Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1891, Image 1

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President Harrison Satisfhtl with the Out
look for All Public Business.
Clitini mid Minister Uhiii'-Ai't'liUoet
U'liiililin Uphold Condition i > I
Ilic SurpliiN-Coimiilltei' anil
iMU'r llepoi IN.
\VAMIINOTOV , Match ! -'this congress Is
having 11 icmnrlmhlo closing Thcio Is mi
xtiaordlmry ealmiioss iibout Hut pun-cod-
hies which roiiMimo Iho closing tvvontv-four
hours of congress , mul they nro almost ilovoUl
of Intoiest 'I hero I' , perlium , inoru tluui
usual rush in tliu lobbies lij thine xvho nio
unRcr to press tlnounh moisinos 'I'ho
' lobby" Is xeiy nctlvo , nncl Is In u measure
suicossful , tliouuli nil tlmt was expected In
the way of "KcttlnK little IHO.I-UICM through '
\xlll not bo accomplished The woik ilono
today xvns ohlelly in lonfcionco committees ,
the two houses inctcly nctlnt , ' on icpoits
'Iho fi lends of the copyright hill nro work-
mi ; to have the tshciinnii nmondment
Klxon up by the semite , as they feel if tlio
BCimto does not looodo the bill will full ,
The ii'sult of the stuiKh'lo to put miscel
laneous Items on the iippioptliitlon blllsjs
still In doubt. Tlioioforo It Is not possible nt
this tlpio to toll Just xxhnt the nirBtejjnto of
nppropilutlons for the session will bo Those
inlscollnnoous Items count up cnoimouslj
( luiltiK the rush of the closing houisof the
session. At the close of llio lust scsMon
vciv liberal estimate xvns undo by the com
mittees , living the sum of thow items nt
$ . ' > ,000.00 ( ) , but it United out the nKgiopato
xvas $10,01)0,1100 ) It Is s.ifu to s ly the
njjRi-OKato of all the nppropihtiom
will exceed $ . 'iWKXi)00 ( ( ) ; possibly it will bo
consldcinbly more.
An c\enlng p.ipcr sajs "Tho piesidont
snld to callers ji-stonlny tlmt the lopoit tliat
ho Intended to send n spec ! il mossiuro to the
semite urging the imsiitfoof tlio foileial elec
tions bill was not tine. It would bo , ho said ,
both superfluous nnd useless Tlio president
slid to these gentlemen ho h id no Uleii nn
citrn session of congicss would lie neiessni )
As to the talked of special session of the
facnnte. the mesldent suid ho had no Inten
tlon of calling one 'Them was , ho said ,
flolbliiK i" the present outlook of public bust-
nisshleh would leijuiio It Tlio inesidont
then tolii his cnllcr ho wns ( toing on n shootIng -
Ing ti ip about n week'lifter ' tlio adjournment
of congress , to bo gene u few ilujs.
v 'iHI : ritjsn : r.\T.
A NtiinliiM' ol' Measnii'ililcli llnxc
> o\v I'cconic Lauh.
WA IIISO ros , Mini'h : t - I'ho piesident h is
Tilgned the direct tn\ bill , the act to piovent
liookiiinklng and pool selling in the Distiict
of Columbia , the act anieiidingtlio act for tbo
icllof of xoliinteeis nnd icgular soldiers of
the lute vvar.npproved March ' , ' , IbDO , the net
pmntlng a pension to tbo vxidow of Ocncial
AVilllnm II Hoffman ; the act to establish
n chcult con it of appeals nnd to
define and irguluto In ccit.iln e-nscs tbo juns
diction of the comts of the United States ,
the net In regard to the ticntv of reclpwcltj
xvith the Hawaiian Islands , the net providing
for the Mife unil * humuno transportation of
cattle ; the net for the erection of United
State's prisons nnd for the nnpiovcmci t of
United btates prisoners.
The net amending the Invxs In le aul to the
immipintlon of aliens , the ait granting a
pension to the widow of Keir Admiral Porter
ter ; thoni't to provide for ocom mail serx'ieo
hetvvecn the United States and foreign poits ,
nnd to inornate commeiee , and the
net to icgnlate the gi.inting of leases
of Innds nt Hot Spihifrs , Aik.
The ptvsldont nppioved tonlgUt , among
other bills , that to provide for the inspection
of live hogs and ciicasscs nnd nioiluits
theicof , subjects of Interstate coimneico ; also
the joint resolution nppioprintuiK * , ( ) ( ) , ( ) )
for tlio linpioveinont of the Mississippi river
nnd inaldiiK same immcillalelx nvnilnblo : also
N , nn net providing for the adjudication and
pax inent ol claims atlsiug from Indian depie-
_ _ _
Doi-sn't Object lo Itlnlr.
\ VIIIM.TON , March . ) . A minor is rur-
lent hero to the effect that upon Information
cabled by the Cldnoso minister hcie , the
Chincso goxcintnent has cnteicd nn objection
to Senator Ulnlr as minister to thnt countiy.
Tlio Chinese minister behiR in Peru , Mr. Yo ,
cue of the attaches of the legation , today said
theie xv its absolutely no tiuth in the icport ,
nnd nddcd :
'A xvas of coin-o sent , but It
\\usonh uiiit'io niiiionnccment , nnd no xxoid
has been rccc-lved fiom tno Chinese government -
mont in answer to the mo-s > ano. Anj action
hostile to thonppoiiitinent xxould bo taken
presumably on infoimutlon sent fiom hcio ,
nnd nothing iiKalust Mr lihir has been
.ent nor any likelv to bo sent
AVe have , of com so , inndniiivoitlRntlons. hut
nil xvo imvo found out is favoi iblo to the ap
pointment lather than against it I have
been in this country lon cnoutili to know
xv hat a fake is. I should call the stoi } about
Mr. Bliur a fnko. "
Mr. Itlair saiii so fur as ho know theio was
nothing xx hntov er in the story.
\ \ liidiini Uphold.
WtsiiixoTON , Miiii'h ; -Senator t Spooner
fiom tlio committee on public buildings and
grounds to > submitted to the senate the
icsultof the committee's investigation of cer
tain allegations made bj citizens of Spring
Held , Mo , concerning the ocloetion of a site
for the public building there , ami imiMug
rcitnln ii.sinuntions npahist Supervising Ar-
cliitoit of the Tieasury Wlnduin in connec
tion xxith the mnttev The report states the
committee , nftor hearing a luge n mount of
testimony , is unanimously of the opinion tlmt
thcie Is nothing whatever In the cxidenco
which Imnenihes In any way the capacity or
IntefHlx of Mr.Vlndiim. .
Ivo.ichod an
\ \ AiiiiNOTOv , Maich 3 The conferees on
the postoflleo appropriation bill hiix'oieiiched
an n 'i-cement on the few points nt issue LM--
tvvefi. the two houses. The senate aincnd-
nicnt incieasmsf tlio appiopriatloii for
foreign mail service by ViHuiH ) , ) to meet
the ivquiioinents of the postal sub-
bidy hill , Just , passed xxns nceepted 1
tho" house conferees The senate nniciulincnt
nerenslnp bv ? lKi.l)00 ( ) the appiopiiatlon for
the piv of clorUs in poitofllces xvas nmended
so as to piovido for nn Incivaso of ? > VH > 0.
bo 'Vliinsion ,
March .1 Mr Mlliilien ic-
portcd fax'ornhly a bill for the erection of nn
DNtcnsion to the white liouso , in accordance
ivi'h thu plans proposed bj Mrs Harrison
U'bo whole stuictuie , when completed , is to
cost not moio thnn JWO.oeH ) .
Condition of Iho Surplus.
\ WismsoTON , March 3 The ticasury do-
pnrtmcnt today pild out S3'dX ) , OJ for pen-
lions , complothiK the t.ifl.oOJ.i'O ' ) required on
that account fur the mmitor ending tomor
row. The treasury surplus has , ni'iordlngly ,
boon icducc 1 to f
Killed tlio ( ahle.
'i KUNinoN , MniJliU- The runfcioos on
the diplomatic apinoprlation bill settled the
. ' wily jciiiiilnlnir question lu dispute by strik
1 ing out the pi opo-dtlon for a caUlo betxveou
ibo United State * nnd Hawaii.
