Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    T1I13 OMAHA DAtLV HI3i FHIDAY , MARCH 0 , 181)1. )
T IIP IMll'IMII 4'1'IITH M4lllfP'Pf >
A Dig Advnuco Devulojicil in Values on
'Olmngc. '
cMs In Idvo Stork Tiilfly AotUc
niT a Slight lniifovi-iniMit | In
i'rlt'i'H An Mxt-ltliiK Day
CllKMUo , March B.- [ peela ! Teleqram lo
T"l\V. \ Ill I'-l There as Kreat iiM-ltiMnenl nil
* .Mmnje at tlioopeiiliii ; lieeanseof the nniiaual
net Ion of the markets yesterday , and the nn-
c < rtulnty as to what manipulation ml ht he
In store for trade today. Wheat startoil with
lu < pi Ice of Mav aiiiuiid 11 ( > 0 , and went llylnK
tofl.dO'j , back toiuv , then up to tt.Wand
X > ack iiitulii to liU'ie ' , the uloiltiK prleo of last
luh ( . All llrst hour corn was o\en more IT-
rntli- and ner\oils , and tlio Hist uih-esweio
oaiiKhtltndllllinlty. . After starting about
steady atsSe for May , the juleu honndeil to
r > ti'ie. ' llien bioke tnTis'ie ' , and again sold up to
aik- May oats again touched We , ami suld back
tn l'.i'e. ' May pork sold at it ) 10 , to ilo.0'"i , to
* 0.O ( to t'.MC. ' .
I'ollim Ing the nniiMinl action In wheat yes-
t.rrdiy tlm tr.ulo evpeetod further develop-
iii-nis anil an unsettled market today , and
* .hoy ete nut dlhappolnted. At I o'clock the
lirlee of Mny wheat was Ju t about where It
uln-cd last night , but this was after a gieat
peeuhill\e market early In the day , In which
Tioailynll lilg operatois teen a turn and ga\e
the iniirketii iiuigc of 1'Je ' The prices made
\voie neirly ail on a higher le\el and ga\o In
dication of lemarkable snppoit , Action was.
TVlay opened aionnd JI.O ) , with sales the same
xnlnnteiil tVic to iwi" \ , , adv.un-ed to $ l.00'4' ,
lirokii lo Hi'ic , reeoveied to { LOP , , void olV to
* I.X ( ) to I'l e , and after leeoverlng to iHi'iC ,
lield steady and became mini ) iiilet. | .Inly
* old at llVje tolCi'ae , tolCiVe , lo li'i'je , tollPe ,
tolfi'ii1. The Hist thing to et attention in
thepltwasbuyhiL' by I'aulridgeand hulling by
lllooin , Tlio former was a flee buyer tlm ugh
many Hoiuees for an hour , and cov
eted a great line of wheat. lllooin
old a lot of long wheat and
uUosold sluiit. Later In the d ly ho bought
lnok-.yjiH)0 ) ) bushels. Scalper * followed llloom
In his early soiling , credited to ( Judaliy , Itecho
and lrl\er. ) Pardild.'e's buying was aeeom-
imnlod by heavy purch i-ies liy MIlehell.'Ken-
licit , HehwartVilllani Pnun and peislstent
< inlet buying by llutclitnsoii. Later In the
lay llggleston became a buyer , while llahhvln
and I'tunum , Hoyden .1 Co. and some said
Ilaker and Dunn wcro sollcri. The big mat-
liet was above JI.OJ for May and ovor'JVJo ' for
July. News was neglected eaily In watehliu
the contest among the big traduis , Toielgn
Inlluences weroon the bull side. Uvcipool
was'd up at the opening anil second cables
wore'id fuither advanced. Closing' London
find Uvcipooleables eiu strong at aa ad
vance , and l.omhm reported Mu-ipool excited
over wheat and corn futures , iluilln cables
continued the Trench eiop damage.
New York cleared UM.UJO bushels of wheat ,
Ilaltlmoio nemo and two other points
15o:0 : barn-Is of ( lour. Mlnnu.ipolls
limited cash wheat at W.'iie ' to OTe. The de
mand was mid lur e quantities of Hour
woio nuiiketed yesterday. The mcelpts at
the northwest-Minneapolis ' , ' .1 ears , anil DII-
IiithKlcats weio so liberal as to eati c eon-
Bhleiablo sell'ng. ' Iteeelpts bore weio modei-
nte at Ml cat * , and light for I'rlilay at Hi eais
stlmate.l. The bears felt that a victory had
been gained in stopp ng the iiilviineo at Just
lu under the price leiiehed on tlio bulge the
first week In february. At I o'clock May
who it Mas nt , the lowest point of the day at
0,17c , wllh.luly otTured at We. The low prices
for tlio tesslon were mtido In wheat after 1
o'clock. May cold at t'J'no and closed at UiH4e ;
July sold at iiPiU and vlostd ut U4V. March
was iiiolcd | at UT'Je ' to O' c , toWi'.c , to Wie. .
Kew Voile icported no export business In
wheat. Them weiesomo bids , hut too low to
fill. May wheat privileges sold atlW'Jo ' for
luitH , and $1.0 iv for calls.
flieru was a rousing corn market the first
liour when thoex-tremo pilces of the session
wuro made. The entire trade was In suspense
at the opeiilm : , and when Muy started atMHc ,
wheio It closed last nluht , the crowd proceeded
to buy In u sensational w-iy that sent Ihopileo
to&'J'sO ' lu ten minutes. This was followed by
ttbii'akto.\sic. urally to.-is'.c. and later In
the session the maiket became iniiro selllo.l
ut tboopenlngllgnieof "is',0 , , for May. Theio
was no such gloat trading In corn at any time
us the Jump In prices would Indleato. The
maiket was \ory nervous and oulois either
way were executed with dlllleulty. Panics
uttemptlng to sell on the bulge could not no
t > o until there was a bleak of lo or moie. The
featuiiMif the day was tinstienyth dlsplaved
i-htlniiite at INi ems ahil for l-'rlilay still
lighter , at li.lo-irs. 1'our Ioiils\M > ro taken
export at New Yuri- , May eoin nntsweio
iiinlcd ] at SS'.o , ealK.'V'iC. '
There was eoiislderalile ncthlly In oats ,
cnuofil iMitlyliy elliuts to eo\er , anil In pal t
Jiy the reinaiKahle aethui li , the other niar-
Ui-ts. l.lUe eorn.the llr-t IlKiire * for May were
ul out -.teaily with the elo-u on Weilncsiluy ,
nnil tills was folloned by a nnleU upturn to
We. the ton iirloe yesturday. This UKUIO was
not uiis-ed. 1 here was a n-actlon later In the
Uay to4i'c. ! ' .luiio was iiuoluil at tlm eloso at
4HV.Inly --olil at 4 : > u to 4- > ' 4to ( 4.V8e to tla >
lose. 1 ho pinvislim trade was lierweon two
foii'i" . all itay. llo s Iti-cp coining at tlio yards
sib if them would neeiho an end to the
heavy reeelpts. On the other hand , the corn
jiiarUets not M > strung that tliuio
Is no ono to piedlol with eer-
i ! tulnty nhero It will stop , Karly
c neaily M.O.rO hogs at the
yiiuls and nrlees lOe olt asaln , and tlio In
crease. f 75,000 hues In western p.ickln ; ; for
tlio week , stalled all piodncts easier. I'oi-U
was olV lOu at tHO.1 , and rlls : > o at it.n. " i. I.ard
was steady. On the Hurry In eoin , pork rose
loJlU.O1. " , , and with thiilneak pork went off to
IU.IH ) nnil i-losutl in flMCilth .March and July
eaeli lee lower. Laid yielded lint i"o and
cloM-il Htouiiy. lillis did nut reeover , and
closed at .rn- low or. Commission linusis hoiiKht
jxirk and laid early , whllo Kyan. Towler and
Armour & Co. wereIho bestsellers ,
rmrrs AT rnirxno.
toMMoniTr I OPOII. | HUli I I/OHT. I L'lCHO. | Vui'y
Wlll' T
Mivy 100 1WIH
July W.H.
ConsMay MTt
OilNMay. . . . . to
Notcs'inul Cosnlp.
Dulnth receipts Wheat 53.
Minneapolis reclpts Wheat 231.
enl easli and May com , Ss Giid.
O Kstlmatcd hosa for Friday IIS.OOO.
Ft. l.onls cash No 2 red , OD'ittMiio ; No. 2
corn , .W > ie ; No. Voats 4Sc.
Iturlln prlvatu cables conOrm serious dam-
OBO to Kiiropcan wheat crop- . .
Kstlmatcd ears for Chicago on frlilay ;
\Vhciit.30 ; corn , 173 ; imt § , 100.
I'rivato cubic from prominent 1'arU bunUor
laysl'rench crop damaged one. fourth.
C'hlcaKO car lots , wheat. 40 ; corn , 11 ; oats ,
118. I'rom btore , wheat U7,04U ; corn , none ;
oats , 40,1.77 ,
ChlcaKO receipts -Dour , 18,001 ; wheat , S2,47l > ;
corn. 110,107 ; oais I0f,4ti4. Shlpnients-rioiir ,
7tbsrwheat.37iS5 : ; corn , U1.47s ; outs. 183,703.
I'rovlMons uro lower thun IIOKS. llonh nrolio
IUT cent lov > er than the corn they are fed on ,
Thetn-Icoof pro\lslons Is ceitalnlv low and
above prices must eiuialUe themselves even
lIcrbohm'H cable : CarKoos on pnsstiKo and
bhlpmentVhtut tirini'r. higher ; i-oiiiUdto
ixl hmhcr. I icnch country murkets strung.
