Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1891, Image 1

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The Roblcra Sccttro n Vtltmblo Collection
of Old Coins.
'Jtic. Cdinmcreliil lintel nt nnl De-
Mrovcil by 1'lre \'lcIm-t ( < iP a
Mad I ( nit . ' ( niitoi1 Mex < MIS
I Indorsed.
, Neb , Mnrcl , 0 [ Special Tolo-
to Tin : Bm | - Tlilovm managed to
elTect an entrance into tlio Herman National
bank of this city last nl 'it ' by prylnir open a
leai'doorof the imoincnt and from tlicnco
rcnillly pnlnod access to tlio bink. The enl )
articles of vnluo obtained xvcto tvo pistols
talicu from a desk drawer and a
valuable collection of rare coins , belonpliiK
to Miss Alice Harper The eolnsvete artis
tically arranpcd in a hcavj ' plass coveted
frame niul repiescMited afaeoxaivo of oxer
f 100 and a numismatic xiiluo of about $1,01 0.
The frame xx as t alien to thobisement and
destroyed and the content' ! removed As the
coins weto n'l ' marked \lils fuel inny
lead to tlio nppielicnslon of the
buiiilars Ttitee of the coins were iccovcred
in uu tnin Kncei \ y stores this mornlntr \ \ liei o
thi'V hnd been passed bj the thieves A dis
ci Iption of one of the puitles lius been
scented and tlieio is abundant leasou to pie-
diet his at rest sooner or Inter A loivutd of
S'J'i is olTeied for the arrest of cither of the
thiev cs. _ _ _ _
l''lie in ( ) i-il ,
OitD , Keb , Match 10 - The ronunciclnl
hotel , oiv neil by I ) . N. McCord , was de-
strood by the with neaily all
the co'itents It xvas valued at
$12,000 nnd Insured for half that uiu
The lively stable ailjoinlnp , nxvncd by I'red
1 Hauls of Lincoln , xxns also deslroed , but
the contents woto mostlv saved The stable
\\iis opeiated bx LockrnlKc * lirotheis. H xvas
worth about J,000 , and Insuicd for half that
This Is the llrst larpolho for minyjeirs
The lin men saved the opera house , a fiame
bullduipotil ) four feet from the hotel. The
oiigin of thu lite isxet unknown.
KeiinloiSleions * Cotirsi1 Kiulni-scil.
Onxii vi. x , Neb , March 10 [ Special to
Till ! Uir. | 'Ihe folloxvltiK resolutions have
been adoited | by Opillnla Alliance , Xo. i''s
U'heieas , There xvas a strenuous cfTort
upon the part of the nnomlns of tlioindo-
pendent pnrtv to icllect dislionor and dis
j-iaco upon the tliarniter of Hen itor Ste
\oiis in the matter of public punting of tlio
niguments < > [ Mr la\xes on thu tmiNimuin
ftilKht lull ; therefoio
Kcsolxed. That wo hoartllv approve and
roiiKiMtulaio Senator Slovens on tliothoioiitfh
inimnei in xxhleh \iiidtcatcd liimself and
exposed the underhanded schemes of lin1
enemies of the party which ho is identified
Kcsolved , that the resolution bo forwarded
lo 'lilt OMAHA Hi I for pubiieition
A HolllNfisVVOUTII ,
,1 U. ( UllDNI II.
Cninmitteo on Hesolutions
Tito Nrvxs liom I'latisniotitli ,
l r. vrrsMoirii , Neb. , Match 10K [ | > cciiil
Telcpiam to Tnr Hi.r | Dm Spuiueon xx'ai
jailed today , charged with illegally upptoprl-
atlnrr the sum of f.t5 belont'liiK to Tom Me
Daniels nnd then wont on n spree , spending
ncarl ) the whole amount. AVhc.x MeDmlels
demanded the e'asli Spnttieon j ave : m order
for the amount \\htcti piovcd to be worthless
He xxill haxehis tiiul this xxenk.
A special inspector of the postoftlce dp
piitmcnl is in town aiiatijrini. Hie details foi
tlio icmoxid of the postolllce furlhcr up
town. The location nmler consideration Is
situated in the Kiloy block , about thoionlei
nf the city. If the removal is di ruled upon
n free ilelix cry s ) stern will bo established
Tlie city council failed to UKI-CO upon the
proptioty of pniih.ismp more iriouml for
Iho much needed eiilni mont of the eemctcrx
1'ortunatel ) P'attsinoulh ' Is an exceeding ! )
health ) place , tlie death late ueinc vei ) low ,
but the phvsicians me now advising their
iiatients not to die until Iho cemetery Is eu-
InrRCd ,
Maor Hlihev , City Clerk PON and Couti
( ihiian Siiisbery have been appointed iicon-
mltleotoalt upon the Missouri river com-
Milsslon to nscertiiln when the appropiintiou
for ilxer improx'omontat this point rs Koini ;
to bo expended , and xx hen the xvork will be
IMHoilal Association
ONIOUK , Neb , Marcli 10. { Special to
Tin : Hii-Jolonel : | ( J. D Stino of tlio Sti
pcrior Journal nml president ot the Hepubll
can Vallej Editorial association , xvas here
lust evenitic to confer xxith tlio CNCCUti\e
committee of that orpaui/utlon In leferenco
to matters of intoicst to the craft. ItM'
decided to call a meeting of the nssoeiniiot
nt Oxford on Ihe llrst Tuesday of June Tlio
piesident lepoited progress in the matter of
n midsummer ptess excursion , ami stated
that arrangements xvill In all prolmbillt ) 1 :
perfected for a Jaunt to Pike's Peak about
the middle of Jill ) over tlio Hurlinilou ; loutc
Dlst in bed a IteliirioiiM
YOIIK , Neb , March 10 ( Special to Tnr
HIT 1 Slier iirnnStuubs and .1 A Mason o
llradsliaxx xxere arraigned before .TtulKi
Monttromerv in the countv court today , on
complaint of Alex Miller , r O Neptlno am
Hem ) Philips , clmreing them with dlstmb-
li\K a religions meeting in the Methodist
chinch at Hr.tdshaxv They give bonds to
npjioar March yi ) for trial and \xeio reieascil
The .Mail l > o ; Si iuo.
Xi IIIHSKI CITX , Neb , iarch U ) . [ Special
Telegtam to Tin HFI | the mad ilog scaio
Btillconlinues Tlio rabid animal is still a
lar oand Mayor Irel mil has ordered all do's ,
found on the stteels iluilng Iho next two
weeks shot Ftauk Davis anu Jolin Wclr ,
xx ho vx ere Dillon ye tcid.iy , le.ivo for Oirrali i
tomorrow to tr.v the nndstoao said to bo ttio
property of L. II Uenboxv of thai ell ) .
Death of Mrs. Harrington.
PxxxNKr , Neb , March 10 [ Special Tote
prim to TUB Hn : . ) Mr . I'red liorrltigton ,
xxifo of one of our leading hatitxvaro men ,
died al ( .ireely , Cole . . \esterdav morning of
consumption. The body was brouglu hero
today for interment.
Snow at U alliico.
\Yvi.i.xcr , Neb. March 10 [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hn [ 'Iho heaviest snow
btorm of the season commenced hero at B
this afternoon and at' ' ) o'clock Is Hvo inches
deep. The indications are that it xvill not bo
Pile at Kiiiibury.
Fuunriu , Neb , March 10. [ Special Tele-
( Tram to Tin Her | The llornl bull \\asde-
stro.vcd b ) lire tonight. Damage , f > 00.
Tlie Ihe Ikccord ,
ntrrxro , N. V , March 10 Henry U' .
