Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1891, Image 1

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TWENTIETH Y1S.AK. OMAHA , IWDAY iMOlttslINd , MARCH 0 , 181)1. ) NU3IJJEK 258.
Dosision of the Suprcmn Cotut iu tl'o ' Quo
Warranto Oase.
Tlic OoviM'iioi * Musi Now Slutw
licilie N a Clll/.i-n il' I lie
TOnlUMlHlalcH and ICI
( o tin1 OllU'f.
I.INTOI.V , Nob. , March fi. [ Special Tele-
( ram to Tim HF.K. ) The supreme court this
inoniinj ; overruled the demurrer in the quo
wnrnmto CILSO of cxlOvertior Thayer vs
Governor Hoyd and suggested that the at
torneys for the relntor answer In the case on
Tuesday next. Judge Mason ot counsel for
Mr.'l lu'iyer suggested that there was hut ono
question under consideration liy the court ,
and that was whether < lovernor lloyd was a
cltl/uti of the United States , and on that
question ntisver should bo made Instanter.
Mr. Illiilr , alsoof counsel for tbo the rclator ,
mild that when a demurrer was overruled
an answer could bo made only
when the court decided Unit the party to the
demurrer had something In liU case. The
court stated it had all nloiifj decided thnt It
would hear the ease on an answer and that
counsel would be prepared to argue Hou
Tuesday next.
After the judges had taken their scats
Chief Justice Cobb said :
"In the case In rotation of John M. Thnyer
vs Jumps I3. lloycl argued yojterdav on de
murrer or a paper which \vas called a de
murrer , wo have examined the question us
far n.s tlmo and opportunity would permit ,
nnd wo deemed it necessary , and the conclu
sion is that the demurrer bo overruled. U'o
will hear suggestions from you as to the
length of liino necessary to answer.
Mr. Howo-1 am willing to answer within
ti week or ao.
Tbo Court-It would bo convenient to the
court if you answer by next Tueselay , It that
would satisfy you.
Mr. llowo Taut may bo tnoonler.
Mr. llhilr Do 1 understand that that will
bo the order of the court In regard to the
mutter of time )
The Court-No , we will bear you , although
wo think it is entirely reasonable.
Mr. lllalr If the court tlilnlb that wo have
juithiiiiMo say.
Mr. Mason Knvly in January this < | tie
ivnrranto was Hied , nnd from any view 1 am
iiblo to take of this case the only question In
volved Is that of the citizenship of Mr. 13oyd.
Jf ho is a citizen , as I remarked yesterday ,
\vo fold our tents llko tbo Arab aid silently
Hteul mvny. Ho is the governor. It is llio
question that goes to the merits of the whole
matter. Can't ' It ho said at mi earlier nay.
'J'hat , it seems to me , Is nil there is In it. Is
lion citlri'ii , or is ho neil That , being
f > ccins to 1110 that we ought to have an answer
instaiiter , as we say in law , meaning ono day
< in tno merits of it.
Mr. lllnir 1 deslro to call your honor's at
tention to the language ol the statute. His
that upon a demurrer being overruled , tbo
party demurring may answer it the court bo
natislied that he hu : a meritorious defense ,
lie bus no absolute right to answer until it
1ms been clearly shown to the court or stated
nt least to the court what his defense is , In
order that the court may determine from his
bliiteiiirnt whether it is meritorious or not.
The Court The matter was talked over
thoroughly in consultation. It is trno that
perlmps In an ordlanrly law suit that it
would bo tlio proper way , hut we hnvo taken
it for granted all the way through that this
case would be licarel , on an answer and.wo. . .
thlnkrthat have 'concluded' from a'pretty
thorough discussion to go over from one
week to the other for the purpose of making
this answer is not unreason able.
Mr. Howo-l would llko talnuulrowho'.hur
the court will hand down any written opinion
now.Tho Court-We will not until the case is
finally disposed of.
Mr. Itlair-l would llko to glvo notice that
upon that answer being tiled wo will ask tbo
court to say on that morning when we will
have a trial. 1 want Mr. Howe to talto no
tice of this.
Mr. Howe-1 heat- you say so.
The court ttioii considered other mutters.
In speaking of the court's rnlliiu ( Sovernor
Hoytl said that he w as disappointed , 1 lo ilia
not think Thayerluul any standing In court ,
but Judging from the , decision the supreme
court .seemed to think ho had. lie desired ,
however , to say nothing further in ttio
p remises.
Judge Mn on of counsel for Thaver suiel
that when the matter came up next Tuesday ,
It would be to determine whether or not ,
lloyd was a citi/en of the United States , and
ho thought nil other matter would ho ex
cluded in tbo controversy.
Kx-fovernor ! Thayer said that ho bad ex
pected tlio decision because ( iovernor Uoyil's
counsel liad depended en'.lrely upon
sympathy. This was shown In tbo reference
to the case ol ( JovernorNnnco in the hearing
nnd the reference to the long period of time
Hoyd had resieled in Nebraska.
It is stated on good authority thatdoveruor
Hoyd will apply to the Mipromo court of the
United States lorn wilt of certiorarl to com
pel the state court lo bend the thither
for llnid disposition.
The Status nf t bo Case.
Ono of the judges of tbo district court , in
commenting upon the decision of the supreme
court , this inonMng said : "Tlie case is now
very plain and places Hoyd where ho must
fhow whether or not ho Is a citizen of the
United States. In my opinion , when lioyd's
nttornoyn tiled the demurrer they nit milted
the facts as set forth InThaycr's petition. The
supreme court overruled this demurrer , and
in doing so it most certainly held tluittlioro
is a good case if the facts as set fortn in the
Volition are true.
"Boyd has held all along that ho elocs not
have io sliow that , ho Is iiciti/en , claiming
that his election and subsequent in-
Mullatloii settles . this question. By
the decision of the court the status
of the case is changed and will now como on
an answer , In which lloyd must show Ills side
of the case and make his defense , or pet out
of the gubernatorial chair.
"It is hard to tell what questions may arise
now , but it looks us though the decision on
the answer would settle the whole case. "
Trotting lloriio llroedors.
Ni\vVonK : , March 5 , A conference of the
leading trotting horse breeders of the coun
try was hold tonight under the auspices of
the National Association of Trotting Horse
Hreeders. After a general Interchange of
views on the subject of reorganization of the
National association. It was iiecided to call a
convention of the trotting horse breeders of
the country at Chicago on April SJ , when a
iilnii of reorir-inl'-ution will bo formulated.
The convention will consist of two delegates
from each stale organi/ation.
Urokon fiovi'fiior Holt.
D.vxiii'uv , Conn. , March B. Tlio breaking
of a governor belt on the engine In Green's
hat factory this afternoon caused the engine
to "race , " and the three-ton tly wheel burst.
J'iuces of flying Iron badly wrecked the build
ing , anil sixty girlc In tlio triinmiiif , ' room
Avero terror stricken. Two of them jumped
from a window , sustaining fatal Injuries ,
Clonk : JluUoM I'ull Hair.
