Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Tins o i AH A
Ol'FlCi : , XO. 12 I'KAUI , ST.
I rllrrrril by Cnrrlrr iniiny p.ut nllhoritT
ii.v. \ . T'l/roN. ' . -
Mplit IMltut , N < > XL
.MIAOW .Tl JA ; 'I'lW.V.
K v. i . re.
IVuncil U luffs r.muborCo .roal.
Craft's ehnltel h n < . SIH Snpp block.
< leiulnu Hock Sprlnu roul. Thiiteher , tfl
Mnln stivet.
A innn Klvliuv tbo name of It. Hrown
nneitodlast nielli for illsturbln'tho (
The Pcako sisters will plv n concert lit
Tilnlty Methodist chiuvh next l-'ildiiy cven-
iiu' . A treat Is in store for all who iittoiut.
Tlio HIM ) of , ! . ( ' . llovd , chiUKiul wltli Ilk'trnl
viitliijr , was eoiitliineil In police court yester
day until this morning. Ho Is out on . ' 011
Tlio snclnl which win ndtrrtisrd for this
ovenloK iliuler the ( inspires nf I'alanthe ; -
-senility fur the benefit < if thel'hrMlan Home
has been lluti'llnltely ' postponed.
The I'on n-Kiillimnl literary society mot
Monday evening \\lth Mr. I'M Kltdi on First
iiM'iine. The uvenhiK't entertnlninont WIIH
milled to by n iimule inntern exhibition.
Mrs. P. K. HenbrooU has been danirerously
111 for several ilnys past witli diphtheria. Ilei
condition was somewhat linprovedyestenhiy.
nnd her recovery is hoped for by her
Mr. Hurry 'I. Wells anil Miss Komi M.
Frank , both of I lurilln township , were mar
ried yesterday afternoon at the jiarsoiniKo ol
the C'uiiKri'Kationnl church , l < ev. (1.V. .
Two cases nf diphtheria were report til yes-
lay nt the rosldeneo of Mr. Knssell , l.M'J
Kinitli Ninth street. Three cases of nieaslei
ivi'i-e reporteil , thovlctlms being ( luy < iruvt-s ,
74 Mill street , Me.sslo .loseph , MUS Williams
Hlrect , and draco McKenxle , near thu Chiv
tuuipiu grounds.
The lollowlnjr Is a list of the ofllrors of tin
l.nlo Mnnawii Motor railway company
elected at the annual mooting : 1'rcsldent ,
I'ulonel , R ( ! . Itifd ; vlco preslilent , S. 1' ' .
MaeConnell ; .secretarvV. . K. Saiip ; treas
\\rer \ , C. It. Ilniman. The board of ill rectors
Inebnlos all the oflleorsaml Umniet Tinley in
The trials of lioss Sears nnd A. Scars on
the uhnrKO of larceny , nml Henry Unph on
eharyo of robbery , were bi'Kun yestordav
afternoon In Justice Pulton's court. II. S.
Wright appeared for Ituph ami .lotui l.tmlt
for Sears. A jury win oiniKiiinelled and tin
opening stateinents of the attorneys were
made. Court then adjourned until this mornIng -
Ing nt 10 o'clock , when the trial will bo re-
Jusllco Patton heard the case of Henry
Wagner yesterday , charged with the larceny
of a road cart from ono McCoy. AVa nct
thowcd to the sntisfiictlon of tbo Justice that
in the triulo In which the road cart hail
played a part , McC'oy had not lived up to lih
nKroenient , nml thnt ho therefore had a riuhl
to go anil take back his property. Wa nei
was accordingly dlscliarKCil ,
The Xow Pacillc If the most centrally
located hotel in Council llluffs.
Calliiu 11. J. Ilutchinson , < : Co. for choice
bargains In lots In AVilson Terrace. Special
Inducements for tbo next few days.
riiesn\.iil i'.t it.m it.t I'll * .
W.V. . T.oomis is In .lelTerson.
Mrs. . ! . 1) ) . SpaiililbiK of Sioux City is i
pucht of Mrs. ,1 , X. Casiul ) .
.1. S. Dctwlleris in tbo city , tlio gii sto
his fnllior-ln-hiw , ( ! . IMonlton. .
Thomas anil Willhim Mnlonoy hnvo cone ti
Warsaw , 111. , to talui the remains of Airs
Hums , a relative of theirs who died n fun
days ago In L'rcston , for Interment in Urn1
S. \Vmlsworth has heeu appointed OMI
of the jniles ( ; in tlm Nebraska state orutori
ml contest to bo he'd ' In Lincoln , next Krida ;
evcninj ; . There are about ten of the lenilini
colleges of the state ropro.sented in thu con
S. A. Henry of the law firm nf Ihirko
Henry has roturncil from Domlwooil , S. I ) ,
where lie wont on a prospecting tour. Hi
niul Ids partner. Ambrose Huike , will moyi
to that city in a short time , nnd will open ai
oftlco there.
Sliurnrt& Co. carry largest stocltof bull
field , gnrdon and llowur seeiis in the wust
Cntatoiuu niul snin ] > les by mail ,
The Claim Kraiiil.
Thn Ruils wldeh were mentioned a fev
days KO as soon to be commenced by the i'e
terson brothersofVestonaijuinstthoMutiin
life Insurance company of N'ow York aud It
I'ouncil lllntTs agent , 1C. W. ICappell , wer
boKim In superior court yesterday morning
There nro two suits , in ono of which Nol
Peterson is plaintiff , anil In the other Hans
his brother. The petitions state that li.V
1'eet t Co. are the western representative
of tlio Miitunl anil that they hiivo iveu eve
to Kappell the cutlro mnnatoiiicnt of the !
business in Council lUnlTs and th
vicinity , in spite of the fact tlm
they know that ho is not II
to be trusted with such u business , The ,
cliiim that by means of false representation'
ICappell induced them totnko nut policies fo
$ "iHK ) each , with the imiloi-stiindiiiK tha
nttcr paying three full premiums the polii-io
iniKht bo roturneil , tlie hoblors to recelv
back the full nniount ttiat they bait paid in
together with Interest. On these rcpruscntti
tlons they each jjnvo a personal note of j ; : > (
imil a Joint note of JIOO. These notes , the
claim , have been passed en the lienilipinrter
of the company , nnd ttie company now re
fuses to iisuo any policies . -oiitalnini'tho prc
visions thnt Kappell promised. On this at
count they demand njiulpmcnt of SWO cacti
together wit tithe costs of the suit.
In addition to the two suits brought by th
Petersons another was tileil by Mans llunsc
Temp , In which the nllountlons uro sut
stnntially the suinons in the others ,
Inj ; thnt the Policy Issued to this plaintiff wn
for ftJ.lXX ) , the premium paid fits niut th
amount of the judgment dcmnndeil $100.
.All three of the suits nro brought byth
law drin of Sims < : Saniulers , while Ilnrlo >
MeCabo appear for the defendants , Tlionl
torneys for tlio defence claim that tboy wi
be able to disprove the charges of false roi
resent at ion which are nuidu n ulnst thci
Pnrowcll Keooitloii.
