Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA PALLY Jl E : JTUIDAY , 3UAUOH 0 , 180 ,
riii CITY.
City Clerk fiiuvos htu jolnotl the
county totmnlpMiiiiiM nt Unrnln to holji
nloiitf ( Miiii'liT imii'titlmont. ' , etc
li' ) . mid Mr * . Victor ColT'nim'rf Venn-
tlful lilllo Rii'l I * * Ijlni ; huiKProiMiy ill
with pneumonia niul other
County I'hysldau ' KeoK'li l.tvori . the
huiilhir ! | of a luvllhm ill tlw counl.v
fuiin fop thoi'arlng for all persons
nullity contagion1 ! ili en
Joseph Tli < jinp < nn of Ivolioknwrltfstlio
inmoi1 thai ho too imietiiu \ o ! tlio
1'icrco ] ) laio ) swlndlorsi , and uskj the
major to dowhal ho can fur him.
It's in the wind that o.x-Sliorill To-
bum lind Middonly dovlopiil into n
"HIII'O vlntii'i1'1 eaiiiliilitto lot tlio rcpuli-
llojii Micaiii'y on tlio of public
Henry 1'plon of DCS Molnc * csiiiio to
Oiniiliii last Fiiday In Hoan-h nf lilt
daiiKl'tct' Mnudt'.a qirl nf llfloon JIMII'H ,
wlui alniulnnnil her homo a low * * i ? ( kH
inco. Tliuifli-lK'tis found in ft hoii o on
Ninth street anil i-hecrfully iiKiouilto K"
bade to thu parental iciof.
The timatits of the Knibac'h nroporty
on the cast niduof rifli-uith strott. bo-
t\\ccn Douglas mid rariuia , ha\o bcc-n
nolllloil to Micato. ami soVoril ; of thnin
time already moved nut. Work on the
ncic ilvt-Mory business bloi-u that Is to
boi'roctcd on tlio site willbo comiiicnceil
at onco.
At tlio tomiilooa Itanioy street , near
Tuontvfoiutli , Ialll { ) ) Itoscniiu Is at
prOHonl dollvurlnji a t'ouiso ( it Ircturos
tMcon Jlo-ioi a ml Nlohaiiunoil , Jxnlalmii
and I slam inn. " The lifth of Iho series
entitled " .Anotlier Uoforinor , " is to betaken
taken up Ki-iilay evening. Services
coiiimonco at 7'il : ) shiirp and all are cov-
diiillv Invited toattond.
loll lIstH
wliptheron I'leaswo ' bciit or business , should
tjiko onovcrytrijia hottlooHvrui ) of HITS ni
It nets most | iletisatitlyniiit oftVotimllyon tlio
Iciiliioys , llor utiil bowls , tinivoiitini ; fovon ,
Ii fill aiMies mid oi licr forms of siiktiusi For
in & ) o niul § 100 bottlci by nil leading
"Koi.ihJloiru"titlTiiMion Bros.
\Vhcrt \ wcpuivlitibcd tlio a took for ow
housofiirnithiii'dopirtiiient } no invested
in a complete line of lioht cinaitrtiplu
l > litcd , sihorw.iro uiado by the eolo-
bi.iteil Mondon Co. , as complete n stock
ns any llrht-chus , jowelcr would show.
Ills out of our line and woprojioso to
Bend itthc\vnyof \ our clocks by soiling
it at loss than llio fiutory cost , Sil
ver tiaya , iitclier , ten sets , litittcr
dibho , water sets , tnuys , soup tureens
knives , forks , spoons , castors , eo.Uo
dishes , too , potsovoiythlinj ; \ bo bold
next Siitmiltiv morning at
thhty-tlirco ami one-third
per cent discount from the usual prices
on salt ) Saturday , Match 7 , Country
outers tilled.
"Koiah-Moiro" at ITajdon Uros.
l Vliriiiiry . ( nil Koooul.
The reporter tlio jity jailors for L'Vbrimiy
sliows Hint . ' . ' 0 nrrostsvcromaili ) dining tlio
mouth. Of this iiuiulKr ' . ) ! woto diunk , 21
iliunk niul diiorilcily , : ! ! llKlitiiiK-lHlisturbiiig (
tlio peace , -Otratnbliii'j , ! > inrnutoi of houses
of prostitution-H suspicion ! characters , 101
viurnnts , KlpctH l.mcny , Sgraiul l Kuiiy,9 ,
wllnes'.cs . , fjiiiKitlves from Justiio.
'Ihciv ' wow ITOcoavlctioiu , & > ' dismissals ,
iriuiisGiconllmioil inilil ilurcli , ami 1' ) ac
counted foe by being arrested tvico on sanio
ulnrpo ,
liiKht of tlic prlsoncn ariostcd wcro tinder
tlioiiROof sixtcon yean.
Kloveii caws \\erc scnttothu ilutrietcouit ,
tlio tolid lends nffgicgutiiiK (15,500 ( .lou
IDivjorwus hold ivitlicut bail foi tlio niuriler
pi .lolm ConnoH. The .iniuimt othtolcu
jHOtfqrty rcprteilv.n § 1 , 0,00 oi which
l.OdA 1Cviij recovered. .
