Til 15 O IAILDAI1A HKW , TUESDAY , MARCH 10 , IS9J , THE QUO WARRASTO ANSWER Oovoroor DoyiVs Attorneys Will Try to Il.ive Evidence Introduced. THAYER'S LAWYERS WILL OBJECT , 1 Illlinsteilnu Taclii-K lit the House to Pievcnt the Appointment df.'Miii-c Memliei- llio Silting Coin mil tee. , Neb , , March -Special [ Tclo- rram to Tint Itr.i : ] The nmwer in the Thaycr-Hoyd ( juo warranto case ha.s not yet boon tiled in the supreme court. ( Sovernor Jloyd'.s ' attmv.oys , tiowover , aw oKpected to- Idght and the tioetitiiciit will undoubtedly .go rn record tomorrow. It Is not at nil llltely , Imwever , that U will then ho argued. The question Is of so great Importance , involving ( .mm ! now legal points , that moro tiino will be UHkeil In which to prepare for a proper e < m- pldoratlon of them. It Is not unlikely thai ( iovernor Hoyil's nttnnioya will en- ileavor to have testimony talicn In the case , bei-auso the ntprlt.i of it cannot bo ascertained In any other manner. Thus far tlio case against the governor has proceeded on the hjpothesls that Ids father did not tulio out his second pa | > ers. This point will b" disputed , l-'or this iviisnii , therefore , Hoyd's attorneys will endeavor to adduce testimony uofnro thu huprome court , tbouRh Tlmyer's allorneys \x ill endeavor to prevent It. Tlie House Seliemi' tin-A | ipoi-loniiiciit Iteiuly To Hn H ( > | iorl < Ml. T I.STOI.V , Nob. , Miireli --iSpei'tal t > Tele gram to Tin ; llii : : . | Tim homo apportion ment commit tcohnsdociilcd on the division nf the state into congressional districts as follows : l-'irst Districl-Cass , Otoe , Nemaha , Ilich- lirdson , Pawnee , .lolinson , Lancaster. Second Sarpy , DoalrlasVasliimtoii ; , Third Hurt , Thur.stoii , Dakota , llixou , PumliiK , Dodjo ; , Col fax , Stallion , Wayne , Cedar , Knox , Pierce , Madison , J'latte , Js'ance , Hoone , Antelope , Murrick. Pourth Siinmlers , liutlor , Howard , Saline , ( Jage , Jell'ersoii , 'Ihaver , l-'llliuore , York , I'ollt , IliimiUon , Clay , Nuckolls. Fifth -Hall , Adams , Webster , L'raiiMIn , Kearney , Phelps Harlau , Oospcr , Kurims , Ked Willow , I-'roiitler , llUchcoclc , llujes , IViliius , Ulmse , nundy. All the balance of tlio state Is included In the Sixth district. The bill Is known as house roll ! ) * ( ' > , Intro duced by Olson ot Saunilers. All parties J.oeiu well satisfied , and no further changes lire liltolr to bo made. A Itace I'or .School Honks- . LINCOLN , Nob. , March H. ( Special to 'I'm : KKK. | Senator Slmmway of Plxon has called a meeting of the committee on educa tion to bo held in the oil leu of the state puperinlendonl of education tomorrow night at s o'clock. This committee comprises alsri Senators Taylor of Loup , Poynter of Iloone , Slovens of Lincoln und Slio.i of Douglas. Messrs. Taylor ami Shea , however , are sicli and will not be present , The obj'Vt of the meeting Is to discuss the I wo text book hills now before tlio legisla ture. Tills will save tlio cniniiiltt'jo the importuning to which H has been subjected 'by the agents , who are on hand to either knock oul the measures or sell the suite its books , \ \ > ' .i'ho bills In question uro honso roll No. ! i7J and senate tlio No. 71. The former was in troduced by Mr. McUevnold and is supposed to have been framed by certain teachers ; the hitler is an anonymous measure. Thy house bill nrovides that district school hoards and boards ot trustees of hk-h school districts , when uutliori/od by u majority of 1 ho legal voters of any regular or special meeting of the district and by boards of edu cation in cities of the lirst and second classes , may purchase all Ibo to.\t books necessary for such district. Thev may enter into a con- trad xvith llio publishers of school books fern n term not exceeding live years and the con tract prices ol those books shall not exceed the lowest price then granted to nnv dealer In tlio United States ; the contract shall liitther L-Uiirauteo lo the district any reduc tion in the eo < t of books which may be made lliirintr the lifoof the contract. Tbo publisher , before entering into any c-outract for the purponoot supplying the dis trict with books , shall tile a bond in thu sum ot fiOHH ( ) and shall also tile with tlio super intendent of public instruct ion a sworn state ment ol tlio lowest prices for which bis text books are sold any place in the United Suites. .Fiilluro to lilo this bond and statement shall render the contract null and void. Any pub lisher who. after complying with the pro visions ol this net , enters a combination to ruiso the pricoof school books shall forfeit his contract. The state superintendent of public instruc tion shall transmit to the board of each dis trict and llio superintendent.of education of each county u certilled list as to the pi Ices of the books whirl1 may ho needed. Tlio state superintendent shall also prepare a contract whleh shall housed In all the coun ties purchasing books. In rise of violation of the contract , the district boards shall ( He complaint with the state superintendent of public Instruction and Iho attorney general shall commence proceedings in the name of the state to en force Iho said contract. All boons purenaseil ny tlio district hoards shall bo considered as property of the district and bo loaned free of charge to pupils while they are pursuing a course of study , and the latter shall beheld responsible for any dam- iiKi ) to tbo books or failure to return tlii-m to the party designated bv the hoard of the dis trict. trict.Tho The senate lilo pi-ovldo.s ns follows : On the llrst Monday after the annual meet ing the board of directors of each district shall elect seven of its number who shall act with seven tc.ichers and the county superin tendent to decide upon the series of books to bo adopted by ttio county. This committed shall meet on the second Monday in July and examine all tbo series presented for inspec tion by tlio school publishing houses. A ma jority vote shall decide the iiuestlon. The touchers , on the llrst Monday after thn luimnil meeting , shall convene at the court liouso anil select the seven of their number vho are to act In the selecting of the series.Yhen the books have been decided upon , tlio countv superintendent of education shall notify all the members of tan district board of the same , and the series selected shall bo used tor live years or longer ns may bo determined by a majority of the committee of ilttcun. Hverycitj , town and district shall purchase the nooks selected and loan them lo the children free ol cost. The bids for books shull bo on- tallied from the publishers by the state superintendent ami by him furnished to llio county superintendent , who shall in turn , furnish the members of the hoard with printed lists of such books mid prices. A lively jangle Is likely to bo experienced nt llio meeting , because each of tbo measures has its friomU. Killer Won tlio Hound. LINCOLN , NOD. , March 9. ( Special to Tur. Ilr.K.J An open