Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1891, Image 1

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TEAK OM IIA , T-HTKSDAY MOKNMNC1 , 12 , 1SD1 , K 204.1
Of1l * lt'rMMfO'riVP OPrMll 'IV
The Hottcu Kluga Debauched Lobby
nt Lincoln ,
CoillllllMltllll roltcsplllllll'lll-l. : III * IHI
OhseMinut HIM ! IViM'vi'iliii ; Hoi'
ltct | < nt < > iat tinfcluto
A. ropuscntntlvo of TUB llur , who 1m
been lit the state nipttnl for tlio last six'
xvooln under Instructions to report coiilldcn
tliilly wlnt was going on thoiv , has ravored
usxllh some hiforiiutlon thntcamiot. Tall to
proxo Intoi estlng lolh to iw'inbcrs of the lep-
Islntuto ii il tliclr constituents
\ VMM HVnnlir 1III > W I I' .
LivrmXc'b , .Inn IKPaul Vnmlorvooit
Is xxorhlng In 111" IntoroU of the Nebraska
' ' Mils hive been
teleuliono eonip.m ) 'I'liroo
Intioiluccil cutting down the roiiial upon
V.mderxooit has ( niaitered himself ntllio
KimlcD hotel \\ticii \ ) nl > out twenty of tliolu
dependents inn stopping lie has ueonius-
Ini * hcnxea mid hell to knockout the bills
Which pronoso torcdnco the toll on tele
phones. Ilo lias wormed himself Into the
good unices ot soviralof the more Impress
ionable of the Independents by work-Ing the
toniperaneo ami ( Irand At my nu-hols Helms
follow oil ti ] > hli ail vimtnmi by pi o Tossed op
position t MOM ! niul hi tkU in inner llnilly
mi weeded In getting bolero tin1 Independent
caucus , after it , hud trms.ii'led Its sci-iet
business Hotlicn renrotonted himself as a
member of thoTxventy-oight dul > of Onnliii ,
nil organl/ation c-oinpnsod of both ilcmoeri's
andlevniblleiins , mil that that ormliallon |
was hostile lo llio beithigof lluvil.
I-\TIN : I in imsi-i u v.
Oot satisfied with hii xxorh with tlio Inde
pendents , ho Ins boon mousing or rilher 10-
vUlng the p.nllsnnsldpof cortiin republic ins
who wGitulisposod to gho Bojd u fillshov ,
but n vote mast bo tiiKon on some lloyil
( liustion hofoio the v\te > it of his work may
Yost , who was In consultation with him
night befoio last , Ins returned to Oimha 11' '
had unipii'stionabl ) givtn Vnmlorxoort cirto
blunehobeforo lo.ixlug to do a * ho plowed ,
proxidcd onlx the obnoxious telephone bill- *
should lie Iciioi kcd out.
'Ihls afternoon Hoyd dlsr-oxoroJ Vniuler-
vooit's ganioand hunted up Drukoof tlio tcl
cplioiiocinnpinv lem ilns how Ilo In-
foimoiltlio litter of xxhit Viiiideii'ooit xvas
doing , mid tint if the sneak XXMH not allot !
oflfa bill would bj intiodueod which would
Hcttho tulopliono heads i ringing fur in.iny a
( inj.
iort.lisorni'T \ \ ivji M-riuv.
Mr. Dr.ikosnd ho could In nothing with
out calling Mr. Voit back to this plico. Yes *
has aee-oidliigly been asked to retina , lloyd
! H satisfied thai A'.uuloivcort must vamoose
the ranch.
1 no ted hi Inst night's letter Hint Judge
Alison,0110 of Tlnyer's attjrncv * , < lid lint
wiri.iut mo in b'hexlmr that thocxgov
einor's proposed injunction would bo Iliad in
the supreme court today Tlio tloounont haj
not bcni IHeJ and I am noxv icllalily in-
lormod byioaoiof the Journul reportow'thixt" '
tliai-omon for the falluro WH the cert lint )
tint 110Injunction could bo olitulnod. The
roportir in question said ho hi I tilko 1 with
Judge Cobbon the subject , ami , str.ingo to
relate ? , the judge lul toll him tint tli-3 pro
inwod iiiJiinctlonlsU know ta it they could
get no Injunction.
w u.siua : visrniom. .
Theio are rumors tint Vandovoort and
IXlaorsaro ] working to0'othei in the interest
of the I liter , f luxe soea tlio in together but
once , hoxvever , though I do not doubt that
tliero li sonHhln , ' in the suspiuon. lloyd
las been iiolod ! ! | ho mai have placed toj
much coalldenco In thohickorv shiit and h is
about eon eluded that if Mujors propascs to
knife him , to force the light anil Invo it t.iko
plai-e dining the pjiuloney of the logislnUiie
It Uknoxxn tint sonnof Mnjori' frle-uls ,
Cfti-ncaot til have boon In close eoiiforence
xxith .liulgo Xorxallio. . ills thoughtmiglit
be in scmo manner utill/ed.
in rensrrn n\ nil noon.
Januiry .7 Sternsdorff his charged on
the lloor of tbo house he knows thit
incnibd-s hive boon uml'ily inllnoncc'if re
girding the telephone business. Ho tells mo
julvJitc'ly tint he has the proof In his pocket
I asked whit ho would if a resolution should
bolntiodui-oil In tlio housa cilling foran in-
\estigatlonof hU charges tie sud nothing
nouldploasu him bolter , thmghfor tha sake
of a ecrlainpirt ) ho would not like to ninko
a splurge oxer it I am sutnliod ho refer * to
TholiUterls c'ounoi.tjd ivlth
Huso. Quci-
ley's so ip fictory f think the f iota in the
case aie tint thef.ietory or Huso's housed
both li u-o boon lixed up witli olcclrie be lls ,
etc. , nnd tint them his boon a lob.itocn thu
teleuhono nto 01 the side as nit ind'iieinent
for hliiittcinptol xvitliholdhu of his bill In
the committee. It miy IM intero3ling to
liuowlf Q.iciu\x's factory or lhi-.o's roil-
dencoliiis been ! Ked up In this , style It is
possible , it either of them xvas , to luxe hid
theiKtims ro'invol slnco the bill was le
placed upon ttio p'neial ( lie. Mirks of the
ncconunodations , however , would still ic
< ruoMisr op siirou
Huso , I know , lias proved a xxcalt man In
the tinnds of Driko ct nl. If a losolutloii of
Impih ) Is intiodueed , I think the intlopend
cats will rdso .
Theio is no clause ) in tlii Nexvbrry hill nro-
hlbltlng the roads from bringing their case
Into the supreme eon it until six montlis hnxo
elapsed after the paasi o of the bill.
Mom Is receiving opinions from JuJjo to the eilect that an inllexlolo
rullroid l.\\v \ is uneonstllutioml Wliother
thesooplnlons refer to liitoistato chii-B'o or
not , I don't know. The Stexens bill will pis ?
the senate A conference committee xvill bo
appointed Mom s > ixshu will not let the
Btovens bill pasi the IIOMM ) if ho can help it
for the reasons mentioned If the conference
coinmltteo frame a hill it xxill boa beauty
for constitutionality' ' And thci , 1 don't eo
how It can pass both houses.
If Mo.uiU xvorkingagainst tbo r.iilro.uls as
n bllad he's doing It admit ibly ,
riM-.u ii1 .
Fcln-uni ) 0. This afternoon bcfoie the
ndjouriiiiU'tit of the senate a con-
stluifnt of Senator Kooatz asked
ScnJlor Sxvitzler touvor an aujouin-
incut until Tiiosilay. Ho promised its an In
ducement that If JxoonU retuiaodhoinoho
xvouM bo able to satlsf ) bit constituents that
the contest should bo knoe-kedout and lint
xvncn ho should icturn he woulil vote so as to
knock It out. This is ono of the reasons
whkb is assigned for the adjournment this
afternoon , which proxontvd the Intioduction
ngaln of n vote upon the contest resolution.
