Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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Tl Ml NTfr ilii-Muiimt will
lie InUrii until 1. IH p m . for tlio evonlnit
rillltnn mill until > : 0 p. ID , for thu morning
tdlt inn und St MIAV Urt :
rPKllM rush In lulviineo
1 > ATI"- Advertisements on tlllipad' will' ' " '
I * linn-nil fir ( HI tlic rate of l'i ( ruin per
HI rO ( or tin1 Mrst Insertion. .Hid I rout per word
fur i'in'li Bidm iiietit | Inseittnii. mil < l ( < 0 PIT
line per n oiith. Nil mhorllsoiiielit taken fur
Irm than UnenUfnr the llr t Insertion.
1N1T1AI S. Humes , sjnihiil-s oto. . count i < ach
us oiio unril.
riMM's1 ! niUorllMMnrtim nn t tun eonsri'u-
' tlu'lv mid under no rlroiiinstnm-os will
they to lain n or dlseontlnned ) > j telephone
1 > AHTir.S iiilvcrtlslni } lit tlie e rnluimm ninl
Iin I I nc their ninwrii nddre-seil to a "mini -
Icrt < 1 letter" In cure nf Tin : Un : will reecho
H muni'oroii chcelc to rnnlde them lo < el tliclr
litters AIIIWIMI "HI bo ili'llMTi'il onlv on
' - Inn nt tills rheolf. Kneloso answers
in tiM'lopt' * properly addressed
A 1. 1 , ( idicrttseniontH unilrr the head of
' speolal Nntli-OM" tin1 published In both
tin * tmirnliit nml evenlnn editions nf I' lit : HIK. :
the i-tre ilnllnn nf liloli uuiirrenlro nmroth.m .
' .Uonopiuorsdiillr , ntnl Kites tiniiilvirtlic'r
llio In ni'llt not nnly nf the larstn rlrciilnt mil of
Ilir ili'o In Omnlm. lint nl u In Cnnni'll ItlulTs ,
Mi'i'oln unil nl lirr el tin run ! touns In the vest.
AiUertMiiK fur lhr pri > ! iiinin will In tnken
( in tin1 ill n\r 01 null Iliiti4. lit tin * follow lint bilsl-
ni"-H lioiiscs whtinri ! nnlhoil/ril to lake miri'lsil
Illlt llT" . lit tillM.II1IU mil's IISIII I'D ll.lll lit tllO
tnnliinltlfO ,
i OMAHA KHANCM oi-Tirr.-No
TttflN. Mieol , l.lster Illnrk.
_ _
iTillNVAlTnuTiiiit tiiucNt.ti.'OSiJHTh Tenth
I MII 1 1.
_ _
/ iTlTsi : A PDltV. Slntlctipis mid rrlutcra-
v III south Kith street ,
II , l\\lNS\VWTII.Tlinriimclin5ll5Cilti ! ( > -
Inc Mtrl'i't.
\ \ * J. lirr.UI' ? . IMiaimaelst. ( HI North ICth
' stll 11.
jfiFl ) . \V. 1'AllH , I'harinacist , 1713 l.eavcn-
v' viitlh street.
1 J I'OirWyTMlAUMAt'vTiithanil rarnnm.
I'd nili\s. do. , Kteoji ( iifflistcolumn on till * jmi/c. /
A N t'\pei [ cured laily MotinzrailiPr | mill
Ijpowiltoriloslres u position ; OWIIH tu.i-
clilne , Address IT. . HIM' . MIITI II *
SITTATION by 11 harness maker. Sti'iuly
work pri'fi'rrril. Address II. A. llrnry.
StroinsbtiK. . Nob. .
B OOK l\iii'ii : : : ! . expert with accounts. Iho
M'lirs , tnoomntcndat Ions , \\ants piiilllnn
with llrst clii s liKiist1 , Adilii'ss \ . ' Cifl , Urn
' *
" \\TANTIl-rHltlnii ) ( liy ilini ; rli-rk. Two
' ' Iran t'\pi'rlt'iii'i > In lownof ini ) > tlnm-
Siiitil , Nnl ri-itl-li'ipil. I'in : ciM' KDOI ! ri'fi'r-
I'liiM't Aililross , lloIII , I'lilnn , .Ni-b. ' "J. K"
V ANTIID Sltiiiitlons fur enml clrls ; my
T uiilthif ; riioiiis IIIK ulnnv * full from 'I ' 11.
to n Cinnlan : : [ riiiployiuunt olllri- .
ii > ic. iniii. 'ivii'iiiioni' . ) - ! . mi
I'nr inlfx , ilc. , art tup f lint rnlninn on tlilK ) Mil'-
.I.I'- Man to tc'nil t\vd lioisos ami do
V > rlinifs Apply 514 North T.M M.fK-l ! !
"XX ANTrn-Diiti-cthi's In I'ViT.v tunii In tlio
' wi' t. mi'ii and Inilli1- . In ii'iiri'sont
1'ranUs' leli'i'tlM ) < Aci'nov KnoloMi JT fur
bull.ri' : anil i'Uiiiiils-4liin , Itli ri'fi'riMirc . 1 * . A.
Krniiks nmmijjPr. linx 1.71. t-alt I/iItu Cllv.
Vtuli. .M 7 *
V ANTKD Truvollns sali'smi-n on sjiiM'
' III" . , north Kill | H'r wi'i'k tea lintli < r. Al-
nn\ ( < ! . ; rv > Doiiilioin st. . ( 'hleasu. Ills
- Y7 , \ *
\\7 AXTTD linnii'illati'lv. t \\n iicrsnns tori1-
, 'V coUc lust rui't ions tii lit > i > p hooks , tnoil
situations. .1. II. Hiultli. ! U'i NinVoik I Iff
iiKi-7 *
\VAXTii-Miiii : ) to nll llnoof i-Isars , Jintl
' | ioi month and ipi i > n-i > s Addn-ss ltli
hi .imp , 'iiiiiatiM I'lcar t'o , Chic ice , III. : iL' ll > *
Atir.NT.suiititcil fin-Tin' Memoirs of fli'ii-
I'ralV. ' . T. Slirrinan.iltton hy lilniM-lf
\ \ < li.ivo In jiirsan uiitiicly now I'llltinii of
th snnrK. lt lll hi1 i-oiniili'ti' In onu larKi"
in1MMolunuN i-oiitaliiliiK ni'iii-ly nun tlion-
Kind naji" . . prlnluil on supi-r oaloiulrri-d
IIIIIHT. l > ouml In IIin' i-lolli , and sulil at tin ; loiv
jii-ltoof tl per eojiy. It w llU'imtain nildl-
llonnl nuitti'r Ii.rlion. .riiiiir" * ( I. llliiliii'.hrlnK *
ln tluvoik down , to tlic pi-t-M-nt ilato , anil
? U IIIK a full aiToiiut of 'lit' ' doatli and funuial
of tlirdi'rt'iiM'd Kcnoral.
This K tionrial Mii-rnian's Own Memoir- ,
nml tin' only hoiilv Issued In which tlie family
of tii-iiL-i-.d f-liorinan uri' In any way Inteii"- !
i'd. CaiiviisserV onlllt sent to any tulilri'ss for
BO i-i'iiis Addli' s the I'Yclnsho pulillsheis ,
Cha- I. . Wi'hsti'i- ( . C'o. II l ast I'liurti'i'iith
Hrei't. New 'S'lirlc 'lly. ' . .M ! i
SAI.INMMN"wnntt'il to sell iroods to nii'i--
i-lifinls hy sample : new oils ; In * pay for
\ \ ( iH-niianentsltnailiiiiM-liiinceto : build
a tlnu triuli' . .Moilel Mf . C'o , j-'oiith llend. Itul.
\\TAN"I'KI ) A sali'siiinii of experience to
> ' sell nn commission to tlio retail tradn
unh.lii Kansas and Nebraska , our IInil of
UiiHi-ap- . mittens , leuuin.'s. L-I- ( . . ete.d -
drv > " < \\itli ieforenci- ho Klmlerhool ; Knlt-
tiii M o. . Umilelliook , Cue Co. , N. V. Mllll-l > *
\ \ . > --Meehanlos , miners , lumbermen.
IT elorlis , bookkeepers , salesmen , faimeis.
mliorei.s nml men In all rapm-lties to ciiinu to
V , osfei-n Oregon and aeeept positions ; it mine
than ll\ \i\f \ \ wanes. Tills Is a part of the win Id
not only tiiial ) to. but ou-clllm : any other In
natural ailvniitattiis.Ve Invite correspond-
enee from all who \\ould feel any possible ln-
torist. ami assure yon that all yon have to do
is tn Investigate. Wo e.m jiro\u be\oiid \ por-
adventiireiif a doiiht all we nssert Ore-
ton Loan & Trust Co , ! > ' > > l'li > t st. . 1'orl-
binil , Ureiiim. Ml7 m"2'
\\rANTT.n Men with Rood lefereiico sit
* t Metropolitan M'f'gCo , ItWli Howard st.
017 MIS'
Alll'NTS wanted for the Manhattan l.lfo
Ins. Co. tii icpiesent In all inrno IOMIIS In
tluixtatosof NiiliinsK.i iind Coloindo. l.ilirial
i-iintr.iets olTered. Aildii ss No. TOtl nml IK's ' Itee
liuil.liiifj. . 13oo. K I'.iilsli , .juii. m'g'r. fore -
hitisKu and Colorado. MT.1S
Dl.rEfTI vT.S wanted In p\cry locality to
wiirK under our last riletlons. IXporleneo
not iieeo.siiiry. M.amp fin iiarticnlniB. Wnsh-
limlnn DvtciullvoKuncy , Ho\ TS7Vislihm : -
tou , Iowa. ) leitMU : !
FnrintfAttt ? . , ft fujiiif ttitt column oiir/ifujin /
1C\T.\NTii : ) Woman to do soneral honse-
' worl. , WIMOS Jl a wock. Apply 'd4 Nort
ZJd. MU'Vi-
"VV'AXTKD Good tiirl fur euncrtil limiso-
nurd , yto : llarnoy. is.-7'
\ \ \STED A eooil slrl for bonso-
> work. Heforeneo required , ( luoniii A
Wlli-oN. ll-l 1'arU aM'iinc. M.ha 10
\\Ti\NTKI > Onl for Kencrnl hoiiscworlc f > T.
