THE OMAHA DAILY s TWENTIETH VKAH. OJ1AHA. TIH'HSDAY MOKNINC5 , 5 , 1SDI. , 257. THE BOVD-TIIAVKR CONTEST , Argument" Before tlio Supreme Court in the Quo Wurrnuto Case. ABLE EFFORTS MADE BY LEGAL LIGHTS , IiidlcntloiiM 'Unit ( In * Supreme ( 'unit Will Hand MIIIVII MM ( Ipinlon In llu > Cn > e 'I hh Morning , N'eb. , Mnrch I.Rpoolal [ Tele- grain to Tins llntl The attorneys hi the. Hoyd-Thayor , In which the naturali zation of lloyd Is questioned , argued Iho case before thosupremo court today. The attorneys for Oovenior Ilovil had filed tx demurrer to the Information of ( iovei-nor 'J'hayor , which raised the following questions of law : I. \ \ betlipf fiovornor Thnyer wnspntltleil lo ronlliniii In ( illicit as giivrriuir. rxrn Ibiiimh Hiijd wns not n clt I/en of the t'lille.l Muti-s 'J. Wlii'lhrr the lleiilenaiit covi'inor did nut Miccceil In the ( illlc-e of goU'rnnrbv nvmrm of the disability of llutornur lloyd to hold tlio Oltll'l' . II , U'betiier Covernor Tliayor's term did nut < > \ | > lici fiv Its ( iwn Iliultiittoii iinill.y 1 iNa ( I Inn- to ipiailff anew and iJlvi' a ne\v liunil prior to tbvcoiniiieiu-enii'iit of these iiroo Mr. lln\ve's Argument. "Tho learned coinnol for Thayer feom to have entirely ovnrlouhod the fuel that one In the actual possession of an dflleo under a jirlnni tacle tltlo Illls , nbsoluteli anil indis- imtubly , all the ldoi ; of a suiecssor eloeled andqiiiilllleil. Whether tlio ) .rlma fade tltlo shall ultimately ( trove to bo tlio real title Is wholly Immaterial for this pnrposo. Tlio successor is elected and quahffod nnd the term is fimetus olllcio. This case without a parallel Is to be decided under our own con stitution. " The grounds constituting incliginlllty ton state olileo wcro then cited by Mr. Howe. Ho continued ; "That Hoyd is governor to all the world except Thayer is admitted. Ills acts are vnlUI.It is impossible to liavo a governor In fact discharging thu duties of Ids office mid to have a prior incumbent holding on to Id.s term and walling for his stieeosw to bo I'lcctod and ipinlillcd. llnyd's term bogau , this being necessarily admitted by Thayer. AVIicn be admits lioyd's possession ho must ndinlt that his own possession ceased to con tinue. Thn familiar principle of corporation law that if the existence of ai-orporationlnu once conmieiiced applies to this case. "Thero is no statute la this state that makes ballots cast lor mid ineligible candi date void. In n long line of cases , Kngli-di and American , it is held that ballots east lor n candidate known to the public to no ineli gible are regarded in void , while that effect la not attributed to ballots cast fora candi date in Ignorance of his ineligiblliiy. "In this state we have a statute , section 'JT ' , chapter u'i > , which iiiulsVlien : a person whoso election is contested is found to have received the highest number of legal votes , but the election in declared nml by reason of legal disqualification on his pait , or for other causes , the person receiving the next , highest numberof votes Hindi not bo declared elected , but. the election shall bo declared void. ' "To this section wo may look for tbo true intent nnd meaning of the law. There must bo an ascertainment of tlio fact after trial upon hearing ; the fact must be found andde- clarod. Until then all presumptions must be indulged In favor of tlio prima facie title. Till then the election is not void , but void able. Has Thuyor any such Interest in tlio ofllco of governor of Nebraska as to cntltlo him to prosecute these proceedings ! " Mr. Howe then cited sections ) , liaimI of the state constitution hi regard to the qualifi cation and election of state olllcers , ending with the words : "Tho person having the highest number of votes shall bo declared elected. " This , Mr. Howe insisted , .Is tbo olllcial notification provided by the constitution to be given the legislature of thonorsons elected to state ofllces , and these persons declared elected nro to enter apon their duties nftei qualifying according to chapter 10 of the re vised statutes. Mr. I lowe declared that such persons are to hold olileo until ousted , elthei until lie is ous.eil by mandamus of thu supreme K premo court or until his conduct is heard and determined bv the legislature. Until they me officers do facto. There is no inethoil pointed out by law for ascertain ing the per sonal quiilillcatloiis of a candidate prior to his elect inn and Induction into ofth-e , Undei the constitution Thayer's term of oi1lo ex pired when his successor was elected anI nullified in fact. The word "iinallliod" in the constitution lias no reference tothoellgi bilityol liojd. " \VhotlierornotBoyd possesses the personal - sonal att.-ibjtes , such magoand cltlzcnshin , rendering him eligible to tbo otllco of gov. onions n question which cannot , under tlu form of procedure described by the eonstitu tlon , no tried and dotrnnl-icd until Thavei has stepped down and out of olileo and Hovi has taken the oath , given the bond and as sumed the innctloris of olllce ami onteren upon the nerforiiiaiu-eof Us duties. The eon stitution provides that in case of tlio death , Impeachment , failure to qualify , resignation , absence from thestate : or other disability u the governor the duties , powers and eniolu incuts of the oftleo. for the residue of the term or until the disability shall bo reniovci shall devolve upon tlio lieutenant governor "In case Thayer's claim is just , ho sliouli have roiiunlUlcd within ten days. It is par of his case to allege that ho has done so Otherwise Ills ottlee , if he has one , Is vacant. ' HitWobsur'n Argument. General Webster then followed and spoke In brief as follows : May it please your honor , I have heard i said wuny tiini'- , and again Intimated todiu In this itrescncc , that I am not prosecuting this litigation in guod faitn. It has been sail by persons , ninnni ; the by-ways and hedges that I have ret-oived n princely fee from sonu corporation to carry on this proceeding , wish In this manner , once and for nil , to denj till such charges. What I liavo donu an ! what 1 shall do In tht.i case is in the intcros of ono whom 1 believe to lx > the oiilj constitutional executive officer of this state 1 am one of the o persons who believe that wo have n constitution , and wo should oboj it. This court 1s organized , and It sits hereby by virtue of that constitution. I am sur prised that learned counsel ask us to dlsro card the constitution , and ask the uld of this august tribunal to keep In tin. exccutivechah of this state a person forbld.len by that eon stitutlon to occupy thai chair , and do it upon the simple argument that possessioi Is nine points of the law , and dofj all the world besides on tlio simple proposf ticn "what business Is It of yours : " ft is too much , In my mind , Ilko treading the con ( .million of our state under our feet for the loaves ami fishes of