A very pk-asunt reception took place las
evening nt the resilience of Miss Ida \Vnllat-i
on IHuff sticct , itbclnt ; in the nature of
farewell to Mr.V. . S. Honior , who expects t
leave the city In the near future. The earl
part of the evening was stieiit In vnrioti
amusements , nfter which elegant refresl
incuts were served , The following is a 11-
of those present. Misses Crofts. Chnmbe
lain , Suiter , Helen Spooner. Carrie Spoouo
Koss , .MaxwellVailuce , Huchell. Messr
Wallace , Homer , Spoonor , Fitch , Elmo
Stacy , Hurton , Stney , Klco and Orifilth
The ladles were members of the "Fei
Camp" party , who Imvo spent the last tw
seasons together camping on the Cliautauiji
_ _ _ _ _ _
Slnlc IIN Clothing.
OeorgoGihnan of Missouri Valley was 1
the city yesterday looking for a you UK ma
who , liothlntis.ivont tbroutrh his room ther
Monday oi lit. During the iil htsomoon
entered his room nnd stele a lot of clothing
Yestordaj * morning ho found Ids clothlr
missing nml nlso his room-mnte , and the col
cidencoled Mr. Giimnn to thlnl < that tht
\vcnt off topethor. Ills case was reported
clio authorities , but up to a lute hour la
night no truce of cither the thief or the stole
property had been found.
Tlio following marriage licenses were i
sued yesterday by County ClerK Campbell :
Name. Residence ,
\ John M. Uililolph . Wayne county , Xi
"l Mary lliiinllii . I'nttnwul ' runic count
I'red ( ! . Mnrnes . I'nttawallaiiile eoiinl
"i Alleollyorly . I'ottuw.Utaiuio count
Jr j Wllltaiii Anklanil . I'ottnniittm. ' ' ,
l A mile KUXMIII . I'ottanattaiulo enun
I lieoritChippolciir : . Jill Is ennui
" Mills conn
\ Alblniis II. llurch..l'ottawuttamlo conn
"L. \Yllllaiui . I'ottuwtutumlo couu1
VIMI'P pn/ni / p/M'vni ni PPI'O
M\\S ( \ \ HOM ( lOuCIL BUM'S ' ,
otno Intcrostlng Tostimotiy as to Henry
Hall's ' Snnlty Brought Out.
X u Insurance ( . 'mummy In ( 'oiirt An
nual Itopoit til'ilu : ( 'lly 'li-casuror.
I.inikiiii ; I'mn llA
Vulloy Iturglar.
The Hull murder trial was reinir.ed yo.'ter-
liiy iiiornliiK In district court. The Ih-st wlt-
u < 3 wn'.lnUii itn cer.i. Ho testilled thnt ho
tml known Hull for seine years , and Unit
Inll had sent for him several times since ho
vm Imprisoned. Ho thought that Hull's
icllons liulicateil thnt lie \vm not entirely in
i Is rlj-lit inliid. When t'onnty Attorney
" ) ri\n ( ! took the \vltness In hand lie becaiuo
cry much confused , and bi'foro he hi. I com-
ili'leil hU tonllmotiy lie was wIlliiiL'to adinit
.lint ho dluu't know very much about the
P. ! ' . Mayers , alias Miller was the next to
wupy the ultnoss box. Miller is the man
vim went to a house owned bv a Mrs. Miller
in iVorlli lOl lith street about six months a emil
mil said he wanted to rent a room. Ho was
nlten through .the house , and after tie had
oft Mrs. Miller missed n lot of Jewelry that
mil been kojit In one of iho rooms which lie
mil o.MUiiined. Miller Intel a tllal on the
harKuof the larceny ottho Jewelry , and was
niven nn ehtht inonths' j-entonco In the
county Jail. UnrliiR bin conllneincnt
10 claimed thai he had hail nn
> | iport nlty to liecotno better ncquiiintoil
with I Inll , and it was on the strength ottbis
iciiuninlance the di frnsi > Introiluceil
: ilm IIH a witness. In ( 'ciicrul , Miller's testi
mony was that Hall Had been in the bahlt of
wnlKliie to Ihe window of the county jail and
Itolntlnir out nt liis cliildren.who be said were
[ > lnyiiiMn ) the yard , lloconsldored him par
tially Iniane ( . ) n croas-cxninlnatlon I'ouuty
Attorney OrfMii ntiempleil to throw n clouil
over Miller's staleiuonts by probing into his
Iiast life. Ho askeil him what hail
IHTII tbo last , work ho did. Mil
ler thoughtsoiuo time , butnppiirontly couldn't
tliuik hack that far. Ho nftcrsomo time
ttnti'il that ho hail been In the picture bust-
ness previous to his a4rest. The nainoof the
linn for which ho worked ho would not ills-
close , for thnt would sivo away his true
iniino. Aftcrn cross-examination of some
length , ho admitted thnt nil ho knew about
the case wns ttiat Hall had at times appeared
nkscnl minded'mid had acted strangely , but
whether or not ho wns he could not
say.Tlio first witness In the afternoon was Dr.
Stewart. Ho hont a llvory stable next to
that of David Gray , and hail often noticed
Hall's queer actions when ho was at work.
Ho described him us being "cross , crabbed
and cranky , " but ho seemed not to know
that the question of insanity was nt stake ,
and ho would not admit that lie had ever
.seen anything in Hall that would lead him to
think th'at ho was even partially Insane.
Maude Had , the youngo-st daughter of the
defendant , was then put upon the stand for n
further questioning as to what occurred on
the ovcning preceding the sliootlnir of Mrs.
Hall. No new fuels of any particular iin-
portnnrc were elicited from her testimony.
Or. A. .1. C'oolc the next witness. Ho
testitlod that he had examined the defendant
eon after the shooting and considered him
insane. He was < iuostioneit ns to the symp
toms that clmructerisie insanity , anil his ox-
uinliinlioit lasteoSotnctlmo.
His cross-examination , however , lasted n
peed deal longer. County Attorney Organ
inked him if lie thought Ilnll was insane at
the time ho oxamliied him soon alter the it was that he did not say so to
the grand Jury when lie gave Ids testimony
before it. In reply he stated that his reason
[ or iii'Klerting totio HO was that the grand
Jury had not taken the trouble to get it out of
Idiii. Ho nlso said u few minutes after that
he hud changed his mind since the grand
Jury was in session , as ho had made n more
careful examination of the case.
