Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Shntnwj'g ' Mcasuro fnv th Rtgulatlou of
Interest Hates Passes Iho Scnato.
Confirmation nl'ilie Ili-llol Ooiiiiuls
Hlon-.McasuicN lleliillug lo Cor *
oiiefx Tlir Hill lo
Hujll ( ' ( Hint ) I'asscd. '
LINTOI.V. N'ch , March to Tnr
llui'.J Thescmilo cotuened thlsraurnlii ) ; at
A message fioin the ( jox'ouioi1 x\as \ rtad up
pointing MMSM I.uddeu. ( ireir , Mayor ,
Alnrtlti , I1 IttKcralil , Moshcr , Siwyer nnd
Kuson mcmbors ot the N'ol > nUi : n'liof com
luisslon as lonloinplatiil In housoioll S'o. SI
A pitltlon xvas iccilveel from cltucns in
Wood I Jior pi cclnct asking fur tliu ex tension
cf thorlh'htof silltiageto XMHIIIUI
Ucporls of wtm nude foi-
lov\i nud lefeirodi
.ludli'iary-Kecomincndlni : the passage nf
renaUitlln No. IIS , providing for the coin
pdatlon and puhlliatlon ol the statutes of
Jiobrndw ; placuii ; on tbo woiioral tlio soniito
Illo Xo I'M , relating to tin ) constiuctlon ot
mill d mis.
Judiciary Ueoomuu'ndlui ; the passao ; of
senate Illo No 11T , pmdshlnir people for soil
ing liquor to Imllms ; also sinatolllo No lilt.
ninctnlliiK Mctlnn 101 of chapter " 7. entitled
' ivvenue" nf the compiled statutes of Nu-
liaska for ls.s ! ( ; nlso senatolllo NoI'J , r -
qiilrliic ihoie' islers of ( k'Mls ' nnd loimty
durksvxho no ox-olllriu ii : isteis ot deeds
to piocuro iii.d kcop a inoftivo | ; ; indebtedness
record , and piesiiiliiiiR tin1 form of same ,
and to reiiilro | annual lepoits by said leplv
tors thurofrom ; also seu.ile Illo No. loJ ,
amoniUiig Mctlou I , oluptui l" > , of the coin-
jilled alaliitiM of Iho stito of Nebraska en
titled "Internal inipro\eini \ > nts "
Noinial School PIicuitf on Iho cenoril
file sonata Illo - - . " * , locating a normal sehool
at I'ie'roo.
ICdiuatlDii Recommending tlmpissiKO of
senate tlio No'Jl , aniPiidinu se ctlon 21 ! ! , of
chapter'-.l. of the criminal mdo of Nohraski ,
fiilltlcd "MIscellmeoiH Onin os , " by lidding
a subdlviHion to bo known n * section -U.
Mines and Minim : KeionunciidiiiL' the
lussago of the senate hlo regulating mines In
Medical Legislation Uccniniirndtni ; the
liassago of wnato tile NoOJ , dulinlng thu
ilutlesof coionen , also sonito Illo Ko.'JOI ,
feisulnting the foes of the same olllrer
Municipal Affairs Placing ou the
fdos(5nnto blc ICe 17s , Incorporating cities of
tlio llrst class ; recommending tbo p.issxgo of
the senate Illo assessing and taxing railroad
luoporty for school purposes , also honso roll
No. lltf , pt-ohlblling iwol sellingIndoilnttcl )
postpoaiiiK f-enato tile No 'Jts , i elating tu
the rentliiKof public halls , roioinincmlhii ;
the passage of senate Illc No ls | ) , aiiieiulini ;
section mi. of article 'J , of e-haptci U , of the
compiled statutes ot iM'biuska , ivso , mtltle'd
, 'an nit to provide for the oigani/alion , gov-
crmenl and poxxtrs of cities ot the second
ilass having moie ttiini "i.OiKl inhabit nils ; "
icconiinending the passage of house loll No.
07 , regulating th" paj of gr.iud Jurors
Kd neat ion Ui commending Ihe niasago of
senate Hlo No. 'J'JO , provldlnir for icpwsenti-
tion of tlio state of Nebraska Jt tbo vrorld s
Itailroadi-lloiommcndini , ' the pissago of
semite lilo Vo. is'i ' , coiiipellliu ; the posting by
lailroid coinuanles ot the names of einploves
lu pn-ssengerdoiiots.
Miscellaneous Corporation * Koe'oiimiond-
ing the pass igo nf senate Hie No 1'JI , ro-
pnrdlng tbeduuellatlon of Inauuneo pollen's
at thoieiiucst oftho insured.
The following house rolls \xero read the
first tlmo :
No. It. ) ItciiucstliiK confiii'-ss to t.iVo such
action as xxould secuw the trni.sfurto the
general go\enimcnl of all lailroads and tele-
cr.iph lines In thorountry to boopeiutod for
the bcnellt of the people
No. "IIti'lating to lighting 01 litios by pas
and electricity iinit assojsing proixrty to
pay for the same
No. I * > 1 ItiMiduiiiB It unlaxvful for rail
roads to issue passes to officers holdiiif ; places
of public trust ,
No. h I'rohibitlne all personssavo rnitcd
State's troops or those appointed for the purpose -
pose fioin nctinKiis pi lice.
No. ( is - Appropnatlng S.f ) ( ) ) for the relief
of Mrs. A. 11 Ilorint ) , widow of Iho ongincrr
\vlio was Wiled bv a boiler explosion at the
Insane asylum at Lincoln.
No ll.'iI'rot ucllng assoi'.ntions ofxork -
nion In thoii trade works.
No , VJ j\uthori/uiR \ the ; estnhlishment of
tornado iiisuumco companies.
The folliiwiiiK bills were read a tninl tiino
nnd pissed
Sonito L-'ile No SO Ucffiilatlngciticsof tlio
first ilass.
Son.ito Kilo No. 01 Regulating usuiious
Intorp ; ca'isiIiiK ' the loaner tofoifcit , both
principal und intciehtif ho aeeopts moio than
U poi ccntinteiest.
Homto rile No. -Uolatln0' to homesteads -
Sonuto l-"ilf No lK-Iolitinff ( { to the dc-
posltinirol incoiporatlon % . of banks In tlio
banking depaitincnt of the auditor of public
Tlio scnnto then \\cnt Into executive ses
sion and continued tho. relief coinmUsioticrs
mentioned , ibo\o.
Koci'is until a p. in.
At Iho afternoon session Senators Chrlst-
ofTerson , Sheii , Smith , Tajlor and U'arncr
v > ere absent.
A iiiessniM from the house announceu that
that body bad passed house roll No. 17 , or-
gnnl7ing I > o > d rounty ,
Thoonunitteu on mlscvllancoiis cornoia-
tlons lopoitod as follows Roiomnienilinu
the iiulellnlte po > tpoucmciitof senate lilo No.
HO , defining the iliitlo * of home-itond nssocia-
llons ; locoiiimondiiiK the passnroof senate
Illo No. i7 ! ! , rovcndntremlating and x\ind-
ing upassouations raising- funds to bo loaned
to members for bullitiiitf punwses ; Indoll
nitclj postponlni ; somto llle No "tCi , provid
ing fora commissionr of iusuuiico ; indefi
nitely iinstponirij ; t > onato lilo No. ll'.i , iclatinij
to building , loan nnd savin ? associations.
The senate assumed consideration ot bills
on third leadiiiK-
Sciuto Hlo No 7li , amending sections 0 and
17(5 ( of chapter 21) ) of the compiled statutes of
IbsO , inlating la deceuenUs , wtus nissed nltu-
out the etnergouiy chmso.
Senate tile No'7K roliitlng to estates m
dowei , wns ivad and passed.
Senate Hlo No 1SJ , providing for the issno
of bonds for internal Improvement , xvisread.
It had been amended to cniiblo the issue ol
bonds to purr-huso seed.
Senator hwitrlcr said that tlio amendment
was not gcrmanolo the question nnd that the
Hiipreiuo court had dcilded that such nincnd-
ireutb could not bo inseitfd In suctions of
Senator Konutz said that while thu hill bad
been draxvu hastily it had boon approved by
the Judiciary committee and the attorney gen
eral.Tho bill was passed
Scnato lilo .No. UIO , authori/incr county
boards to expend money from their surplus
genouil fund to purchase seedxxas rcionunit-
ted tofio general Illo
Tbobeiuite xx'cnt into committee of the
whole to consider bills ou the general tile.
Senator SuiUler in the chair
Senalo lilo No W , providing for X'otiug
upon the question of holding u constluitlouid
convention , was not recommended for pas
. Scnato JlloNo 191 , detlnlng the duties of
incorporations was icconimonded for pas-
Sonuto IVo No PO , providing for the Incor
poration ofbocrtt mid other tociotlos , xvis
also rccominended forpassigo.
A longdUciisslou took place a-gardlnf ad
journment. Fiuiilly It wa-s detldcd to adjourn
until Tuesday next ntlO a. m
The coininutco ii > so. rc | > ortol aud the to-
port was adopted. Adjoxirned.
The Mouse.