Nebraska Noiiilnntlois L'oiilhmi'd.
Mr.ic'h ,1. The si unto this
coallimod tUo follow ing uoirlua
lions.1 W l.nvc of N'obliiskn rnnsiil nt
snn Salvmlor. .1. II KlKg > , pnstniastc'i at
IVXillI , Neb
II Iti'comcM u hixx.
WVIIIINIITON. .Mareh4 ( Spi--iul . lYlegratn
to'lnr lluAll | o'clock this moinlngtho
enate lias i eroded from thoSlicrmnn aiiiend-
icnt and the copy light bill will become a
U tmiiNiuos , Miirch 11 [ SpeclalTelcginm
oTni : Hit ] At Ji.tho : eopyilght bill has
nssed the house and noxv cooi to the inesl-
Agreed on Indlmi Appiopiiatlon .
WxtiiiNoroN , Match .1.- ' 1 ho e-onferces on
ho Indian appiopilatlnii bill hnvo reaihed
n agreement on that bill , the house nccopt-
ng the senate luneinlinciit nppioprlutlnn
'J.'Hil.liiO ' ' for the p.ixmcnt to the I'hoctaw
iinl ( . 'lilchasavv Indians for 1 mils occupied by
ho C'lipjonnoi and Ainpnhoos In linllnn
orntorj" and e'omproinisiiiir on fldO.lHVl as
lir.iinount that shall lie pild to the friendly
simifoi propertv destrovod in tlio Into In-
tlun vvnr.
I iitnds In . ' ici'l.
dToN , Mnioh il Secretiry Tracy
enlght sent to the senate' , In response to a
resolution , the lesult of tin' invcHlgntlon
undo Into the alleged dofoc Is in thestcoliast-
ngs fuinlshi'd the trovernmcnt bj the Stan-
laid steel ronipmx ofThuilow , 1M Tbo In
vestigation show oil thitn number of castings
fuinlshed woio defective and had llnxx-s con-
enled , npp.irently to deceixo the 111-
M > cctors. I'ho recietniy nNo bent in the
I'cpoit of the 1 ni.liil appointed to In
vestigate the false stamping of the steel test
on pieces for naval ve"-srls made by the
" . linleti htcel company of I'lttsbnrg , Pa , , the
esiiU of which shows that a counterfeit
stamp 11 nil been usi'd hv an emplo.vo of the
comp.inv , and that the e'ompuiv had no
'iiiowh'dgo of the fraud pr.iitlced on the go\-
'Mrs , Itai'rnndia's Clnlin.
INIITON , Muicli.l TiansitoIIunrtnto ,
the widow of Ceneral Darnindlii , In her own
inmo and ns the rcpii's iitiitlvo of her six
minor daughters , and Kamon IloiiKoec.ita ,
us the rcpiesentatlx oof his wife , llnrundla's
laughter , haxo Hied with tbo seciet.n.v of
.stale nclilin ivalust the Unltod States for
$1,000,000 for Imx'ltiK surrondorcd H.irnmdia
touati'iniiliMi ( ! ! uuthoiltics , atxvhoso hinds
ho lost his life Tlioio is a defect in the
oinnn xvhlch. In the opinion of the state de-
putmcnt olllilils , xvill piovo futil to It , and
that is tlio fact tlmt It is undo bv citizens of
a foreign countx ! xxithout the knowledge and
consent of that cou ntiv It U satdnt the do-
putinent tlmt , it Is n well ostablisheel
liiliii'iploin this eounti } , ns xxell ns otbeis ,
that the claims of ctie. ! s of one countr.x
against nnother nio iccogni/ed only xvhcn
piesentcd in the inline of the country of
which the clnlmant Is a citl/en.
Appropi hit Ion C
\VX--IMM.TON , Mnub , -Agreomeiits have
been reached b.v tlioconfeiencocoinmlttees
on nil but three ol the annual appropnitlon
bills yet lein.iinmi ; before ooiiKrc-iS , vitho
legislative' , dcliciono ) and .viicuHural iiills
On the Hist n.imoil bill the ) hitch Is in favor
ofmnUlug clciks to senatois nnmiul instead
of session employes.
On the deficiency bill the conferees wore
In session for the lint tinn at 50 o'clock to
night , and the process nude at th it hour on
the numerous points of difference XXMS not
M'i > cioat.
On the agricultural bill there nra two or
llneo matters in dispute , th % piuicipil ono
bein the irilgatlon pioject , but It Is thought
tho.v cnn be iimicably arranged without a
gieat deal of difllcnltj
Of the other appiopriutlou bills , the army ,
iiillitiiiy academy , fortllicatlon and naval
bills liavo become laws , tho.sundrv civil and
postofilco bills have been agreed upon by
both houses ind await tbo presiilont's ap
proval onlv , consular , diplomat Icand pension
bills have boon iigioul upon by the confeiees
and the ndoption of the eonft'iviico icpcrts
Is all that delays sending the bills to the
The confeircs on the pension appiopiiation
bill have ro ie lied an agreement pro
viding hcMcaftor no pensio i attontuj
shall iciclvo a fee of moio ih in 5 > J In. my
claim foi an Increase of pension. No lom-
peiisation v ill bo iilloxvod for seeming n
special nit of i oneness firantliif ; a pen' Inn or
incicaso pension in an v case thnt has been
puseiited to the pension ollico or is allowable
miller the pension laxv These pro
visions sliall not apph to aii > case now pend
ing vvbeio there Is vxlstui ) ; a lawful conttact ,
d or Implied "
jo ii. i A/JIIW.
I lies at Dos
DPS MOIMfa , Match .1 ( Special
TclcKinin to THE Hri.JAbout midnight
last nicht lire was diseovcii'd In the Mar-
iruntdt block , at Fifth and Uociist sheets
After an boi.r nnd .1 half hint fighting the
II lines xv 010 extinguished. I'ho damage to
the Maitunudt building is estimated at $10-
iHXJ , lullv liiaUiecl. Prod Hiu'bnoh , fuini-
tuu1 , xvill lose about $ . ' ,000 above insurance.
Millei'sJoxx-eliv stiuoand Hcelvcr's sewing
machine nconcv xveio bidlj damiped , but
Ihe insuiaiie'o will piobablv cox-et the loss.
'Iho Iheinen wore called out again nt '
o'clock this morning to keep down an liii'lpl
cut blaze tint spring up from thu iiilns
Many families over the hnuilng stores wcto
obliged to hastily seel : shelter elsowhoio last
riro nt 'J..W this afternoon damaged the
lesldcneo occupied by .1 vV Means , in
lies Mnliios , owned bv custom pailloi , to the
extent of ? INM ) , coveiod by insuiaiico The
loss on household goous oj Mr , Moans was
The llli'ft inn nl I'oit
Fein DuDi.l , la , March l f-peci.d Tc-lo-
piamtoTiu Ih iTlio ] city election heio
icsultcd in tbo clcition of Cleorgo Hyatt ,
democrat , for minor over ( ' I , Ch-angor
lopabllian and citi/ens candidate , bv Ii ma
Joilty The other cltx olllccb mid aldoinici :
were equally divided between lepubllcans ,
demoeiiits , cltl/ens and indopoiidents. The
voters declde'd in fnvorof the city's nur-
chasing im electric light plant bj nn over-
wlirlming ; mnjority I'ulv lines were
loosely Joined uud Mum badlj niUod.
AIINOII'S I'tithcr llonoied.
MAIISIIXI.I.TOW v , la , Murch U. fSpccia' ' to TUB U r Henrj Anson , father
of the famous baseball captain , was electee
maxor jestc'elay by a mujoiltv of " > Ti : over J ,
K Vuncouit l onilc'i'ii liunclied and tlilrty
one votes x\ ere > t Mi Alison's < niallllca
lions or the ofllcc mo unquestioned , and It I
geneialiy believed lie xvill llll tbo oillco will
nbllit ) and batlsfm tlou.
Took Knii li on
Ci-Dvu Kiiuns In , Match n - [ Special Tel
rgr.iii ) to Tin Hi r J MiCnnlo Uencjck , r
voniv marili'd xvoman , took lough on rnt
vestcrday afternoon with suicidal intent , mi
soon nftervv.uds told her sister. Medicn
help was summoned , but to no avail , and she
died this inoinlng No caus'j is known fo
the i ash act.
