rp II10 OHLMfA HICK MONIUV , MVKCI I V ) , 1891. at , nt luxst until tin' mtirv Mil mil ollii r important moasuris are ) passed This 13 not Mil ) pronranimo nintixnlout | liy tliu lonili . , tiutthoxliobooii [ overruled t > > the cons niltvo element ( tinnt.v Ailx-ortlslni ; . LINCOLN , Noli , Munui s. - , tinjelul to TUP. ) lrTho ] lilnlory of thse > nate tile No. ! ! ! , which linn ( -.died forth thi'ti-uuinstniuro from ConinilftHlnnir 0 IvoolTo , lsa.s follows. The * tdll xvas introduced hy Senator Coulter of 11(11 , mill cUtTcrs from Iho jiro-spiit statute' only in the substitution nf the xxord "Soiimhnavlan , " instead of ' 'Kxvcdt-h , " xx'llh roferciu'i * to papois of thnt Class When the hlllcaniQ up for consideration. Senator Mooroof 1-niieastrr inovril to insert tin * weird "llni-llsli" In tl < thlrel line , de- he-rlblni : tin1 l < iml of papers xx-hirh should bo ftupplied with the pnicooilliiLiH of tin' county roninilssicme'rs'meetings ( or publication. Tliu ntiiomhnotit * x-m udnptfd As It now re ids , the bill eTmiVfls ruinitj e'e-iinmlswloni'r1) ) to linvo published In Knullsh , ( .Ionium niul Srnuiliiiiixliiu or Holii'tuiiin unpe'i-H Imx-lni ? u rlroiilntloti of IXO ) n report nf llio prou'i'd- liiKsof Hiild commissioners' mutlupi , xxhic-h report shall bopropmed liy the count ) clerk mill ili'ltvrtvil to thu publisher of snld papers within t-.Mi daxs iiftero-nli mutiny Thcio is iiiiothiM' foatuii'ol tin' bill xxhle'h proxidos for tlio publication of udx-oillsi- inonts ot ImdsoiToicd for stile b\ the county treasurer Tin1 xx-onl ICniillHli. however , Is nndttrd ttoin this sivtlon , niiil this cle prl\-os iwpsrs pilmoci In that Imitfu.iKu front this patronage , which inuy bociijojcd by ( 'urinnii , r > i anuliuixhiti niul llonoiiilnii papers So In r in Douirhls I'onntx is cntici mcil tlio chaniji * llimlithelaxx ! > } - isthnt tPitilriiii | ! tlio puDllr.it inn of tin * toports In cinostion 111 ux-on Kiiulish mil hiiuidlnavlin nnper * .xhu-h 1ms a emulation of Ir 00. Thowotcl "Se.m- ihnaM.in" suhstltiiU-el ftn ' Sxxcdlsh' will en- Im-Ki' thr number of paperoonslcUTib'1 , and i-onsKpn'iitly Kie'iitl ) ln < icaso the cost of nd- xortisinfr There line chance , limvoMii1 , of the bill hut-iuiiing u law. 'llictvaru so tinny inc-.is- m-osahond of It In tlu > linuso tliutlt cannot bo ivni'hed , oven if tlio provisions wc-rosneh usamitit nn nnuMitl iMToit In its behalf , Dlsa ppolnlril Nt'li , Muehs ( Spool il to Tiir I IK i" . | .At u intotiiiB of prohibitionists ami female suffragists at Ked Ulbbon liall toilay. tlii'ro win u regular "mpc.-rte.iu-o inoctlun" over ihn iliifc.it of the miinlclpnl suffrage bill , women tluiounceil the allowed ticiuhory of the * independents , ami atlutionatoly referred - ferred toioincof them a * traitors , while the Kttlilitsnf ; Ijiiliur aiut their state Icctuior ulso conio In for si good share of at tention nn the part of tlio inuclily illsap- pointed women The republicans and dcino- crnts did not cscnue , , iiul the ilcclai.iLion was nuulo that ttio prolilhitlonistsoulil hcru- nfterioltiiloiio , ami buiy the Unco nthci paitli's in ouo grave .luil o Mason coiitliiucil thPCM-itliiK Interest - est in the mcitltiir by dluvtinu' tiiw line ot iv- nuiilts towauh HcpresciitiiMvi ) NcwlK-ii'y , dlvcrpint ; f rum the subject of the sulfniKO hill's defeat to freight lutes and railroad rennluticns. nuil oloicil his speech bv twh is- ing No\\bi-rrv to "go home uiulsuuk his head , iiiul ito to bed " Sever.il tiidopciiilcnts present nUeiuutcil to Bpcak in the defense of thulr nicuihcrs , but twin ft c < | iioiilly Interrupted by biisos , nnd thoaudiiMicu llnallj broke up in confusion To'inlitan effort was nuulo iol.nld.an in- ditrnatioa ineitinir on areounl of llio defeat of the Miflrai. ! ) bill , but it prft\cd a complete ll/.jthi 'llio lull nas only InlC full. An ub tempt tou'iiauie Jlorris 1 , . Whu.it , nenoral lecturer of the ICiilMits ( , of U.ibor , for opiu | < > - Inptlio miMsuio on the lloor ot the house , failed toc.irry. 'noiid-4iiii-ii ill * Carl ICortli Hope to lOllcot a Settlc-nieiit. I'iBuit , N'i'lj , MirchSSpoi'lil ( to Tur Brr.l The Dieliinlniiryhi'.iiinir ofev-County Treasurer t'.ul Kortli h.iupuii been no it poneiluntil May is llofoivthattluif th bonds tuon hojiii to ellut a ten lenient with tlio county. It will lo romcnibomd that Mr Km Ihw short In his accounts with the county to the extent of & ) T > ,000. In Juittco Iliimpbtuj "s cotut I'latik Oincenhky uo.- . found unlit yut wife beatini ; and tiuod ? "i , but not bom iiblo to piodui-o the money ho was sent to tbe county jail. Itov. I'.isUo bamlod In his rcslRuatlou as liastoi-of the Congregational ohureh , but it wiHiiotnrcpptc.il. Mr. I'asko hu : taUun the matter under consideration : uul will probabl ; roniain. _ _ _ _ Illulrcs Hciii-i. HIAIII , Neb. , March > . [ Spcciil to Tin. ULU.Tlio ) stooltholdon of the base bah asoorititb.i are still v/ritlnv fin1 players. . Ttioy aroiu hojios to have ( Cci'ii ' , .Mhumri Valley' lat yo.ir'ilrst basonim , in in la.iec thorn and plaItistfor lllnirtlds season Although thi'j lia\o si eral good one in\iew thcj luno not signed tli > 'ir bitti-iyyet. Tlio city comicH lias oulr-vcd tuattho urop- osltion of votliiK uoinls for > " , U)0 ( ) foi tlieeior tioa of , i suit.iblu titjiiall , iiiui also the prop osition for voting $4,00. ) In boi.ds for the ox tonslou of llio w.itur works and punfyii the water bosnbmittetl at thonoxtcity elec tion , held Apil : 7. The mayor hits appointed 0 Y Mummeret ns poliei1 lAdgc , tostioeeea Dr. Shcriiinii , who hns roinovod to l itiinln. .Mummeret is a tittofiicv Just udiiilttoil to the bar 'I In * Saltiio County Alli.mrc. DDIU IIINIKK , Neb. , March \ -hpooiil [ Tol- CKiain to Tin : Bn.J-Tlio S.ilino count } faimors'alliuico held tholr niiit'ti'ily o'livcn lion nt thli plico jcstordciy aliurnoon. About sixty ilclep.itosvcro In attondancn , rcpro- scntiiiKUvonty-tuooiunf nvouty-sK lol es in the count ) An oi > en soslnn.is helit last iitsht , at which lion.V K WrU'ht of Ne uiali.i ro\int \ ) delnorodaii ndiliess At tbni'Ioioof the op'n sotion the doors \vcro closed on the pu bile and the lomention resumed its secret work , .xtid did not adjoiuu till about I o clock in thn inoiuiiitr A mini her of le olutioasvcro pissed , but their QMct purpott was not lunriiul. Their noxl lui'ctinv will bo hold in Juno , at AVe- ton , Nob. v ill I. < > M > a Toot. Lixcor.v , Not ) . , Mauli s | Snooial Telo- gnm to TIIK Hir 1 U'hilo Hoiaco Cnpes and J. 'Xurru vvoie out rabbit liuiitlitR tills atti'rnooii , Morris stumbled and fell , anil sic. oUentall ) discharged hU tun. The ontiio load was einiitiod Intci Capo's riulit foot , tnu tilatiiigit sothutlt Will hi\o to bo tilled. _ Hc.lVJ l-'ttll Ol'MIOM. Nciiuis'siOiry , N'ob , Mirch 8 [ Special Tclosirani to'l'iiK Bir I Yostotiiiy'a storm continued allaltrlit , about fourteen iiulies of snow fulling Tialns wro ill ltv tins morn iiif , but the roads arc inw open. IK.I.V SIHt'I 111 II SV.t I'lttltt. Ilnn foptor , tlin n I Qalacj' Mur- ilorer. Dill .Sol V , III , March s Tlio reinauisof Dm J'offer , tlio murderer of K. 1) ) SnUUi , who es caped flout Jail hero on Sundii > last , woio brought hoio into late list nl ht , and today vero u\ lowed by over ID.iXV ) people. It was roportcil by Porter a eiptors that ho shot liuusolf , but upon UlentilU'iition of tlio boil ) Hut lor udtul'tuj that ho slmt F'ortei -throuRb tlinhcad The captors , liu tier , Fcv- foot , Tohiu and Mon t o' ory , ivimo to to\\n \ with the body nud toJuy oolltictod the ro- \rirdsolTcredbytbosheritTaiidtlio city of Qulncy. 