N'uai'jer ' ofdnjslost hy policemen oa ae-
ctinil of bickucss , 00 ; numlier of prostitutes
llstcil , llnumlior ! ) ofkeciiers olnssicntiUo.j
housest2 , ; nuaibcr of houses of nrostitution ,
U7 Acrojinnodiilloiib nero furnUhctl for MJ
loilgurs "Tliciocrts \ lO.'i calls for tlie p.itwl
\MI OH , II nccidouts , 11 tire alurins , 101
inisoiiets tnltoii to county ) : dl , 1 attempted
suicide , J diad ooilics taken to inoiguu , 2 5
DacUapes of stolen jropcity iceovtiod , W
stuiy tc.xins cured for and 7 open buildings so-
It isijuttoprotnblo that you may need the
services of a phslciui ) some day ; hut jou
c.ui poitpono thotiinoliuiclltiltoly by keeping
your blood [ niro and jour sjstom invlgonttod
tlrouKli the use of Ajcr's sarjaiwiilU i're-
vtutiou is iKttei'thiiticuro.
"Korah-.Moiio" at TIajdenBros.
e\enini ; the members of tlio
ty assembled (0 ( listen
ton very iiiterestlntr programme , con.sIstliicoC
on essay ( subject "Olior \ OoUNiullh"by ) John
Danaliy mill a declamation by J. C. IClusler.
Mr. Dutiahy ilelivcrcit an excellent i > or-
trayalof his snlilort , follmvint , ' the hapless
ljut talented Oliv > i'throiish c\or.y \ pliaso of
life , from Ills humble hirlliplaoo in Comity
Liunrfonl , Ireland , through all hla wander
ings o\er \ the ronllnoiit of huropo , to the
closini : scenes ot hi * niortid uroei. which
ended In l-oiulon Intho i jur.soof IIH treat-
jucnt iho ehiivht OAiire sed hiiiisulfcredltn-
lily in his opinions ol ( ioltliiultli as n man of
rare literal ) ' talint , and , nlthough not a noot
of the highest Older , may still bo ranked as a
Icadoi la Ills o\vii sphere.
Aftir thoevHir , " 'Jlio Polish IJoy , " an c
trnet lenuliinu inudi ilumatli ; \
graeefully delivered ly Mr Kimler.
No prlplnp , no nnusea , no jam
Witt's UUtlo limly Ulsera o taken , Small
jill. Snfouill. Best pill.
"Korali-Moiio" at HaydenHroi.
S.iy1U . > AViis
Piereo lorsey fllcil a complaint chnrjrliiK
ISessiolIeaiheranndJinacs Uownsith iob-
linn him of $ J"i iiicnsti Tlio woman h a
lolored courtoMii , nnd Morsoj wassU'ejiliifc
flT tlio oflivt of an werloid of boo/o hi hoi
] ilaeo near the Webster stieet depot \vhen \ ho
vas lelioveil oltlio cnih.
The woman sidct that Downs toolc the
money and tint slio received none of it.
None of the monoj wasfoutul audtho two
\crQ loekcd up iieniilni : n bearing of the case
De Witt's ' L.ittlo Early Itison. Best little
pi ill ever made. Giro constipation e > cr >
ti ime. None equal. Use them now.
"Kornli-Moiro" nt IIiiydonBro- < .
Keferiing to the pcrformaucoof "SI Plunk
ird , " which is MHedfor the Oiand next Sun
duy c\eiilnp \ , a comniereinl tr.x\oler of a largo
wholesale eastcia house , who was icgKtcreu
at ouo of our hotels here , tuid ! ' ! went toseo
that coiupiuy the other evening nuil wit
ncsstM a Kood snow. OldSl is a clreus it
litmself. nnd if you want to enjoy a peed
lauirli , from S o'clomi ' to 10 80 o'clock , tulto in
'Si Plunknrd1 tlio-Jlrit ( huico jou per. " Our
jolly drummers cenernlly know how to enjo >
a good thing wlon tnoy ihd it ,
TheeiiBaponieut ofKttic ElUler ii nttiaet
ing more than ordinal- } attention ninoiih
theator-poers , nnd the indleatlons point to
InrKe houses. Miss Kllsler's ability is too
well knovMi anil shots sothorouKhlyadniirLU
that the mere minounconiont of her coining
is all thut bccms nceossury. The opening
play Sunday at lloyd's will l "J'lio
iioveruoss , " a tcautllul story clo > crly told
niul In vldeh Miss Klulcr appeared last
tcason. - \ K oa deal of interest is bcln cx
pressed o > or MUs Ulslet'a aisuniptlonof a
high comedv role In "Mis * Manning , " Tues
day night , whllo "Hazel JiirUo , " Wcditesilay
yul i > acU. the
\vui. Doi' ' . s < : iio\v ,
On , Ihoii1i ( > ' > 4 Opinion of tlic I'rli'iull )
lllllllltlN * CllllllH.
"Po ion tlilrk the appropriation of $ lfKiCHX )
will boiunU'k'iit to IMIJ for Iho tleproihtloiK
roinniltliMl ilurliigtlio lu-ont Indian diDieiiltr
itPIni1 lll-ip' " ' n ivportcr for Tnr Hrt
nkod ( liMionil Hroolco.
