gallenos gicutcd this announce-
inent Whnii silence \vas restoicd a Joint
lonmiittee of seven notilied Palmer of hU
The committee leturned with Senator
Palmer , who was guetcd with Kieat , ip-
plauso Speaker Crafts Intioduced him and
hospoko as follows
"Cientlemcn of the Thirty-seventh fSoneral
Assembly You ought scaieely toexiicct mete
to spcalt at this time f feel moio like say
ing'Ain't I glad to pot out of the wilder
ness. ' ] thank you 101 members for vindi
cating the rights of the people. Ily a plural
ity of votes , it was the oxmessed desire of
the people to select a senator , and my elec
tion is historical. You men who have
laboied so long to elect your in
dependent candidate also deserve my
tbaulis. lAppluuso. ] My itpubllcan friends ,
I thank you , too You in this contest icp-
sontod the old method ot eloctinir senators
I thank j on that the contest hns ueeu fieu
fiO'ii personalities " [ Applause. )
The Joint assembly tuen adjourned sino
die. lioth the house and the senate ad
journed immediately niter the aujournincnt
of the Joint session ,
IDr Moore in an intoi view this afternoon
" aid ho was convinced it was the earnest do-
ire of the majoiitv of his constituents that
ho should vote as he did , when minors vvoro
being cin ulated all over the country that
Strootervvas no longer an independent , hut a
lepublican In icganl to the tender o the
solid lepubhran vote to him this morning ,
Mooie said ho would under no consideration
accept a scat in the senate unless tenrtoied
bv the will of the poonlo Ilo felt ho was
not their choice and for that reason could
not accept the honor tli U would bo confcried
by the casting ol the lopubllcan votes for
Cockioll said that in voting foi Palmer ho
hud not gene into the democratic" patty , us
manv seemed to think. It was agreed be
tween Ur Moore and himself fioin the
beginning that as I'aitncr had made liis
fight betofo the people and been endorsed
by their vote they would vote for Palmer
after tlioy had demonstrated the fact that
they could nut elect a straight Independ-
on * man Cockicll added that ho and Mooto
had decided at the Hist pail of the session
that Taubeneck was astraieht-onl ropublican.
"Duiing thn last few days , " said Cockiell ,
"wo became afiaid that ii sehoino was being
worked to make a break in the democratic
iniiksVo feaieit this break would result In
sending 11 certain Cbliago millionaire ) to tlio
senate b\ means of boodle , and determined to
Head oil anv atich scheme. "
Tuubcnrck in an Intoivlow tonight said
"If the democratic part of tlio runners' Mn
tual Hcnelit association sustains tlio.action of
Moore nnd Cockicll it will bienit tboorgani-
/ation nil to nieie.s. If ttielr action is con
demned it will show that the oiganization Is
sounder than over nnd that it does not want
anything tn do w lib either of the old parties
I have no complaint to make of any one ex
cept Mooio and Cockrcll. They have plaved
tiaitor In the last few days they would not
ngiee to niiyMilnir , wore not willing to take
up any other candidate , and would not
oven have any confeienco I urn
porfcctlj sulsflcct with my own couiso. 11
vvihh the people and the press would not calo
us tho'H g Thivo'nny more if the peopld
are satlsti cd with the action of Mooio nn
Cockioll , let them be called the 'Hlg Two'
and call mo the 'Little One ' "
General Palmer tonight said his canvass
donionstniteil that the true method of electing
a senator i 0 > appeal to the people lie hail
little to su.v In addition to his speech of this
nfteinoon , except that ho will advocates In the
United States an ainrnument to the conMltu-
lion enabling the people to vote for senator.
The defeated runners' Mutual IJunolit
association candidate , Mr Stiouter , said
"Tho manifesto Issued by Moore andCockrell
was very surprising to mo. I regard the
course thuy Imvo taken as uuuinlng the
rnrmers' Mutual Ucnellt association Here
after It will bo known fur and wide as nn
auxilllury to the democratic putty , In future
haw no Inllucnco in the
politics of tbls stnto and vorv little Inllurnco
in tlu < polltWotjtlio country at luxe Hy
tbeir action Moot o and Cockrell must bo hold
reionslblo | for tlio length of this contiMt nnd
for the enormous espouses oniallod on the
Iho di'tnofmtic tnonibcrs of the general
lussomblv tire volt Ing up it fund of fVHl topn > -
ctm' for MosJrs I'ockrelland Moore twomag-
nlllcont b.kdges In commemoration of thrlr
v oto todiiv
Htioeicr null rTitubcneok nw preparing n
nianlfosto. In which they denounce Mooround
I'oiltrell fur voting for'I'nliiior , and express
the opinion tlut their action will have the ef
fect of bioaldnti'up ' , to a pieat extent , the
ndepomlent icovumout In this state Moore
uid fockiell vvUl probably tettillati1 with
mother statement
A 'olek'intn ' was ret olved tonight ombodvlng
osoiutlons of congratulation adopted bv tlio
Mlssouil house of leprcseiitnllvos.