Kiw : VOIIK , March ft.A small riot oc
curred early this morning nt Ilroadway and
Grand street between union and non-union
cloak makers. The police soon stopped the
light and maite a nuniuer of nm U. No 0:10
was seriously hurt.
AVnntl'ay Tur tlio 1'olcs.
NEW VOIIK , March 5 , The United States
Illuminating company and tlio I3rush electric
Illuminating company liavo apvcaled to the
supreme court In un effort to secure against
tlio city n Judgment of upwards of { i
This claim ropreicnts daimwi1 donn to thMr
business by Mayor ( ! rant's raid on overhead
wires and ' -xilcs'la IVcomber , iss-.t.
tiiLi.i'.t ) i\ .1 ti\v\\'xi.nn-t \ \ :
An AuilnnrlH1 In IMuli IHNIVCM lie-
struct Ion in KHt \ \ .
Svi.Tl\Kr , I'tali , March ri. , Spoclul Tel-
oRram to'Pin : llii : : . ] A special fivnn Alia
says : "A terrific sno\vslldo occurred hero
tins tiviriiiiig , Mverytldiig In It sway was
demolished. Two men who occupied a cabin
about half a mile from the town \VCM burled
In the snow and HIM dead. Their IIIIIIUM are
John Thompson and l'rcdVnlsh. \ . The In
habitants are In sorry plight and are iinablo
logetawav owing to the snow. A relief
party U now at work effecting a passage
through the snow.1
MVMtt'rn I'coplc In I'hiiMgo.
Oiiicino , MariJh.'i. [ Hpoc-lal frclor.vMi to
Tin : HIIAmong : : ] the western people In
Chicago today were the following :
At. the ( Iraiul l'acitlc-J. M. ArmstrotiB
nnd wife. Oinahn ,
At the Palmer A. "Warner. Omaha.
At thn Auditorium -\V. \ R U'incelco and
wife. Hurry Winocko , Onvcnnort ; . .f.V. .
Livers and wife , Wallace'Idaho ; . H.
Hustings and wife , Hastings. Neb. : C' . A.
Charles , Clinton , la. ; Mrs. ( I. A. Utllo , Salt
Lake City ; .1. A. Douglas , Cedar Kiplds.
Attlm'l'ahiior-J. . U'illl.uuson , C' . U' .
Hammond , Mrs. .1. Hammond , .Mrs. F. Hammond
mend , Ottumwa , la.
Attla1 Sherman-II. II. Hopper , C. F.
Cooley , Clinton , la.
AtthoClrand I'aclfic-.r. ' McOrouor , Salt
Lake ; Arthur Sturtxliopp , Vargo , N. 1) ) . ; .1.
H. Douglas , Cedar Haplds ; Mrs. K , .1. Cham
berlain. Uovlls uake. N' . D. ; K. I'1 , Pomcroy ,
llronso'n. Ts'ob. ; Clark Woodman , Omaha ; S.
\ \ ' . Hazard , Des Moines.
l-'HOM IU If 10 H'ttltSK.
The Atrnlrs til' tlic State S
liliu ; In u Had U'ay.
ICnpurtfiM If&lliu Junvi f7irlii ; H'li.'i-'M
T oxnov , March 5. [ Xcw York Herald
Cable-Special to Tin : Bii : . | Tbo Cunaril
company hu : ordered two steamships from a
Clyilo linn , the Falrllcld com nan y , which
will bo the largest vessels of their kind
alloat , I IOOO , tons each , to run twciity-oiio
knots in mid-Atlantic.
The affairs of tlio State line , sailinpj from
( ilasgow to IS'ew Vorlc , have been going from
bad to woi-so and llnally the directors Issued
n desponding circular to shareholders In
which it was hinted that tbo company must
bo wound up. It cost 10,093 last year. Over
f.0,000,000 were spent on the Manchester ship
canal , which Is rapidly nuproachlni , ' comple
tion. If moro money is not .secured by Au
gust 15/100 mon will bo out of employment ,
and the plant , worth millions , left to rust.
Application fur assistance was made to thn
city council which , U Is understood , will ad
vance nearly JL-,001',000 , for the completion of
tbo canal.
Tbo National spirting club , in which Lord
I.onsdale nnd other noblemen are interested ,
opened tonight. The rooms used to ho the
lOvnns' , but bavo been refurnished and deco
rated very handsomely in nil appointments.
Already tlio membership is , "iO ( ) , with implica
tion ! ) moro numerous. A first rate boxing
programme was lluished with a ton-round
contest between Cockrobin and ( inthridgo.
Tbo hitter's left wrist was sprained in the
eigbth round , but be woulu bavo been beaten
anyway. Mitchell and Slav ! n gave a two-
round exhibition. Mitchell was sober , hut
Sluvln was justablo to stand. Their exhi
bition was hissed. The new club will greatly
- - * * " " * - " -
hurt the Pelican ?
/ '
lcport ! Coiifernliig tin1
Ucsulrs ol' itn Application.
| O > ) i/i'///it | / ( / / Itiil liu Jainf * ( lontini linm'JlA
HKHI.IN , Marcli , i. [ Xcw Vorlc Herald
Caiilo Special to Tin ; Urn.l The ofllclal
reports denmneled hy Dr.on dossier , min
ister of education , from all Prussian uni
versity clinics and pathological institutes on
tbecftlcacy of Koch's tubercline , hnve just
been published by 1'rof. ( hitUtiult. They
nro llfty-llvo hi number , including
tno report of the municipal hospital in
Moabit , ono of the departments which is
under Koch himself. The reports extend
only to the end of IS'.K ' ) . They comprise1 about
einht weeks and contain no final results , but
their contents are nevertheless of n-ut im
portance. During the time in question ,
about 1TK ( ) injections were made on ' , ' ,17'J
patients. The greatest number of injections
r ° ceivcil by ono per.on was ,11 , Tbo largest
Uoso waali.Viil grammes. Most of tlio re
ports contain the exact histories of the cases.
Opinions differ considerably as to the value
of the fluid ns a diagnostic aid in discovering
tuberculosis of the internal organs. Of 1,001
patients sulTurlnK from internal tuberculosis
IU were cured , . 1TI considerably improved ,
101 Improved , Ssti not improved , and Id died.
Of 70S patients with external tuberculosis ,
! , " > were cured , IIS considerably improved ,
U37 improved , 2'JS ' not Improved , and 'J died.
si : T'ti , i A < ; .s Tit i fi is. :
Mine and CoUo Operators Arguing
with Their Men.
I'lTT nnio , I'a. , March n. The strike of
the Monongabel.i river miners , hy which 10-
1)00 ) miners nndlauorors have boon thrown
out of employment since January 1 , is now in
a fair way for settl'Miient. A meeting' of
operators and thippers is called for Monda\
and it Is stated they will como to the men's
Coljcrs' Strike lOiulcd.
l'iTTM'uo , I'a. , March fi. Today Operator
DMIinghain of the Pennsylvania coke works
signed an agreement with the strikers to go
hack at the old wanes. The men are pleased ,
and It Is expected several small operator :
will follow.