'J'he story Is still la climiiatlon that the
ndcpendents jiroposo to abandon the content
to far as nil the contoatcea are concerned ,
xxlththo cxcopilon of Hod.
It lias also bcuu stutcd that a iicUtioa to
that tlTect lias been In circulation and lias re
M'od | some slginturei Tin ro u no mnro in
the stniy thin tln'ie his been forxvoeki tiast
So fur as I nm uUe to ini-ortila tli"iv U I'vou
less thin ttijtois u ixeekil , " ! . D.iy h > day
witnesses'itoserllons , on the1 quiet , ftom the
Independent ranks. These do < eitoisadmit
Unit they Invo heen drlvon , tint thcx hal
heard only ouo side of the qin'stlon bofow
coming hoie , and Hint thoxxvoio not tMectol
lo aetllkt > 'iiii-hlnos , and tint tin' ) noxv pio-
posotoact after having he.u\l both sides of
the question.
If It should bo proposed ta conlluo the e-on-
test tn Uo.xd , inlepotident senators tell tno
tbo.v 'xlll fix-or an iimea iniaul to the ameiiil-
nionlsti'tuhig HiuVaninuftit ilso. If tlio
resolution shoiUl till to piss under
those cIicumU.iiiccH , they will encourage -
courage ) Hoyd to xeto It. Thcj
hohl that nollilng ha ) ailseii width
would Justlf ) the tight to lu tun lo on Hojd
alonoaftoi the cuiitost had been comnenced ,
ngninst nil tao state olllcewexcept the de-
slro to submit lo Huiroxvs'dictation ' and scit
l'o\\en , so'iii'thlng which the republlc'iiu Jo
not fe'el they would bonpluld Indolii ) . '
111:01 : UNI xnniT uv itoom.r.
It I ? claimed , on tlinoth-r hand , that If tlio
contest roulutiiin is thrown out it will bo
bee-atiso of bood'o ' and that soveial lobnylsts
nro suspected of wonting tn tlda dliectlon
Soinoof these , It is slid , me members of
the leglsliture The Dorgni brothers mo
nlsositspivto.l , as Is nlso Charley Monitor ,
xvliom the Indei ndeats hue sought to foico
to their nsUstunco through the propoiod In-
xestlgiulon of his prhon con trait
Miijors this iiwrnlm ; pro'esscl ' to boa Hojd
mnniis much as a man In hU position loald he ,
but I knoxv that ho Itnoxys xx-ho the senators
are upon whom the Hoyel people depend to
postpone indelhiltely the innleU resolution.
Viincieiioort Is still working among tlio
independents , though ho i u-oly nillnH his the cipllul Hois pMsonlng
thcieinibllc.iii ] ' minds , and milling the most
of all hTj nears lo satisfy Ids alll.ineo elupos
thntthovimistliang togaher or else they
xx 111 losoexor thing ,
wno i'visTitri'ii'iul :
Kolirinrv W-Lit ( luvcrnor Thayerls still
conllilent , but it looks voix1 much as If ho was
merely bomg nsed.H n cit's paw. Who is
p.ixing the money to Tlnyor's lawyers Is
somiHlilm ; tint piu/los ove-ixbody Jii'lgo '
MIIMII Is - - anJ Is
) a liih-prie-eil in-in so
.lolin \Vobitor. \ . Du-ic Xorill's brother ,
\\lio has also been rotalno.l and claims to iiillu ncoonth' ' ) junior moinbor
of thu court , is not in It for his heilth. A
inoiler.itucsttniito of th'se laxvyors' foci is
? 3IH ) ) . Tlmyei hasn't got a doll ir tint nnv-
bed ) knoxvs of and ouldn't boiroxv $ } , "iO ] I f
ho wanted to 'I'he prevaUingomnlon is th it
the defunct lllchardsandtho lUlchorn Valley
real , foi xvhich he h a tin can , haxo raised
'thospoiululix Hull haxo It xx ly doxvn deep
that a purao Ins been raised by a combine
in lie upbv liichimU , Hi id Slauglitor mil
Distiict Attoincy llike-r This clliiuo wo-
tends tint thev are goini ? to save tlio
icpubliciti party fioni a dcmociatio
goxernor , and under that pie-
tense they have secured contributions
notonlvfioitifedciiloniililt lint fioni some
of'Iliajei's old guaul , Includlni ; thu oil inspectors
specters nnd ofllchls of btito institutions
whose heads , uo dangling looiely on thoii
ouriEiis FnoM \SIII\OTOV. .
rebruary a ? , Quite astir has been creitec :
hero by , the < report that orders have coino from
Washington to the IllchanU-Vandorxoort
ollijuo to bring all posslblj pressuto on .Max
well ami C'obh to push Bojil to the xx'all
P.lddoek's inlim.ltes tell in 3 th it hollas no
nn ) for Thixor and tint he wants Majors ,
and 1'addocK's xvish is hxv to llrad Slaunliter
and the fodei il contlutrcnt. ' 1 haver doct not
anpoai-to stnell a miee. Jlvon DickNorxat is
ptillingtho wool oxer his eyes
in n i \MiKi-AoouiN sri'ii-ii.
Mare'i ' .t - The ta t men In tha Lincoln ro-
tu.nhi at midnight list nhfht were Kichirds
and Tom Majors , lloth xvero hobnobbing In
u corner.
r.veixbod ) nt the Tiiidoll hotel seems to
hixo sxxorn secrecy regirdlng the V.mdor-
voort cli.nnpigno supper at that place 1
leirn , hoxvovcr , tint two sen itor wore pros
in ri.FD TOM \rnus. .
March t 'Ihoroxvas i consultation this af-
ti moon between Hoxvo and U'atson , ami the
tuieo moguls ( railroad in iingon ) when It
xxadei'lded that if Bojd gojs , Mijow xvill
not got In.
March 5 Hero Is one of the complications
IM Timlin Is deputy attorney general. Ilo
is xvorUng in xvith seine i > 0)plo xx-ho have
a\es > togriinl Theio is some romance in
vhnl he has to s.nj , but thoto are also some
f.icts. .
He claims that Vandervonrt and himself
eontro'led ' the appMntnwat of tlio committee
on sifting In tlio house If this bo true it
dioxvt. tliatVatbort \ is looking out for his oxvn
Interest and that of his roads
Modlo some dtixs.ngonsked for a commit
tee to lux estimate the penitential- . , committee ,
which did not report in time to suit him
Muifln , I fe"l , is In synipith ) xvitb this
niox o. I'ei-'on.illy , ho iloosn't caio as to tno
outeone , but from xvhnt hn dropi 1 think
thoao for whom ho woiking want the
penltoillar ) contract knocked out.
win-in i l.ntu COMKIN. .
Mo is an UUlorinm from axx-ay liac-1 : Ilo
has piMxhlcJ rooms forHldei's nightly recro
ntionsaiul his olTeicd in.1 a bldo loom to wit
ness tlie speaker's antic ?
If an attempt Is made to investigate lUder
ho claims sunieieat wilt \ > . < sluixvn In the
itlrty-llnen style to make T.ijlor blush , also
Shr.ider , xvha are biu-kimr Klder.
Murlin U also xvoi-Umg in c ihoots with
Dr.tkoof thotoloplioiieconipiny and some of
the libJi-allty which hodispliys 1 ( ojl is sup
ported by Ilium.
t xiTfiir or TIIK nnrii. .