John Macnuloy Palmer was bom in Scott
county , Kentucky , In 1M7. In 1MI heoml-
Kiatod t ) Mmllson ooiint\ , Illinois , and la the
summorof isisho commenocd to sitidj luw.
> lo was admitted to the bar the
'ollowing jear. In IM.i i'aimor was
lected probito Jitdge , and , tip to the
tlmo tli" war of the loliollton broke
out , 1m held viuious other ollhes , both
state nnd national At the commcnci-mont of
lostllitles he was elected colonel ol the Tour-
: eentli Illinois Infantry , and duiIng the war
took part in manv of It.s most Impoitant en-
g.igenicnts. I\ > r g.Ulaut services under ( ion
< ial Shcimiin ho was iniido nmjor goniial
I'almer hold the olllco of governor
of Illinois fiom isii'l ' to ISTJ us a
cpublii-in , but ills political eoursmluiiiigtho
toiinvvas such iu > to alienate him from his
> urtv mid his aceoptniico as u democrat ,
which ho bus been ever since.
'in , III , Mnrch II. Tonight tbo
lemociats nro losoitmir to ovcty device
tnovvn to make n noise nnd express In some
ineasmo their exultation over the election of
IJeneral I'almer to the United States senate.
Itimimuabln bands of men with tin lioins ,
Chinese gongs and other musical instruments
matched through tlio snoots nnd through
thn lobbies of the hotels , Invaiiablv winding
.ip at ( ienonil Palmer's i esldenco , wheio they
lave given cheof alter cheer As soon as the
olei lion was announced todny the bolls and
\vldstlosofe\ery factor } In the city , rojjaid-
ess of politics , wore lot loose anil church ami
Hie bolls added to the clamor All over the
cltv lings ami bunting mo llj Ing and tonight
liievvoiks aie being used without stint.
11IK < ' I ff fO/M I A
Ooinp'luatioiiH ' Developed 111
tin ; ri lit at HaurnnuMito.
To , Cal. . March 11. | Spocinl
rulegrnm to THE BKB. ] The senatoiial
light hero presents one of the most singular
oompllcallons ev 01 seen In California politics
liverj thing had been cut and dried bv Iho
Stanford man to ckot Cliurles Folton , tlio ox-
congressmun who has always been faVorable
toiailroads , and who is a personal friend of
the millionaire senator Hut when they
Lhought things wcro llxcd thoj wore pira-
Ijml to lliul that U. I' . Huntlngton
had been nt work and that bh agents here
were aauallj working for Editor Do Young ,
whose paper h.ts assailed Ktanlord on every
ouasion It m signitlcant that Uargio of
Oakland , who nominated Do Young in the
senate , ii one of Iltintington's light hand
men To complicate mutters friends of the
Into Anton A SaiL'ent appealed anil doclaiod
they weio bound to have rovungo on Stan
ford , even if thcv had to elect UeYounc to
acioinpllsh it DoYouncr , they admit , bit-
toily opjiosed M'lrgenl , but ho fought square ,
while they claim Stanford betrayed Sargent
after promising him the sen'itor- '
shlp. This betiayal of Sargent was
one of the chief grounds of the
quarrel between Huntlngton and Stanford
last year , as Huntington felt that the rail
road company owed Sargent IV help for ot-
llco In letuui for the aid ho had given them
in U'ashiURtoiii The Sargent erowit is com
posed of old polUiftans who have consider
able inlluonce , and its appearance hero has
scared Tellon's , baupjojs.
Kvi nun MO'a | , , March 11The fall-
fortdii leglslatnvfl In joint sqssiou tool ; one
ballot- for United States senator and ad-
jouincd until tomorrow. It resulted : IMoe ,
'Jll ; UoYoung , 'M ; iton , 1 ; Blanchnrd. 10 ;
scattoilug for republicans , lli.Goucher ( deini
25. hcattciing for democrats , il.