rupture between the Inde pendents and th'j ' speaker of the hoitbO occur red this morning , anil thrro nro no Indica tions that , the breach will be lioalod before the close of the session. It is now war to tlio knife between the con tending factions run ! the result may have au important hearing u pen pending nnti-monop- olv legislation. The "conference" of independents , Satur day night , which was prolonged until a very late hour , was controlled by ttie conservative clement , which was considerably nvcrso to taking up the personal quarrels of Khrader , or Taylor , or any other inemDor. and it was plainly intimated that all would henceforth bo serene and pleasant. .Finding themselves In n decided majority , wticu llic house mot this inorninp , and bcllovlnpthoy had strength niouch to make a radical change In the nmko- tipoftbo bitting committee , Mr. Kuban , the chairman sent up a nspiMt that four mem hers be luldod to this roinniittoe Shruder Immoihatelv made u molloti In ne- romance with the request , nud the ball wn * oiHMied. The republicans and democrats Insisted that no chang" could bo made In this commit tee without tx-ciiisiderliiK the ro < olntl'iii ' nto- \ldlni ; fertile iippoliitnicnl of the same , and the .speaker sustained this view of tin1 matter. UlocKiMl at this point , isliradcr promptly iiptK-aled from the decision of the cliinr. and wus seconded by nearly every Independent except Chile. A motion to table the iippo-ul , which was made by the republicans , was de feated by almost the < olld vote of tlio indo- pondcntH and the ililbustorlng tactic * skill fully employed by White and U'atson , ef fectually hutiRtip th bouse for the remainder of tlie morning session. Tin1 points of order rained upon thespeiker from both sides HO confused the ehulr that no further business was possible , nud a call of the house was onloicd as pat t of the by play. The siieaker Ihinlly came to his own relief. With a ( leclslon that hi.s ruling could not bo reversed without u two-thirds vote , and con sternation spread over the features of Slimier und other leudciw , who then for the llrst time fuhv realized tlieir situation. A vote mi the previous nni'stlon was at length reached , but no answering response to the liame.s of the republicans and democrnt-s greeted the clerk's ear , and only ill votes were refolded , After several vain efforts lo obtain a call of thn house the speaker porouiptnrlly declared the house adjourned till'.1 p m. , ami the con test was ended for the tiino being. 'I lie House. Liit.N , Xeo. , March -Special [ toTnt : HiK.--At ] the morning session , Kolnin , chairman of the silling commlttoosenlup n request that four more members bo added. Shrader moved that the sp akor appoint four members to net with the sifting commit- tco hi accordance with the romiest of the chnlrmnn. Howe raised point of the order that the sift ing committee could not bo Ini-reascd without reconsidering the motion by which It was or- Igir.ally appointed. ( ialo ihiili said he saw a scheme in the at tempt tolncruisrt this commute mid the dls- sutlsfactlon all sprung from the Insatiable ambition of two men who failed to secure an appoint meat as members of this committee. Cornish thought the very fact that there win dissatisfaction with tl-o make-up of the committed was a snllicient reason for increas ing the nieinheivhip. Hreen considered the motion to clmngo tlio personnel of the committee was in Iho nature ot an attempted sliu'ht upon the committee. The siieaker sustained the point of order. Hlu-ader appealed from the decision of the chair , mid was seconded by Porter , Scott and Uohun. OaUloyand Howe insisted that It required a Iwo-tliirds vole te overrule llio decision of the chair , A motion to lay the appeal on the table was lost yeas , -.I ; nays , Us. The speaker announced that II would two-lldrds to the decision roipdro a - vote reverse cision of llio chair o'n the pending question. Khrader asked if this house had not u right to change or even discharge its sifting com mittee. llowo thought the house was expected to act In a reasonable manner. Another motion to adjourn was lost--20 yeas , : til nays. Dilatory motions fixing the time to which the house shall adjourn were inndo byVldto \ and others , all of which were voted down. On a motion lo adopt llio previous question and cut on" debate only ill , till independents , answered to roll call and the liouso llmling Itself without a quorum , tlio speaker declared an adjournment till - p. m. In tin1 afternoon tlio regular ordur of busi ness was resumed. Hills on Until reading were taken up , and the following passed : , liouso roll H. > , by Taylor of IJutlor , pro viding that n new school district mav be formed by a majority of the legal voters in the districts affected by the change , and that pupils residing a mile and a half from Iheir own school house may attend the nearest school by a transfer ot Iho stute funds. Yeas , Wj nays , HO. House roll 1ST , by Felltur , requiring one- third of the members of school boards in metropolitan cities shall bo women. Yens , .V4 ; nays. ! W. liouso roll 2s1 , by Scott , exempting "house hold goods , tools mill instruments" to the value of fl.'O from taxation , and providing that the assessment of lands shall not bo in- cienspii by reason of little fences , fruit and forest trees grown and cultivated thereon. " llousoroll-Ji's by Faxon , appropriating Si- ODD for the relict of Lavinu Turner.an inmate of the Heatrlee Institute for tlie feeble tnliiiled , who lost her hand in an Ironing maehino. liouso roll I'.M oy Watson , requiring nil foreign insur.ineo companies to prosecute their cases In the stutocourts. . Yens , 5S ; nays , -jo. liouso roll' 27 bv \ orhes , providing that county attorneys shall not as claim agents for all persons havinuvluims against the govern ment for "nen.-iious , bounty or baelc pay , " or other claims grown out of the Int" war , and shall servo without any extra compensation. Yeas , ( i' , ' ; nays , 7. House roll 00 by Capek , prohibiting any employer from exacting n promise as a con dition of employment from an applicant for a position that ho will not join a labor organi sation. Tne penalty Is a line not exceed ing 51DO. House roll -MS bv Herman , requiring suits for notes to bo brought in the county whore maker or endorser sued resides. House roll lil , appropriating SVWO for the iclief of ( ieorgeV. . Davis , who was injured In the boiler explosion at the Lincoln insane asylum in March. | ss { ) . liouso roll 'Jilu by Stobblns. to encourage tlio organi/.atiou of a law and medical depart ment of the State university oy authorizing the board of regents to charge certain fees in these departments. A bill , Introduced by Pohlman , was also passed , making some slight change in tbo compensation of the road supervisors. On final passage house roll iW : , by Oakley , author'uinp any miont of the Nebraska Flu- ir.nno sociotv to interfere and fit-rest parties guilty