Hurt's ' flx'C-storx brick and iron building , oo-
uupleil by wholesale dealers turd manufactur
ers , xx'as cntlielv burned today ami the
Tucker building bnilly ilamn ci ]
belonging to a thin of undertakers In the icar
of the dental comnan's building r eiished in
the llatnes The loss is f'.Vi.iM J be Insur
ant o will ncarl ) cover the loss.
Korccd to Cdino to Ton iii.
Ncxx YOIIK , March 10. At a meeting in the
Illinois steel company this inorninK the con
solidation of thu LncUuwanim coal at.d lion
company autt thu Scratilna steel company
was effected. About seven jenrs ttgo the
Uio Lackawanna company oud
rrgnnl/ed the Kerantrm steel rompaii ) , xx illt
n capital of ? * VitiM. ilner * xxhidi linn1 the
I'oncein Inn been n distributing factoi In the
Hlet I mil bustiies' 1'Torts ( to induce him to
( onsolidateor si'H nut proxcd iniiivaillng and
tin * riiiiipnii ) iibonl iwo X'-evks nijo betfiin imt-
tliiL' mils oii the market beloxv | mol prices
The- Intimation that thev conveyed to him
was that if this course continued the other
comptides would do what thev saw lit to
foree lh < * scrantoii compiti ) to terms. This
notle'c xvas successful
.t i'/f .Mf.wvri ; * i jioi'.iA HUM : .
DCilli ul'lOoi'Ki ( * \ \ Hniul anil ' ori-ou
al ViiiiUton ,
YvNurov , S 1) ) . March 10. [ SpelalTclo -
1'iinn to Tnr Hi i , -Plugs J are nt half tmst
In Yankton toda ) , business is at n standstill ,
antt the * people are aclunllv slntnlltig on the
streets xvltli In their eyc > s The Ilitelll-
Kenco of tlio death nt Pietro of lion , ( looigo
11. IIiiiul , ono of Vnnlttou's anil Dakota's old
est and biMt b'loveJ elll/cns , was lecotNod
nt noon. It Is a calamity not onlx to the city
but to the state at largeMr Hand came to
the territory of Dakota xxitli an appointment
as secretary ot sitito twenty-live , yen's npo
He tcims In the legUlatuie ,
and has li id % nrious and moro exalted posi
tions prolTeied him. Ho was one of the foto-
mosl members of the Ancient I'teo and Ac
cepted Masons In the state nnd is past i ind
muster of tlio grand lodge of tnat order. Per
) eais tie Ins been attornc ) for the Chicago ic *
Northxxestern rillxvay company and was icp-
lescntingthat load at the state capital whoa
ho xvas pinstitiled bv pneumonia and ftom
Ihe effects of 'vlilch ho ulcil lie xxas elected
stain's attorno ) for Yankton oounty last fill.
Ho Is 11 f t\-II VD ) ears old , and leaves behind
him a recoid nsa irriitr and eiti/en excoption-
nllx honorable
Ills fnmil ) coinprl/cs a wife And seven chtl-
dicn Mis ilimd is vijlting with a son
in Noxv Mexico. Ono mutiied daugh
ter , Mrs Lieutenant Alexander Sharp , jr , is
xx ith her husband at Atiimpohs Another ,
Mis Will Muulnik , Is itiSt. i'.tul , ami an
other'is in Yankloi , Nvhllo an unmiuiied
.huitfhtor , an nit , student , is in Chic.iRo Two
sons lire in Montana , anil Ins mother auJ n
brother are In I'arker , this state
Mr Hand's ioniums will be biought to
Ynnlfton bv special tiain for interim at. The
Masons of Pieite xxill accompany the bed ) .
A lleaxy Snow nl IlismarcK.
HISXI VIICK , N I ) , March 10. | Special Telo-
am to Tur HIM 1 Ono of the heaviest
stonns of Iho season Is now in prom ess
Ihrouehout this region. Snow has been fall
ing for twenU-four hours Itillxviy ti.ixel
s bomuxxhat Impeded Tbe heavy fall of
> now is sntisf.ictor ) to the tanners , who noxv
have the prospect of slatting the eiop season
xx Hit plenty of moisture Seeding xvill bo-
I rom ten du s to thtvo weeks I tier than usual
tltis spring 'Ilio fiost is much deeper than
it was last season , and \\ith tbe present win-
lei weather it lool\s as if tlie soil xvoul 1 not
bo in condition to wotk until the middle of
The pist ' few dasha\o hem ntormv , and
theio is a good bed of snovx tin oimhont the
Missouri and .lames tuer vallovs. I'ho Ked
lixei valley his had eousidetablo snoxx all
xvinter and has sh'iicil somexxhat the heavy
fall this week , but the xxestoi'i half ot the
dakotusand pot lions of Minnesota have hud
one of llio heaviest falls of Iho season. The
counties xxestof the James liver have been
paitictilaily favored bx the piesent storm
The xxlieat aeoi.iuo will not bo inu-
letially chanted this xear. In a foxv
localiliuj itv ill bo lessened , but in others in-
cnasod The conditions and prospects are
so much better than usml tint farmers uro
encouraged to iixteml their operations ox-en
be ) end last j ear's limit. 'I'ho late full tains
soikcd the criDUiul to limd pan and there xvill
bo nn abundance of moisture to start the
'Ilie liorcinor'H Approval.
I'irniir , S. U. , March 10. iSpeclol Tele
gram to Tin : Hi r | The governor has np
ptoved nil the bills passed by the legisl ituro
buttxvo the soldiers' homo hill and the bil
compelling railway loinp rules lo
construct aqueducts over tailioads
The total number of bills appioved
Is IJ'i ' , to 1-11 last ) car , fifteen joint memoii-
als to ten of last .xear. One bill which pu-sed
both houses , a'lovxing ' i Ities to amend then
chariots by axoiu ar elections , was lost In
liansmission and has not rciehcil the gov
Thu governor tlilnks tlio clause In the tov-
c'ttue bill , taxing express companies , can bo
mule x cry etfeetntl xvith tin ) net earnings
capital stock and dividends loll out
M. 11 > i : ti it oit 11 . .s11 it i : i T.
Io ! ) titl "Measuies Againsl the Aincrl-
caii Live Stoclv C'oinpnny.
Kxvs Cin , Mo , Ma-ch 10 [ Speciti' '
oTiegriuu to Tin Hn J The Kansas Cit )
lue stock exchange has made good its
to debar fiom doing business on the CN
clianire representatives of the Ainctican Uxe
stock commission company Peteis Ihotli
crs , commission men xxho xvoro appointee' '
agents of Iho company , hax'o been foutiall )
notltlcd tliat the ) may continue to do busi
ness on tlie exchange as individual mcmbcts ,
but not ns the compnnj's i.gcnts. Tlio action
of tlio boatd of dhcetors xvent into
clTeet this inoining 1'ivo car loads
01 cattle arrived this moming con ,
sinned to tlie American compiny fron
Kansas It wnsa line lot of stocK , but the
older proved effective among the commissioi
men and not a bnxerexeti came around to
look at the cattle Ilu.xors xxill notadu.i
openl ) that thov have ngii'od not to handl
nnysioik eoiisif-ned to the A met lean com-
luny. The onlv e\cuso assigned , xx lieu the
question is put to one of them is " \Vu don't '
caie to bii ) cattle , that is nil. 'rhetors no
liw compelling anv man to puichnso tltal
which does nol suit his taste or is calculated
to wotk n detriment to him "
Late this afternoon tlie Ameriean company
Hied injunction pioceedmgs against tlio Kail
sas Cit ) livestock exeliauge.
Cluopitra'H SniUoH hiiecumb to the
Until American \ \ infr.