_ _
Modal for IOVVII'N School i\hllill. :
DBS MOINIIn , March ,1 - [ Special Tolc
gram to Tin Bri l Siipoiiiitoiiilout S.ibli
his ivccixed ( inelegant gold medal fiom th
directors ol the 1'aiis cxnoslttoii for th
nvvnrd for Iho Jona school exhibit , vv hid
was the host in thu United States dopait
Illoxx Out the ( ins.
I ) vxr1 roi.i , la. , March M. [ Special Tele
giam toTnr Hi n.- ] \\'llllnin \ Johns nnd xvlfi
rf Hamilton bloxx1 out thn gas nttho St .lame1
hotel last night nnd at I o'clock t Ids moinin
xvoioellscovoiod in an nlmobt djlug condl
Sioux rlly Slici't Currt Ihu neil ,
SioixC'HY , la , Mnu'li , l < l'hii In ti
jiovvei1 house of the ulootilo slice ! rallro.n
lompain this inoinlntr dostioyed nb'Ctef
ini-s ami lindly diimaECcl anuiuci' ot others
Loss , $ .jOOW.
A Oltiss System That is Not Only Uujust
But Out of Date ,
Cliulslnnc spcakM for "One 'Mini ,
One Vole" I'liu-cc HIILS-I ol'tho
HoiiM'ol'Commons I Hue *
( Ion In llola'iiila ,
Murch .1 [ Special Ctblograni to
'in : Hi r. ] In the house ot commons today
U. lion .himes Htanllold , niomboi' for Hall-
av. In niovlnp thnt the house amend the olec-
oral law by enacting tint nobody can vote
ii moio than one cU'ctoialnte.i , Ihnt thoteini
inallfjliif * n person to xoto bo reduced to
lireo months , and that the act of re'gistiatlon
slmplllli'il , armicnl that tlio piesent sv stem
ontiiolx out of dnte Coiitliiutnir , Mr
jtiuillcld snld the piesent system of voting in
heat Kritaln originated lu a tlmo xvhen the
Icctoral francliiso was drained n class privl-
? go and not a oitl/cn's ngnt. When parlla
lent pis od the household suft'iago act
ho idea of "ono man , ono vote , "
atuially followed. But ns the
iixx * now stoid a man could
oto In eveiy county and every borough
vhcioho held a house. In other xvonls , the
irescnt plan meant that the mm having the
nest menus would have the light to teturii
noio members of inrll uncut thin ono xx'lth
mailer moans. 'Iheso outvoters , according
o tbo spe liter , often turned an election
niiist the views of the majoilty of the rosl
Mr. Iti-niv A Hoxvaith ( consorvatixe )
noinbor for Soulh Silford , subinitteet an
amendment which In hiief meant that nnj
Itni.iUon Intho law xxas liicvpcdicnt unless
uovidliifj that the different puts of Great
h'itiiin and Ireland should bo repioseiiteil
n pullament In pioportlon to thcli
lopulatlon This motion , snld Mr.
llawoith , reopeneil the vvholo duestlon of
electoral leform. Thoio xvns no doubt , ho
uldeil , that the balance of voting had latch-
changed [ opposition chccis ) , but it would bo
ash to again niter the system of x'otlng
vhich boio more Inrshly upon the conservn
lv 's than upon the llbeiils. If this system
xvas dumped , the llrst thing to bo done ought
to bo to amend the Uispioportloiiato lepro-
bciitation of the constituencies "Ireland is
, rossly ovei-iepiojentcd , " sild he. "It is
ibsnid that one snnll Irish town has eight much electoral power as 11 city lllto
Dundee Six lilsh burgs , each letuininic
iiombeis , have a combined cloctoial vote
mi illy cininlllng the constituency 1 icprc-
sent. Taking the hish clcctorito as n wliolo
the representation tin exceeds xilmt is
dotted to England nul Scotland It is hcio
that leform is necessary if anywlioio. "
[ Oheeis. 1
Mi liladstono held tint the amendment
xirtually admitted the neicss > itv of .upending
the icgisttation and the acceptance of the
[ irmclple of "onemin , one X'oto ' The conn-
: iy would not long tolerate a pluial vote
w hen convinced , that it enabled the upper
classes to throw their weight against llio
judgment of the working classes [ Hear ,
licarj Possession of a pluial vote was ob
iectionnblo because it bad no connection
ivith vhtue , wisdom , chaiactcror public ser
vices , Piopoity was not entitled to extra
lopicscntntion. Hexis unable to sco that
the convict ons of the great masses of tbo
lieoplexo o less sound than tboso ot the
Higher classes. The character , knowledge
nnd education theonjojei ) vv"io of thorn-
selves an extra xxilsht In elections , forlt xvas
llio entire disposition of the people to do full
lustiio to tlie-p qu ilities 1'bo ainendment
xx'as not legitiinntcly connected with the mo
tion. It lofu&hiK toiemovo ono griov-
mice until nnothci ce.iiod to exist. If lie-
land had eighteen memhcis moiethnnshe xvas
entitled to on a Mnctl > basis , how
long bad this been ) How long had r.tiirlatul
beongieatl } ovei icprescntod loinpired xxith
othci nations ( Onlj now ISngluid found she
bad a foxv membois le'-s that she ought to
have ICngl.ind still held txvothiids of the
xoting power and insisted tint the xx-holo
business of the national linn should bo trans
acted at her own llnsldo. [ Hear , bear.l
England ceitainl ) lindnotltlo to eomplain
looking at the vast power she possessed and
the use she made of logulntliif ? affairs In
other p.utsof the Kingdom , not by their sen-
tlinonts but by her oxvn. If there existed a
grievance it was not hers iCheors |
Mr Chamnorlaln said ho ngiced with muih
of what Mr Gladstone had saU about pluial
voting. Sooner or later theio must bo urn-
founity in suffrage
Mr , Stnnlleld's motion \xfns rejected bj a
vote of y.11 to Ib'i ' The largeness of the ma-
Joiitv was duo to the absence of the liish ,
Amuck on tin ; Dublin > lnll.
Dun IN , March. ) . At noon today , while
the Dublin mail train was ncarlng Castle
rcagh , a passenger named Gavan suddenly
drew a knife and commenced slashing nnd
ImcUIng at those about him , at the sumo tlmo
veiling at the top of his volco. The cir w is
loaded xvith passengers and all weio thrown
in to a n.uiic by tLo feioclous onslaught of the
man ,
Oavan badly wounded five of his fellow
passengers , nnd onlx dcsUtod ttoni his bloody
vx oik when both blades of his huifovcio
brolten nnd the weapon was icndercd hniin-
less , Ho then ] uinpcil fiom the train \\hllu
it xxns going at full speed.
The wounded pissengers wcio talien to the
rallioad station nnd plivsichns attended to
their injuiies. The police captuicd Oavan
who was not much hint by lib Jump Ho Is
A Slorni ) . cono.
Unvir , Miivli J ' [ Special Cablegram to
Tin HIT. ] Theio xx-as a stounv scene in the
chamber of deputies to lay xvhllo the electoral
mandates weio being x'crlllcd bitmor
Imbrianl legrettcd some members had ao
copted money to defend a certain candidate
bofoio the committee cntiustotl with th
xx'oikof '
Sk'nor Spii'lto nnd others Itnmcillatelv
aioso nndpiotc'steil ncjilnst what they called
slnndors Slgnoi Imbiiani icplicd that ho
scoincd Signer Spiitot's remarks. The pics-
idcnt domandcd that the objectionable ex
pression bo let railed Muni. meinboisHimped
up to spc.iK and a great ujuoir onsueel. Slg-
uor liiihiiani having rofuscu to ictrnct his
oxiircbsion the pti'sidcnt called for cider nnd
the excitement subsided.
llh-ctlous in HohiMiiin.
Virsv\Muicli ! ! . [ Hixiclnl Cablegram lo
Tin Hi , Tbo elections In LJolicmia tor
members of the lower house of the Austiun
reiihrrnth haxo le sultcd hi the letuiii of
box'cntcen joiuig CVech , ten ( ! eiinnns and ono
old C/ech Ju ( hillcli tx\ctity Poles nnd
hex en Uusso-Sla\s xx cio returned. The I'olos
lost three seats The districts of Moiavla re-
tuincd sou'ii old U/eehs. txvoCioinun llbei-
als and ono Ucimaii iiutioiiiillst.