Mauh -Spo.iKor I'.ldor is playing into
the binds of Watson , Hoxvo and othois
among the d < 'inoii.its and lepiihlli-ans Hu
knowsthattho indi'pendunts do not like him
U'ntbon and Howe knoxvs lids nho , and have
captured him l > j the piomlses tint they will
standby him U xvas in iccognitton of this
promise , principally that I'.lder allowed the
slftlm ; e-ommlttei ) tn be diet itod to him
Thoobjectof the appointment of thli com-
initteo Is redly to knock out the legislation
which the Independents hoped to enact The
linnet of this sifting lonumttec weio hmiK'd
to KMer uy Murlin , noxx attaehoii to the
attoruov's olllco I am it-llably Informed
that ho and V.indorvojit undo up theslato. I
expect Watson and Iloxxo aUo hid a linger
In the business
, xx tvrs ir MI.
The combine U not satisfied xvith having
appointed the sifting lommitteo It Is noxv
endeaxorin ? to toatrol tho. co n fere nto com-
mlttco which will DO dotnanded If the Stev
ens bdl pushes tha senate.
Some dnjs ago Klder .igiood to appoht
Shradtr , htove'iis , and txxo ottieri
Now , hoxvcxer , lie siys tliut ho does not
think he name them , nud intlmntvs tha
ho must put on Iho committee people of nn
entirely different st i Ipe.
Thoiucnxvhoxvaiitto get a lallroul bill
through , v\eu \ Kit uo oul ) the work of a
eonfc'roni-e cominlttee. pioposo to have the
committee * appointed bj the hoisi' HUH
the ) oldin thex t-im do unless tbu outside
combine brings the matter uu and sneioed
in getting through a motion that Iho ihalr
appoint the i-nininlltiv. If thoj do , that
ineiins Vandeivooit again.
"Tnitii xx IMI i otiiin. .
Tlioro Is no doubt tint the sttiilos of Im-
inor.ility ngilnst r.ldcr are well founded.
Ills conduct has been noloilous lie Is
nuk hi ) ; the most ol hischnnces here and Iho
combine outsldo mo pampering him ,
/.Yi'/.OSIf > . > Hi' \ t "It IfAl , < J.iS.
II Causes a I 'lie In I'llisbiiintul Hall'
a Mltllim I IKX.
PITTMII no , IM , March 11 Tonight n
heavy explosion of nutmal gas blew out the
nnr of .1 K Weldon i < c Co.'s building ,
Diamond and \Vood streets lu n few mo
ments the entire llvostor.x building was in
llnncs The board of tr.ido building , just
opposite , containing the eiennanli bank , c-ua
toms house and oilier oflle-es , soon caught lire ,
and itxvas three hovus Oofoie the I'lttsburt.
and Alleghiny iliedeputiuents got thellnnes
under contiol.rlhe losses xvill aggivgnto
{ > 00,00. ] Uho cause of the e"ii > loslou Is not
A IV'uiilliu- li en ini.1 n nee roniiretod
\ \ I ill n Marrhgo.
Cinwi-oiin--\ , I ml , Mirch 11. [ Spe
cial Tilogiam to TinHi i . ] Uov .lames d
Campbell , pistorof the Methodist church at
West La fnjetto , and Miss I'lorn Darter of
this cltv , were nnrrled this afternoon. What
makes the niirrliigi ? of particular Interest is
that it has boon delaycl for some time oxving
to tno fact that tlio late A. 1' . L.UCO , Iho typo
founder of Clncigo , xvas Miss Darter's di
vorced luisbmd The discipline of the Meth
odist ihureh sas most positively that a min
ister shall not in irry a ill voiced xxomnnivhilo
her husband lives , and this caused the delay.
The wedding \vas a ( pilot nlTtiir. The cose-
moil ) xvas perfoimed b\ KevV. . Swit er
la the same house xvheio six xenr.s bofoio
President I T. married thosamo
bride to A 1' . Luce.
AOH J't I.S .1 II.n 'fitVST.
I'he Ij.tti'sl Oigaiil/itInn : in I'liat hiiio
In N't w Voik.
JCnx VOIIK , IXlirohll.Special [ Telegram
to Tin Hi i | It has just leaked out Unit a
corporation , xvith $1,500,000 paid up ,
has been foimodby the wool hit inannfac
hirers ot the country Its title Is the "Na
tional hntcompmy. " Ollkers weroelected
after a throe xvook's conference at tbo
Windsor hotel of this cltv , xxtiich tormmntol
lastSatnnlay night. ThoMj interested in Iho
organl/ation den ) that it Is a trust in tlio or
dinary sense of the term Korsomo time ,
thox say , there h is been an ovei production
in the trade , and the company xvas formed
for the mutual benefit of jobbeu ana nianu-
factinors , It will lease fuctoiics for llxo
xoars , with the prlxilego of lenowal fora
likoporiol Tbo coipor.itlon , U is declared ,
xvill bo able to etonomi/o In the cost of man
uf.ieturlnc' , and at the same time limit the
production to the ( torn ind. and producing
better goods at no material nil v.mco in prices
' Ti'iiiilil < Anticlpnti'il I etxvcca
tlie IMIII riei-i-i' Itiiiiinorx ,
PIIIIKL , S. U , March 11. | bieclal Tele
gram to Till ! Ill i : . 1 hixcitemcnt on "milo
square" oa the roserx-atlon opposite Plerro
agala result la bloodshed. A
yearngo'ihb toxx-nslte boomers from Pioiro
aiideitook to locate land on the "inllo
squno , " but \\cro duvon off by cowboys and
hnlflireods. Today 100 men \xith guns are
awaiting an nttick bv the boomers who ex
pect to erect houses on Soutti 1'ort Piciie
Accoiding to a lecont law passed by congicss
"milo sqmro" was thrown open to toxvnslto
settlers , and tliosqintters uow on the land
proposes to hohl It.
Last night a house xvas hauled on to the
South Foil 1'krro hind , nnd was hauled hick
again , and the owner threatened with ven-
gcaneo if ho ictuined Kort Pieiro Is in
tumult and the people's blood is up. Threats
haxo been inaitu of personal violence to the
loaders of the hoomeis Tonight Kouth Kort
Piorie is uader militiry inle , and guirds aio
thioxvn out Todii ) the piesent olilieis built
twenty-live shacks , nnd 100 more will folloxv
this week If an attempt Is made ) tonight
blood will bo spilt , as the piesent oxvneis
haxo spent consldeiablo mono > and propose
to hold the land. An attack Is expcctetl to
night or carl ) in the moinlnc * .
Indian Muriler < ! m Indicted.
DruMxoon , S D. , March 11. [ Suecial Tel
egram to Tin : IlKis. | The United States ills-
trkt court , hax Ing heen in session hero for
ten das , adjourned at noon tonay to meet
aguin at Sioux Falls on March 20. Just be-
f 010 adjournment the grand jmy reported a
iiumoor of Indictmeats , among which were
ono against Tasunki Ota , alias I'icnty Hoiso ,
foi the tnurdci of Lioutciniit O.iboy on the
roserviitlon dining the late Indian uprising ,
and ono against Wi-IChpoyn , alias l.oaxos-
Ilis-\Vomin , for the murder of Isauo Miller ,
a ranchman , killed about the sime time that
Casey as 'llio txxo niuuloreis are at pus-
entln the Foil MeiJo guard house and will
not bo turned over to the civil author
ities without an older fioin tlo secretary
of war. Theli otTenso being capital they will
bo tried bofoie the United States circuit
couit convening atoloux Falls Am-il 10. 'I ho
grind jury closed itsrepoit by a icconi'iien-
dation that the United Htates attoiney gen-
crd take action by which tlio United Stales
nttornp ) for this district xvill bo instriittot !
and enabled to foriit out the pirtlcs guilty
oftbe murder of I'exv 'lails , a goxernmcnt
waul in Monde county , and toprosecato then
if possible to ronvlehon. The lopoit uiges
tint no expense bespareil to this end ,
I'mn'ral Scrv ices at I'iorra
Pir.iim.S D , Mnroh 11. fSpeciil Telo-
giatn toTiiu llpi.l-Sorxices were held this
moiningovertlio lomnlnsof Hon. OcorgoS.