Mvcrpool spot wheat improving : t'oin tinner ;
No. 1 wliuat bsalla Walla , 7s. Midi led
winter , 7i'd. . No , I llumbay , 7s , tSU. ! Corn ,
& Co. to Toncray & llryan Wheat
opened at tl.UO for May , xoid up to Jl.lO' , , oiT
to W\a and up ucaln to UJ'.c and closed weak
nt W\v. Thu sentiment abroad and east U
bullish , but withal there Is uu entire
of denudiil for shipment or for li "il rnn'iimp-
( Inn We nniy nnl reiiiln | < to keen up the
I.IIMIII ; If wodo nut , this e.isiin will lie un IM-
ceptlon I , ) all prn\ Ion * ones. The llinlilatli | > n
finm Ihe iipenlm ! lias hcen ln > , i\y ami snnie "f
the holder * for tm- past few months look re-
lie \eil mine thanliappv. Hel at I U'lvnut tiflcis
are hltfher th in the wlic it of nny othercinin-
try. and ntili' < 4 tln-ii- Is a s-afcltv at h iuc
prlres shinihl no lower Corn opened with eon-
slderalileeM-lleini'iit ; the llrsl inlce for Muy
wiisr > .sii' , Nolil up lo.vj'iiami ' eloseil at Ss i- .
Pio\Ulnin did not partleltiate n. the aihanoe
111 corn nnd the biMlm-ss dune w.isllKht.
W. K , MrCoimlek . .VCo. . to 1' . C.
Hwiut ? . . Co : The wheat nmrKi-t
oiiencdcr.v . m-tUc anil higher , with ennslder-
nhle show of excitement. Minrln er % heavy
buyers , two nr thre hiriju lines belniseoxerpil.
Cnldes shoueil dei-ldeil strength and fully
half niMitiy iiilvniu-e.tioth forspot mid futures.
Our pnvnto i-ables and thosiof uther reliable
houses siy : that the dimmer to l'.iiriiean |
crops has licen In no wise < - \ -
nitiieriili'il. and this statement n tlie
ketolhe slremsth In wheat. The bcarMi
fentiitesof the market are the i-Melit nf till )
receipts at the primary points today , ainount-
hu to V7.I.HO i bushels , and I lie fact that clear-
niii'es finm the seaboard were very small of
both wheat and Hour. Thu later leaetlon lu
the mm Uot w as a natural one , as Ihe sharp
ad\ance Induced Knot ! reall/lm ! nnioiiK hold-
eis. We sif.l hollcMe In hlL'lier pilees. Cinh
wheat M > lil today within .1- of May.
Corn opened hlithor nndtry iniii-li exellul ,
with ahli > ranee In the opening prlees. To-
dav's buj liii eenied lanjcly to cover shorts ,
and ulii'ii this ended a reaction took plaei-im
lu.ill/lm ; sales. I'hi ) closn Is innie iinlel. lint
MI far we sec no Indication of we.ikties . O.its
opened stiotn : with Miry lar i ) t mil hit ; dm In ; ;
Mist hours , shot is helm ; lal e hinert. After
that time the iniirKcl became ( inlet anil tiad-
Inn fu.itniules-i , helm ; mosllv of a
scalplm ; ch.irm-ter between pit tradeis.
I'rmlslniis liccclptsnf IIOKS Heie'i-OiWIairfer
thun i-itlmated. w ) > lch created a fecl-
hiK In proUslnns. Thu mnrket , howexif.
Mnmed but llttleih-cllne , and uitlnniuli
hitf was mull openliw prices weie well MIS-
lalned. I'tli-es of proIslons are under Hut
pilec of ho < s and | n Iceof Im s lar.'elv iindiM-
the telatlMi price of coin onlileh \ tln-y am
fed. All i'illill/at | lull piocesslinulil tuko
place In spile of the heavy MorK\\ lili-h won id
Blvo us considerably higher prleeb foi piuUh-
VHK.KKt J.ITi : STOl'li.
Oliioino , Maieh 5 [ Apodal Telegram to
Tin : ltii : : . ] CM ti.i : llnslnesiwnsaKiiln falily
actlxo. with jirlces about like jo-lerdiiy ,
steady lo strong at the advntiee noted In the
I'aily pirtof the week. Itoth shippers and
local dealers wcro out tod.iy and boiu'ht
their iivei.i'jo niimher of K'I'I ' > ' | nnd useful
steers , while local Imtchers were also liberal
Imjersof KOOI ! eows and hulfers , which 1110
selllnu hluhitr than last week , hut old I'anm-rs
and common cows show llttlo or no sl ns of
ImproNcmeiit. There was little or no elianio ;
In the stocKer and feeder trade The host
steers on today brought fS.Q'J''i.ii ' ) ; prlmo
to choice , il.7.Vfl'.K ) ; medium , tl.OOTM,30 ; ean-
nhi'S cows , $ l..ViM.75 | ; other cows. tJVQJ.75i ) )
helfnis , l.004,00 ; bulls , J8.0.1.73 ; btockcis ,
$ V.5Kita75. (
HoiiS Business wus active hut values ruled
aboutio ! loner all around , that Is , tlio great
hulk of lie s sold that way , but both shlppet * )
and packers were In the maiket i-utly ami
bought until a Into hour. Uini li aniicomnion
Mild at f ! . : ' 'tl.lO ; packers nml inKuil , .f H 'in
3.50 ; pi-lmi ) heavy and butcher welirlits , J.I..VVIC
3.li5 , the latter uhont the top price for the tiny
light MM ts , .3MiY.M. ) .
NnwYOIIK , March 5. l poclal Teloiram to
Tin : IIKK. ] STOCKS K\cn after thu slinking
out late.ve4tcrday lu stocks , Wall street be-
Kim tmylin bilsMy at the opening this morn-
IIIB. ThU icsiilted hi slightly hotter
prices at the stall , Kalns laii lni ; 'a
to 'J jict cent over lust night.Vhal
might ha\o been a good eatly adviim-i
was checked by the knowledge that nearly
$1,00MM ) In gold htis hcon ordered for export ,
ami \\oakiies4 was Immediately developed.
With i-onsldunihle animation prices yleldeil
fi.ictlonally all almiK the line , gru-ntert. Vll-
hudsanil l.oulsxlllu leading and Itook Island
was most ( imminent , both for activity am !
weakne-s , and declined " 4 per cent hcfoic the
downward movement was checked , which
ImwoM-r , was du rim ; the llrst tidily minutes.
Dullness again became a feiitutoot the mar
ket. A partial icactlon followed , and
late In the hour sugar becamu especially
Miiing , moving up l'i to 74 , whllu In 1.01110 ol
the stocks of the regular list thu opentn ; 'U- '
iuos weio again attained. Thu t mau stocks
which have lately been leaders In the mnrket
weru must piomlnent In the deallngj
Itock Nlund , lliirllnitoii , Not t Inn n I'a-
cllle prefer rod , St. Paul , I.tickawanna
and Louisville being most conspicuous.
The succeeding hour was murki-d
hv n llrm , steady market on light business ,
with Clihacodasaml MIsMiutl 1'aelllc at bet
ter prices , while most other stocks held close
to tlio last llgnies of yesterday. There were
some unexpected developments In stocks
The Km ling t onS showing for.I mi nary caused
that stock to sell at the lowest point yet
leached , ut 77'j. with the close ut 77' , . Hock
Island and St. I'anl lost their early gains and
closed steady. Could stocks eie better sup.
polled , and Missouri Pacific elo-ed with a not
gain of 't. ' I'lilon Pacific up ' | . Northern I'a-
cllle shaies wore well supported. Ne\t to
Iliiillngton the stocks were the weakest ,
and hickawanna lost V Thcio weru dis
quieting i iimors of tlnaiiclul conuei us at I'hll-
ailulphht andthe cables regarding thu Aigen-
tlno all'alrs weie coulllctlng. Shurts not nil-
comfortable at the decline ; md u rallv Is
looked for. The total sales weio )
The following are the closing quotations :
MONBV On call , cany ; closcil olTeruil nt 3
per i-i'iit.
1'IIIME MKIICtNTlr < B 1'Al'KII "iffl" pore-Oat.
Sinn.iMi i\ciusoii : Quiet ; sixty-day bills , ; Umuaiid , lf4.b ll.
Tlio CofTeo Jfarkct.
NKW YOIIK , March 5. [ Special Toloprixm tc
Tin : llKK. ] UoffUR-Optlous opened linn ,
5'tVJO points up , closing tlrm , 11x3- . " ) points up
Sales 41,750 bi : s , InoludliiK .March , > g
1.00 ; April. $17.7 : > ftl7.SO ; May , JI7..Vt2l7.70 ; !
.Inne. flT.'JKttT.'J.'i ; July , flii.7JB > li ( SO ; August
flH.'vaflO.n : ; t-optenilier. ilV70.ftl5.lU : October
J15.IW : Noveinbor , i4.7-'i ! ; Deeenibor. JI4 40ftl4.ri
Spot Ulo , aetlve , llinierj fair cargoes , , 110.75 ;
Xo. 7. tli.50aiS.6J.
New VOUK , Man-h , " > . [ SpooUl ta
TIIK IlKK.I-riiu following are the nilnlnj
stock ipMotallons :
Short Klbs steady ; cash , * U7i ! ; May ,
Ityc I'lnn at 675790c.
llarlcy Nominal at 70S90c.