1 1 or Iliisliiunl \ \ iirUi-il mi ii inlay. M\\s I .Mils * ! , N . J. , Mai-alt -Mis. . Wiu- flcld Estlow of this plaeo has caused con siderable trosdp by abruptly leaving her bus- bind bmuisu Uo worUod on Sunday. She U a strict church member , and on Sunday last uli en bor husband announced his Intention of worltlnp with other em- jiloyos of tlio Mays La'iillng water pover < ompaiiy abotold h'im that she could not ll\o with him. Mrs. Kulow went to church , while her husband wont to assist In some iiofOssaiyorlc. . Thoconjilo xvi'ie boardlnt ; with .Mrs. Kitlon's mother.Vhen Bstlow came hoiniiho xas surprised to find his vte \ absent and to receive the message ? sbo bait left him. Ho quit the house also , nml went tobo.ird with John I'eu't , n ni-U'bbor , wliew lie has slneo remained. Mt.t. llstlow , aftoi spending .somo cavsvlth a friend at Atlantic Cltv , returned to her mother's homo yester day. Stio still bellevci tbnt bur hiisUind 1ms coRitnlltocl a wroujrforwhUU bownuot atone. STllEDliPAHTllESTOlMVAR , Inuy Important Hoforun Introduced by Sccrotnry Proctofi .N . ADMINISTRATION OF ECONOMY. iortlc-0 nnd llosjillnl Itccoicls of Veil- initci-r SulillciNAi'iuj ncsi'i- tloas Const Oi'lc'nscs1'liu nll < > Mal iiiiiird. \VmitMir > \ , Maich s fSpocml to Tin : IKISomo | x cry Important work his tea lone In the xx-nr dop utmciit durliif ? the pros- i-t administration aside from those incn- loned In my blennhl rovluxv the other day. n clerical fort-oil Is tlio third In size of the \ , and Its buslnc-ss cm- irai-cs a gic'at variety of uffiilM , both civil iiulmilitary. .Many Impoitar.t refoims luivo leonlntniduced tiy S-cretury 1'iootor , umlor yhont energetic adiidnlstiMtlon much has ) con nccoinpll'hod both for the impoxoinent if the ariiu and In the civil bistness of tlio lopiumeiit. Aniotiji thoivfoiin * thus instl- iitc-cl are SOUK ) , xx'blcli have bicn attended x I tli re in itkablo success , thn tare of imnsiul ntciost to tl.oxotorans ofttv lito v\r. , The \x-ir clopntment is the custodian of all ho olllelal veiords , In the possu-sslon of the toxernnicnt , icl.itlng to the services of the inion armies In tholato war The bureau of icnslons In the Interior department is harjred with llio adliHtnioiit of pension laims , but the oii inal roicuvl evidunco eqnired lor Unit puiposo must be furnUhod > y the xx'ar dcpaitnieiit. Thou'poits of the lopirtnieiit stioxv tnat on July S. SVi , thcro xx-ore neatly " " ,000 of those cilts 'roni ' tlio iMjnsloii bureau uinusxx'irud , and Lhat In all there were 10tl."itcisos Iro.n llio MMisIoii bureiu , second auditor aiid mlscel- ancous soure < ' 3 ixiUlrhi ] | { Information fiom Ihi'so records This niTeai.ue of work had been nccumu- atliiMr foryeaisso tb.it it was Impwalblo to trotan ansxx-crto n simple Inquiry in losn than DUO to tlnco moiiUis. I'cusiou claims were /hi'robj dlroctlv deliyocl to that oxtotit and ncidcntally much more. On the abnvo date 'secrctarj ' I'roitor lintltutert an entirely mnv order of thitic" , con-oHilitlnjrancl completelv ro.nriinglii1 all of that business lu tht'ito- * nitment , xxitli a tesult that on Soptem- > er : ! 0 followini ; thcio ixas not a < iso > f that clriraeler loft on hind iindlsio ed of n the ofllco. Tin * iiiairtiitudool thil xx'oik is llnstrated by the following lluuies laken from theseci tury'slastnunual report : No of cases axvaltltiK action . .Tnl3 , ISSD | D,05 Ueccix'cd from .Inly ft , ls y , to June III ) , Total . : . Ansxvoied July s , Ibs1' ' , to July > il ) , Ucmaiiilni' ; on hand Juno , U ) , Is'.K ' ) . An actual record kept In the department shows thil dining the last four iiioiiths'is ' l pel cent of all cases of thit > chai icterhax-o bcm complotcd and answered \"itliiii'xxcnty- four hourof tlich receipt , although in the ineaiitime , on account of Ihe greater activity of the pension bureau , that work xvasxory imlerinllv iiuioased 'ihu foii'soinp MIOXX-.S ! iiiiaverm * of ' .isl cases received pci du > , while the ( Liilj axerairo from Uei-oinber 1 , 1M ) , to IVbiinry T > , 18'il ' , xx-as , ; , IJiuier tlio lite domojratlo administration thcieviie l"is cleiks in tuo xxur department ctiKUK' ' ! ! upon the current work miuirliif ! a seal eh of thcsorecoiilH The report of tbeolll- i-cr in cli.ii'Koot the division October 'J. ) , last , shows that thi'smno wciils , wbirhbas so ma terially InorcasPcl , is hcinedono by l't ' clciks , arcductlnn luforc'oot .IT per cent , and that. too , xx Ith the absolute piomptncss nbox-o pointed out. Taklnp into account this mine- tion in fore" and the lucre iso 111 business oaih clerk on the avoraito is now .iccompllsh- Hi ) ; from three to four times the amount uc- complished before. Wlnlo great credit is duo to the cleiks tbetnsclxesfor ttio increased energy with which thej have prosecuted the \xork , the largo item is the bettor ortranl/a- tiou and simpler methods which have boon Introduced. It is uunoiessary to point out that tlili r < > iiH'tion in foreo resuit.s in the saving to the iioverninont of hundreds of thousands of dollars a jear. Ono of Scciutaiy Proctor's llratactt. , ifter coining into the department , was a complete nnd thorough roorsj.mi/atlim uiidor the authoiitv ol an act of the fiftieth congress of tno xxoiii lelntips tn the piiblicntioii of the i clii-llion records Its actual publication mid distribution to the public have been x-cr.x slow the iik-ti nf prlntiiif * ; them xxas lirst bmachccl nearly tivontj vonrs inro , nltlioiiKli the lirst Jippuipriation was not inacli * b.con . - mess until 1S71 , und the Jh'st x-olumos not Issued until I'M ) . The proRrcas noxx1 beimr mailo warrants tlio belief that the wriolo maybe bo completed before the closi > of this admlni.s- tratiou , Tin * piex-nlcnceof dcsi'rtion in the roKiilai auny at tlie Ui'friiinin.Lrof the' present admin istiation xas deinuiali/im to the uiny Itsell ami made lingo unnecessary " \pensi > "lo the government in tlioiociultln' ' ; und trat sport- inc : of mon. In his first mutual report Secre tary I'roctor pointed < nit that the fn.lt : xx-as ono both of .iilininustiatlon and lopislation Tlio scuotaiy in Unit icport saul xerj sus cincil.\ that "The pith of the whole quos tlon is to innlu * the .scivlco xvortli ooinj | ; , nnd then enouKh gooil men will seek it aud Ixi elad to stay in II. " Tin1 loft congress luMi-tiH cooperated xxitli tnu dt-piirtnteiit in its cffi rts to ameliorate tli. * condition of cnlNtcil HUT , and to tint end hns einie'tid iliii-liif ; the past ye ir some very im portant tcKlsl.ition recommended by the sec- letary KM-ulloni results Invo nlivady bcci : .ucoinplishi'd MthouKh the lull results , ol course , rannot 1)0 ) immediate , the following tlsuroM will shoxy what U biinu done : Total dosoitlona xear endliit ; .liino . , Same perio < lon'incr .Imic * : ttl , ISb',1 . ' . ' , s'j ] DeciiMso , 1" > p * r cent. Total dusprtions , r ending September . ) , ts'io ' . -J.Ofli S imo period cndinir September ; W , IS.SH 2,7 : , ! licro ise , J4 iwc'jnt. . Total clcsertions jcur ciidiut > Kebrunry 1. is'll ' . . . . 