Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    r > TIUQ OaMAlIA \ ) MiMONDAY \ , 31AKC1I , US1)1. )
tntnlllgoncj anl Outsnow Fxhlbiul by
Epuclmcns of our Dumb ranrily ,
lo ( let Alicail ol' Iho Olil Man
\Vlui h 'lH tin1 DDR 11 il VenA
A \ou-l I'ri/o '
Soirohnnlv . | mrows wcro cnuaKOil In ink-
Inc norj cold li.tth In u puddle of ini'lted
know In WastitiiKtou pailt the other ihu ,
\\hoii a jouiicliiitbiiKl and wlfi % , who. wllh
tlieh U\o Illtlo clrN , wcro ovUUntlv moviiiK'
from ono lutictnipo to nnothor , placcil tbilr
luiiiil bniiniu ( nn a seat , and sutdown to rest
bcsliltf U.sus tin- XoVoikSnn \ One of tlio
chllihi'ii jiut down on tlio ( , 'ionnil , noino janli
fioin iho bi'iuli , and licjiiiul It , a hit ; bhd
cnno containing n savatc looklni ; Maltcio
rat. Tlio cut must lm\o looa Intrmlucud liv
tlio iiMiio\nl of the Imttoin of tlio I'IRO , for
the iloor was too nuiow to liuv tulntlttod
him. IlosconiPil to bo di'Jcrtod bj llic i-lono
roiilliioinint , ami xvlicti aiiiiiidaiions "iparin
liop | 'il clnso In tlioca cand < tarcilat him
ho Miit | rodils .it it ami lowoiodln tiirorim
the Iloor of Ilm i-njo 'llion the spirroH.
Htlliillluloil , noiloubl , nv tH hiMdiiK pluiip1.
tdcldd at Us niiiiiMit CIIIMIH H lall.itiulillcitul
n feline pin\\l , but no ucthn rowntniiMit
Mi I'm o lain j minutes lint passed a stoic of
nthirHiaii | < iW4hml jnlnodtlio Hist assailant ,
and < ; \i rout * nf thi'iu was ttuliHtrUmslv in
KUKiil inpecUuiK nt the nit ! 1U hoail wis
thijoiih ) iuto ( his I'xU'rnal nnntoinv tint
i-scapcA Hiclricluil Htllo boiUs NoaiMif
tlioin caieil to iiinMlo with him iilnne his
neck Tlio i at was ininiilclcU lowed
\\hen lioroulil otnliiro no moro ho fell over
on tiUsiiloln alltroiminfandoatorwauHii ; ( !
The noisB nttr.ict4vl thu utUntion of his
owiiPis.wlio had iioiiiotncd hisprcdliamcnt.
'riioiimn swoio , the itiildien biioaniul , aial
the wonnii lud tins in hoi c/.vt'sas siu >
scolded hilf a ilo/tn hid
hi'i'ii fur lee iliTply liiti-ristpil 11 thcHConoto
Intcrforo\\ltli \ It 'Dion she pnttho ngo anil
Its loiivnlseil tenant niiilor hir slum I anil
moud a\Miy , viltti hcio Innnly , towaul their
SlKlU IlilllN.
Ml < till ? Mniillitii.
Along thctiaiiow snndv lioiht
\Mitch 1 thorn s\\iitly \ ionic and KO ,
Oi lounil the loaf less wood
I.iko llurriiM \\liil-ililvonsiio\v \
Hcvolv iiiK In jicrpotnal Iliulit ,
Ncnirrnml ncaior still thoj swnv ,
Anil , fcatliilnjj in a iliclcd sweep ,
Hush ilnvvn u it limit u .sound ;
And now I sco them IHCI- and peep
Acioss 3011 lou-l blint ; anil K\\\\ \ ,
be.irchlng the frozen mound ,
Until a little v\iud \ upheaves ,
And makes a siiiiili'n uistliiiL' tluic ,
And tlieii they ilioi ) their plaj ,
riaslnip Into the sunless air
Anil , lilci a tliht ( utsilvci leaves ,
h\\lrl \ louiuluiul
1M Mcnv utiither , u yoiini ; lolorod man of
J'alls township , PciinsylMinia. olTi'iul to bet
JUII Honnett N' Ml tlio other dnj that hoc mild
HoU Mill's brindled luilhlop Uindyitlioiit
Uidilut ? 01 I'noklnn liiin. He wonulilo it mi
his hands und knvcs , ho sild.aml ho nonliln't
\isoaiij wtM | n Hill hnl publiclv iloclaioil
that D-nylv could liik four limes Ills si/u la
luiinetsilili its. ilnj's 01 IIIIMI , nml IM's pio-
jio'-ltioii strnek him so favoiabl.v that ho
) il.inki > il down the inouoy liiiinollatclv His
( lou luul nnvor boon llclcoil h\ any other dop ,
altlioiifrh ho laid fought eleven timus , .mil
was \v illliiK to bet that Daiulj coiili ! niuto
Mirr.v vvcatliei cry eiuniph in less Una lifty
.soionds. l il lovt'ied llill's stalto , ami a
linity of seven wentovu to AbncrVliit -
nej's bam loseo the llj'ht , 13111 Ic.uliny his
dot ; utonj , '
'Jho Iwm Iloor was swept clean , and Mcrry-
wtiithei boiinil t\\o \ liiMiilkcieliicls around
bis loft 10 it sleeve , below tlio clbov\ , and put
a buckskin glove on his left hind ' 1 lion lie
KOl down on his hinds and knees and told
IJill to sit on Ids doi ? Hill robbed the do's ( ;
eais , slioolrhiin uiiiathei llvily , ya\o \ him a
kii'a ' aniljL'lk'd :
to ! for him , Damlv' Co ! foi him , * | p' ' "
C3alte ( a Hash the ilofr inailo a vicious spring
nt Merr\wr > itlicr The loloied iinu tluow
uji his Kit foiearin and the IOK ! Cribbed tt
snvngoh and set his tutli inlo thoilotliin .
In a twinkling Meirvweathor's buo ritht ;
hanil shot out over the ilou'shead With it
IVlairyvM'atlur si'iyed tJiiuly bj the sou iff of
tlic neck , yiinkod Idin closer , leincit over and
settled his teeth in the Uu 's nose.
In an Instant the bulldog iilcasnl his hold
on the ami and began to voliiand wliinolilco
a uir Tlio lolored mm Kent sitting his
teeth deeper and diopor into tbo hov\linp
tnilhloKs snout ami ho hunt ? on and grinned
tiiunmliintl.v until Hill veiled for him to let
up Tlion be opened his mouth ami ibu still
yilpiiiKOaiuly slunk to his misters feet , as
completelv used up and ( ovvoii down as ailofr
could iwssibh bo .Mem we itboi stayed on
Ills knees and tolil Hill to set tbo dog oil
apain. Tne IOK ! couldn't be made to budce.
ami thuioloi-eil man , whoso arm hadn't been
limtatall , silil ho hud novel seen a bulldog
yit that ho couldn't lick
DoVVitb a ( 'oiiscieiioe.
