4 TJ110 OMAHA DAILY JJKIfi : FRIDAY , JH/UtOH 0 , 1801 , t THE DAILY HEE * KVKHV MOI ININU II HMsoKsril-rltll'TliiX. I Pntly and' iiiulnv , Onn Yc.ir. . . . ftonni ' ' Hlvtnoutlii . film' Tliri-niiimilli- SM hominy lire. OIK * Vt-ir Sl l \\ci'klj-llii' , Uni- Year llX' Oinnlm. Tin * lire UiilMlng. South Oinnlm. Cornrr N uiid'.Mtti EtrrcK ( Hindi Hliillx , IS IVnH Street. rlilp.iuo nnirc.llIT Cliimlii > ri < r Uiintiu'rco , Kvvarl. . llnoiii * * ii.lland : i : > Trlluine Iliilldlnj \Vaslilnntnii , Mil roiirtiM-nlli strrrt. Alt rommimli-ul Ions roUlliiir In news nnit ul iniitliT slinulil IH > ittlilrcsscil to tliu lalltnrtal Dt'p.irtment. All tiiMltio sMti-M unit UMiillliiiirTssliould inlilrco'-cil luTlui Hi' t'lilnlxlilni : fompnnj. Oniilm. llnifl * . chi'ck * null iiostnllln'ordi'M to In- Hindu ptiyablo to tlionnlor f tlio com pany. Tlic Bee PiiuMiing Connany , Prouriclora Tin : uii. : iirn.iMNu _ MM'itx sii'ATiiMr.xr or UHII r NATION t-tnlr of Ni'liriitka , I , t'oiintv of IMimlns ( ( iinriscll. Trsrlinck , MM-n-lury nf TUB HtK I'lildMiliiit fiitiipntiy. dors .uli-nmlv iXM'.ir tlmi tlii > nct\inl < 'lr < MilntloM < if mr. DAII.V I Hi : fur tinwi'el ; Hiding I'obiuuiy i'S Is'M , was us ffi'mn | : Sunday , IVluiinry S3 . I7.r.vi Mniiiliiy , I i-lirimrv Ell. . " l..Vl Tni'-diiv. ri'luimivSI . -'Lin I TVf Jnc-'ilav. ntminrv Ki . -Ml.f > Tlinrsdn * . . ndiriwrv1) . -I.Ui rrld.i/ . IVl'i-iiiiry 'J7 . 21.101 Hiitiinlny , I'oliruary ' > . 2I.5.V A venire -1. 10 nnwnr n. T/.S'MIIVK. Snot it to lii'fnro mo nnil Kiil > ciltx > d In my im'seneo tills iMli l y of IVUruatv A. It. 1HOI , N. 1' . I'm. . Notary Public , t-tutnof Ni-lir.iikn. ( . , , f.'oilnl Iflf ) . * ! _ I . fii'orsi'II. . T/sclinrU. bcliiK duly sworn , do- rci'i s nnil snys Hint lin ls.uTiitiiy : of Tin : HIK : I'nldlshliii : roii'ji.my , tlint tin * no mil nvoriiia * daily clii nlnllou of 'I'm : PAIU llir : for ilm month of March. IHOIv is * Jii SO citih" | < : fur April , ivm. S.11.WIopli" t for M i- . IS'Hi"iM" ! ) copies : fur .I line , l.vfl. 20..01 t-npU's ; for .July. 1WHI , ! ! O.IY > > . ( .oiilit. ; for Aiiuust. ! ' > , .O.TVIoopli's ; for Sppti'inlxT , ItW-J-0 rtililosi foi Ot-tuln-r. JMW. W..Kl ropVs ; for Nnn-iiiVr. IHfl. ' - . ' .I U ) ropier ; for Dcci'inlii'r. 1-W. - ' , 171 copies : fi.r iTuniiiiry , IMM , ISUKii'iilitvt ; fm IVIirnalv. IS'll ' , ! i.VHJ ! copies. ( irnitiiK II , T/.stiirc-K. riftiirn to licforo inc. iiml siilisci Ibcd In iiy , Iiicicavilhls"sth day of tVbfiiary. A I ) . . ISO ! . S. I' . PIIIU rxotury Public. Till- : governorship I'ontnst iti tlio supreme premo court lius readied an intorcbUng bttlgO. IT isoviilcnt from tlio painful contortions tions of the railroad lohhy tluxt it did not know Slovens was loaded. TfKUHASKA is in position to sympa- llii/.o with Connecticut in lior prolouyod squubblo for tlio govornoi'ship. GiiNi'.iiAii SIIKKMAN'B iwi-sonul estate ixmonntod to only $ , - " > 00 , but ho died a luillioimiro in uluirnutoi * nnil fnnio. NOTOKIKTV is dirt cheap wlion it can bo bought for ono poor liltlo railroad nabs for which tlioownor Inn no u'-o. IIMOCIATS : : wlio rhlU-uluil tlio injr qnalilios of John M. Thayer now linvo roahons for revising their opinions. TIIK paasiiffo of tlio nnti-pass liill through the house was not illutiiinod liy trnjriu honllros of railroud pabto- bonrds. TIIK repeal of the timber mil two mid pro-otuption laws is n long dofurrcd tribute to honest settlers on the public domain. OOUMN hip dem ocratic conrliivu "to Hnd out wlrit the people want. " That is enough. Tlio people want a i-o-it. TIIK free pass received its first punch In the house yesterday , and if it receives another punch in the nonato , the men \vho travel on their uhuuk 'vill have to pay faro. TIIK burglar whom Governor TTill refused - fused to extradite on the ground that tlio republican governor of Connecticut liad no right to hold the ollico. has been Bet f roe. Ho ought to ben good doino- erat hcrea ftor and a rod-hot Hill man (3br ( MuNK'ii'AT , lias woman salTrago finally Jjcon disposed of by the legislature. It iifTordeil some of the chivalrous iiido- pondenls an opportunity for displaying their gulhuitry and onrn a few louiiots. [ 33ut thu e frngrant llowors will cost the taxpayers about $11,000 worth of legisla tive time. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tliudoublo-ondor's "deadly parallel" is only a deadly garble. It ingeniously loaves out half a sontoneo to make its point. Tlio double-Gilder , by the way , lives in a chronic state of deadly par- nllelism , which is so plain that it has long since boon regarded ! a superllu- ous task to call attention to it. KVKN' the democrats wore ready to thank Mr. Cannon of Illinois for his fair ness and ability as chairman of the com mittee on appropriations. This compli ment will go far to mnko thn gcntlomun forgot the extravagant and unmerited nhuso which ho received at the hands of the democratic presp a few months since. has reached the proportions of a cra/.o in Minnesota. Somoof its ad vocates tire BO' wedded to tlio hobby that they would not wait for the sanction of the government and proceeded to wax wealthy by Hating ono dollar bills into tons. Tlio future product of the Hat mint will depend on the libjr.ility of jail oillolaU Tin : direct tax bill recently passed by congret.s and now a law , appropriates a total of J18,000,000. The money is to reimburse - imburso the states for ro venue nilsod in 1S01 to aid in the suppression of tlio ro- "bellion. Of the total levy made at that time S2,5Gli-10l remains uapaid , so that the actual disbursements under the bill will bo a fraction over * 15,000,000. Now York roc-elves the largOht amount , 62,213,3..0 , with Penusylvaniu and Ohio over $1,000,000 each. Nebraska is ono of the few states credited with having paid its full quota , SI9il2 : , which amount will now bo covered into the etato treasury. The opposition of repre sentatives of southern states to the measure cannot bo fairly charged to sec tional sentiment. Out of the total amount levied in those states $ ; t,757lf ! > 