. Mini' ( 'Iilliiin lioops l ( < * xolt.
LON'ION , March H A dispatch fiom Chili
byttv of 13uenos Aj.'os tod.iy st.itos > that
thieo battalions ot infantij niul the cntlio
Kouith icgiiiicnt , u | i-ut of the Chilian wov
en nmeiit hoops stationcil in thonclghboihood
of Pisagnn , h.ivo shot thelrolllceis and do-
claicd theniieh cs in favor of the ie\outlou- \ )
ists ,
Mac I Ion uli I.
Qi i m i , Mauli : i. The 1'lcctour nccusoi
.Sir .lohn Mnclloinild of MHK a lee of the
Catholic church , nnd ul s upon French I'an-
adlans to oppose him ns hiicli Thu uiticlo
has ci oaten u sensation.
Gotlluj ; 'l
Ji ) IILIS , Match il. - U Is i crted that Loul
Salisbury , tlio llritUh prlmo minister nnd
Cojut You HulzRIklt , tlit. Uumuii mnbassa-
dorto ( Ireat Ilrltaln , nro IreuthiR xxlth a
\ low to n mpprOchemint on nue-stloii' . In-
ol tul Int ; thai of > \vtuirelii ' rinncosln-
tcrcJta conlllct with thaso of Kngluiul.
Not .Inclv the lllppcr.
I.OVDOS , March il. - rironi m Hullcr , nr-
ivstcd for the murder of "family Nell , " has
been dlMi'liar cd , as the police could not find
onongli exidonco to connect him xvitlitho
) j tlu
LONDON , March U. 'lho Dockers' union has
seceded from the IVdonitc'd Unbor union ,
owing , ills clnlmo.l to the needless obstinacy
and lack of dlsciotlon shoxxn by tbo se.iimurs
and llrcinnn's joch't les ,
The t'lrrco I'atcnt I'liino Company
Han a llrlol'llut Kuuuostfiil Career.
CIIIVI.NM' : , Wjo. , MnichJ [ Special Tclo-
Brain to Tin : HnK.J Inspectors Patterson
inidLawrcncocaino licio this aftciuoon and
took to Donxer the Weens brothers , who
\xero nrrevstod vesteidav for fraudulently
using the United St toi malli. The inspect
ON have n largo amount of null initter that
him boon forxvardoil toClioycuno for the txx'o
men , many of the letters containing dtafts ,
express ordOM and notes The scheme
xvoiked by the moil -xas to roptosont that the
1'Ieico pitoiit iil.iuo compiuy was anxious
to advoitiso their goods in tbo community.
Tocaehpeisoncim\nssed a ticket was given
\xhlcli read ! "Unlllo for n Plcicc pitent
piano , xvhlch will bo given away to the peo-
nloas an ndvcrttsoment. This tlclcot , No.
too , entitles the holder to n chnnco In the
drawing , which will talto place nt Omaha ,
between robruury 25 and lib "
'Ihcso tickets hnj. been piotty Boncrnlly
distributed in Denver mid Pueblo , f.ast
Axcck tno men sent n tilir bitch of ndda'ssed
envelopes to Omaha ttnuh contained n no-
tlco that the : tddrcs cohad linixxn the plnno.
A bogus Union I'aoiflcRliippliiKlecoipt , was
enclosed , across the fnco of vxhlch was writ
ten that the ( was held subject to the
freight charges The Pieuo piano company
agreed to hnvo the phnr > go foiward on re
ceipt of the $10 to pay the charges An
order to the Oinuhi postmaster directed
that nil the mall of the PICICO patent piano
company should be sent to Denver , and an
order In the Denver oftlco directed that it
ho sent here. Le'ttors with money remittances
of { 10 have been coming Into tlioCtiojcnnc
ofllco xx'ith ox'ory mull , and if tbo schema had
not bccndiscov9recf so promptly the injin
would have made a big haul. Somooftho
letters nro in torostiiig Ono from Miss Daisy
Thomas of Eniporln savs :
"I enclose Slunnd mv ticket , Is'o IM52 , which
has , you write , druxvn the pi mo. It is such a
surprise to mo thnt ttcroaro not xvords to
cxpiess my tcrntltuoe. I am a music teacher
nnd xvill certainly tlj nil 1 iaii to ndvcrtiso
jour lii m"
Inspector Patterson ; says thcro are txxo
moro men in the scheiae. One ol them is n
biothorof the men atiestod , and the other is
named Danfoith. Both are In Denver ntiu
will probibly bo run down Thcie is a con
federate in Omaha jvticjni ho thinks Is a
xvoinan. The inspector sppnt Inst Sutuiduy
mid Sunday in Omaha , under the assumed
inino \\alvvortti , vvorkiiif * ( up the case
'J ho Pierce patent phno company is a myth
and the only person tin .Omaha connected
xvith the scheme Is a xvoinanxvho so far has
mutinied to keep her identity and where
abouts aseciet.
rinniicjal DlflloulU'e'siIieiul to Snlehlc ,
EueiAit , Neb , M iSfl.-jlSpceial Telegram
to Tin : . ] - * | Jlutton , IlvluR about
four miles from EJtffc-irj an old nnd rosnectod
citl/on of Nticltolft cdunty , committed sul-
csdo t > / k.TirlnZ'v " " 'jli'lf ' * of his.
barn last night , financial difticulties led to
the act.
Violated tlio lleveiuie
Bitohi'N Bo , Neb , March ! t Special
Telepram to TUB Brr , | United States Mai-
shal Drad Slaughter of Omaha -xxcnt to
Mernn , ten miles xxest of here , last evening
nnd arrested ono A. Q , Brock and took him
to Omaha todav. The charge iigaliist lliock
is&upnosed to bo dlsposiinrcf liquor iniola
tlon of the internal icvcnuolaxx' .
Oago Count ) Oiitiiot Court.
Urxrinn : , Nob. , Jlarchy. fSpccid Tele-
giani to Tiir Hi i : . ] The March term of the
Uistuct court for tlago county bc0'an jcstei-
\vitli.TuilgoI3roidy on the beach , 'i'lieio
niolibO civil ana seventeen criminal cases on
tlio trial docket. The ( fsand jmv is mnv in
session and is Investigating a number of im
portant criminal cases , funxliich Indictments
xvill in all piobabillty bo rendoreil. The
Ilolincsxlllo Union 1'aclHc wreck and murder
case , of which the Lilly brothois arc dofoml-
ants , is under the consideration cf tbo grand
juiy today. _
A OliaiiKe In-Postmasters ,
Afiiiuv , Neb , Mhrch ! ! . [ Spcelil to
TUB Hn-.l-Mr. U. O. Fellows , Au
burn's now postmaster , took clnrtro of tie
ofllco jcsterdaj and removed it tj the new
iletzel block. The citizens mot en masse in
the old quniters nnd the old postmistci ,
Dtvid Campbell , \x-as called In , nnd to his ns-
tonlshment , ho was presented xvith r. silver
water set from the cltiensV. . H. Kelllgm ,
.1. II Dundas niiel Rov. I'rcssor made the
speeches conviying to Mr Campbell the best
xvistios of tne patrons of the pfllce , to which
Mr. Campbell icspoiulc'd In his usual hnppj
I'diloi lul Tioubli-H.
W \xmur , Neb. Much [ Special to Tin
Ui r. ] The town xvns prolty veil enlivened
jesteiday oxci thohorso whipping plvcn the
cdltoib ol the Union Motoi , of this city , by a
mimed u oinnn xx-ho It scorns -xx Ished to .set
tlo an old giuelKC. She uecoidhiK waited
upon thoai n little after 12 o'clock , her hus
band going nlong to sco thatthe chastisement
was \xpll administered. This didnot endthcii
trouhloa. About - o'cU > c' ' { ft ileloRntlou ol
rallroid men .x-ho toolc exceptions to nn
nrtlclo which .ippeawil In their paper xx-eck
before last , stating thafliino out of ten rail
load men did not pay hcir bills , called upon
them and fjavo thorn ten davs to cither inalto
a loti action or got out of town.
