THE cwtATTA OATLY BEE : MARCH 7 , isoi , PAGKS. 1C lo Bnil glory of a Lincoln Woman's ' Loss of Reason Through Cmoltj. X A MEMBER WHO HAS TIME TO MASH , V Quarreled nit rurm-UrM'oiMim'ii- - tint Inn of the Itellort iitmiilHtloti- ors Ijlnoulii Omrt uiul Ho- olnl Odds anil , Nob. , March -Special [ to Til p. Tin : . ] Mrs. Murparet Conni'lly ' , n mnrrld woman apparently nnout thirty-two years of Jure , win up before the liisiiultv commission- Drs yesterday afternoon. She lives lit Nine teenth mid N streets , bulls childless. Tito cause of her- Infinity Is unknown , hut the evidence brought out before Iho commission Was to Iho effect Hint about two mouths uuo her husband bout bur niiil shico then slio has oeon losing her inliiil. This was about I-o- eembor ii , and since then she has boon very i'estloss uiul uneasy lit night , moaning eon- iitantly , She hns shown nu signs of n ten dency to ilestructlveness or suicide , but ecem.s to tniiik that souio ouolsiuirsnlnc her , uml , tit ono of tlio witnesses expressed It , "fears that soincllng U after her till the tlmo , " It was also brouuht out that orlgl- linlly slm hud sonio menus , hut her husband 1m spent It. Her mnnhi Inn boenlncreaslntr of Into , It being necessary to keep her locitcil up for Hie p.wt six weeks , niul her condition prow to bo Hjoh tluit It huoaino ubsoliitoly m'coiiuirjL tolnivo hot- sent to tlio asylum. The commissioners Issued tlio necessary or ders , nho was taken out last night. A I.IGIII.ATIM : : MAMII.U. A irate husbaiul called at ono of tlio Jus tice's olllcea this morning mil dciinuiUed the nrrest of one of tlio ii.cniVcn of ( ho legisla ture for stealing the iuTccllons of his wife. In addition to certain unp'outiinl ' illseoveries , tlio tuisoaml snys lbil : lust nielli tlio wlfo deulaii'd tlu-.t sdio lovt-ilttio legislator uuttor than hiT husband , TinJudno i > orsuiuled the limn to postpone the arrest ot the lawmaker until after the ntljuurnmimt uf lliolcKlsliiturtt , HO Unit Uio state would not bo deprived of thu Htsiteaulan's ncrvlccs. Mr. Chnvlf.i Kldwcil caused the arrest ol Joacpli IKvlKiio toihiy oil thu cluit'Ko ot linv- ing beaten , bniisul uiul wounded Mi's. Anna KUhvollvlfii of iihiiiiliir. on Felmmry 10 , vltli criminal intent. Ivldwdl is a tenant on Joifjuu's farm. Uovipno wis taken buforu Justld'Coi'lirnnoaud put uiuloi- $ . > ( ) l ) | boniU to uiijioar for trial next Friday lit 'J u. in. .After limiiilihiK the bond Uovlcno com- iiionccd action to evict Kldwcil from his farm. Oovliriie issuing foni divorce from liiu wlfo. nr.i.iKt1 Today Governor Uoyd stoned tlio commis sions of tlio newly unpointed inoinhors of the stnto cuininission. Thcso mcmburs um the BHIIIC ns lioforo und todny they iiro consider- IiiK bids for seed for thosutTcrcrs. The coin- tnissiuiiurs ink thnt the people llvlnp cast ot the line running north from the vustern bor der of I'urnas county to the western border of Koyn 1'ulia look lifter the poor in their county , us it is belluveil they are limply iihlo so to do. Olllia AtS'l ) ICNll . The ciiso of ( ieorgo Smith , the follow charged with uttcmptiiiK a critniual assunlt on -six-year-old slstor-in-lmv , linnio Ilnyes , was called In police court this morn- liip. On rorotnini'iuiatioii o ( County Attor ney Siiell the ciiso was tlismlssea uuu the jirisotuT illscharKod J. K. IChiiioy , ti railroad man , was nrrostej yesterday afternoon on rniiiphiint ot.l. K , .Little , who liocanio iinbueit with thti idea t'ltit ' Klunoy had stoluu a hut and pair of shoas Irum him. blttlo , ho'.vovor , refused to jirosecuto , Klnnoy payiiiK the i.-osts. J. K. LieUines , who had Juulc I'lerco av- icsteii yesUTilay on the I'liai o of ttrand lar ceny , hut lU'cllned ' to iirosccutu because ho liluiFclI wus too full to know whether 1'icrco or soiiicono else liad taki-ii his checks , was arrested - rested last nifjht too full to know whether ho was lu Itoon or Lincoln. It cost him $ C.'JO to Jlnd out today. Georxo McDonald ha ? noreat love for the dive ut Seventh and N streets , and lastninht lie engaged in the very landablo occupation ot eleanniK it out , DurhiK tlio incleo ho cut ttio liuiilliidy's head xvitb a beer bottle , per forating several window panes with hlmilur narlllto instruments , and hud a good time penei-.illy. Afterwards he vent to the police station , -scoured lodging * Tor tlio nipht , and this morning wotto up lo Und himself u pris oner. Marshal Meliolt receh-od a letter yesterday from a merchant nanml l'eirsoll , at Moiuit Olive , X. C. , asking if one .1. C. I'carsoll was serving out a $100 line In the city jail. The writer Raid lie had received n letter from .1 , C. , who is Ills brother , saying that ho wanted $10 sent to him to help him out of the scrape. The brother was suspicious that it was not true , ami his suspicions will bo continued when ho discovers the truth Unit the young fellow simply served a small line , ana wai only working his brother. .lotui .f. Uweu says bo has boon damaged $210 by misrepresentations ofV . O. Miller , and ; uls tLo county court to award tlitit ti1 him. Ho says ho made a contract with Mil ler to wove a house from Fourteenth nnd M streets , ( the ono. by the way , over which the different factions of the Lutheran church luid a little diniculty ) , Miller