The Klro Ueoord.
Pmi.Mir.i.i'HH , March fi. The fruit pre
serving and canning establishment of the J.
O. Schlinmel company burned this morning.
L.OS3 , ? iiOuOO : ; fully Insured.
NEW YOIIK , Maiv'i 5. The big sido-whce
steamer City of Richmond , of the Hartford
line , burned at Hester this afternoon , The
boat was valued at Jt'J.'i.OJO . , and the cargo
much more. Two men were painfully In
The vessel sank tonight. The body of n
colored waiter was found before she wcnl
down. Whether ethers are in the hull can
not bo told until It U raised.
SiTiitioitVls. . , March 5. Fire today destroyed
stroyed n house of Ill-fame onVlntcr \ st'rccl.
Four inmates were sedouslv injured , ono
fatally. J _
The Weather I'oi'prnst.
For Omaha and vicinityLight rala or
snow , warmer.
Per South Dakota-Light snow ; slightl )
cooler , vnrlablo winds.
For Nebraska and Iowa-Snow ; colder hy
Saturuay ; variable winds.
Shot Ills Hrot licr-in-Imw.
AMII.AMI , WU. , March 5 , G. M. Stcolc , a
prominent druggist , was shot through the
heart by his brother-in-law . O. French
today. French asserts Stcelej came betwocn
him unO his family ,
Hiirncd 'Iwo
On vmsooui , Tonn. , Mavcb 5. .A Clncln
nntl Southern train was wracked at bleepj
Hollow today. Two bleeping cars wcro
burncti and several per&oiu injured , but none
\pproxiniat.1 \ Estiinntos of tlio Sums Appro-
jir.atcd by tha Fifty-F-int Cotigrojs ,
ItK'iiui'jig 'iinMit OiiVr < Ml UtMMl Open
ing I'ubllo ti ) niilii--Me\ ! \Vlll
lit * HiM-o-l'i'i'iinil ulMi
March ft. 1'ollowhiB l < nn
approximate statement of tlio apiiroprlatlons
nailont bolb sessions of tlio l iftyII rat con
gress , prepared by the clerk or tlio senate
ommltteo on appropriations : Amount of
ocular bills , iucludliis'dotlcleiu'ics and mis
cellaneous appropriations for the first ses-
sion-lill,7iHJ,00 ! ! ! amount of regular bills , in-
'hiding deficiencies and miscellaneous nppro-
irlations for the second session , $ Ida , 0011,000 ;
lormanont appropriations for llrst session ,
about 1101,00(1 ( , ( WO , and permanent npproprhi-
ions for 1MW , estiinatad at ? r.11.1iMlXK ) ) . This
nakesa grand total of JIS'J.70I,000. ! )
Mr. Saycrs of Te.vas , lender of tbo domo-
erntlo minority of the bouse appropriations
committee , has prepared a statement of
appropriations inado during tlio Fifty-first
congress , as compared with the appropria
tions niado during1 tlio Fiftieth conitroas ,
\vhlchshowsthototal appropriations made
luring the congress Just closed were $1,000- ,
270,471 , against $ < 17Wl ! , > 5'J ' durliiR the pro-
cedlni ; coiiRresa. These amounts Include the
[ lormanent annual appropriations ,
The total appropriations for the 11 rat sos-
slon ofUieFiftlotb conu'ress werof I , ( V0H3 : ,
and for the second session , $ ) ! ) . * iIJ7.51rt ! ; ami
for the first session of the Fifty-first eon-
eros , Slill2,510niid ; for its second session ,
$ ollvr.iil ] ) ( , to'vhlch Mr. Saycr's cstlinato
of $ SHUOO ) should bo added for various small
Incliutcdln tlioappropriatlons for the Fifty-
llrst congress nro Sl.l.J'Ji'.OiH ) for tbo refund
of the direct tax and ? IOOOlOOJ ) for siitrar
bounties , this latter being included la the
permanent appropriations.
Taxes ICvei-j thing In Sight.
" \V\KiiixoTON , March fi , The bureau of
American republic's ' Is informed that the
president of the Argentine Republic has rec
ommended to the congress there several rad
ical revenue laws , which have created hitter
enmity against tbo administration in com
mercial circles. The president , In his mes
sage , holds that sueb measures nro absolutely
necessary to maintain the credit of the gov
ernment , and asks their endorsement by the
congress , but the congress has not yet rati-
lied tbo suggestion. ji0 proposes , llrst , to
Impose an export duty of 5 per cent , ad va
lorem , upon animal oil , horns , Jp.rhed beef ,
hone ash , liorso hair , hides and skins , bones ,
wool , tallow and ostrich feathers , which con
stitute the great bulk of the exports of the
Argentine Kepublic. 1 1 is also proposed to
materially Increase the Import tariff , and im
pose a llccnso on all vessels under foreign
llacs engaged in the coast trade.
Another decree recommends a II-
cense tax of ? | 0,0K ( ) on foreign
Insurance companies and requires A deposit
of $100,000 ns a guarantee before they may bo
allowed to continue business.
It further requires foreign insurance com
panies to pay a tax. of " per cent on all prem
iums received from * policies issued'in' Argen
tine Hcpublic. This course will seriously
alTcet a number of life anil tire Insurance
companies of the United States which have
branches in Argon tlno Republic.
The same decree imposes a tax of 2 per
cent on the gold and paper deposits of pri
vate banks , which will fjrc.itly damage the
L'oneral business of the Eiiirllsb , French ,
CJerman and Italian banks now established
In Argentine KepuMIe with a capital exceed-
iiicT.iKli)1KOof ( ) ( ) i-ohl.
A similar decree require ] all tnxos , cus
toms duties and licenses to bo paid in gold.
Knoourafjomciit U r llevil.
\V.\ > . ! IINTOX ( , March . " > . ISx-Srcaker Ilced
has received the following telegrams :
Miw : Yoitic , March ! > . Tlio "Old ( Juards"
at the Union League club send you cordial
greeting and approval. Tlio support and en
thusiasm of your friends is as largo as th < 5
narrow discourtesy of the enemy is small.
Among the signers to this are ; ( Jhauncoy
M. Depe-v , Cornelius's. HllsaV. . II. Webb ,
CJeorge II. Sheldon , Horace Husscll , John
Sloan and .lohn Jay Kno.x.
.Mr.Mrms Tetm. , March n. By the dis
courteous vote of the maddened political mi
nority you have been honored with the high
est compliment of your life. Millions of loyal
and true American patriots will now heartily
exclnuir "Well done , good , bravo and faith
ful servant ; enter thou deeply Into their af-
fcctionato regards. "
[ Signed. ] WII.UAM B. Mooin :
of Tennessee.
Now Domain Opened.
W \MiiNorov , March ft , The legislation
ennctod by the past eongwss In r.Utlleation
of the various treaties heretofore concluded
between commissioners on the part of the
United States and the various Indian tribo.1
will result in opening upof over olght million
acres of public hind to settlement. Tlio ag-
Krejratocoat to the government will bo about
$ ' , ll)0' ) ' ) ,000.
