Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    71110 ( TMAIIA JXAIl/f BEE : AtONIXVV , LNKCll 0 , 1801 ,
Whiffs of Wit Icforo ! Which CnrkitiR Cnro
nntl Wciritomc Woes Swiftly Fly.
ii \ \Vnnllioi- U " .tcrn Ithyino
i in IMol'Iniiuuy't A\x >
J'al I'lx - - Ilcnrl Watl
Cure I'ur Had Itiontli.
Ucv. T ) . .1. Ilnrrrll , jintor nfVcsttnln -
otor church , icocnlly took n loiif * nnlioiit
Jotnnoy , niul , nslucli would lm\u it.vtts tlio
occitintilof | a slcoplni ; oar topithor with llio
inoinbcfa of a coiulo opct.i coinpnny. As fi
jirultnlu to his si'fiaoii ho tolil lit ) conni'ou.i-
tlouol tlio honors of his trip , says the St.
"Lord Hat-on , " snlil Mr. Hurrcll , "In Ms
' ' thnt 'iicrowil Is
rssny ou'Prlemhhlp , sa\i \
not ronipimy. ' Tldi vns must forcibly
. lioino to tiio n short liino since , \\hcn
i forced to make u Journey to San. lAan-
in company wllli n cuinlc onunx coin
piuiv. Closer quarters c.uinot well Uo lin
limn these of n I'ulliiun
niul 1 iv us thu only nun professional
tlii'ie. At fust llieio was u llttto 10-
Btllllllt GVldent , llllt bOOll \\oro olV.
Them \vcie twelve inoii nnd as man )
Indies. All night , vvlien uuki'hil man t
lia\o been oi-cupli'il wit h soli-iim nicilitatloii ,
thonlr icsounili'd with Indellcito sonirs of
'CJirollo ( ! lroll.i , ' still mow Indelicate stoik-s
t old by both M-M'H. llio i.ittio of lissi's nnd
thunupimiK of ciirki , and from tbo smoldiii ;
room \viislu aid the in ttio of Ivory cliiiisniul
noinnnds 'two' or 'three ' , ' as tbo e.isu might
"Here , oinoiild say , \\iis a frlorlons op-
portlinlt ) to drllvcr ti hoinlh. > 'ot so. It
\VM ii Kluriom opportunity forkoojiliii ; ifhlct.
To ens t n homily before them would lie to
cast ponrls before swine I'ouM u inoro bor-
rililo doom bodt-vKed for theio uitlsts tniiii
to bo sinldenlj transposed to the midst of
Drlpht kplrlts singing Holyl Holy ! Holy"
J-ord , ( iod Almighty I Tlioy wouli ! frel as
nnicli out of plnce In lieavon us uould Iho
numbers of our piosbUery drinking beer ,
, nnd sliiyini ; 'Oiiollotilrolla' "
Why \V < -
H"ii / ; ( ; Sim ,
Oil , the. wonderful bloom of our eastern
IssoinotlilniTiimrvelri'is nnd sublime ,
\Vhcn the \vintor season rlotlus thotrccs
AVItli snowy llei'i-ofionitlio I'lelados ,
And tie ice Uini ; doiks each t\\Iij \ and
' \Vlth Blenniini'Kcms from his jewel raiuh.
lloston Transcript.
Ob , tbo wonderful bloom of your eastern
Ts'curt-cly short of n fi'uful criino ,
M'lim the winter season paints the trees
Jn fio.sty diulonndsuo\v ) frieo ,
And tlio ice kliij. decks e.ich binucli nnd
\Vlth apulnionury
Over tlio hills and ov or llioolils. .
Ccnios lioops of coughs and eldUs and colds ;
The wlcid oiichatitcr hlsinantlo tlnovvs
Inliandliurclilcf lonns about jour noao ;
Ami your luii .s are heavy unit thick and
sou1 ,
Ami your bronohUl tub" ? mo stuffed h the
boi o ;
Yon suffer nml suffer , lint thcro is no ilenth ,
Your btuitluT is closed ami yoj can't lese
jour bicathl
'llio Munition U in lri-Ki < iif.
Kepiesi'iitiilivo McClnninj of North Cnrp-
linn and Spe.iUor 1 iced arts IH close ns peas in
npod. Thryaro called tlio tat nnd loan
biothois. 'llio speaker will rccogiii/0 Mc-
Climitny for almost 11113 thiiiR OnThunday
OM'tiinir , Just loforo tlio liotlso ailjoinned ,
IMtCJlannny wont to Heed nnd satd : "Mr
Speaker , 1 want yon to moRiiUo mo this
oveniiii ; . "
"Whit do you uniit iccoKiiliion for < "
"Ivant to call up tbe I'\ijot lev llio public
liuililliiK bill. You see , I am in ttio llx of the
fillowlio fell oiT the bridfrc. "
"Ilow'.s Umtf" Inquiieil Hied.
" \\V11 , the fellow vvho fell olT the biiilco
prnyoii ( > od to help him ami to hell ) him dd
iiulck. "
' All I'll lulp . "
riplit. McClainmy. jou.
And \\licn the Taihoi'l stntcsmau hid ob
tained iccopnition nail asked 1111111111110111 -
tint to puss bis otililio ImiKiliip bill Mr Owen
of Ohio objci ted , niul llie liuuio tuljuuiiicil.
Hoodooed \\llli a l.ommi.
The oivhostra loader of a prominrnt I'hila-
dclpbia theater \vas pipintr mini ono niubt re-
cuitly mid sowoiotlio piccolo and i-lanonet
jilayeiN. It was all caused by a small boy
who oicui k'd a fiont scat and imlustiiouslv
sucked a bit ; lemon , \\heatlic \ overt titc bail
Mm ted iili'd } and the soft nni sicvvas sooth-
inn the nerves ot n large atnlliMHO the dario-
iiet plajor looked up anil savv tbebov nnd the
lemon' His oyei bulged out , anil liotricil
bravely to Loop on plajinp. but it was no u-i .
Ills mouth wutoml violently , and the clario
net ended in a wild bhrlek. 'llio piccolo
jia/ed in his pnrtucr in astonishment , and lie
taw tbo boj and tbo lemon A despairing
wall ended the ulccoln's olTort. Thu aina/ed
leadot' looked around , and from Ids e\ultul
iwsltlon saw the tioablo. Ho shook lna violin
lin lio\v at the 1ml , \\lio calmly sucked ami
lield tbo foil. "Iho overunoas a failure ,
kit tbo boy enjojc'd thai kind ot music iin-
Sal .