idlogiiiK' it be- louKed to him , but after iottuiK bis tools and traeoj under the house they stayed there. The jury in thocasoof Mr . Smith vs Mrs. Drown , noted yesterdav , roturni'd a verdict this morning , IhidhiK In favor of pUintuT , mid priviiiir her fiWil.5ri , the full amount of the original debt with interest. J. K LanshiK Is not aatlslled with the ver dict of the jury in tlio c.iso against L. ( J , Tanderhurg , and asks for a now trial on tha record , Tlio mot ion docket \vlll ho called In Jud o .Fields' court nt { > : ! ) tomorrow morning ; also the cases from No. 100 to 200 on thu law docket , The Sticedy c.ise will probably cotuo up on the motion to admit to hail. Judge Field and a Jury are at present toll ing with the case of Ann Abbott vs the city of Lincoln for $5,000 damages for injuries eustnlnod by a fall through a bridge in the southwestern part of the city. Tlio plaintiff is the wife of a farmer living south of tbo asylum and was also n music teacher hy oc cupation. She -was driving homo one even ing in IS S , and when about to cross the bridge a board broke , frightening tlio horse , which hacked oft the bridge , injuring her internally , and also caus ing n pcrmnnont stiffening of the ligatures of Iho wrist. Her attor neys , Messrs. Courtnay anil Archibald , con tend that she was earning JIOO a year at teaching music , nnd the injury to the wrist compels her to quit tills , us well as prevent ing her from doing household work. The defense - fense of the city as outlined uy U.I ? . Holmes , is that there was contributory iiocligence , and further , that while the bridge is In the city limits the county lias solo charga and luristiictlon of It , anil If any liability exists It Is ngainsttho county , not the city. Mrs , Kmlly Kelloydicd yesterday at her liotno/JJlS O street , aged seventy. The funeral took place at a o'clock this afternoon. 1 \ P. McPnrlauil , a sophomore nt the stnto university , nnd a son of Bunker J , U. McPar- land , whllo scaling n polo nt tha university gymnasium this afternoon , fell twenty feet and sustained serious injuries. Ho was un conscious for over two hours. The A fro-American league of Lincoln met this evening at the colored Oddfellows' hall and elected delegates to the siatu convention that meets ApriKU ) . Thieves broke Into the city library last nlent and stole $12.50. Manager Lave ) Uowo of the Lincoln base ball bub has complntcd the rostorof the club by signing IlonkO'Day , n well known player , who was with the New York team luit sea son. SI * son.John J. lllco , the young attorney who secured - cured an uncuviablo notoriety lately by his attempt to evndo the payment of a billiard bill ou the ground thnt It was a gambling dclit , has suddenly disappeared. Cotton Seed Oil Combination. LONDON , March,0. A number of prominent cotton seed oil merchants of this city have formed a Joint stock company with a capital stock of i'l.WW.OW. Fayctto Dyer of Sterling , 111. , ( i a guest at luo homo of Lr. ) J , iiKalnu , Tnr. HER Saturday Supplement Is n now departure. In nil essential features U l a dlitlnctMiue , filled to the gunnH with con- doused iipwatmtos and fresh nnd attractive miscellany. Its space It devoted chielly to Nctira lm nnd the great west. No other news paper covers lids territory. TinHr.i : Satur day Supplement is n now ncnvspapoi' crea tion. It will not detract from the Issues of any other day und will. nut in the least Im pair tlioqiiullty of Tnr Si M > U HIT. Hwlll catch the wltul In Its own sails. Newsdealers and tralnbov.4 everywhere will bo fully sup plied. _ i'fi TIII- : writ , i/.v. o TitlkHiin the Kjrm.'h-(3irinuii Sltllltlloil. I'MUJ , March ( -Spcclnl ( CahleKrani to TUB Uic. : j The Siecle today pulillslies an Interview with IlorbotU1 , the Kmich ambas sador to Herlni , tttiring thocoursoof which the ambassador said ho thotiRht tlio French urtlxUs , in refusing to uxlilhlt at the llerlln indilbition , obeyed the orders ot nfew blus terers. It was Illogical for artists to exhibit nt Munich and Klultegart and object , lo ex hibit In Hcrltn. The ax-ommvs't1 ' vUlt to Paris \vas , i > erliaps Imprudi-nt , and w.w un- dertakeii without consulting any one. Her- betto denied having been sounded hi regard to Kmpress Kioderlck's ' Journey , snylntr the government was not udvisiulut her intention to visit 1'ari.s until the day before she arrived there. The I'rench ambassador .uldod that , uUhouuh ho wiiMtio advocate of a Kranco- Cierman alliance , thlnldtig suoh a ttilng im- pOHslble , ho lii'ld that every cITnrt ought to be made to remove the strain at present oxlslitu between the two eouatrios. Ilorbctte praised tlio omiioror fur his strong character and In- doiultablo11I \ , saying ho was destined to achieve great tlilnus. In foncliiaum , the French ambassador cdiidonincil clmuvlnl.siii In 1'rance as being false patriotism , which , hnppily , was conllued to a few people , as It was veritable treason nnd calculated lo do the greatest harm. _ Trying * lit Save a Manic. HUM > S Ann : . * , March O.-Tho Argentine government has Issued a decree which sus pends business on the bourse , in tlio custom house and In the banks for two days today and tomorrow. 