"I oouid not say ns to tliat , " roplifrt tbo
Rciiornl " 1 luivu no means of Itnowini : Just
vluit tlio di'ireilnllotis , nmounteil to , altlioutli ;
iiw aoino of thujiropcity that uns damaged
nut ili'slroyi'd "
"liaithe war department requeued v on to
entliiMto of the damage ilono by
"No , sir. There hns lieon no siu-h icqur > < t
nailt > , 'ii fui'H 1 know I should think Unit
. 'iiplnin I'lnni'V of the Mstli Infaiilry , who Ii
iii'haiito of iilTiiIr ut I'liu1 ' llidirouow , would
b.'tiio . iiilli-orto vlioin tin' noveriinu'titwonlil
silid imtnullotisof tlili klml. Ho is thorn
on the iruu ! nit and' roiiM probably ascertain
tno c\.teiit ol the depieilntlonsltli Kss in-
convonlciicannit I\IIIMI ! ut iirencnt thin any
one else coiiiiivtod with thonrmv"
" 1)1(1)011 ) li'.irn of tnedo-iiiiL'tion of many
rimehii ovMied liyhlto uiuudurtiiir your
sti > atllio ( unitf
"A1 1 ivnieinber , thcio wm no property do-
stioyodo\i-i'itlnftliato\\nod | ! by Indians anil
siiia\viuon. | 1 snw n nuiuher of hotisis
tliit ln l heen raiuncki'd. They worn
iloiiR U'hltc t'lay ercclc and Mldto river.
Iho iioifxii vero mostly log cabins
tiiut "Oiiio of them hnd sttnes , wwlni ; nil-
dilnc.snnit other moiloin househoM finnllnm
Inthoin. li.iw imo aonin inaelilne mvsi'lf
niul was toM tint qiilto a nutniuM'of tlio
liaiisos cnnl.dnod stoie nnd ewiii | ? nu-
cliines In loiiiein&timres the houses wcro
not ilniuagoil mnili , simply having tlio windows
dews liiokon and the door's pulled oil , but the
furniture was broken up ami earritvlnway.
In ot i iir Instances tholiousei weiu burned or
Mltorlj ruined. ' '
"Did. you notioo much evlJencflof an effort
ntngikultiuo in the vicinity of these houses
that wcro oiniaged ordestioyeill"
" Vci , there nnd been some ground plowed
in , .shou Ing tint the owners of
tlio-jo firms nnd muclies had oopin to eulll-
\iito tlicin. In most cases the plowing
lild boon done oa the IdlU. 'the Indians
ill ) iiotnppear to have lenrncil that tlio bet
tom orvallvr land is iiiefenibio for firming
imrpoies , 1 tnkoit that they nceJinstruction
in that particular"
'Diil the Indians destroy nay.of tlio mis
sions or school houses1 !
"I think tlioroncroa few school houses ik1-
slroycJ , but not a iidsslou , ro fur as 1
learn ol. "
"Did tholrouMi'sonio huilins ever mhnitto
jou oi any of thooniuers tbit they doitioycil
nny of the propcily I"
"O , no. Tbej ndinittod nothlnp of the
Wild. Kveu wbuo liorses woio toiiud In
lliolr possession which did not belong
to them they him ply slated thai they
had horrotted Iliu animals and Intended to
like them biolc when they pot throuch with
them. Tlio depredations woio doubtless
lominltted to a largo extent bj a foiv lonc-
culo Iniii.inslo \ delight in Hteallng nnd
plunilcriiif ; . "
"Don't you think tint tin estimate of the
doproJatioin hliould hiivo been maJe boon
after the dlftlcnll ) i"
"Y"u , 1 do. Kuoh things nroory liable to
proxy. Aiicstitmto could hnvo been mailo
soon rfter Iho propertj was destroyed if tlio
Interior or war department haileallejl for It.
Hu farns my vvoilc W.M eoncerncd it was not
a part of my duties to ascertain the amount
of damage sustained. A fur .hmuary 1 I dl-
iivtedmv efforts toxxaril rounding np the
liidiini and brintiinp thoin into the agency.
Whcnthntxvas ilonoCSunerai Miles said the
ihnii'iilty was piactically o\cr \ , and 1 jiacKed
up anil cnino homo. "
A venk liic-k , with n weiry nehlnp lano-
ness o\ur \ the liii , U n sign of deceased Ickl-
ncjs. Usotho test kidney cur.itlvo
\\hlcliis \ \ Burdock Ulood IJitters ,
"Korah-Moiio" : it llnjdunBros.
Don't Pool
Notwitlistanding nil rumors to the
contrary , the Cliieajo , .Milwaukoo & St ,
1'aul Ky's ' iio\v \ steam heated palace
, cars , with "olcetiiu lights In
cverj horth , " still loaves the Union depot -
pot , Onijiha nt 0:10 p. 111. daily , arrlv-
uifj nt Clilenfjo at 9:110 : a. m , in ample
tinio to nnlio nil eastern coimcctioiis.
Ticket oflico , 1J01 rurnain st ,
J. 11. PIIKSTIW , lA. . IS'A&IT ,
C. I'afes. Agt Clen. Act.
"Korah-Moiro" at ITnj don Bros.
DrSu i.dornlo01 . , Fariiam. Specially .
Diboascs peculiar to women.
"Korali-Moiio" Ja\dciiBros. \
Local IntcrestTIiat Fjilleil to
l'iss tlic CoiiKros" .
The army officers were very deeply inter
ested In tvo btlU that weio lost In tlio crush
in the closing scenes of the Fifty llrst ion-
i The mcmiroof the pren'cst importance
\\-a.s \ that for the reprganiMtloiiof thouiinv.