0 was paid , ' or GS per cent of tlio total. "With the exception of Florida the southern states p.xid a greater per cout of the levy than many prominent north ern stuto * . Louisiana huine credited with the full amount , $385,830 XKATlirrih .t , , . . Ono of the iio-\tost jobs thai hm over boon log-rollod tlmmi h a legislature U bolngongfincori'd by Mr. fobbov of HiMtrlce. That cclf-sai-ritlolng patriot \\untn the togiitlaturo to appropriate sfl'MMHI ( or a ne v revision of the statutes whii-haro to bo < llipfn.Ml of to thiHOvlio intmt Imvo Ilium at y.a \ volume. This would ho a very pro'itnblo ' schtiino. Tlio state c.ia gut these hooks prlntoil mid biund for about il.tiQ per \oltimo under Its eontr.u't. That would leave the vompilot * a neat liltlo margin ) every voluino solil ami a very tat taku for tlio work nf revision. Hut the state has no mare nor'u' ' of n revision of tin1 M'tluti * * every two years than a cat ha * of two tails. Thii hist revision Incliuhw nil lawsenncteil previous to the present session of the legislature. The ( session laws foi * ISH ! can lu publlsluiJ for about 7 < " > cents a volume and sold with a good marjjin for 31. ( W. TluH.i session laws will bj pulillsliod by the tate In any event in iHilIli'iont uninbjrs toHiipply tin * deiaanil. It is true tint Mi' . I'obboy very son- ( iroas.ly proposes to furnish every in mbar - bar of the lojrislnluro with at lo.ist oiid volume of the now revision free of charge , which nvjaiis , of course , at the state's oxpon o. Hut the taxpayers will lu ) much hotter oil if the 1110111 bars will draw on tlio htita printer for two or three volumes of the revision of ISS'I ' with three capics of tin ession hiwi thrown in. Tint would coil the stateless loss than $1,01)0 ) and lo-xvo a margnln of ? 1 ll'l ( ) ) ' for supplying state nnd county olllcials. 7'II J ClfAXUK IX rilH ItAXI ) Under the act of congress reponliii ) , ' the timber culture and pre-emption laws , registers and receivers of tlio land olll- ITS ii-ivo boon instructed to allow no en tries thureundorof claims inltititail after Mat-oil . The now act provides that valid rights arorued or accruing under the laws rcieuled | shall not bo attoeleil , but nil bona Ihli'chilmshiwfully initiated before the passage of the not iniy h ) porfecU'd upon duoeomplianco with law , in tbo saino ni'itmor , upon the satno tnrnnand conditions , atvl subject to tlio s'imo limitations , forfeitures null contest ? as if the net had not Iw3ii pished. lUit the iirivlshm of the old law requlrlnsj the planlini ; of " ,700 troas on each uoro is ropualod , and in uoniputiiig the periol of cultivation the time shall run from thu date of entry if the necessary acts of I'ultivation wore performed within tlie irojor ) timn , the prop trillion of t'no hind and the planting of trees to ha con- Htrned as acts of cultivation , and the time thus occupied to bj computed as a part of the eight years of cultivation required by statute , it is aUo provided that any person who has made entry imlcrtho timber culture laws and fora luriod of four years complied in good aith with tlioir provisions , and who is in actual boiia t'nlo resident of the stator > r territory in which the land is located , shnll 1)0 ) entitled to make final proof thereto and acquire title by the piymont it $1.15 ! per iiero for sucli tract , under ogulations to bo proserlbad by the see- otaryof the interior. Xolind acquired indor the provisions of this act shall in my ovout hocomo liable to t ho satisfac tion of any debt or debts contracted irior to the issuing of the linal certill- ate therefor. The act providing for the sale of des- oil lands is amended by requiring the iling , with the declaration , of a map of the land showing the mode of content- ilntod irrigation , which must bo sulli- clont for the purpose of reclaiming such and. Persons entering or proposing to enter ' -eparato sections may associate together - gothor for carrying out a plan of irriga- ion , hut no person shall receive a pat ent for this land unless ho shall have expended in the work of reclamation at east $ U an acre , 81 to t > o ex pended in each year. In case of failure to do this the land reverts to the United States , with forfeiture of tlio ad vanced payment. Cliilinitnts may antic ipate the date of final es'try and obtain [ talents at an earlier date by mak ing proof of reclunrition to the asr- ; ro jato extent of & ! nn acre tnd of the cultivation of ono-eighth of the land. A bona lido settler is given the right to transfer any portion of his claim for rijlit of way for irrigation , railroad , school and other purposes without violating the title of hi1 ? claim. No person owning1 more that 100 acres of Innil in any state or territory bhiill acquire any right under tlio homestead law , and the nvi.virauia amount of the agricultural lands which any parson may acquire under the nut is limited to V2Q acres. A valuable provision of tlio law is that , giving right of way through the public lands and reservations of the United States to any company formed for the purpose of irrigation and duly organi/.od under tlio laws of any state or territory , upon duo proof of its organi zation made to the secretary of tlio in terior together with a atatemont of its proposed operations. Hereafter no pub lic lands of the United Slates shall he hold at public silu oxcopl abandoned military or other reservations , isolated and disconnected fractional tracts ? and mineral and other lands , the public sale of which is authorised by special acts of congroas. The now law is the result of long and careful deliberation , and is believed to more thoroughly than any previous act consecrate the public domain to actual settlers and homo owners , A / ' / { OmSKI'Kf'UVtfrtS / ) / * TrtPST. The loaders of the farmers' nllianco In Kansas have evolved a now idea. They propose the formation of a huge trust to control the market on cattle and grain products and secure a fair share of tlio profltaof the business for the producers. The plan proposes the foundation of a system of district