The senate today coneuri'ed in the house
amendments to the ballot reform , bill , which
now goes to the governor
The It. ins is Ijeji
Toi'i hKan. . . March 11.- The legislative
confercnco commiltce todny agreed on the ex
ecutive appropriation bill ami the legislative
apportionment bill A number ot house mem-
beis opposed tlto report because appropria
tions were pioviocd foi for boards which the
alliance wanted to abolish Sneaker Elder
bald . "I urn going to shut mv oj os , close my and vote ave on tlds bill This house
cannot accomplish informs while the suimto
is controlled ov the opposite piity , bull
want to saj that ] still believe tlieio "is good
in Israel , nnd weill wipe them off the face
of the earth in ivej " Tlio. conference icports
on the appiopnatiou bills weio miallj
l'r 'sl < lonl t luiM' I'loascil.
Toi'iKV , Kan. , Maich 11 President Chase
of the Kansas state tanners' ' alliance , speak
ing of Palmer's election , said : "I icgaid
Moore and Cockiell's dcsoition of Stieeter
Justifiable on account of his too open Ilirtation
with the republhsm steering committee anil
his pledges to it. General Palmer was , in
mv Judgment , the ne.xt best available man
from our standpoint. "
Connecticut's Gubernatorial Contest
HuiTioitii , Conn. . Match II The republi
cans have a ieod on an amended foi m of n
bill as a possible way out of tlio guboumto-
nal contest , It piovides for settlement
upon the proper- petition of the ofllcer in
question by the supciior lonrt. Appeal
may bo taken to tlio supreme court. The
bill was made a special order for tomorrow.
'J iMinesH ! ii I lies a Sa Into.
NASIIV ni i , Tonn. , March 11 On receipt
of n telogiam announcing the election ot
Cloneial Palmer in Illinois Governor Bu
chanan ordcicd a salute lirod. One bundled
and ono guns weio tired for Palmer nnd the
democratic members ami one each for Cock
iell and Moore.
'Maine DiToats iln > Australian Itallot ,
At m STA , Me. , March 11.In the house to
day tlio bill providing for state adoption of
tlo Australian sjstctn of voting was de
fcatcd 71 to 71- live members not voting.
V > iiI'rlv Urges.
Cmiu.o , Match 11 The executive com
mittee of the world's fair dhecuoiy today nu-
thori/ed the committee on ways and means to
enter Into and consummate all negotiations
for the snlo of privileges and concessions
The halo of miscellaneous goods on the fair
grounds will not bo pci milted except to im
porters when j ai'tliles are such us
may bo obtained iu any first class
house outside of the lound , and nothing may
be vended whicllilsiat viuinnce with the dig
nity of the fair No translei ring or subletting
ting of pnvilegt will bo pi'imitted. 'J hirty
days prior to closing the contuicls for grants
the coinmlttco will udvoui o in the didlj
pie.ssof the for pioposnla. Persons
desiring to buy ptiv lieges should addioss tin-
ways and means commnteu and obtain blanks
to bo provided for applicants. .
A I'loporliovii .
ST. Lou , Mo , March 11. The i tall
lumber dealers of this eltj have nodded to
boycott .somo wholesaleis because thoj have
boon doing a retail business In the teriltoty
of middlemen and at wholesale prices. The
St Louis retail dealers are the moving
spirits in the now organl/alion determined to
unite the tuiilo for the otijoct stated in Mis-
souil , Illinois , Minnesota and Iowa , and in
fact nil over the west fioin Illinois to the
Rocky mountains. It will bo ono of the
largest tuiilo movomont.s of the Kind ever
known Iu thU count r , .
liolioailing of ( 'IilncM >
SAV Fiuxcibco , Cal , March 11Tho
steamship City of PcUii mrivel this attei-
noon from Hong Kong unit Yokohama Some
throe numbed Chinese piiatos and robbois
were beheaded In Kwanlung proviuio dur
ing the last tavf dn > 3 of the old
) our.
A Questiou Tint is Wording Weatem Rnil-
road Men ,
A l.lvoly Mooting ol' the ( Join-nil
Mnnngors Is PioiiiUod All \VoM-
et'ii Ituiulx A coitsod of
Hml I nltli.
