Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA lAllj\r UUKrMMlDA 0 , 1SII )
Ol'TlCK , NO. 12 I'KAKL ST.
I y ( ntrirr in iii.y part of ( tip ritj
U. W. TII.TUN. . - -
\ ,
Fiif'nmonirp. NO. 11
Mjjlit Kilitnt , Nn. ' .U
Ml.MUt .1U-.MH > \ .
K. V. IV Co.
Council lUnffs I.umbor Co . real.
Criift's chattel luiui" . WlSaiip block.
Ciciir.lmi Hook Spring I'oal. Tlmtclicr , 10
Main street.
Horn , to Mr. ami Mis. U. C. Drown , yes
terday inoriilnK , u boy.
Ton drunk * worn llnoil In pollrorourt yes-
toriliiy , tlii ! mnount.i raiding all tlio way
from $10.70 toiir..TO.
Hornet ) U. Hum-rod niul Miss llosn C. Mill-
brldi-i ! of Omaha worn united lu iiinrriugo
jL'stonlay by Justice I'attoii.
jm cell 1 1 : of Fidelity council , Xo ! " " ,
Hoval Arcanum , will bo held tint ovenlnn In
tbu hall on Pearl street. A full tittemlaneo
is ileMtvd.
Mr. ( ) . I , , llnrton of Wlotu , In. , ami Mlvi
P. H. HntU'rof Amlioy , N. Y. , were nmrrled
nt tlm Motel ( V'llon ul"ti o'elock last uvoaiiiir ,
Hev. Ik'lmli-U onU'lallnir.
Marriage llrensos were Issuoil vostenlny to
K. A. Fry anil Nolu I'len-t' , bcitli of this
county , mid to A. ! ' . . Cooper of Unmliii anil
Kstlior Nt'lfon of tlio HliilTs.
Unity ( lullil will inrot la rosiiliu- session
this urti'ltioon at : t oYloi-K with Mrs. Ilnrrl * .
South street. A full attendance re
quested. Visitors conilally welcome.
All members of tlio Independent Order of
HIM ! Men lequestod to meet at Kedmen's
hall this ovenhiK at ( > : 'M o clock to K" to
Omaha to assist In Instituting a now tribe.
lly order of tlio cletuty | ( ! . S.
T. Ilarcraves wns arrested yesterday by
Oflli'c.r Kelly for ilniiikeuness. Ho was in
clined to bo troublesome , and tlio policeman
had to use tlio "coino alont " on him before
hocould urt him inslilo llm city jail.
The trial of V. V. Phillips on tlio ulmrgcs
of muili'lous destruction of property and ini-
jKTsonul'.tiK ' an otllcer was continued yesterday -
day in .lustleo I'utton'scourt until this inoi'n-
itiK on account of tlio absence of tlio prose
cuting attorney.
The elly treasurer Is busily enetiKcd on Ids
annual report. It has to be Milmiittcd to
the mayor before the rftfiilur mooilng ,
which occurs on the Kit'.i , in order Unit ho
may ineorporato It la Ins iinmnil message ,
which Is to bo delivered to the council nl that
Thomas Mulvlhlll , the bill poster of Omaha ,
was In the oily yesterday iifternoon plying
his trade , when ho was espied by ( 'buries
Nichols , the bill posting monopolist on this
* > lilo of the river. Nichols tiled an informa
tlon clmi-'itiR ( him with posting bills without
n license , and ho was arrested by Marshal
The case acainst A. Sears and Koss Soars ,
with the Inrcony of some hay from
fnnn southeast < if the i-ity , was continued by
Justice I'uttoii yesterday until next Tuesday.
The eases against Italph anil bis companions ,
who , it Is alleged , took the t"nm and WSIKOII
away from Sears , was siUo continued until
the same time.
Alderman I'etor Wind of tins elly has lieeu
mvarded the coutiwt for the construction of
the county court house of Adair county at
( ircenllcld. The appropriation for the build
ing was S'iVOOO and Mr. Wind's bid was
KI,2M. ! S. K. Miuon is the architect and
Miporlntcndent , I ! . Orahl the contractor for
tlio Iron worlc ami the I'oimcll HlulTs pluiiib-
liijj company will do the plumbing.
Florenro. the llve-year-olil daughter of Mr.
mid Mrs. VVillluin H. Kussel , died yi-stordav
morniiin tit the famllv resilience , lifts South
KlKlitli street , of ilipbtheria , The. funeral
took pl.ieo yesterday afternoon at I o'clock.
A son wns lost iron" diphtheria In the same
family last .lanuary , and two more children
lire now coining down with tlio s-imo disease.
The testimony in the lionrtmnrdor case
was all In vcsterday shortly after 'J o'clock.
The rest of the session was occupied by the
argument of County .Attorney Orpin and
that of Attorney Hwect In behalf of the do
ftmlnnt. This morning Attorney Aylcs-
worth will make his speech , which will ho
followed bv iho closing argument of Mr.
Organ. It Is not likely the case will yo to
the Jury until late lu tlio afternoon.
Bert Hates and Ktlillo .lones , two of the
boys who wcro iniplicated with lOrnest liar-
boil in the breaking of the windows of the
canning factory , wcro arrested yesterday by
Constable Austin. All three of the hoys who
were arrested were placed in coiiilticinnnt in
the county Jail to await , their trillion the
charge of malicious destruction of property ,
ivbivh comes oIT in Justice 1'utton's court at
9 o'clock this mornlnir.
Tlio inotorincn and conductors on the olcc-
Irlc lines took occasion to show C. 11. Hey-
nolds , the retiring superintendent , Hint they
entertained the most profound respect for
linn and wcro thoroughly satisfied with his
fldnilnlstratlon of the duties of his oilier.
When he severed UU connection with the
road they presented him with a , handsome
diamond i > in as an expression of their good
will and teelintrs toward him. He Has won
the universal respect or tlio men and tnoy
will always hold him in the highest esteem.
The now superintendent , Mr. Stone , has as
sumed the duties of his , ofllco.
Mr. John K. Aides , who lias been sorvinir
up Council UlulTs Items in a spicy inannor
for the Ciormnn Evening Tribune , has now
laid down his pen. Some of his friends and
readers , not knowing this , and noticing that
the few Items which now npixsnr , are taken
evidently from Tun HII : : . have been annoy
ing him a good deal of late with charges of
plaglaiism. Ho has got tired of being asked
whore ho got his shears , and what has become -
como of bis pencil. Ho wants tlio public to
clearly understand that ho is no longer re
sponsible for the items , and that the paste-
post is not his , but belongs in Omaha.
