Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Will lloruor , u nMiillvo of .IwlT
Mi'Kuatli ' , wilt to work yostiM'dny 111 tlio
comity ri'i'iinlor'fl ollloo n1 * rotmmrliiL'
o.lcik.nml not i-lili-f dork.asHtillclpiiteu.
A train of "ovontrtm onrs , nil Until oil
with KiiBar , will U-avo Xcvv OrleaiH for
tliltoltv , o\ur tlio Missouri 1'iu'iHf , uoxt
Moinlny ' , Tlio i'insl'i ( ( , iiioiit is for 1) ) . M.
Stcolu 'k Co.
Mm Wilrlio lln < olipulm ol died nt her
voitlilaiicu , MOO Davoniiort t > trcol ,
tiny morning , ajjcd slNtyllvo .vcttr * . Tlio
funornl will bo hulil at J o'clock Wcilnc.s-
dny nflcmuon.
Kov.V. . I * Ilnnphigni'iior , tlio re-
vlvnllst , luis IHOU laid up with nn at
tack of la tfi-lppo. llolll HoU'inn-
nienco his MvuiiL'ollMk' nieotliiKSUt Itaif
M'om Park M. fi. I'hurch until no.\l Son-
tiny ovonlni ; .
Councilman O.stholT received n tolc-
pniiu yoalPi'dny i-ouvi'j'liitf tlu ) sad
intoUi | ! ( > nee that Mr * . OslholT's fathur ,
IMP. iJolin Dlhvorth of Hryn MUNM1'n. . ,
hiid sniUliMilv died , nuil 70 yours. Owing
toslckiii'SH la tlio rouiicllman's family
none of tlio member.- ) will uttond tlio
L. Holmes claims that ho was slugged
inl'hnrliu Xobur'd pliu-o at Tenth and
Cnpltol uvi-imo Sunday nlglit. Nolior
tolls a dilliM-Giit story. llo states that
1 Inline1 * wnnti'd M > MIO Sunday lkiior | and
upon Iwliig Infomicd that the i-ommod Ity
\\its not on salo. started lo clean out tlio
establishment , but was foiled in tlio
nttomnt. _
Dr. Illrney cures catarrh. Hoc blil'g.
* ' //f.Sf : > .V. 1 1 , IM It. I li It .1 1'llN.
J. P. ilohnion of Kearney U at tlio Casey.
U. R Miller of New York is alllie Mlllunl.
J. IJ. llrlmlcr of Chli-ago Is nl tlio I'axton.
J. D Drov-er of Albion Is at tlii'Morclmms.
J. A. Uobb of 1'eiulcr Is In the city , at tlio
C. 1) . McCullum of Phlliiileliilila Is at tlio
l1) ) . Parker of St. Paul wus at the I'axton
lint night.
.1. I-1. Kilmotidsot Ucailwooi ! , S. ID. , Is nt
tlo I'nxtan.
A. .1. ( lillesnloof Chicago Is registered nt
tliu Murray.
Win. II. llussuttof Tccuinsoh u reRlstoicJ
nt tbuCasoy.
(3co. ( h. Cnnnan of Chicago Is In tlio cltv ,
\V. \ \ . McIIriilo of llostou was at the Mur
ray lattnlclit.
K. .M. Strocbcrof St. Louis is In the city
nt ihol'axton.
T. M.V. . llrown of Orcoloy Center is at
the .Mcrehants.
R .f. Moriow of tililncy is In the city , at
the Met chants.
K. C. Ton-slot- Chicago was at the Mil-
laril last night.
M. 1) ) . Smith nml KiUvanl EiUly of Denver
nronttho Mlllnnl.
Win. U. Smith of Atcbison , Kan. , Is in the
city , nt the .Murray.
.1. U , Merchant of San Tranelsco was at
thu ( _ Voy List nlfilit.
W. 1UltiKlnml of Hastings was at the
Merchants Ihtt iiiuht.
U. A. Hewitt and K 15. Denellnv of Deadwood -
wood , S. 1) . , worent tlio jMiilunl last night.
Mrs. U. II. Clark arrived from Uapiil City
last nlrtt ( to inurtthureiii.ilii.soflierhiisbniiii ,
J ) . It. Clark , who ilieil at 1'iertv , S. D. , hist
Do U'itt's Uttlo Kai-ly Uisois ; best little
l > ills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bail breath.
What Fun tlio Hoys Hml Ij Ni lit at
t lie CnllNoiiin.
A fair crowd assembled at the Coliseum
last evening to witness the opening scries of
the ntx-dny nmnteur races. There was KOOI !
music In attendance , nml the spirited con-
t.'stsvcro much enjoyed hy the enthusiastic
simulators. Cluing to the fact that this was
the night , nml arrangements were
not as complete as they will bo hereafter
throughout tlio weelt , the crowd was not as
ihiroustra'.ivo as usual. The races , however -
over , will Increase in Intuiost as tlio closing
night approaches anil tonight the card is
full ol good things.