Dop lovers niftj bo tiiteiested in the follow-
\i\f \ stoij of a pot black and tan. It is abso
lutely tuio in eviry inrticularouchis the
Uuffalo Cornier. People who underlain :
Oo s Itnovv that theh iltsjiositlPiis aiu as
\uriedns thoainnials themselves , some show
ing porfeit honcstj in all their little wujs ,
and others qnito the revcise , 'Spot,1 , sc
called fiom U\o bioun moles on each side ol
Ills fine , was oxicedinglv fond of old fush
ioncd dontihmit.s , and whenever they \\oro
placed upon the table lie oiitained his share
u\ his niiiiij coasiiiK nays and numerous
tilcks. OaoevonhiR tlio mala was ilheitod
to l < M\e the plate of cakes on the table , to ho
eaten liter if any one cared for them
.About bed time the dug was misseil Upon
KohiK in seaich ot him , Uiollttlo fcllov\ \ was
found , curled uulu a Mil bn ono end of the
table v\ith his batk to the plate of doughnuts
ns If ho feared the temptation would bo too
btioiiRfor him if ho faced his fa\oritodish
Jhoplato was fnd und ho couhl have eisilj
citcn a number \\ithont ditection , but his
innnaor sbouod plainly that bo had not
yielded to the sediieli\o \ odor , as mnnj chil
then might have ilnuo iu the same ciicuin
Btancei Jlo elilontltlionnht that bj
Jiionntlap Riiaid , he would be rculy to but ,
from the tirst person who took a cake 1
l es vUthont snjliif ; thit ' 'Spot's" honesty
vas liberal ! ) re\\.uded
Iliiniau Tiiiiniii | ! Or r tHut. .
A fat rat tiled tostrupiile tliroilfh tliodeoi
sno\v la New You the other nay. A bnteti
n's bov pnisued iv niuUaiiKlit It bj the tail
'J no rat tried to bite , mid tlio boy swiint ? i
i.ipiillj round in hl.i etlort to keep its teetl
ilear of liishanil Pin.illy the rat bejiii to
claw at the bo > 's sleeve , und the bov , with n
patting swing let the tall o The rat she
fctrainht upward , struck on the telenrapl
xUios and in some vv aj t , ' t the tip of its tal
Inoxtilcnblv caught mono o ( them
There the i.U iHiii stinpglintUiileallttl
crowd of men and ho s from the nelgiiborinK
fchopstiloJ to bjlng it down with snov\balls
I'inalU a Imtchci's boi produced nn ah gnu
nail after seme t\vent \ ) minutes shnrpshoot
injr wounded the rat mortally in the neck
All the icstaf the dav small boys snovvballoi
the bodv , and a little Skoy teirier In th
fourth story of the hotel made I nuulo at
tcniuU to jump tinoagh the winilovv to it
All effort * , were vain anil jestenl.iy niornhii
the lat still hnngtis if glued to tno wire , wit
nerowJ of pupinnbtnill bo\s uniier It , am
the frantic Skjo terrier still clnwiiiB th
w indcw.
'Ihlcfof an o n-li'Ii.
Pining the icieiit poultiy show in Mad
ton square garden , Now VorK , the oven
routine of the div was intcirupted euily I
ttio nftcrnoon bv the apprehension of picu
pockets. Mr IIiuvklns , who was looking alter
tor an exhibit of fowls from down on Lou
Island , was talking v\lth \ a frienu and lean
Inir nKalnst the ostrich enclosure Sinhlonl
ho felt tits watch scUed und pulled vie
lentl ) from his pocket. A kleptomania
ostruli , attracted bx , the biiplit chain , vv.i
nttoinptliiK to iniUo a meal ot it The time
liecou.ib lebcuul with diftlenlty ,
Ka\ijci-l.lko Dog.
A llostonluwjor who resiles In tlio su
burbslb tno owner of a dog tint certainly
possesses the Instincts of an attorney. TUn
( her ihr tipvm mini In r lorf carrlHjolT | n
( tut * tin ; I iKlnjj bouc V wttinl dog fol .
< mi l lit it nlnrt dtstnnu 'Ilii lawvi n d > > ( !
iitMln plan of nelion woilhv of
an eminent hal nitnd He liiniicilliiti-1)
iro'iRtil lu-tloa against tin ) dog with tbo
WIIP I'lio third dox ; nl oncn iniUkened nli
in o nml liwt no time In itntltvitlng "iinnlo.
ntnti-iv .pinrcc < ilng In hU o\\u \ bcliulf
Ihls niM tnni ( * pmvcdeuulv ilont to 1 tie-
one for tlio uluii'ift , for thu law ) or' ) dog
ifl ibo third ilo t" eir the brunt of Illl n
Ion , and soWnt' tbo bone tied to lit * own
Udinol , u hi iv junsoMilon was tiuly nine
uf Iho hiv
" mill Mnn Siilnlncs a rion'P
\Vliilostajlin ; at n count it house the con
Misatlm tu'ini'd upon the ti'ioclt ) of a dog ,
nlf biillilog half innstllT , that ww chiincd
ip in the ) iird A Minill delicate looking
nun , v\ho x\as one of the iruosts , initled con-
. ( iiiptuuiiHl.x ut our hint s ilrserlptlon of the
loundi sav ijfoniss , ami otTeietl lo bit that
, o wdiild gu down to Ihe kuiiiel and take a
born- from nnilerhls no o ' 1 he betwas taken ,
mil xvoall nljoiirned to tncconrtuird to xvlt
ness the foal Tlio siiiill linn , xvho bad v an-
Mied fora moment , roippoared , and strolled
up to tbo krniul vvllh bis ilclit mm out-
stietclied 1'lie dog ruihed at him with open
month , then stopped , tinned tail ami slunk
nto liU butch Tlio man folhvM'il , put bU
mid Inshlc , imlled thoiloKout b ) thooollar ,
md then , after pei inltting It toiiawl bin k
igain , loolh took nptlio bone it had hem
lint onox ] ini' and threw It nivay without nin
irotcstoti tlie p ut < > f the animal Thesecrtt
if his sucii'ss was tint beiutilii'il Ills hinul
uith : i solution of mmnonti A dote cannot
lilo XMthoul in mini ; In its bieilh , and the
nlial.illim of lliisDiiiiinnt olor was toomuch
for tt Spliits of cainplun , eau ile loloKiie
mil other ( ) m ui fill pi'ifunus of the kind aw
sitd lobe almost Hi olTeiUxe
Saing a DIIK'N LI I' . ' ,
Mrs | ) r Kricger IUH a pet itotnxxboin
> ilio isdcvotidly nttabed , si\s the I'lnilnnnll
l'tiiiiliei | Ono i'a\ ' list wick she went out
shopping and tln'do folloued At Seventh
and 1'luin he t-rak a lit , and fiothing and
OUIUIIL ; at the month , luj In uuilneagom
jitxx ceu tin * street anil cm tracks A iin'it '
\ eaino uluiii ; and ran over the poir
jiiitcsuiloiei's legs 'I'hen a cible cirluno
n siiilit. anil Mis Knegoi stopped that in
waving hoi p.u-asol Ne\t a policeiniii np-
HMivil on tlie-sei'iio nnd wanted to bi iln the
jiutoas a hulropbobli llond , but Mrs. Km
gcr held hei own said her dug w is only snIT
ilnu from a lit nml lud abioken low , xvhiih
icr liusbaiid , a iihvsiilin , could soon nincdi
Some idnckv iniin , with n heart ns big us an
ix's. wlio didn't holluo Iu br.ilninian ; an-
nml that i lift talk , picked thiulo r up nnd
em led it to Mrs ICieiger'slionie Tlio decor -
or soon Il\ei4 the fi.ictuiul limb , ami now
he dog Is loiiv nlescent audoiio of tholix'cll-
eat iinalldson thoslikllst
I IICCl Itilll.