LIMOIN , Neb. , March -LSpcclal to
BUB. ) House 1-011271 , by IVeto orgnnUe
Boyd rounty out of tlo territory lying
directly noith of Holt , xvas called upon final
reading ami passed jcas fl , niis IS.
The remainder of the morning session x > a-s
spoilt in hcaiiui , ' rojiorts from the various
committee ) .
House roll I.Ki , by Shrador , to abolish tlio
present boird of agriculture aud proUdo fnr
the election ofanoxvboard to bo composed
of ono member from , inch senatorial district
chosen by the county agricultural societies ,
was placed on tile ,
Housn roll 131 , by the > amo uionibor , ap-
preprinting 4l.VM to aid In the "experimental
work" of UioStntuHortloulturiil s ' '
liulelliilloly postponed
The following mils xvcro plncod on thc ou
ord Illonnil ivi omincndcd forpnssiijo
llouso roll IIS.n l-\lUor , iirovidlnn thnt
xx hem mix-mil Is brought nirnmst n clh of
the niptropolll in class und the i'Hj nuBlocts
tuilufuiul tlm R.UIW ntrosldmit \ tnxinyor
miv apuoaior tin11111111) ) and ihnivi ) the cost
tolhe eltj not tiuliiiltii ) , ' attorney foots.
House roll ll'J.bx Kohnn.jiiuvldlUK thut
t'lilted states Ihitjs shnh be pinood' . > n px'ory
school liousrMiy the IrxMl bj.wd of education.
House roll IN' . , nIJlilor. \ . iiilhorUliiK the
state siipoilnletidoiit of public luslrueUm 10
oinploy ii diMiutx
Mouse ion 10 , liy Hodormait , recalling
railroad eouip lilies to'furaUh-dies for clua -
Ul.-H and MCOOII homes.
llouso roll ( U , bv liui'iiett , prndilltiit for
tin * itajiosit of nil public funds in tin' lianils uf
tlii ) tivssurorof the stale , county or niunlol-
\i \ ilitv 111 bunk mill lu tcn'st not less than-4
pei cent on inonthU' balames
llmito lull SK ) , l > y N'lehols. nilhori/lni ;
counties under toxuishiiiorn.iulmlion to. 10-
unco tlio membership of tbo hoard at oupor
Visors. roll 8d : , liy I'arkor , punishing the
saltof liitoxh'.itiui ; liquor to minors or drunk-
urls , \ liulul'nitel - ' ) jxwtponoil.
At the uftirnoonscssloii Mr Mullen offered
nivsnliillon iviltinK tlie. pledges tinilo by the
x.ulompolitli-iu yuly iilntfoimu luio iul to
uiini'tltiir.iitritiROttt ropilatlous conceinlu ;
iisiiiliuit HUM of Interest , am ! moved that
homo roll : in , the usurj nlll , IM imilo n
siHvial order for 11 o'clock tomorrow
Poi d-.aid It was u KOOII bill and lie wanted
to Inluio wliun it cuino up , unil suggested
Tuosdax ne\t.
\ftot seveml amend n eats had boeu m.ulp ,
01 siiKKi'sliuii of White thohouse. te'solvod
itscd ! Into committee of the whole atul loolt
un the bill
llowo nioxed tint sonnto Illo ill be susti-
tilted for honso lilritl.'l.
.V loin ? dlMimion folloxvcd , nil sides of the
qiestlon boinc full > prcsentot.
I'omlih nf hauiastoi opposed nny change
Uilho mosont li\\ :
tloxxc thought tlio iu mbemvotild nnliliro
to KO lunno ultnoul ou.ictln souic kind of n
liw.SliraJ r Mid the indeneidont niomliors
cfnno IUTO pledged to on.u-t n stringent nsnrj
liuv anil ucliexod that the futuroprospoilt x
of tlio state dopcniloU on the action of this
letrisi.ilnro in tillsusiKCt.
I'elker then obtained the llooi nnil pro
coododto imiiifu the inonovpoxvei' In severe
laniunitt * , olUitliD.'Uhoci aftir chcir Irnia the
independents , tlnully clnslnpr his imnnirfs hj
s.i ) nit : ho did nut bitiox'o n law could bo wouldiV.icli thucabo.
Nowherrydld not hollovo that tlio piss.iKfl
of a usury la\v \ would Uuvu cipltnlont of the
sttto. 1'ho snnio tin oil hail boon imlu in
oilier states wlurc usury laws hive boon
yisscd , but had never ticen cm toil out
Stcblilns innvod an nmoudmoiit forfeiting
both DiliK-lpil
Stovins of Kuril is ivprcsciitcit the western
f.innei , mill they tlld not want tl.o lu 'il i ito
cut down , but \\cio stionply lu fiver of a
atiliict'iit ussiirj laiv. lie > * aUl thcte was a
laix'o iiiiuniutof public money in Ihonrlout
stito nnil county funds , ugcn'K'Ulnij millions
of doll irs , and labor \v .is p.ijhifr .n Inteiest
on this \.ist Him
Anicuislccil Slciens If ho did not thlnlt the
ihiinlio ngiuud to paj iibiiiv should also be
Stevens thouRlit. tlicio nowavtodo
this , for if lie was put in j.iilhls powui as a
piodimr would slinpl > bo taken away.
Ames then \\nntud toknow if IIMUR ibovo
tlioir incotnodid not in.ilto iinnv poor people
Stcvtns said tint was a common fry \\ltli
the aristorrncv lie \\antoil them to imdor
stiind that Ills \ \ ifc rot up at 1 o'clock In the
inorniiifr mid wotlcu.liutillnlo at ui ht , and
ifslie liouglit a du'ont dicsj it was called
\\astctul oxtiMva anco
Aim . I don't send my wife out at I
o'clock I RLt up and co out and do the
clioit - , inj self Mil [ milliter. |
Stevens I u ill wager the cigirs for the
CMWrt Ih it jour ivifo works us many hours
SH voti do.
C'huieh Howe objectc l to any bets beiiii ?
in ide
1'eo nop ) of Chorrj thought 10 pei cent
\rouUl do foi the iistem part of the st Uo ,
but would not do [ or his section. lie \\oiilit \
lilcoto'.eo ' interest i educed to S per cent , but
did not think it could bo done , uiiil itumhl \
Do best not to enact anj law lit all
Stevens uskcd him It bo was n iiionej
b'eo ndmilted ' that ho t-onii'timcs loaned
money to his neighbors | lautliter' , but
chimed thru ho i-cuelrcil less than le al rates
of interest.
Meliols ( lnd said that \vhon \ strniBeiit
iwurv h\\s jucvrlled h ovpry.statc in the
L'nioii II wrondiigiaro for a man to luvo a
nuut .10 , onhib furm Thutillorsior thu soil
nivo ni'vor been able to ma He both ends meet
ni'd ' pi ) inoio tlinnli pei cunt Interest. Tliore
is not .isinplocoiintj intho htatoof Nobiaska
\\heiotlio fnim inert airesaroiiotliicreisiiiH
" \Vhi \ n 1 Uun Imclc tliop.iBCJof the hlitorj
of aj fleiiltiui' I hoar the ii.ost pitiful u.ills
fio'ii the house of bondiiKi1 The tiller1 ; of
I lie soil lindit Impossible to live and p\v the
pi'nes that inoniv coniiuiiiKis today. The fust loslu thuii haincs , mid the
land , the hciit.iKO of the people | j slip
piim into the eonliol nf the money i wei
1 i-t ua attaik this ( ; reit onuiny of "otu lire-
slilo uid make the light hero and now. "
( Applause' .
Su > H ( inili of Diwspn had n inortpago on
his hum and would willuiKlj vote to reduce
Interest to < > pcr lout tto i nno hero to vote
for a atnv law , but the ery wen tup "it will
piovont lioriowlnc monny on farms "
\Vituout ii'.ichln avoU * on any j > oiidliir'
aniendiiieiits the coiiiinlttco ro o tbo
house adjourned till U ) ! 0 tomorrow.
Arming Indians.
r iN'coi.v , Nob. , March Ii. [ Special to Tm
llii' : j .lustasscnato illoNo 15S was enllod
ui > in commlttco ol thu whole , a uussayo win
received from ( ! o\atnor \ UojM as follows :
To tlio Honin , ibi' ] . thosiiuitu of tlio hi ite < ) (
Noliraskii I icspictfnlly Infniiu vonr linnni-
ahlo Ijinly tint ' nptiiln I'rank II linlrlnln ,
Jiid idxoi'ito I Iftli Inf.uit ry , lr s. v , under
dliei'tlnu of donoi il NiNou A i\lllo-s iulisei
uid tint r.tlililiInfill niilliiilias ii.iotiiu 111 in
l tin1 1 ITeet that U MIS mil iintiiuiiltlnii aio
sold to tlio I mlliin of th
mil IIiM'Imd iiReii'lys lir I'ttl/en- tlio state
of Niliraski mill oilier * , tcninlln prle 'i
In'lii'j pild tin-refill In ninny Institiu't'-
I toincctfiilly ( .ill Ilio : itli > ntlon ot your
liimoiMlilr luulv In tin fait that the le N no
la , ut ilo or feeler il niiKliu iii-lisale puiial ,
nud I iii.r < i llm iiei'D lty u' ' a 1 in lioliuen-
ai'led liy tliopix-eiit IrKlatun' niii lii'snoi
lit in in < . or .imlu u ill tloi i lo 11 nilin.s I thin 1 ho
luiideisof this st.ile u irlme and Drc-tilliiiiif
hi'\fi 3ii'nnllles | then foi. llctipi'itfiiUy
.1 .1MIS r. lloi n.llim itioi.
