THE OMAHA DAI1A' J31fil < ) r 'ITUSDAY , MAK011 10 , 1801 TILE OMAJJL/V CCUNCIL BLUFFS. OI-WK , xo. in IMAHL : ST. t rl'\fi Ml ly ( miiif in ut.y pint of UKrtlj II. \ \ , YM/lUN . . . MA.SAul.K 11:1 : ri'ii ' rp , No II , Si > si A' V. P Co. Council HhifTs Lumber Co . coil. Cuffs d.iiitcl loan' . U'lSnnp block. . Thiiuhcr , 10 MiUnslt-oc't. 'I'lio oily council full oil to incot last even- liiKi fulling to irnt u ( | Uiifuin. It Is probable Iho uhool lionul will liolil n mooting this afternoon at 5 o'clock. A ion was Iwin voitonliiy to Mr ntul Mrs. lohtiHcliult/ Main slu'ot inoi' Cnlutii liy nssrinbh will ( jlvu n soclnl Wnl niof i-.silnv I'xcnininit nutloliiill for llio litMicllt of Homo of the KiloiulksM. Admission ' . ' 5 cents On ucduint of llio ImliMiiPiii'.v of the \veiUhtM' Smiiliiv ovuilnjT tlio sicrcd conceit lit All Saints' mission has bcon [ loatponoil till iiuxlSutiil.iv ru'iilii ) . ' . Tlio iiiillos of tlio CotiKicfMtionnl clumli will KVO ! it iiilsslniiiry dsi tomorvott ufior- lioon fiom a to ft o'i lock nt tlio rosUlctiicol Mrs .1. c iJlxbv on South Flist stii'it. .Iinlf-u McC ] ( votlcrdiv romloroil i1dMi' s In SOVIMI ! of tlio suits wliiili Invo Uim brought ipilmt tlic tlrin of II Klsi'ii'iin .s : < 'o In Hit * onsc In ubkliV I ) MfmMiRcr was pliiliitliT u juilKiiipiit for < 1 KM J uns jrlvin ( o si > , l.iicki'V A Co vvoi'o iivvnnli'il .H"0. AIlx-il II ttiomson .Ci'iJ-i , mi- ' 1'Mll HlOS > % ( , ' ! I t III the illstrlit iniirt M'slcnliiv n iloiioo was iniulo by Jutluo'llioiucll In the case of ,1 11. CiipjiV ! . 10 I 'utt re 'I he inolloii fur u new trlnl vvhk'li hnil boon lllcil by tlio vvwox'oi midland tlio vorilit/tuf thcjiirv u is svistainod , iivvniillni ; the plaintiff $11 III anil tlui costs of tlu > suit fioiu I'.ittou and his Hiiuty , II Moiulol. I1 M. I'lillllps vxis lcfou Justin' I'utton ycslerilm iiuiiniiif , ' for homing 'ipon tlio eliMiJi's of Imm'isoii.iliiiKim ollloor ill inili- ciotis inlsilncf to u liinlilliii ; usul hj C. liilt- punns nsnlouiion .south Ninth sti'iet 'Iho ' llrst I'haiRo was tllMiiissul for lack ofoxt- doiico ii iilast him , lint on thesoi nml ho vvn- > In-Ill to the gr.inil Jinv in bonds of > . ' ( ) ( ) Mis. (1 l'oirinoUiorof V II ami D T Pcriv , illul nttho riMdouio of 11 1 ! in llardln tounslup Momluv morning , nijoil ul litx ono > oars 'Hie ilu-"as l has heou u roslilont of the cit.x HIIUO is.V tiho lo.ivos iiiiinv fill-lids to moil in her ilc.ilh 'Ibo funeral will occur toinonow nt 11 o'clock Irom tlio rosiilcnio of II 11 Thomas in Ilniilln township , lov. ! ( .1 .1V. . Crofts ofllciit- iiiK In polho couit jcstonlov C A. Siuiulcrs , Ciioiiro C'louth mid l-Mnl Lut7 vxue Ivou boxen ih\s' sentences for illstiiiblng the licaro. .LiiiiesMcCiiiIro , iharpeil with drunlc- cniii'ss anil disturbing the iw.ico , was lined < ? , " > ? r > A .1. 1'attcison , tlio colored man \vlio diiinpod n loailof ashes into Iniliiin trcok.iml was niicstoil for a brciuli of the dty oiili- imnco foi bidding such uition , dKcfiau'cd upon his shoeing that ho h ut ivmovcil the ashes. /vnonio ) licneral ii.iuor , n ho uccn Micnilint ! the nionoj or the stnto tcim > oiuiro ulllnuco \\.istinpliistiinc In a fruitless olTorl tocnfouo tticprohlbitoM huvinloinl- ities thioiighout the state \\hcio the niujoilty of the pioplo do not \\nnt llu'iii onfoinul has rciciviMlsnniopiotU louu'h hniulliiij , ' AVhcn he loft C'ouiuil Hluffs , in icroulnuco with the wishes of n Inrp * niiinbcrof the oiti/ons , ho \\dit toCarioll nml spoilt u inlsoniblu nleht in n iniscrable juil llo is noin Dos Moines , nhoic ho .iliont two linniliod .saloons to light , if hu still forts hho IlKlitlng Tor a Kood iluviiiK hoiso mill sli'i h call on the Ugdoii Iheiy , t'.s Ihomlnay , tLlophono Kl Slulyhlnppttitk's aspcohliy. ( JKHAT 1111(1 ( Hosiery Sulo At the BOSTON Siom , Coi M-II , coiiiiiiciiflngVcdnesdaj \ , the llth , anil con tinuing four Jnys only W.itch tlio duly paper for list ami pi.tcs. All our \\ool hoslury and uiulciuonv must o in order to iril < o loom for spring goods Sale com- incnccsVodnesdaj , the llth Hoston btoro , Council UlulTs. rotliciiiighini , Whitcluu < > i Co. j'ntiH.\.ii , iti.t ait.t Dr. MoatKonicrj is one of the latest victims ol la gripuo H \Vads\\ortli has rotuincd fioin a visit of several \\ccks Inthuoast. City Auditor l-an nthis post jcstor- ilny nftiinoon foi the lint time foi . \\celc J.V Siiiiro | anil wife U au > this foi a tcn-dajs sojourn at Hot Springs , Alk Ilaniuh K Plimpton , the nnunnal iom- iiiiiniloi of the Women's Kollof corps , is 111 the city , the guest of Mrs SalloU0'i hconth stiOLt. 1'iof .Iniiii-s McXau'hton ( has rotuinod Jioni Mnyvillc , likhoio ) ho has boon tdichhiK in the state school Ho has met with goo I siuie-s in his \\orl. Ho will speiut months in the Dliifls , lotiiiniiiK to Mimillo in .luh fortho imipoio of hold Ing thcsiinnncr institute. Call oil D , T Iliitclunsnn < & Co. for choice bargains in lots \Vilson Tciraco huluocnients for the ue\t foilu > s. Itoblicd ills ( Most. Homy narbe.iu , who llvos onVc.t Uroad- \\ay \ , bet\\ccu Ti\ontj ninth and Thiiti < th htu'ots , was until Satuiday night the onaci of u tine llocK of thorouMibieil ( chleui-ns Ho vns ovcssiM'ly proud of them fortho ieisoi that each biid hail blooil in its \eins anil the whole floikcrn hntihed from eggs that cost $ . " ) per doien.Vheii ho lotncd on Saturday nilit ( ; ho closed tlio henhouse doot on iiinvtcon feathered beauties , hut wncn ho : uoso on Sunday inortilnir the doot was open nnil the fowls VLTO nil gone. A eang of chicken thieves bad raided the roost and iott not o\en a feather 'Ibo patriaich of the Hock was a ciipplcd loosttr wclRhiiiffovcr tnclvopoumls Heasshut iipin a build i\\K \ \ bj biinsclf , but the door to this plaio was forced and neither the position , HK'O nor in lunatics of the fathom bird saved him Har benu is furious \\hcn ho thinks of his beauti ful anil expensive birds beniK luthlessly slain to till the stcimuhs of the \ \\tttches who stole them. Sluipart A Co carry largest stocK of bulk lield , ( 'irden and llov\er scotis in the west Catalogue and buniplus by mill. I'minul til' Mih. I'.HIcis 11. The funeral of Mrs William 1'attorson oc ouircdjcbtoulax iiftoinooii at the 1'iosbj teiianchuicli , Uev Dr K. Pholpsonii iiting Uho phtformnshoaiitlfnlu ilcuoi.itcd \ \ uh tlowois whicliveio iirovldcdby the friends of the family The deceased \\.is \ ncll UIIOVMI ns n leader li. all charitable cntoiprises , and ur.s ono of the fonmost workeis in the Woman's Christian association , the mem bers of whkh showed tluiir nppiecintioa of her \\oik bj attending In u body Muskwn furnished m Mrs \ VV. \ . Siiernnii ami Mis 1\ f I. HvaiH. The following gentlemen of llciated as pill bearers \V. C Dickey , II. C .MtCJee , R Kovs , I A Miller , Hirrv ' Unas 0 O St. John , 1' . U. Uovol , uii'd K. I , bhugart. The Manhattan , sporting headquarters , M. O'Hrien. _ Do jouant nn o.