of cruelty to animals in Iheir pres ence , was lost. liouso adjourned till 10 a. m , tomorrow. Itids on Seeds Tomortow. LiNcpi.N , Nob. , March ' .I. [ Special to Tun Iir. ! : . ] Tomorrow afternoon the purchasing con.miltce of the Nebraska relief commission will examine the bids offered by about a hundred grain dealers for seed fortho drouth sufferer * The bids have been tubulated according to the duality of the grain and the coat , mid the work of awarding the contract has thus been greatly simplified. The contracts for wheat and barley will bo let llrst. Later , will bo let those tor potatoes , corn , millet ami other articles. It is estimated that about 10,01)1) ) ) bushels of wheat will lie required and about -Ji',000 ' bushels of barley. ltcprc < i cnliilive Hollel' LINCOLN , Nob. , March --Special [ to Tin : lir.r. . jTho j clerk appointed by Iho relief commission lo examine Ihe recoipls for aid received by people in Iho west to ascertain which. If any , members of the legislature protited by tlio state's lihor.ility , has com pleted his work. The receipts have been de posited in the vnnlt of Iho relief commission , where they await the committee on Investi gation. Chairman FIowo of the latter has not do- elded as to when ho will hold a meottUK to examine the evidence. Ho intimates that .several days will elapse before the work will bo undorlukoa. Another Ilo\v lrc\vlntc. ! LIVIOI.N , Xob , March 0. [ Special Telo- pram to Tm : lhr. : . | The lAuio apportion ment commitleo has practically decided to make no clmngo whatever in tlio legl-dative districts. U alleges there Is not time enough lo redlslrict the state properly , and prefer to lot the districts remain as they arc. Much opiKHitiou to this programme will bo made on the lloorof the house , both by republicans and democrats. .Notes. F..I v oi.x , Xob. , March -Special [ to Tun UFK.--Senntors ! Collins , Coulter , Williams , Warner , Woods , Moore and Schram , and sev eral members of the house , visited the homo or the feeble minded at Hoatnco on Satur day. examining all the buildings and Invest- ! fating the progress the innmtoi hud made in tu illcs and labor of various lumt * . The com- inltteo expressed llself as highly pleased with the method employed und the condition in which the Institution socnicd to ho. The larmers came very near defeating Wnuna's bill prohibiting foreign Insurance companies from tAklug tliulr cases lute tbo I'nttcd State.s courts , They were suspicious of the m..isure , and feared It might nftect farmers' mutuals One of the most important bills passed today was In1 reduced by Sherman , and pro vides Hint In orii'glni ; suit for Iho collodion of a mite the tmil er can only bo tuied In the county In which he- resides , and each endorser likewise. Hon.V. . M flllTorJ of I'.iwuee returned to Ids neat In the honso today after an absence of several days , I te wns called away by the sickness and death of hU wife's father. IJi'V. Charles II. Newman , the popular pastoroftho rent ml Christian church , of ficiated as chaplain of the hou o thU morn- lug.The The members of the house were slow In coming In and luroly a quorum was present during a largo p.irt . of the morning session. Tlio Invest Igat Ion of ihe penitentiary con tract by the committee on penitentiary de veloped nothing nf a startlim ; nature , and the report which will bo sent In tomorrow will disclose no evidence of any currupt iieuns being used to obtain the contract. //.i j'r/'A i.vf..s ix ioir.1. Killed In a Coal r\llne. \ O-KUOOS\ | . , March -Special l > [ Tele gram to Tm : lii'.il'red : ] ( Jarrison , inroil lit teen , was iillled and Ids two older brothers Injured hy a fall of slate In Ibo Foster mine , nt l-'ishvllle. ten mile * west of of here , Sltur- duy evening. They came from Illinois a few weeks uyo , und are perfect slrangors hero. lowa'H Commercial Del FKsMiis-i- ) , . , March I ) . [ .Special Tele gram to Tin : HIK.Jovurnor : | ( Moles today appointed the following delegates to the commercial congress ul Kansas ( . 'Hy , April ! . " , next : Lleutenanl ( lovoraor A. X. Poyner. Montoiir : Sneaker .lolm T. Hamil ton , Cedar Hapids ; Senator L. U. Holler , LOIMU , Harrison county : Senator William C ! . Kent , Fort Madison , I.eo county ; Senator . ! . 11. ll.irnelt. liidlanolii. Warren county ; Senator H. U. Vale , Honaparle , Van Huron county : Representative L. I ) . Ilotchklss , llloomiiohl ; Kd C. Hussell , Corning ; I. L. Woods , Port Dodge : A. .1. Chantry. Mai- vcru ; Silas Wilson , Atlantic. Violent Trichinosis' . DCS MOIXKS , In. , March ' . ' . -Special [ Tele gram to Tin : ! : : . | Samples of llio bologna which caused Iho illness and death from trlrhiiHuls fti Ida county were received by Ihe slate board of heallh today , together with a piece of llcsh from the leg of one of the victims. A fier careful ex imlnaUon. the case wns pronounced hy Secretary Kennedy as the worst that over came under Ids notice , and everything will be done tostanp out the disease and prevent further outbreak. Ground ( o Death. Cii : > Aii K.vi'ini , la , . March C. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : Hii--Oan : : | Sullivan , foreman of the HnrlitiKton , Cedar Itapids A Northern here , while attempting to board a freight tram switching in the yards yesterday after noon , fell between the cars and was ground to pieces , death resulting instantly ? Watchman lloriieil ( o Deatli , Liox-i , la. , March ! ) . Taylor Brother's foundry aud maehino shop burned hero early this morning and the watchman , T. L. Tag gert , perished in llio Humes , Ho was found faeo downward in the ruins. Foul play is mispeeled. Tlio loss to the shop is $ li,0iO. Fatal I''lgbl of Tramps. Om-Mw.v , la. , March 0. [ Special Tele- pram to Tun Hii : : . | Phllln Hyiin and John Uesswell , tramps , fought in a box-car hero today. The former was fatally stabbed and tbo latter Is in jail. VHK .IMO.V ji.\Ti\t : > s TIIK run : . Not CJiiitc Heady to lOiil'oi-oo tinTwo - Cent 1lilei ; e linte. Cinr-vno , Mureli.li. ( Special Telegram to TinUii.J : : Ono universal sigli of relief wont up today from the passenger departments of western roads when it wns learned that there was another postponement in the Alton's ' do iiiand for a two-cent mileage rate. President Hook of the Jacksonville .t Southeastern had telegraphed to Chairman Fin ley that he would like a delay until U'odnesdayuiulcould pivo the Alton assurances which would obvl- ate the necessity of the two-cent rate. This reduction has been the most prominent ques tion for seine tlmo to western roads and they propose to unite In any proposition which will save the present rate basis. The Alton's position has not changed. Western passonnor men are also worried by the receipt of a circular from the inter state commerce commission asking a detailed statement of all fluctuations in passenger rates during the past year. Passenger men call to mind Chairman Cooley's remarks that any published rate is prima laeie a paying one and wonder if a reduction in rates will follow the receipt of the statements. None of them have been complied with as yet , but enough Is knowii to show that the average rate for ten yours is little , if any , above the J-centmnrk. Hon ht a Kallroad , SVN FuANCisro , Cal. , Alnrch 1' ' . [ Special Toleirram toTui : Uii.J : : A. A. ( irnntof this city , one of the ( Irani Hrothors who built a largo portion of the Santa Fe road , .T. I. Williams of the Atlantic & Pacific , bis son- in-law , I ) . 