Some time tnUen up by the attorneys
in trying to II nil out what distinction there
was "in the witness' mind between insanity
and imsoundiiess of mind. At first Dr. Cook
thought them ivai a distinction , hut before
he hail Mulshed he had como to the conclu
sion that lie was mistake ) ! . A number of
hooks were before the court in evidence , on
the subject of insnnltv. Or. Cook quoted
quite freelv from these , hut stated that lie
had not reaa their contents for perhaps
twenty years or more. Tliero was ono liinje
sheep bound , loomed looking book that the
county attorney picked up and fondled a mo
ment , after whli-li huwiiii :
"llow long , doctor , has it been since yon
read Ibis Imolc ' . ' '
"O , I rend that last evening , " was the
Whom does this book belong toi"
"I don't know. "
"Whom did you net it ! "
"Well.1 saiil the. witness , as ho fidgeted
nervously In his seat , "Juil.uo Aylcswortb
brounlit Unround to my ollico last evening. "
"O , perhaps that accounts for your change
of opinion In regard to the old man's In
sanity , " said Organ.
At tlii" a smothered laucli weiU the rounds
of tlio court room , n small niece of which
iinnht Imvo been iletci-teil In the solemn face
of the court bv n tnnu of peed imagination.
All the while Attorney Aylesworth was ex
amining a paper which bo held | u his hand
with an air that would liul iciih * that Ids
life depended on his finding out its contents
within the next live minutes ; he hail evi
dently been tar. faraway when tholaiiirhat
Ida expense had been golnfr around. But a
twinkle in bis eyoa few inmntoslatorshovied
that ho had lieard. something about It atter all.
The rest of the afternoon was taken up
with the cross-oxanunation of Dr. C'ook , after
which court adjourned until this morning.
Kvaus l.aund'-v Co. , .ViO Pearl street. Telephone -
phone SIX ) , Lioods called for und dollvorod.
Tlio Citj'H Finances.
The city treasurer has Just completed lus
annual report for the year ending March 1 ,
191. It will bo Incorporated in the mayor's
message which is to bo delivered to the coun
cil at the tirbt meeting of the now year ,
which takes place next Monday , The follow
In K is the report In full :
Oil liuml March. l'JO . i 24.2(17 ( RJ
[ On hand March , I Mil . M.o-j ; 7a
fionoral fund . { 40,4.11 27
Loan fniul . lO.IIII 47
Intersection paving : ind
( jraillni ! . 40.1SI t-i :
.luilgini'iit fund . ! li. ll CO
Water fund . 2iJTfi ( 0
I'ark fund . JO.Il'l ' 711
Library fiinil . ' . ' , rai ID
Spri'liil iiisesMiiient suivor
fiinil . M.S9T51
L'ntblng und sluouiiili
fund . 10,14707
1'ollee fund . ill. aid I'll '
Iiitiisoetlim.ewer fund. . lU.'C'J 1C
Special ussi'Sfinuiit Bruil-
IMK fund . 41,0.17 05
UiMloinptlnn fund . ' ' ! * -
Sewer illilrlct No. 1 ! . 4 M
I'lty brldce fund . IO.WI < 0
Kumleil di-Dt . 7,7ai f > 5
Siu-clal usiesrtini'iit jiuv-
IIIB fund . liil.CT 40
Park slnklnt ; funii . > 1'J
Total receipts . $4 : > # ,7I5 f
iiisni'iisiMKNTi > ,
Heneralfiind * 4TIO.'I ( W
Loan fund 1U..1IS 4j
.luilpiuoiil ( und Ulb"7 "J
Interioctlcii paving and
L'tailliii : 3I.5IH 1)1 )
\\iiterfiind 1'J.Ml ' .11
Pnrk fund U.OIO Ki
Library Hind S.Mii Hi
Siiei'lnl ns 't MMVIT ( niul ' 'lsl ( ) ! 1C )
Curbing nnd .sidewalk fund I'.iuil ns
INillce rnml .M.oiG : .Vt
Intersection sewer 11.1117'.I '
Spi'i-lal uss't i-'riKllnK fnnil . IfJ Tli .10
Ui'ilt-mptlon ( unit. . , s 'M
I'lty l.rldao fund ll.Ct ! n < l
Ut'lieral sewer I'-V-'Ki U4
r-pi'i-lul as esnienl pavlm ; . . USuVJO U ?
s Total illslmrsi'inenis J4 7kVi !
The total amount of cash on hand March 1
Ib'.K ' ) , when tno present administration wen
Into ollli'o , was $ JlSil .vJ , while the iiinoun
now on hand is f irii'JT.Ti ) ; , showing a net gaii
of JH,7Mi.lH ) during the year.
The Building Accepted.
The school Donnl mot yesterday nftornoo
i n the now school honsu on the Codirnn trau
for the parposo of examining the
Tbo coutractors aud the architect \vcro u
io Rrouiid nnil n can'fi.l o.vnmlMitlon was
.ado riuMXtiriins | . .otMiin.l n.itisf.u' .
iirv In nil it ipccts nn I it W.H d-i-likvl to I
ce opt the jolt and t iMor the till ) < r.ud The
ext tlili'if in ordi'i- was to < lecldo IIIKIII a 1
oundarv line for the ilutrlet which I' to be
overeil by tlio new school house. Member
Vi ll < suggested the followlnir boutnlnry ,
vhich was ncceploil : llegliiiiliiK at the
oriii'r of Avenue II ana I'.lghtrenth street ,
oulli to l-Vurth avenue , west lo Twentieth
[ reel , south to Tenth avenue , west to the
Ivor , north to llrondway , east to Twenty-
ourtu street , north to Avcnuo ll ( enst to the
tolnt of beginning.
Do you want nn c\iros | < wniron or boy !
fuii : up the A. I ) . T. Co. , telephone lit' ' , .
1 Sorth Main street.
.1. H. Atkins western meut for Pol'nw's
date glass eoinpimy , will pivo estimated on
ilatn delivery In Iowa and Nebraska.
lloiii-d of 'ir.ule.
\ iiicellng of tlio hoard of tr.ulo was hold
ast evening for the purpose of making
nrlher nrrangemoalH for the now hotel
uet. Most of the evening was passed In ills-
UHslng various inattors connected with tlio
> aiuiict | , the discussion helu c.iri-led on in
n Informal style , in order thai there mlpht
jo n full unilcntaiiiling among the members
n regard to the purl the board was expected
o play In thonlTatr. It was llnally Uechled
< > appoint the following ciimmilteo to consult
with the inanau'ers of the hotel with refer
ence to the portion of arr.ingeiiuMits which Is
to ho left to I hi.1 hoard to Ix'tnailo : T. ,1.
KV.UIS , I , . Wells , ( i. Wright , H. H. Van
HrnntV. ] . Hart , .InhiiScluu-ntgen.
The general npliiinn win Unit tlio banquet
voiilil take place about ttie 10th of next
nontb , lhonili the date was notsetpnsl-
ively , und will not ho for some time. There
s n vast amount of work to be done before
ho building will Ix-lu any shape for an opun-
ng , anil It will bo impossible for some time
or tin. ' proprietors to say how long It will
ako for It to bo accomplished.
.t.C. Itlxnv , stcnm tuMllng , .sanitary en-
plnccr , VU1 Aiorriuiu block , Counuil
The Manhattan , sporting licadiiuartors , N.
_ _
Ituer PilolHllli llraiiiH.