\iress | wagon or bov' ' King up the A. I ) T. Co. , ttlophono IT' ' ' , > 'o 11 North Main bticot. ' ! lilckhtiiii DuiiKci'onsly III. Mrs T. 1' Thlekstuii is Ijlng iiungciou .lj 111 nt her residence on Willow tucauc Her pbyskluns ( 'ivo her friends but little hope of ultimate recovery For some tune past she has bctn Miffrrlni ; from bronchial troubles , and ycsterihy her sjmptoms becanio vcij alarming anil a consultation of phjslclans vuib hold. At 11 o'clock last night theio was no change fortho hotter , mill whiiothousnnds of pcoplo in the dty i\lll most carnestl > hope that the tilovv mab long averted , they iucd not feel burpuicJ if her death oaura ut anj lour. i _ I1IKFVS \ 1TIIF \ * ) IIH'FFS Yostcnlay's School Election Proves n Sur- and n Ropublicati Victory. SOME ARRESTS FOR ILLEGAL VOTING , Ituynlrcnninn llulldliu Talked of- ilinlii ; DiM-iiicr Ui'iMili" * n Nnlil Iniu Hull-Itnilican ltohbo.d ill' Ills Chiukciis , Yoslenlnj't mlmol flection proved to bo n siirpiko ofvon Inrcor niul lioalthlor jiroKii-- | tlons thut tlio rttv election of a week aft. It vvns iiclcan out , swooping u-publlcim xlctorv , and , for a small Unlit , vvns oonilneteil with nuoutin much uplrlt as nnj ovi'iOL'ciniiil In tlui cltj. An effoitx is nmdoto Kit out Iho full pirty vote on both slik-M , but llxviis n slf-nul fillnio. Many of llio most inoiiiliicnt inon in the city nivlocud tn v oto The chief Hull ! in sill the wards wns iniulo upon Mr. Illusion , nnil It xvas oviilont lij noon that ho vvns ilofontoil. Ills fiietiils tilhcil around bun nnd cnili-av oied to save him by c.istlti ) ; tliulr ballots ov ( luslvoly for him , sci iti-hliiR all othoi niun"i fiom tlio tli'Ket Hut thisihd not siuo him , mid ho ran fur behind his tli'Uct In allot tbo vvnrds A s'riinir llfiht vvns inulo for Sim- burt , niul In thn Sixth waul hli frli'iuls fol- loxvoilthi'Hiino tnotli's tint HI ivslm's Iniik- crs liul tili'd. vntliiK for him o\t'luslvolv In tbis vvnrd lie lon-lvcil H > . " vntt-s , while his n- soci.ito on llio ticltot leeclxeil tint 'J. > , mid this di'ctoil him In tills xv.uil a full x oto xv as | iolloil , theio homjr 101 moio votes cast than in tin1 oitx eloctlon. The polls losod nt 0 o'clock , but It xvas in'ailv 11 lii'toii' tlio count vv .is linislicd It showed tliut Stainami hluibeit liul bien ( h'cteil bx f-ood mujoiitios The following Is tlio lonnt by wauls . misr vv MIII , . -liulioii. . . f > J Itiaxslni . . . Ill si ri-Mi wm > . * tll.y . "H" > IllllR'-Oll . . . . HI Miulirt . 'J.iO lUinslin . . . 1-0 Til I III ) W Mill. "lacy . SMlJiiniixrm . SO1' fhulHit. . . . JiIUa\s'in | ' . 7 HlL'inil \ \ vim , Miubut . rix'Hlnxslni ' . l s HI-TII v\ MID Hae ) . . . . 'JIT.IutiH | > .on . HI Miuuut . iw'llliixslin ' . Hit SIXTH WMIll ' lacj . . . "i , I n mi son . r > i-hiilnrl. . Id Illnxslin . 47 toTAii vin i : \ST ' tiicv . 1.14'lUainoon ' . . . . 1 OsS shulitit . l.I.'Jilll.ixsiin ' . . . . ? r > ISvnns Inuiul'v Co , 5'JO I'earl street Tclo- phone : "JO. ( Joods called for and ueliveiod. - * . - .r 11 AtUins , vvestein airent for Dol'uw's plate class coii'piiiy ' , Will plvo estlinitCb on jiliitodeliveiy in lo\vaanU Nobiaskn Tin ; niii \ 'iuiAij. Siiminiiij of IVstlmoii ) Taken In the < use Y < stoi < laj , The trial of Itu-.k Hall vv is rcsumcil In dis trict com I xosludax tiioiiilin ; , the lli-.t xvit- nossto tostlfy IICIIIK I' H Novoi , vvlio xvas u iniMiibor o [ the poliie force nt tlio time of tbo sboo'tiiitf. llo lot tilled tint ho vv.ison duty nlinut . " > o'cloiU in the morning , when bo lioniil shots in tbo diieotioii of Hall's Iiouso. llo i in to the spot and was dhectcd to llio house Hull mot him at the door and hail a i < x'olvor lu bis hand. Olllcei 41oblorwas with the witness II.ill said , "Don't como mix fuitbei or jou will Kit Unit " Witness told Hall Hint In- hail bettir come out nnd bo. haxo himself , but Hall wont b.ielc Into tlio boiibO and shut the door \Vitiiess then vvint to tbo police station after nsblstiiiuc. xvliilo Iloldci staved n nil vvatibod the houso. When hu loturneil thov outoicd and found Mrs Hall Ixmg on the lloor In ono 100111 , xx ith tno llrfiir all bloojy around her , xvliilo in the other room lay Hall with his throat cut. Ho he.ird the defendant toll lr ) Coolt nftervvnrd , vvlion be bud bteu removed to ht Hoin.ird'b hosiiital that bo killed his xvifo and ought to have done it long before. Ollloor Holdei xvas the next witness. Ho couoboiiitoii xvluit bid been ink ! bj Xojes. Altei Holder , IJ ( Soldstin , tbo pavvnbroUor from \ \ hoin Hall pin ( .basal thievoher , was put on the stand and testified to fact In the ilteinoon Chief Cary was put upon thostaiul llo testified lint lie hud in his possession thoievolvcr which had been used in the shooting of Mis. Hall , and that ho bad taken it fioin his ofilco to tbo gi md Jury room After the chief completed his ttsti- iiioiiv , the state rested. 