individual ambition How stands tliis case niton the records as presented ! It stands admitted that the do feiulant , who is performing the functions o the olllce of governor , is not a citizen of the United States. Ity the constitution of the state ho is forbidden to nerforn those duties , wo witness the fact that the person so claiming to bo elected governor , as set forth In tlio brief of my learned friend , as the choice of the people of this state , has not so far con descended from his high portion to tell the people by what authority ho claims to hold the olileo. On the contrary , he comes before tliis court with a motion or demurrer , disdaining to toll us that he is a clti/on of the United States. I , for ono , think it unbecoming the dignity of so lilirh nn olllce , to practice this .sort of thing be fora this tribunal on tills occasion. With this preliminary smte-.tion ; , let us npnroach more nearly the real question under discussion. Let us see how It is or how it may bo , that counsel can cotno before the court and in sist upoin the proposition that the term of v r nftlco of Coveraor Thayer has expired , merely as ho putt it , upon the fact , that ho Hepped out of tlio executive chamber , or that 1 another man .stepped into It , whom the con stitution of the state says shall not da Ite That uiviKtsJlion , slated in other \\ord.s. Is idtn | > lv. that If tin1 i-xecu- ive olllcer of this state should hap pen , tc'iniHirarlly , to bo nut of Ids " Iniinbers. nml a "usurper should step in nnd mid the oftli-i- for slv weeks , as tic puts It hi his printed brlof , that that fitcl depiivo.s the constitutional olliccr ol his tltio to the ofllco and tiiin fors It to a usurnor. 'I ' ho discussion has gone so fur upon the penerr.l doctrine- , oonriMlliijf that the constitution nf this state forbids the ilufendant to occupy tlio olllce of gournorof this state , that novi-rlheles.i , In ilelhiucoof tlm constitution , ho is such offi cer , nnd Hint ho holds that olllce upon the suggest Inn , that the elect Ian win Voidable and nut void. I believe it to ho rather an Immaterial question whether that election bo void or voidable because the insult logically must bo the same. 1 supjioso Unit what counsel means when lie says the nleotlon is voldab'e ' , ami nut void , Is Hint when this court shall liavo declared in its Judgment that tliodofendiuit is Ineligible to the olileo , that from that lime it becomes void by reason of that Judgment , but that during tl'o Interim his acts inv not void. The wav I look upon that question Is simply this : When the re sult Is icaebcil nnd the judgment of the court pronounced , that tbo defendant under tbo constitution Is forbidden to llll this olileo , that when that judgment is pronounced he does not llll It. he Is ousted from the olileo by reason of the constitutional provision. Th'Mi wo shall liavo reached the same result whether you talk about tbo election being void or voidable , or whether wo start out with the statement that It was void from its inception. 1 cannot see how It materially af fects the question under discussion. All law- vcrs will concede the proposition , that It has become crystalled Into the law of this eoun- trv , when a person Is elected to an ofllee , who Is declared by Iho cimntitntion in eligible to hold that olllce , that thoelectlon Is n failure and I do not euro whether you reach the result that it Is a failure by the assertion that the election was voidable , or whether you reach that result by declaring that the election was void.- You have simply got , what every law writer and every judpo who wrote upon tlio question bus sulil , that the election was n failure' Howls it to bo said that lloyd was elected , if the election was u failure. In the case inest Virginia the court said it seemed to bo the uni versal law of this country that where thu person who received Iho highest num ber of votes was Ineligible to llll the olileo , that tbo person receiving thei.o.xt highest number of votes was notcntilled to the olileo , but that the election was a failure , and that there must ho anew election , to elect a successor. The closing language of that court upon that question is , "that there must bo a new election to elect the succes sor. " Is it not apparent that wo reach the sanio conclusion , and that so much tlmo spent over the word void and voidable , as applied to au election , hi a great measure is a waste of time. 1 dwell thus upon It because it is made the strength of the argument upon the other side , to lead to the conclusion that i.f Iho election was simply voidable and noifroid. that when this court shall have pronounced its judgment that the Incumbent Is Ineligible tn the oflice , that you have pronounced a judgment , which declares that tlie rel.ilnr . in tills case has no personal interest in this cunt rovivsy , but that the lieu tenant governor is the only person conccrac.l in it. Lot mo follow that line of thought a little further , 1 ' -onio to deal directly with the sections of the constitution of tnis stuto which must sol vo tlio problem. What 1 liavo said touching a void election is not a new question. It is a proposition which lias been deimtcd by the wisest men of this country before my friend or myself had very much to iin. if anything , with the ; practice of law. ( io hack , if your honors please , to the curlier history of this country and take the case of Albert ( i.illatin. He had taken the onih of allegiance In Virginia In 17b.1 and afterwards removed to the state of Pennsyl vania. In the1 year lT'.it ' : bo was elected a senator from the state of Pennsylvania , Ills nine years of citienshlp had not expired , to qualify him under the constitution of the United Staics to ftiltlll the oftlco of a United States senator. When that case caino before the nenato of the United States t he enininittco to whom it was referred reported the facts to the senate , accompanying tlio report with a resolution In which lliev n-cited the facts in the case and declared that the election of Albert ( iallatin as senator of tlio United States by reason of his want of citizenship was void. Some sena tors arose in their places , as inv friend doci here , and sought to draw a distinction bo- twren the word void and voidable , and under took to cause a division upon that question , and asked that the resolution bo divided , and Ih-st to time a vote upon Iho resolution as de claring the elections. Let mo call your honor's attention to the language : "He- solved , That DID old-Una of Albert ( lallatln tit bo a senator of the I'mted States wus void , ho not having been a cili/.en of the t'nlted States fir the term of years required as u ijualillcatiiiii to uo a .senator of the United States. " After a division of ( heTt'solution after the word void , tlie vote was taken mid the vote of ttie senators of the United States sustained the word void in tlio