Hand nt the Loc-itc hotel by the Masons. A
procession vxasthcn formed and escorted the
remains to a spec ! d train at biO : ! o'clock
lioxernoi and Mrs Molle'tto and some state
oftkers accompanied the toiiinlns , nnd twen
tj-llvo Masons also acted as estort.
I'l-ffcTI-I'll I I III ) U I'ouull.
N'l-xv VOUK , Miiuli -Spjcial [ Telognm
to TUB HiiJ : A joung , good looking hey
who haJ throw n axvay all tno adantagcs o
tiorno xxith opportunities for an ediicitionaia
iho enjoyment that money and friends coult
piovldunnd had tnki'ii up lifoon tholJowcr >
in preferemo , is locked np in the tombs
clnrged xvlth buiplary and xvith fair tnos
pect.s of llfo m a prison Ho is Alfieil Pai.if
grandson of I ! . Ihlnbildgo Smith , thu n ee
laxxyorof J'emplo eouit Mr Smith has i
countrj homcnt Heigenl'olnt It is fonob
hlng the Ueigen liouso of from fti.i 00 to js.OO
xxortli of Joxxeli-y that xoung I'.n.if , who i
hut sixteen ) ears ola , his been nricstoJ.
IMI ul'ii 'I i \ \\onian ,
CmiisTi , Tex , Mauh 11 [ Specia
Telegram to I'm Ili-.i ) Mis John Hum
today shot and killed a MUMI.UI tlueo miles
from horo. She dainis that ho burgluil/eci
her family icsldenco last night , and nftershu
had traiked him hall iiinilo she caino upon
Ids camp. ' 1 he in in m ido for her with an
me , ixtion she shot nnd killed him histaatly
with a U'iiuhestor.
A Siho-ilClrl'N Uiihli Art.
VntniiXev Miiuli . Telegram
\ \ , , ll.-SpeiIal [ -
gram tnTui Hri | - Uella 1'ioUHch , a tlftcen-
) gill , xvus suspended fioin school for
thirty days for misbclmvlor today. She
went homo and shot and fatally wounded her
self with niuvolxer. She sixs she is Inno-
lent of the ) charge and could not bland the
disgrace ,
'PItPM'l't r l I T t\fl * /ll P/\O'IM I1
IlhOH'lClALAXliOH'OSlEH ' ' ,
Rumors Trevnlcut That the Weapon is Being
Sharpened for Action.
on tlio t'rolt.ihli' Slicuili (
or CandldiUi'H for ihi' Ni'\t
S\i'ftK \ ( 'rsJ lp 'I lie Oniulia
WA IIINOTOV Til niMt Tin llir : , 1
5lil PoniTi rsm BIIIIIT , ( *
WVSIIINOION , 1) . C.Maivh 11 I
Tlioro nro a number of timiortnllout around
ho treasury depirtmont during the last few
lajs to the effect that Secretaiy Foster In-
ends to drop tlio ofllclalaxo upon tlio headi
of n number of thoomplojus. Among those
vho me mentioned us likely to KO Is Chief
Clulc JJiaekettof Minnesota , who \uis np-
uilntiiit prlnclpilly hcciuso of hisgcoKra
) hhal jelatlon to tlio Into secretary ot the
rcasury It Is reported too , that Colonel
Swords of Io\\a , who Is at present known M
superintendent of furalturo , is slated for tlio
> lnio now oocupiul by Captain Hrackctt
I'he colonel is n verv populiir nun hoie , not
only with the people \ \ lthhom ho comes
ntodirect contact , but \\ith nil these who
cneiv him during hU Incuiuhenoy of the posi
tion of ser eimt-at-arnis of the republican
committee dining the late cumpiltjn.
Till1 SKXT Sl'KAIvl HSIIIl' .
'Iho Hist cstlinato as to the prohibit ) out
come of the speakershlp tontest is fiitnlshed
jya friend ot Congressman Mills , who ns-
scits tint thoireatlonianlsussuied of 75 votes
on the Hist ballot , wlillo Oilsp will hnvo I" ' ,
McMillan U7 , Sprlngqr 2J , and B\mitn ll. !
L'hcso llguros nrc of course made up by Mills'
piitieulnr admiioifl , but the advocates of.
< 'lisp's election assort that if his anil Mills
phees Vitro transposed in the list it would bo
very much nearer the ical probabilities.
There can bo no doubt but that tlio contest
\\lll bo between Crisp and Mills in tbo outset ,
uith Wilson and McMillan mailing > cry
Miong leads for the first ptaeo
The oftleials of the sujicrvislnf ; niehltcct's
onieo ald today that It Will bo soveial weeks
hcfore thov will botoadj to begin any -\\oik
\\hato\er liiion tno plans ifor the Omaha poit-
ofllco bullUliiL . They could Rive no Idea as
IT w hcthcr or not any work \\ill bo done iiur-
ing the coininp summer , but It is prohablo
tint the plans will ptogrcos far enough to la-
suio the dipping of the cKciwitlons bcfoio
next \\intorln anj ovqnt ,
Senator Paddock , wrib framed the moat In
spection hills and got them thiouKh the sen
ate , called on Secretary' Husk todav to see
what pi ogress was being made in fitting out
the labels , certltlcatos , etc , \\hich aio to bo
used by the paeKIag hollies in
t'lilcaco and elsewhere \\hen the
nnte-inortotn Inspcution results f.u orably
nnd the product is to receive tlio cox eminent
buniil of puuty. Tlip sotretiuv said lie hud
put the inattT in thp hands of Dr Salmon ,
chief of the bureau on nnhual industry , who
would have the details ot executing the law
perfected in a short tltnt Senator 1'addock
aililcd : "These inspotWon laws aio among
the inost valuable wl"phjiavc been tilaccd On
tlio btntuto boon in rtcei > t years. 'ilieV are
not uiono ot X'amo tone producers ana con-
cuincrs of meats , but thay will have a maikod
inllucuco in bix'iHdoxvn the restrictions
which Franco" , Lternfciiy and other Eu
ropean countries hnvo put upon Amer
ican hogs , cattle , etc. These icstricjlons
luix'O always been maintained on the pretense
that thox' cro necessary to keep out linpuro
meat Noxv , thnro can bo no longer anj pos
sible protease that American meat , slanght-
ned 01 imslaughtercd , is Inimiro , for It , is
guaranteed In every potslblo manner as pure
bj the United States government I'rotn this
tfmo on , if our cattle or hogs nro kept out of
the-u LOiiiitues , they will haxo to ncknowl-
edpo th it it is ilono simply as a tariff roslilc-
tion. Tliej have never yet conceded this ,
but they had the e\eu o of impuiity. Noxv
they aio brought face to facoxvlth the ques
tion ol excluding our meat piodtttts , not on
their merits , but because they enter into
competition with their local products , 1
hanilj think thoj are ready jet to make any
such discrimination against us "
ivnon : TO iitvn BOMB itv.
The republicans in the next house will
nuinhei just about enough to order the jeas
anil nijs. To do this rc < p.iiros ono-llfth of
the entire \oto. If the doinoir.its should not
Heed's " c/arish
adopt bpcakcr "outrageous /
code of rules" the niinoritj in the
Tiftj-second congress can have a ( 'ipat
deal of fun. XVltli such n sledge
hammer hitter as Mr. Rood the niinoritj can
mnUoasplentlid li ht ngninst the Inroads of
an unwieldy , reckless and venturesome ma
jority. ' The republicans arc confluent , how
ex or , that the democrats will adopt peiina-
nentlj the cede of rules which has for the
last congress been used. If this Is done no com
plaint xvill bo heard. The Republicans with
much less than dcmociaUc complaint can
tikothoirown medicine.
tucidy there hax'o been dcti.ociatlo boasts
made tba't , besldo no recognition for speech
m.ilnnc , Mr Ueod is to bo lek'gated to the
icar in the next house. It is expected that
hovill bo placed upon tuo most insignilicant
coinmltteo to bo found. The democrats want
to hear from him as Infrequently as Dosslble
' 1 hey may conclude , however , that maltieat
inent xvlll only emphasize Ids prominence
lie can speak in others' time anil will bo the
lopublican loader on the lloor , de pito uig-
gardlj treatment.