Mnrderor Miller \Vnnia\oSi\tj I > nt/ /
to Mukc anppeil. .
CiinrvNF , Wyo. , ; March 11. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tin : IJnt. ] Governor Umber to-
eltv Krantod aicsplto of sixty days , to Ohm-
llo Mlllci , sentenced to 1)0 bunged Muu h 20
Milieu's counsel askej for a respite of ono
joar , claiming that lonyth of time NX'ouhl bo
nccossniv to take his vcaso to the supreme
court. 'J'lio supreme couitconxencs April J" ,
nnd Governor Hmbcr.iii Riantlng thoiesplto
siys hlxtv dnjs xvlilbo ample time In which
to'gixoMillorovciy auvautiiKO the luvx' til-
AV 4toin People in
Cnicino. March II [ Special Telcyrani to
Tin : Hi i : . ] Among the western people In
Chicago ted ij woietho folloxxlng :
At tlio Commercial AV.I. Kvans , Omaha
At \Vlinlsor-Mlsa UUbcrt , MID Slid-
don , Ni-binslw Citv
At the ( .5 milt U , T. Kvans , Onmlm
At the lioro-T. Andrews , Omiiba , II. ( I
lllrkloy , Nclnasltu Uity , J. I.andauoi' , J
hlelfct , Lincoln ; L Uovviimn , Mcl'ook
At thoCIraio W K. McLaughlin , Oinnlia
At tlio AuditoriumMi's H , M. Wiloer ,
Sioux Cltv.
At the WellingtonChostorl ) Allcis , Halt
At the Palmer-Mr- . \ \ \ ButterlU'Kl ,
Sioux Tails ; ( iooigo K King , Uus Mulnes ,
I ! O Tux lor , Salt l.ako ,
At the (51mil Pmlilu .1 ( t. Wnro , John S.
Clayton , Omahii ; Mrs. II K 'Juclicr ' , Mil
\V \ T I.oelivvood. I'ai o ,
At the Shciimin ,1 U 1'urlou , Halt I-nko
AtlhoTicmout U , 1 ! Siinboin , Union.
SOffi PEHSOSAL REJAHKS , of tlio Labjratory in
Oonferonco Oawcs n Rupture.
IVi'iii-li spnllttiloii Clulms nnd
Itailxtii ) Claims \ppropilallim
and Other IlillH -
Him I'M of the O
AV IIIMITOV , Mauli 'I- [ Special Tele-
? ram to 'lni llu ] Iliorewns nllx-oly tlmo
in the senate today belxxcn Seimtors 1'ad-
docknnd Alllr.on ,
Sometime ii otho former got his liillnp-
; ) ropi luting ? i. > flixh , ) for Iho coiistitictlon of
lldliiKa i > nel their equlpnient as in ii'ilctil- (
tui.ilsi-ientlllc labomtoix'
in emulation ith
the department of a ricultuioxhcro the in *
loivsts of the farinor Hero tobo consideieJ in
n sclent illc way , Ineoiporatod in the iiKiictil-
tiiiMlnpinbpriatlon bill Tno diseases oflix'o
lock , all ( 'indos of nsrlcultui il liortlcultiiio ,
etc , woroto botnlton up ixnd IiixcHiRiited in
ib Is branch of thoilopntnient Tlio tixilcul-
tur.ilnppropriatlon bill wont into the binds
of nconfcunco committee Into jostonlny
J'odnj It cinio bick Into tlio son nto xx-ith Mr.
Paddock's Inbor.itory amendment stiiclton
U made thoXobrniKa slitcsimn , xxho is
chairman of the agricultural committee , \or.x
.vnnii. Ho got up and said ho XXMS 'inia/cd ixt
the action of Stintor Allison In submitting to
thodeinnnd of the conferee * on the pirt of
thohousoto stiiko it out. llosnldlt xxastlio
nest itnpoitiint stop taken by tills congicss
for the fanner. It XXMS Intended for the era-
Mention of disoises In f.iiin nnlinals , and
looked toward othe-r ( helps to tlio fann
ers. In xieiof the upilsitifaiul demands of
the fanners , itas pissing strange that this
proxlslon should ho stucken out hj thoson-
itocoufoiccs nt tliolrllrat meotini ; The iti-
fotcnco bcliiK that the loxva senator hid not
iinulo a piopcr stand foi tt.o laboiatory
Stnatoi 1'adiloek snld the proceeding \\-as
madonll the moio o lj ) the fuel that
Air Allison represented a . agricultural
The strictures of P.uldoclc wore sox-cro an il
madotho loxx-nn xvh cc. Mr. Allison said
Lhnt after the senator from Xobiaskn Iliad
liadahttlomoic oxpoiioncowith li'ffishtlvo
matters he would lenrn ttint ho could not got
xvhutliaxuntodnt nil times , that he must
take ix'hut lie saw possible , and tint it
xx-as folly to dunnnd Impossible Ihinps. The
tiouse donnnded that the hbor.itory nineiid-
incut should bo stricken out , nnd tiic senate
confcroi-i jiolded It bccamo appircnttliat
it could not bo retained in the bill
Mr. Paddock xx'iiaory much displeased
ovci the perfoiiuinco of the sotinto conferees
and \\iis not satlslled with the histc of tins
Iowa senator in ) folding to the xxisuesof tbo
house rcpitsent.itix-i's.
Sccietary Rusk xxas also much put out at
tho.iitionnnd oponlj cvpicsijcd his displeas
In t lie .Scnnto.
iMtiNCTON , 3. Tlio senate met at
9.W : this morning and immediately nt
into e\ecutix"O session. The doors -xxeiore
opened nt 10:15 , when the general dolldency
nppropriotlou bill as taken up and ah tbo
ai enclinejLsvxcro ngreedtoin bulk except
as to four xx'hlch "xvero reserved , including
the Trench spoliation claims and the Pacific
railroad chims.
Mr. Plumb offered an nmcndncnt appro
piintlBgriO.OOO for the relief of eiti/ens of
Oklahoma xx'hoxere remleiod destitute bj
diouth. Aprced to.
Amenihnents proxidlng for payment to
the I'.iclflc railroads was agreed to v ithout
The next rcscivcd amendment u.ii tint foi
the pajuicut of rieneh spoliation chini' .
Air Cdmunds mieio the point of order that
ox'cij onoof them \\as puielva iiihated.iiin ,
anil had no business on an appropiiation bill
Mr. Halo argued against the point ofouic-r ,
and the point was ouiruled by the x-ue pres
Mr Heipan aijucd ( that those : ln ins \x-ore
really foi the benoiUof the lobby iifjenl ? , and
notfor that of the dcaiomUntb of tbeoiifji
nnl claimants.
Mr. Iloir asserted that thorn novel \vcio
claims that nude nstrotiper apponl to tlio
tionor and the public faith ot thn go\ em
inent than these Fiench spoliation cliiiiii3
.Mr. Kenyan could not nndcrstatul ho /
claims that iinolvcd the honor and faith of
the government were aliened to stand un
adjusted for 100 j ears
Mr bhcnnnn said ho had examined the
qui'stion nhen ho llrstent to congress , and
that ho bid come to the conclusion that there
XXMS neither a lejjal nor a moral obligation for
them on the part of the United btates. Ho
still oiitertai nod that opi iiion. "
Mr. i\artsmidonn : iiiuuincnt in suppoit
of the justice of the cl urns , and gave , i brief icx'knv of l'oxthey were used lij
t ho L'nited States KOiornmcnt. as pait paj-
inent tn I'rnnco In thopuieliaseof thol.ouisl
am tori itorv ho far as ho h.ul he.ud and
Icncxx * , the French spoliation claims xx'ero
loprcscntcil intho tlty of Now Voile had
como down by inheritance to their mosont
'I lie discussion XXM cniricd on at much
lengtli bj Messrs. Stoxx-.ut , Hoar , Starts , ICdramuls , Spooner , Morrlll , Dan
id , IMah , Halo , lie-win and llmx'loy. Kin
all } Mr. Uornian , h.u in K appealed to the sen
ate to stop discussion and to pass the bill he
foio it was too late , a x'oto n sis tikon nnd the
riLiioli spoil it loti claims nuicndniuitxus
agiced to ycis , 1 1 , nnys , II
'llio hst usurx'ed aimmlinentas that
btnkiiiKOUt the house bill paragiaph gi.-ini , '
a inonth's extr.i pu to tlio oflkors and cm
ploj us of the senuto nnd liouso boriioon tbo
annual or on the soision tolls. The mnonil
inent XMS disagreed to and the paiagr.iph
\\as retained.