CIIK voo , March 11 [ Special Toloijrain to
TIIK HKI'.J Krory wcstein railroad limn In
t'hlcngo today was on the qul vivo for n do
clslon In tlto demand of the Alton fora 'J-icnt
mileage rate. The position of the Alton is
that it will withdraw Its demand in case tliu
.liu-lisoiivlllo X Soiithoastein stops the
Issue of UH mile.igo book , rostoics all
rate * to tholr noimnl basis mid
gtiaiimtccs their malnteiianoo At tounj's
nieotliiK President Hook ot the Jacksonville
showed a statement that Ml.OUt ) miles of Ids
mlleago was outstanding and that it was
practically impossible to lodeem It on short
notice lie ngioed toiedoem Itns fast as possi
ble and lostnrq thepiosont f."i T.'i rate botvvien
Chicago and St. LoJs to Iho old llguro of
$7 fiO. The coiitempl itoil dolnv was not satis-
factoiv to the Alton , but it UKicc-d to wilt
for an oxaet statement of what hewlllilo ,
which i'lesldeit Hook piomlsrs in the moin-
I.ito this nftnrnoon Chairman Pinky n-n-
doicd a decision vvhuli U Is thougnt covers
the whole case. A niileago ticket of HID
. .laeltsonvllloa.s bought in Chicairo ot a
scalper and tinned over to Chairman rinlc-j.
Todav hodoi-Ued , in spite of Iho icfnsid of
th > ' Atthlson , that tlmr t'oid must redeem
the ticket , being the Chicago termlnnl of the
.liicltsom Illo. A but time is looked for as the
Atcldson disclaims any losponslbditv for this
issue of tickets
If half what Is promised comes true , to-
mot low's mooting of the general inntingus
of tin ; ContialTiaflle association will bo the
stormiest on iccord It is chinned th it nbso
luti proof w 111 be fuinlslicd that two conti il
ti.inio and two trunk lines Imvo been dully
cutting i.ites for nearly a jear. It is not
clear what will be ilono If this proof is
fuiinshed , as no ono expects a conviction
under the Intoistato commoico act ,
and the presidents of the non-
rate cutting lines have so fur
absolutely lofusuil to meet the known reduc
tions. It appears that fionoral Passenger
Avnnt Smith of the Lake Shore wrote to ono
of his traveling agents , and not to Chairman
Hlaiicbiiid , that thoio weio constant viola
tions of the commission ngioomcnt. Ho has
infounatlon that the Ciianil Trunk and
N higarn I'alls shoi t line aio constantly pnj Ing
commissions , nnd also that manv , if "not all ,
the wcstein lines openlj declare they aio
ignoiing the agreement. All ctiateni lines
have signed the ngieenient. but a careful
inqulrv has failed to find a passenger man in
Chicago , outsiilo of the chairman nnd vieo
chairman of the Central Tratlle association ,
who believes it is wottb the paper on which
it is written. Two venw ago Iho eastern
lines voluntaiilv emled a j ear's boycott on
the Alton for Insisting on paving commis
sions The Alton meantime having fuiily
coined money by rei-on ol the boycott. Tlio
Lake Sboio wants to know what will bo done
as ills put ut a derided distulvantage In com
peting with commission pajing roads.
Him \ \ ' < " 4tintliHiMwas Ousted.
Ni w YOKIC , Maich ll.-Hoferring to the
ousting of the old directors at yosterdav's
annual election ot the Union switch and
signal cnmpauy , Pittsburg , Mr.Vesting -
honso todav said that Secretary Kovvaml ,
without authoilty , piocuiod pioxies fiom
various 'tocltholdors in fa\oi of Westinghouse -
house or Row and A protest will bo made
against the election and stockholders vvtiosi !
proxies weio nseii will testif.v that they m-
toiuled them to bo used in laver of the old
boiid. Westinghouse added that Howanu
could not have been in bis riKht mind.
. \Kalnnr tlio IManagcrH.
Ni.w YOUK , March 11 Theio was a largo
attendance at the Monon mooting today
owing to the charges against tno manage
ment , recently preferred byV S Alloj , aNew
Now Yoik stockholder , who applied for a 10-
coiver. The directors were voted for under
classification to servo for four , vonis Alley
protested , but was in the minority Alley
and some of tils adherents will continue legal
proceedings against tlio management and en
deavor to annual todav ' s virtou of the "ins. "
Application lorn Kcrcivor I'Mi-d.