The announcoinent that the business men
of Kurlingtoa ha\o raised $10,000 toald in the
work of erecting a building for tlio Younn
Metis' Christian association in thai city has
rouseu some ot the association workers hereto
to a sense of the need of n building in the
IHnns. Secretary Chapman Is nuiong the
foroinosl workers in this line , and ho is en
deavoring to bring about some .substantial
result. IIo is meeting with sotno opposition ,
however , fiom the fact that many of the
business men think the times tire too bard to
begin a work of such magnitude. U is hoped
thai before long Council Ulutfs may have n
building that will bo in line witli the other
Improvements about the city.
bov named \Villlo
A ten-ycar-olil Squire
was arrested yesterday afternoon on account
of an unlucky snowball which he hied at Mr.
L. iiiodoniiiin. Mr. liicderman was passing
along North Main street , and the Squire
boy , In company with several others of his
own ago , were pelting n clog belonging to Dr.
\V. L. I'attoa , HieUt'rman undertook to cor
rect the boys and ho claims that Kquiro re
taliated by throwing a .snowball at him ,
btriking him on the shoulder , which at that
time was ii > very eloso proximity to his ear.
A number of tbo boy'.s friends went to liicd-
tTinan anil tried to have him give up the
prosecution , mil his spunk was up anil ho re
mained true to his conviction that the boy
ncededja lesson. _
Couthonl , opera house tonight.
Purchasing and selling goods on the in
stallment plan ls in accordance with Iho
soundest business principles. It Is u blessing -
ing to the people of small means , for it ena
bles them to have all comforts ami luxuries
in their homes. The great installment house
of Mandel & Klein is the only one In western
* Iowa and ono ot the largest anywhere. Yuu
can get every household article you want at
lowest figures and on easy payments. 3'JU
B road w ay. _
X.t I , V.I If .1 C It. I I'HS.
MrV. . P. Ncal loft last evening for Call-
J.V. . McCoy and wlfo loft Inst evening for
Miss Xclllo Hoyt ot Iowa City is to bo tlio
guest of Miss KunuluValkerand Mrs. Oscar
Keellno the latter part of this week.
V.O. l-'lickinger , who has loon visiting bis
brothers , A. T. and I * N. FllcKlnger , loft
lus.1 evening for his homo in 1'iorre , Dak. llo
is deputy United States surveyor.
Snugart & Co. carry largest sloe * of bulk
Jlold , garden and llower seoas in tlio west.
Catalogue ) ami .samples by mall.
The New Paclllo U the most ceutrally
located hotel in Council Bluffs ,
A Suit Begun Against an Iiisurauco Com
pany ami its Agent ,
The * Olllclal Hcsiilt ni'tlir ( into I'.lci- ;
tliin Announced All 'Iliotights
ul a Contest In ( he Third
U'nrd ( Juletud.
I'otOMOu HrothOM , n Hvo stoclt firm of
\Veston , are about to commence proceedings
nptlnst the Mutual Lllo Insurance company
ot Now York , their agent In this city , K.V. .
Kappell , niul K.V. . I'cet.t Co. of St. Paul ,
to recover J'.niO ' which , ills claimed , Knpiiell
obtained from them on fulso pretenses. Ac
cording to the story which U told by the
prospective pUlnlllTs , Kappell made a trip to
\\Vstonfor the purpose of worklng'ip some
business for tils company. Among others
ho KOI I' ' " ' ' ! of tbo Petersons and tolil
them jrlitteHng stories ot what they
could do If they would only take
out a policy witb tlio New York
Mutual. The Petersons tolil him that
they were short on funds , that their farms
were tnorlKiiu'L'd. and . they did not know
where the money W.IH tocoino Irom to pay oIT
the mortgages. Kiippcl told thorn that his
company \viw organized fov tiu > express purpose -
pose of belpitiK Just such people as they ,
f they would takeout a life policy with him
for $ -iKM , ( , at the end of three yeirs they
woulil ho allowi 'l to surrender their policies ,
and woulil receive in return an ainountsuf-
.Iclenl to pay off their morlgaijes. By such
reasoning hi ) porsu.ided thoni that nn invest
ment of ihat kind was Just what they were
looking lor.
On the strength of Uh representations , they
claim , they took out n policy for the amount
stated , anit secured the payment of the pro-
ndiinis by giving him noles to tbo amount of
J.KH ) . In addition to this cash payment of $ M)0 )
which they were required to malto. Not
long HIO ; they fuiiml that they bad been
fooled ami that it would bo Impossible for
ilium to recover what they supposed t boy had
invested and that Iho only way they could
receive the wortli of their money was by
wailing for the policy to mature in tbo regu
lar wiiv. In the meantime tbo : iotes had
been sold to tbo linn of K. W. I'ect & Co. of
St. Paul and were held by them as Innocent
thl.'d parties. A suit was therefore com
menced against Kappcli and tlio Mutual life
Insurance commmv lo recover the cash which
was paid , and against the St. I'nul llrm to
set aside the transfer of tbo notes. In botli
c.isi-s they allowed fraudulent representations
on tbo part of Kappell ni the ground of their
claim. Slnis t Saunders IIRVO been secured
as attorneys for the plaintiffs.
An attempt was inado last evening to llnd
Mr. ICappell , but be was out ol the city and
It is impossible to give Ids version of the af
fair. _
at iho
Host oil Store.
.lust received tin-tlrst lot , of our Importa
tion order of ladies' and misses fasl black
cotton hose , via :
Tbo above well known nrami is known
Ilirouglioul tlio country as bcliiR the most re
liable mal < B ol' fast black hosiery imported to
this cpnntry.
in Council HlutTs and have ] nst received our
lirst shipment. Wo call particular attention
to our line of ladies' husu at ' . ' . " > c and ; t."ie ; also
in Misses' Ixl ribb , lrom5 tull'.i. ' Prices
liccordlnK to size ; also a line of men's half-
lioso of the sumo brand at We , regular 50c
ho o , sb.cs ' .i toll. Kvery pair of this par
ticular stocking' warranted absolutely fast
black and to give excellent satisfaction or
money refunded. BOSTON STOU10 ,
FulhGrluKlminVhltelaw & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
New York ofllci' , 47 Leonard St.
The ; Vote ; Canvassed.
In accordance with the provisions of tlio
statutes Mayor Macriio and City Clerk
Stcphcnsou met yesterday aftoi'no"ii at Mr.