Nrxv YOIIK. March -Speciil ) [ Telocrarn
to Tin-Hi.i ] b.trah llornliirdt , has cabled
toPaiisfor tx\-o moio snnltos to bo used
in her productios of 'C'leopitra ' The txvo
reptiles tlmt the divine Sarah caused to bo
captured in the fotestof KontalnoDluTu , ami
which had hi an tamed by the fnn.ous indi.u
serpent channel' , Mueliutnce Hob , succumbei
to Iho rigot'i of an American wrnter Ins
week after braving the storms of the At
lantieaiicl the seiutiny of thu custom bouse
Karah lakes their unexpei ted demise ns at :
omen of ill lucK , nml her nlof at the loss ol
her slim ) ( failures has taken the romiitkaulo
shape of abstinemo ttoin cotiee. 11 Is enl )
when In an exttonu'lv depressed comhtioi :
that Sirah foregoes her faxotito boveiagu.
Hemli.-iHlt Adopts a Clill-l.
Hostov. Mass.March 10 - | Special Tele ,
Rnini to Tin Hi r J - Mine Hoinlmrdt , xll
Is at present pla > ing an engagement at th
Tremont theatoi , nus bniuuhl wittr lior a lit
tie gltl named Mitdallne , xx liom sue adopted
while In New Yoik His slid the actress In
tends to send Ihe child to Pi unco to bo edn
cated It is said that the little girl , who L
llvo x cars old. is tm offspring of seine distant
relative of lU ; UUICSN
Called tin * -luil ) . ' , ! ' u I ial * .
ICxs xs Cnx , Mo , Match 10. [ Speda1
Tele-giant to Tin Hi I I In the United Slate
dislrict court at Ardmoie , I T. , today , xvher
the judge was druging the jur.x In the case
of Daniel McCinniss , chained witli cilmlnnl
assault , he hnd occasion to sa ) that the ex i
denco pointed toward the conviction of the
prisoner , nt xx tilth McCinnlss jumped xvlitll )
to tils feet and exclaimed "You old d-d
, jou Ho , i diii no such thiny" Thojudii < ,
white with rage , lined the man six months
fnr contempt. Then the Juiy guvo him llvo
lu the Dctiolt liouse of collection.
A Big Reduction Mny Bu Necessary in the
List of Postofiice Inspectors.
An liiieicstlnjj licttci' ft'oni 1'lin ' *
l'ltlj ' i on tin * Indian ( Question
mill tlio I'l'ospt'i'tH ' I'.p
A iioilicrOiitln't'iilf.
\V\iiiivnfov \ Hi-urn Tnr HIT , )
51.1 I'oi uri.t'NTii Srnnr : , >
\VvsiiiMiroN , I ) . C. . March in. )
II has just been dlscoxcted that through
tlio pccullir wording of the postothVo appro
priation bill it limy be found uccessiry to cut
doxvn the entire lisl of poUofllce inspector ! to
twelve. It seems that tlio chief pistofllee
inspector , Major IJathboiie , diked that the
local force of siieh Inspectors be increased
from the piesent number , ten , to twelve , and
thai lit dtavv ing up the section autlioil/ing
the Inneaso it was so xvordod as to give the
nuuitors and comptroller * of the treasury nn
opportunity to declare ttiat the Intention
of llio law was to cut doxx n the number of
employes from I'l ) to twelve. Usually the
auditors and comptrollers construe the laws
to nuke ns much trouble as possible , niul it
Is foiled that this omission of the word
"" before the word lnsp"eton may ro-
sullln serious embatiassu'ontto ' the detective
branch of the postolllco dcp.ntment.
ntoxt piNi : Kiinir.
I hive Just icceived a letter from a well
known nfllclnl at 1'ino Kldge , S. I ) . , telling
mo of the Indian situation. 'I here Is no man
who could better sneak : on the subject or who
knows moro about Indian xxarfuio or what
tins been or is likely to bo done nt the scat
of the late Indian war. My coriespondent
wrltis :
"I'ho Indians \\lio have ictutned from
Washington hive sole hearts. They did not
get all they xx anted , and are disappointed
At tins time of the v ear , with the giound
coveted with snoxv and the thermometer at
ni'uily/ero , the Indlinsnio npt to bo quiet.
\Vlientliospiingcomesno doubt tendencies
xvill break out , as some ofthoxoumrbucksnro
Im p tlietit lo tie made vvai 1101 sto t cpl ice those
rapidly 'I'ho old ones tiatu-
lullv recount their deeds ol xaloi , wliilo the
) ounir ones are enl ) too anxious to emulate.
Then * seems to lie some dilTeience of
opinion In Die Miles-Pots ) the matter. Two
cditotials appciivd in xvestein papers whoso
coiicspondents were present .it the light , xx'ho
claim a great mistake xvas made b ) Porsthe ) ,
xvhoso actions , xvlulo unfortunate , did not do-
seivo his degiadntiou b ) relief from his com
mand He made a mistake , no doubt , but not
from any desire to evade orders Miles ,
while binned for relieving him in advance of
an Investigation , is believed to luvo had a
bedrock found ition for his statements of an
unfottuimto disposition of troops ,
"flic * Indian problem consists in breaking
up the iclulions and scattering tlie In
dians , placing tliem in localities xx iioid the ?
can be "taught to farm anil nuke a living An
Indian does not object to xxoik if auv results
como from it , but to plow tlio top of a hill , as
Die ) are hero , and hax'o no rain or crops , does
not encourage tlio Indian to labor. They
make good licrjers , and if so emplovcd oil
the diflcrent ranges good results folloxx' .
ICiillsting them as scouls Is not well unless
thex are regularly drilled and disciplined1 ,
and taught nil tlmt a soldier is in garrisons ,
To lav atound and bo fed and clothed only is
encouraging nod teaching laziness In its
xxorst form Eastern education docs not
seem toxork , as some of the xxorst
bo's iluung the last outbreak xvcro among
those educated , and Die sumo rule applies to
gitU. Lilucalion , unless it can bo folloxx'cd
h ) a piactical application , leads to moio
hiirm than good To educate nml then re
turn them to their tepees and xv lid life de
x-elop the worst li.iits If tlie Indian was
given a xoto , one of the three political pit ties
if not nl | would take an intcicst , if not in his
welfare , at least in his xote , xvliich remotely
would lend to improvement
"Till something practical is done to heller
Die Indians' condition , by teaching' him to
labor ami belli support himself , the govern
ment should gixohim a sufllcienex , haven
law to prohibit ami punish Indixldiial viola
tions of peace , ' and xxlien this bteach of Ihe
peace extends to whole bands of Indimsile-
clato them as nt xvar. Then pur-no , capture ,
imprison or kill such as ma ) icsist the forces
of ttio ITnitcil States. Haxe no soiitlmental-
ism intcrfcio or slop the execution of the
pioccss , an ) more titan xvould lie allowed In
the punishment of anv gang of despotuto out
law's. If the Indians once understood lids
trouble would cease. "
NO MOItl (111(1 I.XriON ( ONrilOXI ItMl .
"There xvill bo no more circulation contto-
veisrea belxvcen nevvspipen , based upon Iho
poslapc paid to llio federal government , nil-
" said Third Assistanl I'ostmaster
\xay , Gen
eral I In/en xostenlay A dovvneast editor
liul called for theligutes showing lite postage
pdd O ) himself ami his contemporaries.
"Uuiing the ngimo of Postm istor (
IIovx c a fierce controver y atoso b'-txx ' ecu the
publishers at Not folk , Va , " continued Con- !
eral llazon , "and the postolllco department
xxas appealed to for the amount ol postage
r > id ! b ) the publishers in lhat city.'u \
finnislied them. It mule a tertiblo tacUet ,
and of decreasing tlio ani
mosities made them xvorse Alt Ilowo then
issued an older that tliero should never bo
given out lip'ii i es showing thegioss xx eight of
piper mailed by anvbody , In any toim , the
amount , of postage paid bv an ) ono , or the
stamps cancelled , or m y other facts telnting
lo the volume of business done by imlhul-
lials or corporations This applied to Iho
ollichrlshero as well as postmasters. A few
limes tliU information has ci opt nut thioupli
ollleers in remote localities , but wheiovor at
tention has been celled to the fact the per
sons guilty have been punished.