1'la.x-I'llm at a.VO'J ,
1'ilniu Tlmothv Steady at fl.STTjl "i.
\ \ hlskj11.14. .
riour rinui with dealers asking an ail-
vance ut Vic.
HiilK Meuts-Phouldero , fl.O.tQI.10 ; sliorl
clour , JI.K" > 7ll. 0 ; .short rlh , $4.ii."i ( | , Tii.
lltitter I'lrni ; creamery , VJ33lc ; dairy , Si
Cheese I'lrni ; full cream- Cheddar ? , IOH
lO'jc ' ; Hat a. lO' llc ; Voting Amurluas , 11(1 (
fresh , 17JUsc.
Hides riiili.iiiKeil.
Tallow L'nclm used.
Ilecclpts. Shipment !
1 lour . 111,000 KM
\viiiMit , hu . vv.oo ) : \w \
( -' . 1IO.D.M ui.niij
O.its , hu . . 10SOW 1S4KM , (
Nnw YOIIK , MarchS.VlioatKccolpts , SUM
liilshels ; i\orl8 | , V.I,4iO ( ; spot , i-loscil oiivyi
No. V ted , JI.IIU In flovutor : II IV. alluali
il.l'J's'iCI.IMU ' f. o. h ; options npi-ncil i\i > lti'i !
nnd closed \ \ cifNo. \ \ . a ri-d , Maiuli , closing ul
t'orn Iloculpts , 4lfpO ) bushels ; evpoik
2NX ) bushels ; snot lilKlii'i nnd stunix ; .No , ! ,
( l-4Ufi' ! o In nlovator ; i.sQ.Wio alloat : mi-
criiucil mixed , O-sc : options uloauil Hteady mul
hlulu-r ; Miirch closing ut I'MI * .
Uat Itei-ulpts ti.iK)0 ) biisliuls ; o
l.liOij ; spot hlRhur ; No. 2 whlti > , M'i
mixed \M--.toin , Mj4")7oUilto wusi-rn ,
NV&O''o : options btruiigsri March closing ut
Wio.n ar Kuw , Heady ; rcilni-d. flnn ; off "A ' , "
Petroleum I'nlti'd closed , April , 76'iC. '
Kas I'lrni ! wi'stern. It-o.
I'oru I'lrin ; now mi-ss , .
I.anl Wii.iKor ; wcatorn bicam
llutler riiiniwestei n dairy , liVi .to ) ;
ern eriMuiiory , 23ULVi : Klein , tlviVtKi.- .
UUt'esu-Stroug ; light bUlins. O-'iitMic ,
H. MarMiV Whuiit rimi'tlh-di i n li ,
iMny. . tl-.l'.i- '
31 Ijlu-rii'iKli , M'jo ; M.iy. 5l' e hid.
till ! it in oil ll. 4SC
'ntk ' KtOilll ) III tlO.IXKtln.l."J.
iM > = tvady at * , Vt ) .
JJimar Ste.nly nt ( i II.
liiiiier . | ( , . | , | y | ln(1 ( mu'ii niaoil ; orounciy
riiIJli | > f lock , JOiiKc ; daily , Vl45c.
Mwrv i oi.t , MiinhsVlnnt -O.iili
oltitulrr-i.M < lv ; ptlci-s iivi'riiithu iindi-i- May i
l it lm nt ( lull ; loci-lilts V.wciutliliitnnnt ! - ' .
tJwt < < . 'tosntf | : No. | litifil. Miin-h iiinlnii
ltikl- , ) c ; N.i.1 iiiirthcrn. Mu roll tttoi MaV.
i < iVi "i track , IK'KNo ; , 2 nortliorn , Mau-li ,
Wi'.uil . t vuuk. t
M , ciTv. Mari-li -iVhi'iil Hltflii'r : No.
! lnrli-t .Hli and Mai-oli , Ml'tu hldi No. 2 u'd ,
iMili'H' ' eo bid ,
I'lini- ' tionsjer ; No. 2. cash , I'J'.o ' ; Muri'li.
l' '
iiiii-iti-onncri No. 3 , cash , IJ'io ; Mtirch ,
MII VKIK. : Man-h.V Wtieiit Xervous ; No.
Silitlnc -ish ! , n',6'isc ; May , We.
IVru-l.-irm ; No. : irCi'c.
I'll' ' 1 Ilgher ; No. 8 whlto , 4fl'ie.
I'luUs-iotH-Hnsler. ' Pork May , JO.0.1 ,
ClMlrsc > ; \tl , March 5. Wlioat-SiNiN-o : No.
SfulII , .OJ.
Turn strong ; No. 8 mixed , .VSQJj > , ii ! ,
llil-H ; Ighei. No. V mixed , 5'Jc. '
lniici-ori , , Mnri'h S Whuat-ririn , do-
liiilinlisk. I r.
luni j.-iim , ilenianil fulr. _
i.i 1 1sr < n'u.
fmrvoo. Mari'h 3.-rittli-1tocplit | < . 14,000 ;
nntlPU fahly actho stiMily to slronn ; stci-is ,
I'Mrl.F.l.rH ) ! Hii'illlllil toclioicc , tl.lMiitl.lU ; I-IIHM ,
( IUJ. _ ' . Ti ; hulfeiH , J.IUUUI.UJ ; ntuukurs , { ' . ' . .VXift
II i\
illo ; < Ueccliits. 4S.OCW ; mnrUrt active nnd
hint ) rough and cniiininti. J-IIIJ'U.I.IO ' : paeli-rs'
mul i i I xeil , fl.4' > jJ.4.IO ; prlmo hi-ax v and
. . . ' . ' . "
Mi I Kui'i-lpts , ; marki-t uetlM > . . ) ; 'l'i-\ins , JI oj < ii5.0U ! wcsterm , iJ.uoio
n Us , f j.OU < ai'.ll > .
5T.I-.otTi * . Mati-h V-Cittlo-ltecplpts. : 1.100
mini lilliincnts , .MW ; miiikut stionu ; fair to
fancy tiatlvcs W.W'itS.IU ' ; slockcis nnd fut-d-
HUM Kecclpts , 5KJ ! ) ; shlpnuinto. 1.530 ;
ktl lii-vvcr ; hc.ivy. &l.V > d.l.iU ; nilM-d ,
Cirv. Muic-li n. Outtio IlcoclpU.
Iff ) iid : shlpnu-nts , rvio IUMI ! ; nuiria > t
liliMV1 Iilu'hcrliir ; - , } l.iV > ® 5 Ml ; oowtl.liu
Wi tockois nnil fi-i-deit , t2.VVW.li3.
lli ' - Kecclpls , M.lu01u-ad ; .shlpincnts. V.5CO
Iinil : iiiarKei steady and lower ; all grade * ,
O.M.1//.1 Air/i STUCK.
OM\IIA. Murol- . IWI ,
-C nstlinatodrocoiiitsof cattle lM as
ninili . .r.d with l.liJU yesti-iilav and l l
lliutl siy of last week. Thu best biove
fliri'CjiIrly ' active and about steady , iitln-r
pmli' * \M-aU and slo . The best irradis of
linlili -r stoolc weio acthu mid stroiiK ultli
lisHil * > ! ) Blades steady , tlooil fei'ilers
we Iri demand ai stioii ! ; tnlcu-i , utheis
tip nl > * .
lloiii * Kit limit oil roooipts ot IIORS r-t > 00 ,
nu'i ' ) i > \ ari-il with WHil ycstord.iy and lUUI
'lliiitrl ' uy of last wcolc. The niarkot was
ailho and about steady , with ycstenlay's
( inir k.1 maiket. All sold. 'I'lin ninic
dl ISi-lces p.ild WUH } ; : .OD"(1J.50 ( ) the
Imk Kulllnp at IX&IAJI.7Sa8.5Ji ! (
Hslii1 l lits.rjauiOll ! : ; lit.W ini'i@i ' : I5hcavy. :
( . ) : mixed. W.iUHti.4Tin : : ) iiveraiJiof
iirlfi' ianl was JI.3I' ' as cinnunied with
llJli ; yesterday and sM.34J ! Tliurstlay of last
in ik _
> iu : ii nstlmated receipts of shcnp S'i7 ' , n <
t . | isi-i-od with 170 yestciday and 'Ml ! Tliur > -
ihyir last week. Thu niaruot was active
ii t-i-ady. Natives , iV.7yitJ.10 ; western ? ,
Disposition of Stock.
flin w I UK the inimlicr of cattle , hess nnd
wi | > purchased on this market as lepiuteil
lijtlio vvelL-hniaster of the Stojkyards com
finy for .March 5.
IIiyurs. . No ,
h0 |
Tlicl J. II. Iliuiiiiionil company an !
TliK iKiuliy pat-kliiK eoinp.iny 15)h )
tlm.iti:4 . paculn'4 company. . . h
In1 1 liithschllil 14S
Unseat nt v Carey.
' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' '
\i'li ' Morris' . . . . . . . . . . . .
Milip | ri and feeders BSD
nods' .
TlicCudahy packing company. 1.070
lii , ii ii ( lackingcompuny I.TtIS
IlicCS. H. liaminoiul packing ciimp.iny. 07' '
ml feeders
flii' " "itdahy packltn ; company 90ul
. llainnionil packing company. ul
1'IIIS AM ) IluUnil ,
2 . . . .05 - 233 W 102 180 SCO
' . ion s MM * ss . UT am
' . ' 3 . . . itti SOQ 101 . . ni - aw
No. Av. I'r.