1 , 71 S line period eii Jin , ' fcbruary I , ls',11 . . ' , ' , ril Pecteasc , ill pet i out Comparing the List two months for which leturns are obtainable , viDoccm bor am . .lauiiiiiyxith tlio sa mi ) txxo montlis a \ enrage ago , ills found , that tbe closertioiis haxo been onlj 117 , ax . .igaiiiktill , era reduction ofI' ' per cent. The rrtlctli coiire ( s made an nppropria tlon looKlng towanloik on the line of mod ern cp.ist defence , but that work may bo sail tnlmxitpraitii-all.x luviin with this adminis tration The acts for the current year am for the one next i-nsultnr , contain libcial an- pioprlilions for c.irrjimr out a consistent and \xell considetecl plan which , iilthoiifrh it must bo perfected slowly will , If continued in ton yemspntour coasi. cities in a state o : rcasonablo defenco anil security lUneces ltv reipiii-us no ariutniPiit , It is Renoritlj ad mitted , bu VII- has requited a good man ) jcuri to tret at thcwoik Xoxer bcforo haso much attention been bestowed by tlui Kciicral government on its national pii.iut asbv tlio piesent administra tion. Tlio president und tlio scerctarx * o war have xislted and inspected sox'cral cn campmcnts and their jHirsnual Intereat has maieri illy aliKxl Iho xvorU. They hue de tailed rebuilt' oflkers to lusslst in the mstrue lion of the mllltla ton much greater ex tenl than ever buforo , and altogether the Intelll iont co operation of tlio presontadinlnistra tion has been of the pro.iUMt service In tlio encouiaicmiut nud Impiovcinentof tliismoi iini > oitint factorof national dofcn-o. The same Inteiest 1m been taken la mill l.iry iiiitructton lit colic HITS , mid by tbe net o January l.'l hist , tlio number of details si nlioxxp'l ' has been Incu-aneil to ssx-cnty llvo. Anolhoi * Ciirpc'iitc'is's Strike I' Ciucioo , March S.-At a iuaii , niectlntr o the journeymen r.irportPrs of Chicago this aftorr.oon It xva. decided that should the , master carpenters not conclude ) to accndo to the proposition to arbitrate ) the cliffirenccs between tlio earpeatrrs and tl eir employers & stilko of c eal iiiu ultudo should bo In anuurated. The ijucstlon of XXIIRPS was de ilared the only point nt issuo. The meeting Hxed upon March 'is as the time when thd demand * must bo met. Resolutions xvoro adopted dcchirinK that unscrupulous agents were using tins world's fair as a pretext lo vorcmxx dlniT thonty vx ith Ihe tiu.'iuplo\c.l \ I all trades , s-.ti > tun u.v ir. . , . inter llcvHnpuidit M ll < pr < iu- tlio Tlii'in-y of Siilrldc- . L.IIXIHIN , March S - l-'urthcr facts luxo omo to lltslit iivirdlne llu ) mniclor of Ur .oiderinann , xvhoso bndx xvws found In a ivlno near San Keiiu * . l.oickrinaiin pild let'iienl xlslts to Monte C'urlo Subsc- iientlj two l Ji'iiniuu Joined llio doctor ntthts loteland nil three Uriurtnl toitethcr Hoctin- ii'r1 On thutivonhiK ol ttio nno day the xv o licriiiiiit tetuini-d to the hntol without .oidotnninn. In rosponsoto liiiUines | they \phlnod that l.ildcnnain had suddenIv be- ome Insntio and xv.n plmod In an mxlttnint N'ico. That iilirht tli' two ( iornims eft Tin bo.lv . of Dr I.oiilerinmn HIIS ftenxard' fou.id as ciesctlbed 'I'lie spine of ho murdered tnan pnnc'tim-d bn pin similar i these used In piicUliii ! Hilda at Iho amlnr tables at Mnutc * i. nrlo 'I'bf pockets f the dead mini had bcon rlliod It was cvl- euttv the intention of the tiiuidc.rois to glx-e In * won thlt tlu'docCi'-octlilHl ticon uilnodby inihlint ; at iMontc Carlo and In espiuition had i-oinmltted suicide. 'ho | > ollco sent a phnloijiaph ot bo dec-oaveil to Monte C'uilo 'I'hoie it was e mem bo led that a man of that description ind iMiiilili-ct tlitia in coinpnm xvllh a lu- nitciLl'ollsh countess and hotlornim ( pira- mtir Tlti'sp two hid boenariesteiland sent s pilsonets to San Uenw , It Is supposwl bat Iho countess deioyedl.eiileitnann , but It s uncertain ns to whether her | nraniour IcUdin tin1 killmi-r. riiepolinMiro Inclined o tlw belief thit a Int'ifo KHIIB nw inipHcnloil u Ilia crlino. On tinI'lirli Itni'o < 'ciiif * < e. Pun- * . Miii-i-lis ( hvliijrto heavy rain llio .ico covnso at.Viitewil early In thediiywus Imost disci-toil Karly In thoatu-inoon tlio onlookers present xvon * clilo.ll ) eajtaiHHl n XMtchiii ) , ' the utoxcineiiUof the laiiio force of police ou the ground. Onlj n few r.iciiii ? lion won1 present nt thcwciihtin ; ? , A imtn- or of bi'okuaUorj end red bets \\-Hhout > eitir ( iiiteifored xvilh h ) ttio polled \Vliilo ho rae < -s proceeded there were isoUtecl iries ot "Doxvn xxitli tlio Const mi' " but olhomiso hcio xvai no disoidi-r. Txvo pi-i'sons who naclL' a inoye-cspedally to boproinliient by heir dei.miointlons of tliominhtorof the In- erior wcie placed under arrest Uhe pulleo ipp.'aro l to buactitif ? under orders to onfurco lie noxv miti-f.MmblliiK regulations in a uiiiil natiiier , and suc-poitis nirreiit that bettlni ? u Mrio.is forms \villiiKaln bonlloved bj Iho uitloritii's At thu track today there were 10 I'.irrsimituils operations. ' 1 ho Temps learns that the Rovornmont xvill leconsider the wholecmestlon of betting ou hor.se laciiisr , A ? lcitlii'i'4 Kofolsiii , Ihurix , ? f S. , M-iuh S-A dispiteh from Bajroberts , N I' siys A'louseoe- ' eupied bj John I3abcock xvasdostroycJ by Ire last nl ht. Ksctpo by thostalts xvas cut oil'and Uabcoek cliouped from the second stoiyviudoxvto the giaiitul .uxdhis wife * a-s cd the children out , ? ( ) iiiB from the win- low to the slccpltiR room throiifrh Iho ( lames mill she had all except one , when her oxvn lifjlit clolhmi'atid thatof tlio child she held n ber aims took lire , audio six-o herselfshn lad to jump , still retaining her hold of the Jiibe hbo bad to leave the teiiialninp child o bo binned to dcnth The heioic mother 111 capmir fiom the biniiliii ; house broke ono of ici loj a All the children tin niou * or loss njiired by the llro , one of them so much that tt. life is despiirodof. Auainst A iinc'xatloii. Alxiiuiii , Alai'c-h i. Tlio lleraldo , in an artk'lo protejUms asalnst the supjiosod sr-hi'ino of thoUniti'il States Kovcinmcnt to iiinox the Island Cub.i , su-s Illaiiio oui-hl to recollect that the COIIRI-OSS of Amciicnn nitlons plaiulv proxcd that SpanUh-Anicri- cans are nol disposed toallow tbcmselxes to 10 absorbed bv tbo irrcat iiorllicrn ropublic- . The pcoplo of Cuba , it says , are strongly Spanish ind < itialh | opposed to liocoinlnir > arlof the United H talcs. 