Tlio Initial event on the card last night was
the two-mile. KO between young I'ixley , one
of tfio fastest am.itonr riders in thu rountrv ,
mid Hilly ( ! ras , the Tonncssoo ni-oyhouml.
A tcr a very hot clmso 1'ixloy won in the
\ery slow time of 7 :5t : ) .
Scuivh and Osborno then took the wheel
for their two-mile spurt , Osborno crossing
the tupo a length ahead of Willie nt the eoal
train time of ' , ' . " > .
Then cami ) Walker and Mcars , and another
ico-v\agon ihibh was tlie result , Mcars wln-
Ilolton anil Flescher followed , and although
riosdier is rated as one of the fastest riciero
In the city lie hardly heat Holt , but hillmo
was an improvement on the preceding exeats ,
being ( ! : ' . : . ' .
Mnntcrfcring next glrdod up his loins and
beat Mr. Potter I from Texas ) inl'c.'KI.
tSelinell and \Vcrt7 mndo n tiopical ROtho ;
hey ttilh the sunsu't curls lieating his cadaver
ous opponent out in O.'JO , the boat time made
during thoovpnliifr.
Osboia then tackled Wiilkor and boat him
the two-mllo dash as easy as rolling ofl of a
hoiisi ) . Time (1 ( Mil. the limit only.
Mcars then gave Ins blno tights another
hitch anil went alter Mr. Allen , beating him
In I ) : 'J" .
Flesrherran awn.v ftotn from young Mun-
tcrfcrliiK1. Tune -U : ' , ' " .
tiroes , the Tenni'sseo greybouiiil , was
ncnin unleashed , tills time in tlto rear of
Willie Hillle Search , who ho cauylitnnd bout
out in ( ! : : i\
TliooveninK's card then closed with nn-
nnother tlash between Mr. Totter of Te\as
and Slimj St-hni-ll , Slimy winning In ti7. : : !
The gnMsed I > IK iofusi > d to perform and
was sent over to Uarnej 's saloon anil turned
into vtcinenvmst.
The ran ! tonight Is-a great one , ana the
boys mo expecting a big turnout.
Ilonnl ol'Tradc Momnci-s to neSiirretl
l'i | to Action.
The regular monthly meeting of the Omaha
board of irndu was 'held last night with
baie'y enough members present to constitute
a qurruni.
ColonelChaso si > oUo of the world's congress
tmt convenes In 1KM. llo argued that this
meeting may ho secured for Omaha if the
proiicr stcns nrJ taken. To wont to this end ,
1'resii'leiit Martin will appoint a committee of
Ih-o at some future meeting of tlio board.
1'iesident Martin spoke fcollnulv about the
light attendance , mid said that It is verv dis
couraging to meet night aflor night witli only
a few members present.
A number of unimportant communications
were presented , read and referrou.
Colonel Cha < c thought that tlio attendance
might bo Increased bv lining the absentees.
3'ho idea was considered n good one. Mr.
Lobeck thought that the few members \\-ho
nro always present are accomplishing much
Mr. Martin hfaril of the good work of the
board of trade while ho was in Te.\as.
lr. ) Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bco
Trilled Whit ( ins.
Charles Ililllirns of Pcnder had a narrow
escape from death Sunday night. Ho was at
the Merchants hotel anil after going to his
room , blew out Ihogas. The night c-lerk , in
passing along tbo hall detected the odor of
escaping gas , and aroused thel'enJer man in
time to save his life ,
Hi-oko His \iililc.
.About 11 o'clock yesterday morning Can-
tain Her , living at iiil South Twenty-fourth
avenue , fell on the slippery sUlownlic near
Homo and broke an ankle. Though very
painful , the accident is not so serious us wus
Hrst feared.
lIoai'iencRH.Soro Throat. etc. ,
quickly relieved by Urown's Hronchlnl Tro
ches. A simple ami effect mil i-oineily.superlor
to all other articles for iho sumo purpose.
Sold only la boxes ,
Wo arc rloshiff thin out at .Wl percent
dlicount becaiiM' w < do not intend keep-
iitj ( any In futnro ; it Is the host standard
qundriiplo plate , made bv tlio Murldon
company , all now patterns , silver wait-
cr.s Mitip tureen * , tea service , pmldlnjf
and vojrclablo dlshc" , castors , butter
illtdio. * , spoon holders , tnu s , knlvos
Torks and spoon" , all
Thlrty-throo 111111 a third
per cent discount from our previous low
prlcoH. TliN Is a bona lido eloarinj ; sale
wo had n big rush Saturday Init the
stock Is so large that It Is practically un-
VAPnllAN-At tins resldcnco of Gi-n. A.
.loplln , nn .uiinil y. Miinh s , Mrs 'I' . M.
Vniiirhan. imitlirr of Mr.l"plln. . used ( VI
jcais. Interment ul lll ltlyIlir. . Kenliu-ky.
I'l'iuisylviinlii liliies.
I'aelllty of Movement.