The bill In question lelatr-d to the subject
ipferrcil to bj th" Kovcinor It piovided n
punishment for the soiling or KW'K ' a\\nv \ of
nuns , ammunition , or iui\ tiling tint inl'ht bo
used for sutli to the Indians \\Asanionduj
so as to not IIION out ck < selling or KiviiiK' of
arms ur aiiimunitiou toliidi.iiib vho aio eltl-
/ens of tbo United St.itei. It was also
tiiiiPiided , nnUiiiK the penalty imprisonment
in the ixMiitLiitinu * from one to il\o years , or
atlaoof not loss than $100 nor moio than
? I.IHH )
With thcbo changes itas rrconiinendcd
for pnssapc.
'lli < > Ilonso Killing Committee.
Lis-oiv , Nob. , iMuuhi ! . [ Spjcial to TUB
IHV. -Tlio I notice slftlnjj coiiunlttoo has boca
liitd ut woik all tbo aftornoin 1'hoy hnvo
ivported the judiilal illttilct bill at the head
of the list , foltovM'il b ) the vauoiis appro
priation hills Itv tliu order of the house
these measures \\lil UiliO prwcdcnco of ovorj-
ff else uuh s sot iisldo by some peculiar
Hncakei UUIer or by a two-thirds
\olu. I'ho lioiisehas rofusc'd to oxcnsu any
membora , and u strninotToit will bj undo to
tnko ui ) aiidlhiislithodlsoiisslon on thuusuty
bill tomorrow und geL read 3 to begin on the
bills repotted fioin Iho slftliif coiiiinlttco
Monday. _ _ _ _ _
Home I'm1 lie Kriotnl less.
T-.INUIIV , Neb , March -SicUal | ) to THE
Hi r ] Thcl.lueoln homo for tl.o fricadloss
will bo eoinpcllod to ahldo in ita present lo
cation for nt least another two years , iiouso
roll tit ) , by ( illlilan , which ni-ovldes for tlio
sale of the present sltoatul for removing tliu
liomoto n tract on hcctlon Jil , n pm of tlio
jallnoliinils has been Indefinitely postponid
In tlin if oh.
I.IIMOI v , Nob. , March 0. ( Spciiid to Tun
HKU. ] Hro > \ n X Wheeler got tl Job of com-
| illltiRtho new atitutos. The house Judiciary
committee madotliU dun i to la the bill and
stipulated that copies should bo furnished the
state atfi each and private partlM forfl per
copy , uobboy of Ueatriro vas nainort as i-om-
tilleV in the original bill.
I'lui lllll to Prohibit IMiilicrtoiiH.
Ltscoi.v , Nob. , March 0. [ SpecInl to TUB
n r. B. j - T h e f ollotv In p Is tuo f till text of the
hill to prohibit the omplovnleiil of I'lnltciloii '
Jotoetlves us | nnsodbtliohou o ,
Seitlon 1 \ny or all IWMOIK wlm nro not
rltl/oiiH of Xvbriitkt shall lie tirohllilted fioin
ovcrclsiuu polk'O piwcrs. oxcupt stlfh person
or | > rnons bo I'nlteJ Statei 'wtip or otbirs ,
luilliiirijed hvtlu1 fttleral invcminont
Si'e J , Any pi'roii or iwr om found i' < cr-
I'lslni ; pnh v ( iiiwer roiilrnryto tin' provis
ions of this law shall ho lumlshrsl by u tlnonf
noth > s % linn ( UK ) nor tnorot bin K > ui forllrst
oiTuuo , .nut for second or ofleusos
liv liiiprl nnimMt lu ) : ill for not loss than
thrco mouths nor itioio thini onu yuiir.
.tin. i. ir\.s i.v ir.
riic nnicc ol' ( ( iioiH-i nnil die
IIH'lltH < OIllllM'K'd Mltll II.
LIMOIS , Nco , March ( > ( Spoohl to I'lir.
llir. | 'Iho COIMIIOI' MPinw to bo very \ hn-
poilaut iharaiter In tin * In.'lslatiuv ixud Is
thosuhjcotof half n do on bills , some of
whli h luvo adv uncoil ijnlto a distance on the
ru.iil to IIIHSIMO ; . Tuo of these nio.isiiras
wciolnttodnccdby Semilor llrown nfAu h-
Ini'ton. With Its provisions It iifO'l ' hardly
bost.iteil the nvcraro biiiullci of ileail nu'ii
will Hint lUtlofnult It doti'iinluw the fees
that shall bo i dd him for his bCivlivs , VNliieh
Is iiiiaiiHii.dnitnl toscotlon 7 , chaiiter 'Js , of
thi'comiilled ' statute.sot Is .t. The fees uro
us follows
1'or vlouliii ; bcxIVi vlth \\ithotit
mi liuiunt , Siolth tnlio.iKc foi distmro
tr.U'olod to and from tlionlucoof vliwinptho
de.ul bodv hiiiiinioninr anil ipiallfvinK nil
iinUi'st | , " > D cents ; stibHiniuntr | a vtltnoss , r > 0
cents , swoarliif ? a , witness , ID tents ; dmw-
init.iiul in iltiiii ; return , luiludinctlin veidiit ,
tbo lostltiioii ) witni'HsiM , the papers con-
ncrU'd vlth the lniiivst | mil n list nt the wit
nesses , for each ton \\onli , 1 < cnt ; for physi
cians imhltifi post inoitoiu exiiaiinatioii of
body , not losjtlmnjio eicb , and in easts 10-
iliiifin i euro fill andiliniiult illssei lion or an
aiiilj-ns of " .upposed . poisons , siuli snin as
innv'bo allowed by the cnuntfoininisstoiiers
of tlio count v. for witnesses tx'foro n eoroiior.
iitnl for jtiioiN at inquests held by him , the
same fei's iinilniileiiu asure allowed in the
riistilct loiirt , for nil other sen k'os rendered ,
tin1 sinio fees as aio nllowed the sheriff mill
The fees of tbo coroner , \\itnegsM , Jurora
nnd constnbloat an imjuoit slinll bo paid , la
tlin tirttiiistnnco , by thocouiitvheioiuthe
inquiut is held , nnd shall bo luld b ) the
county , H a cUiin luainst tbo estate ot the
dciutood , which shall bo Hied against , said
obtato , and , In the discretion of the prnbntu
jiultro , aliowod or n'Jcetcd , piovidcil , tint In
cases of murder and manslaughter , tbo count v
in iv proieed against the oed * , chit tola and
toiioinoiith of Iho sUjer fortho lost of the
'Ibis lill lias been icportod for passage and
will be loiisiiloied lu tlio senate on Alonduy
In senate Illo Xo. 203 the coroner
comes In for attention As soon as that
dij'nliaiv , is informed tint the dead bodv of
an ) pci on boon found in the coiiatj who
i ; . supposed to hmro coino to his de.ith by
% iolence , ta u.iltv or iiiuluo means he shull
stiiiimon six lawful men .mil hold an inquest.
Tlio tcstlinom of eich vitne-ss shall bo writ
ten out , liii'hidiiiB- mine of tbo wituoss ,
rcsldiMiu ) occupation Uo shall rotiun to
the distiict coint tlio voullet nnd all paper *
coiiuecUd with the liKiuist , the tostlmonrof
t \vitiiQiso4 nn > l the iinmo of the Utter
Another bill lol.uiiiK tothisonicorls sennto
Illo Ko. tit , Introduicil by Senator Moom ot
Lmui.ster. 'Ibis m.ilcos it unlawful for any
undertaker or other pirson to put anj em-
balinliiB or ether lluiils or solkls into the
stomach of ant dead poison whose death nas
kno\\n \ to ho felonious 01 surrounded by sus
picious liieumstiuicesithoutllritobtaiiiiiijc
a permit therefor fioni the coroner of the
county in which the death occurred Viola
tion of tht act mnj bu punished b } a finu of
not nioio than M , HIM or Imprisonment in the
penitentiary foi not moru tli in one year , or
bfllh , in the discretion of the * iourt
Clio bill has been sucnestod bj- the Sbecdy
murder In this tltj Whoa suspicions were )
moused reniinliiifr the clriurnstanccs preced
ing the victims deith nnd a poat-nmitoia e\- ordoiccl the body had boon
onib ilmcd. This , it was thought , nrovanted
the llndiiiff of poison , which , it was believed ,
bail bieu , idinlnisi ied before Shocdy's
The ciiforceniont of the law in question
will , it U thought , have-lho effect of euabllnR
a post-inoitein to be inada whoa such au ex
amination tnav ha\o thudcsiml rasult.