1'rolnbly with ; lo exception of tradesmen there is no ono in : ho Islands xvho is at all desirous of annexa tion Spiin , the lleraldo conti lines , would shed her last drop of blood in reaUtiiig any itteinptto dcnux-o her of her colony , fearing neither Cnbnn roxolution nor xv.u xvith the United States t > ulieli > ti < 4 Tt'htiiiiiiny r\i i'ctc l. LOMION , Alnrch S Ttw testlmonj in the di vorce c-aso xx'hlch Count MS HussollH brins- jigiiialnst hei nuslmid.the carl of Htissoll , is cxpoc-tecl to show up the lottenuess In a ceitain section of British arlstocuoy , xvttli detitils , quite us icvolthiK ns the Infamous London sea. ml ills of the last jear Countess Hussoll has already been the heroine of 0110 suit annulling her imrriatfo about four jcars aio Slio xx-as marnoil In the registry ollico S > but - . im- toCnptiln < ibriKht , they Hop-ir.xtcd - iiieili.itcu aflei- the o'romnny. The wife pliicleii duress and fraud and the uouit ills- solxeil the mania e List jcir she mail-led thooarlof llussell , from whom shcnowseoks seiiration | onchai'Kes of an astoundin Cellar- actcr. , \ If ( iirilile Crime In J'aiiM , l'\ it \linch " > . Abnul a xvcek ape an aijed c-ouple namel TVlhonmis icsiilinz in Tojrs. tnysteiiously ilisippotu'd. Tlio noii h- bois , thinkliifrsoniethinK xvas wroiifT , noti fied the police' , xvho forced open tbe doors of tbe old couple's house , when they discovered that u horn l > h ) crime hid bcon committed The man and wife htul boon brutally inur dciod and the House sttlpped of everything ofnlui' that could bo convenient ! } carried awiy. The bodies of the aged xictinis piv- scuteil iiKhustly apneaiance. The household doirs hid ban dii'veii hy ImiiRCr to fi > od upon tlio bcjilios , larso poitlons of which \xete unouml by the animals. I'a i'iic-1 ! > | icalvM i t ln ) III n. Di mis , Match s. In roilyins | today to addresses from tlftcen branches of Nilloti il laiKuecouiiciU and other oi ani/atlons 1'ai- nell dx\elt on the slgiiiflcaticf uf the presemo .ofdeputatioib "from dbtrii-ts xxhc-ro ovoiy possible moans had beni eniployed to stillo public opinion " I'arnell said that oxxinff to Iho coinparitix'o aOscnco of imliisliles in lielanil Irishmen were precluded ( torn takin ; ( nut intlio Kieut labor tnovcinciit , but could join hands xvitb Btitish xvoikmcn to socuto ncedodli' ihlatloriand thus show thlt tbo "brotherhooil of nations" as reirared the xxorkini ? classes * .xas solid lictxvecn Knirland auu Ireland. A nest ol a .Nc\v Idbfial MONTIII : xi.MaicliThec.lty . was stnrtlcj today by thoicportoC the anest of Ur Mous- soiu , the new liberal nvinber for Souhn es , on u rlnrRC o ( forgery The warrant xxas applied lor it foxv weeks .1150 ind lotuscd ho- cause the iuiUo xvast ' not lend himself to xxhat bo considered a dodctoto iloaway xvilh ntrotiblcsonm opponent The cbarBO is tbo slRiiingof the nanio of an old pensioner xvho had died about six months before to a pen sion receipt , the sum in question bring about J.10 _ Dc'spoiatcWork ol' Ini' * illii i-lcs. Li-Tnwii Ont. , Match s Lut incondlirles bound and ijaijttcd the x\atchm.m \ at IJoss Brothers' ' funiituio fuc- tory. nnd then tired the premise * . , which xvero tot.'illyclestioyed , The xvnlcr works piimpa und llro nlarm had been tainpored ith to in. suto the destruction of HID property. The loss is not > ct estimated Till' KhiMlixi' IO\ti-liclM A liinoly. Si .xkixi , March S. ( ionetal Crenfoll ! , com mander of iho K < rvptlnn army , utd tuim as sembly of Sheika from all puts of llio Sou dan jcsterday Iho khedlvos proclamation ol general amnesty The prodamutlon was to- celvod with forx'ctit c-rws of loyalty ( liiiiera ! rejoicing followed and in the ovunltij ; llio town was llliunlnatod. flic llelliist dim in int l neil Bin l IST , March . U'hilo the Belfast con tingent xvas rcttirnliiK from the Noxvry inrct- Injr , passing TanilraKCO , txx-o shots xvoro Hied fiom acartlajjo , woutulluutwo persons soil- ously. Theoucupiut of the carriujfo were cleta'iued , but no weapon was found tixin | nn ) ot them. Finii'iK'iiil I'aiiiii Ht rxos Avurs , March S. The panlclti financial elides Is o\-or und buMuosHxyill bo resumed tomorrow. The Kovorimienth.v'i Jo- elded lo rt-lssuo a lanof liWOOOi , ) K ) Listen at U per cent later * t. She Saek * to Pfcsjrw lultctlha Property Iiefl by llor lluabuul. CRAZED BV DANGER TO HER DOVER. AM ! su * Mas In Ilvc < On ( 'liifiuiMl by a Sun of Her HiiMluinI , ol" \Vliiiui ShiICiiuwii A dead liushmd's prlitw1 Tur Urrluisrocclved a letter from Mr- . turn Swohodi , whoso homo Is on Illi-ltoi-y .root , between TvontyivontliamtTwentv ) - Khth , and whose sudden dlsappenrancedls- ovorril some two or tliivodii ) < a o , linl her rlemU nml iiolK'hbirs to four that she hud eon foully doilt with. The loiter is ilntod L'hlciifo , Munlt . " > , and s \Mltloniiii n letter liivul of ttio ChliMfjo lonw foi llio friendlosj , liJ'iV ) ' abash avo- tie. It ays " 1 wont tilrco weclc * a o \Visliiiitloti | , ) . ( ' , tojeL ( MOIIIU piporaaiid liolp to idtlo ; icnopcity | of my Imsinnd , which tils pen- iloaio trrlnsrto get aviy.Vhon \ I inmo utt-k , 1 \\lll toll all aboutlt. Now pleasohclp ifRct limn' . I am afraid when I stiy imny 0 IOIIJT tint I won't Had nothing In my llttlo iou < e. I'leascRo ' to tuo louiitj Jud/o anil toll 1 in tr > pet mo Uiokot , and time it out when ly iilfalnnvosetlU\l Hero In IMilciirotlicy iromlso nu1 , fiiiu ) divtod.iy , to gKo mo u li-ket , butthoj itont do it. Jhoy R.ivonu n iclipt \VisliiiiK'tonbtit tcumottrot fmtn 'hlr.i o , not-havo I money I was ill \\hoti left Oiiiahii , nud I am HO vet I nut to no lonio ; F must pi ) lio'in * . I'loa'o do help me to 'ot homo I will tell all whin t uet Inok 'leiso K" t < > JuilgeShields iinontmo. Verj osicuttully | , ASM Swoiimn " 'Jills kttc'rhoinp shown to friomls o [ the iiifortuiMto HOinan , thiy all rxpicsHi'il the pinion thit she linil loft tlio cltvhllo llbor- iiKUiuleian attack of niontalaboritloii It socim that the poor \\oniaiihti9 bill n proit deal of dotnostic lionlilo ciiou li to Iriio nliuost any ouo into the mini liousc Her husbnnd , Mho died alwut tliieoenv \ * ice , left bor In ijuiti ; coiiifoil.ihlp ciii'iiin- stances or to the oxtoutof a snu > ? little | > iop orty Shjco tils death the embodisiient of a sociot sliicoininltUil bv hiinsomn niiulooti > r tttotity years ago , him-roswd the pntli of the Innocent widow intlio personof anlllc- gitlniatoion. rorsoiuotlinti this illcgitlinixto son hat } been making whit is deseiibod as a losppritc tight to obtiin possosiiou of tbo iroportj loft by Mr Snoboiln 'Ihis prop srtj Is ullthi'.tMrs Swoboduh.ia for hcrold IRC , The iippcar.ineo of this illepitlmato son irincditli a baptismal icrtittcMtu , in which Mr Swoboda noUnoxvloilgod him to lie his otTspriiiK , proved in itself sullleient to bow Mis , Sxvobodi's luail vltli ( ? det , while tlie iildra spectra of his vaftinR a Inttor llurht 'or the llttlo property Ml bj her husband las , \\oulilsL-eitiiWollnlKli coinploteil the foaiful work of wracking hormUui ill's. Swoboihuisuhishly resputtabiolady , " inilhasahvajs stvod high"iimoiiK these of lorown iialionulitVi as well as anion all \linliave Unowti liur. if the unfortunate illiir , now nuilo , jmblic for tbe Hut time , wnevt''ieull ) known to theoutslilo world , ittlo or notliiiij [ hu ever been said of it 'iho entire affairnili soon bo looked into j > the courts , andttic intny frionils of tin1 widow exprcs * tlioliopothat , sbo may be loll u undispiitoit posa'ssion of ttio httlo homo vhicti hcrycirs qt toil at hoi liusbiud'j side vould stem to rightfully entitle her. AUOU r UUI'KN lANCC. * 1111 * , lloopeiif ilnu'i' ( iM'i Ills Vicxvs on "Mrlluli ) mid li'-iilln. ! lev. ! Hoopcntraiiur | , tlio ovaugrlbt , closoil a tHo-MCoks1 nioctliig nt tlio South Tenth Smut ilctboJlst ihiircli last nifrlit Duriii ? the moetinus aBgut ilfty iwoplo rftivo pro- Ob ed I'oiivcrslou a'nd'thirty have united wit'i ' thoi'huich. Although feollug < iuito ill , last , mpht , Ko\ f-toopciigirncr pit'aehed a icry Impressive sciinoii and load the sinking as usual tto selected the followiniords ! from rsaiih as a text "Seek yo tlio r ord while Ho inov bo found , niul call upon Him while lie is near. " The address \va cunu-st and plain , and left no doubt in the minds of tboaiidionco as to what Kov. Hoop orgarucr thinks abjut fnturo punishment for these \vho dlo in their sins Jlo said that CMirv ooul iritbo house ivboliiid not mailo ViN pciicoitli ( ! odvis in dancer of dropping 1 1110 hell. It is customary \\ith ininy people topostpono ropODtinco from youtoyo.n 1 'roi'i-astiaatlon istno thief of tlni" antl'by it m my a m.m has tot his soul's s.ilva tiou "I hive but \erj little faith in Ueithbod npentwcos , " t > .nd the spcikor "Out of 1H ) of them , not raoro th.iu half a dooii , as a rule , can he relied on as RCiininoVheii coed boaltli ictiirm , the I)0iiitentsocms toforgct his\ows" Iho Lord shoulJ be oucrht bocausolie is a ( JoJ of love , not because tin re b daiip-t- djinp without a knou-lcdtre of sim foijion ( Cod is lovo. bnUatim toi monls thochill of love Christ died for the world A inotlior will t'lvo her life forhur rhlld , a man tnu clio for a friend , but .Icius C'hrist save his life fbr those \ \ ho despised him. Thai \us the perfection of love. Kov Ilooppiipnincr then slid that peopb should SOLC | tlio Lord because it piys. It pivs oven for till ? lifoandlt pijs lortiiflllfo thlt Is to come He related his own experience In pirlini ; \\ltli histifjpil mother and \\itli a brother who aio gone to the gre.it beyond Ildiad found ita grcit comfort to feel anil reili ? ' ) that , tin on KI ! the love of < .oil , honould meet with his doai ones KOIIO bofoio. llu found that It piys liotti lor linio iindctcitnty to scno tlio Loul. The inviUtion was then extended to all \ \ \\lshodtn mike a start in n uo\vllfuto go forward an l the lueetlup continued lor soini * tltuo nsu pmerand piaisonicotinir. lov ! Hoopliigafii"r will begin seuoof niu'tlnKi at thi' Ilansi-oin 1'aik Motliodht cliurch tottight. , - * - NOT A lOCAIj , aiAtThfl. < liristlniilly 3Iny J'\sl ! . mil \Vill I'on- < ( II T Ail ) wlicro. Rev Thomas i ; Cnmblett , pastor of the Tlrst Christian ihurch of this city , ad dressed tlw men's meeting at tlio Vounir Men's Christian assoelation ye'itordaj ' at I p in. Thoiocra 111 young men ptesciit A beautiful solo entitled "Sxvctt I'eico , the dift ofOods T oveas > suns1 by Air l-'ied b Abel The speaker took , ( for his tea the thir teenth \orsnof tlio MSroiul diaotir of l.i'voh- tinu Aftei ( ? ivlnjrnj buof skoteh of the opu lent anil wKktjd tlty of 1'eig.imos bo drew fiom it tlio Reason that n'nan ' can lie a I'll rKlian any whore I'luUtlanity. lie said , was not 11 thinjr of lot.ition , but of c-liiiairtir A man's sinroutidiii sarc oyni rcsiionstUo for his failniii tolvoan | , upriKbt lifi- Moses in the courts of l'l.iraoh ' | , .losopliiu I'otlpbai's house , the llolrow't'liildren la lli inu.onfo of thoflory fiirmuo , iil > aniol in the kind's mlaroworonblojo rrnialntiiio to thflr Hod ilut It Is more dlllliiilt to li\ea Christhn lifo timlor some iiV < unistiiii'os than it is mill or others lltiifliniiruiliRUnilt toinmiiln line to [ ! \\huillifM\orlil is frieudly , nnd becks by repiorirnitttnolf ( as yntti frioml , than wuemou liliVtt < iiicti ] opposition It Is easier to Ki''Pl ' ' > leMltlia t'oo when ho i-on- frouts jou as your eiigny , thciu It is when ho apprnurhosiot ! as'your lilonil , but with a ila cr behind bli bark with wlikU to stuko jou unawaies. Bvwi amid tbo wiikOvlness of thn corrupt city of Puuunios some to UMlniil failbful , and tnthcm thaieuml v.is Kic'iiU'r tliini to those who had not eiuluud dial It insidd In tliochnptor that to him that o\eivoiiiotli will bu Khon ' " uat of tliu hidden in.mua , and to hint vlll bo given a \\hitostono , and on the stone a new mvno. ho to all who oMjrcomo amid t'ieat teittp'a- lions , tli icwaril will bo iMt 111 pioportlou to the trials cmiurod An aftermt'etinK ai eondurted by Mr. Low Andcisou. KiioiX : < MlTlnoii : lnAltnlow. . Henry OUrotn , a hostler for the Union I'.i- cllli- , mill John Dnlan , ill so arailiond em- ployo , eiiKifjed m a vuloui llstio eiioniiiitor lust etvnliu about Oo'i-lcuk at the comer of Sixth anil I'lerco st reetM. Alter i > xchangliiir icronl blows , Ostroia In liiudlni ; a | Kiwortul Wow upon Dol.iu'.s jiw and Ui ivkiMl him tlu-oii li ii plato Kins * wliulov lliilan lecolvcd u very io > ere tut on ( bo left aim , ami thollKht was muphttu a rloso. Xoarrosls uii'TTi * i - . \ / v. Tin1 Allr oil | 'IM | l-'lulil l.ndi'il In a I'Vo-fm- . Hi rriio. J , ' V , March s. ( Special Polo trram to I'm * Her. | I'mldy llmnniiii of this i-ltj ami .lark lliiiulim , the bli. oo'.orod ' lo.uy vclRhtof SilanntU"i ! , foiicclil at l-'on- .onvllli'al . " > oVlnouthlsiuiirnlinr ThostuUc ) wns ! f.M\i u stao Tlio wen came to jothor llkiM Iijiirs , nmt bofoii * noiinluss hail .lino totliiiili Ui-oimau hail liudt'd u sledge haiiiiuorblo\Mii ) liisoar anil lie \MW knoekoil town. At tlinboylnnliif : of the second nnuiil .lieciintcstiints runhod iniidh nt t.ich utlior IJiviiiinn doilk'i'd itijbllianiler nml ohppoil lown. Douglass fell vii him and begin M loiinil liliu. 'llio Mo\vilelloil ) "foul ' and the men wort toin apirt. U'lld eoiifiisioti tollowod , in- cludliiR wvonl idi ) lights U'hen order was millulh usstored Itefon-o I ord awainltil the l > ; lit to llrennan. A Kdn'rnli > w riiul mure lights onsuotl for over t\\o \ hnniM , y -i Jir/titttmu'i tst\in , < ut n , IIcKlidiitM Ills M'llV , laii ) liter and tin' Cook and I'licu Snlcidi's. IliTis\u \ M , lud , Mirch -'luday John Ulrscheiv , a proinlnc'nt hotel Uooiwr of this iilico , vhllo drutuand mail u ith Jo.ilousj , iti.irk.ud his wife with n rc\olvcr \ ami shot ! ier in the lio.iil , InllU-tliiK a scrioin wound. Annthoi ball stuiek a cor > il stay , Just ever the heirt Diricborii Uien plau-d the wpipimat the buck of hli Llnvo-yeir old daulitcr ) , Mvitlo , and shot liorthroinrh the hurt. Ho tin u shot his cook , Miuy .loin's. In the badt , tnlliotin ? u llosli wound. A I'lowdp.itheic-il cnnokly In tlw imrlor to at ttml to the \\ounilod. \ nnd while thus eniMKPd Dirsclioroeatoied and foil cluail on Iho floor , having cut his thioat with i oa > o icnlfo. jtHKfiW ii. t u ; 'tit ut : . tit / if/.T/ , Spiii > lc I'riosto-ss Diss Dcli.ir \ lot oilons la I ! u > Tights Coiitiovoisy. N'i : VIIIIK , Manh.ludgo McAdun of t he superior loiirt yesterday BiMided an In unction restriiiiiiis Maunder PoidliiunlV lloello ot the Harlem thcatro from putting un .ilsposUrs rrprosentltiirMtni ! Kdlth IDiss Debar in tiphts. Mme Diss Dobir rejoioeil ather victory. SliothnnlcedJiidt'eMoAdiun She said it was i triumph of ijood morals our iiuniouhty "I'icturos of my-Uf , in Liijht.s nud an accorueon pleated skirt sixteen indies lonjj posted hi tlie mibllestiectsnoull not haio been a pioper sipht for tlio IMinlttsio look utwn. I have two childroti- irls anil thosifjhl of their mother aa Man igcr llcwllo wautul to bill mo would h.ivo bien an Insult to them , Hail the injunction not been granted 1 should hive aupo.ilcd to Anthonj donistoi-k 'I'onlKhtMatiiirorlloclli } eiinio to mj looms at lilti Uant Xiuul'vnth stiupt , uuu oirercdmo aiheckforfl.ooito let Llio Injunction proie.'dln B KI > by detaull As if I would oe a puty to bl.iilcm.iil. " Mine JJiji Utbir slid she would st.ilid bhci con trii't and appear as Hi-leu in.loscpb Ilatton's ' | ila"Out \ of Sight. ' ' Hho would not break it , for tli it vould no unjust to others of the coinpan ; who bad come from Kuiopo to take parts in thy play. x'r JMV mi- : train * ir. St. It juls Insurance Cuiiipinlc'Vltli - hold Money on a Policy. Sr. Tjiii iMo , M.irdis. Intoi"stas ro vued In the fitnous Stlcpel rain today lr .Fulius S htlopol w.is shot uivsteiloiish \\Lile ililv inj'uloiib' thcstroct. 