A cnmtnlltof of experts It now examin
ing' the capacity , aiTaPfjemiMit and oper
ation of all traeUa and yards of the
lViin < ylvanla sj-tein of railways. After
compli'to Investigation and report stops
will bo taken to Im-reaso tracks extend
\ardriaml Improve methods of operation
In order that the olllcienoj of the grout
traiiHportation cystem inaj bo enhaiicod
to the utmoat decree.
no io A.M ) I.KI.VSIS. : :
it ! \l.tii < > i-4 llptVii'i ) tinKIio
aiul Police (
Prcihlent I owrv of the city council pre
sided nt the meeting of the llro and police
roinmlssion last night. For the llrst tlmo In
inany mnntlis , there were no charges pie-
ferrcd against anybody.
Chief Calligan reported to the board that
several breaks occurred in thohoso used at
the ( liuson , Miller & lilchardson lire , and the
supply of serviceable hose now on hand Is
growing .short. A few mote bre.iks will cre
ate nn absolute short ago.
Mr. Hnrtinan was in favor of purchasing
" , . " 00 feet of hose nt onro.
Mr. Smith maintained that no lie .o should
ho purchased without advertising for bids.
The chief reported ttiut tlio sections of hose
whirh burst were of tlio " 1'isk" ' and "Mas-
eotf brands.
.Mrs. I.llllo n. Scavoy , clerk for Chief
Seavoy , was granted a lea\o of absence of
twenty da\s. Dotcotlvo Kills was granted
live d.iys' le.xvo of abieneo
The police lire alarm clerks requested the
hoard to furnish them with n new ollleo
chair. Keren-oil to the committee on prop
erty with power to act.
A resolution from the council calling for
the placing of n llro nl.irm box at ICigliteonth
and Vlnton , was referred to the committee
on property.
A icsolutlon passed by the council author-
1/iiiRtho purchase of bK)0 ( ) feet of lire hoao ,
was n'.ul anil placed on Hie.
A letter was" received from C. W. Pral/cl
at Sjracnsp , N. Y. , htatlng that his factory
had shipped two sample "vari.ihlo" no//les
to bo tested by the Omaha tire doprirtment.
The iui//les arc hem and will bo tested soon.
Tbo hoard then took up the granting of
Ihiuoi-licenses nml permits.V. . 1. llunhcs
at's Farnam street was granted n drug
gists' ' permit : nlsoli'Jj North Kixtceatli.
Kr.uielt t' . Thither applied for a saloon
license. lie wishes to engage In the busi
ness at l.iii : South Third street. The ap
plication was laid over until executive
iUSsioll ,
A saloon llrcnso was granted to Louis
Holler at ( ill. North Sixteenth street. .
O'lirlcn and ( lillen wore granted a license
to open a saloon at y.'l South Twoaty-fouith
Martin .Shields , formerly a pnllco omYer In
Oinnha , tint who resigned last fall to engage
In the silicon business , applies for reinstate
ment as a p.ilrolnmn. llo said ho had tried
the saloon business and had become disgusted
with it , and would like to bo back on tlio \ > o-
Ice force.
In oveeutlvo session the board passed a
resolution requesting tbo council to authori70
the bo'ird to purehaso',000 foot of "nmltcso
cro-.s" ho-,0. The committee on property was
uutliori/cd to puretioso the ahovo ho-.o ns
soon as the authority to do so is given by the
Martin Shields and J. S. Dennett were em-
nloyed as policemen.
The application of Frank C. Luther for a
saloon license ilNensscd and tbo board
decided to laspeet the vicinity where Luther
proposeto open the saloon buforo taldng
linal action.
Sprint ; nieilicine.
Tlie popularitvhlch Hood's Snwarmrllln
has gained as a snring medieinc N woiulerful.
It possesses just tlnso elements of liealtli-
giving , blood-purity ing and a pnetito-restoring
which everybody seems to need at this season.
Do not continue in a dull , tired , unsatisfactory
roiulltnm when yon may bo so much benefited
hy lloud's Sar aparilli. It purities the blood
and inuices the weak btrong.
irS A S'lATIO 01. ' THINGS.
Utiinor That tlio Knij 'it-f of Ijalnir
Want n I'oli e O < imiii ° s < iiiiicr.
Late last evening it was reported on good
authority that the Knights' ' of Labor of this
city had suceeeded in olfectniL' a somewhat
novel compact with the independents.
The compact or ugicomenl is that the new
chatter shall not pass unless the Knights' of
Labor nro given a man on the hoard of flro
and police commissioners of this city ,
Commenting on tlio report a prominent city
oflldal ronmrUcil :
' There would bo just ns much sense and
reason in the Masons , the Odd-follows , the
Har association , the Press club , or any other
organl/ation or all organisations com
ing forward anil demanding that thov , too ,
liuve a representation on the hoard ,
as for tbo Knights ot Labor to
niaKo such a demand. I have just he.iril nf
the report- seems to have just reached
Omaha -and heard It onery good authority.
It is Imaginable that the repot t Is true , for I
do not doubt but that the knights are Mifll-
clontly influential to allow of their nmlcmg
such a combine , but I boi.estlydrubt whether
tlie independents will entertain the proposi
tion. " .
'I lie IIorso Kan Away.