HI vw4lt < rii , vrf , | ( . IIS II W
HI WesUtns , l'Wo.y , ; . > " 4 W )
O.TMfM II JfUcsJl.tltliJKfS. .
- , incur cured. 13 to II
Jbsiivernae. l o : brt'lUfast ' h.u'on.suifaroiirod.
bonidess. ti',0 ' , N , > . | lumm. sugar on roil , 15 ( o
It ) Ins uMruitisi4i'Vo. , . l hums , sutrar otiied ,
18 His tcrime. . M'j' Nn , I hums , sutfar eini-il.
80 Ins average. M41 iitivit hums , s'jci No. a
limn' , sii ar oiitd 7c ; bnm-lesis hum , oan-
vns < o I nr plnln. 7'f | , slumldcrs , susnr eured.
ti'io ; liieakfusi luniii , fnm-y bnneh'ss , 7'c ;
California iirplonli'lin.iiis. ' sujjiir euied , fi'ie :
dih'dbei-f hums , incur outeil , 7'to ' ; bacon ,
short i-loai" . fi'af , Ixtcon , clear backs. ( i'Hc ;
liacnn , eloui lielllc-fn.ncv llRht , ( llo ; bncon.
shoil ribs , f. > , ! ; liiiltt > ii iies , smoked , llio.
luSVI.T ) .Mr.ATi-Sbort clear" , ri'iu ' ; lone
eli-iirs , , vi shurt illis , Set bellies , 6V ; clear
backs , ve.
1'OHK * MI IU.Ri.M s4 porklib's ' , new , $ IO..PO :
nii-ss ( link , half lililn j.vjj | fumilv or baeU
pink , hhls , } | 0.3 > ' ; f.iiiilly or buck ( inrk. hnl f
hhl" . f.5 ' ; exlta iiini lioof. hhls. J.i.75 ; evlrsi
nis biM'f , half liliK.-Kl.UJ ; boneless pli ; iiork ,
bhls fl-.VI ; bimuhniiltfpork. half bills , JC.Mi.
litllli-ruri-no tliioos ; kettle r'-mlered , O'i- ' .
SirmilK Iloloyiu , 4ot I'urk ' UIIHIIII > . In
links , tvt pork MIIIIIKO , In bulk , f > 'fci hlooil ,
4'4c ' ; liver. 4'ie ' ; Im.ul i-hec e. 4 > tc ; sinol.o i
heiid i-heesc. ticli noior 1'iankfiitt. 7i % ;
Knoblauch s.nmnii1 , 7c ; I'ollsh HUIISUI > U , 7e > ;
tonpiimiitsiiKo , bi
'Ihe uliovi'irloe | < m > for lots of M Ibs nii < l
upward-i u less iiiiii | t Itv ' > o limit1 ,
l'n ' KI.I-.I ) HIIF 1r > Nit'is llurrcls. 2X ) ll > s
eiu-li , * lt.OJ ; Imlf Uils , IIH ) Ibseach. * MI | ; iitinr-
ti-l hhls , M Ibs cnili , S .OJ ; eljhlh ! bbls , V.'i 1L > S
eni'h , if GO.
I'm ' I'oiiKltonilcs Han-els , MO Ih * . eaoli ,
$ IV.'iO ' ; Imlf li.irrekl'JU Ibs , eueh.fii.M ; onuiti-i
htinelsiV ) His , i-iuli , * ! ,5o ; olnhtli butrels5
Ibs. each. J2.1IU.
Oll.s l'i line lu til oil. winter strained , I7i-j
i1 Mm laid oil , winter strained , 4lo ; e\ti-a No.
1 hud oil , .I7i > ; Nn.lliLnl nil , ; | -.V ; No. 8 laid oil ,
! ' ( ' ! I'Vlra tit'itsfiKiliill , 45c ; tilllnw oil , l-'c.
bvi'Hliu : Ho otm , 4o : smiiKod sausairo , * . ' !
blood H ills-ice , I'll' ! llvnp.UUSIIKO. . 4'e ' ; hunil-
ohiese , 4'jei ' fiuli pork sausage , links , Hi- ;
fresh jiork siiisuiio , liiilk , 5'ii ; snioKed pork
sinisiijsi1. sc ; fiaiikfuit M.IIISUKC. Tcj smoki-ii
bo.iiU'lit-t' : I'olKlisuiisiiKii ' , le ; ktuihhimMi
HIIIISIIBITo ; toiiKUOMiusaBi'i fcc ; sniiiiaoi1 ban-
snil. ' ' , l.c- ! .
The abivoirk-ctliro | for lott of M | ioniiils
iinil upwards ; u k < > ( | iiuntlty Sic inoio.
Comilfy Proiluco.
Coniitry iiroihiio wris not ph-iitv yovtonlny
and pi-loos vi-ie siw on oM-rytliln.i ? \vup > t >
mi ! only I.N. .
> lli'TTKK 'Iho < iimty | of liiittrr cnntlnurt
viry Miott and prices hlsh , Vcstcnlay I lit-
lust count ty iollssol < | jiiito lo.ullly at airtjlilo
and u low s.ili-s dlcMru stock were iniiilo Jit
t.'U'M ahlulirr HIIIIIL- .
KiidS The fiMllnc In tlio o'K nmrkot was
WCHK. but ( inolilloiHcto tlio banio allio
diiy bt'fonllnitK JlVidTu.
II A -Thuumriii M.IS bettor yrstct day sind
peed hay went alir. " > oaiOO per ton.
I'ori.iuv . uooii I'lik-kons sold at naitH' :
cliulcv turkeys litUu ; ni'usoaiul iliH'k > , lKf6lx'o. (
Tin-so iiiiit.illoi | L > ro for Kooil tttnuk , an v
ng clso vonldluvoto sell at less iiionuy ,
PTII A\viiFiiHiK9-S ( > iilborn Mock has anlvocl
In tin- market umlls tiiiutcil at 50i > m > r iin.i it.
\\iiRs-Na Mis , tl.ojl..U ; Mexican or-
iinjji's. W.S5 ! l Krlclix brUlit , } l."ij : msM-tto ,
$ I.UI ( ; los AtiRulcsK.rO ; niuiliiliiln fruit , $2.T.i.
Al-l'l.r.s Tlio iiililily Iseiv llhtund prk-PH
- IIIRII. Oooil slock Is In-hl t
JVtKkjj,50 and suiau faiiL-y apples at > hlgk us
- ' , ai.O ) ; fancy , $ l..7) ) ;
Jlcs liiii , vlolce.llOO.
M M.VCJA ( iiiAi-h for bbl , ! IO.OO < ilJ.OO. !
rii.\Miiiwns-Uooil : Capo ted , pur bbl ,
i allies.
I'll : I'I.\ > T c We.-- stock , iicrdo ? , T..c.
Vr.dt/i MII.I : ( JurKiis Perdue. ( Wo.
PoiA'iniTl : . uukot coiiiliiiu-s vciy lilpli
and stocks uironly inoilcriilulv Inriji' . t'ol-
orado stock. * 1 1 : , 'jj per bnj Iowa stock ,
su-kiMl , Tl.W IIITIHI.
Ci'i I'Mimth Miitlicru stock , per doJl.M ) ,
t'Ki.Miv ChokastoeU. 4Jo ; ( J.iilfoinlu stuck ,
jl.O ) per do/ .
< ' ( : , tS..V ,
\VIIT S PoTAiuts Uhok'o Iowa , stocl : , per
bid , } ! . " . " > .
KAiu-ilts 1'crttnliuiiclios , 4.10.
Sl'IXAL'll IV I bin. U.OI.
J KiiurK Clluiliostot'k , 403l5c.
PAIIS.MIM Pwliiil. W . " .
CAIIIIAIII. Peril ) . J'i't ' ' Ic.
ltUT\iiAKs lllL'itgan ] stoalc , pot bu , COo
HKI.IS I'er bn , f I. Oil ® 1.2V
ONIONS ICastwustock , Jo.30 pur bbl.
CAiiiiOTa Per MIr > .
I' ' u r H.
Itucroon. Xn.Uargo , T.'ic ; No. 1 nirdlntn. Me ;
No. I , Riniill. 40cVo. ; ' . > , 40.Mink. . No , I , laigu.
liicn ed. > * 1. I.UKC . , 4Up ; No. l , inedliiiii ,
2SC. Skunk , broid stripe , unsrd , No. I , huge ,
"Oo. I'ov , cross.ilnrk , No. 1 , hirse. i..Vj ; No. I ,
illiini , J1.8Nol > ; small. 75co. ; ; . 3 , JI.U.I. Wolf ,
piairlo , No. 1 liretl.on ; ; No. i medium , ;
No , I sinillOi'No ! , | , 8 , inc. Heaver , prime , per
skin , No. 1 law. * " . ! ! ) ; No. 1 medium5.0 ( ) ; So.
1 small , CI.W ) . Hi-aiur. No. V , per skin , So. 1
hi rue. $3(0 ; No. 1 medium. $135 : Nn.lMii.ill.
fl.U ) Ottoi. Nil I l.inre. $7.00 ; No. 1 medium ,
t.0) ) ; No. 1 Miuill , ftlW ) ; No. V , JJSO. Iyn.No. .
1 laico , JiMliu , I medium. } 1V5 ; No. I sin ill.
7.V ; No. V , tl.Ol Wild cat. No. 1 law. Me ; No.