Stephen son's ' residence and canvassed the
returns of the late city election. Substan
tially tbo results of their labors showed no
different state ol affairs tban was indicalcd
in Tin ; Bin : the morning after election. Tbo
majorities of tbo victorious candidates are as
follows : Shugart , for park commissioner ,
over Mitchell , 175 ; Pace , for aldorman-at-
large , over .1. .I. llrown , ! ! ( > ; Van Brunt , for
alderman in tbo Third ward , ovorunnouilo ! ,
! ! ; G. I ) , Brown , for alderman in the Fourth
ward , over Harle , HI ; ( iraves , for alderman
in the Sixth ward , over Harding , . " > . ,
Since the excitement attendant upon the
election and its result has had tune to die
away tlio talk of a contest in the Third ward
lias ilied with it. Mr. Ciiinnoudo was never
enthusiastic over ttie matter , and it is stated
that ho was talked Into It by komo of bit ,
friends , who thought a contest would eer-
tainlv result in seating him in the council lit-
steailot Mr. .Sun Hnmt. An attorney was
spoken to about assuming the load In the pro
ceeding's , bill ho replied , inspiloof tlio fact
that , ho is ono of the staije horses in the dem
ocratic ranks :
"If these democrats haven't ' enough inter
est in the outcome of the election to eomooat
and vote , why , let them take their medicine ,
that's all I've ' got to say. " So that it was de
cided to follow their attorney's advice , and
llo low for next year.
Mr. Vim Brunt stated yesterday that the
parties who had boon at thohoad of affairs in
connection with the contest matter , among
thorn Mr. ( innuendo himself , had sidd that
there would bo nothing more done. Their
wish is not , and has not been , to scat Mr.
Ounnoudo lit all hazards , but to llnd out who
is entitled to tbo position , and give it to him.
Alter a fair invesligntlon they have come to
the conclusion Unit Mr. Van llrunt is en
titled to the place by an honest count and
they are disposed to abide by the result.
You'll miss n treat If you don't hoar Cou
thonl tonlb'ht.
For one week longer wo will offer these
beauttlul hand painted Cblnosu teapots , each
containing u pound of the best suiidried1
Jitpun tea , for IK ) cents. The tea is superior
lo any 75 cent tea sold in the cltv , and the
pots would retail at from $1.01) to ? i.OO , Lund
Brothers , SI Main street.
A visit to Drs. WooJbury's now dental
rooms will ho pleasant as well as prolltablo.
Finest and moil complete dental rooms in
the west.
.I.C. BlicDv , noatlns , santtiry en
gineer , "W Merriam block , Council Blutls
They Don't , Ilice It.
Yesterday's BKB contained n list of com
mittces which had boon appointed to take
charpo of tbo preliminaries connucted with
the banquel which is to bo given at the open
ing of the Grand hotel. The selection of
members upon these committees , which was
made by the board of trade , has aroused a
good deal of adverse criticism from a cot-tain
class of im'ii wno think they are entitled to
sonic consideration in a matter of this kind.
The class of men rofi'rrod to is the commercial
travellers. The particular committee which
receives the most , attention from the dissatis
fied knights of the grip is the committee on
Invitations. Ttioy claim that Instead of au-
poiiitlng the four men who now comiwso tnal
committee , it would have been far preferable
to nut on t least ono travollng man , in order
that invitations muy bo extended to the mem
bers of that fraternity far and wide to bo
present and to partake in the fuitlrlllos.
" 1 don't suppose the mun who are on that
committee uno.v ono out ot ten of iho travel
ing men who come into the Bluffs , " said u
drummer last evening. "As a matter of fact
it Is the drummers who are going to support
ibo hotel , and II seems to mo Iho proper
thing to do under tlio circumstances would
have been to recognize the fact by putting
ono or two of them on the committee to help
boom the thing. As it now stands HID com
pany bids fair to consist mostly of the promi
nent citizens of the Bluffs-men who won't
spend $ . * i a year on an average to support the
hotel. Now ivmombor , 1 am not croaking
because 1 wanted tobu put upon this commit
tee myself , but 1 siujply waul to put myself
on recent beforehand , so that 1 will
to say , ' 1 tnlilynii so. ' when the night of the
bnniu | t comes amt jmi don't sec HIIJ' of m
follow * thete. "
Ami the speak or went off murmuring n
strum from the son K , ' "Tls Sweet to bo Ho-
inomborod , "
A treat Indeed is pronnsnl nt tliootur.t
house tonight , .losslo Coulhonl , as a iccim-
tlonW , is conceded to bo one of the greatest
In the land. A one-act comedy , choice
music , recitations , palhos ami mirth W
cents for any patt of Iho house.
A Criming
The United States Masonic lle'ievolcnt ' as
soclatlon is ootflmiliiB the year KU with un
exampled prosperity. The growth of the
business has demanded such nn increasehi
the clerical force that larger quarters have
been required , and the hotno > oulcu now oc
cupies u largo portion of the second Hour of
the splendid Masonic temple In Council
Bluffs. The space occupied now comprises
what was formerly llvo rooms which have
been throw together. Tbo private oftlees are
separated from the main room by folding
doors , which swins ; noiselessly ns the busy
occupants lilt In and GUI. lu addition to
these rooms there is u vault as largo at that
of any banking House in the oily. It is as
busy n place as can bo found anywhere.
Secretary . .1. Jameson and his corps of
ladvaiul gentlemen nsslMunts put in long
and busy hours every wonting day in the
year , but co there when you m.iy you are
greeted \vltli a cheery nod by the clcrlis and
a hourly shako nt Hie band and im invitation
to talfo'a chair bj the secretary awaits , you ,
and with the incessant i-lick of typewriters
ringing In your ears you will ho ac
corded a pleasant interview. But the bustle
of the place aiininnlshes you to malto the In
terview as short as possiblo. The cheerlness
of the rooms , the pleasant fncos of all the em
ployes and the Denial smile of the secretary
forces upon you tbo fact that thoroaro no
wearing cares traveling1 alonw with success
and prosperity. Tlio marvelous amount of
business transacted In the .secretary's ' olllco
was well indicated ny an Item printed In TIIK
Hiia : : few weeks ago describing an Ingeni
ous dovleo Ihnl Mr. .Inmcsoii had
been compelled' to Invent by sheer
necessity to assist in delivering tin1
daily mail , and that was canablo of Dealing
the envelopes , copying the undresses and
dropping Into the mail box ! HM ) letters a
niinnle. The growth of the association has
been something most romarkabli1. It was es
tablished only about llvo years ago and now
il lias become the foremost association of its
kind in the world , with members wherever
Iho order prevails. Ono of tlio cardinal
princinlos of the association is tersely ex
pressed by Secretary .lainoson In a circular
' '
issued a 'few days'ugo. " \Vo do not , " ho
says , "claim to bo an association with a bur-
densom membership , hut wo have a medium
membership witli a financial stivnelh to bade
it and hold it to a standard , and this is the
ambition of tlio association. Working on
this principle wo are assured of being the
strongesl association In the world that con-
tines its members to the fraternity. Kvcry
cortilicato holder is interested. Ho owns and
controls as much as any other member.o
are all on an equal footing.