John H. AVesclo , supcrmteiutont of the
Helm sash and door wonts mourns tlio loss of
a horse nii'l sleigh.Vesclovas Sundav night
driving north on Twenty-fourth street and
when at Lake the Horses became fiightuned
nt a passing motor tiaia and started on tlio
run. The sleigh was overturned , \Vev > lo
was thrown into a snow hank thirty feet dis
tant , while the her = o lit out and it , supposed
to ho still running.
Bo Witt's Little Karly KISOM. flest little
pill over inailo. ( Jure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
License i.
The following mirrlo-za llejiiaivcrj \ Is
sued yesterday :
Namoana address. Aeo.
I .Inhn W. Snniliiilst. | Onithii . m
I Mary 13. Mrom. Uuiaha . ! I7
t l > . .iId Kelly , Omaha . "
1 llarrlut M. Illldohiand. Oinnha . 10
I Henry'y , Omnhn . US
I Corn A. lliiini.umd , Oinuhn . ' - " -
j .lohii liicen , Omaha . -U
1 KIU Nclbon.Omiilm . ' 1
Tlio following permits word Issuot by the
nuperintendcntof buildings youotvhy :
Aiulnoau ( ii-iiininitlr. two-story frnmo
bluro , Tnenty-ninth and Spaldlng
street * . il.PO' '
Two minor iicrmilb . -'Tr >
Total . U07i
When H.iby w.-xn lcV , wo pave ht r Custorla ,
Whc-n the wiw a C'luM , shocriul forCuttorla ,
When she brrnmp > Il 3 , she clung to t'nstorls ,
\Yhea the hr.J CluUrcu , tli J4VC thuiu CaaUirlo ,
IN uot'ii ; MOMI : .
oTIlie llcnrnl I'nnet-ill Train
Over tlio Union I'ai-IIU' .
The funeral train of Senator Ho.irst. whlih
was to have reached Omnhn atJ : ! HIyosterdny
nfternoon , was delayed , nnd did not pu.l . in
nt the union depot until nearly I : 'M.
There were l.undreil citi/ens as
sembled to view the railroad pageant-If It
muy. bo so called but thov might ns well
liuvo remained up town , in so Jar tw any
sutls faction tlielr curlo lty received.
The train left Washington City Sunday
evcnlag , and Instead of consisting of .a com
posite ear , bcavlij draped In black , two Pnll-
in.ttt slci-pcrs and a diner and Senator
Hearst's private car , It was nmdo up of ono
b.iggngi . ) car and three ordinary Pullman
sleepers and a diner The remains reprised
in the tear car , which bore no evidence
in the way of sable plume or drapery , to ills ;
tinirulsh ft from t he rest. In the car deslg-
ti ited as the late senator's private car were
Alr-i. Hearst , her niilvon , W. It. Hearst.
Air. Kollnnsbo , the ifeccusod's late pattiu'r.
hlsseeietnry , MrV I' . U'eddclmm , and
Mrs. Stanford , together ; vilh the wives and
daughters of the accompanying senators and
Among the senators aboard the funeral
train were Messrs. Storkhrldgc , ' Pimb ,
Faulkner , Vance , Hcrrv , Hates , Ilouso and
S.uvver. Senator Stanford was not with
the parly. The representatives weie Messrs.
Gibson , \Vashliigton , ( ioarv. Mi-Comas ,
i'ltmlc , Tucker , Sherman. L'atchlngs and
J'ho train , which only stopped here n
few ml'iutes ' , was in charge of Colonel
Itobort llarkc , passenger agent of
the Ihiltimoro & Ohio rnllroid , while
Sergennt-nt-Arms K. 1C. Valentino of West
Point , N'ob. , and his assistant. Captain Met--
ntt , had charge of the congressional retinue
accompanying the remains of the distin
guished dead , and will stiperv Isn the at range-
nients on the part of congress for the Inter
ment at San Francisco.
Km-No nous Ulin ust Ion
llorst'ord's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. Jason Walker , Minot , Me. , says : "I
have used H with very pleasing results. 1
have prescribed It for nervous exhaustion ,
for that state of the nervous system following
exposuto to the sun heat ; for wakcfulness in
cases scorning to ho due to nervous denlhty ,
One young man nt school "had such a focline
of confusion li his head that ho had to leave
school. I gave Acid Phosphate , and hoas
soon able to resume studv. "
latest liiilletins I'min tlio Police Court
anil . ( nil.
It was a quiet Mondav In .ludgo llclsley's
court , less than a do ell individuals having
been caught during the Sunday storm.
Ueddy Moran had in his possession a suit
of clothes , and not buing able to explain tlie
method by which ho secured tlio title , was
sent to tbo county jail to do twenty days.
Andrew Anderson , a heaver , while
under the intluonco of a inimmoth jae , at
tempted to do up Ofllcor Hudson. Tins ho
did not acciiinplUh , though ho contiibuted
SIS.M for the attempt.
John Lampher , the man who took posses
sion of the now posloftlro block and mashed
up the furniture of a hoarding house , was
lined JTi nnd costs , notwithstanding tlio fact
that ho plead that the crime was committed
on government land.
il.itncs Barrett , for being ono of the partic
ipants in a Sunday unouk-down , was given
thirty days In the con..ty jail.