Hilling a\Uit to 'ovv Xoaland Dr l iis-
odi. sus ( iiilifrniiniisMassciiKerf succeeded
n obtilning a specimen of the quilut and , il-
nest extinct kibi bhd. 'Ibe bhd is some-
\xhatllko \ an ostrich , hut only Iho slo of a
irovv ; It lias no wiiiKsat all , and Is loverel
fcathois. Another
with fur-like shoit-stripeu
leexiliiritj about the klbi is tlio faet that Its
igg is larjicr than one-thud of its body Ho
also suicouled in bringinnhoino some Maori
skulls , w hub nro dilllcuH to obtain , on nc-
conntot the manner In which natives bury
heir dead When the bodies have boon so
oii hi the ground that all tic Ile-ih Ins
fallen fiom the skeleton , tliev unearth them
and enrv them into the uitetior of tbo foi
sts , wheio triej are depositotVlnto natural
avcs , wiilili mover ) dilnuilt to find Anv
me tliscovcied with one issuro to bj killed
Iiini ! ; I .i' i ,
.T d Williams'cat Hen Itutlci disnppeaied
u Tuickoe , Ual After sixteenilaysof soli
tarv ( Onliiicniunt , without loud or witer , the
\\isdiiioveicd between two lloiisina
ailldiiig uniier lonstinetion , which hid beiii
dd .md nuileil Old lien w is siwed out and
ooked as though he was about to dollxor ids
faicwell .uld'-css " IIo v\.is \ tcndeily caied
'or and xvill locoxcr.
Out Natlniial Itiiil.
Oeoigo H Ncfh of Ocosta. Wash shot n
genuine bild-lioulod eagle uceiith thit
neasiued nine fee * fiom tip to tip of vviiiRs.
I'ho bird \\as \ in Iho act of pouncing upon a
luck when It was biought dovMi bv a"lillo
Our Currency.
IIiMivnronn , Neb , Mured : ? To the 1M-
tor of Tin. ULC : Yonrpapeils so iniieh
noreinteiesting than it was prior to election
that the difference in this section of the coun-
ry is spoken of in complimentary terms
This\vo attribute tonur liberality In allow-
UK corrcspoinleuts space in ) our cohinms ,
even though their viewdo not coincide with
) oni own The man that hears or discusses
ouo sldo of a question , although well ad
vanced , has tils Icfeoa only half learned
bonw of this \\ill npplj to Tin. Un in mv
vlov\s for the stand It his taken on mono }
inatteis. In Tin IJir of Januarv Ss thine
was an aitlelo on "C'urrencv ainll'.iupcrUin "
Vour statement of the dilToi out amounts per
cupit i in all the different nations yon rufer to
wo wilt not dispute , but is jou
have said iiothlnr about the ilifTeient
methods adojited by lacb country lor
putting its inoiiiy Into iliculition wo aio
obliged to believe tint this is xthoro soiro of
the gieattst faults lie. ou sav thiir is no
connection between the wealth of nations md
thopovoit ) of its people Again that tbe
monctar.v sjstem cannot Increase oriliiuliiish
the aetxial wealth of its uti/ens , nml agiln
vouspealt of the capiclt ) of the hmk note
printing press , and that no could got all the
inonev wo want If wo had soinotbinir to bai
ter for ito
\\o in the ndil distiict of tbo west ask tlio
state to Iwiid Itself for oar beuollt Those
state bonds aiogllteilgod socially , ilr.nviug
l > per cent interest 'Conlil tlicy draw tl di-
lectlv 11 om thu National treasury f Would it
not have to pohe ulng bids tiom street hiok-
ers , and e\entual > llnil its way into a .Nat-
ionil bank , and from there to the National
treasury for colhitiial foi a tt per cent loan'
Is not this humiliating * \Vn\l Because of
a mere tiiik of wolds. Quasi branches ol
ttio Koveaiimuit , lulf government and half
corpoiatiou. Half government for the pur
pose of hairowiupr , and corpoiatioa for the
purpose of lending. 'Ibis is as Imaginary
as tno cintauror nieimaiu. but conceals the
color ot special law to banks.
Why should banks be so foolish as to loan
thir ! money on anjtliiiiKbut hands , munici
pal , anility , stite , or mortgage This is tlio
stand tbctiao taken s > ineo the fiariors" al
liance and thoould ! crowd gave them a
scarce. That nuulo their hair stand , vUion
ho tolls them to ( jult loaning mono ) to theli
friends ami to put up mir his on railroai
stocks that the Clould uowd wanted , or ho
woild close their door * forthem , tlioy obevci
his ordeis and theh friends went down mil
hocloaieil $ : WKKUK , ( , ) . Moae ) at this time
in Now VorK was near il I per cent hitoiest ,
and a eiblegrnm was sent to London foi
$ -lmo.HH ) to loosen the much. On Soptcm-
beiii Mi , Uoikiellsal i tbat tlio secioturyof
thetroasniy had piid out evciv dollar of the
stnplus In older tosavo Now Voik speuila
ton , their iniaginnrx piollts hi sneuulitioi
and gainbling etc , and when vVindom suit i
teligr.iin for all thosuinlus in the sub troas-
nrj in bin Fiancisco to be sent to Now York
and other little imlitonts of like chancte
reul from thepa is of the l\m ) Hi i , wo
fed inclined to bellovohatP.ither Himt-
ington said in his lectures at IJod's ) open
liouso on the social and politlena questions
as stated in TUB ihn \ Ib i : , March 10,1810. *
xvhoro ho said , "tho deal Is undo and nionoy
paid , and llanlson will bo elected tomorrovx
president of the Unltod States " Tliiswas
a cablegram to tbo London 'limes seat fiom
New York. Now It looks as if the railroai
crowd of republic-ins had ImiKht ttio na
tional buik CI-OVM ! of democrats olT , am
counted their president in the day boiore
election This would give the crowd aprio
right to all the money In tha natio-ial treas
inx , foi asVindom siij , this is a boar hunt
Now v\o \ will wager our reputatioi
ns farmers and borrowers to the binki
that there Is no danger fiom the ( Ionic
crowd until the imtlonr.l tieasury tills u\ \
ngiin. Thcio must bavo been nt leas
$ . ' 00,00 < VHK ) put In circulation without th
1 litervcntion of banks , bv the Clould iroxvd
todoaif.lOiOJOiOlii ( ) stocks , 'llir.t
is one way to make paupers , and the in or
money wo h.i\o in the national tivasurj am
locked In the vaults of national b.uiKs am
closed to industry and open to gambling am
sjieeutation , the v\orso \ wo are olt. ? .VX ) pc
capita , \\ithour iirosent method of put tint ,
nionoy Into circulation , would be a cnrso t
imiustiv. and tbe greater the amount tli
Kicater the curse , oven It x\.is all gold. Till
would prox'O Itself If congress was to glv
free coinage 10 sllu-r , with govciiiinent pin
chase of bullion. But not so with free coin
ngo without government pnichaso and jjov
ernuieut loan to states of Itb snrulus.
A Bulletin on Beet Growing From the Agri
cultural Department ,
llmv in Ciiimlliilni SIHM'I'W * fully
I'riillt In CiUu-H-Ciirc for ( ' < * '
I VMM-I'n Mulii' ll 'i' K vp-
Inu I'.ij.
A liiillotln will snoi'tljbc Issued bv
tlio United Sttti'iilom'tnii'iitit : : | ( iitfiknil'
two of'piH'lal interest to beotfjriwor-i.