resolution , and afterwards the icsolutioii as an entirety was adopted. Later in ISI'Jtho ' same question again pre sented it-.cH in the United States senate , tlencral Shields , a man of yi-cat fnnio and reputation , and I may remark casually m passing , the only poison in the history of'this si-pat government that ever filled the olllce of United States senator from three states of this republic , had been elected United States senator from the state of Illinois and proceeded to take his scat in the United States si'iiate. It happened according to the record of his naturnlUation , that his nine . \ears of citizenship would not have expired until the month of October , IMH , while lie was proceeding to take his seat on March I , IMI. | ; So Important was con sidered Iho question , that the scnato declined to refer the ciiso to any of Iho regular stand ing committee * , but appointed u.special com mittee , made up of tlio oldest senators , to consider the case. Hut. my friend rcmarknd in pissing , that wan nothing moro or less than a political machine , nnd that politics divided the. opinions of the senators. 1 le must liuvp carelessly read the record of that caso. Kvcn the political friends of ( Shields for-onk him In that contest , and east their votes with those of the opposite political faith. There was no political line drawn in tho-tcnnto in that eao , as I shall show your honor * when wo comu to canvass the proceedings. In the selection of that committee , the celebrated Thomas H. Henton was made chairman and among the members were found such men as Senator Picrco , Daniel \Vobi ter and others of like repute. In that case tlio committee reported a like resolution back to the senate for Its consideration. "Uesolved , That the election of James Shields to be senator ot the United States was void , ho not having been a citizen of the United States the twin of year * required as a qualification to bo senator of tlio United States. " Uefore transgressing upon vour honor's tune fart tier , I desire to dwell a little while upon what some of these senators said upon tlie discussion ol this question. L.etmu put before-yon what brought on the debate. Senator Douglas sought to have the matterso manipulated that the governor ot the state of Illinois migtit appoint a suc cessor. To ' enable the governor to appoint a senator , it was necessary to I'reato ' a vacancy In the senatorsldp , held by Cioncrnl ShSi Ids. If the election was void and ( Joneral Slilel ds was never senator , the vacancy dated back from the retirement of his predecessor , and it would have boon necessary to elect by the legislature. Your honors will see how Important that question became. Kvcry member of the legislature agreed upon ono proposition , that Shields could not hold that olllce , and that ho was not a sountoi * . It was contended nevertheless by Senator Douglas and Senator Footo that the election was shindy voidable. , and not void , and therefore there was some kind of a sen atorial title vested In ( ioncrnl Shields , nml that such title as it was ho could resign , and therefore create u vacancy. Thereupon (3en- ( cral Shields wrote out a formal resignation mid presented it to the senate , and lo and behold , the statesmen of that day said , ' -you liavo nothing to riMlgn , you cannot resign , ' and fur a day they refused oven . to allow the paper to bo read in ttie hearing of the son ate. During that interim the dlscussloi went on over the effect of the elec tion of a person to a public oftlco who was forbidden by the constitution to boh that otllce. What was said upon that occa [ CU.NTI.SVEU OX rAOC 5.J i > nnutti i.inr.i : . \ Suicide ofl n Young lie- drew Theological Sliitlenti. fiM-is-NiTi , C ) . March 4. -I , . Fruuenthal of St. Louis anil L. Salinger of Philadelphia , t\Vo students at the Hebrew Union college In this city , wcro found dead in their room this inornlng. The young inoii tonli their own lives ac- " -ordlng lo n preconcerted ari-.iiigonicitt. t Is asserted l > y thoh fellow students hut the yomi&r & moil must have been lemclitod on th subject f hypnotism. Sa- Inge i- for a long lind been a firm be- lover In it. I'rain-nthal formerly scoffed nt t , but lately Salinger had won him over , nml seemed to have complete control over him. l-Vrsoiho tlmo past had been 'ailing olT mentally ami physically , and fro- lucidly complained of pains In his head. They loft a Udnt note , asking that their fain- ' lies' be notified , but vnuchsntlni ! no explana tion. Salinger was still alive when founi ! , md said before expiring that , they had agreed o die together. His diary had an entry , saving ho was going to end his never ceasing tain. _ Kesolullons C * < tneornin ( Jovonimcnt Coin nil Adopted , \ VSHIMITOMarch , - --At the morning session of the convention of the state railroad commissioners a general dlsi usslon of the resolutions offered by the committee was md. The resolutions , as adopted , sot forth that It Is competent for conpi os * and the Icg- slatures of the various statot to regulate within their respective spheres rates on freight and passenger traffic , subject to legal and constitutional limitations. It Is within the power of congress and the legislatures to .lelegate the power of reasouablo regulation of rates to boards of commissioners , and to niako tnulr llndings upou questions to bo iicard , as conclusive and binding upon courts as the findings and acts of other adnilnlstra- ivooftleers. That uniformity Is desirable hi congresalonal and state legislation on the subject of rates. The next subject taken up was car-couplers. George ) Starblrd , the representative of tbo Switchmen's Mutual Aid association , made a strong idea for uniformity In couplers. Ho had no particular typo to recommend. All who spoke upon tlio subject favored legislation looking , to the Introduction of some form of uniform coupler on freight caw. caw.On On the convention reassembling this after noon the committee reported a resolution. which was unanimously adopted , that a committee oo appointed to urge upon congress the Imperative need for ac tion tty that body calculated to hasten and insure the equipment of freight cars throughout the country with uniform auto matic couplers and with train brakes , and the equipment of locomotives with driving wheel brakes , and to present and urge the pass-igo of a bill therefor. A resolution con tinuing the committee on reasonable rates , with instructions to report to the nextcon- leroneosueh further facts and suggestions in connection with the subject as may bo doomed desiraolo , was adopted , as also was a resolution that the committee to whom the subject of automatic couplers and continuous air brakes was referred , should bo requested to consider and report to the next conterenco of railroad cominUslonorri upon tlie ex pediency of requesting national legislation upon the subject of lighting and