1'uo reason for the suspen sion of business is to try nml save the Provincial bank , on which there has been a run , from tl nan clnl disaster. A syndicate composed of IM merchants has arranged to loan Iho government ? . ' 0WO,00 < ) , A London It anker Suicldi'H , LONDON , March ( i. Robert Lindsay An- trohus , second son of Kir Kdmuml Antrobus and Junior partnorof the well known bank ing house of Cotitts & Co. , London , was fo'ind ' dead In bed this morning with a re volver by his sldo. It la believed ho com mitted suiclilo , although no cause Is Itnown for his having doisu no. A DeltiMtc Vliiiincliil Quo-it Ion. LONDON , March ii. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : BIK. : | Tins .Standard's financial article today , referring ton linn which is snidto bo in trouble , declares its support by trust com panies depends UDOU the coining Investiga tion Into thornndltkm of the llrm by ac countants , Involving a delicate question as to tlio situation of South American secur ities. Moiiarcliisin Is Dead , March 0. [ Special Cablegram to Tun BIT. | Senator Donhcr , private ndvi. er of the count do Paris , proposes to resign that function , It is alleged that Ill-health is the cause of tlie senator's action , but it is be lieved bis real reason is that he Is llnally convinced that inonarchlsm , so far as Franco i.s concerned , i.s inn moribund condition. The Itauch AVill Collapse. I'.uti ? , March H [ Special Cablegram to Tut ; HUB. ] Thoflgaro snys It is probable that owners of race horses will not talto part in the proposed meeting at Auteull Sunday next , und that those races will consequently collapse. STK/KJ7 ItlOT IX C'U4OH.IJ ) < ) . "Minors Try to Kim u Town and Are Arrested. C5i-xM nNCol. . , March U. [ Special Tele gram to Tin ; ISir. . ) Last evening Sheriff C. \V. Shores received a telegram from Crested Iliitto siiyuii ! that a riot was In progress and for him to bring several deputies and como up on the morning train to arrest the ring- lenders. The sheriff accordingly secured a posse imd went to Crested lutte. ! Warrants were sworn out for the arrest of ten of the agitators of the row and it took several hours to Hud them. Most of them Hid In houses and one skipped out of town and could not bo found. The shorift nnd his deputies returned hero with nine men. A BII : re porter visitpd thorn at the county Jail , but as they were all Austrians anil could not speak Kngtlsh so as to bo understood , no in terview with tliam could be had. From Shcrill Shores it is learned that a strilio was made among ttio miners employed at the Col orado coal and iron mines yesterday. Meet ings were held b. > the strikers and it was ilc- elded to close the mines entirely and nllo'v no ono to work. Committees were delegated toirototho engine house and ntlicr places and close them. Several of tlio men agreed to return to work , but when they attempted to so to the nitno they were mot by the strikers nmt beaten unmercifully. After this was done about ono hundred ot them started out drinking whisky and to do up the town. The result was that the ring , leaders iiro now behind the bars of the Cun- ! nlson county Jail charged with riot. A preliminary examination will probably lw held before County .Indue MeUoiigal to morrow. The 1 rouble Is claimed to have been brought about by the superintendent of the mine showing partiality to several of the men employed. .VfJ.71.iI/i JV TIlllKK WEEKS. The Snowed-In Citizens of lurnni ; < > Have Plenty to Kill , Dfiusoo , Col. , March 0. [ Special Tclo- gram to Tin : Bui : . ] The blockade continues nnd so does tlio storm , It has snowed nil day and is drifting , with no news yet hoard from the range , and It Is not known whou a train will bo in. The mails are to como overland - land from Espanola to Chains , thence by rail to Durango. The llrst will reach IDuranpo Saturday night , which will ho the llrst mall for three weeks. Supplies of every hind are ample In Durango to last for four mow weeks , exceptingsugar , which ii now nearly exhausted. Couriers have arrived from hSllvorton and report many slides , but no particular suffer ing. The coal , coal oil and fresh moat sup ply Is imito snort ami arrangements were made to pack sonio in , which will bo dona un less the storm today is heavier than expected. Aires iiro all down , lilco ii all right with nu open trail. i JEXI < > V A J.JMi Of VIIIUE. DesperadoTurliiiKlon Handed in Mis souri Tor His IriiHt Murder. nooN'isviuK , AIo. , March 0. John Oscar Turlington was hanged at 10 o'clock this morning for the murder of Sheriff Cramer of Cooper county , Turlington was a desperado of the worst kind and his life was one .scries of crimes. It was a year ago this mouth when conllued in Jail lore for assault , that he ) shut and killed Sheriff Cramer , for \vhioh crime ho today suffered the extreme penalty. Hanged lor a 1'ratal.Crime , NcwtAsTi.K , Del. , March ( > . --Shakespeare Hooves , alias Jacob Sharkoy ( cidorod ) , was hanged herd this morning for a felonious as sault committed on lilllo draco Clark.n whlto girl eleven years old near Ncwcastlc.Sontum- U r 2V > , 1SW , Hanged Hciviolf In a Depot , PiTisiifiio , Pa. , March (5. ( [ S | > oclal Telegram - gram to TUB BnE.J UHca Wupolnu , a young Uusslnu vromnn , committed sulcldo this morning in the ladles' toilet room at thouniou station by hanging horsclf with n towel which stio