S. ' . ' .Mb au'iiiiP. MIHil-lO *
AVANTKh A nurse for a child ,1 years uld
' ' JuiCiSi. MiiryVavu. ill :
" \VANTK1) A Rlrl for ( 'eneral bou-ii work- ,
' Hiiiall family. Germ-in piefeiri'd ; nu
fi-rnlsli lefoioncos. Apply irril N. ? 'nd st
l7ASTnii"A cooil slrl for cenural bouse
' wurk In.inlre , Isist'oiby st. 7
\VANTU1) Laify aRcnts. .New u'nods a
splendid .clllin ; artli-le- . Cnralo''uo fieo
Toadies bupnly Co. , i7V. . WusbluKtnn , Chli-airo
I'm tntfKlf. , itc ( op nfIn st ctiriiinii mil/ifj / ) pa
"AlliS. WAI.l.ACK , clulrxoyiint ; naturally
' 1 Ulfteil ; telU past and fninre. love troubles ,
uhM'iit frleniU , ctiniik'cs , tr ivol , business I. us
ruru.iin stieot. .M.UI l.v
K Muuam DuU.or. o > orOlfl ! - . Kith
.M Itll-AlV
YVANTI'D-All should know Mrs Dr. li )
< i San. tln > 1'idy ndnil 10 ulei mid fortune
lolli-r ; tells pint and future : she Is the lies
everlion ! ! Is esnoolally deep In nil matrlmo
nal .uTnlrs and nijsterlons ill > aiji | > arnncen ;
don't buy , sell or no on a Journey until yen
consult her ; blie cim fet tell Us icsiills ; I
truthful and relladle ; perleet s.illsfaelloi
cuaraiileed by nialli seiul twur < tiniis ! | for II
lustrated circular. KJJ North Ifitb st , . Oinah-i
NoK 1M-I.V
MI1H. NiuinloV.V'iiii'iielalr oyant. tianc
iieiikln | , wiltlu ; und lullable Inihliies
iiiodliuii , fnur > ears In Onialiu. 11HN. UHh. I
! \US. | I'Uin' , palmist foi t uno teller In thu
-llldyosy vuy from the llm-a of tlio Imud ;
fee , M : Imllosonly. M3 . Hit list. 4M m I3
" J'ViriiitM , fff. , . tnpofjint column on tli
" 'fTSTcK .MndanUclVlcr. . ever cfo"liith"
iT-I. M 151-AC'
"A IASSAQU bath tit Maduino smltli'j parlors ,
J l. floor , 4 0 S. J5th at- W4 Ut'
( 'or nlfr. . tie . * rt fiijnlr < (
$ .IM I or rent , a liMoom tuodorn bouse.
with fnrniioo , biith. it IK. elty wider : neni-
car line. Km uln < at IIU I'axtou bUvk SHI- * *
AM MHI'ltof s.rooi.i hiinsps. i-llv wutor
nml biitli. 1.1) ) , mil Uliwirds. Also i-nl t.ues
and 11'itn. Itunilv A Co. . Hill rapltal iivenni' .
, W \ T
IHOH lti\T : 7elotf.ini ll-rooni Inuiie * . Nos
I1 l.llT und SUO lioustlit ! , Unuiilio of A A.
UlndUntii' , 1,1111 | i < iiiKhis st. , or Illobii Loan and
Trust fn.lOT S. Uitlisl KM
l > IIOOM ciitlnite. nlrely fiirtiUliod forlUbt
'liiUl eUi'eilnj | , tl'J her niolitb. City mid els-
tern walei t all nt.'lll llecatur , AI'il.l ' la
- ! tn.iilern hmisn with - : niu ! < of
ground , plenty of fruit nml xood barn.
Iliitrhlnson Xeiul. \ . IS
STAR I.O.IH .1 Trust * -'u. ! rental
, \ \ * 0
i [ I" you wish tn rent nhiiiie or store seo'lt. \ " .
Li'o'le , Conllnentnl Ulook. itfl
SIT.AMTieiiied lints tit 7lt > K IHh. Thin. ! " .
Hull , nil I'uxtim Mock , tri" .
ir" ( > lt IUM' : rourOiinil . thus with
- ' liiith. hot wuter. etc. ; paved stti'iii : near
Imsiness , all liiipfoieinoiitsnnly i.'J per mo.
lloferriici's rooiillod Tliu Mead luveslnient
Co. . If. Jlvp bulldltiir. IW
[ /"OK Itl.NTNewly iiiiDCcud lint and stoto.
i1 ll. N. tstb | M.V7J *
. . KCN'T- loom IIOIHI'Oroiiin l-onse .1
I' Iliirton. WIU t'.ipltohuo. i.T'1-rJ ' *
I71OI ! IlKNT il'-room cent rally loe-itud rcsl-
JP denies ; all miidern eoiuoiilenoosi the lines t
In tint eltyV. \ . It. lloioan , ronms s .mil ID ,
Tloii/er till , . ( Wl'iMlS
/Viri-illfd.ilr. / , rrrliijinl lint riifimiil "ii fn'.sj / j lc. (
f Alttil' , elo .mtty fnrnlslied iiioiu very ien-
I sounble..Ml.'i 17s 7 *
Ijltll ! Ki.ST : riirnlsliiMl ( nml room f0 ! oriino
\el-y lai-Kofn. 1Mli llnuard st. M , W l.'i
! lU'.N'l' Two fni-oliliod rooms for I In bt
lioiisekeeiiliij. 'AM'.1 ( apltol a\e. . MMi'l ' 10"
"ITlOlt KI.N.'I'-I'uriilslied Inoins slnzlo ni-en
J 'suite ' , modern linpioM'inunts , nil'-H'JOlh st.
AI irrr10 *
ISOOAIs- for luiusekeoplnit to ninn and wlf ;
taken lu boaid ; III' ' ) N. Kill. IIHI
ISI1 l > rooms , steam heat , lefei-encfs ,
- .Ml.Honclai IK. ' I.I *
oil lU.NT-Kurnlslid rooms. 10)7 )
si. 2U
1.1 , room , 1701 Capitol live.
171IONT ! room with alcove , emtalii * , nunlol ,
1 heat. Kas.b.itli , yelosels , for gentlemen or
man and wife , 1lu.ui ) per mini Hi ; "U7 p'-'ILIi st.
4 < T. IT.AIU Knropean lintel , with cllninit
k 'mom ; slc.iiu In nil loom" , Kith and
DoiUu t-peehil rates by week or niimth. O'll
"ITIOli Itl'.N'T- I'nriilsheil rooms Kas bath and
J- steam , l.M'l llou.nd. U."i (
17X111 UKNT-A tine finnlslieil room In modern -
ern bouii ; reasonably , suit ihlo for one or
. Apply G.T > South ffltlisttoet. .
1/ViK ItCNJ'-l'nndsbed room I4H Dodaest.
J- M784 m : il
ITlUlt ItKNT- * > loom : ) , ouo Hour , ITI''Jaelison
-l _ stj-eel. _ _ MJja ]
IPOIt KBNT-Nlrely furnished room for two
JitciitliMiion or married e.mple. ll oo. Plat
II. 7KIS. ! Call after'i p. m. M4T1 AI14
I/O1J lliN'l-T\\pnly-llvo : looms In u lirloK
-L' tilinl , ; u'i oil location' ftltliorltliOid fnr-
nltuie. O. P. Davis Co. . W > Parnum st 'JSlAl'Jti
7' < ii-iiifr > irfo. , wtiipnf flut column on till * prr ( ; > .
"J IOlv Itl'.XT riitiilfilieil room \\ltliiiiodoin
i Impioveiiienls , with in wlthou hoanl. Kill
UoiitfUissl. lii 7 *
HOUM-aud buai-il , Is-'Ji st.
M I.VJ 14'
77irUNISIII-.r looms with bou'd. 4U7 N. ifltb.
-1 I'.itil lilook. M , tji I/ *
( < 0dl > and room for ' . ' ; $ . " > per week
' .Hill Iliirni'v stn'Ct. MlVi 11 *
Jj'MtoNT IOOHHvltli 01 without hoard.t s s
1 17th. II.1. * . li *
KUOMand hoaid. $1.1,0. 17U slieet
.MOT 1-J'
171(111 ( HKNT Txvo sontli front rooms with
L Hist eltiss Doaid. Apply 1814 Oolite stieet.
MJO'-ll *
GOOD board and room for t\\o , J5.M ) pel
WeeU. .Mil llainey sttoet. MlT.M-IO
Ir'I.P.CJANTIiV finiilshcd rooms ; mo lorn lin-
-'piovemeiils liist t'liiss tnblo hoard
Teims ren-unillc. ' 'J'l X. t-Hh st. HUM ) '
411 Notth lUlh. Koomswitb bo.iril. .Mis. II.
A. Churchill. Mpn-.i' '
iilOll Iir.XT A larce , flnelv fiirnlsbed room
with InnM | , to a man and wife , The moil
tileasant piu t of elty nml prlvato famllv : no
other buiii-d'-iv , Addiess 1) 17 , llee
7-"u iiif t , ( ' - . , n t" ] > ni ttixt i nluinn nit tlili i > Hif (
IildlJ KIINT II looms , iiiifiit-uisliod , foi
huiisckcoplni ; , UW N. llllhat. , pilco. KOD.
/'in latet , . , ? > f niftriiltnin onil ( / j i/f. (
jtOU IM'.N 1' - \ i ornerstore , line location for
uroceiy , h.iidware or drnji stoic ; lout re-i-
souable. T ( .llriinm-i , loom 1 , U.ue hloeU
I puli liKNT A Hue corner loom , n good lo-
eatlon for .1 liquor saloon ; rent veri
cheap. X , 11. Apple , loom 1 , Ware block. ! M'I 7
rpo lliXT : Tho. ileslr.iblo offices until now
I occupied by tlie stale acency of tlio Trav
elers' Insurance company in Uanive biilldbiKi
will be sub-leased , a very loHome's. .