heating passenger cars. _ lllniK-lKU-d's IMan a l-'ailm-o. Cnif'Ano , Mnrch 4. [ Special Tologr.un to Tin : Br.i : . ] General Passenger Agent Smith of ttio Lake Shore has written a lottftr to Chairman Dlanchard of the Central Traffic association saying in brief that the lattcr's plan for the stoppage of commission pay ments is n failure. In his letter Mr. Smith says the Grand Trunk nud Niagara l-'alU Short Line are both paying commissions , in stancing particular cases of recent occur rence where each line paid commissions in Kansas City. Mr. Smith also knows of sev eral other t-o ul which have said from the beginning that thuy would pay commissions. The Uako Snore went Into ttio agreement in the lirsl nlaco with reluctance and now it proposes to have Chairman lllanch- aril en force it or by non-action prove it a failure. The agreement is a cast iron , and is signed by every cen tral trallle and trunk lino. It provides that any line in their territories paying any com mission any where or any linooutslde of their territory paying a commission in their terri tory , or in territory to reach which their ter ritory Is croiscd , shall bo boycotted by every central traffic and trunk lino. The agree ment was foiced on the lines by Chairman Hlnnchard , few If any of them believing it would stand the test. Ilo refused to bo soon today a'nd it is not known what action ho will tako. Knstbotind lines will demand an early decision , however , so that they can meet the competition. All of them agree that ills ridiculous to suppose that tlio Grand Trunk and Niagara Kails Short Line will bu boycotted. Xow 'loiirl < t , ( { at OH. Cnirifio , March 4. [ Spaclal Telegram to TIIK HUB. ] A conference of eastern and western lines today made a radical departure in rules regarding summer tourist rates. From points south of St. Louis to the sea board rates have always boon higher via Chicago than via St. Louis , It was agreed today that the rates via both gateways should bo cqimli/ed. An interested line predicted at the end of the meeting that the result would be enough scalped tickets during the summer to alone pay the scalpers' ' expenses. The matter of rates via Chicago and via Macldnno tnSt. i'.iul was also discussed by the Joint committees of eastern and western lines. It was agreed that the present rates discriminated largely against Chicago and four delegates from each coinmitteo were ap pointed to prepare a now basis , in spite ol tbo vigorous protests of various lines which wished an earlier meeting It was decided to day to hold the import-int lake and rail meet Ing OP .March IS In Xew Vork. Cnmliietnis liulleteil , Cmrvno , March 4. [ Special Telegram to TIIK HBK.I The Cook county grand Jury has Indicted Joseph O. Stokoloy and John Me Curdy , formerly In the employ of the Kastern Illinois as a freight conductor , for under taking to bring about n general strike of trainmen last fall and for the threats they madoto tioup the road unless the company dismissed certain employes against whom they felt a grievance. Tno indictments have been returned within the last day or two. The company has steadily prosecuted the caso. The penalty Is a term in the peniten tiary not exceeding llvo years and a line not exceeding S..OIK ) . The Kastorn Illinol' officials are determined to teach these mei that they must not stop a whole railroad sys tem to settle a potty grievance. Young Sherman Very III , NKW YOIIK. March I.- [ Special Tolcirram to Tin : Her. . ] The youngest s > on of General Sherman , named after his father and known among his friends as "Young Cunip , " ' i > lying very ill at the Sherman homo. Ilo wiv overcome with grief over his father's dealt and contracted a severe cold at n tlmo when his nervous system was greatly overwrought , A Hlg Cnnlratit | ' , iiOie. . S\I.T L , KI : , L'tah , March . [ Special Tele grata to Tin : Uec.J-Tho liulllon Heck mid Champion mining company today made i contract with the Omaha am ) ( Jranl smoking company for liWJ tons of ere per mouth foi ono year , the ere lo bo delivered at Ueavor. Valuable Salt Imko Properly. S I.T T.IIKI : , Utah , March- ! . [ Special Telo pram to Tin : Hue. I The city council has soli one of the public squares to James II , Kacoi of this city , for ? I.VOii ) ) ) , conditional that ho build a railroad to Deer Creek , Nov. , u dls , Uuucc of i.X ( > iuilo.3. , AST OF THE F1FTY-FIRST. . [ bo Congressional Session Adjourns with All Appropriation Bills Passed. VOTE OF THANKS FOR SPEAKER REED , lut ItVn * Passed by a Strict Party Vote Si < ! ( 'clics by the Speak er anil tin ; Vlco I'rCHlllcilt. \WiiiNiHov.Mnroh I. When tlio fourth of March broke upon , the eapitol the corridor * veronlmost deserted mid the galleries of both louses were ulgh' The son- nto hint tuheti a rccoss Just before layllght until 0 o'clock and the hull of tlio iiiiiso wns the SCCIIQ of litter nuil confusion. I'horo wns an unusunlly largo attendance of members , but Itvns nlso an unusually dis orderly assembly. The speaker uppoaroil to jo the most serene III the vast hall saving certain reprcsontatlvca who tilted themselves ck In tiielr .easy chair , or throw hemselvcs upon ample lounges ami were nero or less advanced toivard sound slum- > ers. ers.Tuo Tuo sharp volea of the speaker rang out as clearly as ever calling for order , and In re- nonstratlng with unruly ineinbors who sought to indulge in "horse play. " As lie ilny crow signs of life outsldo the mil of the house multiplied. Members who lad stolen off for the night to their homes jcgan to drop in quietly. The seunto doors vero reopened and the large class of poopln vho tiilto nn Interest In the congressional leath struggle began to flock to tlio eapitol and to scut themselves In the galleries nml ho last day of the session was fairly begun. THE Mow the Donate Put In Its WvMiixoToy , March -I. In the senate , after the passage of the house bill to supply iirtillclul limits to pensioners every three years Instead of llvo years , the conference re port on tlio bill for tbo reorganisation of the artillery and infantry forces of the army was reported and agreed to. Mr. Ilawloy ex plained that the report provided merely for n change of organization nnd did not increase the army. The house bill far the Issue of the commis sion of Phillip C. Johnson as rear admiral in the navy and to deliver it to his widow wns passed. A message from the house proposing a further conference on the legislative appro priation bill was prosoutod , and read and Mr. Allison informed the' senate in connection with It that tlio difference between the two houses related soleljtto ; the question of the ' annual vompensatioa'for the session commit tee clerks and clcrhs'to senators. Unless the conferees should ho o.tborwiso instructed , he thought the senate conferees might bo ex pected to recede substantially from those amendments. At I n. in. Mr. . Allison returned to the chamber