Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1891, Image 7

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AllVKKTIM-MrNTSfnr thc o i olmmi * will
t 0 tnltcn until I1. : m | i. tn . for Ilicovetihiit
rdltlon , ntiil until : n u. in. , lor the tiiuriiliiit
Million unil HfNiiAV Hurt.
rjnr.llMf t'nsh In nclYntice.
ATP3 ! AilvrrtUcnirnt * nnlhlvnngr wllllm
- churned for nt the rtito ot l' mi in per
X word lor tlinllrsllnM-rllon , mill I rcnlprr word
* . for f nrh mihi iMicnt Invillon , i-nil Jl.f-0 per
linn per inniitli. No ndrcrtl'omcnt UUcn for
Irsi limn Mri'iiH fur the llrst Insertion.
IMT1AI.H. llciiics , sjmbolfs elf. , count each
Mono word.
riMHSK iiiUcrtl'cnieiits luunt run consent.
. < tUi-lv nun wider no circumstance * will
tl.rv bo tidii'ii or discontinued by tclcphmic
1 > AUT IKS iiiUertlslntf in tlirm iiilimms and
. ' lint Ine Ilirlr iinsut'rs nddri' soii to n "mini-
bend letter" In euro of Tin1 HKU will rceohe
n numbered chrek In enable tlicin to ( tot Iliolr
letters. Answers will lie ili'Mvcrrd only on
lirpHi'iittitlmi of tlil rliri'U. Hitulo'C ntiswen
in rn\i > lo | > 4 jiropprly ndilrroiil.
A I , I. udvrrtln'inonts iiiidcr II 10 liond of
"Sprclnl Notlri'R" nro iinlilNlird In tmlli
tlio iiiiirnlnit unil ovi'tiltiK i > lltlnim of I'HK Hit1 ,
the clrc iliitlnn of nliirhnL'Kri'irnU'4 inorotliuii
1.11.01X1 pn iiorsilnlly , ' mill Blvi" tlio ndti > rll or
tin ) l Mi'lH nut only of tin1 lureo i-lrcMiliitionof
Tnv iloo In Oiniilm , luit nl"o In t'onnoll Illiilt * .
l.ll'llllll Illlll OilllT Cltll' < ! l 111 ! lOUIlslll I III' ! < ! .
iB for Uif-i'Poliinini will I'P ' tahon
nil Ilio ul me ronilltlotK. nt lln' following Inisl-
nchH ImiiM's \ \ do mi' niilUiirl/nl to tnki1 liorlnl Ilio unint * rules IIH tit ) ) m < l at tlio
ninln ollli-i' .
. ' .l l N. Slrrpt. l.lilor lllocU ,
V meet.
' rnOV.fitatlonpri mid
ll.lSontli Illtli M reel ,
11. rAIINSWDUTll , I'lumiiiu'lst.Sliri t'um-
' Inn stn'rt.
lT J7i 1 n U IKS. I'liarniaelst , t.'Jl"X . t tTTictTi
> street.
0 IKO. \V. i-lst , 171S I
north struet.
-Kiii-nitY. * . rfc. , xcctiifi of flrxl nilnnui on ( lit * ] xir. (
\.VANTKI > Situation us elly collcetor :
lirnetlcul experience ; f < \ lefi'.renoe.
Aililress I''i7 , llrnotilee. MOJ-S *
'VVANTi : ! ) SltuntloiH for vend lrls ; my
T T wiiltlliK rooms miiilwnjn full fiom II a.
tn In 0 n in. Canadian r'niployini'iit olllre ,
Blt'i ' S. IMli. TolcphoiH' . fs l. ' .rJI
"VVANTKIiVflt'on ) hV 'iiliiTiiifi'irKTrl Tor
T > general liousinvorli Addres l.H.M'leruo > t
Si I .1 *
Octrrvor. nmdolteur. Ailihess SOI Dotiirlnsst.
' 'l.l-ii *
} \ > i nifis , ( ( ( . , ffflopo/ . f iiiliiinii ( ill l/ii / n | iitif. ( (
" \\TANTii : ) Industrious man of Rood bahlts
' ' nml nindonite education : icsklciit of
tlifi elty piercrred : permanent nnd KOOI ! pay
til suit able mail. Call after On. in. 47 , Iliiuil
of Tiade. aiSll-f
A sit nut Inn open foran elderly , well eilu-
eated m'lilleniiinof Rood address. One
with ! u rue business acquaintances In t bis city
preferred. Address r.'Ja. Hee. ai''I'J-l ' *
AURNTS wanted everywhere fur newly pat
ented aiitoinatle pocKet letter eoiiylntf
luachlue : fortune for bright men : Send stump
'Irctilars. ' Soiiiiuei , ZX > West 4.M sticel.
Voik. M'JIMi *
OI'TTIMtb nnil tailorsNlnetytlvo out of
every imp bilndrcdlio attend the I'leve-
lunil entllii ) ; school come thtoiuli Iho riHnltv
of these wlio usetbo A. I ) . Kilile new inetboil of
cult Hit ; . M ail- ! * *
AllKXTS. M lotto PIT ilay roIlcctltiR small
pli'lmu ! > for us toeoppy ai.d onlai o. Sit- :
Ihfaet Ion liiiiirnntoud anil aiMoutlll free.
A. Dunne .1 Co. , 86 Kendo sticet Now York.
\\-ANTrl > A siilesniiiii of oTporlonee tot
\t Hi'll on i-oinmlsMitiii to tlio retail trailo
only , In KnnsiH nrul NulirasUa , our line of
l.nlt onps. niHU'113 , IcirKtinm , etc. , etc. Ail-
dies with ri'frrenoe , Tim Klailerhouk Knlt-
tliiKl'o. , KlnderhooU , L'ou Co , , N. Y. MlOl-'J- '
"V\rANTr.D Klritr-cliss hixik-lieepnr. rapid
' andeorrect. I'cinianent position If satls-
fnciorv. Salary , to start , JtVI Itoml rriinlred.
TliOM ) ullli ne < pai-er evperleneo should te-
spond. Aililtess i : l. Iteo. ini 'l *
\\'ANT"iri > -A Rood tell.ililo Amerleaii
* ' iliyslelan on salary , ollleu work only ,
ncfeii'iiio loqiilred. Ail ill ( > ! - 65 , Hoc.
| 174 r. *
\VANTKD S.ilosinon on Hillary or Commission -
' mission to litimlli' tinNe 1'atent C'hem-
U"il Ink KrnsliiK I'eni'll. ' 'I'he pri'ntest
Milling novi'lty o\ci piodnced. F.tases Ink
thoi'insrhly In two M'eonils no ablation of
li.iper. ' 'mi to. % I ) per cent iirollt. Ono aRpntV
hRles iiinounted to JM ) in > , l\ days ; another
K.1'Mit lunluiiirs. AVounut ( im\ ui'iii'l \ \ ( .on-
oral A cent for eaeli state mid territory , haiu-
] ip | by inalluriuti. Tor Icrnis nnd full partic
ulars , aililu'ss The iMonnie 1'inser Munndie-
n coiuiiuny , I.U CroiMWIs. . VJ."i ; i *
'iTAXTTD Two peed coatmakers. Apply
I to Thro ( j Stelukc , Atlantic , la. Mllll-4
ON 12 of the best life. Insurance companies
In existence , lib morone. million of busi
ness In force In Nebraska , wishes a Keneral
iiKctit at Lincoln. Nek , DIM Molnes , la , , and
Mou\ City , ln.s also local aaoiit * . In all parts
of lovtanml PxebrasKa. I'iiui enslly worked.
Ton Kontli'intMiof uood Htamllir. : and ability ,
u Rood contract will bo olTcrrd. I'oriiior o\-
licrienee not necessary. Adihcss with refer
ence K II * , lice , IN13
AliKNT.s Ni'w elsar-llKhtcr ; every smoker
biiJM lights In wind or rain. Sample l.V.
a for two , 11.03 dozen by mall. Stamps taken.
Hayner.t Co. . Providence , li. I. Mffir.j4 | *
" \\TA > Tii : ) Meehaiiles , miners , lumbermen.
li clerks , bookkeepers , salesmen , farmers ,
jaborcis and men In all capacities to eomo to
Mi-stem Oregon and accent | ioslllon at mote
than llvlniaces. . Thl.s Is a pail of tlio world
not only equal to , but cM-elllin : any other hi
natural nd\ iiiitaciiH.Ve Invlto ciirrespond-
cnce fiom .ill who would feel any possible lii- and assure yon that all you luiM' lode
Is to hiVestlKate.Vo emi piove hoyond pcr-
advoutmcof n doubt till that \\c assert Ore-
son Loan Jt Trust Co. , l"a'i ' First st. . i'ort-
land. Oieitoii. arc in' " . * *
AtiKVl'S wanted for the Manhattan Ufo
Ins. Co. to represent In all larse towns In
the slates of Nebiaska and t'oloiada Klbeial
contr.ietsotTored. AildrcssNo. IWOand IH8 Hoc
lUlllluRIJeo. ! . K. 1'arlsli , ( jen. ni'g'r. for .Ne
braska and ( 'oliriulo. ) M li
T\K PKCT1 VKS wanted In every locality to
\J work under our Instructions , nxpeilcnco
nnt nceessiiry. Stamp for partionlniH.asb -
lliKton Hetcutho ARCIICJ , llox 7t7Vishnj : | ! -
ton. lona. MW.'Mtl
" \V ANTP.Ii Men with uooil lefercnco at
II Metropolitan M'f'R t'o. , ItiOO Howard st.
I' < irrattiftc. , tee foji of.nrsl tnliiinit nn f/it * JIIIK.