' M M 0 *
FOU UKNT Desk room ; 1311) ) I'nrimm :
Kroinnl Hour. M.M' ! )
1 1 sK iiiiiinon llr < t lloor N. V. Life bhlff. fl'i
-l-'pcr month. Loin .1 'l'i list Co. UJti li )
STOUH-nt 70'1.-Kith ' ; steam lioat furnlslied.
riioninsK llall.ill : l'aton block. Oil I
" | ? OU UK N T- The l-story brlek bnlldln..wltli
Jor Itbont power.foimei-ly occupied by tin-
Heis 1'iiblisliln' ' . ' < "n. . Olli I'.irnnm st , Tlio linlld-
1m ; has a liieproof cement basementeomploto
steam heatlmt IKtures.iv.itor on all tlie Hours ,
Cas , etc. Apply at tlio olllco of Tlie Itee. Oil
POli ItI"XT-Or sale , my bulldlnj on .lom-s
si , bet.IOth.V Itth. ll.A.l.imliiui-t.ilUiS l.-tli
171O11 ltr.NT--Hrlck warehouse , two stories
1iilcli ; basement , hydraulic eli-\aior. traoK-
IIKC ; best location lu city. A. C. 1'owull. HI
IWK ItKNT More room'i\7r. ) in now t'ltiu-
ry liiiildlnp on Chicago siu-el , lust west
of liitli stieet. per month. InuhulliiKstuiiiu
boat and elty water ; also basement sultablo
for shop , on eurnur Hltli and I'lileavo stioets.
to.OO per iiKiulb. 1'uljorts , VS Noilh Hltli
f\ii'rate , etc. , tn-ti > ii nt Jliit column o
TiVrT A nTro'iTuJoTsTf
at Huston More. ' .141
T7IOK ? AI.P.Coinpleteset of drin ; store tl\-
Jtures slmw eases , etc. , 1 * . 0. bin U7 . till
, tcr lojio//lnif / rohimiioii
" \lrAM'Kllo ) rent by family of II , one fur-
' i ulslied and one or tun unfurnished rooms
In pi ivate family , near motoi line , Addre
I 1' Lawrence , 'Jl.'i p. l.ltli Htioot. MIW4-
A \ fN FED Itooni and honid for Kontlemun
' ' and wife ; must bo pleasant location ;
best of ieferein-0 gUeii. Address , slatiiiK
ttMii.s. botils L-lty. Mli-Vs ' . )
AVANTiil-A : liou-u of about ten rooms ,
j T welltmlil. modern Imoiovonients , desir
ably loeatod , w Ith a lawn ; nut tnaiow. Any
one lm\iiu suc.ti a lion > o to rent address Iloom
17 , Chamber Comiaeroe. in
\\rAXTEH-Tij lent , by April I , tl 01S room
' hoiisu , modern. Address 213.1 1)ndie. )
M7n ! ) Alii'
Mnmtc i , ttr , fee tnpfif flivt rnlitiiinun tliti jxiyt
TUST-A larKO bt. Hornurd do ' , wliTtTfoet.
' breast mid nee ; body oranuu colon naiuu
Max ; leather collar around neck. Will pay
Itl'Liul ' toward fur hU return to 1110 Howard
JOST-- Voting Inill bitch : i nionths old , Ho-
'turn to Newman Hroi. , cor. luth und Center
sts , , and Ret reward. ; K4C )
TDST-Uu March ft , between ISth and 30tli
Jsts. . about f o'clock , an | rou-iniy mare
with tiiicidlu und brldln on , Hltli hoise litinil
rir.ind on left hip. Plndor will bn rewarded
by leavini ; sa-n-a or woul ut J. J. Heals' .Mili
tary avu. ail si
trrriitrit , ttt , . trt top nf fritriilumnmithu | < ijX.
\\tr urdtiFt'pnrliK our rental list , Allhuv *
' Ing ileslrahlo ( irotierty for n'nt , list with
in. lur l.o.'in.V Trust Civ : ilrt' ' >
T vonr IIOIMO-S to Mt'll or rent with V. I' .
/Hart-lion. OU N. Y. Mfo. 1 > II
HI'NTAI. Anenl-eo. ( ! .1. Paul. IOT f'.irnani
treot , makus iieclulty of routing huuso ,
stores , cie. , nml celled Inn routs. MM7
A Vllohas boiisosaiid slouvsto rent ? 1 IIIIMI
> i lot.sof eiKliiineis. .1 U. I'nrrotto's Jlon-
t ii Auoni'y , llilh unil l > oilio. sr.lAIW
J.T K. uili ; . ajji'uey.Ciinllnuii'al blfc.
" " "
ru nil rt , et c.'ff 11 ifnf tint ntliimn nil " > f I'ltt/ ' ' .
. ' ' I'est ' stora.ui' for fin nllurc
\\olli \ \ , lilt riiriiiini 4t. U.M
I > I'-T tra.'kiuu und stor-ite ( liiillillnr lu
JDioah.i , t'nlteil MntiM ROM mnii-nt bonded
wiiti'luiiiv' lloiKeholil ism id M slnreil uiiileatoil
for hottest rales | ! ii n.intoed.V. . Al. Ilimh-
man. lOl.l-lol.'i l.ciivi'invortli."J'i
" urnit ri , itinr ti < i > nf fli-f.rnlii/nnoii I hit | ini ;
\\r\ VIT'otTnd' tleinian named lli ) -
> > drli'h M.iliNtiili1. ' lla\e now * In regard
to in oitato left him In the old country.
Caller ttilto. Uoniito Illsboir , llnam 01. Kns.
" ' " " "
fjSO.NA i''raiikr"Seii't "S.T" 'T'"iv'
I Jl . l.- ' . ( .
I todav. Stb. from "A. A. " Will lie In "A. A. "
from Itnli tn l.'ith ( in . " about U'-'il
I. " ( j."S.O. " " . - . " I- ' . IWl 'I '
A \ II.I.soinc Ulml Kcnlleman help a lady
> t Aililress I'.tlT. llee. Mini I I. *
K u nif xr/ / ' f ijm/ / ( rnlittnn / DM tHt * JH
IjVlll s\lr Pninltitie In 7-nxim house ;
- liiiilsi' ' lor lent ; opp. llaiisi-om p.irU. Hurt li.
All inoilern ciiiiienlcni-i-s , Kiumlie I.e. '
> V Mehol , "s-li | anil I.eim intiiith. MNrt
l' < inii/ / < .ifii.iir/iiin/1 | / /li" ' niliiiiiii nil till * ji lyr
{ lOltSIl , plini ton anil Inn ness , together or
I sepi-.ite. on time Do not want any
money If seem it v Is sullU-li-nl. fjo-opeiil : leLand
Land nml Lot Co. , ' .W N. liitli street. Mllss IJ
"ijioH SALIllooildrltlns hoieoUir ; , llshl
JL ? litiyjvel'hl. . I.U.VI. ( Ill N. HI list. MKI-IU *
I.ltiKHFS and nudes , rush orensv p.ivinents.
I Caller addiess llaMKevo lav. Co. , loom M ,
Douglas blin'1 % , Oni.iha , Neb. 'i ' i
IjlOKljKChoiip. . W.IROII , nil ilonblc woik
A/harness , or will uxehangt1 for liiu-Uliotnl. :
also good side bur buggy , cheap. II , II. Lolc.
Cnatlneidnl linlldiin ; . ' . ' 4' !
loinrtc.tcrnjio / Jlrufcnluiiiii un till * i > Uir. (
ir AT A oT i d1leTrTo" T I
iiioiit. : HIJ ! Lnf.iyotlo a\ennt > . "iUM5
I' " < imit < tirtc. , trr tup it/Hut mill inn o
I ) LACIC eairlngn team , \li-toili , hnrness ,
J * eoniplete ; Iniisu , ladillo 01 harness. It unl-
\ > : IKOII ( Slmiison'o ) I'laiio ( Mni'i.drsi. ' Mlh-h
eovv. I'asli. cheap. Malmlinllur , loitOmabn ,
( U-Clialles llutlcr , H'i'I I'ainain. MJs-l ) : ! *
. . for sale hy 51 , lliubes , t Son.
Council Illuir- . .M14I-1I
OIJ SAM : \ stundanl inalio upright
piano , but little tiM'd. al , i sacrlllcu. Must
Mikl .it oui'o. ( , ill iit'JtliK'ntdui'U. ; r.'l
iMKKhrlol , yjL'.nnperthous'itifl. C. IVooil -
' worth , t.MJ Doiulns st IOT
fOll SAl.r. FliinoTliri ! curtain cleslt. r < ) .
and lioolts , l.V.'l sliomiiin live. 4JH
/ 'nrra ? ( , ( / < . , r ( /lll | of Hi "I i-ulninnon filvHiy. \ \ .
" \\T K want tobiiv Hi to " 0 : n-res siiitahie for
f plait Ing ! must bu clieap. Star Loan \ .
Tlllst Co lils'l '
jll'UXITt'Un hogu oi- \eIK
L 111 ! rarnainst. till.
A\7 ANTKU-Aiiythliu. niilt < o. fiiiiilliire ,
' boiM's. liugglisIII buy anitbiiii ; you
bale foi saleor.ell It , for you. Hubert I niton
Anetlon anil CoiumN-lon Co. , Ill' ' ) , Douglas
MIL'Ul. Olmtllt VI
lforraltclcfe ta itffirit column nn f/ifi
" ( ! ' . - ,
sc-aln nml hair tre.itmeat. in.inleiiro mill
Hilloixidlsl.Mrs. I'lHt , : ) ! ' ) ' , li.\\ltlinullblk. \
! H7
.Kiirriifn , rtr. , crcfoji itffixt column onif / < ptiyc.
"IjiOKLfI : Cboleo lirst niortsnso on Im-
- ApniM'il Onialui property ; fl.l , paying
n pori-int inteiest AUMooru. . 101 Ili-o build-
in , ' . MIlllVi *
1JANIC stocks for silc. C. II , Ituiinw ,
* y"'fulu- ' > l1'W (
IiHIiJ-r \ . Mvond mortu'aires on laciint , V Im-
puixed oily in op. ( ' ( Hint ) naiiantis lioimlit.