Tills provided for increasing the nunibei ol
rein pules In an Infantry logiincat from ten
to twelve , to eoirospond Ittj the organisa
tion of CiiMlry and aitdloiy companies , The
number of majors were also increased by the
hill fiom ono to throe for each company , M is
noxv tlic rule in cm airy and artillery com
panies. Tlio measure passed both houses , but
xvas amended bj each and did not get out ol
the eonfcieiico lomiulttec's hands iiitnnofoi
The local army people -\\oro \ also interested
In tlw Dill making an nppiopriitlon for the
exploration of Alaslii willed inssoil the sen
ate , but died in tholiouae. Hid tlio billbe-
ronio a hxv it wai pretty well understood
that Cnptiln liiy of the dop.ntmciit of the
1'latto would have headed the cxp'oilng '
A Man May Look Over
His Glasses ,
But lieoutilit not ( o overlook the fact
that ALDEN & FAKON can speak
through the ad\eit \ < iiiir { columns ot
nevbpapers for his profit , Altraclive
advertisements luve selling quali
ties in them is what j'ou \\fsh , and
this is one of th ? impoitant tilings we
prkle ourselves on Iving able to do.
The field tlutvs cai : cover for you is
practically uiiliniUed. V\'lut \ ' amount
of nione ) ' do you v/ish / to expend ?
What pap'Jis ? Wliat section of the
world sliall we touch for you ? We
make it our business to answer
pionipily any question along this
line that you may wkh to ask'Write ,
for our pamphlet fieo ,
06 & .G3 V , Third St , Cincinnati , 0 ,
urn , onus A.M )
Jlio Nntiiiunl Conotillnii
Suldiilt Tlirlr Ill-port.
Moiiiboi-s of tlio Onmlm bullilon' 'nnil
lnuiKO turniHl oul In tull nuinVicrs
n.v , a.ll uns ouorallv un dors tooil Uiat
.ho tlolix'ntosvliti bail nttomU'il the wnvon-
tlon u ( Uio Xiitlniuvl bulliUTH' iHsivliUii'ii '
\\otilil iiuiHo tliilr report. Tlio room \m
cruivdcil , anil wliou Ilio meeting c.imi ? to
otilor Sccrolivy t'olllm i-oml thi > H'poit of tlio
committee. Itas very exhaustive nml ro-
vknvotltho intH'ooilliifiJ of tlio convention.
TLoroooiiiinciiiUtloinof Iho Uolcg.itCH wcro
M follows :
Having coiifoiii'tl. ilurlnj ; the coin out ion
nml uti'ttlei vlsiloil diirliiu'lho trip , \\ltli \ the
[ wont ivnrosuntatlvi'i of lines of the bullil-
nt ; tr.iilo from nil purn of the oountrj , your
ooiiiinltti'o voiihlroipivtfnlly tubinlt tlm fol-
lowliijtroeoininoiiiliitloiis for which \o hope
lavornlilo i-oti U1crntloii nt ) our lunds.
\\ \ builder * nnil
. 'ontmtlors In tlio various lines of the bnllil-
iiitf tr.lilo sliouM or unl/i * . sopnniln imorlu-
tlons In tlii'ir rusieiti\o | \ line * , utnl that In nit
cist's of trouble between I'ontr.ii'tors niul
incchiiilcs mui labor < Ts the ililtloultlos
shall bo sottloil bv nrultrntlou
liy n coininlUeo of llio contmeturs
msoi'liliou niul one from the tinilos unions
Inturcitoil. Tlili ivfoiiiiiioiiilatlou Is In no-
I'onlnnee with tlw nc'tlon of tlie iiatlonul usso-
' - ' . Hoi-offiil/IiiKtlii * consUnt nml lueroasln
tliMiiiuiil forskilli'il iiHVhiinliM In nil liranelios
of onrliulustrlos , umirt.tUltiK the nivosslty
rf fjivluij a proper training to those iloslrlnj ?
to li'iuii u tiiiile , wo c.irue.stly rei'oiiiinunil ' tlio
niloptlou of the MI'IIS iiivossary for tlio ostnb-
lliluiKiit ofa trnlo sihooliii Omaha Sucb
mi institution U not , 111 lias boon hilil
liy toini' , opiiiisoil In imy way wlnt-
cvor to tlio rights ol t littles unions
cr Inbor oiganl/itloiii , bulls In fnit then *
stroiii ; nlly , KUl'if ? thoin for npnrontlios
joutlis who have been given the iirullnilii.iry
drill niul tialning that ulll einblu lliem to
( liter upon their wotlcvlllt lO'iiliiicss nud
Intullliroiicc. This subject lias ulroiuly been
illsi-iistetl nnil has mot with the favor of
some of our bostcittycns amiMJ rcconuueiul
that nuommlltcoof three be nppoltitotl tons-
lei'tnin wliil oaii bo ilono towunl the cst.ib-
llshinciit o ( huch a school.
ThlulAVo would also rccomincnil that
itops bo taken at as early n iluj as possible
loolclti ) ; to tlio pnrclmw of suitable silo nnd
tlio election thereon ot a puriiuuient hold-
quarters lor tlioOintiha buildora'anil trailers'
Aihantacos mui bonollts of such nn rntcr-
liriso nro to many anil iimnifest to bo dwelt
upon.Vtirocoiumotiil this to our early mid
curliest eonsldeiatloii.