Sockless Jcrr.x Simpson , the new congress
man froui wlio has aehluxcd a repu
tation for xcrdaney which ho appears to not
doseixo , is out In an intorxiow , in which he
s.ijsthat he is gronlng very woarj of the
Impositions which uru being heaped upon the
nllianio coniriessmen by departmental duties
Ho sajs that it Is wrong to ovpect a in in to
originate ncxv kvisl.itiou of an Important
chatactcr. and xvhila attendini ; to lib con-
u'rcsslonal duties have ds nuchork to do in
looking after 1ensioiis and cUiims nvul up
Dointmunts as four mm can do. Ho pioposes
tostop this In some i\ay. Haopears thai the
Kninuer members made lavish promises din
inir their campaigns fur beyond their power
to tnllill. Many of them pioinised appoint
iiionts to tvoruots , ivhon tholi consituents
should haxo known tha . this is u republican
admlnistiatlon , and only atrilgnt roiiubllcans
nro accoided the distribution of olllccs
Utheis pioinised to get private bills through
longiess , although hi general | iriialples
they weio in platforms pledged to stop
that sort of ouslni'ss. The inconsistent posi
tion of many of these men will hiing about a
termination of their eongtesalonal cai"ers at
the of a biiiKlo term. 'I hero is nothing
llko expo licnce for schooling.
mi rm IIH sr' HIII > I M K.
Although the ulll to construct n home for
the president besldo tbo white house uiuio to
thoxerv xcigoof becoming a law , Chaiunnn
Milllkeii of the house coinmltteo on mil'llc
huildiiiisnnd grounds , \\holuul It In inarge ,
says It cinnot bu Hiiccossful under such a
rule as congress is about to eater upon It
looks as though the house of the piesidont
xviiuld contluo la bo a publlo pliuo tor inaiiv
yoaisjet , and strangerh will conilnuoto do-
nianil admission mid roceho It at nil hours of
thoil v and night in the Interest ofioiamon
, cuiiositv About forty persons ask to ho
| Hhuwn ilnoiightbo liitehcn and bedchambi'rH
oven nay , mid If they are reminded that u
portion of the cxccntwo mansion is a pil-
vuto household thoj tula away with a tliivat
to xoto the other.tlciiet next tlinn
mi i'iii/ii > i \ \MicMHM.r. .
Senotniy oui\ \ Mrs Xolilo exieet ( to vhlt
the Yolhmstono park the coming suinmor and
rldoiiiion the llrst steumhoit that oxer piled
the waters in that secluded place. 'Iho boat
hasjubtbien imt to uthi'r. Jt was built In
the east anil lo Iho end of the railroad
In bcctlons , then curled ovoiland by l.'O
1'rcbldcut and Mn Harrison will enter
thilr cottage at I'apo Max , N ! , iimnedl
iili'lj niter llieit lotiirn nnun tbo raclllc
slopo. whither thei start In mrh Atn-ll
Attorney tipiu-ral Mllloi and l'osttimstor
( lenernlVnmiinnker and their fumllin \ \ ill
be \\imliliigtoiiimltonll \ \ the summer
Heeietarj and \lrs KIISII will spend the
boated term at their home \Vlvonsin
nm \ MVII nriniiiui ( I > POIMIII :
Ulion Iho rei'oinmcndiHoii of ( . 'ongressiunn
Slrnlile the following Invo lii'oa appointed
mill \\elgheis fioni the l'.lcvo th congroi-
sloaal dlstilit of Iowa Sioux ( . 'Itv and 1 la
ttiinu'ii. M Illlheit l.o.MatsVillUakoiiinl ,
Moxlllc , W i : I'oopoi.SaeCitv , Cariollnnd
Sioux t'l y , Walter Iliirgess , Onawn ; Mi
nllla nnd Sioux Cllv. .1 A. lla/litt. Maple
ton , Siiiboni and Minion . .dilution.V. . ,1 ,
1'i.uu'H , Sniihorn , lOstcrvillo nndVoithliie -
ton , I ) ,1. Kdiiiomlson , Splilt lake , Klls
worth and Sious 1'alls , ( leorco Molilcus ,
Hook Haidds r
MIII rn vxroi < .
Tliocoinnilssloner of rinllin nffaiis todny
aixardcd thooontiaet to Hioi-.cb llrothorn \
Itees of Noifolk , Noli , for the dohiorv of
! ! IUKXI pounds of coin nt Valentine , Neb , fur
tin1 Koicbud ft. Id1 , pel lOOwolgbt
'Ilie lominlssloncralso axvauledlho contrail
\Vnllor lliothirs of Chillies t'it\la , , to
inpplx'Jr > fXUHM ) pounds of hei-f , to bo ile-
llvorod at 1'lne Hldgoand Itosobud at ? l pi'i
IIKI w tight.
I'ollivtor Aloxniidor of Omaha has been
spending two or three thijs In Iho tieusuu
dopaitinenl looking after custotiima'tcis. He
will leaxo lor .Now Yoik In the inorning
I'HIUt S. lit Mil.
DeniociMt Ic I'resliliMitliil Viatel lal ,
XViMiiviiToN , March 11. tSpechil Tele
gram to Tin : 111 i ] ' 1 no New Yo'-k U'oild
correspondent sends the following to his pi
per : "Tho belief hcio is that Colonel \Vnt-
tcrson Is covertly booming U'llllam K. Moi-
ilson for the presidency. Colonel Watteison
and Colonel Alorrison hive long heen in-
tlinato friends , and they have nmnj friends
in coininon. Mr. Cailislo Is ono of
these , There Is n Morrison clrilo hole
which the intoiptotatlon of Mr U'atlor.son's
piosent activity , greatly elntes. Colonel Mor-
lison , ns a member of'tho boiiid of intei-
Matocoinmcico tonitnlsslnners. makes WashIngton -
Ington Ins homo Ilollvosnt | Wlllnrit's and is
us aciosslhlo as hooultl he In the lltttotown
lu Illinois from which ho comes Tlioro me
no fiills about him. Southern men heio me
not disposed to Hipeulato niuih about
the situation. Democratic success me ins
a gieat deal to them. and they
nro inclined to depreeito nnx agitation tint
might even In the slightest degree becloud
Its ptosptcts. Congressman llreckinridgo
of Aikans.H said yostcrdm "llic national
com cation is too far off to make a diseus ion
as locunilldatcs profitable Tbo subject Is
Inteicsling , but the conditions nnx nil bo
changed six months hence. Ono thing -if
supicmij hnpoi lanc-o to us all Is that the issue
of taiiff leform hall not be subordinated to
any other Issue" '
Tito Death oI'MlnMm' S\\l'i.
WASIIIXHTOV , Match 11 [ Specul 'J'cle-
gramto Tin. Hi r. J The sudden death of
.loh n P. Snift , minister to Jupinxlll tend
to cut shoit the President's outliiLr. Ilo and
Mr. Sxviftxvoio elo-o person al friends , and
the hitter's death will bo a great shook lo
Mr. llariison. .lust xxheio thur fiiendship
xvas formed Is not known , for Mr Swiltliad
been a resident of California for niiinx yens ,
and had spent xcrx little time in the east
ills appointment to .lapan was ono of
the president's ( list acts Mr Swift
\vasnotnstrongpaity mm Ilo wis con
stantly kliklngovei the tiaces , both in state
and national politics It was because of that
that ho could novel bo elected to an import
ant ofllco In his state. 'Iho death of Mi-
Swift will put another choice appointment at
the disposal of the president , nnd thuretlied
contingent of the last congicss aie today
taking n fresh heart of hope , Already u
number of names nro being cnnvnssed and
many think that the position would just suit
ex-Seimtor Ingalls , If Uio president could bo
induced to glxo it to him. which , because
of Ids attitude on tbo foicu oil ! , is doubtful
Undo Joseph Cannon xvould also take the
place if it xverooflerod him , but the position
Is moio thin likely to go to tbf I'ac'ifii1 states
If.M M ICstee does not get the Cnlifoinia
senatorbhlu ho will piobahly be the man.