"Money on hand. 1' , Al. Hiuliiiulhjii.liS N.V.I.ife
Kiiirn/c / * , etc.sec lop of Jtist culiiinn nil tht ( puije
" \rt > Nr.V oa liniul to Inau on Impiovod or im-
-t'l linpioveil iiiopertv. ChailisV. . I'aliun.
Oninha National haul , lildg. M 2iu.-i.r
" \ro.M'.V toloan-On leal estate , ln-.tillmoiit !
-Jl. niortgajo ; new iil-m ; e.isy inont hly pav-
nu'iits. Per full p.irt Iciilnriall on or ail-
iiess I'nitod Suites il Invest inent Co. ,
rooms IU1 ainlW. ( Itee bulldlui ; , Omaha. Neb.i i
MVJ7 Art
" \l < ) XiV : to loan on Oninha property . Pldcl-
-i'llty Trust company. Kill .T
Ti : money to loan , .r , /.Ittle.OII I )
N. V. Mfe. ! iV.
| Ml * l.lflNtl loans , n to " ? per cent ; nn
J t l < ni il ulnros commission un
fees.V II. Mulkle , Pint National bun It bid' . ' .
_ _ _ _
Hl'Al. Kst.ito l.o ins-Cash on hand. ( Jloho
l.oau and Trn-t Co , : i07 S. nil h st. No dolny ,
llonsi-s toietil , gowl list
uv ;
CP. & . C. M. AntlumjVUs- Mfo biilldin , ' ,
.lenil money on farms in ebolee remit li-- , hi
NebrasUa nail Iowa , nlso on ooil Ooiahn r < > 4-
dciico iiroperty ; rates ; best terms ; no
tli'lay ; inonpy ivaily. Tltle.milaluus passed
on he re. H5I
"iruNI'V tolonnon liiipro\od city pioperly
-i'l nt em tout inles ; funds on b.mdmi de-
l.iy. Ceo. P. HliisUI C'o.'til Itanico bhl'g. Wl
EAHTI'KX moni-y tillt eiUed Inside loaiTs
H.mteil. I'hlladolpbl.i 'Mort aeo anil
Trust Co. , LJ.V. . 1' , Coates i uli.71lo.iid of Trade.
IIPAI , n t.ile I.oanv-.M. ( J. .Maclcoil. n"lirx
JIV l.lfo biilldliu. 701y \ \ >
I\r.SIIA ! Hl.i : Inins placed without any
JJ troublo. A. K , Itlloy , room IIContinentil ,
block. Jli.Vi in''l
Furriitriet < : . , tc&ti > iit > fflrst column nn tlitt } Mijf.
TfOMIV to loan by 11. P. Masters niielmtli1 !
I'l and securities for any t line fion ,
1 to 7 months , tn any amount in suit bor-
i iiwer.
I.iiam made on household foods , pianos , or-
jisin- . Inn soi , m tilebouses , leases , wairhoiiso
iieelits.itc'al | the Invest possible rates with
out publicity or icmoial of iironcity.
My loans lire soarranseil that jnn'onn inako
a payment of any amiaint at any time and re
duce both iirlnelpil unil Intuiest.
If youowe u b.ilaiico on yourpiopiMt v or
hiixe a loan you want changed. Illl pay'itol )
and cany ltforon. If you Iind it mine eon-
\cnlent , cull up telopliono No Ib.'l and jour
business will be iinaiiL'cd at boniu.
.Money alwu > s on band. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest i.dcB.
11. I' . Musing.
lioonilVltlmcll bllu. l.'itliiiiiil llarne ) st- .
ATTElTbiiTik \ \ \ , 1110 A 1,1th si. , loans money
VAmchnlli'Uor collateral at rua-unulilc rates
IH'i '
t'ornita , ttc.sc6oj.o/ ( colidiiiion tlit ( paye.
IfNCJAOKJinNTs toilodito * mai.ingln fam'-
JV < llli'S hdlluitcd. JIlss Sturdy , Siill ) llnrney
btreet. MM-\ : ; *
] \I UN , II. C. MOSKs , thu Karnuin strcctdn-H.
J'Lmaker. No. W. 571 Jin *
MISS llraiiy.I'rcneb diussmuklni ; system , It
1114 , shcely blk.solk'lts piitionuiie of tliuln-
dles.prlec ! . rL-asoiiublo.sutlsfuotloiiBiiiiranteed
I'urratta etc , , t < e ( opo/flnt ruliimii on thl > < jidj/r / ,
1/UtKDMolilo loins ihoney.cor. I'urnuni&lllli
or nilrt , rtc , , ire tdi | nf frtl NIII m n mi tli ( <
U : stock fet snle. Hood location.
I'urtlcs wlsliliitf s-iK-li stock , iiddic-x lock
llrt. Oiiklnud , Neb. MII7U II
AN ' \ \porencodconfMont'i- | ! lioR part
ner In u tfooil lolnll business. Addrc s
I'I. Mi. , ' . , Maa-l : )
A'ANTKI | - All noffAo umnis tiinii with
In ttiko nn Interest lu a business
that ulll pay bltn about fl.Mo nor annum : the
ailMTilser mid btiilnosi Is well und riiMiriibly
It'inwii In tlinalin during.tho past 12yours. Ail-
divss t'4. Uec. _ Mrf.'jl :
HU1 ( K vatd. monuij .mil tnodiTit tniicltln-
iTj. llutcblnson A \\i-uil , I. > ' , ' ( llnuifliiH.
Minis l )
TJ1 < > Uii.U.n-ll lf Intutost In market in
JHiirdin. ( liKd location nml bmlnoss. Ail-
dress I'.liS Hoe. ir.lln *
' 1UOI ) tiuslness loonllon ni'ar "N" street ,
.J . llUtll Onniha. llutehliison \ Weail.
\ ' . " . ltT l7lT. U. dl-
\ Islmi. mnid liiisliu-as , Addru.s * A. K. It'i-
\IMIIIII. Null. , lHi\M. iEt 111 *
MM8 A XSPKhfoi- efiii cn li , to the
I- highest hldder , at lilt h and X streets , l.ln-
coln , dl. . March ' 'I. I Mil , lit S p. in. , I will sell
n einntileto transfer line , : IH milled and Imr-i's ' ,
Jldravs anil eti.d wniinix. 4 new furnltiiie
MIIIS , ' | new tra nil' biim. tlOML. . safe moving
niacliliiery. Iniriivss nn.l other article * . P. II.
I'lerson. leei'lvor. .Nl ' . ' < ) *
nas. .
UOTIII. for sulo or tiade ilh good patron *
lite , located In Mintliiiisti'rn Noli. Will
si'll for par ! ensli nml lial.'im'i' uneasy | ia.\-
nionts , or will trade for stork of nul-i' .
ilniL'Miir lnipro\od lund In this pa It of tlie
slat ' . Soml fur photo.ddress , itov III ,
Stei-llin ; . Noli. UIIU *
li-A : llrst elass
1 IIUIIMI In tlm liioniln ? e ty uf U dea , eon
-1st Intt of 'J- ' looms , Mti'lien. pantiy anil InrJi-
dliilju ; loom ; linil-e Isiloln.Milt ; hiislness ; gond
ii'-isdhs forsellluu. Aildiess ltoOKI , tliili > n.
, \ on l.lth si. , nail
t'nlon \ . -Sl-IJ'
$1.000 "lock of boots 'mil slums fur siiloor
trnile. \\lllgl\en llbei-.i ! ilNeoinil foi-eash.
llobi-tt Pillion .t Co. . III ! ) llniiKlnsst. IMI-II
/'orrdlfji / , tc. , scr lei ; nj lust tiilttinn tin //ifx / / 71 tyi' .
AI'AHM itJ miles , or one K ) miles from
Uiuabii , In e\oli.niti | : for stou't of driitfs.
Alo\ Moon , 4111 llee Itldi ; . Alarilto
ISil ueres llni ; t-irin Iind ailiolnlns irood Xe-
lirasKu town ; neatlyeloai
ll'Oieies lluelv Impioved land ' "i mill's from
county seal In Nebraska : llithtlyencunibei-id.
I'-'il neiesKood liind In Noliraski,5mlles from
ciuiit ) > seat : ' . ' .51111 iiib.'ilittnnls.
Hoise anil lot in town li. Kansas ;
Clear lot In KOIII ! Neliraska town.
l-ioniii bouse and lol , b.iinoll and elsteru.
liilli stii'ot. Oiunlia ; sllihtly encumbered ; \tlll
trade fur Oniaha piopi'ily and asiuiuuenciiia-
lirani-es. H. I' . Cole , Coulltienlnl block , UI'J '
TJV > lt fX ( IIA Ml K A ciiniilnof very choice
J- lots , inli : ne ami IlinU-e , for llr l-elass
eh11IIMMI tarin. ltojssit Illll , lids rarnain st.
' .VM-ll
/ " < ( ) < ) ! ) fnmlly horse , foi piano. Address Ijov
u--'T. air nt *
ATM KlTo > trailo for a stuck of drill's
i llo5IP. . city. tiv.i
"IjlOII TKADK ILO-nrie faun gooil No
J binsUa town. iVIlleJenr or ti.nlo eniilty : a ; what Inivu " vonVAddids K 5ii. eine
llee. lus
Tnoit ( TfA Ti Tuii7iriiiipio7oTro"nriiiiii
JDinpeity for ele-ir low.i and easli'in Ne-
liraslta fin-ius ; clear lots , lioises mid c.ittlo for
hloelcsof ineruh.indlsi' \ \ . I ! , lloiiian. looms
Saml in. Pii'ii/i'i ' 1)11 ) ; ' li'ili MIS
rarrnti , rt4. , ri fnji nf llrft mluinn mi tlu i > < mc
WHY not own \oiir lionii"e will sell you
n lot In'almost aav , > tnldit Ion In the elly
and biilhl MIII u house fet small i-nsh p.n niciu
lil. iiiontlilv. i tar Loan A 'I rust t'o. , lit Hour
X. Y. l.lfo lililit. III- * ! '
ljK Ortii'dpiitfiiat lots ; mincii's
niiih'i" < -aitlvitloii. 'Addiess ' G ,1. llee.