Mvcox , Ga. , Mm eh 11 An npplliation for
a receiver for the Micon constitution com-
panv has hoen filed in couit bj John S. Mc-
Tighe < x , Co. Two liens wcro tiled at tbo
same time , one for $ JC.KMI ) , ( ) and the other for
tliO.OOi ) . It Is oelioved that the embarrass-
mcnt is only temporary , as the company has
largo aisots.
St. Ijoiiin .V , llannlhal Election.
IlvsMiui. , Mo. , March 11 The stockhold
ers of the St Louis A : Hannibal ralhoad have
elected John I. Blair president and Geotpo
C. Closon general manager , No definite ac
tion vvai taken In regard to the extensions
asked for from Now London to Leon or Cory-
don , la. , and from Ilannibal to Moulton , la.
An Annual Merlin-
CHICAGO , March 11. The annual mcetliiB
of the Illinois Cential leased lines was held
today. No changes weio undo in th o dncc
toialos nud no ofllclal statement was Issued
A It tVJ-1 WAli IM3lIXi\T.
Hostilltios Ilct\voii Wliito and .Vof-ro
Si-tlli-rsin Oklalioinn.
AicillTV , Kan. , March 11. [ Special Telo
giam to Tin. KMA | i.ico war seems immi
nent in Oklahoma , whtio the negioos have
swarmed in such numbers that the whites
nro oiKani/ing against any finthcr Immigra
tion. Near Kingllsher hostilities have com
menced. A gang of white caps have
taken the matter in Hand anil by
thioats ot extermination have endeavored
to Induce the negroes torotiie , but with the
offeit only of eniagintr the colored people to
sm h a degree that they oponlj talk of Luin-
inpr down the town of Klngltiher. Any col
lision would load to an open war so Hostile
are the opposing factions. The negroes ino
nt bay and desperate Thov have been
biought in on various pretexts , nnd are un
able to gel away fiom lack of means ,
I looil NOVVN ,
Giir.rxv u 11 , Miss , March 11. The nso iu
the river here continues , the recent rainfall
in the Cumbeilniid and Tennessee vnlleys
causing tho-,0 sttcams to ilso rapidlvand
overllow their banks , which will add its
volume to the pic-sent high stage
now in the Mississippi , hut the people
note mo not generally alarmed Confidence is
felt in the ability of the levees to withstand
the Hood
H\MOII , Mo , Mntili 11 C'onsliieiablo
damngo was done vesteulay bv tbo Hood The
tide vvat one ot the highest" known hero sl'ico
the Iliioil of 1M7 Neiiilv all ttio lollnis of
stores along Hroiul stieot vvoiu Hooded.
Sowois weioHtopped upand huiisoi ilooJed.
Seurotary I'i'octor .it < blokiimiingiiii.
On vicvM > ouv , Tonn , Maieh 11. Secretary
Pioi.tor and pat t.v spent todaj In examining
th' ) historic I'hlcKuii.aiiiiua battle Held.
Scciet.nj 1'iortor will pioioid at once with
the negotiations with the ovvneis for the land
needed tor nmiik Mom than seven thou
.sand notes will bo seemed.
Ponton Oios ul' HlH InfnrloH.
Mi.Ml'liis , Tenn , Muichll - David I'oUon ,
the lavvvcr who was shut yo-dorday by Cole
iii-l King , died this ovonhig Thlrtj-six
inches nf the iiitcutinos laeomted nj the
bulloL wei-o removed todav In nn oiulonvor to
HIIVO hli life , but the hhoi k was too gieat
III riiutllv ( iot 'Ilioro ,
Cuii tun , March U George Itltthuniol ,
v\ho during n ( It of tcmporur.v Insanity shot
and wounded hU vvlfo and sou several
moil tlii n o. inndii anoihor iiltt niit | tn kill 111'
\\llotiHliiy Thin hmo boon Iblitfj iiputt
Todnv ho wont to the liousniuul lu-liiir iinnblo
lo giiln mluiissloii Ill-oil a luimtiii of Imlloli
through tlio door Itothon put tiie roudvor
to hlsovvn lieail and inllloted u fulal v\ound \
Till : AM VI la-US' fJAliA tt'l.JIIU.