7 ANTKD A Klrl to do peni'i
' Tr. Half ll I'.ii ' r ,
"IV ANTii : > - A food Klrl lo do hoii,0oik at
i 'JiV l.i'aveilworth St. : KOIK ! nay to rlsrlrt
" \\7ANTiP-A : iinrsii ulri not less tlian 14
years old 4ns N. Kid. an r.
\\rAN'riH-liood : sill for Benoral liuiiso
TTvorl. . ; must have roferonetj. C'al ! at KEJ
Foiithl'llh street. MbO-4 *
ANTii-At : hlS X. 1'Jti M. , for'llsht
nonsowurk. ; Ar.'t *
\\7A.NTr.D-AKlrl for ( jineral houseviork.
M II7 Uurt M. iMi ! :
\VAXTEn-l'b-stcIass hlrl iiiidwiil rfminiis
il unil iiliiirenlk'c'a ul lUH hl llllul ; atcniie.
"WANTin--Aniir : < oBlrl. lniiiiio | at X.V. .
il oorner South Sstli tuidMilrlov Ma.
"I\7AXTI'l-ilrl ) ( fur cenernl lioiisuuon < :
it lietmaii pieforredj WI I iirinimit. . luii
AA/ANTKIJ-lilrl for Runcral lioiisownrk. WJ
.SftMUuve. K'-4
_ _ ' '
\ \ /A.\nf-flrI : ! for r
.11 ijeniian preferred. Uooil .
177 4
'VITAXTnn I.ady nsentn. New iroods " 3
W splendid ellhiKiirtli'les. l'atiiloiiofiec.
] , udli"jiiipuly Cu.-57\V. WashliiKtnn , Chicago.
"f\7ANTEI-iAcoinpetcnt HOIUIIII ( cook ) for
s * il Konoral boiiKoworlf. MrOluinibors , 4014
; North Sltli street. .M1I7 5 *
I- ' * ' Oooilfelrl wanted for sninll faintly ,
Ginij llvhiK ut lionioiirufeired , iso. "vUKiuth
S5tb uveiiuo. 1)75
" \A7ANTr.D Olrl for Ultchita ami laundry
work at ILWtf. Wtlistrent. M77C
J-Wmttf.itf frfflii. > M' ctttHtnti ii 'lil ' ntlt
Ii HI "NT" Min'i aTrViiUMi'rT lot h tuhl
' oward \\rKht.\l.ostinrv. _ MJ3U
roit TlKNI * I'uruMied nnims for Iminf-
keeplnp. tMUl'iiHistri'iU , M'Jls-t *
fiirutibid 110110 , to blo"U Itoiii eonft ,
Orooni . WU ) i-rmin himrdliu honi ,
filMilslird throiiu'liout. i ry ehe.ip. Hrniid
new brick * rix > in riuiileiu hiiiHex , nrilr.ible
local tun , ( li.oo ) per uuuilb lest limn Ibi'V ale
worth , lo ilc-tlr.ilile | mrlle . 3-rooin II it , c " .
city witter , sewer and clo ot. II. ICotr. . iVm
' ' ' '
Ollit'tl. ailV'iiVloii liln'ek. 'C ' ; '
I OIt HI'SI' I'mir (1 ( nnd T-rontn ll'its \\llh
-I' bntli , hot wnter. i'h % ; p \nl tittei't ; ne r
tiiMinesi ; ill Inilitiivements : only til per mo.
Itcti rein'i's rii'iubi'd. Ihn Mead hueslnient
Co , 44- lire binhlliu ; . ' ' - '
IK you wish to rent ilmiiso or Htoresce It I !
Cole , f'oiitlni' . block. JW
I i : )"lioual.isst. ) I'.nniilie of A'A
( lludsium. l.Hi ) mnmliis t. . orlilobe Loan utnl
Trim CO..IOTS. IGth st. | J
"iTvTiritrTvT-l.-roomcentrally loe.iled re l-
- - Oences ; nil modern eonvcnli'iicesithe Ibii'St
In the clt > . \ \ . It. lliiiriiiti , riHinis > nnd ID.
WK think o him1 tlio IIOIHC ynti wish to
rt-nt. lliindy i . I'ft. 10U Capitol iivo.itf
itf ) Mt
I'm I < ! / ( . rli . .cirliijnif Hut rnliunii nil III Ix | ic. | |
ANIIAT fiirnlthi'il room for ri'iil \ % Itli nr
\ > It limit boinl : ulinin HufriiMiivt.
' -
IIK.N'P I'linililieil rooiin. 1C07
UM A I.I , room. 1701 I'npltol uu- .
liillONT iiMiin ltli ulcovo , iMirtnln . niiintfl.
" lii'til. u' . for'J uriitlrincnor
limn nml wife , tlo.m ] ic > i nioiitli ; Wi ' 'Illi ' * ! .
| f
Ul' . CI.AIU I.uropOJll linti'l , \\ltli
v 'loom ; sli-iini lii-at In all looms , Ililli unit
llmlcv Spi-olal Kilos liy wi'i'U or nioiitli. UU
" | ? I > K IIKNTI'lirnMieil rooini , gas Until mill
J-1 stonni , l.'l'J llomiril. ! . '
| > iUMa ) uiiU Uoiinl. lj'"J chleago
II AHri2-7 *
I A HOK , ploaanljy furiilslii'il room very ii'ii-
J-oniilili' , aois lloiitfli : < ITS *
tnt < KM > 'IIKlro ) itii < for l\illosor liciitlrtnrn
lit 1'1't ' l.t'tiMMUMirlli < ' . . - *
1 ill ill HUNT A line furnished room hi mod
ern home rcanonably , soil able for one or
tWitKOiitk'iiieii. Apply ( * la t-otlth iWth street.UJS
l.l AXlbDMTiTv furnished fiont looms ,
II steam heat , BUS , balb. 711 South liilh. "d
tloor. liW-b *
lilUK IlKXT rurnlslicd room , Kas , but li. hot
-Lwaterlietit ; ( rood bk'.itlou. " 1- K'tlitt. .
1)70 )
TjlOlTltnvj' "Nljeolv furnished slniilo. . fiont
_ _ _ _
O ROOM coltiP. : | ! nlri'ly furnUlioil , for Unlit
'Jhini'iela'i'pliiz. { 12 per inotilh. C'ltj and cls-
ti'iu : itcr. Call at : . " .in Di-ealiir. alUII-li
lUNT-iuKhol : ( rooni
11" > U liXT ! : J looms , one floor , 1712 Jiirl.snn
J- stiffl. JUIU
V"ll'n loom10:1111 heat , I'll ) Davenport st
IN ) IS .M' ) *
171OI ! ItENT-Nlooly fiiriilslioil room fortwo
Jin'iilloiooii nr mauled conpU' , lli.mi. 1'lat
It-JlK- ! . ICili st. C'all after L1 p. in. .M 71 Mil
" * KWIV furnlslii'il ' all modern011
\ ( mom's , ( -011-
1 > venU'iico'IU N , I7th. .KM Mi"
OH UKNT-T\\only-llvi' rooms In 11 liilrk
block : ciioil Incut Ion ; with or without fur
niture. 0. ! ' . l.i\K ) Co. , l.Wi 1'ariimn si ' "JlM'-'ii
rate * , etc. , ntetntnf first column on l/if / j
room , wltli lioanl.ln "iiinll funilly :
ilosliablo lioim1 : iM-ot plauo ; lufeience- .
' iiliU llainoy. _ M'J-JI-ri *
GOOD Imniil anil room for two , J.VDO per
iveek. anil I unify stieet. M-JAI-IO
lOljKOAN'riiV fnriilnlied ronios ; iiioiloin lin-
I Jlitovi'iiii > iit Fli-t oliis- . table liouid.
Tenns rea onalik' . X'O'lN. ' JBtli st. ll'J 11 *
IjlUONT rooms , with or without board. fi'-tiS
JL' ITtti. 810-5'
North imii. Uooius with botiril , Jlrs. II.
A. C huiohlll.
171 OK ItnX'L' I'lirnlslipil room ltlimoili'iii
Inipiovciiicnts , with orvltliou boanl. 1(111 (
DutlKlasst. 17i > 7 *
VTK'KI.V fnniMieil room , with bouril:81ii : :
IN Duuslil * M1.V > 7-
UOOM and Im.ird for two , Jj.fO per \vi > ek , In
jirhatcliouso.'Oil llarney f-l. MIWI-I *
if OK Ui\T-Two iiioas.uit looms with
boanl , fiinuce and ( 'a- . . at .Ml South
' . ' .Mil avenue. Msil I *
I/IOK IM'.NT I.adyNhei looiiinuito , with
L lioanl , IT'JI D.ivt'iii.oit it. 701 ( i *
ROOM * & .Uoaiiiuia3iliiibleprIi'e-l9'j : ( loilci ) . >
tH l. J' *
FOH HKXT-A larco , finely fiirnMiod room
\\lllilioMiil.toiiniiui unil ulfe. Tin1 most
lileiii.ini i > : irt of city and prU ate family ; no
olhiT boarders ! references. Aildressl ) 47 , Iteo.
rur > at ( , etctcet i > nlltvt ( column ou tlili\tinjc \
FOHlluht hoiisi'Keeplii ; ; . two fiont roonn In
Hat , on inotur line ; modem coinoulcn.'i" . .
3I.Vj N.2.H11 it au U *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
unfurnHlu'cT ferN
N , lUth at. , prlco. Jd.OO.
I'ir ratit , ctc.tfi toftnf nirtcoltmn inillifj jurfle.
"IjiOIl Itl'NT A c'oini'r stoic , line location for
J Hiocery. hardw are or driiK store. : ri'nt rea
sonable. T. C. Itriinner. room I , Wnro blneU.
STOItl > at 7Mrloth ; stonmioiit furnished.