1C. Tnpp of Chicago , aud others have purchased tlio California & Nevada railroad and will eventually extend it to con nect with tbo Colorado Midland. Mr. Grant said today : "We have good backing , plenty of Scotch capital , good Chlcngo parties Interested and some of the olllcials ot the Santa Fo system nt our back. " Ho did not want the impres sion to go out that the line had fallen under tlio control of the Atchispn. "Wo prefer , " ho said , "to preserve an independent posi- Ill/lit 1 IIVJ IKiLIUl VJl IHU 11/ttU l-l 1ML il 11IIU from tlio bay of San Prauclseo to Hoilie. "Wo have terminal facilities bore as H of cour.so well known , and il Is possible that their oj- cration may lead to the entry of another transcoiillncnlal line directly Into Sail l-'run- elsco. " Cutting Down the l-'oroo. 15r m. ixc. i ON , la. , March ! i. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Bii.lA : : second shock of the economical earthquake that' has been pro- vniliug throughout thu Chicago , Burlington , t Quiney syKtem this month wns felt at West Hurllngton today , aud over 100 car shop laborers were laid low. The cut , while absolutely necessary , is a grave calamity lo the working class , as there is no oilier work thov can do. This makes nearly iillll men laid olT in West Burlington and this city within a week. The Methodist lloolc Cmittcm. CI.NCIXN.VTI , O. , March R [ Special Tclo- gram lo Tin : HKI : . ] In pursuance of the au thority granted by the general book commit tee of the Methodist Kpiseopal church at Its recent meeting here , Iho western Methodist book concern has bought for SW.OIK ) a lot at Fourth and Homo streets adjoining tlieir present buildlni , ' whleh gives thorn a front age of soventy-ono feet on Fourth street by -Jill feet on Homo street. On this will shortly be erected additional buildings. The growth of this concern bus been astonishing In Iho past seven years. In issiit.s net capital was fit ISIT , niul in Is'.U U stands In solid assets atl)10r ( ) > ir > . Meanwhile It has paid to the general church funds nearly SliKi.lXK ) . This shows net earnings averaging more than $10iX : ( 0 per year. 'llio lIonncHuoy Miu-ilcr Trial. Xiw : Om.r.AN ! * , ! < . , March 9. Fu Iho Hen nessey case today Attorney Flynii , counsel for I'olltz , nskod for au adjournment lo enable him to secure the confidence of his cllonl , The Judge replied that nfior the defense closed l-'lynti would bo given suf ficient time to prepare his case. A number of witnesses for the defense then lostlliod. A Piiri.-olniii Art Sale. Niw : YOKK , Murch l . [ Special Telegram 'to Tin : Hru.l The flrsl day of Iho sale of Iho collcclion of nrl objccls owned by Hrayton Ivos Indicated clearly that this is to bo Iho most suocessful sale of porcelain ever held In this country. The uttcnuaneo was not Im-go , but the prices were on the whole excellent. CAPTAIN CATLEl'S ' RECORD , Ho Was GjuTt-Martinlo 1 nud KiojnmnmloA Tor Uismis3.il Once Beforoi PRESIDtNT HAYES SAVED HIS PLACE. i Cmn-s * nl' tin' Cnpliiin Sinn' Kiiterlug tlin Soi-vleo Cliiirgijs on XVIiloli lie WtiM Tirletl mill Convli'ti'il. 'J'ho court martial willed to moot on March 1(1 ( for the purpose oC hearluj ? oh.u-ges pre ferred ng.ilnsi Caplala Henry Catlo.v of tlio Second Infiuitry , ii.u su vestAl the looking up of lit * record us mi iirinv ollk-or. In KVi ho was appointed M corporal from Oregon , and was assigned to duty In the Ninth Infantry. Inis.i7 ho bt'cunio hospital steward. In June , 1SI' , ( > , ho w.is dlsehurgcd anilroappointed to the siinw position , In | sr > .Mio wus tu.ulo HMI nontenant und regi mental ipiartcrnmster of llio I-'Ir.sl Oregon Infantry , lie was mustered out In February , hM , ntiil In the HIIIIIU month became second lieutenant of the Sixteenth Infantry. In August , Will , h was pivwiotc.i to tlio pnsl- ticni of llrst llciitonanl of the same regiment. In ISIHI ha wns transferred to the Kocoml In fantry niid was promoteii to tlio uaiitalni'.v in , ltliii ( of tlio smnn year. The present court martial illlllcnlty 1s not the llrst experience of tli.it Kind for Captain Calloy. IIcMvns tried by ncourt martial held tit U'allaVall.i , Wash. , In ISMupon ) a charge of having retreated before a band of Indians , much Inferior to his force , while 111 tlio vicin- itv of Illi : Creek In the Siilnion Klvcr valley of Malm oti the ' -iOlli day of .Inly , ht > . to the disgrace of the aervlco. 'L'ho spceilloatious In Hint case sot forth that C.'ajitaln ( 'alley not only ret rented before the band of Indians , but that ho did MO in u precipitous manner , loavlnif some wouiuluii soldiers belonging to bis command unnecessarily exposed and im properly cared for mid that ho conlinuoil thi.s precipitous retreat for two miles , and even then foiled to face about anil meet and re pulse the inferior hand of Indians , pnrsuimiliin huteontlnuod the retreat for the distance of 100 miles , to the scandal and itis- griieo of the service. Thenwi'ro eight speeifieallons and the court found Captain Catley guilty In nil but two of them , and tlio verdict rendered ro- coumioiided that hn be dismissed from the service of tbo United States. I'rosiiletit K. rt. ll.iyos . proved to ho his last hope and his friend. The verdict of the court-martial was not confirmed mill Captain ( 'alloy remained In tlio service. This Is u matter of record and may bi ) as certained by. any ono who will talto u few moments limo to look Hup. This fact is not llkclr to prejudice the court-martial he fore wlileh Captain Catlev is to appear on the Kith lust. It ( S said that Captain Galley has been desirous - sirous of being relived , on aeeount of ilisu- billty , for some tiiuo , but the department hits refused to retire him. , Following Is llio detail for the court : Major David I'orry , ! sixth cavalry ; Major Tiillius C. J'upper , Sixth cavalry ; Major Harry C. Kgburt , Seventeenth 'infantry : Captain ClnrcncoM. Bailey , Kighth Infantrv ; Captain Augustus \T. Corliss , Eighth In- I'anlry ; ( 'aptniii Stephen I1. .locelyn , Twen- tv-llrst infantry : Captain Henry S. Howe , Seventeenth infantry- Captain William .M. Wallace , Sixth cavalry ; Captain Charles A. Coolidge , Seventh infantry : Captain Cyrus S. Roberts. Seventeenth infantry ; Captain Henry C1. Ward. Sixteenth infantry ; Captain Inlin H. Kerr , Sixth ciH'idry ; Captain Will- him 11. Carter , Sixth cavalry. Captain 1' . Ilonry Kay , acting Judge advo cate of the department of the 1'inite , will preside. X.ITIOX 