! l\vlll pt'Obcnt In a oonilcnsod form the
Inta in | ) os-esHiinof ( Iho loutmonleoii. | ) :
ei'tnini ; xx-hli'h ilm most fioqviont inquii-
entire Hindi ) by | KJI" OIIS doiirlnij tojjrow
incar bc'ots H w 111 roxlovv lirlollj the
llmulic conditions fuxonvblo to the
of the Client'lL'otlhu ) aioa In the
l Stud's fiuornblo to thherop , the
k'i , Mill , fc'ttill/crniotatlon , prop-
nation of the land , planting , nml nil the
di'tailsof oiilliuoupto ami liioliidin the
liirxo-tlltiK1 and doll\orj of the biifrnt
Hoots lit tlio fai'toiy. INUmatu 1110
Ljhon of the I'osi of iro\\liiK' ; Minurbool1'
\arlmis p.irts i > f thisoounti-y and of
oilier lOiinliii'M. Thoprodiiutlou of uod ,
tn IhoM'UMitlllc nuMliods ofliifli \ pin-
Mieil iufoieltrn eountrius ii cliit ilj d io
tlio oxtMiouUnai.v iimioano inthuiu iii1
L'ontontM of the bent \shidi now nulu It
MI profltublo a croji , is gl\on a s-pucial
dia pier.
Tlio hiillftin contains also < -omo sug.
Ht" tloiis nml intiii'iiiiition in lu .ud to
the iiiiinufiii'tuto of feudal1 of a natuio to
Iw of lutore t to all | , 'io\sers of this crop
mid homo statistical Information showing
the coinpaiatiMxknolopinuiitof thocano
uiiil buot siij ar * Industries together ith
tlio consiiinption of siij arpor head In tlio
inlnclptil uuuntilos du-iiij : thoyo.u ISS'I ' ,
and a speelal 1'ihlo Hhonini ; the con
sumption in the United .States Them
mo sou'ral illustrations presenting the
vinous iniplciiieats best adapted lo the
cnltuto of the mijrar boot , Tlio bullotln
will bo voij hfief , thoroughIj
in ilsihaniL'tcr , anil \\lli ho isMiud as
runnels' liulletln Xo. 'i of tlio Unltod
htntos Dopirtniunt of Agriculture. An-
( ilii-ations should ho nuulo tothobocn-
t iry of aj iioulturo or to thoeheinist of
llu United State * ilouaitment of I\K\- \ [
eultuioYashIn ton , D. ( .
Fortliroo ye.u-i or more the Unitoil
States dop.U'tinont of ngrioiiltiuo hns
Iwoii cn .igud la tbe investigation of
giapocliseisos , the objcit holiiff to di--
lever if pob&iblo cheap , practical and
olllciint roinoctlcs for udi tiouUos as
ilownj and powdorj mildew , black rot ,
anthucno-o , etc. A mcin of pievonl-
ill ) ; nil these diseases h.ue lieen dUco\- \
oied , ind now tlionsindbof giapo grow-
eis all over thoi'ountry .iro ingcroni
which a few ycnrs ! , ' \ \ totalh lo-t.
r.irmors' Itullotin o.vhiib } will soon
lie is-iied by the dep.ii'tmoiitof airlul | -
lure , it AVashliifjlon , , 'hcs full dine-
lions for tioiiting thosu dUuii'eIt nlr < >
do-i'iibos the dhua'oin siu-lii\vaj thit
any g'apo grower will Iw able , to loco/-
in/o tliein , anil eliisositlifallilirti1 -
tionsfor nuiniifactnriiij , ' the ruined it- ,
and nuubtliuatoof the coat of ihounliio
r.V. . L. Camp , of Keainoy , Xob' ,
writes to the Io\\u llouiestoad ab fol
low - , :
Mli ICditor I see much in tlio papers
nbont the importance of plonini ; deep ,
and the roisongiven is tbatundplo\\Ll (
deep will hold moistvno heller , Our
soil Is rich and sandy and Iho heaviest
rain will dis.ippcar in onohoui's time
on level , shallow plowing , \Vlll the
water come bade to feed vojotatlon as
\\ollab if it were plowed deep ? If not ,
why i1
Whether land should bo plowed deeper
or bhallow depends nltoyiihei on nr-
cumstanips. The motto "I'low deep
nhilo wliijifrards , bleep''Is ono of purej !
local application. Conservation of rain
fall is but one of the man ) coihidoia-
tioiisinvolvedia the problem It issi piob-
leni , theioforo , whiuh ovor.x farmer must
soUo for himself , unit any Koneial rule
that wo mi lit bii irust would bo inlsluiiil-
infj. What might bo good advice for
ono part of tlio farm would bo Ind for
anotLcr , \\baliiiifiht \ \ bo good for one
timoof jear initrhtbo all \\iougfofiin- \
So fax * ns wo can leain the faunei's in
cential and wostuui Kan is : nul > 'o
br.ibkii who have tried dcop plowing
with a vlow to thovoiiscrvatlon of rainfall -
fall , speak in favoi of Hint method , and
this should bofixcn yioitui ; ht. The
damiiro that follows from deep plowmir
in tlio newer soils of hm.i and other
statc-i east of the Missouri does not sioux
to follow in the noils of western Kansas
and N'ohiabka. The argument adduced in
favor of deep plowing i3 tint xt forms a
resorvoii to hold the MII plus water which
runs UMIwhen \ the eiound is xmplouod
or plowed bhnllow. If , howovei , as our
coricspondunt btates , "Iho heaviest tain
will binlv a\\uy in ono hour on land
plowed Miallow and lo\el \ , ' wo are not
able to see wherein the benefit of ileop
plowinycould boon tlio kind of land in
that imitiuulur locality. It should
however , bo plowed dcop enough to al
low a good mulch of drdiit \ , which
fiirnibhes tin ; best condition for the
action ol caplllarj attraction in bilny-
iniruater to the t > urfaco.
Ilia astonishing how much wntorwill
coino ui ) from the depths bolo onury
andy land , provided that the suiace (
bo stiried thoroughly and fiequeiitly
dining the growliifr f-oason. Thobobt
advice \\o \ ean f ivo to our correspondent
is to try both methods and ob-arvotho
resiilth and also to keep a close watch on
thomothodHof hU noighhoib.
I'rollt In t'nlvcs.
The dUpe il o ( the calves i-siilwajs a
matter of interest to the ihlry faimof
and many and diverse uro the opinioiih
as to lion the best piolit may bo luu
roiu this yonorallj uiulositnblo pi-oilui't
Tlio dair > lamiois of Ilollaiul niul Denmark
mark ueop tliuir o\'ii cahos nml fco <
thorn until larfjo ononyh for maiKt't
The oahos i.irolj haxo a drop of nox\
milk , but tbu quality nt now milk , xvliU-1
has boon taken a ay us ncamfor Iniik-
ln 'Intobuttur , is paitlallj inailo xii b.x
ndilliij corn lloni as n licit iiroilncin ,
anil fattening imbalance. Tlilh cori
Hour , although , nf coin-bo , not equal t <
butterfat , iinsxxor.s the piu-jioio well
onniiprli for producing xoal ° f u qtwlitj
sulllL'iont to coiiiinaiul a falily irooi
prleo. Calves kept anil fed tluin uiiti
sior nine months of ngo not onlj paj
foi their fc'dl , but roturii a fail prollt.
Cure for COWH * I Vol.
Wo hear n deal about the nuoos
sitj of looking oniofully after the hwioV
feet , but few stop to tliink that the foot
of the cows hhonhl luivo cqunl niton-
tion. Tlio cow , inoio thna nny other
doiucstlu anliiuil , IH hiibjoct to that pain
ful ami injurious dlboaso foul-in-tbo-
foot. The main oaiiso for this may
re willy bo found In the fart that the
CONS aio clovon-footoil , and tliu * , li.ibits
and surroundiut'B ofloii loadthoiu to
xviido through mini and lllth. U'honanj
kind of llltli hei'omu * lodged for nttino
between the hoofb the i art bccoincb in-
tlnniod 'xvi'lls mid dlsohiu go'i inaltoi1.