A Sl'llOM Ol' IJl'I'llt lllUM'H Jit till-
( nlivi-inii
The Ini'KOit crowd of the \ \ eoUMIH \ nt the
I'oltseiiin last tilitht , nail the i uors wow
cvou moro cnthiislnstle and nphltod limn
ever. It has boeu n uollcoaMo fail tint the
attoiiilanoohas hinonsod vvilh onih uvLMilng ,
nnd the larger the uronil ( trows the hettei
the races mo
The Initial ovrnt lust niglit \\js vlio llrst
moot bill \\cvn Mr linlton , who Issalii lo boil
liortinin c'oimt trivoliiii ; In illsguUe , nnd thu
Iriopn-sslhio Mr 1 'ottnr f rom 'lV\ns Tbo\ \
made n bet I'ontost , the 'lexnn comlug In
nhoad bv a nose Tlino , rt.W !
Pollovv ing cinnn Louis IMcschoi , wbnooiMi-
plos a high position in the cMcomof tln-nnia
leurs as u vcr.v sieoit.v | imiiiaml a gentleman
hesldes , and VOUIIL Silinoll Srhnell , who Is
nUo a coming ildor , is SOIIKIUL | luindl
nipped l > > tlio fall ho .siiHtalnul thootlioi
evuiilng , as It has miido him "loan1 of tin1
uirnois nnd eousoiuonUv | jiiovents him from
ilomghls best llowiver , he's got plentv o (
nuiui nndvlll win moio rnoes than lie losoi-
from this out. l.iko I'lescher ho Is anothoi
( 'entlcmanl ) llltlo i iilor Klcscln-i' won after
an oxilttng brush In I , . ' * .
MutitorfoiliiK ami VVoiltlicn took n
\\hack \ at oai'h other , and when the tain wns
leacln-d Di-il was tlieio a i-oiiilo | of gooil
wheel longllis in the vm Timo. ti . ! S
Tbe next evonl vvns hot \\ien tint popttlai
joutiu'ildei , yi-lipt i'K ' foishoit mill Major
Ostioruo 'Iho in ijnrVIIH \ out of sight that
Is biMvasn't In it , anil Pi.x loped norms the
scoio In u III
Mr ( irasi took a shy nt MrYnllcor ( from
\\iilktii\ulpi \ , ami InuHlio uodit of nnKliiR
the next host turn1 of the night , vi/ , : i ill I ; >
If nn i bed v picks Mi Grass up for , i tlsh
they 11 ontih a t irtm , becaliso bo's not n
mnvo to him that woulit make Hill ) turn
tfioenvlth \ envy
Hl'lv ' SiMicli and Sonny Moms woio the
next Kladlalnis toentti tlieaiefia , and It was
one of Iho tightest tilts of the seilos , Soinij
heating the plnclvV kid out liv u hiilisbu-adth
Moats got roil lioadid bei mso he cldnioil
the boj endeavored to job him. which is till
very fuiiiij , us Muirs Is Ins enough to make
him a prosi-nt of n lap. Hut lie dissen't do
it Time 7 Ol.
Major Osbornc , in his siblo jcrsfi ? , ami
Colonel llollon v\oro tbo next on tiio bill
Ilolton is In bad form , and tliu Miler v\on in
7 0 1.
Pixley nnd Schnoll nndo n greit race , ami
although it was iifortiKnnc.ronohislon which
would win , Sebnoll i.imo'u'ltbin nn uco of
siiipuslni ; overvbody. As It was PK won in
d ( > " > , the best time of the ovcning.
Gross and \ \ cilloifed lound the r-lirult
for r. minutes and 1 1 seconds , and Cinieral
Kastnun snapped the tlmolock on tlioni , that
they would have to shiilllo the eiuds over anil
tiy itairnin U vvns nniis-Denl.
M MrS ) put tbo kibosh on Munli'rfoiliig in
0 oil | . " > , innlvlnir a pivttv raiu , hovvovor
Kloshor and M'alkor wound up the ivgulat
jiroKiiimino , Klesh carrjinir olt the palm in n
little less time thin John Hourilua could run
the distance , ti-vvlt , 7 10 4- : >
Then cnnio thn diad ho it between
Wort ? and the Tennessee grov bound , us Mi
( ! ross has lieon facotlnnsly diibbc-d Then
was no mis Deal this time. U'oit ? run in .1
cokt doclt on the southotnor and tbo llrst
dash out of the bov caupht his high the ami
made high , low , jack and the gnue. TIuio
-15 : i'l
The ogtr race on skates oteitcil i ftood ilr-al
of fun anil us on tbo pievious o\eninp Miss
Stonev won , although Loul ilncon nude it
cxeeeiliiiKlj tropical foi him
Tonight the noveltv posformanco will bo
the tug of war between Barnex Iloj lo's ten
sinewy bortcridpis nnd John Hoyct's ten
Thoj will bo pitted against each otborat thn
ditfeicnt ends of -sixty-foot rene , and tlio
saloonitlc who gi-ts ji-illod over the sciatcli
looses an eight gallcii kcL' .