I medium , 'die ; No. 1 small , inc. Opossum. No.
I Imco , l.'e ' ; \o. 1 small , Be. It.idner , > n. 1
laivc. ( jOci Noliiii-iMiim , 45c ; No. 1 small. We.
\Volierlnc , No , I taruis fl.iiii ; No. 1 med iiim ,
JJ.OJ ; No. I sniill. J.MIO. ( tear , Idai-k. Nn. 1
IIIIKP. t.N ) . 0 ; Nii.1 niedluni , tlll.llO ; No. 1 sin.ill.
$ " > ,00. Hear , mlf/ly , Nu. 1 hirisi' , tlii.lio ; rs'o , 1
mi-ilium , Ji > .0)\o ) ; I small , * 400. Hoar , brown.
No. I law. J > * i No. 1 medium , > 3.stij > 'o. l
small. il.OJ. llur. fiibh , No. I laixe. "fl.OO : No ,
1 iiiodlnin , f3.nir ; o 1 small , JUKI. .Mnrtoii.N'o.
1 lar e. t'AO ) ; .No I mt-dinni , tl.Od ; No. I snail ,
Mlo. riMier , \o L luitse. J5.w ; No. l „ „ . , ( ( „ , „
11.00 : No. 1 Mill. $2.5ii. HncksKIn , Inillun
dressed , per lli.No. 1 lnr e. Butte 75o. lifer ,
summer , per ft. Mo. I Inrtro , L'Oc ' to VSc. Ui-or ,
fall , per Ih , , No 1 liirai1. l.'e toV'.c. ' Deer , ln-
tor , per Ih. , Nol lnr iI8c to ICi- . Deer , irioon
salted , prr pine , No.l laiiie , V " > c to 70e. Ante-
Jo uc. peril ) . . Jw , 1 e. 13c to iiic. : pur
lb. . No. 1 lart.'i.l'c1 ' to lOc , .Mnskiat-Ill. , Mis. ,
In , winter. > . 1 lar e , I7e : winter. No. i mo-
dlnin , 14c ; fiill.S'o. . 1 inrsre , lie : full. No. 1 mo-
illiini , lie ; diiniiKClseuiod or shot.ilc. .Mnsk-
riit-boiithtvuiicrii unit terrltorv-Wlnter. No.
t luik'o , Hoilut ; \ r , No. 1 medium , lie ; ( all.
No. 1 law. Hi ; full. No. 1 medium , ho ; < lum-
iiKt-'il , spearudur shot. To.
4 Fisli.
IjAKE I'lekoicl. M > ry ( hie , ( I'Sc ' ; small wlilto ,
clscos , 7e ; perili. st-iili-d an < l dih-d , Se ; cropplu ,
fancy , sc ; salmon lioui. headless , h'e : per
fect whltelKli.iiur . pride. 9e ; pike , round. I0c :
small trout.ppy \ cholee , iuc ; black bass ,
choice , bo ; formic trout , iuc.
SKA Cod and liuddoi-k , lie ; smelts , rso. 1 ,
lame. Oc ; blui ) tisli , ] 4c ; Humidors , 15 , . sul-
moii , Orwon.lik ? ; red snapper. He ; eoK , lo ( ! ;
lobsters , 'JOo ; iiiackurol , lurje ; , aauh , U2c ; bcol-
lops , pur sill , IIW ) . "
NT , ETC.-OII board ears nt Oinnlia
1'ur ' bllAsh Oiovo lime. IKfo ; ( Jliaiiiplon
lime , S5c Qnlney white. SUi-loulsvloeeiuent | |
ttl * .l\t > ; . . . . . . . . . - . - . 1 1 ; IT- t 1 . . ,
luilr. per liilell.lK : , ) .
t'oti.-Un lwir < l ears nt Omaha A ntliraolto ,
-riicstnnt , MKU and I-IL' . K23 port nut i.itc ,
-Kill ) . SiftcoiilCJhjo. . $ \75 ! Sdiithi-rn Illinois ,
JI.MIiilniilliloclf ; , 81,8.11 lown lump , } , i.l. ;
liitta nut , KA
lIlliKi I'nmii Jiltles , 4 > joto ! io : No. 1 croo
suited lililus,5'o ' to , V4ui No. V uroun hiiltuil
s 4e to 4' ' , ! ! ; > 'n. 1 urci'ii suited lihli's.VS ' to
40 Ihs. i Ti'ii ' ) tiii'ifj ' No.VKiri-n siiltml lil < ii-s-5
nu l illlliw iiii. i , tj .u ti )
I'-n ' ! uioaso , while A,3'.i
H.i3i4L'j : jjri'iisncllnv ,
8V : KIUIISO , diirK. 2'iu ' ; old bntli-r , VCiV' '
m-i-snui , ptlino. ! 6VUo ; iiiiiKh tullow , I'.ta
IIONKSIN Cm r.OTBOM.v-Dry Iniirnlo. nor
Km , JIlKKHItimii ) : dry i-niintiv , 1iluin.'ln' l. ii-r
Ion , iflD.lKVailW ) ; ifiliup nnd nn-.ily , pi r Ion ,
JMO fiiKWX ) . 'HicsoprJccs mo for hones wulRliud
anil ilullvciiilln . ' | a : iKi ) .
Wool , Knniiis , Nehraska nnil Terrllnry
1 iiwaslicd t'lnu Avi-r.iKo I'.1 to 15. cholotil-'i to
1(1 ( | inrdlilln u-raKO 18IOVO. t-linli-o VV In 24j
( | Uiirterlloniivt ) | > riiKO 17 In VO , rliolco VOte V ' |
fonrsoiiviTdie in to 10. i-holt-i1 III to Is ; colts
anil roiiKh muriiKo 18 to 14 , choleo U to l.'i ;
hi-i-dy nr liiur)1 ) 1'Jto II. black 15 to 17s lini-Ks
and vi-iy lunvy line 10 to Ciiwushuil rninli.
In ; anil dnlalno. I'lnn ilohilint iit < rair 14 to
111 , t-holi-o lOlo Irtj ini-dliiiii ilnluliH ) aviT.iKi ) 21) )
Id-'l , i-liolL-itJil to ' ; niudliiin c-diiili.n IIMTHH"
2Jto2liiinrlcr ! | lilood I'oinbliu avi-niKf 17 to
IN , tiliolcii lulu 211 1 i-oar.-n I'liinlilin ; nvm-iici ) n
to 17 , ulnm > o 17 to Ih ! hrald IIVITIIKK 18 to 14 ,
t-liolt-olStolH- ) Waslnil.lliolcoVS lo 30 ;
UMirauuVS tn ! : i-o.usovo toV5.
HlllSKII'KIW -IriMIIIHIllll-ll , l'IK-1) ) , Jt-'K-Qfl. ' , ' . ' ) !
Kiuun suited hli ) iirlliitK ) ( thorl uiidli-d t-iirly
bkliih ) uui'li. luot-JUo ; dry hliviirllnus ( shoit
wnoli-d vuiif slliiH No. 1 inii-li , Mel IV i dry
hlit-arlliiKs islioi-t \Moli-l 1-irly sklnsi No. j ,
I'ai-li , . ' . ; dry ( Hut KIIIIOIIH nnd Nrliriisliu
tnitdicr woulpollH , pur 11) ) . nctniil wi'lKiit. ' 10 i
Hc [ ; dry Him ICiinsnsnnd Nulinihlia niiirriiln
Wdiil ncllN. iier Hi , actual wi-luhl , Kf-l-'c ; diy
Hint ( > nlorailiil ) ilidiiT wool polls , | ioi Ih. in-tiial
\\idirlil , lortti , , i.dry Mint t'oliiradn niurrnlii
oo I piOts , jtr lh , ni-tnal wnlnhl. bTtlUi" , dry
Iilrci-saiid liii-Us , untiial nt-lulil , 7 tic.
IK\TIIIII.-UIIIIM : | | > | ( hliiuuliiur will' . Wi 'M
) ) ur Hi ; lii'inlook dry hldu soln. air.'li > ; enl <
Hdr,3KiO'14oilliMiili ! l < ii | skills. II ) if < ( * I Ull'li-u- | | |
lilf .skin , tiiVit..UO ; Aiiu'rli'iinoak L-II | ( ,
l.ljj Amurlaii iiumlocU culf , 7Jc'2.I.H ' ) ; Amur-
Icnnoiiltklp , " , \ . .WHAnu'rlciin ; liomloi-U kip ,
mv ,5o , ; < lioi > p skill" , 'lOcdiil.W ; gout sl.lns , | n < r
foul , ViKti-IJo. _
( Juntallons arc for oarlots on board ciu * nt
I'm iiui :
ox- . . Id 00 1700 l 00 1 < 00 111 00
1'i.MiMlNo. . I.CIn. I ) anil II ft. rf. { W.iHi ;
No I. ( tin. 1(1(1. ( ( * l,0) ! ' ) , 4ln.l'Uh ' > ; No. V. ft In ,
IS and lift , rf , * ll. ( ( > ; 4 In , 111 001 No. 2 , 0 In. It )
ft.Hil.Oti ; 4 In , JIIUHII No : i , 4 ! In. 1J and l ft.
JUiO ; | In , Jli.00 ; No. : i , Din. Ill ft,4M.Ol ) ; In ,
jiitH : ) .
SllUNii-A. I. ' . 14 nnd ifft , , f.-.nO ; C , JI7.M : II ,
la. 11 nml IH ft , I.M.M ! D , j 11.30.