suspended from n pas bracket. She loll u note requesting that her remains bo sent to > 'o. 12 South Thirty-sixth street , this city , but assigned no reason for tho.deed. Tlio young woman was wull dressed uuJ quito pretty , THE CHURCH AND DIVORCE , Rhode Is'aud "Will Ho Longer Eo the Hecc.1 of SijnnUou Sookrs. THE LAWMAKERS HAVE BEEN APPEALED TO A Cast'orVolf lit l.niuli'n \ VeeklnyVoihliip In Jlailii't Time i I'llrt Lcllleil DllJB. Vnlii things farewell , you must delight no inoru ; Old ( iipo , .idiom you scent the purttiln so , 'J'ls strangosho never noticed It before A few mow pulls , oldfrleml , mid you must go. iso Httlo gair.cs of "draw. " Well , tint's nil The boys can vUlt Charley now , or Ned. Ko inoro sweet sungs to whllo u an minor's nlKht , Thouch wo atij ( rlinriiilugly , she often said. Ko "poeula miratni" they'rctabojed : I must kivp early houra , muJt cut the boys In fact , I must bo very , very good And flvu up all menace dOBiiivon Joya , Ko tlio old order p.motli . : these must go , Those photographs ; I'll teas them In ilio Brato. Clarisse , MnlU'lu1,1'eplta , Bonnie1 , no I'll keup them , but I'll UKto them though , from Kato. T'lpo , pictures , poi'ula , all uiiJor ban ; Vann valoto , I'nin marriednutti , r.Nvuv. j\h ! I'rince , I'll ' | { lvo you a pointer , as men say ; You , tno , Hhnll bhl adieu to tlicso sonic day , Ami nmkolhu aaurlllco witu fewer sighs , 1 f only you enjoy tlii'in while j'ou may , HnlcH for I/ml. "Uuosswlmt I'm donyhiB myself this Lout,11 she said us she lay back In nilg \ chair , iii/.ily slppliiKhor iiiornliiB cliocolnte. "Can't ' iiiiaijlno , " 1 replied , "unless it's ' clothes , Jewels or bonbons. " "I tcucw yo''d s.iy soinotlinit ; lllco Unit , " she laiiglicc ) , "hut It isn't. ' I've ' run myself in debt bv tlio teiutur wardroba I've ' ordered from Paris. 1'voa number of new ROIIIS , and I rovcl In candy. I don't ' go to church or charity meetings , I " "Well , what iloyou Jo ! " Ilnlcrruptod. "I have stopped ta'.UiiiK ' about pootilo. " She looked at 1110 nniunedly as s'ue observed the incredulity upon my fncc. "O ! I know it's hard for you to believe , " she weiit on , "and it's wonderful to me. too , and I haven't ' Rotten quite used to It. It's a very unnatural condition fora xvointm to bo in \romtin in the full vigor of IUT powers , keen of sight ami critical of mind , overflow- ini ; with u aeuso of the ridiculous , It almost klllccl wo at , but now I'm ' Kettinp rather toliLoit. ( Itwaaon Ash " \Vodiiesday that a lot of gli'ls cMiiio In and had so many funny tilings to toll about people , and among them souio charming scandals. I sat almost tilting my toiiRiio off to hoop i' ' sUHi but ! found tua longer 1 listeied tlio more f likort Itoopinif silence. I had time to turn over In my mind the pcoplo they were disoussiiij ? , and lus I commenced lo consider them soi'ionsly 1 be- pin to thnl excuses for their shortcomings to see how J would bo Biillty of the sumo faults in their places. When u girl was lorn in tatters for woming dirty ball KOWH , I re- niemhercd for thelh'Mttlinoin mv life that the girl was poor. When n woman WAS rid dled for keeping ndirty hoiuo r had tlmo to consider that she had been an invalid a loii \vlillo. Keally , my rcsolvo has taught mo a Hreat deal about people. I used to tnlk about them without thlnklncr , It inalceslotsof dif ference when ono thinks. I Iwllovo , " slio added , meditatively , ' 'that I'll keen forty days this way every year. " Mch > | it > . lltv. TlnriMi ItrowninJliifucr'tnazar. Iv'o Daniel sat in judgment then ; No prisoner's friend stood by. The Lord , \vlio heard Siisanimh's prayer , Seoincil slcopinj ; In the skj ; .And hatred hud but ono decree , Relentless to condemn. .Alas , that day for Molone , The iniiid ot Bethlehem I They piled tlio fagots high in si bt Of half the gaping town ; Her eyes but saw in silent friirht Her licrco accusers' frown. Tlion , shrinking , from tlio earth she rMsod Her voice unstained with shams. The pile was lit , tlio death lire bla/tud / , And wrapped her form in Hume , In vain , ] ts rage could only Hush Her chuolt witliholicr chnrm ; Like angel In the burning bush , She stood untouched mid calm. When , lo ! ( for hiMvon was not asleep ) The llamcs bad Hushed in air. Blown out as by a whirlwind's stvcop , Had loft but embers there , Her falsa accusers lied amn/ed , 'Oio thronging ivatcliora call : "Tlio nmid is pure ! Tlio Lent be praised I She did no wrong at all. " .Ami , nwed by her divine defense , They ImsU'it rov'rontly ' To bear the irentlo martvr thence , Ily God's own sign set free. Hut wlioro the llro had round tier burned They can put a fra-granco sweet , For all the living coals were turned To roses at her feet. Her innocpiiso perfumed the place Where slander sought herilooin , .And over Hate's malignant face Smiled Virtue's tender bloom. O Mclopo ! thy trial , cast In stern erti nun than ours , Hath left unwithcred from the past Tliy beauteous martyr flowers. StilPby thy wrong by lieuvcu redressed , In swo-Jt rod roies llamo Tlio embers of that llcry test 'That f > uved thy saintly name. Consul at Jerusalem , Itov. Dr. Seluh Merrill , newly appointed j\inerlcan consul at Jerusalem , held tliosamo ofllco from March , 1SS'.1 , to December , IbSO , Abandoning a