Ill the days when most of the travel
lotwoon St. I.ouis and St. Paul was tie-
oiuplislicd by iteiuiihoat , C'oinmodoro
) avtdson owned and ope * rated the lead-
ill , ' line of upper Misj-ihsiupi bouts , bays
the Analostan Mii'a/iue. ( , Ilisgrcntcbt
onjoytnent was story tolliii ) , ' . lie would
sit on deck until away into the morning ,
f lie could Imvo an appreciative listener -
or : and since most of his stories were
uitobiogTiuihic and t rue ho sekliiui want-
oil for tin audience. Oiio of his pot
stories was about a pilot who lind boon
libchargod froinan opposKion line bc-
cmiso ho had run his boat upon a siuijr
mil sunk her. AVhon the follow came to
the eonimudoro for employment ho
seomoil to bo rather proud that ho luul
struck the tun } ? .
"I don't want pilots who run upon
sna s , " said the commodore.
"Of coin-so , you don't. I wouldn't if F
were in your nlnco , " said tlio applicant.
"That's why i think you oiifrht to hire
1110. "
' LJvit you do strike Pimcrs. "
"I ufed to , commodore , but I don'
now. I've boon running on snags in this
river off and on now for 15 years , nml
L'yo hit every one of 'em , every blamed
ono ot 'em , commodore. lut ! luovcrhit
the sumo one twice , so I'm tlio safest
man you i-iiii got now. "
The commodore used also to tell u
companion to this one. It was about
.mother man who oamo to him to L'ot a
place as pilot.
"Do you know the river ? ' ' thu commo
dore nsked.
"Yes sir.1'
"ICuow where the snags arc , do you ; " '
"XoMr : I don't. "
"Then how in the world do you expect
to ha mile a boat safely V"
"Well , commodore , I know where the
snugs nn't , and that's where 1 ahvays
run my boat. "
"Did I employ him ? ' ' said the commo
dore in tolling of it. "Ofcoimo I did.
lie had brains , mid I'll always give
brains employment. "
whether on pleasure bent or business , should
take on every trip n bottle of syrup of liirs , ns
it nets most pleasantly and effectually on the
kidneys , liver nnd bowels , imn'ontiug ; foyers ,
lieiuluches and other forms nf sickness. For
sale in .1ic ) anil * I.OJ ( bottles by all leading
Directions lor Shopping.
"Charlie , clear , ' ' said young Mrs.
.Tnrtloim to her husband tlio' other morn
ing , as ho wab hurrying1 on hi overcoat ,
nnd hastily drawing on his nlovof ,
"would you mind Mopping into \Vool &
Knttun's and asliing thorn to f'vu you a
few samples of their fall goods ? ' '
"Oh , no , not at all , " replied I'narli" ,
obligingly. "What kind of samples ? "
"Well , I don't want any thing ver.y dark ,
and yet not too llglit. I don't want
brown , for my tmintncr dress was brown ;
nnd I don't believe I want any shade of
blue , for I've worn blue so much. You
might got some plaid samples , but 1 don't
want any of those blue anil green nlniils ,
nor anything with muoli red in it , nor
too loud a plnid. Soincthiiij , ' in brown
and white niul gray , with ju > t u dash of
s-oino briffhtor color might do , or oh
don > get anything in black and white ,
mid don't get a check of any Id nil. You
might get samples of India twill or silk
warp Henrietta , in light and dark similes
of green , not too largo nor too dark
just medium ; or , if you see anything-
pietty in inoinio cloth or serge or n real
toft cashmere or vioux rose cloth or poau
do solo in stylish shades you might get
samples ; but I'd prefer something in
camel's hair , or you don't suppose I
could afford ono of ihoso.Muscovitosilks ,
do you , ilonr ? You get samples of it ,
anyhow , I'd thought' something in
light cloth anil ili-np do solo ; but you
might ask for samples oteneh in poinjj ,
dour ? "Well , please don't forgot the
he's gone , and I'll wager anything he'll
como homo without half thoho samples.
Men never can remember anytning1 !
Itlaliie nml the Kree Ticket Man.
Tames CJ. Blalne Is fond of spicing con
versation with n Kim- ) . This i ono that
ho 1ms made due duty more than once :
"A man accepted a free ticket ton
theater. The play was not n good 0110 ,
and the actors were tlioroutilily in ac
cord with the standing1 of tlio piny. At
the end of the first act thorowerogronns
and hisses and other vehement expres
sions of disapproval on the part of the
audience. Tlio free ticket mail sat still
nnd F coined satisfied. When the becoml
act begun it proved to ho worse than the
Ilrst , and nearly every one in the audience -
enco groaned his utter disgust except
the free ticket man. Finally a mini who
sat near the free ticket man said :
" 'My friend , nro you disgusted with
the play ? '
" 'Yes , very much. "
" 'Then why the duce don't you groan
and hiss ? '
" 'I can't ilo it decently. I am hero on
n free ticket given bv the head of the
theatrical company. If the play grows
worse I will g. > out nftor the next act ,
buy n ticket and como buck and uxnress
my disapproval inn vehement way. ' ' '
Weather Probabilities for March ,
If March comes In like a lion it will go
out likonluiuh , ami vice vorsii. Hut
every day in the month , ruin or shine , . , steam heated , von-
tihiilod limited trains of tlio Chicago ,
Milwaukee iV St. 1'nul railway will run
between Oinahit and Chicago , The ole.o-
trio berth reading lamps in their palnco
sleeping cars are Iho greatest novelty of
thu age , Ticket ollico , 1001 1'urmun bt. .
At tbo Boston Stons | o Make Rojm for
Spring niul Sitmmer Qooils.
In Our lluilory and Vmli-rivi'iu1
t Itrml | | K ; I'Hi.MM
It will pay you to lay In your sntnily for
tioxt winter. Von will stivu from Ml to Tft
nor cent ; u bolter InvwttniMit you will never
'I'oilav , UViliiesiliiy , Tlmrsil.iy , IVlilny anil
l.mlli'V nil wool lilni'lt UiHi' , sentnli'ss , wltli
Hhlii'il top , former price M mid HOc ; Milo
| irli'i . l i- .
Liulios' extra ijuullly nil wool seamless
lioso , fiirtncr prlro , llTm ; snlo prloo , 'J.V.
Children's all wool swunlcss hose , st/os ! " > , ,
to it' ' . , . foriiiff price , % Viami : iile ; snlo pi-ii-i' , ll > c.
Clilliii-un's nil wool , anil missei'vurstott
Hlll'l ) ( IlllSO III llllll-Us , HI'lllllll'HH , Sl/l' It tO S'a ,
former prii'o , : il ( lo Itlo ; snlo nrk-o , U.'ie.
T-.iVKiiiK'i In nil wool , l > lnol ( , former nrlc-o ,
We , I.Vainl.V'c ; siilo pi-loo , A" > e , ilile niul Wo.
Clouts' heavy ( jrny .shirts , fonnor price ,
'J.'io ; sr.lo prlro , 1' . " .1 * .