HiiVHlH Nd l ; N'o 8 , com , IIVOOj
No..1 , oiiin , Ji.l.V ) ; No 4 , cum. . * ll 5n.
blDi-K HoHIIS _ A. 18 In , iN , Jls.iW ; 11 , 1" In ,
"ls.JIS.Kl ; C. llil.n i ; II. f .MK ) ; No. 1 rummim. IV
ln.ils. | i , IS. and isft , * VliK ) ; No. S. fls.Mt Xt > I
i-iiliilnon , 18 In , sis. II f | , fSOWl ; Nn , 2. * 17.50 ;
Nti I i-iiniiiion , IV In. | s. 1(1 ( ft. fl'i.'iO ' ; Nn. 3 ,
11700 NII , i oiiin in on , 18 In , sis , 81) ) ft.KI.OO ; l )
" - ! * ! ' No I plain. Sand 10 In. Jlli.OO ; No.
2. JHUKIj No. I , O. ( I. , bill , fl'M'O ' ' ; Sn. 3 , $10.5' ) ;
loin , ttinovfilronlliiir. 18,14 , nnd Id ft. tilSO. )
I'lNIMIINH 1st mill 3(1,1-1. ( , I III. s.-N. JIll.lKl ! 1'4 ' ,
I'jiiml ' 'In. ' < l'i.on ' ; , id 1 In , S-.M , } Con ; ti , ,
I Maud''hi. ' ' Jli.ixi ; , \ , select. 1 In. sV , J4I IKp ) , ,
1'llllul S III , JIVIX ) ; II , si-liM-t. 1 III , sV , $ ltl > IU l'i. '
IS ami Sin. 1M.O ) ; I' , select , I III. s8t , JJ7.UJ ! l' ' ,
I'liintl''lii. n i.Uli.
A. II orC Delect , all Ill-font , tl.OO o\tra.
? iirTiiiiiN : Vii.i.ow : TIM : 1st nnd 3d clour
lloiil-liiy , 1.1111 star , * 31. ( Id ! Ill-1(1 ( , * I'l.tll ; eiitiiiinm
lloorliiiit : in. * IS.DO ; rift clear. IlMil. J.'n.ui ;
1st anil''d I'li-tr. ' ei-lllm , ' . Jll.ST ; 1st mul 3d
i-U'.ir. Sci'lllin i ; . ili..Vi ; 1st and vd een. oi-ll-
I HIT. t'-.iH ) ; Island ! 'il clear , llnlsh , s''s. frum t
Inch. * SI.tHl ; l t and''d clear , llnlsh , s-'s. fidiul'i '
liu'h. riiMi'i ' ; M aiidlld i-lcar. llnlsli.s-.s. fioin l'i
and J Ini'li. i II.IM , 1st unilu'il clear , l. p. eatings ,
$ : IOI ( ; liasc. } l.oil.
rni'i.ui l.tMiir.ii-s-inph ! nnd nil , 1st and''d
t-li-iir , l-lnelisVs. J.UOJlucli ; and up , 1st and
-'dclnnr. ' liii'h iiauc'I."Mio. .
H\s u , llooiis , Kir. Tir bo.ird. ' . .M ; as1i. .Vi
per el. , dtniis , fi i per i-t.s blinds , , , u pir it :
inoiililliig. . "ii pel el. : tarieil fell , per o t. ,
S-.MU ; sli.iw lin.ird . , JI.15. \ Ti-iu\o. Kii' . O.O. 'J'4-tncli. '
( Wil , sls.VIncli ; ; \vi-ll tubing , l > . v M.
nnd lior. , f l'Ni ' ; ploUets , I ) . \ll. lint , Wi/ ) * ) ; l > ,
fi II. sipia l u , } -.M."Vi.
ri.oniilMi-A. li-lneh , w-lilti plno. $ .l'.nil : ( ' ,
* ? i.M ) ; II. c-Inch , wblti- plniMi..W . ) { It. ; 1 ,
i-lncli , white pine ( si-lf-fonelng ) , iM'.M ) ; Ump
> lilln , ; > ie ) pd M ovtia ,
MIIMII.KS. I\-ui-K\tra "A , " pine , S. > 0 ;
* > tinilanl : "A , " W.41 ; extra "A , " cednr , t-.r > " > :
Pi-lneh i'learilno | , ll..HJi ' clear redwood. Sl.i.5 ;
lulli. S.ldii.
I'os'ii-Wlilte ecdar , frlneb , 'ix. lie ; ( i-lncli
is | | , lie ; w , ; ' - , ' , " . He ; f-lneh
( jr" , He ; uli lie cellar , 1-lncli loiitnl , ITit ; ; split
o.iK , be ; Te > nness ' 0 red cedar , split , Ho.
JIo\v It i = IMvimird llat'li Wclc l y
tlio Itnnks of New York.
The noddy statement of the conillllmi of
tlio banks composing the New YorK Clearing
llousoiis'soclatlon Is Justly regiinled asonoof
the must Import ant items ( if ilir.inelal . news ,
snys Ilradstreet's. In beats tbosanie
relation to llio American inonoy markit and
Is as Indluallvu nf its tendencies and as In- In HhapluK lliosu tendoni'lvs as the
weekly .stnleinent of tin ) Hank of KiiKland
Is with rosiect | to tlie London iiioney mar
ket. This statement , and In pailliilar the
Items whlcli icpiesoiit tin- L-oiiipiiratlvi- -
( lltlonot t he iiirvi > s In-Ill by ihe meat liiian-
clal Institutions of New \ ork , is oneof the
f.ictois w likh potently Inllnenet- eoiitso of
tpciMil.itlon and goViin tlier.itesof Inteiest
In tliemoiii'V ' niiiiUet. Its appe.iraiu'e c\eiy
neck Is unaltoilvllli Inleiusl , not only In
Wall M l cot It so if , bill I hn Kl-1 hi i ul the run nil.v
lit lu ice. The details nf the slnteineiit and
the manner 'nlileh ' It Is iiicparcil aie. liow-
( ver. not uineially inideistood. Theie is no
law. illhci or state , iiMinlilng Its
publication. The bank statement which ui-
jiearseviTj Sat nrdaj Is provided fur sololx
Hi-i-tlnn Id of the ( onsiltiitlon of Iho Ni w
ork ciciuliiL' Ibinsej association. 'IhK sec
tion leads : "Kverv lianK.incmliei of tliel'leai-
Ing llou-i- 'issoc-l.illoiishall furnish aveeKly
staU-inent nf Itseiiinlillon to tin manaKi-r for
publication , slum Ing the aveiaite ainoiint of
1st , limns and discounts ; "d , spd-le ; Ilil. Ic.Mil
tender notes ; 4th , ciiciiliitlim : . 'Hi. depiisits. '
1'hls section wasadopted ill lliu Is'iT , 1m-
inedl.ilely after tlie pinkof that
jeai.iind was tlio icsiill of the deiui' on
the patt of the IniiiKstimhe the public an as
surance nsto the coiiditlonof Ibe Institutions
mi whose .soundness the pio-poiity unds.ifut >
of t lie business \un Id depended.
At tlio outset tin1 statement inside Its ap-
lieaianeu In tlm early pai t of the \\eelc hater
( in tbutlnicof Its appearance wis transferred
lo Saturday , and thijtlgntes theinsohis cln-o
\vlth \ the transiictlons of each I'mliiy. The
moeiss of piepiilng the bank stnteiiH-nt Is
bliiipluonoiiuli. Kaehof tbosl.\ly odd lianUs ,
uieinlicrs of the dealing house , prepaio In
leadlt.css ( or t-itnnliy niiiinln. a statumei.t
of t hcavrige for the six worUIng d.ij-s end
ing with l-'ilday nlglitof Iteinsstaml Ing on
their books , us called for hy thecU-ailng
hoiisu association , l-'nr Insiuncc.tlie agitrcgate
ot t he items of lnansatthu clove of business
for iMCli d.iy during Ibo weeU dlvliled by
Iho iiiinibir of wiirUlag ( I iys. anil the lesiilt ,
the ii\ei"iio ; foi the week , furnishes t he llg-
uies which on Satnrdav moinlui ; are foi-
u.irdnl tothe nmnaper of the clearing liouse.
'I he-Mj llnures finiii each bank usually reach
the clc'irlnc lioilso uhont. or soon after. 10
o'clock on Saturday morning They are 1m-
medlatoly enteied tiy thuevjioit aeeou ntants
In t Insci'Mce of theclearlnu liiiuso iiion | the
shools containing each bank's title , and tlu >
lung columns , nc added up for the aggre
gates The calculation to ulilcli tlio nio t
liiipnitaiice Is atlachcd is niitiirally that ic-
ferilng to the relations of the uvciaizi1 cash
holdlims loshat are tlined the ieser\e
icdiilicimnts. It isiibtalnid hy adding to
gether I lie Items of-.pcolo and legal tender- ,
Ibo iiNeiace c.isli holdings for the weeU.