The deloir.itos weio Hit-haul Smith , A ,
bliullnnil J. .1. Jobst.
The president iippolntol Itlctianl Smith ,
John 11. Ilnrto : iud < l .1. .lobst a enniinlttoo to
art upon t lie tr.ulo school rocotimieuiUtlon as
Mibinltt 'tl by tlio delegates.
"Kortili-Molro" lOiriiyilen Bros.
Appri > prntiMl : tlm Col I out to i.
Atlolph London , thoyouiiij man who nppro-
pilntcil SlsOO tbitho had collected for \V. \
If. Dennett wns tried Wednesday In police
court upon a charge of einbez/lcinetit , Lon
don clniinslhat ho lost tlio nio.icy , but the
ovitlonco ilisclobcd the fact that after colleo-
linp the iiioncv London went ton. saloon vlth
a boioin fiien.l and stajcd there several
hours. Ilo then went homo with hit friend
anil stayed all nlitlit Instead of HOIIIL' to his
own home. .Finite llolslo ) llncJ London * . " > 0
and costs , and fiiilurcto p roil u eel ho necessary
cash he was rcinanilul to jail.
Crsiinor'i Surcossor Chosen.
W. C. Vanclervooit has been iippolntcd
ihlefclerliof the r.iilivay inall service , suc-
ceedliij ( .1. U. Ci.uncr , who was recently promoted
meted to the position of superintendent of
mails , Mr. Vnndcr\oort wen a postal
clorlton tlio Onatui nud Ogdcu run for a
Csed la Millions ot Homoa
to loara the Standard.
you a Pittsburgh ,
Rochester , Duplex , or a"Stu-
clent Lamp ?
Do they work satisfactorily ?
Do your Lamp Chimneys
break ? You get the wrong sort !
The RIGHT ones are the
" PKAHL GLASS , " made by
Gco. A. Macbeth & Co..Pitts
burgh , makers of the cele
brated" Pearl-top" lampchim-
nejVwhich have given univer
sal satisfaction.
Tin' JlnmiH , < i : I Itlmnil Ifiifiicjt ,
In Hit' nittvt ntil > * tuntl < ill > i roiiN/i'ticfcff
lluitillitfj f iii Ini. . > -1 < > I
lilvli fin * itnlln t'liinilniJi'oiit
ttiriHil , Alt tlirreiltni/mnut
Jfitui'N HiH'il ii'ltlt AMbi'Htu * fire jii'ooj
IfllllllIIKll.ill' / it illll > rtfiil > li < til llHI-ll
ritcVi't'i'Ni'fi'ii'M HIM * jiff ttlornm
Utuint/lioiit tinxilltltiHj ( , Strum ln-iit ,
Ititt 11 ml t'oltt mitfi' nni ( HitiiHltiiifln
t'l'fl'll I'OUIIt , 'Jltlltf IIIIHIII'IKtHIU'll IIIIU-
COHIT 14th and Capitol Avenue.
Just coinpletod , has 100 rooms , Iliroo
statrwajs , Jrom the top to thQ bottom , has
llneolovator and dinning room service , ii
lire proof throughout , line billar 1 roouu and
the linost toilet rooin-D In the city. Large
Sample rooms , Suites witUbat'i&o. Cor
l ltli and Caiiltol Ave. Street car service In
all directions. RMes , from $2.5O to 1.00.
GraJuat3 Dentist ,
A I'llII bi't of 'Icitli oi
ItubliT. for HVrDol-
I \n . A | > > rr t lit miii-mui'i'il Toi'lli oxlmclui
without | nln nr iliuiKor i < nl nlllioul unni'Ntliulk-s
doll niul tllvurllilliiiit lit InvM'Ht ritox HrliU'U inn
Cio nork 'U'L-tli nitliiiut ilutu * All urs
Intninn * . HUb ktrit't olcintor Open \i'iilnii '
It eau l > ffl rii In i ru. of fufTte t r trii. tirln ur.
Idin of food , vilhoul Ibo kuowloilRo ol tna iktunt
il neoojjiry IIU absolutely ) iaryil s aaa w ill cHecl
u v rmaneut and spoeJy euro , n hnlur lliu i aiirni
. Mrat * d' * ' k7" or nalonKnji tt re1 * IT * * y\ kit
fi'TX'ft utiiV.tiMui'Muiotly iad \ , lh uh cer
tainty tlm ili'juatluui uudereoei no Inconvenience ,
on ! DID ho m aware , In * complain rtlorii-rlicn H
OMAHA ( CilltmoriiilUreH W J II BIHMl
\ lillllliliir IUMMMVO.
Mr. I'oppli'toiin l'ro | n o > n Plan In
NiMuirri One.
lion A. . ! , I'pjipleton ' , chairman of Iho
city library hoanl.i ha < asked the council to
Appoint a iMininlltijo to tnko 501110 notion In
regard to tlio oreutlon of nn exclusive library
tuiUlliiir Tno iniMiiiell I'onniiltteo in com-
posedof Mwii-a , Tutllc , Cooper and llochel.