.Mr. riiulkner mo\cd to neld to thoparn
pupil the xx'ords , 'and ollleia' ' ropoitora of
the senate mid house" Agieed to.
Mr. CarlsloolToied ] an ainendinent to in
elude the employes of the department of
thoconijiessioiml library Atrited teA
A pirapruplivis iiiseitod , dlrco'iiifr tlio
seeiotnr ) of tlio treasury to resettle nnd pr
the claims of A'oxv York , l'cniis\lx'nnla , Uel
nuaro , Vlr lnl'i niul South Ciuolinu mill the
clt ) of Haltlinoro on lucoiuit of luUiincus
iiuido intho x\.ir of Ibl J , and appropiiating
fM,0Xl ) ( ) ( for that purpose , llio Lilt then
] i used and xxas Hontbiuk to the house xx'lth
the senate aineiiilinents.
The conference icport on tbo diplomatlo
niul consulai iippioprmtion bill xxas pro
scntod nnd iiKreod to
On the pension appropriation bill thocon <
fetees icportedtlint no nt'iconiciit had been
'Hie conference icportontho snndri' civil
iippropimtioii bill was agieed to , us \ \ is nisi :
the confcioncoioport on the copyrignt bill
'Iheiomo txxo points in the latter , huivovin ,
on , which no iiKieement was ri'iie-hed the
senate amendment allowing the linpoitaticii
( on pajmontnr taiin duties ) of toruUn cop
ies ot ropyi lull toil books und.Mr lii nlls'
uinimdmont alloxxMm ; the importation oi
newspapers and mnKiwIiu * * Air i'l.ill
moved Hint the scnnto iccodo from them
After u limn discussion the motion tuteccdo
fiom the Slioiumn uud Incalls nmeiidincnt
was dlUdod nnd a vote t.iKon , Hist on iocs
Ing from the Shorinan mncnd incut , 'llm : n
tlon xxas ilt ft itod , and the Sherman amend
inent x\as retained The \otoon Air. l'latt'
motion to lecedo fiom the Sherman
iimondmi'iit to the oops i Icht bill was Yeas ,
Js , nnxs , Vfio \ the ehhcrmnn nniMiMnoni
wn insUtod uii The sairo coutvn talii'i
with ioMi\l | loth" liiK'iills iiniomlmonl , xx-lth
out a dUision , and u Inrther fonforeneoas
oiih'red The followiui ; b tin1 volu In dot.ill
Yeas .Mesbis Aldrich , lllilr , llutlir ,
On oy , ( . 'handler , Dawes , Ulxon , Uoldi | , I'A
inumls. li f 1'nrxxcll I'm' , lliuxloHis
cot-It Horn. ' Mof Noxndi Mit'oiiiti'll Ate
Mlllnu. Ale , * oiv. Mm i ill , IMiitt , Sn\y.-r ,
Shmip. Ml ' , Moxxml , NocUbtlilKc ,
NV.iucn , Ui vii ;
NIIJH Mnx MUn , ihto , Ilerrj , full ,
t'atlhlo. l'a , C'oikroll , I'old1 , t'ulloin ,
Daniels , 1'ivm ' ff. ( ioniumlriillule ( ,
I liin.iitoii , Unit ( nils , .lonoHof Arkiinsm ,
Mltilioll Moi'tjl - I'uno '
, i-iiHCO , , I'otlkivxv ,
IMitfli , Uaiiuitn , Sunders , Slioiiniin , Viuico ,
Vest , \ ViillliiiinVilsnii \ -III
' 1 ho sonati1 bill In Imot poiato thn national
ronsi'ivntoi.x of uiiisli of America xvnslaUon
from tlio i lie-lulu mul passed
The soiiulo thin piinee deil lo thoconslilora
tlon of the house pe'iislon bills on IIIo ( aliMi-
liai Afttfl l > .i islii | ; aliinit sixty suoh bills ,
busliipss was Iild nsliio tt < iiiintiirll | ) mul
a H'niliitloii \ \ is lopoitul nnd nu'U-oil
to iliii-clliiir the loitmiilti'o on Itniuico
to asctitulti in oxi'iy priutli'aiilo
\x-av , anil icpoil ffointlino In tlim1 , tlioclTi'ot
oftliotatlil IUHH upon liiiHiit.s | iiml exports ,
the KIOHi , ( Iculopiiu'iit ninl piohuMion anil
prKci of .iK'rioiiUuiMiiiiKi inuuifiiituu'il nrli
clus , nl homo niul nbumd , nnd upon w.iirc-s ,
iloinistioiiiul foivitrn.itli \ inithoiity tosit at
sinli times and plaoesan the coininitli-U iniij
doom luUlsablo ,
Mi Mnnik'rson xvns appointed n moinlicr of
thccoiiiinlttco onruleslii jiiuo of Mr Ingalls ,
siBiioti , Mr l'ino > , intMiiUr of tlio roinnilt-
eon iiKili'iiltiliv 'in phuoof Ml illnli' , 10-
KiiPil , anil Mr Mi-1'hnrsonii ini'intioi uf the
si-leit committeoon I'.ioltloiiuliouH Inpliico
of Mr Iloirst , ilivoaseil.
A rusolutloti to paj to ov Sounloi * MiOon
nlilot his p.\\ us siniitor from
AI ai ih t , IMVT , till hoiis \ pild , is vop'itoil
andagreeJ to. A resolution snnilar to the
one In tbociiso of Mr AltDoiniM wis le
| ) oiled finni tlioioiiinlttf joii continent ox
jn-nscs in the ciso of cx-bointoi Wiitroii of
Alabiiun ObJoitioiMUis iiiiulu niul Itvas
plaicil on the c.ileiuliu , ami u motion \VIH
iiintloto icc'Oiislik'itlio AIiDonnlil resolution ,
The scnnto then xxont Into cxociitHo sos- 15 p in took nictosstllls o'clock
Attboevoiiingsossioii the scnnto Insisted
on the llimailm cable nmc'iiciincuts to the
diplomatic and consular npm ; > | > iliitim ! bill ,
mul nponeil to a further eonforome , All Halo
staling that itas \ tlio onh niattti In illspute
All the liouso pension bills that \\cto on
the c.iiemlarcro pis-ed In nil UK ) of
thviiixx'cic passed toilij .iiicl tonlirht theh
tassigo not oc up > lii ( , ' mucli inoio thin nn
A coneurront resolution to punt lO.OOil
copies of testimony tiuon hofoio tin * lolnngu
eommlttco of tlio tinnsoisohjarlod ti > hj
Air Telleron the fiounil that it was \\ortli \ \
lossniui mislcjilliif ; These \\lnnteslied to
uiukist ami tlio quostlon liad other somcos of
rciliblo liifoimition , but that tostiinom
seemed to have boon tnlcon for tin nuiposo ot
obscuunganil hiding the truth. An objec
tion \\as sufllrlinl to ilofoat the icsoltitloii.
Ml ( Iinv nioM'il tntiilcoup tlio honso hill
for tlio tiaiiifir of thu ic\piiiioiiiailnu set
vice from the tieasur ) uipartinmt lo the stablislinieiit Aquctl to - > cis , ; n ,
naS : $ , and thu bill Has t.ikon up foi con
Mi Uoikrell opnoscil the bill , but ) loldcl
tlio lloor mid tlio mnfcronco icpotlon tlio
Itiillm npiuopilition bill uH ; picseiitel and
aKifid to
Alter ikbato , the confoionco icport on the
postolllt-e lujjiiopriatioa lull was pu etiteil
anil ufjrecil to
'llio conference I'cpoit on the Lopyrlcht hill
w.ntluMi pro Liitc-d mil ciplalnccl In Ah
I'lutt I lo suid \vnstho onK tigiiuincnt tint
could hiii'.iclicil , and the failiiio to agrco to
it would ho oqnivaicnt to tlio ilcfont of the
bill I f tlio icportiis \ HRrecil to. it would
pio\ido \ tliit non'cs ' tint xxcio onlhofiec list
under the Mellnl < j > bill ( t\vo copioi ) e-ouhl
bo iinpoited frco of dutIt left out Air
ShtimiMi s ainendincnt. Itluftoiury ouont
liberty toiinpoit t\\oti > pksof aforoisn book
l > i piying dut > on thoiii , and It leltno\\s-
paixrs nnd nna/lncs toho lmporteil , pie
videil tliey did not contain copjrlijht matter
That \vns all tlicto wa to the npcoinent , and
it took the plate of all tint thosunntu hud
been quiurcliug about.