"Come lie iii v wife ,
My star oflifo" '
Ami ho il row lii'rto\\aid lit * Imce.
Cried she , " \Vetl. I'll bo bli sseil If I do1. "
"I anibuio.vouvill . \ , "said bo.
Tlio Hill Will I'lilci' His IJreiUli Awaj.
Henry \Vattcisou is quick la repartee , and
now aii.l then a KCOU thliiK on
llio spur of the moment lie met in Wash
ington , nt the HI'Ks bouse , the celebrated
poot-lolbj 1st , C'olonel Dick \\iatomnitli. \
Tbo latter was in a gastumoinlc iiuamfuy ,
and told All1.Vatterson that ho ( U'ateisiaitb )
lind nr idea of pidorii.g a uinnerof Jino hoof-
steak and onions. Hovas sceptical as to
whetlier the liicirs house could servo n din
ner of onions and beefsteak that would have
ical onloiib and jet leave uo olTcnsivo odor
upon the biciitb
"Crfouel Dick , 1 can tell you \\bat to do , "
said W.ittcisoa.
" \Vliat Isthatl"
" \Vliy , ca to John Cbamberlin's and order
beefsteak and o.ilons.niil 'vhunyoa pay your
bill it will take joar breath away. "
Up to SiiiilT.
Boston Tiavrlcr : A negiovliovas RlvIiiR
cvldeneo in a tiioi'Ki.icouit was lomluiled by
the jinlRO thai Lo wiib to till tbo wholu truth.
"Well , jer see , boss , " suid tlio dusky wit
ness , "I'so skecied to tell do wbolo tiulh for
fear I ml Kill tell a lie"
.ludRO ( to witncssj-Io jou lno\v ( thcua-
turoof an oath I
AVItncss-Sah !
Judfio Do you understand \vliatyou nro to
swear to }
Witness -Yes , sab ; I'm to swear to toll do
JtiilRC And what will Happen If you uo not
tell IK
Witness I 'spectsour sMo'll win the case ,
sab ,
His Intent KIMScrjOodil. .
A'llt' l4il7'iIriKlHl / /
Overheard at a table of n cheap roitauiant
Time , Fi id ay , Lout :
AVftlter-NVbat'll .voliavo ?
Guest linked hue llsh.
\Valter-Hain't pot eny.
Ciuest me have some coil , then.
" ' ' all.
"U'altcr-Haln't Kotonyflsh at ( vvithasiKbi NVell , then , plvo mo
sonic corn bcof nnu cabbage , thu Lord know s
I asked for llsti.
I2ntli ly Ton Nleo
Jfic Iti'i H'triJu-
l lrst Ynssar Student : "Papavrltos mo
never to lay my watch on its back , What
nm 1 to do with it at nlKlitl"
Second Vassar Student : "I'd ' Invitonlts
that is , cr , uni , ahem ! 1 think , dear , tbu
It should bo hwiK on the wall. "
lloiiicnibor 'I bin Don't ,
"Do you know that MniUiic paper money
throuRh'tho milts uaroKlstored Is a very fool-
Uhlhlnt , ' ! " asks a postolllco inspector In tbo
Cinciniintl Times-Star. \ by , of eouiso It is ,
us 1 can prove to you In an instant , Hei"'s
lldn f , bill I'll pi , t Uln nn envelope Now
mill 11 it lln re jo i II.UP ii I'lioro Ii noth-
IIIR oncnrtli tbnt Hindu MUo paper inonry ,
nnd an ouicrt thief \\Hli tiwu olfactory
nerves can di'tor tbo ine i'in'cof inonoy In
nn onveloio | at nnv stngo of tbo vaino There
Is one thing thnt tbo people should loinem-
ber. ami that ii ( hut 'for \ \ avtbnt an ) dnrk
niul tileks that nrt viiln' tlio average uiall
thioi beats tbe 'heathen I'lilnoo' . "
II Dill I lu < It ii-lnc- * .
I liitliln unit /'ii/nl'/KT. / / /
Well llri'iscil StruiRor- Madam , la the
tipper hand pnckot of n vest Hint jou tjnvo
to a inl or.ili'i ' ! ttiunpn few months IIKO there
was nt'lKnrbolungtni , ' to jour busbuid. I
I-nily r f Iho lluuse Why , IB this tbo satno
iniuil Whit npii-atehanRi' !
ttatiKcr Yn , a itch imrio died tuililcnly
nnd left mo all bUoiltli. . At I was about
to iiiy , I have to thank vonr hmbiiinl ,
l.adj ot tlio House -Why , what furl
Strangerl'"or tlio cigar. 1 gave It to my
_ _ _ _
HlM/IHiUNlll lll" - .
There was n woman In our town ,
AniUhownsutidiotH \ \vlso ,
Sins ] iiuiicd | Inton ballot bov ,
AiulscruUlioit out both her i jes.
And wlinn slio found Hint they \vcro out ,
With nil her inlf-'lit nnd main ,
She jumped into a hadot bos ,
And scrubbed them In
\Vliy tlic- Hey W.IH
A'm 1 nli Iliiniilri ,
Ilr Xostinm do callirVos ) , sir , Ourten-
tlmoidultaro nitinlv Vdlunt.irj. 'Ihey uio
ineii'ly tbooutpourini ; of t'tntitiido furheilth
Olllco Itov- Man hero to scojoit , sir.
Ir Nostrum W bit does hcwantl
Olllee Hey lie wants that $10 lor Iho last
batch of bstinninlaH ho wrote , and ho says
he's tired Of lalllng around for bis money.
> lucnUc I '
Pike county was the scene of a torilhlo
minder. The I'lovon-ycar-old son of Mr.
Wright shot anil killed Ids thliteon year-old
brother. The boys bad hud an nltorc.itlon
iluilni ; tnodny , in which the younger vvns
woisted. Ilo bad on several occasions boon
ui'Kiil by an older brother to kill the bov.
Theinunlerorand a broth' r hive heeu jailed ,
while tbo Instigator has left tbo county.
Hey Ijawjt r.
Master 1'ml ! Pits Itoea herder of llleh-
nionil , Kav county , Mo . BRed elinen years ,
was bis own attorney in the circuit court
tbeio on an appeal r.iso in vvbkh bo bad boon
lined $1 for huatin on H ( ! I.euollliiK's
faun Thnuf-h in knee bivolioho clearly
proved that lie bail nn tool for u client , tor ho
nonsuited the prose-eat nip attornoj and left
tbo court room amid n shower of tlowers
from Iho ladies and girls.