- Thonia' . P. Hull , .ill 1'uMon block , inij
FOIJ Itr.NT-Tho l-siorybrk'kliiillillns.wltli
or without powor.fomiotly oeenpled liy Ilio
lleo l'iihllshlii.'Co.ii ) | ) I'arniiin st. 'Ilio biillil-
IliK bai .1 lirepioof eemeiit basementeonipleto
stetim boat lin ; IKt nroater on all the limits.
Kai > to. Apply nt the olliee of The lleo. tll.'i
"JjAOIt KKNT A linn corner loom , a Rooillo-
JL oat Inn for a liquor siilooni rent \erv
cheap. N. 11. Apple , room \\aro 1 \ block. SOU 7
IJIolllir.NT Or sale , my biitldhn ; on Junes
JL1 at. bet. lOlli&lltli. li.A.Umlaulit.Uli ) S lilli.
KKNT-llrlek warehou i > , two storlon
lilih : biiseineiit , hydraulic ult'vntor. tiicU-
a o ; best location in city. A. C. I'owell. 01' ' )
I ! ! ' NT-M ore i oem , Vfl\77. In IIIMV Clu\v-
jy hnlldliiR ( int-hlea i ) street , hist west
of li'.tli siifet. m.uijperiiioiith. lnebnllnKstuaiii
heat anil elty natur ; alsn bisement sultalilo
fur shop , on enrnor tlilb anil i'lili'.io stioi'ts.
f.iMxi pet monlh. Kubuits , 404 North Ilith.
_ MS 1 1 . .M2. ;
171OU HKNT-l'urt of
L rarniini stroel , i'onsl-.tln of store and
nplior lloorxltli ullli'c rooms. Im.ulro of
Jobn 11. T. l.cliinann.i l S 17th stiveU
I'm ) < ( ( < , flr.jccfijii ] > > > f coltDiiu until ! * pave.
CIIKAI'KSTnnil be t storage for fiirnltuie.
\Vells , 1111 rnriiainst. IKW
BlXl" tracKuso iiml stornKo holldln. In
Omaha. I'lilted Stnte.s Rovernrncut bunded
\virchoiisc. lloii > clioil ! irnodshtored nnd cured
for. Lowest riitu.s niiriiuteed. \ \ . M , llnsli-
iiiin. 101,1-luiJ l.eavcnworth. .U >
) < rrntn.ttt .ft Jnp ur rt xt cilnnin nil l/iu
' ' houses tosoll or rent with C. P.
Jllarrlson. ( Hi N. Y. l.lfo. 041
1 JKN'lAh Aucnt-lieo. J. I'aul , IKK Kartinni
-ll.-treot. inakCB siieelalty of icnllns lioiics.
u1 * . tie. , mid uollectluK ii'iits. ' MW7
TllOlin- . lions's mid sti'iejto ' rent ? I hnvo
> uitsof eiHioiueis , .1. U , I'ariotto'i. lli-u-
tal Aueney. . . 1G h and DodKe.
Hi : , COM : , rtmtal iiKoncy.Contliioiitul Ijlk"
lnriatt , etr.trt topufflret rnui/in on Ifils puj/c. /
Co. , lleo hiilfdrrrK , Oinnhn , Hriineb ollli'u ut
\Vii.slilnxlon. I ) , r. I'onsnltatlon free. ti.ii )
{ 'nr niln < < < „ tKYdiHo/ylnit column on thin jmi/e.
TjlHr.DMuhlo louuj u.oney.cor. rurnain Hth
Jot iii < Mr/r. / , nrft < : ) > < ' fiitt niluiiiiinn t
\l'AXTriV Anrll 1 or iTTiti of ll-rooin iw
i' iileiu'e All ri'oilern ooiiM-nienepc. Ni'ul
liiiiln.Mv 1 > . lli'iinlooii , OVO South Si'lh. ' MUU-0
\V ANI'ii : > - \ IUUKII of about , ten romm.
M well hunt , modern. ln > | iioomrnt * . ih" tr-
alily loenti'il. wltli nlnwii ; not Inn row. Any
nni' | III\IIK | n lieu e to rout aililri-sH llooin
1M hninlier Coinntt'ri'i' ' . I-M
W'ANIT.I * I'D rtMit nil < In r--nnuu
' ' all niodt'ini'itUM'iili'Ui'es and i
loln.-in | > s- > \\lll \ rnn'ie ' limit li'iiti' . AihlK -
.1 I. Ur.iniloli Uiiiiih.i.
\Y \ - April I , ror irooni
' boiiso , inoilern. Ail lii'ns2-IJSl o'lEi' .
l imitrn.rtf. , ftrtnji nltirt rnliinill nil thcpilK (
LH ) I J sTrfrrr \Tnri o pioot < ( i' . liniilre ) |
J at lleitonliiro. . lH
liVUiAIlfiirriiiteln : sol nf drue "loie 1I\-
I1 lures slum i'ii .o < . el.- . . I' . O. lnn .trj. . lt
lir.Nr-r.ood burn , thruMtnlk I sin
I lili'iiBo slteet. M'X' ' > li *
l'i < rriitr > , rli-rrrlititnftlri < t rulnnin nn < /il | irt/r. (
\ \ AMT.D- yonn : nentloinen
' ' Ihsl eluhshoiinl \ > eheup. li\ ) : les llro. .
IMh ainlflili-iuo. ' MS.S.VS
/'nr / mien , tie. , net li < ] tuf Hr t column / till * | i'i
AKi : rnrnilnio In T-IIKIIU bniivei
liou-i' fur ri'iil ; iipii. llaiiseoin p.irl ( . i.orth.
All modern comriili' tiers. lliniultu ' - > ee
ASIohol , - sthnnd l.eiivi'iiwoi th. MM' > -
I/I.IXUNT new fnrnltnro of 7 room lint
-Jchcap. lit' ' , llooollleo. 1 0 M
SAI 1 < < \t jnlvutp silo , filinlturo arid
i'i. IM-JilM.'s . aM'iiue , 114-s'
ri > rrntc.ctc.itccti > i > t > f rtrst cofmini on tif ? * j ) me.
I/1OI ! S\lr-t'lii'np , wiii oiiaud iloublowoiU
1 liariics-f. or will evehiiiiBe for bui-Klioaid ,
also Komi sidebar biiKKy. ilicap , 11. l..C'oIe ,
I'onthiental linlldhih' . ' - < -
1/lDH t-\M-roldhiK' : bed , two horses , two
1 sjitlni ; \\IKIMIM , liKiuIro ' 'd lloor , tlVJI
Ihnvanl. Mllr.-S
IjIDH fSAI.K-A KOI | drhlllK horse , iniinz
J1 and lliHtcl-iss. i'llec Jl''J. D. It. Hall , UM/ ,
ilnrneystri'Ol. _ MIM1-.V
' )0n lieuil horhis fora.ilo nre.\cliuniu for good
Dinilii ; : rt"il mtate.niiireiand ( 'eldlnss ono
jour ohl arid up ; lien ) CDiiluliin uesU'rn iiiniei
wltli I'td'-ses finnt hiiiorted iii'iihuron
stallloiH , also crosses from troltlnc , uoiieh
nnd i niiiiliiK slock. Tor teiins and inrllcu-
liri iipiily t-i 1 ! . It. Klinb.ill. IMS. .th live .
( iiiiiLlin , Nob. 17. > s'
HA MO-B boadrosnil < CIIWM , 3 .
ojs , ut my yard , ifilh anil Hurt st. K. !
Jl'SllT. 1BU .1 *
rnrnilttctc.itc ti > ] > nf ff l coin/nn ( in fhln i > m/ / ( .
TTirT oTITnTnclTT'oTv. j. 111)1-
numt , . ! ( HJ liiifayelto incline. M''l.'i '
" '
I'ur rtitw. etc. , tcr t < ii > oftiitl fodiiniKiii J/ilsjiuyi' / .
-l.i'OO.pOillirl.'Ufor . sale by M. ihi7b < Pcin.
L Council IllnlN. Mil 1-11
li Oll S-A l.I"-A stiindanl inaKn upright
jilaiio , hut little iisi'd , at a sacrifice. .M u t
be hold at onco. fall -'ll'JCaldwell. ' . IWI
lj > I lit : brick. Jii.OO per I boiisand. 0. I ) . Uood-
1 vvoilh. iril'Jliiilasst. ) ! ! i0 ;
desk , * 'A
anil books. 1'iSI Hioinin : uvo. IM
I'nr rutct , c tc. , MT fo ) > nf A/vtrnliniiiioti
\\7A NT R D-Jo ) lot or small stoolof wall
' | uper. AililressV , Murvhurts' Hotel
llxet er , Neb. Itft *
" \ \ 7ANTKDAnythlntr. . niilse. fuinlture ,
' horses. hiiKKlesVlllliuv anythlnir you
have for .sale or--ell It for you. Hubert I niton
Aiii'tlon and Commission Co. , HI'J ' , llnilKliis
Street. Onnili.i J71
$ . * uU worth of iii'i'Miual property for llrnt pay
ment on a hit or sum 11 himsoand > lot , H. w ,
llutelilnsou & \ \ end , 1.V4 Douglas im
\\7" ANTKD-Smgle , lint top silting desk ,
W Phil Stlimnol , ! lll .lones. Mill
I'nr rtittictc.ftc liipofflri't rnlronii on f/il / < ) > iigc ,
ATrb F io lTivelyTnTrd ? "N'oTiiiiCriiko
about it. Semi for ih'sc'i Iptlvo cbi'iilar.
Addiess "Antl-Hald , " to'J.i.1 , D.ituuiuiM , In.