allla'tcos in all con gressional districts in Kansas , ! N'obrasl < a , Missouri and Iowa , which shall build nnd maintain a largo number of grain elevators and cold storage * depots. Hy this means It is expected that tlio suinily of agricultural products ran bo gunged to the demand and managed in u mini- nor to secure uniform good prices throughout the year. It is expected that this method will not only eliminate the evils of over proluction , hut , will also Atop speculation la grain and deal ing in options. Thuro nro two rather la-go sized ob stacles in tlio way of the success of this gigantic ( H'liomo. The llrt is the enor mous nnumiilof capital \vhlch it will require. A great Investment would bo necessary to erect tlio elevators and cold storage IIOUMM , which must be very nu merous in order to comp'it - < the objects of tin ) undertaking. The ndmlnUtra tion of siu'h it bttslitoss would also l > o a heavy drain on Its tlnanclnl resource- ' . A liir o number ol inuiutror.i of export ability \\inild bo nuedod to carry It out suwu.s ; > ( ully. How do tlto producers hope to r.ilsr * the vast capital essential tisuch an enterprlsey While It might bo possible to unlto all fiit'iaer.s and cattle r.tlsor.s in such a combination , it would bo no easy task to do It. There lire hut throe ut-oat western eattlo nwrUets and only four largo llrnis handling the stock. It is an easy matter'for them lo consolidate their lutero.its. It would bo by no means fo simple a task to orgaul/o the thousnnds of farmers mid stockiaoii In the Maine wiy , , Another objection lo the plan , wliicli must instantly occur to every ono , is thai it proposes to give the sanction of tlio farmers'alliance to an institution which it has lioroloforjtuosl .strenuously fought. It propiwoH lo imitate .lay Gould , tlio great packers and oilier capitalists In the formation of n colossal trust to deal In the necessities of life. Against this system of legall/.cd robbery the alliance has declared in every plat form it ever adopted. If it nuv attempt temptto enter the satuo lielil it will put itself on the s line level as the men and associations it denounces. It will eider into comuutitlon with llio other trusts , but on very unequal terms , as it largely lucks the vital dement to success , which is unlimited capital. The president of the ICaiii.ii alliance ex plains this straugo feature of the case by saying that the farnter.s have itindo up their minds "to light the dovll with tire. " It is impo'jsiblo to ropro i tlio fact tlint in such si contest they are cer tain to gel worried. The republican administration ot llio 11 flairs of the national government dur- iii(4tlio ( past two jearn Ims hoon creilitn- ble to the ability anil judgment of I'resi lient Harrison and his ollielal advinors niul honorable to * C\w \ nation. It has been clinraelori/.eil b.v si judicious anil careful sUilcsinnii'hlp conducive to pro gress in every dup.irtinotit of the public service , by a practical and orderly zeal in tlio performance of duty that has given no uhanco for ctitieisni , and by an iibbluto integrity reaching down to the manliest alTalrs that has given no oppor tunity for attack from political oppon ents. In n quiet but most offoctlvo way I'rosidunt Harrison iiii ] > rescd liishtibits of induHry , lldolity and carefulness uon those In authority in the public .service , nnd it early eaino to ho understood in every dopartaiontthntolHcinl tenure de pended Juvgoly upon tbo faithful per formance of duty. The beneficial otToct is seen iit the fact that while tlio general business of the government htis boon lurj"-during ! the last two years than al most ever hoforo for alike period , it has beoii carried on smoothly and wltliout friction , and in most donartmeats great progress made indisposing of the work that had boon allowed to accumulate under the previous iidininislralion , On every hand the piitK'iplo has boon incul cated and observed tli.it llio business of the yoiernmont must receive prompt at tention , and overyvvhoro public ollicialri have learned that tbo essential requiro- monlti to retaining positions in the ser vice of the government under this administration - ministration are capacity , fidelity and integrity. Kover before , it can justly bo said , was the character and morals of the public service , considered sia a whole , higher timn it is at present. livery department of the government has something meritorious to its credit. The olTorts of the state department to extend the commerce of tlio country by favorable treaties linvo thus far been more successful tlinii was expected , and the promise of still more gratifying ; re sults Is most favorable , la addition to this there lias been a marked improve ment In the diplomatic and consular service , with highly beneficial results. The treasury department has boon ad ministered with an ability and judg ment that have comnruidod the con fidence of the countryand there isovory assurance that the judicious policy so far observed will bo continued. The postolllee department was never before conducted upon more thorough buino s principles , mid from acdndition of gen eral demoralization when this admin istration oanio into power it lias boon raised to a higher degree of oflluloncy than it ever attained hoforo. The war and navy departments have boon con ducted with distinguished ability , the interior department was never more ably and conscientiously administered , nnd the agricultural department has fully justified the wisdom of Its creation. With such a record of usefulness and progress , the prctont administration has a just claim to Ihoroipoctand eonfi'loneo of tlio country. What it lias already accomplished toward promoting the ma terial welfare of the nation warrants faith in the further sni'coss of its oll'orts in the same dirot'tion , and the example it has given of intelligent , conservative and honest government , there isovory assurance , will bo maintained to the end of its term. The record of the two years ( if this administralion will boar honorable - able comparison with