\\luio nt the ttiiio a ( unsold K'IW ' ' ' '
di'voliip" Tlu > iliHcdw inuj : il" ( > oi-l i-
11 ili > fiotu tiibot'ilo mill finin iiitrnln on
tlio fool , \VhnQUio \ troublolnis rome
fiom the loil 'inynt of lllth tlio foot
linuldlio VMHhdl.poiiltliM'd ' xx-ith HIHIMM !
and aflorxv.ii'il duvsioil xvllli ul | > halo < i |
' , eaiholic iii'i l , or Imltcr of nntl-
At nil i u.
In N'oLMi ka n 1\s the
l'\vimor : * ll. I'aniilfiilfit bo-mo-
oesfullyin \ n In my pmtuio ofvihl
Sins-4 , bluugrn iuul timothy ? - . If so ,
xxotild II bon peed niKtxno. JI , N nlfnlfu
oii"lly KllU'd or ( 'ot tld of In Knu imV' '
In reply to the Ihvtlxx-oiiuoxflotii , xx-HI
* i > tint xvothiuU not. Alfalfn dollghts
inn ilio | ) . UIOKO , saiiiU > oll. yt t dooi vvt-ll
in ihde OP loams. U i-i u oloss to s\t-
tempt Its i-ultiMiUon nn pool oil To
siuoo ! full } ciiltlvalu alfalfa , the la nil
i-.ianol bo txx-o rich , anil mint have n
\\ell-dialtied suifiu-o , xx itliin fiom three
to oh'ht foi't nf sibuniliiit inolsturo
Thoii if the --oil is amuefull } prop.irocl
for it as of a ganli-ti , the
alfulf.ixlll pprin ' \\lth \ \ a teni li-
iiiK' rapldlj. Tlu > fyiounil nuist ho i'li > aii ,
: ii vx hllo vounptlii : < nllalKn is voryiMsilj
smot lu rod by the xxu-ils nnd Brasses of ii
foul Mill. In pu < ] ) ailn iho will , ( front
< lopth of enlthatioii i-s IndNpiMisiihlo
In fad , if iiiibsoiled lo a ilo ] > th of ulKa-
ti'i'ii or txsi'tity Ini'liLS it would bo nil the
bettfi. This , howoMir , should bo done
oirly ciioiijfh to ptMiuit the L'l-oiind to
liL'i'oini' xx-i-11 silt'U-d by ' iMvllnj' timn ,
Mliit-h should bi'i-Ulior inoarlj atitumn ,
lust ot Fobi-nan , or lliht of Mnrc-li ,
IVom ton to llftu-n pounds ofcod to the
aero it iiMinircilxhoio \ so\vn \ broadi-aslj
Jf intended foi nasturo. it i holler to
put in with a di ill htillii'lont distniu'e
apart lo admit niltiuition , as fruipiont
' -lirliijfof the MIIface is all tlio Iwttoi-
for it.
In ! iiih\\ci-to thiid question x.xMll in.x :
about the ino l successful vvato \ Kill It
cmtiito o\eristiuo ] ) and tt-ainji it out
On suitable soil itxlll oiodiueabuiiilunt
ciopsfor fiom hxo totonor tx\elx'o\oai" \ \
To undertiUe lo de-lro ) it bj jjliittinj , ' ,
nftoiil hci-onii's xxoll rooted , \\ill enl }
ini'i-oisc Us tonaeitj of life , as xvhciovir
a rootlet Is nit or broken numinous
sprouts Hpuii } forth Infact.lhitiltt tlio
( oinnion mode of icnoMla ; ; holds after
they shoxx sinsof clccaj.
In ( .onelusion , xvu will ndd that for hay
the jluit should bo cut just us it huijins
to llowor ; also that the teed , \\hon \ fresh
ami food. Is yellow , glossy and heavy.
fun * lor lloi-sos' I'Vel.
O-vnilA , Harcli 2-To the IMitur of
Tin : Hii : : : As tliis has boon a winter
with but little snowfall nnd our streets
being pa veil as tbcj aio , it is a little
sitrpilsiiigto obiei'Mii } ; horsoincn tint
thoronrobo ininy laiiio horses in our
city. It is safe to My that txui-tliluls of
the hoi-cion our streets are stilTorin
fiom some Kind of 1 imeniHs , which xx-lll
bo reidiljscon by the short --triilo and
lontiacted fuel Ilk also indicMtod b )
the Jibsonio of the giandcat motion of a
horfeo's K-alt , vi/ , the knee aUion Nil-
In re designed , the hor-e's fo(4 ( , to tread
notbing but niotliercaith , and iti > per-
fei-tlj adapted for that | iui-Uao. | The
int ( > m of shoeing' horses and tbeir t-on-
Miitit tru\ulinn' \ onp iulsticotswluoh
Is really an unnituinl eonilitloa of things
for the hoi-so , nei'issit.itos the cu-reise
of special c'aroif the hoiho's foot nro lo
bo Kept in a liuiltlu stale. The foot of
the hor-,0 is porous , x\liic \ > h natiiic in-
lendcd it Hboiild bo in order to ahsoib
nioicliire lo ffi\o it lle.lbilitand to 10-
liovo it fioinit jin toils /\\hoto \ bodj ,
Xoxx , if the fei't aioaliowodto become
dry and linrd tlio icsult will ho fovoiiul
foot , contraotion ilf the hoof , and the
fovoi-und fiorcnoas , if not atlondul to in
time , \ \ ill be tratihinitted to the < oidh of
the loH' and iiiiidcles of the should eis ,
tthiih ultimntoly prodiiiiii < r the bhoit
stride , swo'iioy and vaiious otlicr
ili < .ises. In ordei to pi event
this all that it is iieios-.nij
10 do is to procure tx\o \ sponges larjjo
i iiou 'h to c.-oxer the bottom of the foot ,
xxet them well with water , then lift tlio
foot , pi aio the sponge on the frotf , then
tiikuii piece of spunjr steel wiie about
ix inches in length , place ono end
iiiidu- the shoo passing il oxer Iho
hpoiio ( ? and jJistlio other end under the
other side ol the bhoo , xvhic-h will 10-
tainlt nicely. Apply this siongoin the
ovoniuu'and leinoio it in tin' mortiing.
011 should never bou-iid onhor-es' fict
ns it o.xolmlos the moisture and nioibtuio
ian absolute nects'-itj for keeping' the
foot in a healthy condition.
1)K. ) ltix : 101:0 , V. S
( i'lirral Sticrinan n Cillinlle.
Sister Anthnny , one of the oldest and
bo--t iciioiMi Catliolie nuns in America , in
an intonioxx- teems to sc-ttlo tbo mnc'h-
disiHitodquc-tipnof tlio baptism of ( Jc'ii-
oral Shciinan in the Catholic chuicli.
She said : "fho colonel , for ( ioneial
Sborinan was onlj a lolonel then , was
baptl/ed just hofoio lie stattod otit in
ono of his A'ligini.i ciinpiiigns I was
an intiinito fiioiidof Mis. Sliorman. At
that time 1 XMUI : m inm ite of St .lohn's
hospital , and Mrs Slaiman bent for me
and iibkid I tnkocaroof tlio Hiiki-
reiioneiiftoinoon , She stated that tlio
colonel \\as about to bo baptl/ed by
Aiihbishop Pun ell , and she
xvantecl to devote the whole day to him.
Whether tint oeiomonx took pi aio at
tbo ro-idonio. near the
catheduil , 01 at the Jim-net House , lain
tumble to saj , but that he was Daptl/ot
into the Catholic ehuieh tluit day there
can bo no doubt.1
cil in D H | ny.