MAi--Ani : tH'atnieiit.i'lu'tio-tlierinallmths
si'ahi and hull- I IT. it mm t , inn nlenro anil
chlropoilNt.Mis. ro > t.ll < J'M ' : > lli\\ltbiiill , \ \ hlK
' .Hi
I WANT llu'ht W.IKIIII nnil hor-c fur Its Ui-cp-
IIIK ; can * Kond ; woilc llfilil , Aihlro.-sat once
IISO ) hlioriuan.ive. 'Jot II'
_ _ _ _
/'or / nilcs , etc. , sre fiijinr/iintrodiiiiN ou tlik piiyc.
ITMHS-T & stcoiid inortsasos oiiMiennl it lin-
Jpimed elty | iroii. t'onnlyviiiiantsliiu ) ht.
Money on baud. K M. Klch.udbon.b.s N V.Mfc.
1'niTiifM , etc. , tee t < > i > it ) tlrstmlitmiinn ttiti
IJUlVATKmouoy tolo.ui. J , I ) , /lit o ! UI
Ji N. V. Life. toi
BUIIiDlNOloani.Cito 7 per et'nt ; nn addi
tional uhar i > s foreomiiilssionor atliirncv's
fees.V. \ . II , Jlelkle , I'irst Nat ioiml hank bld'c ,
"OKAli I-stale Loans C.isli on hand. Globe
IX 1,0:1 : id Trust Co. . : w".s , ifilhst. NnuVl.iy ,
nooMi.i oharueb. Houses lo rent , soodllst ,
Or. if. M. Anthony. : iHY llfo biilldini ; ,
.Ii'iul nioni'y on In i-holce
Nohintkii anil lowi , also on uoinlOinali.i re l-
ileneepiopo'ty ' ; lowest rates ; hp t teiins ; no
ilelnyi money ri-aily , Titles unil.ilues jias eil
on 1 1 on' . U5I
\ rONitolnan : on hnprnve-d city pioporly
I'l aU'iirrcnt ratefiiniN ; < ni h.nid ; no de
lay. Uco. 1' . IlliistA Co. . SKI ISnniRO blil'B. 1C4
I7 < ASTI'ICuioneyCillt edited Insldo loans
- vanted I'hlladi'lphla Mori nane nml
TiustCo. , O.\V. I' . Cuatoarep.TlluaiilofTr.ule.
RKAli Kstatn Loans M , O. Maelcoil. trn X.
Y l.lfo bullillfi'- . ? Ul .MJ )
MOJiHV toloiin on ri > al i t'ite ; lowest rutcs
I'.J , , C.isvu.'ll. 810X. Y , l.lfo , ' "JO-MO
DKSIIlAllf.n I ! . loans placed wit bout nnv
tumble. A. Klilloy , tooiiillL'ontinejilnl
block. Jl''iU m''l
For idles , etf.trc fujio/ lint column on tlili pcru1 * ,
MONKV toiounliy It. 1' . Miistrrii oni'hiittcl
iiiul collateral securities for any t line from
1 toTniontlls , In any amount to anlt bor-
uiu or.
Loans made on ImtisolioM pooiK jilnnns. or-
KIIIIS lioihesmules housn , l > as ( , wuri'hoiiiu
rei'i'lpls.ete.iit tlie lin\tst possllle ruti"i with
out publieltyor removal of. iirnpertY.
Mj loans are soarriiiiROilthat jou' inalio
a payment of nny aimmntat nny tlineunil iv-
ilnuehiilh pilneliialand liilcri > t ,
Ifyouonun h.ihini'o nn your property or
havoa loan j-oii want cliiinin-tl. I will pay Itolt
and carry It for yon , 1 f jon Hud It inoio UOH-
xenlent. call tl | > telcphoni' ' Jvo. Krjl anil yoni
buslines wlllhu ari.muedat home.
Money always on hand , No delay. No null-
Holly. 1-owist mil's.
1) ) . Master" .
UoouU , Wltlini'H bll ; . , 15th mid llarncy sH.
/IllATTKI.liiuik.ait ) S. intli M. , loanmoney
V-Amihatuilior collatoralat reasonable rates
T f OMV _ ; _ loaned on fnriiitlire , horn's , etc.
-llnu ki'jelnv. Co.n ; DoiiKliisblk , liix Joilk'
/'oriulM / , etctec , ttipof fli'nl rotuwii ou thlt
> AM < storks for Male , C , 11. Ihirrows ,
' ' ' k. .Neb. Sih
DOl'TOltWl'liobiGt opeidiut for a peed doc
tor in Nub. AdicHS 11 , A. Knfiis. Itiivonnn ,
Nub. MMS
l\irratti , etetee ( iipo//lr > lrolumn ou thli ] > < mt.
MASSAUKhnth ut Mndauio eiulth'd purloin ,
: id iioor. r.'o t ? . mil at. tci p
TVfAfcSAOK-Muduir UeUIor. o or 010S. nth
i'-L M Ifll-Mli'
, rlc. , i
IiMneriMllne fnrm Inaij mljolnlni ; C HH | Ne-
bni Vfn towni iiertrljr I'Jcur
IftUi'irnllnuly InumWH liiuil J > tnille < ironi
oouiily cnt lit Ni'hrii'lliJ lluhtly etii'timhi'red.
IUnor ' iti > od tntid lnNo rinl < ii , A
county HCiiltnil inhabit unl < . nnd lot in tnwn.l KUIIIIKI elonr.
I'leiir lot lit KIIOI ! Nebta atown.
4-riKUii hon-e uml Iotliirnwoll , ! nud cl'lerii ,
Kith'trvct Diimlia : ( ilWIitlvencuniberedl will
irmle foriiiinihiiproperlv nml nsvimo eni'iiui-
braliecs. II. 1C. role , ( . 'uli miitul MiH-K , IKK )
AN'II'.M Tn triult' ' PVil u sto-'k of
\ lli \ 5K olty.
/"iKli ) fnmllj'liorso Mr'plano.
V ' . ' ! 7. l.lmolir. _ | ( "j
E NCI I AMI K ( liiiiilnt lininiv | 'il propi'rt.y
nmlncntil lot M for dry iood ; . elntliliiK ,
slioi'i. Aililri'ss owner , I ) , K , Well , iMnihuIn ,
lowu MI'17-.V '
ipDII TIIAI'll-H.'O-nrtp faun nrnr IIOIK ! NeC
binsUa inwn. Wlllt'loat nr t raile ciiulty ; a
bniyiilii : uhiit have yoiiV Aihlie i K .Vl. care
lf s
for MN < oiirllnud. llox MT. Ni'vnda HI.
OKX'IIANni--A ( ; Hitcliss nni , oTdiiiu-
-1 lia forh'ttei ' press , i : ir , , | ici < op.i-e. dll-a1
\\M' luuo n'ntal tiroportv voilh * liKW (
'i lirlnu'ltii ; sf nin month , t'leur of Inciiinh-
rnncc. for which we will takii half i > n li uml
hnliini'o In trade. SJtrhiKor X Penny , ll.irkor
hloek _ _ _ _ _ ail
A\TK iiiivo luipioved nud iinlniuroM'd ilinuha
VT ii'al estate for trmle. ur will sell for cash
at lust nhoiit b.ilf It i Millie. Some nli'o hoini" * ,
KKOilvaeenl lot" , and Minn of tint best i < own
town property. StrliiRiT v'i , I'uiny , llarlii-r hilt
"I710IJ r.XCIl AXtlK ( loud Itnpiou'd Omaha
JLJ iiioiii'ity for i-leir Iowa and rust cm Ne
braska farm1 * : cliar loN , Imites nml eatlle for
storks nf ineivlnindHt' lloinail , looms
s nnil 10. rien/erblk. , ( ! MIS
/ "orin'oi ' , fir. , n tn ) > of fliKf mliDiiii nil f/il plK. (
S TTirTAr7la7iiIu-t.irKe ? ( ! : lot. KMrufrct. 4
blnuK's Iroui l.inveaie. nnil t'utnlnir st. , Isiys
Mphuilld : $1. you Hurt c. 14)1 ) , nrvlll t raile for
faun , Ailiro-is ! | : . C ! . Merrill , Jid and I'tiststswa
Inolt South OfiMia properly binlue-s'J.traek-
iicc or residence BO to tinlenilhiK real es-
tatuileahTs In South Unialia , IM.Iolinson , V
. % o. , cor. Vttli unil X nil. MT.I5
"sTl.Kfhcnp. . 'I'luT rcsTuVJici' at V.V.10
I'leri'i1 st ici'l , ut iibai nln forii few da.yi
only. I iniiilri' at tlio Neb. Meani latindiy , Ulth
unil Howard slrc'ds. "Hit
iuiFliif ) faruiM ] L'oinl clliniitr. mmUots
Alih . AildretiC' . K. l.iiiuliInclaud | ,
N..I. iMliri A8
TTlOll SAliK Illock nf twelve sotitli front
JU lots , nno hloi'U of motor , owned hyiion-
resilient , foii-i'ilsiile. Itln barKalii. Wilu'lil A
l.aslmry. Kill llowanl _ _ Mllll-il
"IjllN 1C biiliiirhiin home , 10 iiiiinis ullh inoilern
- - eon veuleiiees unil two aertfs of uiounil nml
itleuty of fruit , tlno bain llnlehhiwii A
Weaif. Ifl.'tDoiiKlis. ' MI8.V5
Jri'l.l * lot on Uitustii'ct In IConnt/.o Place.
$ . ? ( KI. M fiet on Iliiiney stiiTt. between
1Mb a ud I'Uli. at n price Hint will surp i-lsc you ,
77 feet on 1'ltli ' tiuil Vlntoii. pi\ eil hlrietorj
ebcn | ) . llfi'i'ton Ililstol street , near "lib , nt
about * i h'st , than adjoin In : ; pioprt ty can be
lionebt. llet tei cull aioundund sie us. II. r. .