The bill is uo\v \ on third reading
Stol : f
i.N , Neb , .March ( i. [ Special to Tun
BiK. ) It cannot bu rocilled tint dentil has
over visited thocapitol duriiiR a swslon of
tlioICKblnluiP , tliouRh scirtcly a
of tlio nitloml congress takes place
docs not see 0110 ormoroof its member.- , pass
into otemlty
Dt'atlilus not enteicUtho capltol this year
either , but sonic of its member ; , have not
been far from its doors.
Senator Stip.iwas taken ill early in the
session FoivecKs ho was confined to his
room , and fora llroo it was feared thnt ho
would not ioto\cr lie is now at his homo in
Omalui , and it is not known vhotlur noill
be able to iignin appear this session
Senator Smith of Buffalo lountv has been
aliment since lust Satunhiv , and at last ac
counts was cnnllncd to his bcl in ilihbon.
Senator Taj lor of Uoup has been fociiiiK
unucll for some wioks vast , but reinaUicd at
bis desk until Saturday night , when ho
compelled to give up Ilo Is confined to his
lolphiKS and Is not expected in tlio senate
tor some ( hv > s.
Senator Chiistoffoi son of Uouglas has been
liiefjnlar in his attendance for n coujilo of
weeks pist , owing principally to the fact
tint ho tins been s > ultornp ! ; from n variety oE
complaints , tin lias hail n very bora throit.
tOp'ctlur with pains In the sido. List niRht
it was feaioil that pneumonia and favor
would set In and ucihaps licophlm away
fioin bis desl. the tat of the session.
Senator \Vainerof rillinom has boon laid
up for sc\oral days past \\ltli i SOMTO attaolc
of quinsy , but Is not supposed to 1 > u as dm -
Kiiously ill .is any of the others ubo\o 10-
firivd to.
1'ho other ineiubors of tbo sciutohoso
names have not been mentioned nrajn the
oiijovmcnt of peed hcilth and aio woikhi
h.ird and icgulurly ,
I'rot ei-tliiK ( Jjinie.
fjis'i'1 , Neb , March ( i [ Spocnl to Tin'
Ilii' ] There was an almost liitcuninablo
airav of aincndinents tired atscnato flloNo
I'ji this afternoon 1'ho bill pronoses to icjjit-
lutothescusoii of vinious kinds of g-uuie ii
this state
Scnntoi Iloiavns \ opposed to huntora
tiosp.ussiiiK on his farm and kdlinp thofamo
ubich was raised there Tncy had as mud
right tokill the chickens hiaif i raised as
tlioj b.vt to Kill the ganw which was horn 01
hi * phue.
Senator ICiinleston wantetl HID hill inJefl-
nltelj postponed.
Senator U.\art \ wanted thochicltc'i ROISOII
tobesin boptoiaber ! . " s > o the farnieis thora-
sclvos could eujoyachlikeii now and then
The piescnt season opened August l."i.
Senator Codins said that undue the law
Brousowiw now protected 'nineteen months
of the jeir. " The prolilbltion comnipiu'cc' '
Jaiiuoir 1 and conlinucd until the folloiviiiK
August Tint , bo said ' was the bcatpiovis-
ion of the bill.
Senator Hill did not \\ant to ha\o anjr
quail Itilled for ll\o > ous
Sonntoi Knuliill ino\cd tlmt the so.isoi
open Octotur 15.
The motion proMiilod und the bill was l'o
1C i ted for
t in' I ii
LIVCIIIA , Xeb. , March -Special ( ( toTnr
Hi1. : ! ! The monotony of thisaftoinoon'ises '
slonoftho senatowasarieilby n sharp little
tlo talk on Senator C oultjr's life , No ifiti
'Dili bill provldevs Unit liquor lici'tisosfihlil
stito the tlino for which they aie gra'atei
vhlch shall not cxccod ono jaar. TUoj shn
also designate ) the place whom Uo liiiuoi-
to ho sold and shall not bo trans f enable no
assignable. , and any hconso granted undo
this chapter may ho reuiked by t ho author ! t ,
KrantinK ttio same whenever the lattorsha
bo satisllinl upon due proof -mailo that tb
nerson or persons licensed has or have vlo
luted any of the provisions of this elm pier o
other la s relating to said tralllo durinir th
term of the license.
The object of the bill was to do away wit
this uncertainty which prevails refcardln
the right of trainforrlns or asslcnlnu
llccnso under tha Slocumb law. Thes
nsslBfinion ts and trnusfors ills well Uuowi
take place in till largo cities , Ihouph tboru i
some dllllcnlty oxporienccd In cfTcctlnpthon
benator Coulter Introduced the Ull by 10
iiiest | , thoiiRtrirftiisi not In sjinpnlhy
with It.
Senator MutlH io\ \ oral itny.s iiito offered mi
aiiuMidiiH'iit thut lIcensiM "mli'ht he tr H-
ferrcd by the | n > r/nlMlim uf the bodv KUiit-
Intr Ilicin
Tint led to rt , lively wriinizUs which ro-
suited in the m'oiti'nltiuciit to the coinmllti'O
of Inn \vliole '
\\hontho bill eiinic up today It was tiiion
i Koiior | wniinU o | i oed Hand s.dd
int It so cliittijod the hill thut Its father
onld not be. nhla to ieioinl7C It. It
iiilii violation of the Hpiilt of the Slocuiub
uv Saloon kixipun had no lUlil t o\n.vt |
o lie permitted to assijti their llcon cs. Ilo
md promised , mid so had ou'rv donuKiut
lefoiv pltctlon , that thoSlocunib 1 iw would
10 nllowid to sliuul ns ItXMis lloliad bcou
nstructtvl by the tursounl rights leugui of
Meieo tolet tli-il Imv alone
Scnntoi S\\lt7lersalil that the entlommi
did not iinde'rHand Iho nntiird of t lit1 nmond-
icut He was opposing n inovohich was
aliulatol to servo tbo ( impose the senator
rom IMerco had inlov
Senator Mnttos spoke in favor of his
Senator KKKlciton moved that tlio bill bo
ecoiniiiondeil lo thu commlttco of the whole.
10 motion prevailed
Lifr , In comniitteo of the \\liolo. the siih-
pcteaini'iip ngnlti and the iitnciultnutit was
adopted , and the proviso \vfts \ added that the
as.siKiieolllo with thr > license hoard an iiipil | >
011 1 Ion and hoiu Iho same as Iho assignor.
'liacoininittuolltially agreed to report the
) lll for nassaue.
The Silent * Bounty.
LiMoiN , Nel > , March -Sicilal | Tcle-
; rani to I'm : HII : : . | This la'xir ' committee
icaid arguments in favor of the Soverln hill
ro toiin > 'tlio bounty on suiur , pujln half
to the fanner who rilscs the beets niullbo
bal.nuo to thu maiiufiictiiicr Phial action
was not Ukon A lar o majority of the ( Oin-
mitti'o la strongly opposed to the meisure
Hois stout's Clnlnm P
Livroiv , Neb , March (1 ( ( .Special Tclo-
rain to Pin : llur.lTho house coinmlttee
n claitiH bus inilelinitely postponed the
hum of Boss Stout for f. i,00l ) interest en
varrants whlih hoallcRcs ho was ( onipt'llod
o iiisconnt that an.ount The nttoriu'\s .
ought bird tost'cum the adoption ot thoml-
oilty report , hut filled.
Xcb , MirchCi.Special ( to Tm :
Jui ] The hoiibo e'oiiunlttco 011 public lands
nd b lildlngs has dodldul to tccommend tlie
I.ISS.IKO of ( lllilun's bill looKtond the sew-
race system of tbo penitentiary nnd insane
svlitin to a point near Kendall \ Smith's
nillbclotv thocltvof r > incohi. and that the
uni of $ . "i,000 , onehalf the cstiiintod e\-
) onso , be appiopriatod for this purpiwo
Iteprcscntatlvo Clifford of I'.uvnw is ab
out nttcndlngtho of his futhoi inv -
a \v nt Burchaid , and may not bo back for
ex oral Ui.xs.
Siio ikcr lilder slept vhcldlr in an easy
hair duilnsi some of thestormiost a-ones ut-
endiim the discussion of the usury question.
\ member supRoatnd that ho had cvldimtlv
icen locked in the ornillo of odx'oisitjund
njoyed a "coimiotlon of tbo cleincnt-s. "
A .sriw > .M , jL'iiosnsEit ,
" -
Nc\v \ Vork i'oliccmon ISuise a Fund to
liny N' i-dato' ' " * ' Volos.
Cm \ < iD , Mirl'H ' tj. [ Special Telegram to
fur Upr , | Aspecld from 2 ew York sivs :
'Three tbousind JJow Vork polli union uro
aid to lave raised , or ncailv laUeJ , a fund
of * r."i,0)0\vitlnvhioli ( to huy up votes In the
Cfislituie , and 'u bi scandal is promised.
revious logislatuis ) bad raised tlio can-
wins' nnd sergeants' piy , but left the
) atrolmcn xx'ilhi u mixinium pay of fl,3u , )
as the lop ot the' ' ladder , the lower end
\\hichrcsted \ on $1,000 The rank and lile
loeuled lo try thoiVjhatidi this winter , i'he
eault was u bill , imroducod last month pto-
vidiiiB for a ralsa ot pay. Atu inevtinp ; of
delegates from nil jiieclntts au assessment of
f 1.30 was laid on ! ' p cvy ' latfoliuaii | n the do-
i.irtmcnt to raliQ a ( 01 couusol foos.
rhcsuiijoc 53)0wts. ) . . .limited over to Uio
counsel hhoa to smbotli out any legal
miles that tnl ht turn up ami soon that
i bill "was " drawn up tint would hold xvater.