The chat-go of adultery tiled against James
CofTui.m by S.u-ah . Johnson was dismissed at
the instance of the county attorney.
Keep some Cook's Hxtra Dry Imperial
Champagne in your ieo chest ; it's splendid
for company or fur dinner.
Was Popular in Di-nver.
A postofllco inspector from Denver was in
the city yesterday , and in speaking of the
Plorco piano swindle ho said : "Thoro maybe
bo some fools in Omaha , but I will put Den
ver up against any city in the world. The
next day after the esposo of ttio swindling
scheme was made , I stood at the money order
department \\hcroa long line of peopio were
waiting to bay orders to .send to the fraudu
lent concern. J told them It was a fraud , and
lefused to receive their money. They
then went to the registry window , where
thov wore given the same in format ion. Dis
gusted , thov loll the ollleo with the idea that
wo wore doing them nn injustice. Thcv weie
not salislied and many ot them later in tbo
day sent their money by express. "
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the bust
of all remeJies lor children teething. 'Ji cents
a bottle.
And the Car Didn't Stop.
John O. Yeiser entered suit In the county
court yesterday against the Omaha street
railwav company lor $ lKi ( ) ) daumecs. Ho
makes a lonp and somewhat thrilling story
out of his ( .rievaiiccs , Hoileil down , it runs
to the effect that only throe days ago he
boarded ono of defendant's trains at Sixteenth
and Capitol avenue , to go to his residence at
Twenty-forth amlCorby. Upon leaching his
destination ho told the conductor to stop the
car. The conductor pulled the hell , but it
wasn't obeyed bv the 1'lamtlll
grabbed the cord. Tni > made tlio conductor
angry and ho proceeded to kick .Mr. Vcisur olT
the car , so Yelscr .says.
Did you notice that line bead of hair at
church lust Sundav ! That was.Mr.- .
She never permits horaclf to be out of Hall's
Hair Kenuwor.
'I iiuc ife Too short.
Chairman Hiikhausor of the board of pub
lic worlts is not quite certain as to whether
or not ho will accept the city's $1.10 and go
away on his junketing trio. Yesterday hi
conversation with Con G.dlagher ho said :
" 1 want to go bad enough , but the council
has limited me as to time. Ten days is not
long enough to go anywhere. If I snould
stai-tout witn only ton days ahead of me ,
1 would have to start for hnmo long before
1 could make thu rounds. Yon see there are
a number of places where 1 onu'lil logo , and
if 1 can't ci-t an extension of time 1 am half
inclined at hume. '
Used In Millions of
in You
Wo mnko moro porous
Blasters than all other
inukiTH In this r-ntiiitr >
COIIlllllH'll. llf-allM ) tllO
imlille iipprwlaU > tlio mer
it that rxi-ts In our KixxU.
IIKN'hON S Istlioiiiity mo- plnMtr ffr lunise.
liulil use. all others bolni :
weak imitations. Oct the
Qnulu it3 Dentist ,
A mil hi-l uf Toplh on
IliiliUr fur HVi. | ii-l -
I.All" A porfi-tt -inranli-i'il Ti'i'th purnilwl
Mltliuut ruin or ilnin-'iT i ml nltlmut niiai-'tlit'lli * .
l.ulil mill mliurlllliiik-4 lit l < > Hi > it ruii-i lltliluo im < l
I'rimnurk. . 'li-olli wltliuul | ilutus. All uin
Kiilratiii' . UIU ttri'il tluMtlur l > | > vu
Ulltllbu ( .luck.
The Portrait of a Lady
Palntcdiun paper by the pen of such a novelist as Henry James will
tlo very/well , but the real portrait of a real ! .uly is a very different
affair.Has she pimples on her face , or blotches ? Is her complex *
ion sallow ? If so , the conscicuiiou" artist in this tealisticage will
have totpnt them nil ilown. The huh s remedy for her pimples ,
blotches and sallowncss ; s , . tlie
r - * * n.iiMi gicat vegetable rein
cdy fortthc blood. There can be no beauty where
there ismo health , whereas the most commonplace
features arc rendered piquant and interesting by a beautiful com
plexion j restores strength and vigor to the system , gives tone
to the -digestive orjr.tns , and cures all nervous disorders.
The potency of this wonderful blood medicine is unquestionable ,
and yet , powerful as it is , it may be taken by the feeblest child and
by the most delicate female. It has no rival in the wide field which
It COVCrS. TrcnlUc on IIIooil mill Ml I n lIlNfiitcx dialled I'rcc.