Hero Is xvlint a Wall blieet manliac"
to say about the late "L. ir.v" Jeroino
"Ilexx'a a dirin ' man in speculation
being guided implic'iliy ban almos
blind conlldinc-'o in bisoxx'iidestlny. Au <
yol , ho was not uckluss. lie \\ould \ iisl
$100,000 on a turn of the in irket xx-ith :
cold , ( MliMilntin r coolness which was no1
altoroct by eilher loss or n.iin. Dining
the poiiod when lie was Heating on Iho
top of the tide \\lth his i'ndlic Mai
deal hoiiseilto 'piu-alj/o' his fiiends by
the magnitude olhis tiansietions.
" 'Ilim'ri busino-s today , LeonaidV
T asked hi in one afteinoon nt > I mot hi u
sauntoiliif ; ; leistnlj xipl5roidxv.i\ .
' "O , dull , ' ho will ! , 'confoundedly
dull. I've only inailo Wi.OdO today.
And xxlth that ho pa--od on. "
A lad of sKCoen has just been nddei
to HiiMitril cullcgo'H pedagogic foi-ce
Heih Morritt 1. . . rornild , son of 1'ii-si '
dent M , C Toi-nalil of the Maine state
college , and ho has accepted the potltloi
of iibsibtant botanist anil herbalUt at the
( 'uinbrldgo college , lie is coiisldeicd :
youthful phenomenon , for ho has din
cou'i-od andc'la'-sllied duiintr the las
t\\o \ beacons about thlity plantsunkiioxvi
in the llora of Mnlno. At least ono o
t \\o \ of them \xoie nen to the sclLiico a
xx ill.
'I lint : > li > tlu < i-iii > l < a\x ,
Ono of the best phjbli'laim I cvorKnoxv
hud what I ioni'oix'0 to haio boon an ah
bolntoly sini'oro lespoi't and atloction fo
tjphold fexer , M-lt | > ! > Albert Illerco it
the San l''rancihco ICxaminor. Ilo Hough
engerl ) in mortuary tables foroviilonco
oflts pio&writi | , evinced a vtllod grat
illcatioii in the HL/UI-CSblinking the mini
bc'i of people it had done up. I'eihap
lie tried all ho knoxx-to pull thiough hi
own pntieiils alHioled with It , but it
their jilueo I bhould hao culled anothe
> lij li'liiii. llH iiirt otion for this
llforder xx a * not iiltojiiHlu'r ruiH
thud cured hia molhor-ln-law ofoou-
eonsuiniiiloii ,
All IMcMllll- ( Mill I UK
At a woddlng : In Hallimori' the olhor
illfht no sooner hnd llu ininpiiiy bcrMi
omfoilahl foated than tlio roomliuist
into a llooiiof light ftoin auinoiousiul -
colored Incnnilo-iont ohn'tiU * lamps hUl-
leu among the ih'iwalions. Tlio % n-
ti.UU'oof tin-brido and bildi gio < Miixas
\M > lrotnid ht , the atitoiiinllc ini inir of bolls jind tbo plu\iii'of ) I'loc-
11 Ira I mtiHiial liistuinHMit" . After Iho
Hist entirsollie loom was pluntfcul Into
bcml-dnkiu'o ' ) , when suddenly fiom
Lho llornl dccoratlonn upon tlio
lalilo tlieto ( 'lowed liny olcdrii1
lamps > ; ( it only the llowert * , hut
the indrior of Iho tiansluceiit X-USOH in
xxhii-h Kinuuif them worejjatheit'd n'ln-
t Hinted with llathes of light. After a
xvhllo a inlnla tin o oleetilc lamp , which
in Homo iini'xplalnul in inner had at
tached itself to tbehriilo's hair , \xas \
si on loglnn xx ilh di//ling lilghtni"s )
j\ toast liaxhiff bi-eii ( 'lvcn , twosoriwnts
slmxl x uncoiled themselves and issued
rioin the \xlne bottle thnl blood before
the bildal i on pic. Ci .nn nml lollco
Axere sci x oiland , the rigins xvoio 1 iilited ;
lj ) an olectiical lighter , while. Ilm iiilToo
x\as ) ) ic'parul in full vii'vvof thecoinp'in.x
In nil olei-tili-al healer. The speeches
[ hat \\eio iniiilowiM-clibiM.illyapplmuliMl
bum I'k-otilenl Kottledriuu plnied under
I lie table' . As tliecoinpanj ilispor-od the
elcctrlci'iiuent cl oil a novel pyrotccli-
nlc displn.x , ainiil the cilinsou prlaio of
x\hlchtlio festixiliesended.
Otiiililn'l I'liasiUKMI ,
.s'l , fiiNf/i | / AViM
"I once sliot ninan1 , bt 'iin the xlcliia
of none food , an the train spidonvurd
Kohodstnrtoil \ up suddoiil.x , No one
sild " \ \ hat's thai ? ' inn khocKul lone of
Jl a aln in a louder tone , "I
once shot a mm . " Still Ihesnme
opp essvo | luck of intero1- ! .
Tlieii ho got ilosicrati | > Ho shouted ,
'I ' once killed Ion men. " No one ox-en
looked round. Thatwilicd him.
"C'oiidiii'tor , "he s.ild hoar-olv , ns he
lied into the chair car , "who in IUMUMI'S
ininoiii'e these lleiuls in the hinnUei ? " '
"Those , ' mild the , "aie the
iiiemlicrs of a delegation of business men
fiom Texas. "
1'uck : A stianjjpr once eiiterod a
Xe\x * llii lnnd town so runs n voij old
story and , noticing a xerj unusual
bust le'ind niiiination in the streets , in-
ouired the eanse. An nllaUo n.ilixo
piomptly lepliedlohis < iuor > !
"Heicon Program's dead. ' *
. "Ah. indeed" ' sitd Uio stranger.
"And what was Iho complaint' "
"There ain't no complaint. trainer ; , '
icoliid tbeatVable nitive. "Jior \ x body's
satisfied. "
Lot that bo the epitaph of the 1'ift.x-
Hist longic-s. 1'or the lirt tiino it hits
done something xvith x\liic-li ex-en bed )
H xx-holly and entireU satNlied. H hn's
Cosily Wlilst.
\Vblst that xxasii'tplavcd according' to
Hey le led Heal INtnlo AL'ont Samuel L
\Veoksaiid \ his brolhor-in-lau , l. harles
C'liilds , to quu-rel in lliooklv , 11. N' . V
All the way homo from a iioifjlibor\
whole thogaino HMS ) ) lajod , the icept
it up , and Childs tineatonid'eel \ \ < s with
\iolenco. TheietijionVeeks ] ) lcKed up
a monkey-wrench , idt Childs over the
head anil fractured his skull.VceKS \
has been in rested. I bilds miy die.
No 'Iroulili- ( All.
Clothier and Fiiinislier : Singorly
You ,110 the prieatost mm in the \xorld \
to wear neckties. Iilont think I o\er
ixx" jini xxlth the same ono on twice ,
lloxx-do you m imifjo it ?
Stiawbei l-'a'y enough. 1 have a
\Vliat Moic Do They
Adi l"ii ; Hcrahl.
All or nciily all ot this nnrital barharltv
aiut tjinnnj IMS brcn blotteilout in this
lountrj 'Hie ucorclof le islntlon giantuu
legal iit-'hts to maiucil wonu-noii the just
| irlndple of the IcK l oqiifUiU of husband anil
wife is a liMor.v of progress us rloi-ions as It
lins licoti stead ) . 'Uiovlfo iinj luicn } \
sopaiito inopoit ) hhu imaeiiiirelt | , held
It , sell it , will it .She- nil } CMIJMK'In busi
nes on IILIown aicount She maj in.iko
contiacts anil either enfouo 01 ilefuicl lior
lights la limit. Her carninps mo be r own
In slioit , she is no longer .1 letraliiouuitiLx -
no longer the sl.i\o ot her husband She ins
acquhcil a legal existence nulepaiilenl of his.