Very soon a hint cnno fioin Alomu that the
counsel fees inifjut , bo all vnv well in their
way , but thut soincthtnir else was neeiled.
In the end , after a need of pulling anil
liaiilmi ? , T i.OOivsis nijrcL'd onasaboia iln'ht.
The police oflorcd to put the nioni'In a
bank to bo drawn upon by a committee of
their O\MI ehoosipphcn it'liad txen laiily
earned. Albany eloinuiied to this at iirjt ,
buttho pitiolinen icnialncd tlrm and it was
so iicvetdVheio \ this l.xipo ninnnnt of
mnncd ( TOPS to 01 x\ho Is tohnntlliMt up at
Albany no ona profosaei to Ici.oxx No ono
uuies , in fact , so lon as the bargain Is Kept.
SiiloliIiMit i alt Ij.iK ' .
SUT lAKt.Utuli , MaiihiSpecial ( [ Tcle-
prain toTm : IHn. | L. J. HallosAVarncr , a
son of liush Warner , a leading Inbtiimco
a ent of this city , loft his father's nfliLO
rhuisday night and wont homo , sajini ? ho
was ill and xvas poiuy to bed Ho ga o htriet
ordoia thnt 1100110 bhould disturb him and 10-
tlrcd 'Ihis niornln howas found uead with
a bullet thtough bis honrt The family nude
oveo cttort to cover up the cimio , but all tone
no purpose , for the undert liter notilled the
coioner , who , Into tonitrht , held an Inquest.
Thu verdict of the jury was such as to war
rant cither the coiulusion that it UMS an aecl-
dent or hui'-lde , butit is bclloxcd a case of the
latter. S J successful xvero tbooffoits of the
fninllv to cover ap the deed that the
panels announced it as acascof henit disease.
- i
> I < M * ' 1'roeesn U lilsky.
C'mci.o , Maich 0 , I'lio r.ikamlno fer
ment company , oisjanijod by the whisky
trust to oxplolt Iho nctw Pi'oe-oss of xvliUUy
niakinp invented by the.I.iiiineso diumUt ,
Takamine , has increased its uipltal stock to
? 10,000IOO. , 'Iho salient point hi tbo proioss
la a microbe or funrunl cell ofsupciior
nowcr , produced fioin a fuiiRiis giowth on
rice. Its use permits completion offer-
mentation in forty-two hours , as n r.ilnst
se\pnty-two heretofore , 'iCbidea fjmtlx-
chcapenliife' it and onlitging the volume of
production from a Ilko quantity of giain A
caliulatlon based on thu out put of maltsters ,
hi ewers , distillers and others using ferments.
makes Iho jearly value e > f the discovery
loiit to ? . ' .t,000n < > tt
SIHIXS foi-U inter U'heat.
C'mt ' AI.O , Mamh 0"c alto a hoivy snow
fall jiro\ ailed hero iluri UK the forenoon , out
at I p 111 it had Jjeisjjd The siKnal oflicer
rcioits [ it ext < ndcilns.'f irnoilh ns aL'iMsse ,
Wis , and ( Jvaiul rt.upn. Mich , and south to
Spiint-Mleld , III UsMiiiis-u duiiiifilast nl ht
and tod.iv eoxeiml' ' Vooil part of Minnesota ,
Dakota , Mubinslcn , linv.uuiil as far south as
fapuiiKlluid , MO..J'bis / toveu nearly the
entlro x illtol whe t belt
Tim Jai FiMVnts 1C din1.
Sr L.OI is , JJo. , lNJa chii.--JSeclalTolcgrain |
to Tin : Brr. i , \Vf/-s.iJa \ Soraldcin , tlio
"Jap , " defeated llertdvano , the Pacific coast
champion , in a' ' < IVii'CO-Koman westlmjr
m.iteh Hero last itllOiV The match was fet
Si'iU und the gate
Cioxciiior'lnjiliM < \ Not
l < \ssi\f. , Mich , MTTreli ( i. - CiovomorVin \ -
nm has been ill for two days \ \ lib a so\ \ ere
all , irk of hiecouijjis0 Ifis idiysiclans say ,
however , tint ho , is not in llangtr. Heii'ta-
tioual disiiitcbctiiVo ] been sent out to the ,
effect that ho was d > Iii ( !
' . . . .
Victor ) lei Ilishop Itiixvinaii.
All.KroPa , Manh (1 ( Hishup Ilow-
nun toihy roeeived a tdugram staling Unit
the court had eon Ih mod tils nppoiiitinonts it
Iowa liy Killing periimnent iniiinctions
ugiln-.this oiiponcnti.
'Hie I Ire Iti--nnl.
NBW I.IMHIIICK , Mo , MnreliI'ho ih\ol
luiK' of ( ! rorgu \ \ liltoiis burned iluring the
teniiornry | abicncocf the man and wife , and
their two children pcrUbud in the Ihmioi ,
Tlio \ \ ' < 'aih < M Ptuceasi.
Tor Oiniitn nndleliilly Pair ; colder ,
I'or Nobvaska , Iowa and South Daltotn
Kalr , sllghtlMirmyr , bccoiiiliiKsotilh
South DnLtu It Not Entlwslartlo for tlio
Cohimbiaii Exposition.
rriM'liuiti Hit ill. or I'III-IIM
Out lo Ite u Oi'l'iuit'eiSuleidf '
Ol'Jl SIIMIVDlMtll | Ol'
ail l.illlni- .
Piiuiti : , ? > . O , Mantin. ( Sped il Tilosr.tiu
to'Pin : Hi 1.1 -Ni-ar Jo'eln'k last titbit , tlio
clocli being turned b u-k , the II nil vote wu
reached on tho-uubin-fub bill. It failed ID
jiass , lacking tlw iieivssurtolhiids nu-
Jorlty for a speitul npprnnriutloii , the vote
standing fl'i ' tu I * , xvilli .ti absent. During
lliu ive-ulii ) ? them xvoio \ calls of Ilio
house , but o\xiug to sickness a sulllclont
numlioi could not bo brought in to pass It.
Thlsdofo.its tliopisaiiro of any bill of tlio
kind this sossion. Aliirsom ijorlty of both
liousi'M are very hull viiini tat tlufoxx' cranks ,
ivs thty call thorn , xxno preen \ to I the bill's
pis sago.
The house amended the sennto rovontio bill
tlie p'liidt ) on dollmiiiont tuxes
to I per tout , i'id intoivit ou ticcr -
IfliMtes fiom Ji ) \f \ > U p.T eonl , 'Ihe basis
if oxpressemnHiilos | tax nsse'ssmonts XMIS
Kedby ivniiirlng tliom lo furnlshiv stale-
nemt of the gross und not uirnlngs , aud u
honing of the capitiil stock and ( li\ldeuih ,
uid maniuiilniint xxw ml led that the state
iimrd shall not laiso tlie total assessment
riiosoiiuti * failed to concur in the iinutul-
ill-ills , and thu bill xxent to the confereuio
coiuiiuttc , which toporluil a coinpiiiiulsL1 ,
nuking the interest on tvc e'orlilleite. l" >
) or ( out , and taxing1 i-xprcss companies on
heh gross earnings. Tim was u cu to ( lodge
on the granger and a bitrictoiy foi the ox-
irtMS lonipmies' lobbyists. 'I'lio ringers
inxoiirtlculaih kicked tint the sfito hoaul
alseil Ibcasseasuioutlastjear. All tliat Uo
ovpuss conipanli's have asked for XMS tint
.ho.x ho not loquliod to hand In their e.iin-
HKuid dividends.
The bill to uilso the salaries of circuit
liilKos&'iOil wn-slost lu the hou o tbU after-
Tbo special committee appointed toiuvostl-
; ate the clmri ei made atr.ilnst ( , 'oloiul M. II.
) ii > who was in ebirgc of tbo state ti oops
luring tha Indiin war. on tin ) tlooi of the
louse , tint h had cmlitvrlod sfito muds , 10-
lortcd this Htoiuinir , completPl ) oxoiior.itIni ;
dm from each and exorv ( linrgo The report
xvns load tlio second I line l > y the speaker ,
ulojitcd unaniinoimlx and ordeied spread at
enpth ou the Journal Kiwesentathu llnr-
Isou , who made the irluclpal chugos , stattd
lofoiothc coniniitteo that ho now hi-lioxoit
.hoin to hu xvhollx-unfounded , and that liu
inddonohini nu in justice
Both houses st.irtut In with a greit shmv
of oconoinj , but today raist-d the salaries of
employes to whit thi'v weiu last jcar
Ithas bejn a busj day , ami inati ) small
jills hax'e become I.XMS.