that of any of ils predecessors during the pasl quarter of a century. WHK.V tlio Ainoricau clti/uii ronli/cs that over suveatoon thousand bills for his relief were presented to tlio last con gress , and that only about two thousand wore ) u * od , ho Aill summon a turn * of irratitiidu from Iho rocc&so * of his woalhor eye in memory of the dewtrtt.'d stntesman. Till ! vigor and regularity displayed by the people in rejecting constitutional amendments protus they arc well walls- lied with the exi&ling organic law , That a few chanuoa are neco.ssary to make tlio instrument uioet the enlarged con ditions of today l.i conceded , but they are not of suillcient 'importance to justify thu cost of a constitutional con vention and I ho annoyance of a cam paign. * - . TllK activity ( if the school book trust is remarkable. Like a huge oclnpiu it has thrown Uff'UMitncles around every legislature niul endeavored to instruct the Mumiborsk.Utiu- utoor clear of Us bustiies * . SeKH'ely a western slate has been overlooked From Illinois to Colorado rado , from HIM Dakota * to Missouri , the trust mis its onriw of lobbyists , obstruct ing measures'llilnileal ' to its litteicsts. The prose 1110 of | hcc hirelings in Lin coln is well known. They hnvo worked themselves into-tho good graces of mem bers , and untll'r the pretense of laboring in behalf of the , public schools , have HUH far succeeded tnsilllmnetUm [ ! on bills cal culated to reduui ) llio oxorbltnut prices of school boohs. Kvery patron of the schools is vitally eoncorncd in breaking up a combine which Illehos from the family pocket , stratiiili's competition in a public necessity , and olTenslvolv med dles with the legislative branch of the govcirniuont. It tlio legislature falls to grant the much needed relief , the people plo will know the liillueneos which moved their representatives from the path of duty. Tin : house bill relating to justices of tlio peneo in cities of the lirst-elnss and metropolitan cities , Isovidontlv a metis- uro to revive in Lincoln ami Omaha the horde of fee- sharks retired from busi ness two years ago. The bill provides for the election of justices of the peace at largo and apportions ono justice to every -1,000 inhabitants. This would give Omaha lliirty-lho otlleials and Lin coln fourteen. I'tuler the present law Omaha has hlx and Lincoln three. The number in ample for all demands. The courts are not over run with work , but the business is sutllcient to yield the justices reasonable compensation and eoimnnnd the services of good men. The proposed reorganization is a mis- chcvious scheme to resurrect and in crease the robbing fee shops which fleeced litigants under the old law. The change Is not demanded in the interest of justice , nor'will ltsub = orvo a single honest purpose. When the work now per formed by six ollicials in Omaha is di vided among o5 , it is clear thai four- iiflhs of tlio justices will have little erne no business. Consequently tbo justice business will revert to those who will not scruple. to skin litigants for a greater amount of fees than Iho law allows , or pile up eo-.ts . to an amount lltlle' short of high way robbery. Tito hill is a positive det riment to the clllos involved , and should be promptly killed. The UliilV Didn't Work. A'flr/nl'f ' iVcuvi. Church IIowo tearing up a railroad pass furnishes a dramatic1 illustration of Satan ro- buUIng sin. . i llns ltflAdvaiitnicH. , The Wnlipoton , N . DCIa7Ctto , is In favor of allowing tbe lesis'lnturo to moul but once in six years , and limiting its sessions to tbirty duys. _ They Meant 'ncpublio.in Party. ll'iiiififno/'iii / S/ir. The Maryland republicans in association assembled believe that ho servos bis country best who serves hts "party bast. Applies When In Company. . Ono of the weighty subjects bctbro tlifc Woman's National Council ut Woshinpton is : "How to liccomo Good Talkori. " This ncod not afTcot the romirk of Lord Chester- flcld , that notliins so wall becomes a true gentleman In ladies' society as to bo a peed listener. _ _ Hard Ijiickls Criminal. During n discussion of an nnti-camblliiR bill which was before the Idilio senato. Sena tor Lungrlitio offered this amendment , which was adopted : ' "Provided , however , that it sbnll not be considered criminal to win , but bhall only be considered criminal to lose. " Tbe entire section was ttiea slrickou out and Ihc bill thus killed. Ono 1'roplc. Me ( ii')7if ) AiipMl-A tJlanelie. Monday was the anniversary of the fall efFort Fort Donolson. The lapse of twenty-tiino years has tilled the trenches where armed men lay and blnclc jacks , \vrods and wild flowers cover all the ghastly seams of war , General Sherman lies dead and the Hags are at half must. Such Is life and death. AVntoli "IjCKlHliitlvo Counsel. " Politics outer into every affair at the statehouse - house this winter. Tlio lobby are creeping back into something Ilk. ) their former activ ity , but chiefly it H the "legislative counsel" that show tbuinsolvos. la political sng.iclty and parliamentary taet , no monitor on cither side surpasses Mr. Qulncy , nnd under his nianapeimmt , the restless Mellon bus become a mere cipher. Attend lo Tlieai. Sal /yii/.f / Triliitnc. There are a great many brutes in all this western region , and the way they use their animals Is as pitiahlo as It is disgnit'oful. It gives every human person a fooling of satis faction to hear when one ot these brutes is caught uml punished , and the oftencr an ex ample is rnado ttio oftener tlio object lesson Is impressed and tlie sooner a reform will bo brought around. Compulsory Patriotism , JKin-ir Tlinat. Compulsory patriotism savors too tmieh of old world tyrany. Xoboily is compelled to celebrate the Fourth of July , but the opK ) > r- tunlty is eagerly taken advantage of. Tlio house bus , with good sense , killed tbo bill to compel the school districts to Hy the Amor ! can Hag over their/school houses. IJut ttic practice Is ono that.sllonld bo foslerotl. Pa triotism is a sontlinont ; but it Is a mighty bandy thing to huyo nronnd nt times. C.irlH Hunt to