"To my mind , " said Ucner.d llnzen , "It
would bo Justus bad to give the amount of
u edit a man had at a bank , or for a shop
keeper to tell xxhat patronage ho had fiom
eeit.tin customers "
A highly sensational dispatch Is published
this afternoon from Chicago , which asserts
that a British naval olllcer pi edicts war be
tween the United States and v.ieat ! Hiitain.
It was asserted also that the British govetn
meat lias issued mi ultimatum to the United
States In regard to tliu Hehiingsea diniculty
which max lead to a prompt settlement ot
tlio matter or "bloody war.1 Nothing is
known heto through eltncr the stale , xvar or
nivy ilcinrtmcnts ] of such an ultimatum ,
niul there is no oxidenco that any ono iou-
nected with tbo present niliniiilstrntion has
any fears of a hostile demonsiration on the
part of Oieat Britain. The dispatch is
another ono of those sensational ) arns which
hive come fiom the London "f.tko mill" veiv
fii'qiienlly of Into On the other hand thoio
can bo no question that the xvar depirtnicnt
is mulling warlike preparations , but tliat it is
not becau-e war is fcaied xxltii ICngland m
auv loiolgn power. The department is simply
pteparipir for a possible outiueak of th'o
Indians of South Dakota and Nebraska this
sprint : , and xxlilUt ptepiiiitions aio being
cariicii fouxard without anv noise or dis
turbance , they aio novel tireless being made
with surpiisfng raplihtv The contractors
for ammunition have until May 1 to supply i
xery much linger quantity of their goods
than usual , nnd they luivo been requested to
hurrv up witli their ordois so as to bo able to
till all demands by April 1 , if nccussiry.
vii NTI or ovxn : rou TIII : rr.r-imxr.
The reports from Honu'ios , Mil , whither
the pioslilent ins gone on a dm It shooting ex
million , mo to the effect that the canvass
backs , redheads and blackheads inner xxere
thicker than ihey aio in that vicinity at the
present ti'iie. It is saiil tliat there
ate at least ten thousand of thoai
birds awaiting the guns of tin
sportsmen , ami it Is expected tlmt tlio presi
dential paity xxill biing back a big bag. 'llio
president alone bus u roiurd of fotty-eight
thicks killed in ono day during his last ttip.
It is c\pei ted that his brief vacation , xxhlch
will end on Friday orSatmday , xvill ptovo of
great bem-llt to uim , us bulsvicll ruu down
from the cloo appllcatlou IIP has been tout-
polled I to six o to thoaotsof connvis duilng
he pnst few weeks Pi nut S 111 Mil.
.I.TW.VW Tin : jt.iii.ito.tnN.
lir Alt hlsou Is Nut t'onti'iiiplat Ing a
I'oot ol' IO\tiMmiiiiM. |
CUM v .o , Alareh 10. [ Special 'IVIegrnm to
'nn Hi i.l Colonel .1. ,1 McCooU and
'homas Daring at rived In C'blongo this
lornlnir and wore closeted nil il.iy witli
'resident Alanvel and Vice Piesliluixt
'spilngerof the Atelilson I'olonel McCook
aid this evening that there was nopaitlcxr-
ar'ie.ison for the visit except that President
Mnnxcl left tonight for a trip over nil the
oulhorn Atelilson lines and they wanted to
ojisltlern lingo number of details bofoio he
eft. Said ho In ansvvr to questions1 "There
s not a word of trutti In the icpoit
lint the Atchlsoix will Join the I'alifotnia
ind Nevada in tbn formition ol a new San
'rmcisio line The Atthison is not eontoni-
ilatlng a font of extension an ) whore. Tlio
'olorado Midland vas liought almost solol )
o lieiid elT extensions either of the Atelilson
> r any of its umipelltors We teamed by ae-
cidi'iit ( hat it was for sale anil grabbed It to
( ivxont its falling ; Into the hands of either
be Koi'k island , iUnlliigton , Mlssouit 1'u-
citlcoranv other \vliicbvvouldhavecon- -
imied it to the i'ac'ltlo coast \Vo had oui
liiouglisouthern llni anil could afford tobu.v
ind I.eel ) It out ot the hands of competitors
ather tluiii sitlTer tlio competition ot a no\v
inc."Yes. . there Is n. decided diiTorenfo between
1111 of tlio Gieat Northern and Villard of the
Xotthern I'.iclllo. It appears that Mr
Aduins , when president of the I'liloa I'acilic ,
agu-ed vvltb i'lesldnit Hill to sbiuo ciialJv ( ]
be expense of paralleling tbo Nnrltiern
1'acille branch fnf.n Pottlund to Seattle
President Iliil has ulent ) of money to coin
> lcto hi" Gieat Northern to the coast and
, on can see that this will cut into Noitlrcrn
acilie territory. A good sl/ed row is brew-
ng as a conscimenco , for the paralleling
ins been pushed . .no raphlly that the work
cannot be umlrnc. Mr Vill.ud has a giio\-
imo aL'alnst.lav Opuld for continuing the
woik began by .Sir. Adams. Tlio e-nd of tbe
xvholo business must bo that a gigantic
stock compiny will bo foimcd to control
all tbovestorn lines in the same
wav tbe Peiins ) Ivan I a compiuy controls the
ines uest of IMttsbnig Harmony cannot
come until it Is immaterial what line takes
, bo tranlc to or from the Pacific coist. Tlieie
s no possible legal objection to this plan , it
nust also include the Canadian Pad lie. "
AVne ol'itelronehineiit.
CIIHAOO , March 10. ( Special Telegram to
I'm UnTho ] wave of retrenchment up-
> cars to ho sweeping over the entire sstcm
of the Koelt IslnnJ. rjllio.ul. The \\orking
"oices aie being reduced , and many old-time
employes being replaced by new and i lien ti
er hands. Thcro ( is much dissatisfaction
iiiuing man ) of iho cmploj es of various de-
. > aitincuts. Supnrintendei.t Itovco. vvliosn
ctrrtory omliraccs every mile of load west of
the Alissourl , saiil this moriimg
"Thosituation is simply this Tlio railroads
\\est depend almost ontlcely upon the crops
List season's crops failed , and hence there is
in astonishing decrease in business \Ve
: iavo been compelled to lot out high uric-oil
employes u\erywhoro and icpluce them bv
heaper men This st.itu of alTaht will e'on-
tiuue uutil next season "
1 lie ) Deny'till' Itepoit.
Cnicxoo , March 10. [ Special Telegram to
J'nr. Bu J The Mnplo Leaf people aio quite
Indignant over theropoits from Kansas City ,
charging their line with demoralising rates
by manipulating mid"icalplng Kansas City-
Chicago ticlteta of vo dttys'Jlmtt at Di-s
Mollies and MarsballtUvn. They say tbcio
is absolutely 116 tnitil in the report. Neither
Ims tlio statement any foundation that in
onlcr to manipulate rates without being
caught up bvtho Westcin Passenger associa
tion , that tickets of live da.vs' time aie being
sold from Kansas City to 1'orest Home Ma
lion , ten miles \\cstof Chicago.
"The parties compl lining against us , " said
an ofticial , "ate doing so to ilivait suspicion
fiom their own ctooked wotk , and when the
time comes we will prove it on them "
Missouri I'licllic ; I Irc-rtors.
ST. Lot i = , Mo , March 10Tbo annual
meeting of the Missotiu 1'acillc railway -vvis
held hero todav The following dhcctois
xxoro elected : Jay Uould , Sidney Dillon ,
S II. II ClnikofSt. Louis.