About 11 vo million ncros of this land is sit
uated in the vicinity of Oklahoma , the ro-
inainingt)0K'J : ( ) ) ( ) ' acres hnvo been made upof
land heretofore r.ccupled . hy thoSissetoa and
'Wahpoton Indians In Dakota , the Cu-ur
d'Alone Indians In Idaho , the Crow Indians
in Montana and the Sioux Indians on the
Fort 13ertholil reservation In North takota.
An Krraml nl'Justlcc.
WASIIISOTOX , March 5-U'illlain K. niack-
stone of Chicago today visited the president ,
in company with Scerctiry Blalno , and present -
sent d a memorial In behalf of the Husslan
'Jews. Ho explained the numorlal was the
result of a conference of Christians and
Jews , recently held In Chicago , nnd called
especial attention to the fact that it dm not
antagonize Russia , b\lt sought In a peaceable
way to give the .lows control of their hoinoi
in Palestine. The president listened atten
tively to Mr , Blaekst one's lonmrks , and
promised to glvo the subject his curliest con
MrirVill lie Here.
WASHINGTON' , March ft , The bureau of
American republics Is Informed that lieu
tenant Ualccr , U. S. A. , recently appointed
commissioner of the world's Columbian ex
position lo Mexico , had been formerly
presented to President Diaz by United States
Minister Kyan , and delivered the Invitation
from the president of the United States to
that republic to partlclpato hi the exposition.
President Diaz , in romy , expressed tfio great
est hitornst in the exhibition , and said Mexico
ice would do herself credit at Chicago ,
New Mini UHIIK "p.
WASHINGTON' , March B. The bill provid
ing for a new mint building at Philadelphia
failed to nmko any appropriation , nml none
was made for It In any of the gcuoral appro
priation bills , Therefore the act cannot bo
put Into effect and Philadelphia will have to
come to tno ntxt congress for a ? ) ,000,000 ap
Heiintor HcMi'M'rt l u lernl.
WASHINGTON- , March 5. Funeral cervices
over the remains of the late Senator Hearst ,
who died Saturday nlihl , wcro held at Ids
Into residence at noon today , and wcro of
brief nnd blmplo character. The casket will
bo removed from tuo residence Saturday
eveningnnd will lonvn lioro on n special
train over the Peirtisylvnula roa.t for San
Francisco , aeoonlpnnted bv Mi's. Hearst , her
sun and the congressional committee.
Tlic e Worts Not dm Uriaed ,
AVASIIINOTON , Marcbfi. tlio followlngnoin
lunllons failed to recclvo the confirmation of
thoseiiatOi Louis po.sMaralis , coiner at the
mint at New Orleans ! 'Ibourns H. Oirlcscarde ,
register of the land ofllco atMlnot , N. D ; C5 ,
W. l"eriv , postmaster uV Edar | { , Neb.
.iin'tin-.tx inntietnta.
How n Hired Ma'n Showed Ills l.uve
Tor a r'ariiicrs's Daughter.
POUT IIcitoN , Mich. , March . * > . Annie Mur
phy , the daughter of a
farmer In lllloy township , was found dead In
her room this morning with her throat ; ut.
Tbo hired man was found In bis room in n
dying condition , \vlh !\wt also cut.
It Is supposed lie luurde-'Cil the girl because
of tmrooulted love nnd then cut bis throat.
Ho will die.
Murdereil Their l > upe.
Hiv CITV , Mich. , Ji 'irch . The body of
Andrew lound today In the
woods near here , horribly mutilated. Poulson
was arrested several months njjo for wrltintj
to Rreon goods dealers , and the e-aso Is now
pendlti { . The theory is that thoireen ; gooils
men dotcrmlned to get him out of tbo way.
Henry Ilolako WfJMrrestcd on suspicion ,
as ho was with Poulson last nl ht.
Hlbllophllk ) Ti-cnsaiM1) ) ) Disposed < ) ) '
Under the Ilainntei' .
New Yoiuc , March fi. At the American
art galleries this nf torn'oon began tbo sale of
the superb collection of rare ami co-aly books
and manuscripts " of Uraytoii Ivea. Alany
prominent men were present.
J. "NV , Ellsworth of Cbicapo secured
tlio famous Gutenberg ulolo , tbo
llrst book printed with type ,
after spirited Waiting paying $1-1 , SOO
for the two volumcsr The book was printed
at Montby Gutenberg 1150 A. D. , and Is In
Latln-Gothlo typo , with a prolouno of St.
Jerome. There are hundreds of Illuminated
letters , many heightened with gold. The
binding Is oak boards , covered with stamped
calf , ornamented with brass. Without title
papes or signatures , there are (111 ( loaves
printed In elouhlo column , forty-two lines to
the full column. 'JL'he initials and rubrics are
in manuscript throughout. Itvis ; lonnerlv
known as the "MnznHn lUblo. "
.folin Elliott's ' "Translation of tbo Holy
Blblo into Indian r-angungcs' ' vassoldto the
Mitchells of this oily for $1.WO. (
Dodd , Mend & Co. bill off at 51TOO a copy
of a book believed to ,0o the fourth IJOOK
printed with typo , . The , same linn bid olT a
copy of Jacques Cartier's history of h is voyage
to the northwest for 1,000 , uatcd liV-fl A. I ) .
To the same firm , for $ ,300 , also went a let
ter ot Columbus In Spanish to Saint Anicl ,
the friend who secured the patronage of Isa
bella lor Columbus , '
tiTIt KKTKKJ2ll > ti fV > f/K VOTKH ,
> 'incty-KlKht I.ORlslators Vote I'or tlic
l armcr Civmlldnti1.
Si'niN'onui.D , Ill.vMay 3 , Before thonicct-
ing of the joint asse'mbly today a joint con
ference was held by the republican state
central committed tnml the republican
joint legislative .dtecrinp ? committee ,
ThQ object of tjio conference was to
decide whether nn not the stnto
central cominlttco"ttould eadorso Streeter ,
thofariiier.candidate > , for.tho United States
senate , \yithout .reaching doilnlte action ,
adjournment was taket tlnT'this" afternoon ,
when a resolution ivIU'u'ndoubtodly bo pisscd ;
endorsing Stiicato.h'-M5 si1 4 , , . M.
* 'la "tho Jomt "assembly the Hist ballot
was taken with the folio wing result : Palmer.
101 : Strcoter , US : ( Jfflosby , 5. The 1-Mtli
ballot showed no change.
The female suffragists are taking active
steps to counteract the influence of the Chicago
cage ladles who nro . working apainst the
woman's municipal suffrage bill , Alonirtbv
circular was received today , signed by K1. ( . .
Adama of the Kansas Historical society , Riv
ing statistics iu icgai'd to female voter.s in
that state , etc ,
Palmer medals were presented to 101 demo
cratic legislators tonight. The presentation
was made the occasion of a democratic love
feast. The speeches were limited to two in
number , the presentation speech by James
A.Ciraham of Sprlnglluld and a response by
Speaker Crafts. The medals , which have
been gotten up by a democratic club , are in
commemoration of the present M-natorial
struggle. A letter was road from (
Palmer. In this letter be says tbo voters of
the state last fall endorsed the principles of
the election of senators b. , the people and ap
proved the candidate recommended to them.