She stands bufoio the law ui most icapoiis
Two line tors ( if mi T'nftcrii town.
To Ion i nliif. 11. mil imliMi'c )
Wi-rt ( iillnllo HIUII Kiiillt-iiinn ,
Wlnic li'iillli MIIB mull rnuniil.
1 lie Hint DIMUMil liiR McthoEiopu
I'lujii lilspntiint uiiik.
" 1 nml. " iiioth | he , "nilInnif is fcono
You iiiiinot Iheii XMik. "
To till ? thodtliirwlM'M. II
" 1 ui , " iiuotli liiMill innj eop ,
Yum kldm-jsiiR nlTuti-il '
Tin POM in mi'tinrmiul liiiiiliin < l loiiff ,
Yd tlii'ntli-ntox\c | > ii - < nuy
( Nollo tli"- ( . ( ] ( cliup , lint to
I'liiti-'sdoUlin Mi-dual lluioxft ) ) .
' intt'iil im-diiiiH-s tlia t nrc
nmio iiiiuilnlis linn n iln/ni d Hlni * pp-
hiiiptioiis , liit tlirj'io nit thin ) tluit pidiss
now nml thin , ftils "run-
d wii , ' " pliijotl nut " Ibe tliewill.lillt
no | H > xvn to ic'iiiiatc vitality Tliov 'n > not
Mik onniiKh to i nlliulciitiu , lilt juM tcuulck
lobe will 'Hints x\hi 1 1' tin ll ht Unid of
n i in to nl iiicdliino 101111 * in. imij din-s Iu a
diilliir wbut Iho tliKtor wouUn't do foi less
tlnn thn or k'li
A\ \ ' > init in our < lnlm for Di Tieiu's fiold-
n M Milial Dlsio\irv
U'o ( Iniin It to IKUUI uniMiial | < > d riniiili to
jmrify the blood mill liivii tu it lhc > vliulo
It's t\t \ chrt\p \ < " * t Mood purillir , soM tin uuc-b
IriicjuisU , iinmiitlci how inuiij dons aii'of-
fmsl fur a dollar
ir/jj/f / II i-auw it's Mild on a ] > rculinr
] lafinrvyoinnil \ ) pay fin the ij > uil ) on git.
Can uri ' ' " - '
COLDS IN THE HEAD , by one application.
OATARRU in a very s'lort time.
KAY rHVEE , in fiom 3 to 5 days.
EARACHE , instantly.
roii.i : nAM. . niti i.nM-d
I'luti ' ill ( I i nK lit Iho
HIIN : < JIIM vil nn IM c j
llloe U.Uluulil , t' b A ,
I B10YOL.12S.
The Hrunsxvick-Balko A. II , PornpoiH'o.
Oollcndoi Co.
niltliul im'M'linitlv .Ml XlnVo. Alll'rUi ) All
iilpniiflt t ore * I'ntl.
, J7 40ii1 lutliilrLV-l ,
Oinnlia KoptiMicnn Printing Uo. ,
I.nw brttfi iinnk ti | | > Hc , in.i tTorytlhu In Hio
Iflli niiillluunhi tn'i'M
Ackcmmim Bros. & llointzo ,
I'rlnlrr * . Uiiili'K , loflrotrpir * . ll uk liouk ninnn-
orl MM 'I Omiln.
OliarlcsA. Ooo & Oo. , Kirkemlall.Jonos&Uo ,
Mmiufiicliirpri nn.l Jut ) ' VMn > lo lo Miniirnrliir
lor- , , \ki \ < iit < fur lli < i n lluli-
i n < < > no. ' I1UI ,
llffl lliiuir.lilront mill HA llnriicv MI
\Villinnn , Vnu Aer- > . V , Morw & Oo"
nnni & Harto , Flmi * Victory ( ornorllth
nii.l littit ; ! n At * Dm i-
1712 UMII ) -Iri-i-t ,
} \n \ Mi rcliftntn luvltivl
Olltlln , Sill tn tall im 1 ( t imln *
JobnL. "WilkioV Louis lliillor ,
Oinnlin iiiior | li.n fi t ry llnlclurt nnd I'afkprC
1317-lin I ) ii < li < liuili X SiiilU- | | < Hoof ,
lninhi'i'i | I.T.IIKI
Orders | rniiirllr 111' . Ills .Iniltion st
Ooluuiliu Buqjcry Oj. , wTTrScanmn , "
OtrliiKX rnrli sulklci , ,1'iiiuliis ' I nrio t V tli-ty
i-t < -
O I ) IC4linl-4 , Miitimcr MAi.oSI AM )
Jl-l-JIJ sulii irti. . I UllllAOKS
Omaha Oarpet Oo. , G-ilmoro & Euhl.
rpet * , ol ! clolln , mit Mnntinrlurcr ( , tMiolo -
HnK , cnrtitlnii'iilict3 ' rnli' ( lillilnrt
Ull lliiiuliKitro'l. I lll'l ' llnrni-y t
West & Fntscher ,
Miinufnitiirora tlnu r lirar
Joliboraof lonllobicco )
1011 Hrnatnitrcot.
Omaha Coal , Ooko aud Ooutant & Squires ,
Lime Oo. Hnrdflml KoTl cu il still ) *
Hnrilnnrt soil rn\\ \ IIOM ,
S K Cor Itltli unit Doii- IWiJlnrmrn toet ,
h , BlrotH Uuulii
Hulbert & Blnm , P. H. Mahoney & Oo.
Ohio lumpHwk Sprlim , I 1HM-Coil-Soft.
Hrnl.lorVnlimlllilc. .
( miMioliiut nnthradto. OmrtiSII N Ifth nnteor
0ll..nd . ItouBlmil , .
American Fuel Oo. Uovvcll & Oo. ,
frhlppon nn'l ibitfri l-i '
SI'S lltll strctl ,
entlirnilli * mil tilU
inlnoiis coil
Oiiinlin N b
21.r > S l&tli * lrc t
Nebraska Fuel Oj. , Johnson Bros , ,
Sllfnrnara .trc l ,
2133 ! 3inlro3t ,
Omrilm N 'li
Omihn Nob.
Hotint & Griffii , 0. B. Havens & 0o. ,
313S Uthstr03t , lUIFnrnim street ,
Omnh. . , Neb. Ounhn.
J , J. Johnson & Co
218" Kitlislrojt.
Omnlii Nol >
Eagle Oornico Works | F. Euempin
Uunufirturrnof ( JalranlOnlvnnlroillroii cornlroi
Izrit Inin Cnriilor ( rmt-r In.lows ilnor
Wln < iii i iipi niotiillc'ky- c | i II Mlil tur Tin
llehli I'lc 1110 uiiil 1112 I ruin nil flnto ruofor
Ml I nrmui ) H
M. I. Smith & Oj. , Kilpatnck-Kooh Dry
Dry coolie , furiil.uln , , . GpOlls Oo. ,
iLiI * . lotions Dry p.nil.4
' | lurnl hliu Kiioli
for lltli nnrtllowarl it Oirn r lltli nml llnrnor
Wolf Electrical Oo.
llluelrntiMl Cit
1014 CnpltM Avenue.
Pai-lTn , OrcmkirF : & T. G. Nortbwall ,
Martin Oo. , Ooncml western nget
Corner Jones and Sill ntn | hinmlln 1'lowCo ,
Omtihi Neb 13491J51 hliormni ) HVO
Broken low Roller R. T , Davis Will Oo ,
Milling Oo , C H Unilurnoid ,
Alnimci-r nt Oruihi
IDI.'N Hlliscrc-
Cor Slh mil Jnckwn Mi
S , F. Oilman , Clemens Ostamp ,
M f of romly lo ruin
JOHN IClli atroA blnii Jack Moil tliioit
cnVui In Iho world
C E. lllnck , 1.-U7-1215S Jitli lrcot.