piutorato In San Fnuicisco In 1MM , ho went to ( Jermany for two j'cars to study Oriental language * ; and during that tlmo ho visited Palestine , ISgyptund Clroeco. Ilia mastery of the cuneiform characters at this timii elicited warm approval fromScorio ( ; Smith , the omincnt Ahsyrum scholar. In 1S71 ho wiu appointed arelia-ologist of the Ameri can Palestine exploration soelot.v , whoso Held ot operation waa Moab , Gilead and llashun , the ontlro country eait of the Jordan , and from 1ST5 to 1HT7 ho had dm-go of the ex plorations In the hold. Yale college jjavo him the honorary degree of A. M. on the ground of "special service to biblical learning , " Ilo received the degree of IXIJ , from Iowa col lege , and that of LL.l ) , from Union. In 18W mid apiln In 187'Jlio ' tnught Hebrew iu tlio theoiot'lcnl seminary nt Audovor , Muss. Hud n't 'I imi ) to I lirt. .IJov. Mr. MilliBan of 1'ounsylriuiin , who Is a candidate for the pastorate of Iho Coventry churcn lu the little hamlet of Coldohham In Oningo county , Now York , anil who was Invited to deliver u trial sermon , startled the congregation In tlio midst of the delivery of the sermon by snylugi " 1 regret to stnto that I nni nn exceedingly nervous man , and am unnoyed by u youiii * lady in thu congregation \vlio has been en- deiworing toilirtwJth me tills morning. I have neither time nor the inclination to re turn the compliment at tnUtiinu , but may dose so later. " The-so words fell llko a thunderbolt upon the congregation , whllo the eyes of the preacher were ( hed upon the blushing fueo of a noted beauty wliosat In ono corner of the church. The oplsodo has had a tendency to popularize the pastor , nml thu chances point toward his becoming the permanent pastor nt the little Orange county church AVcok-Dny \ \ oiMliiii in 1'olit loi. TlioSundiiy worshlppors of the southern part of Khoilo Island have ashed ttio house of roprcsentatlvca fora public hcarliiB upon the bills to rngulato the exemption laws KOV- cruluutho Seventh Day Dnpthts. In Hop- HEL/LyMA SPRINGS to tlie FRONT WITH A SPRING SALE The old "cock-nnd-buir' ' stories of "Smith , who busied , " "Jones , xvho burned out" and "Olo Ql- sen's ' stock that got lost in the shuffle , " will not bo pnLined oft'on out * patrons this year. We have the goods and it in niters not how we got them. Wo sell them so chenp that _ SC > UTG sarcastic people may think \vestole tliejii , butilmt mutters not ; "wo have them ? md you can have them , too , Ibi1 less inoney thnn nny other house in the west can furnish them to you Overcoats. We have them for $4 , if you \vant \ 'cm ; understand , though , that they arc not $10 $ coats , but they arc cyc-opcners fqr $4. However , \ve \ have a $6.50 $ and $7.50 Overcoat , in four different shades of i\Icl- \ Ions , with silk facing and silk sleeve lin ings , that needs only to be looked at to La appreciated. We have the very latest style of half box , 5 rows of stitching , silk sleeve lin ings , and in every respect a complete Gentleman's ' Spring Overcoat , atio. And if you want' to be way up in tone , we have Suits to match them. To the young man who wants to see a few novelties sweeter than the first rose of summer , we say come in ; our Over coats are on exhibition , and we will be glad to show tlicm to you , Ta Mothers. In the past our Children's Depart ment has been somewhat neglected , for the want o ( space to handle it properly. This has now all been changed.Vc have an ample and roomy Children's ' De partment in our store , and \ve have put in one of the most tremendous stocks of children's goods ever shown by any house in the city , "We have over 5,000 , Children's ' Waists in stock this day. They arc all the newest and latest designs. Our 3jc waist is as good ns our 750. waist \vas last season , Our Children's ' Suits start from 3 lo 15 years old , ranging in price from $2 to any reasonable price ( or a boy's suit. We have paid special attention to suits for short and stout boys , so bring in your plump and fat fellows and we'll fit em , The long and short of it is : We ape in thGs\vrni _ _ , and let those follow who can. Their journey " " " " " " * " " will be rough , and rugged. THE OLD RELIABLE" H LLMAN'S , - i3tn ana hlnton , it is alleged by several petitioners to tlio legislature , that the seventh dnv wor shippers who arc not required to observe tlio llrst day as u dtiy of xvoMhipaiul religion disturb tlio church gatherings by their ordi nary pursuits. The llrst day men allege that the seventh day men RO out upon the hifjh- v iy and \\itli steam rollers and largo ox carts haul stone and make the greatest nolso iti worklnpr out their town taxes upon the town hlnliways. All this causes universal commotion in Hophinton , and the yqxini ? folks and older ones , too , tbo petition rocitei , Ktow gradually to respect tlie first diiy less and loss. The Ilopkliitou llrst day \vor.shlp- licrsvnnt all laws enforced , and the nuioker tliov are observed tlio better It will ho for the ln\v-ubidiiK ! people of the state. Oneof tlio llrst day worshippers said that arelidous war would probably result from iho recent disturbance over the Seventh ljy Uaptists , ami that tuodeiiiocratswhowiintcd to have ciiuality iii mattor.s of religion tlirouRbout the state would eventually