Suit .VIM. Scnntttr Illiiehlnii n. Olrls don't marry so frequently now as of old from the slmplb nbccsslty of obtahilnt ; "a Jiomo" ami tbo dosiiY to be head of a honso- ' hold or , us they of'K'H did ye.irs ago .somo. times to make way. for younger sisters , and again to relieve the iiiirantul responsibility and in many cases The exchequer much rv diiretl by the rovtrtos of the war. Now a girl prefers , instra'ii' Of tixliiiiL- man for u partner and provnUir , simply to go out hi the world and work for her.self In ono of the many avoaues open to women. oftlin Nntion. JiliiJ. / / . It. Ifnl lu nf A"ir } ' < k SHJIWMI' I'n'iit , The pi'tol Is , In nij * jiiilgmont , tlio eur.so of the nation. As an American * 1 ileplorj Us use , which has broim'ht disgrnco upon our jHjaple , and which should ho stayo.t , if po al- ble , by gener.il roniloinniitlon , by ttu power and vlior of t'jj ' pro is , by all citl/.ons ami by sin h strintrmt luwa ai m.iy ha utuictod by the loals'utuiv. Thonaa'iiis or valutiblo lives have Ixjo'i snerllUxul by IU use either to K- ilross fancied wrongs , to vimiiuato fee-lings" but only so In thought lo r.ivongelul dispositions to liuul ! o bad tem- per.or to piinulo ni a bmvtuio , the occn- sioa rarely existing- when Its use for u deadly purpoio U justlUublo. r \lNNIXti JUSTS. Sivanton Truth- The urmnnn ndo tatw lias her mind tilready tuiukMip. 1'iir ) . . He wrolo a verse on spring one morn , l a check l > ofoii The Jury , belinr duly sworn , Ucdiiiotl that he linil died of frljht. "Utnsleiif on tlio hraln" is n lUlltin lr- seriiitUuiof ttio tneatal eoinlltlon of Hum- ndtnltvrs. Columbus OUjwteh : TMcher-Wltat do vou hnvonupkliiH for' CI.ISH vln iiiilMotii l-'or "I'lie Mlsjotirl river Is ris ing , 1 sec , " Html the Itoro , us he punftl at the foot of Knineis street nnil loouiil over ttio ilver. ilver.Vua , the snows tire tucllltiK now In the hill nmntrv unil - " "No , It's tint that. It's the McKIn " Ills loily ) il rifted ashore ut l.o.iventtorlh. Now York Continent : TheroN much that's uooil In Dolon ; , And Souchong pli isos me , lint In the tr.ule the best that's tniilo Is rcu-iirool-teii. "family portraits of thoPlpRSonilVliv , where tlld thov over fret a family to have IHirtrrlts of ! " "They've hail themselves painted in fancy dress for lloston Transcript : The hand of n cai tnoter mid a woman's loirle move in n clrcio ; aud If neither Is vur.v cotivlnciiii , ' It U boiliul to have Its own way. Louisville Courier-Journal : Tlio only citi zens llkoly to ilo any free roliingo fur some months to como nr < ? these very Industrious persons , the coimtorfeitors.- l'hllailcliliia | HccoiM : On the whole It iiiiKltt ho cliunper to strut ) ; c.ihlus iiMiuid the earth and uconoitilzo on diplomat ? . IMilIadclidiia Iuinlror [ : Almost - .YOU IIIIS1 IS * 1IIIUIU IO UU IIMIIKI 111 U UU1 . > pocket. fJJHUO.VAt.lTMKN , . General .Miles is an nccoinjilislioil bicycle rider , ( icorjinliaiicroft's estate is now \nluod at Mr.s. Mntlldn Sowoll , nsod ninety-six , Is the liost piano player in Augusta , Me , Mrs. "Worth , the \vlfo of tlio famous 1'urls- mii drc.ssnmkor , dro-sses very plainly. Ml.s.s Anna \V. Kelley is rujilluxrlerk of the Colorado senate ami knows how to read. Ft auk U. Stockton , Is coins to defy the Hter.iry critics oneo more by wiling a lengthy story. March 10 will ho the tucnty-elt'lith anni versary of llio wedding of the I'nnco and I'rincossof Wales. General Slicriiian once declined nu offer of S10K)0 ( ) a > enr to contribute regularly to a LiiMttil Army paper. According to a dentist m Boston , the mil lionaire Cod nor 1ms four Mr e di.iuioti < Js .sec in tlio eruwu of ono of Ills teoth. The KugllHli iviitor , Gold\vin Smith , sees that tlio manifest destiny of CanaJa li to bo absorbed hv the United Stntos. George \V. Cable claims that the moment ho hear.s a southerner talk he can tell where he Is from mid puess at his ancestry. Not tbo least creditable thing inSonntor- clcct Kylo's record Is his \voruiiiR bis way tliroiiKh Oberlln collcao by sawing wood. Senator-elect Vitas is a Kood rrench and German scholar , and Is fond of Latin. lie rends A'lffc'il in the original for entertain ment. Sherman \vns ns llht ( a alccpcr\\licn In tlio Held as Xapolcoti was. Ilo rarely tool ? more than five hours of rest when the enemy was nejr by. Hcproscntntivo Morrow of California lins been olTereti the nUornc.stiip of a Nevada silver mine , and has about concluded to ac cept it. The UnuRlitcr of Hcv. Dr. Henry Wilson , the assistant rector of St. ( Jeorio'sr.piscopni ; church in NX-w York , ho ? joined tlio Salva tion Army. .losoph iroffman , tlio pretty little boy pianist , who was the pot of IS'cw York ladies three short years uno , has grown tall , lanky nnd freckled. liisinarck ; is said to hava sent nUrKC num ber of hi ? papers to England for safe kcephiy against nny possible swoop upon them by the German government. The Uoston pugilist-actor savst "I know I am not a Booth , a Uarrctt , a .McCullouKti era a Salvinl , and 1 know , too , that they are not John U bullivans. " Tlio French ucwspanors have shown a marked coolness hi their troatinccnt of the visit of the Kmpross Frederick of ( Jormauy and her daughter to Pans. On the day of General Sherman's death the mother of Hoary C. Work , who wrote "Marelilnu Through Georgia , " also died at licrboinoln Hartford. Mrs. Hurton Harrison has contracted to write n now story for the Century some- tbinfi : in the Hue of "Tho Anglomanlaes" and yet in no respect similar. Master Workman Powderly was compelled to cancel his western engagements on ac count ofhin ix'cont illnass , and is now in Sctanton Hiking a rest. Oovornor Gordon of Georgia after fooling the brethren three or four times lias at last iiutned the day and \\ill become a high private in the alliaucooii March 0. ( ieneral S. D. Huckner of Kentucky is without doubt the bust livlucj representative of the old-time , courteous , chivalrous , up- rldlit Kentucky goutlumaii. Mi-s. Ilnrrisou is inakliijjn collection of the most unique communications written her by unknown