'IliaoumU \\ero pioiiounei'd tm ial , buta wojk later ha died. Postmortem oMiuinaliou slifod \ ai senic in the \ihccra later It deu-loped that he hadfro.OH ) insur.inei1. of which tl5H)0 ( ) \MS straight lifo insur.inti' , thu roil aod dent. Attoiiioy.s for tlio widow demanded piymenl from the Xew Vorit Lifo and tlio Tiavolcrs of Ilurtfcird Rothhuio flntlv ie- fu odtopat ocil loproscntatiii's of tlw accident companies were soon touuy , aim every one said they had not been called upon top.iy the. jolioics , but that they would heslioitiy , and all would lefuseto jny , and the wtJow would have to go tocomt with her claims. 'Iho 0114:1111 * Agiiimt I'.iiMop li UKIUNO , 1M. March b.Tno trustees of tlio SKth street KvatiBclii..il rbunh this morn in ? refused Uov A. II. Kreokcr , A Io\vmin ! ropre.sen.atno , poimission to enter the nulpit , and Uov. .1 , II Sinroj , and Bosnian , was nc.iptul as liiitor. Itev ICrctltor and ovei a huiiilied ol his folln\\c.rs il'ed ' oat of Iho ihurc.li in a body and uorhipedin the llibio\\ * temiili1 At .lolmsV.lIo this eouiilj , Jiev. Joseph Sprecht. antl Bosnian , was refused admis sion totho pulpit by the tiu toes , and liu' I ) IJ. Albright , alUnMiian wioachor , n.ib IP- LCivudiis pastor At sevei.il of thu churches in UciUlinKpoliccnioiiuero it itwnod A special to t hi ) Lodger siys ItcvV. . A Leopold dul nolniiiliu an Ulort to enter the liulpit of hisihuieh atAllentowu today , but. tnstoml wont lo Cat.\siiiia ) , wheie ho Has di1- nied the prnlloKoot picaclun in the ihurch At St.itintrton , notwitlHtaiihiii ? the piesoneu of Uiblmp BIIIV mm , an an ti-Do\vi.ini pieacher took P' ' ) > sesston of thodiuich. Western I'onplo in Cnmoo. March b. - [ Spcdil Telefilm to Tin : Ili'P. ) Anionjj the western people In Chloago today weie the folo\viiin' ! \ At tlio Shernnii I 11 ( Jiimpbcll , DPS .Moiiici ; 12. A. Sherman , Sious. Tails , S. 1) ) , , Ii IJ. Miopliirci , Oiiiali i. At the Trcmoixt S 1' . .MacC'iiiintll , Onialn At the Pihnot-n. Soliwmt/ dou , Phil A Dun , Uicston , Mi-s I ) . U C'l.u-lc , Itapkl City , S. U.S. II CouNon , .1 C. .Mi-Kay , \anliton. At \\Vllinctoii-C. . C. Cat pouter , M ( iii ibv , Sioux Palls , At the Aiulltouum John IJ. tole , Onialn ; P < ; Ilonilerson , .1 IIMnlih.im. . . .V. 1) ) . liuloj , Sioiu City , Air and Mrs. Joliti \ . Iald'\ln ! \ , S P. MucCoimoll , Council IMulfs- M SandU CJnns , Helen , ! . O. HiiKle , Silt Lake fit y. At the ( Iranil Paclflo-John Itoxburyh , Cedar Uaplds : .1 II. drew , Des ; MoiuosV. ; \ . T. Wclrham , Bisniank , N D. A ( "lili'a i Cliinii ui.ni rtlol > lcil. ) L'uiix'.K , Manh ts.A drunken white man and airavtd of bvys atttukfd John Lee , > i Chiiiauiaiion Uo-plami's streel toiJ.iy. Iuo ivtallitecl , sontidly thrishinir tfiowhlto iinn. .lolin McDonald , a jinintcr , nil up nnil felled thu Lhui.iuunvith a billet of wood jiul a tny cru.sliod tbo Clilnninui'sskull a liuio stone. A liruo irovd uitberii | , shoutiiiff , "kill the Chinnman , " otc 'I'he oppoituno cirihal of a lutrol wanou rcM'iiedtbe piostrito Celestial , hut hli recover } is doubtful lllixnl'Mi mills llalllecl. Tex Mnrchs 'Iho icsidenco P\ir-riM , , of C'ol uiel ( iporRo A W ritiht , on Main itnet , was illlod list niht ( and ? l.t. > taken. Ttie burnhrs drilloil two holes in the sife ind biokc'tho holt by iii > uriiiiiii : sin dl pieoo of iron. The tools weio led on the crouinl Itloodhouiiils wtio biouulit into roipilsitim , but tlio buiirl.irshad clcstioyedtliuetit by KMtteiin ra lot of phnsulli'ro.sunt ionii sf lion , wliu'h was htored in tlio shod loom on the ti.ili. hy N \c \ K , X > , March s- , Rally this inuni- iiifj JoiuphStom onleroil the bouse of Mr- * Armstroni. for the pin pose ot rr.rdiwy , ntid in a vtiuttlollh ! the l.id t shot her Hvl 'ii in the noon unit brut.illy kiiki'd her On her rtmnliter | ) ll/a coining intn ttio loom she wus shot In the chin by the bui-Riir , who tlicm niiidu his OMC < IU | > . Mrs AiniitruiiK ua- > probibl > Ut.dly injured. Vow Ivinil nt Dun. A rival to tlio Miltoso catU thaMaitvso dojr , , in irresistible hit ot uiiuio beauty whlih c'oines straight from ttio I'arls ken nels His mistress , a Washington hello. Mho hns Just rilurned frnn abroad , considers him the most tnluabin pil/o she hns secured ilur- liif ( lu'r WiimloilnnH IIo has bom dnhlicd Maniuis , nud is uionm M ) Kioneb from tin * top of his curly white held to ttio lip of his snowy tall , S | ' .tonti > in 1'ror.i.h he becomes a must obi'diont cloy , but hits kiionlc l/u | / of hat presentyorj llnnti.d. \VII IT f/lMIMl'/llll / / ltl * HP i\l\iv/f \ / vlIATSOMh\\LuhiAlh \ \ ( ) ( { D01M , Ncllhet Lovo-Miiking Nor the \Vi\js \ of ft OmalVorldIIiV3 \ Torrjrafjr Tin it , SHOWS HOW LOVE WILL FIND THE WAV , tirniiiH ittnl lin-oiiulty I'avcil I o Main' tin1 l-'ilr SeAt t lai't Itc * unit lIOt M'l Its l < 'l'lllllKS nml I ilfo , Plio most Interosthntliipii'of convorsitlonln \Vllliauisbrli1no , N V , Is thn oloiKJinent anil ubso < | iii'nt ninrrl.i ro of pretty Miss IOIU Tleo. U hat lends mod Interest In tuiMitT.il- is the f.ict . thithlto she la a vciy atlr.iotlvo \\hlto ulrl. her liusband la a c-olorod coiuh- nun. .ItiiiosliiiiKlolph by 11,11110. Miis Tire Ininttlth hoi- step father , 'I'honias Ihilo , a virll kmnvnVostchoster roui'ty polltlolnn Uindolph , wlio was coacliinan foi , i Mr. Slli'kney , was a frtijneiit uncst , of Ml llyile , biinw Inyiti'dhy Hie Inlter ton social irmioof cird . Soiuetlnu's Klia took a hiitid In the K lino. too. 'llio ) ou ni ! pcoplo thus llnoun to 'C'thiT foil In line ; hut when I'ap.i lljilo ill-covered it ho forbak' Kimdolpli to onlor tin' hdiixe ( ) | ) t > ivsition foil the llamoof lou1 , hmvoxir , and one evening list \\eok I'.lla untl . 