I'uhllc 4
Mnich II Tjincl ofllces In
Wisconsin will bo instructed to give notice
that surplus lands left nftor the adjustment
of the land grant of the Chicago , St. 1'nul ,
Minneapolis A , Omaha iiiilway will not bo
opened to settlement until Apill , 1S91 , but
entry applications will bo rcielvcd nnd filed
in order on April IT. No claims of priority
are to bo lecotrnlml because of settlements
inndo while said lands weie .under with
drawal for r.illxvnv purposes or before April
1 , xx lion those tracts forxxhhh applications
haxo not boon tiled will bo open to both set
tlement and cntrx. Tlio object of these hi
st ructions is to pi-exeat squatters who have
illegally occupied lands while In a state of
rcserxation fioin obtaining undue ndxan-
THIiutn'j. \ < i ji i Ten JTS
r.oid l.onsdnlo'H . Uocord Ovei a I'ivi'-
.M ilc Coaie. .
ICapiirlglt' ' * " ' 'J Jam'tfJuj-Jm II n itt \
LOX'DON , Ma-eh 11 ( Now Vork lleiahl
Cable Special to Tin : HIM-Owing : ] lo a
misutulcistanding the driving match be
tween Lot ds Lonsdilo and Shrewsbury lias
been declared off. Lord Lonsdale , hoxxover ,
had thocourso clcuod of snow * todnx nm
went over the distance by himself , with tlio
folloxving satisfactory result for a couiso ol
live miles , botxrccn Kelg.ita and Cr.iwley
single hainess , for the course , ill mliiutcsaiu
: t9 l-r ( seconds , the change occupied ! ) seconds
Doublehirnessfor oao course.l'J minutes am
M ' . ' -5 seconds , change occupied HO , ) 'i seconds
Four in hand , for ono course , 1,1 minutes am
U 2 * i seconds , change occupied 40 2-5 seconds
Postillion , for one couiso , 1. ) minute * am
rCi l-"i seconds , The full time for driving am
riding was r > 5 minutes nnd Ho i 5 seconds , the
changes occupying I minute and LU seconds
or a total tluio for the twenty miles of fx
minutes and 55 1-5 seconds.
An Insiuieclliiii IVnrrd.
Lrvnnx , March 11. 'Special ' Cablegram to
Tnr ilir. ] A Biussols dismtch says tha
the decision of the cabinet in favor of house
hold suffrage Instead of allaxiug has aggr.i
v.ded the discontent , especially In Urussels
w here compariltvely few xvoiuingmon ocoupx
aslnglohouso , al.irgo imjorilx being cioxxdci
in buildings that hold soveial families caei
in the loxvcripituttr of the ilty. Theio ai
signs ot dangerous discontent ,
ists aiosno.ililng out moio boldly than ovc
before Tlio goveinmcnt Is aw aroof tbo dan
ger aud troops aio kept on the alert to dea
with an insuiroftlon should ono break out
Owing to the dullness ot trade , a lirgo nnm
In r of people are Idle nud In the opinion n
the ICnUish correspondent , there are all th
elements , on n sinuller scale , foi a I'.uisia
A ItiMlIn .
UKIIIIV , enroll --Special [ Cablegram to
Tnr 111 -Uexelatlons ) am ] iublishid of
I'linco Hlsimrck's adnilnislraiiou of affairs
tliiring the litter part of his ehmcellor.ship
xxhich c.iuso no little .sensation. It Inn tran
spired that he used to assist Dr Von Hoot-
tidier , now minister of the interior , with
Minis of monov taken fioin tlio sccrot service
lunil , and when HootllehcT began to tutu
against him he soltho secret police to ixorij.
ing him , causing him much anne ) ante and
distress This 'KTscvntlon i-ontinuod until
the letiienicnt ol the lion Chancellor.
Too K inn 1 1 to I'Vieo 1111 Apology.
LUSDOV , Ma ruh 1 1 [ Special Cnulogium to
Tin : Hi i : . ] A Ilerlln dispilch says that the
( iirnnin frontier olUcels not pit pared to ud-
diess any apology to Swlt/i'iland tortlioar-
lost of Ilangartner , the Swiss engineer who
used dlsicspectful languagu on Hxviss loirl-
lory legaidliib' KminrorVillUm. \ . When
tatiuan * ilteivd the laiigangii ho was at
IwSwU id of the bildgo that was In
Mill-son ' < lldlng When his woik took
ilia to tlu * ' 111111 end ho was arrested and
ifterxxaul * „ ed 'Iho ! s\xiss \ noxeimnenl
it Ihst dt _ ! to ask no i'pi mat Inn , lint
ater iciom - nl thlidotormlniillan and ad
liesmM i\ i i utraiuo to tU'iman.x His
lalint'd tin " ilangaitnci's \\iids xxem
leatlx aiull on tbu ( ! rrman side and
unounted to lento on Herman toultory
' ! ' < > Ill N'exx < 7ntit > oalM.
Hi in iv , Mu I [ Spivlal Caldeguim to
I'm : 111 i- 1 Tl udgot uimmlttee of tbo
eiehstng today adopted Union Manti'iiiTcl's
notion granting tlio sum asked for In order
o tmlld two additional gunboats The com
nlttoeniso npptiixi'd llerr Hu-lieit's motion
nttlng otT fiomlhe tu\al appropilallons the
sum asked for ummstiaet a new miner.
Iliii-iid tn the Ituliix.
Mriuix , Mitivh II I'he glides nf the syn
igngno at Mi ni'l.Vcslpnalla , which haxo
n IMI In an unsafe condition for inmn time ,
ollnpscit today nndm a st i.iln of heax v sntiw
mil a number 'of chthlion wuo Inn li-d In the
illns So fur four liudlos have beeniocox-
cied and the scinch Is still pun-coding.
\\lnillliiiisl SiMliiusIx 111.
Hi IIIIN , Mnrdi 11 Or U'lndthoisi , the
'ainoiis leiuler of the rtntci or < nlhnhc p.ut.x
n thoielelHtag , Is In a ultual condition
nun congestion of the lungs.
I'ointeen MIMIU nril.
T OMIIIX , Miinli 1 1 Tin1 Hrltlsh sldp lln.x
of IMnuiiil xvas xvieikednIT ralinnntli and
the tnptain , xxifo and txuKoof tlio ciew
tin ; n.ficii or itnnnttii..H. :
Aliiond In n Niniihrr of
TO\MIH In llii < Mule
Si XMitn , Neb , Maiih 11. [ Spc.-lal Tele-
giani to Tin : HIT | I nst night the Ling
north ) Munfonl canning faetoiy xvas biol < on
ntobv thkvos , who carried oft a lingo brass
u't tie null si'veial baisof solder , inn In fact ill
tbo metal they could llnd. even taking off the
brass llxtmes nn the engine and boilrr. 'Ih"
itiginal i-cut of the tolen stun w.i. oxer * ' U
Hie lhie\es loaded their booty into a ixacron.
wliUh w-tiHt'.mlli tr.ii lull this IDIH niiiL-in tin *
ight snow that fell duringtho night , through
town , going east towards Lincoln. 'Ihoean-
nlngeompmv oilers a loxxurd of $100 for the
persons who committed tbo theft.
I'hlines liotind O\rr.