Pinton k Vicrlin Oiuiiln Sufo Sr Iron
Iron Work' , Works
XX roiiuht nml rut Iron
I iilliliiiifiMirK , main i Mitmi f "M flro nml t > ur fi\r
in > iif ufi > tnnltt lull
fonmlri inn. tilnn nn i orh Iri n ntititti'iiinitil
HnrkMtilth n , nk U I' liri' , 'Miii'O * li Xii *
H ; iiii.lltl'i ilrivn Illli A Jni Haiiixtl
Acini ) Iron nnd Wlw Wilson fi. Drnko ,
World , M f t liil'iilnr IIn01 nr
tron lron'i I tm i T ki Im Imllor * MiiV otji
41.'S litli Mru't
iV Iliidhl , I'ruiirlutnr rciooml 1'Jlh n I root * .
Eccs I'rititing Oo.
l.lllioni | lilnc , I'rliitlnt
mill fllink IKiuki
Illli ntillli.wnfists
Iler& Oo , William D.trsl ,
liquor Mi'rcliints XUiii' * , 11 intiri ami i'l-
III. llninc > < ln > i < t k'llt )
Mniinlix Hit rt KIIIII \j \ s
Mint 1 1 Ilii llltU'f , 1111 Pntniin "I. Omih
R. II , Grotto , I'niuk Djllouo ft Oo , |
Iminrtor l lolib nf
nn > T
I liii | > r niul ( iinnlnnSu *
\\liii-inn \ \ I I.I ui > ri
10.11 mill tirj I ntnitin su Mlilll C MIM
I I'tlic'INti nni'iillrillil ra' . nnniii smot.
L. Kirfoht& Co. , A. Friol < & Co. ,
XVhulc' nlililiiitiirloiilort ; ) \M
40' nml ) 9 lOlh "I. Will
Q.V. \ . & Co , John A. Wnkefiolil ,
Ini | rlnl An IIH mi 1'i.rN
Hnriltvnoil I.umlior , limilCuiimil Vlll iiiikt <
lt > ( Irniillt 1 1 in * hi iu 4
1SIO NuMli mill struct 1,111 1 Mr ) XN lilt I linn
Oharlea R , Loa , Wyatt Hullfud Lm
Ilanln ( . litinlur , wool
bor Oo.
curiol iiul piniuc'l .
Plh nnd Duuiili * Will nndlirimlHirPcti ,
Onilj & Gray. Louis Bradfonl ,
I. Inn' . CMin'iit I'lo , I' lumber llinc oonipnt c
< "r 'itiian I DMI IH
0. A , Stonobill , I. Oberfolder & Oo. ,
Mllllncrr Notlnns Imporli r mi I Jnblcri la
lln'i'la \ MIIIIniT )
nS.SlOunil .M ciulti Illli
llf IIS S lull M , Onnliiv ttrcil
MPT Meyer &Bro. Oo. I I A. Ilospe , Jr. ,
M fk'JiMvrlor itpilcrttn Hanoi Orjin < ArllsW
musics lii'lniinuiili , , . . . , , . .
, t ( , Mnli'rInH Lie ,
Iiirnniu aliJ j lil I IKiiitclai ' trcct ,
Consolidated Tank A , Booth Packing Oo. ,
Line Oo. Oysters , fl li nml cnimoil-
K < H"1'1
Ilrnnoil nml lulirlmllni
cil . n < hKrcnn otA - 1SOS 1 CIITC iwc rlh i
A U lll < liui | , Mmmor
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western PUtiugW'ki
Oirry n full ftork of eilrnr nml nti kotA
irliittne wrapping niul l.lutlni : on ill nn tiM ,
tnlili nie ill roi'liti-il. '
rlllnKP POr , card pn- I'.11 lilnxlrn * X rh n
| or , do ili'llerwork II
Porter Bros , Oo , Purvi ? ,
Cnllforrln. 11 irld.-i one ] 1317 Iluwnnl Mi-iet.
troIt-nl [ fruits Urlto for irlcij * on liqfr.
Ml SU Lines i-trui'l. loi.i ifs puullrf and
O \ \ Hulti , Mnnucr
Kirschbraun & POMS , Olirk & 0 } , ,
Duller ivn nnl poullry Ilutn-r < hci-io fs\
| i"ullr > nnl uiunn
liwiirlstrocl ( W" < oiitli Illli Mre-L
BUes & 0o. , V/llliailH & Or033 ,
Couiitr ) proiliiccfruln. .
'itfulfilile * , j.r * > cer * Prciluconnd frultv
H uclaltli-M Ionsplm , ,
etc. IIT11'Jlltliiu l.'ll Humor . ( root.
Omaha Rubber Oj. ,
.Mimilfiilurln ; nil I ju-
burtnll klnlirubj"
100S Iu n i u fltr.33'
sc'iil irroworj rtoilfri
Kurd-i urnit unliia
Iron * o 11
4'I 431 south rih
M. A. Disbrow &Oo.JBoh-iSas'i&Djor037
ManiifHoturors of , - . . . . Xl.iiiufni-turor , rif tn jl |
iln r > lilln.I H nn .1 liui , btlnJ , lu irj.
XluulllDKs llr.iiu'ior- Hi
HCIl.'lli an ) IziulfH IHt'i anil I lir.i trout
Far roll & Oamptny ,
Hlmlc'mln ramfni-tirori Steve M\nurao'g \ ' OD ,
> * > rui | ) < inuhisuj mi 1
\lniu ir . Mn-iifn tur ituoiinl
Ht..Vl' | llp
217-211 Snutloth ftri'ct. tia-lsr > I Mvi'nivorlli ! t.
Company ,
1114 inl 111 MI irner < t-
Din iha Nub
D. S , Wind Eugmo & A. L. String & Sons ,
Pump Oo. ,
IlnlllHiO nlnil inllU iiH IOJJ IWi 1-arnira nrjol ,
nn.I ij .IIIIIIM M ! r
K.J. u tlimuiinniior I Omilii Nell
H. Hardy & Co. ,
Toyn ilolN.nlbumi finer i '
l.ooili lion < i-furul.lilni M .iin.l J M A II IVrtlsa
A I. , nit it killf r
k H , clilll.-L-n i car
111. . -tri'c-l
rliM > I irnniuit
. , . .
i * * * i i ' ' ' * * * * * * * ' * * ' " 'l' * " * * > * * * * * v's - iMP. n.n
A. D. Boyer & Co | Mnrtin Bro . ,
to-M IU. lia , , HiUUtln ;
l linnno lliul.i tit
ho mil * . ulh o IMn |
B. J.Coffnnn , Smiley HuuUr & Green ,
& Uo. ,
VI lUcluintcv llu.uiinj
I'll I Mini 1m.-
buulli unintitt
Mill \\lin iu < I u kin Kin i llul l oi iu
i iaU iim.ini from un > i.m ( > , n , | , u unco
foi Iliu N-\v Inuiiuiiii Nrn 4 > Iliiini- < 'iiip.
N inn < UIIIK ilniirt Ni.ldiii IIIIIIM i .1 / *
tilth thnti t s , tiiiiiufi iiniiit m ( , , , . Ail.ius ,
Alblou 1'Uui-uiuui luUuxUlAlbluu.Allci4