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ca.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
1400 IJOUCil.AW teTlil blT
DM All A. M.ll
The most \\lilo1ytuii1 favorably 1 < nmvit ppn
Inllstt In tlio I'liHol Stiitoi Tlu-lr IOIIL- ( ; -
perlotiiv. rctn.ukalilc skill ami imm-iMil MU--
i-i'is In tinin un , cut nml OHIO of Ni > rMii ,
fliroulc nml Mii-gliMl ll ) o isi's. i-niltlo tlit" .
i-mlni'irt iihvsli-liins to tin- full i-oiilldiMiio of
the ii 11 Hi tril cvi-rvwlii-ir. Tlirv u'niiiiuit c'i' :
tlicauful rl'Vi-ts ' of o.iilv vli-c iiml tinmimiT -
oiHi'vllstlmtfiillon In Its train.
ilini'illlv. CDiiiiili-lolv nii'l iipriniiiii-iillv < -iin-l.
NI.HVOrs IIKIMl.lTV AND ! -i\II\h : II1S-
: ) : ' icadlly tu tholr hUllful tioat-
' " '
iiiiaraiitPi'd I'tueil ultliout pain or U ntloii
flOIII llll'-llH"-- .
llYDltOl'r.Iji' AND VAItH'OCni.i : l > mm
iicntly nml siii-ressfnllv ouruil In i-u-i-y t.iso. .
HVI'IIIMS ( iUNOIUUIKA. ( il.r.l'.T. Spi't-
niutori In1.1. Si'inliinl Wi-aKiioss Io il .Manliiiiiil.
NlKlit l.inis-liiiiJ. ( lloritji'il K.tciiltli"i. rciunlu
Wi-iiUiH'ss mid all ( U'tl'-alo illvnrdi-rs pcrnliar
tocltliri' si > \ pOhltiM'ly cili-ril. us Mi'll 114 all
fiini'tlnii'tl ' illMiiiiurstlial ri-siiit fi-iun youthful
follies or tlio oxersof matureears ,
sTk'ir'I'rk'K ( iiiiininlfi'il pi'i-in.ine ntly
) I I\1V/1 L IVlv eiir.'il. rcnin\iil coiiilcto | )
lllioiit cuttlns , I'liiistiunr illhitatlnn. luru- "
I'ffii'tnl ' at homo liy p.itiutitltliuut u ino-
nu'iitX ] iiln : or iiiiiioyaiii-p.
A ITPU niKMJ'l'lio awful i-IH-ets of
A OU1\I > tUl\L early vlio which liillisf
oru'iinle ui'iiKuoss , ilestioylii'hoth inliulanil
hoily. Mlth all its druiiluil ills , pfiinamiitly
HK' HlJ'IT's ' Adiln-ss tlio c who have Itn-
1 1\O. 1)1 IIO | | , ( . , | > III-I > | M < > I'y ' Im-
liropi-r InilnlKLMiuu and halilts which
iiiln l > oh miml unil boiljv unllttln ; ; tliuin for
hiHltii'S" , Btnilv oriniirrl-iKn.
MAUIilKD MKN or those cntoriiif ; on that
liiilipv liftanaris of physical ilubilltyaulckly
Is Imscil upon facts. I'lrst I' ' oxporl-
t'nco. fi'conil Kvuiy ease Is spceliilly stiulloil ,
thus Htuitmrlclit Third - mi-illclncs arc
pirpaii'd in our hilioi.iloiy cxaoily to ult
i-ai'li i'iso ; , thus rlVii'tlii euri'sw It limit injury.
Drs. Betts & Bctts ,
Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with
Of Lime and Soda.
There am cmittslnno nml amitiitoni ,
( mil there ti still ntHcli hlinin l tuillf
if'/ifcfi fiinsf/Kiirufrv fi9 rrrrfffi. 7ius
thru ii'ill tiirinitnaunfatliirera ciniinil
K < > < ll ( /iii - tlii'lr coit llrrrotl tin la inithn
it ] iiiliil < ililn to m iivllli'i' filinniirlt'i. Sctill'i
jnutiiiiontifj'riiii xnitii'Kiir.ty con
1,11'lill tlfjc < niil > ! in < l tt'tth Ilypntilim-
jilttlti is iilinoit 11.1 jinliiliililo us milk.
for tliti niiHrin < IH will 111 fop Ilia fart
of IhfHtiiinilallnil tiwilttiiiof tinUui' ' < > '
] > liiH , > tittn , J'/ujticiiius fi'vuiiuntlij fire-
ici'ivu it in ctisis t > f
it.t , inutxcinrm uni
All llriiii'jltta sill ltliHt tin stiff t/int yet
' ; < m tlici-ntlrv i mr iiiittiitiuii't.
Bee Building.
Breakfast , - ' 8 lo 1U:30 : a.m.
Dinner . 12 to 2 p. in.
Supper . 6 to S j ) . in.
Best Table d' Hole.
A La Ciirto nt all houis.
Koom for Larilus' nloiuor with Clontlo-
II. MI-'S-sIXK , I'ropriotor.
TinJfuriyif / , r r. / till IIIK !
txtln' iniiHt Hiil , tinitlnllii fount i-iii'ti-il
llotrl UnlitJutIn timiiliit , Swral
lit'in-ii liiirlln > itnlln I'liiinlnifruiu
litim-int-Ht tu-i-t-of. Ml tinrt'UlHti * Hint
tlixn-H llnt-il irtllt .ll > i-Mt n llw l ' < n > l
liiifini , iniiMiiii it lnun > ' 'nil > lit"
it tinIniililliiii. .
lutt unil i-ultl initi'i- mill mniHlilin-
( rcn/ruum. 'Idtilf uiifiiiriHiiim'il HUM.
u In-i i :
SILLO AY. Prop. _
Corn r Mth anil Capitol Avonui.