1 lines mot . it tin' house of i mutual frlond , \\bii iiicompinioil tin in to the IIOIIM ) of a c'lern.Miiun. Uov I' . M Laiiih , who nwdo the two one , 'ihe pilr st uted hoiisekt'i'pliit ; In one room , but certain demonstrations of poptilorills.ippriH.il oftlioirinairi.ure cautwl the briiloiriMiiin to vanlsli. Uo uappearodut Mr Sthkno's but bis hi-Mn was loft alone \\lth bei tcirs Her ttopfithoi aiiniiuiues his liitentinn of Inliltif ; Itiitiieulito .tops . to annul the nurria c. Her I'ocit. in * Her Life. Wit lihnr foot weilKdl Ijohvcon thCRunid at the Short Ltti'oj irds , Miss Kitio 'Wills , u jouiifiwomm ofllu * ijist Mail , was run down bj a tilin off might oil's , MJI the Uoulsvllle Courier ! out nal. llir foot xviu ground off. hut bytlK * rira tprose.iea of tninil she was sued fiom death Miss AVllls van out wnllc- in ? \\llli.i ( rill filond.Vhllo \\-xlklut \ , ' tluouch the1 net work of trades in the yaids Miss Wills stopped upon ono of the r.iils. Her foot sllppoj , and in oonie \ \ ly was c.i'iirbt ' botweoii the tuck , ind a Kn.nd rail. At the sumo time her Inonil noticed a ti.iin of freight iiw bickinfT tmvard them , nnd only u shot idlstiinro oft Sec-iii'iheiiii ( ) > end- ius danger she mi to tlio ivsKitanoo of Iho raptive , and topetlioi tboy iisell nil their siii'iiKth In Irving to extract lier foot. But it u'asc.iunht as In a Use. On lu-oo-mt of a hllnht curve In 'In ' * lr.ick.it . tint point the ciis'iiiiYidid not sco the yotint ? woman until it was too iale. In alast effort to smo herlirc , ZlUiVllls thiowliur body from the track , buthi-r left foot n.is still held tlrmly , and tliroiiu'li her iigoay of iinnil slie saw the \vhton roll o\er lur lot ; iiiiiUvuy botv.'irn thu KIKO ami ankle , si\erhiB tlio member lomplctoly The shoo vbiohbiul beep e'lt ' oft" willi the foot could hirdlj ho draw n fro in tin ) truck , so tightly hid itbeon\veiim.ul in Miss \\'ills Is oigh- leen jeirs of a n and Is an uniiin.il ly prelU Ulrl Iho terrible strdn of the few seconds she \us held between tlio wils , itul Ihe pli > sial ( pain sultored tbrew her into such a condition tint Ills f"iroi | her delta will nsult. Crayccl.lli l.ovc * lor a t lie ra'np-tolluvveis diuinK1 tlio late sei 1m iianc" with tlio Indians was a yoiiiiRinid nor unrr.mch wim in , who fell uindlv in lo\o with one of the Sioux nra\o- \ . She in.idolds life a burden with iiuramoioiis pursuit , lint , as shc'bad shrcwdnossono'uh ' to fjiyo linn quantities ofrlKiretti'i , hrdid not abiolnlily icpulso lior lOinboldened by lbi advance tliu lu\e iiik innicten attempted lo irnfurtlicr aid i\lr.xctii pininisi'ol niarrnve , butthonb- ject other \ounij \ .indaiiti'iinl aHections ihevv the limit right tnfro and routed In UliKUstto his tepi-c. For throe daj , ami nights the moonstruck younp woman kipt aM eless viL'il , il the door , and for Unco dus nnd nights the palii > ntsa\u , < ! held the fort. Than thesie oas rai > od brt lcutcntChamborliila of the First cavalry , wtio cirricl the iitt.uk > inp party oil by main force tiho stmtrplad and bcr.itclied , but thomilhiit o'licoi ' wsusiiot to bodlvoiti-il fmiii lilp < iiposo , and when he vet hcrdown outside the lines of thciamphc gave her akuidl } nun il Icctureoa thu pouls of love. She defended hcuelf and her pi- ilon M oroiisly , nnd insistut that this jur- ticulnr Indlmis tlw noblest man God ever 111.1 do "And wjcu this cruel war Is o\cr. " > bo cried , her iixooiliok d with tun . 'I'mito- \RK \ bick and marry linn in pit"of the KOV- cinmcnl and alliu soldieis. What niaUur * , It that bo loves me not ! 1 love him , aud that licnoigh. " _ Tn llor ( , MI ill I'on. / ' f Jcricii .1. M i/i / -i In Ciiitiu'il Ah , jou noisy bttlo quill ' Uo jou not with nuiture thrill Wlionshe writes Whether hue is bid lo tei , Or nsonnol "To theSea" hhe indites ! What would bilbo 011lien again She Is usint ; you to pi'ii 'oi'ili to tiie , Ju.st to trace tliu motion sly Those fcVi'temli'r wouls tb.it I O'oriny shoulder as [ wilto Conies H hufihlnsr Mi per , li "Vou'ia a jooo" ; ' And I ready wish I wore , If m ) qxiills eo'ild ' bj lor her Il.lllltJ Uh.0 biciit. \VHlc nyvifj and I were onour last irip to ICuiopc , liildn I'ortlnncl , COro. ) man in the 'IVlepmii. we inel a ini lilln-aed lady who was Kolaproxorthi * neoun for hcrholltli , and my wife nnl * lbo ooi-imo jroat friends. One * d \\liHeilttiiiir in tlio hdieV prl\ IL c.ildn , the ladj s.dd "I.el ino hlio\v vou my hfopiOsorvtT , " , iud remoMiiK her outer skirt my wife ulii-Hii sltlit thit wn a niri- ositif no'liliiK ' incir.Uuiiidni ; up and clo\vii llie sidrt.at ailistaik'o of two or llirro . Inches , MPro solt , llexiblo rubber binds about two iiu'hes wide. 'I hey wern sowed on at llio side1 of each bind , nnu nn all the way around tlio skirt , ami at thn fnp they were nil Jtlnod lo o her by a lu-oad rtibbur bind six. inches widi * At thn top of lids Inint was a rubber tube about two dot lonir , anil which ran up the wiNt in front and \vas lott rt'stintr on top of thoi-orsd oS.ild thi'ludj "You behold rtiii > of my nwiilnx-ontioin for sivmginy llfi * In oasc of an aiclilonl all 1 linvo todo I to itki'Mio end of tboiiilihc-r tube into nn mouth mil In twoiuiiiiilc H I can Illl Ml of ttio r < iul > or Kinds vhlch aw hollow nud nlrtluht , with nilTlion , t.nih' Mm tube' In n hard linol , I nm re til > for tlitf xxiiti't 'I'his nUlil , xxheii I Mrlld'thd ' water , xdll > | irrnil out In llio fthapi'of ' n iHiiul lily leiif , nnd IxvJJl lost on It In niinprllil ( ! twsltlon as easy ns though n elliiliik'oti n couili. mid 1 ran limit anmiidun til picked up " Asotir XDVIXKOvas ix pleunnnl ono , xvcullcl not luuo nn opmrt unity In MOO hcnIt would ttorli , but I IniM' no iloulit It would woik well. " _ \Miv llnn'l MoicVcituiMi iU'i\ ? Amelia I' Unrr. the \xcll hninvn tmvdlst , writes In the N'ow Voik Ue.-order on llio niuolullsonssod but eu'r in this xvnv TheliulilTeronco of tin ; nioa of lion lo iniirrliiKi1 will Hi-count for a Inco per contugc * of iollbu\x In women , Thou xxo comiito tin ) teal question , hj do not nioro men inaru I Flist , tm > x hive not tin ) i niporath'i ) , n % I blooded | ih\st < | iios of the Krandfatbets. P , liucco has niadci tlioni natninl Inuhelort. Soiinid , lo liia househiilder.ii Imslinnd.ind . a father nitnlls iiulustiv anil self douml The joung men of the present one do imt cM'nctToctsiuMi x i clues. A > Mill , tllOHO IIIOIl rtllO oll'cttllOllW-lX'H t man ) loKlilorauirl wbosufatln'r made' mom v for her and him. Mr. Mo.stln ei , In his inournfiil | ilon for dim-ilcd wives , In tlio North A niericiui K'uleu , spoke for Ids classes os xxell in ho coalil Hut ilch girls i | . . not wiint to mniry poor men and when a woniin bU'itlntf. . teuli m , scxviiir. ( tcitiUtii. , or I'U'ti tiiklnKin xxisli Intr liin innl * her own living , showanti n i nnsliiiid bulonoxvbo has a natural rlnht i u ill hiinsilf bj tho-io tlneu ] ulciil lettu- man The xx-holo iclations nf iiiinrliiijnixro in i stati'of tiniisiiioii. I sh ill nut xvcndor If I llx'c * to see women assiimcithi' Unlit to "ink , instead of "boini ? tiskod. ' As for the but * bear okl maidlsm , II Is neaily ile.ul tl 1 mauls am no lon u' cross , iltsappulntid cc nmtcinptlhlo. 