Mr. Sticrmnn said the sonatc conferees hmt
surrendoroci what bad been t\vlco voted for
bj decislui majorities of the senate. Con-
tuny to pirliaiiioiituy usapc , thomajorltvof
tlio senate conferees have been inntlo UD ot
senators opposed to the action of tlio sotinto
on the bill The effect of the proposition , .M
it now stood , was to inaUolho ronvrijht in
oclntixomonopoly It nKo took tno hcut
and IIfo out of Mr. Inpall's amendment , am !
\\ould\otc DRiiinst it.
Mr. C'ock roll do fended the report , and Mr
Oil ) stated MIho ! hid not signpcl it Air
CIr.n said ho should mourn the dofeit of tlio
bill doftited hj roisou of the publisheis
The ; hndnot shoxvnu willmtriictt toioucedo
ii single iota of thoh claims Mho bill Kid to
bo m ido iviitor titrht In their tntciost
'Jho conferenio upurtun the pension ap
propriation bill was ajroed lo.
'Iho dcb.itu on the opu'iRnt coiiforenco
\\aHuoiitlnucd , and linallj the cunfoienco ro-
pnit \\.is agu-el to-yois , 2T , najs , l' , us
Yens AM rich , Allen , Chandler. D.iv.cs ,
Dixoti , Itolph , ICdnmnels , l arwoll , Frse ,
Uawlc-y , Hiscoelc. Hour , Jones of AVx-iuli ,
Alt\nllin , Almrill , I'nseo , 1'iorce , IMutt
Sawyf r , Slioup , Spooner. Stanfoul , Stcxvari ,
\Vnrren , w'usliburn , U'llsonVolcottJ .
Na"s Hate , Hf > rr\ , Call , ( Jaillslc , I'ascy ,
Colio , Collutu , Dantl , r.inlUinr , ( iceman.
( iiaj. Inbuilt. , Ivoiina , Morgan , 1'elUirton ,
Plumb , Kansoin , Slieiniau , allliall 19.
'Ihe ronforonio report on the .iKiitultui il
1)111 was pteseMited mil agiecd to , and at 1 11
11'3senate ' proiecded to oueutho uush.ess
Ills piobablo the \ote on the copyright
conference is not fluiil , .1 Mr. I'.isioo
clnnBcd his \ote , cidentl'ith \ the intent
of movintf lei i reconsidci ition ,
After tlio doors wcie reopened , Mi. hiR-ills
called intuition to the ime.sitof unking n
proMsion for the iiuinontof St,0)lOJO ) ) bonds
of the Dibtritl of L'oliinililii filhiigiluo In
.Innuarj niui .lulv , l 'tj ' The provision for
tlum in tlio district bill was left out 111 the
coiiforenco. and the honso hail Just pissed u
bill , which ho asked thosonatoto piss , for
thoNsuoof tcny Mi funilliiB omuls. Aftei a
shoit discussion the bill was pissed without
amend men t.
' ] be house bill to tiansfn- the icx'cnuc e-ut-
tci sorvlio ii.iMiifr been i.nlii tiikn up , Mr
Shu man inoxnl to post pone Us luitlior eon-
hldcr.itlon till the Hist Aloniliiy in licioinbor
next , and Mr Chandler moto-itc' ah'iinst tlm
unjust Uc.itmcnt to whlili the bill hid been
.Mr. Cir.ixleldcil the lloor to All Hnseo.
\\lio , atJ - . " > u in , moved the tcioiisldoratlon
oflbe xoto iipiri'itiRto the confi'ti'iuo rcnnt
on thn innMk'liL bill , niul alin nio\ed tint
the house bouquested to retina the bill to
A x-oto xx as taken on the latter motion and
resulted yeas , ii : ; nays , J , ' noquoinin
Mr. Allison suti.rti ( > t < Hl tie c-.ill for tlio
> eas and najs \vitliilraxMi and that no
otnor business bo uono except action on 1011-
fcronco lopoiis.
D.Mr 1'l.itt Whete will that leax'o the conj-
ll > : ht 1)1111
.Mr. Allisou-I don't know.
In the llim-.f.
\\'A \ nixoroAlui'h -AVhoii I the linuso
met after reeiss Ctas found the IUMVV
work of the list few iia\i hud told upon thou
u idingeleiksaiiil UHMIokcsas they u id
the x aiious mciisuiesxue almost Iniudll'li' .
Mr. Ciitchcou of Mulligan siibinitted the
contoicnco report on the bill to innc.iso Hie
nuiubrrof ihobotudof iiKinacrs ; of DID mi-
tional homo for disabled oluntius. As
nj-reod to. tlio bill piox'ides foi olou'ii iiiciu-
bois nndiuimcs the follouingiu nddltion to
those nheiidv apjiointol IMiiiund N . Mor-
ill ! , Aided I'mrsouVillinmIi 1'ianidln ,
.Iclia U. Blnclc : ( icoi'KoV Ktt-ile , .Inmes
Hinuctt , J. li liynooro.i't ' jind Ki.incis IV--
Pending netlon the roiifoiriu-o npoit on
the loirl liktivobill was pioiontcit. An ar'ieo-
inent Uioaiheil onall ( | iiestions uxropt the
senuto niiicndinout maklii tenatuih' clults
nmuial einplojos. Tlio iei > oit , xx-as adoptee !
nnd u fMihoi'COiifciemuoidoml.
Thu huusothen ngiuudto thoLutdicon iou-
fcrenoo permit
The liouso noiicoiiniiiod In thn sonito
nmondmcntK to tlio nguiultiiiiil npproiiia- |
tlon bill , nnd i ( onfortMuoxns ordciod.
Mr. t'linnoii tlien ntlcrod aU'solution dl-
icctlngllio hoiu.econfeiivs not ton nv to
tlio sonata imicMidnmnt iippropilatlni ; J-'IHHM
toi'iir.hlu tlio Hucit'tur.v of UKIHiiltuio toiol-
U'oi and uubllsli Inforniition us to tlio best
Action by tlio SiMinto on tlio MftxiinurQ
1'ioight Kflto Bill ,
"Jin * linnet * sii > it.i < M Out thr rni
L'lmiM' I'HIIII iho SiidciMiiiiii l.oi-nl
Option l.inv Alli-i- Long
Dolinlc. < niv , Ts'eb , March , 'I ( Spivlil to 1'nre
Hi l | 'llio se'imto Ibis iifleinortii In committee - *
too of the \\holo , Se'tiiitoi lOuitliKton lu the
clulr , ronsidued Slovens' iiii\.iiinm into
bill 'Iho reading of the voluminous docu-
iiinil Axnscoinniotiioil at.'oVloiU , mid after
a emit Inuiition of nearly twohouis oiMtoL *
Snlt/lei of Doiiirlus Itit induced llio folloxxlng :
'iliatscnatollo ! No s , * > bo lu'otiiinltted to
thoeoiiiniitteoon i.iltroidis with tlio dnco-
tliintlint said eoinniltteo luiuml tlio hill03
1 Toproxhli' mixttnnm fiduht iilos for
thofollo lnnarticles , towit : loal , Innibcr ,
llu , hi ) luullivo slock of all kinds In car-
lend lots ,
li To pi ox Ido nlsii tint the rates on all
other articles thall not uxeocdtm * taillT latua
in cviHteiiro .limuaiy 1 , b'U. '
! l To piovido fiirlhoimoru Unit any i.ill-
reid compiiny , or pcison , who fiols niririo\cil \
at the i-itiH piox'idcd in the bill slnll hnvo
the i iKlit to petition the supreme court for a
oil in o lii snd liili'n ; and ( hut thu slid
snpioinocouil upoiiHiiidpotilluii and propJC
show iiifj sliall hax'o the piw'tjr lo lisa romon-
able iniixlinuiii rate on such niticlos us are
complained of
'Jho ' motion xx-ns seconded bj StMintot1
Si'imtoi Swit/lor suid that ho win ted to
Kctii bill which nt least some of the senators
xxould uiulcHtutid The motion nude , ho
thought , would oniblo tho.n lo piss a bill
xxliieh would cox'ei tlio pilnrlpil uitlrh-s on
\\hii'h the peoilo now dosiied fix'oublo
'Iho molionxas votql tlonnxnoroupoii
SunitorSxvltrlor niux'od tliutncoinnlttodoC
Iho boappoiutod In the proildmt ami tint
the house buioducstod to appoint nlilccioiii-
niittee , these two lOinniHtees as 11 ( oinniittco
ofeonfoionco to pioxMdo nnxlniiiiii freight
i.Uos on eoal , lumber , gi tin , liny ind live
stock of nil Kindin carlo id Us and to ro-
pH totheei ito at thin oarli'st pr.ictlta-
bln time Senator Swlt/ler s ilil t tlio sub-
jeit xxMstho most hnpuitniit which hid been
intioduced iluthiKlho session ;
Senator 1'ojntoi i.iisodllio point of older
that u motion could not ho nndt > while the
house was in lomniltteo of the whole
I'ho point not sustained
Seiiatoi S\it/lcrthon siiti that ho xxoultl
saj forhiniSLlf tint ho dlil not undoi stiiiul
uithor of the r.iilio-id bills noxv pendluc
before the senate. Neithei did ho bo-
lie\o that any senator on the lloor
could siy that "bo thoroughly understood
themVilk nil the chinoi for fl
freight rnto they were huniedly
g i veiv weighty subject , xUileb.