Just cotnpletoil , 100 rooim , throi
Btalrw.iys , Iromtlio top to the bottom , ha.
line iili'vator .an I ilmnmj room serviuu , n
live proof throughout , linn hill.inl room * ami
tinllno t toilet rooms in the city. Lar o
Sample rooms , Su-t-i with iJit'iM.-
Mthnutl Cumlol Avu. Street P ir service In
all ilii-6-tions. Hat s from $2.50 to $1.1)0. )
National Bank
U.S. DEPOSITORY. Oil AH \ . Nf. 1
Capital , - - - - $ - ' 00OUO ,
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - O'J.BOO
Ollli-vr * nii > l IHn'itorlluiiry W. Vnlm , I'rinliliiiil ,
l.i-wli" . ltt > ul , Vliu-l'ri- ' nt. J.iiiim W > : > iaiu. \ \
\\lnrii > John > CullliH , It t' Ciuliln , ' . J N II
1'ultlik W II S lluvhiK , caililur
IOIIICM mil inn ! sn
A Geucrat llauklu.HuduiuJb TruittactoJ
"Having Eyes , See Not ;
Having Ears , Hear Not"-
Or , In oilier wnnli , simply llii < * : if a wan in
liii .nicss lon eanniit call liitn n Imsinc'is
man ) , will clo-e hiscjcs .mil stup IMSCHIH lo
all ourturcs ni.ulc In him for jiidkiuiis nil-
vciiMiic ; , In \icn u ( the proven ( act , tlml
advcrtisino is a necetsary clement of ( .res- .
porous industry , llituul of thai man's liusl-
ncs-i carter ni.ij lie sclkdutli | seven Utlclb :
If , on tlie other , you arc inqiiitiiiR
the way to latter 0,1 , 01 tunitlcs in Inisincv. . ,
anil jour eyes anil fits .lit opcii for ncws-
IKipcr.-iiltcrti-.ini ; f.iits , nc ih.illlic | ilcaseil lo
tall , \\illi jon ini any pints | imainiiiR lo
ne\\siiicr | | aduitNiii't , wnj to liclp joii spell
tliccr > - linpuitiut ftonl ol HM.-U Utters :
The ( rumpct-cntl of our liorn will if.ich the
car of tlic : iilicrti iiin ilcp.ii linen t of urn
newspaper or iiug.umc in the \\t > r3. \ < .
00 & OOW Third Street , CINCINNATI , O.
NI ( i Ill's AND NO
lni'silay Matinii- .
The ravutltu Ainoili-itn Actress
AIiloil by her own cnnipiny. Iiii-Iinllns MH
THANK \MXruN. \ Intlio rulloulin ; lupi-itulrt' :
Til 1 1 C'lOVlil rs'LiISS.
IIAy.l-.LA KIlUv.
Itov liitt i > | > i'n Saturday nidiiiliiK at ri' iilin
priri- .
. \xijivKXjyi. : (
ONLY T\VO \ . .
„ , , ,
s Thursday 3Iarcli 12.
C.UI-.AT ill1.-
Consolidated Minstrels
( JinnpoMil i-M'lnslM'lv nt i-flelirltlPi.
Hilly r.iiii'iMin , ll.iriu-y . I'.IKUM , Ilii lioj
lliiiiiihi'i I y. l.ul.i' si'huh-rat and Sk'nur
llonuillutu , nil the rc-liilii | ! siiisatlon il
nuu-lty ,
B - T 1-111 OKAGC.S - ! i
DON r .MI > S IT :
I'llcOM regular
\VlllLawlcr.MiiiiiiKOr * - ' < > r llthairl ri
\VKIK : or MAIK n ' .i
Aqnntlciriiixk'14 ( n > t lliMili Mjnll-li I.allf -
Mi-niiiiM Mintiiy nml AHon. skikh ArtMs I it
Arniiliiiiii : Irl h < om'itian , Iliuvtn llroi . 1 1"4
Oanirrs 'UnHall ' - ( "inli I ami I mull ) 'Hit-
LaMTiiu H , Tt aiie/l t * . tintl aionipany ol lumi-illiui
DB. J. E. McGREW ,
Todayvo place on sale in our Men's Clotlb-
ing Department our advance assortment
Spring Suits. Wo are gratified at being able
announce that this stock is ontlroly new. Ills
not carried over from last year , as when Avei
placed our Fall slock on sale in oicjh teen ninely ,
all the Spring suits \ve hud loft you could have
put in a wheelbarrow and still had room I'o'r"
passengers. Our buyer has had a picnic buy
ing this stock. Nothing to worry him , no re
membering what wo had packed up from last
year , all plain sailing , simply go ahead and buy
an entire new stock , and this ho has done to
the "Queen's taste. " Wo never have shown so
many handsome styles in suits since wo began
business as we arc showing to-day. We have
them in every material. We have them in
every shape and cut. We have them in the
handsomest assortment of shades and colors
that could be selected from the markets of thtT
country. You'll not be confined to buying
goods made by any one concern , as our buyei >
has selected the cream of dozens oF lines of
Suits , made by the very best manufacturers.