"Mv plan , " hi id Mr. I'oppletoii to Tin :
HIT. "would hotO'Otvet n building' solely fern
n llhury. I would not objoet , lioror , to
I'oiisclldiitliiK with the Omaha art associa
tion , us 1 niu confident that in lltno that so-
cletv will liavo to soleit iinartors
of Us own Do not uiilerstiitiit ,
Hint I nin In fwor of any aildl-
tloiinltiivnllnn fora library building fund I
inn of the opinion that in tlio eourso of two or
three \ cnn , n utnii'iant imioniit of money
louldbo riservnl from tlio library fund to
Ivo nhtnit at least , lain anxious Unit this
ominitti'i ) shnnlil not to work nt oni'o nun oo
list uhut . bo done.Vhen wo o-iee tct a
ili-o start wo might Mite tionds for Ihu oivc-
tou of a building , but the lot or tlm nllo can
je sL'lcetud earlier. > '
"T.iki ! itln the preient quarters the rooms
nrc iiiadeiiinto ] nnd tlio spu-o nllnttrd In the
low city hull U iMoiik-M. Whom the 11-
irory Is now locuti-d the city In p.iyliih' IH.MVV
iisnriueo , blu rent anil otlicr OVIKMHOS
which I'ouhl bn oycicomc in n building of
our own , mid oven now at this enormous
expense we uru PIN Ing , our books are not
safo. Woliuvi > : irKii ( > vohnnci of splemlld
works and NVO .should take every preuantlon
to sa\o them.1
" \Vonlilyou siiKtroit not to move the li
brary iutotiio new city hall at nlli"
"No , not Unit , we could IIIOMJ in anil if
lotliliif : else \vo could saveiout My li'e.i islet
lot to lush tlio bnilliiK of n rlty llbi.iry . , but
o licifiu now and Kruilually iiicuinulato the
roiilrcil | amountof iipltnl. Afloat portion
of the library funlflr nt proscn * buiiic ex-
iciiiled for IIONV books. L 'or instaiic-o a elieclc
could bo put on this , nnd time aie many
other Nvays the board could ( voiiotniso for
the hike ntKettliif , ' n building of its own , llru
uoof , i-oinoiiloiit niul with amuorooni. |
"Is'ext to our public srhools nud ncws-
mncis , 1 oonsidor a public library one of the
nest nnpoi taut factors of u metropolitan illy ,
nnd 1 hope that it N\dl only boiiNory low
Vi'.irs bcfoio Oin.ibn will liuvo ono handily
sltunted , mid in a Htructiire owned nv the
uily. "
The contract for constructing Muson City's
watcnvorks tnn been iiwurdcd to a Liiuoln
linn ,
'I'lin Slump Drv Onnds O ) .
'I'oiuorrow , Friiluj , wovlll \ liuvo a
special side of reinuuntiof dross ioot1i ; at
Twi'iitvllvo per cent
discount from the regular miirl < od down
prices ; . .omo of our now iprjii | * iliess
uoods haye nlrenily boon out down to
remnant * anil will ho on the tublo.
On UioMJOoml lloor elii litun , calico ,
Nvhlto Kfxuls nud ether roiimutits will bo
on ono tnlilo nt
TNvi-ntyfivo per cent
dNi'otint from thi * mucked down prico.
\Voln\iloliiopootlonof \ our now ill ess
trends , some oxqiilslto uouilty units as
Nvellas lioan tlful ireiiiullni' ; ; S.OIHO bar-
Kiiins In China silkt ) at JI.OO , full 17 !
inches \\ldo ; now erejion , i.ow orepo ilo
eh i no , now tilniniiujjs , now all-wool iill-
cenldro'-s fjoodsortli7oi \ * ; new I'VcMich
111111 lettit caslinieies "V , worth (100. (
Miiduino Vallnoo IIIIH ( .oino chotco
things in sillts nnd dress yoods in our
' arlors onoof eacli
drosmimkiiiK' i arlorsonly
style innilo toordur only.
LADIKS1 Sl'UlXti .lAC'IxllTS.
All our new jacUot oto. , on silo now.
Lndlos' fipriny jacltols 30.00 , worth
Ludios' ' fapi'lugjiteKots SO.oO , Nvoitli
ill. dO.
Ijulles' ' spring1 juolvots $0.00 , worlli
Ladles' bloiiFO wiists-f 'Awoitli $0.00.
Liidien' ' hlou-o MaKts IIOc , wintli * 'J.OO.
Ladies' blouse waitts o'o , woith jjl.OO
All our inualin umlerwcai * is on uilu ;
wo aru olToriny bpcoial barguins in
Ladies' ' uijjht gowns 7oc , woitli Sl.U-'i.
Liidics' ni ht yownfti'l.OO , worth $ l./iO. /
Ladles' nijlit { { rownsWe , worlli " rjo.
J idic-s' fa t bhii'k ho-o 'in * , \Niirth60e.
Ladies' lit-li > tlnenil ho-o . " > 0c , north $1.
Is'uw hiKlmuis lOo , lUc } , ami Scotch
k'inuhaitw 120e. IS'ow goods all oNor tlio
Tin ; Mousn DUY coons co.
Is a cry tliat 1ms frequently been lieanl in the newspapers
and on the stump recently. Money is a very powerful affair , but
it isjiot as important as health. Men \vlio Luk health are willing
to give a good deal of money for a stronger and purer circulation
of the blood ; and yet not much money is ivquirod to secure this
groundwork and basis of vitality. To the \\xak , the feeble and
the debilitated Swift's Specific insures a plentiful
circulation of rich and pure blood. This
means , of course , that tliis powerful vegeta
ble remedy destroys thegerms and drives outthe scuds of disease.