11 , i'.tJ'lTAi. XOTKS. Nebraska ami.Iowa , rciisioiis , \V\SIII\OION , March D , ( Special Tele gram to Tm : Hr.KJ I'enslons were granted today to the followliiL' Nebrnakiins : Orig inal Oscar C. Udriilrlo ! ) , . .TolmVeosan , John Uahlwin , Nicholas Hlair , Martin Cain , Will- Ham lioardman , Mntrnus J. Cobn , Sidney Broad forth , Desmond Crane. Carl Hoft'or , William M. Dean , Austin U. .laeolw , Mich ael Conners , Olhaniol K. Davis , John .1. W. lleiishuw. Original , widows , etc. llattio 1C. , widow of H. T. Kundlet , Judith A. , wulow of fames ] } . Curran. Iowa : Origii.al-Siimmil T. Invin. Will iam K Cul'ierson , FriJiiorick C. Filiold , James I { . Coltur , Forger l-"ericr on , .lolm II. Couiitryinaii , 1/Yancls Hasquin , Jolm 10. liar- vis. John Dot/on , Dietrich Ueehimm , Will iam Fl. Hnkcr , John ( i. Harmon , Charles Lewis , William II. \ \ ulsoy , ( lilhort Cooler , llo/.ehjah FUlier , Charles Koyes , 1'iirton ( I. Ilutcliins. Joseph Purton , James 1'rusher , Nclsnn Hills , ( lOttliebKunt/ , John Harnliart , Henry CULT , William Hills , Kraut-is Windle , Henryc llen.syo. Keissuo Myron liunce. Original widows , etc. Delhi , wulow of Al- phous ICoont/ ; Sarah Ann. inoihcr of Aure- liu.s Kiigloston : Arabella Is' . , widow of Dan iel Carumck : Surah , widow of John .lonos ; Sarah , widow of Albert M. fSilbert ; lOlix.a- hutli M. , widow of William Uibhi''lon ; Mar garet , widow of Daniel ( Jolcimin. Now Orleans Drai miK < % Case l > i * < 'lli-d ( WiiixiiTiiN , March O.-Tao United States supreme court-today alllnncJ tlio judgment of the cheuil court in the case of .latno.s Wallace IVakoet al , appellants , v.s the city of Now Orleans. This is the New Or leans dralnatro case , in wlileh ex-President Cleveland was ono of the cnuiisol for appel lants. Thoueeision of the court was against tlio pirties whom Cleveland ivpresented , thoiiKli Justice Ilarliin , Chief Justice Kuller mid Justice I.amar dissented. lOmhr/.y.lcr line Kel'iiscil a I'ardoii , Wiiiv < iTov , March ! ) . The president has douicd the application for a pardon in the case of John C. Kno , charged with emlio/- zllnu the funds oC the Second National bank of New York. In tlio case ot John Vouiifrmau , an Indian , convicted in Wisconsin ol rmm ami sen tenced to liann April U next , the president commuted the sentence to imprisonment for life at hard labor. The President ( Iocs Duck U'AMIIXI.ION , March1. ) . The president left U'ushlnpton this afternoon for n few day's ' dnclc shooting near lloatdcs , Mil. Ho was accompanied by ox-Senator Sowell of New York . . n Iixiui : > , Mil. , MaruliPresident ! ) Harri son and party arrivedlthis afternoon mid soon went out huntiiiK.-ir.AdeiiM | > fotf t.imo up in n short lime mid thqy returned without any tranio. ' ' StaliMiicnl. . March ' . ) . A statement has been prepared by ilio' ' commissioner of pen sions , ( 'K'iiiR a rosiriiiriof the work of Ibo pen sion bureau during' llw month ended Keliru- ary ' 's. Tills staWinliat bhow-s that during that time 7 , "fill jloision certilicates of all rlasso ? wore Issuud/iroiin'MMithiK ? lHl.Vi ! ' . na tlrit payment.Uils ( / ; ( number r.-'Jl ! were issued uiiilor the ueiv. ' pension act of June 'X , ' Site I 'or the New Dry Dook. WiMiiviiox , MHirt'h 0. The committee nppolnted to .selei-t'ii ' slto for u dry dock on the Culf of Mexico1 HUs decided on the south pass of the Mississippi river on the AlRim side , near the Southern 1'aclllo ferry. All the other points visited wf.-o either too shal low or not far cnouRh from the sea to no safe from gun lire. _ In lteco iilton | \Vlniliim. . Niw : YOIIK , March ! ) . -Ono of the jjoutlo- inen connected with the movement iiinoni ; the personal friends of the Into Secretar , Wiiidom to make some expression to Ids family of the hluh esteem in which he was hold states : "Tho amount contemplated lias been realized ami It Is probable It will be in vested in a suitable residence at Washington If tlio family Khali determine to make tliat city their home , which is now thought to bo their Intention. _ The Kale 01' I'm ' Itiinaw.iy. PitTswiw , I'a , MarchH ! ) | | > eclnl Telo- Brain lo Tan 1UU..JKiipono Kliin and Thomas l-Vriruson , need respectively sin on teen ami eighteen vcarj , run away from their bourns In this city last Tlmi-Mlay with the evident Intention of going to New York city This morning 1-Vwison's body was hrouu'ht buck to llio ril \vlilloHyiiti lies In a Iliirrtabtirg hospital tnortally wounded. The boys were run down by a shifting train In the railroad y irds at ltiirrhhur # . .lust how the accident occurred will probably never be learned. The Feruu.son family formerly resided In New York. The boys had freiiuently oxpriMsed a determination to visit that city'and It l.s bellvod wow carry ing out theirUctoni Imition. t'.t it.vi.i.w ; > Ttn : i'iti-i.t'i'iN. : 'I'lnciiU'iieil Tor tin * I'ullim < TH ol'lie ( li'Uli Leader. r.ciMHiN , March II.-ISpivlal C.ilileijraiii to Tin : III-.I.1--A Duiillu let tor says Arch- lU.slmpValsh \ does not appiMve of llu > ex- Irenio course taken by tluno of his fellow- prolaleslio \ hold out oM'ouimnntcaUoii as thopi'iii-dty for tlui follmvoM of I'arni'll. While hiililli' ' positive ylcws , both as to the folly and evil ciTect upon tlio nation's politi cal and moral lulorost.s of ( 'lvliiK countenance to I'aruoll ' , the arctililMhtip does not propose to treat either clergyman or liiyiuen ainoiiK Parncll's supporters any dilTen'iit In a relig ious sense from whnl ho tix-at.s ulhets , This , however , Is not lilts view Rener.illy held by the ln h prelates , and the iiuliealioiis arc that the Irish people will have to I'liono be tween I'arnell and llio ehurcli. The Freeman's Jnurnal pulillshivs a loiter from Sir Charles Cavan DntTy In which that nontleinmi nays that tbu nollcy of the Inde pendent opposition wlileh Mr. I'arnell hail i-o far carried on suceO'i.Hfiillv orlKlmitett In 1MT with the Irish confederation. Tlion.lth Ciitliulle episcopaey , tboy resisted the policy with all their pnworand 'banished the priests to pennl iiarislie.4 loi'tbeir support of tlio in- ilepemleut | iai'ty. L.itor , by reason of cor- riiptioii ami intrigue , it iiccatnu nMurcd from llfty to live members of parliament , the bishops always condoninc or uupi-ovlng every act of treachery. The letter concludes as follows : -'b'nlll all this clerical interference * s ( -liuiifn'ii there is no more hope for the Irisli cause than there is for a coupse on tlit > di.s- scrlltiK tabli1. " The new .NlcL'arthylte paper , the N'ational Press , cays that the upshot of the contro versy over tlio Paris funds Is that I'arnell , afte'r denying the title of nationalist , denies their authorities anil awaits their judgment. The Irish national federation , the paper adils , Is everywhere welcomed , and becomes the heir of tlio departed national loaiuiu. Subscriptions lo tlio Parnt-ll fund for the second d.iyare reported to Imvo amounted lo i.7 > l > 0. Wants- ills \Vil'e Hack. I.OXDOV , March ' , ' . - There is a peculiar ease at Cllthcroe , near .Manchester. Three years ape ono Jaclisou married u Miss Hall , hut soon left her , troinjr to Australia. . . Sbnrtly after Mis. Jackson came into [ lossession of a fortune of t:27UOii. : In Iss'.i ' Jackson returned , but she refused to live with him , Ho ob tained a high court order for a restitution of tlio roiijuind relation , tni ! she refused to obey. Yesterday morning : , us she was leaving church , .laeksou mid two friends forcibly abiluctud her ami carried her lo a house in Blackburn. Kriemls of the laity followed mpldly in a carriage , but .lacltsun shouted dellaiice from the house. Mrs. Jack son's solicitor obtained a warrant ut-alust the abductors for assaulting his client's sister at the time of the abduction , but the abductors i-emalncil barricaded in tlio house mid a constable cannot reach them. Krioiuh of Mrs. Jackson stood imrd all lust iii 'lit ami today , and are still watehim ? the house. A I'uiiit in Jloliaiiiiiieilaiiisni. LONIXIV , March y. [ Si-'eial ) Cablegram to Tm : Hir. : | A singular contest has just been terminated hnforo the jmlleiil comniilteo of tlio royal privy council. Coitain Moliaui- nicilans xvcirnlilplii ) : In the mosque at Tapore , India , claimed that tlioir leadoM ami cryers n prayers were heretics , because they tillered "amen" aloud and raised Iheir hands to their ears at a ceitaui point in their prayer. * . The inwioved wor- hhipers wished lo liavu the allowed heretics expelled fooni their oftires. The case was curried from court to court in India at gre jxpense , and lltmllito the privy council in KiiKland. The privy council decides , after an exhaustive inquiry , tlitit the acts alleRod are not hurosy. Jt is considered a singular spectacle , that the Christian council of a Christum queen should decide a nicu point of Mohammedanism. K\liort to Slum .Secret Soclrl Irs. Drni. ix , .March ! ) . Ilisbop Woodloek of Arda h ami ( JloninacnoU , who has boon preaching at Athlone , exhorted his hearers to shun secret societies , as an imineiliato at tempt was bcui made to entangle youiiK lion into a renewal of the plottinirs wtiicb have been tbo curse of Ireland. Ho was ( 'r'ove.l ' to have to state that certain Catholics of Ids diocese had broken into n imMliifr house while services wore bt'iiitr hold , and had not only insulted the minister , but also committed an assault upon him. The bishop of Cork denounces the promoters motors of the proposed I'arnollite mooting to Ivheld in Cm-Icon St. Patrick's Day. Ho says ho will not administer to the nerds of the souls of his people unless they protest nuainst the ile.sccration of the holiday , as the demonstration would ' beau insult to the ( rreat npastlonf Ireland. An Opinion from Koine. KOMI : , March ! i. j Special Cablegram to Tin : liii : : . | Tlio .Monitourdo Koine , In an ar ticle on the school question in tlio United States , says It is tlio principal Catholic ijues lion in America , mid although ImriitiiKly del icate. it does not believe it will lad to a con flict tietwccn the Catholics and the civil au thorities. The Mom t cur amis tir.it it has confidence in llio wisdom of the Catholics ami in lliu .spirit ol' just Ice and toleration of tin American civil powers , and snvs that Kul- lurkampp i impossible in the I'nited States. 'h ' lOmiai'iVs CritieKeil. I.OVIMIV , MarchTho ! ' Times today com ments upon the character ol Parncir cmis sarios to the L'niteil States , saying tltiil James O. Kelly is an ex-I-'enian and late arms aieiit from the Clan-na-paol society. John O'l.'onncr is classed as the man whom John Dcvoy brought from tlio rat holes ol conspiracy , .lolm 10 Kedmonil is dubbed an avowed adherent of tlio "harp without tbt crown. " Tim Times concludes with tlio re mark that "if any persons can persumlo the section hi the t'nited States to open it.- > purse it will bo them. ' The IliMich's , f.i < iNiiitv , Miireli'.i. ' [ Special Cablegram to Tm : ilii : : . | Questions won1 put to the gov- crnnienl in the house of commons this evening - ing witli rcfcroneoto the alleged Inability of Justice Stephen to perform his Judicial func tions. Mr. Smith , Hi-it lord of the treasury , n renly said Unit thu government had no au thority ovcra Jnuge ; that the constitution ic.spoctcd the ab > oliito independence of the licueh thouh'li a member of the honso might move that the crown might remove u Judge. I ) like Addresses UlicrnN. UOMION , March ( i.At a mooting of lib erals today Sir Charles DilUo said ho was ronlldent ho would bo able lo clear his character - actor und return once moro lo nolitienl life. Ho could not definitely deeldo today to con test the seat. l.adv Ddke , wife of Sir Charles Dillce , also addressed thu meeting. She said she was convinced tlial her liiu > haiiu would jot beclL-ured of Iho charges against him. Spanish Troops Inr Cuba. I'AISIMareli UA dispatch to the I'ouips from Madrid says : Tlio Spanish government Is about to dispatch C.sTO irooiis to Cnb.i on accoiml of llio Increasing political agltallon on Iho island. 'I he Spanish press prolusts againsl AiiK-ricans ( ! ncour.iing | Cuban .sep aratists in connection with the proposed treaty of commerce. Ho Talked Too Much. > N , March li. imperial C'alilegram to Tut : lii-A ) : : | soldier in llro-slau Inn lieun scntencod to a lung term of imprlsonini-nt for expressing an nnfavorablo vlow of the kaiser's military abilities. An otllcer who hoard the man knocked him down and then ordered him to bo court nun-lulled. Suppressed UM Street Sale , Sr. l'irnstn ; ( m , , Maich ti. Tlio o/ar has prohibited [ the street itilo of Novoo Vrotuyu owing to nn article rldh ullng I'rince Mar tlcnoiT , roccntl.v scnteneod atVnrsuv \ : to I'iKhl years penal .servltudo for tdioolinit his mldress , n I'olish actress. Into l.i > MH\ , March ! ) . The great Scotch steel nuklnc i-om-ern of the ( loodwlus-.lardlm' ' compiiny will go Into liquidation Napiitcnii Sinking. Hovr , March ti , Prince .lerome Nitpoicon < .slnllnc ( fast. King Hnmbort am ) I'lem- > ors of the wyal fuuilly are at the bedside , V Hindrance to Public I'mlllc. I.OMH1N , March ! ' . The pollcoliavo Mopixxl he proposed driving1 match bet ween Lord Shrousbury and Lord l.onsdalt * for I'.VM ' on he Kronnd of hindrance to puldlc tralllc. I'Muuril HarrliiKtoti Nearly LIIMKIS , March l > At Mllltown. Ireland , today F.dward Harrington , M. I * , was nearly nobbed by the antl-l'arnellites among his ) wn constlluency. There were several free I'lencli Drpntles Delinlc Hcttlng. I'viii" , March l . There was 11 debate In , ho chamber of deputies today on the recent loclslon to prevent betting Constans , min ster of the Interior , refused' to restore the 'aris mutual system. ieriimn .Miniiit'acliiicrslll Moot. HIIII.IV : , March U. - Leading manufacturers 'rom ' all parts of ( icrmmiylllmcothero icxt week to take measures for a proper vpresentatloii ot ( ionium manufacturers at , he CelumUlan exposition in Chicago. lllsiiinick'ri ( 'anilldiu-y. HRIIIIV , MnrchO. HlstnarcU'scundidaturo 'or ' ( leesetomunde is the princiiil | topic of llsi'iisslon in the lobbies of the ivlehstag. It s freely assorted that the gnveniinenl feels 'inlim-rassed ' over his decision. No doubt tisniarck will secure an Iniinen.so majority. llciiHons I'or ( lie Passport Decree. l ovnos , Mnrrii I * . Tlio Time ! . ' lie'-1 ! ! cor- espiiiulenl makes u long slateineut claiming : o represent. Kniporor William's reasons for ds passport decree. The correspondent re pudiated the idea thai tlio emperor was mis- nfonned us to the state of affairs brought iiiont by his mother's sojourn in Paris. The orrespondent says : "The courtesy ho ( the impon. ! ' ) sought to establish was merely thai of combatants politely bowing In-fore cross- 'ng swords. llo never bad an idea : hat reconciliation was possible , bill from the iiionu.