We are going to make prices on suits this sea
son which even "WE have never before nmclo.
Going to outdo ourselves , as it were. From the
workingman'ssuit to the finest imported Wor
sted , we will save you from two to ten full *
grown dollars. We cordially invite you to call
and see the handsomest assortment of Spring
Suits you ever saw in Omaha.
( Our Spring Catalogue is ready for mailing. If'ri/c for it. }
1 '
to Foiiileciitli F' ' anil tolas Slrcefe.
Open till S P. M. Saturdays 1O O'clock.
India Rubber Glove Co.'s
Including their Jull line of Lazvn Tennis Shoes. They
arc the handsomest and neatest filling S/ioc made.
Omaha Rubber Co.
Wholesale Western Agents.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Fcvpntoon ycnri i > xporlinri' > \ rp.-ul.-irirrn linti1 IniuiMt rlno n 1lp' .it'll whnir l < nl' ' in-ntnij wlUv-
thi * tiiMto i nut i ( s nllNt'iiiM llirMi' ' * , unl lilrnliIMn' i i-s A p'nniini'tit ' t nn < mtrii t-pl f r l.itaiV
( l'i-rmiti > nhiiM I n t Manlintiil ' pinmnl Wi.ikni-si Mklit l.o-i-ci , lni | iu > in r - - \ uhl In M i m o n iiiiiitls * "
Ci ! ii uf lliolllixiil SM n ami I iliiar > Hr mi Nil. I u iinuiti'i' . > il r i i > r\ i mo I i.nlurtik. . a fall 16
curtiiiiMiltuliiin iiuo lludk uMj'I'-rlu-iof l.lfeispiu fruu U'lK-nhi lira 'J ' a lu to i ) miuulny 1Q
n in. I" 1m. .
MONWOOD 11212.
iri-ill > y Mnnmi. liv Xulw ml. 2IS1 : { .
l-t ilitu I'li-faiT. li > I'.iin-n-i 1Jl'j. ' .
'il . \ntlii-in , l > y I'uyli'i 10' .
.lil ( l.iin \u-ii > -l i. liy lilK'llollfoiiinlor. ! .
It h il.un linlly Millliy So 'li-y's ' \iiu-rli1in
Brood Marcs. Cells anil Tillies For Sale ,
Iiii-liiilInu tv\ liv tlii"'ical 111n : l > \ Vllkisno ;
of \ \ inlottVIIKi' - ' . ' 14 : 11- " u fi-liliiiiilni' !
Hii'il > - - \ iii--nlii \\ Miilliiin n , niil iIIH- .
-i-nil fur i-atiiliMiii- ; belli r. I'oinr unil wo
ROWN. - - Panll ion. Neb
fc t v afi Ne f i u i f't ifctpi 1 Set d * < 441111 I r i
I nn uim AJUrri I IUN pKi to.UulIau S Y
Clii'inlst .mil KSIIJIT.
rurini-rlv In < . . < irt ufiliu I'l.Um
liiLilkIt.ilhs.ij ( .0111111113.
Spoclnl Atlontion Oivcn to Oi'os ,
' .ami . Oils.
i 112 Docile St. , Oni.iha , Neb
r.chitlninn > Artbm Ciiro"Ttritjnc , !
' * ' * * ' ' m II 3 Mont ijiluiuft turn.
galifornla's '
I'll. IlOIlll'S
CUKE $ . '
! rn < Inrlip. '
Oit.Mtln.itlon ,
\Livcr nnil A >
v Stomach , *
rely i
/M I' , Li conittuurxi *
ffi i.r Sn *
rtlipi j . 'U ttT * nltfornl * ,
To Uirtii , 15 i > UU la
/I'uch tial.
SjgkluUHeadchO $
ft 'DrJflbfrLilSigeialle'pilli
HA rrnt n Tint , n for < lArontt <
'orby mull AJJii'M )
' ' . . ' . ( AU
KllM ) ft ' , i . .r IMh , t IliHitr'n Mr.rls
J A I'ulirr & ( o , I ur inn \ n muii , Mroct
A. 1) . h'Mr A in LOUIIIII Ilitifl. 1. a
Wonderful Remedy
IVIcaHl.H > . lint lloltlei ,
For Sale by leading Druggists.
Klinck Gatarrli & Bronchial Remedy Co ,
131 \ i i , Drue ! tS. Co.
, A POSITIVC andinrmmient CUREIor all' '
( lUcut. 5T | fo URINARYOR G ANS. Cure
> * liBrcolh rlroatmcnllall .FulTilirocliontwllhcacl
liutllc. Prlct , one dollir , J > c slgiilurool E L.
STAHL. For Bale By All * * - - - - -