Iicarncd Too Murli.
"My son , " said tbo kind father , "what
have you decided to bo when you ( 'row up { "
" 1 think , father , " said tbo yotini ; lad. a
Kleani li | > lit < ii'iip ( his o.\e , "tbat 1 should like
to bo a member of miiirms. ' '
"I am afraid , " icplied his father sadly ,
"that it Is even now too late. You have boon
to school too lonjj.1
( iiinil II < Miir < l\ \ .
Life : "Ivill lalio two seats for tonight ,
lloiv nnicli aio thu ) f"
"A dollnr llfty each , unless you wear n
lurgo , in which taso ) our seats will
costtls. "
"llifjliteon dollars"1
"Yes , miss , as , \ our lint will ruin tbo per
formuiHo h-ast a do/on people. "
In t'.e I'lirlnr , I n. in ,
O/l ( ; i OM i err ,
"O' ' toll me , gentle seraph ,
\Vitli those iiultty lins nfthino ,
Tell mo fondly , tell mo oltcn ,
Thnt you'ro mine , forever iiilnp. "
Thru shogopu a ii po ll | > 1' ' nodded ,
'J'liLii anothei gaiiovas horn ,
And her very silence answered ,
"lam jiivvn , foro\cr ynvvu. "
Notalliud Mini lo Ttike.
Ito-lun I nut let.
Mr. Pnhithcart Arc you fond of chntn-
pnenc , Aliss Itosa1
Miss loa { Moderately so , but'vvhat I most
admire nboutn Lottie of cliainp.iL'ne is tbo
Mr. R Indeed land for what reasonpray
Miss It Oh , ijieiely because it pops 40 du
. \ ( Jin or U'IMII in.
.Yen' Ynili HVeAltf
Mis. T.nUesldo ( Olilontro ) I should like to
Ituovvvb.vt pot into that Mrs. Do fair. I
never hi\v sudi nppishiu'as. 1 met her In n
rostnuiant today mid she pretended not to
SCO 1110.
Mr. LVoro you alone ?
Mrs. I. . Iv'o , 1 was \\ith her husband.
( ioiiiK to Slop It.
Trim SiHInui
Landlord I want to notify you tbnt I want
the room you occnpv.
Single I-odeor Why , what's tbo matter ?
Landlord In the Ill-it pl.ieo you have not
p'lid \ our rent ; and , accoadlvoukiss . mv
vvlfe every time my back is turned. That's
going tobtopoa tbe liiMof next month.
Kyoto linsness. !
"Pay , Jimmy , less KO la here an' ask do
ho don't 'is sidewalk
man if want cleaned
oft , "
"Xaw ; 'tain' nonse. He wiats lier snow
lei' ' jes whoie'tis"
"Hut somebody might fall down and hutt
"Uat's jest it. Dis man's a doctor. "
Hl ) d Win It.
Oi | > ( ( ii'l ' Iti in ,
AYcio T to win this lovely band ,
A mixture strange wo'twu would ho.
Iforl. jou know , nivo lots of sand
And > ou aiowhollv sugar seof
Kill1 Ton lOiitiM'prisinir.
J\nc I'l/ff / A"in
'OftlcoHoy ( rusbliip breathlessly Into a sick
room -Mr i I.owmood , is it true tbat j-ou'\o
got a genuine iraibuaclei
Mr. LovviiiocilAlas' ' too true' '
Untie HoyWell. . Air. CJoldsnoot sent mf
over to tell voa Im'll piv the highest market
piieo for it If it ain't off color.
Post"I wish , " said a little West U * ash-
Ineton ( jirl , who had neon teasing for another
falrv tale , "that I had Ananias fora pm'pa"
" \Vliy , Cicrlie , ilo jouvish nnythliit ; like
' "Coho was nlwajs tilliiiB stories , " ic-
nllod Ibo little ono promptly ,
H [ H Latest Opus.
Oi fti n Ti Hume.
Musical Kditor ( inectlnp composer )
Hello , Townos. I haven't H-OII jou sinee jou
got married. Dolnj. anythlnu in our llno <
t'oinposor .othlnmniuli. Only u little
cr ciadlo song hi A Hat.
Tbo Knee of It.
ll'iiiififii'jfini Slur.
"Tbefacoof the returns , " said tlio chair
man of a meetlnif , "shows si ty scveIl ajcs
anil no noes"
"What u queer looking faee tint must be , "
icinntked an oldlidy In tbo back row ,
flipped from the Cauad.i Presb toilm
undersigiiiUiro of C Illackett Hobinsou ,
I'roiir : 1 was cured of oft recurring billlous
Lcadatbesby 1 ) iudock Dload Hitters.
PatuliP1 ? ami Powder.
It Is piedicteil tbat thcro will bo a
hpoody rotiirn to powdorvd linlr and
natchbtf. The Now York Sun ffhes
voice to the matter. It soys : Mirny
Frondi women of fashion are now wear-
iiifr llio fiont linir rolloil over a cushion
anil .sprinkled with whlto jinwdor. "With
po(3eret'v ( niituraUy noootho tiny bits
of bliu-k I'ourt-iilnster , which servos ad
mirably to call attention toillmplo , rosy
oliocks or ilnkhini , ' e\es. The fuvorlto
lioiiitf of vantngo for thoto beiuitv spots
arc ono side the dimple In tlio dim or up
elo-jo to ono corner of the oyo. They
certainly pho a ilnsh of piquancy to a
roguish"far-o , I udlos of certain years
liail bowuro of llioin jib too pro-
nouncccl nud as apt to draw nttcntion to
crow'b foet.
Tliolloivo scales , tbo only scale with protected - *
tected bearing. Novheck rods Catalogues
o f llorUcu it S llec < Co. , Agts. , UUIcago , 111.
Oabin Posutro , Railway Tares , Hotel Expja-
tcs , Guides , Etc. , Prepaid nud Quarautoeil ,
'Iho Moo's jlntt'liloM Om r to So-
Hull OIN fur SiilmoilticH to Iti
Sunday niulVeeUy
Ktlltlflll * .
Arrnugemont * hnvo beoii cffcotoJ by Iho
publisher * of Tin : lln : ivldeli onnblo us lo
iirnUen novel nml nttr.ictlvo oiler to partio >
who are disposed to devote their ttttio nnd en
ergy tow.iul procuring new subscriber. ! for
TitiiO\i\iu xVirtiit Hr.i ; or TIM : St MHY
IIir between this dale and tbo 10th da ) of
Juno next.