Wherever the blood is to be purified and the system built up it may
be defended on to do tbevork \ promptly and effectually. Mr.
John O. Rogers , of Dana , Illinois , says : "My M'ife was for
years an invalid from a blood trouble , and suffered terribly at times
from erysipelas. A few bottles of fr xr was ] cured licrw She con
siders it the best blood purifier p.nd Igsaasl nic she ever saw. "
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ca.
India Rubber Glove Co.'s '
Including their full line of Latvu Tennis Shoes. They
arc the handsomest and ncatcslfitting Slice made ,
Omaha Rubber Co.
Wholesale Western Agents.
DnrlDKlih oc'\ ' oral month * lornllon nnd prncll col
On ihn , llr Dlllln IIIIH o.imi'il tin in > la' ' < lu ri'putii-
tliui iitiiiinu tin' ' liuii'frc iN if i III L'IIH \\hiaM | < ! lfil to
him ; \1 111(1 1 Hi n liiaLicn.irl iinil Tuiuul In lil klllllul
iiilnl lriilloi)5 'nllintlun D | liujio lout ; < lu
It'll Ull .
Ilo Ii | > ormnneutljr locatcil ni il lint llio Ipit iii- |
liiilnti'il iinil incitt M'litliiitl ) I < MOI | | ili ) lclmiB
utlliu nii'l ' receptions unn In Dunlin.
'lliufliknllllliul In Pi. IHIIInt's n I mi ) physician
niul u H JIM ph , nin irti ml niul rulvl'ur
lurtlii ) tii'-iln on I cl HIP lnl'iin nif muui'ilillHomu
Ir IMIIliiKii lin ' Ditnon liliuself posit'tbecl ut uius
CATAKH11.Ml cll cisn of tliolliru nnil niinor-i
tnrrh liiinorhhoi | tlit * hlotl uiiJuorvei , prut 101114
Uclillll } ik'ci ) i il > 1 > it i
ll\-l'l I'-IA An I all lliPii'innt < i ( lmim in
I.KIT trouble , Imperfect nsilmll illon mil n iirlnon
MDNI.V IH-rA is : \m in MI docolrliiK mil In
tliliiom * * ) iiiliini4 | liint In ri'Oo il/i ! lif tlu | iulonl
ollc'ii li'Bil to lital brUlitn < ll c'.no or ilnuetji
'IISKASIOK : TIM : moo : * - niooi puiionin
rcrnfiilii , iryalpel i , mi 1 illitMiji luoiti ) n jl lurj
ii HIT
Al.IiKIX IllsrA'llVPini nltrhourn Vurl
Olfl UlC M , t1 llfl' I < M HiTdfUl I. IIJMH. Illll 1 I ) ' > l If
of lli Wn , pliiipli1- * and illfo.uoi of llu HCilp.i.j
cutoil 1'J Dr IJIIHnr-i
MJUVOr * . Ill l'AT.S IOM nf vlpir. lo l nmn
licnil , iHlilllty , piottratlon ( Iftpinilunry , ( > inplloii
onllio IIKO lo < i > t ii.i'mcirr ilro ni of futiir. ) , ute
Anew inniiiKiii timt M\IMI : KIII.- .
ItllKI M.ITI M \ > MiMCAliIAro : enrol
byllr Dllllnjiw lion all ntlu'ii IUMI tnllel
HMAI.IVIAK.M : ; : : I > Tin inr-h irntim
niul iiiiniliiral ini'tlioils mil ill > ompliyol nr > ri
MIOIIK | | > | I > lur full > Ihroi ! fnurllii of llu Milt'rlni
nms 4kn < lurik'l Ii } notiit'Ti linuitli ilo tlio no v
iKinctiiitiiii'iit nf Hr IMlllim
rn.rH-Ai.i , UKC rAii ritiuiniiMini. . rn.
twin aliiwiH , flrlilt ri > , un I all clUi'no < of ro turn
( iirril willuiiii llu > Knllu. tiuturyur iinhonrj Uul ijr
Irinii ork or luMni'tj
AM < IIKAIUCllUS nro ntilckly onrol
\ l-SriU'M. Dls'IlM' H"ivnti > r l n tinillni
pl ) > lilllaKuiicirrliii-n Mrhliln ) iinil all rotiilllni ; nf
iKtlnninrn i-ureil pirin iniiitly nml furmcr wit'iuut
mi ) nii-rc' ! ! ) IT mineral trc itiiiont.
MOHI'llINi : IIAII1T Qulchlr , pojltlul / mil
polnlOHtly cm I'd
TA1TVOHtTako.i wllli hml coiiploT In o-io
liour \ \ Illi unuU'iiHiioonfiil u plui aut inutttiliu1 ? * i >
OTIIIill IH'KVKIS iirln nM Knrix. inill-'iun
ultI'M imiiiin , IMIIIIT * . liiMrt truiiiilcM , n liiinn
iMilIopH ) t Mill * , iluii'i * . milk li'i ' fliroiilo co uilyi i
tluii and chrnnliilinrrlxi'.ii'ru can-1
TUT ( XiMI'l.r.MON llin iiKut iimlalilly mil
niuilil ) < niii | > Uvl < < iul | < kl ) fivshunwl aii'l ' buiulltlul
loa ill KKNSlVi : lllliTIIipcrniinont : cam
10\V : HtKi : ClIN'stll.l'ATIONI
llol llh .I Da in loti' in. KMMIIII.-I , Tlo-i II
Buiulayi , 'Jlo Ip m.