T-hc lopoit showed gio-.s earnings for pait
of tbo ) ear at i'l.Jli'O , : ) ! ) ; operating expenses ,
ls,00l'-5 , net earnings $7HH , til"i , net credit
to interne account , . ' , - . { , ( ) I ; total surplus
earnings and IIKOIIIO ciedits , S'.liM.liU. Inter
est , dividends , etc , paid , jy.SOJ.'Ol . ; balance
ofsuiplus ; iUl,01i. (
I'avor a I eil erat Inn.
\VATr.uioo , la , Maich 10 [ Special to Tin
Hi rA ] mcetintj or the leprcscntativus of
the different biotherhoods among the em-
) iloesof the llllnoia Central railroad was
held in this cltj Sunday night. The object
of the meeting was to nriango forafeclcta-
tion of the brotherhoods along the Illinois
Central svstom Tlio meeting was a secret
one , but it is learned tlmt a fedeiation similar
to the ono among the Chicago & Northwest
ern cmploves was tnvored , and that us soon
as the details can bo arranged the consolida
tion will bo oil ected. One of the members
stated tonight that some favored n general
federation of the employes of all tlio railroad
s > slums. _
'I axing Sleeping Cars.
1Csvs Cm , Mo , March 10 [ Special
Telcgiam to Tm Hi r. | Tlio lower house of
the Ml-souii legislature today passed a bill
taxing sleeping car companies $ . ' on each $100
of gioss nco.pts , and providing fora line of
$ lOOUadav loreach failme to compl with
tiie law. 'lire ear companies had a big lobby
on band.
An Important Coi
CIIK u.o , Match 10 The Western Freight
association niailo important concessions toilay
to hardware dealers , granting their petition
for the reinstatement of the old rule allowing
nails and spikes to bo- loaded with wire in
making up car-load shlumeiits.
Tint 1ml ctocl
Niw YOIIK , March lO.-Alltho oftlelnls of
the Noxv Haven railroad , for xxlioin xvinants
were issued in connection xvith Ihe lunnel
accident , hnvo new miricudcicit nml fur-
nisheti ball except lieorjjo Miller , sr. , who is
too ill to leave his bed.
'I lie Stenniop B < iek < ) o SnTe.
Kivrni , AVash. . March HiTho report
that the steamer Iluckuo was lost near I'.d-
muiids with twentv-llvu pissengers was dls-
piovcd today by the safe nirival of the
A llace Ai'winH tlie Atlaiitio
Unirox , Mass , Mnreh 10. ( Hpeclnl Tulo-
gram to Tin. Hi r J Captain Andrews of tlio
skiff Meimald has accepted Captain hauler's
proposition for a ITU o across tlio Atlantic in
II ftcen foul boats and names June IT if the
daj for starting , thu cruise to bo fiom lios-
ton to 1-,1/urd Light , Lands Knit , England ,
'J libiine Ko'il.
AiissiIMII.IS , Minn , March 10 A com
pany headed b ) XV. > l. Mutphv i > f Giand
Folks , N I ) , toda ) tiurchosed the Minnciip-
nils Tribune fiom Aldeu J , lilethiMi tor
floo.lHH ) . It is stated that ex-Senator Pierce
of North Dakota will taKe tire editorial man
agement of the paper.
( it eiMilenl' Sold.
Ss FIUNCIMO. Cul. , March -Special [
Tc'legi.xmto Tin : lii.u.J ,1. C Oswald of
Minnesota bus mmlin&uil from \V If. NS'llson
ot Iv'entueky thu bay gelding. Creenleaf , with
u four year-old recoid ot " , : JJ > j , for r > | lHW.
//\\T'IM/\ITPno\r / \ )
A S\tisfaclory Basis of Sottlomoiit Bolicvcil
to Hixvo Boon Ilcttchoil ,
Socri'dii ) Itlnliii' 'MiiKcs Public n
CulllMllllllciHlllll I'llllll III ) ' Illltlsll
Pi-lmi' 'Minister on tin )
.Match 10 The UchrlngsiM
negotiations have taken u favorable turn nnd
the. Mivctnmcnts ol the I'lilted Stales ami
( Ihitaln appetr to hnvoat lust loiched
a bisis uiioii which to settle their dlllleultlea
Aciimiuunlcation fiom Loul Stlislmry toSn
.lullnn I'.iuiucfote , Hilttsh minister hero ,
under dito of 1'ebiuary 11 , xvas nude public
b ) Secictarv IHalno tonight In it Lord
Salisbury siis lire dispitch of Mr. lllnlue
under ( Into of IJicoinber is last 1ms been
catefuliv considered. "It is now clear , " lie
ailils , "that the advisoiMol tin1 president do
not claim Hehring sea ns n nmioclansuin ,
ami indeed they npudlatu Dial contention in
express terms. Nor do they rely as a justill-
catlon for the sei/uie of Hritlsh ships iiiopon
sea upon the contention tlmt the Interests of
seal ilslieiic'sgivoto the L'tilted States gov-
einment any right for that purpose1 , xvhicli ,
nccotding to Intetnationiil lavx' , H
would not othctwiso possess.Vlialoor
imporjnneo they attach to tlie preservation of
fur seals and they lu-tunllv look on It as an
object dosoivlng most serious solicitude
they donot concclxo that It eonfois upon an )
tmiitiino power liglrts over an open ocean
\\lilclrtliatpoworcnuld not nsseit on other
grounds The claim of the United Slates lo
pievent the evorciso of seal llshlm ; by other
nations in Hchring rea Uses noxv eselmivel )
upon interests xxhidt bv purchase thox pos
sess in a uka/ Issued by limpet or Alexander
I in tlio year isJl , in xvhich ho prohibits for
clgn vessels Irom nppio.iJiliur within 100
Italian miles of the coast and islands then
belonging to Uussla in IJehting sea It Is
not , as 1 understand , eonlcmled that
tlio Htissiaii goxernment , nt the time of
the issue of this uka/ , possessed anv
inherent right to enforce such prohibition or
acquired by act of Issuing H anv claims over
Iho open sen boyoii'l the teiiitonil limit of
three miles widen the ) would not otherwise
have possessed. Hut it is said that his prop
osltion , worthless In iisclf , ncipiireil valiclitv
and foico ugiinst ttio lirltislr government ,
because that tox-c'iiinicnt ; can bo shown to
have accepted its provisions Our coition
lion is that not onlv can it not lie slioxxn tliat
llio government of ( ireat Britain at am time
since 1SJ1 lias admitted the soundness of tlie
pietenslon put forvvmd by that ukase , but
that it eire bo shown that it his cate oiic'illy
denied it on more than one occasion "
'io sustain this contention Lord Sulisbur )
quotes from a letter ( January , IS-iJ ) , from
Lotd Lonclondcri ) to fount Liexcn , Kussian
ninuassailorln T ondon , and also fiom a note
by the Duke of Wellington In Count Ncssel-
lode ( October " - ) , refusing to admit Kussiu's
Uoiuiiniing' , r.ord Salisbury says"Mr
niaino does not deal \\llh these protests , but
con lines himself mainly to the consideialion
of treaties subsequently made between Great
Hritain mid Russia and America and Hussia
in 182" ) , andospocinllyof that belw ecu Hussia
and Hritain. This trcatv does not
contain a xxord tosignlfv llio ucoiiiescenco of Hritain In the claim recently put for
ward by Russia to control the xxatersol the
sea for KM miles fiom her coast I under
stand Mr. Dlaine's argument to lie that if
( ! rcat Hritain intended to protest against
the claim of Ktrssli to exclude ships
for 100 miles fiom her const In
Delirlng sea she would have taken this op-
pottunity of doing so , but that in confining
herself to stipulations in favor of full libertv
of navigation and lisnlng many part of the
ocean , common ! ) cnllid the Pacific ocean ,
she by implioalion renounced anx claim that
uuild iiiisoout of the set of circum
stances in regard to any sea tint was not
imtoftho Pacific ocean And then Mr
iilainegoeson to contend tjiat the phrase
'Pacific ' ocean' did not and does not include
Hohrmg sea Kven if this latler contention