Tbis otTer will bo open only topnrtlc * solic
iting subscriber ) in Nobiusln , OVVM , South
A careful record will bo kept of nil sub
scriptions for\vnrded , nnd the awards will bo
miulo without lurtinlltv.
To tbo person that will scouro tlio largest
number of fash subscriber for Tur OMVIIV
U'lJrKi.-v HIM : or TinSIMMI IJn : before
.lunolO. is'.u ' ; vvlll bogivcn rnrr. or i O T v
uotMi 'inn' 11 uorri N mi it Tic'M r. This
ticket vUll Include Itrst-iUss passage
roni New Voile to Kuiopo nnd return.
This includes nlo nil traveling , liotoi nnd
slnht-seoliir ( expenses. 'Iho tup will bo m.uio .
vvltbnn en'imlon piity gotten up bv Mi's.
M. I ) . l'in/.ler ot Hoson | , niul will bo in
charge of competent guides. 'Iho trav
eler has no uiros wlmto\cr , The
tour covers nil the principal coun
tries of Ilurope Knclnnd , ( ierinany ,
Kwlt/orland , Prance , Hel ium , Itniv nnd
tlieir piini'ipil cities. Including London ,
1'ails , llrussels , llerlin , Homo , I'lorcnce ,
Venice , Milan , ( icnoi. etc.
I\TV-TIIUII : : IH % ser siniiT- INO ,
The nnrtv Marts fiom Now Voik .Inly 1
andiotuins to Unit city hy September II.
Tidiuii by nnv individual idone , this Cu-
ropeui tour would involve nn outlay of at
least $700
Tor tlio second largest list of snbscilbers
wooltornfreo ticKet fiom Onmliii to ban
Francisco and Los .AiiKi-lej and return.
Miigniliicnt mountain sicneiy , the beautiful
( toldeii ( ! ate , tlio Innd of sunshine , fruits and
( loners. "Who has not suon California will
not die happy. " Trnvol U an educator , and
to piooeily rtpprouato llio vasttu"i3 of our country one must see Its best features.
I'nr the thiul largest list of subaeribeis to
the \\'ii KI.\ orSfsnvlln : we offer u ticket
from Omaha to ( Quebec nnd return. What
could boirraiulcr than a tup down tbo be.iuti
fill St. buvrinco in mid sun nx-rl To con
template the iK'.uity ot Tlionsand Jsle-s Is deli -
li hiful. How iniuh nioio delightful to visit
them \ vhonvlth vetdure elan.
j\nil nil this pleasure for o'ltalnlnR ' sub-
libers to the \VirKi.v niul Si MIA\ ! : : ,
Tor the fourth largest list of Mitsrnboisyo
offer a tree ticket from Omaha to New None ,
Philadelphia and Washington and loturn.
'J hero are no points on thli continent of
greater gotieial interott than tlii-so three
cities. An Anioiunn cill/.en has not rotn
plctcd his ivliieation nntl ho has seen the of L'ovornmi'iit. The itt-isonsand points
of Inteii'it in Washington aw inmiincr.iblo
and to the intelligent ol ) prvcrll visit there is
fnllot interest > 'evv Yoilc n-iil I'luliulelphu
as the eommercial and linaneial contersof the
country , ire always in teiestiu .
All tlii& siplit srLlut ; 'mil ravclitiRglvon
a\vav for obtaining snbscilbers to the
\\II.M.V or Si M > \ \ Un
I or the linn largest Hit of subscribers wo
offer a fieo ticket from Oinihii to Niagara
Kidls mm rolurii. JJvir siiue your childish
wonder was moused bj the di'seriptioii in
the old ( school readers these vroinlerlul falls
yon hnvodoaiieJ to see tliem lleie Is tbo
opportunity. A most delightful exclusion
and ono without expense , ( riven for scenrijig
subscribers to tbo WiiKi.inr SiM > .vvHii.
Fo iilirsi\th liugestlist of subterihcrs
offer a fiee ticket fiom Oinah.i . to Salt Lnk
Citv nml roturn. 'J'ao fainojb Mormon city
is fast becoming aOenlilo city , nnd will in
time lese in licit of Inteiest. Now , this sum
mer xvoultl lion peed tijno to visit the boom
ingcitv , Ci.irllold . Heaeli H of couiso in
cluded in the trip. This summer resort on
tholaUois a delightful place to pass a few of
the hot su minor d.tyb Whv not secure a
number nf snbsitibeis for the \Vuikir or
tsi Mi UKL andt.iUo the till"
Tor the seventh hit Rest list of subscriber
\\eoffern ficot iikot to Denver nml Inintou
nnd return.Vhilo a shorter trip tliun any of
tbo others it combines in.inv pleasant fea-
tmes. Denver tbo queen city of tbo plains-
is id ways vvortb seeing while tbo health mid
sunnner resorts ol Manitou aio dcliplitfnl ill-
deed. Ilo.illh-fjivlti } ; , inspiring , rcsttul
amid subllinn scenery what trip could bo
more icstfullMl this pleasure for securing
subscriber to the Sin \ \ or \Vm < i.v Hi.i.
Now what nro tbo conditions uuon which
these tickets nro given nwayl 'I be securj-
of the Urs''st ' Hit of faubseribera to Tin.
Vi'i IKM orSiNmi Bi < ; No newspaper In
the west is so well and favorably known and
holloitois hnvo always found It an easy mat
ter to secure subscribers. Tin : Ii ! i ' < sub-
suiotion list has aKvavs kciit nace with Us
ivpntalion and itdi-siics toadil new naniosto
its long list of friends Boinn at all times a
people's paper it makes ft lends vvitu ail
The subscription price of Tur. Wrr.w v BH-
isjl.OO per year postpaid to any pl.ion . in
this conutr.v or Canada , or fi.OU If sent ton
foroiKn country.
Tin Si sun llrr is * -2 00 per year , but
Omaha sub'-erlDers ' for I'm : SINDVV HFL
\vlll not be > counted in this com petition
Oet up a list. Ilnvejour friendb subsc-ribo
rtoa in llllllons of rtornea
10 Ye
11 Continual dropping wears
away the slono. "
The continual breaking of
lainp-chimneys costs a good
deal ill the course of a year.