'J'lie special train he.imii ; Dean MillarU of
the state nnix-eisity of Minnesota , a lieail
spodalist , to tint Stn.it01 Clailt. aviived ut
noon A consultation \vllh Poctors Mead
nail Uabiuson XMIS held and a thorough u < -
unin ition of tlie patient shoxveil no new de-
xelopineuls In the case All agioo that his
-h.inccs for rceivorx todm aio better thin
xestcrdax Tjut ho Is still in daiigir. Tliu
luait action is nulto iincertalu and there aio
otb 'i couiplicatlons. 'I'lm aftoinoon a void
) f tli.'nkavnsotuil \ Iho Noituxioitoui rail-
mail for the special tram xvhleh hiouyht
Ui-an Mi 11 nil.
'Plip iioiWenci biilnpnropnatlng ? ' 1QO ) his
lassid both houses.
sloii l'rol > abl.v Defeat ell.
l iimti : , S D.Miuchl ! [ Special Tdejjnun
to Tnr Hi r | Prohibition will not Iw rosub-
inittcd to the people of ttio slate at the ncvt
election. The ilckiiCis of Senator Clu-k Ins
[ ) i-e\entcillt. IJj tuc delay unuilani mci'i-
liers now refuse to ba thotweiity-thhd , and
as tbo bill is not going to cany they
don't care to go on record If a x'oto had
boon taltcn. ns rxpccte I , cailx' in the
xxcck , xx-ilti Mi , Cl.nk'h xoto tbero Is Htllo
doubt nut that icsubniissiou xvoulil Invo
ned under a e-all of the son ite.
The bill lluallv nine up for final passage
at 'lo'clocl ; tonight. The excitement nmoiif'
its fi lends on both side- , was Intense Tlio
lobbies xx-cre packed with spectators. She.ifo the ( tisciission , i-laliniiiB that the lirnt
submission of prohibition did not gix'o the
people a chaiKO to consider It , and ttut
the people nf thu state now de
manded resubiiiission ( ! * us iesiib-
inisshm and it in the next lew
.x < > nisit fulls f xxill vnto for prohibition '
Ho picscitcel petitions fiom Aberdeen and
Alelxilli tolbnvcdxdth anelmiuent ndc'ioss
A innio iut'-lllsoat xerdift xvas uo\o" len-
deroil on this question "If it is rosjbmitted
thehquin tiallie cuuiot beeoiitiollcd for Ilio
iieixt t wo xoars Frinch ail in its that prohibi
tion prohibit , and everybody is in
fax'or of it , but this cannot bo
shown. When unv largo nurnher
of iieoplodesno to vote onnn uniendmoiiL to
tbo constitution thej should biuo It. "
C'arj siild "If piohlbillonII1 \ elluduato
the saloons from politics i\o \ hnvo xvon a xic-
tor.x Out platform demands un honest en-
foncniontof tholaxv"
Abbottsalel : "The indopond"nt party Is
plodded to prohibition , all statements to the
eonliay , notxvitbstniiding"
Klttrcdgosalil : "Tho question at this tiino
is not xvliethor drunkenness is a crime , hut
shall prohibition bo decided upon by Iho
people or not. "
On conclusion of the speeches Klttrudgo
moved foi a call of the senate , hut at a late
hnuraftei midnight the icsult hael not yet
been reached. _ _ _ _
Ic. illi ol an ndiinr.
YVMCTOS , S 1) , .xlirehli. [ Special Trio-
gram to Tiir finrV | V Hiindon , sovord
jean a resident of IJeudlo county , and xv'io
lauxnssed the state for the indipoiiduit
ticket last fall , anil lias since boon cll-
tornllv crmnoetudvitli the U'eoidv
Henh ! and Onilv Jouinal of tills
citj , xx as foil ml dead m his bed at the ( .lir
mania honso toilav. Ho cnmo sevord yeirs
ago from loxva lo Hoidlo loiiutv , xxhoro hu
luis two daughters , but little , noxxever , Is
laiouii luno iibout him or his family. Uo
xvas a man of more than aie > mKOintclligome ,
an cftectnospaiker nui agoodwiitei
A Ifaiil ! Defaulter.
YiNkiov , S D. ixiucb ! ' > . ( Spechl Tile-
gram to Tnr lle.i. | Pcank Duck , i jonng
( Sernian xxho forse\oral \ yeau operated a
prixato bmk ntrrecinaii.IlutLliIiisoncountv ,
H I ) , and xv.vs arranging ostonsiblx to o | > u
a hank in I.estoix-illp , , i ullage innuklon
count } , nix stiMiouslj disappeared fiom this
citx txvo ironic * ago l iiiirs xvenentertiiiind
that ho hid hctn murdered anil rohbed , he-
ciuiso ho kail bixeralthiiisand dollars in Us
possession xvbi'ii last seen but toibn he x\as \
lieiml from hi Canadi. Ilo is n dofmltoi In
a 1 iii-go Hum and Sioux tJliy. In , bunks nud
loaning companies arc tbox Ictims.
III IION S I ) , March -Spec-mi ( to 'Iill.
Br.i I 'Iho teini of the un-idi i-nuu In sc--
slonlioi-Dhas : iJ ) cases on the cdendir , four-
loop of xxhk-b are ulmlinl. In thoirimli'id
list is included the Ilnndloj minder i-n-to ,
xvhlch has attnctod much attention. It xull
bo loiiioinlioroil that lust Juno | 'ied Hundli-y
shot nud Killed his f.ubei , lion 7. 'I Iluiid' .
li > > , editor of the Ilcrulii-Donincrut of this
i-itt , aiidiluiiuiinn of UID ileiiuK r.itUhtit ?
e-ontral ioinuiltt'le > . YOIIIIB Hundley has
he-en in jail t > lnco tlw triifteilv , axx.iitlnj ; trial.
lluavy Snoxvln > un Hi Dakota.
Siiit'x ' Kvii" , S D. March 15 ( Spodul
rulcKi'iun 10 THIS llhr.JA hcax'y fall of
snow broke IOMO tolay nnd icjorts como in
from tbnxvest that the Htnrm covers thei en-
tlri'stutc Tliero iamixv Ivlutron the urouul
a luot of 8iu xnud South Dakota xx in nu\or \
in a bettor condition to plant u crop
l-'iirmorsine c\oryx\buro \ \ lejoliiny : over Iho
outlook ; /
it ) ' a Siiin\v. |
Ciiixinrm.A.i\ . 1) . , MurUi Ii. ( bpoilal
Telegram lo TIIK Hue. ] Word is iocol\cd \
hone that a Sioux srnnxv at ( Jroiv t'rook
agoucy snli-ldel by Imaging because of sor-
roxut \ tlio duatli of n fax onto child , Sui
cides are very rare umoui ; these Indians , this
tuosuuonJ ease la many joars
Tin Hi i Knturiliiy Supplouioiil Is n
itiM'nrlniv In nil essintbd fcalinc.s It Is a
distinct Issue , tlllod to the gllui-ils xvllh I'on-
ili'lis v | noxxs notes nud fre h and ntlinctbo
iiiiscellnny lu. npiu-o l duvotiM clilolly tu
Nebraska and tlio great wo l Nootheruexxs
paporcovois thUlorrUor.x . Tin Urn Sntni-
dux .Supplement Is n noxx uoxxspapcr crei-
thii' . It xxlll not delrad lismi the Isiaon of
an.x other di ) und xvlll not in Ilio tcist ini
IMlr tliniiuMllv ot Tm Si MI iv Ihr. Itxxlll
( Ueh tlii1ind in Its o\vn \ snlls Newsili'iileis
and tialnboys cdTyxvlrro xUll bJ fullj sup
's i : - iiiov nu : ii/
Pl-ll-l-H 1)1' OolllllMMllt IM ni-C
'Miivlut ; Upvxni'd Itiipldlv.
Xr.xx Voiiiv , Mnrch rt ( Spool il Pelcgrani
toTill lli.i | -l { i ; . HuniuV lo.'s wevklj
i\X ! ioxi of ti ule > sax s Tuo ouo uiixx liolcsotno
faetor la tb'it the prlivs of commodities mo
moviiif | up ml iither rupldlx , Ihu .no 1-11 0
li.u-luiilun ; uiorx' than I percent dining tl'ie
last xM'olf , and the exports of merclmndlsi1
are thus liatilo to ho ri-stvlilcd Reports of
trade fuuil all parts of the rimntr.N shoiv
lltllo cbangi-i lu last week , though tlu'ro Is
pet hups a little IMS udlvltx on tln % xvholo.