vvorecotreet , 1 should earnestly demur to the
conclusion that our inherent right to
free passage and free ilshing oxer
a vast extent of ocean could be
effectively icnoimcod by mcro reticence * or
omission. Itut 1 am not ptepared lo admit
the justicoof Mr Hluinc's contention that the
words 'Pacific ocean' did not include Ilehriug
sea. Mr lilaino adduces a long list of maps ,
in which a designation distinct i i om tnat of the
I'acilic ocean is gixen to Hehring sea , either
Ilohting bcaor sea of Kunischntkn , or sea of
Atiadmn The argument will hard ! ) have
auv force unless il is applicable with equal
truth to all other oceans of the world "
LonlSalixbuiysivs. "The determination
of ttiis point win be most sntisfuctoril ) ascer
tained by consulting books of inference of
which ho appends a list of some thirl ) of vn-
lious dates from 1705 downwards nnd'prlnted
in vmfoils countries xx hicli combine to show
tlmt In common parlance the words 'Paeillc
ocean'do include llcliring sea If , then , m
ordinary langiiavo Pacillc ocean is used as a
phrase , Including the whole sea liom
Hchtlngs' straits to the Antaictic dido , it
follows tint the llrst article of the treat ) of
ISJTi did secure to Great Uiituin in tholtillest
manner the freedom of nax Igatlon and fish
ing in Bohringso.i. In that case no inference ,
hoxvexor Indited or citcuitous , can bo
draxvn fiom any omission in the language
or" that instrument toshoxx thnKireat Britain
acitiiesced | in the usurpation xvhii it the ukase
of isil attempted Other documents 1 have
quoted sulllcieiitl ) estaolished that she not
not onlv did not acquiesce in it , but repu
dinted it moro than once in plain nnd unequi
vocal terms , and xvh it right Kussni diil not
herself possess she xvas not aliio to tian-mlt
to ns Her majestv s government has , in
x ioxv of these considerations , no doubt whatever -
over that llritisli subjects onjox Ihu same
lights in Helii ing sea which belongs to them
In ever ) other portion ot nit open ocean , but
It is nevertheless a mailer of sincere
satisfaction that the ptetldent is willing
to tefer to arbitration what ho ion
eoix'Cs to bo matter which liavo been under
dlsiussion between the Ixxo goxc'ininenls
for tliolast four years In tegittd to tlie ques
tions proposed by Mr Blaluo , 1 sliould say
tliat as to the Ihsl and second no objection's
xvill bo offered by her majestx 's goxernniont.
They mo us follows 'I ' What cvclusivo
jurisdiction in tin ) sea Known as Hohringscu
and what exclusive light in the seal llsluiies
theiela did Uu sia assert and exer
cise prim and up to the tinio o !
the ctsslon of Alaska to the I'nited
States' 'J. lioxv far xxoro these
claims of jurisdiction as to the seal Usher ic
riicogiii/cd ami conceded by ( heal Hritain
Thu tliird question is expressed In Die fol
lowing totals 'Was the bed ) of xvntornoix
known as Hehiing sea included in the plu.iso
Pncillo ocean , as used in tlie tie.itx of | sT
between ( it-cat Uiitnin nnd Russia , and
what rights , if any , in Helium ; sen
xveie given or accorded to ( Jieut Ilntalii
by said treat ) C llir inijest's government
xx'ould iiaxu no obji ction to releri ing to at ni
tration tlio tltst pntt of that question If it
Hlionld lie thought desirable to do so , hut
thox xvoulil give Dial com-enl with the icscr-
vatiou that Hie ) donot ailinll thai decision if
it cm conclude the larger question To the
latter pail of No. .lit xxouhl be their dutv to
tiiKoi'xception lirett Btitain novel suggested
Dint any lights xxero given to her or con
ceded to hoi by said treaty All thtitwus
done xvas to iccognl/o her mttuial rlglit of
free imvigutIon nnd llsliliig In that ns In all
other pahs ot Iho I'acilic ocean , itiiHaludld
not give tlinso rights to llilttiln be-
cuiibo lliey xxeto never hers to give away.
'I. Did not all the ilghisof Husslu us to jur
isdiction and ns lo seal llshotloa in ilehilng
MM east of the xvntur bouudnr ) in thu
treaty between tlio United States niul Uussla
of.March'iU , lby. , pass unlmpalu'il to Iho
'nlled States uiidei that treat ) ( ' 'Ihis iiies- |
ion Is biinllyvnrth \ lefeitlng to aibllrutors ,
is ( Itc'at llritiiln xxoilhl bo piepared to aciept
s without dispute * . Tbellfth proposed ipies-
lou Is at lollovxsVlult arc now tlie rights
f the I'nited Matenis to tlio fur seal " h-
rlcs In iheuter4of Behilug sea outs s , if
rdlimr ) teiiiiorlnl limits , vvhether h
ights grew out of tlie cession by lius * f
uv Mpcdal riuhts or Jurisdiction liold b , ' *
n such llsluiies m in the vxateis ol 7
lelnliiit s.-ii. or out of the ownershl '
t coding Islands ami tholmblls of seals II _
oiling llililici- and iiMiing tluir > ii -
lu'ieln and going out liimr I ho islii \
ooil , or out of anv other fuel
tieuient connected xvllh the icliitloii
luiso seal Hslimics to the toiiitorlnl i oss (
Ions of the United States" The HrM i-t'iiH
Wlmt mo inixv Iho lights of tlio I'nlle ,
Stales'etc , Is a iiiiHtlniivhlili | would U
< MV properlx leleiied to tbo ileiMiin of nf
rliitrator Itut Ihe subsciiuent cliumo ,
vhich ussunns th it .mull tiglits could havu
rrown out nf the oxxncfslilp of breeding
sluuls ami tin1 Imlilh nf Heals
n lesoiting then to , involves an ns-
uinption ns to prescriptions of international
nw at the piesent lime towhich her
najest * . s KovenuniMit Is nnt piep.u-od to
icirdi * , Tlieslxth iiueslloii iielatliur to tin *
'stiiblishmi nl of a clnsc'd peilnd In seal llsb-
tigl xxhli'h dcils with Issues that will aviso
ti I'ltso Ihe controvcsx slioulilbe divided in
'avor of ( iicMl llrllaln , vvo.lld peihnps mnro
itlv foim thu stibstiuico of n seiiaiutn
vle-ronco Her nnjestx's guveriiinont has
Kinbjpptlnti to lofir thegeneial qiiestlon of
insed time to iirbitiation or to asicttaln nj
bit menus how tar thm'imctinout ot siuh n
iiexlsien is iipccssai v for the pix ervation
if seal speclcM , but any such lefeience ought
tot to contain wonts 'appearing to attiibute
IH'ciul 1iid abnoi iihd rights in tbemiiUer of
helTnitiul States Thoio is in o.mssinii in
licso ipiestions vvliich I liavo no ilouht
he governnicnt of the piesidont xvill
a grand ficuexcumlnn to xvhlcli everybodv
could eat < lb on and enjoV a trip to tin1 west
vlth nil expenses pild before ihcv stalled
t was noised obrotl tint Senatni Stanford
X'as to stand tlio expense of the tup , ami ac
cording ! ) a long list ot Jiiiiketeisxvns ninaVout
m hiding a timnbt1 ! xxlioxxoroprompieil liv cu
iosity , to siy nothing of a x'Ht uuinbor
of maga/ino and nexvspaperiiters who
tioiinedofa snug hni'vost fiom syndicate
otters Aloil of tbc- cnilositv seekers presuniod upon thu hnspllalltv
of Kenator Stanford who bail Uindlx
nleiested himself in tlio funeral of
Seiritot lleust. The willow \va < gieatlv
nnttillnl at the turn which the atTnh bad
.alien and sent for Senator Stanford and
{ linlly declined anv of his oilers , telling him
she hud deuilcd to conduct tlio ns
iiivalely as possible , xvithoitt any noinp 01
istiMitntlnn and at her own expense Senator
Stanfoul tboiefoie rein lined in Washington
ind tlie vast nrni ) of would be excursionists
dimmed behind.