nnd ' . tbo preso'.tod conference re- mrt on the legislative Wlltho nato receding from the. .imenditujnU. as to "senators'eldrM md session comihitteo' clerks , and leaving hem still at a perdl-01 compensation , The "to * " * eport was agreed The conference report on the deficiency bill wns presented and read. Mr. Halo s > ad ! loarly all the terms In dispute had been ar ranged. There were still unsettled question as to the Pacific railroad claim , the inymonts to the widows of Ciilct Justice Waite and Justlco Miller , the French spoila- .ion claims and the claims of states for nonoys expended in the late war and the war of 1M- . While the icport was being consid ered , Mr. i'asco called attention to the fact Lhnt although there was a motion pending to rcconsioer the vote on the copyright bill and to request the house to return the bill to the semite , the bill had been signed by the speaker of the house and had been laid on thotuuloof the vice president , lie asked , [ tending action on his motion , that the vice president should have his attention called to that motion. / The discussion upou 'Mr. Pasco's motion to reconsider the vote agreeing to the confer ence report on the copyright bill occupied Iho attention of the senate nt Intervals up to the horn-of . Mr. Pnsco tatting a recess. com plained that notwithstanding bis motion the bill had been hurried to the vice president and had received the vice president's signa ture and was awaiting the president's. The idea of the bill being "railroaded" was angrily repelled by Mr. Pratt. Mr. Spoonor had seen the vlco president , ho said , and had learned that ho had ( not knowing of the motion ) signed the bill and there the matter stodd when the hour of re cess came. In tlio meantime the conference report on the agriculture bill was agreed to and the partial conference report on the deficiency bill was agreed to , a further conference being ordered. At < > : l."itho senate tooka recess till 9 a. in. , at which hour It resumed its session with the vice president lntho chair. Mr. 1'asco's motion , made at the night session , to reconsider the vote agreeing to the conference report on the copyright bill and to recall the bill , was defeated. A further conference report on the de ficiency bill was presented and read. Mr. Stewart complained bitterly of tlio action ol the conferees In rejecting tlio amendment to reimburse the states of California , Oregon and Nevada for expenses incurred in sun- pressing the rebellion , the claims for winch there were Judgments of the court , while provision was made in the bill for the l-'rench spoliation claims for which there is no judgment of the court. Mr. Halo promised that the senate cou- feiees on the dellcleney b'll ' would endeavor to seeuro as much m possible of the action of the seuato on thu bill. Ho consoled Mr. Stewart by assuring him the senate was committed 'to state claims by vote and by sentiment and that it was only a matter of tlmo whoa they would bo paid. In conuluslnn ho promised the conferees would uioko a report In a very short time. ' Mr. Sherman Interposed a motion for nn executive session. The gallerlus were cleared and the doors closed. It was 10M o'clock when the doors wcro reopened. The clcrk of the house appeared nt the bar with a message announcing that the house had agreed to the conference report on the general deficiency bill. Im mediately afterward Mr. Halo presented the same coufcrcm-o report to the senate-and moved Its adoption. Mr. Stewart n-iketl - what disposition had been made of tlie amendments in dispute. Ilo wiis informed that the bouse conferees were so Hi-milt their resistance to these amend ments that it bocawo. u question of giving up the.amendments or giving up the bill. In consideration , mainly , 'of the largo pension appropriation which the bill contained , the senate conferees receded from the mnond- mcnis and the amendments were now out of the hill. The report was agreed to. Mr. Morgan applied to bo excused from further service on the committee on foreign relations , but the senate declined to uccedo to Ids request. On motion of Mr. Edmunds , a committee of two senators was appointed to Join a like committee on the part of tbo house to wail on the president and inform him that con gress was ready to adjourn. Messrs. Kd- iminds and ( liinnan were nppolnted on the part of the senuto , Mr. Unnsoiti' offered a resolution , which wns mmnlniQijsl.i agreed to , tendering the thanks of thoEonators. to the vlco president for the courteous , dignlllod and able munnuIn which he had provided over thu deliberations of the senate. . The house bill for the protection of the lives of minor.In tlio territories was passed. A resolution was offered by Mr , Mitchell htMi-iiCtlng the judlcnirv commlttoe to In quire and report as to when the luws relat ing to Chinese re-itrletlnn expired ; also when the Chinese exclusion net of IsSS shall expire. He explained that the object was to have now legislation on tlie subject before Iliu existing laws ceased to operate. The resolu tion was agreed to. At llw : : Mr. Mel'lierson , clerk of the housi' , presented to the senate the dollrloney bill , enrolled mid signet ! bv the speaker , and It was immediately signed by Iho vu-o presi dent mill carried to the pi-esldont. Messrs. IHnlr , Kvnrtn , llninptoit , IngnlK Payne and Spuuiiir , K of the s-enntors whim ; terms expired nt iti.nii , were in the chaiulur to the hist and gave no outward innnlrostn- lion of concern or regret at leaving the old familiar hall , all hough now and again one of their associates approached to say inrowell. Within ten minutes of noon , Mr. Allison asked and obtained leave to hav.o printed In the Uocord u summary of the appropriations for this ses sion. In the nature of things , he said , the statement could not be prepared In a few lays , 'I'o a witty suggestion of Air. Cochrell , Mr. Allison gave the reply : "It will ben fair , candid statement of the situation , what ever it is. " Mr. l-Mmnnds reported that thit.eoimntttco ippolnted to wait upon thn president In cnn- lunctlon with n similar commlttoe of thn House had waited on him and had Informed Him that the two houses had concluded their Ltuslness and were le.uly to adjourn , and that the president Had re plied Unit ho had no further communication to make. Meanwhile the ciork of the honso iind brought over the joint resolution just. [ tinsel ! to correct the error In the enrollment .if the agricultural appropriation bill. Tint Joint resolution was passed. It was tlio last piece of senate legislation of the Klfty-llrst L-ongress , but It was of no force or effect , for befotii it could bo sent back to the house that bodv had adjourned. When no olhor business remained to ho transacted , and when the clock hud taken a thrco-nilnutes'step forward , at tlio touch of the old wizard's wand , the vice nresldent arose nnd Hindi ) his farewell