Tbosouth feeli the continued decllno in
CO .ton , hut trade in that tiectlou in limit-
orau-lj fair Kin' Is Ih-ni nt N'tw Oilenns ,
uiolussKsslruiiK ami sugar dull. Hiislness ill
St. Louis Is only fdr , and ntlior quiit
nl ICunsas City. At Di'iivei huslness is fall
At St 1 'mil tin ; food ( onditlonsiontltiuoand
at Mllixnulao ami Ciiuinnatl trnilo Is uiLlur
qulot Dctiolt wports a Imiier ti.ub' than a
jear nifo und ( Jinx eland a ifoueid business
us goo I as usual xx'illi an oxe-iptiond do
iiiand for rolled Iron products , but at I'itts-
bmu Mruelliiiil lion is shudi'it and xxlmtow
L-lass Is we.dc t'ltli'iu'i ) ropnrts 1111 pdrioi
dinar } di'cii'asi1 In di.-ssod bt-of iccelpU and
nheaxx fall In roielpts of ( , 'i-aiti , hud ami
hides , hut nlargogain hi IIIKM ! meals and
\\atl lrooils ) sales nro nlmx'o last jeir's ,
xvitti lolle * ! lions cisy In clothiiii ; audshoiM
sulcs nro ulso larger thin a x'oar ugo , lull
collections tot quite so satlsfuctorv. Trade
is gciurally good at llostim , but better lu
inntorlils tli in in nut fm lured proluetSouo
( "indesof Icitheinie stioufir ami hides bet
tor , but tbo pi Ices of hints and shoe-silo not
iniproic At Philadelphia iron is llriner and
coal more ndlvo Chfialcals .iri In fair di-
maud , but tobacen is qulot , with nloxveollci--
lions. AVool is rather scane , xxlthxxorstoil
siilnucis bnsx" atn prollt , nnil Jobbers In the
thee tiado mo repoitini ; good orders , tliough
bu } ers are e-areful. 'I'ho only spoculatixe
in u-kot that has declined during
tho. xxeol. Is the cotton inaiket ,
Hut xvhelt lias risen Ic. oats 1 ' 41-
nnd corn nearly ' . 'e ' , colTeu c , oil
' . " 4c , butterfic , and noik products a shade
Thus far this xx eik xvheat ox polls sue not
half lastyoir's for tbos.unodays I-'Iour ev
jnits nrc not one half and torn cvpoils onh
one-ninth. It is not a peed sign xvhrn
tbo incculitivo intcicsti are ac'ix'o and
Inioynnt. xxhlle legitimate tiado .uid the pro
duttixe Industry mo hi'sltating or cuitailevl
In tlio iroi iudustrva temporary stiffness
in price- , does notblriotlio fict that thu gen
cral consumption bus sharplx' deeliue-d , np-
liaioutly not far from onollfthThe
xxoolcn iudustrx is in a tor loxx'er condition ,
the output of lmittlii's ( , xxorstcd aud dress
poods aud tlio medium nnd lo\vr
pnnlus ol men's cloth , belnp larger than
at anj other time for llvo jcais , hut the moie
costl.x I'rades of cloth are not jet in strain ;
demand Cotton inaiiufuctnrcis are not
fix-ored by the demand foi inniix- grades of
doth , but the uoot and shoe innniifiietiireu
are doing a little hotter of late' , thuugu cm
burasscd bv uusati-.faitor.x ; prices
Thctreasurv Ins put forth , Iiu'ludliigsllxTr
notes , enl x"Mr > , illi ) moie ouircnoj tliiui it 1i.ii
tilteuni dining the pail xx-oiU , but thoinoiuj
markets me * generally xvi'H sapplli-d for legll-
ininte business needs , though atsomepoluU
It is stiingmt ornioroactixc The reports as
to collections K'iw ' a little less satisfaction ,
ana jet it is the prexailiiii ! inipiussion that
business iu all pirts ol the ( ouiitiy is ou a
solid footing and xxill prosper xx hen good
ciops coma The cvpoits nf products from
Nexx- York i1 ere liiyei liiatee'k \ , but for the
liast nioiith shoxv.i decroasoof about s pei
tout , and the hnpoits , ineatixx-liilo , shoxx'ii
narkul mcioasu. Thobuslncxs luilures 01-
mi miff tlnouKhout Iho countrj dining the
past seven days iiumht-r 'M , as compared
xvith a totd of 'iO last xvtek I'or the coi-
icspondlngxvecljof lust.x oar the figures xvcie
' , ' 1,0.
Iho Itotnaiitie Slm.X ol' a lltnneli ss
< IIK ntc < ) Hell Hi > > .
Cinudo , Mnrch < i. ( Spedil 'lelogrun to
Tin : Hi r J-Tho ston toll In 11 airy .1.
I'orjjiisnii , bell boj in a liotol in this citx' . to
the olTect that hohad bi-ou kidnapped from
his boiiuin.N'oxv Yorlibtutoxx lion ilxcxenis
ci ave and that ho had hllon heir tei a
foituno of > > ( ) , ( ) ) ( l , hasted to iincxpe'ctol dc-
xcloments ] Aidoxx \ Hx'iii ) ! in a fa-.hio.i-
able quarter of this i-ltv olnims the hi > \ - as
her son. Shosa\s \ sbo divorced trom
August .1. I'ViKiison , tbo bil's father ,
In Xew Toil : and moved to L'bleago , xx hero
she married a man named Norton , since de
ceased. She picked llonrx out of a nioup of
Imys m her sou-mil in finther proof of bis
identity desciihed coitiin icarkson bis bodv
and n called to his momorx huldentsin his
childhood The polleonro luvestlguting this
nexx * nh.ibu of the case
Chicago ( ii'pi * liters and I'lasleri'is
llire.HcM lo Slop Opcr.itUnix.
Ciiuxno , March tt. [ Special Tclogram to
Tin : IlKi'-I-Thoiisu.iltalkof labor tumbles
Ins commciicnd. 11 , .s uudeistood tint the.
cirpentcrsxill \ -slnho on Apiil 1 all negotia
tions xvttli thoh emjiloycis having failed
'Ihe men claim that tluir contoinplatcd
notion will , if taken , totally parulj/o nil
buildins operations. Th phuteren also
llticalcn to no out next moiilb They haxo
been ileiunudlu ) ' , nil incrc.Mi liom > . ! , * > U lo
{ IllOndax , but the ho be" . at a iiioetinir in
the buildeis' and traders' cxcliingo jesloi
day decided against granting Iho innease.
Ono of tholcadirb of the union s.ns the nun
xxill surely go out after this Tholatheis
also xx ant an imre'usa to tl Oil and h.n tluy
will follow the iilihUMOrs ifiofiiicd
AIISXMIol llniV \ iv-li'i-ii ( Inion.
Sxx FUSM i- ( ( i , Cal , Miucli ' - 'I'hoV'e st
era Union te'lpgratih compmy lllo > l un an
sxxer in the L'uiled Stite-s circuit couit tod.n
in suits brought by the mixerniuunt. against
the i'.u-ilic Uuilrnad and telegraph coinpiinx
tnhnxD leusos inmiilloil forfiiiluni lo complj
lontiacts ( be iimtteris - . -
\\itb \ assorting1 c-o.--
nl/ahli ) in court of l.ixx , not cquit\ \ : IM ) , tb it
KM lain of Iho alleged causes ol action aio
bin-red bx limitation
I'rosiilcut ' Harrison Says tlio rtmtl for Still
Will Do Hold Hack ,
IhilVnlo HIM .May Illro Indliuii l < ir
IIH Slinu'oiiimlsnloiKr t.nilV
It tMci-MCil on .1 .Nrlu'iHi.11
i'lttld lll'Clslllh.
\VHiiiMiKiNlli itrvt- Tin : llir , 1
.MiiKoi inn\Tii : Srmir : : , >
\VISIIIMITON , 1) . U. , .March (5. ( I
I s.uv ( 'oiiK'ivssiaun j'leldor of South l > .i
liota liit'reildont lliiriiion's room thisinorn
liilf. Hovimtcd to a-iicrtaln x/hat wuuld lu
tlonolth \ tbo jl'iO.tKKl upproprlited on tin
a-riculliiriiliipi | > riiiriallm | ( lull , by mistake
for Ihopurchiisi'of seed grain for the drouth
sufterors in N'ebinsk.i , South Ouloitn , lie. U
\\lll \ bo roinumtire'd that this \vas \ Incii' ' '
ponited lu thi < ii rii'iiltiinil iippropriutlin bill
turntiKunii niorjtf th1 eiiKiinslnif cloiks ol
thu house.
"Thi'inonoy xvlll not bo disbursed nt nil , '
slid Mijor Plckli'r , after talking to thnpiosl
dent , "for the reason that llwus not thu In
tuition of coiigivs * to approirluti | ) Iho mono\
and , > ou see , thu president li.ivlni ; aulhorit
to eonect such ( in oiior , ho will do so. II
XMIS thi'faull ot Mr Cannon of Illinois , iluiii1
man oftho lom.nilte on apiuoprlitions , that
\\c do not got that money , " lontiniiod Miijui
I'li-klei. ' ' ! ! ! ! ! ! I wish yon would iMiipliusl/uth.i /
fact. I'lio uiiiiiiiltleo on usriculluro win
nil in funr of it , and tlie meinbors of th
coimniltee of iipiniipriatlonsiill fa\oredlt \
eeptiim' Caniiiiii , who II'IH aUvil\s \ Hid nil
; ui'ri"ii to onv loilntiy and nuxir lot an op
jiortuultx ( Mi'.ipotu kuk ux Acbalrinin ot
a caiiiiiiit t ( i' liiuhi ' n hill in ihitiKO cuu
sh.ingli'nliaast anything nt Iho list moment
of n SIHSIOII C'tuition uxoiclsc'd that pox\'d
irojtt adiltraiily. Thene.xt conmoss nill di
not hiiig.