Another great feature , and In fact the leau-
ing feature the association boasts of , is the
guarantee fund. Tins fund already exceeds
$1-1,000 , and Is simply designed as the secur
ity for tlio payment of ono assessment. This
fund is created absolutely witliout cost to
tbo persistent members that remain and pay
their assessment to get Iho bcnellt of the
lapsus. The fund Is under the control and
supervision of tbo state Insurance ili-part-
ment of Icnva , whoso insurance huvs are more
slringent than these of any other state in the
union. The fund is consequently increasing
and reduces the cost of insurance as tlm as
sociation grows older. This is Illustrated by
the record of the throe years. In isss
ono death claim was paid from the interest
on this guaranty fund , two in hs' ' ( and three
last year , and it is now certain that four will
bo paid tlds year.
In the live years the association has been
running it has paid over $ ITiO)00 ) to the
widows and orphans of deceased Masons.
Another feature that commends itself to the
fraternity is the fact that there is no increase
of assessment ratings , the cost by increase of
ago being met by interest on the guaranty
The association does business in all the
northern states , and many of the most
prominent Masons in the United Steins carry
certilieates in tlio association. Among these
are ox-Governor Sherman , Judpo C. T.
Granger , Judge T. W. Newman , ox-Congress
man Hepburn , John Y.Stono ,
and others In Iowa ; crand secretary grand
lodpa W. I { . Bowun and John U , Buchanan ,
Ronornl passenger ugent of the Klkhorn , in
Nebraska ; ilrand Secretary Parinaleo in Col
orado ; Grand Master Fred B. ICctit la Now
Mexico ; Grand Secretary ICuykendall in
Wyoming ; Past Grand Secretary Atkinson ,
Sacramento ; A. Melntinh , president Mer
chants National bank in Seattle ; P. S. Arm
strong , of the Armstrong aognlin company of
Detroit ; Jacob K. Doorr , Chicago ; Kminent
Grand Commander Dr. Fuller of Maine :
Clark A'ernum , P. K. G. , of Iowa , now lo
cated in Chicago and multitudes of others of
eijual prominence.
The marvelous growth of tbo association is
the best possible evidence thai It is founded
upon safe and approved principle ? , and its
increased success moans increased security
for certillcalo holders.
Do you want an express waqon or hey ?
Umg up the A , D. T. ( Jo. , telephone 170 , No.
11 North Main street.
Call on Schiirz-Smith Co. for chattel loans
mid real estate. 20 Pearl st.
Evans Uaund'-y Co. , SWO Pearl slrret. Telephone -
phone : "JO. ( Joods called for and delivered.
An Absconding Farmer.
B. E. Ilorton. a farmer residing in Wash
ington township , has vanished from the pub
lic gn/.e , and it Is said that a number of cred
itors in this city would IIUo to know where
to llnd him. Burly this week K. E. Hart
was notified of Morton's departure by a
neighbor who had learned of It at liis homo
in the country. Mr. Hart hold aclaim for $1,200 ,
apdnst him and ho therefore losl no time
in making his way to Washington township
for the purpose of finding whether or not tlio
report was truo. On arriving there ho was
informed tint Horlon had loft there on
Salurdav , ostensibly to go to Oakland ,
but hud been heard of iiftithcr tlioro
nor at Oakland since. Mi ; also
found that before ids departure Ilorton had
disposed of nearly all the property ho owned ,
upon some of which Hart bold a mortgage to
secure his claim of fl.-iUO. Upon learning the
true slate of affairs Mr. Hart at once had a
writ ofatlachmenl issued In iho superior
court , and under this writ ho .seized all ttio
property that was left , including eight
horses , some farming implements and n lol
of llvo stock , in all , ho thinks , enough lo pay
nearly the entire amount of his claim.
It is said that mere are other creditors ,
whoso claims will loot up in the neighbor
hood of ? - ' , ( ) ( ) ( ) , and their claims are ontiiely
without security , so Jar as is known. It is
also slated tint Ilorton has laid himself lia-
bio to a criminal prosecution , on tlio charge
ot disposing of mortgaged property and that
If ho can bo found a suit of this nature will
bo commenced against him.
The Manhattan , sporting head quarters. N ,
Call on D. J. Hutohinson "t " ( Jo. for choice
bargains in lots in Wilson Terrace. Special
inducements for the next few days.
Itctail Iliuchcrs Meet.
The regular meeting of the retail butchers'
union was held st Crccn's hall lasl nlK'ht ,
whcrotho contract for furnishing Ice during
the prospcctivo limited term was awarded.
The Artie Ice company bid the lowest and
walked away with the contract. Just what
the prlco is U not known , though It is not as
low as last season , when ice was furnished to
the butchers at JJ per ton.
Mrs. NVInsiow's ' soothing syrup for chil
( Iron teething gives quiet helpful rest , : i,1
cents a bottle.
Weather Probabilities fur Mnreh.
If Mnreh mines in like a Hun It will tro
out llko n lauih , and vk'o ver a. Ilul
every day In tlio nmntli , minor shlno ,
the elcetrlulitrlited , btuam licattMl , VCH-
llbiilcd limlled trains of tlio L'hlcn < 'o ,
Milwuukco& St. 1'mil railway will run
Iwtweon Omaha and Chicago. Tlio ultjc-
trie berth reading lumps In tliolr pulaco
Bleeping- earn are the grcnlebt novelty of
the iie. ( Ticket olllce , 1501 Furuum at. ,
, t.TI i * * > ' . lav rv.
"Spliler mid Fly , " hpJjpodge \ ) of every
thing theatrical midcr < iho sun , opened a
short engagement at the llojd last evening.
nncxciH'din ly lanto luiAletilv Debit ! piwat
llarrlng the specialties Introducivl , and the
appennmco of the /.luiU-tlns la the panto-
nilnn. thi-tv It little in the extravaganza to
grow ic over.
Miss Hilda Thomas , n protege of Tony
Pastor's h entrusted with tlio lead-
liiK role , wlili'h she play * with excellent 11st o
unit judgment. She hat ulillitv and tiuvnol-
ism , anda vnleo flight to oonminnd re-
stHvt on the operatic sUite , Irene Verona ,
Thomas W , llyley. MavVirtls , ( , a very pretty
young woman. 1.1 la Chirk , nro all very ( 'ood
hud add much to the performance.
Knmois unrivalled as n juggler , some of
Ids feati having a touch of the supernatnrjil
about tlictn. Tlio scenery is commonplace ,
one drop. Columbus discovering the world's
fair nt Chicago being atrociously bad.