, Neb , Aliuvli IISpoonl | Telegram -
gram to Tnr III r ] F.lexen of the thirteen
men arrested this week anil charged \\ilh
stealing coal and meichandiso fioin r.lkhoin
tars , xveio heard todiy. Two of thorn "he "
iliigleudci Heck , and ( Jicensllp , wcie bound
over to the ills i let court In the sum ol $1,110(1 , (
each Koiir pleaded guilt } to mlsdeme.inois ,
two not guilty , and will bo tued tomorro'v ,
ami three weio discharged. Other .irrests
will follow as soon as the jill iscleaneil out a
little , theio being so many ptlsuiici-s that
loom is limited ,
A INislollleillniglniled. .
Huispsniv. Xob , Mnreh -Speciil [
Telegram to Tnr Hn ] Dnrglirs laided the
liostoflleo of this ( jnict village last night and
cseaped witli about fK ) woith of stamps and
stamped invelopps An attempted laid was
also made on .1 T. I.uttho tuidwmo dtiler-
ot this place , but It was inisuciesLful , as Mr
Lutzheaid f hem and proccodcd to invest !
gate , w lien the Imiglura made good thur
cscano without being identified. ISo positix e
Jtnliiied a Saloon.
BExriunNeb. . , March 11. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin : . ] Eph Longtin's saloon
near the coriie-r of Fifth and jCojiryitrceta ,
xvas broken into by buiglarslast nlghtlind
several dollaw In money and anout ? . " > ( ) In
goods taken. Tlioro is no duo to tUe lobbeis
Ail Hotel Scorotietl.
Krutxn. Neb , March -Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : Iln : . ] An incipient blaze was
started In tlneo of tbo real rooms of the
\Vindsothoteltlilsinornlngat .1 : W o'clock.
' 1'ho night potter dlscox'orod the lire and
awoito the sleepingoccupints of the build
Ing The fliemenero promptly on h mil
and put out the llaines The loss to the
Dnilding nnd fiii'niture ainoimts to about
f-VK ) , full ) Insmcd. It , is the opinion of thu
proptietor that it was of inecndlaix orisia
The building was nndurgoing lopairs fioni a
mjbterious liio which took place last week
U ants a Normal isc'ionl ' ,
Cnvnnov , Xeb. , March 11.-Special ( Tele-
giam to Tin HI.I JTho J people ol ( Jhadron
held a largo and representatlxo meeting this
evening to tnko action toxvaul seeming the
passage of Senator Wilson's Chadion normal
school bill , which passed the senate last
wrel ; , and Is noxv pending before thu house
The sentiment of the meeting was unanimous
in favor of vigoiously presenting the claims
of this section for higher education , and n
committee , composed of A. AV Cutes. P , M
Doirington , 1) ) H .lencks and A. 11 Shear-
was appointed to urge the c.iu o before the
lower house.
Snow in HJIJCH Count } .
HiMsCixTiit , Neb.Maich 11iaCiil ( -
beitson , Xeh ) ( Special Telegram to Tnr
Hi i I A hcax-y snoxx , unaieoinpiiilctl by
wind , fell last night , about elpht inches on a
lexel , all over Itnxos count ) Stuuk of all
kinds has had fieo range throiuliout the
eounty during tlie xviliter , and xvill come out
in the spring la fahly good condition
'Iho abundant fall of snoxx during l-'ebru-
aij niitl liter gives piomNcof an abundant
ciop this season , piovnlod the farnf'rs can
proem o the ) seed for sowing and
llireatons i DaniagiSalt. .
IllVTIIIC r , Neb , Maul. -Spsclnl [ Tole-
giim to TinHri ] \ \ W Hiiihannn has
tiled notice with the city aiithoiitles com
mainline them to xacate the lot on xvhich the
waterworks plant Is located within tldrt )
dajs 01 bo xxill negm suit foi ejectment .mil
tlainages 'Iho natuio of his title is not
shoxvn In the summons Thu matter \xa > re-
leiied to the city attorney.
A H null I ( olhsion.
I'x\x\rr , Net ) , Maich 11 | SpeclulTole-
giam tuTin.Hir I The high wind last night
hlexvabox lar across the II \ . M railroad
tuck Just west of the depjt and the east
bound cannon ball ran Into It , bad ) v smash
ing the em and also slightlx dam iging the
enginoaiitl bh.iking up the p.isscngcis No
ono was hint but trains xvoio delajed
looking ; for tlio Voanc ; Man
Ni.imisKt Cm , Xeb , Mauh 11 [ Special
Telegiam toTin Hi i -Tbo 1 police are look
ing for Oaxid ( Jiotl \Voming I'reelnot
Ho is wanted on a serious chaige Minnie
Kiont , ngod thiitien. is thoiomplilnant , and
charges C.iofl with being the father of hei
irihoin child A warianl was Issued , but the
police li ivo so fin failed to loc.itu ihuir man
'le t tin * Wei x.
Iti-\Tiiur : , Neb , Mnrch 11 [ Special Tele-
gi.un to TillHr i | - 'Iho city comieil has di
icctod thu water commlsslonei and xxntei
lommitteo to nihortiso for pioposats for a
thorough test of the oxpeilmrnud wells in
I'addoilc's | iitun ) noitli of the cit\ in order
todotumlno thcli c.ipK-lt ) lu a boiu.'eul cit )
watorsuiilj. |
An Kiiglnit'h Con I XVnrlc.
N'rimxsKv Oiu , Neb , Mu-oh II. Special
Telegiam to Tun HIT. I A MUsouil IM-
cillc fielght onglno llnished the mid dog
which hit people it' this city Monday ,
'Iho dog \'H iiinunthu Ue.'li and win
giouud lo a pulp ,
SlenniNhlpiiivaN ,
At Nt'xv York- The \Vlscoiihlu \ ,
efpool ,
They liogiuil Ilo Manifesto of Secretary
Blnino with
r n Scaling C'ltplnliiIJuft
Tnln Itlll'H Wild \\cHt I'liuis- '
\ \ ' ' ( ; of an I. malm
.Alan -
CniiooOrrnr 01 Tin HIM- )
din MKI , Maith II f
Ammllnuto l.'r.nm llunsbrouiili , agoatlo.
inin fioin Vlotorli , thu soul Ihhen amiiot .it
iiHalarnu'il li > Sivroiui lllilno > ni.inlfosto
on tlio Uoliilnc fi-a iinostlon. "I'lio soalon
nri1 tUllnj ? out for tlio coining HI'UMOII. " Mr ,
llniisliiiniih said , In the I'.dnuM honso tliii
inoniinir , "anil such a thing aHhchig serl
onsly moli'stiHl In pursuing tin1 ttadoif \
uliiohtliiM , liuvi'loi'io loiiif in.ido their 11\-
Inir iloes not onlor Into their nictitation * ,
Slioitlv luforo UnvtiiK tlioii ) I HIIS olmtllni }
with iiHi-iiinn onptalnon boird his rraft , and
I nsUoil him iiDont thli sulijoot Ilo Mild ho
illil not fi'iu iinj tioublo , and nolllier did 1m
mites Uohud sealed nil his life In llohihitf
SIM , ho said , and fiileul itod to contlnuo do-
IIIR so Ho slid ho Hvoinil/ud tint
ho had no li ht to cnli-h seals
Insldothe linilLsof thu Islands bcloiiKiuK to
the Uniteii Suit.-i , but outsldo thai limit lid
H'cUoiied ho had us nuii'li il lilns lin luid to
llsh nlnnjr th coast ot ninlno's I'ountty out-
sldo the limit I told Idni Unit II win Roner-
nlly tluniKlit tint tills ( nvominiMit would
stop ( ' .innilliin wiling In the Ilihilnjr son.