llegntdliig tlic.NVxv
Wvsinsc.TUN , March 10 ( Special Tele-
gi mi to Tin Hir : | The piesldont has coti
eluded to take his lime about appointing the
icw Judges , though h'i xvill not wail until
congress meets , as has been said he would
\s for the need of appointing the
udges in time to organl/o tbo
icw courts in June , ho holds that
vill not bo necessary Tlio supreme
com t justices unit circuit judges now in olllce
constitute u quorum of the newly established
couit of appeals and can proceed to oigani/o
xvithout waiting for tbo appointment of the
lew Judges , thereby allovx ingthe liansaotion
of business unilei the noxv order of things
vithout delay Congressman Pnysorr for
.ho Chicago circuit , and ox-Congressman
Morrow for the Sin rraucisco circuit , aio
iiinrcs the president is said to have given
lavorablc consideiation.
A TrcHHiiry bliitenicnt.
WASIIIVGTON , I\hrch \ 10. Acting Secretary
Sottlcioti of the treasury department made
the following statoinent this afternoon In re-
garil lo the icport that the dopaitmcnt hnd
decided to call In government deposits In
lationd banks : "Tiro government has no
nescntor immcdnto need to use any part of
ho funds now in depository banks Deubt-
ess dining the next eight months prrt of
siicli deposits will bo resulted , but tliev will
n such case be called in installments and
given feason.ible notice , as heretofore As
nucb of these deposits xxhen so called wlU
loubtless bo disbursed to moot tlio current
requirements of the government , the fund
so used will bo almost , liniricdliitcl > returned
to the channels of business. "
A " \ , it'll Prom Pliiliiilrpbin
WXMIIMITOS , March 10 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin. Liu. ] A I'lnlailelphia paper
iinblishes today a sensntioua stoty tint
Jliarles Winery Smith has nslced to
bo relieved as minister to Kus-
sla , and that Trcisurer Huston ,
whoso resignation has been ntccptcl ,
would go to St 1'otcisbuririii his plnco Tlio
stay is regauled hero as a x.irn Mr Huston
could not got that place if ho xx-anted it oxer
so bad and Ins health Is suih that ho could
not hvo in St 1'etersburp throe months it
Is not unlikely thai Mr. Smith wants to e-omo
liomo , but his successor will not bo Mr.
Ilio Prcxlilciitlll I'.i.v tin * F
A\TA"iiM.Tos " | , March 10. [ Special Telegram
to TIM Bii.l Contrary to ttro jiopular i'li-
pression Piesidcnt Harrison's western trip
will not be made as a guest of Senator Stin-
ford. Mrs Hatiison was decidedly opposed
to sucli an nuangcmcnt and it has bcvn
decided tint the Stanford part ) and the II n
tison tourists xxill be txvo senirate excur
sions , each pa ) ing its own expenses Dining
the stav in the sal'itnior.s climito of Call
fornia the incsidenttal p.irty xvill De enter
tained b ) bi-n nor Stanford , hut the expenses
of irolng and coming will como out of the-
presidential purse
ItiiiinifH he ! nl llcst.
\V\-IIIM.TON , Marclr -IJr.i/ilian news
pipers have bcn received at tliodepirtmeiit
of state containing a decree by tlio president
of Hia/il declaring the ports of that country
lice ami open to imports from the. Unilc'i !
States that xveio included In the recent reci
procity ugiooment , thus setting at test tlio
minors cm i out and assei lions coming fmm
various quartets that tlie iirn/ gox em
inent did not recognUo the valiibt ) of the
treaty. _ _
Nollue to Claim AKentw ,
\V\Miixmox , March 10- Assistant Secre
tary Xuttleton has notilled claim agPiits am
others inlet estcJ in claims under thu direct
tax act that all payments undei thai act wil
be made to states in trust for citi/ens theieof
from xvhoin thcx xvcro collected or their loga
lepicsontiitives. mid that claim agents nml
others x\ ill not be allowed to exiunlno the dl-
icel tax. lecoul of thu dopattmont unless
uulhori/ed by the stttes
Hcpiirliiicnt Kctiirni.
\VvsinMTf ! > N , Maiih 10. Statistical 10-
tuins tolhe departmenl of iigiU-ulturo for
Mnicli show tliat corn held by farmeis is
: tu I 1 It ) per cent of the crop In comparison
xvith IV.U 10 per cent last jt ir , in bushels ,
r > liiiXHiHKnguinsi ) ) iiTOOi)0iKK ) ) last ) ear. 'Iho
propoition of wheat in the bands of farmeis
is liivver than Ihe axerago foi the last ton
xeais , tlio range being Irom 111 to Uporient.
I'ho low percentage of spilnjj wheat Is espec
ial ! ) notlcable
Tin * Outlook .Not I'lit'o
AIIUXN-VS Cnx , Ark. March 10 'I'ho
rivei has t Ifen ox ci tw o feet dm ing the pas t
txvi'iitx-four hours Wnlo the loxees arc1
still in good condition nnd can stand txvo feet
moio ofvalor , the outlook is not cniour-
'I lui l''no Itecoid.
Pronn , ill. , March 10 The starch house
of Iho I'eotlu grape Hiigar company burned
tonight with coutui.ts. Loss ,
Sleanisliip Ai-i-iv il ,
At New Yoik-'llm i'llohlaud from Ant
xvorp ; the Kthlnpia from ( ilasgoxx , ami the
from Utcnicu ,
The Dofont of the Worlil's ' i'mr Hill Oir-
cuinvuntod ,
A n liH'liletil ol' tlie KiM'cnl l lei'llun In
Caiiiula \ u KxpiMislve Votu
for I In1 CoiiMei'tu-
llxos ,
UIIK-UIO OiriifoiTnr llrr , )
( 'UK ' Mill , IVll , 10 f
South DnUnta m not to bo wit bout an cv-
illilt at tbo Columbian uxpixitlou , ivi-a
hough tlio It'ijNhiliiro re fuse I tomakounv'
ippiopriitlnn ( 'ommissliinor Mclnlv re railed
it the he uli | iiu tors this morning mid told nil
'iitliusluitie tale a limit exposition nmtteis in
lint Hlnle lln SII.VM that xvhllo diiTeionl po
ll leal iiirtlei xx'iMi ) busy killing tlionpmo-
iriilion bill fiiomN of Ilio inlr pnsiod a I ivv
inliiuixxnto the Idckoi's allow the
, lug vat r-
ous counties tocnllnt a oar half mill lax fur
* xposllinn puiposos Such a tixxoulil vie Ul
liV'Ol ' ) , and Mr. Mclntvro says that tlio
olal of the count. v appropriations rtili nut bo.
'ar fiom that amount. '
Chai IPS U. Stanley , an alternate commis
sioner of Ninth Dakoluviltas that the
* . ' \iW ) nppivipi Uitcii hy thi * logislitiiiv oC
thit stud1 will be gieatlv incieisol bv ptl-
vate enlcrpihe 'Iho fanners1 all ! men in
) elli of tliese states has been the xvoi'jt onemv
of the fnir.