: ill ( III *
CHOICK lol - . P. . for.'nnits.-iiin ' park , l-ronin
bouse and liH.foot Int.--ewi-rs , oti- . . * 1.9iO ,
tci-ii'seiiHj ' : lionsu nnj li > t , 'J7th anil loinrl-is |
sts. , t'.dOl , f > ) J ensli. Unlc'liliisunVc.i4l , IV.U
Douglas. ' ' " IKS'.l '
ONT-llAI , ! ' sei-tlonof land for snloor trmlc
foi'Oiniilia pioperty. Address I' . O. lio\4' ' .
Viilenllno. Neb. ; ! 113 *
> AIii : Hloclt of twelve .south fnuil
- lots , inn' block < if iiKitor , owned by non-
leslilent , fnii-uil sale. Itlg bargain. Uiiirbt.V
Uslimy , 1B1U limniil. M I'JI-'i ' '
IfOK S'A -T-iooin house anil lot ; nNo fl-
rooiii boilsunil lot , at .1 bargain , lininlrp
im-nor. cr.l I .Mmey st. 971 M'l
Foil SAU : KM iii'ii's irooil land. .M bioKe :
biiiiso 1I\L' ( ) ; gooil grove , riiiinini ; wiilcr-
inn-it lie sold V.HOII bi'liis In hanils of lerelvtr
Atldii'ss , ( ' . II. S'ovlllo , C'lclKhton , Neb.
„ " > Ill *
N Iin.I-
"J-iooni liiinsn and full corner lot. ? " . ' .MIOO.
monthlv p.omcnt , orwlll Hade for fiiini
nf Uniiiha lots. Addiess the uuner al4.'d and
Cass stiei-ts. ! X f ! Mcnllt 1 7
I/IOIJ t-AMJ K\lri bargain. Choice n'l.Nl'i ' ) .
with liiilldinz ; lents tli) ) ] ier inn : one
lilni-U fiiini new I' . Cl. U. IJicun ( , li. Ill ) Bli-
ku i him U. l .l
[ T-IIOOM liouse , In' : il\ ' , i 1,7001 nlsnli-room
'In > iln , lot .ll'jxs'j. s o. por. lith nml \ liilnii
st. . fr.Viuo. llrlol. Inline- lot IIMVl. n. icor. . lull )
, ind DousUs , * ; jOJJ. ) Mis. ICiihlin-m , Sl.'l S.lltb
> n net l'i near I'lori-m-e , t-.ll ( I ; ( i'l ' noii-s I'i
miles southwest.W. ( . lliitc'limsiin \
\\ond \ , l.V.'l Donslas. MM-'l : '
$ i'iOU buys hiiuso mil lot complete , I ! milus
from piMollk-e. II > 0 rush. ? ! . " > per month
Iliitclilnsim .V Wead.riJI Honilas , iris ' )
IJW'U SAM' Clump , house , n rooms , new.
Jne , elci'trle motor , Itttli striet. nenI.eiu -
enwoilli , IMSV icnns , IJeoisu U. I' . ( onles ,
lep. 7 , Hoard Tr.ide. M ' .lil-l',1
1/OK IJICN'T # e\oi.d 500 I IIOIHI-S. 10 ami II
i rooms , on nlcli school hill. All mo lorn
convciiieni'i s nail In Writ-class condition
The ( ) . P. Davis I omp my MR i )
A I.I. wanting farms ; coo-1 eilmate. markets
and soil. Address t. ' . 1C. linlN : , \ liii-land ,
N. .1. Ml'iJ ' *
AMUMKXT of your tlmo to ie-ul the follow-
iiuanil titUe In abargilnhen .MMI sro (
\\V offer''I'-foot fioutof Inside Miulli Oniuha
hn-'lni'-s piopi'ily att ? , " > per foot , it Is fl , ' . " ) nn
cltlii-rslile ; nnotherSi-foiit for thtit no
one eUo lias forsali-for le s thin il."Hl ) : two
lots. JIM ) oneli. thosn joining are f7.M > . anil 01.1-
for inn worth f.7. > The owners must lime
iuon < ' .v. anil at om-o. Call and take ad\m-
tagi-ofit. SiniMloii ft Allen. Iti'J ' ? l-'arnam st
Oninha. M iU ( in
WlTCIAh llaiKiiln-riinv'O lot , d\ir. ! | feet 4
blot-l.s fiom l.nwc me. and Cuinlir.'si . l \s
spli'iiilid ; H. tO , nart eKli or will ti.idiifnr
faun. Adiliess i ; , U. Merrill , rM and ( ass sis
in. . "
Ij Olt foul li Omaha propel I y business , truck
HSeor H'sldeneo ip to the leadlnu es
latu ilealeis in Ninth Omaha , IM .Johnson \
( o. , cur. S4lli anil N sts. M , , ,
171OI ! SAI.K - ( heap"ilie roslili'iicn lit ' 1MO
L I'liTL-e ' street , at a nidi ; ilii for n feu di\-
only. lniiilre | al tlio N'olp. Steam liuinilrj . liitli
and llinMtnl sticoti- i i "id
Col i-itfnt , tfr. , Hrrdiji uf flt > t inlinim onlhfs
BKI'OHr , buying a uLtiiiio\uiilno : the new
seiile Ivlmbull pluno A. llo pe.rilt llunKlns ,
' ' . W.J
7 1 KO. P. ( Jellenbi-clf , Louchcr of the bmtu
Owlth Ilohpe , lACI DoirVlas. yi |
fi-w new pianos foi sale a fully
i neap , ni I have cone Out of Hie piuno busi-
nes.lonahon. . Pnnuiln and lithts. . ! W (
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 _ _ _ _
J'Drnilw , ic. ( , seetnf offtfst 10(101111 ( on l/ifn / jii/t ( >
BICST line hai
wl/s , swItL-hi-s , li.inm * . hair ehaliis , ete. a
specialty. Davle- , hair itoods and mlllinei
oplioslte postollice. Ill S. lath st. , Uiiuiha. v"
1'iir rate * , tic , , fee IOJMIrtijjt nininii rm tltti
'i-s aiidsolleltiiis.ti \ Sues.1
t'o. Iteo building , Uniiiha llrunvh otlli-o ul
IJ. i. ( oiiMill nt km ficr. Ui'.l
or glvo relief llku" Dr. I'loreim JiiKiitiilo Klaitlu
Trim. ' Jt ban runs ! tltouHiiuils I It jou wuntllio
IIKKfi | iiil lu liiBtuinpH fiirfri'ol'aiiiplili-t .Vi. 1.
Mii iifilo liluolli ! Triiii 4.'u. , him Frniu-Ui-o , Cut
nnnllTA HANI > AIWOOI > CAPSI.'I.IS : ro iiio
ULluU IA bout nmlunlr copinloi incicrtlxnl by
" rviulnr pliyKliliuiii lur tliu ( uniof
Oonorhiua nml dUihurti'-t ( rum Ibn urlnnr * ormn-i ,
nuurlli-il or acqulrud. il M PIT box. A
Avolil driuis-lits nml snihlen eli m of
Do nut iliseiinl your warm winter i-
lix IKIH. It Is li-tt ) r to snili-ra little Ineoti-
lenience than totiiUei-old ,
Ketneinlier that ono Is espeel il'y ' liable In
rontr.irt u liail oold or elilll nt this siusonnf
Ilin > oi r.
A I'uu li iir oold t'otilr-totoil biUwoen tlm M > i-
suns Is tlio most -innoylii ) ; kind , and may last
throtbili the summer.
If you feel a coimli or ey'il ' i-omlni. nn. take
a dt Ink of pure wldsUey at oiii-o. It will'ii
the blond In efri-ulatlon anil is HID bo si ine-
M'lltallVi' ML'alml the diseases of the souon
Hemoinher that only rt'lil' w hlsKey sliould
he taKen linll's . I'uie M.ill \ \ hlske.v h is thn
uttnniiest ti'i-Kiiiinenilatli'iis ' from tin- leading
si-lenllsts and medical men l ! Is Hie nnlv
standatd inedlclinil "hlskev I'.iKe mi nttui
loin your ilruuKlsl of mwer
l.i'iivc * 'CIIICAUO , 111 III.IMIION A Q. j Arrlvi'1
OnmliH lli'iiot lutli nii.l MIISOII treels UJiunhi
4 HI [ i m H U ) n m
tl.M ) n 111 B IM p in
910 p in Uilcnk.0 llx III IV , ii ni
D M p in
I.enves llltmi.lNOTON A MO. H1VK.H. | Arrlvi'1
Onmlw. j lie " pot Hltli nn.l Mnn.'ii utrwli. JOmnhi
Illl'i n m liiiMir IMr Uipresi . . . I m p m
JD.-J.'i n in Dcnilwonil l\iinns : , , . . t ( i * . p in
)0V'i ) iini . l > enr Kiproi * n i ; > M m
? Ill p in IK-nier Mulil i\proi : si.C > a ni
Mk ) p in I imiieil II. ) it m
S I. ) n nil l.lni-.iln . ' .MO I ) III
i I--ITIH [ l\ i . -s , . . s , t .
Uumjiu. I Ik'pot lOtli tint Miisiiimln-i'ts Oaiutni.
tut ) Tim i Knnmx t'ltjr "lny liipro . . li.IO p m
! l If. p m 1C. C. Nliiht Kxp till' I' Train. Ml n in
l.envm ArrlTui
niniihi. | llt'iuit Mtli nii'l ' Mim-y "Iroots. . OniHtu
M)7 ) n in Knii'iis t'lir i\prosi. : j.ll'i n in
Ill -i ) a in . . . . 11-iuer i\inm ; | ,1 . ' , . " > p m
3.50 | i m . .Ovei l-inil HyiT H n.'i p m
" .JO p ni _ _ . . . .t'nclllu llvpri'ss. . . , It If. > ui
-ivuil l I \ I'XCIHP 'Arilu-i
omuliik i IT. 1' Illlli 1111,1 Mnrcy sts. I Omulm
it UI | > m T. .Mtflit Kxpri' . . . . . . 10DA n in
' . ) m u in . . . Atl-iiitlo Uxiinx.1 . .