correspondents and will eicmuallv enibodj ttieia lu book form. Mrs. OnlUoun , sister of tiener.il Glister , bears ascinbhincc to bur tlcait hero brother , and i > ossosscs many of the menial character istics Unit ttistinguislieil lain. .lames larton says tlint his test books have eugoycd a fni smaller sale than his poorest , and he feels a certain measure of inninllnttoii over tlio melancholy fait. Count Klolst , who was to ha\o bestowed Ills wonderful name and titles upon Miss Thompson of Detroit , is in prison forcrneUinK the skull of tils valet. The wciMIng is otT. Melssotiierhnd an abulincr hatred for Amor- icann. Though they bought bis pictures with a Ronorous hand and paid excessive prleos for them Ins detestation was hitter and out- spoken. .fool Chandler Harris' daughter is poinc to Italy to study ; the daughter * of Mirk Twain artjfilliryti Muwr cnlloga , nnd Thomas Kil- ison's daugliter is in Purls thiislihiK a course of music. Whoa Lincoln was assassinated in 1805 , the Miirnuls dl Kiiiull , now premier of Italy , eliancodln Ills honor one nf 1 ' .iK'riiw's h.uul - somest slixsets , the Via St. Antonio to that of Yin Lincoln. John Jacob Astor , worth STO.OOO.OllO , on his bridal tour from Philadelphia to llaltlinorc , traveled in nn ordinary chair car , tipped tbo porter with n quarter and requested 15 coats hack In chanire. Mrs. Cliiumeny Deppw pities nnyonowho \\lll Dossil ) about n sc.iiiil.il ; and Iho inomciit .slia hears n friend's action * criticised that moment she unceremoniously late her do- paituru for homo. , l.iy ( Sould suys ho has nnvor hid a Rood picturotaken and cannot luvonnt for It. It inav be tlint .Mr. ( innld does nol look natiinil hivaiisosoinelhiiiK is buinitaken ; tind ho isn't tnkltiK it liiinfctf. The death of Ailmtrnt Porter iiukei Ad miral Klniberly the senior olliccr of llio navy. Hols vor.v jiopulnr IIIIIOUK the ofllrers , and Ills prumnliun has bcea well e.irui'd. Koar Admiral Kiuiberlv wn * In rniinnond of th Aiiieric.iii siniiulron ofessels UurliiK tlio trouble at Samoa two year , uo. TO ( With aflloKia ) ) = ; to Pool I.aiiri'ntoTciiiiyion. i To cat' ' To eat ! 'tis IOIIK botwooii two mealn , The hunitrv sloiuiu.h lean anil empty fouls , To o.it ! To eat ! Whtito'nr thou catcstbreakfast , ilhnu-r , to.i- Soon nm < si and tlmu mustoAt again. Ah , mo' ' To oat ! To eat ! 1'iit , hungry soul1 Adown thy gullet pour Victuals until that K' > ntinws Is nomoro , To cat ! To oat ! Ami then ! In uftor years , exclaim At Iho approach of th gouty p.ilu , My feet1 Aly foot : UNDER THE KEW BAIM L1W Lincoln Ujpublioam l'rop\ring to Hold an .Election on the Australian Pla- . ) . WHY PEOPLE DIE AT THE CAPITAL. Stale A III Klllli < iMleil-.leelHo ! l oi'o- nnil Inn nl It.iiul IteeiMiinieiut a 'I iiniicl OiliN nail IIIHIni ( lilneoln. I.INCUIN , Noh. , March -SpMiil [ to'I'm : HiiTho ! | roMitlleau | city central ronitnlt tee hehl n meeting last cvunhiK , with all the wards reircsouteU. | AH the Austtaliiui bal lot hill is now n law , thochnlriimn announced that \voulil ho niMVsstiry to hold the con vention nt least IIftcon ilnyi before election. On motion of I'npttila UlUIiijrsley It was ile- clded to hold thu jirimnrUs at thu ii iml ] ) lacc.s on Thursday , March t'.i ' , and Hie city cotivi'iition Satinthiy iilternoon : it . ' o'ch i'l ( . U'no committee tUvide > il to base Iho icpre- aeiitntlon for cacti \vard on the veto nisi for .it the List state election , one to each t\MMity-llvo votiv , or in.ijur fraction thereof. Tills will make the conven tion comprise 151 iloieira'i's , illvlilod us fol lows nmoiiK the wards : Kirst , is ; Sucontl , II ; Third , 'JO ; Fourth , ! l , Fifth , ! M ; SUlli. 115 ; Sevonlli. III. Tlio oUI rules govcrnliiKthe priin.iriet weiv iidoptod , ami eacti wnnl coin- iiilttcciiiiiii wnioinpowotvd to select judges nail clerks fur thu lulling places. Moitrr > si.11 ISTII s. I Ic.ilth Oflloor Unrtriit i's statement of inor- tnlltv for Febrinify In the city contultis tlie follnivlni ; Interesting Hums : Number of deaths , js ( . ' .nises of death -TulxTeulnsli , 'J ; npoploxy , J ; Inrlc of vitality , 'J ; iiinin- liriineous croup , ; crushed hi elevator , : ! ; child birth , ' , ! ; find I each of consumption , aculo onlritls , tubcii-ulotls of lung * ! , nlrhol- Kin , heart failure , orj-sipoliis , ovvnloso of Iiiudanitn t > y nihtulce , imoutnonU , iifttto mania , cirrhosis of tlio liver , dropsy of tin * hciiit , broncliitis. nervous exhauMlon , rail road tuvidciit. fatty dege.ipiMliott of the heart , ronruNons. -A es Under one year , 2 ; from nno to live , fi ; live totcn , : ) ; ten to twenty , 1 ; twenty to thirty , .rn thirt ) to forty , 'J ; forty lo IIfly , : ? ; Hfiy to sixty , -1 ; slxtv to seventy , 'i , and .seventy to righty , 2.Vhito , 'M ; coloivd , J. Male , iti ; foinalo , Hi. Mnrricil , IS ; single , 10. ITU. ) , MHU : Aii > . The following notice was received by Itev. h. P. Kudden of the state relief cotmtilsslou from H. 1) . Kannoy , county clerk \Velistcr \ county : "I am Instructed by thu board of supervisors of U'elnter county to notify tlio committee of stateiiiil f or Iho drouth-stricken illstrict that Wobitcr county ix-fnsos by a \olpof Oio 10 of UIP board of supervisors to withdraw from tliolist of state aid. " Ki.rcmu I.OIOMOTIOX AT I.IMOI.V. Theolllccrsof ttio Lincoln struct railway company received atclogram from Mr. I.tttio todar that all aniiiiKumciits forecpuiiplnj ? tlrtjllncsoflli.it ro.ul with electrleity luiil been lomplctcd and the contracts signed for tliciimteiial , including thirty motor cai-s. thiity trailer ears , wires , poles , rails , etc. Within two veolcs tlio work of coin-citing imilo power into electric locomotion will commence. ItrOMMU\t > A TUVSr.U The committee oftltocitj council appointed to consider the ruattor of constructing atuti- nol iiiulor ttio railroad tracks on North IS'lnth and Hlo\eiitli stit0ts instead of Dullilln vla- iluct.s has reiwrted lu favor of tunnels. The total cost of ailOO-foot tunnel , IticluilitiK ex cavation six feet hUh , thirty-four fuel wide , cement