I'ndcr t lie national banking act the nal lunul
Daius , asls well kiinwn , aie nniilied to re
tain cash , I hat Is gold or legal tendcr , to tlio
union nt nf _ ' . " > per cent of their a'.rgleite | de
posits. T ontj-llveief | cent , or oiii-fniii th
of tin ) averagu deposits shown by tins state
ment , theiefoie , constitute the u * irvc le-
iinlicmenlanil thoi-Ment to Inch UK- total
average holdings of gold and legal tenders
rlseaboveor fall below tills rciillii.i | | ivservo
constltutis the Mitplns or dulleleiu-y In 10-
ser\e upon which Wall street bases so many
of llHcaliulat Ions. It is almost needless to
lolti'liitonlnit lias sooftia befuio been Slid ,
that the sin-phis reoiiln-ment npplies onlv
to the nailonnl banks , anil not to inu stale
banks which form such an Impoiliint i-linn-nt
In tlio clearing liotise ; their re.ser o being
within the discretion of the state banking ( le-
paitinent. It Is often tliecaso that wliilo eor-
tain of tlio national banks hold an amount
gre.itly IneM-e-s'of the legal rc-crve reiiilte- |
mont , some of the state b.inks.aa they nieon-
tltlul to do iindurlln1 law. will fall nioro or
less below the ' . ' . " > per cent limit. 'Ibis , however -
over , Is line of those inconsistencies In the
f-tatement It Is Impossible lu avoid
under picsent conditions ,
It Is cixtniiiiiry tonrnt ( h thedetalled slnti .
nient , sliowlni ; the avoraBcs of each hank by
name , xslilch statement Is usually pilnteil
In the papers , and recen es uttontlnii ,
ultlioimli It does not so directly Inlln-
' tint or stot-U inaiUeth
ciu'u money ah the
statement of acgreitiitesof all llio banks. The
suspension of the imbllcationof thlsdetalled
statement , which has occurred since Deccin-
berlast , baa lieen. , is Is well known , the Mib-
jectof ciinsliU'rabluioinaik. and has alioadv
bein ( liscusseil in Iheso columns. It Is re
called that a similar comso Has adopted in
1SH , when thu associated Ininl- , . durlirtlio
pnnlcof that year , found It necessary 10 put
out clearing house. u > i titivates In oriler to al-
lovlato th upon the money market
'llio ( incstlon of > by the banks luniNh the
stiiteinent In tlio foim of average , and not as
aiiuxlilbltlonuf tlielr actual i-oiidltlo-i at the
clo > oof business mi 1'rlday , say. has been
often di M.USed. . Tlio li'.i-uii whd'h Is given
forthls i'oiir-o Is a slmplo one. It Is that the
HAiriiKi-HfOr a we.-k gl\o n taller iiiesonta-
tlon 10 f the condition of n bank than the
actual II 1:11 res would , coniplleateil as thev
often arc by loans In pincossof collection , nnd
tliiidailyeliunges ( if , whlcli tend to
en-ate temporary illseiepancles.
'I lllMO Mltll ) ( 'OIIIIIUIH.
A Prussian school [ inspci-tor ajiponrcd
in tlioolllco of tlio biiioninstof of n
litllo town , for the pnt-pj-o of asking
luin lo - lilm - n7-
iici-ompiinv on a toiuof -
Hjtcotion tliroii 'li tlio scluioU. Tlio
bui'i oimibtor , rnllior out of HOI-IS , mitt-
tot-i'd , "Doob this doniioy oniim uirtiln ? "
The inspuutor audited his tune fein
pmpurnnuvor , aeeonliiitf totliu lunnoi-tul
ailvleo , "Vcnjjciitu'o is u dibli tliat
bo union cool. " "When lliu liisia
\vuaiiitmiliicGil to tlio toai-lior , ho
\viiHUiirlfltiH to M > O howell juiu'ua-
tiou wa.s tiiii'lit. ( Tin ) hurnoiiuiator , tlio
local htipoi-visoi-y aulliorlty , nald :
" .N'ovor mind Unit ; wo i-iit-o niin 'lit for
I'oininiis ami tholiUo. " Hut tlio liihjiei-toi-
onlot-oil ti loy ) to K' ' > to tlm lioiird iinil
wrlto : "Thu litii-froiniistcf of | { . says.
the insiii'iJtoi' is a ilonUu.v. ' ' 'i'hon ln-
onloi-eil him tt > L-haiiKi ) the eoninin bv
pliiciiiir It nftof K. and Insut-lin one
afloiliispcetof. . Thus : " 'J'liu bur o-
intihtorof H. , buys llio liihpeelotis a
doiikoy. ' ' It was 11 miol lehsdii hut it is ,
reasonable ) lo Mijiposu thtit coinina-s I-OM
in tlioi'htimatloa of the "local t > upur-
authoi'lt. "
The I'rlneode llohan , in a hot \\ltb I'rlnco
Torlonla , luioly drove a tr.ip and loin- down
tlm stone steps of tlio town ot .Nlotineo 'I'll
diiseniit was rather bleep , bat it vas dune
\vithoutu sluiublo.
The Brunswick-Bulko A. . II. Porripo & Co.
Oollendor ft ) .
llllllrir.l iiirn-hnnlKrt. All\llk \ , . All I'MiTd , All
< 07 40-JS litlutiujt ,
Onmliii. 1114 t > oitii ; < SIM-rt.
Omihn Rcpublimn Wt ting
Uin trtofi , b.nik Mipiillo , nnl e % 'or/tliliu la llio
Ackcnuanu liro' , iQointzo ,
l-rlntprj , lliiili-n , ( > lotri'lr'i' > ' | ' ' " > ' ' I oiik hook
llHlllow.ini IMrt I'rwintn '
Olmrlca A , OoJ fe Go , , Kirlciatlnll.Jonnt&Oo . ,
. Hkl ( r lo Mniiufii-tur'i
- n.I
Unnufnrtnri-ri Jub-
. Ac 11" for Ilixtim lluti-
t T li-t' ! . < , , > Cn , I In. ' , 1IUI ,
UK ) lUitiirtlitri'Pt. u III O , llnrnvr Ml.
William' , Yan Aor-
imtn & Ilartc , tnrr I'lirm-r lltli
iul.n in , Onii.
1212 llninr > y pltL'ot , H 'Mcri-liRiilii Invlloil
uii I i-xnmlti ! ' .
jooxm "
JolniL. VMkiY , Louh Holler ,
Oiniihnpipor lint futorjr Hull In- nnil
Ilt-Of ,
nir-iin Dmii u
Onlurs | - 1118 Jackiun
OohimbiH JO * , T. Seaman ,
, null snlkloi , I.nric ! < t Vuilcty
O. I ) 1'ilwnrilH , Mum/or AM )
al.i-ii3 ; Miuin uaii. CAUUIAtlKM
Omaha Onrpot Oo , , Oilmoro & Ruhl.
Cnrpot < , nl ! clolln , rait. rpr A Whole-
HiiKcnrUilniioi > iUotJ. Clothiers
1511 Douxlnlntrojt. 1 > llnrncy St.
West & Fritschar ,
Mnniifftcliirorndno clitar !
jolilicru ofloittobnrco i
1011 Farntonvtreut.
Omaha Ooal,0ako , anl Ootitaut & Squires ,
Lima Oo. llinl mul poft Blilp-
Hnrrt nnil "Oflcnal. '
8. i : Cor lijtli ami Itauj- H'nrnniu rcot ,
' . Oruali i
1m atri'ut )
Hulbert &lilnra , IP.U. . Mahoney & Oo.
. , l . , . .
OhlQlnnip.ltiirtSprlrui I | - , „ , - t
' -
Kxrcliiliir. M'lliiiitblii-i ,
rcn-i-iicilinit.niitliraull CBlrci M3 N' . nml cor.
- , , , , ,
tmllhliu dti-vii
i „ „ , .
. MI"nd Ilouchi uli.
OlIlcoJIl S llth st.
Amerioin Fuel Oo. . Blowell & Oo. ,
s nnd iloiljn h
unthrncltu mil IdtJ- 7"17 S lull street ,
mlnnitt cnil.
Omalm , Neb.
213 S i : > tli tro-t.
Nebraska Fuel Co. , 3"obnson Bros. ,
IS4 Knrnnm street ,
2139.13tlittro3t ,
Umulm , Neb.
Omnhn , Nob.
Mount &GriflTi3 , 0E3. , Haveus & 0o , ,
213 S. Utlislrujt , Knrnnm street ,
J , J. Johnson & Co , ,
IH tnrnnnlstrest ,
Omnlin , Neb.
Eagle Cornice Works F , Euempin
Mamifnctnrcriof Gilvnnlicd lr n cornice .
vl trim Cornice. Hi > nucr wlndowi , ( leer
rn t.i . Uninli. etc. Tin
etc. 1110 nnd III ) lru n iin.l Mnto roufor.
Dort/cSt Hll Knrnnm st
DRY 000 X > S.
M. E , Smith & . Oo , , Kilpatrick-Kosh Dry
Dry pond * , fiiriitttiluj Goods Oo , , '
cuuds , notloni. il "oil < . notions Bents' .
Cor. lllh nnd Iluwnrd * li. Corr i-r lltli tin 1 llnrnoy
Wolf Electrical Oj
lllualrati-d Catrilo at
1C11 rniiltol Avoiino.
Parlin , Orendorlf t . G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo. , Ocn oral western niiont
CornerJonei nndJtlnti s knndln flow Bo ,
Om olii , Nob. IU.9-13M Slicrmnn nvo.
Broken How Roller E , T. Davis Mill Co. ,
Milling uo. . J. ( J Underwood ,
Oniccnnd win-homi ) , nnnuer nt ( Timlin.
10H N. lull street. TorSth nnd Jnckson > t
B , T. Oleniens Oskamp ,
fK of ready to fate
1011 N. Hth stroat. ' Jack Monl. tlnuJt
riwiM In the worlil.