You can stop it. Get Mac
beth's " pearl top " or " pearl
glass. " You will have no more
trouble vith breaking from
heat. You will have clear glass
instead of misty ; fine instead
of rough ; right shape instead
of wrong ; ami uniform , one
the same as another.
You will pay a nickel a chim
ney more ; and your dealer
will gain in good-will what he
loses in trade ; he will widen
his trade by better service.
for tlio | ut | > cr Maniple copies forxx'unled
free on request
Persons doilflup to compel * ) fir one of
the c nrircs xxllllulcn'o sit ) so ulieu seinllnv
In th'Mr llrst onlprs.
Keinlttanco Infill must nci-ompan.v cvi'ry
Two sh ninlhs ) HtilniTipilous or four
tliroe inontlis stihscrljitions xx-ill bo couutoii
ns cue
llhl yea notloo thnt line heiui of linlr at
rliincli list Suniluxl Thnt XMW Mrs. 11
She ne-x er permits heiself to bo out of Hull's
Cull lc Southern I'l : ili.
Jnmos Andix\v. \ , ho is lui'p'ly lutonMted
In slock liisoulhern I'tuh , I'Htlniatos that bo-
twecn tblity and forty lliouiaiul wttlo bo-
loiiMo ( Kino niul Washington countIIM , of
\\'hlh ( there will bo 101110 Ion or t olx-o
thoinniul to m.irlict the coming siuiiiner.
'Phew bus been for sex'oral x-eari n lircedlnj , '
up of stivli in Unit country unlit Iho cattle
nrool jrooil nuallty , lielnc xx'dl mixt'il with
Pollcilniiii , ( iiillowio , Hereford , Ilolsleln
nnd Diirhun , inuklni ; a trreat linproxTinent
ever vx'tial there was u few MMIM njyo
t'atllti aio in excollcnt cotiilitlon sltn-o the
feed has been jjnoil anil the xxTnlhoi this
\vinter has not been roltl nt n > tiinc.
Mr AntliVHs ostltnixtes thosluep In the
txx-o couiitleH at TTi.diKt. but ho him no inleiost
hi sheep niul is not x on familiar with that
Industry Ihi'ie , but sn\s the nniitiiili aio
dolni ? evci-ptloiiall ) xxcll this xxintfr. Ilo
nlacos the niiinior of horses hcloiiKini ? In
Kane and \Vntliinu'lon counties at about tlx-e
thoiisiuid , of which a hiiito niiinbor nro u-nitv
for iinirhet. 'I hero Is but little common stork
left in that country. The favoiitos for Inced
hiKUp ba\ebecn t'ho NormanC'lydcsilnlonud
t'leM'land Bins , ji.ut of whiih xxi'it * direct
iinpoitatloiis fiiiiu r.iiKiand nml I'l.ince. and
the best selections of tbeio 'itralnn were
clioM'n. Horses thiivo well in southern I'tah
on thu raiiKi-s. nnd Ineeilers llnd It prolltnblo
business to laiso for tlio inirUrt , the onlv
iliMwbucIc behifj tliat they mo sofarawaj
from a gooil nnrlcct.
Cure for C i ou p. I'so Dr.' Diet1-
trieOll acL-ordliiR to diioctious. It is tlio
host lonieity for all nuliien allnrlts of tolds ,
p.ilniuiillnllnminatlon , and inurics ] ,
An , \ 1 HJIIK-C lr ( ! ( > . ( .
Hi rri C'l 11 , N'ol ) , Mar-h .I.-To tlio i'.ditor
of Tur lln : : As a meiiibor of thoalliaiifc , 1
xx-lsh to say , that the continued xlolatlon ot
founs ofiloccnry and coiirtoiy amoni lax\-
innlicrs of tholndepeiKlent fattion at Unuoln
is ineotliiK wltli no favor at the hands of a
luiyo allinnro constltiicncy. I-'or instniivo
the bill by i'Ve to foini n neroiinty of tlio
l liMlunii1 tidies of unorf-anl/ed tciiltor\ \ ,
lylnp between the state line on tboiioilh aiid
tboXiolirara livoroii the sontb , noith of
lloltcounty.aiul bielted apmitlon of sonic
llxohundiediottb'is ' , ami nmluiilly iiicuil | ,
ttiat said tcriltory sbail he oif.inl/cd. : nndet
the name of Ic\x ! d fountv , and said tenitorv
now conliuns tuo Kood coautles and ix popu
lation of not less tlian.'l.OO ) jieonlo , should lie
iinuosed upon by llie ineie etfoit of a co\-
coin'o fiom < ! airo , to daub our territory \x-ilh
a to pfinion to ( friitify hH own divcoil'ainlil
tion to tlio cllstesiHct of the hlindieils of set
tlets xvlioociJi > > the lands in qucbtum , atnl
xx hocoitnlulj li.ixea riRlit to chrlstrn tholr
oxxn ciMir.tx Ivopre t'iitutUos Miult'ii ' and
diilo , xxho it'tnosi'itt our nclKhlwiltiK I'oun
ties of llolt niul Hoi-It , mo nt
homo with the teirltor.v in question ,
know the demands of Iho IH-O-
pie. and that UIPJ nro entitled to county or
naiilrutliin. Koini'siMitiitixo l''to of KCMI
I'nlin was coiiHcloiis x\hni \ he Itiliothiccil the
bill that u-o nre onlltlcd to the bMn'lltol
county oi'KHiil/utlnn lit'pioseixlnltx'o Kruso
of Knox oppoii'K the lillt I rotn u pocunlaiy
stnmlpolnt. Tlio torrltorx- quest Ion belni !
littnt'ht'd to Knot for re\enuo puipo-u's ;
iniiklni ; Ueiuvsciilatixo KnisoN opposition
unjust and contcniptlhlo. Noxlet vis ha\o \
frceilom , and U'arli tlio ImllxMilinxl of ( Siteo
tint hols not niif-htUM than the penplo \"i-i )
rc'pi-ct fully , Kiri inn \v Ai i us * r.
The soil jjlovx' of the Ion lese Is iiciulrcil |
l\\ ladles xx-liii n > ol > o//onrt.roinph ) 1 * ow-
ilor J'i > It
'ii'.oi'itiii ; > IKAioia.N < : .
Mni-li IHllleiilly llxppilcncetl hj the
Motor t iimp my Aconnii of i noxv.