4 .m p in . . V stlhiilii l.lmllO'l. to. ir , n m
Ix-inut I yTYUW CITV AVALll-'llV" [ ArrlM'i
Uiiinhn. lU. 1' ilnpnt. imli iincl Mnr.-r AtImnlii \ (
7. L'i nml . Sioux Cltr t'n-ticnuor . . .1
4.MI p ml j. . . ! r.iul Kxi'icus. . < . . . . | ll ) 10 1 n m
TourcsT Arrlvi'n"
Oninlii. i Ilopot ISlh nml VVuhsturSt _ . _ I llranhn.
! _ . . . .St. I'nTd Mnillwl .1 lIM n in
iCHK-AOO , t NIHTH\VKSTKlTNi Arriv"i ) < '
" Uninlm. [ jj ilupot. Illtli imil JInrcySt . | oiiialiu. _
"B.I > m Chtciiud Kxnrnicj | 11. 0 v m
I JO p m Vi'-tlhiilii I.lnilleil AUlnm
It IS p m town Aeiniiuiiuitatlonme. ( Hun. ) 706 p 111
i ) 10 p m Kasti-rn Kli > - . . . . " ( .IS p m
II 45 n mjjo 8mil"r'iistKiist _ Kxpx ( MonlJ.P ' n-i'i '
Omaha. | U. 1 * di' | > U UlUi nml Marry
10 p m < Milcii Jl * i ron
lu : i m ( 'liU-.uo Kxoron.
Hi'Tii ) T OMAHA AST lOl.lB TArrlvM
OnmlinIIJ.J' . rti'por. Itrt unil .Mnr3 > _ Sts. | Omiilm
4J)0 ) p in | .7 St. r iiilnrnnnnn 1'n.ll _ . _ . _ . _ 't2. ' ' ' < " P m
T.envoi I I"1 , " ! " k\W \\t.l.K\ Arrlv-js"
Oiuiilm. I llepot Ijtli and SVulntor SM O.Tinhn
VW iTml. . .7 "Tilack lllll K pro" . . . .I 53(1 ( p m
.MM n in Hasting * Ktp I l"i ) . ' ' ' -0 p m
510 p \Viihoo."iLincoln I'nsiox. Sunil'jr ) ll.lj n ra
5 10 p ml . , .Norfolk lor Siuul.iy ) j. . _ . ] ] ] . : ' . " " _ a m
Omnhn. Peoot Illll nml'\Velutur Hts. Oninlii
H 111 n ml. . Slonxl'lty Aceommoilntlon. . .I 9.05 p in
I Ul P ni Sioux. L'ttr Hxpresa < t-x Suiulny ) IJ 40 p m
HUO p m .St 1'nnl Uinlti'il . . n. i a m
j tr , p m | n.ini-oft 1'n.isdignr ( ojf.sinnimyll rt 15 n in
jnnUin I Depul 15th nmt Wrbiti-r Sta | Omaha
10dil : n u ; | . . St. Louis A K. ( Ktprnn . . | 510 pin
y.16 p nil , .st. Louis AK C. lixiioH | _ tl.K _ ) .1 m
frfMivos | ciiiCAo ( : , it i ft i'A rirTor rArriY7fr
Tninaferl Union l'int ( ' mnHI IllnltJ. jTr.iiMfiT
l.envc's ' ClIICADO. It I . I'ACIl'IC Arrive"
Transfer I'nlun lloimt. Coum-ll lll l I rrnnifer
( ! .Hn PTn"i - ' .Niulit K\pri"i 'TSlTTTn
' .I.Vi : i m1 . . .Atliuillillxpre * - > . . > .p > .ri u m
, xOO p m .Vestllinli' I.lmlteil I0.tnn _ in
Ijmves ICIlll'AdO.V iSOKl-iiK nalhllN. Arrlvi-s
Triiiiifi'-1 Union Di-pot , Council Minns. ITmnifi-r
liTo n m Cldcuvii Expreia I neil v m
500 p in Vi'itlli'ilo I.linUei ! V.'M u m
10.00 p in Kan tern Kljer | 2I 1 p m
1..MI p m 7.Ulijitle ! Xlnll 7 M n in
TO pmowiVcciimmiulnlUiii _ [ ( iKxc SnnJ.jjUO p n ;
f.eavus iCiniAilo. MlT. , V ST IIVAlTpVrnviM
Union li.n'oi . , i nnnill Illults. Triin'f"-
upren . . . . li l"i ra
t'hlc i
t . ST .IUB , \ r"t t ) I Arrliu ,
I'lloil ! llt-iiot , Cinincll Illlllts ITrannti-r
. lliiy lltprpM .
Jf in iilJ ltyNI _ ht KXIJITCJS
I.pnvc5 j O.MAllAlf ST. fjSTll * '
Trnnufnrl Union Depot. Coiuiolllllu _
Onniin flnll
Vavei I HICL"C ) I'lTV * PU'IKJC. I Arrives
Tinn ferj UnlonJJepot ( "oiircll Itlunv ITrmiifor
7T7. n m' ' . . Slonx City Vrr-ommoit.illon J ' .110 a in
IIUApni1 el t'lll'l t'rnr > t 10 OI I' "i
"SANATIVO. " the
Wonderful bP'ittM !
Hi'tlif'Iv. Is noM lllia
\ \ rit''iiitro
t , i in-nil ! 7t-rvoUH Jhs
cacta , enili as Wi-ak
Mi inory , Ixj = s uf Hraln
1' j % v r r , 111 ? u J A c li c ,
Wn ! i-fnlnciw , Lu t Mill-
hijuil. Norvoufncsp , Lw-
pl'ud' . Ml drnliiH anil
Before & After Use. IOMI i f piincr of tlio
Pbntosniplinil from lift ) . Cii'nen.tlM" OrKnun. in
i-ltt.i-r FOX , cnu < H-d liy
over-cicrllnn. j nilhfu ! inili'OTri'tlonti.or tlicoicesdvo
u"C uf InlMcco , opium , or stimulant' , which ul'lmulely
li"ul to Infirmity , UiijsumpUonnml IimuiiUy 1'ut up
in ( sum-nil nt form to r irry In tlie vent pocket. 1'rli-e
} l i piiknpo , nr 6 for m. With every | 5 > inli-r ppHo
i rviitten Kuar.inU'd to 'nre r ri-fiiiiil the
nionry. feut tiymall to any nddrcsj. circular free.
.ilcnlliw thlspaiior. Addrcm1.
MADRID CHEMICAt CO. , Dranoh Offli-i > forC. S.A.
Jl" Donrlvirn ? trrA. CHIt \OO. [ t. ! , .
FOIt SAI.i : 1NT OMA1U. N l ! . , 13V
Ividin ft Co. , Tor , 15th < t Floncln Stn
I \ I'ullpr&Co.tor Illli * DniiKKnSts.
A. IJ. KiMttr ft ( ii. I , nm il lllulfs Ii.
To euro nillonsne&s. Blck ncndachn Constlpntlox
Malaria , l.lvur C'O'nplnlnu , tnko Ilm ttafo
find ccrtnln rcraeoy , .SMITH'S
TJ80thoSMAIIj8IZB(40 ( little l nns to tliotiot-
tlo ) . 'J'licy nro tlio im st convonlont suit nil Utfoa.
isiroof eltliut size , 'J5 tontn per U-jttlo.
E ISSsiBMf nt " 17. 70I'liotoemviiro.
- .
Sfc. 13 S31 < } , imnalsiiuof tljla nlcluro for 4
couts ( coiipere or btampa ) .
Makers of "llllo nouns. St. Louts SIo
x ir * * iHt'iirr nowinso
Uiu inn rciiiwly fur nil thu
iinnaiiiini iliu-lnirKi'S ami
prlvntnillsi'u > i'Hnfiiieii A
certain cnri' fur tin' ' < lel > lll-
tiit'iif ; \\uakin-Hs pu , unac
to w.imi'ii.
I | > rv8 < r lioltnndfccMnfq
in ri-poiinni'iiilintf It Vo
Nolit i > y
) ' ! : ! ' : iio. ;
. Total Id-oos of CITIES ,
( 'iirripiiiuli lu-i dolinti > 1
103-103 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
IS Wall Street. NEW YORK.
7O State St. . BOSTON.
& ' . - - , -i- _ _ _ ti O " . .jhD fnnVri
Tba SchcntzouTorelii nntl Turnvorclii
nourishing Like Qrccn Bay Trees.
l'OM'M nP Vnii' I'lns i's I'm-
This Se.imin ilimiM1'iitU It'iiiK * '
Tiinuoivlii Sli > vi'iii 'nl > ttinl
Intcii'st Ini ; llcliilN.
\Vlion you niv ovorlooUInt ; tlio loonl ijtnrt-
Inu Ili'lil you sho.ilil not fall to Oovoto iltto nt
tent Ion to the Oitmliu yclifttt onvotvln nml
tlio Otnulia Tut'iivoivlti. They tire both
Ilintrlsliliiij Institutions anil fully I'jitltloil to
Ili-s t rani : In the catalogue of lornl
'J'ho SeliiMit/oavotvIti [ s. piu'lk'tilarly pn-
lltlrd to I'tiuiuiotiilatory tuUlL'o , til ItilovoH" *
inoro tuHtitil tlnu ) nml inonoy to the ailvatn-o-
inent of tliu .shooting Inti'ivsti tliiui all the
otlnir local nrKiiiil/nllotiH coiiilniied.
Moil .shouting clubi Indulijc In the winter
llmo in u SL'IIHIIII of rest or In
activity , and oontlno ai'tnnl opL'nitlimn
to the b.ilniy st'.non of snmiiioi * only. Not so
with the Si'hi'tit/rnveivln. Tlioj nro us lively
nml lull of luif-si'i-iullsli in the hypoi-honim
niontlis uf U'lntoriit ( hey aiv In the mollo\v
ilavs of siiiiiit.t'tand allow notlilnir , r.iln ,
li.iil , winil , sk'i'l or snow to Inti'ffi'fo with
theii-wi'i'ltlv shnnt.s. Thou K it any wonder
11 , nt tlnn mi ) iMpull } developing tlio best
rillo shots In the i-ountry. Thi'ato ahvavs
In prai'tli-o aim ro.ulv for any honest rotnpetl-
l-'nino or repiilation maltoi hut little dilTei-
Dtico to them ; if It is an honest contest , to ho
decided on Us merits , they nro int'i' lemlv to
Ciist their fortunes Inn htt/tiftl against vet-
cnin or tyiu.