"What do ) on think of blinking n , mntx
oxer six lliousanil niilcs to vole and uiUiiK
theentiio e\iiensrj of Iho jnurnojl" nsiccvl
Mr Thomas \Vilsotiof UiidgoH.itor , X.
S , al Iho Auditorium today.
Vl'hisls xvhat tliu Can idiitn I'lirllle railinacl
liil Just pivvious lu Hit1 last ilecthin Ihoio
\\asa iiiecitiit in Winnipeg that was Uimvx u
: o be1 doubtful , wiln the Iliienils ilighMv in
ilieleail This nun , whoso framhlse was
iiede'd to influence othusxisln liotiiilulii ,
1 1 uviiil licMMiisintcil to rotnrn \Viniiip > 'g 4
; o vote , piovldecl Ins VMIO pdit
Some niie was out U. 0 sterling foi thalliip
1 don't think tint \\llh nil jour Senator 1
IbicesV. . \V \ | ] mlli > ys , etc , > on en dis
count this stnrx * , winch illnstintc's the ditrh i
jiiwhielithouinseixatives found themselves " ?
WrsllltN ITOI'li : IV ( IIU XhCI.
Among llio western people In Chicnpo to
il ixveie the folloiv ing
At tlio Auditorium \V Holdlt c , J (5.
I'lillllpjil , Uimlin I1 .1 \Vhlte , C ( J "Whito ,
Cieto , Xeb. , l ( C ) I'hlllips. laiK-nln
At tlio Kichelicu U I. Tliomiisoti , Halt
Ivilte , i'tali
At the LcliindV. . C Kimpson , Helena ,
At Iho Pnhnor-n K Ilulstcr. ( Pulls ,
Mont . W I' I cci'h , Silver ( It v , Idaho \V ,
.1 Smith , Cliexcnne , \ Vxo.VillininT. ; \ . deed ,
Kipul ( Jltv , S 13.
At thoUiand i'.icitlc-W ' U lllril. I ) C .
lldinundson , Dos Mciincs , la , , II H. Hender
son Ogclen , Utah , I'1. I1 ( Jiiininger , Omilin ,
At the bherinaii-.lesse A bmlth , Sioux
City , la
At tlioTremont J. U' . Mn tin Sioux t'itv , I
la U H Daly , Uanid Cltx , > - U. , [ , . i1
Weeks , O in ilia : J Peise , Omaha
. .1.V Kilo ) of Onmhi is here tittemlinp a
iiecting of the granite dealers of the west ,
at the I'almer house ; . Quo of tlio main ob
jects of tbo nicotine is to tix a uniform sc.ile
of priics Mr Hiley will po east fnr n. couple
of xx'eoks at the conclusion ol tlio mooting
At the ( Jllfton S O Comstoclf , M. Toloy ,
At the Craco ! , T M Muiiluck , Lincoln.
At tin Commercial . Ho\\land ami U
1 > Moi.m.
At the I3iovoort D nennison , Omaha.
AtthoAkC'oy H II King , Uncoln ; Mr ,
and Mrs . ] II fall me , Council iJInffs.
At \Vlndsoi-Mhs Shaw and Miss Tor-
nil , Oinii n
At the Ciote N H 1'ogram , Lincoln
in. r i ( CVHA i r.
The .No\N I'noiiiiiinlc , ' Ctiii Proves a
I'l on minci < l Snec-esx.
[ r | i | ; > mitt IVtltiH Jninri diinloil Iti-itiit" 1
LONDON , Miireh 10 [ .New ork llcr.ilil
( 'able-Special to Tnr Un j I liavo just
learned that the tests made at Sli jobui ) nc-i
of thu/aliuski pneumatic gun , built for tha
Vietoiin govertiinonl , was a pronounced suc
cess' At n 4li)0 ( ) yard range si\ projectiles
were throxvn into a roctaiifc'lo two and i. half
\ards long by one and a half \ \ ido The head
of thoHrilish aitilloi ) says Hint such aocu-
laey Is beond an ) thing ho had ex or con
ceived. ' 1 ho nnv ) is still opposed lo the guu
for sei puiposcs
Waiting IniM. . Patrick's Day.
LONDON , March -Sp'ciat [ Cablegram to
fill ! Hrr.The | Parnellitos and null Par-
ncllites me already In a discord over St.
Patrick's day , and it is feared that tlio
celebiation xx-1 ! ! bo attended l > y many
oulbieaks between the fiu lions , 'llio
I'arncllito tnliioi ity of the nalroirrl
league of ( treat Hrrtaln his dended to issue
a manifesto to Hie vanous brauclies. explain
ing their position. 'Ihe mcnibcis in fixoi of
I'arnell's retention of the leaileislup will bo
iccotnnicnilcu to lake no action c.iU ulitc-d to
aieentualo the split , and m the in out of any
altompt b ) the otliur side to utili/.o St I'at
tick's da ) celebrations for making peisi ual
attacks upon the members of Cork , the Pir
nellites xxhl bo urged lo inalntim as patr-i t
a demeanor ns possilile. Tlieio is reison to
npuiehetici , however , that thi < r odad\io
will not bii unUcrsnlly accented , c xcu
in Kiiglmd , and m hcluml 'ho
least nf the patron saint U
looked fouxard to xvlth n.ii'iy niisgixmgs It
issttted that llnlfour has ctx-cn ordits that
all llio constabulary bo Kent ondut.x on that
day , and luges bodies arc to boioticcntratcd
vviicievortlioreis the innslilaiigor of noting
Mr I'ai'ticll xvill , it t understooJ , spend luo
day in Cork.
The Hiiccai-al A Hair.
I-.ONDON , Mmcn 10 [ SieciiilL'lUlPpra-i | to
Tin1 Hir : : ) - Sir U illiitu ( lordcn ( 'urnmi ? lias
obtained an outer from the couti , bofita
which his ai lions fDi damages will be lin-d ,
teqmiiiig the defendants to fmnistiin dvi.ul
a ( loscrinthm of tlio acts of c-liiatiug al bii--
cirat xvith .vlileli hots clntgod Thodofoud-
unls , m x lexv of tlio fact th it it xvoulil lie atf-
lictiltto spocilv tlic'ncts referred tci h.x\e ap
pealed to the court to ivxerso tlio order , llio
decision on tlieappealis texei-sod.
IjNi > ( > \ , Mm eh 10 [ Special I'uuid ra n to
Tin Hi i ] -H is reueitcd th it .lusiu
Stephen , whose mind is silil io liavo boon un
hinged I ) ) tlie vvorr.v incident to tl'O tri.i , > jt
the \laybiielc case1 , will soon be cniblod lo
onjbv a piulonged xac.itIon in thu hope that ,
thu test will hoof b'nelUto htm.
OioxxiicdMiil > lut lii\\liir. !
At t-i STV , tu ! , Match 111. IlitirvC I . 'uar ,
a xvell Unovvti vo ing innn , ni.d Miss 1. sr >
King C'oniu-lh , piand daughter of tla . .iia
United MntossiMi.uor Klnit and nuw of tua
innichloiiess of Anglcsi' ) ' , x\cie xJioxdieu to-
da ) while out loxx ing.
' ( iiiilt ) of MiinshiiiglK > * r.
HVN i'inNd i o , t'al , Maun io i. rici al
Telegram to Tnr Hi i ] J D Smith , si spirt
ing manwas convicted at i'rosiio limn MU i g
ot manslaughter I'm Uilline I'nu v \ \ uu ,
son of the Into 'I homas , \\iiliui ; : ,
during A card dispute ix few uum'.tis to
Tluoallu * ! ' l'oie < * ! xo ,
Tor Oinaln ami vicinity Pair , col IT.
Per Nebraska ami lovx-a Unit or uuxvj
colilpj * . norlliwostfrlv wlmls
j Tor South lJtlota-iltMi ( nf' tjllsr
northv.c toil ) ' .