Motor trn\i'l was very much Impeded by
Sittirday uU'ht's storm. Manj of the motors
x\cte > binned out and ai ono time tht'io xveio
but t\ui of them in inniilmr ouler on the
I lainey ami Tannm stioot llne.s The former
line xx'.is ubamloiieil .xesterday , anil four mo
tors xx-eio remand to lucoinmoiinle all tra\cl \
on the r.irniini stici't line.
Tnix'd on the ness tnvvii lines \x-as not so
svrlouslv Inlerfoii'dlth ' \ , niul ill though It
xxas ionnd necesMiry to run niilx slnitlo cms ,
a coinparathel.x regular service xx-ns iniiln-
tnliietliin belli the South Oiunhii uii'l ' llati-
scoin nark lines nf tor thojvoio oiuo fall ly
The swcoKH-s | and scraper- * were liopt In
operation timing the entire ilny. us the snow
continued to drift In txposcil pbuc.s.
Tor lieiiutv , for comfort , for liiitirovoinent
of the coiiiiiiAionusoonly | I'o//.onl's ' l'o\vder ' ;
tleio is nothini ; nilial to it ,
( Inn ut Iliirlim ,
Hoilrcnms : Ilor lieiul .tpoix his bic.xit
l ics coily anil xx'tll attest.
J lo fools her bosom's fall and rlso
And drinUb the pcifunioot her bluhi.
Iloval < cs : Ami lust tbo nittlintr pane
llohoaii , thowaiiantl nh'ibtlv rain
All , ( iod' ' I le thinks ol ho'.vsho lies
And shuts no niiiie his tearless e.u's.
Do Witt's Uttlo 1C illy liisors ; nest little
pills for dy-pepsli , sour stoiiuich , bad breath.
A Inrjjo Coillbs onjri'io ' 1ms recently
been 01 ot'tod nt Iho lloiiu-tojul Stivl
x\irl\H \ ( near 1 'itNbinif , wliiclihsib a t'\l- ,
imlor Til inclii'3 in dliunoli'r and tlio
btroko'li Inchcami K onlfulateil to ilo-
xclop n hoi'sc-nrnxoi1 of . 'IjIMi. The c'tifjino
will bo u soil lei drno n lai'ifo limn ol
Kills for iimKiti htnicliiral shajius , anil
bonif idea of tlicxxiirk it will haxe todo
nmy ho jriiiiii-d from tlio fact that the
insiiii fch'iim piin > is Is inches in tliainoti r
ami tlio c.\hau4-pipf liOinches.
" HeniHied. In "by tlie Ho stiles "
Is one of the licacllines that appeared in the newspapers at the be
ginning of the Indian troubles. The jolly night editor tbat wrote it
had no idea what a wide application his alliterative headline would
have. There are hundreds and thousands of people vho have never
seen the Indians , vho may be said to be hemmed in by the hostilcs.
They are the long-suffering victims of disease of Blood Poison ,
Skin Cancer , Rheumatism , Scrofula , Mercurial and 1'otash Poison
ing , and all the various ills that attack and rack the human system.
These arc the hostilcs. With the chief of them Swift's Specific
S. S. S. deals as effectually as the police of the plains dealt with
Silting Bull. In fact , S. S. S. is more active than any police
could be. It arrests , drives out and destroys all blood poisons and
diseases of the blood. It promptly inakcs victims of the ailments
just mentioned , and is a remedy for many others , as hundreds of
testimonials show.
Tro.illK.ooii Ellooilnnd Me In Disease * .Hulled Frre.
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , - Atlanta , Ca.
all ll ort ! < 'i's of tlie Sloiimcli , Liter , Hone's , KI'cnj ' * , Iti nM T , > 'i
Dions'- , I.H.S f Aiii'lip. | | ( Hca'nclu' . l'iiii > ! iitiiin. | : ( .ostiiPiif-s InllgxM ! n , Hilioiis-
ness , Peter , I'ilclite. . , Mini ii'ii ! crs tlic' jstcin less llabli'to ( iintrael dKoasp.
11ADW ril.l > ate' i ctin foi ( Ills i inn plaint Tliii torn up tin' liiti-rnil soeioltcins to
lie.illln lu'l'on ' , lustiin' ' si iciul Ii lo t lie stem u-li , tuil I'll ilile It 11 m'lforni Its fiinut Inns
I'll f'.c , il ) \ , , | , | , y all diun"'lss | , ot mil It'll by ItVliWAi \ . to . ,11 W.nroii stu-et , Now
Vnt K , un ludptof prlio.
1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
cvpntrrn your * ox | > rrti n'f A to.'iihr tfrnlu ito In niPdn Ino n * itlplIPII Bin iff IM still Ircatlnir with
tlio ( jrc itust HIM i m it 11 Nin v oil1 * < liroim niul I'rlvatc 1)1 ) * o hi . \ IH nn nicnt < in o mi.traiitt r I f < > r t at irr.i .
[ ttTi i it ii r iliu a 11 t M in IK > oil ' - finlmilt ( tUni'ss. Nik tit 1 oi u < , liuiHitt > iu \ s\ | > ) il Ii trli tiuo niul ni < l H *
I'l-i" " of . " 'vluaiiU I'rlnni ) Or. * nt N It. I k'uu intun ? > iil ) I'lin t-n ( . .i'l nn loit iktant nil 11
tunonMiltiiUuii ( lice lluuL ( .MslLiU'9 ) ui Jlfn ) sent tic U'llei,1 hour * J a in to * p in unl.t ) H
n ID. t > U' in
Ira & Wire Ms
Mumifartiiti'is of li in anilVlio I'I-IIPPS.
Di'sK ( iiiarili. IinpniMMl Aunlni-- . Coal anil
" mil S-ii ins. Iron Mill MV iys. linn Hourniul
' luilti is.lrf \ \ Slisii-iil-u III ass Work uf nory
rl-t | Inn. Altklni
217 South 12th Street ,
Oppjsito Nebraska National Bank , Omaha.
2L.IO U01 * KIA3B1T.