Dr. HliMiey cures catarrh , LJeo blilif.
\Villinni Comic ! ! Killed In n Peculiar
Accident ,
William Oondoll.a wealthy Douglas county
farmer , was instantly killed jesterday alter-
noon at nis own dooryard gate , almost.
He hud been to town for a load of baled
hay unit was returulnji to his farm , about a
mile north of the and dumb Insti
tute , at 1 : ! ! 0. When the road approaches
the gate to the CJoudoll farm it runs
along a deep ravine. Just then it was rather
slippery on account of an nccumulatloa ot
lee. . the wagon slipped and the horses
started to run. This overt urnoiI the wagon
and tho.old geiitloinnn was thrown about
fitly feet , llo struck on his head and Ills
neck was broken , death following Inline-
ili'itoly. An Inquest was held last night.
Mr. ( loodoll was an old resident of Dong-
Ins county nmlbad many friends In Omaha.
He leaves a wife and ono daughter.
Do Witt's Little Burly llisur.s ; nest llttla
pills for dyspepsia , sour stonuch b.ulbnut.
J'\.t / - J'.i II AH K.I I'flS.
K. M. < _ ilb < on ofClnrks Is at the Casey.
Tom Clark of Lincoln is at the Mlllard.
J. II. Wilson of Topolcn is at tho.Murr.iy.
George H. Corycll of Chicago isatthoMnr-
r.iy.U. . V. Hunter ot Vorlt was at , tlio Casey last
William S. I'cterion of Stock ham is at the
O. W. Black of Cleveland , O. , Is at the
II. J. Ilnrgravoof Kansas Cily Is nt the
10. A. Tyler of Chieairo was at the Mlllard
last , night.
U. .1. Covcrn of St. Louis Is in the city at
the Murray.
E. 1' . MoFallon of David City U registered
at tlio Casey.
Ctcorgo it. Smith of Kast Liverpool , 0. , is
at thoMillard.
J. M. Weeks ofXow York was at the Pax-
on hut night.
W. II. Harrison of Grand Island was at the
-lurray - last night.
The riinrgo .Not Snst nincd.
.Tames K. Downs ami Lkzio Wctliro , nr-
oslcdon complaint of I'L'rco Morse , \vlio
laiincd that they had robbed him , were tried
in police court yesterday afternoon and dib-
Dr. Birney cures eatarrh. Boo Wcl'p.
How Kotii' lnck 1'dtH Hai > In u Boston
Club Ctiinc.
Five young inon with tnoro or less
sporting blood coursing through their
veins were gathered together in the
rooms of n well known club the other
afternoon ongiiRO'l In a quiet llttlo 111110
of polor ; , bays the llorald. Kvorything
wont aloii ) , ' iill ritjht until a jack pot wus
announced , and hereafter the laiiguago
of the players will bo iibod.
" 1 will open , " said the player next to
the dealer.
"Two dollars hnnlor , " responded tlio
third man , and during the progress ot
the iuino ? particular attention is called
to the cards hold by those two contest-
Tlio requisite sum is put up by tlio
opener and the cards called for.
"Give me two"said the Initiator ot
the trouble.
"Ami I will have three1 , responded
Iho other "stayer. "
Now the firing begun , anil four blno
nhips are shoved to the center of the
liihlo by the iirst player.
"I'll rnUo you two , " was iho retort.
" than . "
"Two bolter you.
"After considering Ills h.ind for tt
moment tlio starter said , "Two more. "
"Two inoro , " oamo buck.
"Well , what are you iloinylt on'f
"Three jacks "
"They are good ; I wont it on three
soveim pat. "
"It's all in the drawing , my boy , "
carrulloil iho ivinner aw ho gatliered to
niiiolf tlio big stuck of red , white anil
bl no disks.
'J'lio giuno progressed until another
jack pot was declared.
Tlio winner of tlio first ono was tlio
opener this time , mid the lofcrhadinndo
up his mind to get back boino of the cel
luloid ho had lost ut the lirbt opportu
"Mine nro worth $2 more,1' ' ho softly
"I will have to stay with you. "
"How many cards1" ; asked the dealer.
" ( Jive mo ono , " said the ruisor.
"And how many will the stayer have1
"Tho sumo. "
Then there was more trouble. The
hotting was continued for two or three
mimitoH as fast as the players could
count their chips mid deposit thotn in
the center of the table. Finally tlio
curiosity of the second player , combined
with the fear that ho lunl fallen into an
other slough of bad luck , induced him
to cull.
"A queen full , " said the first winner.
"Take the money , " was the doleful
reply , "I niis-eil you on a four Hush o
hearts and drew the ace. I felt suroo
winning this timo. "
"Hut when I saw Iho third lady coin
ing to ino , " rejoined the fortunate win
ner , " 1 experienced a similar fooling. "
After the deal luut gone around four or
live times there WUB another jack , and
the only stayers were the two players
already niludcd to.
There was a gleam of exultation no
tieenblo In the oyo4 ! of the player who
had dropped bo many , of his mips lo the
man who sat on his Jolt as ho said , "I
will open forfcZ. "
Again was ho confronted by Ins old
enemy. Tlio interest of the other players
ors had now become centered in the
two rivals.
' 'How many cards will the opener
" '
have :
"I'll play those. "
The ether player tooU throe , imd the
opener bet $
"Two more. "
"Two more than you. "
"Two more than you.1'
Thun the opener oiibed tip and a cold
chill heg'in to mcamlordown Ills back ,
ilofolttlmt ho was again bunted and
could do nothing more than fall , which
he did.
"Four lours , ' * was announced.
"And I btooil onu pat straight , ' '
mourned the loser ,
Slapped ( Jtin , K'lormun'H Knot ? .
The only mini living whoever slapped
the fiic'oof ( ioiiurul Shoi'iiianis a resident
of N'yack , SHVB the Nnw York Hei'ordoi1.
Huts an artist of note. Aflor the cloco
of the late war , whoa the holdlurs Imd
returned to their h > ines , Iho Nyai'k mini
referred to , bolrg in Xcw York city ,
had oooaMon tn ride down town In nn I
ntnmhtix. Traveling In Xcw York
ontlilbnsiN n t that I line \\iis not on. * . ' .
Tin1 rondviiy \ rough mill uasMMtgoiN ,
wore ! | ' ! . ' ! > t ono aiu'tluM' ' while
riding. On thin partiotilnr trip it soonied
as though t ho driver sought llu rougher !
places heuttilil llnd and a deep depres
sion in the nuilwiiy wn Ilimlij clrucU.