-nt his action was tuorprctcd ns a sign of weakness by i handful of howling dervishes , who suc ceeded in making the \v hole nation giddy , it was his duty to resume his dignity as the leadof the liurman nation. Ft was not the emperor's business to look for tbo motives of Lliesu outbursts. The measure is merely a temporary rampart behind which ho can s.ifolv await the not distant day when the opinion of the French people will pass judg- nenl on these useless indications. Then , ivhentlio French people have recovered their ndcpcndent spirit , will tlie barriers bo u 'owered.1 / ; / , / < off. Disposes ol' Ills Interests in C.nsebalt anil Quits tlie ( time. C't.ivii.\vn : : , O. , March ' . ' . ( Special Tele- ram to TIM : Uir. : ) Tlio baseball war , so lar as Al Johnson of Cleveland is concerned. is over. Tonight the deal was completed be tween Johnson and .1. I'uliucr O'Xeill , whereby the latter' purchaser for SlO.WKi cash all the interest of Johnson in tbo Cleve land brotherhood chili and the Cincinnati club. Johnson came down from room'.M'Jin Iho Woildell house a few minutes after U and staled lo the reporter * standing about tliat he had sold out every interest in base ball and was glad of it. ' I am sick of tlio business , " slid be , "and tomorrow morning I can wnko up without thinking of a solitary player. " The terms of tlio deal Include everything over which the latter hail control. It is ex pected that Hie orpini/atlon which llrush organi/cd at Cincinnati some time ago will take up tlio club and push its business for the coming season , As soon as tlio deal was completed Johnson at once telegraphed his resignation to the American association. All dti } long the wires have been hot with uio.s- stigcs from the association camp urging John son to stick , mid it is stateil that one offer was made of $5,000 from eaeli of the .seven club , or 'i. i. < Kli ) in all , if lie would hang out. Ho .stated , however , last week that he was siekofbaso ball and would quit il Jusl as soon us lie urot the opportunity. Among other things in tlio'ugrcetuent with Johnson is a clause whereby he .stipulates that ho will not engage in basuball for ten years. When the news of tlie sale was cou- llrnied in person hy tno partner. * to it John son's friends crowded around him in thu \Veddell house and congratulated him upon his ( 'otting out of tlio business. "MS a Picnic with O.-in I'ortli. Nrw Yoitic , March ! > . The nmch-tnlkod-of twenty round glove contest between Jimmy Haggiu of Philadelphia and Tommy Dan forth of this city at the ICniekerbocker athletic club in lIoboKon tonight was of short dura tion , Ilacrgindid the leading and after si/- ingDanforth's style ho lamlod left handed upper cuts fully in Daiiforth's face every limo he ( Indeed. Ho never missed his olow.i , which wore delivered with tolling effect. Tlie second round was moro lierc-o than the ilrat , and Danforth began to show signs of weakening. They had scarcely bui-a liglning a inliiute and a half m this round when Ilag- gin planted a riglit bander full in Danforlh's stomach , which doubled him up like a jaelc- kiufo. As ho bent forward llairgin landed a loll handed upper cut. which almost pin him to sleep. He manured to get on bis feet at thecalliif time , hut in a iiiumeiit liaui'in landed niiother swinging left bander , which again sent him sprawling. The third time heu'ot up lie was again knocked down and re mained on the Moor until the ton seconds were ii ) ) . Hag-gin was declared the winner and given the pur e. A WieMlIm.Mate1 - . Sr. Lion * , Mo. , March 'J.--I ' Spec ! al Telegram to Tin : Uin. : | HertVallter , of Cincinnati and Mike Mooney of this city , both welter weights , wrestled here last evening for u pin-so of fcjuo and gate rmipt.Tho " .lap" refon-ed tlio ninteti , which he gave to Mooney in spite of the fuel that the last fall was hardly nsqiiuruone , The derision was neces sitated. tlio referee evidently thought , bv the threatening aspect of tlio crowd , which .seemed bent on having Mooncy win. iirilllii anil Warren Will Not I ight. Niw : Om. r\\s , March 41. ( Special 'J'ele- ( jr.un to.Tiii' HIITlieio : : | is to bo no light in this city between Warren and ( Srlflln. Warrens-ays that ( Sriflin will noi accojit his challenge. Warren svill deposit Jl.uoo to- moirow lo tight any man In thu country weighing 1 IS pounds. I'inc Kiilye Notes- . I'isi : Ui ix , i : . S. D. , Mureh -Special [ to Tnr Hr.r. | The. cold weather still continues , zero and below being registered every night. Nontenants Williamson and Pcr.shino of tlio l-'lflli cavalry have in ri veil and assiiuied eommand of two troops of scouts , relieving Lieutenants Clark and livron , who beloinr to llio depart meat of the Dakota. A visit totho Ninth cavalry camp was nude. Tlio\ \ are almost snowed under , ami when the thawing commences they will bo troubled with over- Hews , the streams with Its narrow hanks being unable to carry on' the excess of water. A luree number of oftlcers and men are suffering from the grippe , and with the siir- rounilings ot snow and wet do not have much relief. _ _ A Her.nliir IMtelicd llalile. LorisMi.i.p , Ky. , March ! ) . A regular pitched battle was fought by a number of desperate men at a place called "Hell's Half Acre , " in Virginia , near Cumberland ( hip , last ovealng. Hugh .lohnson was killed , ( iarrott Sullinm and MOH ( iibion fatally bliot and twoothcri sorlousiv wounded. 