Itran hf al\ -ii Ur 11 cunfcofl" * ? r ( c , r In ur.
lelti of I'jjil , wlthaut I'JO ' kuowioOgc ol llie iiaucnt
if ntceisarr It uUwolutuly liurralwia nndwilleCeut ,
permaueat anJ p cdy euro , whrtbtr tic patuni 10
ara dratedriukfTfTranftlooholioMrcoK. 11 .stiKIC
fAil. " . It opartUM nn uiiully arJ wnh euoh ci.r- '
latmr tUattho piticnt uudouoca no Inconvenience ,
and era h in w rB. liU comlilele relor untied IH
eircolcil iapuot > i > oiLOparticumr > rrco loliclutlot
KUIIN : CO. . UlUJk Douclio.S. lllll & UumiccsUB.
p j'lriuloiuiipllcd by Ui. MIE. HUUO ! 4 > CO.nilU
J/.U'HAIllao4 IIII LI Cl CO llmal.n
Gra'luatj ' Dentist ,
A I III ! but uf 'It-llll I'll
Iliit'tirr f"r I l\ i H..I
r\ll A ( iprfptt Ht ninrnnlccil Toi-lli fxlrniK-il
Hltlioiit | ialii ur ilnnito niul Itlmut mini tliilii i
l.ulilnnil ll\or Illllnmnl ln i i rnui Ilililvi' nn
Cr j n \\iiik li't-tlt ultliuiit | uali- All ui
wuriiiuti U
Kntrnnrr , li > ih itri'd clcntoi Ujun nM > nliiK
nil ill" i' iluik
OMAHA H'nllon urmlilrenW 1 II MIUIl
H pod He for MTitrlnDliln s , Flti , KwtiMlglrt Wuko
tulru36 , Kent a 1 hpprwtilon hoftenliii ; nf thu Jtrain ro >
BUltlnff in ln nnlty mi Icnlintr to mibcrj * rl i\T ai 1
iloith , Pumituio Oiil Atre.llurvnnos loscofPowe ?
Inoithur BOI Invol intirjr HivrmotoTLfEi
cnusuI by ovrKMitio f the Irain , relf t.luo or
overtndt'ifence liarli box rontalniun Jtmnitl' treatment -
mont $ l A hot , oi ill f or $ i , tent l y umi I ) rcpni-l. -
With enrti ortler for olx t oi-t * , mil * m < ) purcha or
( niarantve li > refund iiLnw If tliu ireitmt-iil fitla W
111) ) I ani.uii Mi oca. - Omaha. Nob.
Bee Building ,
Hic'dkfast , - 81o 10:30 : a , in.
Dinner - - - - 12 to 2 p. in ,
0 to 8 | ) . in.
Best Table < f If etc.
A f.a Cni'to at nil hoius.
Room for 1/adiux' alont , ur with tioiitlo-
men ,
II. MiSMXi : : , Proprlotor.
7MTiriTdf / . < > ! ' . I till < i
Infill' MUM ! nnliil < iiltluIlll '
iliili-l Hnililiii'i ' in ttmiiliii , .sci < - 'iiJ
It I'H i-ti InIllre uiillH i'ii niiliiu 11-inn
Itnti'iiii'iit li > i-ii'if. Ml tin * ' ( / / ! ( / ii nil
/IIKII-Mllni' < l n'llli .Ifhi'Htui / ( ) < i -in > t
lllllllll , Illltlltllll It IlllJIIIIHillll' til Illll'll
I in'1'nuiin'n nml / inuliinni
ill tintiiilliliitii. . * ti' < iHI la-tit ,
11 111 tlllll Illlll Illltl'f ( lllll HIIIIHllllK'lll
t'H'1'tli otmii 'Jultli'iiiiNiirjtinii'il ( my.
11/it' / ! < . ' .
B , SILLOWAY , Prop.
Toclnyvc place on sale in our Men's ' ClothV" *
ing Department our advance nssortincMit of "
Spring Suits.Vouro rjrntifiocl at being ablot//
announce that this slock is entirely now , His
not carried OVOP I'roni last year , ns when vv < ?
placed our Pal 1 stock on sale in eighteen ninety ,
all the Spring suits \vc had loft you could luivo
put in it wheel barrow and still had room for
passengers. Our buyer has had a picnic buy-y
ing this stoclv. Nothing tovoilry him , no rc
momberingvVmtwc had packed up fro in last
year , ( ill plain sailing , simply go ahead and buy
an entire now stock , and this he has done to
the "Queen's tnste. " We never have shown so
many handsome styles in suits since \\c began
business as Ave are showing to-day. "We have
them in every material. Wo have thorn in
every shape and cut. We have them in the
handsomest assortment of shades and colors
that could be selected from the markets ol the
country. You'll not be confined to buymrf
goods made by any one concern , as our buyei ?
has selected the cream of dozens of lines of
Suits , made by the very best manufacturers ,
We are going to make prices on suits this sea
son "which even WE have never before m ido.
Going to outdo ourselves , as it were. From the
worlcingman'ssuit to the finest imported Wor
sted , we will save you. from two to ton full
grown dollars.Weeorclia lly invite you to call
and sec the handsomest assortment of Spring
Suits you ever saw in Omaha. .
( Out- Spring Catalogue is ready for mailing. ll'ri/c for it. )
Open till 8 P. M. Saturdays 1O O'Clock ,
> -tND'S ) ' EXTRACT
Specific Directions.
II' A COI.IIIV TIE SCII 1C ID , nppl ) '
Piinit'n Hvlrict dilillril uiic-lialf
Ityu Mii > al ilonrlio , < ir niiitM" II , or
vnporlzo It o\i-ru Jninp niul Iiibnlo
tlic I'linics < liroi'li Iho IIOM- .
IK CIOAXSSi : , gnrK'.e ivllli X'uiul'B
ICilrml Mi'ioritl lliiirn < lnll } .
iif 'i ii ic Tiiuovr is .oiti :
mill , on rcllrliiK , viup lli < - nerlc
Ii ! a uoolm liiiiitl.1 0 iiiliuntcd
tillli 1'ostil'K iviaol : , mid pro-
'tcttrtlliy nil oiilrr vrappliin.
IK ii iiIIN : ; N AIII : MUSI : ,
IllltC il tl'Il | IOOIllllI "I' I'llllCl'l I' * . '
tract linir nr liio time * dull ] .