yet the whole vote ot tbo tirst diiy worshippers as a result. Tbo public heariiiKs will bo granted , and tlio seventh day religious ex- dtomciit KTOWS In consequence. The issue has oluiiBcd suddenly to week-day worship. Wimted , Hn. J * f. \nbcs. . " \VanlOil \ : a perfect lady. Dellvato , gentle , refined , U'itbovory beauty or person And every endowment of mind ; Fitted by early culture To move in 1'asliionablo life Andshinoa gcin in the pirlor Wanted : A minister's wife. "Wanted : A thoroughbred workorv Who well to her household looks , tihall wo see our money wasted Hy cxtruviiKiitit iu'iwranti-ooksl Who cuts ttio dally oxpemo.s xVltlivconouiystwrn as nknife Aiulwa-shcH and scrabs the hitclion Wanted : A minister's \\ife. "A very domestic ponoa. .To cillor.sshoiiu.stiiot bo out. It has sucli a bad appearancu In her to bo gadding about. Only to visit the parish Every year of her life And attend the funerals nnd weddings Wanted : A minister's * wlfo. " Church nnd Divorce. Thosepulchrcof foreign divorces in Khodo Island Is to bo opened. Family stcploums inust/valk and lictlon mustglvo way to most startling and sensational fuels. Lawmakers have been appealed to , and tlio statutes -which have made it possible for beads of ruptured family circles throughout tosecurea " " divorce the whole country "quiet" in Rhode Island are about to bo dinngrd. Tno peculiar cllcntapo of souio of tlio law yers oftlio iihode Island bar will full off in coiisc < iuonccand fashionable boarding houses where a "ivsidonco" is claimed and do.irly paid for will have less s > o-cnlled boarders. The courts , which nn bvorwhclined with po- tltions and actions , will bo suddenly relieved of their load of dlvoroi ) and misery , and the iiiriiiKof the worst juidjijoit licnlousof the secrets of tbo foreign noilier uorld will in coiiBoimonco cease. Ituodo Island will no lonirerho poiisiilered Iho hurial ground of dl- vor'cei , If tliii piojiosed Inw Is adopted , The late ICpiscopnl .convention in Rhode Islaiulutvliichtho iliBUJUiries of thochtirch from about the country were present , ilis- russoil tlie question of divorce freedom in llhodo Island , and a committee was nppoinlcd to Inquire into and iuxejitiguto thu question wltb a view to securing Ixittor lavs for the Mate In this particular. ICmliiont counsel were cngneiid , nnd will ) the greatest atten tion nnd care the .statutes were overhauled. The laws of other stnfiy were consulted , mid. tlio laxity and loosunoss of the laws of Khodo Island was clearly apparent to the Episcopal convention's delegation , and also the counsel , A bill was recently drafted and approved by the convention delcgutn , U'lds hill was piwentod to the housu ot repre sentatives last woolr , passed to a second read- lug ami scut to the committee on judlcturv , from whence it will bo reported at nn carlv nay. This bill will knock all other ill- vorco provisions in Hliodo Island into sinlthoreons , A AVoir lit > il > ' Clothing. Key. Mr. Uumh ot Wllllamsbrldre , N.V. , I n very peculiar person , He la the priest who tied the knot which now unites a pale- faced , misguided young woman to her swarthy lover , n negro conchinnn , ays Iho Now York Continent. Mr. Lunib can not sco that tiuhos donowrcng. lie admits that Iho brldo li dotibtlosi thu victim of Infatua tion , hut clalin.s that when she asked to ho married to tuo black man ho had nothing to do but tlo the knot. Ho further says : "It's all thc.samoto 1110 whether I marry a woman to a negro as blaek astlio nee of spates , tua coolie or to a painted Iiidinn. Chat > is her business , not mine ; and you knnw very well thorois no accounting for tastes. " Independent of tlio impropriety of Mr. Lamb's familiarity with such things us aces of spaces , wo think ho shows himself un- wortby of his high ofllco. A. physician might with cijtial propriety prescribe a poison to a suicidally inclined pallent. Ills tlio minis ter's privilege ) and duty to stand between tliosorho desire to commit moral and social suicide ana the fatal act. of consummation , and the priest who fails to see this lades thnt clour moral Insight which ho niuit have who pretends toirtiiilo man spiritually. Tbo Hev. Mr. I.iini b should change ills name to "Wolf , and open a matrimonial buieau , \VimiVn ( ; IJishop Fitzgerald is ono of the three or four bishops of the JMetlioJist cliurcli favor able to the claims of women to enlarged pow ers. In a recent article ho. says : The church has trivon tlio nation an exam ple o'tho ballot In the hands ut women , and woman has shown how wisely siu cast It. The promise now is thnt tlio country will soon bu permitted tosecln thclegislationof the Metho dist Kpiscopal church examples of tbo ability of women to grasp and atu poll the largest questions tliat may arise. Thus may the na tion bo encouraged to mote out to the women of the land the Justice thatts their due. Then shall all nations feel the impulse , aud woman everywhere will experience ) an uplift that will result in blessing upon the race and glory to Cod. ! hot us have u < | iml rights in fact ai well as in theory. Lotus open ovcry door to woman. That she is competent to bo president Is evident from the fact that she grandly rulc-s in queen. What more can benecdcil > ilis ( Dr. Buck ley , to mnko it iiorfeclly