two feet thick , stone wall two feat thick , paving , piles , etc. , is estimated at $ I1IU ! ! > . The cost of approaches is estimated nt ? ' ) , t70 , malting a total estimated coat or Mit . sner.nviN rin.ixo Ills reported tha' ' prison life is rapidly un- dormiinns Sirs. Stu-eily's health. She is sulfrriiiR with a complaint of sudi n peculiar order tnat treatment is impossible nt tlio jail. It Is not liable to prove fatal , hut it will shatter her health if not properly treated. Mit * . cnruiiY HI i.s : M'liAt'rn : . Sirs. .Tohn Shecdy bus cominenecil suit In .Justice llrown's court against .laine C Mc- Ihttlie. luiullorci of the M.u-k hotel , Mrs. Sheeily ileclircth.it : Mcllallie lias not ji.iid tbo rent for the use ol tlio hotel for two months and that there Is now duo f 100. The matter will bo considered by Judge Drown on Friday , ! Mjtcli 13. Till 1IOI si : SOTt" . In tbo district court of DougUs couiitv John I ) . Thoitus hued Constnblu Cluirli's. D. ICd-erton ( , Isaie ; Il.iscalt . and Henry Hehirod forf'.Kl ' , liteauso l dirorton Rave alleged \vorlh- IUM bonds in ii case In winch $ ii. > was in volved. Tliocaso was dismissed in the lower court and tlio costs charged to Tliom.is. Today ho appealed the case to the supreme court. On next Tucsdav the supreme court will Uo.ir cases from the Ninth district. The Ncliprh sit iir comp.iny has filotl articles " cles of incorporation with a" capital stock of - Sprint ; Hnmh station , on tbo Kansas di vision of the Union I'acillc svstem , has huoti opened , nnd trains will stop regularly at that itltno ain. ) , ! IT \\OIIKF.IIIS OM\IM. About noon today -well dressed youtu ; fol low walked into U.c grocery store ot C M. SellI'll. . ' ) O street , nnd ordered $11.10 wortti of goods sent to Dr Grime's house , 17W M sticet. He salil the smallest change bo had in Iho house was a v'i > bill and to scud the elunjre up by the delivery hoy. The poods were sent uji about 1 : 'M and tbodcltvcry man was met on tlio sidewalk by the scamp , who told the young fellow to give hint the foods and tlio cliniiKO anil he woultl go into tliu house and KOI the bill. Ilo said thcro VMS PUSO of scarlet fever la tlio house , and that it would bo ( ImiKCKitis for tlio delivery man to go In. Not suspcctiiiK any triclt , tlie driver handed over the moncr sui-1 the goods , and the scamp simply walked around the rear , set the goods down mid blopcd. O1)1I3 AMI KSM ) ! . . Govomor Iloyd listened yesterday nflor- iioou to the similifatioti of George McDonald , a rroiuont unfilled who had boon lined e-iiOl ) for attempt ins ; to bribe llio commissioners of JoHerson count v , for a remission of SiKH ) of tti.tl amount. FovcrnorThavor had reduced tliu amount to 'UlO , but MelJonnld Imd the tu'vvo to ask Doyd to wipe it out altogether. The governor refused to do so , Tim joiiiiK men's rupublicim club lield a ; ucctiiiglast evening , with a goodly number present Avraiigonietiis will bo hold for n ratification meeting of the city ticket on Match'U. Si'vt'r.il ' addrosbcs were iniulu by promiui'iit gentliiiiien last evening , and a iiuinliorot now iiiembcr.i milled. Tlio e.iso pf Dunlnun vs Uuell for &VJOO dmmii | < s for allowed bivach ol eontr.ict was cunchuled iti district court yesterday after noon I'ho jury rumloruii a verdict 'for de- fondaut. K. II.Vallnco \ attended n social nl St. Paul Methodist I0ptscop.it . church l.t t nlKtit but hud to CD homo \\lthoitt an overcoat , someone ono bavin * ; u.dlod his. Some fellow stele an overcoat nil' ailumli mini in front of Hcrmeirs clolldntrstoreliistnlKitt. Tltoinns Uolofson \vtis searchinp last uiK'ht for Krcd Ai-konmin , wliDli.id hormwetl his potts' but diu not bring it b.iclc ivhi-ti ho promised to. .laru 1'ii-rco was arrested this inorniiu * on thocouipinlntiif A. 11. Glttlngs , rluuvad with .Htoiillnt ; f U ) ( ) 'n ' checks from him last nlulit. The p.uliei were out on a tear toKcllu-r last ulu'ht nnd ( 'ilttiiiirs lost tin ) cheeks. Ilosuid bowastiK ) full to know who took thoiu and would not pronecuU ) 1'iorco , who was dts- The CMSO against Ku-scher forRraiiil hircony ncnln -011111111011 , XXT-- ilav. iwunl of tniitiwll'nlii * ilmrovr-ivil 1IWlll , ( i bo miiilnat-ltvof IliiMtwiilrh" I'VnnU ' Koso sluipn of \\liito bat. 'J'liecllv coinirlt p Hint inori' llirht Imiois ( Uxlilcd lo ndil lilll piii ent I'lectrlc ' nuppl)1 ) , / OUAIM , N'uli \ < lm Into Rifilut IHn niul Mn ; dosul ? Is Mill living. Since ( ; < Mtyi > hU mimasahi'JIiiNrl HHI ) 21 cfuft of Sun l''iMiiclHiiilriliiiyillrjmi | - . 's uinmn ; the greatest , II mil nillllnir , ) ; fcit < , - * ref of living liHtoriatts MrlliiiiMliu * > ox-i lu KI'J , nnd started tn Wwslirlillc-c-lS" ti * l.s. > JliiSiui l'ritieNcoliiiliilIWiliiKlli- ) t 4L lliMiery house Dl II. Il IliiiimU I'o. Iti. isM In * retired frum MIII < UIIFIIKVII | > C * > , L twenty w-ctvtariei iirwli iiiiiiiiiili 'Ji l i' firott work on tlio liiskjnf ifcDwiitnKt- ! - . nnd stales t > > inli rltii ; Ik I'.n'llliMwus. ' ' t of" Nollh Alneric.i fwni llnhlhiw ll"iur ) . . 'ii to AhtsU.i L'p to tliniMiiilliwliluni | o.l -i .syxlein ( if coll.it linf fuddiil ItauU'-o * bant i-oniploud some fnrtv iiJUnlilft'Vl ' 'or-U thnl would liave taken iiiitiUle ) tiK . i. neooiiwllsh. ) ill .A , N I'll I'liMMi MHi'i Ilo Mln w 1 n tr < | ii < < 4llntiH lii'l'iir : - : < ilji- | ! t , , j- . , L liiK'k.meriiiitniiiiii ; iiiiiniiiiriiiliiriilii t * l > 1 s. is lust , lia1 ii'siiiirrn lui < llii < Miulil1 Si I i ( asi > tlu > parly ID uliumllh itililii'iwl ' - < l > - no I ri'i-lin I < Is tin' | n hi ilJiiM Hn lit n > * > > n sll > h- . mill low Inil i * \i ml1 If II - rns.Tlio \ follnwllii ! h ( Rill H * LTtritt < U StnltM pnstnl laws : " , \ll \ kliuli ol * g t * .t i a iiiullcr , oxcopl Hc'i-oiiilrlfi inillrr , rium reu'Kteivd sit Iho mle nllii ( ililtlor -o In pni'kairo In mlilltlon tolf niulir ; nlwd < > " loMaii ) > . * * Hit imslifc1 ilsjB ) itioiil , oi'itn rovennu , Niul lnlnvlllll n f > i- thfiliHs of < i-et-lstcruliilliiillir. . ' V > nrcirlKlit , no iiue-stloinMi'iikciliM ' lo ? < > TI touts ( if pac-k.nres ; IniMsilluilKdii Uolti it c.iii . bo t niceil to thclnloJli'iilb'll ' JJtmar 1 1 wllliout tlu-lrnst trotilita If 1 mill r-i- i01 IS UUV UIU of Ids p.irkjijio. UII.II.AI.I.A , Ncli. , MnrJilMllW \ „ iiusivi-f UK- following hllll'llll I. l-t iia \\l\\d \ soiirrt-iiro arlesljniilUi > iiilli' | | ' < Bv 1 t la uiiti-i ? Irivu HI-MIX iifliilmil miiifliiln if tr 1 % I- " , Mini of Mcll. 