IK 'I II 1C MllliS .UIEi ; anil urn
n < ire , rul > UK-III A iiroroiisly uKli
FOR CHILBLAINS , imilio ulih
I'IIIKKilract niitl bntnliiicv
clotli Nsiinif c-tl \\ltli i'liiicl'i
true I. t n Mn t ; iti lkly Mopp
BUT tl > mil piii-i-liiiM * MIIIIO
fill t > h tllllt O Uiul \pttl J t 10 (111 V llU
1'oiid'b t ilrnu \ \ 111 , Hioiiru you
lutv < % KOIIIII.IO iirliilc. lla l < > only
Ii ) t * iiiil"i tvr : ( ct Co. , .Nci\ York
PAT Mill ! 1 Ul ilhPi omr tliitlir iitvil n i fit *
Ilirrli liu"VOrMiii | ' tlm I lee 1 in.I n rvi" ti ro I i Inil
ih I illiy .IITII niul il it i
l > \-I'l I'siA An I nil tlicpiKtM of inlir-'isn" '
1 Ivcrln n hip liiiiprri.cta | < liiillitli > n un I n itrtllpn
KIIIM.V IH'KA'lIsn limit iln-i-li i f. In-
' * * ) inpt.MIII hard to rtcojui/tf l > v tli ,1.11100
ultciili'nil lu fntal brl lits tllit'KU nr illa Hi *
'isK\sm ' | OK 'III i : 111/10) - lllud | u 1 'n ' ! >
irrofiiU , crjslpch ) , tinl UlMiJ ! iii-iLi u'J Ii9l
AT I-KIN ! MiK1 : llpjcmi Mil r'ipiiin \arl-
fln iilo r < , lilMirrloo , inifuli liipn mil > i r
ijftlu' > kin | ilniipi | , iinj uiaiHtoj ul ttiu sc.i , irJ
II-KVsK , io i nf tli- . - li
loinl ili-l ilil ) . | > rourallon , tli'siionili in > u i no is
011 tip fltl ' lows of Itilllliirv , llro til uf f t r Lta
A i in trcnlim-nt Unit M \ ' ! : I All
HHHM\lsM \ | ANII NKUHAI.'ilAro \ cure *
l > Ur HIIIIHI.-1 lii > n nllolh.-ri hive tiill-M
I 1 MM.l. \ \ i : \K\l > hs lln Inr i rratl a
mi'l iMinatnrul inctho 1. utuill ) cm il r < 'l ar.i ref -
f | > n-ilil , . Inr lull ) tlireifinirlli. . if th * > * itTfrmij
IHItnitiuil t'j ni.itii'n InvcJllcuto Iliu QUIT ,
In iiutrtitmont 11 llr Illlllnct
Tills \.i \ | , UK 'fM , THIIUIlI.rS IM'i 113.
tuln nl" r.M ' 4 slrUttiitt , nml ill ilhoi-.i-.i t ro'tiitii
mrrilu ih ut tlio kalfo , cautory ur un tijtir 9 Unl X
fit tu win k i r Imnlni" * *
All III UIIK < arnqulikl } run-1
\ I M HI U. IIISIATS : i | > nt or I < m utanillnr
HI I IU uiiiu'rrlnuiIrii'lun ) tunl nil rt'iiiin uitfr
fi i I IM an iurt',1 | ii > rnniii nil ) ami ( uri-vor w thuul
unniir < r ) or niliu-raltreatment.
Mnui'lilM : iiAiiiT yulikiy. poiititi.iy ta4
I at uli nsl ) ciiril
I AI'll NMlllM-Tnkfltnltli hTl rnnipli > 'o lnon
In HI Itli uno tLAii'Oonful i'i plc.iinnt tui'li ' nu Vo
faci iik- .
. .
uli ITS tumir * . ciiiK-i'M lu'nrt trniil > 1i'i n-tiuni
cpilcij ) > . M VItun ilann' milktc-z. clir nu \ > ' pa *
tli > n nut i lirunlcillnrrli 111 * rut'lirol
-I III : t nMIM.f MON-Tlii nto-t nn.ikli'v ' nn-1
lntiilil ) i tinii li-\lun qtilikly f'OHhoni'il ami i tu Ue < 3
I ( ill 01 M.NSIVi : IIIICA'IIIA | n-riii niiii car *
1.01ll.b' HlHlHONsLl.TAHON
lllll Uh l > On ill. toip u i\uiliiii 7 t , \ A
buiularii , 2to 4 p in.
OMAHA , XEB. Patients Tro'tt'il Hy Corroi-o
llcUiclno Sent Kvarywaers
lliirlni ; 111. > ov ITIII inoiiiliH loi'iillcn anil prnotl rol
( iiiiiilin llr Ullllrui liniiariiiil in uivUil'lc ' r 'i"Hu-
llmi iiMii'iiu' ' tin * Iniinlri il < nf till/i'ii n lie npplli'il to
him iiliiuixt in a l.i't ii'f.jrl nml li.iiml In lil > nklllliul 322Soutli Fifteenth St.
liilnlHlnillolu Hit'full n lll/nlloii 11 liui o lull ; Jo
lie H lurimniMilly Inrntctl HIII ! ln ilio ln > l np-
lulntcil uiul IIMI.I M mlintl ) I icntt-il | hi > liluiin
otliii-iiiiil r'U'ptlon lo.niit Inuinuliu
'J inKiik lll Uiul In Hi milliikH n true | ili ) lilni > Dr Dtlllus ? nropiros and ill pcn r" > hl
nml u > j inhill | < nli'lKl uilt i or
own mejictnii > lcU am largely s 1 i-t :2
1 MI U.o . tii'iitiu ent < r II i til mi int. mum ! illfnti '
I If 1 Mllimllll IMOMII Illllllllf | ii unK'll IllUbt of Irom nnlnn-'a healing ulinn , b.xrki , roots. H
IIIUIMIIll Bklll utc. HJ ur ilnij.jtvda * ' '
HOTEL DELLOBTE. /"V"3 TTn _ ° "Tr - ! . ruridin > | < | n > ' ino iiaiitA
\ f hopayllllcund 1)R J SI
Corn r 1-lth .mil C.ipUol Aiiui' ) .
Just compU'toil , lins 10O rooms , tlivo
bturw.iyh , horn the lop to thu bailout , Sullcrlntt
line n'.cv.itor and iliiului rooii $1OU."V"3 , llio UTifU oi
lire jiroot through > ut , aim Inllir I rooms , nul
' fly < l' ' ' ' ' y. Mliijiwei\l.iiik , | , t uiiuiliikMl.ric
tinlinu.t totlot rooms in tJw city. TLar , j Inlll Miia lOalu.iiilo trvallMi lunlnl auitAliilm
Kuinilu ] luuuis , SuiluM with luth'o. . Cor full luulli-ulurj for Ii uno tiirtf. I It mi . .ifl rK
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Mtli iincl Canitol A\o. service 11 rrulliyitrrj
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nun "In U lu-rinnt itnl il.-i'llllitli-il. A Wri * .
all Uitoctious. Idao , trum iJ.OU tu $1OU. I'ror. V. . , ! ' < > \ VLliUUuoUui , Couiij