'I he llrsl two were arieited last Oi-tobcr on suspi cion of being llio mon \vlio shot younr Morris Willis. The light was started by them in revenge against UIIMO who were witnesses agidn.it thorn. _ Struck for Slmrter I-III'IMIX : I , Mich , March 'J. Two hundred ami llfty men employed .In the iron mines titruch today for ihorter hours \DTV AKll , lYuiklin MnoVoiigh Declines tlio Honor of Loiuling it to Victory. A UIG SOCIAL SENSATION AT JOLICT , A School Ihr tlie l\diii > alloii oI'Mlnnr" at Iti'ldcwcll A l-'ai-ini'i * KniVo- fates \Vliilo DrniiK The- .MasonIf I'l'inplc. CiiicviioOl'i'in : oi-Tltr. llrr < Clinvim , March U < Franklin MaeYeagh , who wus nominated for mayor by the Citizens' orpinl/atlon Siitnr day , guvo out u letter this noon in wlileh In politely lint firmly declined lo run , for husi nuss ami prlv.ite reasons. A meellmj will ! hold tomor-mv nl ht lo consider the nuostion of naming some one lo Illl the vniMiicy. It i- probable , however , that nothing ininii will he done In the innllcr until after the iwo parti sun conventions have put their candidates in the Held. * UVTiT ( | JOI.HIT. The social circles of .lollet nro aome\\ hat stirred up by a dlvm-i-o suit which has been commenced oy the wife of Fred X. Stulllei n prominent and wealthy hardware merchant of thut elly. It Is alleged UmtStulller ha been too affectionate and attentive lo Fieri 1m I'.vaus , an nttracllvo young woman , who wa n mmr neinliiior of his until a few weeks n n when she moved to Chicago on account 01 u rupture in thn families. Thn husband .if Mrs. r.vansls greatly Incensed over thefa > ' that his wife's affections have been alienate , ! mid it is rumored that he threatened hai-sli measures lonvongo himself. A SCIIUOI. I1III MIS'OHS. A school for the education of Illinois at tin- city of Hrldcwoll was opened by5Superintend cut Crawford at that Institution this morn ing. Tlio .scheme for the education f youths liiiprNoncd there is the child of Superintend cut Crawford's brain , and promises to bo one of the most useful reforms ever m trod uciv within thullnsliuition , sCtlOFIIII.Il's IMIOimil.l ! MISSION. Major ( ipneral Schollidd arrived hero to night. There is u great deal of speculation as to the natureof Oeiicrul Soholleld's visit here , since- his destination Is New UrlotuiH It Is hinted that the coninindor ; : will take a peep Into the army hendquartors to see if a proper amount of good feeling exists netwivn ( iuncnil Miles and Adjutant CSencrul McKce- vor. lilt. TIIOM\S \ | t\Miilll-sI.V : | 11.1. . Dr. II.V. . Tlionms , the well-known elorg\ nmn. is ( 'angeronsly ill with an attack of ' urippe , which it Is 'feared may develop tutu pneumonia. Under the doctor's ' orders no ono is pel-milled to see tbu side divine. si rn > < ur.D niiu.i : iiitrsu. Kdward Delss , a farmer living near Ieli- van , went home drunk Saturday night and drove his family from the house. Vcstenlav morning he was found dead upon Iho Hour , having been sulToeatcd by gas Iroin a real stove. ttOllhW. OS' Till ! .MASONIC TKMI'I.C. Today the huge roof was removed from tlh- foundation of the Masonic temple , at tie corner of State and IJandolph streets , ami tin- Indoor work of the winter months exposed in view. The foundations have boon all laid and the uprights erected fir the first t > Um Crowds attracted by the sight visited tli plaee durim , ' the day and wondered how sin h a superstructure was laid in the dead of win ter with hardly a sound of the hummer bcnu- heard by passers by. From now on a story will Do run up ovei v ten days , MI that inside of six months th" ' tnllost'nftlcu building in the world will be finished and ready fur occupation. wr.s'iiniN rioi-i.i : : icmr.uio. . Among the western people In Chicago today were the following : At the I'.dmer-A. Iio.sowater , wife and child , A. I ) . Uramlois , Omaha. At the Auditorium .1. I ) . Cole , Omaha. At the Tremont C. It. Mdlor , M. M Miller , Omaha. At the McCoy-S. T. Davis , J. P. flooche , I ) . C. I'orter , 1' . 1'ay ton. .1. K Rich , .1. 1' . Smith , .f. F. Smyiliu , f 1 . U'llscill. Omaha. At tlio Hrevoort- . San forth , Con 111.1 IlutT.s ! ; ( ; 1 ! . Widnos , Omaha. At the Commurcinl--K. S , Kobinson , Omaha ; C. Smith , Council HlnlTs. At thu Saratoga TDoeker , Oniahn : ' ' . ( ! . Saunder.-i , Council Hlults. At the liore Mr. and Mrs. (5.FI. Connucic. \4. \ Mcndel.-- olin , U. I ! . Wclpton. Uin.iha. At the Clifton A. L. Ilarlow , A. Tram- . OlIKlllU. At tlio ( iraee ( ! . O. Stiuuer. ( irani'l Islan ' At the Auditorium-- ! . Simmons , Ci-diu- Rapids. la. At the P.ilmor .lolm C. Haynas , Kain I City , S. 1) ) . : Mrs. TibbiH. Sioux Citv , la At Iho Cii-and Paeille .1. M. ChrUy. | ) . - . Moines , la. ; WiUimii 11. l.'Iarvo. Helena Mont. ; James V. Mnhoiuniue , Sioux Uily. la. At the Tremont U.S. Van Vnlhetiijuri.'h. Mindcn , Neb. ATKI.NMJV Late I'ollciNotes. . Fred Sly is only a boy , but ho is a co.-- tinned ihici mid goe.s througli the process of being nrre.sutried and found guilty and sent to jail with idilTorenco tliat is remark able fur onn so voung. lie completed a brief eonlinement in the city Jail yesterday and whei , ho was released he asked lo'r an overcoat that ho had on when lie was arrested. An examination of th.- coat showed that the maker's immo had been ripped otT the collar b.mu. so Mr. Sly w.i- . tidil to leave the coat at th Jail a foiv iliivi to see if some ono would not claim it. A few hours after Sly had tjono a young man. wln > worked for ( illison , Miller .t Hiehanlvon. visited thostnliou ami identitiod the garnii'ut ns belonging to him. Sly was again arrested upon a warnii t sworn out hy the owner of the coat. l-'red Oliphaiit wns arraigned vo.storday m police court upon a charge of stealing a ti-.im . of liorsp belonging lo Mr. Hall , nli'r \ man. lie waived examination and ui ; > bound over to the ( tistrit-t coutt under bonds of : - " > ( ) . _ IIowo scales , trucks , cotTco mills , ( Mr- starters , Harrison convejor. Catalogues of Horden A Solleck Co. , ugents , I'hicngo , 111 , A North DaUola Appointiiieiit. WisiuNdiov , March " . The president tn- iluy appointed Thomas 1C. Oloscarde ut North Dakota register of the land oflk-ii ut Mini-t , N. I ) . This is a uowly e-stabllslu-a ofllco. Oli'sgnrdo wis noiuinatvd during the sebsloii of the semite , but his nomination w.i- . not acted jpon. ( Jesslor's .xlagle Ileailacho Wafm-s. Ciircsal ; heajfches In'JO minutes. At all driiggists. llinghampton Hepnlillcan : Tlio latent F.nglish .style of shaking hands , jniU'ing from tbo ile.seriptUin , resemliles the weI ! known popular method of handling a hot potato. Each Season Has its n\\n p.vnllar mal.idy ; but \\illi the liliied iiiamt.iiiii'd M .1 stale ot imifuiiuigor and pnritv | i > tlm u - of Ayei'sSarsap.irlllj. the h > sti-m leadil ) adapts Itself to rliangoit conditions. Conipnsedotthe host altcrr.mea and tonics , , -md tn-ing hlulily ciiiceiitrated. ( Ai-r.s SHI siipai Ilia is Hie most eltccmo and i-i-onoiincid dl all blood i . llcines. "l-'oi sunn * ) cai.ul llio return of spring , 1 had fi'riom tnnililellli inj Kidneys. 1 was unable to sleep nluhl.s. niid mdleicd Ilientlj ulth pains In the Miiall of my hack. INV.-IS also . - illlliteditli lu-ail.iche , lo .s o ( appctlle , and IndlKi'SUon These .siiiiitniiH ) were much \\iu e last spring , i-spt-c-lully tlio UmiMeltli my lil-k. ; A frli-nd pi-isiiuded inn to use Ayi-r's Saiiapaillla. I lu-gan taking It , ami my troubles all dlsappcari-it " -Mrs. Ceiu-vra llclancer , - . ' ( lli-iilyo si. d , Muss Ayer's SarsapaHMa DR. J. 0. AYKK rt : CO , Lowell , Mii . y W bj llruKvltl * (1. il 1 11VjitU $4 i liiXlle ,