Ttiko Iii'il Kiillor. tin ) lilp. Inmost , jovial ,
frou-heartcd , ( 'uni'rous Ainark'iin-CiCi'iLJin for
I'Miiniile. Ho will slioot yon , Dr. 1'nrver ,
Captain Brewer , Lieutenant IVrcntolla. An-
niu Cl.tlcloy , nnvonoelso , tUis.iftcnioon , to
morrow 01next your , tiny tlmo to
suit tlio opposition , nt any range ,
any ilistanci' , any place , for a red
apple , a jila s of beer , n house anil lotorllil ) ) )
stubivs. 1 1 makes noilitTorenie to 1'reil , Just
so ho is assured an uiiunl show. Dunpltu thu
famed skill or unUtnnvn vaiuiullv of Ins inl-
vcrsary , ho'll tultu his clmneod , li\t \ or miss ,
lose or win.
And then truly , t-'tillur hai ilovclopi'il into a
magnificent ritle slint niul has u cooil show tn
curry olT thu laurels with any
parts , niut then ho is iniprdvtni ; o very day ,
is ambitious unit liable to make
ono of the best known shots of the
country. MujoifJeimral John Pett. , the
old Indian fighter nml door killer , U a superb
shot , mid lias for yours carried the banner ,
but ho must toolc a littloout when hoboes to
inonuoyiiii ; with Feed , or Frc'it'll knock his
eye out tin. llrstpop' '
Hilt , to KO hai'k to Kchciit/oiivcruin to re
port of its condition can't Mil in proving in-
tcivsitair tolovors of the iMiicuuiid tlio i-ille.
Its olllcial i-osier Is composed of the following
well-known iroiitloinen : I'resiilunt , William
Mark ; vice prosiilutit , Ilciiirann Hush ;
secretary , Loui-i Ileimrod ; ti'ensuror
William ICniK ; c.iiituins , Prod Fuller ,
and Henry Uuscc. Tliej meet on the lirst
J'liosit.iy of every month n't thu Klkliorn Val
ley house , Christ SVcutrick's f.unoub hos.-
tctrjAt .
At the April incctuiK the incinhors of the
club will ho relegated to thrco shuotlnir
classes. All tnow with a nor ccntagc ot . "itI or
over will bo assigned to class 1 ; .K > to . " ( > per
cent to elass 'J ; umier ilTi per cent to class I' .
Tliolnner of each of these classes will bo
awiuiU'd n handsome cold inednl lot- the best
total avocado inado at IHtcen rctrulanshoots.
The champion of last jonrN conipotitlon
va.s Ilorr Prod duller , \\ith a score of lOTs
out of a possible lr > < > 0 , atJIH ) ynnls. olT hnnd.
Puller's ttVoniBu was 71 | . ! -1. " Com
ing next to Puller II. A Stock
man , with an average of 71 li-l"i : , only
n single fraction be-low tliorcdoubtnlilo I' rad.
'i'lio next thirteen shootorani'.ilced aslollows.
Cioorpo Karl , lil .115V. ; . K. Htooker , .ir ( ; Claim Matthias , , VJ 5-15 ; II. Heft ,
.V.Viri ) ; H. Peterson , "rt i-l"i ; ! ; Edward Paul
son , 6ST-1S ; K Monpcdoht. 57 ll-l" ) > ; Uhnrles
IJ.ismiiMsca , 57 7-15 ; Prod Slirneitor , fj'J U-iri ;
Christ Wenthricic , SI 7-IS ; William Mack ,
111 11-15 linsor 5H I.-15 (
- ; Henry , - ; Seoivo
.liidtcn , ClIM.'i ; Horinann Paulson , 4."il-l. ) > .
Hans Lump , 4.15-1,1 , and Chillies ( Joc-tscli ,
10 5-l"i
The Sclictit/onvcrein's weekly -.shoots arc
held every Friday at. their r.mgo at
Uu.setpark , which is tlio llnost , most
costly and complete ot all the mnuy
ranges of the Mississippi river ,
It is litteu up with all the modern con-
veniunci1 ! . and appliances , fiom eleetric an-
nunciaoti-s from target to stand , patent wind
gauges and telephonic communications ;
rucks , rests , staniling anil recumbent p.uls ,
waks.gnnids and in f.ict every , icoes.sory to a
conipictu.military practicorftnge. In addition
to all tlio-,0 impi'oveinents there H a model club
house , handsome appurtenances , fine walk- * ,
platform and u\crytlilii | c.ilculat'jd to insure
the nlc.isnre of the club inuinbors , as well au
their visitors.
They liavu now an jictivo membership
of seven' ) ' , xvith u cash balance on
"uind of $700 , with no indeb-
cdnoss. Julius Xaglo hns resi neu
ho ofllee of Ilnancml secretary mid Charles
Hot-hurt : : was clectnl in his -atLMd. I 'liarlea
will make an cfticicut olllcer , und the club
has made n wise selection.
The Omaha Turtivcrein is another semi-
sporting athletic ( irganl/ntion , rnmed on
under the direct supurvUion of our Gorman
citi7Cii9 , that is > a pronounced success. The
olltcers are Henry Ilaubeiis , president ; Ilcr-
inan Kimdo , vice proMdunt ; Theodore
Hoclicr , secretarvLouis ; lluiiiuod , trcasuier ;
( His Doyle , financial sccietai-3' ; Prof.
Honnolielil , teacher ot calisthenics and
nthcletics and Pred Pruetiauf , turn waulen ,
or captain of classes.
They liavo nearly ono huinlrcd and fifty
meinbecs , anil meet at Germanin hall ,
corner of Nineteenth and Ilnrncy
stccpta , tlio second of each month.
Professor Hennotleld has three classes ,
a ladies' dass , umbracini ; some twenty ini'in-
Iwcs , in cahstlienics ; n juvenile class in ath
letics , forty-lho members , and the regular
tucnei-s. divided into three classes ; and last
but not least , n class of old veto , known as
the "biiehren klasse. " The turners' classes
contain a good sprinkling ot
clerks , merchant and professional men , who
have entered into the exorcises for the solo
purpose of prattling by the health-giving ro-
sultsot the exorcise Kach class receives
Instructions twice a week.
the Scheutzenvorein. in order to ascertain
who is the champion ritlo shot of the state ,
will nmito arrangements for a handsome
medal to ho shot for by nil comers , the par-
tii ulars of which enterprise \\lil bo given
lati'i-on ' The idea is ono that belongs to
I.o'ds Iloimi'oil iind Pred Knllor , two of tlio industrious , i-onscientioiu unil liberal
Hioinbors of thu profession.
\ \ iiy i4i
f/ifcii/n / ( tfernht.
' \\lioistluit \ little nvin over tliero who
seems to be the center ol so much attrac
tion' "
" ( Hi. that Ls Dr. Hotcrow Dox , the dis
tinguished Kpiscop.iliau elergyinan "
"An < l what lias ho done to Uislingnish
himself' '
"Why. he has just bfen prosecuted far
Pleaching the mint awful horesle- . . "
Each Season
Has Its own nnl.uly , ludlih \ Uio
Mood in nut. uiii'd HI a si , no of unifoini \ lnr | ;
and piinty , li > tlio use u ( A > er'iisirs.iiaiilli ; | ,
tlio s > sti-in n-adllj adajits itsilf to rlimi'il ;
cuiulitions. I'uiniioM-d nftliu lu tiiltcirahi-a
nml tunics , and l > i > iiig highly I'oncentnitcd.
Aji'i's b.itsaM.uiiiiis tlinnm-ttclli'ctivuunil
iconuimi-nl ulall Mood nudiciiii's.
"I'm sumo , at the return ni spring ,
1 had si-iioua tiuuhloiiti my l.idaeys. 1
M.IS niialde to sU > ri | nights , and sultt HH !
r.u'atljith iiainsln the small of ni ) bact ; .
I was also nfllictcil ullli In-ail.ioho , Ins-j of
iilipctltu , and indigostiun Tlu-se .siii | > ioii' <
wt'io much \\oisc lut | i | Inc. especially thu
tiuiibluwlth my bark. A trund pi'isuailcd
mi' to usu A ) ot ' .1 Karsupailllu I liegiu ;
taklnt ; It , ami my trunldrs ullillsaiii-atcd. ) | "
( lciu\ra llt-lungvi , ill lliuluu .si.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
I'ltKI-AllKI ) ll\
DU. J , 0. AYEK it CO Lowell , Wat * .
Holj by llioirti ii ) . ilflsi ( , M'uilli t * I bottle.
A ( "iirrospotuleni Attacks the I'eiulliiu ;
Moillcal Illll.
lU'iTttKf , Noli. Mnich (1. ( 'I'o llio Kdllnr
of TIIK UNK Having cmvfiilly mail tlio bill
icntili' Illo N'o Hill , ostoinlbly delBntM to
niLitn the iiraoth-n of tuotlli'liui In IliU
state , I deilre to iniiUi' a few oouitnonls
Ilioroon. This lilll , it soouis to tliovrltor to
hi ) nltiittollii'rtoi ) HwivpltiK t IN oh.ll-.ictOf . ,
und IH Intcnilod nioru for the | irotcctloiiot
the doctors than Iho public , and \voulil \ In ef
fect , If pa-Hcd in IH pivsciit form , muountUi
class icoiilntloii.
'I'liui soniiiloulslatloii innv l > o ncoc ary In
'iruliilo and ubollsbexistiiikr mils id'ilulnlli
lo the iiriii-lico nf inodlcltioiind suixory , 1 ilia
\villtni ; to ndinlt.