( 'oh1 , C'ontlnontnl block. 511IH-I
SAIiIO T-iooni lioiike arid lot : also ! '
in house nnd lot , at a bargain. Iminlre
owner. Mil Miuey st. _ irjl M'j ; *
hi F7ro > TlllM- ,
U room huu'O , iuil full corner lot. S.WO.OO ,
iiiontblv pay ini'iit , ornlll tiade for clear farm
orOiiiulm lots. Adiliess the owner at 4Jil anil
I'aBistiei'ts. li U Merrill. 1K7
MI.K Ibeap , n'Rooil buhlni'ss lot with
ackatfi1. pivoil strrels less than one
mill ) f mm coint hoibe. SOUK ; euod slnrk to
tiaile for libido property. Nathan Slielton ,
11114 rniinrii s-treut. MM'-MV '
" 17101 ! SAMS IMra brr nln. I'boleo BMS ) ,
J nlth bulldlin ; : lenls # ) per tnu ; onu
block fiiini new I1. O. ( ! . L Lirci'ii , U. Itlltai-
kei hloelc. tVil
pr-WCj.Mliouse.lot ) : nvSuTl,700i $ nl-sofi-rooni
Jlioii ; c. lot III'ixSU' ' , s. e. eur. lit b and Vlnton
st..f..tiK ) ) . llrlck house lot ) l\ ( ' ; . n. e. cor. 10th
s , f.H.OQJ. Mr.t. Ivnlilniaii , t-'l-'l ij.llth
1/1011 SAI.Kioocl ( rcWlonru house , elty
JL1 water , peed sodded ,10-fiiot , ynid , clmo to
inotiir. , Z miles N.V \ , f/-iiui L > . 0 , .il.O.HJeash
anil if 1. WOII years at Siwr cunt , llimno anil lot
cost oxer SI.UUO Strmgor & . I'enny. llnrkcr
llook. loom > ' . ' . MUI
lo two-story bilek t iii'innnt
bousea ) looms. 1'rlcis KiMO , , incuiiibrance
fl.OCO. Just iilai'ud. Waulaeant lot with
sniiillereiieuinliaiiceor ) clear acres.
'I hi ee ; 11-story brick ami frann ) teneniPiit
hoiiios In eeiitei of city , u.'iU'il , full Int. al-
\Miysrciiled. laieiiinOranco llrsl | nni : Want
onoor IHU dcshahle Inilldlni ; lolsln western
part of city , elcurj balance In acic or other
Mor ' . Huts abov" , hnrn for sl.x hordes , \ ery
rliMlruhluaticl all well rented , on7lh IICHI
l.niveiiHnrlli. I'lli'eiT.OOO , eneuiiibrauceiOO ? : ) .
\Vnnt resldi'iicepniperty.
ie-ldcnniiropi'ily | In Koiint/e I'laee.
A\nnl vai'ant oiek-arlanH.
\\ater \ \ power and roller Iliiurlni : lull 1 ailioin-
ii > f lleallli'O. Water powii iiloiie Is worth
iiiiiie t linn prIci'iisM',1 , , I'.iii'iiiiihr.iiiee } t. " > iW ,
bill will lie eleiiied It piopo-ll ion I , I lusttfy
'I'l.ulo for Oiiiiih.L iiimit'rt v.'e li.ix o si Inrje
list of choii't * pmiH'ily fofsulc anil eM'lianse.
It yon have aiijtliliiKili'siiuhle it will pay yon
to cull anil see us. 11. E
hlncli. Miai 4
I'm rntcstlr.i > ttt < > of first tutntun nn l/ilt / } > i
TI San , Ilio hnly nilnil icidermid foitune
teller ; tells past anil fill me ; she Is the boil
ever here : Is esiieclally deep In all intilrluio-
nalatValia anil iiijMt'rlinis
don't buy , sell or K < ) on a jouriuy until you
consult lier : she can can foitolllts results ; Is
tiullifnl and uillable ; i > iliH-t snl I'faetion
KUiianteed by mall ; solid two stumps for II-
liistrateilulreular. JSJ North 10th st. , flmalri ,
Neb. M-t'iJ
10 Unnw your fiilnro Koto Mis. t-tcier. Wfi
. X. IGlh tstnet , : nl lloor. M 1 ts 4'
"SfltS. N.inuloV. Wiir : < < ticlilr\nvauttrance (
-tHspenUiivr , writing and lullnble hiislness
infillu in , four jours In Omaha. II'JN. ' loih , fl-i !
TI1JS. I'OK'l' , palinM foitiino teller In the
- i'llivpsvvay from the IInesit thohanili
fee , * 1 ; l.ullos only. : > \-l \ S. loth ht , J.Yi in 12'
'AIKS , WA MiACi : , clalMiiyant ; iininrally
-I'I Klfteil ; tells pasttuul troiiljlcs ,
uhseiit friends , ctiansutuvul. . bu-liii"ii. I'M
rainainstiitul , MILVIb *
[ ASSAUE-MiKlnin OoUler. ovtrC.IOS. Uth.
1 JI II.1-.W .
I'm ru t en , etc. , t ( ( top nffirxt coin inn ou thl * prior ,
F.roKI' buying a olaiino.vanilno tlu > new
Mil piano A.lluspe.riU . r
I'.O. 1' . tiellenbei'k , teacher of the banjo ,
with llo.spe , ir.ltt nonplus , tl'l '
I IIAVH a few new plmius for * ali % aw fully
Irhi'iip , us I | IIM > voiiu cjntof tlio piano husi-
ieii. ! - . Joiiasoii. Fiirnmn and Illh sts. tn.,1 . ,
rviratetftr.ntctni < ifniit foluiniiDii Ilili pit < je.
- -aiiy - - -
"l XCJAdllMIINTS lodjUjilrtHs making In fajii-
lli I lies solicited. MllMurdy , uuiullai ney
Mrcct. , i MhiAi'
MKS. II. t' . MOSKtls.Varniimstrceldrfss. |
iiuilicr. NT ) . iJ. , . . i 571MI.V
'Al I.-5.S lliadyrr > ncli ilWiiiiuKlii | | system. It
iu : iu , Hiei'lyllkMillcUfiM.Uroiiino ) of the lit.
e.isDiiabU'.bailstao tloiiKiiin.iiit OIM |
lllli l > I'JC. '
; hulr dress .
: sswIU'lu'H , bniusthair1 ; ebiitns , etc. u
Ity. la\los ) , bair--trnods nnd milliner ,
opposite po.stollleu. Ill > Vlflh | St. , Oinnhii. W
( 'orr.llli.'iito of I'ulilli'iiiion ,
Olllceof Auditor otl'ubllc Accouiits. State
of NeljtusUa.
T.lNrorv , I'Vli. ' S. JSOI ,
II Is lu'inliy ' ccrtlfloil , tlnil the 1'n Ion Mutual
I.Id' I inn rum r CVimimiiy of I'or-tlnnd ' , In
tin' stale of Maine , lias curiiplli'd iMIli Iho
lisiirani'n | lawnf thlsHtute and li aiilliorhul
InInintict the biiainetiH ut llfu tnsiiiiini-o la
thU state for tin curii'iit jear.
Wltni'is rny hand and tliHMml nl the nnd ( tor
of liiibllu iii'cuunfi the day and year uhotu
\ i ii. i "nit
( siAi.l : 1 T. II , ItiiMii.v.
M. K. \ \ lieolcr , DopntyAudltorl' . A.
acme itKA-i/rr
on reconl Stntoli 1 ,
WAIIIIANtf tlK l > * .
JolinM llriuinor IMU | wlfo to Cli rl M
lluliwor , nit nw s. ooiiw ( Mi-it , . . . t 43 < X )
O Kllnrlvcr niiiUlfit In' r.ilhuohnltli ,
lull , btkllt. Orchnlillllll . 730
.Toseuh and U K Murker u ml wives to N
II Xelxoii , lot 7 , blk V , Sliornrm Ammo
link . . . . 130
\\rhtyinn inn ) wife in II tiVI color ,
Sim * ffofn .unof lot S.i'otm in' * sub
ifblkii.vcst otiinim . . . . a.noo
Miirj t > iiiili | > mill hiHlmuillo lalnard
I'Unti. liH l > . bik I. Arliur nlnco . . -100
Jniult Iiniinollv to II ( ! t'l.irk. hit I ,
liiiiipton HnlithtM . . t > 00
Aiitnii IliuhKltand \ > lfoto Lena. I\ ,
lot i. lilk 111 , Nmtli Dinitliii . WO
I * red I to Id lo .lame * Wlllukc. lot ' . ' . ' , bll <
M , llrow'n ' park . WW
.lohn Kowalow ld i' I ul , trustee * . tn
\\llllniu I'luiKii , loti II. \ \ 111 , lilk ' . ' ,
summit niUl. . . . . . - , -.SCO
Willlnin Kr.msliow toJA. Kennedy , u ml
if1 * : ii inis . . . . -.000
I'liuiniul I'.irk ' I , unit I'D to AV Curt Is ,
.otll. blU. l.lnwooil pink . 100
M i : Marshall unit \ % Ifntu riilllp I'nriaii ' ,
i > ' . ' .i ft ( if w M ft lots I mill ' , ' , lilk - ' ,
lliiiniiinnii IMui'o . . . . . TOO
.1 1 , Miles | o ( ill Payne. lot ' - . lilk li ,
Ori'litirillllll . 7M
Ci II I'a viiv nnd wife ln.lui'obMo > er , lot
? . blkrt. Ori'liiint Illll . I.SM
II A Kiixsi'il ami wife to \Ylluriry \ , lot
.1. blk ! ) , Lincoln IMaec . l.OOJ
1 , ScllfDOlllT. tlll-tlM' , til I'll'll lll'lll , lilt
J.Mlk ) M , Hi-own Park . . . : iM (
ut'iT ' OI.UM um > s.