Tliu stage JJIIVP a limgo niul the passen-
gcrx wore iniM'ated Tlio Nyaek nrtNt
wni luirh'd from his position and as he
foil forward he stnicu a stranger , Hitting
opiHwiloa stlngiit ) , ' blow on Iho face.
Them list apologised , on recovering his
equilibrium , for hliiu'i'liUMittd as > ult mid
WIIH surirl-ed | tt > dlst'ovor t hut t ho gentle
man whom lie struck \MIS ( ioncnrl Sher
man. Tlio general's face was s-lill hinartlng
rom the blow and while he Immediately
accepted the apology he Intimated , at
the Mime time , that there wore abonl it
hundred thousand people in Xcw York
whootight lobe Idllod.
c < itx si.vTn : IOWA.
ICD'ortH ol * Covei'iior llnlei to Itelltlle
lll 4 State Art * I'nnviilllnu.
Not withstand inu ( Jovernor Holes of
Iowa is an I'irle county , Xew Yorlc , man ,
wo cannot but help dhfervlng that ho
tnmlo a had mess of it In his speech nt.
the recent New York beer garden ban
quet in belittling Hie corn industry of
hNown slate , says the liulTalo Aini'ri-
can Investments. It is no ordinary job
tc figure out the motive ho may have
had in milking such unrelinhlo. tliitrtilli-
ful and unfortunate. Mntomcats' ' , but if
there were any , they must be entirely of
u political natuiv , and any citi/.en. es
pecially the chief o.xocutiv'o oHioer of a
state , who so far forgets his paianiouut
duties in th'.1 direction of properly rep
resenting its Industrial Interests , ought to
bo burled politically and Mii'ially.Ve \
trust the good eili/.ensof that state , of
all parties , shades and denominations.
will HUO to it thai IKJ will receive that
reward for his utterances which he so
well de.-ervcs. Possibly his word may
induce n hesitancy in the westward
movement of some eastern money in the
hands of these that rely on the state
ments of gln-pilaeo politician * rather
than an intimate knowledge of the pro
ductiveness of the state , but wo verily
bclievo , in the end , the opportunity so
unwittingly presented by this misllt gov
ernor , will bo so sei/.cd by the press and
goodly citizens ot that state In Iho direc
tion of bringing out its wonderful re
sources , Hint his enemies will rise up ,
thank him , anil call him blessed. Iowa
doesn't require tiny defending. A c'iro- '
fol study of her history from her admis
sion into the uiiioii on December 2S ,
If'II ! , down to the present period , will
answer any possible defamation that can
be uttered against her. The very crop
which Governor Holes declares imprnlit-
able , inn been the makincr and building
tin of her wealth. It is corn , Oorn year
alter year , and ills a libel on her intel
ligent citizens to say , that they would
for nearly half a century persist in rais
ing a crop which the governor is so
fcollcitious about making an unprolit-
nblo one. Her soil is a'most ' inoxliau-it-
ably rich in fertility. Note the in
crease in her population :
1SIO lo IsfiO ! Mfi per renl
ls. > 0 lo IsiMl 'AM percent
Ibffl to IS70 77 per rent
is0 to bMl 'iii per rent
ISM ) lo b'.H ) Hi per cent
Wo know a mun who once was com
pelled to take a whole township in one
of the Iowa counties on a debt. IIo very
reluctantly consented to an e.\-
.uhitngo of a judgment for "west-
orn land thai wasn't , nor over
would ho wortli u continental cuss. " and
for a number of subsequent years ligura-
lively kick himself for being such a fool.
A very few thousand dollars represented
tlio investment. What was the result ?
Stop into the olllco of his executor today
anil on the wall you will see an ele
gantly framed map of the "Iowa Ivmd
Venture" and marked on it the prices at
which the various sections , liaUes and
quarters have been sold. The prolil on
this land has been the chief source of
revenue of this eslate , and what ho once
termed his worst , has proven to bo the
very best investment lie ever made.
What has done itV A fertile soil and
corn ! Bui this is by no means all.
Statistics show that values on all Iowa
properties huv s steadily increased , and
today she represents about all that is
desirable in an agricultural state.Vo
doubt not that the governor would tind
but little ditliciilty in disposing of his
Oi'undy county farm at the same price
ho purchased it.
Once more. We have never heard a
representative of any loan company in
any state competing with lown but what
would admit that it was n state espec
ially titled by reason of its boll re
sources for the safe loaning of money.
The oldest loan company in the country
is still conducting ils business within her
borders , and it is no discredit to other
states to siy that her securities stand in
the estimation of the investing public
among&t the very choicest. She is HO
rich and fruitful that she can prncti-
callp dietate her own interest rates.
Tlio bonds issued by her cities , counties ,
towns and school precincts have always
been reckoned amongst the host ,
and can bo floated at as low
an interest rate as some states
boasting of double her number
of years. Tlio taint of repudiation or
dodging financial obligations by legal
technicalities has been boon less within
her lines than almost any oilier state.
She can boast of a standard of education
which will favorably compare with
states over which tlio tramp of human
ity has been heard for hundreds of ytyirs.
Siio his : never boon guilty of disloyalty
to horsistuV states nor to hot-own ad
vancement , She presents to the gcner
nl view n model in which to loan money ,
and slio possesses the common sense
and good judgment to respect anil do-
pontly treat tlio capital that assists in
building her up. Yes , Iowa is a great
state , and it is corn that makes it so.
Ilanuer l.urkliiy ; OOOIH. !
Look out for a cotton fabric Pilou
H is a dangerous thing to have about an
establishment , says the Dry ( ioods
Itotailor and Huyor. It is so highly
inllaininablo that a spark from a cigar
or plpo will put the goodj in a blaze
Immediately. In Franco the govern
ment has taken this matter in hand , two
fatal accidents having already occurred.
1'ilou is a soft , thielc plush-like fabric ,
made entirely of cotton , and the danger
lies in the weft , which is only very
slightly twisted , and is therefore equiv
alent to loose cotton.
Old VetH Co CJnlckly.
The heroes of the civil war hnvo disap
peared much sooner iifior its close than
those of the revolution. It was half a
contni'v after the Declaration ol In
dependence before Adams and .IcITorson
died , and the year before their death the
while house had been vacated by n pros-
I dent who had Joined tbo army in 177(1 ( ,
It is bill thirty yoarsnow since the llring
on Fort Sum pier , and the great leaders
of that period in both civil anul military
life are nil gone.