"Notwithstanding the efforts of the 101 to
give effect to popular will , the pondlnir elec
tion for senator , is ehnracterl/cd by
moro than the ordinary evils of
the caucus system , from which
it was hoped , by the action pf the democratic
party , the people of the stnto would escape.
I assure the ( III that I ask nothing moro than
to share with then -tun thanks of grateful
people , which they will certainly receive for
their invincible tldcHty to duty , and their
devotion to the essential republican principle
that the rights of the , people nro only safe
when defended by themselves , "
Astute politicians recognize tberoaro to
night but'two senatorial possibilities to the
Illinois contest John M. Palmer nnd A. ,1 ,
htreeter. Every Indication points to the
election of Htivotcr ,
The republican slate central committee
today , after a lengthy session , adopted reso
lutions which endorse the action of the steer-
inir committee , and It , is believed tonight tint
the live recalcitrant republicans who have
been standing out against St rector will cinno
into line very soon. The state central com-
mitto was opposed to endorsing
Streeier In so many words , nnd
contented Itself with expressing entire
i onlidenco In the ability of the steering com
mittee nnd ether republican leaders to deal
with the eiucstion , addingVo : bellovo It
to bo to tbo best interests of the republican
party organization In tbo state that our rep
resentatives in the general assembly en
deavor to act as n unit , with respect to the
election of senator.1'
After adjournment the committee the
S'reetcr boom roccjveu a now impetus , and
late tonight , it Is staled , Messrs , Hacou ,
Crawford , Krana , Uutchings and Htokoraro
preparing to submit to the Inevitable , and
net with their party nqt later than the llrst
of next week. . '
A. DnlianU I x-Ueglstcr.
Oi'TiiuiK , Okl. , Marcos. The republican
Incumbent still holds the ofllco of rcgisturnf
deeds , contrary to flipv decision of the court
that the farmers' alliance candidate was le
gally elected. Alllanco njen threaten to storm
the olllco and force vault ) If possession is not
b'lvcn up soon.
A Deiiioci-Utlo Vieleiry.
Ivnu.N'Al'ous , I ml. , JUareh 5 , Both houses
today passed tlio legislative apportionment
bill over the governor's ' vote , also | tuu con
gressional apportionment bill , { -IvliiR the
democrats ten to thirteen congressmen on the
Condemned1 hy MUhourl.
Sr. Luris , Mo. , March 5. The lower house
of the Missouri legislature , after a long ; and
heated debate , adopted n resolution condemn
ing the Flfty-ll rat con gross in general terms ,
and Speaker Uecd for his partisan rulings ,
\e\v Mo.xk'Hii .Land Suits.
El. PASO , Tox. , March 5. A suit Involving
over &IK)0OIXI ( ) bus been Illcd by tlio towns of
Saa Kllznrlo and Sccorro against Charles / ,
Cadnn , Simon P , Drake and KYcdorick P.
Alcott for possession of land held by thorn In
the La I'rloto Kraut.
Cnrroll Craxy.
IIIJIMOIIK , Md , , March D. Charles Car
roll , ono of the boit known sporting men hi
the east , was taken to the insane asylum to
day. Ho was known all over the United
Status as a patron o ( s lions .
" * iDiitn i I * 10 n\iHT"ipnn u 'p
( lABKlhLLliS LOUMliRPjml ,
The Notcil Eymul Munlcr GAM at Paris
Duplic.itoi * . nt Monaco.
ll Sp > nk * in London , Itut l N'ot
Favorably IN-eclvod liy lilt Aiull-
iH'c 'Mil1 I'rlni'cut' Wilier )
Honored ,
MONACO , March " . [ Sp-vlal Cablegram In
Tiiiiliii : . | A 111:111 : mid woniiti wore in-rested
hero yesterday evening clur jlvltli the
uumlcr of u pliysleinn December lust. Their
arrest caused a sensation , because the criino
wnsa direct coimtornirt of ttuit for which
Michael Kyrautl recently suffered death pen
alty hi IMrls. From in ; a'M ; dot ills obtainable -
able from thn police It , appears that In On-
combo r last thoboityofnn Kngllsh physician ,
I Jr. Mmieman of Manchester , -.vas found
dead In u ravine near Sail llemo , The find-
iiiBof the de.vl W.H followed by nti
oftlclnl inve.sUgatlou which , It was announced ,
resulted In the authorities at San Uomo coin-
in ; ? to the conclusion that It was cllhor a case
of .suicide , or else Dr. Unilomin met his
death hy accident through fulling down the
rnvluo on n dark night while out walking.
It now appears that the police allowed
the suicide or accident theory to net
abroad In order to bettor cnablo the
police to follow out HID theory , that ol
immlor. It was thought likely that the mur
derer or murderers , upon hearing thut ttio
authorities of Kan Homo ha 1 arrive.1 at the
conclusion that the Knglish physician's iteath
was caused by accident or suicide , would to-
lax theirvigilance , tulto fewer precautions
to conceal their er line niiil thus fall inoro
readily Into the hands of justice , Kroin the
tnomcnttlio doctor's body was found , tbo
authorities of San Homo never ceased their
investigation , anel gradually wove a not of
evidence around the doctor's murderer * ,
which yesterday resulted In the arrest hereof
of the man and woman who are charged with
linvinp committed the eriino. Tim \vuinun , it
appears , was of the suduetlvo character of
Gabrlollo liompard , ICyraud's ' mistress ,
and she usoil her bright oycs
to lure the doctor to tbo lodging she
occupied at San Kemo. As tovhnt ai'ttiully
took place alter the woman hud enticed lier
victim Into her room llttlo Is actually known
lion.1 , owing totlio fact that the polifo are not
yet prepared togivo nil the facts to the nub '
ile. However , it is concluded thut the 'doc
tor , when in the woman's npurtnients , was
drugRcdmurdered and roubod by the woman
who had bewitched him and that the latter
was assisted in the perpetration of the crime1
by the man , supposed to be her lover , nml
who was taken Into custolv with bur.
This nrrists liavoc.iuscd inticli commotion
hero. It has oyou boon rumored that the
man and woman in custody may have other
and similar crimes charccd against t hem , and
that the woman may have boon used to lure
ether men to their doom. In n place
like this , the finilingof bodies of generally
supposed suicides is not nti Infroijuixit oc
currence , and it is not astonishing that the
wildest theories have been advanced , nnd
that people fancy thatporhnpi tho'.yoinan
has iniulo it a business to decoy successful
players into Ucr apartments and that them
they may hiivo been both roblwd and-
murdered and their bodies placed so that they
would bo classed as vjcthns of 111 luck at the
gambling tables of Monte Ctirloor elsewhere.