J KSIehnhis Inl'loiii II 1 1 row 11. fiacres
III II ' , lli'U-15-l.l. . I
Stali'of Nibi-aslm In Mrionriloilrleli ,
410 ui-iM In i > 11 w li-t"i ! II . . . . 702
lot al amount of liansfeK . { ' 'l.OOJ
1(5 ( Ypnrj. ' KxjicriciiiT.
Curiil In .ItoA < li ; ) Itlioul tliolus * nfnn li nir < 'lliiic
rromlii ) liii' s iliii mnM atianliiU * cim > furdl.KHr
: itii1 nil iinnovlim ill'clinu'en 4i > or kiiomi to n'riUcnl
xc-lonct' . SVI'IIII.IS n wntrnmoil on ruin ) to'41 tin v <
Thu inoMt tunMTfitl U'uiijly yi't knunn fur u per ma *
MiMitcuic SrRR'll KDuriuilnln rellt'iliiK tlio liluil-
iler.ciireil nt honii' ' w ItlKHit liutruiiiuiits , noriitltiiir ,
noi'iiln. ' naillltitlnI.imof Miiuliiioilor \\Uiiloi'Bj
poslllvtily ciireil : Instiiiilr.-licf Shin illxoiwi and
foinnli * illiriiiuiirriiinnriitly curi'd Ur Milirc\v9
nuiTp'iH In tln tronliiu'iit ul' 1'ilvatc lilsi'.ni't lin'
iiwrrliopiieiilintli'il. ' ninth ! * croal ariiiyi l pntlonn
ri'inlii" Iruiii tliv Alliinllrto the I'liullli IJnuk ami
Clrcillnrs liot * . Iiilli * < 4 tnitii i to t orlv Illh anil
Knririui stri'da Oiuiih.i , N'ub. Ijiilr.nifo uu either
National Bank
Capital , - - - S4OO.OOO
Surplus Ian. 1st , 1890 , - G'J,5OO
OINror nml Olroctor Henry \ \ ' . YiilM , I'rciUlont ;
I.c h S. Ui'i'il , Vk'O-l 'ri' liicnt. Jim * ' * \V. \ i5iva ! 'i . \V
V..Miir- > , .Inliti S rollltn , II C Uuililiig , J. .V. 11
L'HltlckV II. b. lln lic < , cimliler
THK Il-tON B A-Nli.
Corner 1-th nml Karn.itii Ml. llaulcln ltii > lm < TniiioictO'l
ilit' iim-nriino\viriieea
Ifac'insrpiUMt)1 ) fornlliho
iinnntuml < lhihu.rKi'f anil
prlvnlPillKpiiscHfif men A
I cortnlnrnro for tlifildilll-
tatini ; veakucsi iiwullur
to womrn.
- . , Iprencrltjoltunfl feelsnfo
lTluEv.NsCHU'ri ) [ ' Co in rcciuiuiinKliiu ; It to
- tg nil sulfererf
ho > : < ! hy nuitfKlilv-
I'lHQi 8i.oo.
Notloo U hoicliv flM'il that tlio ro an-
iiual iiicillnir ut the MocKliiildoiinf the South
I'latli * l.uiul oniiiiiiiyvill | lie liehl at Ilio of-
ticoof salil iiiniiiiiiy. | In l.lnco'iiili. . tin tlio
lli'.t Wciliiosd.iy In Miiroli , liM. liolim tliu tli
( lay of tin.1 month , liy oiili r < f tin1 bond of
tllicetoix. 15.0 I'llll.l.ii" ' , -ri-ii'lary.
Lincoln , XubuslvU , rebiuary ' > , I"1' ' I.
"jj'lifpj CIIICAIiO. Ill Ul.lNlirON * Q. Arilvd
_ Oninhn , _ liMmt mill ami Mmon strinvr . _ Ouiiilu
loilpnil Clilcocu Kxpn s . . . MHuin
! > JOu nil L'lilc'iiiu Kxpri ! ' 'U ' I' in
! ) | ip ) in Ihlc.ik'O i\urcjs 1005 lira
"ftSO n ml . . .Knnia Cltj Dnr Eipri' i . . .I CIO pro
iMJ p uilK' lj. Nljht llip. vl.i U. P. Tfan'i. | M > n in
IMV03\ \ UNION I'ACIFR' . Arrive
UniaUn. I Doi'i't ' lUlli nn I Alnrey ulrecH. IdniMlii
SC7n nil . . . . . KnnHMiflty llxjircs 'U'nn in
11)20 ) n in'U'n . | i m
2.M p III Overlnnil Hjcr 9U" pin
7.30 | > in I'aclllc I-Jvpreia 11.15 am
fcfivesT i.'lIir\iorrt I. A l'AOu"IC. [ "Arrlvit
Omntiii. lU. ! dfpot. ICIh unil Muri-yHts.l Ociabn
n.n p m Ntilht 10 05 a m
o u ) 11 m . . . . .Atluulto Kxiir < B. ii ni
(8Jji ( _ tn . . . . , V"MIUIo Iihnltocl "i ? " .i"
KoiTvo fitotlATTlrY "ArrTviS
Onmtm. | U. I' . ( U'uit. | llllli nnil fcr Sta. OmuLa.
MOU.T I'ltr rn > it > i > g r
' ' '
jj .P m VTij'.Vtit' . Paiil .Kiiirejg' . . _ 11. .Jta.10 am
Gava j sroUX 01TYr"Al'ACIVIc ; HTrrl'voi
Umalin.J Depot IStli mil WebitcrSH. I Omulia
JitlTjj ml , AHI. I'aijT l roiwrl
IxnivoaTiciiliAfiO A . . _ . . . . .
Omgbn. P. 1 * . rtcpor , Hill nnil Murcy Bta.j Omnln
lUi u ml Cliiiraio Kxrri" < IIZO ji ni
vesiitiulu i.imllou V.NJ n m
( Wp ID . . . .
61 } p 01 lown Accoinnioilntlonloxc. Sun ) TD. * > p m
0.10 p m . . . . Uiintcm KIlO' . JI5 ji m
II Hit mlleno.tiinlKiulKm.tKi ( o xcM _ n nl | > 0 am
"TeavoTlClIlC/IJCr. "iflfT \ PTMTLrTTrrTve'i'
0 mull 11. | U. I' dfpot , IQlli nml Mnrcy yiMOuinhii.
10 p nil . riilcneoK I IMS
65 11 in' . OiU'iiKulIx prcsi I COO
r.Tfi)9 I OMAHA , v .ST IOLH3 fAirlvn
Omaha. | U. I' , depot. ICIti nnd MnrrSt" _ _ I Omujm
jj)0 ) p tn ± _ . . Plil.oulir iniiin _ ( Uolluj.'lliiiO pro
Ta v5Tj - Y , ft' SiiT ) VXfCm. ; - ( Trrlvjr
Oiuolin. | nopott&th nud Vflwtcr fl'j. Mlinnlm
" "
9M n ni Illnrk IIII I M pm
9(1) ( ) n m . .Ilu llniiH Kip ( hi. Similar ) . .VJO p m
610 p m \VnliooU..lmoln \ I'micz. II..15 11 in
MO | > .Norfolk lux. tjuiuljiyl , 111 3. ' . nm
ui I ' r , bf IV "JI .10. IArrlM'1
Omaha. I Dopit l&tli nndVclj ler 8tv Ijiumhn
SIO a m&loii | ( iMtr Accoinmoiintlon I P05 | i m
1UO p ro Sioux City Kipresiicr SutuUyl Ilio pin
000 p ml ft. I'nil I JJuilloil. . PV5 nin
fcli p ni | lln neon l' * nnB ' .r l t. Sirmliiil5.4. ) > n ni
10'hO 11 ml..81 Inull A 1C c Kxpron
il.15 | > ml. . . ht , l.ouU i 1C I' Ertircii _ _ I B.,11 i\jn
UavcrnrJlllCAlibril T ATACIFIC. iTn-lvoi
Trai9fc } | * UiliJii Un oi i MinPlI IllnlTJ , | Tra tufiT
" "
"fifnvi" ! ' ! T. , \ I'Anl'fc. Au-lvei
' 1'nniBter U'iilun Uuppl , C'onncll _ llhilt * IniuifiT
.Vtl'inillf 'l-IniTi'si " ! ' 6.5ft li ill
MO | > mi . . . VeNllliule Limited . 13,10 11 in
liiivt's ICnil'Al.o . ' . .Mutiny l-.sll.ll.N l Arrlvui
TmiHtt'il Union I ) < n ) t. Cnunc'l ' Hlinn. jTrumffr
tl ill n in . . _ _ . . f lih.iiufi KTnm.k . . . COO i , m
Ml ) p m . ! ! ! , . . .vi-siMjuii ! Umitoii I'.W ' A in
IUW i > m ICnKlcni Hror 1OO p in
' " " i > in 7AtlmitlcM ll . 7DOam
town AoiMHumoilulliai i ICjioMinJ ) MO | i m
'I'liniHfurl _ Unlini llt'l'ot ' , t'liunfll lllutts ,
CKlp in . . . . .I'hlrniio KYires9 | .