'J. WlioiHillliilllilli'U Iii t--.c rullioad bu l'i. A. I/- . AIIH.1. . Jn misweniitiiilc { < rfil liiKr rv < r > ii tr- the nnivveis under tliito si'Wil ' | , ! * ( : wl- . (1) ( ) , It Is UVidlilll tlllll III ! ) lOlllllllll * t m | - } l > - must bo in nome druldl WJiiiix * * * ) t lier = How. ( - ' ) . OioloKistsMIln llul Ilic- b- - c oud.iry and tettmry fonullomolliii ki * . - \ . ' < the tipi > eniMiieo of linniso lii'lm ' lli > * . honndiiry or rim haviiijtau taicl I. > in.tap - heavalH of tidjiiccnt slsh. | J | I f tl - I'oriimtloii consists l niul , iniil-HtJto i i. ; cluilk , or olbiir uluiviu in jutTr ? tit - , it is easily lillcl llh thvri _ tc - frotii rains anil tnellini ; iwi's , IIJi ElUt---- ttironj-b tlie i-ocks tu > ihirlloll ( l ltita tf" the liiisin , xstiero it fonnillwll Inln il terrancan pool. In oriloilo mt \ \ \ \ plnlnlv , think of tlilisluUofiwUnia r < = > i < as bcitiKiui imtnettsoVliki'.cMilliiiiw- ' . \ ti\ .slilo to side of the valliifth , li pi ) i "r ti - suiroiniiltiiK hills or uniiUih Hill tk. ( c si. > mouths for tlio tubottalthcmiiii'icvl : ' 1 TI r thnl II n well bo siu.kbta'itihiwiii o ii.X * i- tlicwatcr , in nmUitinBiiiliirtliiuliitajnii. it < . Ic-vDl , natui-.illy rises atelhonirfw1f tin a- well in the vnllcy. 'ItiitlnhiiBill ' t a.'ico i. its name from Arltos , IniiWilllilili fi. * 1 lies Aitnslum o > f the nnclcnii Tlioiii | | t aiz-te - si an well in the United Slta I * iill'ie- ' iin - donee of George WtstiijtouK , AllrasfeiB .r i v I'ity. ljn. : i. The Stocton A Nliiflon Ml Itrosx'J thirty-seven miles in talli ( , MII oiioiitad for KO'joral traflic SeptcinlicrJi , M IIurmv \ - * Kiinllshroail , huilt bjSttftawniiill ' ; mid was the first actuilnllro.illiilto-'v.ox-l .J _ J. AI U. , ljawnco I'tljiXcb1 ' Nhitr lars aroleiru ) tender kill lUlund c ] pulilie and private , noirtlir te'lirpe ? debts iniiy ho , except thoni tlicitlvi ! ( o prcsbly sti | > ulutod in wntrad J , Hci autns iiniter $ . * > . KoNnmu , Oniiihn : Till us ullili oCT Tli- numerous Union Paclllctolwnoucrt-cxr t < am ! wo will tell you i\Uoirluni \ ) t ic j It J. There is a city ordiimnaifitalrar i y . concealed weapons , \\Ulicr \ ono H l . "tsx ubi'llntf ' or non-law-iliiluj illlnii , ! . If law especially iiDplicitoBlnon 0. K. H. , Oinalin : Atiiwsnit llrnoxr. . - forty-fonr stales itirluU in tbo I a . .t.'iL Status of North Amain i ; . It , S , Ihawatln , li ! -Onliu tie t. lx- attraction of ivnter fcnMio ] , llllin p i > .i - ble to proiiure It In u luKitAMIIu d.x-ti ) _ = - stori's. hut chemtsU liliiviilkiiiiv ) | jji .i-v apinr | > itii < < work it ovcrnlilitiiinm-Ki-os-i s-r 11- forull practical pitrposci ThtliWie tc = iri contriitlon po-isiblo Iv fclilWIon l\u\ ( . I * 3 pel cent witcr1hnt ; ! stoltlilictiir , | > uoio > e l t ilnatilc by ilniKKist . ' As > lilliiiin ) i trzfi ? * KT plain out xmu see wliatlii aiwir ft I Jt t > o- _ ; t. Friction matches wm Inuiiliil I 7i- t : ! ! < _ year IS.'ll , in KiiKlanilliyi.Mr\ViHofr. \ a lull list of Iho wonil'm ' nid lnji iJBi-yi c. IS thoTJthitiHt. : The mmilils ol Kiiyncs , t la-t > L oiossiis oi iinoitos , inciiiiiietl | iwiaid , t. u- * " Mansaleutrt , the stuuwl Ju'iller 01) mi > i * _ the hnnpinu ( jardm if Hi ly J nc _ iiml thol'haros or vaH timer Hi , V l eyc x > dri.i , Kuypt. 'J. Forliilmmtkiiwiictairaixi - t ratio openings in Urj/iUldwt / biir ? ciija o- ± ! Atiiericati leiiubllcs , staldfpiiMiciil"V , = a. ' lt iii'toii ( , 1) . C. I ) . D , O iiuilin , Noli Oiilv ttniiloe1.c i' c uoveniors annually , IHnitgihiiwliv. sxi "a. lihode Island. Thu otte ila'ti ' in ) aitxxi s etiuully divided betvMH'iUo nl luuc * - _ ti ET- * tfims. 'J. Yes , ttiei-CMiiNiintail | . " 11 j \vasnsonof the > rrc.ilNiiiwloii . , lio's'ra. : LT 1'ans in l-all , died KK A. C. , Cnnoii Citv , t' ' l-Tli ) ( inlo taollu f was coined under tbo nl ol I'cbniti r v 1 - > - I'sTit. 'J. it would tike i rtljiiiluarit- * . < > 3 * Tin : I5tt : to answer jwi.irl iiiir | _ > - ; si auv of tlio political iilmnci ! l'u' ' | | > l-i > - fjllsh Kovcniinent allo Mlio wlnwolNir .li' ? iinntiiuilty of . . ! . . ! . P. , Council IWi-TliOfirlor "Wie- wick was exiled "tho llif miW b ; . 'p .i i.- _ > ho nnil his men deposed jnu Hnj uct 01 1 ti queen , anil nt dilTereiitta Kl | l t < * 2-lo- vitto two IciiiRs to thothinMolWiimia. JMvural letters helJour fornwu'ir cxcx. s. \vcek. M.ikin < I or ih i ( oisi , Mr. P. P. Shelby , jowl - - - - of tlio ( Irani Xorlheni nilivttj of St. said in this city thoollerJiijilmliL c-Oi d wtw niiikin g for the cmj t nilJh | - ble , Uiiildint , ' oncNtlm anMm | ta'ti f rota l-ort AssiniibiIii ( > 1fat.dtaiit j V iii couvor. lr. Sholliynlil lilujitUKim ov- ombi-.iccd lines wlilihuifMiKjIjH ) rui i lo , and was Itelti ) ; oxtomW , AIrslfla1 in of steamer ? nlv betwcuSupnliiriiiiia 1 falo , aiiikliiir the voynijiiiilitoiii. ; ( | ; S = i Her is exactly the saiMdniiuralrai 33i . as Is ( Jtiiciigo , and hK iliinioniinlio uoeT.x - tiino botw-ocn UnlTiiio , ] , , ! iiWnr , | t-lx.u a HNHO of other lines kueci HulfjJo ZLJI * . Cldcairo , M iller's ' I'.d Miller was nrratcj lor mjiln ( - . turbanco in his salooatt Ito ci -i 3C- o - * T \\uHtti \ and Douelns llnradiwcx v-v- iMsInc drunk and ilHutiiii ? Ili0 | 'iuo-o ii.t > = l iHschorgin IH-e.inm Ho , | tliodijL limit -i wittiout ttio mayor' ' ! n'mWui ' , n f-sc-oiis = H that Miller wm prrtlnu wklu = twi s teens ut tlftcon paces , li tlio tapfiatvvol i as delight ot the siKititn , The court ' ilischarKi'iltodelmuhnt a > t Hocond. 0. O. Stillman of ,1 , , y j , tered at tUo I'.ixum. C. K. Outchor of Cbhimlilii Hi the 1'axtou. Highest of all in Lsavcninij rower. U S. Gov't RcroitAuBiliS.Srp. , , | . ABSOLUTEW PURE