Following is the standing of the riders up
to date :
Icldus , \\on Lost Hull rs.Viui
Pixli-y 5 o \ VrU 4 1
Plc'slii-r 0 0 tohiic'll 1 4
Monrs . r. 1 I'otli-r. , 1 1
Miiiilcrferlni ; ' ' M Walker . .1 4
( ! n s : i i-canli l 4
Usixiriio . . : t ; t llolldll 0
Thn tlnish botvveon 1'ixlej and I'lcslier Sat
urday night will be well worth witnessing.
'llic fincinniiti Club.
CfxctsNim. 0. , Maich 11 [ Tolc-
gram to Tin : BFK 1-Geurgo .Munson said
todav "J will ivmaliiht-ivfor nbout Ihltlv
OHVR togot ( 'liii'lntintrs atliiirs In Mmpo v
iMmiiny | with $ i"iIH > 0 cipitnl stoil ( \ \ III bo in
iml/oil : ami on dollar will bo plmeil la
I'lncliinatl II IsasuiiirNo ovonto ustn SIM
tlii < Htii'liuth of Iho iHsotliitlin' ' siMilitnonl
hoio IhikVCHOOii fem loading oapltalisls
this inoinlng ami tlm-o of tlno eipnss
tlit-msi'hOH as willing' to invest f.\Mo ( ) eu li "
'lliov siv this Is nu nsMOclutlgn ell ) uiulthcw
lMiiniu'\ ' a club"
I'ounulHoiM nro still at win k for me lociil
I'tub and It Is v orv unllkolv llniL the
will come up bofoio tomorrow.
\VoNh Mlili n M'ondof.
Ill iiiixn ros , In , Maich II -I Special fold
Kram tn 'I'm Mn ! .liu-U UoUn of l'o.iii
knocked otitlosi-ih | Tnnsoy , who elalins tint
iiilddlo\\otKlitoliiunpioiishlpoftliOhoutli \ \ , in a
nlucUui rout d lultK- near this plmo Init
'iluht The mill was nn luliulralili' exhibition
of skill niul Imril Inttiinr tlnouglnmU
Tiuisi'.v int the llrst linoih down In tlo
swoud anilVilili \ the tint blood In the
tlilnl \ \ olch ilnlsliod iho ilh ( ! with li-li
limdiM' on 'Iniisoj'H m-c-k , knockuig Hun
CliK'Iniinll'H Itiill liiiiibli'M.
ClM I\S VTI , ( ) . , .Mllllll II rill ) Allll'liiMII
aisociallon people toilabrongtit \ suit ii'aliiit
Al dohnson mil sc\ \ oral league people , i hurt
im ; tliein with conspiracy t < i III wait the pin
posooftho puivlinso < if ttio Clntliiniill i uii
last Otto ho i and piny Ing lor a looohor !
iill theclub anil Iranoliisn. A tciiiponu.v n
Junction vv as grnnti-d ugtlnst thouso In t m
ilofeiidmts of Iho ( 'iiii-innnll imll KIOUIK- ) .
'Iho AmorliMii ] ii-npln have sltiou | ; Mi in
lully as captain of ttioClmhmitli ti'.iiu
'j ii i : \ irit it 'it i : D 1 1 1 A 1 1 s.
Ono Cmnlci'il t'lniiiii-lcr A ricst oil nnd
Aiiol In r Conx IctiMl.