M p in riilcaio K jire s . . . _ _ . 6 Mf > p w
IJnlvn I > > ntoUuuiictl lllulfn. , I'ramlt'r
rrTMiiiiiiMHritf lln > Kxirri | t > 1:1 P in
. . Kioiua ( 'I Niuhtjo ra
" "
JUxriiA si'"ix5ins , ATrlvri
Union UuiMit , I'onnrU lllulTii , [ TraiKfvr
. . . . 'kT. I/iiili Cnnou jTiiTl , . . IHIB f m
Trimnfgr Union Dt'imt , Oiuncll lllulTii. Trnjnti'r
eta n in I hlcijtif Kifre H n 'at | i ni
10(0 ( p in Chli'ma Kiprnus. V 4O n m
71)5 ) | i iji ija ) Km _
Trail _ f l _ Union Depot , Cfunclt lllugH. Tr mor
T li n m . .filOUK Cllr Aocomiuodaltoti , 0 * 0 itni
(65 ( i ) W , SUl'aul fivrou , , , , , . . WM P u
'IVv iMiilllccil lior fi-flmi't | wnllli'illiPi' lioil ,
AIK ) tili niil In Miaik tilt "ttv9i niirllnu uml
'I ili" I tcinlc . rllilii * . I'llii-Ulll nil l il\ i ,
( Ilionxh k'lHtiilma < l < ilnrcil It iiolhtiii ; Init
" * *
Ami Un < - nninnii tli UKlil > lie cctlimt ?
Till" rninrlto rrit-irliii | | < i "ili > | I | IICIIP | > | H trji
NiKvntilir lt | ] CiNMuili'il > IK HIIM ! " > ' - .
SlKRU'vYlwttorat tinei'Mitl ' nil A til Inn wf < V.
The ( ort.tnlnp piltia ami
tit'ivoiHiK'Hsliiuti accoiiipany , lit lnic-i ,
cciliiln fornn ot' " f t'tiuliM < : kno < . "
vii'ltl liKemni'ic to Dr. I'li-nV ' * Knruritn
l'ri"5prlillf | > ii. It 1 piirclv vrtidal'lc ' ,
Hi'ifi'ftly liitriiiUntitl tuliipU'il lo thn
dt'ili'iito oriniii/iitliii ) nf Mimuui , It
allayanil s iiltlui' ) < tlio IUTVIIIIS
tonn : iiul rolliv ! < "i ( ln jialii
iiij { fiinctlnnal a.tul orjiank-
It's a loirlllmati1 iiioillflno an Invijr-
or.ttlii ' . rflnrttlvp tonic , a < < ootli1iit ;
mill stri'iijrtlii'iiini ' ; tifnliu * . nml .1 | iol -
tl\c roini'ily fur "fciinli1 AVPaktio'it1- ; ' "
nml : illini'iit = . All I'liiiilioiwl < ll-liirb-
niioi' . ' * . Irn'jitilirltli1 * , Jinil iliT.injroiiii'iiH
nre ouroil liy It. Tlictv'iiothiti ? llku
! t In Ilio \\i.v : 5t nets thiMi1'1' ' iiulliin
llki ; itln tliMvnv Itmid. . It's ijiinr'
unkcd to K'Vi1 ' sntM'.u-tloii in every case ,
or tlio money paid for It U promi > tly
lluail the niiiranli : > B on tlio wrapper.
Von IUSP notliins t' ' It ilocsu't Itolp
joil li'lt ' it will.
Have you ; i
Rochester , Duplex , or a'Stu-
dent Lamp ?
Do they work satisfactoril } ' ?
Do your Lamp Chimneys
break ? You gelthewrongsort !
The UIGIIT ones are the
"PKARL. GLASS , " made by
Geo.A. Macbeth & Co. , Pitts
burgh , makers of the cele
brated " Pearl-top" lamp chim
ney , which have given univer
sal satisfaction. e
Cliinsse Physician ,
1513 LarlnierSt. , Denver ,
< 'olo
Tu thixpHutTerliiif fniiti tlio
Clll'l If * 0 ( HIIJ Oflllt' tl IIO VTillK
tll-cit * " < ntiil ilelii > liiMltli ,
f linn 111 wnt > ] . .i'CV Ingot onct1
AllilleiiC < pociillnr to wmu-
onrnllliitfwi-nkin" < - < .lu't
liuuil. in'nmimlinji-i'r : 'oxual
ill oiiin' < ounilnnl ncihiii' ' "
jontlifiilfi > lljr iirlniiiy tiv.iili-
lu , llilni'rnixl HUT tiinililoi. benrl ill > > oii o , liiilin-
? tlun. climt iiiulliniB' ii.niinnpllipn , bron
c-liltls. c-imitliH. rohl . ii thnlti. calm ill > ll illsi'iMomif
tlio blood jrrofuln. s ) | > lillln , ill < . 'itsi > ol n | > rl\ntii
luliiru , Bonnrrlici , uttrt , pill's liinu/r * . cinicr. null
rlii'uni. rlu'iiniiill'iii , | unl > ' H nil hkhiillienn" . fat-
tUfllOMS , llr | U'nl. | | lllUIUlKh. lU'lltlll'MM ImllllK'S )
HOIO eyt' i > rtii > tliin . Inpi'iorm. tils , innhrln. nnd
ll'i'iiHowotllujKCneriitlveorKim" nomnttcrnf liow
hilif lan.llni ; . A euro nunrnnlie < I In cvi'rr [ i ur
niiuicy lofunclpil II jou liuvi1 J.ill.'il lo tfliiidl
< > H > li < > H'.it i nutili' lnlr , lullcUi > Ihi ! WI.M , 11 rill
unilliiivcndint nlth lilm ivlikhls stilctlr contllili-ii-
tlil. ( "uii'iiltntloiiu.xamliiutlonfrup Only a Miiitll
Hiimfor lomecllci Tlioii'iuiil'liino Iwc'n curoil rf
( IIITi'reiit iHocnw < lij U o WliiK I'lilncw Vcu-
c-tnlple leincillos , Miinjr latlnunliili cm be fount
pml seen In his oHie , or Ucincr piijTii Arttlrci" ,
1543 1/ulm.erSt. , Ueiivef , Colo.
Unclose Flnmj > forroplj
TocurnHIIIouncss. glck TTemJacho Con'tlpatioa
Malaria , l.lnr Compliilnu , tuka ilm ufu
un.l cctmin icmoOf , S..llTIIVS
Veo thoSM.AISI2nIO , ( Illtla l an to ( lie hot.
tie ) 'Jhey nrolho nicstconvenient bulLUlo ti
J'rlcoof clthor elio , lij cental fir LxjtJj.
C/8 SOB8VJ/f / i Jtt7. 37 70 : Plioto imvura
llv3O B Q Si tfl
\ panel Blzo of tilla plcturu for 4
terns < copi > eru or ettiapa ) .
Jlihoreof "lilloUfaiw. SI. UouU Mo
"In Darkest Africa. "
By Jlcjuy HI. Slanfcy.
"Tho Lie-
hijj Com pa-
ny's Evli-act
was o ( the
clioiccst. " -
Page ! ! 9Vol , ,
"Licbij , ' and
meat 8011)13 )
liad lo ho
prepared in
su Hi etc n t
quantities to
servo out cup
full to cnih wuakcnod mui ns ho stag-
Korod in. " Page 80 , Vol 1.
' Ono Mad I innntiRcd to orawl near
my tont. * * * Ifo was at once
bom o to n lira nncl luid within iv fuw
inches of itiuid with the addition nfti
pint of hot hrotli nuido from the fjiobi
Company's Kxtract of MLitvorcstor -
cdhimio liisaciisos. " Vol. 11 , Pajjo
from -\vlilcU thn
oil lias U'oii rciiiuvoil
and it la Soluble.
No Chemicals
arc used in its preparation. It hns
more than thru times tJic itreivjllt. o [
Cocoa mixoilwith Sl-ircli , Arrowroot
or Sugar , ntul h tlicroforo far moro
economical , costing Icsa than one cent
u ciij ) . It is iloliutous , nourishing ,
Btreiij-thoiiiag , IASIIV DroKsrr.u ,
and admirably adapted for invalids
UH m-Il iiafor pcrsom in huultli ,
Sold by Croooro ovoryvwhoro.
W. DftKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass ,
\vouMllltntolmven \ crcnmpr.r.
Tlio I'lcrt'o county ftlllitnea mcotsiil IMcroa
twtl t > r ' "
KlRht fiumlliv * fmni InclUnn sflllo < l In
Uivnvu county lus tvi > ol < ,
An Atii'letit OnliT of fultcil WorUincn
IinlKO lun been ci'giiiibcvl nl Vllloy.
Anew hiinlds to bncvtithlMiotl nt Onl
ullli u iiiiiiiberof le.ulltiK . uttUuu.s 111 stock-
svlitek .t Mrlnt'.i stoi'k of ROtiernl inor-
cliumJlv at riUt\vlias beoti loltl tiiular iil > -
tni'liiiii'iil ,
About thlity neoplo roslillnp ln tvroii
On'Minmaiul ( Ttlni Minted l.wt eel < for
Oivuiui \ViishliiKtou \ ,
Mit . U'ltsim , onnof tliiMilclscttlcrMif Hurt
county , illrd ul her lioiiin ncur Duoiilur > I.M tlu >
result of blond polseuhij , ' cimseil h ) froodiur
lier foot.
Thi'ivh talk of nhoiiin fnclory ill Ni'llll |
ntiil the | iluutvill prohiiUv bo put In If tint
iniincM-MUllI ii-ix ) > oto ciiltlvutont.'M \
linen of lii'iup
Sum Wyitioii * . fnthi-r of tlio to\vn lii nrlncr
lil.Hiiuinc , is | iii > | niiltiur to I'tnlsriili ) to Iho
Htati > of WiisliliiKtoiiiiftci' reiMliiK litVy -
inoro furthlit-four\fiirn. ) \
Culi'hU' CiinU , ii n-siilcnt of lioiluiM'ontilj *
slnco 1MW , dh'ilut KiiMiionl , iiRi'il elu'ht.y-niiu * . 'Ilio ilciciiseil was thn fnthurof t\vel\ii
I'lillili'c'ir , tlveofvlioiiintul u\\iilo\vMir\l\o \ \ \ \
KilVllte \ of Kearney hiu bei'ii foiinil
Ktillt.v of chick'ii sliMlln 'aiiil wan soiitonfnl
toimirlwuim < iit for ton iliy ana tnpiiv thn
wts.likh amount to fCii ) . U'lltju't rumlly
is hi cltalivss ,
Somebody ho liii.l . n gnu3iM tijralnit .lolui
llli'luun , u fiiiiuoi'iieiir r'nirbiiry , cut donii\cii npplc Iroos In hli orclmrd thn
orliur nlnht. It wnt onlv asliot-t tliuuOKi >
Hint Ulllehain'st lesiili'in'e-\viis Ihixllyiiu-
ltno\vn | urtli'Hiiiiil consumed.