speech , he said : "I am admonished by the dial that tlie life of the l-'ifty-llrst congress is ended and that the hour of separation ami farewell has again arrived , The r-cord is made up and has gone into history. No one of us can be mimindfiit as wo part of the fact , Hint all are not with as who answered the first roll-call of this con gress. "I acknowledge with grateful sensibility the courtesy and kindness which , even In critical and complicated situations , the mem bers of the senate have been accustomed to accord mo and the honor conferred by Iho resolution just adopted la my absence from the chair. With the earnest liopo that each member of this body may bo blessed in every relation of life , I now declare-the. con stitutional period of the Fifty-llrst congress having been completed , the senate stands ad journed without day. " lit Ili WASHINGTON' , March 4. At2:1. : the copy right bill passed the house and went to the president. After the conference report on the copy right bill had been agreed to , Mr. llaugcn of \Visconslu moved to suspend the rules and pass the senate bill for the erection of a pub lic building at l-'au Claire , \Vis. , with nil amendment reducing the limit of cost to S\000. The mot Ion was defeated. The conference report on the agricultural appropriation bill was presented , but the house icfuseJ to accept it and a further conference ferenco was ordered. The conference report on the legislative appropriation bill-was agreed to. The conference report un the bill for the re organisation ot thonrmywas rejected. Mr. Cutcbcon then moved a further conference , hut this was rejected , thus defeuting the bill. bill.Just Just us the gray light of dawn began to via with the gns and electric lights illuminating the house , Mr. Cannon of Illinois called up the disagreeing report on the dofidciicy ap propriation bill , the remaining points of dif ference being the anpropriation for tlio pay ment of the Central Pacific railroad for thn transportation of troops and for the payment of the French spoliation chums. The report was adopted and Mr. Cogswell of Massachu setts then moved that the house recede from its disagreement to the French spoliation claims amendment. Mr. iHutlcrworth maintained thfit the claims had no proper place on this bill nnd there was not a trace of justice in them. Mr. Cogswell's niotioa was agreed to. Mr. Ilolnian , hiwlng changed his vote for that purpose , moved to reconsider. Mr. Cogswell moved to lay tlio matter on the table , which carried. Mr. Dockcry offered a resolution directing the house conferees to insist on the disagree ment to the Pacilio railro.ul Items. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Cannon , the house in sisted on its disnj.'reeuient to all the remain ing points In dispute. Mr , ( irosveaorof Ohio moved to suspend the rules and pass the senate lull appropriat ion ? .M,0H ) ( ) for the erection of u monumental building at Marietta , O. , in commemoration of tlio settlement of the northwestern terri tory , host. Mr. Burrows of Michigan having taken the chair. Mr. McKinley offered the follow ing' "That the thanks of this house bo pre sented to Hon. Thomas H. Heed for tlio able , Impartial and dignified manner in which ho lias presided over its deliberations and per formed the arduous and iniiiorlant duties of tlio chair. " Mr. Mills demanded the yeas and nays , anil tlio resolution was agreed to yeas , 1V ; nays , llll a strict party voto. The republicans Immediately hurst Into n volley of cheers , which only redoubled when Mr. Mills inquired whether Unit was part of the funeral services. Mr. Cannon oflllinois submitted the cop- fereiao report on the general deficiency bill , and wlillo ho was explaining tlio report the speaker resumed the chair. 11 is appearance was the signal for an outburst Irom the republican side. I'apers and records were tnrown in ttm air , hand kerchiefs were waved and for a few moments thi' chamber rang with cheers , nut through out the tumult the speaker was calm and with a few vigorous strokes of Ids gavel re stored order. Then Mr. IJreckenridgo of Kentucky , ris ing , p.iid a warm tribute of respect to thu chairman of the committee on appropriations iCannon ) on the floor , in coiiunUteo and in personal contact. He said Mr. Cannon had always earned the gratltudonf thn gentlemen on tlio democratic side. ( Loud applause on both sides of the chamber. | The conference report on the deficiency bill was agreed to , thus disposing of the last general appropriation bill. Mr. Fun ton of Kansas moved to suspend the rules and pass the sanato hill for the erection of a public building nt Kansas Citv , Kau. , at n cost not to exceed fl.'ilK)0. ) ( ) in speaking to this motion Mr. Sprhifrop of Illinois congratulated the country thai the era nt troisury raids was now at a close. The republican party had bill lUty-llvo min utes in which to put its hand in the treasury and squander the people's money. Tlio motion was lost , not receiving a two- thirds voto. On motion of Mr. MoKlnloy the speaker was authorl/cd to appoint a committee of three members , to join with the committee nppolnted by the sennte , toult upon the- president ami Inform him that the two houses were ready to adjourn unless ho hail sonic further communication to make. Messrs , McKinley , i'ayson and Mills wcru appointed as such committee. Mr. Hcldon of Now York moved to sus pend the rules and pass the bill for the relief of Henry S. Khodos. The jeas and nays wcro ordered , hut were Interrupted by tlio speaker with the statement that thu enrolling of the agricultural bill anproprhitingMMi.iKX ) fur the relief of destitute [ orsons lu the west had been Inadvertently detained. Ilo thorn- toro asked unanimous consent for the p'is- sagoof n Joint resolution rectifying the mis take. 1'lcklerof South Dakota objected , whcro- upan Mr. r'uuston of Kntms vigorously ex- clulmed : "Hlmuio on you. ! Shame on you I You villain ! You villain ! " Hut Mr. 1'icklor subsequently \\lthdre\\ tils objection nnd the Joint resolution naKscd Speaker Ueedthen rosoami said : "Aflei two long and olormy sessions , in sumo ro- spect.Hiiiipn.