'Ilipyoiitilirss ail other XVOIIH ii thoy.nro jolly , irood tiiiiioruil | and solfsup [ lortlnc ; . nnd while they are Incidcntalh > i iho looicoul foi a ( iml nun to make. ' hapi > \ llio.x Uikollfo with adollnlitful hiiliislr > an I u stinrcinc'sa' isfaotlnii. It is the men wti noxvlmvoc.mse to fci-l mulct * , on Iho subji-i i of niirrnw ; good wlvos xvlll ! eon be\ci\ liardlo line into mulilinonlal euro und ililli cullies. _ Novel I > ICSM . < lat f'rials. Sonic ) phi-chicUedihoxliiUs havoanlaee effect - fect fiom llio je\eral shades blended in I1 o tiny chocks foiiulnijiiariow stripes , savstlio Dry Hoods Economist Mghtxclulil ; cutiit * ! H hnlr Hiiitlnirs are- coxoicclltn Agmn-s 111 lonijliiiliolTo.ts ) I'lioso sultliijjs areuKo shown in l wo sl'ades 01 tXMi toned ellcrt Hni'.ill hcpiaros linltntiiif' ; lienistilc-bdl hloi-lss appcir in Htlitvilulit woolen coo , Is. ,11. I hot b llio ombioand glace elf oils aio no'lie > ! .iinoiii ; thuoUHiteilic'ihits ] noxv slioxv n \Vtiilo tin and ( jiesliados me tbe must proiiiinont , liwht shades of x'iolut , I'armaiiiul lesoiU mi ) not forgottt'ii I tush is a diiint * . Ki'ocn woni in I'.n is , and wattouu Is a p.uo shade soin princip.illx in silks and ribbons Thcdollcatci bluu. ponipmlour , Ulcnpitrn \ < loxv , lie-inly nn orange , niul timori. , u ctifriii inir pink , nil * nil dm it v nnd Hhlish sliados riii * ihthliii and I'aiina sliades nrolovd } m silk , M'K.t , ilbbons imcllloinietlas liiir > xx liito polka dots on n black uiDiiml ot slll < cballic 01 laxvnnro atrikini ! , hut very tnoin norit foi ono of ridot | tastes lllu-k satin vests liroi.uloil in wattciu spiaysoi * ponijoi doni hoiinuots are for u-st.s In "blick do'li jackets 01 black silk basciiines | , The ilrap d * * Noelo , iniicli written of , is a eropci | InJc i silicof o ( | lnsite linineas in plain ur piinted sill.s show Inoao bouciucts c > , scrolls c'onnoitc'd with rililxms. The l.i cma" lull. is are m sttipu < orvUitoan , I coloi , stu lilod v ith small lliiue > . rioxxen * I orur.mcllos vie with the sniped doslgn Single tlouers , bouqiiot-sand s > pr-)8 ) appear on whlt < * . hl.uk tiiiii | iilo tinted grouuds I. imii luui. - . in largo and .sinill dot.sill , bo i\oin bv wcimcn ofcon-eixathe tastes. Tnll" niulnctsnre k'liutlfullj embroiclireil with "joxu'lod" ' b Mds , tinsel , fcalhei tufts uul silk - < t < Ii.itic-i * lo HirU Out. A ulu - . .hiiifjnunj ; man stood IwforoM.n nap ; i < ii-i-ii- Clcrl : Wiichioi and qujlltlc-it undci ciiMiiiistiuues that would have causO' ' iniiiiv ii nnu under .similar poditions to want to suit tiin > iifh the lloor , says tlio Cincinnati TinuStnr Hu is louls" Priink , a well knonn yoiinir r'cutlcui.in At bis sMo it nnl Jennie rnmlcle n pretty , blaekpvecl irtrl vvhosi' faic wasa lovv with the spirit of mis chief us Mr. Funk procvodod to procure a iur their xvi'ild inlnloMr ! I'lanlt kiiiK the until , IhojouiiK lad ) xvith lu-i xoln * tiOiiibllniith ; bUDiiri'sbod l.iuchtor whl- -m'rcd , "ho-ilo If you xviiut to bails out noxv yinii time It xv ill bo too into in a 1 \ \ s. ' iniuo evidiiitly didnt want ti back out fr bo boiiiiu to lai'h ( , mid ho on trc-.itcct his fia companion , "fur lifuxrn Siikokecp ( jinet , or I'll urcak dimn ' 15' thoioun ? xxoi'jn wouldn't ktc-p iiilc-t | Mi \Veidner was lau hinn by this time and Loulo j.tutocl ox'cr nijilti when the wirl vo. marki'dell , its IOD Into now. P < > i you wish jou had never c.tilol to see nn Air. I'rank maclo a merrj ivply , and as h iit licwied acouplo ai one is liable toteUf the court i-ooin arm in sum. ( ! ctK Hot- l ) i.pr'1'ollcv. . The iX'e-xx' r.iiKlnml Older of I'loi-.u must p.ij to Sir.ih Judsi' thu ) < , lXlileutli ui etlt loft her b\ her liUtrutliOLl luvoi , .1. .1 M. ( 'aithy. A .shoit tune before- his deatn , . ( Jartliy cuiar ' "d with the youujjxoiii > > i andmaclijii , M which bo loft the ivm i < policy tohis moti. rand Bister "It Is 1,1 posilbloto ali.olnluly iloioriiiinc , " sins thu eluef Juslie-o in bisdc-oislon tuituy'xvlicUiti , thu en tr.i'cmont xxould li.ivi * bt-rn broken il bo hut luoil , but IflndiKa fn-t tli it il xx .is noxe't'n ion un totho tlniRulioii bo lud Thoopln'on ' holds thnt Miss , luiln'o xxis iU * pondi'iitiipon Mcl'.irth ) xvitliln the mi mi- , of the stitutoand llu * b\-lti\xi \ of tlio eorpo- ration. Out > r l lint Kind. .A yoiiiic colored damsel , familiar us .1 M.n. k'itstreet proireiulur. Halted into thenllli o of MnnistnUo Allen ol Cli vstor , ,1'a , , and du- inirulod a xvairant , " \Vhnt \ for I asked the tna ibtiitc. Tor bii'iir-hof piucrilso , " was thu r'-ilx | "d. " said the dispense * ! * nf Justlr-ln h s liiot suave style , "I im jubt out ol tu.U kind. " kind.uci \uci the dusl.x diuisrl xvjlt/od flut It Uoik.-il \\risron \ -in saloon man rtfusid Ins i .selling lniioi | to a H-I tiiln xxcmun - busbi..1 . , aucurcliiig to the Detroit l-'i-m f're-s * . ana siiu cidled n neil him niul s.iiil \xt tinm \ ou soil buna iirinlc I ulll < o.no In li. . ru ulili ai opi n k'.r ( i > r | Ki\vilrr unu 11 1'L'hti" ! , nuili > m i vou and I ind all the r < xt o4 i'i ' < * , * o\\el n ill { iiiip tn.'i ttin-xx Hh it buu. | liinuiii l Is prrpai < * cl from S ir .iparlla ! , Dinikllnu , Is tlio bet bleml pimflfi before thi' pnl'lii- . M.nulnko , DoeK , I'II ISSOXM , .Iimipor iic-r. It eradicates e\eiy liupn. d ) , aiiilcuns Si rof- tlrs , .mil otlier xx'oll-Uncmn nml v.iludilcxt'KO. nlnHilt libc-nni , n < iK ! , riniplcs all Humors , Uibletemi'illes. The ceimhinlonpriinrtliii , | , ] DySPpMe , HUliiiMUVcs , SK | ( Hi'ldache , Iii'll- and prcpniatlon ire pecullnrtu llDcifs iiis.i- gosllon , ( lenonl nilillitl , Catarrh , Khimni > | iirllliilx'liiR It oursttTi' pox\er nct.M'ssoi | | tisin , Ktilnoy nnd l.h.'i . Ccmid.ilnts. liovfr- hy oilier ineilic'lns. It efitets run.iikaldu 01 lines tint oxlrcme Hied ( celii % , an I liullcU i UK'S \\lioie others fall. up tlio s > * tun. " 1 ciuislcU > r lloeid-a Rusiparilli tlio best " Hood's SarMp.irllla xx'.ua l Sod sent to HIP , liti-dlrlno Ifxir mecl. It ilus iiioim .iii | tlto for It cured me of < l ) * | c | nlt aud llxer coin , and refrcshliii ; sliep , and kc'in | tlin cold out " { plaint xvnli ulnoli 1 b.id nutTiTid 20)c.iri ) J. S. Korsri , inr. bprncosticcl , rottl.mil , Me , J. II , lI'iiiMiiiK , Simtb Fallsliurs. , V. " \Mien TmBhtIIo | < rsS.irsrijt.irill.i Imadc "Hoods Sarsip.iull.a tikes Kss time n't ngooil Inxistmonl of ( in * cMl.ir In mollclnu ciiiaiitltytoslinwiisilTfi tllMiinii ) ntln'i pri | fin tin ) fliit time It his driicn oft rhetmia nrallon. " Mnsf. A llriinxuii.X ( Mil , NY. tlsia , ind Iniproxnl mjapiietitu soiniKlith.it " \fy xxlfo li.ul very prxir lic.ilih fur a Icmu my ImirdlnK inlitress says I nmt l > cop II time , biillirbiK fiom Indlsc-'lnui , poor apjo. lockcil up or .sho will ho oMIni'd In uu.ir mj tit > and const ml heid.u-lii1. Mo tried cvor > - board with every otlirr bcnrder lb.it tikes I bin ? x * . c < could hi'.ir i f , hut ( omul no relief till lloodn S.usnpurllln. " T i KIM AH IIL'IIILI ! : : , she tiled HCMH ! i Sirnapiillla. She In tuw V ) Tllhry Mrcct , Ilrociklyn , \ . Y t.iKInc tin third liotth * , and neici fe-lt Iwttir " I Und Ilood'.sSirs.ipailllitliehi'st rrmc-dy In I rr I Iff. Wofc-elliourdiitylor < * oniiiiiiul for Inipu 10 Mood lexer used" M.ll. ll.xxi nn It tocxoi ) ono xxo Lnoxv. " CiioiioimoMiii * ticket aKi-nl.r. & U. IM . Iluund Drool. , X. .1 vilir. , Moifliml , 7cicdt County , 111. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Sarsaparilla Rnlct tijr all ilru el'tJl.sUfor fl l-tr'irtv | ' | solillijr ll ilrtiLflit * i | ; > u for g * . I'rciurnt ' \ > 1 C I 1101)11 ) AC'O , Ajiiili | < * P.trtP * . biwoll Xl.iki liytl llnoli.U'll A | > lliMutJoi , Lowell , ilan. IOO DososOno Dollar IOO Doses Ono Dollar