in\olvcdTv \ kicat deal of propcrtj and mil
lions of dollaiuhich belonged to others.
They were attempting todiUatu to the lail-
roaits ns to xvhat they should charjp , aad ho
would undertake to say thnt It xvis Imjios-
sible' foi thoin to master the subjoit in so
short a tithe Thcweic putting themselves
in tin ndiciilous .ittltudu of attempting to
foico this billbi-i'iiiso ofi tumor for legisla
tion 'J ho ie isons in-Kcil for tlio t ht ijro was
thit the pnllllcal parties demanded it Ho
didn't knoxx n bother or not bis parthadde \ -
nianili'il it , iml xxhilo there hid Iven a uroat
iloil slid about legislation on the subject ,
ho know thnt no demand come from the
men-hints 01 the commercial liilt-icsts of the
stito. Ho , id\ Ned them not to yet nt the
iiuttoi in a hi ] > h.i7ird in inner , he.nnur nblll
rcid withmit p.ijinn nny atli-ntion to it.
'Jhex' ' were not thc'ie foi the ] iurpoc of ptm-
Ishhifj .my loruoi ition in the siuto. The
riilroad companies had not lul tin b ? si of it
the pist seison 'J'hohad suffut-'d like
Almost ex-en other perioti kvauso of the
short.i.'e of the ciops and the shut.ijra of
inonoj , 'JMiek'isliUiioli.iel bvn ndx'oitlsod
in the east as bemij of aiiuluil tnin of
mind. Tint uihortisenient tliu had in
n nioasuro o\oreoino by tlio coisldciata
nitlon whichtliox hid taken onsoin subjects.
If the } should now jiiss a li.UMh moisnra
au'iitiisttho i.illroads it would i cail nijaiiist
thostilo 'Ihov , could , it was tine , leduco
the rates , but xvould not that also icilui'o tlio
income of the taxpayers of the st.ilcl 'ihoso
roida omplojed iiuiualnumbci ot mi'n , and
T L. Kiinhill hud shown tint tba railroad
oinpinios luul expended the inst ear
$ . . ( ) . ) , ( ) in the state Now xvlicit > did nil
ill that money RO ( To en'iiitCi ( < , tiiemcu ,
jiiikomon , eondiulors , lepalret- , and iiuchlii-
sts of all kinds It xxcnt into tboiolTm of
sluto because nil thoio men piUINCS \ to
iho slalo The spe.iiar then < juoteu from
the Inst topoit. ol the lallrond commissioners ,
shoxvliiR th it the Ciirnlims ot thoeoinpinles ,
n thuojtiinitlon of tint bond. Uidiiotwar-
i nit abisis for the passage of a iiiaMinnm
lite lux. At the h.stance nf that body a
in tain dax h.ul beiJii set a ido fora consid-
ciiition of" the kubjectas towhcthor or not
there should DC pissed iitmixiinu in rate laxv ,
Ihe boinls ot ti.uleof oiil ) 11 utlngs aiid
Lincoln , honox'orca \ u'ptv > entod It thort < sliown tint the awiuijito of
cuiiim's foi the list xcir wubut
3'iUW ' pei cent. Ho Ihei rofeired
to the fact tint some fC'nattJis had told
him tint nndiM' the pioposcdlaxv sumo of the
rites wore higher tti in under the ptesc-nt
liw. U had been said l > > sonii ? sointor- . that
the hill would not p.iss the ho.iv1 muvvay
anil therofoie they would \otu for ft any
\ , , iy.Voiotbej to put the ntami > of 1111-
in oval uiion it because thoknen \ t would
not bo passed by tlio othei bonf ; vox-cr
would he luul his support to.i bill with the
belief that It would boklllod I 'l Iliemlliid
a bill xvhlili they could supuort honestly ,
which would be the result of tin bill sng.
( rested by him lOKulitingrites on staples ,
It had bei'ii urged that then the railroad
would i.nsellie rates on other > roe Is , but. ho
shoxxed them tint the rates01 thu other artl-
clos wore not to bo lucreisod aboxo what
thov were on .Jamuirv I of this > eir
Soiutor Ki'ipci sail he loild not .i reo
wit h the < ii nt loin m lioin Dunlins He had
promlseel his constituents tint howoild not
nltoi llio pioent liquor lux- and tint ho
would lake tlie ( 'rodent lo i uilro.ul ia\v \
nut add to it 'I ) p-r cent foi .vTobiumi.
riii'iowusno ivisoii why thev11111111 iiko a
foxailiLU'sand I'stablUh i 111 ixl unm r.ito
on them , in had boon siiL'KOstod In the seMn-
tor. Thoioidsof Ndu.iski vx i'w mlvpula
ol thojjiv.U line's nnd xxeio nuossary to
thi'ii puiitiuitinn 'Ihcy vxero u\lod vx
thc\x knoxv nbout i at cs ltvas the oil cr
rnogentleui in imVht ho a treed lux x IT but
ho xvouhl milvi'n | ooi doctor Ilci-ansi ! ho
i on hi not miUt the both heron Id nut attempt
to alfout U ii'ile'T 'iho roils luul done n
groutdoal for the peupli' , but vxlnt hil not
the peoph donofjr them * Whit e'oirui'ticm
had not thu i omls ere tied f
Senioi Horn had saUl tint he had soon la
onolcini live Judge's diivt'ii from Iho IMMKJI
bv tlnoatsof inipeachmonl iiv tin1 i-nilro.ids
'I hole vx'iis not an Amei toiliwh nul
not helioxo w itliliootho tint ln com-1 dnxxx n
vvejt spongoaiiit wlpoout thotucoi I ofsluimo
U'hi'ii the witiiei I'.imo tin1 } r.iiM'd the pried
of coul so ( hut HUM , mnv liic're.iio the ilia
IllOlldsull tlll'il iMsttllli lit til * OXpMlSI of tllit
\ \ itlon's ten's Haul coal rut < -ln the bill
weiuu little liil | ; or thin thi\v xvntIn lovx.i ,
but If thiMilM wi-ro t tn- purpose in
vlovv would bi > ic.u-hod
J-ionutoi Moon -.uul thoiovvas no alphnbit-
U'til ilassiiluituMi hi tlio bill and lit * luul no
moans to enable him to nsuTtaln xx heilutr it
u n .in iniii\x | inii'iil ox or ilu" tali's nuxx in
vii ? iii Ib I'unsliowed thii mull i ilio mo > _
pc cil luxv , t i-.str nuti lo iMirx