'I lie ikfi USD then Introduced its witnesses The ground foi the defense \v.w the nlU'rcd ( insanltj ol Hall 1'iank Trimhlo the llrst witness cilled. Ho testified that ho had been In ln ) > liss paikono il.iy when nn old man cainoui ) to him anil asked him if ho ktiLWheio bis dnuplitei was Trimhlo did not know who the old man was at tlio time , buthe nfterwuds loirned that Itas the de- fc' The old man told him that bisvito \ hnd inndooneof tils dauiihtois cuter a hou e of 111 fame , and that hovas aft nd that she was about to dothosiino to the others The witness thought at the time tltut the man was of unsound iiiiiul , and ho nciordln.'l > paid but little attention to him Tbo next on the program v. as the testimony off B Daniels-v\ was In Jill dining Puli- ru.iry on nn iiulutmeat for unlw/lomcnt Ho said that liming his eoiitinoiiiuit Hull acted btiangilv , L'oing to the window and looking out and tnuttcimg to himself. Ho also \\alkod his cell a gieat deil at night I'.d Daniels was then put on the stand and testified to substantial ! } the snmo facts as his brother. \V T Cole of the Opilen livcrv was the next to testify Ho said that Hall hnd woikod for him , and tbit bo was subject to spills of inooiliiicssand forgetfulncss Tom Mnloney testified , out his testimony was of little Impoitinico , and ho x\as allowed to leave the stand VMthout uross exaimua- tioa Divodiay then took the stand Ho testi fied that Hall had \\orkud \ in his stable and thit lie noticed his stiange actions at that tune. One d u he spoke to Hall about it and found that ho hnd trouble with bis wife After tint ho said ho took Hall legularly into nis employ nt a salary of f0 ! per month On coss-i > xaminatlon ho got bndlv rattled when Attorney Onin asked him if ho was in the habit of employing lunatics about his stable and entrusting thorn \ \ Uh the i.ire of his line hoises ( .iraj bec.imo somewhat warm un der the collar bofoio the cioss-exaiiiination \\asovcinndwas evidently glad when ho was allowed to depirt. K D Colincr testified In the nmln to the s.amo facts as Mr Cole lie also sihl thitou ono occasion when ho .seemed to feel moio dcspoudcnt th in usual , ho askcu him what \\asttioinnttei. Hall leplied that ho was having trouble with his wife , that she had sent ono of her dauRhteis to a house of ill- , fame and was pome to do the same w ith the ' others The witness stated that when one \\.Ulcod in Iront of Hail ho would not pay the slightest attention to him , but that if one spoke to him he would always ronly. When tbo rigs lioin tbo stiblo were prdoicd out for funerals or the llko Hall alwajs went along and drove like any of the other stable hands After Colinor had completed his testimony court adjoin nod until this morning , when the further testimony will bo mtioduted in behalf of the defendant. J.C. nixnv , stoim netting sanitary en- pinter , JOJ Morrlambloilt , Council lllults Tbo Now I'aclllo is the most centially located hotel In Council lllulTs. Iliiynl A i INI M inn Ituil ting. The latest thuiLIn tboMI > of public im- provonieiits to bo talked of U a UoyalAiea nuin temple The members of Kidulltyeoun- ell of tins citj have been asltntini-tho mat ter for scveial weeks past , but It has not taken definite shnno until within the last few dajs. At the list mooting of the lodge , \\hlchtookplaco on last Friday evening , n committee was appointed , consisting of Ir.i .1 Ilemhicks , LK Bell , T. II. Cnvln , W. H. Uobhison and .lames 1'attorson , for the pur pose of working up the enternrlso among the members , 'Iho weseiU luu'tulcm h to n stock companv with a etmtn sloik of f.K ) ( K ) or tnoie nil tlic stpikhuidors being members of tlio order I'lu1 si honn is In too pi I mil Uo asttigonsct to tflvo tin" details tails , but It It thought tnat the cod of the lot nml the structure will bo not less than the above sum Sm-cnil pioportj owners have olTcredsites for the building 'at reasonable tciiu , ami sonio of those site * arc among the finest In thocitv Among the best nro the lots oppo site Tin Hi i otllcoon Pearl street , whhbiuo now ou'iipied by two small one-story build Ings. Another which is looked upon with much fix or , Is the one now occupied by the I'liclllchoti'i1 ' It Is stilted that tin1 oxxner of this phuoxlll guiu.intce a ( jiouml llooi tenant ant forllio three joannovl sucicodliii ! the purcha e. I be conncll lm alivul.x hidap plicatlatis from pioinlnent business men who want to lease thehnvoi lloor of the buibtlmr as soon ns it Is completed. All the Indications me so fax oiablo that It miv almost bo mrimk'il asu ccitulntj that within the next few months son.cthiiiK . doll- nito xxlll tnko pliuo In the way of coinmonc- Ing o | 'iiitiou If the scheme' is carried out tbo hnlldhiKwHlbo the llrst of its kind In Iho count ) ) . _ A Suit tl\er 11 Itoilnuriint. A decioe was lendoicd ye-tcrd.i ) in district emit tin the case of D.ivbl ( Jrav vs U. 11 White nnd ilennloVhito 'Phi * Is a case which bus taken up iiKiont deal of time In court , and the til.d vxas voiniiicMncil so lotiu iiu ( tint pruhahlv none but thnso Iminodl- ately Interested hnvo any knovxlenge of tbo ' iioumslames. In lss D.ivid ( ! rawns the owner of the lot and the building theieon vvhhh Is now oe cupied by the Connell HlulTs icstauiant on Main stieot The iiropert. % , vvns loveied by a inoi tgago which win duo nnd whlih tbo ovvnei find no xvav of pa.vlntrofl. Ho accord ingly entoied into an agnumint xvlth U IIVtilte , liv xvldui ho was to quit chini the piopeil.v tohlto for ten \ears , at the end of whiih time ho wns torecdvc tt Imik 'Iho piopoi'y then sold b > the sheillT to Wlljiani ( ininer , who aftorvvards sold it to Mrs .lennio White , the \\lfo of C 11 U bite , and afterwards a defendant in the case In the niemtimo CUuy hut stalled a Inmost ' shop in tlieuppei s'toiv of the bulkltiiK Kor sovoial > c.ns liciontinued to sta ) then1 , hut nt last a dispute aiosc botxxeon him nnd the \\hltes , ( tiay claiming that hoas the light- fill owner of tliepiopoity \ \ hite I ) nilc.ided the door in oriiei to keen Cia\ ! out , and ( Jrav bioko down the bniiicades as icgiiliily as tbo davs cameaiound. I'innlhVhito tuoiight nn injunction suit against 11 raj to icstriiln Him fioin doinginjuiies totho pioitoitv , and ( ! rabtoutht ! a similar suit against MH. U'luto to icstiiiln her from intciferinp. with Us pcacoablo possession The llrst suit xvns tried before .ludgo Deoiner nearly a j car ago , it being agreed botxveen 'ho pintles that the decision vvnlih might be lemiercd hj. tbo court In It should bo binding In the second also .bulge Dcotn- ei's decision xvns that the transfer of prop city fiom ( iray \Vlnto in the first plain was fiaudulont , and that White knew that it was taado with a view to dolaving tlio et- tlement xvith cieditors. Ho held , theieforo , that dray