I'aiMicll IliMicil in Ijimdon ,
LONDON , March . " . [ Special Cableeratn to
Tin : BKB. j Mr. 1'aniell's ' appsiranco at
Clorkenwcll was not a success , The opinion
among the rank and IHo of the Irish party
hero is strongly a'cainst him on account of
the couiv.0 . ho his taken. His attempt to face
that hostility and secure n footing nj.iln in
London was abortive. The mention of C5lad-
stone's or McCarthy's nanio by Mr. 1'arncll
during his speech evoked cheers winch
drowned his voice , and at one lime it loolcod
as it' ho would bo unable to proceed In
tno tempest , of cheers , hisses , counter-
cheers and groans which wore raised.
Ills friends , although apparently not in the
majority at the meeliiiK' , stood ( Irmly by tuo
orator , mul supported by many otliersvlio ,
while not in favor of 1'arneil , were deter
mined togivo him a fair hearing , prevented
the meeting from being broken nn. The
inorninir Dapcrs say it is evident that I'nrnell
has lost his hold in London and they ridicule
his attempt last night to repeat here the
taclloa ho emp'oved in Ireland ,
'I ho Knipcroi- I t-rllaliU1.
LONIIOV , March 5. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin' UIB.A : | Berlin dismtch says tiiat not-
withstaiuHng the pacille assurances and
rumors , tbo kaiser continues to bo tleeply In
censed against Franco. Ho U not so much
Irritated by the discourteous treatment of his
mother in certain newspapers , or oven by the
frant ic anti-German tiIterances of a portion
of h"i' people , as by tlioslnglo fact that he
failed in bis plan to obtain French pictures
for the Berlin exhibition , and that no
was personally snubbed and disap-
appointed. This feeling .shows itself to
\vboapproach him and occasions consid
erable npprolionsloa that the kaiser nny
( 'rasp atsomo pretext Airlightini ; the French.
He no longer talks of peace and both Ids
manner and lan nauo indicate that ho a'l-
tlcipatos war and has coinu to the conclusion
that anotherstciixi'lo willl > o net lcil to.sot-
tie the title of CSormaiir to j\lsace-I.orrainu.
Tlic I'i'Incf Kr-KliM-lcil.
LONIIO.V , March fl , fSpecial Cablegram to
Tin : Ucc. | The prince of V\'ales was asalii
elected last evening to ho wowhipful Brand
masttTOt thoKiiKlish IreoMasons. . The nicet-
luttoftho united grand lodge was amore than
usually brilliant spectacle and the popularity
of the prince in the order was well attosteu.
Tlio prince's son , tlio Dilko of Olarcnco , is
also taklmi nlniiiJiiiir rank In the Masonic
iraternltv. and will , It Is expected , he elevated -
vatod to hi. " fnthor's majestic rank when the
latter nlvos up tno ( 'i'and master's chair for
the throne of lireat Hrltaln.
The QIUMMI'H II rawing Itooni.
s' , March.ThodrawltiK ) room held
hy the ( | ueon yustordaynt HiicKiiiKlmm palace -
ace was notable for the largo aiut brilliant at
tendance , duo in a lar o measure probably to
the Divsouco of Empress Frederick of Ger
many and a dcsiro upon the part of inanyta
bo presented upon this occasion as n token of
sympathy with her la her recent unpleasant
experiences In 1'aus.
Movements ol' S't
UOMION , .March.1) ) . --Special ( Cahlogrnm to
Tan Hiu'--Tlie : Htcaiiiorliiif-Ia.froiiillamburtr
for New York , hefero reported ashore , has
lloutcdand proceeded for her destination.
The stcamor t'lty of Uerlln , from New
York for I lvcrpool , hasarriveJ.
' 1'no steamer Saalo , from New York for
Southampton and Bremen , has passed the
Llzurd ,
Dork IialioiTi's HOSIIIIKAVurU ,
L.OMION , March 5. The dock laborers of
this city will resume work today , having suc
ceeded in obtaining only minor concessions.
The stevedores , It is understood , will follow.
llarrhiaiu ; nl Madrid ,
MAWUI > , March ! > . [ Special Cablegram to
Tin ? JUi : : . ] A violent hiirrlcano swoptover
this city and neighborhood , doing a great
iiinoimtof damage to property ,
Kranao I'avurH a Tar Iff.
March 5.-M. Mullno , in ttiu cliata-
Dfrof ilopnti 4 \lay proscntod there | u't of
tbctarilTcmn * < Thi'ropurl alllnns the
ncivssttyof p > 'tiic the agricultural hi-
iliislrios and ir , ii'luivn of Prniuv , and
arcni'H that siii ' * -on would lieni'tlt tliocun-
smt'.in's as well " - . 'ho ' proihuvrAn In-
IMV.I IntarilT , ( ? tlu < ivport , would HUB-
incut the public , " ui > and develop Homo
trade. It iiiHtnnc. ' nils brought about hy
prolivtioniu the t , ' Slntes ,
M. Constum , miv of the Interior , has
nlvcn itislructlon-j t M ready money bet
ton on race ronrsi's unceforth to be ar-
Sir Cluirlci DIU i'pinna ' ! t inn.
LoN'iKiv , March . * . A long statement has
been Issued and is now heliiR circulated
amoiiK the electors of the forest of Dean di
vision ofOlomvstorsldro on behalf of Sir
( . 'liarlcs Dilko. On I'ehruary ' . ' , ) itiis tin-
noiiiiced that tlio ohvtors nf t tic division had
asked SlrlMiailes lilki ) to ho their candldiito
for parliament at the comln Kcneral elec
tion. I lo assented , provided ho had fair as
surance from a majority of th ( ! HlMM'ill I'llY-
tors thnthls candidacy would rceeivi'Mhelr
support. Isli-arned , Sir Charles has
supplied the liberal owini/.allons with n
stalomcnt for private circulation , vlndicat-
IML'liliiM'lf against the cliarges iniiilo nL'iuiiM
him In connection with thef'inious Crawford-
Dilke dlvorcocaso.
Aceordlm ; to this statement Captnln Fors-
ter ought to have liccn corespondent , nnd
not Sir ( lliarles. licforrin ? to the notorious
Fanny , " the pamphlet says she is iiow hap-
irtly married and known as'Mrs. Stock. The
pamphlet says Mrs. Crawford , during the
divorce proceedings , nuulo tlio assertion that
"Fanny" bad lu'en Sir Charles mikes' mis
tress , and crowned her own infamy byswuu-
iiiRthat she , Mrs. ( 'raw ' ford and "Fanny" bud
been in licit tenet her with him. and "Fanny"
lias made a declaration giving a lull account
of herself , and a sworn denial of Mrs. Craw
ford's story.
The ( ' opinion rooms to bo the
phaniphlet will reopen the limitation of years
gone by nnd will probably win over to Sir
CharloV side a number who have previously
condemned him , but that It will fail to com
pletely vindicate ) him.
It is probable1 , however , that Sir Charles
will abandon the Idea of iv-enterini ; parlia
ment , ( Hailstone liming obje-Mcil tohls pro
posed candidacy. Mr. Stead has published a
jnotest against Dilko's return.