-A % , I In the hundred voiiw of tin' house of I - leutallves , thu Fifty.first ivnuress will s' < a - with a completed ive- diil into tlm his .if the cnnntrv , mid Its work will fdlhM What wehave done was In a largo mni'nolltleal. . WhiUever Is political rmiMu t. ernest , turbulent , most unl'iiiv-lvlusJ , .sinus ol the human Political . . .etlon can mnvr bo Justly viewed from u near standpoint. Tlmo and dWnuco are needed for ripe judg ment , and the verdict of history Is the only verdict woith recording. To state. In language whlell would seem to mete to he mh'nuate , the achievements nt the house would not ho suitable to this Imo or to this place , nor Is I in Iho least needful that should heivand now ivltlndlo old disputes r fan the dying embers of the struggles of ho past and gone.Vhelher wo Inivo dls- Msed of questions of finance with wisdom and statesmanship , tlmo will smvly show. Vhi'Hier , In the lhlng wo havcdoni : and the hlngs wo have attempted for the furthor- nco of human liberty , wo were ctualcd by high nml honorable lotivei will be vtMnlo to ah the world at no istant day. Our net ions are catalogued. All numeration and pralso by ourselves vould bo all In vain. If our deeds not praise us , 11111- words cannot. Ymlldent as 1 am of the verdict of tlmo on bat w t have done , 1 am sill ! moi-o oniident that the highest commendation vlll ho given us In tbo future , not for rlmt measures we have passed , valmuilc as I icy are , but because we liavo taken so lonir stride In tlio direction of rosponslblo ovornment. Having demonstrated to lie people that those who have heen elected i ) do their will can do It , henceforth excuses vlll not be taken for the performance and the ovornment by the people will bo strong in lie land. Toward tlioso who have opposed rhat the majority of thu house as desired , wo can liavo no un- indly or personal feeling. Whoever otters jut tin to old convictions nnd faiths must ox- lect a battle and the vigor of the resistance iiust always bear the same proportion to the Igor of tno onset. "To the members on my left , with whom 1 m politically associated , 1 tender my iiost sincere and heartfelt acknowledge- iieuts. Xo man over received nero ungrudging and unllinehlng support , or rein a band more patriotic. 1 am rotid to acknowledge , In nil that as been done , that 1 have > een but ona in the multitude and that the oners of the Fifty-first congress belong teen on alone1. I now declare this house ad- ourncd without dav. " SVImiska , Inwn and Dakota IVmdnns , \Vniiixnro.v , March --.Special [ Telegram o Tin : Hr.i : . ] The following have been ranted pensions : Nebraska : Original invalid - - Theodore Jtirrow , William Class , Charles Israel , \VI11- ain II. Dates , William T. Weil , Jeremiah iurphy , l-'iMnkllii KjL'lloy , ( leorgoV. . l-'ra/ee , Washington Klliignian , 1-Ynncis Hoircr.s , 'Union Day , Joseph T. 1'etit. Klcliard .1 [ 'ussy , ICilwanl Orlop , Thomas I'erdne , Jncob j. Hlue , .lohn Nelson , .lohn Sehleelit. .lonn f. Winter , Charles \V. 15 , liohorts , William I. Perkins , Culob 1'liillips , David A. Cure , Vancis A.Sntlon , Herman Tiet/e , Peter I ) . Starr. Increase James 1C Uim-hart , John I. Hiitlor. Reissue and increase Jonathan \V. Ailney , Albert W. Utter. Original wid- ws , etc. Sarah 10. , widow of William II. \ustin. Iowa : Original invalid-Daniel Fidi-ielc , . 'arl Harttisky , fonrad C. Scott , Peter ) nimen , Moses Chase , human P. I'ierce , lames F. Vernon , ilolin II. Darling , Coorgo { . Hall , Daniel Mullen , William A. Crnn- lull , Nelson It. Wlnn , Kobert W. Lynn , .ler- imo Lawroncc , Christ Went/.e , David llor- .on. Increase Thomas N. Williamson , Jauiel Perdue , Montgomery Clark. Helssuo and Increase Am/.i U. Hicks. South Dakota- Christian Oloson. Augustus ? . O.sgiotl , .folia W. Parker , Horace I' . lones , William W Eastman. Kelssae small P. Nicuell. 'I lie International Kiillway. WtMiiN-iiTON , March I. The International -.ill way commission mot today and arranged irellmlnarios for iniiKtiig n survey of the irojiosed railroad. William T. sf.unk of ittsburg , formerly connected with the . 'ennsylv.inla railroad , was selected as the he organUlng engineer , and ho will have general slmrgo of tlio surveying work. Other civil engineers will bo selected to assist him , .ml ho is also promised the co operation D ( engineers in each of the countries n rough which the proposed road is to pass. There will bo three surveying parties , in- ludmg the military party , already assigned o Centril American state. * . The other two larties will bo under the immediate direction of Mr. Shuiik , and will work respectively lorth and south from a central point in Cot- imbhi. The principal difficulty anticipated In the urvo.v is crossing the 'Andes in Columbia. Mr. Shunk's experience in mountain railroad engineering will bo especially valuable in that connection. It is estimated it will take eighteen months to complete the survey with the present force. TinPresident. . .fgns mil * . \Vv iiix < iTox , March 4. The president , nc- companled by Secretaries Proctor , Kusk , \Vaniininkci- and Attorney ( iunoral Miller irrived at the eapitol shortly after U this norning and went immediately to the president's room where ho commenced to examine and attach his signature to the various measure- , demanding his atten tion. The president remained at the eapitol until both houses adjourned. Ho signed tlio copyright bill , the legis- ativo , deficiency , Indian , consular and di plomatic , sundry civil , pension ami aurienl- Lural appropriation bills ; the joint rondutiou providing for the organi/'itinn of circuit i-ourts of appeals ; the act amending tbo laws in regard to timber culture ; the act incorpor ating the National Coiisoivntory of Music of America ; the act for the protection uf the 11 viii of minors in territories ; the net to commission P. S. Johnson rearadmiral In the navy and iilnoty-two private pension bills. iJlvon Marly KtVccl. \V.\siiiNiTox \ , MnrchI. . Commissioner ClrolT of the general land ollice today sent to all registers and receivers of thu United Ktatos land olllces the following telegram : "The timber culture and pro-oiiiptioii laws are this day repealed. Allow no further entries thereunder ot claims here after initiated. " Dick I'erlln Sin-cecils llroalrli. W \SIIINOIOX , March . [ Special Telegram to TH rjllii.jTho : : president today nominated Hit-hard S. Herlin of Nebraska to bo a mem. her of the Missouri rlvor commission , vice W. J. liroatch , resigned. Defeated the Ki-iis-ols Ti-enly. \VA-IIIXI.TOX \ , March 1. - The Hr.issols treaty for Iho suppression of tbo African slave trade and the trallh' in spirits and fire arms was defeated in the senuto executive session this morning. SO Lit HIS Two llumlieil anil lil'ly Dnllai-s tin ; I'rli-o of a l.lllle ( ili-l. Niw : YOIIK , March - \ . -Special ( Telegram to Tin : Hin..Michael : | Murphy and his wife , Nora , ll\o in Huuokca. They have llvo chil dren , four nf whom are Murphy's by his first wife. The other child , twelve years old , Is Mrs. Murphy's ' by her first husband. Mr. Murphy objected to the presence of her child In the hoipio and decided to got rid of her. Tlio couple answered an advertisement la a New Vork paper requesting a child for aitiip- lion. A man , whose name Mrs. Murphy does not remember , otlcrod Mrs. Murphy ) for Iho child. The offer was accepted. The no- got U- lions , however , had been overheard by Mtlu'glo , Mr. Murphy's eighleen-yi'av-old daughter Him was very fond of tlio child nml determined to try and frustrate the plans of her father and sioumothor. She laid the matter Imloro Uecorder McOanoghuo , but