and White IMIO both without lights in the case , and that Otny conhl not sot up a cldm to possession advcisch to that of Mrs White , who , so far as wasunoxxn , xx'as an Innocent nart ) I'lio result of this is to ( [ tilet the title to tbo pioiuily in MH U'hito unless the case should bo appealed to tbo supreme coutthlch is not at all prob able. able.A A suit Ins also been begun in tbo s iponor court to eject ( ! iafiom the picimses A \lsit to Dis Woodbury's noxx- dental rooms will be pleasant ( is well as profitable. I'iiiest and most complete dental looms In the west. illegal A n.aii mined lioxd was ai rested yistcnlaj afternoon on thcchaiKOof illegal voting 'Ihe in foi mation x % as filed by \ \ H. Knepher. Ho stated that liojd came into bis store a week ngo list Siturday cveniiif ; ami wanted to know when.1 he should go to icgistcr Hu said that ho had Kgistored in the Sixth waul , but had nioveu Into the Snond lTpon being ( | iiostloued bo lulmiMcd that ho had been in town on the days when the registers hnd been open , but Ind neglected to get n transfer Into the Second \\aul. Ho vvns then lntorim.d that ho xxonld not bo allowed tovoto. Yo-tor- ilaxhoxvcvor , ho came to the Second ward polls and wanted to s\x-eir in his xotc , but ICncpher happened to sec him aid hail him aricsted. opi.vrintu.f 10 THIS Agriculturist * ) > l.iHe J'irnt nt tlio AVorld'H 1'n 11IMilliit. . If thuVoiliVs Columbian exposition proves to bo a yrciit success in one jm- tioulnr innru tlnin in another it xxill bom Its agricultural v'.xliihit , says the Ormisro Judd I' iirmor Of this tliorocan scarcely ho a iloubt When the inngnitnilo and inaivoloiisdoveloiiinent of the a ilcultu- intoiostsot this coutiti arocoiisiil- orcil , anil it is noted hovrcnt is the en thusiasm Uiioiifjlioiit the states oxer the exposition and how is the attention ffivon tu thobiihjoet bj the exposition iniumireiiioiit , no other coiulusion is possible. In all probability the exhibition will be an astonishing roxolntinn , not onlj to froi'iiois ) ( , hut to XCM-J innnj AiiK-'i'icaiis , ny icasoti of its matrnitiulu and evidences of the supoii- oritj of tlio a 'riciiHurnl iuteiestsof Ibis country nnd of their xvomloifnl jiojress { , indicated In iinprovtil inuthoils ; uil better ] ) ioiluct. Is'o other interest will surpass tlio nff- in Iho benefit it xvill reap from it'-own ovhibit at < 'hicii < 'o. Tlio dopartnient of npriiouUmo \Viisliinn- : - ton will iniiko n siioiltilic ( luiunnstratlun of method * , coiny intoilotsiils , umlshow- iiifjhow and vvh.v tlio best results nro at tained. An congress with u heiios of lei lures and di uii-sions will ho hold , at xxluchall biancbos of agil- ctiHnral industry will lw coiibiduiod liy men wlin hnxo devoted their hvos to t > tinly anil oMioriinunt in Iheni They will bo most \aluahle ndjuni'ts to the general iigririiltinnl exhibit , xx hich will compriho the host tifoiluoth nnd inc.inb of production , L'nthoiod from o\orx' ( liiaitor. Tills ? will ho of Ir.estim- able value in the way of comparison and ediH.ition. Tlio Now York farmer and the Kansas fanner will compare tlio 10- spcetivo month of the products of differ ent localities mid look cnrotnlly into tlio methods or jnocosses by xvliichupoiior results Imx'o boon attained. The adap tion of ( llllorent Incnlilies and climates , and of tlio ditlurent soils anil their nient , to the raisin } , ' of tlio varioiih ceicnls will he made apparent us never bcfmu. This will ntlect to n consider able extent Uie cliariii'tor of the pio- ducts of dilleiont sections in the future , as the lesions of adaptation w ill bo but ter undeihtoud. Tbo heart } eoopeiatioii already es tablished botxxoeii the agricultural states , bocietios nnd intoiest' . , and tlio exposition inauagoinont is little hhoit of assurance of the HI oat success of poi-haps the most iniportiint ilopaitmont of tlio trreul fair. Said Mr , Buchanan , chief of the agricultural ( loartniont ] ) : "I know it to ho a fact that no ono interest in connection with the exposition has boon flivon more thought hj diiectoit. , com- niissioneis nnd exeoullvo than that of the nroduceih of food products. Its ux- coptlonnliinpoi'tiinco ibfullnppieeiated. \ . Tlio locution hot apnrt foi thoiiurlcul- tuial ( llsjlav it > eoinpicuoiih nnd most ( Ifsirablo ovoryway. 1 o\eot | ) to hue thoio a fur gioater , more complete , nnd moio niorltoioiih iifrrh ultuial exhibit in 18'Mtliau ' thowoild has over xvituohsed. Tlio utility of it us an educator cannot bo ovoiustiimilod , and the spectacle it will present to \ isltors will be ono of tlio mobt nibtructlvo and , I believe , lieaiitiful in the ontlro exposition The nnt- ural biipromacv of the a rilciiltnral in- toiestf in this oouniry , and a p.itrlotie impul'-o to briii { , ' bufoio the eyes of tlio xvoild our suiioi ioiity and projjioss , ln- biuo an oxhiblt olvvhicli every . \iuorlcun xx'ill bo proud , " Another ( , 'ioat henollt ! ij'i'ioiiltuilbtb will Uerho Jrom the inujjulllcent e.\liiblt - - itlr i thin lie miic to in n.o xx ul oomo from' ' tlu > t < \l < 'tisioii ul tin in n u < t for Hu ii ] > i ilu ( Is a i' ( s ill \vin , D tu. ir o\ei I- tciieo will siirol.x hVllttfn extension of itmrKots inuaiis hiorcascd demand and better prli'tw. I'ariueis will bco at the oxposilion tlio most improved tun- oliiner.v , the finest pioi1tu'l ai.d the nest ofcvoijthin ) , ' rrlutlntr to ayicullural life. fhe i' xxill constitute nil ohjoot lesson taught by the ontlro industry in xxhloli tlu\\ are cnfjaueil.Vhocnn \ doubt its heiielicial otTcctaV The airilcultiiral resource" ' of the I'nited Stales oim HMrcel ) bo said to ' hitvo xltownat all nt Iho'l'arU e.xposi tion. mid since thu I'hiladolphiii eeiilon- nlnl the prnf.'roM of tin-so lutcrosts has been vvtmi'.oitullj pri'oat. so rent. indeed , that 51 Is only pirtially coinprehonded l\v Americans tliotnsofvoIv'o " I'liws of exhlblliu's um hope to inaUo n moio ini- pin taut nml splendid showing at the ON- JHHition than can thoiijjricultmistJ , and the indlcallous nro that they will iin- inoxetheopportiinit.v to tlio utmost , r MM ami lloix. ; Althoutrh the fact has been repoat- edl , " and fully donnmstiatod that pin- < cannot ho Kept bcaltlij on