Ui pii'sentutlx-eCJ'imblo of Viinliton was at
the tiiasuu anil some other department * ,
tmlny , looking nflor business ior his Soutli
Uakbticonslltuttiits A )
xvilliiuto sirx'i" Uncle Sum In ollkes , but tlio
supplx of foloraliatnmnuclias | about iietered
oil Mr Ciimblu is a hustli-r and ill get ; i
place or tvui bcforo he leaves. Iie'Koesto
Nexv York tomoriow x\lth KcnatorPuUigioxN ,
und thcneo home
IT ri.i.x'in < s mi ; IVIII\N.
Buffilo Hill , escorted by heimtor Pmldoch ,
iniido nvisitiit tlioiuUtior ihlpartnienttndii\ ,
and seunod permission to engiiKolH ( ) Indians
doin tlio Sioux rucrv.ilion for his \ \ lldWeat
stiow. The.ipplicationwasmadosomowooKs
a n , and an lux obligation luus been In pro
Kii'ss blaco that 11 mo to determine the ( 'licit
oftho slum business on the Indians. Itvn >
uiiitorstood Unit thu Indians\vho \ have nceoin
IHiilodlJulTido 13111 in p.wt xcius ha\o \ b
Imved tliuinsolvis verv ctcditably on then
usurvation , and luvo shox\ii a de-sire foe oJ
luation and inatciial piogross Is not no
tlced in tliodo who ha\o rcniaiucd ujiou tb
nsorx .ition It was also n-sccitained thiii ,
in the > iccont troubles on tbo Sioux reserv.l
lion , nil of the Indians xxho hail been xvlth
the Wild Wist show lemnlned loyal to the
government and ve-ro of mint bcivlcoiu en
euinvontlngthe design of tlio hostlles.
-HI. v\ i.i > iMin.
The assistant secretary of the Interioi
todnx' revered the eloiislon of the coinmi i
sinner of the guier.illaiid ofllce , whldi ro
juted Iho inuiif nf lUeitn J Mills , Decembei ,
Jl , I'sVi for lot I and the southeast quaitor ot
tlio iioitlicast i ui irtei , section , and lot I
anil suutli\\est quarter of tbo norlhxvest
quarter , se'ctiuii I , township ; ! ! north , i.uigi'
-'sxxest , Vuleutino land district , Nobiaskn
'Iho reie'lvei nt Valentino rciommondcd bei
citrx' for e-ancellaUou on tliogrounil tint the
proof fnle-d to shoxx usulHeiuit residence on
tliu land to iue ct the loqulroinents of the
home'stead lux- The commissioner of this
geiiurallamlolllcoMistuncd tlio xiexx-sof tbo
ncoivcr , aud shenppi'nled to the secret iiynf
thu interior 'I'ho latter , tliitiugh hisjssiu :
ant , dcddcs that nie > ctn .1 Mills has shown
her good fuilli , has no other liomutliaiion tbo
laud , aid tint she complied substantldly to
the honiestuul law , and is eulltlott to tlw
XU'f n I INKOls.
Jiulgo.l. \ \ Xcivnian mid Mw. N'oxvmau of
Burlington , la. , ue xisiting their cousin ,
jMrs. rsoxvtnan , 'Jlnil V-iinsyUinila avenue , for
a fexv d is '
\V. Suiderson was tolay appointed post
mister at Sande , Chichasuxx county , laicu
( ) .1. Yoahi , lesipiitvl
t'arlSnj ikr , toiuiuilx a xxcil-knoxvii Conn
eil Bluffs editor , has accepted u position on
the editorial forui of the ljo : > t of this iltv.
Another delegation of loxxins today inlloil
upon the pusulenl in the iiituresluf ox Hep
usentativo ( iear fur the \-acimt assistant
sine-taixshm of tbii tieisuiv
V. V Huciies and xxlfo of KeoKuk , Ii , ait >
at ho KutnR
Ux-Coiuiiessman Fullerofost \ Union ,
h , is here , mil \\lll likely hu upointed { ou
thu ueivly cieated laud oomt.
It is beilioxcd Oi-benitor John \Vilsou of
ill. I'leasant , la , xvillbe uppoiiitul to uc-
eeeil United States .ludgo Live , xvho isie.uly
torotiro. Pi mix S. limn.
JI/K.'A.I 'JKtt flitItt.ltKit.I ItltKltTKIt
\\ari-aiitsro 'Miiuirs and Ilre : liuil
tin * .N < < , I la von Itoad.
Nixx Yoiik , March ii Coroner Loxy has
isiuod warrants for the arrest of the officers
and dncctois of Iho New Vork. Xoxxllaxen , xxbo baxo been held re
sponsibloby the miouer's jury for Iho deaths
ofthexietiii's ' of Iho Harlo.n raiivvax' tuiiuel
disastci. Ube xxatrantt , wcro foi ChurlosT.
Chirk , president tt M Hoed , vice-president.
Mil iusTntile , ( cncriil manager ; \Vuinm II
Ilishop , jr , sccieUirx William L. .Siiiin ] > ,
trcasmer ; II M Kochii Spugor.lomptiullui ,
Cbarlei T Iloinpslead. general paswugir
aL'ent.iind Churlis Kodcxvcll , general ( teigbt
n0'uut , Uia Diroclois doorire X. . .MillerVil
soui ( Hunt , I" 11. Tioxx budge , Willnm I ) .
Ih-diop Honr.v C Hobiiisou.r.dxvaid M . ,
Charhs I' ( hii-K , Joseph Clirk. ( . 'b.iuiuev M-
Dopexv , Ilenij t-i I.ieVllllam Uockelolk-i ,
Iuvoutt Iliainaul uiul Nathaniel Whcolei
'I lie nnorit\ ) \ tliu oflkl.ilsbxe out of this
stntc , but tlio loioue-r elm * not anticipate
that be xvill hux'e nn.x troiiblo In seiurin , '
the'ir iittendiucoln this citj Ai fast as tin-
ini-e-hts are niiiilu h.iilxvill he taKen and tti <
oOirtmulloncd todopirt.
Chiiiiiu-e\ . Dopexvnpneired at tlio cor
( iner'.s oniee this afternoon and furnished \
lioiul ol T'iVo.xi for Ins appearmeu in tu | >
future Pfsldeut C laik of tbo N'exv Haven , nnd Duoctm I'.uk iiirrcndered
tlipinsilxe' . and bonds in thu suina
Ars the best mouths In ttblehto pntlfy > nn Hoods S.imparllla xxlll ouie , xxlica lu Iho
Hi oil , furat in ) iitlur MMSHII dues tbnsj stun pmxerif nifillcini- i rofuli , haltrheinnsous ,
MI iiiiidi need the nld of a icliihle iiiciliclne boils , iilniplos , all Itiiniors , d ) * | cpsl.i , bilious-
Pke HiHKl's Mis.ipiilll.iasiiit . Uiirmglliel niss , sick lieadailii1 , IndlKCsllon , general
IniiK , euld x\ Inter , tlio blood be-foineslhlu .and j ( Millltx , e-nliuh , rliouinitlsiii , khlnox and
Impure , tlio loily bfumiisxxeakand llrcd.lho lixor ci iiipl.ilnts , and all dlso.ivos or.illi-etlons
jilpctlto ma ) ho lo < t. Ilnod's | Is ' atKhiKfioiii linpme blood or lu\v condition of
liciiliuly adiptdllo 1'iuify ' and i-aiuli the1 HIP syslnii.
iil iid , In cicilr a KMM.i | > petlti ! and lo oxir- , "In HIP spring 1 pot i-omplctcly run domi.
cuu 11 , ' that tiuil f < eliug. I could nut i it or ( .loop , and all thiMlrc.iiled
The Spsring
Sarsapan BViedicine
11 n .ihrRer kale tli.-in any otln-r i ar iparllla iliicasuof llfi > soiinid loli.i\diiiiutiaiooa |
cr blood pin IIH-i , and It liii-re.isu lu iw | > nlnrllj my h > tOlll. 1 haxo no\x taken tuo In.HUm (
( \cry \ jiar , for It Islhi lihal rirfng | Mcinclni1 lliioir.s S.iiMi.ullli | and hue gilnod ?
' I Inxo foi ii lung linw been us iij llund's I'oimdsuuil ' aiitilnix\ltlinii ! ; * U Imrtini ;
Hirs.ijnrllla , and U'lu-ve inc. I umill nut IN- mini ) dj > pipsla mil biliousness Inxo ( ? nne.
vllhuutlt. At a spring nu dlilnu it it lux.dii I iioxcr felt IK-HI r In m > life. Ilioso Inn
.iblc. " J' . A KlIODKb , UO Out.u ui Ntrrit , Iwtlles xxerexoilll $1(0 ( to me"V. . V ,
111 lli > blue to tot Uiox s , LINCOLN , 111.
HoIiU > ya1lilrugliu ? l , sliforgi I'n'fufilonljr pi ; * UforfU.
If C I UOQIi.l i o Ajiottoiarle. , I ni I M4 I IIOODt I. < i ell. Jhu ,
IOO DOSOB Ono Dollar IOO Doses Ono Dollar