Patients Troiti'il Jly Gorro'jpjailauoj. '
Meillcluo Sent Eyorywliora.
322 South Fifteenth St.
Dr. Dillltigq iirop.irai nml tllspon < sni hi ,
own inoiliclnos , which are laruuly s > lictal
Irom mturu's ' HuaUnj plinti , bxrlcs , rout ,
IIIUHshrubs , oto , NL > mill -ril o/ilrujj jjiv ) 'i
1S16 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob.
nliuw U "till tri'illim w Hi
111 mi illilno iiiillplmiini
iiuiiliir iiiniliiilo
B , . i i Niiiiini < xi > orlin > A
! "e "I l'"it ' lil'Oi.i-i A iiTHinni-iit f m Kn r umn I f r tnturli
' l III" H' ' " "
tlm , i < HI i " il " .
. , 1 "l Miinu'-il ' * ! m' M l.i.ti . < M lil Um * liii.liui | ' > "tllilK MM. tine ii.iliil.IU
Hnr n'l N " I iiimiiiiili'o * . > ! f > i i' ' ri iu o I nn > lo tikunml I. " ITo I
. I
t i n SMI n n riiiiiry - .
To i\l.lllM [ \ OiUwliwun u.ui t | ru feunuaylU
14 , 19 11 Ul.
To-tiny we place on sale in oui1 Ivlcn's
ing Department our advance assortment of ]
Spring Suits , Wo arc gratified at being able
announce that this stock is entirely now , It is
not carried over from last year , as when wo
placed our Fall stock on sale in eighteen ninety ,
all the Spring suits we had left you could have
put in \vhoelbarrow and still had room for"
passengers. Our buyer has had a picnic buy
ing this stock. Nothing to worry him , no re
membering wluitwe had packed up from last
year , all plain sailing , simply go ahead and buy
an entire now stock , and this he has done to
the "Queen's taste. " We never have shown so
many handsome styles in suits since \ve began
business as we arc showing to-day. Wo huvo
them in every material. We have them in
every shape and cut. We have them in tlio
handsomest assortment ol' shades and colors
that could be selected from the markets of tlw
country. "Yoju'll not be confined to buying
goods made by any one concern , as our buyer
has selected the cream of dozens of lines of
Suits , made by the very best manufacturers , '
We are going to make prices on suits this sea
son which even "WE have never before made.
Going to outdo ourselves , as it were. From tlio
worlcingman'ssuit to the finest imported Wor
sted , \ve will save you from .two to ten full
grown dollars. We cordially invite you to call
and sec the handsomest assortment of Spring
Suits you ever saw in Omaha.
( On ) ' Spring Catalogue is ready for wailing. IVrite for if. )
Corner Fourteenth and Doiitlas Streets.
till S P. . M. Saturdays 1O O'Clock *
Already conceded , shall rest on no uncertain basis.
\Ve will win by merit only , and shall look to it that
the excellence of our goods hold the favor of the friends
\ve have made.
Specific Directions.
ii-.vcoi.ii i.vrin : 11 i\iininny : ,
I'cuttl'H ICttrurt 1 llu toil om-liiilr >
! ) ) a ntiHUl iloiiclir , of Ml nil' II , or
\aiiorl7G It over a Iniupuiitt liilmlo
tlm nuiiCN tlirntmli tlio IKIXC.
IK IIO.VUMC , uar-o Mllli I'oii , ! ' *
jxtriict : Ncvoral HIIU-H ilttll ) ,
JiTIII ; 'niitovr is SOUK
niul MX'SC STi- ! ' , riil > tlio iicrlc
thiironnliljvlh I'oiul'N i\trorly :
Jiuil , mi rrtlrliiKTiip lli iicrlf
in u uodlcii liundn o Hiilurulrtl
iillli I'oiul'N ixlrnc : < , nml m < i-
Ivcteil liy an outer xvi-npiiln .
IP TIII : II.MSiti ; ; : siii : >
taUi ! a tciit-liooiil'iil < > r I'liiurn Ix- ]
triu-t four or lUo tlnit-N dull- . |
ii-TIII : i.inms .vein : mui ro
riirc , ruli tlit'lii luoruii I ) \vli |
I'oiul'N IJxIrnrl.
I'oiul'n lixtruct anil linuilaullli
Clfltll h-llliriltCll Mllll I'oilll'H IX- )
tract , Ildiln qiilrkly NtoppoO ,
BUT do not iMirrhnNUMoiiif rlirut
MtliMltiitu nml uxiiort II to < li > \\lui
I'oiKl'n Dxtriictlll. . Ho Mini ji > u
liavo ciiiiliitt article. lUiulo < > nlj
Ii ) I'oiul'n ICxlriiL'l t'o. , > uu Vorlc
anil London.
tKhe old proverb be true
S/VPOLIO is greyer lW
iteel/rTry / ib in your nexH
hou-se-cle ning : Grocers Kee i
Asa tvuo patriot and citizen you should naturallzo
by using the best inventions of the clay for removing Bueh ft
To live in Groaao is
utterly unnecessary when SAPOnn
laall the stores , and abolishes eroase and dS ,