concentrated food alone , many farmoiN enntinuo tn Hive them little else dm-inp ; Ihe Inifit'st IHirtlon of their lives. I'otn , cither ( { loiind or unbound , is too solid and compact n food xxhon unmixed with other nrttcrltilt , and cannot be thoi- ou hU diyc led unless a certain ptopoi- tuiii of rough nnd bulk food Is pivoii \\ltb \ it. A fiiiluio to nbsurxe this need is ( loubtle-s ono of tlio most fre quent 1'iiiM's of ilNei ; o xx Ith svvtno , and even it disoi o does not re sult. It is well ostihlishcd that bii s fed xxilliont thls\iulet. % fail to t'i\o tin- best ictnriis foi tlu > food consumed , 1'ifrs Kept up In pens , so Unit tbcv me iiiinblc to fni'ii e for thciibolxe-i , should be fed green cliixer , this is onu of the best nlleratixe and lolaxin foods , ix- iny bullc - I lightni'stotho oilier feed , nnd 'rnisliinj , ' , beside , n considerable piopoilion of miisolo forming mate ial In winter , vvheiithiscan not bo obtained , Its pinto nnv bo supplied hv iiitu-bi as nnd iimnpeUwiuvels tiirnioirrots | ) and other roots : or cut hay nnd clover , steamed or moistened and mixed xvith n little bran or meal , nnj bo fed xvitb equall } good results I low to ( Jnivv OnloiiH. If 5011 pioposo to jjiow any onions this unison , jlovv the { luunil deep as you will , but afterward loll : uul barrow and loll again until the soil is thoroutjbly completed through its whole depth. Then make the Mitfaco line for n few inches on Iho top b menus of a light harrow and tlio hand rul < o. The bulb ( if n woll-doxclopcd onion grows nenr the surface , the true root1- going down but n fovv inches If the sill is loose and open for nnv considerable depth the roots xx 111 grow lony , to the evident detriment of the bulb , which tin u often groxvb long1 and slender , instead of becoming full and lound , Oxyueil ol'I'Vcc IIINI It ndftiiM. Mr. Ulaino contiibntes totho Youth's Com pinion an niticlo on the poxvth of llio de bites in concress Ho ostlmntcs that in the twcnt.v-ll\o yoaib since the close of the civil war it took 'JMOOOXM ( xxoids 10 leuoit the pioceedinnsof congress This is 1UIriHHK , ) ) moioworch than xx-eio minirul foi the ic- ports fiom the foundation of the government to the cud of the vxai Well , what of It ; asks the Xcvx Voik Sun COIIKIOSS is dolnj. ' no haini xvlnle it talks ' 1 ho more it talks and the less it legislates the better for tbo countiv If imi iess con- lined its work to nmkiii ; , ' Speeches nnd iussiiir ( thu appropiiatlon bills , with out attempting lonislation for whkh tbeio xvas not exidont an oveivvhclm- iiiif public demand , the people xxouldn't com- nlum The tciiilcncy of all leciblutivu bodies is toward too nnicli lavvnnkln Uveiv nicin- bor wants to distinguish 1 inisclf by lennth iiiitii ; the statute bool ! I'Aorx crank takes " ucst" of in- tho"bj ie < [ svstem - bills to comniunicato bis ideas to coinmittco of IOIIKICSS. COIKIO S is contliuiallv trylnir to do too much There Is little dancer tint it will tnlk too much. Talk is tbo oxj mi of free Institutions , nnv xvav Them would soon bo the deuce to pav if taik wore to bo repicsscd many degree In con gress Of course , Mr IJhlne , although ho snjs so onlj bj implication , means that the C'o'n ( 'rosslonal Kecord outrht not to bo fattened with speeches that were not nttually dellv- 01 ed lit oiiRht to bo the exact tecoidofhat is said nml iimm in congress , coutainliiK notliint ; more and nothing loss. Takeout 01 It the speeches that wore not spouen Put in it the speeches that v010 spoken , and let them appeal1 xvithont noitnring 'Ihen let contjiess tdk as much as it wants to and use as nniiv xvuidsas it lan Slxtv live millions of people am not to bo Injmed by anj man her of billions of xvords It. fact , the nioie talk the hanpici thoj will bo. I Oil THirsi'ltlAOS OI'Arliiinsns mid All I'oinis Soutli. Take tlioVahash , the best and quick est unite Only .ib hours to the Hot Springs , 40 to Now Orlean.Vi , to .Inck- f-onxilio , 0 ! to Tampa , with coriespond- ing fast time to nil points south. Ho- dining chair and Pullman bullet bleep ing uirs on all trains. Hound triji tickets noxv on wile nt ( jroiitly icducul rat"s. Kor tickets and full infoimation call nt the AVabash ticket olllco , 1")02 I ariiam stieot or vvrilo G. X C'rVTO.V , ADVKXU'UESOFJIYAUXT. In the spring of I SOS my fntlici1 , ilo- eoixed bj the fnlschoods of Innd hpeoulii- toi's , ns wore niiUij othci , reinoxoil fioin a L'oinfortablo homo in Ontaiio nnil houijht a triiolv of hind on thu x\-oit shore of Lilic of the Woods , within C'amullin loi'iitoi'.y , At Iho time my story opens 1 \\nsn \ lud of tttolxo.'u \ lind n t'luiirliifj of tlireo or four acics , and built a stout loy liou-o , aniUhouih much discoiifajjcil by lulvof-o eirciiinstiincos , hnd no thought of tfhiii } ? up the farm , when a toriihlo calamity Imppunod. My mother's sister , a jouiixoiniiii } about t\vontj- it yoats of iif i' , had oonm into the cbs \xlth us as n inombor of the family. One November dnttlio sniiio belliMini } , nnd ) ilc.i.siiiit , father look mnthor out on the lake for a rldo in the canoe ho had ljoiif'ht of an Iiulian. They nns > itd out of our tii ht unions tlio hinnll iblainls : nnd xiono\or Mtliom \ nyiilii. It xuis belivcil by homo that thi < i x\ore nps't and drowned ; by ethers that tlioy landed upon an isliinu and x\oro \ Killed by xx'ild bonsts. 