C. K. lllaok , Maniiw.l irO7-121S S. Will struct.
Dewey & Stone Pur- . Sbivcriok & Oo.
nituroOo , , lur-ziltiiro nnd Cnrpots.
Kurnlluround carpet * ,
lli : > -lll'.l Kirr.iin . nrotl. L = OC.lJ10Vnrnnm at.
Schneider i ; Loomis , J , T. Eobiuson Notion
Co. ,
lobbcrs nail linporleriol
uotlvns nml fnrul til'U 10. ' f K rcli.'lir.-it-l br.inl
"Jiurkuklu" ovnmlli ,
r zinN , shirt1 * , coiits , utc
Itlllloirnril utrt-ct CUTlilhanil How.inlsK.
GLASS , PAINT , OHO AND DRUGS. Gloss and A. I'ullcr & Oo , ,
Paint GJ. , SlrJJt ,
UOj-lllV ! lUriH-y Htroit.
OllKlIlt NUlk
iuinj3 , Blake , Bruca & Oj.
1OO-U03 Irt-no
JlTiimlCIUBoiitlillillibl ,
llliilifl. ( Ni't * . Omnha , Noti ,
Paxtou 4 Gallagher , JJuyer &
iUo-711 # Will ttrctl , HOi llnrnuf troit ,
OiiKi'n ' , S'ot ) Oniltlm , Ni'b.
D. M. Slcolo ( & 0) ) , , S3 , Joliu'on iSr Oo.
-fill niul I.iTm-uwurtU
vln-t't * ,
iiulu , Not ) Onuhii , Neb.
Allen Bros. , McOonl , Brady & Oo. ,
1111 Harimy ntruot , I Stimuli l.ori
Oin-ilu. N'I-II. Oiunlin , Ni-
Hugh G. Olnri ,
( ipnl'Ui'nU'rn Ajral
liui int' ( -imrlliiB him
i.iivtili-r AIU hluluil'lu '
' . ( HO
llVl'.IIUvHllU I'.II'M '
l.'ls llniiiuy ift'i-t
Rector & \VilholiuyOj \ L ujOhrkAiidrooaoa
Harilw.uo Oo , ,
Cor. .
O. 1U11U | Ilitriiiiy alroot ,
liuu.Uk. Uuiuliit .N U.
Gco , Oborno tt Co. , J. S. Smith & Oi ) . ,
M.1S l.Hli street , II03-H11 l.o.itoiiTiottU ik
Um.ilin. Omnliv
I'lixton ft. Oiunlin Sftfu A Irony
Ironworks , Works ,
WliMlclit niul cmt Iron
Inillilliitf irork , enulniM , Mnmif'rs ilroniuU'iiralir
lirnxuirh , K KM IT til | in > of unfix , vault * Jnll
( Kiiinlit , inni'liliid nut work , I run nhntli-rs nuJ
l > lncktmltli work. U. I' tin- ieniO ( I An
U > Mmlii'i t , droeti.lltliA Jnikionttl
Auno Iron ami Wire Wilson k Dmko ,
, ' flt
M'fit tuhnlnr lino'
'r n. ltc txix I'lillcri ' , I links " 'K-
M.'S l
iV. lloulil , l'ruirltor | I'lerconuil 1''th ' ' ilrootfc
llcos Printing Oo.
.HIi"kTni'liliin , I'rlntlnt
niul Blank llnukv
lllli Hint llownrilStn.
Ilur & Oo , , William Dirst.
l.liinir | Mcrrli.uiH \ \ lntlliiiuri | niul Cl
lnrni-r ntn > iit .
.Mnioifni ( HI rn Ki'iuuvl
1,111 rnriiini SI . Ont h %
- *
R. R. Orotto , Frank Dellouc it Co , |
Inii'orliT niul .lolibnr of
' l.liiioMninl Denulnu 3D *
\ \ lni > 4 unit I.UiunM |
Itl.'U mill Wi I'nrnun SL Mlllll Clglll * .
1'lli'e ll-ti < uiniilli-ntiii | | | I'.xri Dunning Mreot.
L , Kirscht& Oo. , A. Frick&Oo , ,
liolc.ik- - l.liiiortoi\lori | ) \ \VliolonH- < iiioibc
(07 niul tir.i S. lOtb HI. Wl-M-tH ) 10th t
Q.V. . Oo. John A. WabfioM ,
IiiiiilPI.Aiiii < rliiiii.l
lliirilivooil Lumber , IHIII ! ( Vim-illMll iu
ll > ilrnullc ( ' .tint-lit BUV
1310 Nurlli IRtli Stro- . gill IKMilti > 11 mo
OlmrlosR. Lo ? , \Vyatt-UulhirdLuiJi-
llnrilnooit liitnlier , wood
bor Oo.
i-ariH'ln nnl | iiiriiiul .
tliiiirliii .
; . . 0thnnillinril Strcott ,
fill ami lluiiKl. !
Ontly & Gray. Louis Bradford ,
( . .InnCoinjut. . IHfl. , t'3'i- I.umtor , lime , cciiinntott
Cor. Wh nnl Donslai V23 Uouulns slreet
0. A. Stoiieuill , . I. Oberfelt1ei& Oo , ,
-Millinery , Nollnm Importi-rnuiid .lohberi In
Clu.iki , Kto Mllllm-rr ,
203,210 and IT. ! MiutU llth
1II5-I18P Ktli8t. , , Omah.i ilrcct
May Meyer & Bro. Oo. A. Ho3puJr.f ,
Jt'f'c Jcneli-ri , ( teuton In 'lanos ' , Oritnni ,
tuu lciil Instriituunti ,
etc. Mntrrlnls Ktc. ,
r.irnniunnd ICth. 1M I Louil.i-4 ) ; Street
Oonsolidated Tank A. Booth Packing Oo. ,
Line Oo. Oysters , iMi nn.l . dinned
Ilctlnoil nnd liihrlrntlru
nil" . n li- Kr 'i < i > , oto. 1JOS Ixiavomrortlj. J
A. H IJlaliop , Mnnver.
Carpenter Paper Co. , Westeni Plating
Carry n full rtock of Cold , Kllrcr rind nlikel
- . ' ' idntlnu on nil m.-UH ,
lij-lntlni. , wrnipliiK | ni"
tnblcHiire etc , lt > plntcd
nrltliiK paper , caril pu I'dllitilnuliriiii \ cli\a *
rer , etc. dcllcnvurk 111 ! I > olaa
Eibbel & Sm'tb ' , Scbroetlor & Oo , ,
lpnlcr ) In counlrj prnd- Cnli liuri > r < Imtt-jr nn4
lice , ( riilt-t , Ti-KutnblC5 , CKIH , nnl cjiu
etc. luhslun ui-rlimits ,
I''UT llnirnrd street fiSoulh \ lltli street.
0. Rosso & Oo. , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
KorclRn , Cnllfornln and I'roilucifriilu of all
tropical frulti , khlllt , 0lt < TJ ,
1SU Hun nnl street. 1211 HowmJ trooL
Porter Bros. Qj. , Robert Purvis ,
California , Klorldi nnd 1217 Hnnrnnl street
Irnplcnl friiltt. Wrllo for iirlcn onbuW
MI-MI .lonei street tcr , LVK-I , puiiltrr mid
O \V Units - . '
, - ilnn-wcr. K'nnie
Kirschbraun & Sons , Olark d Oj. ,
Duller ( -ens nml poultr/ . Huttor , chocio.
pniillr ) Mill k-'iliin.
1W9 Hownrditrcet. Or. ) South lilh : strcoL
Bates & Oo. , Williams k Grow ,
Country priuluro , fruln , ' *
' I'roduco anl frultv i
' ( 'KOtfitilo- * nr ceri'
| a < cl.illlus , ton npli-oi ,
etc. 417-II'JS llth St. 1314 llirncr stro.-U
Omaba Rubber Oj , ,
Manufurtiirlni. mil Jj- > -
bernnll klndi rubber
IM-i Fariiim straou
S.'ol Oj , ,
Seed urowardoili'rt I
k'irdan , Kriilnaai
ln.-e ace I > .
4JI-I3I South 15th.
M. A. Dishrow & Oo , , Bolm Sash
Manufacturers of tnsli , Mnnnfartiimri of
iliMir- " . bit nili anil IIIKJ , biln h , itjjn ,
.Mulilclliik'i llrnnchof- ole
tlu- , I''tli nnil liar I * li 11th nnl l'lirktrajt .
Farrell & 0ampiny , Daffy-Trowbrid a
\Vholi- ale minfncturorj Stovj
bf ri > t > " . innlnH-oi an 1
VlMO.'IM , Mmufajtur-i ! "tovoinal
5tOV J pl | > )
217-219 South 8th street
1311-1315 I.--iti'iiTv-urtli it
Consolidated Ooffaij
Oompauy ,
HU anil Illil ll.-irnor iL
Oiniilm. Neb
H. Hardy & Oo
Typo-writ rs.
Tuyp , ttoll * , nlltumifiner
tritOiiH , houio f iirnlititn ISnniHW A II I'rrrltt
Kooitu , clilidrua' * car * .V l'n , rnlil xuofroa.
r I UK os. UI'J rurntuust. 1JI5 Dtii'to Mn-ct.
A. D , Boyer & Co\ j Martin Bros. ,
M-W III-IIIIIKU : | IhilMliij. | ' | | , ! { , " *
_ boum OH. . ! , . . _ j'uvSii'11" ' ' ; *
8' J > C ° &Uio' ] Sl" loy 1IuuteI * " QwonT1
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