clear that it this measure prevails tliopanerid conforencn will lie besieged with petitions and resolutions I'onunlttiiij , ' it to loinalo Huff ragi ! in the state , and it is In vain to suppose that the sober sonsoof the body will then DC sufllcient to suppres ttio discussion. Tin * political woiiuui iindeistands this , ami one Rivals ! umlaut to thuirenuivy is found In tlio fact thnt thoyex- pect to use tlio domination to promote this end. Onlll isOi-tliKilov , Tlio tender spot and open pui'je that John I ) , iincltufoilor , the millionalm oil ItiiiLj , always has for a religious and charitable projects , especially if they are connected with the liaplist lalth , keeps a swixnn of befTKiiiK inlnistcrs at his'looi-s ' most of the day , snys tlio New "York Morning Journal. A witty Methodist minister called upon the millionaire Friday night , and , after oxplain- ItiK his visit , said In asediielivo way : "Jiow , how much may 1 put yo'ir name down for , sir , in thlswortny onme1 ! "Hut , " said tlio rich "I an not of yourchurch. " 'That dousn't matter , " sui'l ' tlie minister , "your inoiioy isnrthoilox. " he u ten Days. I'l iiviirr Scid'icilirniri / : in diiirc'innri. ' A lli'it faint touch ofspnnn-tinio thrills The HofioiuM nlrthe , leaf-btidsswell , | Of violets the bree/os tell , And bingliis llo\v \ the loo-trued rills. The days of prayer mid praro are Iicro , Ohl Lord , the story of thy cross , Thy hoivonly : pain and e.irllily loss , Until sanctlllodthe ; budding year. So tlio blt > t > d kingdom llos. Wo almost seem to touoh its brin't ' , And ready for its Joys wo think Ourselves , and then the vision tliui , Its cliarmiiostroyedby deed unjust Or thought of soliah , matter woslr , How oft thy pardon must \vi ) r.U''k , And , liu milled , own that ire nrodusl ! And yet your calm Is not hi vain , Your memory helps us Lontun hours , That lleo with birth of oirly : Howor.s , Until ye como to us again , What l'nstint ; isCionil l ir. Hcv. Or , Stecle , assistant minister at Trin ity church , New York , In u recent Lcuton sornion ashed , "Why should wo last * " A part of 1m answer was ' ] iucatiso lusting is a remedial agency , an exorcise by which tlio spiritual jrrowth Is developed It strengthens tbo will and onablor. It to waist the seductions of the world. It helps a mm to get control over himself , his liuendcdas a means to brhiK us near to ( lad. It Is not an imd , but only a means to nn cud. Trtu fasting embodies tha principle of volunliir.v solf-biicrillci1 , and that principle IK nlwms ui ono , " " 1 do not envy n efcruy Who Said Hats ? Why we clo , rind there isn't another man in town dares open hit ; head , for \vo offer 1'inc fur stock of all the latest blocks from : i one-inch brim to the six.c of a Quaker hat , in DimlapandKnox Blocks For Only 9c. The same square crowned Rail road Hat that was so popular with us last year at $2.50 wo have promised tlio ninnufacturcr to sell atlcnst 5,000 , of. There is but one way to clo that and that is to name a price we say $1.50 for That Hat. Thulmiiy sucm iiiipotsihlnjuit , have worn- iseil you no ' 'roe k-n mi-bull" si nil will sU ' ! c k > it , though It may comohnrd , Wo won't say inuuh about Pocket Huts nnl Crush Flats , but \vo liave niDt-cs of tliuin than sonio people liuvo hay , anil the price will burifjliU nmu'slifoas an easy life , " snlil Ur , Johnson , "nor do Ichvytho vlorgymiuiwhomulcoi it an oaiy lilo. ' ' - In ' . Itt-evity I'ruycr. Ono of tlio cxuollcniriQi in tlio yoanp pco- plo'a niovcinunts is tlio aJoption of soutenco prayers , says tlio MMlaml.Vc hnvo soon n mooting which houii cold ana formal , ai-oused mid wanned so that it hccaino vury liitcrestiiii ; and prolltablo by u season of pruycrs in more soutoiiuu. II thcso exer cises will hre.ilc up tliolnibit of "mnkiiit ; prayers" or of ranltiinc loiiu pi-nycrs , in uliioh ono must ho iu with Adaui iud , como down to the pastor , mentioning everything oxeont ivhutls most npproprinto to the occasion , it will liu a Kix'utthiiiKfoL' tlio cliui-ch , \s'iirlc and Canoa Cross Is ahoiit to resign thollvinp of .Vpplfliy puvisli , iiciuIlrisfj , Linrnliishlro , la which ho has spent forty-two years. Thorc is still otic isolated luiid from \\lilrh Clirlitinn loaclior.s are ontircljexcluded. . " 'hlsls 1'ldbot , the lioinu of tho"hlijh Driest f Jluildliisin. It Is ( ( into prohiibli ! thnt tlio coiniaittco of ho dioceio of Ohio , in the Jiciv.iy case of { ov. I Inward Macjnonr.v , will return nvor- let of "not woven. " Tlio Calholio missionary who civilized tlio ) -nigc Indians was n lint cousin to A'iutor Oininainiel. Ho administered to those In dians from IbTilto Ibi7 and died anioiifr tkoui. Tlio chapter of the Onto ? of Capuchins , vliich i.s hcld ; cvory throe yours , will bo held n Detroit uurliijj May. Tlio superior-con- ralof the order will conic from Home to at- end it. In 1TIJS tliorc was not n single Motliodnt in cxibtiinco ; hi I7i > 7 llierovoro 'J5.0H ) , niul at ho linioof the founder's death there wore : ! l."il'.t. ' Today thu total number of Molhod- stshl..N ) , ' , ' ! ! ) . The pnidcntinl fommitteo ot the American joanl asks that .Sunday , March ' " , Iw sot tlio churches "mission- ipart by nsu spuvinl - li'.v Sunday" for thu consideration of the vorkof missions and malting