'J'his then was oiir bitnatlon : Wo woie. oi'lit { nillos fioiuany otlioi bottler , xx-itli amff \ \ hard u tutor COIIUMJ , ' on. I \\'iiH old enoiifjh to roali/o our position , but not to nihihO. Aunt Unniinh xvns nntiliiillj x-oij qniut I romombcr hoxv pale hho was , nml what a look of nnxioty bho eiinled on lior facts us she i-ainuto roiill/o that fiithi'i1 and inotlior must bo donil , The and I tramped around the lal < o formiloh , hut all to no purpose. If hho had decided on leax inj , ' our cabin and ( joiiitf to the nearest He'ltloiiimit hho trailed too linitr. A x\cok nftcr father and uiotlior set out for their ildo the Indian Miianier enino tonnend , n severe stoim i-et in , and then Itould linx'o boon inipossiblo to got out of the xx-ooils on iiccount of the depth of tliu MIOW. \Vhen Aunt Iliinnnh leall/ud this ulio took an iiiveiitorj of block on hand. Knthor was foiidof liuiitlnp ; , nnd ho had hroujrhlxith \ him a lliiu rillo. a ilouhlo- banolodbhot-tfun , a revolver and plenty of ammunition. In addition , \\o \ \ had Uul\c bteul tinpband t\\o boar \ < In jirox * > im.oliad corn incnl , u little "alt pnrli. niul some mlToo Fiillu r hnd been InlrMdiiii * to irn out to Ibo settlement and bung a load of pun HOIIH for the Inter. Oui1 Iho stock consisted of a johc of OM'ii , n coxxlhici' ply and n ilo/on fowls , and noiiu of thorn hnd boon disturbed l\\ the \\lld beasts duihiK1 tlio suinmoi1. \\MnUM1 lia l only tot In. however , xvlicn oui'OMMI xvcrc vim olT either 1IndiniiH \ orvolos , and x\ero \ lust tons forever. A bear enino one nlcht nnd I'lirried oil one oftlio pljs ( , and nest davvo , hilled tbeotber t\vo nnd htinjr Ilielr citrcalis ( > s nptofiee/c. \\n inteiulcd to kill nil tin' poultrv , but foxes or vxolviMliu-s sav oil IH t lie t rouble * . On Di'roiiibi'j 1. when tlti unovx vvns at liMst four feet deep on the ground , and tliiithoiiiionieler stood far beloxxeio , we had iiothiii ) , ' to etnc for onlilooM. Prom the 1st to Iho 1-tb of December it was so cold that xxnlor x\ould \ free/out thedoor of our cabin , font loon foot fiom ti bin/intf the. Tlio fiost vrot Into the Ions'and kept upn coiislnnt iioiihifT , niul tliosnim kept fnlliiifMit Intervnls 'intil ' it llnnlly buiUdl up hiirber tlnin Iho xxlndort and shut out our biht. On the morn hi'of } , the lilth tlio xvonthor liecame nilldei , and about noun il was th < i\vin \ r consideiably. When vxn hail cleared nvtay the sn'oxv nnd dniK'Ucd up n noxv snpplj ot xvood. Aunt llaninili ( jot down tlio Ihoni'iiit and > -iid ! : " \\i must eloaii and load tlioso wea- pirn- . , lorusluill soon hnvo iiiivveldiino vNltois H vv 111 froivo tonight. inaMntr a sti'itnjx crust on thosiioxv , and IOIIKIITOXV tlio xx lid boasts xxill bo able to mov i about. ' ' Thoio xv eic onlj txvosmiH xxliiibmsto ' the cabin , nnd tb'osMvore tfiuudod w it b stionir ttoodon slintteis. A loophole had been left in the iasinj ; each wldo of the door and vvimliws , anil tlaso wore slopiied xx ith peys. The door xvas of plunk , hiiiij ( on vxoodon hinges , and lOiiriMlhy n , and thoio xvjisn crux uvi at the bottom ut lo.i t two inclios wide This vvo had stopped when cold xx'oalliei i me with n piece of boaid Tl fio/o up solid ajj.dn Unit nitfht , and the l.'lth xvas cold and cloudy. Nothing had been nblo to move thiou li the deep binw , nnd Hie ho.iHtsof pioy vvoro i.iveii OIH. A little pist i ) o'clock in the morning - ing vvo WIMO stutlod ba loiiw-dtasv n surouin at the door , and mj mint vvhi - liorod that our \ishor xxas n panther Tixo ininittos Inter HO dNooverud that there vvoro txxo imntliors , Thcj xveio no doubt ravonoiiMlj { ; } and could scent not only us , but tlio fiosh pork hanj lng near tlio door. Tlioj inouniod to the loof , tried the door and shutters nnd now and then fought oaob otlier in tlioirdisaiipointment A\"o Kept ( pilot for a while , hoping tlioy would go away , but as they persisted in their efforts Aunt Hannah planned lovongo. She cut off biniill pieces of the fiosh moat , nnd vv lion I had pulled the board nwnj fiom the ciovico nttho door she placed the piooes about si\ indies axv n ) nnd then stood hv with n sharp axe. The pmtlioi'b Miilled and Miillod and dhoollj tliriibt their pivvs under the doors to sei/o llio meat. This \\ns\vhat she li'id < i\iccted | , and - . .beviis The a\o lopped oil two p.ixxs slioU and dean , and tlio mniinod and blooding beasts bent a i etroat w itliout coremon.v About noon n largo bluok o'iclcd ' aioimd t he cabin inoro than a do/.on times , and aftei liini oamo two vxinxo , but xvo rniiiained cpuet , nnd tbo.v soon wontnwnx. At about llo cloik in the afternoon my aunt told mo to got out all tbo ti.ipi nnd explained : " \Vo have moio to fear fiom the wolves than iini , tbiny elso. I oxpoot thov will come In1 tlio scores as soon as night lalK Wo will set all the tians and those who fet ; oaugbt will at once be dexoiucd bv their tonip.inioii-- . " ' \Vo sut tbo traps in tbo bouso and enrried them out one bj ono , and placed tliom on tbo fio/cn crust under tbo xv in- ( lows and in front of the door. When this had been done vvo secured the door and waited for ni hl to come. it xxas about u o'clock in the afternoon , jinil xvns just fairly daik xx hen vxe lionid a noUo us of a hniulrod voices singing in different kov-h This \\as afar oil at llrst , but it ( iitno rapidly nearer accoinpmied by a sound as of .1 heavy wind bloxx'ing tbroiiL'h tbo tioes , and tbon our cabin wns suduonly siirroundod by wolves and pandemonium broke loose.Vo could not > -ny whether thcio xvoro 100 or 500 in the pa'ok , ah each beast was making all tbo noise bo possiblj oonld. They foil into tbo traps at onco. nnd then tlio nickel f lightened us bnlf to death although vvo felt siuo that our defence was porfcctly safe ngninsl any 'it lack. 1-hory wolf was attacked and devoured us sonii as bo yet fast , and it eortnin tlmtcvoij trap scoied a v lotini. FOUI- loon xx oles ought to haxouiadoasupptr for the pack , ox on if it had numboied a hundroil , but it did not seem to bo tlio ease , Tlio living bec.imo oven mou ilomoiistiativo. They i.iood over tlio roof , lea jied at tbo sbuttors , and rushed at the door in a bodj , and at length mj aunt decided to ti\v the plan wliicli had woik- ed MI well in'tbo case of the pantliei- . hlio got tlio a\ecnt some ] ) ioios of moat , nnd for tbo next liftcaii minutes vxas bus } slashing'oil paw * . I expect that ovei.v wolf who lost a paw was at once pounced upon and oaten , and I Know that at least twenty siitiered in this way. By and by the appetites of the living coined to be satislied andafter quarieling and meing around , the pick moved oil. When the snow molted in the spiing there xvoio enough boiion lj ing about our cabin to lopiosonl liftxxolvos. . I bohoxe thex would have filled four or live bariols. \Vo had other iidvenlures xx-ilh vvild boasts that winter , indeed , it is still Inoun in that locality as "tbo wolf xv In ter. " 15ut xvo had a still moio exciting time xvitli the Indians. A bind of them broke n xv ay f loin tbo reservation Into