ho was powerless to act as 'tho mother was the A CRAZY SliBRASKAS'S ' DEED , lo Disnnjwara from Homo anil Tunis itt Oalifornh , SHOOTS TWO MEN AND KILLS HIMSELF , " ( vei-nl U'liiiien Have a Nnri-ow cnpc IViiin a Itimilng llullillng- I'ntal .Vi'i'ldeni at Hlulc Voted IliindM. nuitt\n , Cal , March ! . r.dwnrd Noah of tolla , Neb. , became crn/.y m a pussongotf train here and drew a pistol and .shut two lieu. Their wounds are not dangerens , \oahlheiijuiiipodfroiii the train , r.m into he brush and cut his throat. Sni.i.Neb. : . , March. ( . [ Special Tola. gram to Tin : MIR. : | Kdwntil No.ih has been i resident of Richardson county for fifteen VKIIIS , cniiilng hunt from Iowa" and locating lour Kails City. Ho moved near Stella ibiml five years ago. Ho has always been 5 fdnil.'ht forward , honest fanner , showing nil diosyncraslc.s , only that of a very quiet nan , hardly ovorspealmig unless spoken to , i list sudden disuppeanmeu n few weeks agrt was shrouded In mystery until a member of ils family received n letter from him stilting hat he was on his way tit California. Noth- ng further was knnwii of him until the uows of the above described tragedy was received ! Narrow K-i'apc' from Ilin-ning. Hntritlir , Nob. , March I. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : HIM : . | Tlio house of U. U , Douglas , traveling commercial agent , of Iho llurllngton railway , at liO'J North 1'ifthstrcet was totally destroyed by lire early tins morn * Ing , Tlio lire was discovered by Miss Amm I'etcr , who occupied an upper room. She was awakened by a falling picture , the hang * ings of whlell had burned away. The flro was directlv beneath her room andsno barely had time to gather her clothing tugothci ? and escune to Iho yard In her night robes. Mrs. Douglas , her child and a sis ter occupied a lower room and vcro en tirely cut olT from t-seapo through any part of the lionso save by a door , long un used , which opened out of a closet into the rear of the lot. They were still unaware oC their danger \\hen Miss i'eter leurhcd theli' window , and after lepeated pounding nwalt'J ened them. Just as they awakened tlio flames burst into the room.Vilh a cry tiioy rushed to this door , In which the key fortu nately remained , and were soon on the out. side. It was hitter cold and mow covared the ground , the women and child sulToring Intensely. Mr. Douglas was out of the city. The house was owned by J. T. Cnrnon of Auburn and was valued at f..fiui ; insur ance. $ lHH ( ) . Mr. Douglas' loss lsahoutt.MXIi insurance , .Jsiil. The lire Is suppose to hnvo originated in the carpet by a spark from tlio stove , as a coal oil lamp was broken on tlio floor near tbo stove early in the evening. I'lallsiiiontli Wants the Shops. I'l.xTi-M'icin , Neb. , March -I. ( Special Telegram to Tnr 15ii : : . ] The board of trudo held nn enthusiastic meeting tonight and do * liberated upon several very important propo sitions and undertakings. One of the moat important prospective events on which action was taken was in regard to making an effort to secure tbo locution of Iho now inautilno shops mid round house of the Missouri 1'a- cillc at this popit. A committee of thrcof composed of Mo'.ssts. O. II. Itnllou , Frank Curruth ami A. H. Tuod , wns unpointed witfi full power to act with the assuranceof the > unanimous support of all the membeis and ot the citl/i'ns in general. The committee claim that their pronosition to the railway company will embrace every necessary Item and are confident of its acceptance. A Fatal Accident. Hi.un , Xcb. , March 4. [ Special to Tun Uui : . ] N'athan Carter , commonly called "Undo Nate , " one of tbo oldest settlers of Washington county and a highly esteemed , citizen of Hlalr , met with an accident yester day which proved fatal. He was unloading lumber out of a box car. Tbo lumber on ono side started to slioo down on him nnd ho at tempted to not out of thewav , but the lum ber struck him and pushed him out of the ear door over tlio wagon , striking on his hernl. Ho was unconscious , never spoke afterwards , and died at 11 o'clock last night. Hie. funeral will bo Fi-nhiy iit-J p. in. under thy auspices of the Masons. A -N Mke An K eapod ( "oavli-t. Niomuitv , Nob. , March I. [ Special Tele gram toTiir. Hr.i : . | A tramp calling himself Hilly Johnson was brought in today with both feet and one hand frown. Ho win found in a snow drift , but refuses tn give his place of residence further than that ho lived in Dakota. Ho acts like an escaped convict * .1 ndgi- < : ilisil | Kr.iiiv. ! . Neb. , March -Special [ Telc gram toTin : lr.i.l ! Juik'o J , K. ( iillespie , county attorney of HuiTalo county , died thll evening after a lingering illness. Ho wns ono of Kearr.ov's pioneers and was reckoned among tlio brightest attorneys in central Xo- braska. ' _ The Itiver and Harbor. NKIIIIVK v UITV , Xeb. , March . [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hn.l--A commiltoa of live appointed by the board of trade , headed l > y I ) . I' . Knlfo , left this inornlng for St. LouU to attend a meeting of the rlvor and hnrboe committal. To Answei- < 'liar c of l-'orgi-ry. Nciuusitv L'irv , Xoit. , Mave.i 1.-Spiilal | Telegram to Tin : UIK.J. : ' . A. Howard , tt.O traveling inin who brolco his leg two weeks ago. was taken to Falls City today to AHMWS to a charge of forgery. Tckninah'oti's llomN. TCK\MVII. Nob. , March I. ISiwUI to'i'irij Hr.i : . | Aln special olcctlon hold In this ciry yesterday the proposition to issue bonds to the amount of tfiiiiK : ) for water works carried by a largo majority. WoMern I'enpli- ( 'hit-ago. Cincwio. Marc'.i ' I. ( Spoclil 'I'elegram to Tin : HII-Among : : | the wmtern people m Chicago today were the following : At the Or.iml I'acillo-J. S. Clayton , J A. Ware , Omaha. AtthoTromoiu-.Mlss Clark , A. C. Clarlr , Uinaha. At the Auditorium . U. C.ould , Omiha. At the ( iiMiul 1'aeilio-C. II. Dunn , Uur- llngton , In. ; K. H. ilart , IMaiikunrion , S. D ; ,1. M. Armstrong , Oiiintm ; K. T. Harris , Lincoln. At the Auditorium- Frank Knov. S.i'.t LiiktiJlt ( > : A. F. Hanks , Mnrshalltowu : MM. .1. H. McMurty. .Mrs. M. A. Mon'liiul. , l-iu- coin , L-.lInio Iliggs and wife , Helena , Mont ; Mrs. I' . M. ( 'assady , Mr. and Mi-.s. Simon L'assady , De.Molnos. . At tlie LilandT. . McL'ash , Hurlington ; K. ( ! tiilmin , Devils hake , N. U..1. D. Slovens , Sliuvis , S , I ) , At the I'romunt J. Jj. Doaman , Po.4 wood , S. I ) . At the I'almcr-John ( Jordon , Oinah.i S. M. Itattorann Muscatlnu , la ; A. li Dale , Deadwood ; J. L' . Fo\e , Hailey , Idaho ; I" M , Hiiiley , Anamoia ; F. T Woyraiul and wife , Umahu. At the Sherman -K. Shoivml , Iowa ( "ity ; J. W. Uuli-h.inM.ia , Keokuk ; O. b. Abed , lUirllngtoii. The Wiathi'il''ori - vist. For Omaha and vicinity Fair ; slightly wnrmor. For JowaF.itr , warmer , winds becoming southerly. l-'or Nebraska and Smith Dakota , warnior suutticrly winds ,