Gouts' extra quality licnvyray ( shirts ,
former price1 , I.V : Milo jirloe , 'J."iir.
( Ji'iitu' super natural u-ruyaiul slieop'sifrny ,
former price , nOi : and I'L'IC ; snlo price , H''e. ' '
( touts' heavy gray mixed , fonnor price ,
T.V ; sale prloo , "ie. ( )
< ! ents' win-let all wool shirts nnd drawers ,
former price , NV ; snlo price , fiOc.
(5ents' ( extra quality all wool scarlet nnd
gray shirts anil drawers , former price , JI.OU ;
Milopilt-o. IV. " jO.
( Sent's heavy scarlet niul nr.iy nil wool ,
former price $1.0 < ) anil ? 1.'J. " > , sale prico"K : .
( i cut's nuinrnl wool ( jmy , former price $1.25
anil { l.fio , sale price 7'ic.
I-nilles' white all wool ribbed vests , for-
mur price ? l. . " > ( ) . sale price ' .Go.
Undies' ( 'ray all wool vests , former price
$1. J. " > , sale price We.
Uadles''rny ( all wool niul scarlet nil wool ,
former price 1. ' „ ' . " > and f 1..V ) , sale price 111 c.
Ladles' Kray nil wool vests , Krimeh noelt ,
( anil il.v.i quality , snlo prico$1.00.
Combination suits ill wlilto only , Mlo quality -
ity , snlo price "iUe.
Chililrens' wliito merino vests anil pant' ,
size 1(1 ( and IK , former price lf > c and 17c , sale
size 'JOanil" ! fonnor ' . "
price He ; : , price'"Jcnnd
y.'ic , sale price Hie : slrn'Jtc anil 'Jlic , former
prico'JSc nnd HOc , snle price ' 'lc ; size ! ! S and
! tO , fonnor price 'Me anil ; iV , snlo price 'Jllc ;
sl/.oiiJ and ! ll , former nrlee i"c ) anilIUc , snlu
price Die.
Clillilrens' all wool vests and pants In
prays , size 1(1 ( nnd IS. former prieo ITc anil4'c ! ,
sale price liie ; size 'JO anil 'J1. ' , former price L'7c
anil ll''o , sale i > iice' > : ic ; sixo'Jl niid'Jil , former
price Ji7c niulf.'c ' , snle prieo itlc : size 'JS nnd
; t ( ) , former price I7o nnd iVic , saiu price Itllc ;
sl/.ei'J : and ill , former price TiTc and O'Jc , sale
price 47c.
Clilldrcns extra quality scarlet nnd groy
nntiirul wool in vests anil rants.
Ki/o Itl.xlS former pricel'dU and UOe , sale
price i.'Jc.
Ki/o 'JOx'J'J , fonnor price . ' ( . "ic amilOi. . ' , sato
price : ie. ( )
SloJlxai , former price 4."io and Me , sale
price : isc.
Si/e 'JSx0 : ! , fonnor price . 'ML- and Me , sale
price -\'ic. \ (
Size . ' ) 'Jx31 , former price IMC and 70e , sale
FotheriiiKhain , Whltcluw & Co. ,
Council DlulTs , Iowa.
Abu eil I lie U'lim 'Man ,
Sain Dnvis , the funny intin of Cnrson ,
Xov. , recently took a trip to rian Frnn-
eihco. A correspondent from there tolls
thin story ul the oxpuiito of the news
paper man :
While lioro Dnvls was shocked to read
the iio\vs of the doatli in Hutto City , of
.lack Tyler , a gambler. They were very
dear frioiuU , sind their intiinacy was
linm ht nhout in a peculiar way. One
day back in 1875 Mr. Dnvis was hitting
in the ollico of the Virginia C'ity C'hron-
iolt ) writing local items when t'vo palo
and particularly well dressed gentlemen
entered. Ono of them explained thnt
the day before in Sun Francisco "Uoc' '
O'Neill'had boon shot and killed l > y a
gnmhlor iiainod Mush-hend Hill.
"Welly' ' imjnired Mr. Davis.
"Oh , " ' the gentleman said , " \vo want
you to tfivo O'Xoill a good tend oil'and
burn Mush-lioad up. ' '
'What for ? "
"Doc was n friend of ours , nnd wo want ,
you to put in your best licks , " said th'3
jciitlemnii , placing two $ "U picuus onthe
"Sir ! " cried the journalist , half rib-
iiir. ;
"You might as well take "em , " said
the gentleman. ' ' 1 jiiht win them nt
faro. "
"Oh , in that case,1' remarked Mr.
Davis , iioolioting the coin and instantly
becoming warmly and sympathetically
intcrotatcd.Vliy certainly. I'll ' write
just what I feel. Doe O'Xiiil was white
oluun tlirough. I know him well , and a
more Inveable charni'tor never breathed.
Hvthownv , what's tlio other name of
tills Mush-head liill ? "
"Taylor. "
"Taylor ! " cried Mr. Davis , his tone
aflame with manly scorn and detestation.
"Taylor ! Why , that's the snmo cow
ardly. murdering scrub that assassinated
poor Dobson a year or ho ago , ain't ilV
"Xo , " said the gentleman quietly. "I
killed Dobson. "
"Oh , " said Mr. Davis.
The gentleman was Jack Tyler.
llomx'iiesM. Sore ; Throat.
etc. , quickly relieved by Brown's Bronchial
Troches. A simple anil effectual remedy , su
perior to nil other articles for the same pur-
puso. Soli ! only in boxes.
Ghost llnnco for Revenue Only.
Spokane Statesman : Wild Goose Hill's
jirivato secretary anil head bookkeeper ,
who IIIIH just struck a trial balance
"Hay , look yore , Rill , wo'or a runiiiii'
hohin'an' llmr's been no guests at th1
hotel an' no oneacrossin' th' ferry for a
wfltik. riuthln'sgot to bo done. " Wild nill.wholuiH justcomo from Kuby
City : "I tell yo what to do , Shorty ; go
ovoV to Huhlty-Hoi'-That-LiUes-Hooso's
tupeoan' bring him nn' his klootch down
yor : Toll 'em 1'llgivo 'oina red blanket
an' a bottle if they'll dnneo for'n'onrnn'
a half on th' beach junt above th' ferry.
Th on we'll petition th'gov'norfor troops
an' lay out a town round yore summers
an' organize a land company.1
Did you notice that line head of hair at
church lustHumlav ? That was Mrs. II - .
She never permits herself to bo out of Hall's
Hair Uenewer.
Itenil tin' Newspaper.
Electrical Traveler : A gentleman , well
known ns a maker of recording KHUKC.H ,
has a little son of an lniuinnt | ; turn
of mind. The other evening the
boy suiil to his father : "Papa , when ) is
Atoms ! " Kather Athens , yon moan , don't
you , my dear ! Inquiring son No , Atoms ;
place where people jjo to when the lioilor
explodes ; because it always says they wcro
blown to Atoms.