10 I'uriuim street. - Uniiihn. Noh.
( ; , \itisn\i , >
Is not : i mem imrgutlvu. It isnn alleiatlve and
u const it ullonal ioim"ly , ThiMO Is nothliu
" .lust us liond" when ynii can obtain tlH'u'i'iiu-
Inn lniiorli'd | ' attU'lt ' : . llo mil ho ImpoM'il upon
by nnsi-riinnlous ilonloi'K. The unmlm' must
have thu MHiuitiiri' < > ( "I'.lMM'r mid Mcndelsou
Co. , ftulu Agents , New VorK , " on every buttle.
ll.i\intq met with unprocctlfnlocl sucros" in
our < ; rcal 3 * ' clays' sale
TINUE niTsrNiiss niiRiL
And in order to make room for our immense stock
of Spring Goods , \vhich are arriving daily , \vc \ will
sell llic
Balance of the BantoilptStoGk
Thanking our nunuM'ous patrons for past
favors , and hoping for a continuance ol the same ,
and assuring yon of lirst class goods and lowest
prices. Respectfully ,
finnllTi SAXDAI.WOODl-AI'.sfl.KSurtj lli
Illlllll I U l > t' t iul niily cuiiiiilt' * pri'siTtlKMl by
U UUU I n pli sichim lor the I'll . t
( lonnrliin i niul tllmlinriti' Inini Iho iirlnniy iirunn %
nliuiltt'it or ucqulri'il. II.W | > IT tiox. AlltlriiKUliti.
_ _
\\fANTKD- ( iootl irlrl for Kciicra ! lionin
work. Musi fuinlsli lefon-lices. Nt > . ! ! ll ) )
Harmony slice ) .
ISAI.K-At a sacrlllce , 1 larso Mossier j
MI ft1. | ii'rfit i-ontlltli Hi" ollli'e tilths niul ,
eliulrs J Mnru tiiiuUs. I luiist1 Iron si-ale I ruck , i
' ' ' > v < "t.2i-oiiiilt-r wait's. - ' s.p | | lad-
I IT . I laiw platform Hour sunk' " . Ketllnti k
IVll , II ? Main St. i
\\'AN'1T.I > Totr.-ulo IHIIKIVIM | | nriipt-rty In
ii Coiinrll Illull"Itli Miuill liii'iiiiilirani't1 ,
for liiirst-s , limit's and yonir. ; cull I o. No. llku
I'onitli Mii't-t.
IJlIlTt ill'.XT-Thu Mi'Malioii lilnt-K. II stoiy
jp Inli-k , with liiisi-inent niul uluvutor. .I.W.
H < Hlhe , 101 I'oaii st rci'l.
TjVXA.MIMC Ilie enlflil-atfd Mel'liall ' I'lnnm ' ,
- J niul tlie Nt'WSt-iiln Cruwn I'laniCIIIHII
nnd O | | , . | | OrKiins. Ailil fin eali or on Instiill-
int'iits. liy.Mitr. lldiirii'ln-- , niu-ilc tuai'hur , III
Stiituiiiaimlrt'vl.C'oiiiK'II HIiillX lu.
BAItCiAINH 1'or Illiniums In houses , lutn ,
farm' * anil i'iirtlrnan I a Inrifi1 INI to s -
Iccl fi-oiii , fall on , liilinslnn X Van Patten ,
, block , round ! Uliills.
FOItSAIjl * A ImrRaln ; titiw inndein Iiou c
u'Hli nil tin1 luu' luipiovi'iiionts , sttvt'ii
rnninv will ' dl on i a y imyini'iits ; liU'iitcUiin
tlm I'lfth avtMiuo motor line. 1) ) . J. llutolilii-
son.lil" Hroadway.
i olt SAI.KKlslititiom lionet ) anil two lot * .
on 11'urlson st. A inmlcrit hnnso iinihi
conil lioinu clieiip. 1 > . J , Iliiluhliijon , til"
FOH SALE or Hunt dar.lon land , with
hoiUBj , by J. K , Hlotf. 101 Mala St. , Uouuoll
IHcji'Ifs Itii-
The \vondcrrtil Victor with sprlne fork nnd
cushion tiro. Tbo most Uuriibluvlicel made.
'i'hc LittloClant i-onies out this your for boys
\vitli sprinir fork. The strongest bovs' wheel
made , and twicu as easy riding as others.
'J'hc Uadici' ( ilaut is probably the most won
derful production of the year in cycle firdcs ,
ImviiiK Jisnrlnc fork to uoth Iront and
wlieuls. No lady should run the risk ot rid
ing a riu'id fork \vlieel with Its t.-onsuqucnt
joltuif , ' . With tlio sprinR to biith front and
roar wheels it is as easy ns u iwhlnc chair ,
rum without danger to the most delicate.
l-'ull ball bearing , nnd only fT.'i.OO.
Hulk seeils , nil Ulntls , at Cole Colo's , 11
Main street. Now seetls mill all toMed.
$ . ' , r.OO to loan on lirst mortj-aqo security ;
no coinnussion. See COM ; it Coi.i. ,
-II.Main street.
Clilnosp Ht-gnrtl for anOatli.
David M. Din-foe , jiulco of tlio Dcoi-
Lodffo dlatrk't of Montana , while entci'-
tuiniii n t.'irolo of admiroi.svith luiiiior-
ous incidents ( if tlio ( lays wlion ho jirai.-
tieed law in tno iiiliiinjjeiinipof 1'hillips-
bui'fT , let fall ono illustrative of the
sanutitv with which the ( . 'lilnoso rojjnrd
the 1'aul I'ioneerl'rLW. '
an oath , says St.
It Bconis th'nt the jiicl < , 'o had an nniuuil
retainer from ono of the highbinder
societies nnd transacted all their legal
business. In a desperate light hetwecn
twoiilinond-oyod iloni/.ens , ono of them
was pretty thoroughly t-arved , mid the
jniltfo was called In to defend the victor
apiilnst a c'lmrjfo for "nn assault with a
deadly weapon. " The accused vigor
ously'denied the charge , and ho , ac
companied hy an interpreter a nil several
companions , called on his lawyer to
arrange for the defense. After a loiifj
interview , in which the importance of
tolling the exact truth hiul apparently
been driven through the oriental bkull.
the party startouto go. As they reached
tlio door ho saiil to the interpreter :
"You understand now yon must tell the
truth1 "Yos judyo. Shall ho p'lovo
ho flight little with him lirst , or p'lovo
ho no there t'liUV
Floated lilt Own Oiirrpinsy.