in the fall anil took totho woods and inur- dorod many sottlon It xxas about tbo 1st of March bofoio xvo liomd of them. Then ono dnynhiiiitor and tiapporeallul at tlio cabin and warned us tolloostating that the Kind bad broken uii into sin ill parties and was dotorinlnod to murder ovorv white person from tlio bike west to the Hod i Ivor of the Xoilli. llo himself bad nniiuvvlv osc.ipod ( loath at their hands. The snoxx was then thico fiet doon in Ibo xxoods , and wo might have to xvnllvthhty miles to teach a place of siifotv. My in.nt listened carefully to xvhat the man had to say and thoii 10- lilied : " 1 shall stny right lioro and if the In dians come \xo will do our boht to beat tliom oil , " Tlio hunter loft us throe bars of load and a pound of powder , nnil as soon us bo bad departed we put tbo cabin in a utato of siege , \Vobrougbt a b.irrol of water fioin tlio crook , fret in a lot of wood nnd the shutters to tbo windows vvoio strengthened bv , bieaUing up a heavy eliest. That night a llnivv potm and continued' for two ih.vs and xvlien thovvoatber changed tlioio xxeio only two or three Inches of snoxx on the ground. Nothing had boon soon of tlio Indians , but Aunt Hannah said they xvould bo siuo to como now. While"l blood on the stump and watched bho sot nil the tiapniis we had for tbo wolves , covering ouch ono lightly with snow. This tinned out to bis u w iso precaution. At 11 o'clock Unit night , xxliilo vvo xv01 o both sound asleep , a terrible jell biiddonly rent tlio ah , and xx'as almost iiisuintlv seeouded from another quiirtor. ( Jno of llio hour traps had boon set in front of Iho door and the ether under Oiio of tlio windows A band of Indiiins had iiirolully approached ibc cabin , and two of tliom had htoppcd tutu thu trap * at nlmust lli\ui nut \\ith oui ; , o tli , > s' sale IVE IIAI'E CONCLUDED TO CON- TJNUll HUSLVJtSS 1/ERI1 And in order in ni.iko rnoin lor our iinnionso stork of Sprillj ; ( ionds , which air drrnini ; cl.nly , \vc \ will sell the Balance ofttiB Mo WBankriipt Stock YOUE OWN PRICE. Tl.'inking our luinicroii' ; p.iticns foi ji\st \ f.\\ois atul hoping foi .1 rontinuaiui' ul thcs.mio , and .issurinu ) ou ol lust HasonoiU .uul lowest J111CCS. l\l SJH'I tllll\ ( , A. 1 1 , GOLDSTEIN & CO. TO BEEKEEPERS. I entry nfiilllmpuC I3eoUo > iioii % supplies , Including reinl ) loim- clation honey knives , --.inokois , , sections and nil supplies lor ho nplni V M.S. ROOF , J IS it llr Milw ly , Council I51ulls , II r. Butchers' ' and Packers' ' Supplh ; Market Fixtures , Casing , Pnlpi's nml IIISIIKP Miil irV Miiclilnciy K.'Maliist . < miiu'll 111 nils. Ii Also 11 Milieu mill I in- . WRITE JO I1ERJ ' 1 wiintKil tililolod i my liniiBO nrk fur lr > jdirs , f > lii M" Mi In I"MNuii. . > JS | lUMi > n l llnlTnlii 2s \ Ilm tori tl \ % till tn tn ) iitnUlaris fir ftnaU ( ) wiMknofi anil uvi ! ninny n IIHMIMlllimit | | IUMII tit I hn\i's NHtx I. in A NsiurtMl MIH I inn HI rout ; anir < , * litall nn mn irk } liKrliuv siv IIDVCS li r ( o Ail.lrOHM.IIVI. . Ill VS III III I h.VM ) N X b ( M b > ( iiioiliuiiii lniu ( i > 1110 I irn nn "I. Omili Bufrerln from | tlio iflictfl ill jouiliriil crron curly deoiw , vn lliuwcttknrs , lort in.iiilunKl , itir. I will wiiil a\aliinl > le tn-iillio ( walcil ) icmtalnltif fullpnrtlculan for liomo euro , I'llii. : ortlinrRu \ | ilfiilll innllcilork ; linulil It ) ion Ho cvcrj nnilslin Is lurxniu IITII ! tU'lilllUN tl XililrtRA l > r r. T. f. I'OM 1,1:11 , IHoailuK , Cunu llio same instant .Aunt Hum all's face vvhltiM- than in u-ble. but slu linil all lior Diisi-nco of mind Sinonloreil me totaKo tlio levolxor nnd lire through port-holes at tlio window , xvlnlc she used the siot-n'im | at tbo door , and fiom tlio joils nnil scronms of the ii-d men xvo von - satisfied that two or three xvoro hidljciiiulcil \ , oven if nonowero Killed Thuj ( lioxv olT anil loft lib to ro- lo.ul , nnd it vxasiin hour before vvo ho.ird nnj'thitig nwro fioin thotn Then borne ono knock ul on the door , anil n voice spoUo to usin good llnirlisli , sijmjj "Woman , foSoil's > ( sake let mo in' I linvo been a prl-ont'i vxith the Indiiins but linvo escaped. Jam wounded in the foot nnd cininot travel , but I can help JOU light. " I xvas for removing tinbnr at once , but in ) aviiit stopped mo with a gpstm-o , and tip-tood to ono of the port-hulos and diow the pig. "MV , ( ! oil , but nave you no ineioy ! " wailed the man ' 'If roeantuied I shall bo binned at tlio stake There tire tvvontv Indians hero , hut with 1113 help jou can beat them oil ! " She put the uiii//lo of the rovolvoi through tbo poilholo. twisted it totho loft , and when she Hi-oil the man Ml against thodooi , roioveitd himself , anil shonitd out : "I'll i east jou alive for that , you she r.oxil' . ' " lie vvai a vvhito icnogado or docoj , and she had xvonniloil him in the shoul- dor. llo lotreated , ciirsiiijr nnd ; riovvl ing , and vxohoaid no 1110:0 : fioin the In- iliiinb until aftei bum iso next moiiiing , They had nmde.i tonijioraij camp uiiiKr a bunk , about thirtj lods oil. 'J'he lu-st move wns to adv.iiico vitli a Hag of truce and when tlio be.uergot near enough he siid that if wo xvouhl biiriondoivxe shoulil bo well treated , and londuetcd to a white scttlomont , as the object of the Indiiins xvas simply to noeupv the Innd. Aunt Il.innnli knew it was only a ui-o. inul she xvould noitlioi ieplnoi lot nil'lliis ilenco xvould ini//le tin-in ai to the stiongth of tlio iniii.itcs Tlio redslunoon xvilhdiow and lifter a bit luo was opened on the door nnd window Hhuttcis Xot.i bullet canio thiinijrh. \ltor about tin honi the lire seemed to coiicoi.trato on llio window opposite the door. Mj aunt xxas quiiK tonotiio this and took the hotgun , yavo mo the revolver - volvor and ha id. "Thoj' aie ( jTointr to trj and hatter in the door. Don't lire until 1 ijivo tlio word. " Wo had heon at the port-holes about five minutes xxhon ton Indians cnirjing ' a ho.ivy limb , lixo on a side , e'anio ; uomul tlio coiner of the house anil squnicd off to use tlio limb ns n batter ing rain. At this time two Indians \\oio ilniu'iiijf { on the roof , and others \vuro jellintj to attract our attention from tlio door. As the Indians Mopped back