A weak back , with a wonry nclilug lame
ness over the hips , is a sign of decoas"d kid-
nuys. t'so the best Uldnoy curative known ,
which is liurdocl ; Blooil liltters.
Huso I'p :
"Ono of the most common hits of wis
dom buslowed on the niuii who uscx
ehewing tobacco , clgnrrltfiiretti'S or
liquor , by the man who has no such
weakness , IB the ulootrotypod : 'Tho
way to cjult the hublt IB to iult. ' There
Is no more wisdom In opooi'h tlmn j bo found lit tlial voi'hal nnthiviily i
'Xothing siuvt'oiN MKo tuoces-i , ' and Ills .
nn Insult to send uny such lilnnu onrt-
I'lilgo al a man. " ' ( 'he speaker wax a I
phy li'lan of good taiidin > r , nnd ho con
tinued : "i Imvo had a great ninny
patlontsln my life all through ( ' .vcoaslv'o
use of tnbai'oo or llquoi1 in sunn1 form ,
nnd 1 never kniMV of n slnglo c'.iroby '
abruptly stopping the hnbll. On the
other hand I hiivo seen ropi'iitoil re
coveries by grailimlly leHsoiiing the ' .itn
of whntever Htliniilnnt was bi'ing nseil. ' '
There in nothing line Dr. Thomas' Kltvlrii'
OH to iiidekly euro u cold or relieve a honr.ii ! >
iu' . written by Mrs. M. .1. 1'ollows , llurr
Oak , St. Joseph Co. , Mich.
Mow lie Slopped.
The plain , inalti-r-of-fact man Imil
been delivering an animated ami t > \ -
hnustivo dln'ourso to his vvifo on the
Hubjei't of Mas tor iionnots when * ho look
occasion to remind him tln\t \ his hat was
jHHlUvcly tlUgracoful , says the \\Vh-
iii'tm ) Post. Several of his m-iiualnt-
ances hud told him substantially the
snmo tiling and ho delormliic.l to got u
now one.
"I wish"ho said , ns ho left thchouso ,
"that you could como with mo and Mud
out how a little shopping could bo dour
without stopping the mnchiniM'y of busi
ness inn store asn woman nlwn\s , \ does. "
After attending to the Immediate iv-
quli Miieats of Ills correspomlciu'o ho
wont to the hatter's. Ho hiicnt live or
ten minutes outside inspecting the dis
play in the show-window , and formulnt-
iug a phrase which would convoy the
iinpi'i-ssion that ho purchased on an
avcrago at leiiht one hat av lek , he
stepped inside and remarked in hesitnt-
iug accents that belied his assumption
of onso in manner :
"I want to look at a hat.1
"Yes , sir. Step this way. Something
lilo ; the one yon have on ? ' ' the clerk in
quires after n critical glance.
"Why , is this in style ? " ho Inquires ,
undeniably embarrassed.
"Not exactly. Here is the very latest.
Just your sl/.e , too. "
"O'h , I don't csif- anything about the
fashion ; but lets look n't it. "
He goon to the mirror , adjusts it , care
fully , twists it gently about and turning
to the saloMiinn , snvs :
"Now , what do you think of it ? "
"It'hii very nice hat. sir. "
"Of coiu'co. Xo doubt of it. Hut-or
do you think it becomes inoV
"It looks very well. "
"Suppose you show mo something
else. "
"How is this stylo1
"No , thnt makes mo look like a hay
seed. "
"Hero's another. "
"That's bolter ; I like that. "
"It was very popular lust season. "
"KhV Ain't it this correct thing nowV"
"Oh , I have no doubt you will MO n
great many , but "
" 1 guess'l will take the one you showed
mo first. Only if I decide flint I don't
like it , within a day or so , can 1 o.x-
clinnge it ? "
"Certainly. "
After a dialogue , of which the above
gives briefly an idea , ho discovers by his
watch Hint ho has lost just an hour and
a quarter from the most important portion
tion of the day , jnills the hat down over
his eyes , and proceeds to wear it until
his friends are again forced to call his
attention to its appearance.
Dr. 1C. T. Miller , of Cross Plains , \Vis. , has
expressed the opinion that , for obttlnnlo
cases of syphilis and scrofula , AVer's Sar-
hapnrilln is imiiuestioiiubly Ihe mo t cjlTectlvo
remedv known to plmrmacy. Wonderful
cures have resulted from its use.
The Middleman and Over-l'roiliicllon.
Think of such a state of things iis Mr.
Mills gives an instance of , in recounting
his experience among the destitute poor
of Liverpool , says the New England
Magazine. Ono cold December morning
he found In a certain house a baker out
of work , and next door to him a tailor
out of work , and next door again a shoe
maker in the same plight. "I could not
forget for many days1 he says , "that
none of them had what could bo called a
pair of shoes , and none of them a proper
suit of clothes , and they were all exceed
ingly anxious to got bread ; and yet , al
though one was a baker , and one a tailor
iintl one n shoemaker , tho.v could not stir
a hand or foot to help ouch other. " The
t'ouble was , of course , so far us each in
dividual was concerned , that their serv
ices could not be employed .it a profit by
any one , the markels , pei'liapbeing " al
ready stocked with bread , and clothes ,
and hlioes , nnd there being no money in
making any more. For it must always
be remembered the aim of industry ,
as at pro-ent organi/.od , is not to meet
the needs of the people but to produce
such things a.i people can buy , so that
bursting bakeries and btnrviug bakers
are perfectly cojnpatiblo with each other.
liroakint ; the I
First ? > cw York Hey When was your
mother married ?
Second New York Hov-- When sbo was
twenty. When was your mother married !
Kirs't New York Boy When she was six
( Jlilcnco Hey -My mother can beat that ;
she war married before I was born.
Gave IVrl'ect Ilcnt.
//'JKIC/I. /
Dr. Klllem Old tlio medicine I sent your
husband cause him to rest easy I
Mrs. Wiildcrweeds ( .sadly ) Yes , unless
the medical students have disturbed him.
Theliebig COMPANY"
for twenty-live yesirs been
up I lief unions mod net hlclist lued mrd-
Icul elieles 'slien llrst Invented ainlirlren
to tliu world by the n-noniieit cbe > l-t ,
Justus von l.iublK. Their
is known around the world and has lately
been onnleil Into "ParkcM Africa" by
Stanley. It Is iiimppioat > liibli ! > fin-purity.
lluvor nnd lienellelat eU'ccis. AsKKV \ \
Tiu , di-lli-lousaiid lefrrsliliiK. lndlicn | -
Mihle In Improved anil Ki-onoialel'ookery.