I'tllli'l' t1lOOIMMtlotl | Of tills 1) | | | , U'l'W It til
liccouie a line. If un old woman Hero lo im > -
scribe a stump ; cup of tea for n neighbor for
tlio cure of llio heailaelio or o poilltli'O fot-ik
Inill. except it could be shown til bo n case nf
cinoixcncv , she would lie llablo to line and
It costs soinethliiK to omplny ilnctM" ( < .
ll.inl limes do not ellcct tlio slo of tholr
fec-i. If one tificen miles from tmvn iMiiplnjs
dm tinit will cost him for u sln hi vhill of
the ii'ivsicl.iii ' r-'iH' $ ir > It Is a luxury not lo
Im Indulged In often whim ono r.ihon corn fur
L'i con U a bn.shcl , in1 what ismso. \ . falls to
sceiuoa ci-oii at all , us win tlio c.uso lit many
pat-t.snf our fair state last jcar.
'I'allt about nuinopolles imil iiilildlcuwn c\-
tuiK ti-lhuto fiom tlie fanner' '
Tlio doclors coino into the lonnlatiiru vvitli
a bill malting it u inlsdoiuiMinoi' fur. my ono
who should Htaud botHoon them , nml In t.holr
IOIIMC , thi'ir imticin.s They would Liy tlm
licavj anil of tliu I. i\v upon nay ono tint a IHJB-
tilat' pliVHii-laii who should even pcoicribe u
remedy for u friend Indlstivss.
Why do tint tl.e lawjerscmno In with a hill
in.iloiur It 'i crime for any onoiiot inlinittcd
lo the binto dr.iw up a note of hand , iluoil ,
iiini'tmi > ; i < innt her Inslniiiirnt.
On lint the hiw > ers need protect Ion as vvoll
as the duct ors ;
It one believed In tin' oflloncv of pnivcr to
lii'iil llio sick and should piit'hU bisllcf Into
liraotlco ho could bo imnlslicit as a crlmliid. ,
Tlio hlldo says , "Tlio prayer of faith h ill
W-.ll the sielt.1' This hill \\ould cntoi' the dn-
tn.iinof religion und IntotforoMtll \ ono'.s sa-
creit rights.
It Is claimed by home thnt tlio bill U atiiod | I 'I '
' . ut n dins of peiinlii kmnvu as
Chri-illiiii - scientists or tnnutul hi'.iloiu Tluisii
liconle are suid to n.alco bralin a vlt.d .
of their religion 1 1 so , t do not see Innv any
huv touch them.
Anna a ilsht tn worship ( 'od In tliU
country In liny manner ho sees ill. H I linvo
inure Inltli in ini'iiliil tieatiuent than lu drills
and nm side 1 cl.iim a constltutloiml light to
try the former.
I haye some ncqiiiilnlanrovilh proplo of
this faith and for inlclli eiici ) ami practii'.il
( Jlii'lsllunlty , Ithinktlicv wil' ' L'omii.ire favor
ably with our best , pooplo. And , I will s > .iy .
hero , Unit I know some | $ eimlno cures tinder
this Hindu of treat mont
Why , if .lesus ( iiirlst himself \vcro hero
this lilll would Mind him to prison.
It Is a ( | tiostion tmlny nnioiii ? atlvniiccil
thinkers if the practice of meilieini ! as ut ,
present tiiulerstnod , is not a dotiimunt rather
than a help in 0,110 of
In ] ustii-o to it , is it not tlio most that 0,111 ,
be sniil that the practice is not as b.u-liarous
as it was fifty jc.irs ami when hleodinas
considered the pioiicttreatmont in certain
ilisoa e < ? , and \ viicnvnter was withlicld from
patients burning up with fever.
Dr. K. T Miller , of Cross IMalnsVls. . , Ins
cxpriissod tbo opinion that , for ubillnnio
c.-i'ies of syphilis and scrofula , Avcr'.s .
sapm-illa Haiuijcstiniiublj the most elTectlvo
ivincdy knnivn to piiurinacy.Vouilorful
cures liavc resulted from its use.
\Veattier ProhiiliiliticH lor March.
Tf .Nlarcli I'onu's in like a lion it will no
out like a lamli , nml viro VIM-MI. lnt !
every dty : in Iho mouth , i-aitt or sliiuo ,
thu electric lighted , steam lieitetl : , vcs-
tiltiilcd litniU'il ti-iiins of tlio Cliii'iijro ,
Milwaukee & St. I'.uil ' railway will run
between Oinalin unil t'hiciijro. Tliu ouc-
trio liortli rciuUnff liiinps in tlieir jialiicu
sluopln cars nro tlio gii'titest novoltyof
the ngo. Ticket -jllic.0 , loOl
C'linlt-doi-ato hoadei'i
Ill the ofllco of a vvoll knoxvn newspipor la
this city hunt ; tliu ineturcs ot tlic following
olllccts of the Kite Confedei-ato Statoi army :
Cioncr.ilsndoisun , , Aliinforil , Urn-
som , Hi-uclilnt'iilKO , Hl/.io , .Ma rudur , Wiclc-
liuin , Curtis , l.ceVilcov , ( l.irry , Uiu-ton ,
llunton , lOchols , Iletli.I'illoiv , Taylor , Hamp
ton , Mahoiie , .1. R. 15. Stuart , Kaitiiuil .louoi ,
"Stonewall ' .Iiickson , .1. M. .lonos , Haniuol
Cooper , Kains , K.uiy. Hayes , Unckucr. A. S.
.lobiistou , Liii.e , Itriim , ' , r.ovell , Kirhy ,
Smith , Hood , I'osrram , itobinson , Maxoy ,
( irogjr , IJ. 10. , Acaucecard , CJooivo
PicUott , I'lt/'nuph Leo , ( lordon , Joseph K.
Jnbi.slono , \ \ . H. P. Lee , I'l-ioe , liwell.
LoiiL".trecl. Uitsluvus Smith. Polk. A. I' .
Hill , I.llley. CoNtoii , Archer , \ViIlinms
Ixoiiipcr , William Smith , Hniilloy T. John
son. Cook , Moray , ( ! . II. Stoumt , II.'nller \ ( ,
Motiov.'an , Preston , ,1. trciu ! , tlolqrntt ,
Dayton , lirown and Iloke , and Connnoiloi-o
The majority of the abov named nro dead.
( lOncral Ilonhnm recently held n si-ito olllco
in Sou tli C'arolma ; Uansom is living and is a
senator ; Vt'ickhain was formerly povernoiof
Virginia : Wilcov died in Washington City
lately from the otlects of an aividunl ; Hun-
ton was a ivtiresentativo ot the ICiphth con
gressional dihtiict of Virginia : liampton an.l
Mtiliono. both t'nited States seunton : ( Jen-
oral I'.irly is now connected with tlm Louisi
ana state tot tut y : nuelcneris tlioproteat aov-
ernoi'of Kentucky : BcaiiretMrd ib nsaooialcil
with ( Senoral P.arlv , and Pit/huijli I.ecis. e\-
irovcrnorof Virginia , ( Soneral ( Sordon Is . ! ei- :
ator-eleet , from ( ! u-orfia ami Joseph K. John
ston is a tesident of the capitalV. ; . II. l-\ is at pieseiit In L-onuress : lioneial
Lonirstreet is living on his pliinuticn m
( ieoigia : ( Colston , who served for a
whiln in the ICnyptiau army , resides in this
city. Kempei win lately governor of Vir-
Kinlii : ni.ulloj T. Johnson Is a reildunt of
lialtimnre. Colouitt U u senator.
Tlie only naval ofllrcr muotiKit the pictures
is C'omtnodoro Buelnnan and ho has been
dead soxeral years.
( ieneraU Joioph K .lohuston , nonnrcsraril ,
LoiiKstrcet , F'arly and Hiiekiicr arotbo only
cx-cunfedcrnte ollicers in the list who mer
commanded any considerable body of troops
who me now living
Tlio niun whose were daily upon tlio
lips of the people ne.uly thirty years airo on
hotli sides of the line are rapidly passinn
a\v.iv , and before nnoMiorilncniio comes ami
noes it is more than likolj that nonu of , taom
will bo loft.
A weal ; back , with a wary acliiiif ;
ness oor the hips , is a M n of ilevoavjd lud-
noys. L'oo the best kidmiy eurattvo known ,
which is Burdock Blood llilti'rs.
Don't I'liiil 1 ours-'iir !
Xotwillistniuiitij ; all I'liinotM to Un
contriif.v , Iho C'hicaj o , Milmmlioo ASt ,
I'uul Ii\'s now bioiun huiilod nnliu-o
slooi > hi } , ' ciu--i , with "oleelrio llKntji in
every boi'tli , " still Umvos the Union du-
pit , 'Oiiiiilu. at iilu : p. in. ihtily , art'iv-
liiKiit CliU-aco nt Ui0 : ! a. m. , ill atnplo
tinio to iiniUu till custorn coniict'tiuiH. :
I'lcUot olHuo , ir > 01 Fiiniaiu st.
J. K. I'ur.sroN' , R A. NASH ,
C. 1'as.s , Agt. Oou. AN't.
M'HllllllL'l ) I Ills ) ) .
I'ltiyinir ' tmUor in a rave that is
wlieiv n policoiHiui hurpi-ibcd a I'l'.i'ly of
' ' in lunch out
ih'jjroi's n oomotory on tuo -
rtUti'lh ofthcii8 , ( ! . , while looliiujj foi'
burglar ! . . Tlu-.v wore bo InU'ivstod in
lliulijjiuiio thui ilio olUi'oi'a hloml .ovi'i-
llioiu bofui'o Ihuy know it. Thou ilic-ir
to r nn1 know no bounds. They van to-
wnnl the Occno rivov with 11 | ) ollcotiiiin
lu hot | iciult , They roacliml llio rlvi'i-
tir.d Uiruo jtnnpcil In. T\vo of thorn
iiiillctl out , hut the olhoi' , Joe
, \\as drowniM ,
wliPthoron pleasure bout or buships * , sliould
tuiioon ovcrytrlp n boltloot s\riunif llis , as
It ncls most \ilcasautly \ nml aflooimlly on tln >
kldunys , Hvoraad liowols , pruvoiitliiK fevers ,
lieailuclK's ami other form * of j > lokuonH. I''or
Halo in We nmt | HU l.ottk'o by nil