A man wlio hns jiiht retitmc-d from the
Ai'irontlno Kopiiblu : tolls this .story :
They have always had trouble down
there with their currency , and it is not
a mat tor of surprise to tlio-o who know
their peculiar linancial inutliods. When
1 wns ilioro , a Now Ynrki-i1 named Lawson -
son I'litno to Muenns Ayrosand opened a
saloon on the American plan , It was
Mich u novelty that nuinoy poured OVIM-
tlio bar in n porfeot stream , Tlie sulos
were not lar o enough to suit the
proprietor , however , who cast about foi
a plan to incivaho his receipts. Ho had
a lot of 10 cent lui'tallio checks made
and when a ciistomor paid for a drinlc lie
would bo ( , 'lvon flum o in'on h
private checl s. They passed at thoii
face value nl all of the stores , and in i
few months , the city was lltoi-ally lloodei
with them , while hawson salted dowi
the silver. One line mornlii" ; ho quietly
hlippod out of town and left his check
on the inarliot. The residents i-eenunl to
think nothing of It , and when I left , i
year later , the checks were still n
circulation ,
( iDiicral Klu'rinan died jiossessoil of n con
slderalilo fortune , estimated ul botweoi
| ir > iKHl ) ( anil . ' ( M ) , < XK > . l.iktt ninny army ol )
rers , hu lent ? IIKO Imunlit n-.i ! estate in Vro\\
Ini ; cities in the west , anil held tlio proper !
as u Hpeeiilatlon. In this way ( Soneral Slid
man cliMrotl a ooil tlual of money. A It him K
a ( 'ootl ( Ivor , ( Joneral Slmrnnm tlid not spom
all of tl.o $ itM ; > salary locelved by him fron
the iivernmenl fur many years , mid his tav
hijs ( ho Invested ,
DR. J. E. McGREW ,
Ill YO.IIN' IXnericncp.
Cnrrtl In 3 lo 5 itny nlthoitt the los * of nn lu'iiri'tltno
from liu liut" Thn iunl absolute rnro ft r ( il.KK'P
ninl nil ni'MC'lim ' IH ( | mr es uv * r kim\Mi to iiipdtcnl
( > ' Ion re SV 1'IIIUH , fiwnrrnnto < l run * In .Ht . ) > TiO < luyn.
'Hit' ino't powerful romotly yet known ( or a ponna-
ticntciitP STHlt'TI'ltKorrnln In rt'llovtiik'tlic hl il-
ikT. < MIinl tit liitniovlthout Instrument * , no rutting ,
no pain , no dlliitlnu. lo * i of .Munliutnl orVr hiMfs
| HiltUily cured : tnstnnt n'liuf. hkln ill-t > a-oi nml
fiMiinkMllfcn os lUTiniiiKMitly cnrnl Hr ( 'Ws
nieot-Nt In tliPtrentmont of 1'rluito Dhuti1 * hns
iicvt'rlnTn oiitulliMl. | nnd lili jrri M nini ) uf imlli'nt *
iwiclicH fHini Iho Atlnntlcto tlio I'm'ltlc BMiikt ntnl
riiculari fun1 , KttilU" * from 'J tu I onlv. Utli uinl
ruriuim Ptrt'i'h cjiunhu , Nt'b. ' Kntranco on clttiur
t eot.
( ( Hinctl lilurr . In.
All ilDcnscmf till ) 1IVI
li.Mt. NOSKnmt TllllOA'lj
irt-nti'd ' .li Iho Bluntest1'
( kill nnd onrc.
nnd 11AV KI'.VKll troato.l
ltli e'rolni'iit iifco
SlTlUill'Aljlll'KIUTIOXJi. wliorc ncconnry
Icssly iicrforniBil wllli tliij utmost cimuuut iklll , at-
MirliiciH-rfort itfiull * . KINHrtT lIjASs-s ! | ; ncour-
ntolv prosi'rllu'd. ct rrpctln < all rcfritctlyo trouble * .
us M > ( tplt. : llri'i'ropln niul Astljflimtlstn , thin rin *
iliTlnmlt'lit uny. clour mil pnlnln'f. cillNIO : (
NKUHAI.lilAutiil SII'K IIIIADACIIIC , nfti-r yi'jirl
ftorrllilp relief , entirely rnroil ( Illloo ,
ooin I , ShiifirL lllock , over llcno \ Co.'s nturj ,
'uuricll IllntTi , It * .
All kinds ot Dvln'4 and Clciuiln ? donn In DID
IlKlii'stStyluof llm Art , l'"iideil and Stidncil
'aiirlrs inaili ) tu look us u end as w\v. WurH
iroinptly dune and dollvttreil In all i > : iru ot
ho . uuutry s-cnil for prli-o INt-
O..A , MaCIIAN. I' . .
01J Ilioatlwnv. Near Northwustvru llopot ,
I'OU.NCIL , Hl.UFFd. lA.
> vor C1. 11 , .l n t Co. . .lewolry ? toro
Or Council Oluffa.
CAPITAL STOCK . . . . . 8150,000 ,
DllitCTOiis I. A. Mlllor. K. O. Oloasoii , K. U
ihtKart. K , K. Mart , J. I ) . EdmiiniUon , C'lMrlui
' . llannun. Trnnsaot ( Dank In : busi
ness. hur.'i'.sL capital and surplus u ( any
lankln S jiilliwostorn Iowa.
1 carry n full line of Beekeepers
supplies , including comb foun
dation lionoy knives , smokers ,
sections and all supplies foi
henpinry. M. S.HOOP ,
iiO Ktst nri\ily.iy , Ccvi ciiRlxillF , lit.
Finley Burke.Geo.W. Howitt-Thos. E. Oasady"
Burke , Hewitt &Casady ,
ruACTici : ix TIIK ST ATI : ANM > rii : > i-it\ii
oniccs : J , J. Drown llulldliiK , Council Hltill-s
Corner Main an 1
iimlvurcnVfllVti" lir. riorce'a ' & .i m > llo Maul
It li irurfiltluiUK.uiin | 1 II > wi ttht >
ml InluMiiinn | l rriu'l'.iu. | MMn. . I.
liln.llo Triut * . ' < > . , t > n u rrniifin'o. tot
Von I.AHII o\i.\ -Ur 1.1'iiutv m ii. . i r iu
tin' ' K oiifli ri'iiu'ily nrl > n Hit' inrntiru'il. ) ftfin nu
rtini Hiiin it'i * ! i'iii trtiiu w liiitt'tor raiix * I'ruiu iu
ini'ii > lriiiilliin Thi' i' | 'lll Miuiilt li"l ! liiki-n ilin
Inn . 'I'Knimi'y. Am I'll ! I'o , lloyuliy l'rn | ' > MMII
t'tTvlit ) I'M . lit lit'tiutiut li ) Miuriimn \ > Ui'v > nnc'U '
I "unit l . liunr I' O. , Oiimlin. I .A Mi-lilicr S < mil
UuiiiUu. M. 1' . Ulls , Cvuucll tllutls.l , otJ ( orlg ,