A stain iiiisHiiiniirv ronfeivnio will ho liehl
nt \ \ * oeiliiKutir.Iarihri | \ \ Uiunil It , ise\-
pei'livt Hint a lurv'fl luiiubcr of pruiiilneuU
wovlO'iN iiuiliotuini'd mlssliniri ( \villho
1iios ( iit All iltMoiMtos will ho I'liU'i'tnhieil
unil : i l.iinu . attcudunco ltexiccti'd. |
Ala\hl City JOIIIIK hul.vvnn . \ cvpc'lcit
from tlio hlphnc-hnnl heiause shi ) slnj > | xxi u
\ \\liouulbuliliul \ her and prodiloil her In
the bui'k with a le.uloin'il ( anil pttllud her
hair.Vliontlu \ * I'.r.HO of lionictinn boiMino
knoivn , however , she \vn ? reiiiHtutcil ,
Tliw North I'latto Tcleurtiiili is nut horlty
fortlic Htiituincut tlut n resident of Iliirrlioii
invc.ini't liis : been In t helm hit of Ininnliik'n
lll.lll Of U'licat tO tO\Vll , UlllOillllllK Hilt till )
mill nnil then drhluir to Ilio ivlli-i" iloroauil
piTsontliin nn order for alii. Ili onlori for
lellof t'oods 111 heivuftcrho icfusej. s
Tlio new bain of IJ. h. litisco , ni'ir IjJ'ons , dcstroveil by Iliv , vlilch caught ftom u
lantern III tlio bnscinuiit. l oity tons of Imv ,
twelve ! lior as , six co\v anil n lot of gr.mi *
\\no lUstroji'd. There wcio sixty licnil of
onlViJi hi the Uascinont , 'L'lie bullilliiK was
insnroil for Tfl.MH . ) . Them win no iiiiur.iueo
on tinalooli. . Duly ouo borso wis ; saved.
The leshloneti ot I-1. C. Ilcrrluk , a Oopo
county farmer , \viis rompN.Mely destroyed liy
tire unil tlio escMped with IlieU-
li\es. Airs , llorriolc ran UK ) nnlH tea neigh
bor's with a juur-olit h.ihy In Inir niniH iit
not IliuUnir tlio iiclKUbor at homo , shu uns
coinpollt'd Uwalk a mllu to bur futlii'i's. ' '
WhiMi she pot tticro her feet uml h.imts were
bailljfiocn ,
Henry ICnnlon. losidltiR ut Cedar Bltiffi ,
nml sun time buen urri'ttoil charitinl wltli
stiootitigvith Intent to Kill Dr. Stm-art of
the same place. Tlio trouble orlfrlimtutl ovef
nKiitimcock lioloinilair tn tno doi'tnr. Tlio
utbei * niornini'tlio rnosUTvvnt to Karelin's
iilnco \v.issliuliip. . In thoiifleinoon Dr.
Stewart u-i-iit to Kartell's plan' in company
with Const'ihlo Dickov and \vnt InoKlnjr
tlirotiKlitlioKiirsten i-lnckoii coop , whun Iho
Inttoi nppuaii'il on tlio stone wltli n liolim | ;
and ilciiisiiHlcilhit they \vcro < loliiK
thuro. The sonnhiTs illd tint inalco tnv
ri'ply to tlio question , whoietipon ICiiratun
> i'nt nloiul of shot Into Dr. bli'\vait's ' hack.
Stoxviitt luid on u heavy fur coat anil t hoshot
nearly all lodged in the lunor coat and vest.
A ftnv ] iollots , liouovor , illfl RO thioiifrli utul
shRlitly scrati'lioil Heouart's buekvtthnnt
iiutcrlally inJuntiKliini. Sto\\art \ nml UlcKey
star toil for town on a ninvhllu Kurstcn 111-
loaded his RUII. A warrant for Karstcu'sar-
rest \ViU taken out , but when theolllcois ru-
ttiriioil lo sc-rvo it K.irsten and his " .on wcro
annc'il with shotguns and tbrc.Uisncd to slioot
any ono who came ncai- . They kept the
wliolutowu off txvodiiys , \vorcflually nr-
ixMtcd wiUloon n tilf > tolVcinont.
( ova.
AboutSIOnOD in purses will bo trotted for
nt ICnoxvIHo Aucust 11 to II.
( . 'iirroll howiiienaru tlilisklnp ot bulldliifr
a kitc-bliuiicd ruoo truck to cost $ I , iiliO
The Huck Island railroad will liprcaftcr
compel nil its employes to ilre-ss in uniform.
Hen 0. Knoiides , formerly sherifl"of Mar-
slinll county , is now in a C'.ilifoi'nii uisauo
ilurlliiKton Is sciimisly fxult'ilins
tlon of a now YomiKAlen's Christ i.iu
tlun binldiii ) . '
Ellen ( .integer , an old v/oinaii over sixty
years of a e , has been ii'M'iiuneitl.v ' enjoined
from sellitidlltiiJorat Independence.
Colonel .1. M. Davis , for tliiitj vc.irs u
clerk In thustntolimd oltk-o at Dei Inlnos ,
hm retired , and is succeeded by D , .V. Hitea
of ( irccnHclil
The fees received by the Mate auditor for
1'obruaiv amounted to .51liMwhich is
f.,700 ii.orc . than been iccoived in nny
ono month during the history of theoflleo.
Bishop \\.dkcr \ of North Dakota Ims
ofterod far llvo ye.ns an jirlm of the
value of WO to such pnpll of St. Knthcrine't
schiiol , Davenporl , as may bo reeominemioii
by tlm principal.
T. S. I'arvla lias sent
11 ou. a unique speci
men of iron U > the museum of Coo college. Jt
Uu t > oUnearly an Inch IOIIK pnuchud from
the deck ulato of thu iron cnislerlaino of
the United Stutc * navy.
Dnrlnp the months of Maivli. April nnd
May twelve mooting will bubeld at Chari-
ton and the proceeds received from the Milo
ol tickets \\ill be for the benefit of UILJ poor.
Papers will bo road on some Important ub-
jcct and a general discussion will follow.
The cooking rnngo in the K.ibiu at
lies Mollies exploded , scattering oonkiiif , '
utimslls and pieces or iron in every illrciti'jii.
The ningo was i-otnplctdy ilemqllihcd. Cor-
iiclius Ijirry , the aiuk , w.ib quite
hurt by being struck by 1-01110 of the lljiny
pieces of iron.
Seymour Wiirren s sentnificd In the district -
tric-t court at DCS Moinui to nine . litho :
penitentiary tor robbery.Vheu thesontonco
was pronounced his aged inollior created n
bcunolii tliui'ourt loom by lier exhibition of
grief , Shu tore her hair unil rushed out In to
tlio court house yard and hattoivd herself
with lorlcH , but w.n jirovonleil fnini dijiiif *
herself nuich injury uytho Intorfereiu'o of
A. worlcimm nt the D.ivcnport gas works
concliideil the other day t\iat ho would olec-
trocnto : \ tiwiblesomo oat. Ho placed the
toll no In ntuh of watirand turned on the
current. Itwas founu tiion Hint Iho tubhad
to bo moved hlightly. and wliilu tuovliii ; it
the uxcciitloiiov got hi' ) finger into the wati'i1
and ne.irlyelectrocuted himself. After ho
\\.is \ brought to , with a di'sliv forvcntfeaiu-o ,
he renewed ttui cxpeninonl. Thcio vu no
hitcli In , for Just as
the-cat opened itmnoutli forlliu forty-ninth
jell after II hud boon pUccd In the tub , the
cur i tint \viii turned on nnd it frou Avlth its
mouth upon.
A wnil : liJi-k , with a wonry aching Unio.
ness u\or the hips , is a MB o'f ilccM > cil kid.
iinys. Uaotlio lieit liidnuy cnr.itlvo liiiovvn ,
which is liuidock Blouil liittcrd.
ID Ills Motltpr ,
Chtule-s I'nucls l"anlel ) , a hrUht , pre
cocious lad abmit ten years oM , wlio-a
parents live In ICuiisas C'ity nud Denver ,
spcjnt.MJsterdiiy and Mondiiyiil litlu Oinslin ,
Ho blept ut the police stutioii Mimduy iilpht ,
The boy -was on lilt way Croin llunvoi * , wliem
his father Is worlihiR Ilia cigar factoo'i to
his homo In Kniwis City , uhoroliK muthcr
dittos \\Mihiii8 far n living , llo luii no
lieket uu duo money , but tint did not worry
him a particle * . The conductors , ho said ,
worn all guild lo him ami let him I'lilo free.
Tln > br.ikimiou oi1 tlw luwaboys or sumo
iihilaiithrople pissoiiger , llw la loplilneil ,
mvltiM hlinU ) oat occ.nlonallv nud tliotrip
ivits toliinniHon of pii'tiie. Ho was thinly
dud , but the winter's eoUl fullod to chill t ho
warm blouj tn Ills diiuiumlvofr.itw. llo
took the e\enlngtr.iln for K.tusajClty.
A gray lie.inlou a man umlor , VituUiOi ) him
look oliler thiiti ho Is. ' 1'he bi > ld.vo to eoloi
brown or black U UucUtifhaiirsdj-o for thi