Genuine / ) * of
with * 4f * CLO G2 Justus
signature & ) von Liebig
1409 nnd 1411 Doilcco St , OnmHNeb.
in or
First Class Garpiages ,
Tin' l.eadlni , ' Hlylea Tin.uti | > st I'l-U-Cn.
lluti Itr alien hi u ruii uf i-titlir i > r liu. or In ur *
Jtli' t > IT i l. Mitliom iho knowledge ot Ihv piiUoni
ifueoesutry U le absolutely hnrnilvaa nnd\vlllrflect
a v > rmin nt anil ipeoily our , wlit tlirr Ihe pattern ia
.irjo erAieilrinkororaualooholiawicek. I'l .NK\Kli
IA1I.1. It optrntim in quiolly anil trilh such cer-
uinty thu tlid iiailt-nt uutlorRoua no Inoonvciiiiciice ,
anj era ha la iiwnre , lilu complete relormPtllil la
ifdoiad 4&pag Uookol paritcuUrnlrco I'o hfh'in ' ol
XUIIN k CO. , IDlh AI UouuUn * . A trill H Cuilllll Bla.
- - - - - - lliT\KE. IIIIUCE i C0 , nd
Jti 11/11 CO , UlUnLa.
30 Per Cent Saved At
Come Early and secure1 M.xr ains. This Cut Price sale will
r.nst Only One INIoiuh. All \Viiiter domls Must C'.o. . Re
member the Place ,
, rin | am1 . 'ils llro.uUvuy , Council HlulTs , Io\vs\
For the next ten days we will sell the balance of
Great Model Bankrupt Stock ,
at 45c on the dollar. This is beyond a doubt
the greatest offer ever made to the public , and
we would advise EVERYBODY to avail them
selves of this grand opportunity to fit them
selves up , Rememcer 45c buys what usually
costs $1.
522 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
\\7 I I/I , Truilr fnr riirin .1. ( J. AnilvrMin will
' tiiichfur funii ( itiii'iu lirojii'ilj ill-lit-
I'niliii-ll lllulN. Ills ilVM'lllim ut Slit'iiiiinli.ali ,
In. , iilipruisivl in ir.'iK ) . Cull at the ulllio of
thu Coiim-ll Illutli liiiiiriineu coiniuij | : for
fuitlici-particular * ,
IjlOK AI.Knr i > M > liuiir. | n irmiil stnok of crn-
I'riil iiK-ii'liuiiill-i ! : will tiiku u Kdoil rli-iir
fnini In Miiiilinrsti'in Inna nr cicuri'lt v | inii-
i-iiy. Apnly lit oi ice to Johii-itini Ai Vuul'aiti-n ,
( 'iiiincll HlulTi.
OK s.I.K or I'U'luiiigp. : i } ! ! ! . ( 00 to Jiri.on )
- IMoik of loot > i nml sliiit-i ; sili-nillil | Im--i-
tlnn ; \\lll takit part f.-i-li ami Ii"rl In 1:01 > (1
i-k-ar i-lly iirupnrty or Iowa luinl ; thK N only
for a fi-\v ilnys. .lolmstuii \ Van I'alti-n.
InOK s\I.K-Ono spt-.n of ( . 'Iv'li'Mhilp ' ) IOIM . ,
six yi'iirsold ; wi'lclit , : iUWl pounds. Will-
l.iin II Put-duo , boutli uf tins Intitule on 1'ony
TFxAJimTtli7 c-olpbrati'l Mi-I'liall pianos ;
" A nuw srnlo crown iilinios nnd nr.'tiiii. Hold
on rasy paj-ini'iits liy .Mar. lloiirlcins music
li-ai'lii-r. 11-4 Miitsinan htrt-ct , t'liiincil Itluir- . .
\\f7\NTICl-ilil ) for ficncrul liuu-owot-k , I'-M
1J1OIS SAI I'--A lion-1 nml lur-'i- lot on t-asy
JL liavini'iil. ICiiijiilrn a I I I'M I'aik IIMMIIIO.
\\r J. in\l"ri-i"\v7\S-KlJ : ! lia nim l Ills
M waicliiiiisc fioin : ri" > llroiiilway lo 40. )
llniailnnv. wlii'tchiwill Uooji un lianil a llm-
loL-k of fiiniiicillturi"i. .
| jMKSAhK-At n sncrllloi' , 1 Tuiv'iMosslir
J Mifr , | icifril rnmlltiMi ; ' - ' ollli-i- ili.Kand
i-liiill > , ' . ' hi ( lie U uoUs. 1 | ; irii > 1 1 on cilo I Mirk.
'J licntiiiR stoves , i-onntrr st-alrs. a sti-ti lad-
ITN I liirmi ( ilutfunn lluur i-uiik's. Kui-lini * &
IVIt. 1IT .Main St.
itTtKNT The McMiihon lilTii T :7 : Morv
brli-k. wllli ha-c'inont and L-li-viitiir. JV. .
, 101 IVarl Mii-ct.
JTIOltSAIjl' A biiriulii ; in > w nmderii li"ii > .o
with all tlio lull * ImproviMiiiMiti.IVIMI
looms ; will ' oil on easy iiaynn-ntN ; loi-ati-il on
Iho Fifth avi-inii' iiuitutlino. . 1) . J. lliiloliln-
biin , 01 ? llroul\vay. : _
IjlOKHAI.r. Klelit-rooin lionsi1 anil two lots.
on llaril'-on si. A modern liiiu- and u
uood hoiou olit-ap. 1) ) . J. lluteliin- , Ul ?
FOHHALE or Kent -Oardon land , with
housuit , by J. U. lUuo. 10 J Milu : u. , Oouuoll
Bluff *
At Cole's Hardware Store , 48 Main SL
\\Vsoll Mvls In hulk. You I-MII save OIIP-
lialf liy liiiylne In this way. Our si-i-ils an1 all
frrsli und tiMrd. Now Is u K"ml tlinotohow
grass for lawns.
K vou nxi'irr TO uim : A
Ilil-s ypnr flifiirp with n . \Vi > soil the Victor
iMishlon tin' , also tlio ( ilant. I'rlcch and terms
to suit ovi'iyimo.
Chinese Ph/sician /
1543 Larimer St. , Denver ,
T < lhn i > * ulTprlny frnin the
DlliTlH 'f liny nf Ilii- . | Init
ill i-n "t. iiii't do'liu lii'.illh ,
H linn Id n rit it l.i > \VliiK.-u urir >
wMUII-i-a iM preiiliar In w.mi
ni , liilllni.'wi'iikmln.l iinoi-
lioml. nervt'lltllea i-s , Mtiil
( IfHoniteH. titiiiilmil Mi"ikiu > sw.