\\liereiipon \ tie Jeruod hlsthunili ever h\\ \
'liouiilor In ttiu dtieitlon of four Ihltlsli
men at war utul said ho yucsseil ho wouldn't
lit ! tnlnfoncd vlth so lotions tlicx roni.iinul ,
and Iw iindeistood Ilioy Mould toin.iln until
the ( inostloii is SL'ttlod. aiul lilt nnlninii. "
Mr IlinstionKli ) concluded , "Is hold by all
sciileis in the lti t "
m ii'xio inn's wii i > WIST.
If it hadn't Ijc'i'ii for the snow storm today ,
tbo heaviest of the season , "Jluftalo Hill , >
ollienxiso lion V. P. Only , xxho is at the
l.i-l.ind , xvoultl havogono tui't to l \iit Sheil-
dm , xvheio the liraxes who wi'i- . < brought
fioni Dakota reoentlv me now unaltered.
Ilo is maki"g iiii-atu'i'inents totiKo them to
Huropo n-illi him fornoxt season s iiinof the
wild \xest \ show Ilo will lcaxifoi Oin.ihn
on 1'iiilax and from theio will go to I'inrt
Uiilpi1 and Uosc'bud ngemics , whom lie ev-
pectsto git atjout n huiulieil more u-d men ,
m.iking a total of about one hiindietl and
llfty to bo como.xed ae-ioss the Vtlantli' .
Ho e'\picts to sail on \pnl 1 ftoirj
I'hilidi'lphli ontUc Ited Star line fjr Ant
werp The ( Irst exhibition will bo glxen
April.'i ) atStrastinig l-'nun there ho will
xislt sniiessucly l > 'rnnkfoii on-tho Main ,
Colo.'iio , Dnssildoif , Anisteiiliiin. llrussela
nnd othoi iitie4 , opening m pain on , lulj 14 ,
tbo antiivcisarj of tlio fall ol the b.istlle.
riiokbow xvill lem.ini in the I-'IPIU li capital
fur throe months and xvill than co to London
for the winter Mr Sherman I'imlleld , who
> > inUm.iha , will again atcompiny him.
A nun r AI run
The xveddlTigof Anion Xmuiei of Oiiiahnat
ICalama/oo , Mtih , to Miss. Minnie Dospubarg
of thitcitj tonight was tl.o most lu-illhint af
fair which lins tnkea jhice h < re for ycaM.
Ilabbi iiosennu ot Omiiha performed the cer-
otnonx1 1 ho bildo's father's it ( was a cbccli
lor * IO.OOO
AIIIOIIK the western people In Chicago today -
day wore the follox\ing :
At the Hiratoga- , Moss. Omaho.
Atlhelii.-xuiiit . I. C Hill , \V. \ N Nason ,
Omaha : .1 I't'iidcrnast. Ilistingi
Atthclioro H A Kinnov , Dinnlii.
At the \lcfoj Mr and Mrs 10 T ISvnns ,
Omilni , t ( . ' Itisley , Heatrico
At the Ihitrgs- ' I ) Ail.uns. Oimha.
At the Audit mum Mr nnd Mrs A .T.
Pisli , Helena , Mont. ; Leo \V. \ bpr.itten ,
Om ilia.
At thol.olnnd Mrs C A. , Tort
Koliliison , la , ( ! . I ! Mot'en , lleltna , Mont |
Brad I ) Slaughtr-r , 1' .1. , Roberts
Oouglns , Uimitia
At the Wellington Uobort Williams , Cedar
Kanlils , la
At the Palmer Thomas Dmon , K O
Moichousc , Mr and MIN H. I , llalch , C L.
Wright , Omahi ; UV Ilnnh.ud , Sloan
Kails , S , 1) ) , Muvm.I ( iatos , Ced.u ilapids ,
fa , .Mr and .Mis T P ( ! ere , SiotiNCItv , la ;
Homy CoUer , Council HlulTs. Tiet ,
Pawnee City , Neb ; C. ( J Smdcn , Stoux
Citj , In . John rioxd , Uiii-uln , Meyer
Frank. Is'exve.istle. \ \ yo
A' ' the Crand I'acilic-Chailes \ Davis ,
Slonx Uty , In. ; .1 U McKnight , ( irent
I alls. Moat , C I1 C illicit , C.nscllton , N.
D.AIr and Mrs II F. Untchelhir , Mlle
Cit\ \ , Mont ; J J. Johnson , ( Jlirk Woodman
AtthcShonnan-.Mr. and Mrs I ) H.Shln *
nor , Siouv Cilx , la , C. Hi'-.seguie , ball
UnkoCItx , Utah.
At th < > rreinon' U * . I ) Void , Dcadwood ,
S. I ) , jl S. Williams. Ahertjien , S D.
Mr. Hissegnie inilvud from Salt Lauo to.
dax and is engaged m negotiations looking to
hisiemox.d lioin tholJtih nictiopolls tothid
cltj , which founc-il ) his home.
- CiiiliUiirortnniile In Spec *
illation , nk'ides.
Sioi \ Cn \ , la. . March 1 -Special [ Tele-
giam to I'm 111 r ] K A ( Jah1 of Canton , S ,
D , commit ted su Hide this afternoon at the
( 'omiiieniil hotel b ) shooting himself in the
temple. He ; was one of the most prominent
democratic politiiians in I ) ikon and had
held tinny ollle-es Ho was a sncussful
banker , but ashoittlnio since sold his b.inU
ami ijuidiU lost his money.
On a table1 in the roo'n" was found the foU
lowing letU i , addii"-- to his friend , > ! > - ,
l'owlcpropriotoi of thohottl
MOII'l n , M.ueli 11 , IMI Ilnliert
I'oAle. I liuu1 lii-t all m > fiirlune un thu
bund nf tudc In I'hicasii , nnd d not w ml to
llxt1 mix lon ii \ mluMt \ nlun } > l > oi n us > \
ImillK i to mi1 , and in ) duillni : % \ > fi < ulicnn (
lci\e liililnd , HIIXK u uiio fur inn , and nto
lei her kiii > \ \ Is iiiillndiie In tin hour
of lierli-ii'uu'iiiint I IU.IMMI lid insur in u
pnlli ) fin f 1.110 i , whli-li nlll lihi'itieiif her.
llnplu- : In mm JIMI in thu other xxoilil 1 ua
) on is fialeiiully , I' A. dAI.K.
at iho Morj.
Him \ Tm , la , Mnich II [ Special Tele
gram to'I'm Hi r | Ills impossible to cor
roborate thoscMisitlonol stor.x of a diathbcit
confo-.sion nt Tiicomn of Ivus 1'Uei-Miii to
the effect tint twovenrs , ago ho
dcied I.n-s llni-stium , a follow ompluvo In
the Silxcrhom p.ii lung house heio , and then ,
out up euriil and mingled the body of thrt
\ictiiiixxithothciincals An inspection of
time cauls nnd pix n.lls falls to disclose the
munos of either tlm murderer or las xietiin ,
The I > , HIUI > ' . ' house people puint out many
absurdities In thestor ) Tin1) do no. takd
any stock in It _
A Itoaid ol li-ilgntion.
fin xi SM.\\"M ) , Match II ISpeciilTelej
gram to Tin Hi iTho ] state engineer ,
I'.lxxood Meide. and four xx.itor comimssfiu *
t'rs anpointcd b % ( lovernor llnrtier , oigani/ej
today as tlio slate hoinl of control l'h
bnirilwill ndjudic.ito all irrigation c-iiics noxv
in tiioionits 'llio state was dixldid Into
( our iiilgatiaa dlstriits , oai-h being under
the eh.ngoof a water commissioner , toxxhom
all questions lelulng to liilgation in hu diM
tlle-t will bo ix'fcite'd.
The N
For Onuh.i and xlclnlty-rair , slightly
warmer ,
I'oi Vobr.wUa , Iowa and South Dakota- *
Cont-iallv Idi , xxauner , xxiud *
iOUlllt'll )