Ciurtio , March II Pliarlcs IT. Cooli
loimc'ih an ullli-oi of Hie ili'fiuul I 'ark si
tlniml hink of this eit v , and nail own , i in
two Wisconsin buiUh , that failed \vlnn tlii
I Mi It limit went under , was nirostnl In i
toilay on a irqulsllion fioin U'isioimiu Tin
olnifjols illcL'al bmUliiL' 'Ihu iniiitiliiiuin'
( ! ( - ! \V .Moi'-p , oluk of Iliuilroiiltmiiit
o ( I ) iiilgi < lountv , U'lsinnsin , ono uf
Cook's iillt'Kod vktliiH 'Iho billies C'ooli
is alleged to Invo vvroiked woio tin
bink ot .luiiciu , WIs , ot wliiih
ho was manngor. and a shnilir institution nl
llartfoulVis J'lio iinioiuil of inotirv said
to have di ippe.noil wtis about fMi.OtKi
l''iirnu-is mid sinnll traile- nun wue the nut
fciors At the time of the fiilluiol ookooulil
not bo found , and two of hla U'isionsln assn
elites , Prank Lcako and < 5 D. Iliuhndsou ,
vvcio niiostcd Since then Cook is suppose !
toimvii bcon in ICutopo for a tlmo nnd ID
cent ly In Indiana Ilo took his auosl toiliu
I'oolly nnd succot-deil In bdujj lolunsed on
bill , pindim , ' tlu > hearing of \\ilt of luibois
oorptis lloilalms to be ahlo to pnno hii
iiN l-'oiuiil ( iiilllv.
N'l M YOUR. Much 11. The Jury In tin
case of Hiiiunous , the alleged wrecker of tlio
Sixth National liatik , i-anioln this inoruliii.
and reported that thcv weio unnblo ton ru
.fudgo Iloncilict sent them back , and tonight
tlioy lelurncil a veiclut lidding Simmons
Kidlly on the llrst count , that of tliocnihc/
inc-nt of 8liJJl ) ( ) ( ) worth of bonds , and lecoin
inomled him to the inoicv of the court The
plisonor's counsel moved that the voiillttlu
sit asulobccauso of thoimpiopcinet of .lud 'c
Hcnctllit instating to tbo jury tint the o\i
fUnou against ttio aouisod was roniltiHivi1
Iho judge saicl that lids was not 11 ] ircijn i
time to iniko such a motion and Simmons
was Ira off to jail
CHUSIIKO iC > I'Ulil' .
. .leisiIlnj's llpud .tIiiNln > ( l In
Jesse lluvs , nlniuiir einplojpil in u > iri
iim tliu npistop.ilchtiuh at Thill-liiit and
Q stnets , South Omaha , % \ib killed at inlil
night by fillmi ; timber- . Ills bead \vis
cuisbcil to a inilp
Tbo victim resided on V sticet , beh'en
Two-lit ) llfth and I'weutv-blxth streets iln
lecentl ) came fiom Taiiango county , Ponn-
s ) h a n la.
I ) i I'd I .nut N"l'lir ,
Thomas Shclb ) , an old citlion of Omnlin ,
died at his daughter' ! ) resilience1 , 1-IT Pitik
avcinio , last nifjlit need tifty-oignt yoii-s He
vvas the father of Dlwaul mid Johu hlioll\
il will be annoonceu later
To-day we place on sale in our Men's Cloth
ing Department our advance assortment ol
Spring Suits. We are gratified at being n ble to
announce that this stock : is entirely nev. It is
not carried over from last year , as when vw
placed our Fall stock on sale in eighteen ninety ,
all the Spring suits we had left you could ha\e
put in a wheelbarrow and still had room for
passengers. Our buyer has had a picnic buy
ing this stock. Nothing to worry him no re
membering what we had packed up from Icxs-t
year , all plain sailing , simply go ahead and bu r
an entire new stock , and this he has done to
the "Queen's taste. " We never have shown so
many handsome styles in suits since \vebegan
business asvc are showing to-day. We ha\o
them in every material. We have them in
every shape and cut. "We have them in the
handsomest assortment of shades and color
that could be selected from the mai'kels of the
country. You'll not be confined to buying
goods made by any one concern , as our buyer
has selected the cream of dozens of lines oi
Suits , made by the very best manufaoturers.
We are going to make prices on suits this sea
son which even WE have never before mnde.
Going to outdo ourselves , as it were. From tlio
workingmnn's suit to the finest imported Wor
sted , we will save you from two to ton full
grown dollars. Wo cordially invite you to ca'l '
and see the handsomest assortment of Spring
Suitb you over saw in Oinuha.
( Outtyring Catalogue is ready for mailing. Wrilc
Open till S P. M. 10 O'Clook.