joullirul fully , iiilnnry irmiii-
k" > . kliliiiiy inn ! Iher trt'iiblut , hi-ari .ll ca iiniUv -
K llun i-lii' l anil luiiu IMiilile riiiiminiptlnii , lirmi-
t'liiti * ( -oiiKliH. * . . asthtnii. i-iitarrli. all tlhi-'iM-H nf
lliu blotxl M-rolnlii. Hyi'litll ' * . illM-iiHi't , ot a prlvnto
imturo. K * nurrlit1 : ! . yliM-l. plli > - tuiunr * . t-aiictr , nnll
rliiMini , rln-iiiiiatlMM , | > nrdy lnil klnill'i'.i < " < . ict-
liviuio-ix , ) > pepiii. . fieiualKiiiil'iilnc n linlilni" > a
t > ( > io iHt-H. ornplliiiis , tiiie\Minu. | Ills , iniiliulii nad
ill eii u4 uf the Ki'iii'rallve < > rutm . noiantlrr > . | Imtr
h'on hlanilnitf. A i-urit t.-iiaranti'0il In i-\eiy rnnu ur
ini'iii-T mfiituleil If ymi liu i < falliul In tot run'I
elM < hei < Mln IIM | ilojialr , tmtuhi ! I.KI1VIMi a c.ill
niut lm\o ui'lnit ullli him. nlilihlH Mricllx ruiillldi-n
Hal Ciinmiltiitlim I'xiiinliiiitliiii tn-v Only n mimll
nun f-ir ri-meilli'i ' ' 'liiiumtnln have IJI-UM nui-.l nt
OilTcnnt iM liv l. < o WHix I lilnoiu Vi'n-
rlniil" MMiii'illi" ) . Mmiy iu-itiiii"liluli i-nn l > e f na < l
nijil ii'i-u In hia oil i-e. or lu-nxer pujH-rn Aililii'i1 * ,
Ifi.lS L-irim r St. , Unnvor , Cole ,
llnrlotc Htinnp fur reply
Bp ' in fnr My.tfrU , lli > lnutiFttci umiitli , Wukn
[ ulnevi , Hentul l piesplon , Hoftrnln r nf ttio rt * *
mltmn In iniiinltjr nj'l Umlin/ iiil.oiv ilrmv M I
Ouilli I'lirnalun' ' Old Am' . lUi rt-nnvu 1 u r I'OUIT
tnoither .01 , Invulantnry l.ut.en , mill Hi > -riniitri.n ) > .i
cnu * l l > y oT r iiuttluof Iho Innln. PV r-i lume ur
OTtr InilniKBni-u Karh hex n > nuln tn .ni.'iiiLV ' irva
rncnl Slulioi , or li f r Dt , runt hj mri' , prr.ill. ;
With t > nrti nrili-r for ill hoxvn , v i ] | ttml i > uri-lin-r
Kiiarantvo lu ivfuoil nnncv K the irtuitimni tullaty
rum. iju riu > touai u luita > ; iiiiiiiiu > , | il
1119 I'uriKiiii tlruut , Uinaii.i , i'ob ,
Or Council Uluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK 5150,000 ,
DIIIB-TOIIS I , A. Mlllnr , IO aioimu. K Ij.
Sliinirt. ; : I ) . K. Hart , J. U. Kdmnndson. Charlui
C. lliuinun 'I'Mii-taet liankln ; busl-
iii-is , Largest uaplul nml uiirpluj of any
tiaiikln rionthwusttirii lowi :
CdlllK'll Illulli. I.l. .
Allill'i-ll c . .f . Ihu iVK :
tri'iiti-il i'.li iho
bklllnnd niro.
nml IIAV KCVKIt tn-ato.l
nltlii'inliipnt Biirreni.
1. piln.
li' ljp > rlurinoi | wltli . t curtun.l . nldll , m-
Mirlni : iii-rti'cl ri'Miln ri.NKSl' ( | | .A > l-s : nn-iir-
ntul > pruiorlliiMl , rnrri'rllni ; all rofractivu tr.iubli > ,
IIM Mynpln. llrpi.'roln ' | nml A-llKlriallini. HUM icn-
ilcrliii ; nlk-lit o.ujr. cli'.ir mil prilolu-H I'lIUONIJ
NKriAi.t.iAniiii iiric iu.viAuinft : T jcin
of terrlblo utri rln . no rollof. oatlrtfly curo.l D.ll' . ' ,
Uoom 1 , > lnikirt : Illuck , on-r llcno \ l. < ' eturo.
O'liiicll ' lllillls la.
AH kinds .f DvliiB "i 1 C loanin' iV. ' . In thu
Hluliost sty ! . of the \ri. Kudo 1 , iml M.I-,01 !
I'li'iik's ' ina-li- ti liHh ) .11 i ; > . las now U'orlc
promptly iloin'und ' di'llvon-il m ull p irH of
tlio-ouiitry Cundfor nrk-u li t
( \ M vi HAN 1' , .p. ,
JOU Hro-.ulv.-av , "S' N'ir > < i estoru Dupat ,
Over 0. H. .lai'iUcn | > lii & t'o. , .lovvulry s-toro
TiiileyBurke.Geo.W. Hewitt.Thos. E.
Burke , Hcwitt&Casa-ly ,
At torneys- - Lav
cor UTS.
Onii-os : J. J. Ilro\vn HuililliiK , Coinu-lllllutr-i ,
The Now Occlfa Hotul , 111 Conn 11 UlutN ,
! ins bot'ii compl 't-d rHfuriilshocl an mn.lern-
iztsd thrnughiiut. anil i now < m i. ( the best
lioti'K In tinst.ito. . It is loc.ittul in tliK Im .1-
ness jiartot t .1- < 'ltyn I th-- eluctr.imotor *
piss the door every four ininut . Kiro HI-
ipi-s nail tire ill inns throughout Mi bnU-
inij. Steam heat , hot un.1 c-oUl w.iter aiul
huushlm > in t-vi-ry ro > m. T.i'lo uus irii .Siod
. .iiiywhre. . KatesS e.OO .1 il.iy.
OBO. M. WHITNEY , Wnnivjor.
Corner Main .ml llro-nlwiv ,
IVali-rs In foroUn an 1 ilnno ln' \ i m-jj
Collin-Uou niadu niul mtoruit iui.1 on tl.u >
i'\i-i- iiivi-nti-d thai holds tliri-lol ln Hi-
ilii-- a pi-rfin1 ! Mii-rrs > ; piili-nl iii nt.y
l'dsnlll lllll.V I > V IKTIltS tl > \\llOIII til l \ -
lMriijlil IN isni-n. Un i-i'i-i-lpt of Mi-i-i s no
send a . .maple- 1 n i liy nuill ; ulsu i.u-
: prli'i- list mnl ii-rius to iiui-ut. 1 inn
l li-rrllin v al nunAdilli > NTill' ' ! S
> 1'i.oTlir.s I.IM : : o. 17 iu-in ,
I mi I.AUIIS lMv Dr. I.OIIIP' | * IVriiuiri1 r . <
Unpinuli ri-iiuuly. ml on ini'iKlninl i\ -ii-in cm
i n 10 inpm'nliiM trinu "hiilru-r rniln- 1' li
iiii'n-lniial.Mi. Tlu'su pilU fliuull nui uink. . n n.r-
IIIK , uk'niiiii'V.iu. . I'll ! I'o . Hi'jnlly I'roi" * > iui
ri-r * 'liy : l'o , In. licimliio by shi'rnmii , s M , < . > MIH' | ,
I < > i't'i' t. . ni''ir P.O. . Uiimlm ; ( . A.lruiui uiu
i M , 1' , LMIU , Cuuncll UluUs , I. , ur i Ivr u