'l'arl ian lent ,
LoN'no.v , March 5. i Spivlal UnblciMin to
Tin : nii' : . ] -In the house of commons today
Mr. Henry''obb ( ( Ihi'lstonlan ) . member for
Kufiby , asked If a military Inquiry bad been
ordered In regard to the scan ihil ,
which affected an ofllcer of high rank ( hir
\Villiuiii ( .onldii Ciimmin sK
Hon. Kdward Stanhope , bccretary of stnto
for war , In reply to Mr. CoUb'sijuestloa , said
tint the matter was now the subject of an
action of civil law and that he must therefore
decline to make any rcmarlc on the subject.
Hir .Inmos I'ern'uson , parliamentary sec
retary of the foivisrn ofllcc , replying
tea ( ] iicstion upon the part of' Mr Henry
Lnbouchere , OIKS of the members lor North
ampton , declined to di'llne the sultan of
Turkey's I'l ht in the Soudan saying , how
ever , whatever tbcv wore they had not been
surrendered. Collisions , ho said , between
the ISuyptiansund the had been
frequent since lvv > , and they had alwajs
been provoked by the Soudiinese.
Involves u r'ni-l line.
LONDON' , March , " . -A curious and startling
case will shortly ho tried la the courts here.
It appears Z\Irs. fjathcart , a wealthy lady of
Stafford , mjsti'i'Iously disappeared some tlmo
ago , nnd all efforts of the relatives and fricmis
failed to discover her whereabouts. Quito
rmSMjlv , however , her Mends traced her to
n lunatic nsyltmi , whore she had been con-
llncd at her husbaud'3 instigation. Mrs.
Cathcnrt Is the possessor of an estate valued
at over,000,000. which reverts to her hus
band if he can lind her of unsound mind.
MM. Cathcirt's tvl.itloni insist she Is in full
possession , it her senses , and consequently a
long and interesting trial is looked for.
Als.-ilhin AII a i PH.
Him.iN' , j\Iarch f > < ( icrmaii olliccrsontovcd
all trains at tlio Alsace-l.orraino frontier nnd
turned tiaek a lirgo iiiiniburnt' passengers
whoso passports did not conform to new
The Herlin newspapers heartily approved
the loyalty expressed in the address
Alsace-Lorraine parliament yestmmy to
the emperor as the lirst expression
of such a nature since the Francn-
I'msbian war. Hope is cxpressi'd that
the emperor will acceded to the parlia
meat's appeal for a repeal or mitigation of
the stringent passport regulations.
Chili's devolution.
NKW YOHK , March . " > . A linn en 'ago I In
South American trade received n > t vices from
Cliill today to the effect that hnsinois there
is generally suspended , 1'ost towns liave
been deserted to a large extent by the citi
zens , who have taken to the hills , fonrin
bombardment. His rciiortcd that twenty-
six men were killeil ami injured on the inaii-
of-war Csnieralda by a shell from the shore
batteries during the bomburdineiil. Unnnini ;
of trains on tlio various railroads Is almost
entirely suspended ,
A lt < * llaii | Sui-prNo.
nurssni.P , Mnivlin. The rejection of the
slavery resolution by the United States
senate lias caused a tremendous sensation in
llrusscls. Tlio rejection unexpectedly op
posed the work of the international slavery
e'on Terence , after Holland's signature wiis
virtually coerced. King Leopold Is greatly
tin * KIppiM' ,
Drin.iN' , March n. ( lavnn , who made a
ferocious assault with a knife upon the pas
sengers in a railway carriage Tuesday , has
been declared of unsound tniml. The police
are impressed with the nviii's liicenoss to the
description of the app'nranco ol.lncUliio
Hipper and are making further innulrlos ,
Strangled in Prison ,
Di'.iniiAiit : , Mnivh ,1. U has transpired
that Helena Markovlc and Helena ICnlckan-
ine , who attempted to kill King Milan in Isv. ; ,
have been strangled to death in prison.
Milan has rciiiestcd | M. ( iarishuino to insti
tute Inquiry Into tlio killing.
llelieved the Manic.
L.OXHOX , March 5. The house of lords
toil ay , in handing down a decision reversing
all previous judgments , holds the Hunk of
Knglanil not liable for .CTI.IKl , ) . the amount
obtained by the forgery of n clurk In the em
ploy of Vnglinno llrothers.
Liberal Cains in Austria.
VIIINS \ , March : . Tlio Austrian elections
were concluded todav , Kotiirns so far re
ceived show increased trains for the C'onmui
llherali and the young L'/uclis.
PAW , Marchri.-Itlsstatcdthattho French
Jockey club will traiibfer its races to Hek-lum
to enublo It to conduct betting operations.
Kali1 ot"lu' > Young Norlli Cai-nlliui-
litns Yotcrelay.
Mnsuoi : , N. t1. , March -Tho Monroe
hlKb school burned this iiiuniiii ) . ' . Thonins
I'onibort on and Albert Bo el , studoiits , per
ished , The ( U'o brokoctit parly this morn
ing. The students were at once aroused , and
all escaped safely except tbo two unfortunate
yoiiiii ; men named , They roomed
on the third lloor , and , behiR over-
comii with smoke , succuiuhed heforu
rqackhiK the stairway. Albert Uhoelos , wtiu
roomed with tliom , ninnii0d ) tocscnpe , but
was terribly burned. The ticcunlarv lois Is
firl\)0. , )
UnnreocuYnUil Interest In tin Kvcnl
by tbo Qtialificil Electors ,
< ! tca Crowds In 'I'oroiKoVal tliO
nl' i In1 UeliiriiM Sir .lolin .
M < > I limit Id's Increased .tla-
Joilly l.llicral Cains ,
Tonovro , ( Int. , Marcli fi , The Into
taken In tin1 elections Is jmdnihly
rcili'ntcel , All Ihcnow.spape1 ! ' ol'lces tonlghfc
are Mirrouiuled by great crowds. The ( .tlubc ,
Kmpliv , Telegram ami News publish cartoon *
and stcivuptlcal views em canvas in front ot
their respective ofllces. Sir John Miiclou- )
nld's IniTcaM'd majority was loudly chccieil ,
and Calling's defeat was both cheered ami
groaned. licturns from country con
stituencies showing largo llueral gains
created a deal of enthnsl-
asm around the ( llobe oflliv , but
vitro much groaned at at llio K.mplronnil
Telegram offices. As the evening wore on.
the crmvil became greater and greater , ami
Hie excitement moro and more Intense as the
contest gave evidence nf being e'lose.
Sir John MacDonuld bus been elected fro in
Kinirstou by about 'J , " > ( l mnjority. l-oiulon
cily has circled llyman , liberal , "over lion *
lull 11 C.irling. llnmlltoncity lias returnedtwo
conservntiN'cs. Sir Hector I.angcvin , minister
of publli ; works , Is elected for Hichclleu.
Thomas Mcdie'ovv ( conservative1) ) Isdefcatcil
In ( Quebec oily , c'lbson ( liberal ) Is elected hi
Hon. Peter Mitchell , one of the leaders of
the1 opposition , is defeated In Neir'.huniter-
land , X IJ.