for a stall , and just lib tlioy x\-oio on the' point of ailxaiKin 4 , mj' aunt tfiivo the word to lire. Theio was a row of buck- -iklnned legs right in front of mo , and I couldn't help but hurt mime imo.Vhcn the MiioKo bli-vv axvaj' there vxoio lixo IndiaiiH on the { , 'K"1'1 ! ! Tlneo soon craxvlod nvvij- , wounded anil bleeding , but two had been Killed hjthe bio of Iho shotgun. The survivors didn't trj to uot the bodies iivvaj' , but no\t at- IncUid \\ayoftlioioof. . Thejxxcro trying to out holes through the mutjli , honii-inailo' liiiiyles xxhcii Mime of llio hucKsliol leached nnd scnttoiod Iheni Tliov tin n built a Iho iinninst the logs , hut it onlj t-corchod Iheni , and soon after dinner tbo party u-trcated leav ing two dead at the door , tvxo mm o in the barn , and having to help axvnj two ' or throe xvonmled That ni rli't the vvolxcs ( Mine and ( lovouiod tin ili.idniul we wore s.ixi-d the tumble of reinov ing ami burjliij , ' tliom Neuralgia. > J" ( ' ' lIllL'irttmin , Mi | , Jlo > IT. A | til J1 "A half koltjiif " "I niul dili - f r-H my your i nv u 1 niihlt imdUlni , st liioil s flllllllj , lllVO UHll M , (111 , run i | nu i f rhru Jaidis Oil fur IKU. nml i lii ii rnl , , , , „ , „ ! umll , , t Line lliolu 1 1 still u Fpttil ) , tOcclivi ) the uuhirM inn ' J , M.I. I'OIITI n Mi | Ai.M.s . KllLLY , IT HAS NO EQUAL. Sl'EOIAIj NOTICES. COUNCIL BuUFFS. I 01 ! .s \l P in i M h n , , . n CIHul Moi'U nf BI-U. i 1. 1 1 UK nli utiliseilll 1 1 | , ( > a in mil i li u r f K i in In M in I Im i Mil in 1 1 nt i in i ic. 1 1 1 it x' | iini' | I'l IJ \ | | ) .it mm lii.lnliiistdluV Viinl'llIU u , I ( Mini II Illnlls I OIt s\ | , | ; , , , fMinniitc. u flJl'flfl In < l\tloO Still l < llT lllMltsillIll slllll'- . | ) ' 11(1 llX'U * linn , will tiiKu pall cnsli anil iinil In CUIH | i ' i II v | ii opt n m lima 1 mil : IIH | ! Is iinly fin u few d.ijs liihiiMon iV , \'nii I'nllcii , I iiunrll Illnlls IjlUK .s.\l.i : Din > vi | n nf Cljili-sdnlii liuiscs , sl\ \ciiisiilil : v\i \ Iclit I.IIIKI piiniiilH \\lll- \ Iain II i'liriloo , south of HID Instil uki on I'oity ciuK I VMfs P. Hie rilrtiiiTlurTlia'iiiin phiuisi l- ' new si lit ( KIHII pi , inns nnil ur.Miisi. Slid Illl I IISV | l IJ III ! Ill-i | | J M | | lllllll ll'llls. IIIIIHia tc.ulici 1)4 ) Miiisiniiii sttiul. ( niinill Illnlls. \ \ \MII : > i.iii f > Ululltucl. . jVIIJ i-\lI. A liiiusc nml' lot ont'iisy li.iv mi lit iniiilii : | > it 4U > I'nrk iiveinio , Mr .1 I. M l'iiVAS ! | ; IJ hs , imivul hli vtiiitiliniisc fiotn li" > 1lriiaihMi > to IUJ IlKiulvMiv X\K | re he v > 111 kcpium liinil i line .link of Tin n ui llxtuies tpOUs\ | , | : \t a siicrllliM' , I lau'iMossliT life , pi'ifnt coiullt n nJ ulllcr ili'slis niul lull * . L'stoi a trucks. I lir 'e linn m.ilu linrk , . ' In at In ; slnM H 'Jiiiiintii scilisi . ' ( . ] luil * i rs. 1 I IIL-'C | il it Cm in lloor soilt'Kci line , V I ill. IlTMalns ) . Fou iti vi riirvu-vbTIioii Mink , : Tsi,7 In lik w llh IIIISHIK nl mid olci ilor. J.V. . senile , llll IV n I slurI , HAUliAINs Pin h.iiviitis In bousi'i , Inti , fiuiiis uilil iriiiilriis. nn I i bu i llsllii so- ftiiin. ( ill nn Inhiisloii . \ . \llll I'ltlon ' , : \ tt bliu-k , Council Illnlls Inolt sAH" \ biir uln , iioxv modem noiisa with all the Hie liiipiiivciniiils. M \ on KIIIIIIS ; will -.1 II ( in i iuy piy nn ills locnlul on ( In 1 iflh in iiiiiu iiidloi lino. I ) .1 llululilii- ' 011 ( , IT Mm ulu.iy _ _ _ _ , 1POU s\lI. , Ijl ht-ronin hnuse and tvxo hm , nn HiiiKoii x | A nioihrn lunisc md t lldiid homo cheap II J. lliildilii-on , 017 Mm id w ly TpOH S\LE nrR9iit-'jTrTon' iauil. M. : houiB . by J H lUoo lOi tUla U.Ouuuoll BlulTn CITIZENS STATE BAM Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215.000 niiiRTOiis-t A Miller , P 0 GloiHoi H I4 Slmc.irl , I ! I' H.iM , ,1 II ( Cdinunilsnn , Cli irlei C , II. mum i'r.insu't K nurd liuklik { liusl. nets I. ir iit u.tplttl mill surplus tit a 117 bankln imlhwostum liiT.i. INTEREST ON TIM i DEPOSITS. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGEMS WAX I LI ) . 1)11 ) , C.I ! . JUDD , 003 Broad\vny , Council BlulTa , la ' 01 rim. IT ) N , M. H. CHAM BERLIN , M. D i x r i AII NO-I XMI TllllOVI s | | i I Mi i ( ( iiinill llkill11 VII ill < in nif ( Ihd | X r 1 VK \ ( > \ . nml rillto VI trinti'il i'.li Uio ua iti'sl eklll find c ire lAl-Vltllll ASIIIMV nnil II XV I'l VKIt ire i slTHH\viiil-iitvrioss , MhenrmcuTs rr pnln. liii l > in rtnriiul llh lliiMiliiK > l rnrunnil nklll , ai Mirlnn | irf . ' < l ruin ! ! * HMIsI ( .1 VssKS nr < ur- nld ) iiro erlluil ( urn'dlni nil rt'lrnrtlr * u HI I KM , ii > XI > dihi | llit'ruilti | | mil Ailllinithm tlmi rtn < li rliiu-"klit id ) ik'ir nn I iMlnlcii ( IIIIOMO Mil IUU.I Unit blCK III. VIIV UK ixriir . .u oftcrrllilo HiiAvrliiit nn rHIvt onllri'lv cur 'I ( Mllio , 'loiini I sinimrt iikiLk , o > or llono . \ . Cu s stonx Umncll Illutli la. Millie Xf linnilfire Attornois nt l..iw Pi IP. vJiiiihj kJ.luiuivlj tli'e in tliu tit' ' ' " unit courts Uiuinis I. I a ill 3 lluno lilofk , t'oiuicll I Hull'- . , low t 11 J CllUllllClSlf < > rllo > ' nl ! ' . : s > * 0 10 nell's sti.n Tileplniiii ) No UM lliisiiusM luiiiisSii in tn'ip ' in I'Diinell lllulls , hi. rmloyBurkc.Geo.W.He\vitt.Tbo3. Buikc \ , lIcvitU\Casady , Attopncys-at-La\v I'll AC ML i , iv i in : si v in AND ri in : I 01 Ill's , Oniccs .1.1 Itii\\ii | lliiHillii , * , ( ouiiill IIlutN. low , i NEW 6 G-DEN HOTEL The Novx Opiliu Hoti 1 , u Cuui il lUulls , b ih lui > n i umi > l i d n.1 iniishol mmoiitrit- iiied ihioxiLhovit jul is i xv on olilu > best. hiitt'lsui tlii. htiti1Mb Im itHllti th > ni i- i.i ss ji irt ol t 11 utv 11 * th > ulu'tni in ilora p H.thc iloor \ir\ 111 r inm'i - . Pin1 u - i ij > i s uul tinilir'n tltroiii'huut th b jiUl- iuj ( Mi'itnlnat , hoi mil i o.ilviter uul Miusluni in i \ > i i ii im Pa'i.i mis irn sod my\xb r. H it s , $ ' on i I ix , QBOiM.VHITNDY , Mauajor BANKERS. Corner M iln an 1 Urn nlw iv , COUNCIL ULUFFS , IOWA. Uciilors In fi > rottii mil 'lonioiln ' ! \'lim ; % ( 'nl li i i Inn in.ulu anil p.n I uu line " COUNCIL HLUFFS Medical and Surgical Institute. | ( > ot all klnd < mid ill fin - II n - s | cl ill u s Ntis 'iA'liiiiil ' VJ llru.ii ty , loviiKil lllulln , la.