spuciil noutri- billions lor its furtherance. .Ancnriioat oft'ort is Dunif ; inadn In procnvo in cntlo\vniont Hind of $100UOO for the First 'rcisliytoriiin etiuvdi of I'lulailolphin. This > ld l.indinark ot I'nMiytiTiaiiUtn stands on Soveuth htroot und U'a-shliiytoii snuuro , Jn , 1 SOS It will ho MO yearsTolil. Cardinal Mcrmilloil has issued an niponl | to the Catholic youth of the world , in the iiinio uf thu association of Italian Catholic Young , toculobr.ito worthily the third ecu- x'limy < lenth of Ht , Aloysim CJouzag.i by online the pilfriuiiigo tiiKoiiui. licv. Dr. ( "Jecriro I'ullcu , after twenty-two vears' servleoiii the First Unptist church at l'a\\tncltet \ , K , I. , has accoptal a mil to bu- coniesoeri'tur.vnf tlio North Baptist educa tion society uii'l profoswr of Christian mis sions In Newton Theological institute. The oopo has authorized the publication of Lho important provision of his will. Ilo leaves to his relatives the property inheritml " from his family. 1'hu residue of "tho money nnd porsuiud property , whlcli lie has ac quired siiico he lu'faiiii ! iupp , Inc'luilitiR the many prusontanuule himut thft t.iino of his Jublleo , ho leaves lo U'io church for its mis sions , Its mill-slavery cuiupiii ti anil for veil- iiistiiu'lion. Tlio troiipral book eoinmittoe of thu Metho- stKpiicopiileiiurdi held its annual met-t- inir in CovhiKton , Ky. iTorilliiKto reports submitted , the Mutuodiit hook I'oncein in Now Vorn Inn nsstls of f'J.a.'iii.--J-l . , nnd Ha- bililot oti-y.OST , Iti1- ' , showing a ala in assets of * > , Hldiirluu' tlio year. The dividend lo tluii'liuual ' confuraiieus for Iho support of worn-out proudier.s was fUO.ftiO. Tin : lee coneom ui Cincinnati reported u.scU of fl.liil.liVi , Tfco western njroiits were author- i/oilto oxpouil $100,0i , 0 in cxtonulntf their Tliu inimiiKiTs of tlio Ainoifcan lUbli ) so. cielv have voted toobscrvo the scventj-IUth unim'orsiiry inMay , IS'.il , with nppro'printc pulillo exercises. Auxillury hlble societies thiw jjliout the hniiiaro reqin'stoil to iiiurli this year , uitlier at the tlmo o [ their respec tive anniversaries , or by holding sxjciul | mectliiKsfor the purpofae , and all tlio pastors of rhuifhos are earnestly iiiyed lo tleliver i pulpits _ . Sal'iaths ' ftipril and May , 18'.M ' , eoncvrn- IHK the value of the liolv scriptures , nndho iniiwrtaneo of their wido-spi-eul ; circulation. "A stlleh In time saves iiluo , " mid If > ou ' tahe Ilond's Sin-saiiiiiillu no\v \ it may s'avi muiiths nf future possible sickneit , Dr. NV J. ( lalhralth liiw ri'lnrneil from ai eiibii'rii lri | > . \\Millo in New Yorklio re.ul ii tiici Hallway \KU n lengthy oliituary ol him sell , mui'li to his siii-prlso. Ilo MIJ-H that I ho Is dead ho don't know It. No Ki'lphiK , no iiuusra , no pain Will1I.lttlo Karl ) Ulseis aiUiHen. ) . titnal pill , Wiilo ulll. llett pill . -IN- THE SUNDAY World - Herald MARCH 8 , \VII1 r HIP iiliiiichnpl r o ( | A STORy\ \ Hy Kranlc 1 ! . Stockton. Illnstmtctlhy flan llcanl , Tlio title or the story Is THE GOSMIG It Itastiirv forclilMron of nil a c : is well us for their pnrrnts , It will run Hvo weeks only. It Isa fuiielful lulu In PtocUt.on'M ' Inlia- Itablcatylc , audit tollof a And des'illie the dolim uf RIHIIIIIK. falrlos , dryaiK. driiRon" . Imps , lirownlos. ( ontnur.s , nnlcoriiK and iiiiiny iilhor\vlerd \ and fanciful crontiires , and piirtlciilarly of the ondrrful "UOMii < - Bean , " -yourchildren nnd your i I'riends about tlio new story. WANTS A M'JW 1'UIAlj. A RoliparliiK "I" tlll ! i ja * Walsh t'liM1 l Askfil. la a typewritten document of thirty-four pases , llied with the clerk of the dlstr'ctcourt yesterday the county attorney sets forth _ > S'J ' reasons why nnowtrial should bo granted in the case of UyimVnlsh nKalnst Doup- las county , wherein the pl.uiitifis sued forever over IW,000 , ami were awai'ded over ยง UTU < W ) . These reasons start out with the assertion that tlin verdict , is oxcosslve sumo fl'-V"Vx ) inoro than the SiVOOilacknowledged hy tbo county lo bo duo and that it appears to have been rendered under tno in- Ihienco of passion and prejudice. It is stated further that tlio court erred In its Instructions , wliilo mow tlmn two hundred Instances are cited when- , aslho county attorney idlcKos.thoe.ourten-cd in iidmittiiiKtlio testimony of KdVaUh. . The motion fora new trial of the ea o will be argued In about two weeks. : iv ) it i ii K s TJI i n i : it s , IMInors' i Advaiu'i'd Alter .1 Ten , Ia. , March -TholniiK strikn ot the coal minors in tlio MonaiieiUioln v alloy has ended in eomplcto victory for tlw mon. This iiioriiiiig the operator * decided to co.i- . , cedt * tlio doimmdsof tlie strikers for an nd- vance In the mining rate of } -j cent per hnsholnnd lo resume work on Monday. The strike has lusted ten weeks and ( lOmen \ ) hht in want's ' nlonn over $ lIXKt > V } . llcald.'n tlio miners , tills striUo affected a great army ol other laborers. Nut tbo The man Cook , arrested at Ooliuntms and supposed to bo the man who boat Kov. Hnil- rick out of f.MtIs not the man wanted in Oinahn. Mr [ Iradrlck went to Cnlumbns and MillslU'd thai the smooth acotin.liMl who Kol his cash was not the oncconlluo < i , Mrs U'inslow's sonlliiiiH svriii | for dren ttvttiinir wives 4 ilot liolpful IMlt. a