Tnpper. minister of marine nnd fisheries ,
Thompson , miiiidiT of justice , nnd Hlif
l.oliuul Hnntli ( conservativei are elected.
Sir IliclMird Cartwrlght , n ( imminent ;
liberal , is elected in South OxforiX
by ovorMIQ lunjority. Uonorl lielth ( liberal )
Is elected In West Durham , defeating ( J. ' 1.
IllacUstiii-k ( conseivativi1) ) . Illncltstock , 16
\\ill 1)0 ) rcmembeivd , defended liircliull in the
celebrated munler trial.
C. ( . ' . I'olby , president of the privy council.
Is defeated. I high MacDouaid ( conservative )
urn of Kir John Miu'Denald , K elected nb
Winnipeg. MiicKen/.io llowcll , mln ,
ister of customs , is elected. Kip
Adoiph Caron. mlnlstor f militla'j
Iscli-cled for Uiinouski nnd defcaled for ( . 'lix-
coutinl. .lohn Kills ( liberal ) , eilitor of the
St. Johns ( llolie. Is defeatcd. linn. J. A.
Chapleail , secretary of state , is elected fotf
Teiiobonno , ( , oy a largo iiuijority.
J. C. I'ntterson , conservative oigani/er fotf
Ontario during the present campaign , Is defeat -
feat eil.
John llaggcrt. postmaster gem ra ! , Is qlect *
ed. Hon. .1.1. ( julinct , cx-sju'iikiT of com- *
inons , is elected , lion. Hnvld Mills , mlii-
Ister of ttie interior In tbo MacKen/.io gov-
erninent , is elected , tieorge l.auderliiii ,
lead I ng li bural , is cleeti'd.
J. 1) ) . Kilgar , u prominent liberal , Is ch'cteil
by over."iK ( ) majority fo U'est Uiiinrlo. Hon.
Alexander MttcKili/.ic , ex-premier. Is elected
in ICast York. Costigan , inlnis-tcr of land
revenue , is elected. Foster , minister ol
finance , is defeated and Ooinville. minister ot
marine in the MncKenzio government is
dec-led in Ins place. Hon. K. iK-wlnuy , miu *
liter of tlio interior , is elected Irom the
Northwest Territory.
At midnight tbovoto by provinces stands
as follows :
Provinces , Conservatives. Liberals.
Ontario 41 47
Quebec 2 47a
Now Jlruuswick , U a
Nova Snot ia ' . . . " . It
I'rinco Edward Island ! i
Manitoba 4
Northwest territories 4
Hritibh Columbia 5
Totals Ill 01
Majority for conservatives , I" .
There are IM.'i constituencies in the elo
minion , which return 21A ! couw
mons. Of th-so'.TO bavo been he.ird from.
Hie general conviction is the government
has secured a f ilr working majority.
Thcro ari'tbirtoon cabinet ministers , tea ot
whom have been elected ami throe defeated.
The latter nro lion. ( _ ' . ( ) . Colby , president oj
the council , Hon. .lohn Carlini' , minister ol
agriculture , and lion. 0. 1C. r'o ter , minister
nf Ilnance.
The ( ! lobe , editorially , tomorrow will sayi
'The govern n'viit has been sustained uv it
majority > vhlch , at pruient writing , seems too
small to oiriblo it to carry on afl'.ilri for any
considerable ! length of time. Its maJority -
Jority in tbo last parliament was
fifty and in the new parliament
will not exceed twelve or fifteen ,
At theoiitside. it will bo less than twenty ,
anil in tinie HUe those * , n tory administration ,
pleugod to uphold a trade policy which is itn-
jiox-criihiiig tin ; jieopln , cannot work with so
slender a majority. Untirln has done he *
duty. 'J'hr government had a majority in
Ontario of twenty , but , as things look now ,
the ivpresentatlon will be evenly divided.
Quebec , also , has done much work. "
TluMJlubusiijsIt is a case of the rltics
ngaiii'.t the country on the tariff issue , and
tlio result Is such as will provi-nt the gov
ernment from continuing IOIIL' in power Tha
( ilono mentions , five seats lost and lifteea
scats won by the liberals In Ontaiio.
The maritime provinces , where 'tie ' liberals
were sanguine of making n clean sweep , dlsi
appointed all their expectations , nmlvero
virtuallv tlio means of sustaining the govern
ment. llttlo ulrin gos wore o.Npecteil from
tbo northwestern and V.idih1 provhu-es ,
Thi'iii were a number of surprises ,
notably the defeat of L'arlin. Foster ,
and Colhj. Sir .lohn M'icDoiiaid pullott a
surprising vote in Kingston , whore the
liberals t'xpectcd to defeat bun. His inajoh
Itv of 17 at thela t election was increased to
. \HJiinsl . \iiiie\ation.
VirrouM , H. 0. , March . * > . Prior nmlEnrlO
( conservatives ) are elected hy a large ma
jority. The election was pretty much ovej
the question .of "annexation'1 or "non-aniiex
atlon , " and the latter secured 10U per com )
greater number than the former ,
Hliih and Didn't Know It.
UOIM : CITY , Idaho , March , 3. - lieccnt
discoveries made near Hoiso City , Idaho ,
have caused no little eomnici.t in mill *
\\\K \ circles. Per years thObO properties uavo
been lying there unprosnecled. The ground
was passed over as worthier byscoroiof of-
pcrlenceil mincr-s and only until a short time
ago was ituiiown that the hills near Uotso
were I airly alive with ledges of ore as rich ai
foiuul in any of the oldstnnl-hy minuMif tlio
stiue. The discoverer endeaVorcd to kcoi )
the mattera secret , nnd for some time sue *
ceeded in doing so ; lint hissfhun" wa soon
hetrayeil by an ovoivealom inluorvlw Had
liamllcd the samples broiulitto UnKo fop
assay , followed the discoverer to bis "den , ' '
and In his anxiety to keep tno in liter a secret
hiin-elf. In a short time wave the ihinir away
completely , ami scmvs of people Homo I to the/
spot anil located claims. Many mo-e lociittoni
will bo made in the spring , wren u mill will
In all probiibi illy beerecled. I'artii1inter *
listed In some of the best propi'rlKw are nm\r
In the east negotiating for sunicient capital
to work llio mines , puri'habo machieery fou
working llio ere and bringlm : thes.iino to
the ground. Assays from or. oof tha iiiinr
in this locality glvoltiK ) gold , with a small
percentage of silver and lead , per ton.
s at ( liiiiliuii.
CiiuutoN , Neh. , Maivh . -'Special ' Tela-
KramtoTiiK lliiAttachtucnts | for .1 fu\v \
hnndrod dollars in favon of Omaha houses
were plncod late tonight onthebooU , stntion
ory nml confectionery stock of
Itriu. l.lahilltles ami assets not known.
I ! . \V. Sp.irgnr. I'lothing and gent.l l
lug goods , WCKS airo fet >
Wei.dek ) , opened again tonight , a settlement
for li porconthavliifUocii made \wtu tua ,
crcditori ,